Metropol 01-05-14

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1 May 2014 Vol 17 Issue 8





Local link to the Royals


ith Prince William and Princess Catherine's recent visit to Christchurch, it may be worth considering previous Royal visits dating back more than a century, which provide an interesting reflection on our city's historical links with the royals. Not once but twice have members of the royal family visited Rangi Ruru Girls' School in Merivale. The Duke and Duchess of York and Cornwall (later King George V and Queen Elizabeth I, and Prince William's great great grandparents), stayed at Te Koraha – the grand, original 1886 homestead fully restored and reopened in 2012 when they visited Christchurch in 1901. King Edward the VIII lunched there in 1920, 16 years before he became King. In 1901 as a result of the royal stay, a number of significant changes were made to Te Koraha. The home of the then mayor of Christchurch Arthur Rhodes and his wife Rose Moorhouse, was redecorated in fashionable pastel colours of the day, a telephone was installed and the home was wired for electricity which was generated by a machine in the stables. Rose's taste in interior design was praised by the Duchess Elizabeth in a letter sent following the visit. In August 1923, the school (founded and administered by the Gibson sisters) moved from Webb Street with its 63 pupils to the current site on Hewitts Road. Now in its 125th year, Rangi Ruru recently opened brand new buildings that comfortably sit alongside the category 1 heritage listed 128 year old Te Koraha.

2 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Te Koraha 1901

Te Koraha restored - present day

The Duke and Duchess of York and Cornwall’s room in 1901

metropol - Canterbury Edition The Showcase Magazine for the Best

Issue 389 1 May 2014


editor’s perspective


Metros Publishing Group Ltd Managing Director - Trevor Laplanche e:

Advertising : Tracey Prince

e: Editorial : Angela Bennett e: Production : Warren Matthews e: Administration : Emma Dyer e: Photography : Aimee Cane E: 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, P.O. Box 9362 Christchurch, NZ Ph: (03) 343 3669 Fax: (03) 343 3659

cover Luxurious fabrics from the Manuel Canovas Paris 2013 Collection. Supplied by Italia Textiles and available in Christchurch through the fabulous fully mobile service Town and Country Interiors. For inspiration and all interior design services visit, phone (03) 389 9938 or find them on facebook. Their design studio is located at 351 Ferry Road.

Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. It is also available from many selected stores, Malls, stands, waiting rooms and offices. Metropol is subject to copyright in its entirety. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission will result in legal action. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within this magazine, however Metros Publishing Group Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in this magazine are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.

Check out our stunning ‘NEW’ website

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I went to the Billy Connolly show last Friday, which, apart from a little too much toilet humour for my liking near the end, I enjoyed tremendously. He is such a clever comedian and his perspective on life must mean there's never a dull moment in the Connolly household. As we neared the CBS Arena which I believe seats around 9,000 people for such a show, the traffic slowed. Like many others we ended up parking our car near Tower Junction and walking from Angela Bennett, Editor there. We arrived in plenty of time and found our seats in time for the announcement that a traffic jam had formed and the concert would be delayed for ten minutes. When Billy came on stage he stood for a moment and said just two words, “traffic jam” then slowly he raised both arms into a muscle-man pose. He had people laughing from then on. As one of the friends I was with commented though, the traffic jam probably said more about Christchurch than it did about Billy's fame. Considering that the Colosseum in Rome built in 70-80AD could hold somewhere between 50,000-80,000 people and could be emptied within 10-12 minutes, due to its exceptional design including the surrounding roads, we are looking a little primitive here with our event management. I began wondering what the worst traffic jams in history could have been. Next time you are stuck in the infernal traffic congestion that Christchurch is currently experiencing bear a thought for the commuters in these gridlocks Forbes has unearthed… Beijing, China, August 2010. A 100kms long traffic jam that lasted for an incredible 12 days! This jam wasn't caused by closure or natural disaster, rather simply a result of too many vehicles clogging the road, particularly a bevy of heavy trucks carrying construction supplies into Beijing, ironically for road work that was intended to help ease congestion. Bethel, New York, August 1969. A three-day tie up with more than 500,000 attendees descending on Max Yasgur's famous farm for the Woodstock Music & Arts Festival. The New York Thruway became a stranglehold for more than 32kms with many people simply abandoning their cars. Ten times the anticipated crowd attended. Chicago Illinois, February 2011. A near record 51.3cm of snow fell in a late winter blizzard that hit the hardest during the evening rush hour. Traffic was halted for more than 12 hours in drifting snow that reached almost as high as the cars' windscreens. East/West Germany, April 1990. With the Berlin Wall having fallen, the Easter holiday saw a massive influx of Germans eager to reconnect with friends and family members. The ensuing recordholding back-up on April 12 was estimated at a whopping 18 million cars on a roadway that otherwise averages a half million vehicles a day. Interstate 45, Texas, September 2005. With Hurricane Rita approaching, residents were told to evacuate. This caused a 160km queue with congestion for 48 hours and some motorists stranded for as long as 24 hours. Lyon-Paris, February 1980. Inclement weather caused a 175km tie up for vacationers returning to Pairs. San Paulo, Brazil June 2009. It is said traffic, even on a good day, is horrific in San Paulo. But on June 10, 2009 a jam of more than 293kms was reported. Time magazine says the average motorist spends up to four hours sitting in traffic each day in this booming city. Suddenly the extra 10 minutes it is took to seat everyone for Billy Connelly seems trivial – a reminder that we live in a great little city that has so much going for it.

Think about it… “There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.” - Roger Staubach

Living with ‘Style’ in Christchurch




MIDWAY MOORHOUSE 210 MOORHOUSE AVE PHONE 3665 678 Metropol May 1, 2014 3

metropol Angela Bennett spends

five minutes


Have confidence in wearing colour, and celebrate and love your shape. Do not dress down to fit in, have confidence in what you wear.


ocal designer Wendy Jerard is turning heads with her fashion label “Frances Jerard” which she is establishing to offer upmarket one-off tailored designs and limited editions. Her philosophy is to “dress life to the full”. As she proclaims; “Your first impression is not a dress rehearsal, there is no second chance.” Wendy recently designed two outfits for Mayor Lianne Dalziel for the Royal visit and the feedback from the public has been enormously positive about how lovely she looked. I caught up with this very talented designer to find out a little more about her new label and her distinctive and original styles… When did you first realise you had an interest in fashion? When I was very young, around the age of eight, playing dress ups with my mother's beautiful ball dresses that she had been specifically taken to Melbourne to purchase for special events. I was also very fortunate to have had a next door neighbour who spent her spare time sewing. I would invite myself over and just sit for hours observing. How old were you when you began designing and what was your first attempt? One day when my mother was entertaining her friends over coffee, I seized my chance and snuck down to her bedroom. I knew she kept her sewing machine and fabric in her bedroom wardrobe; I hauled out the machine and some fabric and proceeded to cut out and sew a skirt. I then vividly remember proudly parading my creation to my mother and her friends – I was about eight years old. At primary school one of the parents started up a sewing club, in the first lesson I had completed the task she had set out for us to achieve over the school term. From then on she frequently took me home after school and helped me refine my sewing skills. By the age of 11 I was making beautiful, tailored, lined garments. What training and designing have you done since then? Every school holiday my grandmother would take me to McCleods, a Christchurch fabric store, and allow me to choose a fabric to make a garment over the school holidays. My mother then paid for me to have professional sewing

4 May 1, 2014 Metropol

lessons with women years my senior. In addition art was a strength for me at school; employment as a florist taught me design principles, for example: balance, proportion and colour coordination – I have owned two florist and gift shops. I was a flight attendant for a number of years, which taught me the importance of grooming and gave me confidence. Interior design is also one of my strengths having built and renovated a number of homes. I also set up an importing business which taught me about wholesaling. I was recently an adult student completing my bachelor of nursing degree. Every day I was asked “What are you doing here? You should be at fashion school.” My reply to that is “you

Wendy Jerard cannot teach creativity nor the life skills and experiences I have gained through my working career.” What has influenced your design style the most? Being very fashionable women, my mother and grandmother were both strong influences. Fashion was a part of our lives; it was part of our family culture. I still have newspaper articles about what Grandmother and Great Grandmother wore to many functions, and have in procession some of their garments. Personally, my innate desire to constantly create beautiful clothes that bring people pleasure, and not being afraid to celebrate our femininity as women, are the true strengths of my design style. When did you decide to launch your label Frances Jerard? It has been a dormant dream as a child, and approximately two years ago I received 14 comments in one day on a particular dress I wore. Another moving situation was when I was crossing the road and, as a lady drove past, she wound down her window and called out; “I love your dress”. I said to myself “this is driving me crazy, I just have to do this”. What type of woman do you like to design for? I welcome the privilege to design for any age shape or size woman that would like to look and feel special. What type of fabrics do you favour? Why? The colour is critical, texture and off course quality. I love cottons, silks and wool but synthetics have their place. I intend to travel to Paris and further afield twice a year to select fabrics. Where and when will your limited label be available from? It will be available on-line from my website in approximately four months. I am available to visit clients now. I can be contacted on 027 436 1816 or via my website From December I will have a studio available for consultation design and fittings. What will your first collection include? Very unique, feminine one-offs and limited editions; ball gowns; colourful dresses for day and evening, and special occasions such as mother of the bride; blouses and jackets; some very special casual garments; and wedding dresses designed for the individual. Tell us how you came to be designer for the

Mayor during the recent Royal visit? It is one of my ambitions to dress the Duchess of Cambridge. I thought of making her a dress as a gift, or making a dress for someone involved. I was recently at a conference where Lianne was attending, I stood and took a deep breath and thought to myself 'I have to make this happen' and proceeded to walk up to Lianne, I put out my hand and said “Hi I am Wendy and I am in the process of developing my own clothing label, have you decided what you are wearing for the royal visit?” I emailed Lianne's PA the next day and had an appointment that Friday. I had a few days and sleepless nights coming up with a design. I googled Lianne to see what colours and neck lines she looked best in. Lianne accepted my design and I set out to deliver. Reflecting on the design I wouldn't change what I delivered, Lianne looked stunning and it was entirely appropriate for the occasion. What fashion tips would you like to give Cantabrians? Have confidence in wearing colour, and celebrate and love your shape. Do not dress down to fit in, have confidence in what you wear. What is your favourite piece of clothing? My favourite piece of clothing for the moment is the dress I am wearing in this photograph; the fabric was purchased on a recent trip to Hong Kong and Paris. The lovely location is The Lemon Tree cafe in St Asaph Street which is one of my favourite cafes. What is your favourite drink? Pu erh tea which is a fermented tea produced in Yunnan in China. What is one thing you would like to see in the 'new' Christchurch? Lots of trees. Possibly the London Plane tree. I recently travelled through many different cities in Europe where I saw them and discovered one of the reasons they are planted in cities is that they resistant to air pollution and disease, they grow rapidly, furnish quick shade and are picturesque in the winter, as their bark flakes off, inner bark shows up in shades of white, grey, green and yellow. Coincidentally, The Plane tree on Dyers pass Rd, Cashmere happens to be one of my favourite shops in Christchurch for its exquisite fabrics and treasures, and also happens to be right next door to one of my favourite cafes, The Emperor's Clothes. What are you like at parties? I dress to impress.

Snacking just got better


in the know

Iconic brand Cinderella has been meeting Kiwi baking needs and dried fruit cravings since 1956. Now Cinderella has taken its little red cranberries and coated them in rich dark chocolate. These nuggets of goodness are ideal for baking or just on their own and the handy resealable pack makes them perfect for when your sweet tooth comes knocking. Whether it be in slices, cakes, muesli, nut medleys or as an 'anytime' snack these are a 'must have' in the pantry. Available from supermarkets: RRP: $4


Facebook’s ‘Nearby Friends’

Top Stories reports: Despite what my Twitter feed may suggest, I'm a pretty private person. I enjoy moving through the world quietly, getting in touch with friends and family when I have time to do so. What I don't do that often is broadcast where I am. Facebook thinks I'm missing out on a lot of opportunities. That's why it's introducing “Nearby Friends,” a feature that lets you show off where you are in the world to your Facebook friends without having to check in to locations. Simply put, it's a way to help you meet your friends when you may be close to them while going about your day. Flip open the Nearby Friends tab inside Facebook's main app and, using your phone's GPS capabilities, the feature will run in the background and ambiently broadcast where you are to other Facebook friends who have turned on the feature. Read the full story at re/code.

The perfect dinner guest


Fancy a holiday in the Secret Continent? Planning a mid-winter get away? Why not head to “The Secret Continent”, or at least check it out to see if it's your kind of thing. There's no doubt that you're going to be surprised. Supported by the Earth Day Network, eco-conscious carbonated drinks maker, SodaStream, has kicked off a global campaign called 'The Secret Continent' to draw attention to the giant island of plastic waste floating in the ocean, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Designed to raise awareness about the harmful plastic waste created by big soda companies, “The Secret Continent” is a fun way to raise awareness about the issue, promoting The Great Garbage Patch as an imaginary resort destination. The more serious side of this campaign includes a petition asking global leaders to stop ignoring this environmental disaster; The Great Pacific Garbage patch is more than four times the size of New

Zealand and growing. It is harming ecosystems, marine life and the planet. New Zealanders can show their support by signing the online petition asking for leaders of the world to recognise The Great Pacific Garbage Patch as the 8th continent and stop ignoring this environmental disaster.


See your baby before s/he’s conceived Genepeeks Will my baby be healthy? It's a question that concerns every prospective parent. Now a service that creates digital embryos by virtually mixing two people's DNA will give a clearer glimpse of their possible child's health, and perhaps much more – before it has been conceived. The Matchright technology is being launched in two US fertility clinics, allowing people to screen out sperm donors who, when their genes are combined with those of the intended mother, could increase the risk of a child inheriting genetic diseases. The company that markets the technology, GenePeeks, hopes to expand worldwide. But the technology's patent also includes a list of traits that aren't necessarily related to health – such as eye and skin pigmentation, height and waist size – raising concerns that it could be used to select embryos on the basis of more superficial characteristics. Read the full story at New Scientist.


Roofs sprout a growing trend Cool, green roofs and walls are the hottest property trend in Sydney - from bars to office blocks, apartments and swimming pools. Business owners and residents have expressed firm support for the environmental and social benefits of living greenery in response to the City of Sydney's recently released Green Roofs and Walls Policy. The policy is the first of its kind in Australia and reflects an international trend towards green spaces in urban centres. The policy offers a commitment from the City to work with the community to increase the number of green walls and roofs. Currently Sydney has around 83 green roofs in place and a further 50 approved for construction. “Green roofs and walls are not only beautiful additions to buildings, they also improve air quality, clean stormwater, provide a natural habitat for biodiversity and reduce power bills and greenhouse gas emissions - and the City is doing everything we can to introduce more of these features into our urban landscape,” the Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.

Metropol May 1, 2014 5


Acclaim for local interior design work

Trenzseater's interior design work, directed by Ben Lewis, has been recognised by an international acclaimed judging panel for this year's Andrew Martin Interior Design Review book. This accolade is considered throughout the world as “the Oscars of Interior Design industry” by the London Times. “We are privileged, and honoured, to be recognised as one of the 50 top interior designers in the world that are to be featured in Andrew Martin's book this year,” said Ben Lewis. “To be acclaimed alongside the ilk of previous winners that include Kelly Hoppen, Tomas Pheasant, Michael Reeves and Axel Vervoordt, to name just a few, is an honour of the highest regard.” The winner of this year's Andrew Martin Interior Design Review will be announced in spring with the book being released soon after.

Interior designs by Trenzseater


NZ film wins mention at Sunset Film Festival Film and Stage Producer/Director Craig Hutchison, is pleased to be representing New Zealand at the Sunset Film Festival in Los Angeles, on 11 May, to pick up an Honourable Mention Award for the 18 minute short film “Letter for Hope” ( The film was produced by Craig Hutchison, directed by Raquel Roderick and written by April Phillips. The Kiwi production stood alongside US and Russian films for awards in the Short film category. 'Letter for Hope' is a contemporary and inspirational drama featuring actors Don Langridge, April Phillips, Lorae Parry and Jeremy Nelson. The themes of loss and reflection resolve in a motivational conclusion. Matt Sharp (Eternity, When Night Falls) was cinematographer. “We've proved again we do it better against higher budget productions and that New Zealanders punch above our weight. This is a proud moment and I am honoured to go and accept this award,” said Hutchison. The Roxy Cinema in Wellington was the venue for the red carpet event preview screening the film which was professionally produced with a budget of $50,000 funded by CAS'n'OVA Productions.


Awards to recognise NZ’s most successful ‘mumtrepreneurs’ Bringing up children is one of life's great challenges; another is starting a business. Some adventurous Kiwi women choose to do both, launching their own business while raising a family. These entrepreneurial mothers are being asked to come forward as part of the Fly Buys Mumtrepreneur Awards, a new scheme for all women who have set up a business while bringing up kids at home. From start-ups to companies gone global, the programme is open to businesses from any industry and is awarding 10,000 Fly Buys points to category winners and an additional 30,000 Fly Buys points to the Supreme Mumtrepreneur of the Year Award winner – enough for anything from a complete technology overhaul or return flights and accommodation for an overseas family holiday. Fly Buys Chief Executive Officer Stephen England-Hall says the awards were set up to recognise mothers who have taken an entrepreneurial idea and turned it into a reality. To apply or nominate someone who deserves an award, see Entries open now until 20 June 2014.

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6 May 1, 2014 Metropol




Victoria Black autumn/winter 2014 Victoria Black in association with mod's hair celebrated autumn/winter European designer collections and hair trends in 'The Villa' at 85 Office Road. With chic and exclusive European fashion and hot autumn hair colours in sexy cuts by mods, guests enjoyed a vignette of the glamorous winter season to come.

Malcolm Fleet, Karen Smith

Nerina Higgins, Marg Foggo, Saskia Hargreaves, Lynn Woods

Cody Spicer, Julianne Lieback, Sophie Freear, Aaron Pero

Belinda Robb, Jackie Hilton, Janice Cowdy, Suzanne Price

Paul & Sarah Anticich

Julianne Liebeck, Daisy Mcmillan

Grace Rollow, Charlotte Bell

Erin Burtt, Katherine McNeil

Kathy Graham, Cliff Bellaney, Chrissy Donaldson

Tafara Chaparanganda, Emma Poelman, Lmae Moore

Jo Appleyard, Brian Wilson, Debbie Lawson

Grace, Danny & Jackie Whiting

Sarah Greenwood, John Morrison, Rebecca Stewart, Robbie Larkin

Hayley Woodham, Karen Smith

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

National Award Winning Residential and Commercial Architecture and Interiors

Metropol May 1, 2014 7



A user-friendly wearable computer


airfax NZ News recently hailed the introduction of revolutionary new technology. “The 'all-seeing eye' of Google Glass has landed in Canterbury's business community.” “Local companies had the opportunity to try out some of the country's first Google Glass at a Westpac expo...” Just what is this 'Google Glass' and what does it mean for consumers like you and I? Well, it may at first sound a little confusing, but let's face it, most new technology has a similar impact. Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD). It was developed by Google with the mission of producing a mass-market ubiquuitous computer. Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free format. Wearers communicate with the Internet vianatural languag voice commands. The glasses project on to a small screen in front of the right eye. Users “talk” to the eyewear, which is

Users “talk” to the eyewear, which is controlled by voice command or a swipe of the arm. Users can surf the web, do banking, get directions, and capture images or video in line of sight. controlled by voice command or a swipe of the arm. Users can surf the web, do banking, get directions, and capture images or video in line of sight. Simon Pomeroy, Westpac's chief digital officer, said customers using Google Glass would be able to see their bank balances, transfer money between Westpac accounts, find the closest Westpac ATM or branch, and get alerts or notifications. The glasses will be voice activated and work either through a smartphone or via wireless internet. Pomeroy said Westpac ultimately planned an “opt in service for customers” who would be able to choose what they use them for, with potential services including bill payments. Pomeroy said Westpac would have its Google Glass services ready when Google launches the product in New Zealand, which is expected to be later in 2014. He wasn't sure what they'd sell for. They currently cost US$1,500 plus tax in the United States. Well, at the proposed price point of $1,500

for Glass, we have to assume it will be out of reach for the average consumer. It will be the domain of the most serious technophiles with significant disposable income. Physicians have begun to use Glass during surgery. Factory workers, engineers, and even call centre representatives, all of whom may need information at a moment's notice while doing other things with their hands should benefit tremendously. Mind you, the battery life is remarkably short and hinders its practicality for longer use. Let's hope that is a problem which can be resolved. Google has begun to take user feedback to heart, and has developed a means of attaching Glass to prescription glasses so that it is easier to use for those who require a combination of glasses and Glass. At the proposed price, it is not likely to be accessible or deemed valuable enough for the casual user. That said, the very people for whom this will be deemed a small price to pay are the very people who will make the device

better, dreaming up new uses and new applications that will make Glass more valuable. Glass is starting to make gains in providing someone who is walking through a city that is new, to help them understand their surroundings. Christchurch in the throes of the rebuild? One can learn more about architecture, determine where to get a cup of coffee or a good meal, or determine where the closest ATM is. These are all things that one has been able to do with a smartphone for years, but the fact that it is in one's field of vision, and that the instruction can be either delivered proactively or through voice commands is helpful. Google shines for activities that require the use of both hands. It also helps for activities where the hands are in use. Having a recipe accessible in front of your eye is better than paging through a cookbook with flour and olive oil covered hands. Interesting, eh? Imagine whizzing up lobster thermidore without stopping every now and then to check to see if you are following the recipe book instructions!

