Texas Baptists Life Volume 10, Issue 1

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TEXAS BAPTISTS LIFE Volume 10 Issue No. 1

Supporting and engaging churches Read how the Center for Church Health is equipping churches to achieve God's mission. p. 14

Women's Ministry Q&A Meet the new Women's Ministry team and learn how they can help your church. p. 22

SAVE T H E DAT E fi r s t ba p t ist ch urc h • 3 1 0 0 c a m b r i d g e d r . • b rya n, t x re gi st er onl ine at t x b .org/ f u tu r ec h u rc h



Center for Church Health Led by Phil Miller, the Center for Church Health exists to serve the needs of Texas Baptists churches, helping them stay healthy so that God's people may succeed in His mission of connecting the world to Jesus. In this magazine, read how the Church Health center is equipping churches and leaders, and see how your congregation can benefit from its many resources.


Q&A with the Women’s Ministry team Get to know the new Women’s Ministry team and learn how they can come alongside your church to foster and grow your ministry.


Texas Baptists celebrate fellowship, renewal, unity during 2021 Annual Meeting Learn about some of the highlights of the 136th Texas Baptists Annual Meeting in Galveston.


Lives changed at the Permian Basin Mission Center See how a recipient of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering is helping those in need in Odessa.


From surviving to thriving: One church’s story of revitalization


Partners in the journey: Discipleship leaders find fellowship and encouragement at annual retreat See how leaders come together from different seasons of life to discuss discipleship and share stories of changed lives.


Building firm foundations

Read how Visionbridge Consulting has entered into a partnership with Texas Baptists Church Architecture and the work they are already doing with Texas Baptists churches, like Anderson Baptist Church

Read how Canyon Creek Baptist Church is working with Jonathan Smith, director of Church Health Strategy, to grow their congregation and foster intergenerational worship.


All the flavors of Heaven: Celebrating intergenerational worship Churches are learning how to blend their contemporary and modern services together. Read how churches are learning to adjust worship services to be more intergenerational.

Publication Team Joshua Seth Minatrea Director of Communications Bonnie Shaw News Manager Caleb Arndt Design Manager Maritza Solano Production Designer Neil Williams Multimedia Specialist Meredith Rose Social Media Specialist


Los Bautistas de Texas celebran compañerismo, renovación, y unidad durante la Reunión Anual 2021 Más de 1,600 participantes en persona y en línea se reunieron para la Reunión Anual de los Bautistas de Texas 2021 del 14 al 16 de noviembre.

You are receiving a free copy of Texas Baptists Life because of your generous support of the Cooperative Program. To subscribe or update your subscription preferences, visit txb.org/subscription






The Texas Baptists Center for Ministerial Health is pleased to announce the creation of the new Pastor Sabbatical Grant Program. The program aims to assist and encourage churches in providing sabbatical for their pastors and was first announced during the 2021 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting.

The grant is a response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen pastors experiencing higher rates of burnout, increased stress and difficulties finding time to unplug from the demands of ministry. The grant program will help churches make a pastoral sabbatical possible by providing financial support of up to $2,000 for churches to employ an interim in the pastor’s absence and providing travel and financial assistance for the pastor. Churches must be affiliated with Texas Baptists, contribute a minimum amount annually to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program and submit a

short essay to be eligible for the grant program. A grant committee will review grant applications and select grantees based on eligibility criteria and essay responses. Churches will be notified of grant approval/denial within two weeks of application submission. Applications will be accepted through the end of 2022 or until funds are no longer available.

Apply online at: txb.org/psgp


from the


Hello, Texas Baptists!

I can think of no better time to emphasize the importance of Church Health than during and, hopefully, after a worldwide pandemic. Many of our churches and their leaders are seeking to reestablish their place in their communities and rethink their priorities. As you read through this magazine, you will find ways that we have also rethought and reestablished. There are also opportunites that we can offer you and your church that will help in forging ahead. You may be rethinking your building; our Church Architecture office can assist you. It may be that your church is looking at what it could and should do with music and worship; Tom Tillman and his office are available to assist. Is a renewed emphasis on Women's Ministry what you need? Contact Dr. Katie McCoy and her office and you'll find a willing helper. Certainly, every church needs to stay on top of its disciple-making programs and plans; David Adams knows his stuff and can help you. I am so proud that Dr. Jonathan Smith is on our staff and he is ready, willing and able to walk with your church leaders through a whole new vision casting process that will take you to bright new days as a church serving your community. Now, I could go on about all we have to offer your church. But, for now, just know that your Texas Baptists staff is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact me or our office for further

information. BGCT loves the Church and exists to serve the Church. Our Center for Church Health leads the way, and I hope you'll be blessed by what you read in this edition of Texas Baptists Life.

¡Hola Bautistas de Texas! Cambio ha sido el nombre del juego para el personal ministerial de los Bautistas de Texas durante estos pasados dos años. Algunos de los cambios que hemos experimentado fueron ocasionados por la pandemia y algunos no, simplemente la parte natural de evaluar y planificar para una mejor labor de misión y ministerio. Hemos visto un poco de cambio en el personal y hemos sido bendecidos por muchos empleados a largo plazo quienes se han retirado, y también hemos experimentado una reanudación organizacional. A principios de 2020, bajo el liderazgo de nuestro Director Ejecutivo Asociado, el Dr. Craig Christina, organizamos nuestra labor alrededor de centros de ministerio, y en esta edición de la revista Texas Baptists Life, estamos orgullosos de destacar algo de la labor del Centro para la Salud de la Iglesia. Phil Miller, un líder ministerial de BGCT durante mucho tiempo, es el Director de este Centro y estoy agradecido por quién él es y lo que hace por nuestra Convención. No puedo pensar en un tiempo más oportuno para enfatizar la importancia de la salud de la Iglesia que durante y, afortunadamente, después de una pandemia mundial. Muchas de nuestras iglesias y líderes están buscando reestablecer su lugar en sus comunidades y reconsiderar sus prioridades. Al leer la revista, encontrará maneras cómo nosotros también hemos reconsiderado y reestablecido, para poder ofrecerle oportunidades a usted y a su iglesia que le ayudarán a moverse hacia adelante a días brillantes de una diferencia para el Reino.

