Metropol 29-05-14

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29 May 2014 Vol 17 Issue 10



metropol - Canterbury Edition

editor’s perspective


The Showcase Magazine for the Best

Issue 391 29 May 2014

Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Managing Director - Trevor Laplanche e:

Advertising : Tracey Prince e: Editorial : Angela Bennett e: Production : Julian Laplanche e: Administration : Emma Dyer e: Photography : Aimee Cane E: 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, P.O. Box 9362 Christchurch, NZ


Ph: (03) 343 3669 Fax: (03) 343 3659

Beautiful clothes with a distinct edge BeautyFile


Enhancing every individual’s beauty

Leather & lace for winter... Union Clothing's Lace Kelly dress (style 197, $425) in 100% cotton guipure lace with knitted cotton bands. Image by Laura Tait Photography for Union Clothing, model Olivia Jack. Full story page 20.

Health, happiness & beauty High fashion meets thrifty shopping Art, fashion, jewellery, an edgy eclectic mix

home Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. It is also available from many selected stores, Malls, stands, waiting rooms and offices. Metropol is subject to copyright in its entirety. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission will result in legal action.


110 years of furniture excellence Uplifting, inspirational new showroom & homewares Love your landscape The loss of our future heritage Thinking inside the window.... next generation window film technology

food 35-41 Versatile venue perfect for any function Two Award-winning restaurants in one luxury locale Moreish meats Discover gourmet ingredients & foodie facts

Autoplus 54-60 Delivering the goods when the going gets tough This cat is King of the Jungle Citigo redefines its target market Making new car buying a breeze

features Five Minutes with Caroline Haar

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within this magazine, however Metros Publishing Group Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in this magazine are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.

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Living with ‘Style’ in Christchurch

Our Metropol office has been different over the past few days. Visitors probably wouldn’t notice the subtle change in the ambience, but our team here is all too aware of the absence of something, or I should say ‘someone’, for we are all missing our production manager Warren Mathews who has retired after working for our publisher Trevor Laplanche for 26 years – 16 of those with Metropol. Warren, although younger than the gentlemen in the era of the Mad Men, has similar attributes of loyalty, Angela Bennett, Editor dedication and diligence. At our afternoon tea send-off for Warren, Trevor told many tales of publishing in the ‘old days’ when he started the weekly Christchurch Mid-Week Mail. “Warren, with his team, produced every bit of work we threw at him and throughout his time with me he never missed a distribution day by missing the printer’s deadline. Incredible.” Trevor said that if the job meant Warren had to work through until 2am he would be there. In fact Warren recalled one time when he worked 36 hours straight in order to get a paper out – now that’s dedication! It made me wonder if today’s generation would show the same kind of commitment. For starters the average number of jobs Gen-Ys will have is around 10 – many of these will actually be in different careers! While I’ve heard it bandied around by Gen Xers and Baby Boomers that the Gen-Ys aren’t loyal to an employer because they are lazy or selfish or demanding, could there be other reasons why they have a different outlook on employment? A post by Yukai Chou answered some of my questions. He explains that Gen-Ys are less loyal to their employers than previous generations because they have seen first-hand how their parents’ loyalty was repaid in economic downturns – being made redundant with often meagre severance packages. Secondly Gen-Ys want to earn money, but having a meaningful life is important to them. Being given the basic work in a new job is something older generations would realise as being important in ‘climbing the ladder’ but Gen-Ys don’t think it’s the best use of their most vibrant years. Chou puts it bluntly: “Gen-Ys are smarter than Gen-Xs and Boomers, comparing the average person at the same age. No, they’re not born smarter, but think about how much information goes through their brains every day. In the old days, if you were curious about something you had to go to the library, look through the indexes, find the right book, and find the right page. Most people would give up on that curiosity. But the Gen-Ys are used to making a few clicks and reading everything there is about a subject on the internet since they were in kindergarten.” He believes Gen-Ys have more problem-solving skills than Gen-X and Boomers, who are more acquainted with outdoor physical activities. “Gen-Ys are often very capable of doing very complex and technically advanced things and they expect to do more than they are given,” he wrote. This is all just as well really, because we are leaving the younger generations with the task of solving many, many complex world problems. I am positive they will rise to the challenge, and although the generations are vastly different in outlook I hope the next wave of workers will be as kind, generous, humorous, quirky and quick as our Warren Mathews who will be, deservedly, sunning himself somewhere in Europe by the time you read this.

Think about it… “Retirement has been a discovery of beauty for me. I never had the time before to notice the beauty of my grandkids, my wife, the tree outside my very own front door. And, the beauty of time itself.” – Hartman Jule


MIDWAY MOORHOUSE 210 MOORHOUSE AVE PHONE 3665 678 Metropol May 29, 2014 3

metropol Angela Bennett spends

five minutes with

Her latest venture, whilst continuing her high profile involvement in the hair, fashion and beauty industry, is to give a little back to the community that has supported her since she was a very sick toddler diagnosed with kidney reflux, through to the past year during which she has been coming to terms with the tragic loss of her father to cancer. Caro has made the bold decision to shave her hair off on 4 July, a fundraiser via the 'Give a Little' website. She has been raising funds for a month or so now and already donations are over the $2000 mark for her two chosen charities – the Cancer Society of New Zealand and Kidney Kids New Zealand. I caught up with this enterprising and philanthropic young woman to find out a little more about her current mission…

Anything you can do to help others will gain so much support and no idea is too small.


aroline Haar, Caro as she is known as by many, is a local hair stylist who enjoys challenging herself to greater goals, both in her hairdressing career and in life. Caro is the current Canterbury/Westland Association of Registered Hairdressers' Hairdresser of the Year and current Colourist of the Year. She is the immediate past President of CWARH.


What inspired you to fundraise for these charities and why the bold decision to shave your hair off? Someone suggested it at work (Sutherland Todd Hairdressing Merivale) as a bit of a joke at first. But when I actually thought about it, and the support I have had in my life, from Kidney Kids when I was young and the Cancer Society when I lost my Dad, I realised it was a great idea! How have the Cancer Society and Kidney Kids assisted you and your family personally? As a child I was actually one of the very first Kidney Kids. They helped my Mum understand my condition, what was happening and how I might be affected as I grew up. The Cancer Society was very supportive when my Dad was unwell and after he passed away.

4 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Caroline Haar Any second thoughts about losing your locks? I secretly had a moment of hesitation at the start, but once I got my head around it I realised it's a small thing to do in the bigger picture of life.

When is the cut-off for donations? People can donate right up to the evening of 4 July. And I'm sure we wouldn't turn away any donations soon after that as we do the final tally up.

On your facebook page 'Shave the Haar for a cure' you mention some hefty donations and lots of support – would you like to mention anyone special? Definitely Shar Sutherland Todd and all the crew at Sutherland Todd Hairdressing – they have shown the upmost support. Also clients, friends and facebook friends and of course my family.

What advice would you give to others who may wish to fundraise in a similar way? Go for it! Anything you can do to help others will gain so much support and no idea is too small.

When will your head be shaved? Where? And by whom? On 4 July – Independence Day! At Sutherland Todd Hairdressing in Merivale. Maddie Collins, a Kidney Kid, is going to be first to shave some of my hair and Shar has pledged a big donation to shave the last of my hair. In-between – I'm not sure – we may auction that moment off.

What one book would you recommend that everyone should read? I can't just pick one! I love inspirational books like: Who Moved my Cheese; Being Happy; Eat, Pray, Love; and Tuesdays with Morrie.

It is mid-winter then, do you have some fashionable ideas about your new style of head-dressing? Winter is a great time to wear hats, scarves and maybe even a wig! When summer comes I should have enough hair to add some exciting colour and try some cool cuts as it grows out. Your fundraising is mainly via the website 'Give a Little” how much do you hope to raise? My goal is $5000 plus. I will split it equally between the two charities.

You are in the hair and beauty industry what have people's reactions been to your fundraising decision? There have been mixed reactions about how I will look, especially from the guys! But at the end of the day everyone is mega supportive – it's been quite overwhelming really.

What are other ways people can donate? There are donation buckets in Sutherland Todd Hairdressing in Merivale and in Rangiora. There's a bucket at CTV and in the Brewers Arms and a few are travelling around the South Island. There are also raffle tickets available at both salons. For those who aren't on facebook they can contact me directly for account details – phone the salon 355 3150

If you could go back and tell your teenage self something, what would it be? Your future is really bright so enjoy the ride!

What were you doing the last time the thought went through your head: 'I shouldn't be doing this'? Pushing myself way too hard. I had to make changes to create balance in my life! Which is your favourite café, restaurant or bar in Christchurch? I love Ace Wasabi and King of Snake and I like to support the local places around Merivale such as Brigittes, Brewers Arms, Aikmans… Personally, what is one thing you would like to see in the 'new' Christchurch? A positive vibe that continues to move the city into a brighter more vibrant and cosmopolitan place. What are you like at parties? Pretty tame, but I always love a good laugh. What's next on your wish list? A holiday, keeping balance in my life and continuing to be positive and happy.

Metropol May 29, 2014 5

in the know


The early signs of Alzheimer’s disease Where did I put my keys? What did I come to the supermarket for? Where did I park the car? They’re common signs of absentmindedness that most of us think nothing of. Often, forgetting the little things can just be a symptom of a busy lifestyle and not a cause for concern. In some cases though, it’s small things like these that herald a condition known as “early memory loss” – one of

the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease. CGM Research Trust, a well-recognised medical research organisation, is tackling early memory loss head on – trialling a new investigational medication that could help slow the progression of the disease. CGM Research Trust Trustee and Investigator Dr Nigel Gilchrist is excited about the prospect of the new medication and what it could

potentially mean for preventing the onset of early memory loss. To be eligible for the trial, participants need to be aged between 50-70, live in Canterbury and have somebody who can bring them to appointments, amongst other criteria. More information about the trial can be found at:

Email scam targeting Kiwis House of Travel has issued a warning to New Zealanders to beware of an email scam currently circulating. The scam involves an email claiming to be sent from House of Travel offering $1,000 worth of vouchers using the url The email may have the

recipient’s email address in the body of the email and instructs them to claim their prize by clicking on a link and providing contact and bank account details. Please be aware that this email is a scam and is in no way affiliated with House of Travel. If you see this email delete it straight away.




Flappy Bird returns this August Shelly Palmer reports: It’s Episode XVII of the Flappy Bird Saga, and this time the formerly recalcitrant (he’s on a media tour at the moment) creator of the addictive game is promising the game’s return, eventually, complete with multiplayer. Nguyen told CNBC’s Kelly Evans the news on the network’s Closing Bell program recently, albeit with the caveat that the game wouldn’t be coming anytime “soon.” It’ll also be less addictive, he says, which is great news for people who enjoy their lives and like living them to the fullest. Read the full story at TechCrunch.

Smart Lighter, wants to help you quit Shelly Palmer reports: If you’ve ever chastised a friend for their gnarly smoking habit, you know that scolding does absolutely nothing. Well, here’s an idea: What if it was your lighter making you feel bad about smoking? There’s a new Kickstarter for a snazzy “smart” lighter called the Quitbit. The Quitbit would supposedly help you monitor your quitting with information broadcast on a built-in display, keeping track of how much you smoke, how long it’s been since your last one, etc. In theory, this information might move you along the path to quitting by helping you ‘understand’ your smoking. Or it might just add a statistics buzz to the nicotine buzz you’ve already got going. Read the full story at Gizmodo.


New entertainment destination to open Those who considered Cartel their home away from home will find refuge in a new kind of entertainment and hospitality destination. The creators of this late night icon are set to launch a new precinct right in the heart of the city in June. Since Cartel, The Britomart Hospitality Group has established similar iconic venues in Auckland including 1885, The Britomart Country Club, Mexico, and Orleans. Now with their return to Christchurch, the boys from Britomart offer urban dwellers a safe, fun, relaxed playground day or night. Situated on the former Strange & Co Department Store site, on the corner of Lichfield and High Streets, Strange’s Lane bridges the gap between the past and the future. Step through the towering steel archway and discover another world beyond the sprawling urban wasteland. Odes to the original building’s industrial roots are evident in inspired architectural references, which lend a dynamic and convivial atmosphere to the precinct. At the entertainment epicentre lies a bohemian central bricked courtyard, its rough edges softened with lush greenery, which acts as lively hub for al fresco dining and a platform for live bands and DJs throughout the weekend. Orleans Christchurch will offer up hearty creole cuisine. Neighbouring cousin to Orleans, the Lower 9th Diner will offer affordable eats, from fresh gourmet burgers to Alaskan crab. And, occupying the former department store site, Strange & Co will strip down to its austere industrial roots on the ground floor, where the bar is accessible from a window from the central courtyard and from within. For those seeking respite from the crowds below one can retire to the intimate mezzanine lounge for Moonshine Martinis and champagne.


Silk Living Cooler nights make you reach for the comforting things in life. These 100% spun silk blankets edged in silk satin are as warm as wool but twice as luxurious and as soft and light as thistledown. They come in range of gorgeous colours in king, queen and cot sizes. You’ll find them at

Two professionals in flooring... two very good reasons to visit our showroom

Alex Ward 6 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Jacqui Kuru

Established 1946

By Hans Petrovic



Tess Sheerin muralist extraordinare


s a highly innovative artist, Tess Sheerin never ceases to amaze and her current foray into brightening up Christchurch with a series of murals is a perfect example of her enthusiasm and hard work. With a genuine concern for the general malaise that still pervades the central city, Tess has contributed two large murals during the past 12 months, and just recently completed a third one at the University of Canterbury. The first was the impressive Hope Bear, at the corner of Riccarton Road and Rotherham Street; and then came the gigantic Giraffing Around, close to Anthony Lister’s Seagull mural in Liverpool Street, off Hereford Street. Unfortunately, both have since been either covered up by a new building or demolished. “I knew they would come down but didn’t know when. This is the nature of street art, which will disappear,” says Tess. This left Tess eager to tackle her next challenge when the University of Canterbury

Photograph left/above/ above left: Centuri Chan who worked with Tess throughout the project

Students Association asked her to create a mural right outside the Shilling Club, at the James Hight Library, in the centre of the campus. A lover of animals, Tess this time chose a duck as the theme. “There’s usually lots of ducks around this area. I love ducks, they’re so funny, aren’t they? However, this one is not what a normal duck looks like,” she says. “My murals have been painted with the intention of brightening up the atmosphere and with the aim to get the community to reconnect with the city again. “We have the potential to evolve into a unique, vibrant and creative city, and I feel that the unusual art projects that have emerged from such devastation are important for Christchurch to grow from. “These projects shouldn’t be just temporary spaces but part of the new city, making a new environment that is unique to Christchurch’s identity after the quakes.”

“We have the potential to evolve into a unique, vibrant and creative city, and I feel that the unusual art projects that have emerged from such devastation are important for Christchurch to grow from.

Tess is a Christchurch girl who has spent a lot of time overseas. A keen snowboarder, she first travelled around the world to teach this sport in the United States, Canada, England and other countries in Europe. In 2006, she suffered an injury and decided instead to pursue art. In 2008, she moved from New Zealand to England to further her new career there. Also a keen surfer, she eventually settled down on the coast at St Ives, Cornwall. While there, Tess developed another of her major projects – turning broken surfboards into works of art, through both painting and sculpting. These were on display there until September, 2011. However, Tess had already returned to her family in Christchurch by then, after the devastating earthquake of that year. Tess is still looking for new challenges. Next, she would love to decorate the inside or outside of a new café or bar. To see more of Tess’s work, visit, and to contact her, phone 021-0822-8670 or email

National Award Winning Residential and Commercial Architecture and Interiors

Metropol May 29, 2014 7



by Hans Petrovic

Kiwis first to taste new single malt Whet your whistle on Ardbeg Day could well be the theme for one of the major annual events in the world of whisky. To be celebrated on the Whisky Galore premises, at 66 Victoria Street, on Saturday, May 31, Ardbeg Day is named after a leading Scottish whisky distillery, and this year the day will include the worldwide launch of their new, highly anticipated, limited-edition expression, Ardbeg Auriverdes.

A distillery known for its cult following, Ardbeg is located on the small, remote Scottish island of Islay this ancient land is a wild and untamed place where Celtic monks found refuge from raiding Norsemen


his year, Kiwis will beat the rest of the world and be the first to taste this new single malt, and specially invited whisky enthusiasts will get the chance to do so at Whisky Galore – all to the background theme of the upcoming FIFA World Cup. Michael Fraser Milne, who identifies himself as director of spiritual matters at Whiskey Galore, explains that Auriverdes is named after the golden whisky (auri) and its unmistakable green bottle (verde). Auriverdes was distilled with equal measures of both skill and passion, and aged slightly differently in casks, giving a different influence to the whisky’s flavours. Ardbeg is a four-time winner of the World’s Best Scotch Whisky Award, and Auriverdes follows the highly acclaimed, limited-edition Ardbeg Galileo, which scooped the World’s Best Single Malt award in 2013. A distillery known for its cult following, Ardbeg is located on the small, remote Scottish island of Islay (pronounced “eyelah”). This ancient land is a wild and untamed place where Celtic monks found refuge from raiding Norsemen, and from where early distillers smuggled their illicit “aquavitae”.

