TerrierGroupV9N1 Winter 2023

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Winter 2023


TG www.TerrierGroup.org

Table of Contents Volume 9 Number 1 • Winter 2023



Editorial Muriel Lee

Terrier Holiday Greetings


Evaluating Temperament and Structure for Performance Prospects

Barbara A. Gibson Ph.D


A Look at Books

Mary Larsen


A Fond Memory of the 2000 Montgomery County Terrier Show

Claude ReMaynes


MCKC 2023 Results & Photos


REMEMBERING: William Frederick Stifel II 1922-2017

Muriel Lee


The Underground: Gettin’ Down & Dirty with Earthdog

Canine Health Foundation

Kathy Wakefield 50 Making Strides. Wearable Tech for Canine Athletes TerrierGroup 2023 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Disclaimer: the editor reserves the right to refuse, edit, shorten or modify any material submitted. The editor’s decision on all printed material is final. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher can not be held responsible for breach of copyright rising from any material supplied. No responsibility is taken for errors and inaccuracies or claims in advertisements.Anyone wishing to contribute their artwork, short stories or comments can submit them to melanie@terriergroup.org



Advertisers • Winter 2023 Sarah Joy Calderon..................................................... 38-39

Stacy McWilliams.................................................. Cover, 13

Jennifer Chappel.................................................. Cover, 13

Jack Meyer................................................................... 38-39

Marianne and Ernie Conti................................................ 37

Susan Miley........................................................................ 41

Paul Crescenzo.................................................................. 41

Reita & Craig Nicholson.............................................. 14-15

Laurie Friesen................................................................ 22-23

Theresa Nesbitt............................................................. 54-55

Great Lakes All Terrier Association................................... 26

Heather Roozee................................................................ 8-9

Lenore Hedemark................................................. Cover, 13

Debi and Steve Russell................................................. 34-35

Lynn Kitch .......................................................... Back Cover

Cheryl and David Stanczyk............................................. 27

Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Chicago................................. 48

Deborah Sutton................................................. Back Cover

MAC Fine Art...................................................................... 40

Terri and Berry VandeZande............................................ 21

Dee Mapley........................................................... Cover, 13

Maripi Wooldridge............................................ Back Cover Stacy Zimmerman................................................. Cover, 13

Thank You Advertisers!

Winter 2023


Muriel Lee • EDITORIAL

TerrierGroup Editorial It won’t be long now and the holidays will be upon us. The dog show season will slow down and owners and handlers, not to mention the dogs, will have a few days of rest and a chance to regroup. Better yet, time to spend with friends and relatives, a chance to rest up and to get a new lease on life. Here in the North at this time of writing, we’ve had a first snow covering the pumpkins, the gardens have been put to bed and garden tools have been cleaned and stored. This is the time to regroup! Take stock of the dogs in your kennel, think about spring breedings, and get one or two dogs stripped out for the upcoming show season. And don’t forget about the old guys in your kennel who may need a good cleaning up, and make sure they will be warm and comfortable in the upcoming months. Our book editor reviews Piglet, The Unexpected Story of a Deaf Blind Pink Puppy and his Family by Melissa Shepherd. This is a book you can consider as a present for a family member or a friend…a nice story with meaning. End of the year is a good time to look back and our writer Claud ReMaynes has a good story about a past Montgomery County. Kathy Wakefield’s excellent article on earthdog training is a must read, and dogthemed seasonal cards are always of interest. The AKC Foundation Stock Services (FSS) came out with four terrier additions: the Brazilian Terrier, the Jag Terrier, the Japanese Terrier and the Teddy Roosevelt Terrier. Of the four, the Teddy sounds the cuddliest, if a terrier can be cuddly. The former president never had a terrier but the breed, of the four, is considered to be the most American. The following terriers are considered to have contributed to the genetic makeup of the



Teddy Roosevelt: the English Black and Tan, the Smooth Fox Terrier, the Bull Terrier, Manchester Terrier and a few more breeds are in the background. Whew! The Teddy Roosevelt was, at times, considered to be a mixed breed. This is a low-stationed, muscular dog and the tail is usually docked. With the legalization of marijuana more cats and dogs are ending up at their veterinarian after having enjoyed some of the weed that has been left out, especially when mixed in with cookies and cakes. First, put your stuff away in a place where the animals can’t get into it! Second, if it does happen, “remember that dogs are five times more sensitive to marijuana than their owners.” If you think your dog may have ingested some, call your vet or the animal poison center immediately. Treatments will include intravenous fluids and induced vomiting. Kerrin Winter-Churchill had an excellent article recently in the Canine Chronicle… Death, Dogs and Archives. This is especially important if you have had a dog, or dogs, who have contributed significantly to a breed, either by wins, but more importantly, by the progeny that have been produced. Old photos of show wins have no meaning if there is not information on the back of the photo: name of dog, breeder, owner, sire and date of birth etc. Any club historian who gets these photos will be very appreciative! And THEN, if you have had a number of winners and producers, make sure someone in your family will forward these artifacts on to the historian of the national club, or the AKC Library, upon your death. Never a fun nor an easy topic, but an important one. Kerrin has saved several large collections, the most important one, the archives (considerable) of the famed handler

and judge, Percy Roberts. The history of our sport and the animals and individuals who have made the history needs to be preserved for the future.

