Issue #1

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Welcome to the lair of the Tentacle and thank you all for



reading. First off, I would like to thank all those who contributed. Not only contributed art, photography, or words of wisdom, yet in turn put in on a little glimpse of who you are and what the world looks like through your eyes. We at the Tentacle would be nothing if not for the true creative force that is our readership. I give to you, number one.

Founder/Editor Scott “scoco” Copeland

































Age? 34

Emerica shoes, Ruca Clothing

Hometown? Winfield

Years Skating? 24


Occupation? Cinematographer




First complete? Tracker Lester Kasai Current set up? Duane Peters Skull Skates


What’s playing in your stereo these days? KAT, Mystifier, Beherit, Root, Sextrash

Sponsors? Heroin Skateboards, Skull Skates, Tracker Trucks,



Can you tell us about Baku? Some crazy skate gang that only rides barriers. Saw one once with his mask off and it wasn’t pretty.

Projects you’re working on? August Intrusion (Portrait of a Deer Population) short doc, and a feature doc with Murray Siple

1 reason to keep it old school? 3 spots to skate in Hackett slash Vancouver? Bonsor Pipeline, 49th street cemetery ditch, ritual barrier






Any advice for the groms out there? - Don’t be afraid to ride a board over 9 inches wide - Don’t try a trick more than 10 times - Never use auto focus




Heavy Metal or Fritz The Cat? Heavy



Any shout outs? Timebomb, Judah, Faulkner, Murray Siple, Depth Leviathan Dweller FOR MORE ON MIKE CHECK OUT: WWW.MIKEMCKINLAY.COM WWW.SKULLSKATES.COM




WHAT’S IT LIKE LIVING IN UCLUELET? Living in Ucluelet HOMETOWN? is pretty awesome. Ucluelet BC It’s one of those unique places that SPONSORS? Ripzone International, few people get to grow up. You learn Xcel Wetsuits, Spy, to have respect for Storm Surf Shop, Adanac, Aftanas Surf the older generation that pioneered the Designs. places we’re surfing. It’s easy for people DO YOU COMPETE? to forget the beach Not often was their front yard AGE? 21

as kids. I grew up commercial fishing with my dad and didn’t go to public school until I was 13. When you compare that to the standards of most cities it’s pretty crazy. All that free time when I was young aloud me to skateboard and surf everyday. Most parents would shake their heads at that, but I learnt more in the ocean than in a classroom.

PLACES YOU’VE TRAVELED TO SURF? I’ve traveled to Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Also drove from Ucluelet to the tip of Baja and back. Twice. WHO DO YOU SURF WITH THE MOST? I mostly surf with Noah, Shannon, Cole, Sepp.

Raph and Sepp PEOPLE WHO HAVE Bruhwiler, Peter HELPED PUSH YOUR Devries, Noah Cohen, SURFING? Shannon Brown, Nico Shannon Brown and Manos. Noah Cohen are both really good surfers. They’re both so FUTURE GOALS? different and talented. Keep running my shop Sepp Bruhwiler has in Ucluelet Swell Surf amazing talent and Rentals. one of the few people that puts character ANY FAVOURITE into the sport. LOCAL SKATERS YOU WANT THE WORLD TO IN CANADA, WHO’S KNOW ABOUT? PUSHING THE SCENE Jamie Collins from IN YOUR EYES? Instrumental and

Noah, Shannon, Sepp, Kyler, Doogie, Everyone at Storm UKEE BOWL OR TUFF and everyone else. CITY? Ukee Bowl. Concrete Beats Erin Scott are both amazing skaters.


Windswept and still

riding, wheels over cracks Endless our energy, the way to take it back A teenage adventure and the dusk smells sweet

SHOUT OUTS? We’re sliding on curbs and making our own beats Dave, Caleb, and Danny Cameron, Cole, Shaun, Sober Malcom, Out of concrete and

benches and railings and such And later in the evening our knees almost touch And I smile at the idea that tomorrow might come

to the place it all blends Slipping on sunlight as the summertime rolls Got life by the reins on the beautiful coast

Because here in our little world each moment is one

The city’s our playground; we’re like kids with no cares

Lifted on the perfect high of adrenalin and flight

Incessant in our antics, still stunting for stares

Underground parking lots, hidden treasures, soft light

Flip this resistance, flippin’ in the streets

The conversations deepen and we’re tied by our beliefs

The simplest of pleasures, the pure poetry

Kickin’ it like this, we’ll be That there’s got to be more riders for life to life, more to life than these We’ll create own culture, we’ll keep it game tight. Structures and rules, this strictness, these systems By Johanna Renée Strong in our union, our way of passively resisting We think for ourselves and we’re ahead of the trends New school to old school,

Copyright Dave Carnie

A conversation with Dave Carnie in real life is probably way more intense than in e-mail. Maybe that’s because he’s way smarter than me. Either way I had a chance to fire off a few long distance questions to one of skateboardings stand out personalities.

