Metropol 07-08-14

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7 August 2014


Vol 17 Issue 15


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metropol - Canterbury Edition The Showcase Magazine for the Best

Issue 396 7 August 2014


editor’s perspective

Metros Publishing Group Ltd Managing Director - Trevor Laplanche e:

Advertising : Tracey Prince e: Editorial : Angela Bennett e: Production : Julian Laplanche e: Administration : Emma Dyer e: Photography : Aimee Cane E:



Canterbury Fashion and Beauty Week Food for your lashes Best of the winter sales It’s all about beautiful hair

16 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, P.O. Box 9362 Christchurch, NZ Ph: (03) 343 3669 Fax: (03) 343 3659



Cooking up a little competition Exciting flavours amiable milieu The secret to succulent pork A world where you can be royalty Culinary Hotspots

cover “A bird on the wall… is as good as two in the Bush” is the title of a new exhibition which has just opened at Bryce Gallery Ltd. It’s a group show of 12 artists in painting and sculpture. Sofia Minson of Auckland’s work titled “The kaka is calling”, featured on the cover of this issue, is one of the spectacular paintings Included in the exhibition. for more information go to




A miraculous day - A bride’s tale Where wedding dreams come true A fresh look for spring and summer Beautiful hair at every age

in the city Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. It is also available from many selected stores, Malls, stands, waiting rooms and offices. Metropol is subject to copyright in its entirety. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission will result in legal action. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within this magazine, however Metros Publishing Group Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in this magazine are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.


Historical Botanic Gardens glasshouses re-open Floating art

Metropol Circulation 33,000 audited by ABC



From mayhem to minimalist Tiles-the mainstay of interior design Transforming a simple space into a haven A surge in new kitchen installs

features 4 Five Minutes with Brent Silby

32-33 The Tannery 34 Fashion Hotspots 36-37 Rangiora and Kaiapoi

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Living with ‘Style’ in Christchurch

I keep telling myself all the reasons why I love Christchurch in winter. How lucky we are, I remind myself, that we have four distinct seasons and not just the same boring old heat and humidity all year round that countries near the equator have. How wonderful it is to wear cashmere and furs and beautiful scarves and boots – you can’t do that in Bangkok without getting heat rash and looking oddly out of place. But as winter churns on, and we know that spring here doesn’t always bring that much respite, the winter blues can easily settle in and make even the Angela Bennett, Editor brightest optimist a little dull and fatigued. The best antidote to the winter blues is of course a mini-break across the Tasman, a flight of fancy up to Fiji or a foreign sojourn to the warmth of the northern hemisphere. But what if a holiday isn’t even on your radar? I asked a few people around our crisp winter city what they do to keep their spirits up while the temperature keeps falling. Here are a few of the best tips I could find: “Spend as much as you can on fresh flowers. You can find some beautiful spring flowers in the florists at present that smell amazing and will transform your home.” “Wrap up warm and go for a brisk walk along the beach whilst you have a leg of lamb slow-roasting in the oven at home. Take your camera and be creative, you’ll get some great shots of bare driftwood branches, windswept sand, and more than likely, a brooding horizon. Enjoy the warmth when you arrive home, a hot roast dinner and a good sized glass of pinot noir!” “Buy something for your house – call in to a boutique store in your neighbourhood, have a leisurely browse and fall in love with a gorgeous antique, collectible or trinket.” “Go skiing!” “Find a good quality tea – Lapsang Souchong, Cardamom Chai or Orange and Spices and make a real cup of tea in a pottery teapot.” “Buy a new cashmere sweater and enjoy its light as air feel and instant soft warmth.” “Book in for a full body massage, facial or treatment. Have those winter muscles loosened up, be pampered with beautiful products.” “Cuddle!” “Read that novel you’ve been meaning to get around to – shelve the guilt, let the spring cleaning wait – enjoy the luxury of time.” “Encourage your creative confidence. Paint a chair, wallpaper a drab wall in the laundry, colour a lampshade. Dust off an old musical instrument and re-learn a song.” “Dig out your aromatherapy burner and release some uplifting scents. Try lemon or orange and peppermint or bergamot.” “Eat an orange they’re high in folate, which is thought to help your brain create serotonin – a vital chemical that influences your mood. The vitamin C will reduce your stress hormones too.” “Have a look through your photos. Research shows that our happiness levels increase dramatically when we remember good times.” Most importantly get together with family and friends. My neighbourhood organises a progressive dinner every August which takes some effort, but has everyone in upbeat festive form and encourages the opportunity to catch up and escape the snare of winter hibernation.

Think about it… “Winter is a time of promise because there is so little to do — or because you can, now and then, permit yourself the luxury of thinking so.” - Stanley Crawford.

Inspired, Timeless, Elegant

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www. oneil . co. nz Metropol August 7, 2014 3

metropol Melinda Collins spends

five minutes with I

f you see him performing at Mashina you’d call him DJ Maestro B, when he’s standing at the front of his Ao Tawhiti classroom you’d call him Mr Silby and if you bumped into him in his role as a PhD philosophy student at the University of Canterbury, you’re a little more likely to greet him with a casual “gidday Brent”. Yes, Brent Silby – DJ, teacher and philosopher – as you have probably gleaned, is a bit of an all-rounder, one of those uniquely clever people who can turn their hand to a wide range of tasks and still succeed. So of course I had to ask Brent how he fits it all in, whether he still gets nervous in front of big crowds and about a little hobby of his – making computer games! You’re a bit of an all-rounder, how do you fit it all in? I sometimes ask myself the same question. DJ-ing tends to be late at night, so fitting it in just means being awake when most sensible people are asleep. I do spend a lot of time during the week sourcing music and remixing songs for my shows. This happens in the evenings when my children are in bed. I’m currently at the early stages of my PhD, still settling on a topic with help from my supervisors, so at this time I’m doing a lot of reading. It’s a part-time PhD, so I fit it around my other work. Being related to the subject I teach helps. And my wife, Pam, is really supportive. That helps more than anyone can imagine.


The best part of DJ-ing is watching people on the dance floor enjoying the music.

I’ve been fortunate to have made connections with some really talented people in the music industry, including Paul McKessar and Dwight Cardwell – the other two DJs at Mashina. The DJs at Pulzar FM are really good to work with too – particularly station owners Andy Pulzar and Jason Akehurst. Your day job has you in a classroom teaching at Ao Tawhiti, how passionate are you about teaching? I love teaching, and I’m proud to be working at Ao Tawhiti, which is one of the few schools in New Zealand that offers Philosophy as a full subject. Being able to share this fascinating subject with young people is great. I like to see students moving beyond the so-called “real world” context to develop their ability to reason about abstract concepts. Philosophy is the vehicle that makes this happen. I encourage students to demand a high standard of evidence when presented with bold claims, and to remain skeptical until suitable evidence is presented. My students are intelligent and articulate. They amaze me each and every day.

You’re often performing at Mashina and on Pulzar FM, how did you become established as a DJ, in an industry where it’s usually difficult to get that first foot in the door? Yes, I’m a resident DJ at Mashina, playing one or two nights every weekend, and I have a weekly mixshow on Pulzar FM. I’ve been working in nightclubs since the late 1980s. I got my start through my work as a lighting operator. It is important to always be reliable. Reputation is built on reliability. If you’re reliable, you’ll get booked again. And networks are vital too.


Brent Silby

Philosophy is a fascinating path to take, what drew you to study this? When I started at University in 1995 I was a Computer Science major. I took a Philosophy course on Artificial Intelligence because I thought it would help with Computer Science. In studying Artificial Intelligence, I was introduced to some deep questions about brains, minds, and intelligence. I was hooked. It was only a matter of months before I switched my major to Philosophy. You’re passionate about bringing the academic discipline to the New Zealand curriculum, why do you think this is an important subject? Philosophy is a recognised subject in the curriculum, but only a handful of schools

LATERAL ARM AWNING 4 August, 7 2014 Metropol

teach it. This is because there are no NCEA assessments available for philosophy, which is a shame because in my experience students absolutely love the subject. We discuss questions such as: how does a brain produce a conscious experience? Does the color red look the same to you as it does to me? Does God exist? Is it morally permissible to kill a murderer? These questions are fascinating in and of themselves, but further to that, the process used to answer such questions requires students to seek evidence, think critically, and form rationally convincing arguments. After all these years do you still get nervous when you’re performing in front of large crowds? “Nervous” is not quite the right word. I always feel a little on-edge before performing. It disappears as soon as I start the first song. You also make computer games under the name Def-Logic Productions… an unusual hobby. How did this begin? This is something I don’t have much time for these days. I learned to program when I was 13 years old. I’ve been making games ever since. Back in 2000 I started designing web-based games. I’ve created 40 web games over the years. I love the classic arcade style gameplay, so all my games are based on that aesthetic. What’s the best part of your jobs? The best part of DJ-ing is watching people on the dance floor enjoying the music. The best part of teaching is seeing students grasp a complex abstract concept for the first time. What’s your definition of success? Contributing something that makes the world a better place, for example: producing art; improving our understanding of the universe; or raising intelligent, caring children.


0800 664 083

How do you take your ice cream? Printed!


ou scream, I scream, we all transform an off-the-shelf Cuisinart soft-serve maker to extrude super-cooled and 3D-printed shells of ice cream! Three students at MIT, Kyle Hounsell, Kristine Bunker, and David Donghyun Kim, have created a homemade ice cream printer that extrudes soft serve and immediately freezes it so that it can be layered on a cooled plate. The system is a proof-of-concept right now but they were able to print some clever shapes out of the sweet, sweet cream. “We were inspired to design this printer because

we wanted to make something fun with this up and coming technology in a way that we could grab the attention of kids,” Bunker writes. “We felt that it was just as important to come up with a new technology as it was to interest the younger generation in pursuing science and technology so we can continue pushing the limits of what is possible.” Read the full story at TechCrunch.

Robots competing at Olympic level


apan has long been regarded as a techhappy nation, well that's been cemented with plans for the country to stage a Robot Olympics in 2020 alongside the summer games which will be hosted in Tokyo. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he wants to use such an event to showcase the latest global robotics technology, an industry in which Japan has long been famed as a pioneer.

His plans include creating a special task force to develop a “robotic revolution” and treble the size of Japan's robotics industry to a value of 2.4 trillion yen (£13.8 billion). “In 2020, I would like to gather all of the world's robots and aim to hold an Olympics where they compete in technical skills,” he said to Jiji Press agency. “We want to make robots a major pillar of our economic growth strategy.” Read the full story at The Telegraph.

The toilet roll holder with

attitude T

here's a certain disappointment that comes with reaching for the toilet paper and finding the roll tapped out. You may go through stages of grief, denying that it's actually empty, angrily blaming your spouse for failing to refill it, and eventually accepting that you'll have to solve the problem yourself. The RollScout on Kickstarter wants to make sure you never suffer like that again. On the surface, the RollScout looks like a modern, sleek, wall-mounted toilet paper holder, but it hides an infrared emitter and sensor. When the roll empties down enough, the emitter and sensor connect and the holder pulses with a round amber light to alert unsuspecting bathroom users to the

dire nature of the situation. The battery-powered RollScout can run for up to a year on a single A23, since it's designed to only "wake up" every few minutes to check on the roll for a split second. RollScout's team has already built a working prototype, but it's looking to raise $37,500 to go into production. With 29 days left on the project, about $200 in pledges have rolled in so far. Read the full story at CNET.

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Tattoos with purpose


ver thought tattoos served only aesthetic purposes? Well the digital age has made tattoos clever. Motorola has partnered with VivaLnk to launch the previously teased Digital Tattoo, an NFCbased skin tag that unlocks your phone (currently limited to the Moto X) with a quick tap. The tattoo can stay on your body for up to five days and it should survive abuses like showers and sweat-laden runs. According to Motorola's blog, the average

person takes 2.3 seconds to unlock his or her phone. This happens usually 39 times a day. Developers at Motorola apparently believe people find this so tedious and exhausting that they're willing to wear a sticker that lets them simply tap their phone to their wrist to unlock and access it. If you're fed up with PIN codes and patterns, this could be just the answer. Find out more at

The end of wrap rage


rap rage – it's a term coined to describe the levels of frustration that come from attempting to open impenetrable packaging. It is equally applicable to the levels of fury evoked at the moment when your plastic wrap fails to tear properly and sticks irritatingly to your hand rendering it entirely unfit for purpose. But plastic wrap rage could be a thing of the past with a new solution to the kitchen nightmare. Bee's Wrap is a reusable beeswax-andcloth alternative to plastic wrap. Bee's Wrap is made using organic cotton muslin, beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin where the combination of ingredients creates a malleable food wrap that can be used on multiple occasions. Bee's Wrap enables food to breathe, which improves flavour, slows down the rate of decomposition and leads to less food waste.

Plastic wrap is energy intensive to produce and designed to be used just once. Discarded plastic wrap also never completely disappears. Over time it eventually breaks down into molecules of plastic that remain in the environment forever. These tiny pellets are eaten by fish and sea creatures and often wash up on beaches as plastic 'sand' finding their way in to the food chain. Bee's Wrap is available in a variety of sizes priced from $10.95 and available from all good cookware and gourmet stores. See for stockists.

Metropol August 7, 2014 5

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Stylish selections to satiate “You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that's what it's like when I see a store. Only its better,� Rebecca Bloomwood once said in Confessions of a Shopaholic. When you have a wardrobe full of clothes you don't wear and still want to buy more, Recycle Boutique has the solution. Buying, selling or both, Recycle Boutique specialises in designer labels for men and women, along with shoes and accessories. Just the place to bag a bargain on labels ranging from Top Shop to Kate Sylvester, with items priced to move quickly.

Amanda, Oscar, Nicole, Hayley, Ronnie (Recycle Boutique Team)

Lynn, Simon

Sharn, Vanessa, Hayley (Owner Recycle Boutique)

Georgia, Oscar

Aimee, Nicole

James, Hannah, Glenn

Grant, Jimmy

Olive, Wendy, Wayne, Paddy

Tipi, Ruby

Alexandra, Jude, Jake

Andrea, Hayley

Donna, Lance

Chloe, Nicole

Hayley, Simon

Rose, Peter

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Freedom to enjoy yourself and live life the way you choose Central to specialty shopping, social and leisure activities, we have available now a 2 bedroom, beautiful architecturally designed Villa, with all exterior grounds and maintenance done for you. View our new purpose built community centre which includes an indoor heated swimming pool spa, gymnasium, library, theatre and lounge room, dining and cafe area. This provides a fantastic venue for movie nights, concerts, indoor bowls, parties, exercise classes, plus so much more.

Phone Donna Monk 03 351 0974 or 021 241 9979 131 Wairakei Road, Bryndwr, Christchurch 6 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Come and enjoy the NEW look bar with a great selection of craft beers & wines. Relax and enjoy the outdoor dining area and check out the NEWEST bar in town! Open for Lunch & Dinner Casual Drinks Private/Corporate Functions WeddingVenue Hire (Formerly Tiffanys)

95 Oxford Terrace Ph 379 1350

Court Theatre's latest


production Plum

ilthy traitor or silly duffer? This is the question at the centre of The Court Theatre's new production Plum, written by Roy Smiles. Plum brings to the stage the most critical time in the life of popular 20th century writer, humourist and lyricist PG Wodehouse – or Plum as he was known to his friends. “Wodehouse was then and remains one of the few authors who can make me laugh out loud,” says playwright Roy Smiles. “Reading his books in a 1970s Britain scarred with National Front skinheads, strikes, race riots and IRA bombs it was deeply comforting escapism.” Wodehouse is the comic genius behind the Jeeves and Wooster series of novels. He is

also credited with having introduced 'situational comedy' to replace the large Broadway musicals with elaborate sets and showgirls. Although considered quintessentially English in style, Wodehouse's work was particularly popular in America where he spent a large part of his time.

out&about metropol

Local films = big awards


hile attention remains on the big trophies and film and screen awards, such as BAFTAs, Tonys and OSCARS, there are other significant awards ceremonies that NZ films feature in.

The Indie Film Awards are one significant international avenue open to Independent film makers the world over. Two films made by Christchurch-based film and theatre production company CAS'n'OVA Productions have struck gold this year. Film and Stage Producer/Director Craig Hutchison's two short films both shot in Wellington in 2013 received gold trophies and the naked gold trophy is perched on his desk in Sydenham. The two short films were: 'Letter For Hope' and 'Utu Pihikete' are both written by Wellington writer April Phillips. Raquel Roderick was the director of Letter For Hope, with Craig being the 2nd Director. Utu

Pihikete was directed by Craig. “It is great to receive this recognition, and while this doesn't have the profile of the big high budget awards ceremonies, the Indie Film awards recognise quality independent productions. The festival's awards are given to film professionals selected by a panel of judges who are also film professionals. These awards are more about quality than just name recognition and who is hot,” Craig says. “It's hard to lose the smile from winning this; hundreds of films are entered in this event and don't win, but we did. We've proved again we do it better against higher budget productions,” he says.

Second Arts Centre restoration completed


he second fully restored building at the Arts Centre – the Gymnasium – is now complete. Located opposite the Registry building, the Gymnasium was formerly the Christchurch Boys' High gym. Restoration and repair of the Gymnasium included strengthening of foundations and roof structures, the construction of new reinforced concrete shear walls, bracing of the clerestory roof-light and general repair to masonry. The work also uncovered unique original details, which have been

unseen for decades. The addition of a modern glass canopy adjacent to the building provides a covered multi-purpose courtyard. The Free Theatre and Arts Circus are the new tenants of the restored building, making use of the large open space the building was first designed to provide by architect, William Armson in the 1880s. Arts Centre chief executive André Lovatt says the completion of this next stage in the Arts Centre's restoration programme is

a significant achievement. “A lot of care and hard work has enabled us to restore the

Gymnasium in a way that not only respects and highlights the original design, but also provides for a range of uses for tenants and the community. “This is the first major arts tenancy for the Arts Centre, which reflects our focus on bringing the arts back to the site. The Free Theatre and Arts Circus concept is strongly aligned with our vision for the Arts Centre, incorporating community activity and arts performance, as well as the ability to educate and entertain.”

Metropol August 7, 2014 7

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Celebrating the sensational in Selwyn The Faringdon Sensational Selwyn Awards are presented every two years to individuals and organisations who live or work in Selwyn and honour outstanding work or inspirational achievements. The awards, run by the Selwyn District Council (SDC), celebrate success in Agri-Business, Arts and Culture, Business, Community Services, Environmental (two awards), Sport, Tourism and to recognise Young Achievers.

Lindsey Hardisty, Adrienne Begg

Ray Seebeck, Eliza Grigg

Madam Tan, David Ward

John Morton, Michaela Soper, Nicola Burgess

Mum's the word for local catering company Continental Event Catering celebrated Mother's Day this year with a high tea experience at the striking Newbery Lodge Function Centre. Because nothing says I love you quite like treating mum like a queen.