8 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Abundant soft water, fertile soil and acres of precious peat make Islay a place of pilgrimage for the single-malt-whisky faithful. Ardbeg Day marks the culmination of the annual Islay Festival, which runs from May 23 to 31, and has become a key date in the calendar of malt whisky aficionados around the world, with thousands making the trip to the island each year. Located on the west coast of Scotland, Islay is also a wet and muddy place where an alternative form of soccer, known as “peat football”, has developed as part of the island’s rich football heritage. This has inspired this year’s World Cup theme, which will be celebrated at Ardbeg

embassies around the world – including Whisky Galore in Christchurch. Auriverdes also happens to be the nickname of Brazil’s national football team, hosts of this year’s World Cup. Opened in Christchurch 11 years ago, Whisky Galore stocks a vast selection of more than 850 different expressions from Scotland and 10 other countries, including Wales, Ireland, England, Australia, the United States, Japan and India. This includes single malt, grain whisky blends, bourbons and a fine selection of liqueurs. A limited amount of Auriverdes is available to buy – and Michael Fraser Milne is always there to give you some spiritual advice.


Angela Stone Launches


he Miles Continental showroom made a stunning setting for the recent launch of renowned stylist Angela Stone’s new book The Style Guide and her exquisite collection of wines. Inspired by the thousands of conversations she has had with clients over the years, The Style Guide offers simple, effective tools to all the women out there who want to look better, feel better and regain their confidence.

The Style Guide

Angela Stone, Terry Milton (Winemaker)

Angela with book

Hayden Jones, Rochelle Jones

Graeme Rose and Angela Bennett(Metropol)

Rob Ballantyne (MC for the evening), Belinda Hargreaves

Marianne Wright, Leeanne Anderson

Bob Parker, Paula Metcalfe, Lois Matthews

Jo Silverthorne, Sheena Hemens

Shakespeare’s greatest comedy


Ingrid Larsen, Tracey Prince


Caroline Marsh, Tash Rippen

Amanda White, Chris West, Stephen Kelly (Miles Continental)

Kristen, Monique, Estelle (Portfolio)

Lance Edmonds, Denise House

Photos by Wendy Cook Photography For copies email:

he Court Theatre is set to present A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a unique conception – half the company is Chinese from Beijing. “This is a magical production that will challenge and provoke. It’s experimental and full of risk” says Philip Aldridge, Chief Executive at The Court. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream is Shakespeare’s first masterpiece and his greatest comedy,” says visiting director Joseph Graves from Peking University's Institute of World Theatre and Film who is in Christchurch to direct this collaboration with The Court Theatre. Graves invites audiences to experience this unique theatrical event which brings together talented Chinese actors alongside some Court Theatre favourites. Joining the cast

are six actors from the National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Art (NASDA) in Christchurch. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is often described as one of Shakespeare’s most accessible plays. Pranks, schemes and earthy comedy abound and it has cast its spell over audiences for centuries. A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, directed by Joseph Graves plays at The Court Theatre from 31 May – 21 June 2014. Book at Show Times: 6:30pm Monday and Thursday; 7:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; 2pm matinée Saturday 7 June. Tickets $55-$21

Metropol May 29, 2014 9



Fun, fashion and frivolity at the races It's one of Addington's biggest race nights and this year was no different with some 350 women in their racing finery for Ladies Night. Racing, fine finger food and entertainment including styling tips by Stephanie Rumble and the bubbly presence of the effervescent Jax Hamilton was made all the more special by the acknowledgement of Aviva, the new name and face of Christchurch Women's Refuge, as a charitable recipient of this year's event.

Julie McCloy, Megan Waddington, Anna-Lee Fraser

Ingrid Larsen, Sandra Lehane, Tracey Prince

Raquel Saunders, Melodie McColl

Karen Woodfield, Bec Odering, Georgie Bolton

Wendy Austin, Lou Hanham, Nicky Holland

Suzanne Furkert, Amira Mikhail, Irene Boles

Angela Evans, Pippa Jerram, Kinga Palmer

Sandra Delany, Lena Gordon, Sarah Agnew, Cecile Dransart

Janine Stavreff, Susanne Stevenson, Janine Jones

Cindy Kim, Charlotte Mooney, Natalia Robinson

Annette Hale, Lisa Daly, Andrea Butt, Lynne Patterson

Donna Adams, Trace Whittaker

Nicola Cresswell, Lee Wright

Nicola Ragg, Emma Dyer, Angeline Rogers

Joanne Ryder, Anna Dedia, Stephanie Rumble, Chrissie Dalgety, Lynley Gray

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

‘Tempt me’ VOTED Canterbury Fashion Designer of the Year 2013


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10 May, 29 2014 Metropol



Canterbury Collections world class event Canterbury Fashion and Beauty Week’s flagship event, Canterbury Collections has been hailed as a world class fashion event by members of the 450 strong audience. Twenty-six of the region’s leading fashion designers and retailers showed their winter couture at the high fashion event at The Tannery, punctuated by a stunning array of high class burlesque and aerial entertainment. A key feature of the first of two Canterbury Fashion and Beauty Weeks for 2014, Canterbury Collections was described as “Unique, memorable and truly extraordinary...”

Bonita Danger Doll

Kevin & Nola Lamb,Trevor Laplanche,Colleen Beattie

Joseph Shanks, Richard Till

Michelle Anderson, John Lodge

Christina Fitzgerald, Bridget DeGoldi

Shane & Michelle Blakely

Barb Meyer, Murray Knowles

Aaron Kunutsen, Justine Johnston

Di & Mike McCauley

Jasmine Lange, Jamie Gough

Caroline Cooper-Dixon,Chris Bacon

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

Metropol May 29, 2014 11


Variety the spice of life


ow into its nineteenth year, Riccarton Players annual showing of its “A Riccartonian Palace of Varieties” once again promises to deliver an exciting array of music, sketches, fun, frolics and mayhem of bygone eras. Taking its roots from the early 1900s, this production reinforces the style of “Old Time Music Hall” and is eagerly awaited annually, to see what twist they will provide. Riccarton Players prides itself that no two “ARPOV’s” are ever the same, because of the mix and available songs of the period. Both young and old alike, on and off the stage, get a tremendous buzz from uniting in a common bond of the innocence and exuberance of days of old. In fact one of the early highlights for the trio of directors, Doug Clarke, Donna Buchanan and Karyn Gibson is “seeing people of all ages mixing together, and willingly sharing their varied talents for the enjoyment of the audience.” Under the guidance of this trio of experienced “Arpovian” directors you’ll be taken on a two hour journey down memory lane with the six sections of the show. Fruit & Vege, Alphabet & Numbers, Food, Top-2-Toe,

12 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Anniversaries and Favourites and as each bracket suggests, songs from those various categories prevail. All of this is combined with the obligatory sketches and other items selected to bring humour from the past, in your seat in the auditorium at Christchurch South Intermediate. Active audience participation is encouraged. Directed by: Doug Clarke, Donna Buchanan and Karyn Gibson A Riccartonian Palace of Varieties plays at 7.30pm nightly from Wednesday to Friday, 4 – 14 June, with three matinee performances at 2pm Saturday 7 and Saturday 14 June and 4pm Sunday 8 June. There is no Saturday night performance. Venue: Christchurch South Intermediate School, Selwyn Street, Spreydon. Bookings phone 338 4699 or online:




with wallets


hristchurch residents are being asked to get behind a new large-scale sculpture project, initiated by Auckland artist, Regan Gentry and local social entrepreneur company, Brown Bread Ltd – with the aim to investigate how easy it is to produce quality art in the central city. ‘Woods from the Trees: A project of possibility’ will be a three-piece eight metre tall sculpture and installed on the corner of Tuam and High Streets opposite C1 Espresso in late June. The project aims to test Christchurch residents’ desire for more public art. Jo Blair, Director, Brown Bread says: “You hear people saying they want quality art for the city that actually responds to our situation down here. Regan is one artist who is fascinated with Christchurch as a blank canvas, we liked his idea, and we asked ourselves ‘why can’t we do more quality art here without having to rely on the Council, government Christchurch Art Gallery or SCAPE? Let’s give it a shot ourselves.’ Gentry and Brown Bread have independently initiated $100,000 for the

project for the next three to five years, but are relying on the public to fund a $20,000 funding gap through crowd-funding website PledgeMe, to make the project a reality. They are interested to see if the public will vote with their wallets for more art of this scale and quality. All pledges receive fun rewards in return, including Regan carving your initials in the tree canopy for a $150 pledge. Bringing a little nature back into the central city, Woods from the Trees uses native rimu waste wood salvaged from earthquake-damaged homes. The sculpture allows numerous interpretations for the residents of, and visitors to, Christchurch. It hybridises the built and natural environment, by returning the milled lumber to its original form. The rimu trees are visually reminiscent of the original species milled to make the buildings that have been demolished. Gentry notes that “the immense size and presence is indicative of the city's rebuild and a reminder of the great challenges that still lie ahead for Christchurch.”

By Wendy Dunlop



An enviable retirement lifestyle Offering luxury retirement living at its very best, the village complex is surrounded by leafy trees and well-tended gardens. By being located in the heart of Merivale, residents can maintain links with the wider community while also enjoying the impressive amenities available within the Retirement Village. A variety of accommodation styles allows residents of the village to choose the ideal retirement lifestyle to suit them. With independent villas, assisted care in a luxury apartment or studio or the facilities of a rest home or on-site hospital, as their needs change, residents can receive a continuum of care by staff they know in surroundings that are familiar. The design of the two or three bedroom luxury villas incorporates a private courtyard, a fully equipped kitchen, laundry and bathroom, internal access garage and restful neutral dÊcor. With the independence and freedom to pursue your own interests as well and participate in the lively programme of social events within the Merivale Retirement Village, it’s the best of both worlds. Additional services of a housekeeper, gardener or handyman can also be arranged if you wish. The Palazzo Apartments are elegantly appointed and provide ideal semiindependence for individuals or couples, especially when one partner requires more assistance than the other. Relieved of house

and garden maintenance, residents have more time to enjoy the many recreational activities of the village. A delicious evening meal option is available and lunches can be arranged on request. Serviced studios and one-bedroom apartments offer partial support or rest home care services directly to your own unit. An individually designed care plan is administered by the friendly qualified staff of Merivale Retirement Village, achieving a versatile balance of assistance and independence. Within the 48-bed rest home, all residents have their own spacious room with ensuite facilities and receive an exemplary standard of care. Dedicated Activities Coordinators offer a varied and entertaining programme to encourage an

With independent villas, assisted care in a luxury apartment or studio or the facilities of a rest home or on-site hospital, as their needs change, residents can receive a continuum of care by staff they know in surroundings that are familiar.

active participatory lifestyle. Also on site is the 35-bed Silverdale Hospital where fully trained, professional staff ensure specialised 24-hour care and a safe environment that is conducive to the recovery and comfort of each resident. Combining comfort, convenience, warmth and care, the lifestyle at Merivale Retirement Village encourages residents to live life as fully as possible. As well as an interesting range of outings and activities, a busy social calendar is designed for fun, friendship and general wellbeing. For further information visit or phone 375 4117 to arrange a personal visit.

Metropol May 29, 2014 13



By Wendy Dunlop

A glamorous evening

for a great cause


he Cancer Society of New Zealand is a registered charitable entity which receives no direct government funding. Instead it is reliant on donations, bequests and fund raising to provide support and services for those living with a cancer diagnosis. The Society aims to “minimise the incidence and impact of cancer in the community” and its growth reflects the variety of services it provides free of charge to those whose lives are affected by cancer.

Core services cover health promotions, cancer information, support and research and have encompassed, in the last 12 months: ! 7000 information booklets distributed ! 1301 new patient referrals ! 889 patients accommodated at

Daffodil House and Daffodil Lodge ! 4000 calls received by 0800 Cancer

(226 237) Information Line ! 17,000 patients transported to treatment by the Daffodil Shuttle ! $80,000 was required to fund the Cancer Society’s volunteer driving service

Make the right choice in real estate - it could save you thousands Call David today for a free appraisal of your property 021 622 643 or email

14 May, 29 2014 Metropol

With such phenomenal statistics, the Christchurch community is invited to support a special gala event. The 2014 Cancer Society Ball on 21 June provides a dazzling opportunity to “dress up for a sophisticated and glamorous evening out while simultaneously supporting a worthwhile and extremely needy cause,” says Jane Sherriff, the Cancer Society’s Income Development Manager. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer and we all hope we will never have to face the disease ourselves. But we can all raise the profile and endorse the work of this extraordinary organisation by attending the ball with family, friends,

colleagues or clients. Every ticket sold helps the Cancer Society to maintain and extend free, accessible programmes to those who need them most. The ball is an annual event and in 2014 its major sponsors are Singapore Airlines, V Base and Millennium Hotels and Resorts. The evening promises to be a memorable event, so dust off your tux or ballgown and don your dancing shoes – the Cancer Society needs you! For tickets phone 03 3795835 or email or visit for further information.

Metropol May 15, 2014 15

By Hans Petrovic



The grand old lady of the Square Adding to the revitalisation of the centre of our city is the Heritage Christchurch, which is attracting more and more overseas visitors as guests to the historic former Old Government Building in Cathedral Square.

New resident manager Ana Vivas


o further help establish the Heritage Christchurch as a central luxury hotel is its new resident manager, Ana Vivas, who feels very positive about the future of the city. “Christchurch has the people to make the city look warm and different, and to attract more visitors,” says Ana. “We need to educate visitors on what Christchurch is going through at the moment, and we need to give it a positive spin. It's very exciting.” Originally from Mexico, Ana first arrived in Christchurch with her husband and two young children in 2000, working in her own hospitality business here for nine years. Ana brought with her a bachelor of business from Mexico and a diploma in hotel administration from the Netherlands. In her home country, she first worked for Starwood Hotels and later for Small Luxury Hotels of the World. She has also held roles in sales and marketing in her extensive career. Ana has been the resident manager of the Heritage Boutique Waterfront Suites Bay of Islands since 2012 and has now returned to her favourite New Zealand city. “I am thrilled to be back in Christchurch, which was my first home in New Zealand. I am excited to be managing such an iconic and important heritage building and to be part of the city's regeneration. We have a big responsibility as to how the city will look in the years to come,” she says. The Heritage Christchurch has been part of

First opened in 1913, the Old Government Building (OGB) was designed by Joseph Clarkson Maddison in an Italian Renaissance Palazzo style and is a Category One Building on the Historic Places Trust register. the city's hospitality industry since its opening in 1996. First opened in 1913, the Old Government Building (OGB) was designed by Joseph Clarkson Maddison in an Italian Renaissance Palazzo style and is a Category One Building on the Historic Places Trust register. The building survived the Christchurch earthquakes – when many others of its age did not – due to the extensive strengthening programme carried out prior to its conversion to a hotel. It now offers 38 beautifully appointed oneand two-bedroom, two-level suites, as well as meeting space for small conferences or private corporate retreats. There is also a fully equipped health club with gymnasium, lap pool, sauna and jacuzzi for guest use. Named after the OGB's architect, Maddison's Restaurant is now open to the public for Continental buffet breakfast, available daily from 7am until 10.30am. With the positive review of Christchurch by the New York Times earlier this year, the hotel is perfectly poised for visitors to enjoy a vital piece of the city's heritage, while exploring the innovative emerging city attractions.

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Distinctive Living is excited to present a range of premium architecturally designed executive townhouses. From structural elements of the highest quality to the open plan layout and stunning kitchen design, these three and four bedroom townhouses will be the perfect home for discerning families with active lifestyles. The townhouses are currently under construction at Wigram Skies and the showhome will be available for viewing in early May.

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First class, boutique style facility


he first stage of the stunning $80-million dollar Park Lane Retirement Village opened a year ago and, with more beautiful villas being constructed and plans for a community centre in the works, the complex is set to get even better yet. With extensive experience in rest home management, Park Lane Retirement Village owners Jenny and Alan Dempsey sought to create a first-class, boutique style facility, offering a variety of care options in an attractive location. But even more important was creating a community. Nestled in the upcoming location of Addington – overlooking AMI Stadium – Park Lane Retirement Village ticks all the boxes. The owner operated residence offers a comforting combination of classic values and modern facilities. Their mantra 'your retirement, your way' has built a carefree environment where staying connected to friends and family is easy and residents can enjoy spending their time exactly as they please.

“We're not just about having beautiful facilities but also providing quality care and choice for our residents,” Jenny says. “This is a place where residents can retain their independence and have more time for the social and leisure activities they enjoy.” The village currently houses 87 in spacious and private rest home/hospital rooms with ensuites and modern studio apartments for semi-independent living to full rest home level care. (Priced from $180,000). Construction is underway on phase two of the development and is expected to be completed in July. This stage involves the construction of five spacious executive style two-bedroom villas which offer slightly more independent living as a stepping-stone into care. For those interested, expressions of

interest are welcomed. Future development will also see additional independent living and a community centre established onsite to add to the communityfamily ambience. The village development includes an onsite library, café and hair salon, a crafts room, a comprehensive activities programme which includes bowls, housie, bingo and more, and Tower Junction and Riccarton Mall close by for group movies and outings. As a bonus, residents can enjoy watching local and international rugby games at AMI with views from their own balconies. “What really makes us unique is the strong community bonds people form here. This is a great example of social living and people will often get together to watch a game,” Jenny

says. A dedicated team of registered nurses and care staff offer personal patient care at all hours. In lieu of their commitment to providing a personalised retirement, residents are offered the choice of semi-independent living and full time care options. “While living in Park Lane residents will enjoy all the benefits provided by a boutique style retirement facility, with the added comfort of personalised care in the privacy of their own serviced unit or individual care room.” For more information on Park Lane Retirement Village see, or visit the boutique's tranquil residence at 35 Whiteleigh Avenue in Addington.evelop larger venues, better media and fast internet resources.