Below are some nice terrier paintings, courtesy of the William Secord Art Gallery,New York City.

Veterinarian fees are on the rise, as everything is now in our economy. Learn the advantages of pet insurance, take preventive care seriously, and start this before your dog becomes seriously ill. Remember, when you have to call the emergency vet, the first thing he will tell you is to bring your credit card. (And, of course, this is always about four AM when your regular vet is sound asleep in his bed.) From the U.K. not a dog story, but an animal story… “First, get your goat” a story in the October 18th Country Life magazine. A couple, when living in the countryside, always kept a few goats to clear the land. The owner said, “My overriding memory is that the goats are difficult to herd and impossible to find.” She has 300 goats and 900 acres (only in England) for the goats but they are rarely seen as they rove and roam for miles. Her shop, however, consists of a huge collection of goat related items. She is one of the few Britishers who is raising goats for meat whereas it was noted that a few hundred years ago there would be as many goats as sheep. In the same issue of the magazine is a full page photo of a Leicester Longwool sheep, pictured here. Take a look at this you Puli owners – your job could be worse!

Good holidays and a healthy New Year to all of our readers and advertisers. We are here for your suggestions, comments and of course, advertising! Muriel Lee - Editor

Winter 2023





Holiday Terriers



Ter r ier Greet ing s f ro m Ho l i days Go n e By ...

Winter 2023


Holiday Terriers



Winter 2023


MACmacgd@comcast.net 14 TerrierGroup.org

Winter 2023


TG Barbara A. Gibson, Ph.D.

Evaluating Temperament AND Structure in Performance Prospects Oftentimes when you ask a performance exhibitor how they chose their terrier pup or dog to train for competition, their top response will be it is based on the dog’s temperament. Indeed, in recognition of breeders who include a sound temperament in their breeding program, some terrier breed parent clubs recognize the passing of a certified temperament test with an AKC title. But I am a strong believer that temperament is only part of the equation when it comes to a successful terrier partner in dog sports. How many of you reading this and participating in dog sports have said, ‘I don’t want a show dog… I only want a pet dog to do sports.” In principle though, you DO want a show dog and why you ask? Let me explain. Conformation dogs (aka “show dogs”) theoretically represent the best breeding stock conformation-wise, with the aim to meet the breed standard as set by the parent breed club. For terriers, this ideally directly relates to their purpose – form following function. So “show dogs” should have solid form which allows for the terrier to best do the job it was bred to do. But, as any responsible breeder or long-time conformation judge will tell you, there is no such thing as a perfect dog. Let that sink in for a minute. Again, there is no such thing as a perfect dog. Even the most best in show winning terrier will have some sort of “flaw.” But in any conformation show on any day, it is up to the judge to decide which of the dogs presented best meets its breed standard and shows that terrier temperament. How does this relate to performance dog sports? Each terrier breed standard describes the proper structure the breed should have. The breed standard may also speak to ear set, teeth, eyes and coat. But for those of you doing sports with their terrier you absolutely want the ideal structure that is sought after in a “show dog.” You may ask, does every show dog have the 16


ideal structure? No. And how can you tell when it does? What should you look for? And why does it really matter if your dog has good structure, if you have a terrier with an awesome, eager, high drive temperament?

The Importance of Structure As an instructor in both agility and rally obedience, I have seen firsthand the impact of poor structure on my students’ dogs’ ability to run, jump, successfully do contacts, or even walk properly and sit straight. I have also witnessed how competitors have tried to use massage, laser therapy, etc. as a crutch to help their dogs perform better, when alas, the core problem was poor structure which lends itself to a dog developing injuries and/or arthritis at an early age, especially when exacerbated by strenuous activity such as experienced in agility competition. So what are the pieces of a well-structured dog, and how do you identify them? First, read your breed’s standard, which can be found on your parent club’s website or the AKC website. It should describe the ideal structure (including height, length of back, etc.) for your terrier to serve its function. But regardless of breed, there are some fundamental commonalities one should look for and though this article only touches the surface, it hopefully will give you enough knowledge and interest to explore in greater depth your breed’s structure as it follows its function.

Fronts The front of a dog could perhaps be considered one of the most important structural elements to consider when selecting a puppy for performance sports. Key elements of the front assembly include the lay and position of a dog’s shoulder blades, the length of shoulder blade vs.

jump. It could also cause the dog to tire more quickly as it takes more effort (strides) to cover an area than a dog with a proper front.


length of upper arm, and position of the front legs relative to each other. For most breeds when standing or walking, the front legs should appear to be parallel to each other, like they are columns supporting the dog’s body. The shoulder blade should be tipped towards the rear of the dog, and the length of the shoulder blade and upper arm should be close to equal and create roughly a 90 degree angle. This is called the “lay-back” of the dog. Another term used in describing front structure is “lay-in” which refers to how much the shoulder blades at the withers point in to each other. How does this relate to how well a dog can do sports? A dog with a poor front will not have good reach, or be able to extend and lift its front legs with ease, which will impact its stride and ability to efficiently

