Territory OKC Winter Issue 5

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issue no. 5

A S C A N D I N AV I A N S T E A M & S A U N A S P A

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INTO THE WOODS Choate House and wellness expert Claire Ragozzino take to the open road for an adventure of food and friendship. There's nothing quite like heading into the woods, and to the water's edge, to reconnect. Air, water, fire, and forest—all meant to inspire us back to the basics of this season of gathering.

photo by Choate House


HISTORY LIVES ON Some believe a building has a soul. If that’s true, then the Fred Jones Building ranks among the most complex souls in Oklahoma. Soon, the century-old Model T plant will become a hip new 21C Museum Hotel. Let's pause and consider this landmark structure by famed architect Albert Kahn, and why it matters. + Person of the Year, Blonde on Blonde, Stepping Out, Globally Informed, Deeply Rooted

photo by Madi Denton





AIR IT OUT Excerpt: Nondoc looks at the growth of Airbnb in the metro and the desire of some city officials to regulate this user-generated lodging solution. + Bubbles Brigade

COVER PHOTO The future Robb & Christina Lindsey by Alex Rodriguez


WOMAN WARRIOR The advocate for Native American rights talks to Territory about indigenous cultures, politics, pro sports mascots and Columbus Day. + Sexy ’70s Redux, Off the MAPS, Family Kitchen, Rooftop 23rd Style




HOOT A profile and conversation with Edmond's nonagenarian clothier who helped James Garner get his start. He doesn't like flip flops. + Shhh It's Vegan, The Smooth Finish


photo by Alex Rodriguez

CELLAR COLLECTIVE No one understands the needs of indie musicians better than their peers, so Cellar Door created a cooperative organization that benefits these indie artists. + Locals Know, Notes from the Road, Sheltering Sky


photo by Brittany Phillips



CHIAROSCURO (HER) Is there a more delicious moment in an evening out than the nightcap? Spirits columnist Robb Lindsey contemplates that last sip.


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photo by John Clayton Taylor

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR We should call this the Kismet Issue. It had a yummy, meant-to-be feeling about it from the start. There was an editorial plan in place, but we decided to try to stretch what we could accomplish with the Holiday issue. Oklahoma City rose to that challenge in ways that humbled us; every page contains a kindness extended to us, creative people stretching themselves, and inspiration galore. First, incredible stylist and Oklahoma native Courtney Ann totaled her car on her drive back to Los Angeles. A baby seat came loose on the freeway and she drove over it. Courtney suddenly had a week to kill in OKC, so I introduced her to photographer Josh Welch. The creative chemistry was immediate. Two other colossally talented stylists cleared their schedules to join us for a shoot at the Great Salt Plains in Jet. We had no time—no business trying, really—to do two fashion shoots in one week (last issue’s cover story and this issue’s art/fashion piece at the Flats). But away we went, taping the soles of Gaultier pumps in the car so they wouldn’t get ruined on the salt flats’ crystalline landscape. Before we could publish this story, Courtney Ann was contacted by Revisita Codigo, a Mexican art, architecture, and style magazine. The editors wanted to run our story! Josh, Courtney, make-up artist L.J. Hill, and hair artist Dianna Truong have now been published internationally—and Oklahoma is a little better known for its talent and beauty. Our story of a riverside feast seemed to materialize out of sheer longing; we’d been wishing for a feature about gathering at table. A few days later, yoga teacher and wellness consultant Claire Ragozzino posted the most glorious video from her Vidya Living blog. We knew immediately the enchanting short was filmed by Choate House. Since before we started Territory, we’d been dreaming of working with Kara and Jeremy Choate. All agreed to share. Also—and this cannot be overstated—we are colossally blessed that esteemed poet Joy Harjo graciously agreed to allow us to republish her poem, "Perhaps the World Ends Here." It's one of the most deeply human poems I know, and a personal favorite—especially for this season, when we deepen our connections to one another. And so went the rest of the Holiday issue (okay, we had a couple of bumps along the way). But as we enter this season of togetherness and gratitude, our hearts are full. To our photographers, writers, designers, stylists—you have shown a side of Oklahoma City that many never knew existed. To the hard-working business owners who advertise: not one page of this would be possible without this vision we share. And to our readers, we still have a mad crush on you, and feel the love you throw back our way. We cannot wait to see what we can achieve together in 2016. Veronica Pasfield, Editor editorial@territoryokc.com 9


SUBSCRIBE Want Territory delivered to you? Subscriptions are here! Because you asked, we’re offering subscriptions and single-issue purchase of Territory! The Holiday Issue and a limited quantity of back issues are now available on our website.

COURTNEY WAUGH Courtney’s love for photography began as a child. After completing a bachelors degree in photojournalism, Courtney spent time traveling with her husband across Asia. Having grown up in a rural Oklahoma town, her style is inspired by spacious landscapes, warm tones, and a keen love for nature.

Go to territoryokc.com/subscription to order your subscription for $35 or any single back issues for $10 each. Postage and handling is included.

TERRITORY:OKC MAGAZINE Published by Territory Media, LLC 3017 N. Lee Ave., Ste. A, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 territoryokc.com Trey McNeill, Publisher trey@territoryokc.com

JUSTIN FORTNEY Justin spends his days trying to assemble the jigsaw puzzle of his life into something that almost makes sense. The pieces include husband, father, English major, rider of bicycles, writer of songs/stories/articles/grants, planner of events, teacher of health education classes, and chief propaganda officer for Guthrie, Oklahoma. He grew up in Kentucky where he learned that good bourbon and a game of H-O-RS-E are steps 1 and 2 of any worthwhile creative endeavor.

Veronica Pasfield, Editor editorial@territoryokc.com Cheryl Dillard, Operations & Development Director cheryl@territoryokc.com Bayley Jackson, Art Director bayley.jackson@gmail.com Skyler Munday, Makers Workshop Coordinator skyler@territoryokc.com Greg Horton, Vicar of Editorial & Wine Columnist Michelle Bui, Social Media Consultant Robb Lindsey, Spirits Columnist

EMILY HOPKINS Emily is a copywriter for a local advertising agency and a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, where she studied journalism and film, as well as international marketing at London’s Middlesex University. She has a passion for supporting the local music and food scenes and enjoys photography, traveling and a well-made sazerac. A native of Edmond, Oklahoma, she currently calls Midtown home. 11



i nto the woods story by Claire Ragozzino, photography and video production by Choate House


Living with intention is powerful medicine. From as near as the Paseo to as far as Malibu, I offer wellness coaching, seasonal cleansing and transformational retreats through my business, Vidya Living. But sometimes health means slowing down and enjoying the journey. For me, there’s nothing like a road trip and time spent in nature to reconnect with myself and loved ones. This fall, my friends and I took to the open road and headed east towards Tahlequah.


We spent a perfect day along the Illinois River at an original 1907 log cabin. We built a roaring campfire and cooked in the dutch oven, dined by the riverside at sunset and broke (gluten-free banana!) bread by the fire while telling stories into the crisp night. 16


Eating is a sacred act of nourishment. Vidya actually means clarity, knowledge, and inner wisdom. I believe, like wisdom, wellness starts from within. Each season, I return to the roots of seasonal living to create balanced health. This meal was about celebrating autumn’s harvest with good food and friends. RED KURI SQUASH WITH SAVORY APPLE QUINOA STUFFING



5 tbsp

olive oil


red quinoa


shitake mush-


onion, diced

rooms, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 tbsp

2 medium squash (red kuri, acorn, or pumpkin), deseeded & quartered 4 tbsp

olive oil


salt & pepper

Preheat the oven to 425°. Clean and cut each squash into 4 large slices. Coat well in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in a baking pan with ½-inch of water, cover with foil to create a steaming effect. Roast for 20 min., then remove foil and cook for 15 min. or until done. 18

3 tbsp

sel fumé (smoked salt)


apples, cored & diced


walnuts, chopped

1 bunch

collard greens,


lemons, juiced

fresh rosemary, minced

fresh thyme, minced

1 tsp

fresh sage, minced

2 tbsp

1 tbsp

finely chopped


In a large pot or dutch oven, bring 5 c water to a boil. Add the quinoa, mushrooms, onions, garlic, herbs, tamari and salt. Cook on medium heat for 10–15 min. or until quinoa is slightly soft. Add the apples, walnuts, collard greens and lemon juice and stir. Cook for 5–10 min. If quinoa is still firm, add another cup of water and cook until done.

To serve, scoop a cup of stuffing onto a quarter of roasted squash. Sprinkle with chopped greens, pomegranate seeds, and crumbled feta. SPICED PEAR & APPLE CIDER | SERVES 6–8 4c

fresh apple juice


cinnamon sticks


fresh pear juice


star anise


navel oranges sliced

1 tbsp grated ginger

with peel off

1 tsp

cardamon pods


apple, sliced

1 tsp

whole cloves

Combine all ingredients in a large pot, simmer on medium-low heat for 20–25 minutes. Strain spices from liquid. Serve hot with a sprinkling of cinnamon on top. For more seasonal recipes, videos and inspired living tips, visit vidyaliving.com. You can catch the rest of the Vidya Seasonal Kitchen films by Choate House at vidyaliving.com/film or check out additional works by Choate House at choatehouse.com. 19

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Santa knows.