Call Jenny today and join her for a tour of the various living options Park Lane has to offer. Phone (03) 338 4495

Jenny’s got years of experience, looking after people with Jenny Dempsey Owner/Manager

years of experience

2 Bdrm Executive style Villas under construction! Enquire today! Jenny Dempsey has been working in aged care for many years and brings with her a wealth of Knowledge. Park Lane has modern facilities throughout but it still relies on classic values and a real sense of community for its day-to-day comforts. They know what’s important. 18 May, 29 2014 Metropol


available now from $180,000




Local launch of talented teacher’s book

Fine Food’s Business Breakfast

Cathedral Grammar School recently celebrated the launch of its Year 3 teacher Clare Erasmus’ book ‘Kia Kaha’s Brand New House’. Illustrated by local student Vanessa Ide, the book features a brave little mouse and is a wonderful read for a younger audience. All profits from the sales of the book, which follows on from the success of ‘Kia Kaha, the Cathedral Mouse’, will go towards the redevelopment of the School and Christchurch Cathedral.

A business breakfast was held at The George recently where guest speaker Mayor Lianne Dalziel discussed the impact of growth on the local food and hospitality sector within the city’s redevelopment. Guests were treated to a full buffet breakfast, compliments of Fine Food NZ, the country’s only trade show servicing the sector, an event which showcases cutting-edge food, drink, and equipment from leading producers.

Clare Erasmus, Vanessa Ide with kids - Joshua & Jessica Erusum

Clare Erasmus, Vanessa Ide

Fiona Burt, Paul Kennedy (Head Master), Kerry Vance

Brian Law, Lynda Patterson

Dot Phillips, Angelique Olivier

Brigit McCormack, Jenny Berridge

Ken Ward, Angela Sinclair

Shelley Simpson, Victoria Rodda

Fiona Burt, Linda Marsh

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography for copies email:

Justin Mouw, Heather Watson, Alisa Kealf-Grant

Robert Mercer, Barbara & Michael Turner, Peter Morrison

Gemma Attwood, Shaun Naylor

Alisha McGilligan, Alex Davies

Marian Frey, Lianne Dalziel

Dona White

Paul McGurk, Hayden Jones

Sam Kennedy, Natalie Taylor

Brendan Gregg, Dennis Taylor

Paul Goodwin, David McCaritt, Sergio Shamaier

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography for copies email:

Metropol May 29, 2014 19


Fashion & Style

Health & Beauty





Beautiful clothes with a distinct EDGE New label UNION is one to watch. It has been created by the collective force of Wendy Nelson (formerly of Chlorofile) and Shona Parore (formerly of Trelise Cooper), long-time friends and designers who reached similar crossroads in their lives and have combined their creative talents to form a new label with a distinct edge.


fter their first introduction to the New Zealand Fashion Industry at Love Story Fashions, each went on to varied roles in the design field which have taken them to Europe, Asia and America to source ideas and inspiration; an enriching way to learn about the global market. All garments are designed in New Zealand and the majority are also made locally, with the exception of several embellished pieces produced offshore by trusted suppliers both Wendy and Shona have worked with for many years. Natural fibres such as silk are used in transseasonal pieces that can be layered to create a foundation for an easy-to-wear wardrobe designed to fit into the New Zealand woman’s lifestyle. Union’s first store opened in December 2013 in the hub of Ponsonby’s 3 Lamps, and has been lovingly transformed into a gorgeous home for not just clothing but unique homeware, from candles to linen tea-towels and cushions with exclusive prints. The key element for Union, the designers say, is a strong sense of family and happiness. Positive energy oozes from the directors, and is reflected in all who contribute to the creation of this beautiful collection of garments. The pair are currently working on their summer range. To date Union is not stocked in Christchurch however online sales can be found at

Natural fibres such as silk are used in transseasonal pieces that can be layered to create a foundation for an easy-to-wear wardrobe designed to fit into the New Zealand woman’s lifestyle.

Everyone will notice, no one will know NOW AT MERIVALE Dr Frost welcomes clients to his new boutique Merivale locale for added privacy in peaceful & luxurious surroundings. Botulinum treatments Dermal Fillers Lip Rejuvenation Collagen Induction Therapy

Plasma Replacement Therapy Minor Surgery Advanced Medical Skincare Products Dermapen Collagen Induction Therapy





metropol beauty tests some



of the latest products on the market to help you decide if a product might be

right for you… Clarins Be Long Mascara Tester: Female aged 33 The newest Clarins product Be Long Mascara answers many girls’ prayers – it looks great on and it helps your lashes grow longer! According to their lab studies, after four weeks of use, lashes increase in length by over a millimetre! I found the mascara easy to apply, it has a great brush and it made my lashes look lush. I’ve only used it for a week or so and already my lashes seem healthier. This mascara is definitely worth trying. It comes in black and limited edition brown and is priced well. RRP $49.00

Matrix Biolage collection Tester: Female aged 47 Matrix Biolage was launched back in 1990 utilising an exclusive blend of unique botanicals combined with the latest technology to deliver gentle, high-performing formulas. The reinvention of this iconic brand is good to see. The range has products to suit all hair types. I tried the Colorlast shampoo and conditioner and found it just as wonderful as the old product with a lovely fragrance. My hair is left soft and nourished and my colour is holding well. Available from select hair salons RRP$30 each for the shampoo, conditioner, mask and shine shake and RRP$25 for the Cera-Repair L’Oréal Professionnel Hairchalk Tester: Female aged 11 My mum applied the bright pink chalk to my hair for a birthday party. All of my friends liked it and wanted to try some too. It was liquid when mum put it on but it dries to a powdery finish and it washes out with shampoo. Available in a range of colours: Coral Sunset, First Date Violet, Sweet Sixteen Pink, Beach Bronze, Deep Ocean Blue and Garden Party – from L’Oréal Professionnel salons and Rodney Wayne and Shampoo ‘n’ Things stores. RRP$25.00

Trilogy Vital Moisturising Cream Tester: Female aged 52 This wonderful cream by Trilogy has been reformulated to incorporate their trademarked ingredient Rosapene™, a unique blend of nourishing certified organic rosehip oil and super antioxidants to help protect skin against free radical damage. I found the cream lightweight and fast absorbing and I love the botanical extracts such as marula, orange flower and evening primrose, which apparently help improve texture and elasticity while assisting healthy skin repair and renewal. My skin certainly feels hydrated and smooth and my makeup goes on nicely after I have moisturised with it. Trilogy Vital Moisturising Cream (50ml tube) RRP $49.90 (60ml jar) RRP 49.90

L’Oreal Colour Riche Le Crayon De Couleur Tester: Female aged 29 This is a very clever invention – it’s a two-in-one crayon that can be used as an eye shadow or eyeliner. It has a silky smooth texture which means it glides on and it’s quick to apply in just one stroke! I liked this product – it’s bold and intense and stays on well throughout the day or evening. There are eight shades and it has a great price point of $19.99. You will find it in selected pharmacies and department stores. L’Oreal Age Perfect Extraordinary Oil Tester: Female aged 43 I like the intensity of facial oils; they seem to produce good results almost instantly. This precious oil rehydrates my skin quickly and leaves it fresh, dewy and hydrated. It is a lovely product to use and really does make your skin feel comfortable. I would certainly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a product to give them regenerative results, fast! RRP$39.99 Lancôme La vie est belle Tester: Female aged 60 We all want to be happy and this beautiful fragrance, which is a new edition eau de toilette, will make you smile! It is delicate and soft with an uplifting, sunny character. Based on the magnolia flower and patchouli essence it is harmonious and really quite graceful. I hope I have described it well, but the best thing would be to try a spray next time you are in a pharmacy or duty free shop. I’m positive it will appeal to a great range of women. RRP$128 – 50ml; $175 – 100ml Metropol May 29, 2014 21



Crisp's Healthy Living Pharmacy has moved A Bryndwr institution for more than 15 years, nestled comfortably on Wairakei Road, Crisp's Healthy Living Pharmacy celebrated the recent move to a new premises. When a larger space across the road at number 283 became available, pharmacist and owner Karen Crisp jumped at the opportunity. The move has allowed her to increase the already diverse range of products and services which have seen the store become the pharmacy of choice for locals.

Phil Crisp, Tom Leov

Hayley Boon (Natural health consultant), Teena Morgan (Pharmacy technician)

Cheryl van Opzeeland, Phil Crisp, Kerry Magill, Karen Crisp, Lindy McLauchlan

Robin, Phil Crisp, Dr Eugene Sia, Karen Crisp

Teena Morgan Kerri Sutton (Massage therapist), Hayley Boon

Paul Campbell, John Hanning, Angela Bellett

Gillian Stewart, Patricia Stowell (Podiatrist), Teena Morgan

Tori Sumner, Jude Sumner, Caitlyn Crisp, Dan Baxter

Cheryl van Opzeeland, Mary Van Tongeren, Phillipa Pentcost, Karen Crisp, Kerry Magill

Vanessa Ott (Pharmacist), Tom Leov, David Ott

Fiona Booth, Jackie Batten, Karen Crisp

Karen and Phil Crisp (Owners)

Sandi Macrae, Julie Briggs

Georgia McLean, Sandy McLean

Michael Dwyer, Cheryl Dwyer, Carol Brown, Georgia McLean, Sandy McLean

Photos by Wendy Cook Photography For copies email:

NEW Fashion & Lifestyle Concept Store

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If you like vintage-style specs or glasses with a style twist then you need to visit

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22 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Ph 3798747


Celebrating in style with


Jessica Low, Vivianne Xia

Cathy Chambers, Jessica Low

Youth perspective


opular Merivale fashion boutique Just Naturally Be Yourself (JNBY) celebrated its first birthday recently. A brand known for its contemporary modern designs, JNBY is synonymous with effortless elegance by taking a ‘less is more’ approach to style. The brand takes its cue from the high quality of traditional tailoring and fusing it with contemporary twists and turns, resulting in clothing which makes a sartorial statement. The Christchurch flagship store at 205 Papanui Road is open six days a week.

Vicky Ma, April Zhang

Jennifer Wen, Danielle Wu

Joanne Sirichai, Alysha Zhang, Vivianne Xia, Cinny Lin

on rebuild T

he photographic work of 15 young Canterbury people will be exhibited at the CPIT ArtBox as part of Youth Week. The work was created during a week-long workshop with renowned international fine arts photographer and cultural activist, Professor Lonnie Graham. Professor Graham was bought to New Zealand from America by Maori youth organisation Te Ora Hou with the goal of giving a voice to disenfranchised Canterbury youth. Many young people in Christchurch have not engaged in the more traditional consultation processes around their future hopes for the city and the workshop provided them with an opportunity

Lance Edmonds, Denise House

Jason & Olivia Chang, Danielle Wu

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography for copies email:


Work by Leah Simpson

Work by Viki Logopati Campbell

to have a voice using less traditional methods of consultation. The exhibition titled Polyphony, which roughly means ‘speaking in many voices with a common theme’, investigates methods by which the arts can be used to support tangible community change while also demonstrating the aspirations young people have for Christchurch City. According to Graham, the workshop provided participants with the opportunity to visualise and articulate their ideas and aspirations about identity and perception. Art Box curator Martin Trusstum says they are looking forward to hosting the exhibition. It will be the first photographic exhibit that ArtBox has hosted. “Photography has not had a high profile in the Christchurch art world post-earthquake so it will be great to raise the profile and celebrate Youth Week,” The exhibition runs until 25 July.

MODELLING WORKSHOPS Children & Teenagers Director: Mel Radford Brown CHCH's Premier Model Agency: est 1992

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The workshops are also a great opportunity to be scouted by Portfolio Model Agency!! Are you the next exciting New Face?

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Metropol May 29, 2014 23

Boutique Clearance FASHION OUTLET Fendalton Village Mall, Cnr Clyde & Ilam Roads, Christchurch Ph. 351 4058


Sizes 8-24

up to


or more

WARM UP for Winter


25 Mandeville St. Riccarton



By Lydia Truesdale

High fashion meets thrifty shopping


ridging the gap between high fashion and thrifty shopping, Boutique Clearance sell samples, end of lines and clearance stocks straight from many leading fashion houses. As the longest standing fashion clearance outlet in Christchurch they've evolved into a destination renowned for discount couture. Nestled in the quiet Fendalton Village shopping centre Boutique Clearance makes possible an effortless shopping experience. The convenient location, with ample parking right outside, sits alongside a complement of cafes, restaurants and beauty parlours just a short drive from central suburbs. Inside they've created an easy-tonavigate display of styles that helps quickly identify items. As their customers mostly include more mature women, a clearly laid out interior is an appealing aspect, as too are the many fashion accessories that ensure clients need not travel far to find a complete and cohesive outfit. Their mantra of “save 50% or more every day” sees a regular turnover of stock and keeps the store diverse and eclectic. They've been buying exclusively from top Australasian labels for almost twenty years, building a portfolio that retains quality and consistency. In preparation for winter the boutique is full of luxurious coats. A mixture of colours and cuts in timeless yet modern styles bring many an option to dress up wardrobes and rotate with different looks throughout the season. “We don't know what the manufacturers are sending until it's arrived so there's always excitement whenever new fashions arrive in” says manager Kathryn. The store works as the major fashion houses do – on an autumn/winter and spring/summer basis. The high quality

In preparation for winter the boutique is full of luxurious coats. A mixture of colours and cuts in timeless yet modern styles bring many an option to dress up wardrobes and rotate with different looks throughout the season.

seasonal fashions serve initially as an update to wardrobes then as favourites for years to come. Select off-season stock is also kept on site for those who are soon holidaying or travelling abroad for an occasion. It might also be comforting to know that the friendly staff have copious experience in dressing and styling women. They are dedicated to providing an experience that leaves the customer truly satisfied and feeling confident with their look. Boutique Clearance is located on the corner of Clyde and Ilam Road. For enquiries phone 351 4058.

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Including organic honey in your daily nutrition can help combat multiple ailments including digestive problems, some skin conditions, throat and mouth infections. There are many ways honey can be used nutritionally to benefit your health. Organic honey benefits include:

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Stylish retail health shop with top quality products, best value prices & friendly, qualified staff

Blackhealth Building 81 Durham St Christchurch (near the Colombo)

Ph.03 365 8683 24 May, 29 2014 Metropol

215 Wooldridge Road, Burnside, Christchurch Phone: 03 962 7883. Fax: 03 358 8039 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm & Sat 10am-4pm Email: Website:

We stock and are currently accepting gorgeous things sizes 10 - 24.

561 Springs Rd Prebbleton Village Ph. 344 3038 Open Tues - Sat earts

By Lydia Truesdale



Enhancing every individual’s natural beauty


fter new ownership eight years ago, Fendalton hair salon Clyde on Ilam has evolved into a tranquil destination for personal hair care. Owner Noeleen Bonner and colleague Clare draw on their industry knowledge and collective experience to transform all kinds of hair into its healthiest and most voluminous self. The clandestine salon has carefully created a relaxing yet professional atmosphere for customers to revel in. Everything is set up to perpetuate an individualised experience; from the state-of-the-art facilities to the volumes of current gossip and fashion magazines and of course the two stylists ensuring undivided one-on-one attention during appointments. Noeleen comes from a sporting – or aerobics – background; she’s always been interested in health and appearances, which is perhaps why she found the transition to hairdressing so natural. She’s since finely tuned her skills to specialise in the treatment and restoration of fine and thinning hair, while Clare brings over 30 years’ experience working with a range of hair types. They share a primary focus on improving the quality of hair, while keeping up to date with the latest trends in fashion and on the runway. Together all kinds of tastes and needs are catered for, and the diversity of clients keeps them versatile; matching the more mature ladies with a modern style in a tasteful manner” that leaves them feeling contemporary and refreshed, to giving

Noeleen and Clare students an update or change in cut and colour. “The age groups that come through vary

They spend the time getting to understand clients’ lifestyles, then bring them a look that harmonises with both their features and their lifestyle. from young adults to families to elder women… we welcome all ages and hair types looking for a personal and professional service,” says Noeleen. The emphasis on quality extends to the product and treatment range. They have a steam pod on site which they use for straightening without damaging, infusing the hair with a keratin-like product, and rely on the Wella, L’Oreal and Nioxin ranges to treat clients with ingredients that are designed to nourish, as opposed to leaving hair dry and brittle. Noeleen and Clare genuinely enjoy bringing clients a service that complements their personality, and leaves them feeling selfassured. They spend the time getting to

understand clients’ lifestyles, then bring them a look that harmonises with both their features and their lifestyle. Similarly, they are well practised when it comes to styling for special events. They work with different hair types to produce a style that both best accentuates the client’s natural beauty and looks aesthetically appropriate for the occasion. Clyde on Ilam is located on the corner of Clyde and Ilam Roads, diagonally opposite Fendalton Village Mall. They are open Monday to Saturday and until late on Thursday. For appointments and more information phone 351 5209.