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8 May 1, 2014 Metropol



Dirty by name, classy by fame


he Dirty Land, the very name invokes intrigue and promiscuity but Victoria Street's latest bar is actually an exciting explosion of class. The street itself is quickly morphing into the coolest street in Christchurch. Quirky bars punctuate the procession of commercial premises and between the clean-cut suits and pin-stripes lies the newfound TDL. Short for The Dirty Land, it was the brainchild of Mexicano's owner Tony Astle who named the bar after the striking artwork which adorns the interior walls of the bar. The interior most definitely deserves a mention. A strong copper-fronted door greets patrons and includes recycled materials from The Tap Room (formerly of The Strip) whilst the majority of the interior is also comprised of earthquake-rescued rimu flooring and a revamped tin ceiling. The resourceful fit-out looks as classy as they come, complementing the unique genre of TDL. The impeccable continuity from Mexicano's visually striking interior and branding is visible through TDL and most importantly, a selection of food is also

“If it's busy in Mexicano's, people can pop through here, have a drink and grab some of Mexicano's delicious tacos and primeros. That's why it's such a good place for after work drinks and a bar snack with a difference.”

available from the adjoined counterpart. Tony Astle says, “It's ideal. If it's busy in Mexicano's, people can pop through here, have a drink and grab some of Mexicano's delicious tacos and primeros. That's why it's such a good place for after work drinks and a bar snack with a difference.” TDL is situated in the thick of the commercially expanding Victoria Street and Tony Astle is well aware that the location will be beneficial to the foot-traffic through TDL's eye-catching copper-fronted door. “We aim to entertain and retain. It's an exciting time around here and we're happy to be in the premises and open for business.” Entertain they will. The compact bar exudes class and sophistication with enough 'quirk' to keep the hipsters happy. Come the weekend, it's time for the DJ to take the stand to really create an atmosphere. Add to this, a stylish and social outdoor area opening soon; patrons will be able to enjoy the energetic surroundings in the new hospitality hot spot. Fans of the bar have already taken to social media to express their 'like' of the new bar in town. After only three weeks of trading the bar is fast approaching the 1000 like mark on

Facebook – a milestone many longestablished businesses and bars are still shy of. The TDL Facebook page is the place to find out about all of the latest deals, offerings and happenings at the city's newest lounge bar/cocktail bar. TDL is sure to stamp its reputation on Victoria Street as word spreads of the quality

international beverages on offer, the impressive interior and an experienced and educated team lead by bar manager Zeke Haggart – it all adds up to an impressive character-filled venue, one that is also available for functions during the day. Contact: 131, Victoria Street Facebook/TheDirtyLand.

Ebony and Ivory range

Metropol May 1, 2014 9

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10 May 1, 2014 Metropol

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Classic movies screening in Christchurch


he New Zealand International Film Festival autumn events screenings commence on 3 May for Christchurch. Based on the buzz and the bookings from these screenings in other centres, the public are encouraged to book in advance via Hoyts online. Limited tickets are currently available for each of the screenings at Hoyts Riccarton in May.

Saturday 3 May, 6pm The Third Man Director: Carol Reed, UK, 1949 Ranked first in the British Film Institute's wide-reaching, endof-century survey of British cinema, The Third Man is film noir with rare pedigree. Director Carol Reed and actor Orson Welles bring sinister flamboyance to novelist Graham Greene's literate, perfectly structured thriller script. The setting is devastated post-war Vienna, where American pulp writer Holly Martins (Joseph Cotten) has been summoned by his old school friend Harry Lime (Welles). But Harry, it seems, is no longer alive. With a sceptical British Army major (Trevor Howard) and a mysterious actress suggesting possible lines of enquiry, Martins is lured into a criminal underworld of macabre decadence.

Sunday 18 May 2.15pm, Funny Face Director: Stanley Donen, USA, 1957 A charming confection of '50s vogues, this musical casts Audrey Hepburn as a brainy West Village bookshop manager and Fred Astaire as the fashion photographer whose camera (not to mention a trip to Paris and some fabulous Givenchy gowns) might just transform her into a runway star. Directed for Paramount by MGM's musical comedy maven Stanley Donen (Singin' in the Rain), Funny Face draws its title and 'swonderful Gershwin tunes from a '20s Broadway hit that also starred Astaire. Shot in glorious Vistavision on location in Paris, Funny Face induces serious time-machine tourist envy – give or take the occasional outbreak of black turtlenecks and berets. Book for all screenings online at

Sunday 4 May, 6pm The Wind Rises Director: Miyazaki Hayao, Japan, 2012 The great Japanese animator Miyazaki Hayao has announced his retirement at the age of 72. If he sticks to his word he will have gone out on a sublime note. As captivated by the joy of flight and flying machines as any of the wonderful films that have preceded it, The Wind Rises is a fictionalised portrait of the brilliant aeronautical engineer Horikoshi Jiro and the two loves of his life: his work, and his ailing wife, Nahoko. Picturing Japan of the '20s and '30s in vivid detail – not least in his jaw-dropping depiction of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake and fire – Miyazaki mixes intense nostalgia for the unspoiled countryside with sharp observation of his country's determination to foot it in an industrialised world. Saturday 10 May, 6pm On The Waterfront Director: Elia Kazan, USA, 1954 Marlon Brando mesmerises in the indelible performance that revolutionised big-screen acting 60 years ago and is still heart-breaking today. He is Terry Malloy, a dock worker waking up to the crushing power of his protectors and his own bruised humanity. Based on the true story of a worker who broke ranks with a corrupt union, Budd Shulberg's script tapped into director Elia Kazan's urge to justify his own betrayal of Communist Party colleagues. In a uniformly stunning cast Rod Steiger plays Terry's brother, right-hand man to union boss Lee J. Cobb. Eva Marie Saint plays the grieving sister of their most recent victim. Sunday 11 May, 2.15pm Lawrence of Arabia Director: David Lean, USA, 1962 David Lean's 1962 biopic remains the benchmark in epic action cinema: literate, dynamic and visually stupendous. Dashing performances by Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif defined the two young actors for life. Premiered at a Special 50th Anniversary screening at Cannes, the 4K digital restoration presents Lean's 1988 Director's Cut as never seen before. “Peter O'Toole made an unforgettable debut in this magnificent epic by David Lean, now rereleased in its whoppingly complete 227-minute version. O'Toole is T.E. Lawrence, the brilliant and mercurial Arabist and aesthete who as a serving officer in WW1 found himself leading an Arab revolt against the Turks in the British interest, but failed to create the national selfdetermination he promised his followers… This is a movie with the excitement of a cavalry charge.” — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

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‘Imagine, the art of John Lennon’ at WTM WTM's latest exhibition 'Imagine, the art of John Lennon' included many of Lennon’s original works from the 1970s as well as hand written song manuscripts by the legend himself. Guests at the opening event were fascinated by the works and took the opportunity to buy some of the 100-plus pieces available for sale.

Pip Savage, Anna Dick

Jacqueline Ballard, Alice Harris (both W T Macalister)

Harry and Joanna Bowley

Harry Peterson

Jeanie Murtagh, Berni Veale

Ken Donaldson

Jenny and Colin Lahana

Candice Prebble, Chris Burt

Photos by Wendy Cook Photography - for copies email:

Anna Dick, Jason Savage

Alice Harris, Rachel Bowie, Ellen Condon (all W T Macalister)

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Alex Ward 12 May 1, 2014 Metropol

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Travel experts launch ‘new look’ store


light Centre Riccarton Mall is excited to showcase their new retail space in Westfield's Riccarton Mall, encouraging a more dynamic, interactive and customer friendly layout. Manager of Flight Centre Riccarton Mall, Nicole Knapp, says that the new design is an absolute hit with customers. “Our customers love the new layout of our store! It's far more accessible and interactive and feedback has been extremely positive so far. It's exciting because it definitely offers a friendly environment to talk about travel and share ideas with our clients.” The team at Flight Centre Riccarton Mall has ten dedicated travel consultants with a wealth of knowledge and travel experience to share. Between them, they have travelled everywhere from the Middle East, throughout Europe, the United States, South Pacific, Asia and Australia. “We have in-depth knowledge of destinations all over the world and we aim to add value to what our customers are getting with our expertise and our support,” Nicole says. Flight Centre Riccarton Mall has established relationships with airlines, preferred hotels, cruise lines and tour companies and the extra special service given to customers makes travel more affordable, convenient and ultimately more enjoyable. The hassle-free experience makes planning your next holiday even easier, with different accommodation options, flights, transfers, rental cars, rail, coach tours, cruise holidays, visa and passport information and insurance options all taken care of by the team. Mid-winter escapes are the holiday of choice at the moment with locals enquiring about destinations in the South Pacific, Asia and Indonesia. “With the end of daylight savings and the cooler weather fast approaching, now is definitely the time that Kiwis start to think about their next holiday and most commonly, a mid-winter escape to somewhere warm with great beaches,” Nicole says. “The South Pacific is always hugely popular, particularly Rarotonga and Fiji and Bali is certainly increasing in popularity.

Flight Centre Riccarton staff: Back Row: Yan, Danny, Tristan, Laticia, Lee Front row: Gemma, Michelle, Nicole, Neha Absent: Robbie These are all great destinations that offer an affordable and relaxing break, whether it's with friends or the whole family.” When you're ready to plan your next escape, the travel experts at Flight Centre Riccarton Mall know how to help. Visit them in store at Shop 41, Westfield Riccarton or give them a call on 0800 274 222.

“Our customers love the new layout of our store! It's far more accessible and interactive and feedback has been extremely positive so far. It's exciting because it definitely offers a friendly environment to talk about travel and share ideas with our clients.”

Metropol May 1, 2014 13



By Hans Petrovic

Organ capers in the Cardboard Cathedral


hristchurch-based international concert organist Martin Setchell is so delighted with the new Rodgers Infinity digital organ at the Transitional Cathedral – better known as the Cardboard Cathedral – that he has recorded his first CD of concert music there since the earthquake. Martin says this new CD is particularly significant within the context of the postquake organ scene in Christchurch, where there are very few, if any large organs suitable for concert repertoire or recording. In fact, the quakes reduced the number of playable organs in Christchurch from 74 to 22; and while the famous Rieger organ at the

Town Hall, of which Martin was curator since its installation in 1997, was unharmed, it has been unplayable for the past three years and probably will not be operable for another four years while the building is being repaired. Now, recording with the Rodgers digital organ proved to be a totally new experience for a pipe-organist. “Everything about it was new,” says Martin. “But it seemed a perfect way to celebrate the rebirth of the city.” Not only is the Rodgers organ a large fourmanual instrument to explore, but recording in a cathedral with little insulation from outside traffic noise presented a fresh batch of challenges for both the organist and recording engineer Mike Clayton. “We recorded right through the night, stopping and starting every time a passing crane, truck, digger or tractor came roaring up to the lights just outside,” says Martin. “I think it must be the first time an organ has been recorded in the middle of what is essentially a building site, let alone a cardboard cathedral. But the cathedral authorities kindly allowed us to take whatever time we needed to get it right. “This digital instrument can sound like an orchestra as well as an organ and exploring the palette of sounds has been a revelation for me. “I was able to transcribe many of the orchestral forces in pieces like Dvorak's New World symphony and Tchaikovsky's Dance of

Desirable location, secure and caring environment

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14 May 1, 2014 Metropol

the Sugar Plum Fairy exactly as the composers wrote them, yet the organ handles organ pieces by Bach or Hollins just as well. The whole process was a joy.” Some items combine traditional organ sounds with other timbres, such as the tick of Anderson's Syncopated Clock on the xylophone, and the majestic trumpet in duo with French organ in Charpentier's Te Deum. Martin had first thought of calling this CD The New World, after Dvorak's composition, which is one of the 18 tracks – and the myriad of positive changes now taking place around this city in transition. Yes, we very much live in a new world but Martin had enjoyed exploring the different sounds of the organ in the Transitional

“We recorded right through the night, stopping and starting every time a passing crane, truck, digger or tractor came roaring up to the lights just outside.” Cathedral so much that he could not resist calling the CD, Cardboard Cathedral Organ Capers. The CD is available online from,, or from the Transitional Cathedral.



Propellor Properties Investments supports Ronald McDonald House Nikki Connors, Principal of Propellor Property Investments has become a room sponsor at Ronald McDonald House and the ribbon cutting ceremony at the suite was held recently with a number of invited guests. Propellor paid a record amount for this sponsorship. Propellor also supports Habitat for Humanity and Christchurch rebuild initiatives. Ronald McDonald House is the latest charitable trust the company has chosen to support.

Nikki Connors, Karen Devereux, Penne Small, Dianne Whiteside

Karen Devereux, Dianne Whiteside

Diane Newenham, Martin Dale

Meri Wynen, Trevor McGrath, Lizzie Dyer

Brenda Worrall, Nikki Connors

Penne Small, Trevor McGrath, Nikki Connors

Amanda Haskins, Dave Marriott

Lauraine Frampton, Meri Wynen, Andrew Sunderland

Nikki Connors

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

One company is not only helping New Zealanders build a passive income, but they are also helping those less fortunate all around the world from Christchurch to Katmandu…from Auckland to Hanoi, Propellor Property investments is making an impact on lives! Nikki Connors is Principal of Propellor Property Investments and a well known NZ media commentator on investment property.


ven though the Global nancial crisis has had a negative effect on many industries – one of the most severely hit has been in the arena of property investment. However, one company has only grown from strength to strength as they have helped their clients navigate the pitfalls of property investment to build up passive incomes and pay off mortgages faster. That company is Propellor Property Investment, arguably the most respected boutique property investment company in New Zealand with ofces in both Christchurch and Auckland. In 2006, Nikki Connors, Principal of Propellor, saw a need for a credible and truly independent company that could help New Zealanders secure a passive income through conservative property investment, and so has been working with this business model ever since. Propellor draws on this success and expertise, bringing professional property investment strategy into the New Zealand

market. Working with clients to identify their long term nancial needs and their short term challenges, Propellor prepares not only a tailored strategy for each client but also conservative ten-year property cash ows showing expected outgoings, income and tax savings. “It is not about shoe-horning an investor into a property we just have to sell rather it's about nding the best solution to suit a clients’ earnings and outgoings and then ensuring they have the right nancial and legal structures in place.” Propellor is completely independent of any developer and development. They scour the country for what they believe to be good solid investment propositions for their clients. They perform their own due diligence on all the property recommended. So as a potential property investor you see full cash ows on these properties so that you know exactly what the outgoing and income will be over a ten year period, and they organise tenancy on your behalf on settlement. Here is Nikki’s philosophy: “I believe it is important that new investors understand the pitfalls as well as the benets to this hugely satisfying form of investment. Yes, we New Zealanders do love property and why shouldn’t we? Also, what options do we

have as typical New Zealanders to build up a passive income if we don’t have substantial cash reserves?” If you do not have a cash deposit and are looking to utilise equity in your home to guarantee your deposit, it is important to know that the investment property only needs a minimum deposit. Then, having the right legal structures in place can literally be the saving of your home in the future. It is important that all you have built up is protected. As well as making a difference to the lives of many New Zealanders, Propellor’s journey has seen them nding ways to make a difference within the greater community. In 2011, Nikki decided to make a commitment to help house those less fortunate in the world. And so Propellor’s association with Habitat for Humanity began. Now, when a client purchases a recommended property, Propellor makes a contribution to the cost of taking clients to other countries around the world to build houses for those less fortunate. “Imagine if every business decided that they have a social responsibility and committed themselves to something that could make a huge difference to either their

local or global community? We believe that in business and in your personal life, if you look further than your own small horizon the world suddenly becomes a place of endless possibility for you and everyone you encounter. Closer to Home, Nikki and her team are just as committed to helping their Christchurch community and so association with Ronald McDonald House has started. Not only has Propellor paid a record amount to sponsor a suite but they also have a special treat for every family that stays in their rooms. In a black gift box inside the room can be found a Propellor baseball cap, McDonald vouchers for a meal for the entire family and every family can also enjoy a tour of Christchurch in Nikki’s convertible Maserati. Propellor Clients do not pay one cent for any part of the service “There’s nowhere else New Zealanders can go for this type of service and expertise! We work very hard for our clients. If we can do something for our clients that protects them, we will.” Propellor offers property investors soughtafter skills and services that are not readily accessible to them from anywhere else. Their service includes free guidance, property investment, mentoring and a strategy to use property to build a passive income.

Phone Free: 0800 WEALTH email: or visit Metropol May 1, 2014 15



By Cheryl Colley

Glitz, glamour & races... it’s Ladies’ Night


ow does a night of glitz and glamour at the races sound? Pretty good? How about glitz, glamour and making a contribution to a worthwhile cause? Even better? That is what you can have at Addington Raceway's Ladies' Night on Friday 16 May. Tickets cost $45 and it all starts at 7pm in the Monte Carlo Lounge of the Twiggers Stand at Addington. Addington Raceway believes in supporting the Canterbury community and this event aims to do just that. Other sponsors – Westfield Riccarton and Pascoes The Jewellers - are playing a big part in the occasion as well. By attending the event and having a wonderful evening of entertainment, food and fellowship you will ensure that “Aviva” receives a

Jax Hamilton

substantial donation to further its work. Aviva is a Canterbury-based specialist family antiviolence agency that was established in 1973 as Christchurch Women's Refuge. It has now extended its work to help individuals (women, children and men) and families to become and stay - free of violence. The weekend of 16/17 May is Aviva's Annual Appeal and Addington's event promotes this fantastic cause. So dress up in your best cocktail outfit, gather some girlfriends together and join in the fun at a time of year when things are getting a bit dreary outside. You will receive a drink on arrival and throughout the evening you will be treated to tasty, substantial canapés created by Addington's in-house chef. It's a premier race night with the running of the highly prestigious Canterbury Standardbred Breeders' Association's New

Make the right choice in real estate - it could save you thousands

Zealand Oaks for 3-year-old fillies. If you don't know much about racing, don't worry. Experts will be on hand to introduce you to the intricacies of racing form and betting. In between races there will be a range of activities. Jax Hamilton of Masterchef fame will talk about her life, her Masterchef journey and about her role as the Ambassador for Aviva. Stephanie Rumble, the leading personal stylist and founder of Flair Image, will showcase fashion from a selection of Westfield Riccarton's retailers. Courtesy of Pascoes The Jewellers you will have the chance to win a 1-carat white-gold diamond-set ring, worth $3,599. Make-up artists from the Melodie M School of Makeup Artistry will do free touch-ups to your glamorous evening make-up and there will also be an array of silent auction items on display for you to bid on. As you can see this will be an action-packed night out. There's even the chance to carry the evening on at the end of the race meeting with music and dancing until after midnight. Tickets for the event are available from Don't leave it too long as this event has been very popular in the past and numbers are limited.

So dress up in your best cocktail outfit, gather some girlfriends together and join in the fun at a time of year when things are getting a bit dreary outside. You will receive a drink on arrival and throughout the evening you will be treated to tasty, substantial canapés.

Tuesday 13th May, 10am – 2pm 26 Park Terrace, Christchurch

Call David today for a free appraisal of your property 021 622 643 or email

No facsimiles. No duplicates. Just Individuals From Pre-School to Year 8, Cathedral Grammar is a place where children are excited, stimulated and thrive academically and emotionally.

16 May 1, 2014 Metropol



Global Living’s Grand Celebration The Global Living team invited their loyal customers, friends and supporters to help them celebrate the opening of their new store at 100 Moorhouse Ave. Guests gathered for drinks and nibbles and the opportunity to browse the new showroom. Many commented on the refreshing layout of the showroom and the broad range of new products which, in addition to their renowned furniture, now includes home accessories, rugs, cushions and a beautiful range of jewellery.

Marie Thorn, Pam Straker, Mary Sefton, Glenis Fisher

David & Sharyn Johnson

Gary Clarke, Glenis Fisher, Mary & Ray Sefton

Krystyna Kavanagh, Rebecca Bone

Paula & Carl Comber, Marie Thoen

Trish Donaldson, Bronwyn Hill

Mary Cooper, Geoff Hutt, Heather Duffield

Tom Bachop, Margaret Page, Allan & Barbara McKernan

Russ McMurray, Peter Gorman

Gail Horne, Tim & Justine Robinson

Kerei & Steve McCombs, Pam Straker

Clive & Vivecca Robinson

Angela & Alan Wylie, Elizabeth Popplestone

Jody Keehan, Julie Gardin

Kathy & Cliff Swailes, Baerbel Breen

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

MARINA DINING SUITE $1950 Call Jenny today and join her for a tour of the various living options Park Lane has to offer. Phone (03) 338 4495

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years of experience


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2 Bdrm Executive style Villas under construction! Enquire today! Jenny Dempsey has been working in aged care for many years and brings with her a wealth of Knowledge. Park Lane has modern facilities throughout but it still relies on classic values and a real sense of community for its day-to-day comforts. They know what’s important. Metropol May 1, 2014 17



Jazz at Bloody Mary’s As part of the 2014 New Zealand Jazz Fest, Mike Frost and the Icemen performed at Bloody Mary's recently. Guests enjoyed the authentic blues musician Mike Frost and veteran blues musician King Leo performing together as the Icemen with Vernon Sawers on bass and Jim Strang on the drums. Bloody Mary's proved itself an excellent venue for the performance and entry was free.

Mike Frost and the Icemen

John and Robyn Godfrey

Mr Frost (Mikes Dad), Keith, Thelma

Ben, Ali and Peter Knight (Rydges Owner)

Rob and Melanie McGufficke (Rydge's GM)

John and Kat

Vernon, Mike, Leo, Jim (Mike Frost and the Icemen)

Sue and Clark Bradd

Dean, Vanessa, Jacinta, Marley

Stuart and Kylie Poore

Paul and Dale

Mike Frost and the Icemen

Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

Pauline & Juline have a wonderful business-like, thorough approach. They are friendly, obliging and made the whole process extremely easy, keeping us well informed of progress. They were the consummate professionals. We are delighted to recommend the services of Grassam Real Estate.


