
Page 309 | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | tutorial

How to write a tutorial By JaxomLOTUS

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This is a must-read if you plan on submitting a tutorial here.

Page 1 : Preface Before I begin this, I'd just like to point out a few things to all submitters: - It definitely takes learning to get it right. But if you screw up you can retrieve the file and fix it. - No HTML is needed at all. At least not on your part. When you upload an image it will generate the HTML for you (which you should then copy into the form). - Split up the tutorial into as many pages as you think it needs. There will be a printer-friendly option for users who want to view it all at once and splitting it up into steps makes the learning process simpler. That being said, we're ready to begin...

Page 2: Starting the Tutorial Before you write a tutorial I'd recommend you go through our tutorial page to make sure something similar hasn't been done yet already. It possibly has and if so, that can be alot of work down the drain. There are two kinds of tutorials: General subject overviews and "How I made this image" tutorials. The latter is what we are looking for. While a general tutorial on how to use an image editing program is nice, it's going to be too much for this site. Think of these tutorials as brief lessons, not drwan-out volumes. If you have an image that did very well in our contests, that might be a fun one to recreate in steps. Once you have your idea, take screenshots of your progress (click the "print screen" button and then paste the image of your screen into your image editing program. Crop and save these images for use with your tutorial. Try to keep them under 50k in size as 60k and above will not upload to the tutorial uploader. Also write out your text beforehand so you can copy and paste it right into the form. This way there is no loss if your tutorial is accidentally deleted or an error occurs. Got all your images and text? Let's move on...

Page 3: Creating the form Before you do anything else, figure out how many pages your tutorial will be! Then select the number from the drop down menu at the top:

ALL of the separate page forms will then appear on this one page as if by magic (javascript) and you can then add the page information to each one. Don't worry if you select too few or too many. Just submit your story and the system will remove extra pages. Then you can go back in and add more pages if you like. If you hit the SUBMIT CHANGES button at the bottom before completing your tutorial or adding more pages, all is not lost. You can retrieve it from the left hand side and continue editing it.

Page 4: Filling out the form & uploading images Fill out all of the relevant information on your form. The summary field is displayed at the top of page 1 and on the main tutorials listing page. It should be clear and brief and it should flesh out exactly what your tutorial will teach. You can give each page a title (sort of a chapter heading). You can leave it blank if you like. Don't worry about the ACCESS drop down menus. Those are really for the moderators to limit who can see what pages. To add an image to your tutorial simply click the UPLOAD IMAGE button. A popup window with an upload form will result. (You may need to turn off pop-up killers to use it). Choose Browse and find the image from your harddrive (this is a similar process to entering the contests here). You can preview the image before you upload it to make sure it is the right one. Then upload it and copy the generated HTML into the tutorial form with your writing. Close the upload window. Just a note: Although you can link-display to other images on the web, please store all used images here to prevent the tutorial from getting red x's. Whereever you paste your image HTML is where your image will appear. You can preview how your page will look by clicking the PREVIEW button. Repeat the above process until all pages in your tutorial are filled in.

Page 5: Submission and Editing Finally, when you are done filling in the form, click SAVE CHANGES. To make any edits to your article you can acess it via your stats page or via the listing on the left side of the tutorials page. You can edit it and add more pages until it's approved. To delete a page, simply remove all the text from inside the main text box of that page. Even if it has a title, it will be deleted if this box is empty. Please note that once it's been approved by a moderator for public display you will no longer be able to edit it without a moderator's help.

Page 6: Managing your tutorials and articles You can access all of your articles via your stats page. In the coming weeks when I give website hosting to all users this will be a very cool feature to have on your custom site as this article-writing form can be used for just about anything on your own site area. If you have any questions message me here. Good luck!

file:///C|/Worth1000/67.htm (1 van 2)13-6-2006 23:19:14

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