Puede que usted esté reconsiderando su edificio, nuestra oficina de Arquitectura de la Iglesia puede ayudarle. Puede ser que su iglesia está considerando lo que debe hacer con la música y la adoración. Tom Tillman y su oficina están disponibles para ayudarle. ¿Necesita un énfasis renovado para el Ministerio de Mujeres? Comuníquese con la Dra. Katie McCoy y su oficina y encontrará a alguien dispuesta a ayudarle. Definitivamente, cada iglesia necesita mantenerse al día en sus programas y planes para hacer discípulos. David Adams es un experto y puede ayudarle. Estoy muy orgulloso porque el Dr. Jonathan Smith es parte de nuestro personal ministerial y está listo, dispuesto y capaz de caminar con los líderes de su iglesia a través de un proceso para comunicar la visión que le llevará a días nuevos y brillantes para que su iglesia continúe sirviendo a su comunidad. Puedo decir mucho más acerca de todo lo que tenemos que ofrecerle a su iglesia. Pero, por ahora, sepa que el personal ministerial de los Bautistas de Texas está aquí para ayudarle. Por favor, no vacile en comunicarse conmigo o nuestra oficina para información adicional. En BGCT amamos a la Iglesia y existimos para servir a la Iglesia. Nuestro Centro para la Salud de la Iglesia marca el camino y yo espero que usted sea bendecido por lo que lee en esta edición de Texas Baptists Life.

Blessings & Bendeciones



In early 2021, under the leadership of our Associate Executive Director, Dr. Craig Christina, we organized our work around ministry centers, and in this edition of the Texas Baptists Life magazine, we are proud to highlight some of the work of The Center for Church Health. Phil Miller, a longtime BGCT staff leader, is the director of this Center, and I'm grateful for who he is and what he does for our Convention.



Oza Jones November 16, 2021

revjones1 Annual Meeting 2021 has been amazing!! Seeing folks I hadn’t seen in over 2 years. The Lord moved in amazing ways!! @texasbaptists @txb.aam


Cliff Temple Baptist Church December 13, 2021


Cliff Temple Baptist Church Through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), our youth pastor, Kenny, has been able to build a relationship with Coach Ryder and some of the other staff at WH Adamson High School (across the street from our church). Last month, Coach Ryder helped deliver food that students and staff at Adamson had collected for Mission Oak Cliff. Amazing to see God use all of our connections to further His kingdom on this earth.

Missional Engagement December 6, 2021

txbmissionalengagement David Miranda shares, “These East Texas Hispanic Pastors & their wives have pioneered the effort to share Christ & show love to migrants in North East Texas. Their average pastorate has lasted over 30 years! Thankful to be able to honor them through this retreat.” #txbme #GC2

Go Now December 14, 2021

@gonowtexas South Plains BSM took 43 students, faculty, and providers to serve at the El Paso Baptist Free Clinic, taking over the clinic for one Saturday. Through the clinic atmosphere, the students served people deprived of regular access to health care. #TXBSM21 #GC2

Long Horn BSM December 10, 2021

longhornbsm Look at these leaders! We are so grateful for our student leaders and are so proud of you all for the hard work and faithfulness of this semester! #longhornbsm #collegeministry #studentleaders

Texas Baptist Men December 14, 2021

@TXBaptistMen A TBM mobile freezer departed for Murray, Ky. this morning to provide critical food storage for meal preparation after the tornadoes in the area. Please continue to #pray for #Kentucky and those responding to the needs. #disasterrelief #weather #tornado #kywx #Kentuckytornado

Tag Texas Baptists on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use #gc2 for a chance to be featured in our next magazine.


On Sunday, Jan. 9, the Christian Life Commission (CLC) participated in a Sanctity of Life Celebration service at Meadowridge Community Baptist Church in Fort Worth. The service took place during Meadowridge’s 10 a.m. worship service and included conversations explaining current pro-life legislation, how the heartbeat bill impacts pregnancy centers and how churches and church members can get involved. Following the event, recordings of the talks were made available on the CLC’s website. Ethics and Justice Director Dr. David Sanchez explained that the Meadowridge service was held two

weeks prior to the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday so that churches looking for resources for that Sunday were able to access and use these recordings. “This [event] really helps us to live out Micah 6:8, every facet of it. [We discussed] doing justice in terms of defending the rights of the unborn; doing mercy through loving young mothers so that the task of raising a child doesn’t feel impossible; and walking humbly, reminding ourselves that we all find ourselves in times of great need. And Christ fills that need for us and allows us to do that for others,” he explained.

TBM RESPONDS TO KENTUCKY TORNADO Texas Baptist Men (TBM) responded to the tornado outbreak in Kentucky in December. The storms produced at least 50 tornadoes, leaving thousands without electricity, destroying thousands of homes and businesses and taking the lives of over 70 people across multiple states. It was the deadliest U.S. tornado outbreak in a decade. Kentucky was the hardest-hit state.

TBM deployed a mobile freezer full of food in the days following the outbreak. Volunteers cooked and distributed the food, and the freezer was used by other states to store food that they would prepare. A TBM box unit was also deployed. These volunteers distributed boxes for free to those who were impacted by the tornadoes and helped them find their belongings and memorabilia in the debris.

Katie Frugé announced as new Director of Center for Cultural Engagement Dr. Katie Frugé has been named new director of the Center for Cultural Engagement and the Christian Life Commission (CLC). Dr. Frugé began her service to Texas Baptists in 2019 as the Hunger and Human Care Specialist. She later took on the role of associate director of the CLC. She brings theological depth, compassion for those in need and a heart for justice to the role. "The Center for Cultural Engagement helps equip Texas Baptists to engage in our respective communities. God calls us to be salt and light… I'm honored to help serve God's Kingdom and Texas Baptists in this capacity and look to the future with great joy and anticipation,” Frugé said. Frugé will be taking over the role from Dr. Gus Reyes, who is retiring from Texas Baptists after serving for 21 years.




Texas Baptists celebrate fellowship, renewal, unity during 2021 Annual Meeting By Texas Baptists Communications

GALVESTON– More than 1,600 participants in-person and online gathered together for the 2021 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting Nov. 14-16. The three-day gathering focused on unity, renewal and the promise of better days ahead as attendees participated in worship celebrations, business sessions, rallies and workshops. Three rallies were held, a new Pastor Sabbatical Grant Program was announced, three worship celebrations took place and business was conducted. The meeting was the first in-person gathering of messengers in two years after the 2020 Annual Meeting was moved online due to the pandemic.