DOWNTOWN History Lives On | Person of the Year | Blonde on Blonde | Globally Informed, Deeply Rooted

Young Fred Jones

Albert Kahn and Henry Ford contemplate technology.



story by Veronica Pasfield, photos courtesy of The Oklahoma Historical Society and the Albert Kahn Family of Companies Some believe a building has a soul. If that’s true—and why not, considering the intensity of spirit a building holds?—then the Fred Jones Building ranks among the most complex soulsin a state noted for them. The former Ford Model T assembly plant carries a most American legacy, as do the people who’ve owned it. Henry Ford’s motorized carriage changed the world; about that there is no doubt. Less known—renowned architect Albert Kahn, who designed the factory and so many others, reframed the way industry and its workers functioned. The unassuming 1916 factory on the western edge of Film Row is a rare, intact example of Kahn’s revolutionary work. After Henry Ford stopped making cars in Film Row in 1934, a factory worker from Tennessee named Fred Jones bought Ford dealerships, and later the iconic assembly plant itself. Next year, the cultural compass of downtown will resolutely shift westward. The Jones Building will re-open under the critically acclaimed 21C Museum Hotel brand. Having been to several of the 21C hotels nationally, this writer has seen firsthand how this hip boutique brand brings next-level dining, arts, and culture to dog-eared corners of the urban core. The century-old Jones Building could be a hollow-eyed shell like so many of its Kahn kindred in Detroit and around the world, but Fred’s family wouldn’t allow that. Soon, 134 rooms, a chef-driven restaurant, and 14,000 square feet of art gallery and event space will return the corner of Classen and West Main to a bright hub. “We will always have that property,” is the impassioned vow of Fred Jones’ grandson, Fred Hall. Young Fred worked his first job there, and leads the charge to turn the building, and surrounding properties, into a live, work, play destination under the umbrella of Hall Capital.

“My grandfather said that was his Camelot. That was his place; that was, to him, the most religious spot that he could have for personal experience. And so for the family, we’re going to do everything we can to buttress that feeling. And we think that 21C is a great way to do that.” Before it takes on its next incarnation, the Kahndesigned factory deserves a longer look. The former Oklahoma City Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant stands as a beacon to a formative time in Oklahoma, and American, identity. “This was an agricultural town,” explains Dr. Bob Blackburn, executive director of the Oklahoma Historical Society. “We weren’t much into manufacturing like Tulsa. We were into buildings like the Cotton Exchange and the Stockyards. But the fabric of every community needs a diversity of architectural styles. The Fred Jones Building is probably the best example of industrial style in the state.” It also should be understood as important on the national landscape. Hyperbole is rarely deserved, but by all definitions, Kahn was the foremost industrial designer during America’s emergence as a manufacturing—and thus economic and military—world power. Kahn’s fingerprints touched many major iterations of American might, in Detroit and elsewhere. His elegant Deco skyscrapers rose like jeweled Tiffany Easter eggs in American cities that grew quickly with their modernizing economies. Kahn’s stunning Arts & Crafts mansions for industry titans such as Edsel and Eleanor Ford remain shrines to Old World artisanship. (Treat yourself to a Google search of the Fisher Building and Cranbrook.) More importantly for the Jones Building, Kahn’s unrivaled innovation defined and propelled the field. An continued on page 77


PERSON OF THE YEAR interview by Brett Dickerson, photo by Chad Bennett Douglas Sorocco moved from Chicago to Oklahoma City to help his wife pursue a dream. Leaving the city where he had established himself as an intellectual property attorney to come to the utterly unfamiliar Oklahoma City meant he had to start over. Sorocco, however, is no stranger to challenges. Born with spina bifida, he has been paralyzed below the knees throughout his life, but his parents were instrumental in shaping him to face life without excuses, but also without a too-hard resolve. Empathy, gratitude, and generosity were the values instilled early— those and hard work. As a shareholder and partner in Dunlap Codding, Sorocco uses his undergraduate (Dayton) science background combined with his JD (Northwestern) to litigate intellectual property cases involving chemistry, engineering, biotech, and life sciences, among other fields. His qualifications and accomplishments are remarkable, but his sense of humility and humor shine through in his bio: “Doug is also humbled and appreciative for his selection as Time magazine’s 2006 Person of the Year.” If the reference is lost on you, Google will come in handy. In keeping with his desire to give back, the firm included a large public space inside and outside its Film Row building that is available for use without charge. Dunlap Codding also sponsors a series of free concerts for the community. What were the intentions with the public space? Our intention was pretty simple at the beginning: provide free space, without condition, and see what interesting things our community would do with it. We have been blown away by the creativity and passion people have put into their events and gatherings. From burlesque to Baptist jazz concerts, every

group has made the space their own—infusing it with their personality and enthusiasm for life. What has been your favorite moment from the use of that public space? I am very lucky to have an office that looks into the courtyard. As I often work a few hours each weekend and there is always something happening in our space at the same time, I get to watch the activities. The laughter and noise is infectious—it provides a soundtrack that you normally don’t hear within an office. Most importantly, it provides me with inspiration. I am very lucky that I have the opportunity to be reminded on a daily basis of the innate goodness and joy found within everyone. Is there anything you hope to use that space for in the future? I would like to see more performing artists using the space in innovative ways— dancers, actors, plays, dramas…. You host dinners for homeless community members in your space, in collaboration with volunteers and food trucks who serve for free. What’s the most rewarding thing about it? Getting to know our neighbors and provide a bit of respite for folks who may not have a place to charge their phone, wash their hands, share a meal with friends on tables, or be served coffee and soda with a smile. If only for a moment, we hope that we can provide an escape from their challenging lives. La Gumbo Ya Ya (in particular) has been an inspiration—serving up hundreds of bowls of gumbo and red beans and rice while leading the charge for OKC food trucks to give back. Have the meals changed the dynamics with homeless folks in Film Row? The greatest fear our folks had moving down here was homeless people. But what the homeless dinners showed us was that the homeless included women, children, whole families. So it opened up a lot of eyes. Our kids were down here helping. It was eye-opening for my son to see another kid being homeless. We’ve not had a single break-in. We’ve had no continues on page 78 23


Left to right: Milliner and designer Marla Dean Cook, of Marla Dean Hats in the Paseo, wears a blouse by Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini, slacks by Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini, sunglasses from Black Optical, and her own shoes. Couture champion Meghan Spears, of The Consortium in Nichols Hills, wears a jacket by Moschino, sunglasses from Black Optical, and her own shoes.

styling by Meghan Spears, photos by Josh Welch

n bl on d e bl on d e o

Fierce creative women show us how to step ou t this season.

Jennifer Welch, interior designer to OKC's most important culture makers, wears a dress by CĂŠdric Charlier, a cognac sherling coat by Belstaff, and her own shoes and sunglasses. All fashions not in the collections of the models from The Consortium, Nichols Hills Plaza.



GLITTER BALL Why wait until New Year’s Eve to have holiday celebrations? Downtown OKC has a full slate of events throughout December, and we are looking forward to the Glitter Ball. Seriously, it’s a glitter ball. How can you not be excited? For the second year in a row, Dunlap Codding presents a shiny, glittery, dance-y holiday ball to raise funds for three charities You get live music, hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and spectacular surprises on Film Row. Dance in the holidays while raising money for deadCENTER, Sunbeam Family Services and OKC Girls Art School. Tickets are $100 for general admission and $200 for VIP. Saturday, Dec. 12, 7pm–11pm at Dunlap Codding


NYE AT THE AMBASSADOR If a smaller, more adult crowd is your thing, then O Bar at the Ambassador Hotel will have one of the best views for fireworks in the city. You can bundle up and brave the outdoor, rooftop patio (recommended) or watch from the warmth of the O Bar’s lounge (also recommended).

JANE AUSTEN’S CHRISTMAS CRACKER! One of the best events from last year is back this holiday season. Reduxion Theatre Company is offering Jane Austen’s Christmas Cracker! again this year. The holiday ball is really an interactive theatre experience featuring Regency era music and costumes. Yes, you are encouraged to wear a costume. Food, dancing, music, costumes, theatre and Jane Austen—it’s like that one Halloween party you had in grad school back when you were a lit major, but this one is in December, but you still get to wear the costume.

O Bar will have a buffet, party favors and a midnight toast. Tickets for the event are $35, and it’s 21+ only.

December 11–19, Civic Center Music Hall, Joel Levine Rehearsal Hall, Tickets available at Civic Center website

Thursday, Dec. 31, 8 pm to Friday, Jan. 1, 1 am. Tickets at Eventbrite.

OPENING NIGHT Opening Night has been a New Year’s Eve tradition for years in OKC. If you like festive crowds, excitement, fireworks, live music, and food, head for Bicentennial park this NYE. A family-friendly festival, including an interactive art project, music, and a huge game area, starts the evening inside the Hall of Mirrors at the Civic Center. For the grownups, head outside for food trucks, live music featuring Shortt Dogg, and the fireworks finale, of course. You will need a wristband, and they’re available beginning December 1 at 7-Eleven stores, Homeland stores, MidFirst Bank, and Science Museum Oklahoma. $8 in advance and $10 NYE.

ULTIMATE NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY If New Year's for you means Neil Diamond as loud as you can stand it, and that does work for more people than we expected, you might consider a trip to Bricktown. The Bricktown Event Center (425 E. California) is hosting the Ultimate New Year's Eve Party, featuring Super Diamond, a band that is billed as the World's Greatest Neil Diamond tribute band. We assume that's a small niche. A Champagne toast finishes off the night, complete with a balloon drop and music by DJ Saad.

TOTALLY OVERHYPED NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY New Year's Eve on Film Row will be one of the best party places in OKC. Kindt Events will be ringing in the new year with the Totally Overhyped New Year's Eve Party at the IAO Gallery (706 W. Sheridan). The $75–130 dollar tickets get you live music, open bar, heavy hors d'oeuvres, and a dessert bar. Frankly, we prefer booze for the new year, but some people probably actually eat, too.

Tickets are available at Ticketstorm, and general admission is $50. Party starts at 9 pm.

Double Wedding Ring Quilt, 1940. Pieced cotton plain weave top, cotton plain weave back and binding; quilted. Gift of the Pilgrim / Roy Collection, 2014.1945. Photograph Š 2015 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.



