
Temple Sinai is home to the Religious School Children Love!
Our school strives to help our students develop an enduring Jewish identity and a lifelong love of Jewish learning. The creation of a kehillah kedoshah, a warm, caring, and inclusive holy community, paired with programming that enhances and supports the personal Jewish journeys of our students and their families is our ultimate goal.
Temple Sinai is more than just a synagogue; it is a place of warmth and connection. Give your children the gift of a Jewish education at Temple Sinai of Roslyn. We look forward to welcoming you.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at cantorelenaschwartz@mysinai.org.
The Tem ple Sinai of Roslyn Family in vites the ent ire community to join us f or Led by Cantors Sergei and Elena Schwartz
All are welcomeFREE!
Join this joyous themed celebration on select Fridays throughout the school year!
Fun, animated, and enriching program for children. Students will participate in a fun craft!
Back Together at 5:30pm
Celebrate Shabbat with drums, piano, singing, laughing, and dancing. Family dinner after the service.
2-Years-Old to 2nd Grade
hebrew lessons with morah shana are
These FREE, 15-minute, private classes on ZOOM are the best way to improve your Hebrew skills!
to sign up, email Morah Shana at fruchter.shana@gmail.com
Torah through art, music, and movement
Torah Explorers incorporates stories, values, and practices rooted in Jewish tradition. Students get to explore their heritage through hands-on art, singing, dancing, yoga, and team-building activities.
Choose the day that works best for your child: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
The Torah Explorers program is open to allmembers pay a reduced tuition:
$325 Congregants
$540 Non-Congregants
An exciting and important bridge year for third graders
Gesher is an exceptional program that we developed to ensure a smooth transition for all new and returning third-grade students. Gesher classes meet in-person, once a week for two hours, in a smaller class setting with an optimal teacher-student ratio. Choose the day that works best for your child: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Third grade is a very exciting and important year for our Gesher students. The curriculum is challenging and interactive. Our goal is to provide our third graders with a solid foundation they can build on.
Gesher students learn to read and write Hebrew. They learn about Jewish holidays, traditions, and our land of Israel. They also explore the idea that each of us has the power to make the world more holy.
Our Gesher students also learn how to pray! We sing new songs, learn new words of the liturgy, and reflect on how prayer can bring order, beauty, meaning, and insights into our lives. Music, Jewish cooking, family education programs, class trips, and participation in tzedakah programs enrich the Gesher curriculum.
$1050 Early bird (by July 15)
$1125 After July 15
$1475 Early bird (by July 15)
$1550 After July 15
The incomparable Kavod Plus program is designed for families who want to make their children’s education a priority.
Classes meet twice a week and provide in-depth explorations of grade-level subjects. Classes meet twice a week: your choice of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, plus one day a week online. Our students also participate in special in-class enrichment projects and fun field trips.
All of our Kavod Plus students in grades 4, 5, and 6 will also be introduced to, and are expected to master, additional Hebrew prayers, as well as Torah and Haftarah cantillation. They will be exposed to the modern Hebrew that is spoken today in the State of Israel and will acquire a repertoire of common phrases.
Tuition: $1475 Early bird (by July 15); $1550 After July 15
Our Hineni program is a flexible, creative model that meets once a week in-person on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday for students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades who are interested in assuming active roles in acts of tikkun olam, repairing the world. The children connect to Judaism in a variety of ways including Hebrew instruction, prayer, and weekly t’filah led by the clergy. In addition to classroom instruction, this program is designed to allow the participants to create their own meaningful Jewish experiences and memories.
hineni sessions
• In addition to weekly instruction, students choose the six in-person Hineni sessions that best fit their interests from the 12 that are offered
• Sessions are one hour in length on select weekday afternoons, evenings, Sunday mornings, and Jewish holidays
• Each session includes a study group, and a mitzvah project
• Parents are welcome but are not required to attend
An innovative, flexible learning model
Tuition: $1475 Early bird (by July 15); $1550 After July 15
Additional student fees apply, contact us for details.