There was once a student in my agility class that had a dog that oftentimes refused to climb the A-frame, and would run around jumps instead of taking them. It would also sometimes misstep on the dogwalk. My assistant instructor and I could see that the dog had a poor rear assembly, including cow hocks. Luckily, the student’s vet confirmed the structural issues, and also diagnosed that this two year old dog was already experiencing arthritis. This was heart wrenching news for the owner, but having learned from this experience she made sure her next performance dog had better structure suiting the sports that interested her. What should you look for in a proper rear assembly? Similar to the front, the rear hocks should look parallel to each other and be under the hip. The term cow hock describes when the hocks are turned inward, while barrel hocks describe when the hocks are turned outward. Both of these conditions impact the power of the rear drive, stability and efficient movement, which can impair a dog when climbing or going down contacts on the agility course and influence running and jumping efficiency. Moreover, similar to the front assembly, in many breeds the angle between the hip and upper thigh should be close to 90 degrees, but be sure to read your breed’s standard to know what is appropriate for your breed. Other concerns to be aware of when analyzing a dog’s rear are sickle hocks, which causes a dog to move in a stiff and restricted way due to Winter 2023


Barbara A. Gibson, Ph.D. the hock joint not being properly used in forward propulsion, and a poor croup.

Movement I will be the first to admit that learning how to inspect a dog for proper front and rear angles is not easy and I am still asking long-time breeders for their input and to show me how they go over dogs! But I am also happy to say that there is an indirect way you can get a sense of a dog’s structure and that is by observing its movement. If you have watched a judge at a conformation show, you should have seen them lay their hands on the dogs and “go over” them. This is where they are examining the dog for proper front and rear angles, correct topline, proper coat, correct bite, etc. You should also have seen the judge send the dog around the ring so that they can watch the dog move from the side, and send the dog away and back towards them in a straight line so that they can watch the dog from the rear and front. This examination of a dog’s movement lends itself to whether what the judge found regarding the dog’s structure can be seen in how well the dog propels itself. Thus, even if you, as a performance exhibitor, may not be able to feel for correct structure yet, you can see in it how well a dog moves. The side view that a judge sees as a dog goes around the conformation ring can give the judge clues as to whether the front and rear are working properly together. One example of what you do not want to see in most breeds is overreaching where the front and rear foot in a stride overlap with each other. Another example for some breeds is a dog should trot as it moves instead of pacing. Finally, while it may look



fancy, unless your breed is a miniature pincher, your dog should not have a hackney gait! In my opinion, the view of the terrier as it moves on the down and back tells much about the dog’s structure. Depending on the proper structure of your dog, it should move in what appears to be single track or double track. An example of a single track dog is the poodle, where as you increase the speed of the dog from a walk to a trot, from the front view, the front feet appear to follow the same track as the dog moves towards you. Meanwhile, due to its wider chest and shorter legs, the Scottie will appear to move in a double track, where the front legs move more in parallel tracks with respect to each other. When a dog moves away from you, try to look at its foot pads, not just its legs. Why? The grooming on many terrier breeds can prohibit a good view of its rear hocks and leg movement, but you should still be able to see the foot pads as it moves away from you. Ideally they should be located roughly parallel to each other, and not pointed in or away from each other, which could indicate incorrect hocks. Finally, as a dog moves away and towards you, it should appear as if the front and rear legs are moving in the same plane. If crabbing or sidewinding occurs, that can indicate that the dog is offsetting its movement to compensate for a structural fault which impacts it efficiency in moving.

Applying What You Learn Now that you are somewhat familiar with what to look for in good vs. bad structure in your terrier breed, you may be confused or wondering how in the world do you properly inspect a dog and apply what you have learned? I am the first to admit that is takes much practice and mentoring from someone who knows how to lay their hands on a dog and look for proper angles and correct topline. If at all possible, try to connect with different respected breeders in your breed, and ask them to show you how to properly examine a dog’s structure. Different folks may have different methods, but it should expose you to how to examine a dog to better “see” structural angles

and topline. And practice – go over your dog, and go over your friend’s dog. And remember what I stated before: there is no perfect dog. What you want, is a dog that is as close to perfect as you can get. Do not worry if your dog is slightly high in the rear, or if the front of your dog is a little straight. It does not mean that your dog is doomed to fail or do poorly. Depending on the type of fault and its severeness, there may be little to no impact on your dog’s performance. Moreover, sometimes we are not at liberty to choose a dog as a puppy, or we elect to get a dog from rescue. A dog from either of these situations may have good structure or not, just the same as those who have picked a puppy out of a litter based solely on temperament.

they are placing the dog instead of showing it. If the answer is along the lines of it does not have a good front or rear, or its topline if off or its elbows are too far out, you may want to pass on the dog. Yet if the answer is the structure is good, but the ears are too big or too wide, or the coat is too soft, you may very well want to take a closer look at that puppy or dog as your next partner in dog sports.

