Insight, Winter 2018

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Winter 2018/2019 | 5779 November, December, January Cheshvan/Kislev/Tevet/Sh'vat

INSIGHT into Temple Israel of Boston

How will you spread the light this Chanukah?

Learn more on page 15

Our Pathway Through the 5779 High Holy Days

S’lichot 5778 September 1, 2018 Rosh Hashanah 5779 September 9 - 11, 2018

Yom Kippur 5779 September 18 - 19, 2018


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

Sukkot 5779 September 23 - 30, 2018

Simchat Torah 5779 September 30 - October 1, 2018 | 617-566-3960



Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.



When I imagine the Temple Israel of the future, I see a vibrant community, powerfully engaged in every aspect of Jewish life as well as with the community we’re a part of.

Gary Pforzheimer Board President

And then I ask myself the questions; “Who will be our leaders?” "How will we identify, train, and support the next cadre of Temple Israel leadership?" "How do we find the people who care so deeply about our congregation and its future that they will commit the time and energy and resources to assure that future?" It takes a strong bench to build a strong team. Our remarkably capable and diverse membership includes many who have already begun an active involvement in Temple Israel life. Some of you have joined the committees that are the backbone of our volunteer structure, lending expertise to areas as such as the Religious School or Building and Grounds. Others share their knowledge of finance, development, and more. You’ve learned, as have so many others over the years, that Temple Israel becomes more your own when you step up to take ownership. Planning for the future is always the task of current leadership. To that end, we are beginning a new leadership initiative to reach out across the entire congregation to identify, engage, encourage, and assist individual members to participate actively in congregational life. It will be ongoing, because Temple Israel will always need the passionate involvement of its members to build on its current success and into the future. Please think about evolving your Temple Israel attachment into a more active role. Consider how your talents and abilities can help enrich and strengthen the fabric of Temple Israel life. Let us know if someone you know might like to broaden their engagement with TI and ultimately consider a leadership role for our beloved congregation. Give me a call at 617-285-4970 or send me an email at

Gary Pforzheimer What an exciting time for Temple Israel. We enjoyed welcoming thousands for worship this past High Holy Day season. I wanted to say a special thank you to our volunteers, clergy, and staff who ensured that our entire community felt welcomed as we prayed together. As you can see from this latest issue of Insight, there is so much to be a part of at Temple Israel this year. We look forward to seeing you again soon and always welcome your feedback. Dan Deutsch Executive Director

Dan Deutsch | 617-566-3960


Under the Sukkah of Justice and Compassion On Erev Sukkot, Temple Israel celebrated the harvest holiday under our Sukkah of Justice and Compassion, together with partners from the Urban Farming Institute, Boston-Area Gleaners, ReVision Farm, and other faith communities. Temple Israel's TIkkun Central, our umbrella for justice and compassion engagement, wove our community's justice and compassion efforts into the service through prayer and symbolic offerings of fruits.


The LGBTQ Equality Team and specifically the Campaign for “Yes on Ballot Measure 3”, brought the etrog into our Sukkah of Justice and Compassion. The etrog has a little stem called the pitom. It is easy to break off, and although it doesn’t damage the etrog, it makes it no longer whole, and we can’t use it for the mitzvah of shaking the lulav. The pitom is fragile. Although our community of support is strong, the gains we have made in the public sphere appear to be, like the pitom, much more fragile. No one would have predicted that here in Massachusetts a ballot measure that seeks to take away the rights of Transgender people would have a chance of succeeding. Our prayer is that our Commonwealth remains whole and like our Sukkah, a welcoming place for all of its people.


The TI-Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) Core Team brought into our Sukkah a full bunch of grapes, representing our dedication to the practice of democracy in pursuit of the common good. A single grape is a paltry thing. Many grapes, well fermented and aged, become a symbol of deep joy. Knitting our TI community and the community of congregations in GBIO through profound meeting with Others, learning how to build power for justice, and using our joint power to effect change — these are the fundamentals of democracy “under God,” in support of our shared core values.


The Immigrant Justice Team brought an avocado into our Sukkah. It's not native to the United States, but it has graced American tables for at least a century. Where would we be without its delicious, luscious taste? And where would we be without the richness of cultures, energy, innovation, compassion that our immigrant brothers and sisters bring to our country?


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


The Racial Justice Initiative brought an apple into our Sukkah. Apple orchards grow for generations and generations in the same spot, each started by the seeds from a fruit that grew nearby. The Impact Investing project that Temple Israel’s Racial Justice Initiative has undertaken is about putting some of the resources we have saved into investment opportunities where they can grow, not only to return something to ourselves, but in order to create new, valuable, and inspiring outcomes to benefit entire communities. We challenge ourselves to educate and engage our community about investing our own resources in a manner that reflects the value of freedom for all. Think of a single apple seed catching a breeze, finding a fertile spot to land, sprouting a tree, and then creating a whole orchard...and how many stand to reap the benefits of such a miraculous chain of events.


The fruit that TI Cares brought into our Sukkah is the pomegranate, which represents the hidden seeds of community within our Temple Israel shell. In those seeds we find the commitment to stand for and with each other by supporting each other through life’s difficult and joyful times. What better way to stand with and for each other than to practice acts of kindness in all we do. TI Cares is an internal mitzvah corp with a mission to reach out to each other and support one another. To send a kind word, make a meal, or bring something sweet into each other’s lives is to truly become upstanders for the wholeness that is our congregation.


The fruit that the TI-Green Team brought into our Sukkah is also the pomegranate, one beautiful whole that, when it is opened, reveals that it is made of multitudes. The Torah and Midrash tell us that we are the stewards and protectors of God’s creation. This concept of Tikkun Olam, of repairing the world, is an activity, we are told, which must be done not by God alone, but by all of us in partnership with God. That which one of us cannot accomplish alone, we can accomplish as a community, working together. One person changing a lightbulb does not repair the world, but all of us changing a lightbulb has the power to do so. Like the pomegranate we, a multitude of individuals, can join together to do the work that will bring God’s creation to the state of perfection for which we pray. | 617-566-3960


My Pathway to Involvement at Temple Israel of Boston

Sharing the Stories of our Congregants ANDREA ROSENTHAL'S STORY:

Before moving to Boston in the 1990s, my husband and I lived in Greenwich, CT for two years, where we belonged to the Greenwich Reform Synagogue. I loved services there because the rabbi gave wonderful sermons linking contemporary issues to Jewish ethics and values, and belonging was also important to me because it was a way of connecting to other Jewish people. So, I wanted to join a synagogue in Boston when we moved here.

Andrea Rosenthal - Lora Brody Photograph

At first we really only went to Temple Israel on the High Holy Days. Our lives were quite busy, and since we had lived in the Boston area before moving to Connecticut, we had many friends. But when my mother-in-law died, Rabbi Zecher did such a wonderful job of speaking to the family to get an idea of what she had been like, and then spoke at the funeral with such humor and understanding that I found myself wanting to be more involved with TI and her.

Of course time passed before I did anything about that, but a few years ago, I reacted strongly to a sermon Rabbi Zecher gave at Yom Kippur and decided the time had come. I found a description of Modern Midrash that sounded very interesting, and Rabbi Zecher was the teacher, so I signed up. I have loved learning with her and also with the other people in the class, which is ongoing. They are intelligent and insightful and inspire me to think more deeply. Last year I took my first TILLI class on Black Voices. Helen Kolsky is an excellent teacher, and the other students in the class are top-notch. Then came a class on George Gershwin with Paula Folkman, also a knowledgeable and excellent teacher, and this fall I’ve signed up for another class with Helen. Through readings and discussion, I’m learning a lot about contemporary social issues. I also enjoy the book group led by Temple Israel's Librarian, Ann Abrams. What I really like about Temple Israel is the opportunity to learn, and that is how I’ve become more involved. Rabbi Zecher is an inspiring leader and teacher. I truly value that we have so many learning opportunities here."

Most Temple Israel folks know us as 'the people from Marshfield' and we are still

explaining why it's not too far to travel to Temple Israel. The simple reason is, TI is a very special place. Spiritually and intellectually stimulating, socially conscious, friendly, and engaging. It's great to have a new temple family while we enjoy living near our own family."