Brenda Kingery leans into her art. She’s been known to paint sitting on the floor, and get in the mud with Japanese potters. Her paintings aren’t satisfied with pigment, but instead pull textile patterns, mica, and found objects onto the canvas. She has traveled and studied extensively in Asia, and also helps empower South American and African women via traditional art forms. This is an artist who is up to her elbows in the glorious, messy stuff of life. Born in Oklahoma City and a member of the Chickasaw Nation, Kingery has settled into life in San Antonio after decades traveling the globe with her Air Force husband, Tom. Along the way, Kingery has learned much about expressive forms in each culture she encounters. In Okinawa, she dove deeply into Ryukyuan folk art, and did her graduate research on the topic. The intensely detailed and layered traditional art form still influences her work today. Kingery serves as a trustee of the esteemed Institute of American Indians in Santa Fe. She also helped found Threads of Blessing International, a project that helps uplift women in Honduras, Mexico, Haiti, and Uganda via the production of indigenous art. But it was a trip home to see the annual Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival here that created what Kingery describes as a “paradigm shift.” She reconnected with her Chickasaw culture. Indigenous artists in many forms commonly challenge established modes of telling story. For Kingery, pattern

Blue Dot Walking by Brenda Kingery

by Veronica Pasfield

does that work. The rhythm of color, line, and form narrate an experience. One must breathe, like the paintings, to begin to understand what they have to say. Kingery’s work has appeared in exhibitions across the U.S., and in Paris and across Asia and Africa. Her paintings have been collected by the San Antonio Museum of Art, the University of Texas, and the Chickasaw Culture Center, among others. Kingery exhibition continues through Feb. 29th. Exhibit C, 1 E. Sheridan, suite 100 (405) 767-8900. exhibitcgallery.com

INTRODUCING THE TERRITORY TODDY 1 ½ oz Ginger Strong Tonic® ¼ oz Prairie Wolf Dark

WARM: TERRITORY TODDY Combine all ingredients besides the Ginger Strong Tonic®. Toss back and forth between two shaker tins to combine. Strain (either doubly or through cheese cloth, neat into an Irish coffee mug. Top with Ginger Strong Tonic®.

1 ½ oz Plantation 5-year Rum 2 Dashes Winship’s Barrel-Aged Bitters ½ oz Pineapple Juice COLD: TERRITORY PUNCH Shake all ingredients besides the carbonated Ginger Strong Tonic® briefly in a shaker tin with ice. Strain (either doubly for a fine texture, or through cheese cloth for some grit) neat into a wine glass. Top with Ginger Strong Tonic®.

¼ oz Lemon juice ¼ oz Savory Spice Blend*

*SAVORY SPICE BLEND: For equal parts, add 3 green cardamom pods, 1 dash Madagascar cloves, 1 dash Allspice blend, 2 whole star anise pods. Grind to powder with mortar and pestle or grind until coarsely blended in a coffee grinder. 29

PERHAPS THE WORLD ENDS HERE The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live. The gifts of earth are brought and prepared, set on the table. So it has been since creation, and it will go on. We chase chickens or dogs away from it. Babies teethe at the corners. They scrape their knees under it. It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human. We make men at it, we make women. At this table we gossip, recall enemies and the ghosts of lovers. Our dreams drink coffee with us as they put their arms around our children. They laugh with us at our poor falling-down selves and as we put ourselves back together once again at the table. This table has been a house in the rain, an umbrella in the sun. Wars have begun and ended at this table. It is a place to hide in the shadow of terror. A place to celebrate the terrible victory. We have given birth on this table, and have prepared our parents for burial here. At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks. Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite. Joy Harjo

Oklahoma poet, musician, activist, and Mvskoke Creek citizen Joy Harjo was recently awarded the Academy of American Poets highest honor, the Wallace Stevens Award. It is our deep privilege to publish one of our favorite Harjo poems, with her permission, in Territory.

Reprinted from The Woman Who Fell From the Sky: Poems by Joy Harjo. Copyright © 1994 by Joy Harjo. Used with permission of the publisher, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

AUTOMOBILE ALLEY THE FIT PIG Auto Alley’s newest restaurant, The Fit Pig, is scheduled to open November 24, with a grand opening party tentatively scheduled around the first of December. Husband and wife team Nick and Carly Faulkner hired executive chef Timothy Warren to guide the energetic, health-conscious eatery. Featuring healthy snacks ($5–8) and entrees ($9–12)—including paelo-friendly—The Fit Pig will even have online ordering. Located in the historic Magnolia building, the staff will deliver food to your car window in the old bank drive-thru lane if you call ahead. SHOP HOP One of the most beautiful areas of Oklahoma City around the holidays is Auto Alley. Each year, workers string more than 180,000 LED lights on the buildings, lighting the stretch of N. Broadway with wonder and excitement. To get the full effect, we recommend doing some of your holiday shopping with the merchants of Auto Alley. The December Shop Hop is scheduled for Thursday the 17th. Merchants stay open late and offer sales and giveaways. Several offer hot cider, cocoa, and even a little wine. Shop Hop is a monthly event that features family-friendly activities, live music and food trucks. As part of Shop Hop, a free walking history tour is also offered. Automobile Alley is one of the oldest districts in 30

photo courtesy of Downtown OKC

the city, tracing its history all the way back to the original 1889 plans. Although it was originally pioneer homes, the stretch of road—once the widest street in OKC—soon gave way to businesses, and many of the buildings now bear the names of the car dealers that created Auto Alley. The walking tour, which begins at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation building (SE corner NW 10th and Broadway), includes an overview of the events and people that created this remarkable district. The thousands of holiday lights provide the perfect ambience for this slice of Oklahoma City history. Shop Hop, Thurs., Dec. 17, 6–9 pm, N. Broadway Ave. between NW 4th and NW 10th. Free History Walking Tour, Thurs., Dec. 17, 5:30 pm. Meet in front of OCCF building. No RSVP required.



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MIDTOWN Air it Out | Bubbles Brigade


story by Josh McBee, excerpted from NonDoc.com, photo by Sara Kate Huff

With the advent of the sharing economy, new industries are disrupting traditional economies. At least one Oklahoma City councilman would like to see action on the growing regulatory dilemma posed by Airbnb. Existing city regulations require potential Airbnb hosts to attend a public hearing and purchase $2,700 bed-and-breakfast permits, a threshold that NonDoc could not identify any Oklahoma City host as having met. As a result, Airbnb hosts here leave themselves open to code violation notices from the city. “I can always sympathize with people’s plights and understand why they would want to do something [like host on Airbnb],” said Laura Yates, municipal counselor with the city. “But that doesn’t excuse them from following the law.” Locally, Oklahoma has so far been amenable to the ride-sharing economy with a new law for services like Uber. That law classifies such entities as “transportation network companies” and sets up a regulatory framework. Home sharing is beginning to pose some problems. According to Kristy Yager, OKC director of public information and marketing, exactly three addresses have received Airbnb-related complaints for operating commercial lodging in a residential zone. Two were in the Linwood Place neighborhood, another was in Quail Creek. Complaints were lodged by residents in those neighborhoods and then enforced by the city. NonDoc reached out to multiple Airbnb hosts, including one in Linwood Place who had received a city citation. He was unwilling to speak on the record for fear of complicating or ruining his ability for future hosting. AIRBNB AND ITS POTENTIAL IMPACT ON OKC San Francisco-based Airbnb, which bills itself as “the easiest way for people to monetize their extra space,” began in 2008. It has grown to become the third-largest venture capital-funded startup, with $25 billion invested so far. City councilman Pete White said the council has recently discussed regulatory challenges related to Airbnb hosting.

“I personally think we ought to address it,” White said of the regulatory dilemma facing those who seek to host from Airbnb. According to a story published Aug. 18 in The Journal Record, OKC officials are concerned that Airbnb use means the City misses out on revenue from its 5.5 percent lodging tax “I CAN ALWAYS on hotels and motels. SYMPATHIZE How much potential WITH revenue? The following PEOPLE’S is a back-of-an-envePLIGHTS… lope-type estimation. BUT THAT On Aug. 8, Airbnb DOESN’T EXCUSE returned 149 listings THEM FROM for a single traveler FOLLOWING with no dates specified THE LAW.” for a 12-day period in Oklahoma City. As an example, if 90 of those were occupied at an average of $77.50 (the average of the two observed rates) per day, and Airbnb takes their three percent host service fee to cover the costs of payment processing within their system, then the total host revenue is actually more like $81,189 in this scenario. With the 5.5 percent lodging tax, the city would be missing out on a potential $4,465.40 in tax revenue just for the 12 days in this example. The bright side for the city is that Airbnb appears amenable to making host revenue available to local lodging taxes. In 10 U.S. cities and North Carolina, lodging taxes are collected by the service. AIRBNB NATION The controversy between Airbnb hosts and city officials has been heated nationally. San Franciscans took to the streets to support it. In Charleston, city officials posed as potential Airbnb guests, then showed up to issue a $1,092 fine, citing neighborhood preservation as justification. continues on page 78


Midtown: 801 N. Hudson Ave. | (405) 702-4333 Oklahoma City: 5800 N. Classen Blvd, Ste. 2 | (405) 463-3343 Edmond: 1189 E. 15th St., Ste. 124 | (405) 513-6393



by Greg Horton, photos by Bo Apitz

Last issue we detailed how amazing sparkling wines are—especially Grower Champagnes—and it seems we are not the only ones who believe so. On Friday, November 6, a pack of bubbles evangelists gathered at Stella Modern Italian to inaugurate the Bubbles Brigade (buttons included!). The Bubbles Brigade will meet every couple weeks between now and New Year’s Eve, when they will use a professional shuttle service to celebrate in the four Midtown bar/restaurants that are participating: Stella, Packard’s, Ludivine and O Bar. Each restaurant or bar has agreed to offer three sparkling wines in a low, medium and high price point. The introductory level wine will also be offered by the glass. Corey Bauer of Thirst Wine Merchants was the genius behind the idea, so each of the participating bars are offering wines from Thirst’s remarkable portfolio. Prince of Midtown, artist and Renaissance man Larry Dean Pickering declared himself the Sergeant-at-Arms of the brigade, but titles are neither necessary nor encouraged, unless you have a costume. (LDP offered a toast to kick off the celebration in lieu of a costume.) The only qualifications for joining what is essentially a band of merry revelers who have the great good sense to love bubbles is to show up at one of the events listed below, buy bubbles and enjoy the company. Packard’s New American Kitchen. Fri., Nov. 20. 7 pm O Bar at the Ambassador Hotel. Fri., Dec. 4. 7 pm Ludivine. Fri., Dec. 18. 7 pm