The goal of this article is to only make performance exhibitors more aware of the impact that structure can have on their dog’s performance in sports, as well as their longevity in dog sports. But what if there is a fault of such degree to impact your dog? I suggest adjusting your training, or the types of sports you compete in, to avoid injury to your dog and the frustration on your part. Before I knew what I know now, about structure as it relates to a dog’s ability to succeed at sports, I chose a Scottie puppy based only on temperament. As it turned out, the puppy was fairly “straight” in the front, and she also ended up being shorter than what the standard calls for. These two “faults” combined to make jumping at standard height in agility hard for her. I finally elected to have her compete at the smaller “preferred” jump height. At the time, I was disappointed and felt that I was going the easy route with my dog. Ten years later, and being a little wiser, I realized I should never have hesitated to compete with her at the lower jump height, nor should I have thought less of us as team competing. I did what was best for my dog’s ability and it lent itself to her longevity in agility as it is one of her favorite sports. And as a result we have earned three agility championships. But since that time, I have also begun to apply what I have learned about proper structure and how so very important form following function is. In summary, when selecting a future puppy or dog for competing in sports, I suggest evaluating its temperament AND its structure. If you plan to get a new performance dog from a breeder who shows in conformation, I would ask them why Winter 2023


Mary Larson

A Look at Books

Piglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf Blind Pink Puppy and His Family by Melissa Shapiro, DVM with Mim Eichler Rivas

What to do with a one pound deaf and blind double dapple colored puppy. That is the dilemma faced by veterinarian, Melissa Shapiro, when she received a call from a rescue organization she had worked with in the past. Bart, as he was named at the time, would require extensive care and training before he could be adopted. A double dapple refers to the coloring of the parents of a dog. If both have this coloring, severe birth defects can result, as is the case with Bart, renamed Piglet, because his sparse white coat allowed his pink skin to shine through. Written by Melissa Shapiro with Kim Eichler Rivas, Piglet is the story of the intended fostering, but ultimate adoption, of this special-needs little guy. Along with the story of Piglet, readers will learn about the Shapiro family’s menagerie of six dogs, four birds, along with three children, and a very understanding husband, who became known as Piglet’s “Favorite Dad”. The author tells readers about her job as a traveling vet for the county she lives in Connecticut. How, pray tell, does one train a deaf and blind puppy? From the moment Piglet arrived at the vet clinic, it became apparent he learned to recognize people by the smell of their breath. Next, his owner devised a series of taps to his body to teach him the basic commands. His little mind absorbed training like a sponge. Piglet was on his way. Dr. Shapiro set up a Facebook page along with a website, and the response was phenomenal. Soon people were responding how Piglet’s “can do attitude” helped them overcome obstacles in their lives. Soon this attitude came to be called the “Piglet Mindset”-you never know until you try. 20


The mindset consists of five Pillars of Growth: Perseverance, Empathy, Optimism, Flexibility, and Resilience. People shared how they strived to achieve the Piglet Mindset one Pillar at a time. Soon teachers were utilizing the Piglet Mindset in their classrooms, which led the way to lesson plans developed to teach the Mindset. Readers interested in finding out more about Piglet can check out pigletmindset.org on the web or Facebook. They can expect to come away from this read with their own “can do” attitude thanks to a little deaf and blind dog who never gave up.


Winter 2023




Winter 2023


Claude ReMaynes

A Fond Memory of the 2000 Montgomery County Terrier Show Ch. Westpride Significant Sybil –

Yes! Sybil, the national breed specialty winner at the 2000 Montgomery County Terrier show where she also placed third in the group! Bred and owned by Fred Melville.

The story goes… When I worked as an apprentice under Mark and Sally George, I needed to prove to myself that I could trim a Scottie. I asked Mark if I could work on Sybil as she had finished her championship that last October, blown her coat and there were no real plans for her. He approved my idea with a caveat, I could only work on her during my own time—which consisted of my one off day a week, and any time after hours when closing kennel work was completed. I agreed, but asked that he NOT advise me on what was wrong as I wanted to develop my “trimmer’s eye.” I diligently started working on her coat and furnishings and he would watch me trimming her but he kept his word and said nothing. Which in retrospect was probably difficult for him when I made a couple of mistakes! After a few months of diligent work, I felt she was ready enough for a critique of my trimming. I got her ready as if she was entered at a show and placed her on his table and asked him to come and take a look. He went over her with a fine-tooth comb, saying nothing. He stacked her and



said, “Ok, let’s enter her somewhere.” Meaning, she looked good enough to go to a show! Yea! Mission accomplished! I remember my heart beating very fast when he looked at her. I thought she looked good but would he think so? The lesson didn’t end there because when Mark George taught, he taught the entire lesson! He asked me what was my goal in showing her? What would be my purpose? “You must always have a goal when campaigning a dog and can the dog realistically achieve that goal? I thought long and hard about her goal and I said “I want her to be a group winner, a best in show winner, and to win at least one specialty.” He advised me the first two goals may be possible with strategy and planning, but the latter might prove to be difficult and he gave me the reason why, but, he also said we could certainly try! At the time, Marks’s priority dog was his Westie, Ch. Round Town the Sharper Image. Sally’s priority dog was her Soft Coated Wheaten, Ch.Harmony Robber Baron and I showed Sybil in the group. I became obsessed and wouldn’t allow anyone else to get Sybil ready. I made sure she that she was in correct weight and I was responsible for her appearance in the show ring. By fall, she’d won several group firsts and was ranked in the top five. My tenure with the Mark and Sally George ended in August. I was attending Sacramento State to finish my masters degree and to get my teaching credentials. While I no longer was a full-time assistant, I helped out at the

local shows as much as I could with my semester’s courseload. In October, the Georges went on their annual pilgrimage to the Montgomery County Terrier show. I couldn’t attend the show as it occurred during midterms. In fact, the Sunday of Montgomery County I had just left the computer lab when Mark and Sally called to give me show results. Mark said, “Mick (the Kerry) won the group, but the Scottie went third.” I asked...