Selwyn District Mayor Kelvin Coe

Eliza Grigg, Adolf Marmetschke, Hannah Bates

Jason Tan, Hon. Amy Adams, Don Adams, Tom Lambie

Andrew Caseley, Nalin Gooneratne, Rico Mannall, Ann Harras, Chris Smith

Toni Barlow, Justine Ashley

Bruce Rule, Phil, Andrew, Amanda, Alanagh Garrett

Gail, Hannah

Raelene Leigh, Pauleen Fleming

Tash Langridge, Tracy Langridge, Karen Humphreys

Liz Stark, Cameron Stark

Elysse Renouf, Norelly Jarvis

Abby, Justin, Liz, Mark

Gail, Merv

Emily Stark, Rachel Stark, Annabelle Stark

Jan Walter, Christine Lown, Raelene Leigh, Pauleen Fleming

This month at The Russley... The Rolleston Apartment complex now taking shape with the large crane on site seen from the airport. Now is the time to come and view the 3D model of this exciting Stage of development. See for yourself by visiting our show unit why apartment living at The Russley is proving to be a popular choice to many. Viewing will impress Contact: Nola Lamb on 03 982 8280

8 August, 7 2014 Metropol

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Theatres nationwide get

Neil Finn on tour with Bic Runga

'Munted' I

t's official, the highly anticipated tour by one of New Zealand's favourite performers and songwriters, the highly successful and much lauded Neil Finn is coming in September. Neil will be accompanied by his latest six piece ensemble. The new band (including wiife Sharon, Aistair Deverick of the Ruby Suns, Jessee Sheehan, Andrew Everding, Lisa Tomlins of Rhombus, and Finn) will perform new material from Finn's critically acclaimed album “Dizzy Heights” as well as a swag of songs from his vast retrospective catalogue, including Crowded House, Split

'Munted' - powerful storytelling, verbatim theatre – 10 – 31 August


he Christchurch earthquake brought an obscure word into common usage – 'Munted', meaning wrecked, damaged or ruined. That's also the title of a theatrical response to the Canterbury 22 February 2011 earthquake, derived exclusively from interviews with those who experienced it, including Cantabrians, members of the media and other New Zealanders. Three performers bring 15 people to vivid life in this hour long show: from a dentist buried in a hole filled with liquefaction, to a TV cameraman stuck on the roof of his building, to a school teacher and a four year old boy – these are shared stories of hope and loss, finding laughter amongst grief, and a strengthened community in the heart of a shaken city. Simple storytelling, no costume changes, honest perspectives – this is verbatim documentary theatre at its best. Following a four week season at the Stella Adler Theatre, Los Angeles in July, Munted tours nationally with Arts On Tour NZ during August.

Enz, Finn Brothers and his own solo works. The recent four month “Dizzy Heights” world tour has seen Neil performing for over two hours a night. The shows have received rave reviews from fans and critics alike. The 2014 world tour has played shows in Australia, The United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Dubai and Amsterdam so far, and these limited local dates are a continuation of that full production. See Ticketek for times and tickets.

Sister Act: sexuality not always black and white


onna Gordon grew up in a devoted Catholic family. As a teen, she answered the calling and entered the Missionary Franciscan Sisters in Brisbane, where she trained as a postulant and later as a novice nun. But little did she know as she faithfully took her vows that her life was about to unfold in a very different direction. “After a 13-year loving marriage, five beautiful children and relentless soul searching, Donna came to the heartbreaking realization she was gay,” says Parrott. With a belief in total honesty and truth, she opened her heart to those closest to her…no matter the cost. This meant she had little choice but to make the painful

decision to leave her husband and children to work through what this now meant for her and her family. Slowly, Donna came to terms with her sexuality. Her mother never accepted her new life; her children never again lived with her, many friends judged her harshly and her marriage was annulled by the Catholic Church. Complicating her life even more, in September 2012, Donna was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer. She is currently undergoing treatment and remains optimistically positive. Julie K. Parrott tells Donna's story in her new book, Cost of Truth. Paperback RRP $28.03 E-book RRP $3.99 Available at

293 Cranford St. St. Albans Christchurch Ph.03 3667137

'Volo' Rain shower column & 'Halo' Minimalist style tapware. Metropol August 9, 2014 9

10 August, 7 2014 Metropol


International Film Fest’ in City Film buffs (anyone really!) – it is your time again for a visual feast. The NZ International Film Festival is here in Christchurch once again, with an amazing range of offerings.


he festival is operated by a Charitable Trust, established in 1996 by the New Zealand Federation of Film Societies Inc. The Trust is a professional, non-profit, non-political organisation with the aims of fostering interest in the motion picture and encouraging a high standard of motion picture creation and appreciation. The consolidation of several separately evolved Festivals into a single event known as The New Zealand International Film Festival occurred for the first time in 2009. A programme of between 150-170 features is presented in Auckland and Wellington. NZIFF opens in Auckland one weekend and gets underway in Wellington the next, overlapping for ten of their respective 17day seasons. A smaller programme then travels to a further 12 centres. The Christchurch Festival presents very much the same highlights programme at Hoyts Northlands and Riccarton from 7 – 24 August. This year the programme features films throughout the country which include award winning movies straight from Cannes, documentaries from around the world, animations, music films as well as a selection of works created by New Zealand filmmakers. Make your choices by going on line ate, are excursions that will encounter worlds that blend the fantastical, the apparently impossible and the audaciously improbable with clever animals, magical ideas, and pure fun - a diversity of sumptuous, often

complex creative visions. There is even Toons for Tots aimed at children aged 3 – 6. The ten NZ features are exciting. For his first feature-length film, the widely exhibited New Zealand photographer Gavin Hipkins invests a richly pictorial essay with the 21stcentury resonance of Samuel Butler’s lively utopian satire Erewhon, written in 1872. Watch New Zealand’s Best 2014, and help give the year’s best New Zealand short films the homegrown recognition they deserve by voting for your favourite. Arts & Music features Jimi: All Is By My Side, the provocative 2013 portrait of Jimi Hendrix as a fledgling rock legend, starring André Benjamin as the supremely gifted young guitarist in swinging London. This is directed by 12 Years a Slave screenwriter John Ridley. In Big Nights keep an eye out for Winter Sleep. Jane Campion’s jury awarded the Palme d’Or for Best Film at Cannes this year to this provocative and engrossing study of unwitting male pride and its fallout by Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan. The Epic of Everest 1924 is the official record of the legendary 1924 Everest expedition screening in a superb restoration. Filmed by Captain John Noel, who accompanied doomed mountaineers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, it’s the most majestic and spooked of age-ofconquest documentaries, reverberant with the intimations of nature’s indifference that the filmmakers could scarcely ignore when reviewing their remarkable footage.

Jimi: All Is By My Side

The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet 3D

Winter Sleep

Metropol August 7, 2014 11

metropol out&about

by Hans Petrovic

Celebrating 185 survivors One hundred and eighty five people died three years ago in the February 22 Christchurch earthquake, and now a book is being compiled of the experiences of 185 survivors of that day.


e’ve already heard from many of the big names around town, but this way we hope to provide an outlet for people who haven’t yet had the opportunity to speak,” says writer-researcher Te Awhina Arahanga, who came up with the concept. “These 185 stories could rip your heart out or give you a laugh – or do both at the same time. They can come from the young or the old, and need not necessarily be from an individual, but from a community.” The items can take anecdotal short-story form, either factual or fictitious. They can be poems or pictures with a short explanation. Te Awhina, who is also a consultant specialising in museum design, feels there could be some tie-in between such a collection and her museum work. “These stories could well become part of our social history,” she says. A Christchurch woman now in residence most of the time at the Michael King Writers’ Centre in Auckland, Te Awhina said she had been getting tired of hearing naive and ignorant comments by those outside of Christchurch on the earthquakes and the after effects. “There’s only so many times you can put up with hearing someone say, ‘I wish those people in Christchurch would just get over it’.” This prompted her this year to organise a memorial day on February 22 in Auckland to demonstrate the support of that city for the people of Christchurch. The event, located outside the Pitt Street Methodist Church, in Newton, featured an assemblage of 185 traffic cones, symbolising those killed on that day.

12 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Te Awhina and Henry Sunderland

“These 185 stories could rip your heart out or give you a laugh – or do both at the same time. They can come from the young or the old, and need not necessarily be from an individual, but from a community.” “We had a little memorial service and read out the names of the 185 people, and it was the first time that 185 cones had been put together for that purpose,” says Te Awhina. “This brought together the idea that each cone had a story to tell and, a couple of months ago, I started the process of collecting these stories.” This is also when she became involved with Henry Sunderland, teacher of art and design at the CPIT, who has

become well known around the world for his inspired idea of asking Cantabrians to place flowers in traffic cones, in memory of all those who had lost their lives – and those whose lives would never be the same. On the first Memorial Day, traffic cones all over Christchurch became adorned with flowers. Last year, the cones were decorated again. Henry is now helping Te Awhina with her project. So far, the reaction to Te Awhina’s request for people to submit their own experiences has been extremely positive. Anyone who feels they have something to contribute should contact or phone 021 0275 7657.

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From recreational racer to powerhouse pro James Munro launched his professional motor racing career and five year plan in June at Bardello, Merivale. The 17 year old Christchurch teen has had international motor racing success and just returned from competing in the Formula Masters China Series. It all began for James in karts in 2009, he continued in the foundation category until 2012 before moving to Formula Ford, earning the 2013 New Zealand Formula Ford champion title.

James Munro, Ken Smith

Bob Davison, Rex Kerr

Neville Bamford (Automation Assist), Josiah Murray, Darryl Hewitt, Dave Rycroft (Automation Assist)

Sarah Green, Sophie Green, Grant Reith

Mark Munro, James Munro

Paul Kinsman, Gerard Rooney

Josiah Murray (Automation Assist), James Munro, Andy Neale (Racing Coach), Darryl Hewitt

Mark Munro (Father), James Munro, Darryl Hewitt (D.J. Hewitt), Ken Smith (Racing legend) Dale Wylie, Maxine Wylie

Tony Hewes-Johnson, David Lynch, John Burns

James Munro, Darryl Hewitt

Bernie de Vere, Annie Rickman, Sue Cousins, Clive Cousins

Metropol August 7, 2014 13

metropol out&about

Rising local conductor heading to the Hollywood Bowl


University of Canterbury graduate and one of the world's rising young conductors, Gemma New, heads to the United states next week to assist the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl.

New, who is associate conductor of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, the American state's equivalent to the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, will assist maestro Gustavo Dudamel and the LA Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl. She then heads to Germany in September on a Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Scholarship, to study with retired German conductor Kurt Masur and take up the baton in Leipzig. After

the northern hemisphere summer, New has a full season ahead with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra. Limelight magazine named her one of 30 brilliant musicians under the age of 30 and United States classical music radio station WQXR has listed her as one of the top five women conductors on the rise. New has conducted a number of orchestras in the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe and

the United States including Carnegie Hall in New York and says she was just fortunate with her audition to become an associate conductor at the New Jersey orchestra at such a young age when she was in her last year of her masters at the Peabody Conservatory. “The best part of the Carnegie Hall concerts was working with the great musicians and the repertoire we performed. I conducted programmes including the music of Charles

“Many doors have opened for me, but I've also often had to knock on the door, turn the handle and walk through.” - Rising conductor Gemma New

Ives, John Adams and Andrew Norman. John Adams, one of the greatest composers and conductors ever, coached us closely. Performing his music with first-hand knowledge of his ideas and wishes, and in his presence, was an experience I will treasure for a long time. “It's a privilege to be recognised for the work I'm doing and I'm grateful for the support. Many doors have opened for me, but I've also often had to knock on the door, turn the

United States classical music radio station WQXR has listed Gemma New as one of the top five women conductors on the rise. handle and walk through.” And walk through she really has. New has received awards from the Dame Malvina Major Foundation, the New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women, the Kia Ora Foundation, the Peabody Institute, AMP, the Freemasons Society and the Adastra Foundation. University of Canterbury's School of Music head Dr Glenda Keam describes her as an impressive graduate and musician. “Whether that be conducting, playing, working with composers, or building a music community, she thrives on what musical experiences bring her and what it means for her connections with others,'' Dr Keam says.

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out&about metropol

Managing multi-unit building claims A lmost two thirds of the city’s homes were damaged in the spate of earthquakes which hit our city from September 2010. Of those, there were around 10,000 buildings, representing nearly 30,000 individual dwellings, which came under a more complex category – multi-unit dwellings.

Generally singular buildings containing multiple dwellings, multi-unit buildings can include apartments, mixed-usage buildings or dwellings connected by party walls or other structural elements, or a cluster of dwellings on a site. They’re challenging to manage under normal circumstances, then throw in thousands of earthquake claims. “Residential body corporate earthquake claims proceed through the EQC system for repair,” Skyway Body Corporate Services managing director Ann Woods says. “If repairs are ‘over cap’ then insurers take up the claim, whereas claims for commercial and industrial bodies corporate proceed directly to the insurers.” Due to their complex nature and the need for specialist input, residential body corporate claims have not received a lot of attention in the past four years – however it is their turn now. “There is a concentrated push by EQC to have these claims settled by the end of 2014 although it will not be possible for all the required repair work to be undertaken in that time frame. Cash settlement is often proposed however, this type of settlement is generally not the best scenario for multi-unit owners and only serves to make what has been a long process toward settlement

even longer and more complex for owners and the body corporate managers,” Ann says. Skyway has spent the past four years managing the insurance claim process for its clients and, although it can be fraught with challenges, Ann says it has been a rewarding experience being able to assist people with their properties. “The best people to manage bodies corporate in Christchurch now are local managers who understand the complexities of the post-quake climate,” she says. “Before the earthquakes you could suitably manage a property from outside our city, not so now.” Body Corporate management was traditionally handled by an accountant, a solicitor or residents themselves however, with the changes in legislation governing the management of body corporate properties increasing in complexity, the management industry has developed and post-quake it’s even more integral. It is the Unit Titles Act 2010 and the Unit Title Regulations 2011 which govern the way bodies corporate should be managed. Among other things the Act requires that owners in a body corporate appoint a chairperson. A committee may also be

Commercial, Industrial & Residential Management

Ann Woods Managing Director

Competitive rates, South Island wide body corporate services.

required, depending on the number of units in the body corporate. If the chairperson and the committee wish to ensure suitable systems are put in place to protect their investment they will delegate the day to day administrative duties and records management to a body corporate manager, such as Skyway Body Corporate Services Ltd. Skyway currently manages a variety of multi-unit properties, both residential and commercial/industrial ranging in size from three units up to 42 units. “We offer our clients extensive experience, an efficient and stress-free service. We pride ourselves on our open and honest communication with owners.” The real strength is in the approach, Ann says. “Our goals are the same as our clients, so we’re very much a team. We work with them, not for them.” Ann has had a love for property throughout her working life and her top priority is seeing it well looked after and maintained. She is assisted in the business by Tanya Morris, Body Corporate Manager and, with Tanya’s strong knowledge and expertise in all facets of body corporate administration and finances, they make a formidable team. Costs for Skyway’s services are very affordable and can be tailored to suit individual property requirements. Phone Skyway Body Corporate Services on 03 356 0460, or email for further information and assistance.

Body Corporate services include:

Administration: Maintain records Convene AGMs and attend committee meetings as requested Prepare and distribute AGM minutes Implement decisions of the body corporate, chairperson and committee Financial: Open, maintain and operate bank accounts for admin and maintenance Prepare Budgets Calculate, prepare and distribute invoices and collect levies Prepare and make available annual statements and reports Insurance: Arrange annual insurance valuations and quotations Pay insurance premiums Lodge claims Maintenance: Manage day to day maintenance and service contracts Arrange preparation of long term maintenance plans

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Metropol August 7, 2014 15


Take some time to play this winter


ome to New Zealand’s highest peak and longest glacier, the Aoraki Mount Cook Mackenzie Region provides the greatest variety of skiing and uncrowded ski fields only a short distance from Christchurch.

Ride a magic carpet, experience back country skiing at its best, try the world’s longest and steepest rope tow, to everything in between. Set amongst some of the most spectacular alpine scenery in the country, the Mackenzie region offers unique experiences for all ages and abilities. The quaint township of Fairlie is the gateway to the Mackenzie region and the closest township to Mt Dobson. Start your Mackenzie winter holiday at Mt Dobson, a friendly atmosphere that offers terrain for all ages and stages. An easy 35 minute drive from Lake Tekapo Village and home to Australasia’s biggest vertical drop, the Heritage Express, Roundhill Ski Area

An easy 35 minute drive from Lake Tekapo Village and home to Australasia’s biggest vertical drop, the Heritage Express, Roundhill Ski Area is known as one of the best family ski areas in New Zealand. is known as one of the best family ski areas in New Zealand. Easy parking allows you to ski to your car and unpack your picnic lunch. With fantastic learner, intermediate and advanced access, this is a field for everyone. A day off the slopes is just as complete; relax in a café and soak up the atmosphere, enjoy a variety of short walks or choose from the many activities on offer. A visit to Tekapo Springs is a must. Relax and soak tired muscles in the hot pools, learn to ice skate or be exhilarated on the snow tube. Enjoy the local produce at the Tahr Bar & Café while you snuggle up by the open fire listening to live music. Spend a magical night at the Hermitage Hotel in the Mount Cook Village and wake up to an unobstructed view of Mount Cook. Relax by the open fire, enjoy the theatre Planetarium and take a star gazing tour to learn about the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve, explore the Hooker Valley walk or take an Argo up the Tasman Valley. Or if you can’t keep off the snow, check out the option of skiing on the Tasman Glacier. The most western ski area in the Mackenzie region boasts its own lodge with both the restaurant and accommodation facing the stunning Lake Ohau. 20 minutes from the Lodge, Ohau Snow Field has spectacular views and ski options for all abilities. For the more adventurous skier, take a hike to the ridge where you can access unlimited gullies and chutes. With so much to see and do, take your time to explore the area. With such stunning scenery and superb skiing, make the Mackenzie region your exciting winter destination.

16 August, 7 2014 Metropol

out&about metropol

Striking new local café and events venue V base recently celebrated the opening of ilex Café and Events, nestled comfortably in the heart of the beautiful Christchurch Botanic Gardens. A glass house with a contemporary twist, ilex's light and airy function room offers a truly unique setting for your event including wedding receptions, cocktail parties, meetings and gala dinners. With exceptional indoor outdoor flow, guests can enjoy the elegance

and unspoilt beauty of the gardens all year round. In addition to the function room, which can accommodate up to 120 people for meetings and dinners, or 150 for cocktails, the venue also boasts an attractive Café. Open daily to the public, ilex Café offers a delightful space for a social catch up with friends, a special lunch or just a deliciously hot coffee for your stroll through the gardens.

Jamie Gough, Victoria Wales, Ben Harris

Anna Hoetjes, Wendy Drew

Melissa Haberfield, Chris Foubister, Rachel Astie

Angela Bennett, Denise Hunter (Metropol)

Jo Blair, Paul Lonsdale

Julie Abbott, Anabel Darby, Simon Darby, Jenny Lake

Rachelle Stroud, Catherine Lee

Lucy Martin, Turlough Carolan, Elaina Jumper, Steven Tullett

Patricia Proctor, Vicky Hunwick, Donna Alley

Janette Brooking, Mike Kerr, Steph Brown

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

Making Our Place - Your Place Ilam Lifecare is a facility that is privately owned, with a strong emphasis on providing a homely environment. Our trained staff provide comprehensive levels of service and care to help you stay in your unit for as long as possible. We encourage our residents to maintain their independence and individuality, providing peace of mind and the ultimate in comfort and security. For Facility Care Phone Facility Manager 348 5305 For Serviced Studio & Apartments Ph. Kathleen 021 2211 991 Ilam Lifecare is a registered Retirement Village under the Retirement Villages Act 2005

Serviced Studios & Apartments 28 Ilam Road, Christchurch

Metropol August 7, 2014 17

metropol out&about

By Wendy Dunlop

Home away from home Quest Christchurch is approaching its first anniversary since they re-opened their doors and welcomed locals and visitors back into the city centre. Strengthened, re-decorated and better than ever, the serviced studios and apartments offer a home away from home for short and long stay accommodation.


s well as out of town guests that are visiting Christchurch for leisure or business, we are also able to offer a viable alternative accommodation for those vacating their homes for earthquake repairs,” says Bess Thomson, owner/manager of Quest Christchurch. Instead of the stress of finding a

rental property for a few weeks and paying high prices for fully furnished accommodation, Quest Apartments are quiet, comfortable and competitively priced. Quest Christchurch offers a variety of accommodation including spacious studios and self-contained one, two or three bedroom

Above: Rowena and Rose (Housekeeping) John Etheridge (Assistant Manager), Bess Thomson (Managing Director), Lori (Receptionist), Rainy (Head Housekeeper), Elodie (Housekeeping)

apartments. Apartments are tastefully furnished in a light contemporary style. All are well equipped with kitchen appliances, washer/dryers, fridge/freezers, microwaves, dish drawers, as well as flat screen TV and limited free WiFi. “Just bring your clothes, move in and enjoy the stress-free environment. Quest guests really enjoy the inner city location where cafes, restaurants, shops and attractions are within an easy walk. With secure parking and 24 hour on site management at Quest Christchurch, guests are assured of a safe and comfortable environment. “Quest properties are owned and operated by franchisees like myself who pride themselves on genuine service and really enjoy the interaction with guests,” says Bess. Bess recognises that Christchurch people have been through so much. “It's a pleasure making their stay as enjoyable as possible while their house repairs take place.” So if you are to move out of your home for repairs, forget a rental and enjoy Quest Christchurch Serviced Apartments instead. Enquiries and inspection are welcomed in person at 113 Worcester St, by phoning (03) 222 2003 or visiting

Bess recognises that Christchurch people have been through so much. “It's a pleasure making their stay as enjoyable as possible while their house repairs take place.”

