Health& Safety Training to Reduce Workplace Injuries

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Health& Safety Training to Reduce Workplace Injuries Think of Health &Safety in a workplace situation andyou would naturally think of a building site, or some other situation in which danger is commonplace. Some jobs are basically risky by nature and yet still need to be performed. Police, fire and ambulance crews take a substantial risk each time they speed through the traffic towards the scene of an incident or accident. Firemen enter burning buildings to save lives, sometimes risking their own. Lifeboat crews venture out in often treacherous waters to rescue individuals who may have become stranded at sea. In these situations an element of danger comes as part and parcel of the job. And yet nobody should ever be exposed to more risk than is absolutely necessary. What is probably less evident are the potential dangers that are present in the everday area of your working life. Search the Web and you will find lots of information about people in what are ostensibly the most harmless and sedentary jobs sustaining the most unlikely injuries. Waiting staff scolding themselves whilst carrying cups of hot tea, gardeners losing concentration chopping off their toes with the lawnmower, business people running headlong into sparkling glass doors or windows whilst pursuing a "deal" on their mobile phones.

There will always be freak accidents of this kind in any walk of life, but it worthwhile taking sensible precautions to minimise the chances of them occurring. Health and Safety Training at work is all about stopping accidents. In many roles employees have suffered long-term disease or injury due to unsatisfactory working conditions and lack of basic protection. Asbestosis is an example of a dreadful disease, whilst on a less deadly but still serious level employees using computers and keyboards for over extended periods have suffered deteriorated eyesight, repeated headaches and loss of motion in the hands. Someone running a business that employs people has to reduce the risk of injury to their employees as possible, both from a basic sense of responsibility andto minimise lost work time as well as the threat of legal action and compensation claims. To this end most major companies employ dedicated Health & Safety officers, whose job is solely to make sure that the requirements of the Health & Safety legislation are ingood practice and are strictly adhered to. For small to medium sized businesses on the other hand it often makes good sense to outsource the work of Health & Safety Training to an independent, outside provider. Employing the services of a specialist safety consultant to make sure legislation is understood and adhered to makes good economic sense, and provides the workforce with the security of knowing that everything possible is being completed to make sure oftheir safety in the workplace. About Company: First Intervention Training Ltd (FIT) is the UK's leading Health & Safety Training provider in major locations like Kent, Essex and London. For More Details Please Visit: Follow On: Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

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