Texas Tech University Libraries Development Newsletter

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Spring 2016 Newsletter

What’s Inside 4

Library teams up with Texas Tech and Lubbock communities


Employee Spotlight: Kimberly Vardeman


Texas Tech Libraries welcomes TTU Press


Friends of the Libraries


Collection Spotlight: Terry and Jo Harvey Allen

From Dean Bella Karr Gerlich

What sparks your imagination? What makes you want to learn more? A great musical performance? Perhaps you’ve read an article that showcased a new feat of engineering or watched a film about an amazing scientific discovery. All are very different experiences, yet the same in two distinct ways: they are the results of ideas born of research, discovery and the creative process, and they started – and will end up – in a library. Knowledge takes many forms, and the faculty and staff at Texas Tech Libraries make it discoverable, deliver it and preserve it for generations to come. Traditional books, journals and rare antiquities are the cornerstone of any good academic library. Texas Tech Libraries houses more than 2 million volumes. The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library houses the University Archives, The Vietnam Center and Archive and the Library’s Rare Books Collection. These facilities, along with the Architecture Library located in the Architecture Building, provide students, researchers and the generally curious many places to find what they seek.


You’ll see in the pages that follow that our faculty and staff are transforming your Library into a place that welcomes students for quiet reflection or group work, a place to hear a lecture or attend a workshop, a place to study and find resources, and a virtual library that they can “visit” from anywhere in the world. The Library presents an ever-widening horizon of discovery for students, faculty, staff and our community. I’m pleased to invite you to join the Friends of Texas Tech Libraries. It is a group of like-minded people who believe in our service to our patrons. Membership does have its privileges – turn to page 10 for more information. Funds from this group will support programs and projects throughout the Libraries. Welcome to the inaugural issue of our newsletter. I am proud to offer this glimpse into the changes, successes and plans at Texas Tech Libraries. Visit us soon, and discover something new.

Bella Karr Gerlich, Ph.D. Professor and Dean of Libraries

Dear Friends, These are exciting times for Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Libraries. This past year we have achieved Tier One status which means we are recognized as a research-focused university. With that designation, a forward-thinking Library is essential. Every year, the Library sees more than a million patrons, and we strive to provide the most current and applicable resources to help our students succeed. From 149 public computers with upgraded solid-state drives to 3D printing to Personal Librarians for every major, we want our students to have anything they need at their fingertips. I hope you will take a few moments to read about all of the exciting advancements happening at Texas Tech University Libraries, including the University Library, the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, the Architecture Library and the University Press. I hope you will also take note of the opportunities to partner with us in continuing and expanding the resources and services that help Texas Tech students achieve greatness. Feel free to contact me.

Brad Davis, Ed.D. Director of Libraries Development 806.834.8225 jbrad.davis@ttu.edu


Library teams up with Texas Tech and Lubbock communities Texas Tech Libraries is fostering the sharing of knowledge by forming collaborative relationships with students, faculty and staff on the Texas Tech campus, as well as the community at large. The Library hosted a presentation and panel discussion April 30 on the book, “The Joker: A Serious Study of the Clown Prince of Crime” featuring editors Robert Moses Peaslee, College of Media & Communication; Robert G. Weiner, pop culture librarian; and co-author Ryan Litsey, assistant librarian. The standing-room-only event was broadcast live Online for those who were unable to attend. David D. Perlmutter, Ph.D., professor and dean of the college of Media & Communication at Texas Tech, presented “The Visual Persuasion of ISIS: Branding, Social Media and the Fanboys of Terror” Nov. 11 in the Library’s Croslin Room. A Q&A followed featuring Rashid AlHmoud, associate professor of economics at Texas Tech; Maj. Christopher Dawson, Texas Tech ROTC; Leo Eko, professor of international media law at Texas Tech; and Atilla Hafizoglu of the Dialog Society of the Southwest. The Library also partnered with the Humanities Center at Texas Tech to host several series of group readings on classic books, with the first 40 attendees receiving free copies of the books. In November 2014, the book “Hiroshima” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Hersey was featured, along with a viewing of the documentary film “Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima.” In October 2015, the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee was featured and included a screening of the movie at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. In February 2015, the book “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by renowned 19th century Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson was featured. Launching that series was an original art exhibit, Recovering the Classics, in which the community was invited to reimagine the cover image of a classic novel.