Stay with us during your earthquake repairs Treat it as a holiday you know you deserve it, in our fully serviced apartments.

Serviced Apartments

18 August, 7 2014 Metropol

out&about metropol

Award winning team for European river “European River Cruising has never been so popular,” says Christine Hopkins, of House of Travel Ferrymead. “We have seen significant growth over the past few years and our experience and excitement for this product has resulted in our team being awarded Top Shop for New Zealand for the very popular Avalon Waterways.


ith so many rivers to explore, not only are customers coming to see us to book for their first cruise, many are returning to book a new journey to return to Europe to explore different regions in more depth. “I have been fortunate to be one of the four members of our team who have had the experience of cruising these many rivers,” says Chris. “The experience is relaxing, yet surprisingly, you can also cover much of the regional areas of the inner centres of Europe. From the very lush hillside villages and imposing castles of the romantic Rhine to the vineyards and charming Provencal villages on the Rhone, there are always different awe-inspiring vistas to be enjoyed. “Once on board, it is hard to see what extras you could need to spend money on. All meals are included, tea and coffee are available all day and, with the exception of a purchase of a pre-dinner cocktail or evening sundowner, all evening meals are complemented with local wines, beers or soft drinks. Imagine fine dining with the most amazing international and regional cuisine, as you cruise past the spectacular landscape. With a relaxing lounge atmosphere, food is served to the highest

quality and a variety of options ensure it will suit the most discerning palate.” Chris explains that such a relaxing time also means no early starts. “The key to such an experience is you are based right at the gateway to the inner city centres of some of the most stunning places along the European waterways. Introductory walking tours with local guides are included at each of your destinations where you are shown the local highlights, and with plenty of time to spare you can explore and shop to your heart’s content before sailing away to your next destination.” With limited space left for bookings in 2014 many people are now looking to book early for 2015. House of Travel Ferrymead,s European film evenings have commenced and they are showcasing a range of destinations in Europe including a specific evening dedicated to River Cruising. Join them in-store on Tuesday 19 August where they will review the latest offers and inspire you with images of the rivers of Europe that you will discover on your journey. Register your interest with Chris and the team at House of Travel Ferrymead on phone (03) 376 4022 or email Christine direct on


Imagine fine dining with the most amazing international and regional cuisine, as you cruise past the spectacular landscape.


Now a Branch Office of CAMERON BARRISTERS


Trusts 245 Clyde Road, Ilam, Christchurch Ph: (03) 351 4140 Fax: (03) 351 4144


An invitational group show of paintings & sculpture 7 – 18 August 2014

BILL BURKE – Takahe, 670 X 800 mm framed

GINNEY DEAVOLL – Kakapo, 340 x 830 mm

Cnr Riccarton Rd & Paeroa St

Open 7 Days

SANG KYU MOON – Eurasian Eagle-Owl, 400 x 495 mm framed

Phone: 348 0064

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Metropol August 7, 2014 19

metropol out&about

New factory for fine finishes We've been primed to look more than skin deep‌ but when it comes to your home furnishings, it's all about the finish. For more than 25 years, MF Turnbull has been finishing and re-finishing everything from vanities and kitchens through to furniture and fitouts.

Monique & Murray Turnbull, Vicki Andrews, (Vicki Andrews Design), Chris (Production Manager), Penny Harty (Kitchen Designer) Steve Baker (Manager) (All MF Turnbull)

Murray Turnbull, Shane Bennett, Craig Randall (Signtech)

Liz, Tony (TimberTru), Steve Baker

Peter Beddoes (Daiken), Simon Robinson (Fineline Joinery)

Russell Lory, Phillippa Jacobs

John Brownlee (Wood Plus Interiors), Karl Kitchingham (Evolution Interiors)

Gavin Griffin, Graham Woodham (Modern Age Kitchens)

Samuel and Monique

Aaron Smith (MKS), Brent Keates (MKS), Steve (MKS)


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20 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Increased demand has seen MF Turnbull open a new Woolston factory on Barton Street to complement the existing Mowbray Street factory, utilising the same high quality products and imported bake ovens which produce the high quality finish the company has become renowned for.

inthe city WHAT’S ON





Historic Botanic Gardens

glasshouses reopened re-quake, these glasshouses would attract around 280,000 visitors a year. They are home to impressive – and sometimes rare – plant collections. The glasshouses are of historic note – Cuningham House, for example, is a heritage building from the Victorian era and is listed with the New Zealand Historic Place Trust. Let's take a more in-depth look at each house.


result of a bequest by Mr G.A.C. Cuningham. It is a large, stately structure of architectural importance and is listed with the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. A spacious staircase leads to a large peripheral gallery where an extensive collection of tropical plants are displayed. Both upper and lower Cuningham House share collections including Dieffenbachia, Peperomia, Hoya, Anthurium and Dracaena.

Garrick House

Fern House

Garrick House was named after Mr M. Garrick who donated a large collection of cacti and succulents to the Gardens in the late 1950s. It contains the most extensive publicly owned collection of cacti and succulents in New Zealand and also includes a diorama depicting a desert. Cuningham House Cuningham House was opened in 1923 as a

The Fern House was constructed in 1955 as a result of bequests from Mary Rothney Orr and James Foster. A narrow meandering path winds through collections of New Zealand ferns, the most significant of these being a New Zealand icon the silver fern (Cyathea dealbata). Beneath the path a gentle stream moves through the house creating a perfect environment for moistureloving ferns such as Asplenium and Blechnum.

Townend House The present Townend House was erected in 1955 to 1956 on the site of the former house of the same name donated in 1914 from the estate of Annie Townend. Townend House is essentially a conservatory where a regular succession of popular greenhouse

All glasshouses in the Botanic Gardens – Fern, Townend, Garrick, Gilpin, Cuningham and Foweraker Houses now meet the New Building Standard and have been reopened to the public.

Photo supplied by Denise Hunter plants are grown. These include Calceolaria, Cyclamen, Gloxinia, and Primula. Many of the tuberous begonias are the result of hybridisation carried out by the Gardens staff.

alpine plants frequently change as do the seasons, flowers and foliage. In addition there is a permanent display of slow-growing conifers that create a neutral looking environment in which the alpine plants can be appreciated.

Foweraker House Foweraker House was named for Jean Foweraker, a Christchurch alpine plant enthusiast and donor of many collections of alpine plants to the Gardens. The displays of both indigenous and exotic

Gilpin House Built in the 1960s, Gilpin House is a modest sized conservatory featuring tropical collections of Orchids, Tillandsias, Bromeliads and carnivorous plants.

HILL & ARCHITECTURAL HOME BUILDERS P: 0 3 3 6 5 8 2 5 0 w w w. m i k e g r e e r h i l l s . c o . n z We w o r k c l o s e l y w i t h y o u r l o c a l A r c h i t e c t o r o f f e r a f u l l a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n a n d b u i l d s e r v i c e Metropol August 7, 2014 21

metropol in the city

Friday 13 proved more fun than freaky For many the date Friday 13th is an apprehensive one. But for Christchurch, Friday June 13th proved to be quite the opposite, with Brand House hosting a VIP DQ Vodka Party. With cocktails and canapĂŠs, the night out at the Christchurch Casino's Mashina Lounge proved a great one.

Katrina Thomas, Vanessa Alesana, Jen Morris-Williamson, Ally McKenzie, Dayna Earnshaw

Kuljinder Sandhu, Jen Morris-Williamson, Amandeep Pattla

Jen Morris-Williamson, Simon Townsend

22 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Selina Pokoina, Geoff Anderson, Lance House, Kristine Ng

Tim Powell, Victoria Powell, Amy Leigh Broadstock

Karl Bankier, Kristen Murray, Amy Leigh Broadstock

Harjit Singh, Jen Morris-Williamson, Shereen Singh

Patrick Kuhtze, Jason Dellaca, Geoff Anderson, Mark Day

Jason Dellaca, Geoff Anderson

Nicola Stott, Jen Morris-Williamson, Roland Powel

Jason Dellaca, Karen Dellaca

Jen Crowther, Anita Moffat

in the city metropol

Floating art It appears that the Christchurch Art Gallery is on the home straight, with the next phase of repairs beginning this month, and a potential reopening in December 2015.


he distinctive building seemed untouched after the February earthquakes, but had bowed slightly in the middle and the floors lifted by as much as four centimetres in some places. The glass façade touched the ground, where before it hung like a curtain. Like many other places in Christchurch, the ground beneath liquefied and then settled unevenly so that the building was slightly lower on the Worcester St side. The building has now been re-levelled and a technology applied which effectively allows a building to “float” on its foundations during an earthquake. It is critical that a building of this nature meets the most stringent criteria. “It is essential for the gallery to have a gold-plated engineering certificate so international and local galleries will be confident enough to lend works and bring exhibitions to the city,” says Gallery director Jenny Harper. “The base-isolation technology and other measures will mean that Christchurch Art Gallery is one of the safest and most

earthquake-resilient galleries in the world. “Some works of art we might bring to Christchurch are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.” Thomas Jones, Project Director, Christchurch City Council, says the Council is

adopting best-practice methods to repair and reinstate the Gallery’s building. “The base-isolation technology is wellproven and has been applied to other national buildings such as the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and the Parliament Buildings, as well as many other museums and galleries in the Pacific Rim,” he says. “It works by installing a large bearing between the building and its foundations. This effectively allows it to float during an earthquake, significantly reducing the seismic stress on the building and its contents.” Refurbishing will also take place, along with repairs to lighting, parapets and the glass frontage. Staff will be accommodated in the Canterbury Museum and in offices in Peterborough St. While the Gallery’s collection will be in storage, exhibitions are still to be seen at 209 Tuam Street and at ArtBox (on the corner of Madras and St Asaph Streets). Both are open 10am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm, Saturday and Sunday. It is good to see a Christchurch icon coming back from an earthquake-induced silence. The original Gallery's building, in the Botanic Gardens, was funded by an extremely generous gift of £26,000 by the

“The base-isolation technology and other measures will mean that Christchurch Art Gallery is one of the safest and most earthquake-resilient galleries in the world.” then managing director of Aulsebrook and Co., Mr. Robert E. McDougall. It was founded with the Canterbury Society of Arts Collection for British and European paintings and the James Jamieson Collection and comprised 160 paintings and sculptures. The Robert McDougall Art Gallery closed its doors as the city’s public art gallery on Sunday, 16 June 2002, and the new Christchurch Art Gallery opened in its place on Saturday, 10 May 2003. The new building features a spectacular flowing glass and metal façade that evokes the sinuous form of the koru and Christchurch's River Avon, and houses nine exhibition areas, a reference and study library, multi-purpose auditorium, education workrooms, an underground car park, a restaurant and retail outlets as well as extensive collection storage spaces. The Christchurch Art Gallery is home to one of New Zealand’s most important public art collections. It will be a joy to once again have access to it.

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Phone 379 8255 Metropol August 7, 2014 23

24 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Fashion & Style

Health & Beauty





Canterbury Fashion & Beauty Week W

ith three-quarters of the tickets already sold to the summer and Cup Week fashion show, the Canterbury Collections and Awards 2014 on Friday night 3 October is once again at the magnificent Tannery and looks set to be another successful night of fashion, glamour and entertainment.

The highlight of Canterbury Fashion Beauty Week summer collections the Canterbury Collections and Awards features 26 designers and retailers showing their new season men's and women's fashions. Founder and director of CFBW Denyse Saunders says, “I am delighted at the level of interest in this week for all our events and most especially the Canterbury Collections. Clearly, due to its world class style of not only extraordinary fashion but also high class entertainment, it is a fashion show like no other in New Zealand. You would have to travel to Paris, Milan or New York to attend such an event. So I doubled the number of VIP tables, which all sold out within a couple of weeks, and I have just added my final 2 VIP tables that are currently available to purchase. All the standard front row seats are sold with some middle and back row seats still available, but they are going fast.�

Canterbury Fashion Beauty Week was reestablished by fashion, beauty and modelling icon Denyse Saunders last year and has quickly regained its reputation as a world class event supporting the fashion, beauty, modelling, entertainment (including singers and dancers), stage and lighting industries. The economic benefit to the city is of huge importance as these industries struggle to re-

Clearly, due to its world class style of not only extraordinary fashion but also high class entertainment, it is a fashion show like no

establish themselves after the earthquakes. With an all new theme and different entertainment from the last show, it is going to be another incredibly exciting evening and the models and entertainers can't wait. Fashion designers and retailers showing

include Affinity, Annah Stretton, Black Eye Peach, Carolyn Barker for Plush, Clockwork Emporium, Forge Fashion, Fredrick Ashley, Hot Damn Lingerie, Ingrid Brook, Jane Daniels, Living Dolls Lingerie, Marc Bendall Jewellery, Morgan & Page, Munns Menswear, Pretty Things, Red Button Design, Redhouse Boutique, Repertoire, Sakaguchi, Sergios Menswear, Shine Costume, Sophia Lee Cup Day Attire, The Petal Store, Vintage Treasures, Willmott-Dalton Design and Zip Me Up. Ms Saunders says that this time CFBW is supporting the Look Good, Feel Better cancer foundation that assists women look and feel good about themselves as they go through their cancer treatment. Along with supporting the Christchurch North Zonta group that also supports women in need. The only area of concern, explains Ms Saunders, is not being able to attract a Naming Rights sponsor for this incredibly high profile week of fashion. Other events during the week include a Children's and Teens' Model Search, a free CFBW Makeover for one lucky lady, public voting awards and an invitation only Opening Cocktail Party. Information, ticket sales and entry details for all events are online at

Designer: Carolyn Barker for Plush. Model: Cameron Gresty

Photographer: Models: Denyse Saunders Model Management. Hair & Makeup: Hair Art & Beauty.

Designer: Jane Daniels. Model: Elizabeth Paul

Designer: Morgan & Page. Model: Brittany Demouth

Designer: Pretty Things. Model: Brenna Wadsworth

Designer: Zip Me Up. Model: Amanda Storey

Designer: Forge Fashion. Model: Claire Tait

Metropol August 7, 2014 25

metropol fashion,health&beauty

‘Non-scarring’ procedures..With Tumescent Liposuction


reast reduction has traditionally been performed with surgical intervention called mammoplasty. The procedure involves cutting out sections of the breast and usually cutting around the nipple and elevating the nipple and loose skin.



Re-defined: The clients pictured have had Tumescent Liposuction performed by Dr Grant Bellaney

Mammoplasty is an effective and well-proven procedure. However, it does have a high reported rate of complications (10-50%) and involves a number of hours in theatre under general anaesthetic. Complications can include unsatisfactory scarring, altered sensation of the nipple, difficulty or inability to breast-feed as well as others. Recovery from this procedure is slow compared to the now available option of Tumescent Liposuction which has a low complication rate (about 1%). Liposuction underwent a dramatic change in 1987 when an American Dermatologist discovered the tumescent technique. This involves filling the fat with a very dilute form of local anaesthetic and adrenalin, which numbs, softens and prepares the fat. The adrenalin causes temporary shrinkage of small blood vessels so there is minimal bleeding. Using very small and thin micro-cannulae, the fat can be removed smoothly and evenly through tiny 1-2mm incisions. These heal with no, or at most minimal scars. Tumescent Liposuction is suitable for most women seeking breast reduction. However, there are some women for whom Tumescent Liposuction may not be suitable e.g. those with very loose skin over the breast. In this situation Mammoplasty would likely result in more breast elevation than could be achieved with Tumescent Liposuction. Following the procedure, a compression garment is applied and worn for the ensuing 1-3 weeks. Post operatively there may be some tenderness and bruising and there may be weeping of fluid through the small incisions during the next 24 hours. Most patients can return to ordinary duties after 48 hours; however there may be variation between patients.

Results Between a third to a half of the breast can usually be reduced in size with this technique. It is important that pre-operatively, some guidance is given to Dr Bellaney as to what would be the ideal size the patient wishes to obtain. Women can expect a bra size reduction of about 2-3 sizes. Breast asymmetry can also be helped. Dermatologists proficient at the procedure of Tumescent Liposuction for Breast Reduction believe it should be the procedure of choice for most women considering breast reduction. Complications Ordinary surgical complications include bruising, pain, swelling and infection. Significant scarring does not occur with Tumescent Liposuction as there are only 1mm2mm nicks on the skin which normally heal exceptionally well with minimal to no marking. There have been no long-term studies to ascertain the effect of liposuction on the ability to breast feed, although groups overseas report that patients can. A major issue with all forms of breast reduction is whether changes will occur in the breast that would be identified on the mammogram at a later day and confuse a mammographer as to whether they are marks from previous surgery or, in fact, breast cancer developing. It is routine to perform a pre-operative mammogram and to have it repeated at six months to see if there are any changes which will then be used as a reference for mammograms later in life. It is important to understand that cosmetic surgery is not an exact science and no guarantees can be given as to the exact outcome. Individual results will vary. No longterm studies directly comparing Tumescent Liposuction with Mammoplasty are available. However, this information attempts to present the main body of medical opinion. For further information see or or



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26 August, 7 2014 Metropol


fashion,health&beauty metropol

Food for your lashes


eautiful long dark lashes that curve across the cheek. We have all seen them, and now selected salons across the city are stocking the very latest in products which naturally enhance your own lashes and brows. The new eyelash conditioning system from Lashfood has been brought to salons by Lashform, with the range the only lash enhancers which carry the Ecocert certification – the very first certification body to develop standards for ‘natural and organic cosmetics.’ The Phyto-Medic Natural Eyelash Enhancer has been developed by Lashfood through a series of clinical tests using natural ingredients. The serum contains the Phyto-Medic Complex, which Lashfood describe as a blend of organic medicinal herb extracts which they have demonstrated to prevent hair loss and trigger the regrowth

of lashes. Through daily use it has been shown to create lashes which are longer, thicker, stronger and healthier over just 4-8 weeks. What the products can do for eyelashes it can also do for eyebrows, with the PhytoMedic Natural Eyebrow Enhancer having been shown to restore brows and help minimise brow loss. The product is perfect for those who are experiencing brow loss or thinning due to ageing or over plucked brows. It is what is not in the products which is just as important – they contain no prostaglandin, parabens, sulfates,


phthalates, gluten, silicone, synthetic fragrances or dyes, mineral oils, phenoxyethanol or petrochemicals. “Being 100% natural this product is safe to use while receiving chemotherapy to help prevent total loss of lashes and brows, and/or to re-grow,” says Lisa White, Director of Lashform.Other new products on offer include the Conditioning Lash Primer with Fibre and Conditioning Liquid Eyeliner - both contain Lashfood’s specifically developed Nano-Peptide Complex which strengthens and lengthens weak and brittle lashes. The Conditioning Lash Primer is a basecoat with lash extending microfibers that attach to lashes to give an effect similar to wearing false eyelashes or extension, while also improving the vitality of natural lashes. As well as being Ecocert certified for both

the product and the packaging, all Lashfood products are also dermatologist tested and approved, as well as vegan and cruelty free. To get your lashes off to a great start Lashfood is offering a five piece Transformation Kit, with the 24 hour system designed to create fuller, longer lashes in just four weeks. Each kit contains: Phyto-Medic Eyelash Enhancer, Conditioning Lash Primer, Conditioning Drama Mascara, Conditioning Liquid Eyeliner and Conditioning Instant Eye Makeup Remover – with a special price of $179, giving clients a saving of over $100. Lashfood can be found at a number of salons across the city including, H&B - Hair Art & Beauty Salon in St Albans, phone 381 8939, and Belle Epoque in Merivale phone 374 6668, or contact Lisa White on 027 538 3005 to find a stockist near you.