“Was it Bergit’s?” “No“

“Well, was it Geoff’s ?” “No.. “ “Well, who else could’ve placed in the group at the Montgomery County show?“

The cover and cover story appearing in STCA The Bagpiper #4, 2000

“Sybil! “ “Wait, what??? Sybil!!!!” Talk about winning a specialty! The National Specialty and not only that, under Mrs. James E. Clark! Although Sybil never won an all-breed best in show, I will take a group third at the Montgomery County show over an all-breed best in show! It was moments like these I was grateful for…my dog education and the many opportunities it afforded me. More importantly, I proved to myself that I could, indeed, trim a Scottie on my own, at least well enough to take a dog out of the kennel, trim her and make her a multiple group and national specialty winner, who placed in the group at Montgomery County in 2000.

Winter 2023


TerrierGroup Photo Ops • Melanie Feldges

Montgomery County Kennel Club 2023


AIREDALE TERRIER GCHS CH TIMBERWYCK THE ROCK RATO. Owner: Heather Roozee & Susan Kuhn, Breeder: Susan M Kuhn & Cece Bolz & Tom Bolz

CAIRN TERRIER CH HJOHOO’S YES HJO CAN. Owner: Elisabeth Theodorsson & Merril Schmitt Breeder: Elisabeth Theodorsson

AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIER ZFG RAISIN CHAOS. Owner: Doreen Cross & Rebecca Cross, Breeder: Janet Parker & Kathy Knoles

CESKY TERRIER GCH CH MARUSKA NA AMAXIMIS OF CESKY DREAM’S Owner: Barbara Hopler & Brian Meind Breeder: Michael Weser

AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER GCHP CH LBK’S REBEL AND PROUD PARTY CRASHER. Owner: Traci Chlan Luisma & Lacey Benitez & Breeder: Lacey Tulloch Benitez & Luis Manuel Benitez & Carly Kramer

DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER GCHS CH VON MASER’S MADELEINE OF THE HEART. Owner: Michael Radzinski & Teresa Radzinski & Anita Simpson Breeder: Joella Maser

AUSTRALIAN TERRIER GCHB CH TEMORA REASON GONE MAD. Owner: Jennifer Sousa & Vicki Mckee Breeder: Julie Seaton & Jennifer Sousa & Vicki McKee & Jacqueline Johnson

FOX TERRIER (SMOOTH) GCH CH MILL POND NEW DYNASTY Owner: Catherine Myton Breeder: Catherine Myton


FOX TERRIER (WIRE) GCH CH DALRIADA’S JENNY EVERYWHERE CGC BCAT Owner: Cara Campbell DVM Breeder: Cara Campbell DVM & Jackie Thatcher


GLEN OF IMAAL TERRIER GCHG CH ABBERANN SWEET HOME CHICAGO. Owner: Emily Bennett & Theresa Nesbitt MD Breeder: Theresa Nesbitt MD & Lory Reinisch & Otto Reinisch

BULL TERRIER (COLORED) GCHB CH MALAJO’S FORMULA FOR A DRAMA DEVIL. Owner: Cathy & Bill Sodomsky & Krista Prater-Piles Breeder: Krista Prater-Piles & Franne Berez

IRISH TERRIER GCH CH ROCKLEDGE KNOCK ON WOOD AT THORNTON’S Owner: L M Honey & C R Comstock & S Mansfield & E Toshio Fugiwara Breeder: Eduardo Toshio Fugiwara & Sean Mansfield & Linda M Honey

BULL TERRIER (WHITE) GCH MADCAP POLKA DOTS AND PAISLEY Owner: Monica McClamrock & Jane Messineo Breeder: Jane Messineo Lindquist & Annie Glaser & Mark Lindquist

KERRY BLUE TERRIER GCHB CH KILGAWNY TAKE MY MAN Owner: John Garahan & Kathleen A Garahan Breeder: John Garahan & Harold Quigg




MANCHESTER TERRIER (STANDARD) CH CASHLANE LOVE MY PEEPS CD BN RE NA NAJ CGCA ATT Owner: Roberta L Berman & Shelley Cafferty & Michelle Barlak Breeder: Shelley Cafferty & Olivia Hodgkinson

SCOTTISH TERRIER GCH CH KRISCOTS HE’S A REBEL AT DE LA POMME Owner: Phavida Jaruthavee & Vandra Huber & H Krisko & R Cross & D Cross Breeder: Helen Krisko

MINIATURE BULL TERRIER ANCHOR UP GEDUNK Owner: Elizebeth Spain Breeder: Elizebeth Spain

SEALYHAM TERRIER GCHG CH GOODSPICE EFBE MONEY STACHE Owner: M Good & F Bergeron & E Bennett & L Spiegel & S Middlebrooks Breeder: Margery L Good & France Bergeron