View past events Online: The Visual Persuasion of ISIS: http://bit.ly/1SNvpE4 The Joker: A Serious Study of the Clown Prince of Crime: http://bit. ly/1SIElHE


Starting at top, from left: Emcee Paul Hunton, Rob Weiner, Rob Peaslee, and Ryan Litsey at “Joker” event; crowd for “Joker” event; From left: David Perimutter and panelists Rashid Al-Hmoud, Leo Eko, Atilla Hafizoglu and Maj. Christopher Dawson at “ISIS” event; crowd for “ISIS” event; Recovering the Classics art exhibit

Library events and exhibits

From left, starting at top: Library offers “Fuel for Finals” at midnight during finals; Dean Gerlich and Marsha Sharp at Commencement; students de-stressing with therapy dogs during “Dog Days of Finals;” Terri Duncan greets guests at opening of “The Women Who Shaped Texas Tech” exhibit; student using Humanities Center’s interactive kiosk; students lining up for T-shirts and swag at Library tailgate.


Employee Spotlight: Kimberly Vardeman by Bailey Shiplet

Meet new User Experience Librarian Kimberly Vardeman. The Texas Tech Alumna began her career with the Texas Tech University Library seven years ago, in March of 2009, as a reference librarian who was involved in course instruction, outreach and collection development. Something Kimberly loves about her career at the Library is the variety of opportunities. As a reference librarian, she was able to teach and work with students individually, as well as meet prospective students and their parents while developing subject expertise for academic disciplines, all while serving on the Raider Welcome Committee since 2011. In her new position as the User Experience (UX) Librarian, Kimberly has been able to transfer her passion for students, service and the Library into her main focus. Main responsibilities consist of making direct improvements to the Library for user-centered enhancements and user assessment processes, organization and implementation of user-focused research and techniques, and many others. To accomplish better user experience among students, Kimberly plans to get an understanding of how students use the Library through focus groups and surveys.

“My user experience position has the potential to positively impact the organization in many ways. I look forward to working with students and creating a user-centered culture at the Library that supports UX design.”


She also plans to build a culture of assessment that will help the Library improve collections, services and workflows. This will impact students by making pages and databases easier to navigate and more user friendly. When asked how Kimberly would improve the University Library if she were given the funds to do so, she said she would include a self-checkout kiosk to make obtaining materials more efficient, stand-up computer stations at the entrances of the Library to make small tasks quicker and a welcome desk at the Library’s main entrance to provide students and the public with essential information and help. Kimberly has received two grant awards that led to the Libraries’ purchasing of software services. Outside Kimberly’s Library life, she enjoys playing piano and playing the part of an amateur pastry chef. Amateur pastry chef may be her other calling, because she won the grand prize trip for two to Belgium after entering a chocolate recipe contest. Kimberly’s always ready to answer any questions with a smile and welcomes visitors to her office at the Texas Tech University Library in Room 111 on the Mezzanine.

Press, now part of Libraries, specializes in academic publishing Texas Tech University Press (TTUP), the book publishing office of the university since 1971 and a member of the Association of American University Presses since 1987, advances the knowledge and preservation of research and scholarship by publishing books and journals. The mission of the TTUP is to disseminate, within its focus areas, the fruits of scholarship in as many formats as will serve the university’s broadest constituency throughout the state, the nation and the world. Texas Tech University Press recently published two books that have received positive reviews:

“Carrying the Black Bag: A Neurologist’s Bedside Tales” by Tom Hutton, M.D., is part memoir and part homage to those patients who faced major illness with grace, grit and dignity, and invites readers to experience what it is like to be a doctor’s hands, eyes and heart. “Their Lives, Their Wills: Women in the Borderlands, 1750-1846” by Amy M. Porter, uses last wills and testaments as main sources to explore the ways these documents reveal details about religion, family, economics and material culture. Supplemented by censuses, inventories, court cases and travelers’ accounts, women’s

Joanna Conrad, assistant director of Texas Tech University Press

wills paint a more complete picture of life in the borderlands than the previously male-dominated historiography of the region. The University Press has moved downtown and now includes a store front at 1120 Main St. Visit anytime weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or visit during the First Friday Art Trail which takes place from 6 to 9 p.m. the first Friday of every month. Visit ttupress.org to see their full catalog.


Did you know?

Fun facts about the Texas Tech University Library 8

The University Library provides Lynda.com, an online learn-at-your-own-pace video tutorial library to all faculty, staff & students - where ever they may be on campus - at no cost.