What manner of name is Carnie anyway? When I hear Carnie, I think of the bearded lady, cotton candy and freaks forced to entertain, did you escape from a circus family? Two things are funny about this question. One, no one latched onto the carnival thing when I was a child. Thank god. I also think that I’m Irish. (We’re in two now I think.) And I’ve been told that Carnie, Kearney, Carney, etc. is a very Irish name. My wife loves to laugh at me though because there is very little evidence that I have any Irish blood. I’m Scottish. And a Ross at that but it sounds Mexican. Carne Asada. Which, again, thank god the children didn’t catch onto. That’s probably because Mexican food didn’t exist when I was growing up. There was Taco Bell, but they didn’t have Carne Asada on the menu. I only got shit like “carnivore,” and “total carnage.” Total carnage is kind of cool but I sound like a douche bag if I ever use it as a third person reference. “Now that was total carnage! Woo!” And then I throw a five-dollar bill on my wife…

What can you tell us about King Shit Magazine? How did that get going? Ryan Stutt started it. He’s an old friend and former editor of… some other Canadian skateboard magazine, I’m a part owner of King Shit now. Nieratko is on the payroll. It’s the best mag out there. We’ve got the best skateboarding Canada has to offer (I’m not Canadian), and we make the funny. What was your role with Big Brother? We developed a title “do it all” at one point. Everyone at Big Brother was a do it all. We were all editors, photographers, designers, filmers, and writers. I also played the hot blonde, and the evil scientist. Sometimes the war hero that dies saving the platoon. A flower. I once played opposite a french kissing skateboard chimp. What happened to Rick Kosick? Wasn’t that him on all those subway commercials? Rick works for Dickhouse (jackass) and you can see what he’s up to at You used to write about your cat, was that out of lack of a muse or is your pussy really that interesting? I like how you set yourself up for that one. There’s no question, you just wanted to make a joke about pussies, huh? Nice work. Well done. By the way, GARY IS DEAD. How do you feel now Mr. Pussy Joker Dead Cat Guy? Why don’t the magazines run stun gun reviews or rad shit like that anymore? Are kids just sensitive these days? Or has hours of no-friendo destroyed their will to be punk? ASK—oh sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, I’m not mad, but ask someone like Henry Rollins or Glen El Friedman what it’s like to be punk. I have no idea, but those fags seem to enjoy talking about the good ole days. And, yeah, I said El Friedman. Fuck that dude. “Signed, David R. Carnie the third cocksucker fart in your face.” Did you get the R? Because that’s the initial in my middle name and I demand that you include it in everything that you print about what I used to do 30 years ago. (The El

in Glen El Freidman, incidentally, stands for THE PAST.) Writing for a magazine is hard work, how do you keep it all together? Meth. When I do an interview I go lazy and send e-mail. Which totally ruins the back and forth flow of a legit conversation. Really, I think it should be an event y’know? How do you prefer to conduct your interviews? I would never allow this to happen. Unless it was with Thomas Pynchon. Yeah, you’re right, email interviews suck. The difference here is that I’m funny. But someone like Gershon Moseley, who wanted to write his interview so he could control every word he said, is fucking retarded. Plus he can’t write a sentence to save his life. Conversations are better. What can you tell us about your photography? I have a friend who surf fishes and runs some stupid surf fish website that is hugely popular. All of us, his friends, say, why don’t you quit your day job and just run the site and make money off that? “I don’t want to make what I do for fun a job,” he says. I have a shit ton to say about my photography. I’m dying to talk to somebody about it. You have no idea how much goes into it and what every little thing means. But I don’t want it to become a job. It’s what I love to do. And I photograph the things I can’t tell you about. That’s why they’re photographs and not words. You can see it at Art is my life, man. Feel the positronica. 3 reasons not to visit Canada? This would have been a great question live, but since I get to think about it, I have a million different answers. For instance, I just want to answer with one word, “Canadians.” And I mean Canadians in general but I also mean the Montreal Canadians. Did you see the Bruins beat the shit out of those diving faggot pussies the other night? I handed my little teddy bears the Stanley cup after that game. I did not sing that stupid ole ole ole song in your general direction—though I should have—but that’s just rude. I subscribe to a gentlemanly code. I don’t sing at hockey

games. I can’t wait to go to a Montreal game. I’ve always wanted to pour a beer on someone and I’m going to do it at the Forum. I will fight everyone in the fucking rink. I will lose but I don’t care. Because I will still be an American. When you look at the skate scene up here, do you see it biting the heels of the US industry or its own thing all together? Well, to access your schema, imagine what you would say if I asked you what you thought of American hockey? That said, I love skateboarding and all the scenes everywhere. Canadians make for some of the best interviews I’ve ever done. You guys always seem to be smoking pot in your parent’s basement. Favorite fireworks? corks. Champagne, wine. Let’s talk about the US president, smart fella or fart smella? I hate when interviewers let you know their subject laughed [“laughs”] in their interview. “Check me out! I made so-and-so laugh! I’m so awesome!” If we were doing this live, and you were one of those cocksuckers, you would hear me go, UGH. I like Obama. I thought he was smart. I still think he’s smart, but I don’t think even the smartest man in the world could be our new Kennedy. That’s just not how shit works anymore. It doesn’t matter how smart the president is, of any nation, he is not the most powerful man in the world, anymore. Still skating? Barely. I call it “scooting” these days. I skated Biebel’s park yesterday. I went in thinking I was going to finally learn kickflip b/s tailslides, but I ended up just doing kickturns on the quarter pipe. I didn’t get hurt. I consider that a victory. Beers or whisky? Wine. Doobs or smokes? We found the headshop. THE headshop. It’s in the toy district in down-