— Fred Monaco

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.



After living in the Albany, NY area for over 30 years, we relocated to Massachusetts in order to be close to our three grown children. While living in Albany, we were actively involved with Congregation Beth Emeth. At first, it seemed that we would not seek a new congregation. But, after a short time we found that we were missing our connection to the Jewish community. We visited temples on the South Shore, closer to our new home, but didn't really find what we were looking for.

Before we left Albany, Temple Israel was recommended by members of our former congregation as well as Beth Emeth clergy. From the very first visit to Temple Israel, clergy, staff, and members were so welcoming and inviting, we knew we had made the right decision. Shabbat and holiday services are creative and engaging. The 50s and 60s group has been a wonderful way for us to meet new people. The book group and library committee are especially inviting for my wife, Beth. With my background in property management, new construction, and renovation of State buildings in New York, the Building and Grounds Committee was a perfect fit for me. Recently, I was asked to chair this committee and I am flattered and happy to do so. In addition, two of our children were active with the Riverway Project long before we became members. They continue to participate, so it has been a treat to follow in their footsteps instead of the other way around! Most Temple Israel folks know us as "the people from Marshfield", and we are still explaining why it's not too far to travel to Temple Israel. The simple reason is, TI is a very special place. Spiritually and intellectually stimulating, socially conscious, friendly, and engaging. It's great to have a new temple family while we enjoy living near our own family."

Welcome to our Newest* Members! Allston Michelle Weinstein Boston Jaguar Ashtiani Gregg Bernstein Allison Briskin Anne Btodnitzki Shana and Michael Cashman Elizabeth Clayton Adam Cohen Rebecca Cohen and Luke Neumann Yael Cohn Matthew Drouin Caroline Duchin Saul Frankford Jeff Gabel and Anne Luzhetskaya Michael Gallerstein Sara Greenberg Rachel Hershfang Richard Isaac and Lynda Bachman Jennifer Johnson Joan Kagan Wendy Kirchick Phillip Lachman Brigitte Laukien and Zachary Kofos David Lerner and Monika Kompodieta Klempner Mark and Elinor Svenson Daryl Marma Chad Remis

Alex and Alexis Rogers Rebekah Roper Stephanie and Joshua Rosenfield Stephanie Rudolph Sara Schlegel and Roy Schoenberg Brian Schwartz Daniil Shapiro Meaghan Winter Charles S. Fradin Brighton Rachel Atwood

Charlestown Daniel Leff and Page Hubben Cheryl Maier Zachary and Christopher Renfro- Wallace Chestnut Hill Sheldon and Jacqueline Duchin Chicago Shay McIntosh

Jamaica Plain Brookline Eric Demicco and Erica Quigley Howard Berloff Rose Eiduson Meri Piltser Cowan Jessica and Adam Marks Tamara Ribas Camargo Sarah Muncey Arielle Frangipane Abby Greenberg Lexington Christopher Martinson and Nellie Noa Katzelnik and Renerson Klemz Triedman Karen Schwarz Newton Amy Colson Cambridge Yifat Geffen Emily and John Bernard Louis and Nancy Beckerman Doug Caplan Avi Green and Sarah Almer Quincy Caroline Kahlenberg David Ullian and Sarah Katherman Jennifer Rubin Robyn Yee Harrison and Emma Shulman Noah Stahl and Emily Zametkin

Revere Kivanc Atesok Roslindale Shayna Packer and Matthew Abrams Somerville Matthew and Victoria Ellis Daniel Kamin Julia Tuttle and Sparrow Rubin South Boston Bonnie Donohue Springfield Francisco and Eneida Cintron Wellesley Hills Bethany Greene Ashley Bernon West Roxbury Joseph Ramadei

*July 4 - October 10, 2018 | 617-566-3960


"Yes, I Speak Summer Camp!" By Rabbi Matt Soffer

"V’shinanta l’vanecha — You must teach [these words] to your children” (Deut. 6:7) “I have a question for you about language skills,” Rabbi Zecher asked when we first met, a decade ago. I was, at the time, a seminarian in conversation with the Temple Israel clergy about the possibility of spending a summer here as a rabbinic intern. I prepared to share my Hebrew skills, knowing how serious this community is about Torah Study. Before I could, she continued, “Do you speak Summer Camp?”

Rabbi Matthew Soffer, spending some time at URJ Eisner Camp this summer

Yes, “Summer Camp” is a language, and I have been "speaking URJ Summer Camp” since 1988, when I first stepped foot on the UAHC (now URJ) Camp Harlam, at the foothills of the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Camp has its own language because of its communal intensiveness, cultural immersion, and Jewish flavor of joy. “Doing Jewish” is inextricable with every element of life—from the meals we share, the songs we sing, the jokes we make, and, of course, the learning, which is not only formal but also infused in every aspect of the experience.

On a literal level, the Hebrew language is a major part of URJ Summer Camp language—every building, activity, bunk, and unit has a Hebrew name that we all learn within days. But of equal significance in becoming fluent in Summer Camp is in the norms of how we all relate to each other—in learning, in friendship, even in conflict— grounding our relational experiences in Jewish values. Summer Camp relationships are not only intense, they are enduring. My entire life is proof. My parents met at URJ Camp Harlam. Little did they know in 1968 that their URJ Summer Camp fluency, decades later, would yield the blessed fruit of my own marriage, since Nicole and I both grew up on those same hallowed grounds, welcoming Shabbat week after week on that same Chapel on the Hill, with the very same prayers for peace, love, and friendship. For this reason it was a blessing beyond measure this summer to spend a week as faculty at one of the Reform Movement’s regional camp, the URJ Eisner Camp. With my family fully engaged in the life of the community, we all spoke URJ Summer Camp, with students from our own neck of the woods here in Boston, as well as others from areas across the Northeast who share the common bond of "living Judaism together"—the three words that open our own Temple Israel mission statement.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

URJ Summer Camp language can also transcend words. I found myself speechless, even teary-eyed, witnessing my own children and our TI students discovering their own ways of living Judaism together—laughing, praying, singing, and playing (nonstop!). At URJ summer camps, our kids learn the very lessons we strive to teach here, at Temple Israel, every day and with intrinsic ease: the relevance of Torah, the truth that spirituality is so very real and personal, the absolute, unwavering commitment to being a mensch in the world. When we returned home, during our first Shabbat back at Temple Israel, we realized that, believe it or not, we speak URJ Summer Camp language here at Temple Israel. We sing the same Hebrew songs at camp that we sing in the FJECC Preschool, our Religious School, our Shabbat worship, and our High Holy Days. Perhaps this is why Rabbi Zecher asked me that question long ago. We speak it, “b’shivt’cha b’veitecha uv’lechtcha vaderech, in our homes and on our pathways." What URJ Summer Camps offer to our students is the opportunity to dive even deeper into the very best of this community throughout the summer. When we send our kids to summer camp, more often than not, they come home fluent, having falling in love with every word of every sentence of every song. Yes, I speak Summer Camp— “with all [my] heart, with all [my] soul, with all [my] being” (Deut 6:5), and I pray that this blessed language will endure for generations and generations to come.