In 2015, journa searches totale 31+ million & database searches totale 12+ million in 2014.


Personal Librarians offered 42 “Lear @ Your Library� workshops in 2015-2016 attended by more than 600 people & answered 96,591 reference questions in 2015.

The Crossroads Recording Studio, a state-of-the-art recording facility with the ability to record 32 tracks of digital audio, is available for students, faculty & staff to use at no cost.

al ed

In 2015, the Document Delivery Department fulfilled 41,000+ requests.




Languages, online software that teaches 71 different languages, is also offered from the Library’s website.

The Library has 2.2 million volumes, more than 200,000 e-books, close to 400 databases & 102,000 online journals, newspapers & periodicals.

The Library’s Digital Media Studio houses the campus’s only 3D Animation Lab, which saw about 24 ,000 log-ins in 2014.

Lying end-to-end, the Library’s books would extend about 410 miles, roughly the distance from Lubbock to Austin.

The Library has 1.3 million visitors annually.

The Library has more public computers (266 PCs & Macs) than any other building on campus. 9

From left: Friends of the Texas Tech Libraries Board of Directors, Brad Davis, Janet Neugebauer, Ann Williams, Marie Meyer, Dean Gerlich, Gretchen Scott, Sharon Prather, Donna Ortega and Kaley Daniel. Andy Wilkinson not pictured.

Friends of the Texas Tech Libraries My name is Gretchen Scott and I have the honor of being named president of a newly formed support group for the Texas Tech Library, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, the Architecture Library and the University Press. The name of this group is Friends of the Texas Tech Libraries. The mission of our group is to support the services, collections, facilities and activities of the University Libraries. Our goal is to strengthen the relationship between the university, its students, alumni, the community and the Libraries. This organization will sponsor activities that promote knowledge of the University Libraries and provide programs and events that will be of interest to the Lubbock community. Many of us have some knowledge of these organizations. By joining this group we hope to expand your knowledge of all the services and wonderful exhibits that these entities provide to the entire Lubbock community. Please join me in exploring all the wonderful treasures the University Libraries has to offer. Fill out the membership form on the envelope provided, mail it and prepare to be amazed. Gretchen Scott President Friends of the Texas Tech Libraries


Library Funds

Coach Bob Knight Basketball Library Fund Contributions to this fund allows the Dean of Libraries to make purchases for anything needed in the Library at the Dean’s discretion. The fund was created by Coach Bob Knight during his tenure as head men’s basketball coach at Texas Tech University. Library Student Technology Fund Your gift to this fund provides for purchases, maintenance and lifecycle of items related to student technology. University Library Fund for Excellence This important fund supports emerging funding needs for the Libraries in many areas, including computing and communications technology, student services and programs, acquisitions and university outreach. Your gift to this fund allows the Dean of Libraries to respond to the everchanging needs of the student patrons. The Allen Collection for University Libraries The archives of Terry and Jo Harvey Allen will provide researchers with a unique look at the creative process from start to finish. The Allens had the foresight to keep all notes and materials in hopes that their information might be of benefit to future generations. Your gift will help the Texas Tech University Libraries with acquisition and preservation costs, as well as sharing this priceless material with students, scholars and researchers. Southwest Collection Fund for Excellence This fund supports the growth of popular historical special collections and archives. Your contribution allows efforts to continue these unique archives that preserve the cultural DNA of the American Southwest by supporting the variety of needs for the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library (SWC/SCL), including but not limited to acquisitions, furnishings, program enrichment, equipment and traveling exhibits. The SWC/SCL’s continued expansion will only be possible through the interest and generosity of its patrons and friends. It is you who make the vision a reality.