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Metropol May 29, 2014 25

merivale fashion

FINE FOOD+COFFEE CATERING SERVICE Open Mon-Fri 5am-4pm Sat 5am-2pm Sun closed


By Lydia Truesdale

Art, fashion, jewellery an edgy eclectic mix


t Merivale boutique, Soeur Design, they’ve fused fashion with art to create a signature shopping experience. Sisters Maria and Ann use their expertise and individual tastes to bring exclusive pieces of art, while daughter Jodi and Mary Anne source the jewellery and accessories. Ann, Maria and Jodi are also collectively the creators of Soeur’s very own fashion line.

186 Papanui Rd PH 355 1481


Parking at the door Friendly atmosphere Designer clothes at affordable price Concept store: Fashion, art jewellery, candles etc 48 St Albans Street, Merivale

Art Dotted throughout the boutique is aesthetically intriguing art. Ann and Maria “look anywhere and everywhere” when sourcing pieces that fit with the shop’s edgy vision and the existing New Zealand art market. They turn to a mixture of local and international artists, travelling often, including overseas, to find works with a point of difference; works that inspire through their innovation and creativity. “So many people are renovating and looking to replace their artwork with pieces that enhance the new renovations or new space,” says Ann. Their Social Climber hanging wall art range was in fact the result of collaboration with a Japanese sculptural artist on an overseas trip. Soeur wanted something indicative of the New Zealand lifestyle but with first-class craftsmanship, and the artist came up with the unique, hand-made abseiling men (which hang from the wall on an adjustable-length wire and look great as a pair or on their own) to pay tribute to the landscape. Soeur is always on the lookout to exhibit new local artists’ works. Artist Jane Tan has taken an iconic ‘Kiwi summer’ artefact, the water ski, and reappropriated it for the wall by ingeniously and deftly painting it, while locally made pieces from Made in the Shed – which are literally the recycled materials of a garden shed reconstructed as charming outdoor art. Lonnae Ferrand has a spectacular collection of original art that will suit most rooms of a home, and other newly sourced overseas original art will be available later in the year.

Dotted throughout the boutique is aesthetically intriguing art. Ann and Maria “look anywhere and everywhere” when sourcing pieces that fit with the shop’s edgy vision Fashion & jewellery Soeur offers a timeless portfolio of feminine yet edgy looks. The collection draws on runway styles that have been reshaped for the Australasian market, and uses the luxurious textiles of satin, merino, velvet and leather to achieve its streamlined and flattering silhouettes. Winter is combated with many styles; the two-layered long line wool and faux fur vest, slouch and roll neck sweaters, relaxed-fit body tops, dressy leggings that translate from day to night and merino and lace tunics with an up-down hemline for a modern twist. New this year is a range of weekend and leisure wear designed to ensure comfort and style when going to the gym, walking the dog, doing the school run and the likes. Chunky, designer jewellery and clutches by Veronica B, Charisse and Nicky Ross, as well as the cleverly designed antique silver teaspoon rings (from Australia) sit alongside woollen and cotton scarves, novel socks, aroma candles and more to complete the range of quirky fashion accessories.

State of the art dental care

Shona Ferguson, Tracy Tripp, David Walsh and Wendy Willetts

Clinician: Dr David Walsh BSC DMD (Canada, 1987)

Hygienist: Ms. Shona Ferguson RDH (Scotland 1998)

New clients are always welcome.


Be enticed by our new bath and body collection, PINK PEAR & MAGNOLIA an elegant, alluring and addictive aroma bursting with natures most cherished riches.

DENTISTRY ON MERIVALE 1st floor Merivale Mall Ph: 03 355 8297

26 May, 29 2014 Metropol


Merivale Mall

348 7342

204 Papanui Rd, Merivale P.355 4734


Shopping at


By Lydia Truesdale

the colombo metropol

Cultivating the flavours of Europe

The Jamettes from Coopers & Co. including Seville Orange Marmalade, Plum & Apple and Raspberry Jam. Available from Coopers & Co, The Colombo, Ph, 365 2440.

Status anxiety bird of prey $349.00 Purveyors of fine apparel, footwear & design classics. Available from Stencil, stocking the best of national & international brands in Christchurch. Ph, 374 6134

Flash amplifying eyelash serum. Available now at The Sydenham Pharmacy, Ph. 379 0008.

Look stylish and comfortable from day to evening in the Kelly Poncho.

Inspired, designed and made in New Zealand. Price: $359.90 Available from Repetoire Ph.03 366 1200 Large selection aloka sleepy lights. Availaible at EGG Ph 3666 448.


oopers & Co are artisans of fresh produce, cultivating the flavours of European and NZ cuisines for their sumptuous menu. Between the ready-to-eat food cabinet and selection of Jamie Oliver condiments the deli is forever busy, so it’s little wonder a café-style Coopers & Co is opening, in the spring, on the corner of Peterborough and Montreal Streets. The daily menu is always slightly different, but the principles remain the same – quality, flavoursome food made with love. Where possible they choose to source locally and from the farmers’ market to ensure maximum freshness of produce, also looking locally for

favourites like hand-ground peanut butter and Canterbury’s Roseglen Tea. But with a focus on a European palate they also import many products – sauces, condiments and even ovens – that bring an authentic and superior flavour to the dish. Owners Jenette and Lily are so committed to culinary distinction that they travel to London each year to catch up with the Jamie Oliver team and buy exclusive new products. Also exclusive to Coopers & Co are the Jamie Oliver wood fired ovens imported from Sardinia. Phone 365 2440 for more information. Keep up to date with Coopers & Co at

EGG NOW STOCKS Lelby Bean Chairs


The COLOMBO 363 Colombo St Ph. 03 3666 448

The Colombo, 359 Colombo St Ph. 379 0008

Specialitising in culinary delights...

coopers & co The Colombo 363 Colombo St

Ph 365 2440

Metropol May 29, 2014 27

Fantastic selection of designer glasses from brands such as

Oroton Humphreys Wowfactor Agatha Ruiz de Prada

The beautiful pearl... Exquisite pearl jewellery in a range of natural colours & shades. For high quality, classic & stylish pearl jewellery designs

Barrington Ph. 332 1730

Barrington Phone 331 8131


Accessories NOW IN STORE

Enjoy your FREE Limited Edition Celebration Spritzer (value $29.95) Orange Sweet scented.

+ Go in the draw to WIN a $500 gift basket of Absolute Essential products.



28 May 29, 2014 Metropol

Barrington Ph. 337 2337


Martina D

ress Jum

per $149

Ph: 03 337 4206



Jack et $2 69

ter D Man ches

Leeds Jacket $249



Ph: 03 331 7429

“winter has arrived”


t Barrington we can offer you great choices for wrapping up and keeping warm this winter. This Queen’s Birthday weekend is the perfect time to come into Barrington and purchase that piece of winter warmth. Our fashion retailers are bursting with bright winter colours, great styles from leggings to tunics, not forgetting that essential coat. We are also giving you an opportunity to win! Simply go to our website and join our mailing list and you are automatically in the draw to win one of two double tickets to Christchurch’s only International Rugby game! Winner will be drawn Tuesday 3 June 2014. For your convenience Barrington is open 10am – 5pm Queen’s Birthday Monday. Metropol May 29, 2014 29

NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! Fabulous Haircuts for all ages

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Ladies Drycut $23 Mens Drycut $20

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Don’t FORGET our LOYALTY CARD, every 6th Haircut is FREE!

We are OPEN 7 DAYS SOUTH CITY P. 366 0619

South City Pharmacy

Ph: 03 366 3621 South City Mall Shop 16, 555 Colombo Street Christchurch 8011 southcitypharmacychch

Church Corner Mall Ph. 03 982 4211

NEW STORE! South City Mall Ph. 943 5364


 Artificial Nails  Shellac Nails Manicure  Deluxe Spa Pedicure

Stunning Slipper Orchids NOW IN SEASON Come in to

P. 03 366 9860 555 Colombo St. Shop 19, South City Centre

30 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Central City Flowers South City Centre 555 Colombo Street Ph. 961 8165 Find us on facebook



With health, happiness & beauty in mind It only takes a brief chat with new owner and manager, Akizumi Tominari and Ivanny Lo, at South City Pharmacy to know just how passionate they are about the business. They have taken over the business for just over six months now and have already increased the product range, services and knowledge base of the central city pharmacy.


ow offering cosmetics, vitamins, giftware and jewellery far beyond the standard pharmacy offering, South City Pharmacy also has the knowledge and experience to back up the broad product range. While there is a strong focus on increasing the store’s retail lines, in particular natural products and the staff training to support this, more importantly, the pharmacy has positioned itself as an approachable pharmacy people can trust for sound advice and information. Owner/pharmacist Akizumi, or Aki for short, certainly isn’t hidden out the back filling prescriptions, instead making himself available to customers to discuss their needs. Lifestyle, illnesses, stress and hormones can mean we’re not getting enough of the essential nutrients we need. Vitamins and supplements are a great way to address any deficiencies or imbalances, making us look and feel great. There is an extensive range of formulations on the market to address different needs. South City Pharmacy is extremely supportive of natural New Zealand made

products and offers supplements for immune support, men’s and women’s health, joint support, digestive health, weight management and even skin support. Akizumi has made a conscious effort to ensure staff have the experience and training to offer advice on the supplements to suit your needs and, while there is already a wide product range, if there’s something the store doesn’t stock, South City Pharmacy is happy to order it in for you. A Quitline provider, South City Pharmacy can provide quit smoking products for eligible

customers to help them make the transition to a smoke-free lifestyle. They also provide an ear piercing service instore, offering a wide range of hypo-allergenic earrings and a sterile environment with well trained staff members to assist customers of all ages.Nestled conveniently in the central city’s South City Centre, South City Pharmacy has an ever-changing selection of giftware and jewellery, from scarves and bags through to photos frames and ornaments. The regularly updated Facebook page is a great way to keep an eye on the latest products and promotions. “We want people to know they can come in with any questions or ask advice. The goal for us is for people to leave the store happy.” Open 9am-6pm Monday to Friday, 10am6pm Saturday and 10am-5pm Sunday.

Lifestyle, illnesses, stress and hormones can mean we’re not getting enough of the essential nutrients we need. Vitamins and supplements are a great way to address any deficiencies or imbalances, making us look and feel great. To see the selection for yourself visit South City Pharmacy, located in South City Shopping centre 555 Colombo Street, phone (03) 366 3621 or find them on Facebook at

NZ’s most trusted Teeth Whitening Company



The Artwork, Workmanship & Sterilization are of the highest quality

94 B Riccarton Rd - Ph 341 1301 for an appointment

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Look years younger Look healthier and more confident Suitable 16-100 years of age Painless, safe & with fantastic results Great for rejuvenating caps, crowns, veneers & fillings Removes tea, coffee, red wine & smoke stains instantly

Phone (03) 339 7374 or

Metropol May 29, 2014 31

rolleston Personal service welcome to

By Rachel Smith


from start to finish

ersonal service from 'start to finish' is important to Jane Swain and Maxine Bawden. Together they are the faces of Classic Curtains and Interiors in Rolleston – the people you will see when you step in the shop door, provide your measure and quote, and ensure that the final product is exactly what you wanted.

• Stunning range of quality fabrics • Curtains, blinds & upholstery • Make, supply and fit

817 Jones Rd, Rolleston 7677, over the railway line P/Fax 03 347 4295 Open Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm, Sat 9am-12pm




Shop 17, Rolleston Sq 70 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston Christchurch Ph. 03 347 1585


“We deal with people from the beginning to the end,” said Jane, adding that they know intimately every aspect of the business. Business partners Jane and Maxine met when both were working from home in the curtain business - Maxine sewing curtains and Jane doing the same, as well as selling fabric. They found that the combination of Maxine's great seamstress skills and Jane's love of selling, worked perfectly together. The business continued to a point where they outgrew their home based workspace, and moved four years ago to their current location on Jones Road in Rolleston. As the business has grown so has their team, with five sewers currently working onsite making curtains. Meeting and helping people is a highlight for Jane, who says that helping people to get the price where it should be for them is the most rewarding part of her day. Much of their work at present is making window coverings, including curtains and blinds, for the many new houses being built in the Selwyn district. “We can give people a quote based on a certain priced fabric,” said Jane. Quotes are based on the plans from the house and cover a range of fabric options, allowing for decisions on the exact fabric choice to be made at a later date. They recommend new property owners visit the store a couple of months before they plan to move in, allowing for time to make decisions on fabric choice, and for the curtains to be produced and hung.

Classic Curtains stock a range of curtain fabrics which cater to everyone's budgets. The store purchases bulk lots of discontinued fabric, which allows them to offer high quality products at half price. While curtains are the main part of the business, they also provide many other products for home interiors. “We have heaps of cushions here,” said Jane, referring to some of the soft furnishings that they have in store. They stock a range of wallpaper from the United Kingdom, which they can source on order, as well as a selection of upholstered furniture. An upholstery service is also provided in store, with their range of upholstery fabrics again including discontinued fabrics at discounted prices. For Jane and Maxine the work that helps transform a new house into a home is all important.

New Season PINK Ruby

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- Upholstery * Carpet Window Cleaning

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friendly fun & funky! 834 Jones Road Rolleston

32 May, 29 2014 Metropol

P. 03 347 4898

Shop 12, Rolleston Square, Rolleston. Phone 3471151 Mon- Fri 9-5 Sat 10-4 Visit

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Much of their work at present is making window coverings, including curtains and blinds, for the many new houses being built in the Selwyn district.

20% OFF

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Revel in a little retail therapy


e are enticed to shop, acquire, hoard and collect. For some it's the thrill of the hunt, for others it's therapy and, for with Lydia Truesdale many, it's a way of life. Shopping, once devoted to procuring necessities, has come to fill multiple emotional needs – be it entertainment, bonding, a form of self-expression or a means of solace.

Nioxin Diaboost is an amazing new product that will boost the existing hair diameter and thickens the hair so its as if you have 11,000 more hair strands. We also have for a limited time a FREE SCALP ANALYSIS done by a NIOXIN NIOSCOPE that can help diagnose if you have any scalp problems that maybe contributing to your hair thinning. (by appointment only) Stockist of a large range of professional haircare products

Ph. 348 6424

Bush Inn Centre Cnr Waimari & Riccarton Rd

So it's little wonder the concept of shopping has morphed into that of 'retail therapy' and the modern mall now stands as a commercial triumph. The western shopping hub of Bush Inn Shopping Centre has a striking historic past. Cattle, sheep, and even pigs headed down to the Addington Stockyards on Deans Ave for more than 100 years, selling more than 3,000,000 pigs, 4,000,000 cattle and 60,000,000 sheep. The first destination point of the journey – The Bush and W.C. Webb Inn! And so the Bush Inn became the centre of many of Christchurch's sporting events, either being the starting point or where the race would end. From horses to bicycles, pigeon shooting to hunting parties, the Bush Inn catered to them all. While the Bush Inn site has been a shopping mall for some time now, it has maintained the tradition of catering to them all, by keeping its finger on the commercial pulse of the city. Bush Inn Shopping Centre has more than 45 unique stores from bakeries and clothing, to travel agents and hairdressers. The perfect venue for a girl's day out; grab a cut and colour at Express Cut and Colour, before grabbing a bite to eat, then a facial and massage at Accent on NouVeau before stocking up on some

stylish new threads at CC Collections, Postie Plus or All About a Girl. Bush Inn Shopping Centre is also a great venue for the whole family. Stock the kids up with school gear from Paper Plus, get some high quality footwear from The Frontrunner, then head out to one of the popular restaurants offering everything from Indian to Mexican for a meal out. There's always some exciting competitions and promotions on the Facebook page. Last month saw the shopping centre giving away a pair of shoes from the popular All About a Girl clothing boutique and the Bush Inn Selfie competition which has just finished. There was an Easter hamper giveaway, a Mother's Day competition, the Make a Date with Bush Inn promotion and a free natural soap with $20 purchase deal at Homestead Health and Beauty. So make sure you jump on the Facebook page and click 'like' to keep up to date with the latest deals and offers. Open 9am to 6pm Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm Saturday and 10am to 5pm Sunday, with increased hours for Countdown 7am to 10pm and Pizza Hutt from 11:30am until late. Visit Bush Inn Shopping Centre on the corner of Riccarton and Waimairi Roads, phone (03) 348 6993 or find them on Facebook.

Get a Manicure or Pedicure & Receive a COMPLIMENTARY OPI Nail Colour!