POP INTO THE POP-UPS The holidays are some of the most tradition-dense times of the year. Nearly everyone has family, cultural, or religious traditions related to Thanksgiving and the winter holidays. At Territory, we love traditions, even new traditions. Allison Barta Bailey’s Holiday Pop-Up Shops is one of our favorite new traditions; after all, traditions are added to our communities because they are awesome. From November 27 through December 20, the familiar geodesic tents will be at the northeast corner of NW 10th and Hudson. This year, students from Bishop John Carroll School will manage a Christmas tree lot. (Once the trees are gone, they’re really gone.) As always, local retailers and artists will rotate weekly. A full list of shops and dates is available at OKCpopups.com. photos courtesy of Holiday Pop-Up Shops 39

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600 NW 23rd St., Ste. 102, Oklahoma City 73103 | (405) 608-1122 | innov8tive.io |

UPTOWN/PASEO Woman Warrior | Sexy ’70s Redux | Off the MAPS | Family Kitchen | Rooftop 23rd

WOMAN WARRIOR interview by Tyler Barron, opening photo by Brittany Phillips, candlelight vigil photos by Bo Apitz. All of North America is facing a cultural sea change, and Oklahoma is a part of that much larger conversation about race and equality thanks to engaged folks like Choctaw citizen Sarah Adams-Cornell. Named Activist-inResidence by University of Oklahoma’s Center for Social Justice, Adams-Cornell and a diverse cohort of demonstrators ask fellow Oklahomans to dig a little deeper. Tell me about your approach to activism. It always starts with a need. Somewhere someone has been hurt or is experiencing some kind of injustice. Traditionally, when (Native peoples) lived together, if there was somebody hungry or grieving a loss, (the) community would lift those people up. You can always find a way, regardless of your skills or gift, to help others—this was taught to me. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is essential. Does being a mother affect your activism? Definitely. First, you have joy through these phenomenal little people. Children recognize when injustice is happening and they are not afraid to talk about it. When there is someone on the street corner, their natural reaction is to give, not to look away. They keep you accountable. I’m from a matrilineal tribe, so the leadership is in our women. We are life-givers and responsible for making sure that there is equality in the tribe. For example, when your child is being taught horribly inaccurate things about Native people, your mother-bear instincts kick in and say, “This is wrong; we have to correct it.” Why are Native mascots seen as such a divisive thing? I understand it’s a hard topic, but it starts with the fact that…Native people have been marginalized. (Without) a seat at the table, they have never been heard. Ingrained racism started generations ago, and when it becomes normalized, people stop understanding why things are offensive. It’s not because they were never offensive. Countless studies have shown mascots and Columbus Day are harmful to Native children’s self-worth and feelings of inclusion. The fact that we have youth with suicide rates twice the national average—it all connects. Thankfully, we now have concrete data that backs up these claims and support from the White House, both of which say, “Yes, these are contributing factors to the success of our kids…. It doesn’t matter anymore what you think 44

about it; it’s harming them and now we have to act on this.” What do you believe is the biggest misunderstanding for mascot supporters? Some say, “You’re too politically incorrect and this country is falling away to all of this sensitivity.” However, PC and social justice are two totally different things...there are actual lives being impacted, and a lot of them are children. There is no reason (for it) when it is within your power to do something good. What do people need to know about Columbus Day and efforts to have it changed to Indigenous People’s Day, especially locally?They picked the wrong guy, and the Italian-American population deserves better. I learned one of our (City) Council members was open to hearing about Indigenous People’s Day. Media already had been talking about it. We thought, “Now is the time to open up this conversation.” (OKC City Council) had nothing to lose. There was not one person who came to argue for Columbus Day. City Council mentioned (changing the

SEXY ’70s REDUX story by Emily Hopkins, photo by Brandon Puffer

A rebirth has taken place at 317 NW 23rd St. From the ashes of the area’s favorite kickback honkey-tonk bar has arisen a cheeky cocktail den, one with plenty of shag and swag to go around. Rockford, owned by Drew and Anna Mains and Kyle and Sarah Sweet, takes the idea of your grandparents’ avocado-green and harvest-gold living-room set and flips it on its edge, adding a wink, a smile and a nod to the sexually liberated attitude of the era. “I wanted to make it into a den—a place where people could sit and be comfortable,” Anna said. “It’s like your grandparents’ living room, but if your grandparents had a little bit of swagger and cool style.” Not to mention a little bit of a penchant for scantily clad girls emblazoned on tongue-in-cheek ads. When the Mains were first researching aesthetic inspiration, they came across a book called The Male Mystique, a collection of men’s magazine ads from the ’60s and ’70s where everything from blue jeans to washer-and-dryer sets were sold using images of bare golden and chocolate flesh. Inspiration was struck and it stuck, evidencing itself in vintage Playboys strewn casually across the den’s coffee tables and posters encouraging patrons to “sip into something more comfortable.” Rather than feeling sleazy, Rockford oozes a bold sexiness that helps to set itself apart on the Uptown strip. “We wanted to take a playful approach and turn it into something where we’re celebrating that more liberal feeling,” Anna said. “Those ads just kind of capture the essence of the era.” But brazen sexuality isn’t the den’s only nod to that classic ’70s spirit. The name itself pays homage to Oklahoma’s own James Garner and the timeless Rockford Files. The likes of Guns N’ Roses and Cream can be heard over the speakers, and practically all furnishings (save for the custom-made bar stools) are authentic, vintage pieces.

holiday) was divisive. How is Columbus Day not divisive? He was the father of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade…. Native mascots are finally being rejected in the most progressive cities. Why now? We are a minority; we are the original people of this continent and a respect has to be shown. We are finally starting to see that. Communities of color are strong enough and feeling

Photo courtesy of The Cladstache. Model Don Daniel is wearing The Hazel necktie in a Classic cut by The Cladstache.

And then there’s the cocktail list. “Some of the drinks that were originally horrible, people have been revisiting and making great,” Anna said. “So we looked at a lot of those and put our own craft spin on it.” Rockford’s Long Island Iced Tea and Cuba Libre, for example, are both mixed with housemade cola. And rather than the classic Pink Lady with gin, grenadine and an egg white, this joint serves up the Kinky Pinky, made with Jim Beam Rye, house grenadine, Peychaud’s Bitters and a host of other unexpected ingredients. This is not the very finest bespoke cocktailing in town. As a lighthearted take on a traditional cocktail bar, Rockford is the type of place where patrons ordering craft drinks and the charcuterie plate can mix seamlessly with those who’d rather kick back with a beer, a shot and the housemade Cheez Whiz and Bugles.

empowered. The digital age—the fact that we can share information quickly and a lot of our communities were isolated before—gives us hope. We can share information on how (to) accomplish the same mission. You can turn away, but unless you’re living under a rock, you are going to hear what’s happening. When someone comes to you and says “this is hurting me and my people,” and you say “that’s not my problem,” that’s a major problem. 45

Tues–Wed: 11 am–10 pm Thur–Sat: 11 am–1 am Sun: 10 am–9 pm 1933 NW 23rd Street, OKC (405) 600-9040

OFF THE MAPS Grassroots revitalization efforts usually thrive when passion and discontentment coalesce. The task can be both gratifying and overwhelming. What do you do with an area rich in international fervor, yet low in potential spirit? That has been the hurdle residents and businesses had to transcend in what is now Oklahoma City’s international neighborhood destination, the Windsor District. Much anticipated reconstruction and reformation emanates through this NW 23rd Street corridor that stretches from I-44 to the Bethany city limits. Yes, western Uptown 23rd has some international flare— West African flavors, Vietnamese communities, and Hispanic traditions flourish in the recently trending Windsor District. One could credit Ward 3 City Councilman Larry McAtee with the evolution of this diverse area. In 2001, when McAtee saw the city’s plans for the corridor on NW 23rd Street east of I-44 to the state Capitol, he gathered area neighborhood leaders in his Windsor home to create a vision for their neighborhood. Kim Lowe was president of the Windsor Oaks Neighborhood Association at the time, and knew she and McAtee needed to work together. The Windsor Area Neighbors District (WAND) was formed, and stakeholders spent almost three years putting a plan in place for the upcoming General Obligation Bond elections. Their idea for the $12.4 million Streetscape Revitalization Project passed in the 2007 G.O. bond election, and in 2010, the first of three reconstruction phases began. It was also the year of the declaration of the official Windsor District. As the Ward 3 representative of the MAPS 3 Citizens Advisory Board, Lowe knows all too well that there is tremendous hope for a better future in the fruits of their labor for the Windsor District. “It provides the canvas in which we can paint what we imagine.” That painting is one of bright, vibrant colors representing people who traveled from all over the world in the middle- to late-twentieth-century to find work in

by Jessica Valentine Oklahoma City. Lowe moved to the area 20 years ago. Her background explains her propensity for international culture and cuisine. “I grew up in a Jewish household,” she said. “And we always cooked and told stories of the old country, and that became a woven part of who I am.” Oklahoma’s old country is also rich in stories, but this particular spot is now a place for new private investors such as Square Deal Capital—which bought the Windsor Hills Shopping Center. Barbie Smalley, Windsor District Ambassador and Community Organizer at the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma, knows this is good news. “I think the Streetscapes is a great stepping stone for more infrastructural development and strategically thought-out place making,” she said. “It’s just the beginning and I hope it will attract out of-the-boxthinking developers.” Fast forward to 2015, the year in which cultural diversity in the Windsor District was predicted to increase by 18 percent over the next several years. With Kim Lowe’s Windsor Area Business Group (WABG), which should just be referred to as Way-Big, it’s easy to envision big ideas and a district where you don’t have to travel far to satisfy wanderlust as a global enthusiast. The Sidewalks & Trails Projects that MAPS 3 has incorporated for the Windsor District will enable people from around the city to come explore. A trail running along the I-44 access road will intersect NW 23rd at the entrance to The Windsor District. It will be completed next year. The sidewalks are already finished, and with the estimated completion of Streetscapes in Spring of 2017, it’s safe to say people will start to recognize new opportunities beyond the workings of the inner city. The letter ‘W’ now evokes Windsor, Way Big, wanderlust. There are incomparable, rich and vibrant cultures in this district that will thrive past our imagining. The story is both deeply American and totally global, and it’s still unfolding. 47


