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形制 清 乾隆 官窯 粉彩 九桃紋 天球瓶 ( 附台灣手工精錦 ) H : 52 x 36.5 cm NTD : 3,000,000 此粉彩九桃天球瓶,品相為全品,寶貝形制精美,構圖疏密有致。瓶身撇口,長頸,溜肩, 球形腹,圈足微外撇。作品胎質潔白,釉質粉潤如雪,口沿和圈足外壁飾青花圖案,底部有 大清乾隆年制款,腹部主體為描繪著層次清晰且富有立體感的桃樹一株,桃枝延伸至瓶頸, 桃干茁壯,樹上結蟠桃九顆,果實飽滿枝葉茂盛。主體圖案周圍繪仙鶴、蝙蝠、靈芝、海浪 等吉祥圖案,色澤艷麗,清晰悅目。碩果嬌花在細潤晶瑩的白底襯托下,華而不俗,美而不 妖。 Tianquipings was first introduced in the Yongle period of Ming dynasty, and was getting its popularities around Yongzheng and Qianlong periods. This is also a standard utensils among all the Royal Kiln Factory productions. Qianlong Kuanyao produced the most representative Tianquiping with the pattern of nine peaches in China. The peach symbolizes longevity; the peach wood is said to be able to cast out demons, and nine is the most prestigious number in Chinese culture. With the pattern of nine peaches and some branches, this Tianquiping implied peace and long life. 262

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