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Order your Lashfood Transformation Kit at the AMAZING SPECIAL PRICE OF $179 (Valued at $289) See our website for a stockist near you or contact Ph: 339 0285 Orders

Proud Distributor of Lashfood Metropol August 7, 2014 27

metropol fashion,health&beauty


How to make time for your health

by Mike McCauley


Mike McCauley Co-director Mint Fitness

e all know that maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be one of the main priorities in our life. However, many of us struggle to find the time, or desire, to put our good intentions into action. Research has shown that people who live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy life/work balance perform better at work, maintain higher job satisfaction, and learn more while at work. So if you are serious about being a better, healthier version of you, it’s time to think about how you can make it happen. With the following tips there need be no more excuses…

Stylist Stephanie Rumble of Flair Image


Winter sales are in full swing – now is the time to purchase those pieces that have been out of your price range all winter. Invest in quality and classics that will last you season after season. Look for natural fibres and scour the racks for bargains to keep you warm for the next two months of winter….



Make a plan One of the biggest downfalls of people failing to live a healthy lifestyle is a lack of planning. It is vital to prioritise for your goal so that you have time to include physical activity into your daily routine and time to prepare your food for the day. It may be allowing yourself an extra 20 minutes in the morning to walk to work, or prepare your lunch to take to work. You will need to ask yourself questions such as; “Am I an early morning workout person or an after work exerciser?” Don’t be fooled into thinking you have to spend hours at the gym for exercise to be effective. Effective exercise can be just 20-30 minutes a session. Bodyweight exercises, circuits, high intensity interval training and tabata training are all types of exercises that are effective and can be performed in a short amount of time. When it comes to food, writing down what you eat helps give you a visible insight into your diet so you can make necessary changes to maintain a balanced healthier food intake. There are a plethora of exercises and vast selection of food available so consider your personal likes and dislikes to ensure you stick with a healthy plan. Talk to an expert, when setting up your exercise or nutritional programme to get the best possible results in the shortest time. Remember: Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going...... Jim Run.


What shape will you be this Summer? Personal Training Nutrition Massage

Call for FREE 3 day trial

31 Birmingham Drive, Middleton, Christchurch Ph 338-9654 28 August, 7 2014 Metropol


Rouche 1. Sylvester – Metal Trouser in Old Gold reduced to $171 2. Lucy McIntosh Freesia Skirt in Comet - Reduced to $170 3. Kate Sylvester – Etienne Shirt in Rose – reduced to $259 4. Sylvester - Sparkly Jacket in Old Gold – reduced to $207

fashion,health&beauty metropol

of the Winter Sales 1.










Andrea Moore

Andrea Biani

1. Dress – Nue – Ravel – reduced to $379.50 2. Jacket – 2nd Day – Monsieur – reduced to $414.50 3. Cardigan – 100% Cashmere, Fine Collection – reduced to $234.50 4. Robin’s Jeans – reduced to $344.50

1. Wolverine Jacket, Zarina in Flame – reduced to $525 2. Custom Made Cape in Violetta – reduced to $525 3. Deer Snuggle Top in Red – reduced to $200 4. I AM – Houndstooth Sweater in Bougainvi – reduced to $200

1. Areezo Boot in Berdo – reduced to $99.90 2. Jeffrey Campbell Welda Boots in Black – reduced to $169.90

Stylist’s pick… Red Wolverine Coat from Andrea Moore – great quality

Photographer’s pick… Grey Nue 19.04 dress from DeVal as you

and two garments in one as it can be zipped off to a shorter jacket.

can wear it summer and winter with or without layers.

The Art of Make Up

New Arrivals from


Noa Noa

18th July


Victorias Closet


kristen stewart

school of make-up

6 Normans Road Christchurch 03 3559 055



Open Hours: Mon-Wed 9-6pm Tues-Fri 9-9pm Sat 9-6pm Sun 10-6pm

Step into SPRING with colour! PORTIA Tumeric / Tan Silver Fox / Greige Indigo / White Black $215

229 Papanui Rd, Merivale. Ph. 355 4400

JAZZ Poppy / Paprike / Tumeric Silver Fox / Stone Hunter Crackle / Black $229

ROWLING Indigo/White Silver Fox/Taupe Black / Suede Summer Red



Poppy, Paprika Slate, Black

Silver Fox/ Greige Navy / Steal Blue


Now $229

JANA Black / Suede Stone $229


Metropol August 7, 2014 29


Big end of season


all winter merchandise! Sizes NB-13 years!

Plus Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Sports luxe trending O

ne of the leading fashion trends internationally in 2014 is sports luxe. This new fashion form can be flexible, flattering and, unusually for fashion, comfortable. It also has significant crossover appeal as consumers are increasingly looking to their favourite designers for activewear, as opposed to traditional sporting brands. According to data released last year in the US, the growing trend of mixing fashion and fitness has created a niche market for affordable, stylish workout clothes and it is developing fast. In March 2013, $5,120,802 of activewear sales in the U.S. came from apparel specialty stores. In comparison, $5,654,006 came from sports specialty stores. On the international stage, designers have been embracing sporty luxe for several seasons and the latest outings are no different.

on all Cloth Toys!

Shop 17, Rolleston Sq 70 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston Christchurch Ph. 03 347 1585

Be nice to your nails

I see a place for super stylish activewear in every woman’s wardrobe, and we think that the Ketz-Ke customer will love what we have to offer alongside their usual wardrobe choices.

Brighten up your Mother’s Nails


In his second show for Balenciaga, Alexander Wang paired minimal, prettily structured cropped tops with tennis short skirts and long boxers. At Gucci, mesh racer-back bras were the sexy underpinnings to oversized tees, bomber jackets and satin track pants – seemingly a tad dressed down for designer Frida Giannini, until you saw the towering, statement cage sandals she put on models’ feet. In a move directly in line with this trend, New Zealand fashion label Ketz-ke has added sportswear to its latest collection, Ketz-ke Active. “I see a place for super stylish activewear in every woman’s wardrobe,” says Ketz-Ke designer Jenny Drury, “and we think that the Ketz-Ke customer will love what we have to offer alongside their usual wardrobe choices. “It is an incredibly exciting movement in the fashion industry both design and growth wise, with the figures to back it up. We think that this is just the beginning and can’t wait to see Ketz-ke Active take flight.” For more information go to

Gorgeous colours! Manicure & Pedicure Shellac Acrylic Gel


180A Papanui Rd Merivale P. 355 2863


High Potency B Complex to Keep You Energetic and Healthy! KNH Advanced B Complex KNH Advanced B-Complex is the perfect blend of revitalising B group vitamins to help you bounce through the day! Regain energy and vitality, often lost as a result of fast paced busy lives.

 

Boutique Clearance FASHION OUTLET Fendalton Village Mall, Cnr Clyde & Ilam Roads, Christchurch Ph. 351 4058

30 August, 7 2014 Metropol


Sizes 8-24

up to


or more


WARM UP for Winter


Now Open on Sundays

 


Dietary supplement containing all eight of the B Vitamins Many people take a Vitamin B Complex to increase energy, enhance mood, improve memory and stimulate the immune system Supports a variety of health conditions including anxiety, depression, fatigue, heart disease, premenstrual syndrome and skin problems With black pepper, to help support the body's absorption of Vitamin B



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SALE 477 Ferry Rd, Woolston 0274 594 052

HOURS MON-FRI 10.30am-4.30pm SAT/SUN 11am-4pm


By Rachel Smith

It’s all about

beautiful hair

“For me it's all about beautiful hair,” says Jonny Hood.Years of experience in creating just this, has led Hood and partner Ellen Johnstone to offer their hairdressing services to clients through their own business.

completed further training through the Headmasters Academy and the L’Oreal Technical Academy, before returning to Christchurch two years ago. “My passion is cutting and blow waving,” says Ellen, who also provides colouring services, and wedding and evening styles. She says that one important aspect of hairdressing in London was the lack of hot tools, such as hair straighteners and curlers, so that everything had to be done the old technical way of blow waving – a technique which she feels gives a more natural and lasting effect. “We are using Schwarzkopf hair colour as we truly believe it is the best colour on the market,” says Jonny. “It leaves the hair in great condition with superb shine and holds the colour amazingly well and certainly doesn't fade out with brassy tones.” Building friendships with their clients is an all important part of their work, alongside ensuring they can offer all clients the very latest in terms of hairdressing trends and fashion styles. “Seeing clients walk out that little bit taller, with a smile on their face, after having a great job done on their hair,” says Jonny is the best part of his working day, and a sure sign that they have received the exact haircut and style they were after. You can find Jonny and Ellen at Belle Coiffure in the heart of Merivale. Give them a call on 356 1245 to make an appointment or visit them upstairs at 209 Papanui Road, next to Nicola Quinn Beauty and Day Spa.


orking under Belle Coiffure of Merivale, Jonny and Ellen have combined their specialist hairdressing skills - Jonny’s passion for colouring and Ellen’s for cutting and styling. “We are both perfectionists, which totally reflects in the work we create,” says Ellen, with all clients having the benefit of being in the hands of only experienced stylists. Jonny has worked as the head colourist at one of Christchurch's top salons for the past 15 years. “I got into hairdressing wanting to do all aspects but soon realised I had a real passion for the colouring side of things, which I thoroughly enjoy,” says Jonny, whose colouring work has taken him across the country. Ellen’s hairdressing career began in Ashburton. Taking her skills overseas, she worked in a West London salon and

“Someone has to make the best teeth...”

Merivale Denture Clinic The Denture Experts

Combining over 35 years experience with leading edge technology to handcraft the finest quality, natural looking dentures

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NEW Hydra-Tone Softening Lotion AGE PROOF luxurious skin softening lotion, ideal for dry, dehydrated or mature skins. Similar to a traditional toner, this softening lotion saturates the skin with moisture, leaving a silky and hydrated feel after cleansing , it will also remove eye make-up Use at night after cleansing and in morning to refresh and waken the skin. With hyaluronic acid marshmallow, ylang-ylang

Ph:355 9333 Health 2000 Avonhead Ph.358 1181 Health 2000 Barrington Ph. 332 0450 Metropol August 7, 2014 31


Turkish Middle Eastern Jewellery

Exotic & exquisite… The beauty of Middle Eastern jewellery


ehmet Bayram’s introduction to the world of jewellery came as a teenager back in Turkey. He spent the school holidays working at his Uncle’s gold manufacturing studio, and was so fascinated by the experience he pursued a career specialising in Turkish and Middle Eastern jewellery, eventually settling here in New Zealand.

sale 3 DAYS


Sat 9th - Mon 11th Aug Be in quick so you don’t miss out!

The Tannery 3 Garlands Rd Ph. 421 8812

Mehmet set up his first jewellery boutique 28 years ago near the ancient site of Ephesus on the Aegean Coast. At times almost 8000 tourists a day would flock to visit the ruins of Ephesus, many of whom were drawn into his quaint shop along the way. He noticed the broad appeal of his jewellery, not just within local markets but with many foreign tourists as well. In 2011 Mehmet and his wife Sandra made the move to Christchurch, opting to wait for the perfect location to open up and in the meantime sell out of local markets. Today, and after renaming the brand after their children Lara and Burak, La Bu resides at boutique emporium the Tannery with its collection of middle to high-end Turkish and Middle Eastern pieces unique to the NZ market. “We love the atmosphere and how the boutique environment harmonises with our product, we love the people we meet and the fact that customers can easily find us. Sometimes people even share their delight at having been to the shop in Turkey and having found us again,” they say. In store is a range for all budgets, but their specialty as creators of hand-crafted sterling silver pieces remains; finely made rings and pendants, some of which are combined with bronze to allude to the Ottoman era, and semi-precious stones like turquoise, lapis lazuli, agates, jade and more sit on offer. Mehmet can also make earrings on-site out of many different gem stones to create matching sets or as one off pieces. La Bu uses bio-energetic testing

Mehmet has just returned from a ‘buying spree’ in Turkey, pieces include new jewellery designs, a strong focus on men’s pieces – as well as a venture into Turkish giftware: ceramics, photo frames, lamps and more. techniques that are said to ascertain which stones best resonate with customers. Mehmet explains that although stones have certain health benefits attributed to them, we as individuals benefit more from some properties than others – and he can now help customers test to see which stones are most suited to them. Mehmet is continually looking to extend the range with exclusive additions sourced directly from Europe and Asia. He has just returned from a five-week ‘buying spree’ in Turkey, and says customers can expect to see the pieces filter in over the next couple of months. These include new jewellery

designs, a strong focus on men’s pieces – particularly rings and chains – as well as a venture into Turkish giftware: ceramics, photo frames, lamps and more. Mehmet usually heads the store by himself, but as part of the team you’ll also encounter employee Courtney, who happens to be a manufacturing jeweller in her own right. Together they combine a wealth of knowledge and a specialist set of skills that allows for guidance and small onthe-spot changes as a personal touch to each customer’s experience. Visit La Bu at the Tannery, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston.

Supporting a sustainable future, while still looking great!


Quality recycled children's clothing (from newborn to 14 years of age) and quality recycled maternity wear.

P. 389 1624 32 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Open from 10am to 5pm - 7 days a week pampered By Lydia Truesdale

A fresh approach to



estled somewhere on the scale between medical practices and health stores The Apothecary brings a fresh approach to wellbeing. Guided by their mantra “traditional remedies for modern health,” they use a team of qualified herbal practitioners to prescribe natural solutions out of a leading herbal pharmacy.

The Apothecary was established in 2012 with a distinct philosophy – fusing the gap between western medicine and traditional naturopathy. The young and innovative team of employees consists of both registered nurses and graduates of a Diploma in Herbal Medicine, some of whom also hold a Bachelor of Natural Medicine. “Seeing an herbal practitioner before selftreating with natural remedies is something we strongly believe in,” says owner Simone Reddington. They operate under the New Zealand Association of Medical Herbalists and share years of experience practising natural medicine – a medicinal system in its own right that uses Mother Nature’s resources to improve people’s health. “For us it’s about matching the herb to the person. That is the core philosophy of herbal medicine.” As part of their traditional-meetscontemporary identity The Apothecary offers 15 minute consultations by appointment. These assessments provide

Book today 03 381 0808 The Tannery Unit 19/3 Garlands Road, Woolston

the privacy and time needed to accurately diagnose a problem and find the right solution for the individual. “We know the physiology of the body, we know the herbs, and we know nutrition. If we don’t know something we will refer you to someone who does.” They swear by herbal tonics to “gently

For us it’s about matching the herb to the person. That is the core philosophy of herbal medicine. Simone Reddington, Apothecary owner.

nudge the body back to health as opposed to forcing it,” so as customers recover at their own pace and endure fewer side effects. Though a plentiful selection of herbal tinctures is stocked – including

tonics, tablets, powders, teas, capsules and even skin care and make up – all products must meet The Apothecary’s quality tick-ofapproval. This meticulous selection process sees the staff inspect the ingredients and approve only the products deemed to have the necessary amount of herbal ingredients and in the right quantities (a lot of what they stock is for practitioners to dispense only). Simone notes it’s important to not overlook the fact our needs are changing all the time. The herb(s) that were dispensed to an individual initially may alter their effects on that same person over time, so customers should check in regularly with practitioners for optimum diagnosis and results. The Apothecary resides in boutique hotspot The Tannery, and they invite customers to visit their specialist destination for all herbal needs, health concerns and help with general wellbeing. Visit The Apothecary at The Tannery, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston (389 0857).

Traditional Remedies for Modern Health Fashion & Lifestyle Concept Store

DETOX CLINIC Detox Skin Problems Additions Improve Energy Preventable Health

Unique, Stylish & Fresh

30 minutes - $60 appointment with a qualified Medical Herbalist Book from Monday – Sunday 10-5 pm HERBAL PHAMACY - HEALTH PROFESSIONALS EDUCATION - PREVENTION

Shop 23, The Tannery, 2 Garlands Road Woolston, Christchurch Ph. 3890857 E.

The Tannery Ph. 389 8704 Like us on

Karen Walker Stolen Girlfriends Club Maurie & Eve C&M Camilla and Marc Celeste Tesoriero Stylestalker Finders Keepers J Brand Senso Kobe Husk Mavi Kip & Co Evie Kemp Pony Rider Bloomingville Lime Crime Hipanema Metropol August 7, 2014 33

metropol fashion,health&beauty

Deuce of Hearts Resale Boutique We stock, and are currently accepting gorgeous things for all seasons Size 10 - 24 561 Springs Road Tues - Sat ph 344 3038 Shop2, 561 Springs Rd Prebbleton Village earts

Spring fashions now arriving in store. @ FACTOR 9B Normans Road Elmwood Village Ph 355 9050

Fashion, gifts & accessories made easy

Tailoring for men and woman. All figures, fitted and styled just for you. With assortment of beautiful fabrics to choose from. Available from

Tailor and Design. Ph.027 329 5029. To view

Available from

Lucy Finch 64 North Avon Road Richmond Ph. 389 1712

Pendant Blue Topaz Teardrop White Pearl Necklace 10.5 - 11mm, 50cm long


New & Pre loved designer clothing, shoes, bags and accessories. For something a bit different

Second Heaven 169 Wairakei Rd, Bryndwr Ph. 351 7766 34 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Specialising in sterling silver and designer jewellery Merivale Mall, next to Sweet Kitchen Ph. 03 356 1002



1/2PRICE OR LESS Our friendly team will help you select the look that suits you

Fredrick Ashley Fendalton Mall, Memorial Ave. Phone: 03 351 5892


Something for everyone Something for every occasion


xuberant ladies’ boutique The Dresser – situated at the Windmill Centre in Riccarton – has been a dependable fashion destination for over 30 years. While dressing the curvaceous 14+ figure is their speciality, their motto “if our clothes don’t fit our accessories certainly will” caters to all. Retail Manager Jan Clarke is quick to point out the compelling range of accessories – a big draw card for all as they have no bearing on what size you are. The carefully chosen pieces reflect a modern approach to both life and fashion; savouring the moment and looking good doing so. Scarves come in a variety of prints and textures and continue to be wardrobe winners for the wintry weather. Jan notes they’re a seamless way to not only add warmth to an outfit but infuse it with colour and depth. Stilen jewellery remains ever-popular for adding a personal final-touch to an outfit, and coupled with a reasonable price point it serves as an ideal choice of gift. In the way of fashion, the arrival of labels Chocolat, Obi and Visage in early July gives an exciting hint at what the season ahead has to offer. With a passion for ‘NZ Made’ The Dresser offers a home-grown variety of labels, including E Design, Frank & Molly, Zardi, TF, Cashews, Optimum, David Carmody, Jacki Peters, Café, Revue, Vue, Bittermoon, Cowshed, Amelia Rose, Vivid and Bobby’s.

NEW SEASONS Latest spring fashions now in store. Further Reductions on all Winter Sale Stock!

Sizes 14+

Windmill Centre Riccarton Ph 348 6683 Mon - Fri 9am-5.30pm. Sat 10am-4pm. Proudly NZ owned & 90% NZ Made

$99 Hair and Makeup*

The Dresser offers a variety of labels, including E Design, Frank & Molly, Zardi, TF, Cashews, Optimum, David Carmody, Jacki Peters, Café, Revue, Vue, Bittermoon, Cowshed, Amelia Rose, Vivid and Bobby’s. The staff and customers alike are looking forward to the many joys of spring, including sophisticated new styles and plenty of colours to see them confidently through the seasons and into the New Year. Nothing gives Jen, Jan, Karen, Kerry and Annemarie more pleasure than the arrival of new stock and being able to assist their customers with styling together an entire outfit, and simply offering great fashion ideas and tips. “With the wedding season looming now is the time to be calling in regularly, and for our Facebook followers keep watching as we post our latest arrivals,” they say. If quality craftsmanship and amiable service are important to you then be sure to visit

Savour the following words of Wisdom: Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve. Don’t save something for ‘special’ because every day is special. Remember size is only a number. Unit 2 159 Cranford St

Ph. 355 2125

ESCAPE: FROM REALITY Thai Facial & Back Massage

60 minutes to luxuriate with Aromatic Back Massage AND Hydration Facial

Normally $139

NOW $99


Phone 379 4315 today to make your appointments Metropol August 7, 2014 35

New Spring Range


from leather upper, leather lined

Quilting, crafting & classes for UFOs


$159.90 Nude Patent


hen you visit Quilters Quarters it becomes obvious that crafting is flourishing in Rangiora. A constant stream of people come into the store – some simply to browse and see what is on offer, others have specific purchases in mind and still others come to seek advice on their crafting projects from the friendly and knowledgeable staff.