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18 May 1, 2014 Metropol


By Hans Petrovic



For ‘newbs’ to dudes with ‘steeze’


fter extensive repairs, improvements and additions, the Washington Way Reserve Skate Park, at the corner of Moorhouse Avenue and Waltham Road, has been up and rolling again since Easter.

A 2000sqm increase in the park area has almost doubled its size, possibly making it the largest skate park, with advanced technical features, in New Zealand. The $3.5million development of the park, which had been closed since last October while construction was underway, now includes three skate bowls, half-pipes, ramps, steps and handrails, plus other landscaped and grassed areas. Although there has been some criticism of the cost, all those associated with the reconstruction – from Christchurch City

With one bowl 3.6 metres deep, youngsters will be able to advance their skating ability, preparing them for future competitions. Council to the contractor – believe that it is well worth the money and effort put into it. Project manager Graham Hunter, who is also managing director of the contractor Hunter Civil, believes this is some of the “best money ever spent” by Christchurch City Council on providing much-needed facilities for the community. “The reconstruction cost is only about 5 per cent of the projected capital cost of the new library. There have been so many other facilities lost and this skate park brings positive benefits back to the community,” says Graham. “Before the earthquakes, the skate park used to be one of the most heavily trafficked spaces in Christchurch. There was no other place like it. “Now, it will again be used seven days a week, with free access. It's lit up at night and monitored by the police, so people can feel safe here. We're confident it will go ahead and be used quickly.”

Graham describes Washington Way Reserve Skate Park as a “family space”, catering to all ages, styles and skill levels. Skaters, scooters and bikers can test their wheels, while Dad can bring his kids and then have a go himself. With one bowl 3.6 metres deep, youngsters will be able to advance their skating ability, preparing them for future competitions. The park's final design incorporates ideas gained through public consultation. Hunter Civil worked closely with council staff and Convic, a leading Australian skate-board design-and-build company, to ensure these design elements were constructed to the highest possible standard. City councillor Yani Johanson, who has pushed for skate-park completion since 1997,

credits both the council and the HagleyFerrymead Community Board for the project's success. “Users of the park, along with associated retail outlets, have played a huge role in advocating for the development and I thank them for their support throughout the process,” says the councillor. “It doesn't matter if you have four wheels or two, the park is a world-class, purpose-built facility suitable for all users. It blends modern street-skating style with transitional design elements, ensuring it meets users' practical requirements, as well as integrating into the surrounding urban environment.” Ed's note: Newb or newbie – a beginner; And steeze – (style) from a blend of 'style with ease'.

Crafted for your love... exclusively at Kennett Crafted Jewels 462 COLOMBO STREET. SYDENHAM. CHRISTCHURCH 8023 P: 03 366 1232 MON-FRI 9.30PM / SAT 10.00AM-3.00PM CRAFTEDJEWELS@KENNETT.NET.NZ WWW.KENNETT.NET.NZ Metropol May 1, 2014 19


Fashion & Style

Health & Beauty





Not just skin deep

By Majka Kaiser


rt inspires fashion in New Zealand luxury basic elements brand Kowtow's 2014 winter collection, Support Surface. Taking its cue from the 1960s French artistic movement whose driving forces questioned the role of painting as both an art object and a social one. Interested in articulating what the movement's artists felt were all too readily ignored elements of painting: basic concepts like 'support' and 'surface,' and the presence of painting as a product of individual labour. Fast forward 40 plus years and this same concept of stripping back to the bare essentials and adhering to the basic concepts of materials and construction is synonymous

Make a fashion statement with colour 229 Papanui Rd, Merivale. Ph. 355 4400 20 May 1, 2014 Metropol

with Kowtow's signature style. Like the French artists behind the Supports/Surfaces movement, Kowtow's head designer Gosia Piatek pays homage to these concepts which remove all embellishment, all that is superfluous, so that the beauty of simplicity remains at the forefront. As master painter Leonardo da Vinci wisely stated, “Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.” As Piatek explains, “Our limited edition grid print is a visual translation of the Support Surface concept. The grid is a magnification of the fabric we use in our woven pieces: a network of regularly arranged fibres that create the surface. We wanted to really show people that simplicity can reflect beauty.” As with the 13 collections before it, Kowtow

remains staunch in its ethics by using premium certified fair trade organic cotton and dyed using GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) dyes that are free from formaldehyde, nickel, lead and other heavy metals. Ethical trims with recycled hemp buttons are a welcome addition to the 2014 winter collection, as is a newly developed organic cotton twill and poplin which has seen the introduction of more tailored shapes such as blazers, trousers and my personal wardrobe staple - the effortlessly chic, easy-to-wear shirt-dress. This season we see the introduction of a small homewares offering in the shape of cushions with Kowtow's exclusive Support Surface limited edition grid pattern made from organic fair trade cotton and stuffed with

Kapok, a natural plant based fibre. This season brings a fresh palette of barelythere blush, which pairs perfectly with deep teal, which is given an injection of earthy turmeric, and is balanced and complemented by basic black and white. Within the last few months Kowtow has exploded onto the international stage, with 26 new accounts worldwide. After more than a decade of hard toil and commitment, Kowtow's visionary designer and creative director at last receives the international acclaim so well deserved, without ever compromising the integrity of a brand she so strongly believes in. Kowtow's new collection is available locally from The Flock Design Boutique at The Tannery Retail and Arts Emporium in Woolston, Infinite Definite in Re:Start, and Rouche in Merivale Mall.

Brown, Red, Black

Purple, Black, Red



Koko Eggplant, Black


Kiki Black, Amber Shani Black, Birch, Bordeaux





For mothers who deserve the very best


elaxed and elegant, Merivale Mall with its stylish quality shops and boutiques is the perfect place to find that special Mother's Day gift for mums who appreciate and deserve the very best.

“Expect to be tempted” is what they say about this popular mall, and this Mother's Day shopping is even more tempting than usual. The mall is celebrating with an exceptional Shop and Win promotion. Simply spend $30 or more in any mall store from now until 11 May and you'll go into the draw to win an amazing $1,000 worth of Merivale Mall gift vouchers, two gifts of $500 worth of vouchers to share with two friends, plus dinner and drinks at Little India, and a night for two in a Park Suite at the luxurious boutique George Hotel. “It's a phenomenal prize,” says mall manager Nicola Dolan. “The winner will get out of hours shopping when the stores of their choice will open just for them and their two friends. They will get one-on-one service and will be served drinks and nibbles. Then they go to Little India for dinner before being

“The winner will get out of hours shopping when the stores of their choice will open just for them and their two friends. They will get one-on-one service and will be served drinks and nibbles. Then they go to Little India for dinner before being whisked off to spend the night at The George. whisked off to spend the night at The George. It's so easy to enter! Just spend $30 and leave your entry form with the store.” The winner will be announced on 12 May. And as for spoiling your mum, Merivale Mall offers gift possibilities galore... There are plenty of options for purchasing gorgeous jewellery. Marian McKellow specialises in fine sterling silver, pearls and precious stones. Her collections are handmade in small quantities, making each piece unique. Michael Hill Jeweller is a Merivale Mall favourite. New Zealand's largest jewellery store, it stocks gold, silver and diamonds galore and the chain's signature watches. The Dyrberg Kern kiosk in the central mall offers

sought after Danish designed jewellery and watches in stunning, modern styles. Biani Treasure Box offers on-trend jewellery from NZ designers and from overseas, plus elegant footwear from Spain and Italy, Italian handbags, scarves, gloves and a host of stylish gift ideas. Crabtree and Evelyn is overflowing with luxurious and pampering health and beauty products to make a mum feel special, while The Homestore stocks an inspiring range of desirable goodies for the home.

And if you're bamboozled by all these wonderful options, let mum make up her own mind and buy her a Merivale Mall gift voucher. She can redeem it at any of the 40+ stores, choosing anything from designer clothing and luxury items to a dinner at one of the mall cafes or restaurants. For the finishing touch on Thursday night, Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can have your gift wrapped for free in the mall's specially-selectedfor-Mother's-Day embossed black paper and silver curlicues.

Metropol May 1, 2014 21



Creating beautiful smiles everyday


mile! You really can add beauty to your smile once again because Smile Spa, Christchurch's leading beauty and dental spa is back! Smile Spa, now at home with The Smile Company, in Cambridge Tce, with it's riverside location, established trees and tranquil outlook, is a pleasant, peaceful place to visit. It is only a short walk from the city centre and there is ample street and on-site parking. The new, all encompassing, holistic approach following the integration of Smile Spa with The Smile Company, provides an ideally convenient opportunity to come for all your face, body, and oral care. Modern, clever and effective solutions for all dental problems, alongside dental hygiene, teeth whitening, facials, massage, manicures, pedicures, spraytans, skin resurfacing and Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments, make up the most comprehensive range available in one business in Christchurch. Established more than 35 years ago, The Smile Company has a reputation for offering exceptional care, taking great pride in their

ability to deliver a painless, stress-free experience. “We're committed to continually evolving the services and treatments we provide, going to great lengths to research, understand and implement the world's latest technologies and effective procedures.” says David Blair, Dentist at The Smile Company.

Tessa Dyer, our very own internationally trained therapist provides a wide range of wonderful pampering beauty treatments that will leave you de-stressed and glowing. “There's much more to a great smile than just the teeth, with the entire area around the mouth, face and eyes, contributing to a healthy, attractive overall appearance. Our advanced facial aesthetic services combined with the highest quality cosmetic dentistry, can help you look and feel younger and enhance your self-esteem and confidence.” says Tessa. “I have been astounded by the professionalism and sincere and friendly approach for the overall well-being of people,

22 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Dental surgeon: Tom Egnot since I began here. The whole team is without doubt the most excellent and caring group I have worked with! The Smile Spa is located at 75 Cambridge Terrace. Phone (03) 366 1948. It's open five days a week – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8am – 5pm and Wednesday 10am – 6.30pm. Visit Smile Spa for all your beauty treatments. “Creating beautiful smiles is much more than just fixing teeth.”



The latest techniques to make you look 5-10 years younger


r Brigid Lee from the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic at 80 Wairakei Road has just returned from Australia – where a two-day meeting was held for Australasia's top aesthetic practitioners, and Brigid was the only South Island doctor in attendance. Speakers from Italy, Belgium, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand discussed the latest techniques to provide the most natural and beautiful results... The meeting was focused on the combination of medicine and art. Appearance medicine is an interesting area of medicine that assesses how someone is ageing, and addresses those issues to make patients look like they did 5-10 years earlier. Sometimes it is the quality of the skin and the amount of sun damage that needs to be addressed. Other times it is the appearance of wrinkles making someone seem older, or the loss of volume in certain areas of the face that makes one appear tired and rundown. Dr Lee notes we all age differently, and thus it is important to correctly assess and recommend treatments that will have the most benefit to each client. Aesthetic balance is very important in obtaining a natural and refreshed look. Hence, lips and cheeks were given special attention during the meeting, as they are the features that one's eye is most drawn to – and you only need to watch five minutes of “The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills” to see excellent examples of overinflated lips and cheeks! In New Zealand, and even more so in Christchurch, clients want their results to be


Angel summer packs 1 Free Product




Angel Provence Range. Natural & Original.

very natural so that even a best friend or sister can't quite pick what has been done, only that you look positively well and far less tired and stressed. There is a mathematical balance to what we all see as beautiful. As an aesthetic doctor who does a lot of lip treatments, Dr Lee said getting the balance of perfect lips is the key to a natural result, and as everyone's lips are different it is imperative to tailor each client's treatment. This is where the amalgamation of art and science comes together. Finally, we asked Dr Lee any advice she could give to those looking for an Appearance Medicine doctor. She notes to ask your friends (especially the ones who are looking good lately!) to recommend a clinic, and if they won't tell, then visit some clinics yourself and look at each practitioner, do they look natural? If their lips and cheeks look unnatural why would you let them treat you? Also, if you are unhappy with your final result let the practitioner know as filler can be dissolved. Most importantly this is not an essential medical service but it definitely should make you feel happy and confident about how you look.

Sometimes it is the quality of the skin and the amount of sun damage that needs to be addressed. Other times it is the appearance of wrinkles making someone seem older, or the loss of volume in certain areas of the face that makes one appear tired and rundown.

If you like vintage-style specs or glasses with a style twist then you need to visit

Groovy Glasses Optometrists & Stockists of Extraordinary Eyewear An award-winning practice sourcing unique styles for our unique Christchurch people.

10 Bath St ( Behind South City Mall)

Ph 3798747 Metropol May 1, 2014 23



Fertility care in expert hands


or many women and couples, the decision to start a family comes after a number of years of actively trying to prevent pregnancy. It can come as something of a surprise to then discover that the human reproductive system is not all that efficient, and that falling pregnant isn't always easy or immediate. A combination of local knowledge and international expertise, means that those who need help with fertility issues in Christchurch, now have access to the very best in fertility advice and medical treatments. Oxford Women's Health, has been providing diagnosis and treatment of women's health issues for nearly 20 years, and their partnership with Genea, an Australian based fertility world leader, is a natural step in extending their services. “When we decided to expand the care we provide to the women of Christchurch and surrounding areas to include fertility treatment, Genea was the obvious choice,” said Mr Richard Dover, Fertility Specialist at Genea Oxford Women's Health. “The combination of world leading fertility science, and a level of care and support for patients that matches our approach, made our decision easy when it came to looking for a partner.” The newly formed Genea Oxford Women's Health now offers IVF and other fertility treatments in a purpose built clinic within the new Fort Health facility on Peterborough Street, with other services including its own

24 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Janene Brown and Richard Dover laboratory and day surgery unit. With one in six couples facing some kind of fertility problem during their relationship, it will provide much needed fertility guidance, from simple steps to increase the chances of natural conception, to IVF. Established in Sydney in 1986, Genea has clinics across Australia and Asia. Describing themselves as a fertility pioneer, they have led the way in the treatment of infertility through IVF and other methods of assisted conception for more than 28 years. Research and improvements made by the company virtually doubled IVF success rates in the mid '90s, and the company has a strong and long-standing commitment to improving

their patients' chances of taking home a healthy baby, through research to further develop IVF science. “The specialists of Oxford Women's Health are local experts in their fields and share Genea's vigorous approach to investigating women's health conditions, an attitude which will lead to strong outcomes for their fertility patients,” said Dr Robert Woolcott, Genea Director . “The latest data from across our two countries shows Genea offers patients a 40 per cent greater chance of taking home a healthy baby compared to the average of all other Australian and New Zealand clinics combined*. That's the level of success and

Kate Davidson

With one in six couples facing some kind of fertility problem during their relationship, it will provide much needed fertility guidance, from simple steps to increase the chances of natural conception, to IVF. scientific expertise Genea will be bringing to Christchurch through Genea Oxford Women's Health.” *According to analysis of the latest available data (2011) released August 2013 from the Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproductive Database (ANZARD) and based on live births per embryo transfer.


Shopping at Evolving through the winter with more food, fashion & design.


t's the Colombo's unique character and unparalleled vision that brings an innovative mixture of trends to the public sphere. Their positive glance towards the future and what it offers Canterbury sees many upcoming ideas, labels and even events on offer, perhaps making them this winter's wonderland for entertainment, hospitality and retail shopping. One of the upcoming events at the Colombo is Jamie Oliver's international Food Revolution Day (16 May). This global day of action aims to inspire change in generations through the sharing of “loads of recipes tailored specifically for kids, families and grown-ups,â€? with Jamie himself streaming live from the UK to host the world's largest cooking lesson! The Colombo are celebrating Food Revolution Day by holding a market with some of Canterbury's finest growers, makers and creators of healthy eating enticing the public with their clean flavours and organic ingredients. There Jamie's cooking lesson will be livestreamed for all to enjoy, all in the spirit of re-educating generations on how to best serve their nutritional needs. Also embracing the onset of winter, the Colombo's many fashion and homeware stores have clinched a variety of new season trends. Maestros of style, Stencil, welcome Danish label Rains to the store, while modish boutique Evolution is now getting weekly as opposed to monthly shipments of stock, this building on a portfolio that encompasses all tastes and ages. As a modern touch to their already adored profiles, both Annah Stretton & Repertoire have introduced brand new ranges of homewares. No matter your style, they each now offer select pieces for the home and garden that reflect a sophisticated personality. Similarly, Industria have brought in new pieces of beautiful furniture to spice up interiors this winter. Their vintage-meets-modern approach to dĂŠcor flows between the quirky range of gifts, artwork and furniture to create an individualised and harmonious ambience for many to tap into. For more information on the Food Revolution Day market, including the timetable, and other happenings and additions at the Colombo visit

Metropol May 1, 2014 25

Do you want to stay away from getting sick this Winter?

L EI M ITED DITION NEW Season Styles now in for Dr. Martens, Converse & Skechers

Love good teas? You are in good hands. We’re all about teas!

South City Pharmacy has a range of immune boosters available to help you keep healthy this winter, come in-store and have a chat with us today.

Church Corner Mall Ph. 03 982 4211

NEW STORE! South City Mall Ph. 943 5364

South City Pharmacy

Ph: 03 366 3621 South City Mall Shop 16, 555 Colombo Street Christchurch 8011 southcitypharmacychch

South City

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Perfect ONE STOP SHOP for Flowers & Gifts




NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! Fabulous Haircuts for all ages

Mother’s Day MAGIC... Children’s Haircuts Amazing Prices from $8-$17 Shop 4, South City Centre 555 Colombo St, Christchurch. Phone: (03) 961 8118

26 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Don’t FORGET our LOYALTY CARD, every 6th Haircut is FREE!


Come in to Central City Flowers South City Centre 555 Colombo Street Ph. 961 8165



Restore & Refresh your body & soul


pecialist Thai healthcare spa, Lotus @ Siam, epitomises luxury and decadence at their unique location, Cashmere's award-winning Swan Lake Gardens. With its truly tranquil surroundings of large trees, sweeping lawns, a freshwater lake and majestic swans, this day spa offers a superior level of relaxation and service. Customers are greeted with exquisite specialty pamper packages for the ultimate individual, group and couple's 'time out', plus an indulgent menu of traditional Thai, Aromatherapy, Sports and Swedish massage therapies, facials, reflexology and pregnancy treatments. The staff have carefully created an environment where customers are treated to high levels of individualised service, and leave feeling truly relaxed and spoilt. The use of massage oils made with 100% pure essential oils and botanical extracts are highly beneficial, said to soothe the body and mind. With Mother's Day coming the Special Lady pamper package is a popular gift. This package treats clients to 3 ½ hours at the spa receiving a mineral rich salt-infused spa bath followed by a gentle and relaxing 90-minute massage and 60-minute facial. Other pamper packages include the hugely popular 2 ½ hour Restore the Romance couples package and the full-day Golden Princess package. The spa has an authentic Thai menu of delectable lunch and dinner dishes made on request. This is most popular with customers who visit for a 'girlie catch-up' and couples wanting a private candle-lit dinner after their treatment.

With Mother's Day coming the Special Lady pamper package is a popular gift. This package treats clients to 3 ½ hours at the spa receiving a mineral rich salt-infused spa bath followed by a gentle and relaxing 90minute massage and 60-minute facial. In fact one of the group packages – suitable for a minimum of six and maximum of nine – includes four hours at the Spa with your choice of a 60-minute Aromatherapy, Swedish, Sport or Thai massage, accompanied by three courses of Thai nibbles. Lotus @ Siam understands customers' regular need for therapeutic treatments, and that this can come at a price. For this reason they have developed a membership programme that offers discounts on regular treatments, with each level of membership offering at least one free treatment. If you are looking to escape the rush of life,

or take time out for yourself and/or your loved ones, Lotus @ Siam invite you to come and experience the superior levels of service and pampering to restore and refresh

the body and soul. For more information email, phone (03) 980 5400 or go to

JUST ARRIVED AT LYNN WOODS Now is the perfect time to invest in a new season cover-up, like H BRAND’S divine fur jackets and vests.


Metropol May 1, 2014 27


fashion, health&beauty

Gifts for

A perfect Mother’s Day Gift! Encourage your mother to write her story.

Ph. 3484 161 or email no10bandb@gmail

11th May

Buy Mum a $125 Gift Voucher and recieve 3 essie nail polishes of your choice valued at $73.50 Plus entry into draw to win $1200 of spa treatments!

Nicola Quinn Beauty & Day Spa 209 Papanui Rd Ph 03 355 6400

H&B - Hair Art & Beauty Sandy McAllan is now at H&B - Hair Art & Beauty. Sandy welcomes all her clients! 96 Cranford Street Ph. 381 8939

Kandi Ceramic Elephant Available in Turquoise & Taupe $15-25.

VAST Interior

Pamper your Mum with a 100% natural NZ made skincare giftpack from The Herb Farm. Using the properties of rosehips to rejuvenate the skin.