SKYE TERRIER CH CRAGSMOOR SKYE BOY IS THAT GOOD Owner: Cragsmoor Knl Breeder: Cragsmoor Knl & Terry Miller & Dominque Dube

NORFOLK TERRIER CH. OWL HOLLOW’S THE HAMMER AND PENNANT Owner: Lynn Kitch & Deborah Sutton & Maripi Woodlridge Breeder: Deborah Sutton & Katrina F Dennis


NORWICH TERRIER CH FOXBRIAR’S NATIONAL PINNACLE FROM ITSY BITSY Owner: Ann Viklund & Jorge Olivera, Travis Afb Breeder: Tonnie Willrich & Gerard Willrich

STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CH IRRESISTIBLE MOONSTRUCK C’MERE TILL I TELL YA CGC ATT Owner: Judy Heller & Linda Lavender Breeder: Linda Lavender & Cindy Vanlandegen

PARSON RUSSELL TERRIER FOX VALLEY SIDE HUSTLE Owner: Julie Felten & Karen Fitzpatrick Breeder: Julie Felten

WELSH TERRIER GCHG CH ABBEYROSE BLACK CHROME Owner: M Duafala & J Anspach & P Allen & S & R Williams & D Peters Breeder: Mary Duafala & Judith Anspach & Pamela Allen

RAT TERRIER GCHB RIVER RIDGE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART Owner: Ted Vida & Stacy McWilliams & Jerry Barlet Breeder: Stacy McWilliams & Denise Hileman

WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CH DE LA FIGALFRESA UNAY Owner: Santiago Pinto & Barbara Krotts Breeder: Juan Carlos Perez Brenes

Winter 2023


errierGroup Photo Ops • Melanie Feldges



Winter 2023


TerrierGroup Photo Ops • Melanie Feldges



Winter 2023




MACmacgd@comcast.net Winter 2023


Muriel Lee

REMEMBERING William Frederick Stifel II, 1922-2017 William Stifel was born in Toledo, Ohio in 1922. After graduation from the Western Reserve Academy he attended Harvard, graduating in 1944. He served 3½ years in the Coast Guard during World War II and at the end of the war he remained in Paris, becoming an avid student of James Joyce and Ulysses. From the beginning, he was a strong advocate of the AKC Museum of the Dog, moving the museum from the AKC library to its quarters in St Louis, MO., possibly motivated by the thought that more dog lovers from throughout the country could have access to the best that dogdom had to offer in the field of art. He was an active member of The Westchester Kennel Club and an honorary member of the Kennel Club of England. Perhaps he is best known and remembered because of a wonderful book he wrote in 2001, The Dog Show: 125 Years of Westminster. Having access to the AKC library gave him ample time and room to research the show from its very beginnings in the late 1800s by a group of men. Maxwell Riddle wrote, “Westminster gets its name from a long-gone hotel in Manhattan. There, sporting gentlemen used to meet in the bar to drink and lie about their shooting accomplishments. Eventually they formed a club and bought a training area and kennel.” And where did the symbol for the club come from, the Pointer named Sensation? Sensation, in 1876, was considered to be one of the best dogs ever seen! He was imported to America, reaching our shores on November 1876. He immediately won a first and special prize at Baltimore and the following year won more special prizes and firsts at 36


shows in Boston, Baltimore and St Louis. “We shall never forget the ‘Ah’ that came up from the crowd as Sensation pointed. Or how Westminster Kennel Club stock went booming.” (At that time, Pointer entries at WKC reached 120 or so.) By 1904 “arm cards” made their debut at the show with each one carrying the number that he dog had in the catalog so the spectator could find the dog in the catalog, along with its sire and dam and birth date. This increased the interest of the spectators. This first section of the book covers over 100 pages of text and photos, containing a wealth of information and fact – some fun and some interesting, along with a few odd comments. Part II covers Best in Show with each page carrying the year, name of best in show, including whelping date, sire and dam, breeder and owner of the dog, and for the first several decades they were often bred in the U.K. and then imported to America. The photos are marvelous! Although not a terrier, one outstanding shot is of the Bulldog, Ch. Kippax Fearnought. Terrier photos are too many to mention since the terriers won many WKC bests in show! All photos are of the winner and many contain the judge, the owner and Westminster personages, a wealth of information! When handler Peter Green won BIS with the Sealyham the photos shows Green’s 12-year old daughter. Of course, the beautiful WKC trophies are usually in the photo. Stifl remained an active reader and a very active artist, designing his own Christmas cards for over 50 years leaving a vast quantity of pen and ink drawings. His obituary in The New York Times ended with, “He was a devotee of both the written and printed words and enjoyed listening to jazz and Bach.” What a lovely way to be remembered! Sources: New York Times obituary Internet: “The Dog Show: 125 Years of Westminster.” By Wm Stifl