town L.A. They supply all the headshops all around L.A., Venice, everywhere. It’s this fucking huge warehouse of bongs and shit and they’re like $10 each. Shit’s usually like what $49? And you can’t even call it a bong. (I sound like a grandpa right now.) I remember getting kicked out of some headshop one time for asking to look at a bong. The dude said, “IT’S A WATER PIPE! AND YOUR’E OUTTA HERE!” Have you ever seen a hologram of Winnie the Pooh? I hear you have a food blog? The food blog is called Food On Drunk. www.foodondrunk.blogspot. com. It’s kind of like Big Brother but for food. Meaning, instead of skateboarding being the backdrop for all kinds of stupid shit and nonsense, it’s food. I really want to start a food magazine. I was helping start a mag out of NYC called SWALLOW. We put out two issues but it’s kind of fallen off lately and I have no idea what happened to the dude that started it. Maybe you should just host a show where you sample all the different vendors street meats after a night of drinking. That show already exists and it’s called No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain. What’s on the menu at Chateau Carnie this evening? Tonight we’re going to a comedy show in Hollywood, so I think we’re getting sushi. Last night we had a spaghetti carbognargnar. (I don’t know if I even know how to spell carbonara anymore? Yeah I guess that’s right.) How do you get your food filled self around anyway? I drive a Toyota truck. My wife drives a Honda civic. We prefer the civic. I ride a scooter, can’t get no respect. There’s a song by The Exploited called “fuck a mod.” I don’t particularly care for the song but I always hear it when I see someone on a scooter.

Top 5 sayings from 2010? Funny you should ask because this is the first I’ve developed a catch phrase. My 2011 catchphrase is, “Let’s do this!” Yeah, that’s mine now. I was going to go with, “That’s what I’m talking about!” You can still say that all you want but if you say, “Let’s do this!” I’m going to be expecting some royalties. (I’m thinking of making “Homie don’t play that” my 2012 catchphrase, what do you think?) I hate it when people say words like “ultra” before a word to say how much more than average it was. I have a list of all the words I hate. “Basically,” and “Literally” are high on the list. I also dislike “Whole ‘nother thing.” It’s mostly the nother part. That’s not even a word. Worst catch phrase of all time? “Sieg Heil!” I mean, if you’re a Jew. What bands are you listening to these days? Whitney Houston. If you were forced to have a foot race with one person who would it be? Whitney Houston. interview by: SCott copeland







Let me first start by giving you the

scenario of how this rant came to be. I’m on the horn chatting with Scoco, about this sick mag actually, from my apartment in Victoria, BC. I’ve got a great view of a parking lot where there seems to be a lot of people watching. Well as we were talking these guys walk into the parking lot and one of them reaches in his pocket only to pull out a single latex glove. Now I’m thinking I’m about to see something I’d rather not, I’ll leave that up to your imagination though; sicko. Anyway buddy pulls out his smokes and lights one up holding with yes the Really? Wearing a latex glove to latex gloved hand. Seriously man? cover up the smell and stains on your fingers? Who ya trying to fool How did the smoker ever go from homeboy? You trying to trick your that cool cat James Dean, smoking wife into thinking you’ve quit or along side his Porsche Speedster, play a fast one on your boss that you were in the shitter, come on! to this guy wearing a latex glove I’m sure they’re on to you anyto mask the stench of his addiction. Come on does it really have to way, that polar fleece your wearing come down to this, can’t you just probably soaks up the smell quit nicely. Well smelly latex glove guy quit with some self-dignity than look like some kook. Now I’m not your only fooling yourself, man up, getting on you if you smoke and if come to terms with your problem your jonesing for one perhaps now and you could have saved yourself is a good time to go have a break in from being ridiculed by this freeyour nearest pit. If you smoke you lance photographer/writer lurking above. smoke and if your trying to quit good on ya, just be responsible and considerate with your filthy habit. In all seriousness smoking is rather disgusting. Polluting your body and the air we breath. Then after it’s Ok back to you latex glove guy...

all said and done leaving behind a small piece of smelly garbage that the majority of smokers think they can just toss on the ground and it will magically disappear. Well people got news for ya, those butts usually get washed down storm drains which ultimately end up in our streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. I prefer my salmon smoked after I catch it, thanks.

Once that beer was in me he says to me. “Want another?” Of course I obliged. After a long silence; and me getting tired of watching the blare of a TV in every fucking corner of the bar; I turn and speak. “So, why start a magazine? No one has ever even heard of you.” All he said was “Build it and they will play ball.” Which of course after the two or three pints he fed me sounded kinda rad. So here’s my contribution to this pile. Don’t ask me for another one.