Happenings May

“The Book of Hours” exhibit at SWC/SCL, a collaboration between SWC/SCL Rare Books and Dr. Julie Couch’s graduate English class Launch of the University Libraries’ Archivation Exploration, a new interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed Online journal presenting scholarly contributions on current topics of interest in academia informed by our past. http://bit.ly/1NUd7th Exhibit on 10th anniversary of Chris Oglesby book “Fire in the Water, Earth in the Air” at SWC/SCL

June 28

Friends of Texas Tech Libraries’ membership event to feature Brian Griggs, discussing architecture of Texas Tech buildings, and building tours 5 p.m. in Library Room 309. RSVP to Len Markham at 806.834.4765 or len.markham@ttu. edu


College Baseball Hall of Fame Exhibit at SWC/SCL featuring a locker, bats, cleats, batting gloves, jerseys and other memorabilia, as well as Hall of Fame inductees poster and baseball cards created for 2016 College Baseball awardees


Literary Lubbock event – more information coming soon Dirk West Exhibit and opening reception at SWC/SCL


Collection Spotlight: Terry and Jo Harvey Allen

This past February, sounding off the second annual Lubbock Lights Concert honoring Lubbock native Terry Allen and his critically acclaimed 1978 record “Lubbock (on everything),” Chancellor Robert Duncan announced that the Allen Collection – an assemblage of an unprecedented and eclectic mix of media that tells Terry and Jo Harvey’s stories of their art being born throughout their 50 years of marriage and artistry – will be preserved and accessible for review and display at the Texas Tech Libraries’ Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library. The long and successful careers of both Terry and Jo Harvey Allen are reason enough to make their materials significant additions to any scholarly archive, but it is how they work that makes their collection of the highest value for study and research. To sift through this collection is like a master’s class in the creative process. With every project, large or small, the Allens made meticulous notes and their documentation is full of evidence of adjustments to ideas, and notes on successful ventures and imagined possibilities. In the simplest sense, their archives will provide students, scholars and researchers with a unique opportunity to investigate the creative process as it moved forward from the initial idea or inquiry to the finished product.


Terry and Jo Harvey Allen

Few universities can boast “living collections” where contemporary artists, writers and performers house their collections for the use of study and integration into the campus community. The University Libraries’ Special Collections supports and embraces the visual and performing arts culture in Lubbock and it not only has the infrastructure to house and preserve these treasured documents and media, but also a culture of longevity and the resources to provide the academic venue by which students can study collaborative creativity through art. The Allen Collection will be at the intersection of Texas Tech University’s commitment to interdisciplinary study between arts and sciences – an intersection where the academic study of the writings, works and process of creative minds engenders more art, invention, discussion and inspiration for generations of all disciplines.

Lubbock Lights Concert 2016, Allen Theatre, SUB, TTU

Join us!

Be a part of the creative process. Donations will provide for acquisitions and preserving materials for research and study.

For more information about this transformative project, please contact: Bella Karr Gerlich, Ph.D. Professor and Dean of Libraries bella.k.gerlich@ttu.edu 806.834.8190 Brad Davis, Ed.D. Libraries Development Officer jbrad.davis@ttu.edu 806.834.8225 or visit www.bit.ly/allencollection


Making New Paths for Discovery The Barn Renovation - A joint venture of the College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources and the Libraries After sitting vacant for 50 years and being one of the oldest (one of the four original campus buildings) and most recognizable structures on campus, the Dairy Barn stands as a monument to the university’s history. Designated as a Texas Historic Landmark April 28, 2016, The Barn, having been a working barn, stands for communal work and work done for the community. Once The Barn is renovated, it will make a bold statement that the past and the future come together only in the present – the literal and figurative crossroads of disciplines. The first floor of the Dairy Barn will be used as a center for collaboration with small group meeting and exhibit space. This repurposing will generate an atmosphere of creativity in perpetuity encouraging students, faculty, visiting scholars and artists to work together on creative ventures, problem solving, research opportunities and developing new program initiatives. A portion of the first floor will be devoted to a permanent display area that will provide an educational and historical perspective on the Dairy Barn and the agricultural roots of Texas Tech. The second floor, The Loft, will be an open room/multipurpose use space for events on campus. It can be requested by any campus affiliated department/group for uses such as conferences, large meetings and educational productions, receptions and lectures.


Croslin Room Construction begins in May to remodel the University Library’s Croslin Room - removing the nonworking fountain and partition walls and leveling sunken seating areas in order to create more useful space.

Laptop Checkout The University Library will soon have a 12-bay laptop kiosk which allows patrons with a valid eRaider to check out laptops. Kiosk is courtesy of the Coach Bob Knight Basketball Library Fund.

Makerspace 3D printing and scanning is coming to the University Library. The Library makerspace is currently under construction, but students and faculty can look forward to a space for learning, hacking, making and sharing.