Black Leather

Black Patent

shoelines R A N G I O R A 162 High Street, Rangiora Ph (03) 313 8444













Quality Men’s Clothing 156 High Street, Rangiora Ph 03 313 6320 Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am -4pm



“We’re all experienced in a variety of crafts,” says Pauline Forrest, the owner of Quilters Quarters, “and we enjoy nothing better than to assist customers with personalised service.” Quilters Quarters is not simply a store for quilting and patchwork fanatics. Its range of products is constantly expanding to meet customers’ demands. They sell thread for embroidery, tapestry and sewing, lace, buttons, zips, elastic and of course beautiful quality cotton fabric. The store carries around 4000 bolts of fabric from America and Japan in a huge range of styles, prints and colours. These materials are suitable not only for patchwork, but also for children’s clothes, because they are comfortable to wear, hard wearing and iron well. “Knitting and crocheting are popular hobbies especially with young mums and Quilters Quarters has a wide selection of patterns and yarns in a large range of colours,” says Pauline. Quilters Quarters stocks and sells Husqvarna and Elna sewing machines, overlockers and quilting machines including small, basic models for young mothers just learning to sew and machines with more bells and whistles for advanced sewers. “We are the South Island agents for the Sashiko machine that produces stitches that look like hand-quilting – a wonderful timesaver and we now sell Babylock too, the only overlocker with a self-threading function,” says Pauline. The shop is able to source parts for Husqvarna and Elna machines and utilises an excellent mechanic for repairs and servicing of any

Spring Colours & Designs Now in store! Large selection of wool, fabrics, buttons & more!

There are “Learn to Sew” and Learn to Crochet” classes as well as doll and bag making, quilting and classes for UFO’s (UnFinished Objects)!

make of sewing machine a customer may have.In its well-appointed classroom, Quilters Quarters runs a variety of craft classes for all levels from beginner to advance. There are “Learn to Sew” and Learn to Crochet” classes as well as doll and bag making, quilting and classes for UFO’s (Un- Finished Objects)! Whatever your crafting needs you are sure to find it at Quilters Quarters. They offer a loyalty card system – spend $20 and earn a stamp. After 10 stamps you will get $20 off your next purchase, but it won’t be hard to fill a card quickly with so many wonderful things to choose from. There is a list of the classes online at or you can contact the store directly by phoning (03) 313 6765 or emailing

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36 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Li le Cri er Range of Vitamins

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North Canterbury’s ‘must visit’ destinations

Changing skylines in Rangiora, Kaiapoi & Oxford

Emu Lola vs Harper Elwood Oneoneseven Pink stitch Wish Ceilo jeans Minty meets Munt Love stitch What woman want Blacklist Living Doll Ladakh ekaiapoi

172 A Williams St Kaiapoi P. 03 327 2157

There is a lot of positive change underway in the town centres of Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Oxford as new commercial and community facility developments are in construction stages, and many more developments are in the planning pipeline.


longside the Kaiapoi River and right in the middle of the town centre, the new Kaiapoi Library and Museum commands a prominent position. The twostorey building is over half way through construction, and the roof is expected to go on by early August. The building is expected to open on Monday 12 January 2015, and for people of all ages it will be exciting to discover and enjoy the Library’s resources, the Museum’s history rooms and the Art Space, and of course the stunning views from upstairs across the river to the mountains. The iconic Blackwells Department Store is back in business on its original site, in a brand new building, and recent new arrivals to Kaiapoi; Craze, Robe, Nurse Maude Hospice, Pretty Please, Rivertown Café and Coffee Culture are now also part of the picturesque river town’s shopping experience. Rangiora’s Town Hall is undergoing a

significant change, with strengthening work and new additions to this landmark building. The existing auditorium will be retained and will receive some upgrading, such as a new orchestra pit and audience seating. There will be an additional 150-seat smaller theatre alongside, which will be suitable for dance

“In the near future we envision a new vibrancy for each town as people embrace the new opportunities to visit, shop, dine and enjoy these places with family and friends.” performance, as well as new changing rooms, studio rehearsal spaces and two cinema spaces. The Town Hall is expected to open in February 2015. Demolition of the Farmers building on

Rangiora’s High Street started in mid-June, and the site will be cleared by the end of August. Plans are being prepared for the building of a new 5900m2 store, covering two levels, and will also include specialty stores. Farmers are planning to start building in early 2015 with an opening in early 2016. The retention of the Junction Hotel facade and the demolition of the building in behind it, started in early July, and this is expected to be completed by the end of September 2014. This is not the first time for this building to be affected by earthquakes, as during the Christmas Day 1922 earthquake, the original heavy stone façade was brought down onto the street taking the balcony with it. “We are excited to see that progress in our town centre retail developments and community spaces is now visibly proceeding, and in the near future we envision a new vibrancy for each town as people embrace the new opportunities to visit, shop, dine and enjoy these places with family and friends, ” says Mayor David Ayers. For more information about what’s happening with these projects, updates are posted regularly on or on

137 Kippenberger Ave Rangiora

Fantasia Let your imagination soar! 30 July - 30 August Featuring: Christine Watton & Chrissy Wills - Mixed Media

Marion Wood - Sculpture Kimsay khean - Jewellery Also including: Angela Mole “The 8 Ages of Woman”

All Stock Reduced! Come in and see us Open Wed-Sun 10-4pm Phone 03 310 8172

Kaiapoi Florist in the

of Kaiapoi

For beautiful flowers We deliver!

216 High St Rangoria Ph. 03 313 4325

Ph. (03) 327 6535 121 Williams St, Kaiapoi Metropol August 7, 2014 37

metropol kidzone

Families will enjoy a visit to...

The Great Apes


rana Wildlife Park is embarking upon the most ambitious project in its 37 year history – a $6M Great Ape Centre for gorillas and orang-utans. Construction has commenced and is due for completion in March 2015! Chief Executive, Lynn Anderson, says: “this extremely significant project will house New Zealand’s first ever gorillas. Three gorilla brothers will arrive from Taronga Zoo (Sydney) in 2015. The orang-utans will be transferred about one year later. Our team is extremely excited about progressing this project; the habitat was put on hold due to the earthquakes. Initially, we had planned a Gorilla Habitat. However, through extensive expert consultation our design now enables us to hold two Great Ape species. Orana will join international zoo-based breeding programmes for the two critically endangered Great Apes. Our role will be to

Artist’s impression of the Great Ape Centre.

We consider that the Great Ape Centre will add significant appeal to the Canterbury region, being a New Zealand first project!”

raise awareness on the plight of these beautiful animals. Threats to gorillas include hunting, disease related mortality and habitat loss. Orang-utans are threatened by

logging, wholesale conversion of forest to agricultural land and oil palm plantations as well as poaching for the illegal pet trade. The project has immense educational implications, particularly for our formal education programmes, enabling people to see some of the world’s most impressive primates! Gorillas and orang-utans are

totally different to anything else displayed at the Park. Orana Wildlife Park is a long established Canterbury icon and our team is absolutely committed to ensuring we are part of the rebuild of our wonderful region. We consider that the Great Ape Centre will add significant appeal to the Canterbury region, being a New Zealand first project!” As a registered charitable trust, Orana must separately fundraise for all capital projects. A fundraising campaign will be launched to raise the remaining funds required. Community support is vital and there are many ways people and organisations can assist from providing funding for the project, donating materials or giving discounts on work,” concludes Lynn.

Christchurch Obstetric Associates SPECIALISTS IN MATERNITY CARE Afliated with Fertility Associate

Colin Conaghan

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Hiatt Chambers, 249 Papanui Rd, Christchurch 8014 Ph. (03) 375 4060 Fax: (03) 375 4061 38 August, 7 2014 Metropol

fashion,health&beauty metropol

Affordable luxury

to make you look and feel great


ail care was traditionally a symbol of aristocracy and status and, although it has become a symbol of style for a much wider audience, little beats the feeling you get when you walk out of the salon. Specialising in the latest pedicure spa and “Manicures and pedicures are an acrylic nail technology from the USA and affordable way to look and feel great.” Europe, Merivale’s striking E-Nails salon Specialising in acrylic and gel nails, Eoffers affordable nail salon services with a Nails also creates beautiful unique nail art for clean and friendly atmosphere. those special occasions. An extensive range It’s an affordable luxury, but has the of Orly, Opi and Essie nail polishes will copower to make you feel luxurious and ordinate with any outfit. E-Nails also does beautiful. And let’s face it, nail repair and all the buff, who doesn’t want to put shape and polish basics their feet up and be “Manicures and along with the more pampered? extensive nail design pedicures are an Nestled comfortably services. affordable way to across from Merivale’s E-Nails also guarantees look and feel great.” Mall on Papanui Road, Ehospital level sanitation E-Nails manager Catee Wang Nails offers a wide range and disinfection, of manicure and pedicure combined with the best options, explains professional products for manager Catee Wang. “We have a great client safety and protection. range of Shellac colours, including a new Opened three years ago, the salon caters darker range, which is longer lasting than to much more than just nails, with fantastic standard polishes and gives a great shiny massage chairs for spa pedicures that will finish. Nail wax is another popular option, ensure you never want to leave. which gives a natural look and increases The Merivale premises is a striking inner nail strength,” she says. city salon, featuring luxurious padded chairs,

trendy purple features and modern décor. The staff are friendly and efficient and, after an E-Nails pampering session, you’ll have a hard time leaving, but then there’s always next week. The Facebook page is filled with positive reviews from many happy customers as well as a range of stunning nail art carried

out by the highly trained professionals. “It’s so rewarding to finish someone’s nails and see how pleased they are with the finished result,” Catee says. Find E-Nails on Facebook, see the striking salon for yourself, head to 180 Papanui Road, opposite Merivale Mall, phone 03 355 2863 or visit the website


Specialist Optometrists - Behavioural & School Vision Practitioners Irlen Diagnosticians Contact Lenses Orthokeratology Sports Vision General Optometry


10 Clyde Road, IIAM, Christchurch

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343 3909


Invisalign Consultation

Metropol August, 7 2014 39

canterbury bridal A miraculous day -

a bride’s tale

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.


ne such fairytale came true for Paul and Sarah Duncan who married on Saturday 6 October 2012. Early that Saturday morning, full of excitement and anticipation of the day ahead, Sarah and Paul woke to a stunning, warm day. The event was being held at Paul’s parent’s home in Springvale Gardens. There was not a breath of wind, so Sarah and Paul started hanging outdoor paper lanterns on the trees surrounding the lawn as part of their garden party theme. However, just when they had finished decorating the garden, dark brooding clouds gathered, the wind began to howl and much to the horror of the happy couple-to-be, the rain set in. Once the expletives had been vented, Plan B was immediately put into action and the outdoor wedding suddenly turned into an indoor affair.

This may sound like just another outdoor wedding held in the height of Spring – four seasons in one day. However, this was a wedding with a twist. Unbeknown to Paul and Sarah, Mother Nature had another surprise up her sleeve. Now, this may sound like just another outdoor wedding held in the height of Spring – four seasons in one day. However, this was a wedding with a twist. Guests arrived at 3pm to what they believed was Paul’s 40th birthday party. An hour into the

Photos by Kirsty MacDonald. event, as Paul and Sarah mingled with guests, miraculously, as if on cue, the clouds parted, the rain stopped and the sun began to shine. Seizing the moment, Paul brought the party to a halt and made an announcement: “Thank you all for coming, it’s great to see you all here. I do have a wee announcement to make. Some of you may not know that Sarah and I got engaged in Bali recently...” the crowd erupted into claps and cheers, but the announcement didn’t stop there... “And we know that you will all be at the wedding, because it’s happening in just under an hour!” And so it began. The happy couple dashed off to get changed leaving their guests full of excitement and anticipation.

As part of the surprise, Paul and Sarah had told their immediate family of their plans and as such, they all had a part to play in the transformation of the party into a wedding. The plinths were brought out, followed by beautiful floral displays. The rose petal aisle was carefully created, the chairs arranged and the Verve was poured in preparation for the celebrations ahead. Once the piper began, the tears of laughter and joy started to well. Sarah, on the arm of her very proud father, locked eyes with her new husband-to-be, who stood as tall and as handsome as could be that day. From that moment, both Sarah and Paul knew everything was going to be Ok. The service was beautiful, funny and emotional. The sun danced high in the sky, shining it seemed just for the party, just for the guests, just for Sarah and Paul. As the final family photos were taken, the clouds gathered once more, and the rain began to fall. With everyone now inside, the food was bought out, the drinks were served, and the band set the mood for the evening, This day, Paul and Sarah’s day, challenged by nature, overcome by love, was truly miraculous and would be remembered by all.





canterbury bride metropol

Where wedding dreams come true For memories that last a lifetime, distinguish your perfect day and set the stage for the wedding day of your dreams… Welcome to The Vineyard @ Rossendale.


elebrate your wedding in Rossendale’s picturesque vineyard setting and elegant, contemporary wedding venue. With experienced hosts to make your wedding wishes come true, you and your guests will be delighted! Combined with over 18 years’ experience hosting weddings, The Vineyard @ Rossendale is a versatile venue for that once in a lifetime event. Set against the backdrop of a working Pinot Noir vineyard and exquisite mature gardens, the location provides captivating surroundings for your ceremony, photographs and reception.

Whether you have dreamed of a lavish wedding breakfast, a sophisticated cocktail party, or an elegant lunch, The Vineyard team will listen to your ideas and then use their knowledge and experience to enhance them and “make it happen.” The Vineyard is available for weddings throughout the year, with each season bringing its own uniquely visual beauty. Whether you have dreamed of a lavish wedding breakfast, a sophisticated cocktail party, or an elegant lunch, The Vineyard team will listen to your ideas and then use their knowledge and experience to enhance them and “make it happen.” By making the planning process simple and the day itself effortlessly enjoyable, couples are able to focus on what really matters; “you, your family, your friends and your commitment to each other,” says Graham Jones, manager and wedding coordinator. “Our superb venue incorporates the Pinot Noir room accommodating up to 200 guests, a spacious dance floor, relaxing lounge and a private, luxurious retreat for the bridal party to freshen up during the wedding.”

A variety of buffet or served menus offers a selection of delicious dishes prepared on site by The Vineyard’s team of chefs. There’s flexibility to selecting the dining style that suits you. The Vineyard’s own wines or beverages of your choice complement the superb cuisine. Served indoors or outdoors, at sunrise or sunset, your guests will be treated to a day to remember. “Our staff is dedicated to assist you in creating an unforgettable occasion.“The venue is available for viewing and we invite you to discuss your dream wedding at The Vineyard by phoning Graham or Liz on 322 7780.” Visit for further information and a 360 degree virtual tour.

Wedding & Events Centre Weddings

Private Functions

Corporate Events

View our 360° Tour

100 Old Tai Tapu Road, Halswell, Christchurch

Wedding Season Your Best Dress Address


363 Lincoln Rd Addington Next to mobil service station, Moorhouse Ave end Carparking along side the railway line

Phone 374 5858 Open 6 Days Metropol August 7, 2014 41

metropol canterbury bride

A fresh look for spring & summer W

KM Surgical, a specialist medical and surgical practice is led by Dr Ken Macdonald, a leading Dermatologist and Dermatologic Surgeon.

hether it is skin damage from too much time in the sun or severe surgical, burn or acne scars, KM Surgical can provide laser resurfacing to meet your needs. They offer the most up to date international techniques and procedures, including fractional laser resurfacing using the UltraPulse Encore Active FX ™, Deep FX ™, and Scaar FX ™. Laser resurfacing uses a bridge therapy technique which treats only a part of the skin’s surface, leaving ‘bridges’ of untouched skin which aid in the regeneration process – all of which means a quick healing process compared with full resurfacing, a reduced risk of side effects such as scarring, and a quicker return to normal activity. The UltraPulse Encore laser offers a wide range of treatments. The best approach for each client is determined during a consultation with Dr Macdonald, who performs all the resurfacing laser treatments himself. Scaar FX is a new fractional technique for the treatment of major traumatic and contracted burn scars. Scars are formed when the healing process lays down collagen in a disorganised manner. Scaar FX permanently removes microcolumns of scar tissue and fenestrates contracted scars, resulting in smoothing of the surface of the scar and less tension. Sessions required are determined on a case by case basis, with most patients receiving a few treatments over several years. For improvement of lines and sun damage a combination of Active FX and Deep FX is recommended to optimise results. Active FX reduces superficial wrinkles and fine lines, for immediate skin tightening in thinner skin, improving skin tone and texture by shrinking pore size, as well as eliminating age spots and other dyschromias. Active FX is often used in combination with Deep FX, which penetrates more deeply into the skin to improve heavier lines and sun damaged skin, to address more severe photo-ageing and elastosis, to reduce acne scarring and rough texture, and cause collagen contraction and long-term collagen remodelling for tighter skin.

The best approach for each client is determined during a consultation with Dr Macdonald, who performs all the resurfacing laser treatments himself. All methods utilise CO2 laser energy (far infrared) applied in a very narrow and high energy beam, with the smaller spot size of the Deep FX allowing the beam to penetrate deeper into the skin than Active FX ScaarFX penetrates deepest of all. The laser resurfacing procedures are ablative and KM Surgical recommends a minimum one week recovery period. Safety is of great importance and depends on practitioner experiences as well as clinical data and research. KM Surgical can be found at 241 Clyde Road, Bryndwr, while their new practice at Avenue Heath, 202 Bealey Avenue is under construction. Visit or phone 377 1010 to see what KM Surgical can do for you.

KM Surgical Dr Ken Macdonald, Specialist Dermatologist MB.ChB (Edin), FRACP, FRCP, FNZDS

Specialist Skin Surgery & Dermatology Cosmetic Surgery - Facial and eyelid - Liposuction & Vaser Lipo Laser Procedures - Sun damage, Lines, Hair removal, Broken blood vessels Pigment, Tattoos

PHONE 03 377 1010 241 Clyde Road

Perfect entrance to your Big Day! Available in the Tai Tapu area for Weddings Picnics & lunches Champagne rides

The Tai Tapu Carriage Company Phone for further enquiries 027 222 44 66 or 021 944 422 42 August, 7 2014 Metropol

canterbury bride metropol

Beautiful hair at every age


any mature clients go to V for Hair and Beauty Merivale after being dissatisfied with their cuts and styles elsewhere. The friendly team of stylists there have over 60 years’ combined experience, and the maturity and expertise to look after senior clients. It is important to have a style that suits your hair, face shape and most importantly, lifestyle. If you choose to let the greys come in naturally, your haircut needs to create shape and make a statement. There are lots of ways to add colour and minimise re-growth, such as foils with highlights and low lights. Your skin tone naturally changes as you age, so make sure to adjust your hair colour accordingly with softer shades. Perms don’t need to be taboo! A good perm or style support can add manageability and volume to hair. Clients love having hair and beauty therapy all under one roof. Whether it’s for a relaxing facial, pedicure or an eyebrow tidy up, you will walk away looking and

Spacious new premises

for wedding gown store


feeling fabulous from head to toe. At V for Hair and Beauty, you can escape the chaos and relax in a haven of pampering: freshly brewed coffee, herbal teas, chocolates and friendly staff. They say, “We don’t just do hair... we do beautiful at every age.” Find them upstairs in Merivale Mall or online at

obyn Cliffe is on the move again. This time, a permanent move to a busy Edgeware village site. So it’s the ‘end of lease’ sale at the store’s present location which, is just too small. So watch the Edgeware space for the bright new store opening in September, with new fabulous gowns on display, and extra room for customers. Robyn and her team have a busy season ahead, and want to reward their customers with a brighter, bigger space to enjoy their fittings in. The store will have exciting new stock and accessories on display, with the new season’s styles arriving. Easy parking right outside the door, will ease your arrival, and their team are designing the new in-house range to showcase their ideas for summer 2015. As an incentive for customers to view the new store Robyn Cliffe is offering a custom made veil with each purchase for September. Watch the website for the new address.