Officers elected, budget, and other business approved


Two convention officers were re-elected to serve for a second term and a new second vice president was elected during the Monday morning business session at the 136th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Monday in Galveston. Jason Burden, pastor of First Baptist Church in Nederland, was re-elected President of Texas Baptists; and Julio Guarneri, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in McAllen, was re-elected as First Vice President. Messengers also elected Nebiye Kelile, pastor of Pathway Church in Dallas, to serve as the Second Vice President. All officers ran

unopposed and were elected following a vote by the 974 messengers in attendance during Monday morning’s session. Clint Davis, chair of the Executive Board, gave an update on business conducted by the Executive Board during 2021. Davis highlighted two Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) property exchanges and one property acquisition; a new staff position to reach single adults in Texas; a recommendation to modify policy 525.1 in regards to sexual abuse and exploitation; and an adjustment to the ministerial retirement match program. The 2022 budget was introduced by Ward Hayes, treasurer and CFO for Texas Baptists. He explained how the money given to the Cooperative Program was being used to help the pastors and churches of the Convention. Hayes highlighted the work of the Center for Ministerial Health, citing the financial resources, counseling and other services they offer. He also introduced the Pastor Sabbatical Grant Program, a new program designed to give pastors the financial support they need to take meaningful time for rest and renewal. “We celebrate the incredible generosity of our God demonstrated through the generosity of our Texas Baptists churches through cooperative giving,” said Hayes.



Messengers approved the proposed 2022 Texas Baptists missions and ministry $34.59 million budget. This is a slight increase from the 2021 budget, the first such increase in decades. Messengers also approved the recommendation for the 2022 Texas World Missions Initiatives and Partnership Allocation for $1 million. Adam Pardue, vice-chair of the Committee on Annual Meeting, brought a motion from the committee recommending the 2024 Annual Meeting take place in Waco on November 10-12. He also reminded attendees that the 2022 Annual Meeting would be in Waco on November 13-15, and the 2023 Annual Meeting will be a Family Gathering in McAllen on July 23-25. Chris McLain, messenger and pastor from First Baptist Church in Bandera, submitted a motion to create a task force to study and recommend ways to increase Millennial and Generation Z involvement in Texas Baptists life and churches. The task force would report their findings and recommendations at the September 2022 Executive Board and the 2022 Annual Meeting.


A third motion was submitted by Chad Edgington, messenger and senior pastor from First Baptist Church in Olney, to amend the third bullet point of the GC2 movement statement of faith to include Jesus’ ascension. All of the motions passed.


Three resolutions were approved by messengers, including one affirming women in the Convention and one encouraging intergenerational unity. On Monday night, the worship celebration concluded with a special, surprise presentation in recognition of David Hardage’s ten years of service as Texas Baptists Executive Director. “He has a big tent vision of leading the movement of God’s people that is Texas Baptists, and we would not be where we are today without his leadership,” Craig Christina, associate executive director of Texas Baptists, said.

Worship celebrations and workshops call for unity in the gospel and peace in the Lord During the President’s Address, Burden urged Texas Baptists to be “wash, rinse, repeat” Christians. “The ‘Wash, rinse, repeat’ kind of Christians rejoice in the Lord no matter what the weather is on the outside, no matter what has afflicted them on the inside, no matter what cultural obstacles are around them in their society,” he said. “‘Wash, rinse, repeat’ kind of Christians get up, go to church, they offer their praise, they rejoice in the Lord because they recognize they’ve been loved by the Lord.” No matter what’s going on in the culture or society, the church can rest in the knowledge that the gospel is unchanging, Burden said. During the Monday worship sessions, attendees heard messages from a diverse slate of speakers. In the morning, Jason Bryant, Western Heritage Consultant, spoke on the importance of teaching members of Texas Baptists congregations how to be disciple-makers, and Jordan Villanueva, former second vice president of Texas Baptists, shared from Acts 15 about unity in the gospel. The afternoon session featured Samuel Tolbert, president of the National Baptist Convention of America, who shared from Jude 24-25 about the testimony of the benediction, and Thom Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers who drew from Acts 2:41-42 as he preached about the importance of the local church. On Monday evening, Hardage celebrated the far-reaching accomplishments of Texas Baptists in his Executive Director’s report, highlighting ministries within each of Texas Baptists’ five centers. He stressed the importance of unity under Christ. “We’re enjoying a season of peace and unity,” he said. “Texas Baptists, guard

“We are going to guard our unity and peace. Good days are ahead.”

Following Hardage’s report, Ed Stetzer, executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, spoke to attendees about responding to difficult times. Stetzer reminded the congregation that “we, as followers of Christ, go out into the world because Jesus first came to us.” “In the midst of this time, we need a group of people that says, ‘We are not afraid because Jesus has already risen from the dead.’ We just need to be willing to say, ‘Here I am Lord, send me,’” said Stetzer. An offering for the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering was collected during the Monday evening worship celebration. A total of $3,618 was raised for the Offering, which will go towards funding hunger relief and development ministries in Texas and beyond to end hunger and poverty and promote holistic transformation in the name of Jesus. During the worship celebrations, music was led by the Singing Men of Southeast Texas, Keron Jackson, Kevin Klotz and Schola Cantorum, Cecile Dagahoy and the First Philippine Baptist Church praise team, John Bolin and the Kingsland Baptist Church choir, and Allen Cade and the First Baptist Church in Nederland celebration choir.

Three rallies were held on Nov. 14 in advance of the Annual Meeting. The African American Rally, Texas Baptists en Español Rally and Devoted Rally encouraged attendees in faith and unity and also encouraged them to be involved throughout the Annual Meeting. Throughout the three-day event, 17 workshops were held. Hardage led a workshop about the GC2 movement and vision. Timothy Fuller, president at Fuller Life Ministry Consultants and Oza Jones, director of African American Ministries, led a workshop about race and reform. Stetzer led a workshop about what the church and culture will look like coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. A workshop about church adoption and fostering was led by Rainer; Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers; and Jonathan Smith, director of Church Health Strategy. Several meal functions were held throughout the event. On Monday night, the Missions Banquet heard from Ed Stetzer and assembled hygiene kits for River Ministry missionaries to distribute. On Tuesday afternoon, the Texas Baptists Hunger Offering Luncheon raised awareness about the Offering and encouraged people to be “all in” in the fight against hunger and poverty. The 2022 Texas Baptists Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place at the Waco Convention Center Nov. 13-15, 2022. View speaker videos, read news stories and more at txb.org/am.


that. Any time the enemy sees an advancement of the Kingdom like that of which we’re a part of today, he will seek to destroy that. We are going to guard our unity and peace. Good days are ahead.”


Lives changed at the Permian Basin Mission Center FEBRUARY 2022 / TEX AS BAPTISTS LIFE

By Sophie Bellew, Communications Intern


“If it wasn’t for the Permian Basin Mission Center, I would still be lost. I would not be going to church. I would not realize that God plays a big part in my life. I am very grateful for this ministry because it has helped me with more than just paying my bills; it has helped me grow closer to Christ. I believe in the work they are doing here,” said Pam, a volunteer and recipient of assistance from the Permian Basin Mission Center in Odessa.

The Permian Basin Mission Center has changed lives, physically and spiritually. The Mission Center is a nonprofit organization in Odessa, Texas. Directed by Hector Aguilar, the organization helps with partial rental and utility assistance to those who need it. They also provide free clothing, houseware and bedding. The most important thing they do though, is tell people about Jesus.

