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The way that the economy is heading over the next 12 months, and possibly a lot longer, means that businesses need to keep costs to an absolute minimum. They need to cut corners wherever possible in order to ensure that they survive. Let’s face it: things are in pretty much of a mess, and they don’t show any signs of perking up anytime soon.

One doesn’t want to get into politics, but the fact is that if you just look at strikes alone, those of us who remember the winter of discontent in 1978 can recall that there were eight sectors in which workers walked out. This winter so far, workers in no fewer than 12 sectors have already walked out – and it’s only January!

It follows that only by reducing overheads wherever possible are many businesses going to survive. One thing to take a close look at is transport. Many businesses have their own fleet of vans, trucks, and so on, which is fine if they are being used. But as sales decline it means that a lot of those vehicles will be spending more time on a parking lot than out on the roads. Selling some of those vehicles off could produce some much-needed income for a business.

Fair enough, if they are sitting there doing nothing, at least there is no cost of fuel and maintenance. But what is the point of being the proud owner of a vehicle that is not being used?

Of course, there will be businesses who ask what they would do if they sold off some vehicles and then managed to obtain a new contract which needed them on the road. Or if business began to pick up in small spurts here and there.

Hire A Van

Well, the simple answer is to hire a van in Sheffield, or wherever you are. At TG Commercials Self Drive we have vehicles of all shapes and sizes, and that means that you can hire a van in Sheffield for as long or as short a period as you wish.

Or you might need to look for trailers to rent in Nottingham, for example. The same thing applies. We have whatever you need for as long as you need it – and perhaps more importantly – for as short a period as you need it. So, if you need trailers for rent in Nottingham for a week or so, you only need to make that call. It is the way forward in 2023. Sell those vehicles that are sitting there idle. They are still costing you money in terms of insurance and depreciation. So, sell them and get the cash in the bank. Rent if/when you need to in the meantime. When things eventually pick up, then maybe you will want to invest in some more for your own fleet, but meanwhile make use of the cash they can provide you with.

Contact Us Address:- NEW ORCHARD ROAD,ROTHERHAM, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, S66 9HY Email Id:- HIRE@TGCOMMERCIALS.CO.UK Contact Number:- +44 (0)1709 533 322 Website:-

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