According to cigarette takes 3-10 months to mostly decompose and some say it can take up to as much as twelve years; however, the filter which is made BRANDON CORBIEL of acetate will NEVER fully break WRITES IN down.

Words/Photo: BC

LETTERS TO THE SHREDITOR BIRDMAN SAYS THE DARNDEST THINGS When Scoco contacted me and told me he was doing this zine. I was intrigued to say the least. He asked me to write an article about the Vancouver art scene or perhaps an article on backcountry survival. I told him to go f@ck himself and ask for second helpings. “Like I would write for your piece of shit anyways” and hung up the phone. Later that night I ran into him at the bar and he bought me a beer and never said a word about how super dick I was earlier that day.

“Just got your message today about doing some writing for you. I tried to push something out but it read like shit. I need for a muse to come my way and let it come out like a nice perfect turd with great texture and color; and not a forced blast of diarrhea that hurts and gets the under part of the lid dirty. Heck use this, its much better than what I wrote today”.

Slobert & The Filth Monster An old roomate of mine liked to spread out when relaxing in his apartment. He would sometimes sit and eat bacon and smoke and just hit the bong all day. In a game of Tony Hawk he created a character with the name “filth monster”. I quickly made the connection between this stupid video game character and the real filth monster before me. Sitting there in his housecoat smiling like the fucking Cheshire cat. Not to say he didn’t clean his house but there were times when I wondered about this guy. You’re supposed to look back on those college years and laugh about the good times. Filth monster looked back on years of good times with good people around. I look back on Filth Monster. One time I made the mistake of entering his room and seeing his body print of sunflower seeds on his bed. Like a murder scene chalk line; a perfect shape of his body. Leaning to the side and spitting the shells around his slothed out, sweaty, bed depression. It was like living art. I’m mean pure genius. Another time I noticed a mirror set up on one side of his bed so he could watch the TV backwards and lay on his preferred side.

Another roomy of mine was probably in the same international group of human stain as the Filth monster. Rob. Or Slob as I called him, worked as a lift operator at the local ski hill. On our days off he would sit in his old fucked up chair and smoke and drink cola all fucking day while the rest of us went to shred. He had one of those old TV sets that you had to turn the knob to change channels. I guess 4 feet away was too far so Slob made a long handle to the knob with a notch in the end out of PVC pipe. This way he could stay in his sweat depression and move only his right arm to twist the pole for a change of programming. Brilliant. After a few days I noticed his little spot had about 60 empty cola cans stacked up along the wall and the other side had an ashtray on the floor with about 30 buts on the floor around it. So the next time your filthy, pungent, scab of a roomy is overwhelming you with gross out. Show a little love, there’s an artist at work. Anonymous A small apology for those who thought this was to be a “zene” with a neato spelling. That was a screw up. That’s exactly why we run a Zine in the first place.






It rained hard most of the drive up. Around every corner was a logging

truck screaming at you from the other direction. The creeks and drainages were swollen to overflow and washed out parts of the road. When we arrived, the surf was going off with very few surfers on the scene. Across the river a heard of Elk were grazing and watched as each vehicle rolled in and out of the pothole filled parking lot. That evening the clouds broke and revealed some of the beauty this place can offer up. However, this ancient break, this beach, these forests. They are neither for you nor against you in its quest to evolve. People come and go from this place. Some feel glory and happiness here. Others leave with an injury or the experience of sitting by a lake. Waiting. In the morning the sky was clearing and the shore pound was coming in on the high tide near the river mouth. We skimmed for a good two hours that day. As the tide went down in the afternoon the surf was up and Rory and Derek made the most of another perfect day in Renfrew. I couldn’t help but feel completely at home here in this place. Watching the Eagles, surfers in the sunset, and mist hanging in the forest.

Words/Photos: Scott Copeland

Well, here I go... I haven’t sub-

mitted many articles over the past few years to any publications, but when Mr. Copeland made a call out to his boys and gals for support for a new magazine I couldn’t resist but to mash some letters together to form some neat words and kneed those words into this eloquent piece of literary magic that I’m producing right meow. Anyways, I wanted to tell a tale about my year of skimboarding in 2010. I have been fortunate enough to have gotten my degree in Electrical Engineering a few years back and am now finding myself involved in designing electrical systems all over the world. I spent almost 40% of 2010 in hotel rooms, but luckily have always been close to the ocean... Which is where the skimboarding comes in, I have brought my boards on a few of the trips where I have been guaranteed some water time. Ironically I’m actually sitting on a flight to Dubai right now with my Zed Canvas foamie and Zed Harvest flatland boards safely stowed somewhere on this plane. It has been great having these travel opportunities and to skim in some pretty wild places, but what I have really taken away from my adventures is how broad and great our skimboarding community really is.