Girls Club Golden Girls Receive

Visit our website for details Simply present your Gold Card and become part of our Golden Girls Club. You will receive special rates and promotions reserved just for our Golden Girls Club

Photo by Tamden Photography

N E W LO C AT I O N Level One Merivale Mall Phone 03 355 6584

1st September

Follow us on Facebook

Cnr Edgeware & Colombo St Edgeware Village, St Albans Phone 03 366 1111

Metropol August 7, 2014 43

in your kitchen

Frozen Yoghurt. Your Way. NZ's Yummiest Experience Yet! SoYo is the hottest, most yummiest experience NZ has experienced! Ok... that's a big call... but we're yummy, we're fun and we're OPEN. Come and taste what we're all about!

A selection of the premium distilled liquors and fine wines distributed by Brandhouse. Available in all good bottle stores nationwide.

SoYo 111 Riccarton Road 10:30am-til late

For an array of delectable treats. Chocolate Danish, Fruit Box, White Chcco Danish, Almond Cro-Kuru, Bacon Cheese Croissant, Cheese Twist. No artificial colour, preservatives used in any products. Available from:

Japanz Bakery South City, Shop 26 Christchurch Ph 03 943 4066

Succulent, tender & juicy. Perfect Pork is a convenient range of grain-fed Canterbury pork that comes complete with a simple 3-step cooking instruction and includes a matching in-pack condiment sauce. Available at Raeward Fresh stores.

Petit Fours, a variety of bite size delectables. Perfect for morning and afternoon teas, buffets and suppers. Minimum order two dozen.

Just Desserts 33 Wordsworth Street Ph. 379 3754

44 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Our latest new creation – Cannele Bordelaise. Soft custard like interior and a delicious caramelised outside. We have them selling at both shops and also at our stall at the Christchurch Farmers market on Saturdays. Ph (03) 366 9108

Do you enjoy fresh pasta?

Giveaway Metropol in association with Perfect Pork has four double packs of delicious pork cuts to giveaway. To be in the draw to win email your name and phone number to : with 'Perfect Pork' in the subject line. Entries close on 15th August. The winners will be notified and delivery time arranged. One entry per person.

PASTA VERA Visit our factory shop at Unit 8, 47 Sonter Road, Sockburn Between the hours of 7am and 3pm – Monday to Friday Tel. 03 343 4107 “Impress your family and friends with restaurant quality meals!”






cuisine & DINING OUT

Cooking up a little competition In 2009, husband and wife team Ant and Lou Bentley left behind their corporate lifestyle to follow their dream of running their own cooking school. They left Christchurch with their two small children and set up the Akaroa Cooking School.


heir aim was to run very indulgent one day cooking classes for people keen and eager to learn not only new recipes but about food origins in a beautiful waterfront location. Five years down the track the business has evolved out of demand and a big part of their business now caters to the corporate market offering team building activities such as a MasterChef style cooking competition and groups splitting into three teams each prepping up and then cooking a three course meal. “We are very flexible in what we can offer,” says Ant. “Businesses these days seem to be looking at offering their employees something that is not only unique but fun and educational at the same time, in a premier location. We work together with the businesses and tailor-make a day to suit their needs.” In the early days the Akaroa Cooking School was busy around the festive time of year with end of year corporate events; however nowadays they are hosting corporate groups right throughout the year with winter now as busy as summer. “We are not weather dependent so groups can come in any time of the year,” notes Ant. “Often the corporate events are a surprise for employees until they walk through the door with many people suddenly feeling out of their comfort zone. One of the greatest elements of the business is when we see a group looking a

little uneasy to begin with totally enjoying their time at the cooking school after a few hours. The wine certainly helps too!” The wonderful thing about this vibrant culinary enterprise is that it has in many ways ‘bonded’ with the recent expansion of reality TV cooking programmes. We are all familiar with Master Chef, and sympathise with those who miss out, while enjoying successes. Home cooks are able to identify with recipes, flavours, herbs and condiments, and try to emulate them at home. “The Masterchef style cooking competition is the most popular,” says head chef Lou. “We split the group into teams and present them with a mystery bag with identical ingredients and then give them 30 minutes to produce one plate of food. We then taste and judge before announcing the winner. It is always hugely entertaining and surprisingly competitive.” Corporate enterprises have always involved rewards for great work – a day on the golf course or out fishing – but here is a new take. Why not shout the team to a day at the Akaroa Cooking School, give them a little tuition and set up a competition? Why not do your own version of Master Chef? “Another great element of the business is the feedback we receive from our guests. Especially those who came in not quite knowing what to expect and leave having had one of their best days ever.”

Businesses these days seem to be looking at offering their employees something that is not only unique but fun and educational at the same time, in a premier location. We work together with the businesses and tailor-make a day to suit their needs.

Metropol August 7, 2014 45

metropol cuisine

Exciting flavours, amiable milieu T

he now iconic No.4 Bar and Restaurant on Mansfield Ave in Merivale constantly surprises you. Every time you call in, there seems to be something happening – and it doesn’t seem to matter what your requirements as an individual, couple, or group may be – No.4 has already got it covered. Cup Day (and Show Week) – No.4 is always a great destination for those experiencing the thrills of this iconic Canterbury festival. Again No.4 will have Cup Day breakfast and bus packages available, so pop in or call for information. Indeed, for your next birthday, corporate event, anniversary, cocktail party, project launch, or just a general celebration or gettogether, talk to the experts at No.4 – they specialise in providing great food in a unique environment – the library, the restaurant, Red Corner, private courtyard – the options are intriguing. Those magic No.4 chefs have created a

selection of canapés, finger food and function-specific menus for all tastes, requirements, and all budgets catered for. Call Kate, their functions guru on (03) 355 3720, or email She will not only take care of the needs of your group, but will make innovative suggestions to really enliven your function and make it memorable. Yes it is just August, but the last quarter of the year quickly slides by. Think ahead to Show Week and the Christmas period. These are the kind of things No.4 really excels at. The menu faithfully adapts itself to the change in seasons and the events on the cards, sporting or cultural, and already we are looking forward to spring – and even summer events. The platters are ideal when you are with a group of friends relaxing – salt and pepper calamari, chicken wings, house smoked salmon, dumplings, duck liver parfait, smoked cheddar, olives, dips, breads. Try Kiwiana 1980s style - prawn cocktail, devilled eggs, ham and mustard, roast beef, house-made salt and vinegar chips, devils on horseback, truffled cheese ball, dips, breads… There are lots of dishes to share – for example Yangnyeom (Korean fried chicken with sticky sweet and sour chilli sauce), and No.4’s own buffalo wings – sticky honey, Jack

For your next birthday, corporate event, anniversary, cocktail party, project launch, or just a general celebration or get-together, talk to the experts at No.4 – they specialise in providing great food in a unique environment – the library, the restaurant, Red Corner, private courtyard – the options are intriguing.

Daniels or El Diablo (7 out of 10 on the heat scale and health warnings not included!). Mains are massive and flavoursome, with fresh takes on old favourites: gluten-free battered fresh fish, fries and mushy peas, Canterbury pork belly marinated in lemon grass and garlic and served with spring onion, dumplings, kale, roasted pork and

cider sauce. Like seafood? Then order Fisherman’s Pot with steamed queen scallops, mussels, fish, cuttlefish, prawns, seaweed, root vegetables, seafood broth, served with warm gluten-free bread. The steaks are pure delight: grass fed Angus beef – ribeye, sirloin, fillet, braised short rib, and of course Canterbury lamb rump – it is all there. The atmosphere at No.4 is quite special. Set in a 1920s Edwardian Villa there is an amazing combination of leather-bound and wood-panelled history with comfortable places for a quiet tête-à-tête right through to modern and spacious, tastefully laid out areas for those who want to stretch their legs and watch sport on a big screen. Think ahead now to all of those inevitable functions and book to ensure the very best that No.4 can offer.



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Breads of Europe Bakehouse Shop Open Mon-Fri 8.30am-3.30pm and Sat 9am-2pm

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9 Humphry's Drive Christchurch p. 03 376 4097




Present this when ordering 4 or more main dishes with dinner Sun-Wed Valid until 30th July 2014 * Terms & Conditions Apply

Bush Inn Centre Cnr Riccarton & Waimairi Rds

Ph. 03 348 8881

cuisine metropol



Create a stir in the kitchen

Mary's mixologist With those cold north easterly winds causing us all to stay in a little more, why not curl up in front of the fire with a nice “hot toddy” or a great cocktail to warm up your guests for a dinner party. Not everyone is a fan of whiskey, so this recipe is a nice refreshing alternative.


ooking for dinner inspiration? Create a stir in the kitchen with Mr. Beak’s new Stir Fry’s – the convenient, quick and simply delicious way to enjoy all the authentic flavours of the East! Indulge your beef craving with Korean Barbeque Beef Stir Fry. Made in New Zealand from 100 per cent beef, it is MSG free and ready to cook. An easy, delicious dinner option, just add your choice of vegetables and serve over rice or with any type of Asian noodles. And for something a bit different, try Mr. Beak’s Cantonese Pork Stir Fry. Just add rice or noodles for a healthy, tasty and economical family meal. A family-owned business for more than 130 years, four generations of Beaks have worked in the meat industry on every continent, searching for the best international cuisine secrets, flavours and combinations to bring home to Kiwi foodies. Each recipe is crafted in small batches here in New Zealand, using traditional methods to create tastes that replicate their love of flavours from across the globe. Mr. Beak’s products are exclusive to Countdown. Korean Barbeque Beef Stir Fry: RRP $10.00 (400g); Mr. Beak’s Cantonese Pork Stir Fry: RRP $10.00 (400g)

Richard Uttley, Food & Beverage Manager at the Rydges Latimer reveals the secrets behind making a delicious Vodka St Clements Toddy… Richard Uttley

How to make a

Vodka St Clements Toddy Glassware Any heat proof cup or glass, I like to use a liqueur coffee glass, which shows off the beautiful colours and cinnamon. Available from Total Food Equipment, Moorhouse Ave. Recipe 60ml Absolut Citron 1 barspoon organic marmalade 2 x 10cm cinnamon sticks 2 cloves 1 small orange zest only Place all ingredients in a heat proof jug, add hot water, stir until the marmalade has dissolved. Strain into a fresh glass and garnish with cinnamon stick. Bloody Mary’s is now online so check out where they will be publishing all the Mary’s Mixologist recipes on their site for easy reference.

Metropol August 7, 2014 47

metropol cuisine

Delicate & delicious smoked fish & creamy citrus I

n her recipe book Vanilla Table – The essence of exquisite cooking from the world's best chefs, Natasha MacAller presents mouth-watering recipes with precise instructions to ensure that when you recreate them they will impress your family and friends. Natasha shares a recipe with Metropol… Smoked Trout Johnnycake Stacks with vanilla citrus sauce Serves 4

1 Tbsp brown sugar 1 ¾ C milk or water 2 Tbsp butter or vegetable oil ¾ C black beans, cooked, drained ¾ C wild rice, cooked, drained ½ red onion minced (reserve a sprinkling for the garnish) 1 tsp hot sauce 1 tsp lime zest ¼ C butter or vegetable oil melted (for skillet)

Vanilla citrus sauce (makes ½ cup) 1 Egg yolk, large

To serve 200g smoked trout, gurnard or other delicate fish, in pieces

1 Garlic clove, minced

Small handful microgreens such as micro coriander or watercress

1 Tbsp Lime juice

Red onion, diced

½ tsp Lime zest 1 tsp Orange zest

Vanilla citrus sauce

½ tsp Vanilla paste

In a small bowl, whisk yolk with a pinch of sea salt, garlic, lime juice, citrus zests, vanilla paste and agave until well blended. Using a whisk or stick-blender, whisk egg mixture continuously, then drizzle oil in a slow, steady stream until sauce begins to come together and thicken. If too thick, whisk in an additional teaspoon of water until well combined. Cover and chill until ready to use.

2 tsp Agave syrup or honey ½ C Grapeseed oil

Johnnycake Batter (makes about 12) ¾ C Fine cornmeal or masa harina ½ tsp fine sea salt

Johnnycake batter In a medium bowl, whisk cornmeal, salt and sugar. In a small pot, heat milk and butter (or water and vegetable oil) to a simmer. Slowly pour milk mixture into the cornmeal, whisking to prevent lumps. Combine beans, wild rice, onion, hot sauce and zest and gently fold into the batter. Cover and chill the batter for at least 1 hour (or up to a day), until just before serving. Heat a heavy or cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Add a pat of butter and wait for the sizzle. Using a tablespoon, spoon batter into the

sizzling butter and cook until crisp and golden brown on one side. Gently turn over and repeat. Place Johnnycakes on baking ray in oven to keep warm while cooking the rest. Add additional butter or oil to pan as needed, making sure the pan doesn't get too hot or the fat will burn. To serve Place a Johnnycake on the plate, top with sauce then smoked fish and a sprinkling of microgreens. Stack layers 1 or 2 times. Top the stack with more sauce and garnish with micro coriander and diced red onion.

Wake up and smell the cookies! Try our new Breakfast Cookies in two delicious flavours - Superfruits and Nut, Seed & Honey. The new breakfast of cookie lovers, now available in dairies and petrol stations nationwide: or

48 August, 7 2014 Metropol

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cuisine metropol

Here's Metropol's round up of three great foodie hot spots to enjoy...

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his delightful café has received a lot of attention over the last year, and it is no wonder. It is an open plan cosmopolitan café with a relaxed casual atmosphere serving European style coffee and food every day of the week. The bread is really something. Created at Vic’s Bakehouse at 4B Settlers Crescent in Ferrymead (where it can be purchased) the range covers sourdoughs, ciabatta, batards, bagels and many varieties of seeded loaves. Popular for breakfasts, the café’s bread options really make the difference. They are committed to baking high quality bread using traditional bread-making techniques, such as allowing time for the doughs to ferment naturally with minimal yeast and hand shaping all bread. The result is a range of breads that are healthy to eat and have incredible taste. Breakfasts include hearty favourites – toast, bacon and eggs, sweet pancakes, big breakfasts, smoked salmon and fresh fruit and yoghurt. Lunches feature soup, salads, sandwiches, a variety of paninis, bagels, lasagne and platters. Open early morning until 4pm seven days. 132 Victoria St, phone 963 2090.

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his industrial-chic themed café, formerly on Lichfield St, has established itself firmly on a sunny spot on Fitzgerald Avenue. A robust breakfast/lunch is served, with muesli and porridge along with eggs poached, fried, scrambled, Florentine, Royal and of course Benedict. Very popular are sumptuous waffles – with your choice of bacon, banana and maple syrup, blueberry compote and orange mascarpone with its subtle and citrus flavour and rich creamy texture. They are generous in size and made to order – crisp, while light and fluffy. The Lumes Bacon Butty is mouth watering and filling, thick and rich in aioli and tangy relish. Lumes clearly takes pride in its espresso coffee – smooth, silky and beautifully extracted. Price-wise you will be pleasantly surprised – it is comforting to enjoy solid servings at reasonable prices. A perfect place for brunch, and you won’t be needing a top up for some time! Service is bright and friendly. 107 Fitzgerald Ave. Open weekdays from 7am, Saturday from 8am, phone (03) 366 2090.

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ome World Football Cup enthusiasts may have rediscovered the Pegasus Arms recently, as this lovely old building hosted early morning gettogethers for soccer enthusiasts. Its website describes the Pegasus Arms as the friendliest pub in Christchurch’s central city… a bustling atmosphere enhanced by warm fires, cosy corners and a large outside area. As Christchurch’s oldest residential house, the historic surroundings are balanced by a good, contemporary attitude to service. The lunch menu features crispy skin salmon, seared lamb salad, burgers, and mains of prime cut rib-eye, fresh fish, confit pork belly and good old beef and beer pie. Always available are tasting plates with such delicious options as duck spring rolls, fresh cod, chicken strips and pork scratchings. Then there is a tasting board (try three tasting plates), antipasto and a pub platter. The evening selection includes favourites from the lunch menu along with filet mignon, rack of Canterbury lamb, stuffed chicken breast, and a range of desserts including the exotic Eton Mess, a deconstructed traditional English favourite with chantilly cream and fresh berries. 14 Oxford Terrace, phone (03) 366 0600 or email

Only NZ Restaurant

with South Devon on the Menu!

2 Colombo St Cashmere P. 964 2880


Open Monday to Friday 8am till 4pm

Bookings Essential Open 11.30am until late Monday to Friday 10am to late on Saturday and Sunday

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Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm

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Open Monday to Friday 8am till 5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm


Saturday mornings from 10.30am

Ph. 03 377 6994 100 Fitzgerald Avenue opposite Lichfield Street Metropol August 7, 2014 49

Meet me at...


The secret to succulent pork N

atasha MacAller, author of Vanilla Table – The essence of exquisite cooking from the world's best chefs, shares her secret to succulent pork chops… It's all about the brine, she says…

The Pork Chop with caramelised pear & onion compote Fresh daily - cabinet food Homemade biscults & slices GF & DF options available Full breakfast/lunch menus Evening functions Out-Catering Boardroom Hire Late night Fridays w’drink specials and bar snacks

Serves 4 4 bone- in pork loin chops rind on (2 ½ - 4 cm thick) 1 Tbsp vanilla oil for brushing chops

Ginger Beer Brine 4 C water 4 Tbsp fine sea salt

Find us at...

2 Tbsp brown sugar

235 Annex Road Ph 338 1801

500ml bottle ginger beer / ginger ale

Hours:Mon-Thurs 7am-4pm Fri 7am-6.30pm Sat 8am-3.30pm

1 Tbsp yellow mustard seed 5-6cm fresh ginger, chopped 1-2 vanilla pods

AMAZING atmosphere!

10 peppercorns 3 fresh bay leaves, bruised

Pear-Onion Compote 5 tsp grapeseed or vegetable oil



Rookworst Sausage , red cabbage,garlic mash, Dijon mustard AND Pint of Jupiler, Belgium's largest selling lager



2 medium onions, peeled and chopped in 1cm pieces 2 Tbsp grainy mustard 2 tsp runny honey 2 tsp apple cider or white wine vinegar

Pear-onion compote

To grill the chops

2 tsp vanilla paste

In a sauté pan, over medium-low heat, heat oil and onions. Stir occasionally, until they are caramelised – about 20 minutes. While onion mixture is cooking, mix mustard, honey, vinegar and vanilla paste in a small bowl. Set aside. Deglaze the pan with the wine and scrape up the bits of browned onion with a wooden or silicone spoon until nearly dry. Add stock occasionally and reduce by half, then add the pear and thyme. Simmer the compote until pears are forktender, caramelised and the liquid is reduced. Fold in the mustard mixture and add sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste. Turn off heat, cover and keep warm while chops are cooking. Can be made a day ahead and reheated just before serving.

Remove chops and discard brine. Rinse under running cold water and pat dry. Brush both sides with vanilla oil and allow 20 minutes to let meat come to room temperature. Heat barbeque grill to medium-high. Place chops on hot grill and cook without moving them for 3 minutes. Lift chops, make a quarter turn and return to grill for an additional 3 minutes. Turn chops over and repeat steps for an additional 5-6 minutes. Place chops crackling side on grill, holding with tongs or leaning on rack and cooking until crispy, 3-5 minutes. Remove from grill, loosely cover and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Serve chops immediately with warmed pearonion compote and a chilled glass of Gewürztraminer, Riesling or Rosé.