Introducing the Territory Toddy for the recipe see page 29

by Skyler Munday

“Friend, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, food. Only food has no end!” This sentiment greets guests at the door of El Fogon de Edgar, and they take it seriously at this converted house on NW 23rd. Unlike people, this food does not disappoint. The unassuming design and bright interior evoke the home of a Colombian neighbor; it feels comfortable. (Inviting Colombian neighbors here is highly recommended, by the way.) Everything about this place was genuine: clay jars hold aji picante (a.k.a. Nectar of the Gods, a.k.a. Colombian salsa verde), South American artwork decorates the walls, and the staff is primarily Colombian. Ludivine chef Jonathan Stranger recommended El Fogon to us, as one of his favorite eateries in OKC. This was reason enough to sit down with Edgar—owner and chef—for a revisita (Spanish for interview). Inspired by the authenticity of Fogon, I dusted off the cobwebs from my brain and pulled out my old Spanish-speaking skills. Edgar grew up in the capital city of Bogotá. The opportunity for success lured him to Oklahoma City 20 years ago; he has been sharing his traditional cuisine at El Fogon for almost two years. His family joined him recently to help run the restaurant, adding to the sense of intimacy here. Dishes are large and share-worthy with immense flavor and complexity. Between filling orders, Edgar educated us about Colombian cuisine and his love of it. Colombia boasts both lush rainforest and the Andes Mountains. The varying climates and elevations lend themselves to a wide range of vegetation, which may add to the complexity of the cuisine. Indigenous tree tomatoes and lulos are used to make fresh juices. Unlike other countries, Colombians fry empanadas rather than bake them. The bread-like shell is made of corn rather than flour, and can be served both with or without meat. Caldo, or soup, is big in this food tradition. Many at El Fogon start with a coconut cream base. Herbs are the stars

photo by Courtney Waugh


of these soups; cilantro is a Colombian favorite. Contrary to popular belief, traditional Colombian food is not very spicy, which is not to say it’s lacking in flavor. Cooler weather calls for Ajiaco, a soup made of chicken and potatoes. Guascas, an herb that grows in abundance in the Andes, flavors the soup with deliciously earthiness. Sobrebarriga is a hearty beef dish, with steak that falls apart served in a traditional tomato salsa. Edgar declares Bandeja Paisa his favorite meal. Beans and rice are topped with beef, chorizo and chicharrones, as well as plantains, and arepas (flatbread). An avocado and a fried egg make for a pretty final flourish. This is the meal to satisfy belly and tastebuds for the entire day. Even better, share the entree so there’s room for empanadas, arepas, and juice. Dip plantains in the aji, smother the empanadas, and perhaps drink it straight out of the clay jar (don’t judge). Oh, and don’t forget the wheelbarrow, so someone can cart you out the front door. Past that sign about food is forever, because you’re now in love. 2416 NW 23rd St., Oklahoma City (405) 370-2959.

photo courtesy of Guyutes


by Jessica Valentine On first glance, the first thing folks notice about Guyutes is the rooftop patio and its mod wooden wrap. But the soul of Guyutes hangs in the window—two life raft rings acquired at a Phish concert. If you listen to Phish, you’ll understand. If you don’t, keep reading. Owners Jarrod Friedel and Wayne Perotka created Guyutes (pronounced “Guy-yoo-tees”) to be a place for “elevated street food and an open-air bar,” as Friedel described it. “We’re basically taking things people know and putting a crazy twist on them.” continues on page 78 49

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WESTERN AVE Cellar Collective | Locals Know | Notes from the Road | Sheltering Sky


by Emily Hopkins, photos by Madi Denton

There’s no mistaking the fact that passion breeds results. Jennifer Maynord created the Cellar Door Music Group, a blog-turned-bigtime-support-system that advocates for local, burgeoning artists. Calling Cellar Door a promotion company isn’t quite right, though; it’s so much more than that. The Cellar Door team books venues as disparate as Paramount Theater in Film Row to a church stage Uptown. They manage events and work with sponsors to constantly up the ante of the music experience here. “We really try to support original music,” Maynord said. “Artists who are already doing things for themselves, who are really pushing themselves on their websites or on social media, who are really trying to do it professionally—we just give them that extra support.” Local musicians love them back, like OKC-based rapper Jabee Williams, one of Maynord favorites. Jabee’s the type of person who will shoot over a simple text to invite someone to his birthday party. “I just love the vision and encouragement they give Oklahoma music,” Williams said. “I’ve been able to build relationships with other local bands and get help pushing my music because of them. Cellar Door is really helping to build a community.” Local singer-songwriter Rachel Brashear, so different stylistically from Jabee, but part of the Cellar Door cohort. Her debut album, Songs from a Cave, dropped in July and 54

is a true indication of the kind of fresh, raw talent that lies just below the city’s surface. Her living room vibe, that personal connection that’s immediately felt as the chords of the ivory keys meld with her crooner’s vibrato, was perfect for Music at the Mansion, Cellar Door’s intimate series using the Overholser Mansion as a backdrop. After the success of last July’s show, Brashear was keen to add Cellar Door shows to her regular rotation. “The sound was great, the vibe was great and they were on top of promotion,” she said. “They made my job easy. Since then I’ve found new fans and met other artists, and I love seeing new, creative shows pop up in the OKC area. All of these things are improving the local scene.” Graham Colton’s Fanswell booking platform also contributes. Colton helped Cellar Door get off the ground after meeting Maynord at 2014’s Peace, Love and Goodwill Festival. Cellar Door focuses on signing on new talent and finding fresh, hip places to put on a show. Case in point: The Crown Jewel Amphitheater, formerly the Jewel Box Theater, an abandoned 3,000-seat space near First Christian Church on N. Walker at 36th. The church, along with volunteers from Harding Fine Arts Academy, recognized the amphitheater’s potential as a gathering place for the community, scrubbing off the grime from decades of


by Greg Horton, photo by Brittany Phillips

neglect to reveal a shiny blank slate ready for new life. That was the genesis of the Cellar Door series Edgemere Under the Stars, which kicked off in September. “A lot of people don’t even know the amphitheater exists,” Maynord said. “But once they experience a concert there, they just love it. There’s trees all around it, and it really provides an intimate atmosphere even though it seats thousands.” The block party-esque atmosphere at Crown Jewel contains echoes of simpler times—people from the surrounding neighborhood coming out on a weeknight, kicking back with a locally brewed beer, and watching the kids run around up front. Word of mouth breathes life into events like this, as do sponsors who often act as the saving grace in the form of local revenue and support. Making money is a necessity, sure, but the good of the artists is Cellar Door’s primary concern. As a collective that started from an artist’s perspective, they understand the hard work that’s required and never ask anyone to play for free, even if payment is just in the form of hospitality, a portion of cover charge sales, merchandise sales, or applause. Says Maynord, “That’s really how we feed our community.” Next up for Cellar Door: reviving the live music scene at Belle Isle Brewery, a venue Maynord frequented in her college years. The kick-off there will be a mini music fest around Thanksgiving. “(Cellar Door has) grown into something that I never expected,” Maynord said. “I feel like the sky’s the limit, and it’s hard to imagine where we might be down the road. We just want to take every opportunity we can to keep growing.”

Rare is the sushi restaurant that bothers to put hamachi kama (yellowtail collar) on the menu. Two perfectly reasonable explanations come to mind. There are only two per fish, and it’s the best part of the fish, so why not save it for yourself if you’re the one tasked with butchering? The collar is located directly behind the gills. The meat, which is usually grilled, is rich and oily, much like the cheeks of beef and pork. As for presentation, it’s not going to be beautiful—it’s a tricky, inelegant cut to start with, and that simply isn’t the point of hamachi kama. Tokyo Japanese Restaurant in Nichols Hills has hamachi kama regularly, and you won’t find it on the menu, but you will want to ask for it just in case. Hamachi kama is cooked on the bone (the traditional method), which probably helps with the flavor, and they serve it with a grated daikon radish. For those who are squeamish about sashimi, the grilled fish will at least give them a reason to try something “safer” at a sushi bar. Says Tokyo, Wednesday is the best day to stop in for the dish because of fish delivery schedules. However, you are under no obligation to tell anyone this. Why would you share when you don’t have to?

Find more info and show announcements at cellardoormusicgroup.com.