Early in 2010 I had been working on a project in Fresno, California, which was nicely situated near Santa Cruz. When I knew that I would be in the SC neighborhood I tossed out a message on’s forums to see who was near by and would want to chill... Amazingly I had responses from Rob G and Brian Kniveton within hours, Rob G had invited me into his home and Brian had offered his family contact in Santa Cruz. How unreal is that? I managed to spend a quite a few days with Rob G and Mike Neronde (Rob’s roommate) over multiple stays in Santa Cruz, which always involved time at the ocean and time at the bar... Have you ever cured a hangover by petting puppies at a pet shop followed by puking at an IHOP? I hadn’t before meeting those weirdos. I had quite a few unreal days of skimming in Santa Cruz and meeting lots of great people thanks to Rob, Mike, and Brian. Later in 2010 I managed to go on two whirlwind road trips from BC to San Diego where I skimmed in Washington State and all over California... My first trip had my good skimming buddy Byron ‘Tron’ Schultz and his photographer girlfriend Hattie Root kicking it with me at some unreal locations, again I posted up a message on SkimO-’s forums and received a message within a day from Derek ‘D-Trick’ Young out of San Diego. D-Trick is another super friendly dude in the skimming community (check out his videos on Foreverskim! He’s a great video producer). D-Trick showed us the ropes in San Diego and helped us have a solid day of skimming in the southernmost part of California!

Laguna/Newport and again used the forums to find some welcoming skimboarders, this time I was fortunate enough to meet and skim with Pamela Simpson of SkimChicks who also introduced me to Anna Prophet (The Vic’s World Champion female wave skimboarder). We all had a solid afternoon of skimming, these two skim chicks are unreal rippers!!

My second road trip into California was with my main man Jesse Gibson, a great photographer and buddy of mine. We cruised down south and managed to meet up with Rob G, Mike, and Ben K for some Santa Cruz time... Which is, as you would expect, a fun but messy time. We managed to continue onto

On another work trip, this time to Atlanta, Georgia, I found a weekend where I should have had time to cruise out to Tybee Island I managed to get in contact with a dude named Brad but ended up having to work the weekend. Again, this was a contact I had made through a quick “I’m in town” post on Ski-

mOnline! Most recently I had another trip to Dubai in which I brought my boards, who would have thought there would be a skim/surf contact out there?! My good friend and photographer Bryce Casselman whom I’d met originally at the Sub Zero Skim Jam (SkimBC bitches!) lined me up with the boys at the Dubai surf shop, they informed of the best wave spot in Dubai... Right beside the damn Burj Al Arab (think 7 Star hotel/sail building). What an experience that was! Waves weren’t huge, but they were definitely bigger than a medium sized day at Gonzales beach! What I’m trying to get at in this article is not to explain my good fortune in terms of business and pleasure travel, but rather continue to thank our amazing skimboarding community. I could not have entered into a more thoughtful community of athletes and photographers; I have come to realize how trusting our worldwide crew is when our common thread is skimboarding. I’ve had lots of couches to sleep on and lots of foreign high-fives over the past year… So dope. Peace from the Middle East, Brandon ‘B-Dub’ Wright

will there’s a wave. Every so often things line up and surfing on the Straight of Georgia becomes possible. Pictured here is a photo I snapped of Rory Miller surfing his front yard on the Sunshine Coast of BC.


Where there’s a





that nobody else has First Camera? revealed yet or to show a cliche in a new My first camera was and more fascinating a wooden fishserway. When i identify price toy camera circa my subject for a film, 1973. I had more fun my passion for making with the fisher-price it lies in the histories record player that of the films I love and I received the next will resource for ideas. christmas though! Carts of Darkness in I’d lean on the plastic ways is an homage records while they to the documentary played and make Dark Days and also Camp Town Races to Apocalypse Now. sound screwy. In my new film I’m looking at the work of When you set out Polanski, Antonioni, to make a film; Tarkovsky, and which comes Kubrick. first, the drive to create something, Undertaking or an idea that a film project has to get out? must be a heavy load. Do you have It always starts with any preparation a social observation process you need for me. There’s a thrill to go through in finding a situation before you begin

working? I’m still not totally at ease with writing as the best way to prepare for the film making process. As in the end it takes up about half of the schedule. My excitement about a film idea makes me want to start filming straight away but writing brings so much more to the project. I also increase my travels before making a film because it helps get me into situations that push my limits and endurance. Being a quadriplegic in a foreign land is ridiculous sometimes but it makes me adapt, think, design, resource, and

communicate far more than just writing at home. Next trip: as far North in Norway as I can get. Have you thought of doing a follow up film about the people involved in Carts of Darkness? No. I’ve thought more about doing a film about supermodels on cocaine than hanging out in bushes, smoking butts with the homeless. I do wish the NFB would release a “making of” and out-takes DVD for Carts of Darkness as we had 58 hours of great stuff. Is there any correlation

between the people in Carts of Darkness and some of the people in your own life?

loops projected onto things. I used blocks of ice. Whatever inspires people to be creative and make art I’m all for it. What sucks is when I film people going people don’t identify downhill literally and the characteristics metaphorically so, of film, video, or the yes. use of a filter because they all have their These days I own individual date notice a lot of and time periods people trading in or is designed for a new technologies specific use. Even an for throwbacks effect like time-lapse to create is misused. Time“something new”. lapse isn’t supposed Do you see any to be a cool, trippy advantage to look or effect. It was using old cameras first used to show the in modern films? passage of time in a story. But because In art school (Emily it’s available, people Carr 1993) Hi8 video just throw them in cameras were “new” anywhere. Not to say and we’d use those to things can’t be taken re-shoot super-8 film to the next level,

that’s what it’s about. It’s just dissapointing to see an iPhone app with vintage looks available.