Accent on Nou Veau HAIR





Cnr Riccarton & Waimairi Rd P. 03 348 8910

The Main Skein For the finest Handknitting Yarns, Baby Clothing & Gifts

Baby Brush Alpaca in 8 glorious shades

Open 7 Days Bush Inn Centre Ph: 3486 899

33 May, 29 2014 Metropol

in your kitchen


in your kitchen FIFTY GRILL Enjoy a premium selection of New Zealand's finest meats & seafood served with chip potatoes & your choice of side dish Angus Grass Fed Beef Fillet – (aged 30 + days) 200g Angus Grain Finished Beef Ribeye – (aged 30 + days) 300g Canterbury Lamb Rib Cutlets Akaroa Salmon Fillet Grilled Tiger Prawns (1doz) Available for lunch and dinner

50 Bistro E: P: 371 0250

Enamel milk can and pourers. Timeless design and a retro feel. Available at

Total Food Equipment Midway Moorhouse, 218 Moorhouse Ave Ph. 3666 912

Classic Italian hot chocolate 'Cioco Delice' that is deliciously thick and tasty. Special winter price – 1 kg tin for $30 Available from:

The Crowded House Coffee Company Ltd 2 Baigent Way, Middleton Christchurch Phone 03 348 5089

This is food as it's supposed to be eaten fresh from the earth to the kitchen, seasonal, nourishing and delicious. Perfect for anyone with food intolerances, low in sugar and gluten free.

Scorpio Books 113 Riccarton Road, 379 2882 or Re: Start Cashel Mall 377 8462

A wine to savour by the fireside. Tohu Marlborough Single Vineyard Pinot Noir 2013 A deep garnet red, this wine is packed with berry flavours, along with some spicy oak. Available at your favourite wine store. Ph 0800 223 922

Charming metal enamel cake tin. Available at

Total Food Equipment Midway Moorhouse, 218 Moorhouse Ave Ph. 3666 912

Wake up and smell the cookies! Cookie Time has just launched Breakfast Cookies in two delicious flavours - Superfruits or Nut Seed & Honey. This new breakfast of cookie lovers is available now in dairies and petrol stations.

Impress your guests and create a superb tasteful dish for your next special occasion. Choose Canter Valley Duck breast or legs to give your culinary creations a ‘wow’ factor. Just follow the easy to use recipes on the back of the packet or add your own twist. Enjoy!

Canter Valley Ph. 03 312 9805

34 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Succulent, tender & juicy. Perfect Pork is a convenient range of grain-fed Canterbury pork that comes complete with a simple 3-step cooking instruction and includes a matching in-pack condiment sauce. Available at Raeward Fresh stores.





Bars & Cafés


cuisine & DINING OUT

By Fleur Revell

Moreish meats


id farewell the corned beef that’s curling at the edges, decidedly dodgy casseroles and sloppy shepherd’s pie – take comfort food out of its comfort zone this chilly season...

A boutique online butchery, Moreish prides itself on providing quality free range and organic meat delivered fresh to Kiwi homes. A gate to plate concept also ensures full traceability of all Moreish meat, from the moment it leaves the farm through the butchery process until it arrives at your door. Moreish Corned Beef is the ideal match for your slow cooker. The easy way to create delicious, hearty winter fare, simply pop it in the slow cooker, cover with water and add a slice of orange rind, a tablespoon of vinegar, one of golden syrup, a few peppercorns, a bay leaf – then leave it to do its thing! Serve with homemade mustard sauce, mash and steam vegetables and you have a tasty dish that banishes all memories of corned beef that’s tough as old boots! Nitrate and preservative free, there are no nasties in Moreish Corned Beef.

Lamb lovers are in for a treat with Moreish Lamb Shanks. Try a delicious Sunday roast with family and friends with Moreish hind Lamb Shanks – thick, meaty lamb shanks that are French-trimmed, these premium shanks are simply divine when roasted. Serve with homemade gravy and a medley of roast Mediterranean vegetables drizzled with balsamic vinegar – yum! If shanks and slow cooking is your match made in heaven, give your slow cooker some love with Moreish forequarter Lamb Shanks. At their best when slow-cooked and just perfect with a smooth, creamy mash, these shanks are a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Whip up some rosemary gravy and you’ve got the perfect winter feast. And for a feast that’s just a little bit fancy, Moreish Beef Short Ribs are a tasty way to impress guests – without all the hard work behind the scenes! Similar to lamb shanks, beef short ribs are best when slow cooked or even double cooked. For double cooked deliciousness, slow roast the beef short ribs in your choice of marinade or juices for three to

At their best when slowcooked and just perfect with a smooth, creamy mash, these shanks are a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Whip up some rosemary gravy and you’ve got the perfect winter feast. four hours then finish by grilling or barbecuing. Sticky, sweet and rich, this is comfort food with flair. Boutique butchery Moreish sources all its beef and lamb from Clarkson Farm, an organic farm in the Manawatu. Clarkson Farm successfully integrates conventional practises with organic, providing plenty of nutritional grass to farm their animals on. For more information visit

4 Locations! Edgeware, Rolleston, Hamner Springs, Kaikoura Free Call 0508 111 001 Open Hours: Lunch Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.00pm Dinner: 7 Days a Week from 5.00pm

Rolleston Shop No.8, 70-76 Rolleston Dr Rolleston Square

Ph 03 347 2315 Like us on facebook

Hamner Springs Shop 5/30 Cnr Conical Hill Rd & Chisholm Ave

Ph 03 315 7616

Edgeware Mall


76 Edgeware Road, Edgeware Mall, ChCh

17 Beach Road, Kaikoura

Ph 03 366 7223

Ph 03 319 6844

Order online at 10% Discount for Takeaways Metropol May 29, 2014 35



Versatile venue

perfect for any function


Visions on Campus can now be hired out for “Campus Chef” team-building evenings. At Campus Chef, groups hire out the Visions kitchen and compete in a series of food challenges to become a master chef.

ith a lack of venues in Christchurch, CPIT’s impressive restaurant Visions on Campus has been in high demand as a function venue. Visions on Campus has always had a steady stream of customers, but now the restaurant is seeing increasing demand for corporate and private functions. The restaurant is staffed by CPIT’s hospitality students, with food created by the cookery students. Restaurant manager Jason Newton says Visions on Campus hosts “all kinds of different functions.” “We can do everything from a three course dinner for 120 people to a small function with drinks and nibbles,” he says. “We’ve got a full bar and a team of professional staff so most things are possible.” The restaurant has recently hosted two weddings and has previously held product launches, awards nights and corporate dinners. “The weddings have been great. The venue has been decorated with flowers and everyone has had a really good time,” Newton says. In fact, Visions on Campus has proved so

popular as a function centre that the restaurant has now launched a new kind of event. Visions on Campus can now be hired out for “Campus Chef” team-building evenings. At Campus Chef, groups hire out the Visions kitchen and compete in a series of food challenges to become a master chef.

“Usually they come in and we split them into groups and they compete by cooking different meals. They are marked on their food and teams are awarded prizes. A Visions chef is on hand to help and we do all of the prepping and cleaning up,” Newton says. “We can either provide the food for the evenings or groups can bring their own in. It’s really flexible. We can even include blind food tastings and quizzes depending on how much time the group wants to spend in the kitchen.” The Campus Chef nights can cater for groups of between 20- 120 people and are often finished off with drinks and nibbles provided by the Visions’ staff. The Campus Chef evenings which have already been held have proved very popular. “People go out to dinner often, but this is a

really different experience for them,” Newton says. “The groups we’ve had through have come and told us they’ve had a really great evening with a lot of fun. It is a good thing to do as a team.” For more information on Visions on Campus or to make a booking visit or phone (03) 940

Come down to

HEATHCOTE’S VALLEY INN TAVERN Check out our Tuesday Steak & Beer Night! Enjoy a $15 Steak, Fries & your choice of salad or veggies with a pint of Tap Beer* or glass of House Wine

Wednesday $15 Burger & Beer Night! NEW COURTESY VAN

Call in or enquire 2 Flavell St, Heathcote Ph. 384 1124

Courtesy van is now available at the days & times listed (conditions apply) Thursday - Saturday Pickup: 4pm- 8pm, Drop off: 8pm-close Sunday Pickup: 2pm - 5pm Drop off:5pm -close

Phone 03 3481 124 to book

our courtesy van for a pickup or drop off


hachi hachi

Ph. 348 8418 36 May, 29 2014 Metropol

a striking restaurant enjoy the finest of japanese food & ambience

Bush Inn Centre



Present this when ordering 4 or more main dishes with dinner Sun-Wed Valid until 30th June 2014 * Terms & Conditions Apply

Bush Inn Centre Cnr Riccarton & Waimairi Rds

Ph. 03 348 8881

A taste for the wild D o you have a sense of adventure and a taste for the wild? That’s what Monteith’s is asking all New Zealanders during its annual Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge. Move aside meat and two veg, the Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge is back for its 17th year and promises to be the biggest iteration of New Zealand’s longest running food challenge yet. Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge sees

2013 MFC winner Eugene Sokolovski from Ribier




Cocktail Chef Mary's mixologist

Richard Uttley, Food & Beverage Manager at the Rydges Latimer reveals the secrets behind making a delicious Peacock Tail… Cocktails are like cooking; when you find that one new ingredient that you can't stop using, and just have to tell all your friends about. Enter Pavan*, a little know French liqueur, blended from Muscat grapes and orange blossom. “Pavo” which is peacock in Latin or, “se pavaner”, in French means “swagger”. This liqueur has a lot to give, whether drinking over ice or blending into that great post-work cocktail. (*Available from Vino Fino) Richard Uttley

How to make a Peacock Tail... 2013 Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge winning dish

restaurants around the country competing to deliver a feast of flavours that impresses both a panel of expert judges and the voting public alike. Participating chefs must pair their creations with a Monteith’s beer or cider, use at least two wild ingredients from within 100km of their kitchen and prepare and serve their dish in a wild fashion for the chance to be crowned the MWFC national prize winner. The challenge runs from 1 – 31 July, with finalists judged throughout August and the winner announced 9 September. Visit the Monteith’s website ( for more information and updates on participating restaurants.

Glassware A Collins glass is a glass tumbler which typically will contain 300 to 410 ml. It is used to serve mixed drinks, especially Collins cocktails. It is cylindrical in shape and narrower than a highball glass. Available from Total Food Equipment, Moorhouse Ave. Recipe 45 ml of Pavan 30 ml of Beefeater Gin 10 ml of lemon juice top with soda Fill Collins glass with ice, add all ingredients, top with soda, garnish with lemon and lime wedge and a sprig of mint. Bloody Mary's is now online so check out where they will be publishing all the Mary's Mixologist recipes on their site for easy reference. Peacock Tail

NOW OPEN for Evening Dining!

7 Days til late or just pop in for a hot drink & dessert! Great Coffee Delicious Food Stylish Surrounding

All day breakfast

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Ph 03 982 1118






NEW Winter Menu Out Now! Join us every Thursday for Happy Hour from 4pm to 6pm with live entertainment from 5-7pm $6.00 Tap Beer & $6.00 House Wine & Complimentary snack food



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metropol NEW stunning Function/Dining area Now Upstairs!

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Great gifts, Great Coffee...


Two award-winning restaurants in one luxury locale


xquisite food, fine wine and attentive service in an exclusive boutique hotel setting – and you don’t even have to travel far from home. In the heart of our city, we are privileged to have two award-winning restaurants at one luxury locale. The George is home to 50 Bistro and Pescatore, which offer two unique dining experiences for both regulars and first-timer diners. 50 Bistro – relaxed dining with inspired bistro fare Open for all-day dining, 50 Bistro offers inspired bistro food with modern flavours, excellent wines and a contemporary bar. Located on the ground floor, it has a brand new outdoor area ready for winter. Featuring gas-fire tables and a vertical wall garden – it’s the perfect space to meet for coffee, cocktails, bar snacks or a meal. Executive Chef, Andrew Brown, leads the kitchen team designing seasonal menus using the best local produce. For breakfast, you’ll find all your favourites from the continental buffet and al a carte menu, as well as some unexpected surprises like the smoked groper hash and chive-scented waffle. The Nifty 50 lunch menu offers soup and your choice of a savoury course for a very reasonable $29. Kids are well catered for too. For dinner, the children’s menu offers a complimentary starter and a selection of playful mains including We Found Nemo (fish and chips), Fog Horn Leg Horn (chicken bites), Spongebob (square pizza), and Wiggles Pasta (linguini with chicken, bacon and tomato sauce), as well as salad and steamed vegetables. 50 Bistro – open seven days, 6.30am till late, 371 0250.

café & gifts Rolleston Shopping Centre Rolleston Ph 347 3314 Open 7 Days

Fine Japanese dining in Christchurch

Pescatore – reawaken your senses Cuisine Good Food Guide 2013 Zest Food Awards Best Restaurant Finalist 2013 Wine Spectator Award of Excellence 2013 Consistently ranked among the top restaurants in the country, Pescatore offers the absolute best in fine dining. From the second floor of The George, this stylish dining space commands panoramic views of Hagley Park, providing the perfect backdrop for what promises to be not just a meal but a night to remember. Chef de Cuisine Reon Hobson and his team have created a unique, fresh approach to the cuisine, which at its core has a passionate respect for ingredients. Pescatore’s unique dining concept takes guests on a culinary journey of the senses. The Evolution menu offers ten courses – with or without matching wines. Over three hours all your senses will be put to use in a range of spectacular dishes that will delight and amaze. If you prefer a little more control, try the Decisions menu where you can choose from dishes such as open scallop lasagna with shiitake puree, and brown butter poached lamb loin with smoked potato, followed by bubblegum mousse with poached rhubarb. Matching wines are selected from Pescatore’s impressive list, honoured by Wine Spectator as one of the most outstanding restaurant lists in the world. Pescatore – open Tuesday to Saturday (closed public holidays), 6pm till late, 371 0257. The George, 50 Park Terrace, 0800 100 220.


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A great way to start any day... Crafted coffee & delicious fare

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Richmond Village Fully licensed & BYO Ph.389 999 78 38 May, 29 2014 Metropol

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Discover gourmet ingredients & foodie facts Established in June 2004, Mercato, at 100 Fitzgerald Avenue in Christchurch, was born from an idea to give South Island chefs and home gourmets access to specialist imported and quality local ingredients. Opposite Lichfield St and with plenty of parking, Mercato is quite an Aladdin’s Cave of culinary delights and well worth a visit.

“We want to encourage people to try things, and to take them back to their own kitchens. Actually that is one of the great things about Mercato – the emphasis on learning and inspirational ideas.”


wners Ngaire and Marty Baker have achieved many of their original goals. With quality comes exceptional depth of flavour, an absence of artificial preservatives, and in many cases products that are handmade and estate produced rather than mass produced. Home cooking has received a huge impetus from TV cooking programmes and magazines, and New Zealanders are keenly looking for equipment and ingredients showcased in the recipes – Mercato is the place to go for this. New ingredients are constantly arriving on the shelves to cater to these trends. Right now is no exception, with the biggest new range of ingredients to be introduced in recent years – the best from artisan New Zealand producers and newly landed products from Provence, Spain and Italy. “It is all about the opportunity to taste the real thing,” says Ngaire. “We want to encourage people to try things,

and to take them back to their own kitchens. Actually that is one of the great things about Mercato – the emphasis on learning and inspirational ideas.” Talk to one of Mercato’s staff – they are all foodies – and discover more than just what the ingredient is all about, but how you can prepare it. Where else can you ask a question, taste the real thing, and then walk away with exactly what you need? Pay a visit to sample, shop or enjoy a sit down in the café that uses the ingredients from the shelves in the daily changing menu. And if you cannot make it there right now, then go online and have it delivered, or check out the free cooking class timetable for this month. Mercato, 100 Fitzgerald Avenue,

Open 7 Days 12pm- late 77 Main North Road, Christchurch Phone 352 4242 Takeaways Available


Open Monday to Friday 8am till 4pm

Fantastic Evening Menu, Coffee, Cabinet food CREATED in SMALL BATCHES BREWED from ORGANIC TEA LEAVES TEAS




New Appetisers


Beef Tataki & Tuna Tataki

Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm

Catering service available Please enquire for details

Hours: Mon - Sat 6.30am - 9.00pm Sunday 6.30am - 6.00pm 09 412 2515

Shop 7 / 21 Humphreys Dr. Ferrymead Ph. 376 6000

Ph. 3588 490 45 Merrin Street Avonhead e.