After that, Pam and Tony started attending church. Because of the help at the Mission Center, Pam and her husband were able to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ.

Knowing that her husband is in Heaven is a comfort for Pam as she grieves his loss. Tony was baptized a few months before he passed, demonstrating his full trust in Jesus as his Savior.

They started volunteering after they received assistance at the Mission Center. They love helping because the people at the Mission Center feel like family.

Pam still volunteers at the Permian Basin Mission Center and is thankful for the work they are doing every day.

Pam and her husband, Tony, were struggling to make ends meet. Their lights were going to be turned off if they could not pay their bill. They did not know what they were going to do.

“It’s like a big hug,” Pam said, “I can come any time and the people here greet me like family.”

“She was not angry with the Lord, she knew Tony was with Christ. She has had so much joy, comfort, and assurance of the Lord’s presence,” said Aguilar.

“We provide a physical need in order to open up the door to the spiritual need. If we don't provide a spiritual need then we have failed what we have been called to.”

The Permian Basin Mission Center is a recipient of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering. The Offering disperses funds through partners to over 100 hunger relief and development ministries across Texas and around the world. For more information about the Hunger Offering and how you can support ministries like the Permian Basin Mission Center, go to hungeroffering.org.


Tony stepped into the Permian Basin Mission Center, and they provided him with the money for his bills. They also shared the gospel with him and invited Tony and his family to church.

In November of 2020, Pam’s husband died from COVID-19.

“We provide a physical need in order to open up the door to the spiritual need. If we don't provide a spiritual need then we have failed what we have been called to,” said Aguilar. “We must have a firm foundation on Jesus, if you don’t, you will crumble. You will be able to survive and thrive when you have a strong foundation on Jesus Christ.”



Every “One” Has a Story By Phil Miller, director of the Center for Church Health There are some lifelong lessons you learn in ministry. One of those is that every person has a story. I have had the privilege of listening to some of the most unique personal stories when I simply began a conversation with the words, “Tell me your story.”

In the same way, every church has a unique story. Every one. And, yes, the same basic principle applies. “Tell me your story.” While you can’t listen to the brick and mortar of the building, “you can observe a lot just by watching,” according to that great theologian, Yogi Berra.

There has never been a more opportune time in Christendom when God’s people need to listen intently to the individual stories of the people they encounter, the churches which we attend, and most importantly, to the voice of God speaking personally to our hearts.

Ask me about T. J. Talbot, the most mildmannered gentleman you would ever meet. He told me about his solo flight during Air Force pilot training in the 1950’s – flying upside down while trying to retrieve the flight plans that had fallen through the fuselage. My stunned expression was quickly changed to an outburst of laughter. I would never have imagined, and I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t taken the time to simply listen.

I believe that our Center for Church Health is blessed with an abundance of great leaders who have the ability, and the assignment, to listen and observe what God is doing in every church across our state, and then respond in a unique, personal way. And, this should be done with every church we encounter. Every one.

Every one. As the Center for Church Health, we are excited to be those listening ears, and to then extend our hands out to you, our Texas Baptists churches, to say, “let us help.” For more information about the Center for Church Health go to txb.org/church

The Discipleship Team can provide unique consultations, training, special events, and resources to help Texas Baptists leaders develop faithful followers of Jesus who impact the world around them.

Music & Worship is prepared to partner with ministry leaders to encourage, provide resources and develop worship leadership through training events, consultations and opportunities for fellowship.

Church Health Strategy is able to assist Texas Baptists churches in evaluating their church health, engaging their community with the gospel and growing God’s Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Evangelism Team is capable to challenge, equip and train Texas Baptists, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to passionately fulfill God’s call to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

GC2 Press can produce and publish Biblical studies reflecting the value of Biblical distinctives through resources available for leaders of Adults, College, Youth, Children and Preschool.

Women’s Ministry can challenge the hearts and minds of women in any, and every, church to hear and respond to the voice of God speaking in fresh ways that will strengthen their local church.

Church Architecture can capably assist churches of all sizes and ministry styles through strategic facility planning.




From surviving to thriving:

One church’s story of revitalization By Bonnie Shaw, News Manager


“In two or three months, it was almost a completely new staff,” Murray explained.


Josh Murray felt called to accept the position of senior pastor at Canyon Creek Baptist Church in Temple three years ago when he was just 24 years old. He had been serving as the youth pastor, and after the former senior pastor stepped down, the church asked Murray to lead them. They also hired a new worship pastor and student pastor, both young adults as well.

Murray said that, for the first two years, which included 2020, it was all about survival and figuring out how to keep the church running. At the beginning of 2021, they were able to truly look at strategic growth strategy. It was around that time that Murray connected with Jonathan Smith, director of Church Health Strategy. Smith held a course on church revitalization for the Pastors Common, a gathering of Texas Baptists pastors and leaders in their 20s and 30s from across Texas. At the end of his lesson, Smith asked anyone interested in developing a specific strategy for revitalization to reach out to him. “I think I emailed him before he even finished his presentation,” Murray said.

Smith came down to Temple and spent a day with Canyon Creek, observing and learning about how they interact with visitors to see how he could help. Smith said he was impressed with the church’s heart for being intergenerational and embracing all life stages. “They have done a great job of presenting the Lord through worship in a way that young and old can connect with,” he said. To help them reach even more people, Smith sat down with Murray and they created an assimilation plan. Forming an assimilation plan, Smith explained, meant looking at everything from the website to someone becoming a leader in your congregation and analyzing the steps during that process that help people become integrated into the life and ministry of the church.


Smith echoed the sentiment, saying that texting can be less intimidating for newcomers.

The second thing Canyon Creek worked with Smith to establish was a two-part “discover Canyon Creek” series, where people could learn about the church and how to get involved. The goal is, that by the end of the two classes, they are members of the church, serve and have joined a small group. Murray explained that the classes give people a straightforward way to get plugged into the church and keep people from being forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the church. The two strategies work hand-in-hand to keep people engaged in the church and to make sure visitors feel welcomed and wanted.

“It begins a non-threatening conversation. As pastors, sometimes we forget that people are intimidated by us, whether “Texting has created a conversation that we like it or not. So a text is personal makes people return. And the growth enough that people feel recognized, but it track has kept people from falling doesn’t feel threatening,” he said. through the cracks,” Murray explained.