fascinated. I met Mike soon after and he showed me some non-skateboarding video he shot and I realized he was the Vegetarian. guy. I was hoping to Carnivore or find someone who shot Opportunivore? the way I did before I was hurt and Mike All of it. I’m almost has the same style living off oysters on and interests with the half shell lately. cinematography. I hired him to shoot How did you and B-roll for Carts of Mike Mckinlay Darkness and we start working clicked. We’ve made together? two short films since and he’s going to I worked with George shoot my next feature Faulkner on some of documentary. my technical editing projects. We both used What are the two to film skateboarding of you working on so we’re old friends these days? now. He must have shown me Mike’s Mike is making secret skateboard amazing short docs videos and I was that continue to

inspire me and push me to hurry up production on my next film. My next project is with the NFB and is currently titled “Partly Cloudy”. It’s a documentary about and around Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

the opportunity that presents. I just read this quote from Carl Jung, “The smaller the fish, the more room he/she has to swim around”. I mean sometimes I have days where I’m freaking out that I’m not shooting to be a king in New York or trying What’s it like to kill it in L.A. But, being a director my stories are about from Vancouver? here and I have all the What kind of room in the world to clout does that make them. have around the world? Is there a “promised land” Director’s from of filmmaking? Vancouver have clout? I often test people I would say NYC from Vancouver on because I hate if they can name any California. London Canadian director appeared pretty let alone one from amazing to me B.C. and rarely they last chance I was can. It’s sad but I love there. L.A. and

Vancouver are pretty disconnected from live theatre so I guess that’s why.

Mat The Alien though, which was great to get in there. Here’s a link film/cold_fronts/ So You once yes, I’m really looking mentioned doing a forward to taking that feature based on project up a hundred your short, Cold notches with my next Fronts. Is that doc, Partly Cloudy. project still on the burner? Someone who has influenced you? I did Cold Fronts but in the end, as it was Probably Jonathan a commission for Orr. A great friend the olympics, it was who manages to a bit rushed and I laugh at me while was forced to make still encouraging my changes and additions projects regardless I hadn’t planned on. of me being neurotic. Like half way through Honestly though I’m I had to use other constantly inspired peoples “Canada” pics by all types. I can be that were submitted. inspired by a single I also had to write a mom who saved the poem that goes with disabled neighbours it. Not really what I cat from a walmart planned! Music by plastic bag caught

on its paws or by an artist whose body of work is so vast it seems impossible to create that much in a lifetime. The latter making me feel guilty more than inspired at times. The Search For Animal Chin or Ban This? The Search for Animal Chin because the summer it was released there was this infamous mushroom party in my back yard and this hot girl with a lisp who knew nothing of Animal Chin was trying to find me. She kept saying, “Whersh Murray? Have you sheen him”? It was all really funny until I

found my out dog had ate mushrooms. Favorite films? Solaris (original), Apocalypse Now, Trading Places, Burden of Dreams, The 400 Blows, Jaws, The Shining, It’s All Gone Pete Tong, Jaws, sooooo many! Best sushi in Vancouver? The place in Westview Village below my house, Hamei Sushi. There’s a spot near the convention center that does blow-torched sushi, so that’s entertaining. There’s a fun but tiny place on 16th and Main and they do box sushi and miso eggplant but its

really tough to get in That being said; kill your radio and there. Sushi Village in make a turduckin style trash heap with your TV being the turkey. So Whistler is unbeatable get out and go to a show. You might with Saki Marg’s and just discover the real world of rock and roll right under your noses. KFC rolls, but I’ve Scott Copeland heard Monster in Gastown is the new best. For more information on Murray go to:


Why does everything on the

Check out this Biafra project.

radio annoy me these days? Especially that Canadiana crap on CBC. Every time I hear that twangy country sound mixed with teen spirit I want to smash things and write letters to the wack. This Their ealry stuff is what you is the sound that apparently defines want. our nation of happy gas guzzling rednecks. Once more to the point, “ooh yeah ee yeah” is not a lyric I can get up in arms over. In fact the wack control most of our society. As long as shit sucks, someone stands to profit from the mindless masses. It’s actually better off this way I guess. At least people like me have a place in the world that really means something, and isn’t HR and the brews. Get some! just fluff, make-up and auto-tune.


Kathryn Lea Wallace


Mike Soper is an unsung hero of

the West Coast punk rock music scene. Currently the guitarist of the Sunshine Coast band, Sinmobile, Mike has more than 20 years of commitment to his craft, touring and recording all over North America and sharing the stage with the likes of Nirvana and Mudhoney. He is an example of a driven artist doing what it takes to get it done. I met Mike in his studio and asked him to describe the gear that he uses to create the punk/metal ear candy we hear when he turns on those tubes.

