Terra Rosa E-magazine, Issue 16, July 2015

Page 64


Fascial Fitness Workshop with Daniela Meinl, Sydney Feb 2015 By Kati Cooper Fascial Fitness, the original connective tissue conditioning program, has been growing for several years. An ever increasing number of high profile sporting, fitness and therapeutic organizations are now using and incorporating the Fascial Fitness conditioning techniques into their assessment, movement and training regimes. Amongst these are the World Cup winning German Soccer Team and the Canadian Olympic Athletic team. The success of Fascial Fitness is largely based upon its ability to translate the latest scientific research and insights regarding the nature of fascia, into practical, safe, complementary and enjoyable training techniques. When the techniques are taught correctly, they help to enhance the elasticity, strength and performance of connective tissue and those collahydration; myofascial stretch and fascia as a sensory organ, in genous structures most prone to injury. more depth. She demonstrated and explained how the techThe cutting edge and complementary approach of the Fascial niques associated with each principle can help remodel and Fitness training program always attracts a wide range of very condition our fascia. Workshop participants were given time enthusiastic health and fitness professionals leading the way to listen, watch, ask questions, practice and play with the techin their fields, as well as individuals seeking personal fascial niques and feel how best to work their tissue. enlightenment. Attending the Introductory and Trainer workThis play took us outdoors to rediscover how our inner child shops with Dani in Sydney were pilates and yoga specialists, had explored and experimented with movement. Leaving fitness, martial art and dance instructors, physiotherapists adult inhibitions behind we hopped, wiggled, jumped, and chiropractors as well as remedial, somatic, bowen and skipped, swung, leapt, climbed, crab-walked, monkeyed, balstretch therapists of every description. It’s great that such a anced, danced, somersaulted and cartwheeled our way diversity of skills and life experiences can connect with each through the beautiful gardens surrounding our venue. The other and their fascia, in this exploratory learning environsuccess of the Introductory program was such that those who ment. had attended did not want to leave and were wishing they had Early this year, Daniela Meinl. Master Trainer from Augsburg, signed up for the Trainer course. Germany travelled to Sydney and teach how to safely and efThe Trainer course revisited but expanded significantly on the fectively train our fabulous fascial network. Along with Dr Robert Schleip and Divo Mueller, who have previously taught scientific research underlying the four main Fascial Fitness in Australia, Dani is a highly experienced core member of the training principles. The potential trainers were given time to Fascial Fitness Organization, travelling Europe and the world revisit and clarify their understanding of these principles and then given instruction as to how to go about teaching the basic to share her knowledge and expertise. techniques for each of them. Additional techniques for each of After a brief history and review of the evolution of our under- the principles were demonstrated and practiced and particistanding of fascia, Dani gave us an introduction to the scienpants were encouraged to focus on how they would adapt tific research upon which the Fascial Fitness principles and these for themselves and others individual needs and capabilitechniques are based. Whilst energy, enthusiasm and concen- ties. We were also lucky enough to have Dr Robert Schleip tration were at their peak Dani demonstrated, talked, walked, beam in for a Tele-Lecture on the latest research news and to warmed, bounced and stretched us through a sample Fascial answer any questions. It was both a fascia changing and career Fitness routine. Everyone was encouraged to participate enhancing process for the participants. adapting the techniques to suit their ability as they tuned in and took care to listen to what their individual fascial network Kati Cooper, Assuage – Fascial Release Therapy, Fascial Freedom – Advanced Fascial Fitness Trainer was telling them. Over the next two days, Dani then revisited each of the Fascial Fitness theoretical principles: elastic rebound; release and

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