½ C white wine such as Riesling or Gewürztraminer ¾ C chicken stock 1 pear, large, firm, peeled, cored and cut into 1 cm pieces 4 Fresh thyme sprigs

Ginger beer brine

20 Durham St, Sydenham @ The Colombo Car Park Ph. 377 1007

Put pork chops in a large sealable plastic bag. In a large jug, stir the brine ingredients together, pour into the pork chop bag and seal. Place sealed bag in a dish and refrigerate for 2-6 hours or overnight, turning the bag over occasionally.


Italian cuisine with an

oriental twist

Gold Award Winner Traditional Japanese Cuisine

pizzeria cucina italiana


YA H AG I 376 Riccarton Rd Church Corner Mall, Upper Riccarton P. 341 7421 50 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Shop 9, Rolleston Square, 72 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston p: 03 347 7444 76 Edgeware Road, Edgeware Mall Christchurch Ph: 03 377 8028

Open: Dinner: Tues-Sun from 5.30pm Fully licensed and BYO wine only


Intense, fudgy… chocolateheaven!

A little winter retreat just 15 min from city centre

Dinner available 7 days Breakfast and Lunch Sat-Sun Fresh pasta prepared daily Authentic Italian style pizza Warm intimate restaurant Heated deck with harbour views Perfect for functions and weddings

Your Host Sarah & Nick Freeman

3 large free-range eggs

328 7517

1 C (110g) ground almonds


or you sweet tooths out there, here is an intense chocolate brownie at its best! The addition of raspberry and pistachios that Emma Galloway has included makes it a 'must bake' and she says you can add your own style with a touch of cayenne pepper or some lightly toasted chopped almonds… or just keep it humble by adding the roughly chopped chocolate. For more delicious recipes look for Emma's recipe book My Darling Lemon Thyme – Recipes from my real food kitchen.

Raspberry, Dark Chocolate + Pistachio Brownies Makes 12 Ingredients ¾ C (185ml) olive oil (use a mild-tasting one here) 200g dark chocolate, chopped plus 1/3 C (50g) chopped, extra 1 C (200g) unrefined raw sugar ¼ tsp fine sea salt 1 tsp vanilla extract

Like us on facebook

47 London Street, Lyttelton

2/3 C (90g) fine brown rice flour 1/3 C (40g) cocoa powder 1/2 tsp gluten-free baking powder 1 C (125g) raspberries, fresh or frozen 1/3 C (45g) pistachio nuts, roughly chopped

Try our fantastic

Method Preheat oven to 180C. Grease and line a 28x18cm slice tin and line with baking paper, extending up and over the side by 2cm. Place oil, 200g chocolate, sugar and salt in a pan and heat gently, stirring continuously until smooth and melted (it is ok to have some undissolved sugar grains). Remove from heat, add vanilla and set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Whisk eggs into mixture one at a time (I just do this in the pan), beating well after each addition. Add ground almonds and sift in brown rice flour, cocoa and baking powder. Mix to combine, then stir in half of the raspberries (if using frozen, don't defrost first), half the extra chocolate and half the pistachio nuts. Transfer to slice tin, smoothing top with


between 10am and 12.30pm every Saturday and Sunday. the back of a spoon. Scatter with remaining raspberries, chocolate and pistachios, pressing the berries into the mixture gently. Bake for 50-55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out mostly clean with just a few damp crumbs clinging to it. Remove from the oven and cool in the tin before slicing. Will keep, airtight, at room temperature for 2-3 days or store in the fridge for up to 1 week if you prefer a more fudge-like brownie (as I do).

e Bring in this ad to receiv

15% OFF

the month any Full Breakfast during er. of August - one per customcher Limit two persons per


Open from 11am weekdays -10am weekends


Northwood Supa Centre (Next to City Fitness)

P. 323 4497

Fendalton’s Favourite Café THAI RESTAURANT & COURTYARD BAR

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Available for functions

* Wheelchair access * BYO wine & fully licenced * Excellent beer & wines available OPEN 7 DAYS TILL LATE

PH.(03) 355 6229 13/14 CARLTON COURTS, 4 PAPANUI RD

Fresh Homestyle Baking Gluten Free options Weekend Breakfast Specials Underground Coffee - Perfect! Children’s Menu Fully Licensed

Fish Lamb Beef

Pasta Risotto

Enjoy contemporary NZ cuisine with a European influence, prepared by an expert team.

Open 7 days Mon-Fri: 0730-430pm Sat-Sun: 0830-430pm

Relax in the sumptuous leather booths Open for brunch, lunch and dinner, 7 days a week.

Fendalton Village Mall Cnr Ilam & Clyde Rd Ph. 351 4414 178 A Papanui Rd Merivale Ph. 356 2255 Lunch: 11.30am-2.30pm Mon-Sat Dinner: 5.30pm-Late Mon-Sat

158 Leinster Road, Merivale (30 metres from Papanui Road)

Reservations Ph. 355 3055 Metropol August 7, 2014 51

A world where you can be

royalty We praise ingenuity in this little corner of the globe and we love it when someone does something a little different, which is what makes the story of The Tea House such a good one.

We had the china and the teapots… it was so much fun I wanted to do it every day.



Alumenti Red / White / Silver & Black



A must see on your next visit to Lincoln


Gift Box 19 Gerald Street Lincoln

House of Allure


9 Gerald St, Lincoln. Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.00pm Sat 10-4pm Ph 325 2390

52 August, 7 2014 Metropol

anetia Bingham enjoyed throwing high tea receptions at her wedding venue Hampton Lea Gardens almost as much as the weddings themselves. “We had the china and the teapots… it was so much fun I wanted to do it every day,” she says. Following the earthquakes the idea became about creating a unique and special place for Cantabrian women to go for a break and have a treat. With The Tea House, Vanetia has achieved both. Nestled comfortably in the idyllic township of Lincoln, The Tea House has an “other-world” feeling to it… a world where you are royalty. It could be the stunning 1890s villa, or it could be the striking furnishings, but whatever the cause, The Tea House is an experience not to be missed. Everything has been carefully thought out, from the crisp white table linen and plush velvet chairs, the exquisite china to the striking chandeliers. It all culminates in something luxurious. From the moment you walk down the chandelier lit hallway you will be warmly greeted by knowledgeable staff who will make you feel very welcome. Nestle into the plush velvet chairs and enjoy the unique and beautiful surroundings while you enjoy lunch or high tea from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am - 4:30pm. When night time hits, The Tea House transforms, ready to host a moody candlelit dinner from Wednesday to Sunday. Better yet, with the addition of the new motorway, travel time can be just 15 minutes from the corner of Colombo Street and Brougham. “The motorway has been fantastic, essentially making Lincoln into another city suburb,” Vanetia says. But it’s not all fancy high teas, Vanetia has added some fun into the mix, with

21 Luxury Motel Units in the

Heart of Lincoln regular themed nights featuring everything from burlesque, to old school dine and dance parties. The Tea House specialises in functions, including weddings, hens’ parties, baby showers, corporate functions, birthday parties etc. Get in now to secure the restaurant for your end of year Christmas function. It’s the perfect venue and the team has the experience to help you create a very special day for any very special occasion. “We can do buffets, set menus or cocktail parties,” Vanetia says. The Tea House will soon be even bigger and better, with expansion plans underway. “We will be adding another dining room which will be very lush and pretty,” Vanetia says. To see the stunning restaurant for yourself visit The Tea House at 6 Robert Street, Lincoln, phone 03 325 7242 or visit

6 Maurice St Lincoln P. 03 974 1620







By Melinda Collins

From mayhem to minimalist The population is growing, we’re being inundated with new gadgets by the day and sometimes it just feels like the world is becoming a little too cluttered.


hich makes the minimalist movement just that much more inspiring. Let’s face it, sometimes less really is more. Although a minimalist look is, well… ‘minimal’, this contemporary design aesthetic is not the cold, stark style of years ago. Minimalist? Yes. Boring? Absolutely not. The 2014 minimalist look is a softer, more feminine, more personal minimalist than we’ve seen in previous years, the only true constant of the minimalist look is decorative restraint. Getting back to basics Cream, white, tan, beige, black — these are the very foundations upon which minimalistic design lies. The monochromatic and tone-on-tone schemes allow the lines and shapes within a space to take centre stage. Of course, a minimalist space will always look great in off-white. Contrast it with a splash of colour or make it crisp and clean with a touch of black and if you’re going for dramatic colours, keep the palette simple to avoid colour vibration which will hinder a tranquil space and the look you are aiming for.

Let your walls breathe. Select statement pieces wisely and consider placement to achieve a strong sense of balance. While you may not follow Feng Shui, fact is its design techniques create a degree of openness and airiness, so why not give it a go? Contemporary design celebrates what isn’t there as much as what is. Select furnishings with simple lines and geometric shapes, making the space fresh and clean. Smooth profiles instead of ornamentation, solid or subtly patterned fabrics as opposed to colourful prints, minimal accessories rather than big bitsy collections. While it doesn't have the overt warmth of older design styles, it won’t be cold and uninviting either. Think tasselled drapes or a balloon valance will play into the minimalist aesthetic? Neither do we. Opt instead for basic sheers or simple shades, if window furnishings are even necessary. In the contemporary interior, windows are often left undressed to highlight their crisp lines and let natural light flood in, the shape of the exposed window also works well with the minimalist look.

The 2014 minimalist look is a softer, more feminine, more personal minimalist than we’ve seen in previous years, the only true constant of the minimalist look is decorative restraint. Come up with some clever storage options so you can clear away the clutter. Avoid eclectic collections, fussy finds and bric-a-brac. Instead keep accessories simple, few and well-chosen. In this pareddown arrangement, every piece adds drama without detracting from the streamlined feel. When it is done well, a minimalist interior design style is not only relaxing, soothing and tranquil, but also a striking, modern and edgy look. It’s about getting back to basics.

Kitchen Maker Christchurch LTD

Metropol August 7, 2014 53

metropol home

By Wendy Dunlop

Déjà vu Meaning “already seen,” we've adopted this French expression into everyday life, but it is currently extremely relevant to anyone who remembers the '60s and '70s. Retro is everywhere right now and an entirely new generation is abuzz with brash, bold and busy.


hose of us who saw it come and then go are quite bemused that fashions and interiors have reappeared with such acclaim. We weren't convinced it was our best design work the first time and there was some sense of relief when it all gave way to colours that clashed less and calmed more. When we bought our first home in the 1970s the bathroom had lime green tiles, the kitchen was orange and a good number of my wedding presents were a trendy shade of orange. I still have a tin bucket, a plastic basin and a cheese grater in genuine retro tangerine! Feature walls of bold geometric patterns

Retro is everywhere right now and an entirely new generation is abuzz with brash, bold and busy.

are nothing new to me. My mother embraced the idea of feature walls in the 1960s and I recall vivid red circles on a grey and white background and a dining room with a black, white and gold design that was a very bold departure from the usual suburban conformity. Contemporary furniture has resurrected the Scandinavian influence that took us by storm in late '60s and '70s. After the heavy utility post war styles, it featured light grained wood, introduced new materials like formica and lifted sofas, chairs, tables and units off the floor with splayed legs. Current designs are unbelievably similar. Our “unit sofa” that could be configured into different seating arrangements has been reinvented as a corner suite, with or without the very popular chaise. There are new takes on laminated dining tables and moulded chairs that were once startlingly modern and supremely easy care after oak and pine for decades. The plush nylon carpet of today is merely a

Off The Track C U R T A I N S Curtains & roman blinds made to order, your fabric or ours Curtain alteration services available Visit our showroom to see our extensive range of second hand curtains, we will also buy your unwanted curtains

established 20yrs Cnr Westminster & Cranford Sts P. 355 8398 W.

...always something different

naturally tiles

- naturally

13 Mandeville St Christchurch 54 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Ph: (03) 343 0933

newthings metropol synthetic version of our luxurious shag pile. But where ours included frightening tones of ochre, teal and even purple, current shades are easier to live with and easier to maintain! Perhaps the only room that hasn't gone seriously retro is the bathroom. Why bother to restore small, dark, luxury-less facilities when you can install modern pristine splendour instead. There's only so much retro you can take in a home! And who would ever have imagined pearls, twinsets, day dresses, matching coats and massive platform soles would make a come back alongside Boho, crochet and lace? I could have saved myself some dosh if I had only kept the wool boucle coat, a flower print blouse and a tunic-length jersey that was worn with boots and textured tights! But to be fair there are differences in fabrics

The plush nylon carpet of today is merely a synthetic version of our luxurious shag pile. But where ours included frightening tones of ochre, teal and even purple, current shades are easier to live with and easier to maintain! and the way modern styles are worn even if they are retro. We were still constrained by some fashion “rules” of the day so our floaty print dresses would never have been worn with boots. Now there aren't many fashion conventions that can't be challenged. But whether you like the look or you have seen it all before, retro confirms the line of a song that reckoned “everything old becomes new again.” I wonder how long it will last this time!


7 ELGIN STREET, CHRISTCHURCH P +03 379 6575 M +64 21 243 3080


Metropol August 7, 2014 55

DJ Hewitt Racing Supporting Young Cantabrians

By Wendy Dunlop



Building with a difference

James Munro James Munro Ruapuna


J Hewitt Builders is well known in Canterbury for its award winning bespoke homes, but what is less well known is the company's sponsorship of organisations, teams and individuals in the local community. The company helped Matt Hamilton in the TRS in 2008 and when he won the NZ Mini Challenge in 2010. He went on to become 3rd in the world twice in the World Karting finals in 2009 and 2010 in different categories and 2013 he also won the USA Super Nationals in Karting. Tom Alexander starting Karting aged 12

Matt Hamilton in TRS Lady Wigram

Christine Lambley DJH Racing

56 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Ford Championship to now being an international racing driver in the Formula Masters China Series” says James. In 2013 he was the national Formula Ford champion and Elite Motorsport Academy winner, then earlier this year James contested the Toyota Racing Series which included a race win and a pole position against a very strong international field. James Munro winning in China

James Munro & DJ Hewitt Racing Team

before stepping up to car racing. With DJ Hewitt's as a valuable sponsor Tom contested the National Formula Ford Championship in 2011 and 2012 and the inaugural Toyota 86 Championship in 2013 and with Kenny Smith as his mentor and manager, he plans to run again this season. Ferrymead Bays Football Club is also the recipient of sponsorship from D J Hewitt Builders which allows them to assist the club's junior, senior and social teams. “This year we have been able to provide warm winter jackets for our dedicated junior coaches and we appreciate Daryl's generosity in supporting us” says Ferrymead Bays Fundraising Manager Mick Braithwaite. Cyclist Christine Lambley has enjoyed DJ Hewitt's sponsorship for 2 years, which includes a full kit and a new bike for competing at provincial and national level. After impressive results in 2013, this year Christine was selected for the Bike NZ Under 17 Team to Canberra, the Under 17 Team Pursuit National Title representing Canterbury, the Under 17 National Road Championships in Cambridge and she will also compete in the Yunca Tour down south at the end of 2014. “It's good to be involved with DJ Hewitt, they are a good company and as well as providing sponsorship they help by putting details of my progress on their website” says Christine.

“The highlight has definitely been my Formula Masters campaign though, where I have won all 5 races so far. DJ Hewitt Builders was my first major supporter and has played a big part in getting me this far which I'm very grateful for. If I ever achieve my goal of Formula One, I might just have to repay it by building a big new house!” “There is so much talent out there in Canterbury, they just need supporting. I love helping young people with their chosen sports and get a big buzz when they do well” says Daryl

Matt Hamilton

Tom Alexander 2008 Karting Tom Alexander with Formula Ford

DJ Hewitt is now delighted to support James Munro, Christchurch's 17 year old international racing driver. “DJ Hewitt Builders has helped move my career forward, from small beginnings in the New Zealand Formula Rebecca & Ryan Kiesanowski - Winners

Ferrymead Bays Football Team – Hat Trick Champions

Milk bottles, perfect for weddings, baby showers and parties. Available now at THE RED HOUSE. 186 Main Rd, Redcliffs. Ph.384 0900.

Anna Dalzell's beautiful painting Lotus 2, Oil on board available at Little River Gallery. Open 7 days. Ph. 03 325 1944.

Daisy by Clare Wilcox $4800. Available from Majuba Gallery, 5 Conical Hill Road, Hanmer Springs. Ph.03 315 5053.

Samples of projects that can be made in various classes at Cottonfields. 45 Merrin Street. Ph. 358 3355.

Stunning lamp and textured canvas painting. Available at Bella Gifts. 83 Centaurus Rd, Cashmere. Ph. 337 0903.


China, pottery and glass, vintage, and retro both new and pre-loved. You will also nd handmade soaps, shampoos and moisturisers as well as lovely handmade cushions and more from Ginny & Co Ltd. 495 Papanui Rd, Ph. 352 4050.

newthings metropol

An emporium in miniature I

f we don’t have it I will try to find it for you,” says Ginny Hoepf. An emporium in miniature is how Ginny describes Ginny & Co, with her Papanui store opening just over a year ago. There is homeware, for both decorative and practical purposes, embroidery threads from Japan and the US, almost indestructible silk ribbon from the US, as well as needles and other sewing supplies. Hand-made items include Ginny’s own Candy Rose range of skin care products which she has developed over the past year, resulting in beautiful hand-made soaps, moisturisers, body butters and shampoo bars. “I use a lot of calendula,” says Ginny, with all items in her range made from natural oils such as coconut, almond, and olive oil plus essential oils for fragrance. Ginny’s colleagues have worked with her to create hand-made items especially for the store. Julie sews tunics, which can be made to measure in a fabric of your choice, as well as an array of retro styled cushions. There is a range of shabby chic items from Katrina and Kiwiana from Ngaio, while Rex sources their huge selection of retro and vintage pottery, glass and china items. “It all makes for an eclectic mix,” says Ginny, who often finds herself at work on the sewing machine making customised items for the home. Step inside Ginny & Co on 495 Papanui Road for the chance to see exactly what Ginny has to offer for yourself.

Ginny Hoepf (owner) on the right with customer Leigh Madden





495 Papanui Rd

Ph. 352 4050

Pretty NEW Boutique Gift Shop for sale in Blue chip location This gorgeous boutique gift shop has been operating in the heart of Cashmere for over 4 years. Bella is “destination lovely” and is frequented by a large customer base. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to add your flair and style to an already successful existing business, enjoying the company of some wonderful customers, while being surrounded by beautiful things. All enquiries to Traci 3370903 or 0274361793

83 Centaurus Road, Cashmere Ph 3370903 Open Monday to Friday 10am to 5.00pm Sat 10am to 4pm and Sun 10.30am-4pm

Tilda Fabrics in Store Now! Fabric & patterns

* Classes*available Quilting supplies

COTTONFIELDS Quilting Quarters

45 Merrin St, Avonhead. Ph. 03 358 3355 Metropol August 7, 2014 57

metropol new things

Jazz it up with geometrics

Style " LORI BAFT " superior quality handknotted rug in natural wool. Size 160 x110cms Available from Fendalton Rugs. Ph. 351 1107.


uadrilaterals, cubes, polyhedrons … you could be forgiven for thinking it sounds like 10th-grade math class. Actually it’s this year’s biggest trend in home décor. Crisp, contemporary and pleasing to the eye, geometrics work well for tables, lighting, accessories and soft furnishings. Freedom Furniture has a wide range of geometrics to pizazz up your home. And, let’s face it, what’s a home without pizazz?

Geometrix Print The unique lines and colours of this Geometrix Print (77x91cm) equate to a true standout piece in the home. This option certainly packs a punch and we’re picking it would sit proudly against a stark white wall in the kitchen, bedroom or hallway. RRP$299

Kaleido Mug Pick your poison – that is, tea, coffee or hot water – and get creative with your drinking apparatus by adding a range of colourful and patterned mugs or pots. This striking and unique bone china Kaleido mug is based on geometric prints that tick all our boxes. RRP$3.95 Visit

Available from Modkids, 88 Williams St, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. Ph 03 327 2626.