His three go-to guitars are: a stock ’97 alpine white Gibson Firebird. This is the newest guitar to Mike’s gun locker and it is perfectly setup for Mike’s lightning fast guitar runs. Incidentally, Rick Raymond (Sinmobile’s bassist) plays a tobacco sunburst Gibson Thunderbird, and when they strap those on you can tell they mean business; an ’83 white Gibsons SG standard (are you starting to see a pattern of

guitar preference?). This is a wellused guitar that shows the signs of a guitarist tinkering and experimenting to achieve the sounds that he desires. Currently this SG has a handmade Fury humbucking pickup in the bridge position and nothing in the neck position. This guitar shows merely hints of some of the crazy shows that it has taken part in, the kind of guitar you would like to sit down in a rocking chair, give it a quart of bourbon and just listen to the stories it can tell; and lastly, a

’97 Gibson Les Paul Standard with a tobacco sunburst finish. If you see Sinmobile live, you will see this guitar throughout the show. Mike uses two amps whenever possible to achieve his sonic mayhem. The first is a ’78 Marshall

Boss Stereo Chorus (used to split the guitar’s signal to both amps), an original ‘70’s Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer (this will be buried with Mike from the sounds of it), a Boss TU-3 tuner, an Ernie Ball Volume and an Ernie Ball Wah. You will also notice a non-descript box at the top of his pedal board. This is a “Ho Box”. Built by Vancouver” wizard of ampery, Mr. Ho, this box is used between the amp head and the cabinet as a type of sonic enhancer to create increased sustain and crunch, brilliant highs and gutsy lows. Completing this tone-dog’s set-up JMP Superlead 100 head run thru are D’Addario XL 10 strings and a ’68 Marshall 4x12 cabinet. The Dunlop nylon .73 picks. second amp is a Marshall 800 series From his two decades of work in bands like, Inner Anger, Stick 50 watt head, that Mike rescued after a house fire, (this explains the Monkey and Sinmobile, to extensive touring and 10 years employed custom red tolex that adorns this amp) played thru a ’76 4x12 Mar- at the Larrivee guitar factory, shall cabinet. Both of these cabinets this man’s musical commitment, humble personality and killer guitar look like they have been dragged tones have made him a keystone in behind a van from Vancouver to Los Angeles. Mike explained that the West Coast music scene. he uses pushes the 50 watter hard to achieve those distorted tones we Check out Mike Soper and Sinmobile: hear and uses the clean gain vided by his 100 watter to cut thru or contact Brenny Boy: the band’s mix. Mike’s effects sit on an old Arion pedal board with power supply built in. There is a unique beer and grime combination on this board that has bacteria on it older than most players’ guitars. This pedal board powers a Dan Electro Flanger, a vintage

Punk ASs Canucks

This fall I was forced to move from my realm of surf and

life on the beach in the little fishing town of Ucluelet BC, to the upper class college slash vampire suburb of Victoria. My only glimmer of hope for finding my niche was that I knew The Dayglos lived here. I’m out of touch with my roots and wondered if the scene was as disorderly as it used to be. I wanted to find the rotten core beneath this city’s shiny skin. It didn’t take long to find myself skating under a bridge, drinking wild turkey and driving car’s loaded with drunken debauchery to see them play at the Cambie in the next town over, just like back in the day. Canada’s punk rock heart is still pumping blood and toxins into the dark corners of it’s cities and the kids of all ages who fiend for cheap beer and risk pink eye to let it all hang out at a real fucking punk rock show. Long live the Dayglos, still Proud to be Canadian. Words/photos: Alicia Gilmour















Tentacles founder keeping a low profile

Brett wildeman



Laguna Beach, California, January 21, 2011

I’m woken up by the sound of the wind whistling across my window. I check the weather with a two-finger peek out the blinds. The sky is littered with stars. It’s time to head out for a dawn patrol.

I beat the sun to the beach, and me and 200 or so seagulls have it all to our selves. The moon is staring back at us from the horizon. Wind is shooting out the canyon holding up the walls of water all the way to the sand. Ice Cream headache on the first dip. Even Southern California gets frosty before dawn in January. The sun eventually breaches the mountain tops. The rays of light are making rainbows from the lip of the wave to its back. All air attempts are swatted by the offshore winds. The spray floating off my board looks like smoke out of a hookah. The seagulls standing by my side are wincing as I sing an Eek-a-Mouse song that is stuck in my head. I have always considered them the enemy. They have eaten my lunch while I was out in the water more than one or two times. This morning is different. Not one of them has begun creeping toward my stuff. They are even trading turns with me riding the right-handers down the beach. This is the first skim session I have shared with a seagull. Maybe seagulls are the early birds. Did they also wonder why so many people continue to speed by all morning to get their cup of Starbucks without even noticing what they are missing? Maybe seagulls are so sick of humans polluting the beaches and oceans that they just decided to write us off and grab whatever of ours they can. Either way, I am more than happy to share the waves with the birds.