Explore URJ Camp Options:

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Learn more at | 617-566-3960


By Mike Fishbein "What happened here? And what should American Jews do about it?" In her review of Jonathan Weisman's book, (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump, Forward editor-in-chief Jane Eisner asks these two questions of American antisemitism and names them as the central questions of the book. She continues, "The title’s triple parentheses — known as an echo — are an antisemitic symbol used to highlight Jewish names, adopted by the alt-right to hunt down potential targets on Twitter and subsequently appropriated by many Jewish users as a defiant response. That defiance propels Weisman’s urgent, timely narration of how a few fringe leaders galvanized a Twitter army that, despite its insignificant number, broke wide open an ugly strain of antisemitism whose tentacles have reached even into the White House." Jonathan Weisman, (((Semitism)))'s author and Deputy Washington Editor of The New York Times, joins us November 30 and December 1 as our 5779 Temple Israel Burstein Scholar-in-Residence. During the run-up to the 2016 election, Wesiman was the object of a tidal wave of online hate from the alt-right. (((Semitism))) shares both his personal experience and the deep research it prompted on the history and current rise of antisemitism in America. During Qabblat Shabbat on Friday, November 30 and Torah Study the morning of Saturday, December 1, Weisman's insights will guide our learning and, certainly, will remind us of the urgent and ongoing need to respond. That need will lead us into the third session of our Burstein weekend, a panel discussion on Saturday afternoon with AntiDefamation League New England Regional Director Robert Trestan and National Board Member Esta Epstein, moderated by Rabbi Elaine Zecher. There, before havdalah, we will turn back to Jane Eisner's second question, as we discuss what American Jews have been and can "do about it."

Please visit for times and other details of the weekend. 12

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

The Days of Awe Continue Through The Center for Adult Jewish Learning

By Carol Michael The High Holy Days are over for 2018. We have gone through the Days of Awe for 2018, but must they be over? Temple Israel is an awesome place. As you drive past or walk by on the Riverway, you see grand doors and stairways and our Louise Nevelson sculpture in stark black. It’s imposing, and people say, “It’s so big, where do I start?” I was there once myself. So what’s the way in? It’s not a secret – there are many ways, and one is the Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Israel of Boston (CAJL). It wasn’t always called the CAJL, but it’s a tried and true way into the life of a synagogue – learning. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in Rabbi Zecher’s Midrash class since she began teaching it. Our class has ranged far and wide and drilled deep throughout Biblical text. We explored what was written, what was not written, what was said, and what was not said, what our questions were, whose voices we heard, and whose we didn’t. We learned not only our sacred stories, and Classical Midrash, but about each other through our questions. With Rabbi Zecher’s guidance and scholarship we wrote our own midrash, some in prose, some in poetry, and some through art. We joined in the conversation, the creativity, the imagination of our sages and our ancient rabbis with our modern rabbi, and our own creativity and insight. Now studying Prophets, we know it is not only the characters and the text that draw us in, but our own individual stories. It’s awesome. Entering Rabbi Jacobson’s Talmud class for my second year, I feel part of the ancient conversation in a different way. We’re not writing, but deciphering the writing. Were these rabbis the earliest reformers? Were they looking at Torah and trying to determine how to live by what was written? What to keep and what to jettison? To have the opportunity to reflect on where we, as modern people, fit in to this long chain of history, and to do so on a regular basis with an incredible and diverse community of learners is truly sustaining. The Days of Awe continue. | 617-566-3960


Opening our Religious School to Young Learners

Since the inception of our Sunday classes for young kids, we’ve offered classes

for just over 100 kids and have attracted many new members by opening our doors to non-members."

— Roberta Bergstein

By Roberta Bergstein Prior to the 2015-2016 school year, Temple Israel of Boston’s Religious School was open exclusively to students in Kindergarten through 7th grade who were members of Temple Israel. When Rabbi Suzie Jacobson became Director of Education in June of 2015, we saw a need to open our doors to other young learners. For years, we had received inquiries from non-members and members alike about Sunday morning classes for pre-school aged students. As a team, we considered the possibility of adding a class for young students. The next step was to design a curriculum and find the right educators to help our vision become a reality. We are lucky to be in close relationship with the Frances Jacobson Early Childhood Center (FJECC). When designing our Sunday pre-school curriculum and thinking about the right educators, we sought guidance from Helen Cohen and her team of educators. We are exceptionally lucky to have found an incredible teacher, Natanya Cohen, who taught in the FJECC for a number of years and was excited to bring her skill and experience to our Religious School. Together, Rabbi Jacobson and Natanya created a Sunday-morning pre-school program that is now part of our Religious School. In its first year, during the fall of 2015, we had 16 students pilot the six-week session. During that time, students became familiar with Jewish stories, values, and holidays. Our fall pilot was so successful that we decided to hold a second session in the spring. Building on the success of its first year, we offered the program during the 2016-2017 for over 20 kids. The following year, building on our successes, we expanded the program into two eight-week sessions. Beginning last year, we added a second class for even younger students, once again responding to the needs of our community. Since the inception of our Sunday classes for young kids, we’ve offered classes for just over 100 kids and have attracted many new members by opening our doors to non-members. We are always looking for new students to join our classes. For more information, contact Roberta Bergstein, Assistant Director of Education, at or 617-566-3960.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

Sing. Pray. Act. Reflect. Kindle. Shine!

How will you spread the light this Chanukah? This Chanukah, there is an opportunity for everyone to participate, every day! We will be sharing ways to light, give, learn, and sing your way through the eight nights. Stay tuned to your inbox, the Temple Israel Facebook page, and our website at

TI LIGHTING OPPORTUNITIES CANDLE 1 Sunday, December 2 CANDLE 2 Monday, December 3 CANDLE 3 Tuesday, December 4 CANDLE 4 Wednesday, December 5 CANDLE 5 Thursday, December 6 CANDLE 6 Friday, December 7

CANDLE 7 Saturday, December 8 CANDLE 8 Sunday, December 9

• During Religious School • In your home - share your photos with us on social media any night during Chanukah using #TISparks • During the Tent • Riverway Projects's Mid 30s-40s Chanukah Party • During Religious School • Board of Trustees Lighting • Riverway Project (20s & 30s) Olive Oil Tasting, Lighting and Celebration! • FJECC Lighting • Evening Minyan Lighting • Riverway Neighborhood Lighting • Religious School Lighting with musical guest Dan Nichols • Intro to Judaism Lighting • All-Community Chanukah Shabbat, including Shabbat Mishpachah and Qabbalat Shabbat with musical guest Dan Nichols. Musical portion made possible by Gabe Padawer. • Spiritual Practice Lab with Rabbis Zecher and Jacobson • Havdalah followed by "Coffeehouse" with Dan Nichols • Chanukah Party for Religious School, FJECC, and the Village • 50s & 60s Chanukah Party


Partakers College Behind Bars Teen Empowerment

Urban Farming Institute Israeli Religious Action Center Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN)

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Boston Ujima Project | 617-566-3960



35 years David & Susan Rosen Laurence Koff & Barbara Smith Koff

DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 20 years Steven Levitsky & Liz Mineo Andrew Klein & Amy Branger Ellen Cohen & Daniel Haber

25 years Jorge Plutzky & Nancy Baskin 55 years Leonard & Arleen Jacobs 60 years Bram & Phyllis London Lawrence & Judith Schlager

JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 5 years Lauren & Eli Van Allen Blake Gottesman & Casey Knight 30 years Judith Katz & Grant Rhode 45 years Matthew & Marilyn Feinberg 60 years Eugene & Tanya Gilbo

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS William Awad IV Elissa Barr Adam Brinch Bonnie Donohue Andrew Fenves Alison Freedman Kenneth Frieze Jeff Gabel


Alexandra Goldberg Shoshanna Goldberg Brett Gordon Andrew Janower Jon Kingsdale Ruth Klepper Joseph Kolchinsky Andrea Kronman Lori Landay Paula Martin Katherine Moskop Nick Oberstein Felipe Pait Ellen Perrin Susan Porter Virginia Remedi-Brown Philip Sher Burt Skvirsky Frank Steinfield Colin Turner

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Jennifer Aronson Elizabeth Freidin Baumann Amy Berylson Claudine Bing Jaclyn Bralower Marla Dubin Cheryl Ebenstein Rebecca Fishbein Barbara Frank Daniel Green Aurora Carruthers-Grey Deborah Hahn Kaitlyn James Susan Kohn Diane Lapkin Richard Levitan Linda Lintz Elizabeth Lyster Nikki Nudelman Henry Okun Suzanne Salamon David Savitz Beverlee Sclar Ron Shaich Elaine Shain Charles Silverston Sam Starobin

Carol Targum Matthew Wallace Robert Weller

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Kathryn Berger Helen Bresky Melissa Carp Rachel Daniels Sivan Einsohn Elizabeth Georgantas Harriet Greenfield Susan Israel Daniel Jacobson Marisa Jupiter Elyse Lakin Rochelle Lipschultz Jodi Lockwood Andrew Loewenstein Mark Klempner Carol Mersky Pelin Motro Joseph Pines Jami Huryan Rice Aliana Von Richthofen Michael Sallen Stacy Seide Emma Shulman Loring Smith Kristin Stadfeld Benjamin Stern Judith Sydney James Wright

Mazal Tov!