Canyon Creek has already seen some great growth, with 40 people joining the church in their first membership class alone. A church that three years ago had about 70% of their attendees over the age of 70 now has a median age of about 42. Murray noted that the church was not just aimed at reaching young people, they have also had many senior adults join. “We want the church to look like Heaven,” Murray said. “We want every person from every background, every race, every ethnicity, whether it’s a poor family or a rich family, young or old, we really want our church to be a place where everyone can feel the blessing of God.” To learn more about the Church Health Strategy ministry and how your church can benefit from its resources, go to txb.org/healthychurch.


They set to work implementing two big strategies. First, Canyon Creek switched from calling to texting their first-time guests. In the text, they thanked them for attending the church and asked if they had any questions. It was an immediate success, and they have gotten a 100% response rate. Murray explained that it was a simple switch, but that people felt more comfortable asking questions over text.


Partners in the journey:

Discipleship leaders find fellowship and encouragement at annual retreat


By Meredith Rose, Social Media Specialist


On a chilly evening in November, pastors from across the state gathered in a cozy conference room of the T Bar M Resort in New Braunfels for the annual Texas Baptists Discipleship Leaders Retreat. Seated and standing around the room, they mingled and chatted before the first session started. Old friends were reunited and new acquaintances were made among this passionate group of discipleship and education pastors. They came together to fellowship, break bread, find encouragement and discuss leading in the church “from the second chair.”

As the session began, the pastors gathered around small group tables and took their seats. They heard greetings from Texas Baptists leaders before keynote speaker Mike Bonem, author of “Leading from the Second Chair,” took the pulpit. He began by defining a second chair leader — a person in a subordinate role whose influence with others adds value throughout the organization.

SPOTLIGHT “It’s not about the title,” Bonem encouraged the group, “it’s about your influence and your relationships. It’s about asking what is best for the entire church or organization. Most importantly, leadership from the second chair is rooted in reverence to God. We lead not for our ego or recognition, but in service to God.”

Discipleship for a lifetime After attending seminary, Barrett took a position in discipleship and never looked back, remaining in the education ministry for the past 43 years. “Throughout my many years in this ministry, I’ve seen that discipleship doesn’t stop anywhere on the journey,” said Barrett. “The challenge of discipleship is a life challenge, not just for a season.” For Barrett’s church, discipleship is all about four action words — abide, belong, connect and do. He shared that Sunday morning Bible study is currently the most important form of discipleship at his church and that they view it as a catalyst for weekday worship. “We try to connect people on Sunday mornings, but we want them to live out discipleship in other ways during the week through fellowship or Bible study or service,” he said.

Focusing on organic discipleship Conner has been in ministry for 11 years, three of which have been at Parkway Hills. He emphasized that discipleship is a concept that can be implemented in hundreds of different ways. “To me, discipleship is more of an idea than a specific form. Discipleship is the function of equipping people to think, speak and act like Christ in whatever situation they're in. This can be done in so many different ways,” said Conner. His church is currently encouraging people toward organic discipleship, where people focus on meeting and growing where they are at. Conner has set an example of this organic model by discipling a group of men he met at a local cigar shop. When one of the men died by suicide, the group remembered that Conner was a pastor and approached him with questions.

“We came together during a time of pain. It wasn’t forced. It just happened,” Conner explained. “They all got Bibles, and I explained to them the basics of finding chapters and verses with the big and little numbers. As our conversations deepened, one of the guys decided to give his life to Christ, and I recently got to baptize him.” Conner got connected to Texas Baptists Discipleship Leaders through David Adams, director of Discipleship, as well as through participating in Cohort 5 of Leadership Texas Baptists, a nine-month experience to engage, equip and inform emerging leaders from churches across the state. “The resources and encouragement David has provided me have been a huge help,” Conner said. “Also, all the connections I made with lay leaders, education ministers and leaders across the church through Leadership Texas Baptists have really benefited me.” Texas Baptists Discipleship Leaders is a ministry of the Center for Church Health that connects leaders in education and discipleship ministries to provide fellowship, support and continuing education opportunities. To learn more or get involved in this ministry, contact David Adams at david.adams@txb.org.


Bonem paused the session frequently, encouraging pastors to share and discuss their ideas with those at the table. Across the room, each pastor brought his own experience, insight and wisdom Barrett emphasized that discipleship to the gathering. Some have been a part leaders can’t live the journey alone, and of this ministry for years, like Robby that fellowship with and encouragement Barrett, minister of Education at First from others is extremely important. Baptist Church, Amarillo; others were attending the retreat for the first time, “Texas Baptists has been an encourager like Joshua Conner, spiritual formation along the journey for me and my church. pastor at Parkway Hills Baptist Church They invest in our church and in our in Plano. leaders. They have had a direct impact in encouraging and providing resources Barrett and Connerr sat down with us to for us,” said Barrett. “That’s one reason discuss their ministries and the impact I participate in this retreat. It's a time to of Texas Baptists Discipleship Leaders. find partners in the journey.”


Building firm foundations


By Bonnie Shaw, News Manager


In 1855, the members of Anderson Baptist Church decided to build their church out of rock. It took more time and resources, but they were convinced it was worth the extra effort to build a solid church that would lay a firm foundation for the generations to come. Those early church-goers were right, and 166 years later, the chapel is still used weekly to preach the Word of God and share Christ’s love. In fact, the church built such a firm foundation that Anderson Baptist Church has outgrown the chapel and now uses the activities building to host their Sunday services. However, even that building is now too small to house

their growing congregation. This past Easter, they had to hold an outdoor service so that everyone could attend. “We have outgrown that old building, and we have moved into the building across the street, which is our activity building,” Pastor Kyle Childress explained. “And now we’re outgrowing that, so we’ve been looking to try to figure out the next step.” So, in the spring of 2021, the church launched the “Future Foundations” campaign, determined to build something that would provide a firm foundation for ministry, just as their predecessors did in 1855. Childress and the other church leaders met with Mark

Todd, president of VisionBridge, an architectural consulting firm that works with churches and nonprofits. In addition to the wonderful work that VisionBridge already does, the Texas Baptists Center for Church Health has contracted with VisionBridge Consulting, using their staff to respond to the church architecture needs of our Texas Baptists churches, associations and institutions. “Our goal is to protect churches from overspending and wasting time on the front end and trying to get them the tools they need to make the right decisions,” Todd explained. “What’s great about what we’re able to do and


what we’re doing with Texas Baptists is we can take a church from the planning stages all the way through moving into the building. We think that’s going to be a great advantage to our church families moving forward.” VisionBridge worked with Anderson Baptist Church to make a plan for a new building for worship that has more seats to continue expanding their church. It will include a large atrium with a fellowship area, and the activities building they currently meet in will

become a children’s ministry area. They paid special attention to ensuring that the building blended in with the existing campus and the historic rock chapel. The chapel now has a Spanishspeaking service that meets on Sunday mornings, led by Anderson’s Associate Pastor, Jose Maldonado. The point of the project is not to do away with ministry in the old buildings, Childress emphasized, but to create space for even more ministry to happen.