Open Monday to Friday 8am till 5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm


Saturday mornings from 10.30am

Ph. 03 377 6994 100 Fitzgerald Avenue opposite Lichfield Street Metropol May 29, 2014 39



Café by day superb restaurant by night

Each day at Rocksalt, a distinctive metamorphosis takes place. As the working day comes to an end, this popular Strowan eatery transforms itself from a casual, laidback café to a night-time eatery full of positive energy and passion for great food.


t’s still laid back. It’s a restaurant full of personality, where team members take delight in ensuring their diners have an enjoyable evening, coupled with exceptionally well cooked food. The attentive table service, the small but perfectly formed wine list and the oldfashioned favourites on the menu are a continuing hit. The popularity of Rocksalt as an evening venue has seen them increase the days they serve dinner. From Wednesday to Sunday, you can enjoy generous portions of wholesome food. And while we have said old-fashioned favourites, we are talking about those perennial enjoyments, cooked exceptionally well and served with fresh vegetables and a dollop of something special to accentuate the excellent flavours on your plate. For breakfast delights enjoy eggs on toast the way you love them, hash cakes with poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and bacon, or a huge Rocksalt breakfast extravaganza. Try French toast with bacon, caramelised banana, maple syrup and mascarpone, and Eggs Benedict with a variety of options. Lunch brings soup de jour, seafood

The popularity of Rocksalt as an evening venue has seen them increase the days they serve dinner. From Wednesday to Sunday, you can enjoy generous portions of wholesome food.

chowder, Moroccan Lamb Salad, Thai Chicken Salad, golden battered fish, Open Chicken Sandwich, Salt & Pepper Squid, Winter Vege Salad, pasta every which way, flat breads and much more. The pizza menu is alluring: chorizo, salami, ham, BBQ sauce, sour cream, grilled chicken , brie, cranberry, basil, smoked salmon, cream cheese, shallot, capers; Hawaiian margherita, mushroom, sundried tomato, onion, basil pesto, broccoli, blue cheese, red onion, ricotta – do you get the idea? It is all there. And the flavours are truly amazing. For a solid meal, a Rocksalt winter treat,

Happy Hour: Wed-Sun 4-6pm All Beer & House Wine $5

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Barista: Alana

choose the Angus ribeye steak, a generous serve of quality beef with a red wine and thyme jus or the ever-popular mushroom sauce. If salmon is more your thing, it comes accompanied with tantalising vegetables and a citrus hollandaise. The chicken is raved about; the succulent breast is stuffed with cranberry and brie. Lamb shanks, braised with creamed potato is a luscious option, and apple tree pork fillet with a sage and apple farce, basiled purple cabbage and béarnaise sauce is a definite winner. And who can go past a chicken with sundried tomato, basil pesto and feta, wrapped in bacon with a pepper corn and jus. Delish! A kids’ menu, some equally yummy and tempting desserts and the attractive surrounds complement the offerings. Rocksalt is pleased at the continual changes and improvements they continue to make. If you have been in and sampled their exquisite coffee and relaxed daytime menu, you certainly need to go back in the evening and experience for yourself the metamorphosis to an evening venue you will quickly fall in love with. Rocksalt is located at 7 Normans Rd, Elmwood Village, phone 355 5299.

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Sounds in the city Friday 30 May Astro Lounge: Nicholas Bosman, 5:30pm. Free blues, pop Becks Alehouse: D'sendantz Duo, 8pm. Free reggae, rock Carlton Bar: Shadow Puppet, 10pm. Free Clink Restaurant Bar: Free Fall, 9:30pm. Free Cortado: Gin & Jazz, 8:30pm. Free blues, jazz Darkroom: Permanence, 9:30pm. Free pop, rock Dux Live: Tahuna Breaks, 8pm. Funk, rock, soul Finnegans: Jacked FM Green Party Karaoke DJ, 8pm. Free Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Blank Tony Trio, 6pm. Free Mashina Lounge: Rocknight - Mashina Sound Party, 9pm. Free Opawa Bowl and Jack: Vanderfield DJ's, 8pm. Free electro, house, pop... Pegasus Arms: Headrush, 10pm. Free country, folk, rock Revival Bar: Mike T, 10pm. Free breaks, broken beat, dnb... Sullivans Irish Pub: Dateless and Desperate, 9:30pm. Free The Brewery: Adam McGrath, 4:30pm. Free The Brewery: Lindon Puffin, 9pm. Free The Club: Club night, 5pm. $10 door. Free before 10pm The Woolston Club: Big Joe, 7pm. Free covers Trevinos: Reckless Duo, 9pm. Free pop, rock Wunderbar: Hera with Jen/ Phoebe Leyton/Luckless/ Ivy Rossiter, 8:30pm, $10 door

Saturday 31 May Alvarados: Lizzie Cook Band, 8pm. Free Astro Lounge: Dr Sanchez, 5:30pm. Free Latin Becks Alehouse: Retrosonic, 9pm. Free pop, rock Carlton Bar: Smashbox, 10pm. Free Darkroom: Sherpa (Akl) 9:30pm. Free indie, rock Dux Live: Bassfreaks Presents Danny Byrd (Hospital Records), 8pm, $25 pre, dnb The Famous Grouse Hotel: D'sendantz, 8:30pm. Free rock

Saturday 31 May


Finnegans: DJ Snake, 8pm. Free Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Wombat, 7pm. Free Mashina Lounge: Assembly Required followed by DJ Paul McKessar, 8:30pm. Free Pegasus Arms: Alleyboy, 10pm. Free folk Pierside Café: Karaoke - D.J Chick, 9pm. Free karaoke Speights Ale House Ferrymead: The Jordan Luck Band, 8pm, $30 pre, $35 door. Rock Sullivans Irish Pub: Head Rush, 9:30pm. Free The Brewery: Reggae Roots Overload with Merchants of Flow and One Waka, 9pm. Free The Club: Justin Sane at The Club! 5pm, $10 door. Free before 10pm, electro, pop The Woolston Club: Double Trouble, 7:30pm. Free covers Winnie Bagoes City: Ahoribuzz & The Byllie Jean Project, 10pm, $30 pre. Funk, rock Wunderbar: Barry Saunders - Lindon Puffin - Matt Langley, $15 pre, $20 door

Sunday 1 June Astro Lounge: Vintage Blue, 2pm. Free blues, jazz, pop Churchills Live Music Venue: The Chills, 7pm, $30 pre. Rock Cortado: Co-Op, 4pm. Free funk, roots, soul Dux Live: Subtle Sunday, 6pm. Pegasus Arms: Nick Lee, 10pm. Free Porthole Bar: Sunday Jam Session, 3:30pm. Free The Brewery: La Petite Manouche, 1pm. Free Wunderbar: The Dions. Free rock

Monday 2 June Pegasus Arms: Craic Sessions, 7pm. Free Pierside Café: Quiz Night @ The Beach, 6:30pm. Free

Tuesday 3 June

Wednesday 4 June Sullivans Irish Pub: Willie McArthur, 7:30pm. Free

Thursday 5 June Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Dougal Canard Trio, 6pm. Free Sullivans Irish Pub: Cody Spicer, 7:30pm. Free The Club: Thursdays @ The Club - Funk Knight! 5pm. Free

Friday 6 June Clink Restaurant Bar: Free Fall, 9:30pm. Free Cortado: Gin & Jazz, 8:30pm. Free blues, jazz Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Blank Tony Trio, 6pm. Free Opawa Bowl and Jack: Vanderfield DJ's, 8pm. Free Pegasus Arms: The Flat City Brotherhood, 10pm. Free country, folk Sullivans Irish Pub: Dateless and Desperate, 9:30pm. Free The Bedford - CPSA Building: The Phoenix Foundation EP Release Tour, 8pm, $30 pre. Indie, pop, rock The Club: Club night, 5pm, $10 door. Free before 10pm Winnie Bagoes City: Request Club, 10pm

Saturday 7 June CBS Arena: Chopper: Repeat Offender, 7:30pm, $38.90 - 42.90 (booking fees apply) The Famous Grouse Hotel: Picking at the Remnants, 8:30pm. Free rock Finnegans: DJ Snake, 8pm. Free Pegasus Arms: Headrush, 10pm. Free country, folk, rock Sullivans Irish Pub: Shameless Few, 9:30pm. Free Tequila Mockingbird: Mike T, 10:30pm. Free broken beat, funk, house The Club: The Club Saturdays, 5pm, $10 door. Free before 10pm Winnie Bagoes City: Superfunk, 10pm. Free

Sunday 8 June Cortado: Dawn, 4pm. Free funk, roots, soul Pegasus Arms: Nick Lee, 10pm. Free

Cortado: Release the Kraken, 8pm. Free blues, funk, roots

Porthole Bar: Sunday Jam Session, 3:30pm. Free

Pegasus Arms: Mal Harris' Pub Quiz, 7pm. Free

The Brewery: La Petite Manouche, 1pm. Free



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Metropol May 29, 2014 41






Kitchens & Bathrooms


110 years of furniture excellence T his year, DOMO's flagship French furniture brand, Grange is celebrating 110 years of furniture excellence. Established in 1904, Grange is one of the world's foremost manufacturers of high-quality, traditional furniture, creating beautiful pieces that are hand crafted in the mountains surrounding Lyon in France.

Grange's range of iconic armchairs, offer classic comfort and style. Whether you're after the perfect place to cosy up on a winter's night or the grandeur of a King Louis XV, Grange's armchairs are created using the finest timber and upholstery available in a range of fabrics. New Zealand has two stores in Auckland 106 St Georges Bay Road Parnell and 139 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket. However DOMO Australia has the widest range of classically beautiful or stylishly directional pieces for indoor and outdoor living for furniture lovers and working with the New Zealand team can assist with specific orders here. DOMO NZ has a good website for browsing. For more information visit and

Grange Adonis armchair $AU4939 – Strong arms and cushioning make this armchair a favourite amongst Grange customers, delivering comfort and style. Grange Leonice armchair $AU6066 – The tallest in the Grange armchair range, the Leonice will stand proud in any lounge room adding sophistication in any style you choose. Grange Marguerite armchair $AU4876 – Perfect for a formal living room or as the finishing touch on a bedroom suit, this elegant armchair will easily become your favourite household piece.

Grange Maximilienne armchair $AU4874 – Rounded edges and soft upholstery come together to create a sophisticated armchair that provides the perfect place to cosy into on cold winter nights.

42 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Grange Louis XV armchair $AU3580 – Feel like the king of your castle with this elegantly styled grand armchair designed with comfort and functionality in mind.



By Wendy Dunlop

Uplifting, inspirational new showroom & homewares


fter earthquake turmoil and three changes of location, it’s a delight to see Asko flourishing in its permanent Moorhouse Avenue premises. Sparkling, spacious and convenient, “we have recovered and sales have never been better” says Asko’s owner Graeme Marshall. “We relished being a stand alone destination store at Victoria Street for almost 30 years, but now we are part of a bulk retail setting for homeware and appliances,” says Graeme. He believes that there “is good synergy with neighbours whose businesses complement one another and collectively entice people to the area for the benefit of all of us.” Asko’s high visibility single level premises and convenient parking offers superb accessibility for customers of all ages. “I don’t think I recognised the importance of car parking at Victoria Street and the potential extra business we could have captured simply by having better access,” admits Graeme. In the 18 months Asko has been at Moorhouse Avenue he has noticed the store attracting a wider demographic, including

families and the large showroom offers greater interest for those browsing and buying at their leisure during the weekends. The iconic business evolved from selling kitset and pine furniture, then diversified into quality kitchen, bathroom, gifts and home wares including a large range of contemporary furniture that is largely sourced from overseas. When Asko first began mixing home wares with furniture it was a unique concept in New Zealand. Now bigger, brighter and brimming with all the favourite products we’ve come to expect, the extra space at Moorhouse has also allowed Asko to display its special brands more effectively and increase its stock lines.

“We don’t buy through agents so we have the dual advantage of exclusivity and affordability and it’s proving very successful.”

don’t buy through agents so we have the dual advantage of exclusivity and affordability and it’s proving very successful,” says Graeme. But there is still a perceptible Asko “look” which comes from “experience, the right eye and an instinctive feel for what our customers already like or will like,” says Graeme. On buying trips he is always looking at new products that fit with established Asko quality and sleek contemporary style. To enjoy uplifting retail therapy, inspirational designs for your new home or refurbishment and the “Asko ambience,” we know and love, visit or call into Asko Design at 210 Moorhouse Ave, phone 366 5678.

Asko’s longevity is partly related to importing direct from factories overseas, developing enduring relationships with suppliers and retaining loyal experienced staff at home. The company has increased its imports and with 20 to 25 suppliers in China and some in Italy, containers are arriving weekly to keep up with customer demand. “We

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Bold &vibrant or soft & muted

décor for the soul


s the modern home has evolved, so too has the role of the modern interior designer. Today the profession is responsible for creating homes with both form and function. Specialising in residential interiors and everything from new cushions to a total makeover, Sandalwood Design creates interiors to suit the modern lifestyle – turning houses into homes. No job is too big or too small. From selecting a paint colour to a full house consultancy service, the Sandalwood Design team can work with you, your budget and your timeframe to create a stunning solution to suit your requirements. Set in the stunning Strowan, the Sandalwood store contains a striking mix of furniture and furnishings, with wallpaper and upholstery samples available to peruse and the attention of a talented, tight-knit team. It’s a team which has developed a strong reputation for style, knowledge and creativity. Owner and designer Fiona Renton is joined by Anna and Jude, with recent addition Cheryl Kiesanowski who brings a diverse 14 years of experience to the table since her training in Auckland. “The key to good interior design is that it’s catered to your tastes and your

needs,” Fiona says. “We have the ability to mix patterns and textures, styles and brands. Nothing we do is generic, every design and look we create is unique to you.” A key element of the company’s success is listening to what the client wants and developing a range of options that update their home without overwhelming their style and colour preferences. The design services are diverse, from colour consulting, wall coverings, curtain, blinds and cushion making, curtain and blind installation,

“For some it’s an opportunity to branch into new textures like wallpapers, tiles or wooden floors or inject colour into their homes to offset neutral tones,” says Fiona who believes colour is good for the soul. upholstery and soft furnishing selection and furniture sourcing, including sofas and chairs customised to your requirements. “When you’re building a home, the sheer number of things you need to consider is mind boggling,” Fiona says. “Which is where we come in. We can be involved from the initial concept and offer a personalised service to make interior design a relaxing and enjoyable experience.” Keep an eye out for the latest show home created in conjunction with Hallmark Homes to be released later in the year. Earthquake repairs have proved a great opportunity for many to update and redecorate their homes. “For some it’s an opportunity to branch into new textures like wallpapers, tiles or wooden floors or inject colour into their homes to offset neutral tones,” says Fiona who believes colour is good for the soul. Whether it’s bold and vibrant or soft and

muted depends on the soul, but you’ll find an extraordinary selection at Sandalwood Design Contact Sandalwood Design now to discuss their design packages now and save costly mistakes later. You’ll find a great amount of parking available at the showroom 55 Blighs Road, Strowan, phone (03) 351 1905 or find them on Facebook at


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outdoors metropol

by: Melissa Albright

Love your landscape


andscape gardening has often been associated with the painting of a picture. Your artwork teacher has told you that a good picture should have a point of interest, and the rest of the points simply go to make the piece more beautiful. So in landscape gardening there must be a picture in the gardener's mind of what he desires the whole to be. From this study we will be able to work out a little theory of landscape gardening. Let’s start with the lawn. A good extent of open lawn space is always beautiful. It is restful. It adds a feeling of space to even small grounds. So we might generalise and say that it is good to keep open lawn space. If someone covers his lawn with a lot of trees, with little flowerbeds here and there, the general effect is choppy and fussy. It is a bit like an overdressed person. A single tree or a small group is not a bad arrangement on the lawn. Do not centre the tree or trees. Let them drop into the background. Make a pleasing side feature with them. In choosing trees you must keep in mind a number of things. You should not choose an overpowering tree; the tree should

new seasons 233 varieties Sturdy well grafted plants bush, climbing, standard, David Austin & old-fashioned, patio.

If someone covers his lawn with a lot of trees, with little flowerbeds here and there, the general effect is choppy and fussy. It is a bit like an over-dressed person. be of good shape, with something interesting about its bark, leaves, flowers or fruit. I would never advise planting a group of evergreens close to a house, and in the front yard. The effect is very gloomy. Houses surrounded are not only gloomy to live in, but truly unhealthy. The requisite inside a house is sunlight and

plenty of it. As trees are chosen because of certain good points, shrubs should be also. In a clump I would plant some that bloom early, some that bloom late, some for the beauty of their autumn foliage, some for the colour of their bark and others for the fruit. Certain shrubs are good to use for hedge purposes. A hedge is prettier usually than a fence. Landscape gardening may follow along very formal lines or along informal lines. The first would have straight paths, straight rows in stiff beds, everything, as the name tells, perfectly formal. The other method is, of course, the exact opposite. There are danger points in each. The formal arrangement is likely to look too stiff; the informal, too fussy, too wiggly. As far as paths go, keep this in mind, that a path should always lead somewhere. Its job is to direct one to a definite place. Now, straight, even paths are not unpleasing if the effect is to be a formal garden. The danger in the curved path is an abrupt curve, a whirligig effect. It is far better for you to stick to straight paths unless you can make a really beautiful curve. Flowers go well along the side of the building, or bordering a walk. In general, though, keep the front lawn space open and unbroken by beds. What’s lovelier in early spring than a bed of daffodils close to the house? Hyacinths and tulips, too, form a blaze of glory.

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metropol home

The loss of our future heritage Architect Cymon Allfrey shares an insight into our architectural lineage and what the rebuild means for our future… Cymon Allfrey


e are entering a period of lost architecture. As architects and designers, our job is to design and craft solutions that not only meet our clients’ needs, but respects what has gone before.