477 Blenheim Rd, Sockburn P:3436112

Fantail Gifts Cathedral Junction Ph. 03 260 1258

Gift For Mothers Day ? Beautiful brand new Soft Leather Gloves $60 Mothers bring your daughters, daughters bring your mother for a little time out to

Deuce of Hearts Resale Boutique New Metallics Collection by

Cloud Nine Creative To view a list of stockists and to shop online visit

28 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Prebbleton Village Currently stocking and now accepting Gorgeous things for Autumn/Winter Size 10 - 24 561 Springs Road Tues - Sat ph 344 3038 earts

Make your Mum feel extra special with beautiful gifts and flowers from

Flowers on Cashmere Cnr Fisher Ave & Colombo St. 92 Colombo St, Christchurch. Ph. 332 8833



The fine art of gift giving


e all like to give. It makes us feel good, and the look on a person's face when they receive that perfect gift is all the reward we need. While finding the right gift for the right person sounds easy enough, there is an art to choosing something that will be appreciated and most importantly loved. Glenda Fleming and her team at The Cats Pyjamas help people with this every day. “It's about having a really fun experience,” said Glenda. Often people come into the store with little idea of what they are looking for. The team will ask customers questions to determine who they are buying for and what kind of gift they might like, with this often providing the inspiration needed to find exactly what they are after. “You have to remember to look up,” is one piece of advice they offer when people enter

the store. Their selection of wall art and prints is extensive, and they have found many people are taking the opportunity to make changes to their home décor after the completion of EQC work. For Glenda the best part of her work is meeting people, with working in retail a new adventure for her when she took ownership of the store. It has been a busy three and a half years, with the store receiving a new look, timed in with renovations to Barrington Mall. The store itself has been part of Barrington for 14 years, with Glenda describing it as a “destination shop.” “We have a huge number of regular

customers,” said Glenda, with a continual supply of stock ensuring that there is always something new in store. “A lot of people say they are never disappointed.” The store works with New Zealand distributors, purchasing limited numbers of each item which enables them to keep the stock fresh, and make a wide range of gifts available. Popular choices at the moment are those for Mother's Day, including their new selection of scarves and fashion hand bags, and costume jewellery. The store stocks a number of regular lines,

including their popular tea towels, candles, and giftware for important milestone birthdays and weddings, and is well known for its range of wrought iron furniture. “To put a smile on people's faces, and it works a treat,” Glenda says of the blackboard of quirky sayings at the door. A smile as people enter and as they leave is exactly what she and her team are after. For those still in doubt that they have found the perfect gift, Glenda has one last piece of advice – a gift exchange card.


FASHIONS 363 Lincoln Rd Addington Next to mobil service station, Moorhouse Ave end Carparking along side the railway line

Open 6 Days Phone 374 5858

NOW OPEN! T North Canterbury’s NEWES Preloved Clothing Store Specialising in high end preloved labels Trelise Cooper, Karen Walker, Kate Syvester, Hudson jeans, True Religion, j brand & Louis Vuitton to name a few. Italian boots & shoes also instore

WANTED! Special Items in your wardrobe that you don’t wear

LO U I S W H O ? Metropol May 1, 2014 29



By Rachel Smith

From Re:Start to online

favourite footwear, fashion & accessories still available


innie Cooper may have left the city, but that doesn't mean they are gone. Their Christchurch experience at Re:Start ended in January, after two years of happily providing their range of wonderful footwear and clothing to local customers. “To everyone who walked through the door and bought a pair of shoes – thank you,” said owner Sandy Cooper, with the business continuing to provide the Minnie Cooper range online. “We wanted to be part of Re:Start as soon as the opportunity arose,” says Cooper. It was a move which brought them many new customers, both locals and those visiting from Australia, and the decision to close the store was not an easy one to make. In the end it came down to the success of their online business, and knowing that they can provide the perfect shoe fit and personal service without face to face contact. “It's actually working very well,” said Cooper of their online sales which began three years ago. “I really, really recommend that people give online a go.” A full range of footwear, clothing and accessories is available on their website. They have had fantastic success at ensuring the shoe fits, so much so that Cooper says they have had only a handful of returns since they began.

FREE T-SHIRT Buy 2 & get 3rd FREE! ALL t-shirts

Personal contact is still an important part of their online service. Customers are guided through the process of selecting the correct size, including measurements of their feet and a trace of their foot shape in some cases, and there are discussions about shoe fit and colour choice. Five working days later and the shoes arrive at your door, free of charge to those in New Zealand and Australia. Full length boots are the only Minnie Cooper items not available for purchase online, with Cooper saying that this is due to challenges ensuring the best fit for foot and calf. The online sales have also meant that for

those who work behind the scenes at Minnie Cooper, the ten staff who make the shoes in their Auckland based factory and for Cooper herself, there is a new connection with the wearers of their shoes. Cooper says they continually receive emails from customers, whether they have made new purchases or to tell them they are still loving their shoes 10 years on. “Just wanted to tell you the top five reasons why I love my new Minnie Cooper boots: they fit my 'sturdy' legs wonderfully; they look great; they are very warm; they laugh in the face of wind and rain; they fit my orthotics. Thank you!” said Elizabeth. For Cooper and her team these comments

Personal contact is still an important part of their online service. Customers are guided through the process of selecting the correct size, including measurements of their feet and a trace of their foot shape in some cases, and there are discussions about shoe fit and colour choice. say it all and motivate them to continue to create a high quality New Zealand made product.

Discover our NEW Brand & Save Limited time offer!


30% OFF EVERYTHING Button Blue! Shop 17, Rolleston Sq, 70 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston Christchurch Ph. 03 347 1585

Treat Mum this

Mother’s Day

Give Mum something to really make her smile...whiter teeth!

The Artwork, Workmanship & Sterilization are of the highest quality

94 B Riccarton Rd - Ph 341 1301 for an appointment

Open 7 days 30 May 1, 2014 Metropol

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The gift of luxury & pampering F

or a truly memorable gift for your precious mum this Mother's Day, the award winning ChampsElysées Day Spa offers the ultimate luxury spa experience. Imagine whisking her away from the stresses of everyday life to an experience of gentle relaxation and pure pampering… a place where all her worries will melt away. Located in a beautiful, private setting, Champs-Elysées Day Spa in Merivale has made it effortless and affordable for you to give the supreme gift of well-being.

Champs-Elysées Day Spa has just unveiled the Ultimate Indulgence Facial; a luxurious 80minute treatment designed to tantalise the senses. The Ultimate Indulgence Facial includes Champs-Elysees' signature facial massage, a glorious foot scrub and soothing scalp massage, plus a back massage enhanced with hot stones and a drizzling of warmed aroma oils. This facial is truly the last word in luxury and a wonderful way to show Mum how much you care. With the beautiful double spa suites at Champs-Elysees Day Spa you can even enjoy this spa experience together. Or you may prefer to give her a gift voucher to use for a spa treatment of her choice. Choose from a range of spa pamper packages or personalise your own spa

package with an impressive selection of spa services. As well as luxury facials, which include the latest in cosmetic technologies combined with premium, specially formulated skin care products to rejuvenate tired, dry and damaged skin, there are specialty massages, beauty treatments and gloriously restorative body treatments. For something extra special, The ChampsElysées Diamond Club is an exclusive 12month membership providing monthly facials, monthly beauty treatments, a Spa Party for three people plus additional membership discounts and rewards. The Champs-Elysées Diamond Club is a perfect way to ensure you put aside precious time just for you while enjoying the benefits of radiant, beautiful skin all year round.

Located at 10 Webb St Merivale, with convenient off street parking, the award winning Champs Elysees Day Spa is renowned throughout the city for its luxurious beauty treatments and prides itself on superb facilities, exceptional service and professional, friendly staff. You are very welcome to visit ChampsElysées Day Spa to purchase a gift voucher or you can purchase a gift voucher online at and a personalised and beautifully packaged gift voucher will be sent directly to you or your loved one. To find out more, phone the friendly team on (03) 365 3630.


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Charisma Health & Leisure 45 Merrin Street, Avonhead, Christchurch (Adjacent to The Avonhead Shopping Mall) Metropol May 1, 2014 31



Taking care of the women in your life I

t's that special time of the year when we get the opportunity to thank the mums who support us, and what better gift to give than supporting them with improved health and wellbeing?

Their Wild Ferns Bee Venom range is a bestseller, renowned for its ability to create a younger looking complexion by stimulating the skin to encourage collagen and elastin production, helping to firm and plump facial tissue. to find out more. Open Monday – Friday 9am – 5:30pm, Saturdays 10am – 4pm.

Get the combined benefits of Pure Collagen + Elastin, Acai and Resveratrol in this fantastic Value Pack! KNH Acai and KNH Resveratrol provide you with a powerhouse of antioxidants, while Pure Collagen + Elastin will support your skins natural strength, firmness and suppleness.

¦ Our Pure Collagen + Elastin is a 100% Pure Marine Collagen and is an easy, natural, effective way to reduce the visible signs of ageing

¦ Acai is remarkably high in antioxidants, omega fatty acids 6 & 9, amino acids, vitamins & minerals

¦ Resveratrol is nature's powerhouse antioxidant & is a phytonutrient naturally occurring in the skin of grapes

Pack of 3





Usual RRP



Stylish retail health shop with top quality products, best value prices & friendly, qualified staff

215 Wooldridge Road, Burnside, Christchurch Phone: 03 962 7883. Fax: 03 358 8039 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm & Sat 10am-4pm Email: Website: 32 May 1, 2014 Metropol


Boutique Clearance FASHION OUTLET Fendalton Village Mall, Cnr Clyde & Ilam Roads, Christchurch Ph. 351 4058


The Pretty 3!

or more


Look and Feel Younger with

up to

NZ Health Food offers a range of competitively priced value packs including 500 capsules of Evening Primrose Oil for $35. “This is the best source of GLA,” Jessica says. “It is designed specifically to support the female system during menopause, PMS and other hormonal imbalances.” Omega-3 Fish Oil is another great value product at $19.50 for 500 capsules, and contains essential fatty acids important for healthy brain, heart and overall health. “Our Spirulina is an excellent nutrient-rich source of energy and can offer great support for women and men who lead active, busy lifestyles,” she says. “And with winter coming up, we offer Vitamin C packs of 500 for just $49 or our own Nutra C product of 120 tablets for $29.” “We also stock a wide range of weight loss products including Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketone and Green Coffee Bean, which work well in conjunction with a healthy exercise and lifestyle plan.” Visit in-store at 215 Wooldridge Road, phone (03) 962 7883 or at


Having celebrated its 26th birthday this year, NZ Health Food has both the product and knowledge to take care of the women in your life. “We have a wide range of product specific to women's health, including beauty products, supplements and general healthcare,” explains retail manager Jessica Sanders. “We also have a fantastic loyalty scheme and plenty of free on-site parking available.” NZ Health Food has its own products under the brands NZHF and Kiwi Natural Health which have been hugely popular since the 1990s as well as the more recently developed KNH and Dr Bee ranges. They also stock a competitive range of brands, including Clinicians, Lifestream, Comvita and NutraLife. Their Wild Ferns Bee Venom range is a bestseller, renowned for its ability to create a younger looking complexion by stimulating the skin to encourage collagen and elastin production, helping to firm and plump facial tissue. The Nature's Beauty Ovine Placenta skincare range is enriched with shea, aloe and botanical oils to help restore the skin's natural balance and provide a youthfulness to the skin. Organic Surge offers a range of highly sought after certified organic shampoos, conditioners and facial products. The store also carries the complete range of Sukin organic skincare including the new, dermatologist certified DermaSukin range for sensitive skin. When your hair and nails are in less than ideal condition, KNH Hair Skin & Nails offers a formula designed to improve dull, dry hair, weak and splitting nails and support healthy skin. 'The Pretty 3' offers the combined benefits of Pure Collagen + Elastin, Acai and Resveratrol in a fantastic value pack.

By Samantha Bagrie

fashion,health&beauty metropol

Beautiful flowers speak louder than words

Rangoria Florist Beautiful flowers & gifts for any occasion


angiora Florist's flowers present the beautiful aroma of fresh blooms to your day. Your first glance is drawn by the fabulous window display, making it feel like you are about to discover a unique one-stop gift shop. Everyone loves flowers, and they can certainly make the perfect gift for any special occasion. There is a range of flowers that would take anyone's fancy from white lilies and roses through to long lasting bouquets. Owner, Jenny Woodgate has always had a passion for flowers and has enjoyed putting floral arrangements together for customers for the past 17 years. It is her ambition to satisfy every customer's needs and she has a real art in putting an excellent flower arrangement together to make a statement and to amaze the recipients. She makes every gift unique – it becomes not just a bouquet of flowers – but an art form. Not only does Jenny enjoy flowers, but also enjoys working with customers' celebrations and working with people's highs and lows, feeling that flowers speak louder than words. To complement the flowers they have an excellent giftware selection with cards, scarves, vases, candles and jewellery. Throughout the store there is a vast array of vases that would make a bold statement for a bouquet of flowers. The candles, which come in many different colours and beautiful fragrances, are divine for decorating any occasion and can contribute to the perfect gift basket. It really is a treasure trove of gifts and you are spoilt for choice. There are two highly skilled competent staff that help with flower arrangements and the general running of the store: Allison, Mandy and Malcom (the delivery boy). The team are more than happy to go the extra mile to satisfy their customers' needs and they have excellent suppliers to source products from as well. Rangiora Florist only stock fresh, high quality flowers and maintain a good

246 High St Rangiora Ph 03 313 4292orist

She makes every gift unique – it becomes not just a bouquet of flowers – but an art form. relationship with Turners and Growers (Floramax) making it easier to meet customers' needs quickly. They not only cater for locals but receive orders from far and wide; to send to that special someone, or as a gift to an occasion that they cannot attend. This busy creative little floral boutique has just recently celebrated 17 years in the High Street premises. Jenny and her team love working with the locals, and enjoy meeting with their customers. There was great excitement recently when they won the local window display from the Rangiora Harvest Day Decoration Competition 2014. Call in and order now for Mother's Day on May 11. You can find them at 246 High Street, or call them on (03) 313 4292.

Laura has arrived!

$25 WELCOME Introductory Service of Gift Blackhealth Building 81 Durham St Christchurch (near the Colombo)

Ph.03 365 8683

Metropol May 1, 2014 33



SADORE Brand - Django & Juliette Black Waxy $249.90



$ Lots of goodies for Mum, Cards, Flowers, Crafts & much more...

To Mum, with love... SERIL Brand - Django & Juliette Black, Rusty, Grey $259.90

Ph.03 331 7676

Barrington Phone 331 8131

Magic for Mother’s Day...

Barrington The Hub Hornby New Brighton Mall South City Centre

Special Gifts for Mum


Mother’s Day Enjoy your FREE Limited Edition Celebration Spritzer (value $29.95) Orange Sweet scented.

+ Go in the draw to WIN a $500 gift basket of Absolute Essential products.

let colour define you Stunning chic designer spectacle frames combine with Swarovski stones with detailed etching & swirl design


Ph. 332 1730

34 May 1, 2014 Metropol


Barrington Ph. 337 2337



Lingerie on Barrington Special things for mum Phone 337 6609

Moda Bella Valeria Grossi Grey $290 Ph 331 8025

Jean Jones ‘Platform’ new range instore for 14+ Ph 331 7429

Unichem Barrington Perfume her world with something special Ph 337 5527

On Time Swarovski Crystal temptations ‘Every mother is a princess’ Ph 982 4883 Paper Plus Barrington Whatever her interests, we’ll have a book she’ll love Ph 332 79973

48 plus reasons to shop for Mum at Barrington…


poil Mum this Mother's Day by shopping at Barrington! For your convenience we are open seven days a week, have 48 plus shops and 600 free car parks.

Barrington is the perfect destination to buy that perfect gift for Mum, from a voucher to dine in one of our cafés, the latest fashion, beautiful gifts or the most beautiful bunch of flowers. By choosing to shop at Barrington for your Mother's Day gift we are giving you the chance to go into the draw to win an amazing prize which includes 2 x A Reserve Tickets to the Annie Show at the Civic Theatre in Auckland on Saturday 5 July 2014; 2 x return flights from Christchurch (carryon bags only) and 1 x night's accommodation at the Mercure Auckland. Simply shop at Barrington from Monday 5 May through to Sunday 11 May at any participating store at Barrington, attach your receipt to the entry form and fill in and place in one of the entry boxes. There is no minimum spend, and you can enter as many times as you wish. The prize is drawn on Monday 12 May 2014 and the winner will be notified by phone. Terms and Conditions apply. Look forward to seeing you at Barrington. Metropol May 1, 2014 35


merivale fashion

Inspired collection of luxe products & gifts


aste can be a somewhat subjective thing, driven by what you like and what you like alone. However, when business goes global, you know it's got the goods because, quite simply, millions of customers can't be wrong. Be enticed by our new bath and body collection, PINK PEAR & MAGNOLIA an elegant, alluring and addictive aroma bursting with natures most cherished riches.

Merivale Mall

348 7342

State of the art dental care

Shona Ferguson, Tracy Tripp, David Walsh and Wendy Willetts

Clinician: Dr David Walsh BSC DMD (Canada, 1987)

Hygienist: Ms. Shona Ferguson RDH (Scotland 1998)

New clients are always welcome.


DENTISTRY ON MERIVALE 1st floor Merivale Mall Ph: 03 355 8297

While the Crabtree and Evelyn story may have begun on the other side of the world back in the 17th century, its popularity has lasted the decades and the miles. Nestled comfortably in Christchurch's own Merivale Mall for more than 13 years, Crabtree and Evelyn Merivale has stayed true to the brand's desire to transform every day rituals into extraordinarily pleasurable experiences. While the first store under the brand's commercial umbrella specialised in fine soaps sourced from around the world, today the range comprises fragrances, bath and shower gels, soaps, home spa products, body lotions, hand creams and home fragrance. Developed through a blend of the very best of nature and science coupled with tradition and innovation, Crabtree & Evelyn have created a naturally inspired collection of pampering products with moisturising and age-defying properties to ensure we stay both young and beautiful. Crabtree and Evelyn Merivale is not just about looking good, it's about feeling good too. The boutique Merivale store is synonymous with stunning homewares and beautiful gifts with even the smallest gift from Crabtree and Evelyn conveying a message of luxury and quality. Which makes it a great place for your Mother's Day shopping. From luxurious wraps, throws, slippers, scarves and nightwear through to lamps, ornaments and photo frames, there are options for even the most discerning mother or mother in law. Best of all, no two trips to Crabtree and Evelyn are the same. With regular stock turnover, aligned with special events such as Mother's Day, there is always something new to get excited over. Shoppers city wide are looking forward to

From luxurious wraps, throws, slippers, scarves and nightwear through to lamps, ornaments and photo frames, there are options for even the most discerning mother or mother in law. the store's next shipment which will include the Pear and Pink Magnolia collection, a range of bath and body products which include the enticing aroma of fresh, juicy pear blended with the delicate floral notes of pink magnolia, jasmine and osmanthus. There's something in store for every price range and better yet, a full gift-wrapping service is available, making luxurious gifts both easy and accessible. But be warned, the Merivale Mall's catch phrase 'Dare to be tempted' perhaps ought to have been penned precisely for this store. Open seven days a week, visit the store in the Merivale Mall, 189 Papanui Road, Merivale, phone (03) 348 7342, or visit to find out more about this stunning fragrance brand.

Be nice to your nails Gift vouchers for

Mother’s Day!

Everyone will notice, no one will know

Acrylic & Gel Nails Spa Pedicure Manicure Shellac polish

All injectables performed by Dr Philip Frost

Dr Frost welcomes clients to his new boutique Merivale locale for added privacy in peaceful & luxurious surroundings. Plasma Replacement Therapy Minor Surgery Advanced Medical Skincare Products Dermapen Collagen Induction Therapy

Botulinum treatments Dermal Fillers Lip Rejuvenation Collagen Induction Therapy


FACEVALUE 363 PAPANUI ROAD MERIVALE 204 Papanui Rd, Merivale P.355 4734

36 May 1, 2014 Metropol

3888 806


180A Papanui Rd Merivale P. 355 2863

merivale fashion


These boots are made for walking


iera® 'boots are made for walking', as the famous song by Lee Hazlewood, and originally performed in 1966 by Nancy Sinatra went. The song made women the world over celebrate their new found individuality and independence as they entered the new era of empowerment. Similarly, footwear designer and manufacturer Ziera has made its name in designing and manufacturing footwear to empower and support women to look and feel their best – all day, every day. The equally famous Ziera Fit ensures no agony is made throughout the day from ill-fitting footwear. A Ziera VIP customer recently said, “The Ziera shoes are the shoes you don't want to take off when you walk in the front door at night”. Recently appointed Ziera Brand Ambassador, the gregarious frank open and oh so honest selfdeclared gastronomad, Peta Mathias knows more than most, about strolling in the early morning markets in countries where there are often cobblestones underfoot. She says the importance of footwear that can navigate these potentially hazardous obstacles with the super grip technology on the Ziera soles, and a fit that feels like a glove, is essential. Puddle jumping in the rain or simply running to catch that train, Ziera has taken comfort and safety to the highest standard creating a new benchmark with the holistic approach to design, materials, comfort and safety. With this intention in mind, the Autumn Winter 14 collection of boots is designed for every woman embarking on the morning walk to the bus stop, train station, transporting herself from suburban life to city corporate life. For those women actively tearing around the suburbs multitasking throughout the day fulfilling the various needs of their families, they can take great comfort in knowing that while there will always be cheaper options for their own footwear, those options may not endure winter after winter as they puddle jump in and out of rain showers throughout their busy day. Ziera have taken great care to keep women's feet firmly planted too. The Ziera woman sets out each morning on the front foot and doesn't look back wishing that she had worn a different pair of shoes!

Paolo Morielli Hair stylist

is back from Milan

30% off First Haircut

Go onto facebook to view my recent fashion show assignments in Milan, New York, Paris & London Facebook: PM artist Hair stylist

184 Papanui Rd Merivale m021 0661974

Fall in love with comfort, with style, with Ziera.

