Do's And Don'ts At Bingo Halls

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Do's And Don'ts At

BINGO HALLS Bingo is fun filled & exciting game. Know what all should be done and avoided while playing at a bingo hall. Socialize With People

Bingo halls are a great way to talk to new people and make friends.


Talk Too Much


If you do not wish to miss a call, concentrate on the game and chat later.

Take You Good Luck Charm

Bingo is a game of sheer luck, so take your lucky coin or clover leaf with you.


Smoke In Undesignated Area


Bingo halls have enclosed rooms for smokers, so do not smoke in public.

Play With Less People

Your chances of winning increase by playing in a smaller group.


Shout Too Much


Make sure that you do not annoy the people around you by making false calls.

Have Fun

Bingo is a game for fun and enjoyment, do not focus on winning but enjoy playing it.


Bang Your Dauber


It may be off-putting for other players, therefore do not make that noise. Presented By Texas Charity Bingo

1018 S Texas Ave, Bryan, TX 77803 Phone: (979) 779 - 2871

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