Winter 2023





Winter 2023


Kris Kibbee



MAWinter Cmacgd@comcast.net 2023 41

Kathy Wakefield

THE UNDERGROUND Gettin’ Down n’ Dirty With Earthdogs

At surface level EarthDog doesn’t appear to be very exciting. If you dig a little deeper however, you will find it is a fun sport in which the most dedicated small terriers and dachshunds truly thrive. Not every terrier is cut out to enthusiastically dive down a roughly 9 inch by 9 inch pitch black, 30 foot long tunnel with obstructions, false dens and 90 degree turns, and then yell at some rats for a minute and a half. We like to say that the dog has to be dumb enough to want to go down the hole, but not dumb enough to get stuck or injured. Den trials, or go to ground trials, have been around for a while, and EarthDog was brought to the AKC in 1988. Their general purpose is to test a terrier’s aptitude for following, locating, working and bolting quarry (critters) up to, and into, and out of their dens. In AKC Earthdog the quarry is typically a pair of rats who are safely contained in a quarry box set at the end of the tunnel behind a barrier where the dog can see them. 42


Getting started in earthdog Bring your good attitude and grab some clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty! Oh, and your dog, of course! Officially, these are the breeds who are approved to participate in AKC EarthDog: American Hairless Terrier, Australian Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Border Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Cesky Terrier, Dachshund, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Jagdterrier, Japanese Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier, Miniature Pinschers, Miniature Schnauzer, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier, Rat Terrier, Russell Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Silky Terrier, Skye Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, Welsh Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier, and Yorkshire Terrier. Your dog can compete at six months of age or older, so long as they are not in season, and they must have an AKC, FSS or PAL number. Of course, it is a great idea to introduce them to tunnels and rats ahead of time! Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t highly recommend reading the rulebook ahead of time.

At a trial there are five different class levels and each have increasing levels of difficulty and time constraints. Again, the purpose is to test the dog’s ability to locate and “work” the quarry. “Working” the quarry comes in many forms including barking, digging, whining, chewing, scratching, or anything that audibly indicates the location of the quarry to the handler and judge... staring doesn’t count! This is the point where you encourage the dog to do all those things we don’t allow them to do at home. At all levels, except intro, the handler should remain quiet and still once the dog is released from 10 feet away into the tunnel, until instructed by the judge to retrieve the dog. A scent trail has been laid down in advance for the dog to track up to and into the den. IMPORTANT TIP! For safety reasons ALL collars, leashes, harnesses and equipment must be removed from your dog when releasing at the start line.

Winter 2023


Gettin’ Down n’ Dirty with Earthdogs


Introduction to Quarry:

Novice Earthdog (New!):

This is a non-titling, low pressure class intended to help you and your dog get comfortable and confident with the test environment and to hone their skills. You can continue to enter this class even after your dog has obtained titles in other levels. The Intro tunnel is only 10 feet long, with one ninety degree turn. At this level the handler and judge can encourage the dog to enter the tunnel and work the rats. Many handlers use this class as a warm up for their dogs.

A recently added class to earthdog, Novice is a 10-foot tunnel with one 90 degree turn, same as Intro. Upon release, the dog has two minutes to get to the quarry, and must work the quarry for 30 seconds.

One of the wonderful things handlers get to experience in this sport is seeing the “lightbulb” turn on in their dog, and seeing the way the dog works, and the intensity of their work develop overtime. With encouragement and patience a dog that starts out being very unsure of the tunnel, or who decides to just sit and stare at the quarry, will soon be an excited boisterous terror who bolts down into the den.

Okay, to be honest, it gets a bit more challenging at this point. Junior level is a 30-foot tunnel with three 90 degree turns. The dog has 30 seconds to navigate the tunnel, and then work the quarry for 60 seconds, at the end of which the handler is called over to retrieve the dog safely from the tunnel.


Don’t be discouraged if your dog doesn’t immediately understand what is expected of them! Having a positive experience is key.

Junior Earthdog:

This is a big jump from 10 feet to 30 feet! It is darker, longer, and let’s be real, I bet there’s

some spiderwebs in there too! Some terrier breeds might be more enthusiastic, or naturally adept about going to ground than others, but by no means does that mean your dog can’t or shouldn’t continue to participate in this sport.

Senior Earthdog: How’s your recall? In Senior, handlers must recall and secure (catch) their dogs out of the tunnel after they finish working. The tunnel is 30 feet long, has three 90 degree turns, and a false (empty) den. The dog must navigate the tunnel in 90 seconds and work the quarry for 90 seconds before the quarry is removed from the den and the handler is instructed by the judge to recall. Some dogs decide that they’re pretty happy down there in the tunnel and don’t want to come out. I have seen handlers down on their belly at the tunnel entrance yelling and begging their dog to come out! Some use whistles or promise treats.

Master Earthdog: At the master level the dogs run in randomly assigned pairs. With the judge and their handlers in tow they hunt 300 yards up to the den, following a scent trail. The core components a judge considers during the test are Search Ability, Obedience to Commands, Endurance, Patience, Adaptability, Independence, and Cooperation. So….a little more demanding than that unbridled terrier attitude we all know so well. Along the way the dogs will investigate an empty den. At the official tunnel, each dog will take turns having only 90 seconds to navigate the 30-foot tunnel, with three 90 degree turns, a false den AND two obstacles which simulate roots or tight spaces they would typically encounter. After 90 seconds of working the quarry the handler must quickly remove the dog from the den. The dog who is waiting its turn must “honor” the other dog by being

Winter 2023


Gettin’ Down n’ Dirty with Earthdogs

patient and as quiet as possible so as to not interfere with the work. Novice and Junior titles are earned after two qualifying runs, Senior after three, and Master after four. One can continue to enter these classes to earn the Excellent titles. Dogs who have earned a Master Earthdog title are eligible to earn Endurance Earthdog titles by entering and passing both the Master and Senior classes five times in a trial.