We learn from, and are influenced by our heritage. We take buildings that have been recognised as great and use them to inform and inspire our current offerings; essentially it is the apprentice learning from the master and adapting for modern use. However as we rebuild our city, we have seen a wealth of our architectural history lost. Not just those buildings that were heritage listed, but those that encompassed the qualities of heritage but hadn’t had the time to become ‘iconic’. In a recent episode of TV One’s Art of the Architect, Malcolm Walker discussed that heritage isn’t just about age; it is also about quality and respect. The qualities of the building, its story and environment, is what makes it ‘heritage’, not age alone. Take for example the Town Hall, it has become iconic over time, but it is the story of its inception, its architect and its impact on the city that gives it its historical significance. While we can look around our city and be saddened by what is gone, I personally believe that a lot of the architecture we lost was

46 May, 29 2014 Metropol

The qualities of the building, its story and environment, is what makes it ‘heritage’, not age alone. disrespectful to the history of our city and country. Architecturally, Christchurch City emerged as a series of solutions from mistakes made in the ‘Mother Land’. Our early settlers arrived by boat and set about achieving a utopian existence. As they reflected and built on colonial mistakes, our city grew with a series of new issues; the most notable, and unfortunate, being the disregard for the local environment and pre-European settlements. They broke the natural cycle of New Zealand architecture, as rather than draw upon and learn from what was there, they brought an idea of what impact they wanted to have. It was many years later that

Maori culture was recognised, and became part of our national, and local, architecture. I have talked before about the importance of architectural history and that you can drive down any street or road and see the history of that street unfold before you. Yet our architectural streetscape will now tell the story of time standing still, as the natural build-

The iconic Town Hall

demolish cycle has been changed. As you look around the city, no area has been left untouched or unscathed from damage, and as we rebuild, the city will be filled with buildings that will all turn 50 at the same time. Everything will be from the same period and require maintenance and repair at the same time. And while this is not a new concept for instant cities like Dubai, in Christchurch it signifies a disregard to, and loss of, our architectural story. We have lost critical elements of our past that had yet to be recognised as critical. What we would have referred to as architecturally significant has gone. And as a result our architectural lineage is going to end up failing to respect the work of our mid-late 21st century architects to the same level as we would have, or as those who have gone before. As we struggle to identify and locate their work now, what will it be like in fifty years? Our next generation of architects will be informed in a very different way. We need to be more aware than ever that we need to understand and reference the past where we can, while being respectful of what still exists. As only that which remains will continue to inform and tell the story of our city’s architectural lineage.



Thinking inside the window... Next generation window film technology


ith the effects of the 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch still a daily reminder as the rebuilding of the city continues, there is a need to rebuild the feeling of safety in homes and work places.

There’s more glass in homes and offices Enerlogic 70, more ideal for us here in than ever before, and a window is accountable Christchurch. It deflects solar heat for the majority of heat gain or loss, and penetration in summer by up to 49% but strategically placed windows can mean a perhaps more importantly, with its patented world of difference in the amount of energy Low-e coating, actually insulates in winter to consumption in homes. And, despite the keep you warm, thereby reducing energy apparent need for energy efficiency, many still costs and saving you money. have the misconception that making their All this adds up to a cheaper, effective and homes energy efficient more environmentallywill require a lot of work friendly solution at home and a lot of cash. or in the office. EnerLogic It deflects solar heat One of the most is available from Tint a penetration in summer by popular options is Home in Christchurch. up to 49% but perhaps double-glazing, Owner Lindsay Law (20 more importantly, with its however this can be years’ experience), and his quite expensive to staff, are highly trained in patented Low-e coating, install, given that often all areas of glass tinting; actually insulates in winter both the window frame offering you quality films, to keep you warm, thereby and the glass may need friendly advice and service to be replaced. But you have known to expect reducing energy costs and listen up, there are at their Tint a Car stores. If saving you money. many options, here’s you enjoy the benefits of one that definitely falls tinted window film on your into the more affordable category… vehicle, imagine what tinted windows will do It’s an award winning high tech next for your home or office! Tint a Home also generation window film called Enerlogic which services the Timaru, Fairlie, Geraldine, has been available in New Zealand for the past Waimate, Kurow, Twizel and Oamaru areas. two years. It’s absolutely perfect for our more You’ll find they also carry a substantial range temperate climate and can be applied to of options that include decorative and almost any glass surface, whether it’s in a designer films, safety and security films and of home or office. There are two films available, course solar films. Contact them to learn more Enerlogic 35 for sunnier/warmer climates and about how you can benefit!

During an earthquake, shattering glass can be a dangerous and deadly element, installing a safety film on windows can offer protection from glass shatter and a reprieve from the feeling of vulnerability. As an added bonus, window films can be seasonally effective, reflecting heat in summer and acting as an insulator in winter. Ultimately resulting in greater energy efficiency, and helping to reduce power bills. With the alarming environmental challenges occurring today, more and more homes and businesses are embracing the concept of sustainability and implementing green policies. This is not only designed to reduce their ecological footprints, but to promote the advantage of significant savings which appeals to environmentally conscious consumers. One of the tangible and relatively affordable measures businesses and home owners can take to realise their ‘green’ efforts is the application of energy efficient solutions.

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Metropol May 29, 2014 47



Behind the scenes in a smart family business...


here is no doubt that when, adding impact, style, luxury and value to your home, one key area is the bathroom. Increasingly, we are all looking for new ideas, good value and suppliers and retailers with an established reputation. Showerwell Christchurch is a family owned business, founded in Christchurch by David and Robyn Mallia over fourteen years ago. Employing around 30 local people, it uniquely includes three generations of the Mallia family. Now based in a purpose built showroom/factory/warehouse complex in Wigram, they work closely with designers and

Guidance is free. Quality is expected. Family is everything

48 May, 29 2014 Metropol

building companies to source and manufacture the style of shower and bathroom products that meet the needs and budgets of their mutual clients, such as the brand new 1800mm SMC shower tray. Nick Mallia, Managing Director, explains it like this: “We’ve always known that our customer is a local home owner, developer or designer who is looking for a stylish and affordable range of showers and bathrooms, supplied locally, manufactured to fit the brief and installed by local professionals. That’s what we pride ourselves on.” When we visited the showroom, Steve Le Lievre was talking with a prospective customer about her ideas for a new bathroom. Steve told us: “Each and every customer is different, but we tend to get asked the same questions. It’s a big

investment and doesn’t happen every year! To help, we recently produced a free ‘Guide to Bathroom Renovations’ brochure, which is available for free on our website and has proved really popular.” The factory and warehouse side of this

business is rarely seen by customers and is a multi-level hive of activity. Mark Udy, the Branch Manager, explained how it all works: “We work closely with companies who are building hundreds of new dwellings at any one time and we work with homeowners investing in their biggest single asset. That gives us challenges that we enjoy taking on and which helps us as a Company stay focused on the end result. That’s where our factory and our installation team gives us an edge.”The team has applied their experience to other aspects of the home. “We have a skilled team of joiners, assemblers and installers and our range of wardrobe, shelving and storage solutions has proved very popular,” Nick told us. “In fact, a key trend we’re seeing is people looking to maximise the storage in their home, keeping clutter behind closed doors and optimising space with stylish solutions for storing necessities such as shoes and handbags!” That last comment received a swift poke in the ribs from his sister Tracey, who works in the Quality Control team. As challenging as it can be to run a family business, it’s also fun and Showerwell Christchurch is looking good for the future and playing its part in the big rebuild.

By Wendy Dunlop



Committed to achieving

best results Mary Turnbull has been selling real estate for 10 years and established an impressive reputation as a top performing agent right from the start. Within the high energy professional environment of Harcourts Gold she was named the New Zealand Rookie of the Year in 2004 and has been in the New Zealand Top 10 virtually ever since.


n 2013 she was Harcourts’ seventh top seller and ninth for sales internationally and in 2014 has already achieved third in Canterbury. The 2014 world wide awards are yet to be announced. Of 783 offices world wide, Harcourts Papanui was named number one globally last year and its award winning success provides “the inspiration and motivation to keep achieving the best results for our clients” says Mary. While she regularly sells properties located throughout the city, Mary specialises in the north-west area where familiarity with the location makes it easier to appraise properties

Within the high energy professional environment of Harcourts Gold Mary Turnbull was named the New Zealand Rookie of the Year in 2004 and has been in the New Zealand Top 10 virtually ever since. consistently and accurately for her vendors. In the post-earthquake market she believes strongly in auctions and achieves 90% of her sales by this method. Although some people

Vintage Enamelware Whether your home boasts a modern elegant look, or a rustic cottage feel, enamelware will find its natural place in your home.

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are still nervous about auctions “they usually accept our recommendations and have begun to appreciate the openness and transparency it allows both sellers and buyers.” Keeping up with a property market that changes so rapidly is bewildering for most people. Consequently they are more reliant than ever on the experience and expertise of a real estate agent. Mary prides herself on being realistic about the perceived value of a property and having completed 58 auctions in the past 12 months is confident that the auction will define the eventual price satisfactorily. She admits that she is very particular about the presentation of a property she is listing. “It has to sparkle and the garden and the house have to be equally presentable.” Sometimes she will suggest staging the home, or completing minor updating in order to show the property to best advantage. Similarly all photographs and promotional material is exemplary and highly professional. As an award winning agent, it’s not surprising that most of Mary’s business is repeat or referral. She is always happy to work with other companies and never excludes them from bringing potential buyers to her listings because “working for my vendor is the bottom line.” Real estate is a very competitive environment

Team Turnbull- Jenny Fowler, Kate Cameron, Mary Turnbull, Geeta Teague

and top results are only achieved by hard work. “I meet great people, it’s fun and very rewarding and I have wonderful support from my office team: Sales Consultants Kate Cameron and Jenny Fowler and Geeta Teague my PA. I simply can’t imagine wanting to do anything else,” says Mary.

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making (Conditions apply)

Van comes with a large range of curtain samples Tracks and blinds are also available

Phone 0800 811 811 for your appointment Metropol May 29, 2014 49

A little change makes a

big difference


f only there was an easy and affordable way to make significant change to a room… behold the humble cushion. From adding warmth in winter to adding colour when you’re feeling down, cushions can make a significant difference to the feeling of a room. In response to the cushion’s unique ability to transform spaces, Cushinn was established to bring a wide range of stylish, unique, one-off cushion colours all in bold and beautiful designs. Because Ellen makes a limited number of cushion cover designs, the designs are stunning and unique and, because Cushinn only does cushion covers, you know they’ve got to be great. Find them in different colours, textures, shapes and styles and better yet, Cushinn cushion covers are made from all natural fibres; high quality cotton or linen sourced from around the world. You can buy as a guest purchaser and Cushinn is open all day every day. Check out the Facebook page for a snapshot of some of the stylish designs which could soon adorn your couch or visit to order yours.


metropol new things

Ceramic sidetable/stool $235 each and lots of other lovely stuff from our residential shop opposite Jellie Park, ET ELLE 312 Ilam Rd, Fendalton. Ph 7411 577 Tricky to find but worth the effort!

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50 May, 29 2014 Metropol

Come in for a great coffee and taste our delicious food. For information of our new classes call us at Art Metro Art School and Cafe. Phone 354 4438. 465 Papanui Rd.

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Jura Automatic Electric Milk Frother $149.00. Available from the homestore, Merivale Mall. Ph 356 1469.

Large range of children’s bags now in store. Available now at Baby Belle. 150 Cashmere Rd. Ph. 338 3334.


" Fleur de Lis" hand embroidered cushion cover. Available from

Great Children shoes & boots for winter

Art Metro Art School & Cafe offers the following art courses: Abstract ; Airbrushing; Children’s classes; Drawing & Sketching; Impressionism; Oil & Acrylics; Pastels; Watercolours; Now taking enrollments for third adult term starting Monday 9 June. NEW FOR 2014: The ABC’s of Art - Absolute Beginner Classes in Painting and Drawing on Fridays 03 354 4438 465 Papanui Road

Stunning Capri water feature. Available from Garden Classics, 302 Fitzgerald Ave, Christchurch. Ph. 03 377 8801.

Wine jug, handmade by Steve Fullmer. Available from french blue. 9a Normans Rd. Phone 355 7545.

100% Merino top made in NZ. $148. Exclusive to Coco Gifts. 63 Rutland St, St Albans (opposite Rugby Park). Ph. 355 3336.

In vibrant colours a stunning selection of native bird cushions. $55 each. Available at Simply NZ stores. Refer to advert below.

Fabulous hot pink wingback chair. $1,200. Available from Blue Scarlet, 78 Buchan St, Sydenham. Ph. 021 1151 325.


Custom made furniture by Furniture Dimensions. Ph. 366 7499

new things


Iconic NZ gifts & homeware


on’t be fooled by its prime tourist locations at the airport, museum and Re:Start Mall, Simply New Zealand offers plenty for locals too.From iconic New Zealand gifts, souvenirs and novelties to funky jewellery, stylish scarves, and top-of-the-range skincare, Simply New Zealand is proud to represent everything that is New Zealand. It also takes great pride in supporting our local industry. As the winter weather creeps in, keep your extremities warm in genuine Canterbury Leather sheepskin boots and Merinomink™ gloves and hats. The boots come in natural shades for mum, dad and the kids, while the unisex range of hats, gloves and socks offer warmth, comfort and great design. Also available is a range of luxurious New Zealand-made skincare products, a selection of food products including Manuka honey, and unique pottery and artworks designed and produced by New Zealand artists. The friendly staff will gift wrap your items free of charge and even post them worldwide. For imaginative and inspiring products that reflect New Zealand's distinctive culture, heritage and lifestyle, look no further than Simply New Zealand. Find that perfect something at The Canterbury Museum Gift Shop, Rolleston Ave, Ph 366 9429; Container N10, Re:Start Mall, Ph 365 9776; and Christchurch Airport, Wairakei Road, Ph 358 7036. Open seven days, call for hours.


It’s all about




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We manufacture all of our concrete products on site. Water features Concrete Tables, Pavers Benches Planters Urns Pots and much more.... Bring us your ideas or designs... we specialize in custom made products.

Showroom & Factory: 302 Fitzgerald Ave Christchurch Ph. 03 377 8801 Metropol May 29, 2014 51

Don't be left in the cold...

Olivia Connolly, Sokol Krasniqi, Brad Smith and Steve Waring


hether you’re building, renovating or upgrading, the friendly, expert team at Simply Heat will make sure you’re not left in the cold. Simply Heat is a one-stop-shop for all your heating requirements. Gas, solar, electric or solid fuel, you name it, they stock it – and all conveniently located on one site. In fact, Simply Heat’s Sydenham showroom is home to New Zealand’s largest range of heating appliances. Selecting the right heating for your new home can be overwhelming. Don’t get stung with extra builder’s costs by making changes after your plans have been finalised. Bring your plans in early and the knowledgeable team at Simply Heat will

discuss all the available options, so you can make an informed decision and get the best value for your dollar. Talk to the team about your home heating and water heating requirements. And for entertainers, there’s a great range of outdoor heating options that will transform your backyard barbecue into something really special. No one should make any decisions about home heating without visiting Simply Heat’s impressive showroom. While you’re there, be sure to check out the new range of English Gazco gas fires. Inspect the range at Simply Heat, 95 Byron Street, Sydenham, 365 3685. Open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm and Sat 9am to 1pm.

If you’re not sure where to start... here is a street map. Brisbane St

Gasson St

Joe Jandals have styles to suit all home decor, caravans and the summer bach. Cushions available from our online shop. The New Gazco Riva 2 670 gas fire, exclusive to Simply Heat home heating solutions. Ideal for retro fitting from $4125 plus fitting. 95 Byron Street, Sydenham. Phone 365 3685.

Original art work by Helm Ruifrok. Painting oil on canvas. Available from Windsor Gallery 3/1008 Ferry Rd. Ph. 366 0724.

It’s what we do!


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FRAMING YOU CAN BE PROUD OF Call in & see us today



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Windsor Gallery Ph. 943 6633 52 May, 29 2014 Metropol

3/1008 Ferry Road Ferrymead Phone 366 0724

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Babywear Handbags

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Cnr Barbadoes St & Edgeware Rd

A variety of children’s books and colouring packs. Available at Pinkerbelle, Cnr Barbadoes St and Edgeware Rd. Ph. 943 6633.

Byron St

Gas fires, woodburners, heat pumps... for the largest choice of leading brands and fuel types... come on in.


Fabulous new wall art in store now. Available at Presence. 290 Main North Rd. Ph. 354 4022.


Rd am e lth ridg Waverb O

Byron St

Christchurch Artisan Market an eclectic mix of stalls. Come and visit us on Sundays, 10am-2pm at Riccarton House & Bush, 16 Kahu Rd, 5 minutes walking distance from Westeld Mall.


Moorhouse Ave

Carlyle St


metropol new things

Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 9-5pm Sat 10-1pm

Sundays 10-2pm (Weather dependent)

Visit Riccarton House & Bush

16 Kahu Rd



New homewares store ‘vastly’ Intriguing


he shy faces of two intricately painted wooden cows lead you into the newest addition to the Vast Interior’s family. The new store, opposite The Colombo on Stanley Street, brings a taste of travel and adventure to its range of stylish furniture and home wares.

The range is incredibly strong and beautiful – the hand finished pieces retain the natural shape of the trees they came from, and the thick slabs of timber are kiln dried for three months to ensure they will last for generations.