Ashton Black Grey, Bark, Melot

Joyce Rosewood, Black, Pale Bronze



Neiti Yellow or Tan $89

Frankie Black, Black/White Cappuccino


Sneak Silver Fox/ Yellow, Black/White Black Sparkle, Indigo/Pink

Biscotti Black, Amber



229 Papanui Rd, Merivale. Ph. 355 4400 Metropol May 1, 2014 37

Unique place to shop, top spot to eat with Lydia Truesdale


estled comfortably in Upper Riccarton's western corner, Bush Inn has maintained the warm, friendly atmosphere and strong community spirit which saw it flourish in the 19th century. Although the patrons of the time were a little hairier and dustier on the site which was first developed in 1865 as a hotel and stable, the popularity of the western shopping and dining hub hasn't abated. And it probably smells a little nicer these days too. With a Countdown Supermarket, Smiths City store, Lone Star restaurant, BNZ Bank and the South Island's first Burgerfuel, along with more than 45 specialty retailers, including many one-off stores, the Bush Inn Centre is a comfortable, relaxed and unique place to shop. Conveniently located on the corner of Riccarton and Waimairi Roads, the centre includes a great range of restaurants, stores and ample parking, without the same hustle and bustle of other larger malls.

The Main Skein For the finest Handknitting Yarns, Baby Clothing & Gifts

Recent renovations have seen the existing Bush Inn Centre transformed with a modern new façade and additional shops. It's not just a cliché; there really is something for everyone at the shopping hub. Have a coffee and do some shopping with girlfriends, take the family out for a meal, get the groceries and run some errands. And, don't forget, there's always something exciting for the kids during the school holidays. Pepe's Mexican Grill features a delicious array of fresh Mexican food including burritos, tacos and rice bowls. Spice Paragon has fused the subtle flavours of Thai cuisine with the boldness of modern cooking to produce a wide array of dishes. Elite Meats boasts fine quality meats, award winning bacon and excellent small goods made on the premises. Lone Star offers iconic Kiwi dining with portions which are just about as renowned as its location. There's a diverse range of fashion stores, from Postie Plus

Kids Favorites

Arriving Daily

and CC Collections through to popular fashion store All About a Girl. Petersens Jewellers offers the popular Kagi Jewellery and Yours Truly collection, while Accent on Nouveau offers hair and beauty treatments and the Haircare Market is offering the new Miracurl - the world's first fully automatic professional curl machine - you can get a free demo instore. There are, of course, the popular mall favourites; Coffee Culture, Bakers Delight, Countdown and Liquor King, and the Night Market adds a distinctly European flavour. Open every Saturday, the covered carpark hosts a wide range of fashion, entertainment and food from 5:30 to 11:30pm. There's always something new and exciting happening at Christchurch's western shopping hub. Keep an eye out for updates and competitions on the Bush Inn Centre Facebook page, visit, or more importantly see for yourself on the corner of Riccarton and Waimairi Roads, Church Corner.

Special treat for Mum this

MOTHER’S DAY Mini Facial Pedicure Manicure with Paraffin Treatment

NEW Winter Yarns Patterns & Baby Clothing

Only $89 Value of $140

Gift vouchers available Like us on Facebook


Accent on Nou Veau Open 7 Days Bush Inn Centre Ph: 3486 899

38 May 1, 2014 Metropol


1 2 3

Bush Inn Centre



Ph. 341 6123






Cnr Riccarton & Waimairi Rd P. 03 348 8910

welcome to



Autumn Arrivals!

Winter fashion parade at Viva La Moda On Thursday April 3, Viva La Moda held an instore fashion parade and shopping evening in their Rolleston boutique store. The fashion parade showcased the new season’s trends for Winter 14 and demonstrated how to translate these trends from the catwalks of Europe into wearable ensembles for everyday women. Statement coats, dresses, print pants, fur and leather all featured strongly in the garments on display. It was a highly successful evening which was enjoyed by all.

Stunning Red Lavand Coat

Like Viva La Moda

Shop 12, Rolleston Square, Rolleston. Phone 3471151 Mon- Fri 9-5 Sat 10-4 Visit

Pam Swanson, Sue Maetzig

Vicki Wilson, Jo Barrett

Jill Chamberlain, Gaye Mackie

Tui Cummings, Kim Taylor, Andrea Lamb (Viva La Moda staff)

Leanne Doake, Rose Lindley, Sandra Taylor

Debbie Truesdale (Metropol), Kim Taylor (Viva La Moda)

Denise, Maree

Beverley Spriggs, Sue Purdie

Chrissy Bond, Nicki Ashby, Jo McIntosh

Photos by Wendy Cook Photography - for copies email:

Something special for


Mother’s Day with Beautiful Gifts & Treats Now Instore

FCS Ltd. Carpet, Upholstery, Window Cleaning, Pest Control ents Colours, cuts, styles, tresatm ecialty sp a Weddings, balls, hair up s on Beautiful hair creati

friendly fun & funky! 834 Jones Road Rolleston

P. 03 347 4898

Free Phone Steven FREE delivery in Rolleston

Rolleston Florist Shop 15, Rolleston Square, Rolleston. Ph.03 347 1068

0800 92 00 05 Ph/txt: 021 566 905


• Stunning range of quality fabrics • Curtains, blinds & upholstery • Make, supply and fit

817 Jones Rd, Rolleston 7677, over the railway line P/Fax 03 347 4295 Open Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm, Sat 9am-12pm Metropol May 1, 2014 39

in your kitchen


in your kitchen

Tea so great, fresh brewed, all organic we’ve bottled it! Brewed from organic tea leaves with an amazing taste, also rich in antioxidants. Now available in 10 delicious blends. Available from

Raeward Fresh Harewood Harewood , Christchurch

Harney Teas Succulent, tender & juicy.

Ph. 09 412 2515

Perfect Pork is a convenient range of grain-fed Canterbury pork that comes complete with a simple 3-step cooking instruction and includes a matching in-pack condiment sauce. Available at Raeward Fresh stores.

Three Sisters Bake By: Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith Full of recipes for every occasion, from brunch and picnics to afternoon tea and dinner parties. Three Sisters Bake shares the ethos that food is for sharing and enjoying with friends and family. Perfect for Mother's Day! Available from

Scorpio Books 113 Riccarton Road, 379 2882 or Re: Start Cashel Mall 377 8462 Impress your guests and create a superb tasteful dish for your next special occasion. Choose Canter Valley Duck breast or legs to give your culinary creations a ‘wow’ factor. Just follow the easy to use recipes on the back of the packet or add your own twist. Enjoy!

Canter Valley Ph. 03 312 9805

Handy in the kitchen. Individual and also set of 4 salt & pepper cellars by Farmhouse Pottery.

Total Food Equipment Midway Moorhouse, 218 Moorhouse Ave Ph. 3666 912

Stylish Grimac Italian Coffee Machine. Make barista coffee in your home or office. Available in 5 colours.

May special - only $795 Available from:

The Crowded House Coffee Company Ltd 2 Baigent Way, Middleton Christchurch Phone 03 348 5089 40 May 1, 2014 Metropol

EXPERIENCE THE TASTE OF SINGLE SOURCE Pinot Smoked Ora King Salmon with liquorice puree, rye & dried berry crumble, watercress matched with a glass of Ara Select Blocks Pinot Noir 2012. Just $32

50 Bistro Bookings Recommended E: P: 371 0250

A wine to savour by the fireside. Tohu Marlborough Single Vineyard Pinot Noir 2013 A deep garnet red, this wine is packed with berry flavours, along with some spicy oak. Available at your favourite wine store. Ph 0800 223 922

Melton Estate “Summer Love” Sparkling Riesling 2013 - $25. Ripe Riesling provides crisp fruit flavours and a touch of Pinot Noir adds the distinctive pink colour. Summer Love has an exciting spritz and is the perfect celebration wine for all occasions. Available from

Melton Estate Weedons Ross Road, West Melton Christchurch. Ph. 03 347 4968 Orders online Delivery easily arranged.

Nesting chicken casserole dish. available at

Total Food Equipment Midway Moorhouse, 218 Moorhouse Ave Ph. 3666 912





Bars & Cafés




A menu fit for royalty H

ave you been wondering what Amisfield Winery and Bistro served the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their recent visit to Queenstown? In true Amisfield style there was a special menu designed specifically for the event by the Bistro kitchen staff, complementing a range of exceptional Central Otago wines. After a walk through Amisfield's Lake Hayes vineyard the couple then tasted the latest vintage of the Amisfield Pinot 2011, which was recently awarded 92 points in Wine Spectator Insider, and met with owner Mr John Darby and winemaker Dr Stephanie Lambert. Following this the couple were introduced to Central Otago winery industry members whom included winemakers and owners. They then sampled a selection of wines matched with some of the region's most famed delicacies such as Bluff oysters, Stewart Island salmon, Fiordland venison, local cheeses and seasonal Central Otago fruit. “This was an incredible opportunity for everyone involved to showcase Central Otago wines, regional food and produce and was a brilliant platform for us to deliver an event of a world class standard,” said Amisfield CEO Craig Erasmus. “While some of these dishes are already on our menu, some of those specifically created for today will now feature in the Bistro this autumn.” The official menu: Seafood Whitebait Bluff Oysters, Arcadia pearls, lemon Beet-cured Salmon Gravlax, dill cream, pickled cucumber Blue Cod Ceviche, sea water cured paua, carrot, ginger kim chi Crayfish Ravioli, truffle oil, brandy essence Wild Game Fiordland Venison Bresaola, shaved fennel

Guests waiting for the arrival of the Duke and Duchess in the main dining room of Amisfield Bistro Wild Rabbit Rillette, apricots, wild thyme, grilled sourdough Wild Boar Cocktail Chorizo Cardrona Merino Kofta, flatbread, tahini yoghurt, cucumber, chilli oil From the Farm Zucchini Trifolati bruschetta Roasted pumpkin, sage, hazelnut bruschetta Heirloom tomato, buffalo mozzarella Caprese Fresh figs, Amisfield pancetta Porcini broth, pickled Euoki mushroom, truffle oil Cheese Board A selection of artisan cheese from Whitestone Oamaru, North Otago – Vintage Windsor, Lindis Pass, Totara Tasty, Monte Cristo, Central Otago seasonal fruit, walnuts, Amisfield quince paste, Amisfield sourdough bread, poppy seed crackers

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge sampled a selection of wines matched with some of the region's most famed delicacies such as Bluff oysters, Stewart Island salmon, Fiordland venison, local cheeses and seasonal Central Otago fruit.

Beet-cured salmon gravlax, dill cream, pickled cucumber

Fresh figs, amisfield pancetta

Blue cod ceviche, sea water cured paua, carrot, ginger kim chi

Fiordland venison bresaola, shaved fennel

Pouring Amisfield Pinot Noir 2011

Photos: Amisfield/Vaughan Brookfield

4 Locations! Edgeware, Rolleston, Hamner Springs, Kaikoura Free Call 0508 111 001 Open Hours: Lunch Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.00pm Dinner: 7 Days a Week from 5.00pm

Rolleston Shop No.8, 70-76 Rolleston Dr Rolleston Square

Ph 03 347 2315 Like us on facebook

Hamner Springs Shop 5/30 Cnr Conical Hill Rd & Chisholm Ave

Ph 03 315 7616

Edgeware Mall


76 Edgeware Road, Edgeware Mall, ChCh

17 Beach Road, Kaikoura

Ph 03 366 7223

Ph 03 319 6844

Order online at 10% Discount for Takeaways Metropol May 1, 2014 41

Browsers Cafe


& the backyard bar


Shop like a chef



n established family-run Christchurch wholesale food company, Solotti Food Company, is making the most of the city's thriving hospitality trade by expanding its business.

we are here till

11th MAY! Come & enjoy

Our fabulous ambience Great food, great wines Craft beer & cider on tap Live music Thurs & Fri nights Kitchen open lateThurs, Fri & Sat

Ph 348-7779

110A Riccarton Rd

NEW stunning Function/Dining area Now Upstairs!

Ideal for business lunches & dinners, business breakfast meetings. Available for small & large groups

Solotti Food Company, which is run by father and son Peter and James, has taken over the distribution and retail arms of another Italian wholesale company, Baroni Food Company, and since March has been operating from its premises at 44 Gasson Street. Christchurch foodies will also have the chance to buy the same products Solotti Food Company supplies to some of the South Island's top chefs at its first retail store on the same premises. Managing Director Peter Solotti says the time was right to expand further. “With business confidence increasing all the time in the city and new restaurants popping up all over the place, we believe it's the perfect time to grow ourselves. “This move will enhance our ability to import food products, particularly from Italy, which will give our customers a greater range to choose from at extremely competitive prices. “We're also really excited about being able to offer to the people of Christchurch some of the top quality products we've become known for among many of the region's top chefs.” Some of the products Solotti Food Company will be supplying to its customers direct from Italy include a range of Italian cheeses such as grana padano and parmigiano

Call Now to reserve your table 03 365 6066 290 Montreal St

Peter Solotti, the managing director of Solotti Food Company in the new warehouse reggiano; artichokes, olive oils, a wide range of De Cecco Italian pastas, Italian carnaroli and arborio rice and cured meats, including several types of prosciutto. Solotti Food Company also supplies food products from other parts of Europe and offers an extensive range of Kiwi food products. Customers visiting Solotti Food Company's retail store, which will be at the front of the spacious warehouse in Gasson Street, will be able to buy the same products, albeit in smaller quantities, that they find on their plates when they visit the region's top restaurants and cafes. Wholesale customers of Solotti Food Company include Fiddlesticks in Worcester Boulevard, Harlequin Public House in Victoria Street, Addington Coffee Co-op in Lincoln Road and The George Hotel in Park Terrace. Among Solotti Food Company's other wellknown customers are Edesia in Tower Junction; Otahuna Lodge in Tai Tapu; Cuisine Restaurant of the Year, Riverstone Kitchen, north of Oamaru and the winner of Cuisine's top winery restaurant award, Pegasus Bay Winery in Waipara. The past three years have been a challenging time for the company, which rebranded after the February 2011 earthquake

Direct from Italy: customers can buy top quality products. to reflect its emphasis on providing quality Italian and European products. “We lost a substantial number of customers whose premises closed after the February earthquake,” Peter says. “But we were determined to carry on. “We're not only looking forward to offering our wholesale customers the same service and good quality products that we have since 1997 but also welcoming new customers to our retail store and sharing our love of food with them.” Hours are 10am-6pm on weekdays and on Saturday from 10am-1pm.


Authentic Vietnamese Food



Great gifts Great Coffee...

A great way to start any day... Crafted coffee & delicious fare

Open Mon-Fri 5am-4pm Sat 5am-2pm Sun closed Try our delicious Traditional Crispy Chicken with Sweet Chilli Sauce

LUNCH SPECIAL 12-2PM $6- $9.50

15% OFF TAKEAWAYS Until end of April Dinner Menu available from 5pm

29-31 Main North Road, Papanui

café & gifts Rolleston Shopping Centre Rolleston Ph 347 3314 Open 7 Days 42 May 1, 2014 Metropol

(Next to Rare Fare) Open Mon-Fri 7am-3pm Sat 8am-2pm

Richmond Village Fully licensed & BYO Ph.389 999 78

186 Papanui Rd PH 355 1481

Text orders 021 277 6584 Follow us on Facebook IlMagroEspressoBar



Culinary hotspots


Here's Metropol's round up of three great foodie hot spots to enjoy…

Fully licenced & BYO ( wine only) Open 11-3pm & 5pm-10pm everyday

Available for functions & group booking Specialised set menu available Ph. 03 423 1976 283 Lincoln Rd Addington

A rose by any other name Rose Café at 466 Papanui Road, not far from the Harewood Road junction, is one of those special little getaways that often slip under the radar. There is not a single table there that is the same – one wooden and painted white, another antique walnut; this one square, that one oblong, another circular, and yet another rectangular. Some are simply laid out and others surrounded by puffed cushions and pink table cloths. Owner Jane Kim is happy about the customers her ambience attracts. “I have always loved antiques,” she says. “So I surround the dining area with lots of knickknacks. “I must say that many of my customers are older, and there is a feminine feel to the place. There is a 'taste of nostalgia.'” The food is hand made – scones, Devonshire teas, along with waffles, pancakes, soup and health food options. There is also an all day breakfast available. Call in and enjoy the displays of fine china, stuffed animals, old records, and kitchenware; relax with good coffee and lovely food. It just may appeal to your nature!

Seriously good Gordon Smith and Sons Fruiterers have moved to other premises (watch this space!) but their spot on Victoria Street has been shared initially by a delicious alternative. The Serious Sandwich is simply a gourmet sandwich bar with a range of sandwiches made with organic, free range animal products. Enjoy their signature dishes – Porchetta Salsa Verde – roast pork with parsley and garlic salsa, meatball and parmesan, poached chicken and peanut slaw, grilled aged cheddar with onion jam. There are plenty of extras – salads, such as 'serious slaw' with carrot, carrot and peanuts, with house dressing, and the breakfast bap served from 9am – 11am – farm fresh egg with crispy bacon and house dressing. Relax with Caffe L'Affare, or a pleasant soda and juice. Guess what! You can even text for a delivery. Simply type in your variation of 1 BAP John Smith, Lvl 1 301 Cashel St before 11am, and lunch will be delivered!

Herb Happiness The Herb Centre at 223 Kilmore Street has been established for twenty years, providing integrated health and wellness. At The Herb Centre the aim is to deliver high quality, natural health care in a relaxed, caring and educational environment. The professional and qualified staff there are dedicated and passionate about helping customers achieve good health. The focus is to promote functional medicine, treating and supporting people to achieve optimum health, and maintain that wellness. “We are aiming for the holistic approach,” says Venus Allen. “Holding Christchurch people together.” The attached café clearly embodies that approach, providing a range of healthy foods. Breakfast can be chunky granola and yoghurt, potato and kumara rosti, Italian sausage with scrambled free range eggs, and French toast with seasonal fruit compote. Enjoy a lunch of Italian spiced lentil patty with raita and salad, filo with salads, or hunza pie. Try house made dandechinos, ginger tonic, lemon zinger, hot spiced berry drink, elderflower fizz and chai. It's got to be good for you!


Spanish Cuisine

NEW Barcelona Chef Tapas & Paella $55 Fridays 7.30pm Complimentary Sangria on arrival Bookings essential

Botanic Gardens, 7 Rolleston Avenue Ph. 3792252

breakfast your style... Fantastic Evening Menu, Coffee, Cabinet food

New Appetisers Beef Tataki & Tuna Tataki

Book Now for Mother’s Day!

A huge menu of scrumptious Available for functions mouth-watering delights & dangerously good coffee NEW HOURS: Mon-Wed 7am-4pm Thurs 7am-8pm Fri 7am-8pm Sat 8.30am-8pm

Catering service available Please enquire for details

Follow us on Facebook

112 Wrights Rd Addington Ph: 962 9629 Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Hours: Mon - Sat 6.30am - 9.00pm Sunday 6.30am - 6.00pm

Shop 7 / 21 Humphreys Dr. Ferrymead Ph. 376 6000

Ph. 3588 490 45 Merrin Street Avonhead e.

10 minutes by Black Cat ferry from Lyttelton. See Fantastic fare and a friendly country atmosphere Metropol May 1, 2014 43



Perfect position


tation One Café, on the corner of Papanui and Harewood Roads, was the regional winner of the 2013 NZ Cafe of the Year award. Brand new, purpose built and designed by an award winning interior designer, this laid back establishment offers a most relaxing environment. Seemingly quiet in appearance viewed from a busy intersection, it is surprisingly busy while yet remaining something of an oasis.

It is the perfect place to catch up with friends, meet with clients, enjoy family gatherings or just savour a peaceful Hummingbird coffee for yourself. Gary Fuller has had ownership of Station One for just a few weeks. While determined to retain the qualities which brought it accolades in 2013, he also has plans to tweak things. With a solid experience in the industry (Boulevarde Bakery in the Arts Centre for example), he intends to extend the menu and appeal. Open in the evenings, he plans to provide well priced light evening meals for those shopping, out for a movie, or just a quiet trip away from their own kitchens. With a liquor licence in the pipeline, it will not be long before you can enjoy good local wine and beer with that meal. All the food is prepared on site, and the cabinet food is alluring, to say the least: paninis, frittata, pastries, savouries, quiche, fish cakes and crepe baskets. Breakfast/ brunch is sprinkled with wellpresented and time-worn favourites: Eggs Royale, Florentine and Benedict; pancakes and omelettes. Add to the mixture, soup, steak sandwich, BLT, salmon salad, and you get the idea. All day offerings include nachos, a seafood platter, fish and chips, wontons and dumplings, and wedges. The aim is clearly to provide fare that is familiar, but varied in flavours and textures, as

Come down to


well as being relatively inexpensive. Seating is varied – tables as well as benches, as well as an area opened out to from the end of the building, for those sunny days. Gary points out that the café is animal friendly. What a great way to enhance that walk out with man's best friend. Parking does not seem to be a problem, and Station One is a short walk to the Northlands complex. Mother's Day arrives on the second Sunday of May (11th), and Station One Café will be offering a little something special for mums, in celebration. Locals are being encouraged to call in, if they have not already done so. A welcoming atmosphere? The following observation made in social media sums it up: “The service has never differed from being friendly, attentive, accommodating and most of all, consistent.”

Mother's Day arrives on the second Sunday of May (11th), and Station One Café will be offering a little something special for mums, in celebration.

The place to go for Mother’s Day! Great Coffee Delicious Food Stylish Surrounding

All day breakfast

Check out our Tuesday Steak & Beer Night! Enjoy a $15 Steak, Fries & your choice of salad or veggies with a pint of Tap Beer* or glass of House Wine

Wednesday $15 Burger & Beer Night! NEW COURTESY VAN

Call in or enquire 2 Flavell St, Heathcote Ph. 384 1124

Courtesy van is now available at the days & times listed (conditions apply) Thursday - Saturday Pickup: 4pm- 8pm, Drop off: 8pm-close Sunday Pickup: 2pm - 5pm Drop off:5pm -close

NZ Café of the Year Regional Winner Available for private functions & catering for all events. Open hours 7am-9pm Mon-Fri, 8am-9pm Sat, Sun.