NOVEMBER B’NEI MITZVAH • Annalysia (Isa) Gonzalez, daughter of Meredith and Andy LesserGonzalez on November 3 • Jason Corey Ribatt son of Polly and Gregg Ribatt on November 17


• Rebecca Hannah Samuels daughter of Suzanne and David Samuels on December 1

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


May their memories bring blessing. RECENT DEATHS

• Fannette Adelman • Concetta Antonacci, mother of Nancy Shaich and grandmother of Emma and Michael • Raheem Baraka, friend of David and Rhoda Trietsch and Mike and Rebecca Fishbein • Mildred Berman Binder, grandmother of Liz Kadish • Jan Brinch, mother of Adam Brinch, sister of Judy Katz and cousin of Barbara Levy • Doris F. Clegg, mother of Ellen Clegg and grandmother of Jacob Zucker • Estelle Dine • George Fishman, husband of Ellen Ogintz Fishman • Jacqueline Feinberg, wife of Steven Feinberg • Daniel Gero, son-in-law of Ellen Fishman • Joseph Gertner, husband of Nancy Gertner • Marcia Kaufman • Martin Keller, father of Elisabeth Keller • Robert Lurie, husband of Syrul Lurie • Orlando Maytin, father of Melanie Maytin and grandfather of Liev and Harry Minkoff • William T. Miller, father of Karen Klahr Miller and grandfather of Katherine and Ella Bunnell • Laurence Noble • Ruth Einhorn Plaks, mother of Alan Einhorn • Renee Sallen, wife of Michael Sallen • Carl Sapers, uncle of Aviva Sapers and great-uncle of Ari and Jonah Sapers-Sydney • June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine • Neil Sherman, father of Andrew Sherman • Carol Greenberg Sokoloff, mother of Rob Sokoloff and grandmother of Eli, Jared, and Andrew • Beverly Weiss • Sally Wyner, mother of Wendy Levine • Yefim Zimbovsky, father of Elina Magitsky and grandfather of Leila, Isaac, and Giadora

We Congratulate • Emily and John Bernard on the birth of their son Charles Irving Bernard • Barbara Berns and Alan Berns on the engagement of their daughter Anna Berns to Andrew Werth • Alex Coleman and Debbie and Jay Arlick on the birth of their grandson Eli Samuel Coleman • Britany DiCicco and Yakov Reytblat on their engagement • Alan and Pam Goodman on the engagement of their son Pete to Megan DeMarsh • Anne Herzberg Eden and Uri Eden, parents, and Victor Herzberg, grandfather, on the birth of Jonah Dor Eden

• Elliott Gordon and Heidi Skinner on the birth of their son Nolan John Gordon • Erika Gorman and Michael Rosenstein on their marriage • Page Hubben and Daniel Leff on the birth of their son Abraham • Rose Zoltek Jick on the marriage of her daughter Adina and Noah Pardo • Jenny Johnson and Robert Cocuzzo on the birth of Vienna Savoy Cocuzzo • Rob and Elizabeth Katz, parents, Amy and John Berylson, grandparents, Richard Smith, great-grandfather, Jennifer and Jonathan Block, aunt and uncle, on the birth of William Andrew Katz • David Lerner and Monika Kompodieta on the birth of their son Ari Leonidas Lerner • Adam Mazo and Liza Berkowitz Mazo on the birth of their son Raphael Eli Mazo • Jill Medvedow and Richard Kazis, grandparents, Noah Kazis and Suzanne Kahn, parents, on the birth of Eliza Marjorie Kazis • Rachel Warner Parker and Joshua Stephen Parker, parents, and Don & Cheri Warner and Kathleen King Parker & Stephen Parker, grandparents, on the birth of Joseph Alexander Parker • Anya Potter and Matthew Drouin on the birth of Nikola Judah Drouin • Sam Weinger and Amanda Wills on the birth of their daugher Veronica Opal Weinger • Sarah Minden and Stephen Wright on the birth of their granddaughter Lianne Cui Miller • Jarrod and Jordana Shief Needle, parents, and Susan Shief, grandmother, on the birth of Ari Samuel Shief Needle • Erica Quigley and Eric Dimento on their marraige • Joan Rachlin and Seymour Small on the wedding of their daughter Kayla Rachlin Small and Gunnar Bohlin • Arthur Segel and Patti Saris, grandparents, Ruth Saris, great-grandmother, and Jim and Mimi Segel, great uncle and aunt on the birth of Hannah Handler Segel • Marisa Segel and Matt Thaler, parents, Arthur Segel and Patti Saris, grandparents, Ruth Saris, great-grandmother, and Jim and Mimi Segel, great uncle and aunt on the birth of Andre Oliver Segel • Loretta and Simon Wieczner on the engagement of their daughter Jennifer to Flaviu Simihaian • Marlene Yesley, grandmother, and Suzy Yesley, aunt, on the marriage of Andrew Silberman to Cassandra Purcell • Jonathan Zelig and Julia Kendall on the birth of their daughter Eleanor Jane Zelig | 617-566-3960



Max H. Abrams Albert Adelson Dora S. Aronson Herman Blum Howard Leon Borkow Jacob Bornstein Grace F. Burmon Celia Cohen Violet H. Eisenberg Mary Elfman Commander Edward A. Ellis Esther Feer Joseph W. Forman Sadie Freedland Jennie Novogrod Glazer Manuel Godoff Nathan Max Goloboy Charles Benjamin Goloboy Bernard H. Goodrich Samuel Gordon Herman Grollman William Knoble Grollman Elaine Knoble Grollman Melvin S. Hanauer Bernard "Bud" Hodess Alice Goldman Howard Golda Rudner Karlin Dr. David Karp Samuel Kingsdale Leon Knapp Esther Kupinsky Gerda F. Lanes Edward William Levine Jacob Levy Milton Lincoln Levy Faye Buchhalter Lewis Andrew Warren Lurie Bernard Marglin Werner Misselbeck David Pokross Abraham J. Ramler Ernest Arthur Raphael Ralph Reisman Joseph Rosenblatt Allick Rozefsky Nina Alexander Saunders Irving R. Shapiro Dorothy Sherin Sumner A. Shore Lesley Silver


Evelyn Silverstein David Saul Smith James Alan Smith Judith Rodgers Smulow Elihu Smulow George Tack Ethel Tishler David Harold Warren Leo Wasserman David Weinstein Augusta White Katharine L. Zintz

NOVEMBER 4 - 10 Paul Abramson Esther Bachrach Deborah Moss Barron Ruth Markendorff Baylor Anne Vorenberg Becker Rosalie S. Borkow Libby Buchhalter Samuel Buxbaum Celia M. Cohen Dr. Robert I. Diamond Dr. Moses Joel Eisenberg Samuel Elkins Leon R. Eyges Sarah Greenberg Fechtor Daniel B. Feer Anna M. Feldberg Samuel Fireman Alexander M Fox Dr. Edward Frye Irene Sloane Gainsboro Barnet Golick Estelle S. Gorin Marion M. Green Reuben A. Grossman Rose B. Gryzmish William Hirsh Lizzie Homonoff Hyman Horwitz Selma Kaplan Mildred Koster Alan Kraut Benjamin M. Kulvin Laura Lappin Gallagher Joseph Mayer Levenson Deborah Lipp Rose Miller Lippman Pearl Loewenstein Mae D. Marder