Like its big sister store on Blenheim Road it has the beautiful and sustainably produced furniture that Vast Interior is well known for, and also something different. “We’ve gone for a very organic feel here,” said owner Nicky Simpson. “With many of the products having a story in their own right – whether it be a table made from a sustainable mango tree or the totally organic iKOU range of diffusers, oils and body care.” For Nicky, Craig and their team it was a welcome return back to the area from which the original store was based, and Nicky says it is important for them to be closer to their customers on the eastern side of the city. The new store opened at the end of March, and Nicky says that they have had a very good response to their new range of smaller items, which includes women’s giftware such as

this Craig and Nicky make regular trips to India to meet with the crafts people who are making their furniture, which allows them to ensure that they are working with like-minded real people. This opportunity to travel and to purchase furniture that has been made with an ethical and sustainable focus, has become the most valued aspect of their business. While the ranges that Vast Interior purchases are determined as a group, each Vast Interior store has its own individual identity. “We choose the product that works well for our market,” said Nicky who has new stock continually arriving in store. “See it, like it, buy it,” is Nicky’s advice to those who come through the door, as popular one-off items are quick to disappear and become a loved part of someone’s home. Vast Interior…the difference is everything.

jewellery, candles, scarves and handbags as well as gifts for children. Sustainability has been a key focus for Vast Interior since its inception in Australia 15 years ago and Nicky says that their new Organik range fits well with this ethos, with each piece originating from a family run acacia plantation in India. The range is incredibly strong and beautiful – the hand finished pieces retain the natural shape of the trees they came from, and the thick slabs of timber are kiln dried for three months to ensure they will last for generations. Vast see the key to providing a truly sustainable product is building strong relationships with their suppliers. As part of

Metropol May 29, 2014 53


Auto News

Road Tests

New Models

Auto Events


Delivering the goods

By Ben Selby

when the going gets tough Who can remember the first BMW X5? I can and was never that keen on it. Here was a four wheel drive which seemed to be better on the school run than conquering the Empty Quarter. Now, three generations later, the X5 has come of age and the new car has managed to shake of this image and emerge as a genuine contender for top luxury SUV.


he X5 has undergone an exterior nip tuck to great effect. This includes a more chiselled front chin, wider bixenon adaptive headlights and a more pronounced rear. The 19 inch start spoke alloys fitted to my test car look great but seem somewhat lost in proportion to the size of the car. The top spec M50d gets extra sporting additives like aerodynamic aids, wider front and rear guards, wider wheels and tyres and lots of M badges. At first glance, the X5’s interior is run-of-the mill BMW. This is not a bad thing by any means because BMW ‘know’ how to do a good cabin. Aside from Satellite Navigation, iPod/USB connectivity and other standard equipment, the 30d also gets BMW’s 360 degree camera, giving you clear views from above, side, front and rear. Heated leather chairs provide good levels of comfort and plenty of head and legroom is also good news. An automated tailgate opens to reveal 650 litres of boot space. And this

54 May, 29 2014 Metropol

grows to 1870 litres when the seats are folded flat. Four diesel power plants are available to New Zealand buyers, one four cylinder and three six. The car featured here is the entry level six cylinder xDrive 30d. The 3.0-litre six produces 190kW and 560Nm of torque.

The eight speed auto box is one of the best around and is a real peach in the X5. With no delay between shifts, you can keep the power delivery linear and when you need it.

At 6.2L/100km/h, the 30d does not sip the fuel, but you would need to work hard to make it gulp. BMW’s eight-speed sport automatic is standard across the range, as is the xDrive four wheel drive system. Both of which are very well sorted out, which becomes rather obvious when on the road. The eight speed auto box is one of the best around and is a real peach in the X5. With no delay between shifts, you can keep the power delivery linear and when you need it. The xDrive system does well, providing an even torque split across the rev range and keeps things under control in the bends. Despite the size, the X5 is planted. In sport mode, the steering quickens up and you get more feedback. Despite having road tyres, the X5 can deliver the goods when the going gets rough. Grass and rolling dirt roads are second nature, though it would be best to avoid the ruts and mud baths of a hard core off road course. Prices start at $112,500 for the 25d and finish at $174,500 for the range topping M sport 50d. The 30d featured here is yours for $129,500. Since the launch in November 2013, the new X5 has been selling strongly in this country and it is easy to see why. The new car manages miles ahead of its predecessors in terms of equipment, dynamics and driveability.

autoplus metropol

Quality car company Why Stadium Cars? A good question that requires good answers…


ranchise quality cars at used vehicle prices – this simple mission has secured Stadium Cars on Moorhouse Ave a place in the Christchurch car market since opening amidst the recession a few years back. The process begins in Japan, where the company’s full-time buyer goes every month to carefully select high grade used cars to import. With five yards across New Zealand, Stadium

with a conscience

cars attribute their growth to their quality and presentation whilst maintaining competitive prices. Stadium Cars don’t buy the cheapest cars; only the best will do. That’s not the only reason the good sports at Stadium Cars stand out above the rest. When you walk onto the yard the atmosphere is relaxed – you won’t find any pressure selling here. The team is friendly for a start, but you rapidly get the impression that they are community minded. They have a much wider focus than selling cars. Just a brief visit to Stadium Cars’ Facebook page reveals a multitude of happy people – pleased with their Just a brief visit to Stadium purchase – but let’s look Cars’ Facebook page reveals a beyond that for a moment. Stadium Cars into Flat Man - a multitude of happy people – is an avid supporter of superhero who creeps pleased with their purchase – community events and around the shadows of but let’s look beyond that for a Canterbury in the dead of projects. Dog Watch is one example. Dogwatch night to come to the aid moment. Stadium Cars is an rescues and re-homes of needy families and avid supporter of community dogs and puppies who, students. events and projects. through no fault of their Then there is the support own, have ended up in given to motorsport’s the Christchurch City, unsung heroes. Selwyn and Waimakariri pounds. As well as this The fact of the matter is that Stadium Cars, there is the support and encouragement given without looking to project an image, has a to Flat Man - by day, an unassuming student philosophy of “people helping people,” and juggling essays with a part-time job. At night, he “friends helping friends.” Visit that Facebook dons a face mask, leotard and cape to transform page and you will soon get the idea.

When it comes to the core business of selling cars, the philosophy still holds up. From hatches to people movers and 4WDs, Stadium has on offer a huge number of franchise quality cars that have all been AA and MTA inspected and approved. All Stadium vehicles come with a free six month warranty for peace of mind motoring, and every car is fitted with a band expander too. Finance is available onsite, so finance can be secured with ease, usually with little or no deposit. The aim is to provide the best deal for customers, who are after all, people with needs and aspirations, and it is refreshing to deal with a company with a conscience, and with staff you can trust.

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Metropol May 29, 2014 55

metropol autoplus

By Ben Selby

This cat is After a bite to eat in the town of Ngatea, halfway between Auckland and Tauranga, a young family came up to me and said “your car is very nice.” With a response along the lines of “thank you I rather enjoy it,” they stood by entranced as I drove away with the roof down and grinning from ear to ear. Moments like this are plentiful at the wheel of Jaguar’s new F Type. A car which petrol heads everywhere have been waiting 40 years for since its gorgeous predecessor was put out to pasture in 1974.


he legendary E Type before it caused a sensation at its unveiling at Geneva in March 1961 and became an icon overnight. Even Enzo Ferrari said the E Type was the best looking car ever made. However, is the F Type the stunning E Type successor Jaguar has claimed? Let’s find out. The F Type’s looks have been penned by Ian Callum, Jaguar’s head of design. His track record includes the Aston Martin DB7, so there is no doubt he is handy with some A4 and a pencil. His efforts with the F Type though, are something really special. Easily one of the most seductive cars on sale today, the F Type manages to be modern while still harking back to the show stopping E type. A long bonnet, slim xenon headlights and gaping honeycomb grill with chin spoiler is

56 May, 29 2014 Metropol

textbook sports car. At the rear, the modern homage continues with a short tail, slim tail lights and large central twin exhausts. For the roof, Jaguar opted for a fabric top rather than a folding metal one to save weight. Taking 12 seconds to fully retract, it is another work of art. The optional 19 inch Propellor Silver wheels are a lovely addition too and so are the door handles, which pop out when the car is unlocked. The beauty continues indoors too. Everything you touch has a premium feel, from the air conditioning controls to the wheel itself. The touch screen display used in other Jag models does what you would expect, but is almost impossible to see when the roof is down thanks to the glaring sun. A laid back

Easily one of the most seductive cars on sale today, the F Type manages to be modern while still harking back to the show stopping E type. A long bonnet, slim xenon headlights and gaping honeycomb grill with chin spoiler is textbook sports car.

autoplus metropol

King of the Jungle driving position is nice and the leather clad wheel feels good in your hands. Disappointing was the lack of boot space, which becomes even more restricted if your F Type has a spare wheel. The Meridian sound system is standard, but hardly compares to the soundtrack provided by what’s under the bonnet. Jaguar offers three engines to buyers, two 3.0-litre V6s and a 5.0-litre V8, all of which are supercharged. Featured here is the entry level supercharged V6. This means 250kW/450Nm of torque. Not too shabby, especially as zero

to 100km/h takes a snip over five seconds and it will reach a top speed of 260km/h. A Quickshift eight-speed automatic with shift paddles is tucked away underneath and drive goes to the rear, of course. Though while this is being written, rumours are circulating of Jaguar giving the F Type optional all-wheeldrive and a conventional manual box. A limited slip differential (LSD) is a cost option for the base model, but standard on the V6 S and V8 S. Other options include adaptive suspension and Jaguar’s Active Sports Exhaust. This makes the F Type tighter and much louder when moments of driving exuberance take over. Press the engine start button and it growls into life before settling down to an idle purr. On the move, the Jag is spritely and attracts plenty of attention. The optional Parking Pack with reversing camera and sensors is worth having; otherwise parallel parking can be a matter of faith. A firm ride is tolerable but this improves the faster you go. Devouring the open road in an F Type is intoxicating. In dynamic mode, instant throttle response, perfectly weighted steering and a sublimely balanced chassis gives you confidence to push hard. Flick a paddle and instant upshifts are accompanied by a snort from the exhaust. Even without the active exhaust system, the V6 is loud enough and when throttling off, the crackle and bang from the exhaust is utter joy. Beefy performance brakes are also able to

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Jaguar offers three engines to buyers, Featured here is the entry level supercharged V6. This means 250kW/450Nm of torque. Not too shabby, especially as zero to 100km/h takes a snip over five seconds and it will reach a top speed of 260km/h.


bring things to a halt quickly. Few cars can thrill like the F Type can, so maybe the hand grip left of the centre console is there for a reason. To answer the previous question: Is the new Jaguar F Type roadster a stunning successor to a design and performance icon? Why yes. The entry level roadster featured might cost $140,000, which is a bit steep, and certain practicality issues need to be addressed, but if you buy a premium sports car on how it makes you feel, then this long awaited cat is king of the jungle.



2013 Audi A7 3.0 TDI Quattro S Line Sportback

Platinum Edition, Ltd Edition Platinum Edition with Platinum Exterior trim detailing, 21 inch Turbo 2 Sports Alloys, Platinum Sports Piano Wood Interior, Glass Sunroof, Porsche Command CD/Stereo/Nav/Aux/Bluetooth phone, Factory tinted tail lights, PASM, Electric Tailgate, Electric Folding Towbar ($4500 option!), A great look in White!.

Audi's best looking vehicle!, As new Audi demo vehicle travelled only 9,000kms, Very high spec with additional 20 inch S Line Segment Sports Alloys, Heads up Display, Heated front and rear/Electric Seats, Bose Premium Sound, LED Lighting, High Definition CD/Stereo/Bluetooth/NZ Navigation, Push Button Start etc. Will suit new car buyer.

NOW $139,995

NOW $99,995

2009 Jaguar XKR 5.0 V8 Facelift Convertible 2009 MY first registered 2008, Top of the line 510 HP 5.0 V8, Full Electric Softop, Facelift model with revised Bonnet, Grill Lights and Rotary selector, Piano Dark wood trim with Red Stitching detail, Heated/Electric Seats, Heated Steering Wheel, NZ Navigation/Bluetooth/Aux/CD etc. Only 66,000kms and a great look in Red!.

NOW $79,995

2013 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 4.4 8 Speed Latest, Top of the line SDV8 4.4 Diesel, Indus Silver with Ebony Leather and Dark Wood inlays, Privacy Glass, 22 inch Latest Turbine Alloys, Heated Seats Front and Rear with Heated Steering Wheel, Soft close doors, Digital NZ TV, Touch Screen NZ Navigation and Bluetooth with Dual View technology, Electric Rear Seats, Electric Folding Towbar, Air Suspension with Terrain response, These are proving very hard to get anywhere in the world at present!.

NOW $189,995

Monday-Friday: 8.30am-6pm Saturday: 9am-4pm Sunday: 12pm-4pm

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christchurch european Metropol May 29, 2014 57

metropol autoplus

By Ben Selby

Citigo redefines its target market


t is well known that we, as people, are bigger than we were 40 years ago. The same could be said about some new cars. Even manufacturers’ smallest city cars have piled on the pounds to make room for the latest technological advances. Some however, are bucking the trend. Take the Skoda Citigo. A back to basics city car where fuel efficiency, style and driveability, have come together in a way not seen for some time. While its sister car, the Volkswagen Up – which was World Car of the Year 2012 - is not sold in New Zealand. But the Skoda is, and boy is it good. Available as a three or five door, the Citigo’s only real difference from the Up is a new nose and badge. Still as cute as the Dub, every traffic light stop will get people looking. At 3563mm long and 1641mm wide, this makes it smaller than a Suzuki Swift, but thanks to a strong shell, the Citigo achieves a maximum five star Euro NCAP safety rating. Hoping inside you immediately notice the lack of complete door trim. A design feature to save weight, the Citigo manages to define the

Citigo’s main stomping ground, darting from curb to curb like a spring lamb. Pulling at 3,000 rpm, the peppy three pot petrol engine emits a noise akin to an old Porsche 911. The five speed manual box is a peach. A short and positive throw with each shift is a rewarding sensation. The Skoda is also equally at home at motorway cruising speed, where all its 95Nm is used to the fullest extent. A supple ride is comforting and minor body roll in the corners prevents you from taking liberties. The Skoda Citigo is one of those rare cars which redefine their target market. With prices starting at $18,500, there is nothing in this area of the market, for this kind of money, which can touch this little stunner. Czech it out. term ‘no frills’ to great extent. The sheer amount of room given the size of the car is remarkable. Loftier folk might look elsewhere but people of average height should feel at home. In terms of options, satellite Navigation is an extra and comes as a clip on dash mounted unit. No built in sat nav antics here. In fact, apart from air con, front air bags, traction control, and CD player with AUX port, there are few toys to choose from. On the flipside, this keeps everything simple and feels quite refined. Under the bonnet is a tiny 999cc three

With prices starting at $18,500, there is nothing in this area of the market, for this kind of money, which can touch this little stunner. cylinder engine producing 55kW and 95Nm of torque. A combined fuel consumption rating of 4.5L/100km is outstanding too. The wee Skoda also weighs in at 865kg, and you really feel the lack of weight when on the move. The narrow streets of downtown are the

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autoplus metropol

Making new car buying a breeze Team Hutchinson Ford has been operating from its Tuam Street premises for over 80 years, and while the earthquakes also shook the company’s resolve to stay there right on the edge of the Red Zone, their decision to remain was a good one.


hief executive John Hutchinson says that while the company initially lost a few customers from the central city area, “overall, its huge customer base has been very loyal.” Right now, despite the road closures and the demolition going on around them, customers are coming in droves, and more cars are being sold than ever before. “The new car market in New Zealand is the biggest it has been in 20 years,” says John. “In fact it is up 20 percent on just a year ago.

Auto City 224 Barbadoes St. P.366 1305 Guy’s Garage and Tyre 45c Parkhouse Dr. P.338 4419 Springs Road Auto Services 101 Springs Rd. P.349 5552 St Martins Garage 238 Centaurus Rd. P.332 6138 Belfast Automotive Ltd 35 Belfast Rd. P.323 6336

The market is very competitive, and the New Zealand dollar is very strong. Why then buy a used vehicle when there is not a lot of cost difference between that and a new one, which comes complete with a warranty and other benefits.” The Team Hutchinson Ford website is the ‘go-to’ place for anyone contemplating a purchase. There you can look closely at a car, from a variety of angles inside and out, and read a thorough description of specifications and performance. One click takes you to

The only thing you need to do then is call in and take it for a test drive. In short, Team Hutchinson Ford is the complete package, just like it always has been. Going back to that great website, one sentence says it all: “A commitment to customer satisfaction has permitted Team Hutchinson Ford to become recognised as professional leaders in automotive sales and service.”

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YouTube, another on the new or used car you are interested in looking at, and it is almost like being there in person. You are given a complete description, and the only thing you need to do then is call in and take it for a test drive. That is what Team Hutchinson Ford is all about – making choices easy and ensuring that the process is smooth and enjoyable from start to finish. “The growth is exciting,” says John, “and it reflects in our need for new staff. “It is pleasing to see the strength in sales in some models, such as the Ford Ranger, which seems to be the perfect vehicle for these times – great styling and engineering – it drives like a car, but has all the benefits of a ute. It is durable and tough, and comes with great benefits such as satellite navigation, heated seats and reversing cameras.” The Ecosport is definitely worth looking at if you are a Christchurch dweller. As the website says, “Potholes, blocked drains, high gutters. In a car you might slow down or go in another direction. In the Ford EcoSport you just keep going.” It puts a good 200mm between you and the road. And the future? Bright indeed! Keep an eye out for the 2015 Mustang. “Its look says entirely new, but its soul is entirely Mustang.” Of course the company is not just about new cars. They will service all makes and models of vehicles, and their wheel alignments are much sought after. The panel and paint shop has an excellent reputation, and don’t forget financing options and lease arrangements.

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