509 Papanui Road (Cnr Harewood Road)

Phone 03 3481 124 to book

Ph 03 982 1118

our courtesy van for a pickup or drop off


hachi hachi

Ph. 348 8418 44 May 1, 2014 Metropol

a striking restaurant enjoy the finest of japanese food & ambience

Bush Inn Centre



Present this when ordering 4 or more main dishes with dinner Sun-Wed Valid until 31st March 14 * Terms & Conditions Apply

Bush Inn Centre Cnr Riccarton & Waimairi Rds

Ph. 03 348 8881



With attention to flavour...


aesar's Family Restaurant and Bar, the incredibly popular family restaurant on the main North Road, is famous for its delicious homestyle cuisine, created with love and attention to flavour. Now diners can expect even more from the kitchen, with a new chef on board. With winter coming on the team is working on a new menu, keeping those Caesar's favourites that have been popular over the year and adding exciting new dishes; already they have prepared a special Mother's Day menu. “It is special for mums, with lots of 'nice' dishes,” says co-owner Molly. “We have taken our favourites from our menus and added some more.” New dishes include the light and delicate smoked salmon salad with avocado on grilled Caesar's bread with dill dressing; and chicken breast stuffed with mascarpone cheese and basil pesto rested on a sweet corn savoury pancake, served with sautéed vegetables and creamy tomato and basil sauce. For the dads there will be sirloin, grilled “the way you like it” and served with fries, salad, fried egg, and mushroom sauce. Other dishes are roast of the day (always a Sunday favourite), twice cooked five-spice pork belly, and slow cooked Moroccan lamb shanks. Caesar's famous Grill on the Rock will round out the menu. For the children there will be meatballs with pasta, the popular kid's roast, hot dogs, and ice cream. The crowning glory of a special meal is

always the dessert. The Mother's Day menu will feature moist chocolate mud cake with chocolate ganache, cheesecake of the day, apple shortcake, and ice-cream sundaes, all served with Molly's own home whipped cream. The menu will run all day from 11am till late and bookings are essential warns Molly. “Last year we served 645 customers, so book now!” she says.

Caesar's is now also open all day – from 11am till late. The lunch menu is available till 4pm. Ideal for those who fancy dinner midday, it includes plenty of tasty $10 options *, plus smaller mains and two choices of Grill on the Rocks. The dinner menu starts at 4pm. (* conditions apply) The restaurant and bar's weekly specials are also a big draw card. On Mondays and

Thursdays kids dine free when a full sized main is bought, on Tuesday there is the good value “2 for $25” menu, Wednesday sees the special $15 Grill on the Rocks menu or the second Main for half price, Thursday is Tagine Night and Sunday is Roast Day, while on Saturday diners and drinkers choose from the a la carte menu and relax to live music. The Caesar's menu also provides GF and vegetarian options.

Mother’s Day

Special Menu BOOK NOW

NOW OPEN DAILY! Lunch & Dinner 4pm-9pm

Call us today! NORTHWOOD SUPA CENTRE 548 MAIN NORTH RD PH 323 5420


Open Monday to Friday 8am till 4pm


LOVE great food & coffee...



Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm


“ Friendly Service with a Smile”

Delicious full Menu

‘The Cronut’ (Donut/Croissant)

Breads of Europe Bakehouse Shop Open Mon-Fri 8.30am-3.30pm and Sat 9am-2pm Flavours include Baileys Irish Creme Cronut Vanilla Creme Cronut

Unit B 10 Garlands Road Woolston Hotline phone 381 1048


Breakfast Lunch Cabinet food


Large gluten free menu

Open Monday to Friday 8am till 5pm Saturday 9.30-3pm Saturday mornings from 10.30am

Ph. 03 377 6994 100 Fitzgerald Avenue opposite Lichfield Street

218 Moorhouse Ave Great coffee (Next to Hunter Furniture)

Ph. 421 8921 Weekdays 7am-4.30pm Weekends 8am-4.30pm

Metropol May 1, 2014 45



Challenging staid palates... food that’s refreshingly different


f you are tired of the same old cafe breakfast dishes head to Cafe 218. Here the menu is refreshingly different – even the ubiquitous Eggs Benedict are served with a twist – on goats cheese polenta cakes with rocket, tomato chow chow, eggs, crispy bacon from Ashby's butchery, or smoked salmon and the house hollandaise. Or Huevos Rancheros, served on a crispy tortilla with genuine Mexican black beans, chipotle, queso fresco, pickled red onions, avocado, egg and house made Mexican style chorizo. And did I mention the fresh fried blueberry donuts with lemon cream cheese glaze served on a funky wooden platter? The secret is chef Corey. Born, brought up, trained as a chef in the US of A, he has worked in numerous kitchens in Chicago, Colorado (as well as at The Beach in Christchurch) and gains his inspiration for dishes he has enjoyed in all sorts of eateries. “America is a melting pot, so are my dishes,” he says.”I cook things I like to eat.” The lunch menu is equally adventurous -

fancy deep fried Brussels sprouts with a Vietnamese sauce, Mexican Street tacos (the real thing with layers of black bean puree, red cabbage, pickled red onion, queso fresco, salsa rosa and salsa verde standing pertly in a custom made taco stand) or Thai style fish and chips? Corey does not appreciate Kiwi fish and chips (“soggy”), so he set out to make a super crispy variety. His fish is marinated in red curry then dipped in coconut tempura batter, which he explains, simply had to be served with sweet kumara chips, and a brown sugar flavoured aioli. “It's a playful dish,” says this adventurous chef. “There's no salt in any of it – the flavouring is all done with fish sauce.”

Happy Hour: Wed-Sun 4-6pm All Beer & House Wine $5

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Aware of the fact that he's challenging both himself and our somewhat staid Cantabrian palates, Corey tries to visit every table that orders from the menu. “I love to go to talk to people who eat my dishes. The menu's fluid and I change things if I don't think they are right.” And those who want a traditional breakfast can build their own, selecting sides of bacon, smoked salmon, toast, eggs, mushrooms and sausages. Corey and his sous chef and pastry cook produce all of this restaurant style food in the tiny cafe kitchen and turn out a pretty mean (and well priced) selection of cabinet food too.

For cafe manager Daryl Fane service is the key. “We want to ensure our service is impeccable,” she says. The cafe itself is contemporary, bright and airy, with floor to ceiling windows, stunning granite table tops, and a range of seating options. Cosy booths invite intimate conviviality, high leaners are favoured by people discussing business, a cosy faux fire with red sofas is a place to relax. Accessed through Hunter Furniture and from the very spacious car park, 218 Moorhouse is a definite must visit. The cafe is open Monday to Friday 7am to 4. 30pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am to 4.30pm.

Madam Kwong’s Chinese Restaurant Specialising in both Cantonese & Sichuan cuisines First class barbeque selection for dining in and takeaways Also offering yum cha service for lunch

Lunch 11am-2.30pm Dinner 5pm-10.30pm

P. 355 5299

7 Normans Rd

Hours: Mon-Tues 8am-3pm Wed-Sun 8am-10pm

46 May 1, 2014 Metropol Available for functions

Closed Wednesday

At the back of Caltex Petrol Station 155 Blenheim Rd Ph. 348 3638

cuisine metropol


Cocktail Chef Mary's mixologist

Like most men in turn of the century Florence, Count Camillo Negroni could party, so they say. He wasn't much moved by aperitifs like the then-popular Americano (Campari, sweet vermouth and soda). So he asked his bartender to substitute the soda for gin. And the Negroni, granddaddy of all pre-dinner cocktails was born. Don't be fooled by its festive colour, or its herbal, citrus nose. The Negroni is one boozy aperitif. It's a classic cocktail, a grown-up's cocktail of sophisticated simplicity.

Richard Uttley

Richard Uttley, Food & Beverage Manager at the Rydges Latimer reveals the secrets behind making a delicious Negroni...

How to make a Negroni...

Sunday morning mushrooms


unday mornings and a tasty breakfast go hand in hand. Here's a recipe from The Revive Café Cookbook 3 by Jeremy Dixon that will have you up and out of bed ready to feast.

Portobello Mushrooms Makes 2 x 1 cup servings Ingredients 4 flat Portobello mushrooms sliced 1 clove garlic finely chopped or crushed ½ C red onion sliced 1 Tbsp oil 6 large fresh spinach leaves ¼ tsp salt Whole grain bread Garnish: ¼ avocado diced finely

Garnish: parsley finely chopped Method 1. Sauté the mushrooms, garlic, onion and oil in a pan for around 10 minutes. Put the lid on so they can sweat. Stir regularly. 2. Add the spinach leaves and salt and cook for around 1 minute so they wilt slightly. 3. Serve on whole grain bread 4. Garnish with avocado and parsley Note: If spinach is not in season you can use silverbeet (Swiss chard) or Asian greens. This recipe would also work well with button mushrooms.






Glassware The Old Fashioned glass, lowball glass, or rocks glass is a short tumbler used for serving an alcoholic beverage, such as whisky, with ice cubes (“on the rocks”). It is also normally used to serve certain cocktails, such as the Old Fashioned, from which it receives its name. Old Fashioned glasses typically have a wide brim, thus releasing the flavours of the drink. They also typically have a thick base (or tunc) so that the non-liquid ingredients of a cocktail can be muddled before the main liquid ingredients are added. Recipe 30ml Beefeater Gin 30ml Sweet Vermouth 30ml Campari 1 fresh orange peel In a mixing glass, pour the gin, Campari and vermouth. Add ice. Stir until chilled, then strain into an old fashioned glass cocktail glass. Express the orange peel over the glass and drop it in. Bloody Mary's is now online so check out where they will be publishing all the Mary's Mixologist recipes on their site for easy reference.



Mother’s Day May 11th

Join us every Thursday for Happy Hour from 4pm to 6pm with live entertainment from 5-7pm $6.00 Tap Beer & $6.00 House Wine & Complimentary snack food

We are open from 8.30am & all Mums go into a

Draw to WIN a $150 Pamper Voucher!



Nominee: Best Nationwide Restaurants

Restaurant OPEN Tues - Thurs from 4pm Friday, Sat & Sun from 11am check our website for details

Pier Terminus Building, 195-213 Marine Parade, New Brighton P. (03) 388 4483 or (03) 388 4493 Metropol May 1, 2014 47

Sounds in the city Friday 2 May cont’d.

Ready for a little bar-hopping and the chance to catch some great sounds? There’s plenty on around the city that will appeal to all types and tastes…

Pierside Café: Beach Breaks, 8:30pm. Free blues, hip hop, house... Richey Bar & Nightclub: DJ's Motiv - Darren Kho - Tommy Dreamer on Rotation 10p. Free

Thursday 1 May

Sullivans Irish Pub: Corner Sounds, 9:30pm. Free The Club: Club night, 5pm. $10 door. Free before 10pm

Addington Raceway: Lincoln University Grad Ball, 7pm. $69 pre. Rock

The Miller Bar: The Pistons, 9pm. Free honky tonk

gig guide metropol Monday 5 May Dux Live: RDU98.5fm Roundup 2014 Heat, 8pm. Free Pegasus Arms: Craic Sessions, 7pm. Free Pierside Café: Quiz Night @ The Beach, 6:30pm. Free

Tuesday 6 May Dux Live: RDU98.5fm Roundup 2014 Heat, 8pm. Free Pegasus Arms: Mal Harris' Pub Quiz, 7pm. Free Wunderbar: Wunderbar Open Mic and Showcase, 7:30pm. Free afrobeat, blues, classical

Wednesday 7 May

Carlton Bar: Bubblemen, 10pm. Free

The Twisted Hop: Gainsford Lane, 7:30pm. Free blues

Cathedral Square: Zombie: Red Zone Gaming, 10am. $10 pre.

Tommy Changs: Rough Church w/ Squirm, 8pm. Free indie, punk

Becks Alehouse: Blues Jam Session, 8pm. Free blues

Dux Live: Emprise presents Ganz, 8pm. $20 pre.

Trevinos: Reckless Duo, 9pm. Free pop, rock

Dux Live: RDU98.5fm Roundup 2014 Heat, 8pm. Free

Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Dougal Canard Trio, 6pm. Free jazz

Winnies Ferrymead: Crackup Comedy with Raybon Kan, 8pm, $25 pre, $30 door. Comedy, varietyat, 8pm. Free

Mashina Lounge: Karaoke Night, 7pm. Free

Mashina Lounge: Salsa Night, 8pm. Free Latin Morrell & Co: Jason Kerrison Live + support from Marcel Bramo, 6pm. $25 pre. Pop, reggae, rock

Saturday 3 May

Pegasus Arms: Shayna King - Acoustic Duo, 6pm. Free

Astro Lounge: Doc Sanchez, 6pm. Free Latin

Pierside Café: Skint, 9pm. Free rock

Aurora Centre: The New Zealand Dance Company - Language of Living, 7:30pm. A Reserve $49, B Reserve $39, C Reserve $29. Classical, contemporary, electro

Porthole Bar: Doc Sanchez and Friends, 8:30pm. Free Sullivans Irish Pub: Cody Spicer, 7:30pm. Free

Thursday 8 May

Becks Alehouse: D'sendantz, 9pm. Free reggae, rock

The Club: Thursdays @ The Club - Funk Knight! 5pm. Free

Carlton Bar: Ignition, 10:30pm. Free

Winnies Ferrymead: Crackup Comedy with Raybon Kan, 8pm. $25 pre, $30 door. Comedy, variety

The Miller Bar: Smooth Funky Jazz, 8:30pm. Free jazz

Cathedral Square: Zombie: Red Zone Gaming, 10am, $10 pre.

Dux Live: RDU98.5fm Roundup 2014 Heat, 8pm. Free Mashina Lounge: Salsa Night, 8pm. Free Latin Porthole Bar: Doc Sanchez and Friends, 8:30pm. Free The Club: Thursdays @ The Club - Funk Knight! 5pm. Free The Miller Bar: Nick Lee, 8pm. Free indie, soul

Wunderbar: Anika Moa & Julia Deans, 8pm. Tickets from Undertheradar

Mashina Lounge: The Bubblemen followed by DJ Maestro B, 8:30pm. Free

Friday 9 May

Friday 2 May

Pegasus Arms: Bubblemen, 10pm. Free country, folk

Astro Lounge: Kate Anastasiou, 5:30pm. Free blues, jazz, pop

Pierside Café: The Chillers, 8:30pm. Free blues, pop, rock

Becks Alehouse: X-Files, 8pm. Free pop, rock

Astro Lounge: Kate Anastasiou, 5:30pm. Free blues, jazz, pop

Sandridge Hotel: The Syndicate, 8pm. Free blues, pop, rock

Clink Restaurant Bar: Free Fall, 9:30pm. Free

Becks Alehouse: Page 28, 8pm. Free pop

Sullivans Irish Pub: Shameless Few, 9:30pm. Free

Darkroom: Tourettes and Ben Salter NZ tour, 8pm. Free country, folk, indie

Carlton Bar: Smash Box, 10:30pm. Free

The Club: The Club Saturdays, 5pm, $10 door. Free before 10pm

Dux Live: Sons of Zion Live in Christchurch, 8pm. $25 pre / pop, reggae, rnb

Cathedral Square: Zombie: Red Zone Gaming, 10am, $10 pre.

The Woolston Club: Kiss Kiss Cabaret, 8pm. $25 pre, $35 door

Finnegans: Karaoke and DJ with DJ Chick, 8pm. Free

Clink Restaurant Bar: Free Fall, 9:30pm. Free

Tommy Changs: When Pets Attack w/ Flange, 8pm. Free punk, rock

Mashina Lounge: DJ K-Sly from L.A. 9pm. Free

Dux Live: Beastwars, 8pm, $20 pre. Blues, metal, punk...

Various venues: Zombie: Red Zone Gaming, 10am, $10

Pegasus Arms: Headrush, 10pm. Free country, folk, rock

Finnegans: Karaoke and DJ with DJ Chick, 8pm. Free

Sunday 4 May

Sullivans Irish Pub: Shameless Few, 9:30pm. Free

Gustavs Kitchen and Wine Bar: Blank Tony P, 6pm. Free Mashina Lounge: DJ DMC followed by DJ Paul McKessar, 8pm. Free

The Club: Club night 5pm. $10 door. Free before 10pm The Miller Bar: Pete & Anthony, 9pm. Free pop, rock

Pegasus Arms: Alleyboy, 10pm. Free folk, rock

Cathedral Square: Red Zone Gaming, 10am. $10 pre

Tommy Changs: Arthur Ahbez, 8:30pm. Free indie, pop

Phoenix Bar & Café: Karaoke, 9pm. Free karaoke

Pegasus Arms: Nick Lee, 10pm. Free

Trevinos: Vague As Bros, 9pm. Free pop, rock


Carlton Bar: Stoff & Tim, 8pm. Free




NEW Menu

Come & check it out!

Treat your Mum & come and celebrate

Restaurant & Bar

Great Food Great Service

Mother’s Day Sunday 11th May Sample our delicious NEW brunch menu & we’ll keep the little ones out of your hair with great entertainment for the kids! Delicious Brunch Menu available with a separate Kids Menu also Available

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48 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Join us on Facebook

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69 Centaurus Rd, Cashmere, Christchurch Open 7 days Ph. (03) 337 2227






Kitchens & Bathrooms


Eliminate the unnecessary By Walter Jensen


ere are some useful tips on organising your home. Taking that first step is the most important part, so let's get started on step one. This is critical because you can't get to where you want to go unless you know what that "where" looks like. How do you want this room to function? How do you want to feel when you're in it? What do you want to do in this room? What is the real purpose of this room? Reality check Get a pad of paper and pen and walk through each room of your home and write down what you see. It is important not to be overwhelmed. Try doing this systematically. For example, here is what you might see in your home entry way: shoes, unopened newspapers, mail and circulars that are left at your door, keys, pet toys, coats, school bags and more. Now write down what can be done to eliminate this clutter. Get into a routine Sounds simple doesn't it - well take it from me it's one of the hardest tasks to do. For example, with the children if they have left any toys lying around after playing with them I encourage them to put them away in their "tidy box" or on the shelf. Organise storage All things in the home must have a "home". Why? Because when something is not seen (in the wardrobe) you can get the false feeling that it's all organised. Inside your wardrobe group hanging items in categories, dresses, jackets, skirts etc. On the shelves divide up tops, knitwear, accessories etc. Place your shoes on a rack.

Organise your kitchen Organise you drawers or cabinets with plates, platters, cups, glasses, plastic ware etc. in separate areas if possible, or at least separate shelves. Organise the bathrooms Make sure that shelves for the toothpaste etc. are just the 'right' height for the children in their bathroom and remind them to put things back in the right place. In your own bathroom have his and her containers for makeup, shaving gear etc. Organise the garage Start out by making piles, for example: Garden tools, hand tools etc. Begin by clearing off the work bench if you have one. You might want to purchase some storage containers for the things you have in the house you want to save. Label the containers and stack them in the garage. You can buy hooks to hang rakes, shovels, hoses, bicycles etc. Have a garage sale After you go through the house and garage, you will end up with many things you no longer want. The most fun way to get rid of these items is by having a garage sale. You will be amazed at the amount of money you can possibly earn and what you don't sell you can give away or donate.

Metropol May 1, 2014 49



Time to spoil marvellous mothers!


alling all daughters, sons, granddaughters, grandsons – Mother's Day is on the horizon and Mother would be thrilled with a beautiful bunch of flowers (and maybe a little more). Court Florist on Victoria Street stocks a wide range of stunning flowers and interesting gifts to keep you firmly in the good books! Come Sunday May 11, there will be no excuse not to remember all the wonderful things Mum has done and show your appreciation. Doris of Court Florist explains, “Who doesn't love their Mother! They do a great job… the least they deserve is a beautiful bunch of flowers and maybe some chocolates, and maybe even a bottle of bubbly from their children!” To avoid the usual pre-Mother's Day rush, you can pre-order online and browse the selection on the Court Florist website. Deliveries are available both on Saturday and Sunday and with Court Florist licenced to sell alcohol, fine wines can be ordered to accompany the thoughtful gift. As a member of Interflora, Court Florist can arrange floral deliveries nationally and worldwide. Court Florist is renowned for its pristine quality, fresh flowers and the impressive artistic skills of the florists. The presentation and attention to detail is utterly complementary to the fine flowers and gifts on offer. The diverse range of offerings including skin-care, vases, fine wines and candles, but the true value lies in the experience. Doris continues, “We like people to

To avoid the usual pre-Mother's Day rush, you can pre-order online and browse the selection on the Court Florist website. Deliveries are available both on Saturday and Sunday and with Court Florist licenced to sell alcohol, fine wines can be ordered to accompany the thoughtful gift. come into our store on Victoria Street because you can't truly get the experience until you've been in. Pay us a visit and enlighten the senses of smell, touch and sight! We want to show you how even just a browse can brighten your day and the friendly staff members are always onhand for advice and information.” Victoria Street itself is flourishing, pardon the pun, which has helped direct custom to Court Florist which is reaping the benefits of being in the centre of the metropolitan resurgence. As word spreads of the beautiful shop amidst the bustle of commercial buildings and new bars, undoubtedly the foot traffic will be tempted into the door by the scent of white oriental lilies (a particular customer favourite). Court Florist offers flowers to suit every taste and the array of accompanying gifts makes it the perfect shop to find gifts for a special someone or a special occasion – like Mother's Day. For more information phone (03) 379 8255 or visit


Cookware & Retro inspired storage ware by

Flowers Wine Chocolate Gifts 143 Victoria Street

Total Food Equipment Phone 379 8255


Make an appointment with either Kay or Anne-Maree for your

measure and quote



making (Conditions apply)

Van comes with a large range of curtain samples Tracks and blinds are also available

Phone 0800 811 811 for your appointment 50 May 1, 2014 Metropol



Bushnell Builders opens new office Steve Hansen CNZM, the head coach of the All Blacks, had the honour of opening Bushnell Builders new office at 198 Springs Road in Hornby recently. Staff, clients, consultants, architects and engineers all gathered to mark the occasion for the well-known and renowned commercial builders.

