Thames Reach Annual Review 2010

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The contrast with a few years ago is startling. Earlier this decade, Wayne’s life was spiralling out of control due to a heroin and crack cocaine addiction.

Preventing homelessness Wayne and Kerry

At its worst, Wayne needed hundreds of pounds every day to feed his habit and his days were taken up with ‘begging, scoring and using hard drugs’.


Wayne Morgan is training at college to be an electrician and is determined to find work. This former rough sleeper is now housed in south London and receives support from Kerry, a transitional support team worker, who helps Wayne maintain his flat and is working with him to get his life back on track.

Only after being housed by outreach workers and then bravely going ‘cold turkey’ in a bid to escape his addictions, did Wayne turn things around. Sadly, many of his friends who didn’t choose this path, or the opportunity to use drug rehabilitation services, died tragically young. Kerry is impressed with Wayne’s determination to succeed and positive outlook on life. “Wayne has come up against many barriers during his short life, growing up in care and struggling with mental and physical health problems, before his drug addiction took over. He’s had a second chance though and he is determined to grasp it with both hands.”

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