Milton W. Marks Benjamin N. Michaelson Charles H. Milender Arthur Abraham Milgroom Morris L. Morrison Stephen R. Morse Robert M. Moser Jennie Naigles Lawrence H. Oppenheim Frimy Rantzer Pechet Dr. Herbert I. Posin Irving Rachlin Joan Zageir Rocamora Kim C. Rogal Esther E. Rome Richard L. Rosenthal Harriet T. Sachs Minnie Saltzberg Shirley Brown Saunders Saul Seinfeld Norton Sherman Paul Malcolm Sidel Frances Burstein Singer Herman Snyder Sheila Dun Stein Rebecca Stern Harold Widett Joseph Worth

NOVEMBER 11 - 17 Jack E. Alexander Fred Abraham Berman Samuel Berson Arthur J. Burstein Jacob Burstein Abner Bernard Cohan Harold Cohen Sumner J. Cooper Saul Julius Copellman Margit Klara Epstein Helen Filiurin Babette Haas Glen Marcia Goff James L. Gold Gertrude E. Goldstein Ella A. Hirsh Lily Horowitz Harry Kane Joseph Kaplan Daveeda Susan Koss Anna D. Koss Bertha Lerner

Jennie M. Lewis Ellis Marglin Edward Morrill Isabel M. Morse Joan Rines Needleman Lillian Pearlstein Bernard Abraham Riemer John Robinson Ann F. Rosenblum Sarah Schein Elaine Alpert Sicklick Edward A. Stiller Alvan Franklin Traxler Rose Ulitsky Shirley Waldstein Margaret Warner Ruth May Weiler Joseph Wekstein Sara G. Wyner Harry Young

NOVEMBER 18 - 24 Florence M. Agoos Jeanne A. Beller Roslyn S. Berenberg Lillian Merson Berns Bessie Bertman Dr. Saul Biller Dr. Philip Bloom Rachel Johannes Burstein Julius Chopp Jacques S. Corri Sumner Charles Edelstein Rebecca Fine Ruth Ross Glen Mildred Rutberg Goldman Harry Gossman Harriet Greenberg Helen L. Jaffe Dorothy Kaplowitz Jack W. Kaufman Ethel A. Kramer Mildred Kressel Morris Harry Krinsky Saul Kusmin Mollie Landfield Sarah F. Leavitt Paul R. Levine Eliot Lifland Rhoda Lifland Abraham London Randall Jay Margolis

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

YAHRZEITS I. Otto Miller Terry Lee Porter Daniel B. Rakov Gale L. Raphael William Reichert Phillip Reisman David Rines Allan Romanow Edythe Ross Samuel D. Saxe David Saxe George I. Segal Ida Elizabeth Segal Etta F. Segal Jacob S. Sieve Benjamin Herman Singer Dorothy Milgam Singer Morris Sleeper Florence Goldberg Sloane Thelma Dorothy Tesler Solomon

Simon Bernard Stein Ferdinand Strauss II Efim S. Toochin Frances R. Watchmaker Nicole Y. Weinberg Charles Harry Weinreb Eva Kane Weiss Dora Ralby White Elizabeth Wyzanski


Betsy Friedman Abrams Harry Altman Jennie Greenberg Baker Idalia M. Banash Bessie Blum Samuel C. Clayton Dorothy R. Copellman May Mildred Cotton Mason Ehrenfried Arthur J. Feinberg Frank A. Feldman Murray R. Fine Ruth G. Fish Harold Fox Dr. Gustave B. Fred Rose Gibbs Ida Glodt Eugene Grace Milton L. Grahm Deana M. Gross Edith Weinstein Holtz

Barbara Roberta Horwitz Minnie Hecht Hyneman Phillip S. Jackson Carl J. Kaffenburgh Abraham Kanter Paul Alan Kaplan Charles Karp Louison Kazes Sophie Kessler Dr. Herman Kolton Ruth Freelander Kotlier Katherine Krensky Norman I. Krinsky Edward G. Krohne Mildred G. Krohne Wallace Krulewich Roger David Kurland Ethel Agoos Levin Morris Litner Jack Isaac London Frieda Lillian Miller Blanche L. Mock Thurman F. "Jack" Naylor Pearl B. Noble Shepard Saul Novick Bertram Allen Petkun Anna Holzman Pinkos Abraham C. Porter Harry B. Ramler Leila Warren Redstone Sidney P. Reinherz Joseph Rice Dorothy L. Richmond Jeanette E. Rosenbaum Robert Sachs Shirley S. Schneer William M. Silverman Andrew E. Skoler Esther G. Sugarman Nancy W. Taub Sol Thim Richard Weiler Augusta White Irving Winer

DECEMBER 2 - 8 Anne Abrams Ira J. Banash Dr. Morton Bard Arnold E. Bayer Hyman C. Berkowitz Paul Bernat Eva L. Bloomberg

Marcia Bujan Julian Cohen Myer W. Epstein Robert M. Feldman Rose Fienman Joseph S. Finstein Trudy Friedman Ruth Gittelsohn Helen Zarling Gold Gertrude Kate Goldberg Dexter David Gould Jacob Greenberg Frances Grossman Bryan Seth Hauser Morey Hirsch Ruth Olga Hirsch Caroline Rose Isenberg Archie Kaplan Samuel Kasanof Barbara Bette Katz Morris Kirsner, Esq. Gladys Klebanoff Dr. Joel A. Kraut Jacob J. Krokyn Marion M. Kurson Eleanor Kurson Betsy Lehman Maynard Leventhal Shirley R. Levy Cheryl Lieberman Sarah Mainster J. Leonard Michelson Ilse Mundheim Moser Leonore D. Moss Bernard Putnoi Helen M. Resnick Dr. Joseph C. Richmond Irving W. Rodman Charlotte Kulvin Salter Irving Matthew Saunders Joseph Saxe Dorothy R. Schaffer Esther Landfield Schneider Beatrice Schulman Dr. Arnold Segel Leo Isiah Shief Berril Shief Sarah Sholkin Irene Shulkin Edith M. Sieve Walter Harris Solomon Ida Frances Somers Gertrude T. Spitz

Annie Starensier Anne Starr Solomon Steinfeld Allan Tarshish Gisella Weiss


Max William Beck Hyman Bloom Samuel Burstein Florence Pohlmann Cofman Esta Cooper Myer L. Cutler Eva Koploy Elbinger Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn Natalie M. Gold George Warren Gold Celia Gordon Irene Gorman Edith F. Greenberg Alexander Grossman Mike Grossman Irving J. Helman Julia Zibbell Jolles Leo Kabatznick Sylvan Kahn Jessie Mary Kane Isak Kazes Sarah Kisloff Robert David Kozol Norman B. Krim Paul Kupferstein Lois S. Lee Betty Levine Rachel Jane Lewis Rachel Lewis Rose Plow Margolis Abraham I. Michelson Joseph Isaac Mirkin Emanuel E. Mock James R. Morse, Jr. Ida Marion Perkit Ruth Grass Petkun Sylvia B. Righter Helen M. Rodman Rosalie B. Rosen Gertrude Burnce Rosen Abram Salter Samuel Schwall Immanuel Sherman William Silver Maurice M. Simon Diane Barrabee Smithline | 617-566-3960


YAHRZEITS Eugene J. Steinberg Otto Stieber Terry Strom Maurice Ullian Clair Vindsberg Harold Warshaw Sarah Wernick Esther Wilker Harry Winberg Jennie Wolf Virginia "Ginger" Wyler Saunders

DECEMBER 16 - 22

Henrietta Altman Arthur Altschuler Louis Gessin Aserkoff Leonard Baron Etta F. Barron Miriam Quint Bayard Moses Berger Max Berner Mollie Botkin Harold Brown Leslie Buchbinder Julius J. Cohen Sarah R Copellman Frances L. De Jur Harry L. Drucker Marion R. Exiner Harold Fienman Abram B. Fox Minnie M. Fox Jennie Frank George Gara Irving Gashin Harold Sherman Goldberg Rose Goldman Edward Earle Gordon Joseph Grubinger Morris Gunner Lila Heatter Jacob Housen Burton Jolles Stanley Samuel Kanter Marion Rubin Kaplan Abraham L. Kauffman Philip Krensky Edward A. Laven Louise Ellis Levinson Eve R. Lewis David A. Loeb Morris Loitman Barbara Mallin Malamut