“It may be a slow process for us, but at least we have a vision and a future plan,” he said. Anderson Baptist Church’s mission is to be “real, relevant, and ready.” The goal is not to grow the congregation’s size of the church, he explained, it is the heart behind it that matters. Childress believes the plans to build a larger building will help them continue to be relevant and ready by making room for more people to continue worshiping at their church. “We’re not trying to be a big church at all, we’re trying to be a church where people love on each other and serve together and be real. Just people doing life together,” he said. To learn more about Church Architecture and how your church can benefit from its resources, go to txb.org/architecture.


“Our goal is to protect our churches from overspending and wasting time on the front end and trying to get them the tools they need to make the right decisions.”

Now that the plans have been made, Anderson Baptist Church has begun raising the funds. Childress explained that it will not all happen at once and they will probably complete the building in stages, beginning with the parking lots, moving the playground and other first steps.


Irene Gallegos

Bennye Bryant


Katie McCoy


Getting to know the Women’s Ministry team By Bonnie Shaw, News Manager

The Center for Church Health has a new Women’s Ministry team. The team includes Director Katie McCoy, African American Women’s Ministry Specialist Bennye Bryant and Hispanic Women’s Ministry Specialist Irene Gallegos. They are dedicated to helping the women of your church discover their spiritual gifts, flourish

in their personal leadership, and contribute to the church through meaningful ministries. We sat down with the team to learn more about their ministry and how they can come alongside you to leverage the talent and gifts of the women in your church.





Katie McCoy: Our team not only teaches and speaks at events and churches, we also offer consulting services to women’s ministers. Some of the most rewarding conversations I’ve had since starting at Texas Baptists are with women who see the need for a women’s ministry in their church but need a little help putting it all together with a practical, sustainable plan.

Irene Gallegos: My focus with the Women’s Ministry team is Hispanic churches. Tailoring ministry to ethnic culture celebrates the uniqueness of God's creation. Just as geographical regions vary in unique needs and assets, the variations in ethnic culture extend such challenges and strengths. Bilingual and bicultural considerations are just the tip of the iceberg in the uniqueness of Hispanic ministries. Tailoring ministry to meet the needs of Hispanic churches is vital for the discipleship and spiritual transformation of a unique part of God’s people.

Bennye Bryant: In churches, women's ministries give women a place of safety and growth in God's Word while learning the extent of their God-given gifts. It is where women learn how to be godly women. Consequently, Texas Baptists Women's Ministry comes alongside these women, offering training, additional teaching of doctrine and training in discipleship to help further strengthen the women's ministries in churches.

WHY IS THE WOMEN’S MINISTRY TEAM A VALUABLE ASSET TO CHURCHES? Irene Gallegos: Texas Baptists has a wealth of resources for the local church and the Women’s Ministry Team is one part of the promotion of church health. Some churches find it helpful to hear about what other church ministries are carrying out or perhaps are searching for best practices in a particular ministry area, and we can help connect them and share these ideas, as well as offering training and help ourselves. We are a main hub connecting local churches to a variety of women's ministry resources.

Bennye Bryant: My specialty is African American churches. I am passionate about the work God has instructed me to do in these (and all) churches. African American church culture is the environment that nurtured me and taught me the value of a relationship with Jesus and God Almighty. I desire to see our African American churches continue to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit and the victory of Christ. I hope to see our churches partner with other churches to go beyond the church walls with the gospel and care for others in a way that many of our African American churches exemplify so well.

Katie McCoy: Throughout the history of the church, women have been among the greatest influences for social change and Kingdom advancement. They are the hands and feet of countless ministries without which churches wouldn’t survive. The influence women have in their families, churches and communities is worthy of significant investment. They are half the church and half the Kingdom. Every woman is called to love the Lord her God with all her mind and with all the intellect, reason, energy and passion that He gave her as His image-bearer. Just look at how Jesus interacted with women in His earthly ministry and you’ll find why ministry to women is so important. You never find Him irritated by a woman’s presence, or regarding a woman’s questions as less important than those of His male disciples. Jesus engaged women's theological questions with intellectual rigor and corrected them with tenderness (John 4:1-11). Nothing could prevent Him from regarding a woman as an image-bearer of God. How could we not value ministry to women in light of the value and priority Jesus gave them?

HOW CAN CHURCHES REACH OUT TO YOU? Katie McCoy: katie.mccoy@txb.org Instagram, YouTube, Twitter: @blondeorthodoxy Irene Gallegos: irene.gallegos@txb.org Instagram: @drirenegallegos Bennye Bryant: bennye.bryant@txb.org Instagram: @bennyebryant To learn more about Texas Baptists Women’s Ministry go to txb.org/womensministry. Facebook-f Texas Baptist Women

instagram @txbwomen


In 2022, we will be sharing original content specifically for churches ministering to women post-COVID. The pandemic has changed us in ways we’re still identifying. And how we connect with and minister to women must change with it.



All the flavors of Heaven:

Celebrating intergenerational worship


By Tom Tillman, director of Music & Worship


Across Texas, churches are combining traditional and contemporary worship services to create something that effectively reaches all ages. A choir of all ages As director of Music & Worship for Texas Baptists, from time to time, I take on an interim worship position. At the beginning of 2021, I agreed to help Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Dallas during such an interim. On my first Sunday in January, the pandemic was in full force and the church was heavily socially distanced and masked. I was convinced

that on my first Sunday, we still needed to have the support of a choir. The church had not used a choir since March of 2020 due to the shutdown. But you have to start somewhere. We had four people spread out in masks singing in the loft that day. The response from the congregation and online community was very positive. It brought a needed

energy and encouragement to the people. Fast forward to November 28, the first Sunday of Advent. We had 30 in the choir, a small orchestra, 15 in the children’s choir and we utilized students and young families through the Hanging of the Green service to usher in the first Sunday of Advent. It was joyous to see how the whole church came together in this expression of worship that day. The comment we heard repeating was how excited the congregation was to see the children participating in the worship service. The use of multi-generations in worship is always a success!


“The 83-year-old member can be in the same room as a 13-year-old, and they can worship together.”