4-6 grades
The Small Group Tutorial program is a flexible option for fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade students. The children meet once a week for a two-hour session with a small group. The location, days, and times of the class are determined by the parents and the tutor. In addition to the tutorials, the students are expected to attend one Friday or Saturday service per month, Mitzvah Morning, and some additional Temple Sinai events.
• Students attend 20 two hour tutorial sessions with his or her friends - there is a maximum of four to a group
• The parents and tutor choose the day, time, and location (Temple Sinai or a student’s home) to best meet the needs of the group
• Sessions held at a student’s home require the presence of a parent or responsible adult during the session
• Parents are responsible for giving the tutor at least 24 hours notice if a student will be unable to attend a session
• For students to be most successful, they will need to practice regularly between sessions
5-6 grades
The purpose of the reimagined B’Mitzvah program is to engage families through both traditional pedagogy and the application of a new creative arts approach, which allows families to create specific projects depending on the student’s grade.
Creating deep connections to Judaism
The new curriculum allows families to connect in a way that goes beyond the basic learning required for the B’nei Mitzvah; it engages families and encourages life-long learning based on the ideals of l’dor v’dor, generation to generation.
Our fifth grade students and their families take a deep dive into their Torah portions while gaining a better understanding of Jewish sacred text as a whole. For the creative arts component, students learn about Mishkan T’filah (siddur), and are given their own copy with a cover they decorate as a family. Having their own siddur and using it for their studies will help ensure that the students are comfortable with the text and they will use their copies during their B’nei Mitzvah service.
sixth grade - the wimple
During this three-class series, families learn about the history and tradition of the Wimple, a linen sash that wraps the Sefer Torah. At the conclusion of the first session, each student is given a Wimple to decorate in ways that represent themselves and their family. This Wimple will play an important role at their B’nei Mitzvah program for 6th grade families also provides in-depth study about the symbols of the covenant, including tzitzit, and tefillin. In addition, all families have individual meetings with Cantor Elena to further explore the connection between what they have learned, their their individual Torah portions.
In order to address the changing needs of families juggling sports and other extracurricular activities, the Religious School offers two sessions: a Thursday evening and a Sunday afternoon.
Two-part program for 7th grade students & their families
Students are engaged in many hands-on learning experiences, participating in programs led by the clergy, educators from the Anti-Defamation League, veterans of the Israel Defense Force, and many more. Mitzvah Makers is offered on Mondays and Tuesdayschoose the day that best fits your schedule.
In the fall of seventh grade, each student will join a long-term community service group. Students will continue their volunteer service throughout the school year and will engage in service-learning in order to form deep connections between their volunteer work and Jewish traditions.
$1050 Early bird (by July 15); $1125 After July 15
An individualized program for children with learning differences
The goal of the Kadima program is to ensure that Jewish education is available to all of our children, including those with IEPs and 504s.
Students in grades K-7 meet with a Special Education Hebrew Teacher who provides them with individualized instruction. These sessions provide students with opportunities for practice, review, and understanding concepts with which they may be struggling. Students experiencing difficulty with Hebrew reading are able to improve their skills and confidence in this supportive learning environment.
“ Religious school is my daughter’s favorite two hours of the week. She loves learning about Judaism! “
Embracing children and families with special needs 6 ages and
Chazak, which is Hebrew for strong, provides opportunities for children with special needs to strengthen their connection to Judaism through a variety of meaningful experiences. Temple Sinai offers a warm, welcoming community that embraces ALL families. Temple membership is not required. This multi-faceted program includes Shabbat and Jewish holiday programs and social activities/ outings. Chazak is led by certified special education teachers and speech pathologists. With a very small teacher-to-student ratio, workshops integrate movement, music, art, cooking, technology, yoga, and other forms of enrichment into the Jewish learning experience.
Every child can become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at Temple Sinai. We are committed to working with each family to create a unique ceremony for your child. Our experienced and specially trained staff will customize the preparation and service to best maximize your child’s experience.
Temple membership is required for the Chazak Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program. For more information, contact our Executive Director Lee Mirrer at 516.621.6800 or lmirrer@mysinai.org.