Tokyo Japanese Restaurant, 7516 N. Western Ave. (405) 848-6733. 55

NOTES FROM THE ROAD interview by Justin Fortney, photo by Whiteney K. Tarver

If you take off on a road trip to any corner of the country these days, there’s a solid chance you can catch one of the growing number of talented Okie musicians busting picks and making odometers spin on the open highway. Southeast Oklahoma’s Levi Parham has two wellcrafted albums under his belt (An Okie Opera and Avalon Drive), and his soulful voice and bluesy, finger-picked guitar playing are making their mark well beyond Oklahoma borders. In November, Parham plays in KC, and then makes his way to Chicago, North Carolina and New York. As he prepared for the road, and another recording, Parham caught us up on the moments that have impressed him most from these past few months—as well as plans for a new album in 2016 with Austin’s Music Road Records. Due out in early summer, Parham pulls in the likes of John Fullbright, Mike Byars from Hosty Duo, David Leach of Harumph, and Seth Lee Jones. When you and John Calvin Abney toured in the fall, you concluded that trip with a show at the Blue Door. What’s that like to finish off a run at a storied venue like that in your home state? Right when we started getting tired and cranky, we started having these amazing gigs there at the end. And to finish up there—my parents came up from McAlester, and John’s mom came down from Tulsa, plus folks who were just fans. John and I played some songs together, which we really didn’t do too much on the tour. What do you feel you’ve learned about Oklahoma by playing in other parts of the country? The whole

world is nice and hospitable, and I hope I’m not in some bubble where I only see that, but there’s something about Oklahoma. There’s such an openness to people. As far as the music goes, places like Colorado can be all about jam bands and how good you can pick, and in the Midwest it feels like it’s all about how weird can you get. In Austin we opened for a glam rock band, and the fire marshal shut it down because there were so many people! Glitter on their faces and Iron Maiden type stuff. In Oklahoma, people tend to care more about the song and what you have to say. Maybe it’s the Woody Guthrie part of our culture. Throughout your recent travels, what’s one of those stories you think might make it into the Levi Parham autobiography someday? Are you talking funny or tragic? Totally up to you. John Calvin taught me how to gamble. I had never gambled in my life, and a 26-year-old kid taught me how. We played cards, rolled dice. We’d stop at every chance we had to get lotto tickets. We stopped at some gas station in Mississippi, and each one of us kept winning a dollar. I don’t know how many tickets we went through. The thrills of the road—one dollar lotto tickets. Also, John Calvin and I got invited to a house concert that John Moreland was performing in Columbia, Tenn., for a lady named Kim Jameson, who is originally from Oklahoma, and a big advocate of Okie musicians. This house was huge and beautiful. Parker Milsap, Michael Rose, Daniel Foulks, Bobby Orcutt, John Moreland, and a bunch of other Okies were there in Tennessee, in this amazing home, eating tamales, playing music, and drinking LaCroix. I sat in the den while Moreland and JCA continues on page 79





Winter style

takes a turn towards looser silhouettes and architectural lines. What matters most this season is how a woman inhabits and shapes these designs with her body; what she shows the world about herself and the way she feels. Photographer Josh Welch and stylist Courtney Ann fuse fashion, art, and movement on Oklahoma's epic salt flats.

Previous, Jacket: Clover Canyon + Route 66, Top: Marimekko, Pants: ELM by Marrhildus + Route 66; Above, Jacket: Marimekko, Socks: Marimekko, Sandals: Belstaff + Consortium 60

Dress: Tia Cibani

Dress: Tia Cibani

Dress: Tia Cibani 63

wine column

ON THE DRY SIDE by Greg Horton, photo by Alex Rodriguez With the holidays approaching, wine sales will increase dramatically, and the question of what to pair with holiday food will once again flummox people who are looking for special occasion wines to pair with the wide variety of foods on holiday tables. Zinfandel happens to be one of the best choices for red wines because the spice notes in Zin complement classic holiday flavors particularly well, including baking spices, and that is rare for a red wine. It also works well with a wide variety of meats, because if it’s well made, it won’t obliterate some of poultry’s subtleties, but it has the weight to manage pork and lamb well. If you saw Bottle Shock, the 2008 movie about the Judgment of Paris in which Chateau Montelena’s Chardonnay bests several French Burgundies in an international competition, you might be laboring under a mistaken idea of whose wine won. Prior to the Judgment of Paris, it was widely accepted that California wines could not compete with French wines. The 1973 vintage from Montelena was made by Mike Grgich, a Croatian immigrant who became one of the best American winemakers. Chateau Montelena made a name for itself with Chardonnay, but it also makes a remarkably good Zinfandel, and they make it in the style of the Old World. That is as it should be since Zinfandel is a genetic twin to Primitivo in Italy and this unpronounceable varietal from Croatia: Crljenak Kastelanski. Grgich brought his Old World appreciation for balance and restraint to winemaking, and those values are still practiced at Chateau Montelena and Grgich Hills Estate (formerly Cellar), the winery he founded in 1977. Zinfandel is the third most common red grape grown in California, primarily because the bulk of it goes to make White Zinfandel, which we will not be making fun of in this issue. (Actually, if you try the Turley White Zinfandel, you will have found a delicious Zinfandel rosé and a reason not to make fun of the pink-headed stepchild of rosé.) Basically, there are three styles of California Zinfandel—four if you count Port: dry and balanced, jammy and unbalanced, and the aforementioned White 64

Zinfandel, which typically is a rosé with too much residual sugar. The jammy style works fine for dessert because Zinfandel is full of red and black berry flavors, and those pair great with dark chocolate. Really, that’s all that needs to be said about it. Making really good, balanced Zinfandel usually involves small yields, so production is low and prices are correspondingly high. Zinfandel is high in alcohol by volume, typically in the 14–17 percent range, so moderation is absolutely required. Oklahoma recently received the first shipments of Bedrock Wine Company’s line of Zinfandels. The team at Bedrock doesn’t just make Zinfandel. They are part of a larger cooperative committed to preserving some of California’s most ancient vines and varietals that are near extinction. Several of those wines are available in the state, too, and the Zinfandel from Bedrock tends to be in the more affordable spectrum in this style. One name in California is perhaps more associated with Zinfandel than any other: Turley. Like another Zinfandel legend—Carlisle, which will be in the state by press time— Turley’s mailing list has a waiting list that seldom gets shorter. A couple of Turley wines can be found in wine shops like Broadway Wine Merchants, Freemans, and Edmond Wine Shop, but most are only available in restaurants. Honestly, while the different vineyards have terroir-driven nuances, any Turley Zinfandel is going to be fantastic. Rather than spring for a bottle of this style as an introduction, two affordable examples of dry Zinfandel are available by the glass at metro restaurants. Packard’s has Jason Stephens, a slightly more fruit-forward Zinfandel, but one that retains its balance. West, both in Bricktown and on N. Western, has Haraszthy, which tends toward the drier side. Both are excellent with food and without. The Metro Wine Bar & Bistro also has a Turley by the glass. Metro sells by the ounce, too, making it even easier to try Zinfandel the way it’s supposed to be. Greg Horton is Territory’s wine columnist.

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POINTS NORTH Hoot | Shhh It's Vegan | The Smooth Finish


by Jack Fowler, photos by Brittany Phillips Hoot Gibson doesn’t own a pair of jeans. He never will. His father owned Gibson Mercantile in Grove. It Some mornings, he’ll open up McCall’s, the Edmond served as a one-stop-shop for everything from saw blades haberdashery he has owned for 62 years, and stand quietly to suits. “We had groceries on one side of the store and behind the streetfront window as the corner of 1st and clothes on the other side,” said Gibson of his first retail Broadway wakes up and goes about its business. He’ll job, which he kept through high school. “I learned pretty stand there alone with the stacks and rows of sport coats quick that I liked working on the clothing side much and ties and suits and shirts, better. I had to work pretty hard clothes so beautiful and artfully on the grocery side, but I began to rendered that most men rarely wear really enjoy helping people with “When he remembers his them anymore, and Hoot feels a their clothes.” beginnings, it sounds less familiar sting as he looks out over Gibson, like so many men of a country that’s lost its style. that age, put his knack on hold for like an indictment of “I think casual Fridays started a minute during WWII. He joined today’s T-shirt culture the demise of the way people dress the Marine Corps and served three and more like a love song in this country,” Gibson said. “You years before coming home and know, there was a time where you landing a job working for Lewis for a dying art form.” wouldn’t dream of getting on an McCall, who ran a men’s clothairplane without getting dressed ing store in downtown Norman. up. You wouldn’t even go to a baseGibson worked at McCall’s while ball game. Now, I can watch people walk to work in stuff I studying at OU, and after graduation, he enrolled in New wouldn’t be caught mowing my lawn in.” York University’s School of Retailing. While earning his Gibson is 92. He’s not bitter, not crusty. Courteous and master’s degree there, Gibson made a buck an hour workelegant, startlingly ageless, with a voice so soft it invites ing at Brooks Brothers on Manhattan’s Madison Avenue, you to lean in closer when he’s telling stories. He almost honing his retail skills, developing a sense of style he seems sad when he talks about a time when men cared wouldn’t have learned in Norman, even selling a tie or two about their clothes. When he remembers his beginnings, to Clark Gable. it sounds less like an indictment of today’s T-shirt culture He missed home, though, and asked McCall if he and more like a love song for a dying art form. could have his old job back. “(McCall) was big-hearted,” “I grew up during the Depression,” said Gibson. “For a Gibson said of the man who gave him his start. “He told long time, I only had one pair of overalls, at least until I me if I could find a storefront, he’d back me and I could started getting my brother’s hand-me-downs after he went run it. So I found this building all the way up in Edmond, to college. But working in my dad’s store was the first time Oklahoma. He had no idea where Edmond was. When he I learned that I had a knack for clothes.” finally came to town, he said, ‘Why the hell do you want continues on page 79 70