Intergenerational worship in Round Rock Bo Faulkner has been the worship pastor at First Baptist Church of Round Rock for over three years. The church has two Sunday morning worship services. One is “blended” with a choir, organ, piano, guitars, keys, drums and sometimes an orchestra. This service focuses on singing hymns. The other service is “contemporary,” with no choir or organ, using a few singers and focusing more on modern worship songs. Faulkner recently encouraged the staff to focus on a Sunday where they would emphasize multi-generational worship with all ages leading. The plan was to do an identical service in both time slots. It took a couple of months of planning and coordination as everyone learned their new roles. Faulkner said the day was incredible and exciting for the church. One senior adult said, “I didn’t know we [the church] were this big! It’s so good to see everyone worshipping together!” Faulkner also said he received many comments from both parents and grandparents who loved seeing the children lead in worship. “It added an energy and a spark of excitement to the church,” Faulkner said. “It’s no longer about the style

of music that day, but God’s people coming together to worship. There is definitely an excitement and energy to do it more often.” The church plans to do this moving forward once in the fall and once in the spring as well as incorporating quarterly hymn sings. The church blended instrumentalists from both services and sang two choral anthems that day. Faulkner worked hard at selecting songs that really connected with all ages. He said the whole day was a positive experience and many of the members put aside their personal worship style preferences for the sake of the church and unity.

Blending services in Friendswood Dr. David Lorenz is the senior pastor at First Baptist Friendswood. Prior to the pandemic, they had two very distinct worship styles for their two Sunday morning services, a traditional choir and orchestra led service and a contemporary service that was banddriven. After returning back to in-person worship, they realized those services needed to look different. There would not be as many people in the room that was once shoulder to shoulder. Lorenz explained, “You have to have a vision for your church. Coming out of the pandemic, our vision is to have services that are more similar than different.” The church also realized that many of their volunteers would need to double up duties. Where they once chose one

service to attend, they now needed to help in both. This included musicians as well as greeters. They decided for the sake of unity to bring the two styles together, allowing both services to sing the same songs and have the same elements. Where one service used to be hymn heavy and the other was predominantly modern worship songs, the new plan was to use elements from both services to create a blend where everyone could worship together. Ben Stultz is the worship pastor at FBC Friendswood. Lorenz explained that Stultz is very gifted at both leading a more traditional choir and picking up a guitar and leading all ages in worship. “Ben has been able to pastor and shepherd our worship ministry in a new direction. He trains and teaches us well.” Stultz said that he has intentionally planned a couple of hymns each service to minister to both the older and younger generations. “It’s the Colossians 3:16 principle. The Bible gives us license to bring in different styles,” Stultz said. “Our worship pastor has been key to cast the vision that we are one church,” Lorenz said. “The 83-year-old member can be in the same room as a 13-year-old, and they can worship together.” Tom Tillman is the director of Music & Worship at Texas Baptists. To learn more about this ministry or set up a consultation, go to txb.org/music.


Cliff Temple Church member William Zimmerman, who also plays acoustic guitar each week in the service, noted that there was definitely excitement from the members about coming back after the shutdown. “It’s almost like it’s a flavor of heaven having everyone in one place worshipping together,” he said.


Los Bautistas de Texas celebran compañerismo, renovación, y unidad durante la Reunión Anual 2021 Por Comunicaciones Bautistas de Texas

GALVESTON– Más de 1,600 participantes en persona y en línea se reunieron para la Reunión Anual de los Bautistas de Texas 2021 del 14 al 16 de noviembre. La reunión de tres días enfocó en unidad, renovación, y la promesa de un futuro mejor al participar en celebraciones de adoración, sesiones de negocios, asambleas, y talleres. Se celebraron tres asambleas, se anunció un programa nuevo de subvenciones para sabáticos para pastores, se celebraron tres celebraciones de adoración, y se trató con negocios. Fue la primera reunión de mensajeros en persona en dos años después de que la Reunión Anual de 2020 fue celebrada en línea debido a la pandemia.


Oficiales elegidos, presupuesto y otros asuntos aprobados


Se reeligieron dos oficiales de Convención para servir durante un segundo término y un nuevo vicepresidente fue elegido durante la reunión de negocios del lunes en la mañana durante la 136ta Reunión Anual de la Convención General Bautista de Texas en Galveston. Jason Burden, pastor de First Baptist Church en Nederland, fue reelegido Presidente de los Bautistas de Texas; y Julio Guarneri, pastor de Calvary Baptist Church en McAllen, fue reelegido como

Primer Vicepresidente. Los mensajeros también eligieron a Nebiye Kelile, pastor de Pathway Church en Dallas, para servir como el Segundo Vicepresidente. Todos los oficiales fueron candidatos sin oposición y fueron elegidos después de un voto por los 974 mensajeros asistiendo durante la sesión del lunes en la mañana. Clint Davis, presidente de la Junta Ejecutiva, presentó un informe respecto a la labor de la Junta Ejecutiva durante 2021. Davis destacó dos intercambios de propiedad del Ministerio de Estudiantes Bautistas (BSM) y una adquisición de propiedad; una nueva posición de personal ministerial para alcanzar a adultos solteros en Texas; una recomendación para modificar al principio 525.1 respecto al abuso y la explotación sexual; y un ajuste al programa de fondos paralelos para el retiro del ministerio. El presupuesto para el 2022 fue presentado por Ward Hayes, tesorero y director financiero para los Bautistas de Texas. Él explicó cómo el dinero contribuido al Programa Cooperativo está siendo usado para ayudar a pastores e iglesias de la Convención. Hayes destacó la obra del Centro para la Salud Ministerial, citando los recursos económicos, consejería, y otros servicios que ofrecen. Además, presentó el Programa de subvención para sabáticos



para pastores, un programa nuevo diseñado para proveer apoyo económico a pastores que necesitan tomar un tiempo de descanso y renovación. "Celebramos la increíble generosidad de nuestro Dios demostrada a través de la generosidad de nuestras iglesias Bautistas de Texas a través de las ofrendas al Programa Cooperativo", dijo Hayes. Los mensajeros aprobaron el presupuesto propuesto de $34.59 millones para las misiones y el ministerio de los Bautistas de Texas 2022. Este es un aumento leve del presupuesto para 2021, el primer aumento en décadas. Los mensajeros también aprobaron la recomendación de la asignación de $1 millón para Iniciativas y Colaboración para Misiones Mundiales de Texas. Adam Pardue, vicepresidente del Comité para la Reunión Anual presentó la moción del comité recomendando que la Reunión Anual 2024 se celebre en Waco del 10 -12 de noviembre. También recordó a los asistentes que la Reunión Anual 2022 se celebrará en Waco del 13-15 de noviembre, y la Reunión Anual 2023 será una Reunión Familiar en McAllen del 23 al 25 de julio.

Todas las mociones fueron aprobadas. Los mensajeros aprobaron tres resoluciones, incluyendo una afirmando a la mujer en la Convención y una fomentando la unidad intergeneracional. El lunes en la noche, la celebración de adoración concluyó con una presentación especial y sorpresa en reconocimiento a los diez años de servicio de David Hardage como Director Ejecutivo de los Bautistas de Texas. "Él tiene visión para dirigir el movimiento del pueblo de Dios que es los Bautistas de Texas, y no estuviéramos aquí sin su liderazgo", dijo Craig Christina, director ejecutivo asociado de los Bautistas de Texas.