Irving Marder Edith G. Michaels Etta F. Miller Frank L. Mitnick Leo D. Moss Henry Harold Nadell Robert Needleman Bessie K. Rabinovitz George Robbins Paul P. Ross Stanley Charles Schaffer Esther Silverstein Max Snyder Hervey Solar Robert Sperber Hattie S. Stern Zina Wallace Thelma Akabas Weiss Emanuel White Harold Elliot Zarling Milton L. Zelmyer

DECEMBER 23 - 29

Muriel G. Abrams Adolph Bernard Alland Jennie B. Allen Anna Bornstein Frances Chopp Walter E. Cohen Edith W. Cohen Stanley Elmont Louis Faneuil David M. Feldman Delia Finkelstein Paul Fisher Scott Myles Franklin Rosanne Freeman Anna Alpert Gans Dr. Robert Lloyd Garber Ida G. Glasser Fanny Goldstein Harriet Wilinsky Goodman Julia Herbits William Herbits Winnie S. Jolles Clarice Burack Katz Dr. Imre Kovacs Raymond Saul Kurtzman M.D. Doris Gile Laven Abraham S. Levensohn Samuel Myer Levin Ellyn Sue Bonnie Lieberman Sidney H. Litner

Moses Lubets Beatrice R. Marder Helen R. Mayer Melissa Marantz Nealy E. Richard Nessen Lauren L. Olson Richard N. Pinksohn Morris J. Rabinovitz Sadie F. Riesman Harriet S. Robbins John Robbins Rogell A. Max Rosenberg Blanche Agoos Rosenthal Hyman Harold Rudofsky Richard William Sallinger Sarah Hoffman Scheff Zig Schmitt Morris Schultz Lillian Leondar Schultz Abraham D. Shain Alfred B. Sheinwald Lt. Col. Forrest W. Sheinwald Ely Silver Merle Levy Sleeper Marx David Slonim Mildred B. Solar Henry Joseph Stein Harry Strauss Dr. William B. Sweder Rodger Tauman Leah Trugman Fred Vorenberg Stanley S. White Lillian Kellner Winter George D. Wolfson Ida Helen Wunsch Carol Ann Zalkind


Ruth M. Bakst Jeannette Berns Alexander Bloomberg Milton Bornstein Philip G. Bronstein Katherine Louise Cahners Etta Cohen Alvan Robert Corkin Dorothy Delson Carole Diamond Selma Arlene Dolby Sarah Epstein Leonard Fine

Morris Freedberg Ronald Gashin Robert Tobias Gilbert Israel Goldman Melvin Gordon Ellis Gordon Mae Goverman Dolby Gerald J. Holtz Morris J. Itkin Enid Rosen Jackson Elaine Rosenblatt Karnow Shirley P. Krasnoff Morris Kupferman Shirley Rhoda Lubell Nathan G. Lyman Sidney S. Maron Martin Mendelson Robert Martin Morrison Anna Galpert Persky Jane Irene Pinanski Dr. Harold Israel Rogell Howard Rubin Joseph Schlager Barbara D. Levine Shapiro Arthur L. Sherin Stanley Sydney Marjorie Weisberg Mabel N. Weiss George Wyner Ruth Bolonsky Yesley Rose Bearse Zakon

JANUARY 6 - 12

Morton Backer James P. Barber Arnold Baskin Mynette Bresky Goldie Brown Annie Gerber Cohen Judge Hyman Copins Robert David Dana Nathan David David Louis Fine Beatrice B. Fine Emma Winter Frankfurter Earl Wallace Franklin Sadie Gale David S. Gesmer Mollie Goodman Glazer Sarah Landerman Glunts Newell B. Goldberg Albert E. Gordon Estelle Lynch Gould

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

YAHRZEITS Minnie Greenberg Sadye Marian Grossman Robert Gustin Alice Kanter Halpern Lewis Hecht Ernst Hollander Sylvia Irma Kalish Janet Printz Kaplan Stephen Kardon Reuben J. Karlin Martha Kempner Rose Stone Klein Rae G. Koster Frank L. Kozol Jeanne M Lerman Evelyn Richmond Levin Lillian Cohan Levin Edward Levine Emma G. LeVine Harold Jacob Lewis Ellen Ann Lewis Eleanor C. Litner Dora S. Margolis Celia H. Meyer George Moses Louis Movitz Evelyn G. Neumann Viola Rottenberg Pinanski Bernice L. Brudno Posnick Adrienne L. Rubin Arthur B. Savel Robert Shapiro Leonard Shapiro Sally Reichert Shulman Charles L. Silton Edith Bronstein Silverman Estelle Silverman Dr. Peretz Singer Paul Mark Tuck Sarah Weiscopf Fanny Weiscopf Walter D. Wekstein Hannah Levin Zauderer

JANUARY 13 - 19

Harry H. Aronson Ruth Forrest Barkin Mary Berger Ethel Bernstein Shirley Palais Braude Oscar Bresnick Audrey Brown Maxwell "Mac" Burstein

Andrew P. Cahners Irving I. Calk Mildred Parker Cohen David Ebert Robert C. Ellis Bella Eskin Annie Fine Dr. Judah Folkman Lottie Winberg Freifeld Harry H. Gilbert Louis Ginsburg Bertram Gluck Harry Gold Samuel U. Goldberg Ruth Goldman Anita Marcus Golosov Jerome Daniel Goodman Simeon L. Gordon Natalie Sabin Gottesman Dorothy H. Green Ruth Pinanski Green Albert Mordecai Grossman Mortimer C. Gryzmish Ida Guttentag Augusta Fish Hanauer Alfred R. Jaffe Lawrence Kahme Peter J. Kaplan Samuel J. Katz Cynthia Altshuler Korb Rena Allen Kupferstein Robert R. Kurson Dr. Simeon Landau Dr. Philip Lerner Norman Lewis Ruth S. Morse Anna Kibrik Narva Lillian Pinksohn Parker Marjorie G. Rosenbaum Anna Rosenberg Dora Rosenman Phyllis Sackman Rita D. Segel Edythe Grossman Seigal Sylvia C. Shapiro Morris Shiffman Benjamin Soffer Dr. Adrian Solo Alice Sperber Anne H. Tannenholz Arnold Jacob Tuck Charles Ulin Samuel Wallick

Viola O. Weiss Hyman Wernick

JANUARY 20 - 26

Roberta Abbott Dr. Maurice I. Abrams Frances Levey Altshuler Dr. Jacob Applebaum Charles W. Beller Florence Bornstein Barnet Burstein Bessie Lansburgh Cohn Arlene R. Davidson Dr. Lewis R. Dretler William Einhorn Lois Wayner Endlar Elsie Snyder Epstein Elizabeth Fox Falk Goldie I. Feinberg Melvin George Feins Abraham W. Fish Rhoda Frankl Nancy H. Glazer Louis Goldstein Roberta Milender Goldwyn Rose Domas Gordon Miriam Naigles Gorin Moses J. Hirschfield Tillie Frank Kanter Emily Rogers Kaplan Arthur Klein Ralph I. Kohn Louis Krosner H. Richard Mades Mary Louisa Mades Stacy R. Malkin William Maxwell Myer Mineberg Max Morris Saul O. Nessen Charlotte Mintz Novick Gale Pasternack Morris L. Pincus Dorothy Rosenblatt Rose Gould Schacht Benson Hoffman Scheff Fred L. Scheiberg Dr. Herbert Schilder Charles H. Schneer Beatrice R. Shapiro Hirsh Sharf John Sherman Helen J. Singer

Jessica R. Sondheim Jacob Sperber Mildred Springer Seymour Stadfeld Max Sterman B. Patricia Gordon Stetson Nathaniel Stiller Ruth L. Swig Eva Lebow Tolman Erna Wolfner Treichlinger Max Treichlinger Harold Wald Ethel Walper Louis Weiner Gertrude K. Weiner Robert B. White Marilyn Weinstein Zelermyer | 617-566-3960