Tania & Lance Austin, Sandra & Mathew Bushnell

Ken Jones & Jane Jones

Alan & Belinda de Zwart

Michele Thorn, Kevin, Tania & Lance Austin

Catherine Muir & Anne Ward

Chris Brocket, Sam Polson

Belinda Ellis, Tania Austin, Julienne Petherbridge

Bill Rapiha, Steve Hansen

Bastien Fiscer, Hannah Eastgate, James Ritchie

Trish Hollis, Colin Robertson

Jan Bruton-Power, Frank Bruton

Bill Ropiha, Jon Verkerk

Murray Allen, Ian Harrison, William Fulton

Photos by Metropol

nothing beats great teamwork

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K E I T H H A RT S H O R N E 0 2 7 5 6 6 3 9 0 9 Metropol May 1, 2014 51

Artful objects on sale for Mother’s Day J

oe Jandals continues to provide original style with a retro feel for customers looking for creative art and modern interesting interior décor. With Mother's Day approaching the team at Joe Jandals is excited to offer Metropol readers a 25% discount off all cushion covers for the month of May. Simply go online to and browse the many cushion covers available. Once you have items in your shopping cart and are ready to purchase use the special code of “METROPOL” for your 25% discount.

As well as their selection of very original contemporary cushion covers, this month the company will add retro furniture to the Joe Jandals range; one off statement pieces such as the Matching Retro Yellow Dot Chairs, the elegant Black & White Demask cabinet, and a stunning six-seater retro dining table and chairs. Bringing a fresh approach and a wide variety of styles to cater for everyone's tastes and imaginations, Joe Jandals looks forward to adding more high quality products over the coming months. Joe Jandals is also delighted to sell stunning artwork by Christchurch-born artist Tracey Washington, exclusively, and will be hosting a showing of her original artworks in June, once a suitable venue is found.


metropol new things

Al Dente Ceramic Pizza Stone 33cm available in red and black. $56.30. Available from the homestore, Merivale Mall. Ph 356 1469.

‘Loveseat’ available in 2 colourways. Special End of Season Price $1,895 View Home Ideas Centre, 37 Mandeville St. Ph 349 6778.

Fabulous new wall art in store now. Available at Presence. 290 Main North Rd. Ph. 354 4022. A variety of beautiful gift boxes for Mother’s Day. Available at Pinkerbelle, Cnr Barbadoes St and Edgeware Rd. Ph. 943 6633.

Retro Yellow Dot chairs (two only). First statement pieces from Joe Jandals. Enquiries to

‘Make Believe’ cushion cover. Available from


Great Gifts for Mother’s Day

MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL 25% off all cushion covers for the Month of May!

Green Poppy Cushion Cover Inky Blue, Chocolate & White Cushion Cover

When ordering online use Promotion Code "metropol"


290 Main North Rd

Gifts, Homewares & more Christchurch P. 354 4022 Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm Sat 10am-2pm



Perfect Gifts for Mother’s Day

Mothers Day Gift Idea


Cnr Barbadoes St & Edgeware Rd

Sierra Dining

Ph. 943 6633 52 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Shop 37,Merivale Mall 189 Papanui Rd Ph.(03) 356 1469

Ph 349 6778 / 021 336433

View Home Ideas Centre, 37 Mandeville St. Ph 6778

Mothers Day Sale at The Red House. Lots and gift ideas and FREE gift wrapping. Available at THE RED HOUSE DESIGN STORE 186 Main Rd, Redcliffs. Open 7 days, 10-4pm. Ph.384 0900.

Come in for a great coffee and taste our delicious food. For information of our new classes call us at Art Metro Art School and Cafe. Phone 354 4438. 465 Papanui Rd.

Lots of new and lovely stuff from our residential shop opposite Jellie Park, ET ELLE 312 Ilam Rd, Fendalton. Ph 7411 577. Tricky to find but worth the effort!

Mirrors made to measure with a frame to suit your decor. Available from Windsor Gallery 3/1008 Ferry Rd. Ph. 366 0724.

Latest Kiddimoto range, balance bikes, helmets,& gloves. Available now at Baby Belle. 150 Cashmere Rd. Ph. 338 3334.


Slipper socks for Mother’s day. Only $19.95. NZ Made. We post worldwide and free gift wrapping. Available at Simply NZ stores. Refer to advert below. Also at NZ Gift Store, ground level, Airport.

new things

Statement pieces to update your home


t Elle survived the earthquake and maintains a strong presence in the residential suburb of Fendalton. A converted house with a leafy inviting garden opens to a treasure trove of gifts and furniture hard to find elsewhere. Eleanor is the welcoming owner of very well-priced and personally selected products that don't spend much time on the shelves! “I like to keep stock moving. If you don't get it now, chances are it will be gone by next week.” Eleanor has a special talent for matching the right gift to the right person or occasion. “It's important to me that people leave happy and with the right products.” Gifts and ornaments are great, but there are other things this boutique oasis can offer. “Many people are now focused on fitting out their repaired homes or wanting to update their existing environment. I've had many enquiries for help with interiors

Expert Design service Latest Trends in Design Great Colour Selection Our Experience


Nutured by Nature


Picture Framing Specialists

Windsor Gallery 3/1008 Ferry Road Ferrymead Phone 366 0724

Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 9-5pm Sat 10-1pm

and décor, so calling on 20-plus years' experience I'm finding a niche for my design style and expertise. It can be tough for people faced with so many options and choices, but I can make things a little easier.” Making a small effort to find this unique shop in a home is a rewarding and pleasant experience. Open 10am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturday. Check it out, you will not be disappointed!

Fabulous Coffee & Amazing Art Tuition...


FRAMING YOU CAN BE PROUD OF Call in & see us today


20% OFF for the Month of May

Luxurious, special & exquisitely crafted, it is the perfect gift for a new baby

That’s what we do! Art Metro Art School & Cafe offers the following art courses: Abstract; Airbrushing; Children’s Art; Drawing & Sketching; Watercolours; Oils & Acrylics; & more

Enrolling now for our After School Programme starting Mon 5 May 03 354 4438 465 Papanui Road



Metropol May 1, 2014 53

By Cheryl Colley

The It List in homeware brands


If you are after something a little different in the way of ceramics, Perfect Presents has these too – especially the range from New Zealand's own Jenz Studio, inspired by our country's amazing plants, indigenous art, landscapes and seascapes. You can find the quirky at Perfect Presents as well. The perfect gift for that person who has everything may be a brightly-coloured luggage tag or passport holder. The Intrinsic range has these in beautifully tooled pink, yellow, jade or blue leather. Visit Perfect Presents to see all these great new products.

FD For any home a unique mix of beautiful Interiors & gifts

The Real Fires RF 800 gas fire. Slimline design particularly suited to contemporary homes. Available from Simply Heat home heating solutions. 95 Byron Street, Sydenham. Ph. 365 3685.

Nothing like a beautiful cup of tea for Mother’s Day. Exquisite flowers and bouquets available from Shalamar Florist and Gifts, 146 Cashmere Rd, Cracroft. Ph. 339 8146.

Custom made furniture by Furniture Dimensions. Ph. 366 7499

Milleni fushia bag. $84. Available at Coco Gifts. 63 Rutland St, St Albans (opposite Rugby Park). Ph. 355 3336.

Jenz Studio handcrafted ceramics. New range in store at Perfect Presents, Avonhead Shopping Centre, Withells Rd. Ph.358 9178.

Great range of books for Mother’s Day. Available from french blue. 9a Normans Rd. Phone 355 7545.




french blue

Complimentary Gift Wrapping Avonhead Shopping Centre, Withells Rd Chch Ph. 03 358 9178 Hours: Late Night Thurs 9-7, Mon - Sat 9-6pm, Sun 10-4pm

Furniture designed

Custom made

9a Normans Rd Christchurch. Ph/Fax 355 7545

105 Coleridge Street. ChCh P. 366-7499 F. 366-8384 Hrs: Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30 Sat 9am-1pm

If you’re not sure where to start... here is a street map.

Shalamar Florist & Gifts

Mother’s Day

The perfect gift for

Stylish tapestry bags with adorable ‘Westie’ design

Celebrate Mum... Like us on

Carlyle St

Byron St

Rd am e lth ridg Waverb O

Gasson St

Moorhouse Ave

Brisbane St

nteresting and colourful new ranges of homewares and accessories are in the spotlight at Perfect Presents in the Avonhead Mall this month. Every time one comes into this totally irresistible shop there are always new products to tempt. That's why customers keep returning over and over again. Owner Donalda Barr knows her market intimately and right now brands such as CC Interiors, Citta Design and French Country are very much in vogue. Each of these ranges is driven by a passion for design and by a passion to create collections that excite and inspire. Perfect Presents has the latest in stylish lamps from CC Interiors, the newest soft and exquisite throws from French Country and the most upto-date colourful and geometric designs in towels from Citta Design. Any of these items will add a wonderful decorative ambiance to your home.


metropol new things

Byron St

Gas fires, woodburners, heat pumps... for the largest choice of leading brands and fuel types... come on in.

It’s what we do!

Mon- Fri 10am-5.30pm. Sat-Sun 10am-4pm

63 Rutland St St Albans (opposite Rugby Park)

146 Cashmere Road, Cracroft

Ph: 03 339 8146

facebook/shalamarfloristandgifts 54 May 1, 2014 Metropol

Ph. 03 355 3336

PH. 03 365 3685 SHOWROOM 95 Byron Street, Sydenham Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 1pm



Simply beautiful gifts for discerning mums


or a Mother's Day gift that is unique and special, visit French Blue. This charming gift shop in the Elmwood Village, Normans Road, is a treasure chest of beautiful, quaint and quirky desirable things and will have something to delight any mum, no matter what her interests. An eclectic selection of “must have” lifestyle books has just been unpacked. “The Stuff of Life” offers inspiration for interior decor; “The Second Skin” is essential reading for lovers of textiles, “Living Life Beautifully” encourages one to see the beauty in our everyday surrounds, and “My Mummy Loves Me” will provoke a smile, while “Secrets of Éclairs” caters for the latest in food fads (move over macarons). Celebrity Ozzie chef Luke Mangan's “Salt Grill” has delicious recipes for entertainers. Fancy Fig, Onion Jam and Roquefort tarts or Arancini with Taleggio and Green Goddess Dressing? Buy it for mum - or buy it for yourself and cook for your mum! Also for the culinary minded are elegant walnut salt and pepper crush grinders made in England that come with a lifetime guarantee. Quality textiles goodies are in demand these days. Classic French linen tea towels make the perfect gift for discerning domestic goddesses, while superb 100% lambs' wool Foxford rugs (each hand numbered) have just arrived from Ireland. French Blue is justly famous for its wide range of exquisite, unique jewellery. Eye-

catching and delicate are the exotic necklaces, rings, and earrings by Israeli designers, but the ultimate gift for a special mum must be the delicious pearl, smoky raw sapphire and rose gold necklace, made in Milan. French Blue also stocks locally designed Imprint pantyhose. The Fleur de Lis pattern is made especially for French Blue, new designs styles include this season's bright blue, (gives 'blue stocking' a whole new meaning!) and quirky Alice in Wonderland images that are guaranteed to brighten grey winter days. Also made especially for French Blue are recycled kauri cheese boards engraved with the French Blue name. The shelves, and even the floor, are overflowing with gorgeous vases, pots, teapots and china. You'll find handmade, highly glazed ceramic bowls and jugs from Provence, including a stunning bowl in French blue and Gustavian grey. There's also a selection of blue and white Burleigh china, in both classic and new designs. Also appealing is the selection of highly glazed Polish ceramics, with a range of painted plates and mugs. Charming and petite, they just beg to be picked up, fondled and enjoyed. Then there's fabulous French toiletries (luxurious new soaps are being unpacked as you read), kitchen treasures, eye catching soft linen spotted scarves, colourful cuddly ponchos, vibrantly patterned cosmetic bags by Amy Butler, baby gifts, cards and more. Browse to your heart's content then enjoy a coffee in the French style cafe.

The shelves, and even the floor, are overflowing with gorgeous vases, pots, teapots and china. You'll find handmade, highly glazed ceramic bowls and jugs from Provence, including a stunning bowl in French blue and Gustavian grey.

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Blinds & drapery - the finishing touches


he desire to make a house into a home is a practice that has been around since early civilisation when cavemen painted their cave walls. While our dwellings have evolved, the desire to personalise our spaces has not abated. Blinds and drapery offer the finishing touch for any interior space, playing an important role in the overall project and, let's face it, first impressions really do count. When sophistication and ambiance are the end goal, Trenzseater's international collection

of drapery fabrics and Luxaflex portfolio of product is the obvious choice for your residential and commercial project. Distinguished by an international style which is modern, sophisticated and elegant, Trenzseater's large portfolio of product includes solutions for all your window furnishings, ensuring you can access the very best of product available to you to enhance your interior. A collection ranging from some of the very finest international drapery brands, innovative track, rod and finial collections is complemented by the Luxaflex product. With Trenzseater now a Luxaflex Showcase retailer, the store can demonstrate the latest blind, shutter, duette and venetians available on the market. The Luxaflex collection which includes roller blinds, sunscreens, duettes, aluminium and timber venetians, shutters, panel glides and

specialty curtain tracks has a range of in-store product sampling so you can easily visualise the end result. To begin your search for the latest in drapery trends you can visit the Trenzseater design studio to find a comprehensive collection of sampling of these distinguished brands, ranging from relaxed linens, to classic tailored stripes through to the glamorous velvets and silks. With professional interior design consultants available to visit your home and work, Trenzseater can ensure you achieve exactly what you are after, offering professional sound advice. Trenzseater also has a renowned reputation for entertaining commercial projects so if you have commercial requirements talk with the interior design consultants to work through the best solutions along with competitive commercial rates. Established in 2004 by Ben and Hamish


IT’S ALL ABOUT WINDOW DRESSING... Stylish, fresh & modern Call in and discuss your window furnishings with Paul and Rosemary. With 20 years in the industry, they have a lot of ideas and experience to help their clients make the right choice. Select from a large range of curtain and blind samples as well as tracks, cushions and accessories.

56 May 1, 2014 Metropol


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Lewis, Trenzseater was inspired by the brothers' grandfather, whose company D.A. Lewis & Co manufactured furniture for many large retailers nationwide. Ben wished to fulfil a niche in the market for tailor made luxury furniture, a concept that gave clients exposure to a range of product which covered furniture, drapery, blinds, wallpaper, bed linen and accessories all within the same store. This concept quickly established Trenzseater as the source for a complete solution for interiors, demonstrating the company's commitment to offering the very finest of product for your home. So when you're considering new window furnishing or wish to view the fantastic furniture collection, visit 121 Blenheim Road, Riccarton, with plenty of parking available at the rear of the building, phone (03) 343 0876 or visit

By Estelle Barnes



Modern design inspiration D

o you have a passion for elegant high-end interior design? Can you imagine the divine design and luxury comfort of beautiful home spaces? Your visions and dreams for decorative, modern room settings are possible with unlimited inspiration. It is a fun and easy project to gather ideas and resources for making your home décor a dream come true.

Following these inspirational sources is a wonderful and stimulating exercise: ! Celebrity styles ! Upscale interior looks ! Home design magazines and blogs ! Contemporary decorating trends Popular celebrities that have incredible personal style are a good example to help you with decorative layering through new, vintage and trendsetting images. Upscale home interiors are great references for ideas in room arranging, creating luxurious settings and displays with elegant furnishings. Home design magazines, books and blogs are inspirational tools for defining a theme or look that reflects your personal taste. The latest contemporary trends in room design are easily found at local furniture showrooms and online websites. These places feature hot, new furniture pieces and decorative accents made of earth-friendly materials. Is it time to redo your living spaces? Home decorating television shows, builders' show homes and window displays of furnished rooms are ready-made options for inspired home decorating. Imaginative elegance at home Your home is a usable canvas for your personal decorating wishes and ideas. A chic hotel, rustic charm or African themes are stylish alternatives for your interior rooms. Here are creative ways to express unique versions of design in your home: 1. Relaxed luxury This room scheme has sumptuous upholstery pieces and home accessories in metal, glass and iron finishes.

2. Personal style This is room settings that change with the seasons or by whim. It is your personal gallery of modern wall art, a collection of unique vases or designer contemporary rugs in your favourite colours. 3. Decorating trends The latest decorating trends are inspirational for transforming your rooms. Punches of colour, wood and metal materials as well as sleek leather furniture are great interior updates.

4. Improvement through change Home decorating is often an opportunity to change your surroundings for a new direction. Beautiful home accessories, luxurious accent pillows and gorgeous window treatments generate an exciting energy for your rooms. A strong desire for improving living spaces and an appreciation for comfortable elegance are big goals in personal decorating. New decorative room layouts, captivating focal points, trendy artwork and functional designer furniture are stylish elements that inspire your decorating efforts.

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Nice ideas for mum...


Metropol May 1, 2014 57



By Cheryl Colley

Architectural intricacies & difficult sites a specialty O “O

ur strength is our closeness as a family business with each member complementing the others' expertise and experience and contributing to a complete service,” says Mark Everitt of ConStruct Developments. Mark has some 35 years' experience in the building industry. Now he, his wife Jenny (project manager and administrator par excellence) and sons, Jason and Chris (talented tradesmen) comprise a skilled and hardworking team that thrives on a challenge. They build new homes, alterations and additions through every step from the planning stage to completion. Their speciality is high quality architecturally-designed hill homes and other difficult sites where client expectations and architectural plans must merge seamlessly to create a quality home. Their own home is a spectacular remodelling of a 1970s hill home that clearly reflects their uncompromising approach to impeccable quality and the highest possible standards. Currently ConStruct Developments are working with Fletcher EQR assisting with the repair of Christchurch homes. In fact they have completed work on around 280 homes since the earthquakes, each job different and with its own issues and complexities. “Clients have told us how stress-free we

have made the repair work and how they appreciate the way we've kept them informed through clear and open communication,” says Jenny Everitt. “For us that is the key to a successful and satisfactory outcome. As a small family concern we are personally involved with the clients on every job, seeking and offering solutions for any problems that might arise and focusing on maintaining our reputation for quality workmanship.” ConStruct Developments is further assisting in the recovery of Christchurch through the building of other homes. They are in the process of building a large home in Aidenfield and have a number of other projects very close to the construction phase. They have also just begun work on a house at Tata Beach in

Golden Bay. Versatility is the name of the game. “We have complete control of the quality of a build because my sons and I are on the job all the time,” says Mark. “There is no middle man. Loving this work gets us all up in the morning, keen to see what each day will bring and keen to apply our organisational and site management skills to each project.” Construct Developments are registered Master Builders and offer the seven-year Master Build Guarantee with all their construction projects. All their on-site staff are Site Safe registered. For more information on ConStruct Developments visit their comprehensive website or contact Jenny on 0274 777 052 or email

“Clients have told us how stress-free we have made the repair work and how they appreciate the way we've kept them informed through clear and open communication.”


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Bathroom renovation tips from the experts


he bathroom is often one of the smallest rooms of the house, but with the expertise of Edward Gibbon, there's the opportunity to make it one of the most stylish. With a handy central location in Cranford Street and a competitive product offering, the Christchurch store is playing a strong role in the Canterbury rebuild. “It's an innovative product range,” explains Manager Lesley Storm. “Whether you want to pick and choose your bathroom components or simply purchase a ready-made product, the options are there.” Launched earlier this year, the Create range from bathroom company Athena, allows you to design your own vanity. You can select from six different tops, six different cabinets, fourteen different colours and a choice of three handles, ensuring your vanity is going to be suitable, and unique to your needs. “This is a popular new option many companies are starting to offer because style is subjective,” Lesley says. Finishing touches can also make a big difference. There are not only a range of handle designs to select from but they also come in different finishes, creating different effects and looks. Mirrors are also available with a wide range of edges and frames. When it comes to future proofing your bathroom, raised height pan toilets are a popular option, Lesley says. Easier for the user to lower and raise themselves from the seat, these toilets are great for the elderly, but are increasingly being sought after by people

Finishing touches can also make a big difference. There are not only a range of handle designs to select from but they also come in different finishes, creating different effects and looks. Mirrors are also available with a wide range of edges and frames. planning long term. One misconception is in the cost of freestanding bath tubs Lesley says. “A lot of people see the cost of freestanding tubs as being prohibitive however, with standard tubs by the time you factor in the framing, tiling and other expenses, they are often pretty similar in price. “Free standing tubs are still an incredibly popular option.” Whether your home is modern or traditional, Edward Gibbon has options to suit. Better yet, the company can supply the full suite of bathroom accessories, including towel rails, demister pads, mixers, fittings and lighting. Extraction, Lesley says, is another important facet of the bathroom renovation which is often overlooked and often she says people rely on just opening windows. “Adequate

ventilation is essential to maintaining a healthy environment,” she says. “But extraction is also integral to ensuring your bathroom products last longer.” The company can also offer space heating options as well as water heating options, and not just for the bathroom. The plumbing, drainage and bathroom supplies specialist has central heating, built in and flued or portable gas heaters, panel or radiant heaters, freestanding fires, heat pumps and heat transfer systems, ensuring your whole house stays warm throughout winter. To see how Edward Gibbon can help with your home renovation project visit the stunning showroom 293 Cranford St, St Albans, phone (03) 366 7137 or visit

Metropol May 1, 2014 59



Cutting edge maintenance A

utumn is traditionally a time of cleaning up around gardens – deciduous trees are providing plenty of leaves for us to rake up, summer varieties are withering and those roses need pruning.