Planned gifts from our alumni and friends are crucial investments in the future of our institutions and provide an opportunity for you to leave a lasting legacy for the Texas Tech University System. By including Texas Tech in your charitable plans, you ensure that our institutions continue to grow and impact future generations of students. Your gift can benefit the entire Texas Tech University System or it can be designated to support the area of your choice at Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center or Angelo State University. The Office of Gift Planning can help you with: • Estate gifts • Insurance plan designations • Charitable gift annuities • Charitable trusts • Property gifts For more information on leaving a legacy for the Texas Tech University System, please feel free to contact the Office of Gift Planning at 806.742.1781.



Publications from TTU Libraries Welcomes Remnant Trust to the SWC/ the Libraries SCL “Digitizing Flat Media: Principles and Practices,” a book by Assistant Librarian Joy Perrin published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group How the New Generation of Consoles Have Accelerated the Need to Preserve Digital Content – Part 2, an article by assistant librarians Matthew McEniry and Ryan Cassidy published in the journal Library Hi Tech News “Marvel Comics into Film: Essays and Adaptations Since the 1940s,” a book edited by Librarian Rob Weiner, Assistant Librarian Matt McEniry and Associate Professor for the Texas Tech College of Media & Communication Rob Peaslee published by McFarland & Company Metadata Effectiveness in Internet Discovery: An Analysis of Digital Collection Metadata Elements and Internet Search Engine Keywords, an article by Assistant Librarian Le Yang published in the journal College & Research Libraries The Academic Library and the Culture for Learning, an article by Librarian Jon Hufford published in the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy Title Histories of the Periodical Literature of Art & Design, a title index by Assistant Librarian Hillary Veeder published on The Art Libraries Society of North America’s website Your Channel GPS: Mapping a Channel Plan and Editorial Calendar for Facebook, a book chapter by Director for Libraries Office of Communications & Marketing Kaley Daniel published by PRNews in its social media guidebook “The Book of Social Media Strategies & Tactics”


The Trust arrived in January 2015 and boasts a collection of more than 1,300 original and first-edition documents that have shaped the ideals of human liberty and dignity, including notable works such as an edition of the Magna Carta from 1350, one of three known copies of the third Dunlap printing of the Declaration of Independence from 1776 and a first edition King James Bible from 1611. The most distinctive characteristic of this collection is that it is hands-on – individuals can touch the items. The purpose of The Remnant Trust is to literally place important and rare documents in the hands of people in the hopes it will lead to an improvement of their minds and spirits. Texas Tech faculty are encouraged to use the works for their classes; day loans can be arranged and class appointments can be made for visits to The Trust. There is no charge to use the works of The Remnant Trust at Texas Tech’s SWC/ SC Library. Stop-ins to see materials are welcome; however if a specific work is required, make certain that it is not already on loan and schedule your appointment by calling 806.834.8878. You can also visit the on-going display at the Museum of Texas Tech University. For a complete list of the collection, visit “Our Holdings” at www.theremnanttrust.com.

Acquisitions Spotlight

Texas Tech University Libraries recently joined HathiTrust, a partnership of academic and research institutions offering a collection of millions of digitized titles from more than 100 libraries throughout the world. The partnership increases Texas Tech Libraries’ holdings by more than 5 million volumes. Visit the University Library to access this world-class collection that includes documents dating back to the 15th century.

The Newsletter of the Texas Tech University Libraries is published by the Texas Tech University Libraries Communications & Marketing Department and Development Department. Persons who contributed to this issue include: Krystal Baker, Julie Barnett, Ryan Burns, Kaley Daniel, Brad Davis, Bella Gerlich, Daniel Johnson, Gretchen Scott, Bailey Shiplet and Courtney Vaughn. As an EEO/AA employer, Texas Tech University will not discriminate in our employment practices based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or status as a protected veteran. The Texas Tech Foundation is recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization. Donations to the Texas Tech Foundation are deductible to the extent permitted by law. On the cover: The Read Reader (AKA the Bookman) by Terry Allen, 2003, located in the free speech area

Stay Connected The Texas Tech University Libraries would love for you to stay connected with us to get updates on events, collections, services and more.



Visit the Texas Tech University Libraries at library.ttu.edu

On reverse side: 1925 photograph of cattle grazing in fenced area with the Dairy Barn, Agriculture Pavilion and Administration buildings in the background.

Texas Tech University Libraries Box 40002 Lubbock, TX 79409-0002

Image courtesy of Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library of Texas Tech University Libraries

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