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Because your smile is the best gift of all. Mary Casey-Kelly, DDS | Katherine Lawrence Johnson, DDS 5653 N. Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City 73118 | (405) 232-9721 cjdentalstudio.com | Mon–Thurs: 8:30–5:00


by Emily Hopkins, photos by Bayley Jackson

It’s an origin story for the modern age. Boy and girl share a ride to a Beach House concert with a mutual friend. Boy and girl hit it off. Boy and girl move in together a month later, share an appreciation for vegan food and certain extracurricular activities, and launch a truly unique food truck serving up conscious comfort food for the masses. So goes the birth of The Loaded Bowl, a labor of love by husband-and-wife team Jon and Tevin Grupe. This popular vegan food truck now offers a new take-home service for those wanting to devote a little more of their plate to healthy comfort foods. The Loaded Bowl’s decidedly untraditional attitude accounts for much of its success. Nowhere on the side of their pristine green and white truck will you find the word “vegan”—in fact, many an inebriated reveler have blown right past reading the menu’s fine print to declare the Bowl’s lasagna the best they’d ever had. It’s every health-conscious foodie’s fantasy: a dish that harkens to the warmth of mama’s kitchen while slyly packing a punch of legitimate vitamins and nutrients. None of that “pizza is a vegetable” nonsense, nor worries about how consumption will make you feel twenty minutes later. “When people hear the word ‘vegan,’ especially in Oklahoma, they think hummus, salad, carrots, that’s it,” Tevin said. “We’ve both been vegans for awhile, but we love junk food and comfort food. We just wanted to provide accessible options for people—mac ‘n’ cheese, lasagna—stuff that was familiar.” Many would argue that food is the 21st century opiate of the masses, and the Grupes are apt to agree. They described their patrons as mostly non-vegan, people who are drawn to the idea of real food presented in a delicious

way. Just about the only negative comment we’ve heard is fans wish the truck was out more. The Grupes’ latest unconventional idea extends its offerings: an online meal planning service. Rich and creamy cashew mac ‘n’ cheese or layered enchiladas from the truck is identical to what’s ordered online through their meal service—and no added cost for convenience. The dishes even come in reusable containers (to be returned, of course) for that added grab-and-go accessibility. The couple reports the service is attracting everyone from elders needing to lower cholesterol to moms unwilling to sacrifice health for ease. “One thing we’ve always hated about going out to eat is how much is wasted,” Tevin said. “We decided to use (reusable) containers that can go from fridge to freezer to oven to dishwasher to microwave easily. It’s nice knowing we’re not sending people home with a bag of trash.” Far from it. All bags are packed with freshly-prepared, all-organic, veggie-loaded meals made with seasonal, mostly local ingredients. “Our marinara sauce, which is based on my mom’s recipe, has apples, carrots, green peppers, sweet potatoes and celery,” Jon said. “We also get a lot of produce from Tevin’s mom’s farm in Chickasha. She might call and say she has 60 butternut squashes for us, and we just say, ‘We’ll take them.’” The Grupes are in the process of nailing down a commercial space to expand production, provide cooking classes and, one day, create a non-mobile version of The Loaded Bowl. Until then, conscious comfort-food lovers, make some space in your fridge. You’re going to need it. TheLoadedBowlTruck.com 73

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by Kris Kettner, photo by Bayley Jackson

THE SMOOTH FINISH Preparation is key to surviving an Oklahoma winter. At some point, the TV weather people will report the approach of an icy hell and grimly advise us to gather a month’s supply of food, water, and toilet paper. Then we’ll wake up the next day to 60° temps and be forced to eat all that chili we made out of sheer panic. The one time you dismiss the reports and don’t get ready is when it’ll happen; you know that. There you’ll be—cold, alone, and with no frito chili pie. Devastating. The holidays, like sheets of ice, will arrive. We at Barrels and Mash propose a better survival strategy: Bourbon and dark beer! Here’s what’s on our list this season. ANTHEM’S FESTIVUS It doesn’t get any better than this perfect winter beer. Time spent in Bourbon barrels brings fantastic Christmas spice along with oak, toffee and a great, boozy smoothness. Let this warm up slightly in your glass first, and then kick back by a fire and let Anthem melt it all away. BLACK MESA’S LOS NARANJOS If you tried last year’s Ethiopian Ardi release, then I don’t have to tell you to be excited. Black Mesa puts a new spin on their coffee stout, this year with a Colombian bean

that brings a silky texture with notes of cocoa and hints of citrus. (Naranjos means “orange,” after all.) As this beer is brewed to highlight that coffee bean, I’m thinking it’s atotally acceptable morning treat. BOOKER’S This is a big and strong Bourbon that normally clocks in between 120- and 130-proof, the perfect strength to keep you warm and a wee tuned out. This small-batch Bourbon has aromas of brown sugar and black tea, and tastes like sweet cinnamon, vanilla, and dry oak in delicate balance. E.H. TAYLOR SINGLE BARREL Single-barrel Bourbons are like snowflakes; while the overarching style will remain consistent, each barrel carries subtle, fascinating differences. E.H. Taylor’s Single Barrel releases are always fantastic and will have things like strawberry, vanilla, and nutmeg in the aroma with a great sweet and spicy taste with notes of almonds and cherries. Also, these bottles come in cool tubes with fancy script-y writing on them, so you’ll look like pure class bringing one to your holiday shindig. For more recommendations see barrelsandmash.com.

TERRITORY PHOTO CREDITS Creative talent blesses OKC big time. Most of our ads were produced specifically for Territory. Many helped with these original ads. The following photographers took our ad photos. For more info or bios of our writing contributors, please visit our website territoryokc.com. udånder: Emily Ann Hughes. Interior Gilt: Courtney Waugh, make-up styling by Chelsey Ann Artistry, fashion styling by Jenny Wirt, hair styling by Ali Earnheart & model Jessi Chapman courtesy of brink models. Vintage Reclaimed Lumber: Courtney Waugh. Naifeh Fine Jewelers: Josh Welch, make-up styling by Chelsey Ann Artistry, fashion styling by Linda Trippe, hair styling by Ali Earnheart & model Ariana of Brink Models. Carlton Landing: Provided. Midtown Vets: Provided. Exhibit C: Provided. Scott Cleaners: Courtney Waugh. OKCMOA: Provided. OKC Ballet: Provided. Red Prime: Provided. Lorec Ranch: Provided & Trace Thomas (Ranch Collection). Packard’s: Courtney Waugh. Barre3: Josh Welch. Midtown District: Shiloh Rayne Orthodontic Arts: Provided. Dust Bowl & Fassler Hall: Courtney Waugh. Chae: Courtney Waugh. Territory Toddy: Trace Thomas. Oklahoma Designer Showhouse: Provided. Trichology: Provided. The Consortium: Josh Welch. Republic: Provided. Bebe’s: Courtney Waugh, styling by Karen Samis. FNB Bank: Trace Thomas. Paper ‘N More: Courtney Waugh. Casady: Provided. CJ Dental: Courtney Waugh. ZT Cigars: Courtney Waugh. First Med: Simon Hurst.


Quality Healthcare Quickly


EDMOND (Danforth and Kelly) 1221 N Kelly Ave (405) 844-1633

NORTHWEST OKC (Memorial and MacArthur) 13401 N MacArthur Blvd

SOUTH OKC (I-240 and S Walker) 7807 S Walker Ave (405) 636-0767

NORTH OKC (Memorial and Penn) 13420 N Pennsylvania Ave (405) 478-0633

NORTHWEST OKC (NW 39th and Meridian) 4510 NW 39th Expressway (405) 495-5841

SOUTHWEST OKC (S Western and SW 104th) 1140 SW 104th St (405) 691-3100

Fred Hall story continued from page 22

unschooled German immigrant, the architect developed the “Kahn System.” At the start of the 20th century, factories were constructed of timbers and masonry, making them fire-prone and cavelike. Interior posts also impeded assembly lines and mechanization. Kahn developed a proprietary process for reinforcing concrete, which allowed him to change utterly what was possible for massive structures. Kahn’s support posts were spaced so widely that, in 1910, Ford could fulfill his vision for a conveyor belt to take a Model T from its first parts assembly and onto the street under one roof. The radical reduction in production time and cost allowed by that helped transform autos from novelty toys for the leisure class to mass-produced commodities for everyday people. Kahn’s futuristic factories also brought a heightened sense of humanity to the usually dark and oppressive blue-collar work conditions. Kahn’s herculean concrete columns at the center of the building meant tons of windows could now adorn exterior walls. Natural light flooded factory floors. Ford’s Detroit Model T plant was dubbed the “Crystal Palace.” Innovation and efficiency meant Ford could expand to places like Oklahoma City. One spring day in 1916, just before the new Kahn-designed factory was finished on West Main, a young man pulled into the Rock Island train station behind the Skirvin Hotel. It was Fred Jones’s 24th birthday, and the train ride from Chattanooga had been a long one. He made the journey west to visit his cousin, and to see for himself this Plains boomtown. “This was the golden age of agriculture,” explains Blackburn. “Farmers were making money and could afford a vehicle for 400 bucks” Jones stayed, and secured a job as a stock boy at the new Model T plant, earning 35 cents an hour. He served in World War I, and afterwards, returned for a job as manager. Within a few short years, Fred Jones was the largest Ford dealer in the Southwest. Then change came again. By 1934, Oklahoma families were less likely to buy a new car than to strap everything they owned onto their Fords and head for the state line. Ford stopped assembly in OKC. So Fred Jones innovated. He began reconditioning engines and parts, a smart move during thrifty times. When he passed away in 1971, Jones was the owner of the largest authorized Ford remanufacturing company in the country. Detroit’s rise from an agrarian river town was based on equal parts innovation and grit. There is a natural symbiosis between these two cities. When Fred began his own remanufacturing business, Henry Ford allowed Fred to

use his company’s iconic, scrolled “F” on its signage. That was the first and last time Henry paid such tribute. “Risk comes from hard times,” says Blackburn, a historian who knows a thing or two about the rise and fall of the state. “One of the basic fundamentals any successful business person has to have is to be willing to expand and try new things. Fred Jones had that.” In a sense, the Depression lasted until the 1960s for downtown OKC, says Blackburn. Suburban sprawl abandoned the city core after WWII. Urban renewal in the ’60s and ’70s demolished much of what was left. “Downtown Oklahoma was frozen in time,” Blackburn says. Luckily, the Jones family already possessed the Ford plant and a heartfelt commitment to maintain it. Kahn’s ideas carried forward to mid-century modernism, and into today. Kahn’s sunny, open floor plans and sturdy architectural bones sets the stage for the new 21C Museum Hotel. The founders of the 21C brand, like the Jones family, are known for acting as major muscle behind rebooting urban neighborhoods in secondary markets. The first 21C was located in an old building on the seedy side of downtown Louisville. Owners Steve Wilson and his artist wife Laura Brown are determined to revitalize old buildings and neighborhoods, and have four locations with that many more in development. 21C properties draw locals as much as visitors with excellent restaurants, edgy art galleries, and gathering spaces. Says the brand’s Senior Vice President Molly Swyers, “It’s sort of a happy accident that it turned into what we now refer to as a community cultural center. But it brings so much vitality.” Kismet took over when talks began between 21C and the Jones-Hall family. The Jones Building and Louisville hotel share almost identical addresses, both on West Main. Both families share a passion for art and culture. The fact that both properties have a view of the city jail and share their sidewalks with the homeless seems to concern no one. “Not many things can be the basis of a platform,” says Hall. “21C is great for that. Looking at Louisville, 21C brought all the great things that are happening. Everything there has grown toward what that hotel embodies.” In the blocks surrounding the 21C-OKC, more is planned. This being Fred Hall, founder of OKC Fest, a live music venue called The Jones Assembly opens this summer with help from musician Graham Colton and entrepreneur Brian Bogert. Other restaurants and residential, too. Thanks to a multi-generational and constantly evolving reinvention of Henry Ford’s and Albert Kahn’s visionary structure, OKC has the opportunity to learn something else about its history, and its future. 77