These beautiful, bright aura quartz geodes are created by bonding different metal vapours such as gold, titanium, platinum and silver to natural quartz. Available at Lattetude @ 33 Acheson ave, just off Hills Rd, Shirley. Ph. 928 2362. Great for any kitchen “Claude” the kitchen companion. $79. Now at Industria, Shop 3a, The Colombo. Ph. 943 4932

Metric Cushion Add some monochrome madness to your couch with the metric cushion. Its graphic lines and sophisticated colour palette will give your couch an instant makeover to any room. RRP$29.95

Rattan Pendant The right lighting is a key part of any design scheme and plays an important role in creating the mood and style of a room. The natural oak colour of this Rattan pendant (50cm) makes it wholly complementary to existing furnishings while still providing a statement effect. RRP$199

R i c ke t y Ro s i e s

Sue Spargo “Creative Texturing”. Available now at Stitch, 27a Colombo St, Cashmere. Ph. 332 1820. www.stitchplayroom

Available now from Rickety Rosies, 115 Rugby St, Merivale, Ph 03 355 8232.




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Art for the Floor Sarah Fielkes Latest Book has Arrived!

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Sarah collaborated with Amy Lobsinger to create this stunning book, packed with techniques, patterns, and inspiration for small-scale quilts! Available from Stitch! Stitch offers a wide range of classes, visit their website for more details

27a Colombo St Cashmere Ph. 332 1820 58 August, 7 2014 Metropol

Jean Pollard

Specialist dry cleaning Repair service Insurance valuations Agent for Gilt Grip, Dri Cleena-ene, Hopkinson’s Furniture Oil Quake Wax Tuesday-Friday 10 - 4 Saturday 10 -1 Telephone 03 351 1107

new things metropol

Free app improves business for SMEs Small business owners can now turn their iPad or even iPhone into a mobile cash register, thanks to the launch of a new app.

Pohutukawa cushions at Terra Viva

Available at Reincarnation. 350 Port Hills Rd, Hillsborough. Ph. 332 3302.

Beautifully made curiosities and homewares. Available from Twine Furniture, Antiques & Collectables.The Mill, 1473 Main North Road, Waikuku. Ph. 03 312 2152 Open Thursday-Sunday 9.00am-4.00pm

Artificial orchids at Terra Viva Mosaic glass vases from $49. Available at Bridge Interiors 402A Redwood. Ph. 354 6976.

For all upholstering needs. From domestic squabs, dining chairs, lounge suites to commercial shops, restaurants. Available from Design 5 Upholstery The Mill Kaiapoi. PH 03 327 9263.



ill2Go will mean shops and stalls can ditch their clunky cash registers and switch to a compact and lightweight till, with no capital outlay. The app has just been launched by mobile payments provider Smartpay. General manager product and marketing Mark Unwin says it will make life easier for many small retailers as it will free up space and give them more functions than their tills. “Till2Go means operators no longer have to keep manual sales records – it’s all recorded by the app so you can get real time sales information at the tap of a button. “It’s also easy. Changing the till setup is as intuitive as any Apple app and no programming manual is required.” The app is also capable of issuing email

receipts so they don’t have to be handwritten. This allows easy capture of customer information and a much better way to have a conversation with the customer later on. Till2Go can be linked to Smartpay EFTPOS which Unwin expects many businesses will find attractive. “Being able to accept card payments can increase your customer numbers and sales opportunities, and of course you don’t have to be carrying so much cash.” The app is aimed at operators such as market stalls, coffee trucks, pop-up shops, school fundraising events and tradeshow booths. Till2Go can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store.

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402A Main North Rd Redwood 3546976 Metropol August 7, 2014 59

metropol home

“Natural, earthy tones have maintained their popularity, providing a striking and understated elegance which aligns well with the minimalistic look.” Michele O’Connell, Exquisite Tiles

TILES: THE MAINSTAY OF INTERIOR DESIGN When it comes to dressing our homes, the trends have come and gone. But one design element which has stood the test of time is the tile.


un them up the wall, across the floor, along the bathtub or behind the stove, no matter where you place them, tiles are right up there in the style stakes. The semi-polished, or “Lappato” finish is a massive hit this season explains Exquisite Tiles’ Michele O’Connell. Achieved by polishing the tile’s surface with an abrasive wheel but not long enough to attain the luster of a typical polished tile, the luxurious Lappato can complement any interior space. “Large-format tiles are also a strong flooring trend this year,” Michele explains.

Large format tiles often have rectified edges, allowing them to be installed with minimal grout lines and this looks clean as well as modern with minimal maintenance. “Natural, earthy tones have maintained their popularity, providing a striking and understated elegance which aligns well with the minimalistic look,” Michele says. The neutral tones of these are great for rentals, properties preparing for the market and your own home. Keep your key elements neutral and you can change your home every season by just changing the accessories.

You’re not short of options at Exquisite Tiles. The stunning new showroom tucked comfortably in just beside Hubbers Furnishings at 295 Blenheim Road and is stocked with an exciting array of the latest options. Established in August 2009, Exquisite Tiles was based on Fitzgerald Avenue before earthquake damage prompted the move west, allowing for a much bigger showroom. “We have a significant range,” Michele says. “A large number of our suppliers hold their stock in Christchurch, which enables a fast turnaround. We have a strong focus on customer service, with one on one consultations available to discuss colours and styles and both myself and Karen Joyce have worked in the industry for more

than 10 years, so we have strong product knowledge.” A supply and installation service is also available if required, as well as under-tile heating installation services. Exquisite Tiles’ design consultants are ready to provide you with tile solutions making it easy for you and giving you peace of mind in your choice. “It’s a rewarding experience helping customers with their colour and style selections,” Michele says. “We have such a wide range of tiles and we have something to suit everyone.” Visit the striking showroom for yourself at 295 Blenheim Road, from Monday to Friday 9am5pm and Saturday from 10am-12:30pm. Alternatively phone Exquisite Tiles on (03) 348 3285, email or visit

Gorilla money box. Large $29. Small $17 each. The Colombo, 363 Colombo St Ph.021 1272783

Phone 348 3285 60 August, 7 2014 Metropol

295 Blenheim Rd

home metropol

Transforming a simple space into a haven Comber and Comber exudes maximum personality, comfort and functionality from each space they transform, which leaves the client satisfied every time.


aula Comber heads the team of They cover all aspects of interior design – interior designers which includes a from custom made pieces, soft furnishings specialised kitchen and bathroom and accessories to kitchen and bathroom designer. They frequently team up with design, spatial planning and future proofing. architectural designers and landscape Comber and Comber work with both architects to transform any space into a individuals and group housing executives to haven. Their collective get the job done. Their experience and work ranges from small backgrounds have to large and can cover included a multitude of as little or as much as Comber and Comber residential and needed. The planning exudes maximum commercial projects and and drawing process is personality, comfort over the years has built an ideal stage to meet and functionality them a platform of clients, but they can knowledge to draw new take a job from any from each space they inspiration from. They point, and get it to the transform, which exude maximum finish line with leaves the client personality, comfort and professionalism, satisfied every time. functionality from each accuracy and flair. The earthquakes space they transform, prompted the which leaves the client relocation of their satisfied every time. “There can be so much work involved that Salisbury Street showroom to “The Loft,” a often people don't know where to start… we barn-style studio in Yaldhurst, and more help our clients by giving them the correct recently an expansion to the heritage “Red support and information needed to make House” in Redcliffs, their head-office and informed decisions and get the most out of brand new design store. The west studio is each space,” she says. by appointment only and the east location is



Comber and Com ber team Natalie Duston, : Sam M Paula Co cIntyre, mber an d Zoe Ric hmond open seven days a week with a designer on hand seven days. Comber and Comber's design store – The Red House – allows for clients to browse in store products as well as virtual or online shopping and access to the store's wholesale prices. For clients facing a complete rebuild and rendering queries Paula can even contract them out to her son's architectural design practice – essentially combining all the plans through the one establishment. Adding to the design umbrella, Comber and Comber have an exciting new service called – Stage It, which is accessible to anyone selling their home, and real estate agents alike. When selling your home, Comber and Comber – Stage It dress your home and literally add thousands to the selling price by using high end furniture and accessories to

create appropriate moods and attractive spaces. Stage It adds an edge to your home and puts it up there with the best. Something else attractive: if you are interested in purchasing one of their homestaged properties, you are welcome to buy the furniture with the house, which takes out some major stress in moving, and instantly gives you a houseload of furniture, sourced by Comber and Comber's team of Interior Designers. Comber and Comber has lots of new and exciting projects and developments happening this year and invites you to visit the team at Comber and Comber's at the Red House, 186 Main Road, Redcliffs. Or visit the website at


Cnr Fisher Ave & Colombo St. 92 Colombo St, Christchurch.


Phone 332 8833

on cashmere



Metropol August 7, 2014 61

Available from

62 August, 7 2014 Metropol

theprofessionals metropol

By Melinda Collins

When to ‘go pro’ DIY – it’s in our DNA, or so they say.


Shane 021 796 555 e.


e have a staunch desire to tackle the trickiest of jobs in our little corner of the South Pacific. Perhaps we’re just really clever… or really stingy. Whatever the cause, sometimes we just need to go pro. When it comes to the complexities of a kitchen build or remodel, there’s no better time to call in some help. Not only can the pros ensure you make the space both striking and functional, open doors to new and specialised resources and ensure flow through to the rest of the house, they can help you budget and avoid costly mistakes. Kitchens come with electrical and plumbing components… and the rules and regulations that govern them. What this means for you is time and money when things go wrong. With a professional, you take the guess work out of remodelling. You’ll often find kitchen designers have strong industry relationships with sub-trades and/or manufacturers, which can often mean savings on your total cost. Most importantly, they know what they’re doing, how things work, how things look good and how to incorporate your wants and needs into a kitchen which is both stylish and functional.

Before you see the pros... Gather a selection of images from magazines or online which are what you are looking for. Select something that reflects your personal style, works with the rest of your home and have functional aspects which align with your family’s needs. Take pictures of your kitchen and work out what you like about its existing form and what areas you wish to improve on. Have your kitchen measured and note specific areas for plumbing, gas and electrics. Make a preliminary list of your storage needs – what you need today and what your future needs will be. Consider how you use the room… do you entertain a lot? Do you need a message centre for paying bills, telephone/PDAs, recipes? Do you need a place for homework or projects? Do you cook a lot? Are you a family of cooks? Is there more than one cook at a time? Do you love to bake?

Contact Simon

All these aspects will play key roles in the kitchen you need. So call in the experts and start planning.

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Ph. 03 318 3636 Metropol August 7, 2014 63

metropol home

A surge in new kitchen installs T hey say the kitchen is the heart of a home. A dream kitchen could be a hub of activity, the nucleus for cooking, socialising, sharing a drink or two while the roast lamb sizzles in the designer oven filling the room with essence of lamb and rosemary. If this envisagement of a dream kitchen peaks your interest, Dream Doors is the company to chat to.


The fully mobile Christchurch-based kitchen specialists love to convert kitchen dreams into reality and in today’s booming Christchurch real estate market, a good kitchen could be a sale or purchase tipping point, Adrian Kay managing director explains. “A good kitchen can add value to your home, that’s a point the majority of home buyers and sellers alike recognise but the alternate view to consider is; a bad kitchen can seriously devalue a home. Dream Doors offer both a refurbishment service and a new kitchen service to ensure the owner can completely transform the room that many people regard as the most important room in the home.”


Dream Doors does more than just dreamy doors, they encompass the entire kitchen fitting from design to install, project managing the process throughout. The plumbing, the electrics, the lighting, top brand appliances and even the splash-back

the style file

can be organised by the kitchen experts. Initially, a team member will pay a visit to your home to assess the site first-hand, discuss your dream kitchen with you, offer advice and solutions, discuss colour and materials and bring that vision to life.

Dream Doors are the specialists in kitchen facelifts, but the team is currently experiencing a surge in new kitchen installs as well, Kay says. “With many homes in Christchurch having EQC work done, people are finding the kitchen is rarely touched, so their newly restored, modernised home is sporting a rather unfashionable kitchen. It seems people are realising; what better way to complement a newly renovated home, than with a quality new kitchen install or facelifting their existing kitchen?” Using high quality New Zealand made joinery, top quality European fittings and big brand appliances, Kay and the Dream Doors team only use the best for their clients. “We use quality products, which comes at a price, but it is certainly better than fitting below-par kitchens that ultimately don’t make the grade and end up costing more in the long term. We deal in quality and nothing less.” Focusing on quality and service has always been a key ‘ingredient’ of Dream Doors’ approach to kitchens, and whether it’s a facelift or a fresh start, dare to dream about the potential of your kitchen.

Dream Doors are the specialists in kitchen facelifts, but the team is currently experiencing a surge in new kitchen installs as well.

To find out more phone 03 338 1080, email or visit


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p. 344 5972 e. 64 August, 7 2014 Metropol

home metropol

By Rachel Smith

Not just a cleaning company F

or some it may be a hygienic clean and efficient office work space, and for others a last minute call to spring clean a home before visitors arrive. “Cleaning is such a joy,” says Jill Sanders, owner of A Woman’s Touch cleaning services, who enjoys nothing better than seeing the results of her team’s hard work in a pristinely clean room. A Woman’s Touch was started by Jill in Queenstown 14 years ago, with the business extending its services to Christchurch in 2011. “It’s my passion,” says Jill whose role is very much managing with a hands on approach. ‘All Work Together’ is the saying which the team of 18 work from, with Jill more likely to be found with a cleaning cloth in hand than in the office. A Woman’s Touch works with a range of properties including commercial offices, and short and long term rental accommodation, as well as residential. For A Woman’s Touch it is the small touches which are some of the most important – phones are sanitised with every clean, and every plate, glass and piece of cutlery is checked and cleaned for rental accommodation. Their cleaning services extend far beyond a simple vacuum and bathroom clean – they provide in home or drop off ironing services, grocery pick up, steam cleaning of lounge suites, carpet cleaning, and of course the jobs that no one likes doing – cleaning ovens and windows. The team working on a property will see things that the owners

Team from A Woman’s Touch

They provide in home or drop off ironing services, grocery pick up, steam cleaning of lounge suites, carpet cleaning, and of course the jobs that no one likes doing – cleaning ovens and windows. often don’t think about and recommend their cleaning services to specific areas around a property. Their work also includes full cleans for homes of the deceased, clean ups after parties, functions and weddings, and also a full service for those vacating long term accommodation. Recently a client requested their home be put back together again after earthquake repairs, with details such as the exact placement of books and ornaments determined from photographs. While most services are booked in advance they also provide rapid response cleaning when needed - Jill

Peter Weir from Office Max handing over new boots to Jill Sanders and Philippa Calder recounts a job where they decontaminated a work area after the threat of the spread of a contagious illness, with the team on site within 30 minutes. Personal health and safety in such situations is very important, with A Woman’s Touch ensuring that all team members are well trained in the health and safety requirements for any job. This includes wearing personal protection equipment, and undertaking training and safety courses. A Woman’s Touch is also a member of the International Executive Housekeepers Association, keeping up with advances in the cleaning industry and following internationally recommended procedures, such as a specific colour coding for cleaning cloths. Visit or give them a call on 356 1387 to find out more about their personalised cleaning services.

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Ph. 03 356 1387 C. 021-361-103 Metropol August 7, 2014 65

metropol home

By Wendy Dunlop

Infrared saunas provide many health benefits Imagine relaxing in your own sauna and enjoying the multiple proven health benefits that sauna therapy can provide.


numerous chemicals which are in our air, water supplies aunas are the ultimate way to rid your body of and in our food. Stored as toxins in the body, they impair toxins but at the same time you could also the efficient functioning of the body’s major systems, experience improved circulation, lower blood prevent optimum well being and are at the core of many pressure, increased metabolism, weight loss and relief health issues. from pain. Eliminating those toxins helps to decrease fatigue, Most people associate a sauna with heat and steam, improve energy levels and immune system, beautify the but modern technology has been developed for saunas skin and relieve muscular pain. Infrared rays penetrate the using infrared rays that penetrate more deeply into the skin deeply and break down the fat cells where the toxins body. Infrared saunas were endorsed on the Oprah are stored. One American study showed that the sweat Winfrey Show and are now available right here in induced by an infrared sauna Christchurch. contained more toxins than those Asano Idour, the owner of Eliminating toxins helps induced by a conventional sauna. Infrared Saunas NZ began to decrease fatigue, Sauna therapy is also well known for importing them because, “It was increasing the heart rate and improve energy levels my hope that many people in this improving the circulation which in turn country might enjoy life with better and immune system, increases the supply of oxygen to health, less pain and with fewer beautify the skin and organs and tissues throughout the toxins.” Being Japanese, Asano relieve muscular pain. body. It can also aid weight loss by was familiar with the idea of using Infrared rays penetrate speeding up the metabolic process to infrared rays in health treatments, the skin deeply and break major organs and glands. and together with her husband, But perhaps most beneficial of all, is down the fat cells where developed a new enterprise to the ability of an infrared sauna to help import and market Infrared the toxins are stored. you relax. Its wavelengths produce a Saunas in New Zealand. gentle soothing warmth rather than the The high quality IYASHI saunas discomfort of heat and steam which depletes energy. A have high infrared output, emit very low levels of Electro sauna of your own is an investment in your long term Magnetic Field and are available in several compact health. IYASHI infrared saunas are available in cedar, designs as well as a lie down model that is superbly basswood and hemlock and are reasonably priced. convenient and portable. Because they don’t require Ordered through Infrared Saunas NZ and delivered plumbing and you can simply plug the Infrared Sauna nationwide. Further information is available on into your domestic electricity supply, you can have a , by calling Freephone 0800 21 regular sauna treatment as often as you like! 80 20 or emailing Our modern lifestyle constantly exposes us to

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By Melinda Collins

home metropol

Bigger no longer better for local housing


e’re a crafty bunch here in New Zealand and, just like our geographic isolation pushes us to be just a little more selfsufficient, our spatial limits push us to get smarter with our spaces. Let’s face it, if our little slice of South Pacific paradise is any kind of example, good things really can come in small packages. Geoff Tune of Geoff Tune Architecture says that although New Zealanders have had a traditional tendency towards a ‘bigger is better’ approach to housing, we’re now recognising the strength in a well-planned home that works in with our lifestyles. “In many European countries, people have had to work with smaller spaces for some time now. New Zealand is just beginning to explore new ways of designing homes, using clever and innovative ways to make the most out of the space,” he says. “They’re smaller, healthier and more energy efficient than ever before.” “The best part of the job is being able to design something which can have a significant impact on someone’s quality of life.”

Smaller, well-planned space makes for a compelling argument. Smaller homes generally cost less in terms of both construction and maintenance and require less energy for heating and cooling. Welldesigned small spaces also have a habit of feeling warm and cosy. But a cosy space isn’t about sacrificing convenience or liveability, Geoff says. “Working with a smaller space isn’t about giving up your way of life,” he says. “Clever design enables your space to appear larger than it really is.” A poorly designed 250 square metre house can feel smaller than a welldesigned 150 square metre one. Key to mitigating this is design. Being able to incorporate clever and innovative construction methods to make the most of your space is an area where Geoff Tune Architecture excels. “The ability to listen to a person’s wants and needs and incorporate that into a liveable design is what makes a good designer,” Geoff says. “No matter what we’re doing for a client, whether it’s designing a new home, extending a home, or adding an ensuite, it’s about identifying and understanding how his customers live and how they want to live.” Geoff is able to design homes around their lifestyle and personality. Whether it’s a Victorian manor, a contemporary

“New Zealand is just beginning to explore new ways of designing homes, using clever and innovative ways to make the most out of the space. They’re smaller, healthier and more energy efficient than ever before.”

townhouse, or perhaps a modern take on the traditional, he can create your dream home. Better yet, you don’t need to own a sizeable slice of the country to get it because, while square meterage alone is no longer king, clever use of every single inch of it is. To find out more about Geoff Tune Architecture phone Geoff on (03) 260 0066 or visit the website

geoff tune architecture ltd Specialists in residential new homes + alterations 03 260 0066

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68 August, 7 2014 Metropol

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