Joseph Steinberg • In memory of Fanette Adelman


Peggy Morrison • In memory of Robert Bookston on his yahrzeit

CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUND Anonymous • In memory of Joan Flax Fields Anonymous • In memory of Estelle Dine Anonymous • In memory of June Schofield Laura Aaronson • In appreciation of Rabbi Gubitz for officiating at the funeral of my mother, Estelle Dine • In appreciation of Sue Misselbeck for all she did for our family at the illness and death of my mother, Estelle Dine Edward Adelman • In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher for officiating at the funeral of our mother, Fannette Adelman Michael Adelman • In appreciation to Rabbi Zecher for officiating at the funeral of our mother, Fannette Adelman Jag Ashtiani • In appreciation of Rabbi Soffer for being a wonderful guide and mentor on this spiritual journey David Banash • In honor of our parents Lee and Idalia Banash and Gene and Irene Kelly Louis and Nancy Beckerman • In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher and Cantor Einhorn for officiating at the funeral of Sally Beckerman


The Cavell Family • With love and gratitude to Rabbi Matt Soffer and Cantor Roy Einhorn for their officiation at the funeral and shiva for our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Stanley Cavell

Robert and Esther Rosenthal • In memory of Arthur Schatz

The Clamen Family • In gratitude to Cantor Einhorn and Rabbi Jacobson for helping Michael prepare for and complete his Bar Mitzvah

Jane and Garrett Sanders • In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher for officiating the wedding of our son, Mike Sanders to Jessi Solomon

Joan and Ronald Curhan • In honor of Rabbi Zecher Carol and Jonathan Fine Fran and John Godine • With appreciation and gratitude to the Daily Minyan • In memory of Carol Sege, mother of Bob Sege and Karen Victor • In memory of Doris Clegg, mother of Ellen Clegg and Ellen Zucker, grandmother of Jacob Zucker Fran Godine and Family • In appreciation of the kindness of our clergy, staff, and the TI community as we mourn my mother, June Schofield Naomi Gordon • In memory of Neil Sherman, father of Andy Sherman Robert Jaffe • In loving memory of Susan Jaffe Levi Syrul Lurie • In appreciation for Rabbi Zecher officiating at the funeral of my beloved husband, Robert Irwin Lurie Rosabeth Moss Kanter • In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Gerri and Ken Sweder Diane Rose • In loving memory of my father, Harry Marks • In loving memory of my uncle, Ben Fink

Judi Rotenberg Ross Zuker • In loving memory of my mother, Fay Rotenberg, on her yahrzeit

Linda Schwabe • In memory of Maxine Elmont and in appreciation of Rabbi Zecher, Cantor Einhorn, Rabbi Jacobson, and all who cared for and respected Maxine Nanci and Doug Sharon • In loving memory of Arlene Rachins with warm thanks to Cantor Roy Einhorn for always being so supportive to our entire family Neil and Patricia Garrett Smithline Ellen Steinbaum and Jim Dalsimer • In memory of June Schofield and Doris Clegg Joe and Florence Steinberg • In appreciation of Rabbi Zecher for her best wishes on our 25th anniversary John Triedman and Susan Hellerstein • In honor of Rabbi Zecher officiating the wedding of our daughter, Nellie to Chris Martinson • Terry and David Yoffie


Myron and Sandy Belfer • In loving memory of Peter Belfer on his yahrzeit Bonnie and David Cusack • In honor of the Tent and Michael Fishbein, on his 40th birthday

JESSE FREIDMAN RIVERWAY FUND Peggy Morrison • In memory of Jesse Friedman on his yahrzeit

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


Ted and Dru Greenwood Richard and Wendy Levine • In honor of Cantor Einhorn's attentiveness to Sally Wyner Carol Michael Donald and Sandra Perrin Avishai Shafrir and Roberta Steinberg • In honor of the wedding of Thomas Starr Albert, son of Martha Starr, to Katerina Dipdiplas

LOUIS AND SADIE GALE FUND Rae Backer • In loving memory of Louis Gale on his yahrzeit

HELENE KRAMER GALLAGHER CHILDREN’S BOOKSHELF Joan Florsheim • In memory of my beloved daughter, Helene Kramer Gallagher, on her yahrzeit


Ruth Gordon • In loving memory of my husband, Hubert M. Gordon, on his yahrzeit Ruth Gordon and Michael Rosenbaum • In memory of Joan Flax Fields, sister of Jane Lewis Shirlee Isenberg • Best wishes to Helen and Lenny Krulewich for many, many more healthy and happy days and years ahead in their new home • In memory of June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine


Alan and Jean Miller • In memory of our dear mothers, Doris T. Locke and Clara N. Miller, on their yahrzeits


Joseph and Florence Steinberg • In loving memory of Frances P. Steinberg on her yahrzeit

MISHKAN HANEFESH PRAYER BOOK FUND Todd B. Finard Family • In memory of Toby Kramer Norman and Judith Finn • In memory of Irving Finn Alison, Ezra, Talia, and Zev Freedman • In memory of Glenn M. Shriberg Robert M. Goisman and Jeanne M. Traxler • In memory of Dr. Jerome J. Traxler Arthur Gold • In memory of George Warren Gold and Helen Zarling Gold Stefanie Greenfield and Mark Allen • In memory of Sanford R. Greenfield Rick and Wendy Levine • In memory of Robert E. Wyner • In memory of Dr. Harry and Ruth Levine Sharen Litwin • In memory of Chasia and Icek Litwin Irene Carolyn Ross • In memory of Mary Sonia Ross Michelle Schaffer • In memory of Arnold Barton Schaffer

Elsa Ramin • In loving memory of George and Isa Mae Kahn on their yahrzeits

Margot and our children Adam and Rachel Strom and Families • In memory of Terry Barton Strom

Josephine Schneider • In loving memory of my father, Leonard Kaplan, on his yahrzeit

Ellen Beth Suderow • In memory of Rhoda Lande Weintraub


Marjorie Nathanson Keele • In loving memory of my parents, George and Sylvia Nathanson, on their yahrzeits


Seymour and Enid Zimbler • In loving memory of Taffy Zimbler on her yahrzeit


The Marilyn and Mike Grossman Foundation • In loving memory of Marilyn Silverstein Grossman and Robert Grossman


Leonard and Christine Bierbrier • With gratitude to the Riverway Project's LGBT initiative, in memory of Nathan Bierbrier • In memory of my mother Marie A. Coyne on her yahrzeit Marian Mandell and Stephanie Mandell • In memory of Rhoda Sapers Elana Weiner

DR. ARNOLD L. SEGEL LIBRARY FUND Joseph Steinberg • In memory of Shirley Horblit on her yahrzeit Mimi and Jerry Smulow • In memory of Ruth Einhorn Plaks, mother of Alan Einhorn and June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine

GALE RAPHAEL SUSTAINING TILLI FUND Adele Goldstein • In loving memory of my husband, Arnold Bentley Goldstein, on his yahrzeit | 617-566-3960 Naomi Gordon


CONTRIBUTIONS (JULY 1, 2018 - SEPTEMBER 14, 2018) • In memory of Robert Lurie, husband of Syrul Lurie

Merrill Berman • In loving memory of Tal Berman

Marcia Krasnow • In memory of Clara “Scrappy” Yallum, cousin of Sue Misselbeck

Marjorie Bloom • In loving memory of Barbara Bloom Ranson on her yahrzeit • In memory of Sally and Bob Wyner

Jane Flax Lewis • In loving memory of my sister, Joan Flax Fields

Barry and Janice Brodil • In memory of Larry Noble

Harriet Steinberg • In memory of my beloved mother, Sarah Shain, on her yahrzeit

Allan Bufferd • In loving memory of Edith Reinstein Bufferd on her yahrzeit

Rhoada Wald • In memory of June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine

Miriam Chernoff • In loving memory of Barry L. Lass and Ruth Small on their yahrzeits