How to Sharpen and Clean Pruners Step 1 Take the pruners apart. (Quality pruners will have a screw at the base of the jaws that you can remove.) Step 2 Remove any sap build-up on the blades using mineral spirits and a rag. Step 3 Once the pruners are apart and cleaned up, you can sharpen the cutting blade using a kitchen knife sharpener or a whetstone. Step 4 Spread some oil on the blades to prevent any rust build-up before reassembling.

It is probably a good time to do a little maintenance on your tools. Here are a few tips: ! Clean your tools after using them. Scrape off any lumps of dirt stuck to the heads of spades, shovels and hoes and wipe clean pruner and cutter blades. ! Store tools off the ground in a clean and dry place out of the weather. ! Check for rust and remove it by using a wire brush or by sanding. Afterwards, wipe the bare metal with a light coating of oil. ! Look after wooden handles as cold weather tends to draw out the moisture and you may find them becoming warped and split. Sand them lightly and apply a coating of linseed oil. ! Take time to sharpen your shovels and

new seasons


hoes. You will be pleased when attacking compacted earth in spring as sharp tools will mean easier digging and less strain. Fasten the tool in a vice so that the head is secure. Starting on one side and holding your file at a 45 degree angle make a series of long strokes along one edge. Work your way into the middle before starting on the other side and repeating the exercise. Remember that with shovels or hoes, you only need to sharpen one side. Complete the task by spraying the metal with WD-40 or rubbing it with oil to prevent rust forming.

! Pruners and secateurs need maintenance also. You should be able to take them apart – most quality pruners have a screw at the base of the jaws. Remove any build-up on the blades with mineral spirits and a cloth. A more environmentally-friendly alternative to mineral spirits is orange oil (a natural product). Once the pruners are clean, you can sharpen the cutting blade by using a knife sharpener or a whetstone. Many good quality secateurs are sold along with small whetstones.

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60 May 1, 2014 Metropol



Fashion & architecture Cymon Allfrey

Architect Cymon Allfrey ponders whether the rebuild will result in Christchurch imprisoned in a stylistic moment…


rchitectural fashion is an interesting concept and one that has an extensive impact on our built environment. In a recent opinion piece, Australian architect Peter Robb raised his concern that Christchurch was going to become 'imprisoned in the stylistic moment of its rebuild'. When we talk about architectural fashion it is important to note that more often than not the descriptor of the style is defined upon reflection; often resulting in debates around when periods of style stopped and started. And like clothing fashion, just because there is an on-trend style of the moment, it doesn't mean this is the only approach taken. Take for example, modernism. By putting brackets around the modernist movement, circa 1915 – 1985, we incorporate a number of sub-styles such as art-deco and brutalism, which simply by their timing, are defined as modernist. Defined as an approach to architecture through the use of modern materials, rather than a style, elements of modernism are also evident in buildings which both precede and post-date the movement; and we still see elements of this movement today. So while the official period of modernism is over, we are still being influenced by it. Architectural fashion is influenced by what we see. Relatively well known studies have

identified correlations between what is published and what is being built. For example, at a time when our architectural magazines were publishing and celebrating a number of South East Asian designs with an expansive use of glass, we were seeing a number of homes built in our local environment, drawing on these design elements. The issue that arises around this, is that the client and hence architect, are inspired and influenced by architectural styles often unsuited to our climate. With reality television and online 'idea' resources, such as Pinterest, the wealth of information and inspiration available to home builders is greater than ever before, and very rarely from the local Christchurch or even New Zealand market. Architectural history, and the tale of architectural fashion is everywhere. You can drive down any street or road and see the history of that street unfold before you. Every streetscape is an encyclopedia of history; every house was arguably fashionable at the time it was designed. Hence, architectural design becomes a symbol of a stylistic moment in time. But that does not mean we, as a city, are going to become imprisoned by our choices. Consider Napier. As a city it provides a wonderful snapshot of art-deco architecture, and has allowed itself to become imprisoned in a definable stylistic moment. While design in Napier today is constrained by the architecture of a by-gone era, the city has built upon its art deco status to become a tourist attraction and money generator for the region. What will

imprison our city architecturally is if we chose to limit what can be designed and built because we want the city to reflect today – both now and into the future. Embracing an architectural style across our city isn't necessarily a negative, but it does need to be managed. In the 1930s the extensive building of reinforced concrete structures were fit for purpose then, but have since become a problem as they lacked adaptability for reuse. If we do place limits around architectural styles and fashions, we must ensure our buildings are not simply fit for purpose now, but able to be adapted for future use, providing longevity to both the design style and the building.

History suggests that architectural fashion is what is popular at that point in time. However to ensure we aren't imprisoned by our current stylistic movement we have to accept that some of the buildings being built today won't stand the test of time, some will need to come down in order to make way for the next era in fashion. Architecture is evolving and this evolution of design allows contemporary to sit alongside historical buildings, establishing an architectural lineage. If we allow our city to be limited in design, then we are limited in the lineage we leave behind.

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Be in quick as only a limited number of installs available. Conditions apply so ask in showroom for details.

Visit your local showroom today Metropol May 1, 2014 61


Auto News

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Auto Events


A true American hero By Ben Selby


amed after the Wild West pony, the Ford Mustang certainly deserves its elevated status. From its humble beginnings it developed a timeless appeal that saw it become a true American hero. The icon celebrates its 50th anniversary recently so we at Metropol saw it fitting to share how the Mustang started out on the road to automotive superstardom‌ The Mustang was the brainchild of Lee Iaccoca, the son of Italian immigrants. He became head of the Ford division in 1960, deciding Ford needed a fresh and sporty design in its stables. Ford began testing prototypes with American racing driver Dan Gurney in 1962 and both Mustang I and II concepts drew the public in, leaving them hungry for more. After several moments of trial and error, Iaccoca and his team of designers and engineers were ready. In April 17, 1964, Iaccoca, Walt Disney snr and Henry Ford jnr cut the ribbon on the Mustang exhibit at the New York World Fair and the American public went wild. The Mustang and Iaccoca became household names and made the cover of magazines that included Time and Newsweek. Hardtop and convertible variants were offered initially, with the 2+2 fastback coupe added to the range in mid-1964. A 260cid V8 was available to start with, plus a 4.7-litre 289cid V8. The 289 quickly became the range's most popular engine. A 170cid and 200cid straight six were also offered.

62 May 1, 2014 Metropol

It has been said that 100,000 cars found homes within the first month of production. The Mustang still holds the world record for the fastest-selling car.

Both Ford's three-speed Cruise-o-Matic (automatic) and four-speed stick shift manual were available. Customers could choose from optional accessories and extras for their Mustang, including vinyl roof, rally instrument cluster, bucket seats and air conditioning. It has been said that 100,000 cars found homes within the first month of production. The Mustang still holds the world record for the fastest-selling car. Ford later introduced the Mustang GT and

started a special relationship with a Texan named Carrol Shelby, the father of the AC Shelby Cobra. What resulted was the Shelby Mustang GT 350. Introduced in 1965, the GT 350 only came as a fastback and had no rear seats. Power went up on the 289 from 202kW to 228kW. Wimbledon white with blue racing stripes was the only colour available. Mustang sales broke the million mark in 1966. The Shelby GT 350 became available

with more features and colours and the vents behind the doors were replaced by windows to give better visibility. Rental car firm Hertz ordered 1000 GT 350s. Known as the GT 350H or Rent-a-Racer, customers could rent the car for a race on Sunday and return it on Monday. Some Mustang owners even swapped the Shelby engine for theirs before giving it back. By 1967, the Mustang was getting into its stride, but it is hard to not pay tribute to the classic original which was released 50 years ago, leaving American motorists hungry for more.

Refined, comfortable & a bit of

autoplus metropol

racing pedigree


t is hard, when the Volvo S60 comes to mind, to not think of a certain 'give it some jandal' quote from Kiwi V8 Supercar star Scott McLaughlin. Volvo's successful V8 Supercar debut with the Polestar Racing S60 earlier this year at the Clipsal 500 in Adelaide left many of the sports purists grinning. A wider generation of fans is what the Swedish firm has needed for some time, which is odd considering Volvo's history in world motorsport is an illustrious one. However thanks to legislation and red tape, Volvo's production cars must be distinguished from their competition counterparts. This brings us on to the S60 T5 featured here. The S60 name is not a new one as the first generation was launched in 2000, marking a turning point in the Volvo's design philosophy. The current generations S60's cleanly cut lines, following the understated trend the

By Ben Selby

Swedes are famous for, create a visual feast unlike others in its class. Despite being a looker in standard form, having the R Design kit as featured on my test car gives you extra visual delights like 18-inch sports alloy wheels, twin exhaust system, lip spoilers front and rear, R Design front grill and bi-xenon headlights. Look inside and the R-Design emblems on the leather bound seats catch your eye. Volvo's interiors seem to transcend across its range,

which is a good thing. Intuitive and ease of use controls are lovely while the driving position is top-notch. The T5 benefits with features like Volvo's interchangeable dial modes, Bluetooth connectivity, Sat Nav and reversing camera with parking sensors. Plus I defy anyone to have a poke at Volvo's symphonic premium sound system. Under the bonnet sits a turbocharged two litre, four cylinder engine which produces 180kW of power and 350Nm of torque. Zero to 100km/h sits at a claimed 6.3 seconds. While the range topping T6 has more grunt – 242kW/480Nm - the S60 is not a balls out performance machine, unless race prepared for Scott McLaughlin that is. On the road, the S60 reminds you that refinement and feel is something Volvo does very well. Boulevard cruising is done at a whisper, while a supple ride keeps chattering

The European Specialists EUROPEAN VEHICLES TO SUIT 2008 Audi S5 4.2 V8 Quattro Coupe


teeth to a minimum. The S60's steering is meaty with plenty of feedback, though some paddles for shifting gears in manual mode would have been nice. That said the eight-speed auto box compensates with rather precise shifts. Give it some 'jandal' Having the R spec underpinnings means a planted squat in long sweeping bends, while the tight switchback stuff is not its cup of tea. Prices for the MY14 S60 range starts at $67,990 for the entry level D4 and top out at the $84,990 T6. The T5-R featured here is $72,990, managing to undercut some segment competitors. Though you may find a BMW 3-Series offering a more dynamic drive, it is hard to look past the S60 if you seek refined, comfortable and thanks to a refreshed V8 Supercar Championship, a bit of racing pedigree.



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christchurch christchurch european Metropol May 1, 2014 63

metropol autoplus

By Ben Selby

The most powerful Golf ever A

bsolute power does not always corrupt absolutely. Take the new Volkswagen Golf R for example. Having been blown away by the all-round brilliance of the Golf 7 and GTi, a warm welcome was in order for a new range-topping R to the New Zealand market.

houses a restyled front grill, housing intercoolers for the engine and brakes. Bixenon LED headlights and tinted three quarter windows are also added. Round the back you have a blasting quad sports exhaust system, diffuser, boot lid spoiler and tinted taillights. Inside will be familiar to any Golf 7 owner, give or take lashings of R emblems, buttock hugging heated leather and alcantara sports seats and blue lighting hues. The Golf R gets all the fruit including Bluetooth/iPod/USB connectivity, a touch screen infotainment system with Sat Nav, and parking sensors front and rear with reversing camera. Under the bonnet is the reason why the latest Golf R is the most powerful Golf ever. A turbocharged 2.0-litre four cylinder engine driving all four wheels produces 221kW and 380Nm of torque and mated to Volkswagen's sublime seven-speed DSG gearbox. A fuel consumption figure of 6.9l/100km

While some have argued that while the R range has been the most powerful in the Golf line-up, the GTi is a more involving drive. Time to see if this holds true. On the outside, the R flexes its performance muscles for all to see. A wider front track

Using launch control, plant boot; jetting from zero to 100km/h in less than five seconds has a dramatic effect on the senses, not to mention the muscles in your neck.

is also impressive, given the extra grunt. Weighing in less than 1500kg and lowered by 20mm thanks to R Line Sports Suspension, you would be right to think the R is quick, and it is. On the road the Golf R can be a quiet and supple commuter at first, but thanks to a Jekyll and Hyde like personality, can quickly become an all-out bahn-storming missile. Using launch control, plant boot; jetting from zero to 100km/h in less than five seconds has a dramatic effect on the senses, not to mention the muscles in your neck. Corners can be devoured at incredible speed. Volkswagens 4MOTION four-wheel-drive system coupled to that epic grunt means you can push hard and not get bitten. Despite being four-wheel-drive, the Golf R still feels much more front biased, as you can feel the rear being pulled into line as you slingshot out of the bends. The electric steering can be a tad numb, but

this is quickly forgotten when you shift gears via the DSG box. Up and down shifts are staggeringly quick and when lifting off the throttle, a booming sound similar to distant thunder can be heard from the exhaust. Prices for the Golf R start at $68,500 for a six speed manual and $70,990 for the seven speed DSG. Yes, that is a lot for Golf, but when compared against direct rivals from Mercedes and Audi, it's pretty good and therefore, a no brainer decision. Fact.

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IA, the South Korean manufacturer with global appeal, has a showroom/ dealership right here in Christchurch.

Kia ora KIA

Proudly situated on Moorhouse Avenue, the motoring-nucleus of Christchurch, Cockram KIA sits aside its Nissan partner in a dominating double act. Kia has been rapidly evolving as a recognised brand over the years and with 21 dealerships nationwide and a tidy market share in New Zealand, we asked Alistair Hazeldine, Dealer Principal at KIA Cockram, what makes the South Korean motors increasingly appealing to Kiwis. “When we got to drive the latest model Kia, we were in “When we got to drive the awe. It is an amazing drive. latest model Kia, we were in The design is beautiful, the ergonomics are impeccable awe. It is an amazing drive. and the attention to detail is The design is beautiful, the second-to-none. No wonder ergonomics are impeccable Kia owners have, percentage-wise, more and the attention to detail is university degrees and


qualifications in NZ than any other vehicle brand owners do; it really is a smart choice.” The company slogan: 'The Power to Surprise' certainly rings true thanks to the overwhelming emphasis on constant improvement. Kia has not rested upon any laurels, investing heavily into research and development to make their automobiles more personal than their mass produced counterparts. The South Koreans have focused

heavily on improving their safety, economy and constantly evolving technology whilst reducing their impact on the environment (highlighted by the Kia Soul EV, the recently released electric vehicle). Through relentless innovation merged with the aesthetic creativity of German automobile designer Peter Schreyer (the man responsible for such eye-catching designs as the Audi TT) Kia has managed to create a unique, recognisable identity complete with quality on-road performance, the perfect match. Customers are also comforted by an industryunique five year/100,000km warranty from the manufacturer.

Cockram Kia opened its showroom in 2010 and began with only three staff: two salespeople and a receptionist, but like Kia in general, demand has led to up-scaling. Dealing directly with the Auckland headquarters, Cockram Kia have direct access to all genuine parts and diagnostic tools direct from the manufacturer which makes them the go-to company for Kia servicing even post-warranty. The Cockram technicians regularly visit the Auckland training centre to polish their Kia skills; an opportunity only afforded authorised Kia dealerships. Cockram Kia is a welcoming, homely environment with free Wi-Fi, free tea and coffee, TV and even a comfy leather sofa for their valued customers to kick back and relax on. It's all part of a customer-conscious and regional-conscious approach implemented by the considerate Kia group, Hazeldine explains. “Kia is very family orientated, not just the vehicles but also the relationship between customer and dealership. We understand that people in Christchurch may have had a tough time over the last three years so we want to look after our customers as we would our family members. We also offer a free pick-up and delivery service to ease any logistical issues they may face.” Stop by and appreciate the Kia excellence on show at 335 Moorhouse Avenue (next to Cockram Nissan) and see why the Seoulbased automobile company has won an increasing number of Kiwi's hearts and souls. For more information phone (03) 366 6622, email or go to

Metropol May 1, 2014 65

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By Ben Selby

A new era for in-car GPS systems


he idea of talking to an in-car satellite navigation system using a smartphone is now real. The new Smart GPS has landed in New Zealand and creator Navman says it will change the public's outlook on what an in-car GPS system can do. Combining the intelligent functions of a smartphone and GPS, Navman technology director Wendy Hammond told Driven that the Navman Smart GPS is the start of a new era for Navman and for the marketplace. With prices ranging from $349 to $399, the Smart GPS is able to connect and share information with laptops, smartphones, home computers and other technological devices which support Apple iOS and Android platforms. Instead of a conventional GPS in which users have to seek information, the Navman Smart GPS automatically offers real-time information on screen, much like a smartphone. "We use all these technological devices to find information, whether it be online sites to social media," Hammond says, "so we have introduced the Navman Smart GPS to marry and link these types of digital sources to your location, giving the consumer more convenience and ease than ever before." Navman's technology Cloud allows information and addresses to be stored and then pushed out to Smart GPS devices. The account manager for Navman Magellan, Dan Opperman, said the Navman Smart GPS' Cloud function takes the waiting out of going places. "Thanks to the Cloud people can search for

With prices ranging from $349 to $399, the Smart GPS is able to connect and share information with laptops, smartphones, home computers and other technological devices which support Apple iOS and Android platforms.

an address on their smartphone and send it to the Smart GPS. So when they turn on their device the address and route are already programmed in. People can also receive addresses from family and friends who are linked to the Cloud." Information from social media is displayed on the GPS when on the move. Platforms such as Foursquare and Menumania, which are integrated in the device, will display reviews and special deals from places in the area, depending on your location. Pairing your phone through the Smart GPS app means you can save points of interest when out walking, which are then relayed to the GPS and stored as a to-do list. Maps for the unit are updated quarterly and live traffic alerts every 30 seconds. The Smart GPS can also detect traffic cameras, roadworks and school zones. "The Smart GPS recognises how people travel and will offer suggestions on places to

stop and things to do within the user's location," Opperman said. The Smart GPS is even able to keep track of petrol prices. While this function is available for the Australian market, New Zealanders will have to wait a bit longer. "We are currently trying to find a supplier, but we are certain New Zealand will have

Quality European Cars

access to this function," said Opperman. We should see the Navman Smart GPS on shelves throughout New Zealand within a month, though people hoping for Knight Rider-style automated driving will have to wait longer.


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By Damien O'Carroll, editor

autoplus metropol

Little to hold the Tunland back The Foton Tunland is leagues ahead of the other Chinese utes on the market and is actually good enough to bother the older members of the Japanese/European segment leaders.


hile it has been easy to dismiss Chinese cars as cheap, nasty and only notable for their cheap prices, those days are rapidly coming to an end. Nowhere is that more evident than in the ute segment. While the likes of Great Wall still trade on their low prices - and are very much built down to those prices - the latest entrant into the segment has brought with it some serious size, surprising quality and big name components. Cummins. Getrag, Dana and Borg Warner all supply components to the Foton Tunland (albeit built in China under license) and while they all conspire to make the Foton's price point higher than other Chinese utes, they also help make it a massively better vehicle than the others. We take a look at the top-spec 4x2 dual cab Tunland ute. On the outside the Tunland is big and handsome - once you get used to that grille,

and it does grow on you. Unlike some Chinese utes it has an identity all of its own, without resorting to simply copying another ute's design. Inside it has a simple, well-considered dash layout with everything where you would logically expect it, with a multi-function steering wheel and a trip computer being surprises at this price. The seats are comfortable and supportive, while the driving position is excellent. There is a lot of hard plastic though, and the wood inserts are oddly out of place in a ute, but at least break up all the plastic. Under the bonnet the big 2.8-litre Cummins engine punches out 120kW and 360Nm and is strong and remarkably flexible. Very strong in the mid-range, making for quick, easy performance at open road speeds, it sounds like a big ute, with a distinctive diesel rumble that may put some off. The 5-speed Getrag transmission is similarly tough-feeling and, while a relatively agricultural unit (which is to be expected in a ute) it offers a positive shift action and feels unbreakable.

While strong through the mids, the engine is a bit sluggish to build up revs and get the big Tunland off the mark. But once up and running the Tunland is a real surprise package on the road - it is obviously a ute, but its ride and handling are surprisingly refined. It has a very settled rear end, even over seriously broken road surfaces and it feels surefooted and secure. There is one thing about the Tunland that is always in the back of your mind though - it lacks stability control. It handles well enough that it isn't a constant, daily issue, but the fact that it isn't there is a niggling reservation. The Foton Tunland is leagues ahead of the other Chinese utes on the market and is actually good enough to bother the older members of the Japanese/European segment leaders - looking at you Hilux... While it is not as cheap as the likes of Great

Wall, it still costs significantly less than an equivalently-specced member of the ruling elite in the ute segment. The licensed technology is well worth paying a bit extra for as it puts the Tunland almost literally in a class of its own - way better than the slightly cheaper opposition, yet nowhere near way worse than the dearer big names. The strong Cummins engine, surprisingly good build quality, impressive ride and handling and high standard specification are big positives for the Tunland, while the lack of stability control is the major negative. However, the Tunland won't be left wanting for long, as stability control is expected to be available before the end of the year. That will mean there will be very little to hold the Tunland back. And that should be quite worrying to other ute manufacturers.

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