If you’d like to try out earthdog, resources can be found on the AKC website where you can search for clubs and events! AND, don’t be afraid to get muddy and let your small terrier go to ground and go nuts about rats! You’ll never see a happier dog than one doing what it was meant to do!



Winter 2023




Winter 2023


Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT

Making Strides Wearable Tech for Canine Athletes? Agility is one of the most popular dog sports in the world. The American Kennel Club manages over one million agility entries and United States Dog Agility Association affiliated groups conduct over 1,000 days of agility events each year! These amazing canine athletes jump, weave, and turn through a series of obstacles fighting for the fastest time among competitors in their jump height group. As with any sport, intense physical activity can expose our beloved canine athletes to the risk of injury. Just like human athletes, they face challenges like inadequate conditioning, repetitive movements, and imperfect form, which can put stress on their bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In human sports medicine, wearable technology is increasingly being used to track activity, improve performance, and

Markley • The research team sets up for data capture.



even prevent injuries. Dedicated agility dog owners and handlers want that same advantage for their canine athletes. With funding from AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) Grant 03068-A: AGILE (AGility Innovations Leveraging Electronics) - An Initial Study of Technology for Quantifying Canine Agility-specific Activity, Dr. Arielle Markley, a canine sports medicine specialist at The Ohio State University, is working to meet that need. She and her team at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Akron are developing wearable sensors that can recognize and measure dog movements common in agility training and competition. Plus they plan to develop an app that uses that wearable tech information to help agility teams optimize their performance and minimize the risk of injury. “Right now, we know very little about the risks of injury and how to prevent them in agility dogs,” Dr. Markley says. “In order to be able to understand, treat, and prevent injuries we have to have the technology to monitor dog activity in a detailed way. We are working to develop technology that can monitor canine performance so that we can detect things like overtraining and fatigue, with the hope that this technology can be used to keep our canine athletes and working dogs safe and injury-free.” The team developed a custom circuit board that can be worn on the collar of a dog performing agility (see Photo 1). Initial data proved that the wearable tech was able to discriminate which agility obstacle the dog was performing at any given time. Investigators have also started developing the

accompanying app that will allow agility handlers to measure training progress and hopefully detect possible injuries before they become severe or chronic. Thanks to the help of volunteer agility teams around the Columbus, Ohio region, data collection and analysis are well underway. “I think one of the most exciting things so far was when we got the data from the first weekend testing our new sensor,” Dr. Markley said. “We could see visible differences in the data plots between the different agility activities. So not only does the sensor work, but with machine learning we should be able to detect even smaller differences between movement patterns than we initially expected. The biggest challenge is that we almost have too much data!” Initial findings from this research will be presented at the 9th International Conference on Canine & Equine Locomotion (ICEL) in the Netherlands and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This work represents an important step to help maximize performance and prevent injury in canine athletes and working dogs. CHF and its donors have been committed to these goals since the early days of canine sports medicine and rehabilitation – funding research that benefits the physical, mental, and emotional health of service dogs, search and rescue dogs, agility dogs, and more.

In the fast-paced landscape of canine agility, wearable technology is emerging as a game-changer that keeps our canine athletes at the peak of their performance, ensuring they leap, weave, and turn with joy, while staying safe and injury-free. Stay tuned for more updates about this groundbreaking work benefitting all dogs at www.akcchf.org.

Markley • A Border Collie jumping while wearing the new sensor.

Winter 2023


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CONTACTS: ADVERTISING Reita Nicholson • Reita@terriergroup.org adinfo@terriergroup.org Muriel Lee • Editor: Muriel@terriergroup.org Melanie Feldges • Design: Melanie@terriergroup.org


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www.terriergroup.org TerrierGroup Headquarters TerrierGroup 7013 Clarendon Hills Rd. Darien, IL 60561 For Deliveries TerrierGroup 7013 Clarendon Hills Rd. Darien, IL 60561 Article Submissions Muriel Lee, Editor 7204 Perry Court West Minneapolis, MN 55429 Phone: 763.566.6795 murabiy@terriergroup.org

Subscriptions by Mail TerrierGroup 7013 Clarendon Hills Rd. Darien, IL 60561 melanie@terriergroup.org Annual Cost Online subscription - NC Printed subscription USA - $100.00 International - $120.00 Publisher Melanie Feldges 630-220-9743 Advertising Sales Reita Nicholson Reita@terriergroup.org

TerrierGroup Publication Volume 9 Number 1 Winter 2023 Editor Muriel Lee • Editor muriel@terriergroup.org Designer/Illustrator Melanie Feldges melanie@terriergroup.org Special Contributors Olga Forlicz Muriel Lee Kathy Wakefield Dr. Theresa Nesbitt MD Claude ReMaynes Mary Larson DiAnn Flory adinfo@terriergroup.org

Winter 2023




Winter 2023


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