Las celebraciones de adoración y los talleres llamaron a la unidad en el evangelio y la paz en el Señor Durante el mensaje del Presidente, Burden urgió a los Bautistas de Texas a ser cristianos de "lavar, enjuagar, repetir". La clase de cristiano que "lava, enjuaga, y repite" se regocija en el Señor sin importar el clima, sin importar lo que les aflige por dentro, sin importar los obstáculos culturales a su alrededor en la sociedad", dijo. "Los cristianos que 'lavan, enjuagan, y repiten' son cristianos que se levantan, van a la iglesia, ofrecen sus alabanzas, y se regocijan en el Señor porque reconocen que son amados por el Señor".

Chris McLain, mensajero y pastor de First Baptist Church en Bandera, sometió una moción para crear un equipo de trabajo para estudiar y recomendar maneras para aumentar la participación de milenarios y generación Z en la vida e iglesias de los Bautistas de Texas. El equipo de trabajo presentará "No importa lo que esté sucediendo en sus hallazgos y recomendaciones la cultura o sociedad, la iglesia puede durante la Junta Ejecutiva en septiembre, descansar en el conocimiento de que el 2022 y la Reunión Anual 2022. evangelio no cambia", Burden dijo. Una tercera moción fue sometida por Chad Edgington, mensajero y pastor de First Baptist Church en Olney, para enmendar el tercer punto en la declaración de fe del movimiento GC2 para incluir la ascensión de Jesús.

Durante las sesiones de adoración del lunes, los participantes escucharon mensajes de una lista de oradores diversos. Durante la mañana, Jason Bryant, Consultante de Herencia del Oeste, habló acerca de la importancia de enseñar a las congregaciones Bautistas de Texas a hacer discípulos, y Jordán Villanueva, segundo vicepresidente

El lunes en la noche, Hardage celebró los logros de los Bautistas de Texas en su Informe del Director Ejecutivo, destacando ministerios dentro de los cinco centros de los Bautistas de Texas. Él enfatizó la importancia de la unidad bajo Cristo. "Estamos disfrutando una época de paz y unidad", dijo. "Bautistas de Texas, protejan esto. En cualquier momento el enemigo ve un avance del Reino como el que somos parte hoy día, y buscará destruirlo. Debemos proteger nuestra unidad y paz. Hay días buenos por venir". Después del informe de Hardage, Ed Stetzer, director ejecutivo del Centro Billy Graham en Wheaton College, se dirigió a la audiencia acerca de responder en tiempos difíciles. Stetzer recordó a la congregación que "nosotros, como seguidores de Cristo, vamos al mundo porque Jesús vino primero a nosotros". "En medio de este tiempo, necesitamos a un grupo de personas que dice, 'No tenemos miedo porque Jesús ya resucitó de los muertos'. Tenemos que estar dispuestos a decir: 'Heme aquí, Señor, envíame a mí'", dijo Stetzer. Se recogió una ofrenda para la Ofrenda auspiciada por los Bautistas de Texas contra el hambre durante la celebración de adoración del lunes en la noche. Se recogió un total de $3,618 para la Ofrenda, la cual se designará para costear ministerios de alivio de hambre y desarrollo en Texas y más allá para dar fin al hambre y la pobreza y promover una transformación integral en el nombre de Jesús.

Durante las celebraciones de adoración, la música fue dirigida por los Hombres Cantores del Sureste de Texas, Keron Jackson, Kevin Klotz y Schola Cantorum, Cecile Dagahoy y el Grupo de alabanza de First Philippine Baptist Church, John Bolin y el coro de Kingsland Baptist Church, y Allen Cade y el coro de celebración de First Baptist Church en Nederland. Se celebraron tres asambleas el 14 de noviembre, antes de la Reunión Anual. La Asamblea Afroamericana, la Asamblea de Texas Baptists en Español y la Asamblea Dedicada exhortaron a los participantes a la fe y la unidad y también a participar durante la Reunión Anual. Durante el evento de tres días, se celebraron 17 talleres. Hardage dirigió un taller acerca del movimiento y la visión para GC2. Timothy Fuller, presidente de Consultantes del Ministerio para una Vida Plena, y Oza Jones, director de Ministerios Afroamericanos, dirigieron un taller acerca de raza y reforma. Stetzer dirigió un taller acerca de la iglesia y la cultura saliendo de la pandemia de COVID-19. Rainer dirigió un taller de adopción y renovación de iglesias; Sam Rainer, presidente de Church Answers; y Jonathan Smith, director de Estrategia para la Salud de la Iglesia. Se celebraron varios banquetes durante el evento. El lunes en la noche, el Banquete de Misiones escuchó de Ed Stetzer y se prepararon paquetes de higiene para ser distribuidos por los misioneros del Ministerio en el Río. El martes en la tarde, el almuerzo para la Ofrenda contra el Hambre levantó conciencia acerca de la Ofrenda y exhortó a las personas a "estar unidos" en la lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza. La Reunión Anual de los Bautistas de Texas 2022 se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Convenciones de Waco, del 13 al 15 de noviembre, 2022. Vea videos de oradores, lea noticias y más en txb.org/am.


anterior de los Bautistas de Texas, compartió de Hechos 15 acerca de la unidad en el evangelio. La sesión de la tarde presentó a Samuel Tolbert, presidente de la Convención Bautista Nacional de América quien compartió de Judas 24-25 acerca del testimonio de la bendición, y Thom Ranier, fundador y CEO de Church Answers quien predicó en Hechos 2:41-42 acerca de la importancia de la iglesia local.


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IS YOUR FAITH STRONG ENOUGH? Job was a righteous man. He had great wealth. He had a wonderful family. At a gathering in Heaven, Satan alleged before God that the only reason Job served God was because he was so blessed. Satan charged that if Job lost it all, he would curse God to His face. God gave Satan permission to test his theory to demonstrate to Satan and all the angels, that Job’s faith was real. Satan went to work, and Job suffered greatly but never lost his faith. In the end, God restored to Job everything he had lost and more.

y A S tu d

of Job

e s i a r P im H rm th e S to in



The heartbeat of Texas Baptists is evangelism and missions, and when we work together, the Texas-sized results are worthy of acknowledgement.

Included in the report: •

Overview of Texas Baptists vision and new staff structure

Center for Missional Engagement missions highlights

Missions highlights from educational institutions, human care and health care institutions, and other ministry partners

Missions highlights from local associations

A celebration of generosity

Read the Impact Report

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