Doug Sorocco story continued from page 23

vandalism. I’ve seen them clean up trash. I’ve seen them pushing other people who are causing a disturbance away. We don’t have people sleeping in our doorways. Tell me about being chairman of the Spina Bifida Association of America. My parents instilled in me at a very young age, that you give back—that there’s always someone else worse off than you. It was always about volunteering and giving back to someone else who is less fortunate. I had the opportunity to sit on the board of the association when I was 28 years old and then become the chairman when I was about 35 for 3 years. There I learned a lot about other people and their challenges. That’s what gave me empathy for people in other circumstances, because Spina Bifida is the most prevalent, permanently-disabling birth defect. How do you think that colors the way your firm approaches people? For me, it comes back to empathy. Can you see the problem through someone else’s eyes and understand why they are reacting the way they are? It always comes down to whether we can look into that other person and understand. Greg Horton and Tyler Barron contributed to this interview.

Airbnb story continued from page 36

In Venice, Calif., citizens are protesting Airbnb use because the owners of apartment complexes have found it more profitable to rent short-term via Airbnb, limiting housing availability in rent-controlled areas. In OKC, the Airbnb economy will continue. White, the OKC councilman, emphasized that code enforcement is complaint-driven, meaning inspectors don’t drive around looking to play “gotcha” on Airbnb hosts. “When regulation comes, it needs to be done fairly,” he said. ”I think a $2,000 annual fee is too much for someone who only has one or two rooms to rent.” Likewise, he said, lodging businesses have been operating long before Airbnb’s origins, and it is unfair for them to continue operating within regulations while unfettered competition threatens their market. McBee is managing editor of NonDoc.com, a new OKC-based site devoted to real news, culture, and community. They’re well worth a follow.

Guyutes story continued from page 49

If you’ve never had a Cheeto-crusted chicken wrap, Guyutes will be your first chance to try one. The menu is a swirling mass of contradictions and experimentation, also featuring more than 100 craft beers. Friedel and Perotka, Edmond natives, worked stints in the restaurant and construction industries before pursuing their dream of opening a restaurant and bar. Their passion was to make a “footprint in a city full of possibilities.” Idealistic and optimistic, in 2009 they set out to make a splash in a gritty part of town with a goal of serving healthy, unique dining options during the latenight hours. Like its creators and kitchen, visitors to Guyutes have to bring an attitude of openness and exploration. Not every meal we tried was perfect. But precious few bars in Oklahoma City stage a from-scratch menu. (This in itself deserves our support.) Truly memorable: the beautifully fragrant and perfectly prepared Okra-homa—seasoned, grilled okra with housemade lemon-pepper aioli, as well as the Catphish Wontons. It’s easy to snicker, Cheech & Chong style, at some of the names on the menu (like we said, Phish…). It reads like a dream set for a chef ’s jam band, in a good way: overflowing with ideas, passion, and a couple of meh items that will be weeded out eventually. “At first (creating Guyutes) was completely unrealistic, and then things just started happening,” Perotka said. The things he referenced included good and bad news. It took a denial from the planning commission and a City Council vote to get to this point. Several Mesta Park residents voiced noise level and parking concerns, an ongoing issue in the Uptown 23rd area and other developing sections of Oklahoma City. Eventually, the issue was brought to the Oklahoma City Council where the permit was approved by a unanimous vote. Friedel and Perotka said the council members generously expressed their support for revitalizing the 23rd Street district, which is encouraging for other new business owners wanting to add their flavors, ideas, and unique services to Uptown’s growing supply of opportunities. “I love where we are with the city right now,” Perotka said. “It’s still in somewhat of an embryonic stage.” When you go to Guyutes, the guys want you to introduce yourself. You should also know that Cheetos are lurking somewhere on the menu, probably in more than one place. The owners want to talk to you for another reason, too. They want to talk about Phish, because they have a story, specifically how the jam band’s song “Guyute” inspired this young, idealistic, food-and-musicloving duo. But first you gotta get there. 730 NW 23rd at Shartel (405) 702-6960 / guyutes.com


photo courtesy of the artist

Hoot story continued from page 70

Levi Parham story continued from page 56

recorded demos for a new record Moreland is putting together. John Calvin and I ended up being asked to perform for the guests, opening for Moreland, which was awesome. We sat around a campfire outside that night. I slept on the couch of the den, and when I woke up Moreland had come in and immediately started trying to put down a song he had obviously just woke up with in his head. That was an amazing and memorable time. You mentioned that folks were so hospitable on this tour… We had booked a show at Callaghan’s in Mobile with the help of a friend, Daniel Meshad. Callaghan’s is a small place but hosts acclaimed artists on their way to the top. Jason Isbell, Justin Townes Earle, Shovels and Rope, and many many others have performed there. This is a great venue, and Daniel went down there and spoke with the owner, personally convincing him to book us. The unpredictable world that it is, about a week or so before the show, Daniel’s best friend passed away. In the wake of such a tragedy, Daniel decided to invite the entire family and make the show into a sort of memorial. This place was packed to the brim with folks, all there to celebrate this man’s life. I was very nervous at first, but the love in the room was palpable. Everyone was there for one reason, and we all connected somehow. It was unlike any other show I’ve ever had. Without the kindness of Daniel, that would have never happened. For info on Parham’s upcoming shows and such, see leviparham.com.

to put a store way up here? There’s nothing up here but pool halls and barber shops.’” McCall’s was a pool hall, but in the summer of 1953, Gibson used a little elbow grease—and exactly 45 hours of manual labor from his good friend James Garner, who used the wages to move to California and take a shot at the movie business. Together, they created what eventually became an Edmond institution. As for Gibson, he’ll continue to look immaculate, thanks very much. His shoes are shined. His brilliant white hair is coiffed. His pocket square is perfect. He wears a suit every day, and after speaking to him for 10 minutes, you can’t imagine him wearing anything else. The visual is nearly impossible to conjure, like a horse with its hands in its pockets or your father wearing a kimono. He wears a suit so elegantly, so comfortably, that it looks as if he was born in it. “I think if you don’t care how you look, then it’s harder to feel good about yourself,” Gibson said. “If I came downtown in short pants and flip-flops, I’d feel terrible. When I dress well, I feel good.” Gibson wants to help you feel good, too. “You know, when I go to church on Sundays, everybody looks at me and says, ‘Oh my goodness, you look so good,’” he said, grinning. “I always tell them, ‘Well, come on down to the shop. I can help.’”

Chiaroscuro (Her) story continued from page 80

“Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?” —Casino Royale by Ian Fleming VESPER Three measures (2 oz.) Gordon’s Prairie Loyal Gin, One measure (roughly 2/3 oz.) Prairie Wolf Vodka, Half a measure (roughly 1/3 oz.) Kina Lillet Blanc Shake it very well until it’s ice cold. Then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Serve in a chilled Martini glass (or whatever she desires). VIEUX CARRE Add equal parts (3/4 oz each) Michter’s Straight Rye, Germain Robin Brandy, and Punt e Mes Sweet Vermouth in whatever is handy as a mixing glass. Add a barspoon (1/8 oz.) of Benedictine and a dash each of Angostura and Peychaud’s bitters, several dashes of bitters. Stir until cold enough. Serve “up” neat in a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish. 79


CHIAROSCURO (HER) story and recipes by Robb Lindsey, photography by Alex Rodriguez I work late hours. Odd hours. Late and odd enough to alter the sleeping, eating, and drinking habits of my soonto-be-wife. And though she is remarkable in infinite ways, this does not change the fact that my chosen occupation often disrupts our lives. I’m a bartender—a career one, in fact. That alone should say enough about my fiancée’s patience, kindness, and love. On the odd night that we both share away from the job or, for me, out from “behind the stick,” Christina and I love to dance in the light of new restaurants and bars, of flickering candles and humming crowds. Such is the season we are in now. As is the contemplative nature of my craft, I tend to get lost in the shadows, be they cloudy and disappointing or mysterious and new. She pulls me back into the light, always. We leave a lamp lit in our home always; a beacon, a lure. She’s always the one to leave it on. Shuffling in from the brisk cold, we shove off our brogues and heels. “One more,” is in my nature, and often her sweet request. So I kick off the frost and head to my post. Providing for Christina that nightcap punctuation at the end of such nights is my sacred duty and the benefit of my craft. 80

I am a bartender who is fascinated with the art, craft and science of cocktails. But at this time of night, I tend not to care about garnishes nor craft etiquette… no cherries or peels, often the “wrong” glass. I make a Vesper, one of her favorites. She tends to drink brown when we’re decompressing, white when we’re celebrating. On this night, there is no decompression. Crisp, boozy, and clean—a “modern” classic—I shake without deference to a crowd of patrons. Only for her, baubles and smiles and bare feet. For myself, a classic taken not too seriously. I still chill the glass (I’m not an animal), but beyond that no syrups, citrus, or the lot. Straight booze: equal measure. Sweet vermouth, rye, and cognac. A sloppy bar spoon of Benedictine. Dashes (not sure how many nor which kind) of bitters. Now this is a cocktail. The drinks matter ever so little. It’s the ritual. It’s the light. It’s the love. Though a nightcap may be the intended end to a night, that idea holds nothing to us. We are as we are. Together. From darkness to light. Chiaroscuro. Recipes on page 79. Robb Lindsey is Territory’s spirits columnist.

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