Walking on



As the winter hits us full force

it gets me thinking about all kinds of things, but most importantly it gives me a few months of recovery. This recovery is not specifically physical but mental as well. Each skim season I experience so much new. I learn new tricks, I take new bails, I hit new rails, and I meet new skimboarders. I go to new places but I never feel like I get to soak in all these moments. I am always trying to get the most out of the summer months and the tides. I rush from place to place, skim super hard, try to capture footage or photos, crash, and do it again. It is an exhausting cycle that I would never change. I love it

but by the end of October I need at least a week of just nothing. I’m not sure if other people work the way I do, but the summer is always like a dream. Time goes way to fast. Sessions meld into each other. Accomplishments and failures are barely remembered. All I feel is that I want more, more sun, more laughs, more sand between my toes. I just want more. My stoke is far from gone, as I plan future exploits and watch footage that brings back brief moments and feelings of joy. It may be seasonal depression that causes my winter reflections but in reality I know the cause of my ponderings, it is life, it is skim, it is the place in this world that I feel truly myself:

The beach. I will visit my temple, throughout the winter to pay homage but I know deep down that I am just buying time until those epic low tides come back to provide me an escape from my own reflections and thoughts. KYDACREATIONS.COM

ARTIST PROFILE Name: Kaija Heitland Hometown: Roberts Creek, B.C. Medium: Silver, Gold, Copper, Precious Stones

I’ve been a silversmith in my spare time for about 5 years and love the malleability of silver. Mostly selftaught I derive inspiration from patterns and details found in nature. I am particularly interested in natural fractals and insects, and plants. My inspiration in jewellery stems from a desire to pay homage to the natural world, and in wearing pieces that feature elements from nature; there is the constant reminder of our effect on our fragile world. I feel like my pieces of jewellery are little reminders of the beautiful little things that people forget to take the time to notice. I am tattoo artist by occupation and often incorporate in my jewellery the negative space and line-work present in my tattooing.

Contact: Website:

Our Society & Force

likely because they have tasers and guns, and you likely don’t.

change instead of forcing change. Force has had so many different meanings throughout history. For those scientifically minded individuals force is defined as an influence that caused a free body to change course, speed, direction or shape. But this definition of force has everyday significance, as the phenomenon of force occurs on a daily basis. Why don’t we all use force in our life to create change.

When people complain about the state of current affairs, whether it is economic, political, social or environmental, they are verbally altering the air that surrounds them. This change in the air hardly lasts, as the longevity of the change is almost instantaneous, dissipating with the next gust of wind. If current affairs are unequal, uncivil, or simply contract what you live why not stake claim and set up camp. The one dynamic which differentiates the talkers from the doers is one thing; the doers are not scared of force.

We seem to wait for things to

In a social context, force is often assumed to be negative. Force is often the end result when an individual or a group of individuals have an encounter with the ‘law, as those who enforce a nation’s ‘law’ are often required to use excessive force in order to ‘solve’ the problem on hand. A recent example of this was during the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto. Scientifically speaking, as force is a vector quantity, force always has a definite direction. This direction cannot be assigned a negative value, as Newton’s Law of Motion states that each and every force has an equal and opposite force, where the negative or positive value assigned to a force cancel each other out. Why not employ Newton’s Law by applying an equal and opposite force when encountered by Canadian law enforcers? Well it is

We live in the 21st Century, where humans are born into closed-cell shells that are created by our assumed creators, our captors: the politicians, the corporations, and international institutions such as the IMF and World Bank. We are born into these shells not knowing any better. These shells are not constructed of biodegradable materials but instead toxins that leach into our soils, oceans, lakes and rivers. Many are scared of shattering these shells cause the force and repercussions of such actions are unknown. With every social, economic, ecological and political disaster piling up, year after year, the shells beginning to wear thin. Soon society’s yolks will begin to leak out of the

eggs and as citizens will truly become free individuals. In the mean time, go cause a bit of friction and see what it churns out. Brett Wildeman






vancouver music review from dan faria with CENTAURS OF THE UNIVERSE




From the Editor

This really is the people’s issue. Through my few months spent

producing #1, I travelled all over and talked to all kinds of rad people. I met a guy who claimed to have the Northwest’s first surfboard. I sat on cabin floors and flipped through artist’s scrapbooks. I froze my ass off in the rain to capture one beautiful sunset shot. I talked to skaters, surfers, went snowboarding, free climbed frozen avalanche chutes to escape a canyon. I even stole liquor from an unsuspecting german. All to get the story and share some outstanding individuals with all of YOU. A big thanks goes out to all who sent in submssions. For those who sent in assisted board sports or skiing shots, thanks but we’ll keep it sure footed and sideways from here on out. Scott Copeland

quotes FROM the making of #1 “If you know what turducken is you’ll find it funny.” SC Mo: “I know plenty of people who love to dance and they don’t do it because they want to have sex”. “ I know strippers.” SC: “No you don’t.” “Are you Pink Floyd?” Jenny Patsula “ I had to crawl with a broken leg from the beach to my van where my two year old was watching videos, waitning for dad to return from his surf.” D-Rock explaining his Port Renfrew epic. “Can I call it a Zean?” Dave Carnie in response to Scotts error in spelling the simple word zine.

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