Clare Dana • In memory of Frances Goldman Dana on her yahrzeit

Anonymous • In memory of Doris Clegg, mother of Ellen Clegg Ruth Alpers • In memory of Joseph Gertner Louise Freedman • In memory of June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine Vivian Port • In loving memory of Evelyn and Ben Chefitz, on their yahrzeits The Sandman Family • In memory of June Schofield, beloved mother of Fran Godine Joanne Tuck and Stuart Freedman • In memory of June Schofield, mother of Fran Godine James Waldroop and Valerie Zimber • In loving memory of June Schofield, beloved mother of Fran Godine


Phyllis Baker • In memory of my beloved husband, Lawrence Baker, M.D. on his yahrzeit


Richard Dana • In loving memory of my wife Phyllis L. Dana, my parents Irene and Lester Dana, and my brothers Edward and Marshall Dana on their yahrzeits

Barbara Glazerman • In loving memory of my parents, Dr. Edward I. and Anne C. Giller, on their yahrzeits Pam Goodman • In loving memory of my mother, Evelyn Goodman, on her yahrzeit Louise Goren • In loving memory of Roy Grant Sallen Albert and Nancy Goyette • In memory of Larry Noble The Nissie and Ethel Grossman Foundation • To help continue the good work of Temple Israel Tom Grossman • In loving memory of Myer Marden on his yahrzeit Leslie and Paul Heinz and Family of Lewis and Arlene Fine • In memory of Larry Noble, our father's lifelong friend

Robert and Iris Fanger • In memory of our beloved brother, Norman A. Mandel on his yahrzeit

Anne Hershman • In loving memory of Joseph M. Greenberg on his yahrzeit

Norman and Pamela Fine • In loving memory of J. Laurence Fine on his yahrzeit

Bob and Caryl Hurwitz • In memory of Sally Wyner

The Gloria and Mark Fine Family Foundation • In memory of Albert Zolloto on his yahrzeit Daniel and Norma Frank • In loving memory of Charles G. Bilezikian on his yahrzeit • In loving memory of Sally Frank Kaplan Michael Frieze • In loving memory of Philip Frieze on his yahrzeit Timothy Gailey • In loving memory of Sally B. Wyner Richard Gale • In loving memory of Louis Gale on his yahrzeit

Nancy Jacobson • In memory of Sally Wyner Myra Janko • In loving memory of Frances P. Steinberg on her yahrzeit Sara Kane • In memory of my dear cousin Margaret Winer Sherin, wife of Peter Sherin • In memory of my cousin Malcolm Ross, father of Matthew Ross and Meredith Ross Sheklin • In memory of Frances Kane on her yahrzeit • In memory of Freida Golda and Zusman Weis on their yahrzeits and time of their disappearance at the hands of the Nazis

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

CONTRIBUTIONS (JULY 1, 2018 - SEPTEMBER 14, 2018) Sylvia Keller • In loving memory of Dr. Maurice J. Savitz on his yahrzeit

Mr. and Mrs. William Mendelson • In loving memory of Alan David Mendelson on his yahrzeit

Joseph Steinberg • In loving memory of Frances P. Steinberg on her yahrzeit

Josephine Kivort • In loving memory of my father, Meyer Harold Goldman on his yahrzeit

Gabrielle Meyer

Douglass and Myra Vernon • In loving memory of my mother, Ruth Weisberg, on her yahrzeit

Brian Knez • In loving memory of my father, Nick Knez, on his yahrzeit Myra Kolton • In loving memory of my father, Benjamin Cargill, on his yahrzeit Mitchell Kroner • In loving memory of my beloved aunt, Evelyn Barlow Chicki Lampert • In loving memory of my husband, Sidney Lampert, on his yahrzeit Frances Landau • In memory of my beloved husband, Walter A. Landau, on his yahrzeit Jonathan Lane • In loving memory of Herman M. Strauss on his yahrzeit Michael Lepie • In loving memory of my brother, Jeffrey Lepie, on his yahrzeit Judith Levy • In loving memory of my mother, Frances Michaelson, on her yahrzeit Nancy Levy Konesky and Family • In loving memory of Captain Mack Greenberg on his yahrzeit Jane Flax Lewis • In loving memory of Irving Flax on his yahrzeit Syrul Lurie • In loving memory of Lena Frank on her yahrzeit Miriam Rosner Macht • In loving memory of Irving Rosner on his yahrzeit Joanne Matthews • In loving memory of Dr. Benjamin M. Banks on his yahrzeit

Carol Miller • In memory of Beatrice L. Miller on her yahrzeit Lois Morse • In memory of Robert Lurie, husband of Syrul Lurie Edmond Murad • In loving memory of Naima Simha Murad on her yahrzeit Henry Okun • In loving memory of Luba Okun on her yahrzeit The Rashi Community and Yachad • In memory of Orlando Maytin Robert and Phyllis Sage • In loving memory of Abraham Caplan on his yahrzeit James Schaye • In loving memory of Adele F. Schaye on her yahrzeit Larry Schlager • In loving memory of Samuel William Poorvu and Beatrice Hirsh Poorvu on their yahrzeits Stephen and Carol Silver • In memory of Sally Wyner Samuel Singer • In loving memory of Selma Singer on her yahrzeit Neil and Patty Smithline • In loving memory of Edna Grace on her yahrzeit

Tom and Martha Werman • In loving memory of Lester Werman on his yahrzeit Robert Winograd and Roseli Weiss • In loving memory of Florence and Samuel Winograd on their yahrzeits Genevieve Geller Wyner • In loving memory of Max Geller on his yahrzeit Michael Zimman and Ellen Rovner • In loving memory of my mother, Nessie Goodman, on her yahrzeit Marcia Zonis • In loving memory of my mother, Grace Cohen Shohet, on her yahrzeit


Alan and Pamela Goodman • In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Theo Hummel, son of Jessica Greenfield and Paul Hummel, grandson of Harriet and George Greenfield • In honor of the birth of Eli Samuel Coleman, grandson of Alex Coleman • In honor of the birth of Eliza Marjorie Kazis, grandaughter of Jill Medvedow and Richard Kazis


Anonymous • In support of the wonderful musicians during High Holy Days Anonymous

Sylvia Spelfogel • In loving memory of my husband, Dr. Benjamin Spelfogel, on his yahrzeit Richard and Harriet Steinberg • In loving memory of Marion Rutt Steinberg on her yahrzeit | 617-566-3960



CONNECTION $1,000-$1,799

William and Denise Finard

Saul Kurlat Howard and Ann Katz Gordon Freeman and Arlene Sharpe Bobbe Jacobson In honor of Rabbi Elaine Zecher and Sue Misselbeck

UNDERSTANDING $15,000 - $19,999 Anonymous

STRENGTH $10,000-$14,999


Anonymous Amy and David Abrams

VISION $1,800-$3,599

Robert Bechek Dayl Cohen Shawn and Jill Kravetz Judi Rotenberg Ross Zuker In loving memory of Richard B. Ross Daniel and Ranella Saul Donald and Cheryl Warner Stephen and Roberta Weiner

Beverlee Brooks Irma Bubis Sue Cahners Herman and Judith Chernoff Anneliese Cohen Ronald and Susan Ebert Jonathan and Carol Fine Louise Freedman Serena Fujita Alisa Gardner-Todreas and Ian Todreas Phyllis Giller Jeffrey and Amy Glass John and Frances Godine

Pam Goodman and Michael Shwartz Shahar Hecht and Lior Neiger Nancy Jacobson Paul and Lisa Karofsky Jack Kasten Jonathan and Linda Kay Alan and Judith Leichtner Sharen Litwin John and Louise Loewenstein Susan Mann and David Lowe Matthew Milikowsky and Nicole Eldredge Macey and Lenore Miller Ed and Judith Murad Jordana Shief Needle and Jarrod Needle Andrew and Nick Oberstein Carole Pesner Robert and Sally Roth Diane Schoenfeld Kenneth and Jaime Smoller Joseph and Florence Steinberg David and Jamie Stolper Milton and Rhonda Weinstein Naomi Wernick


Saturday, April 27 If you would like to be involved with the host committee or if you have auction items that you would like to contribute please contact Shoshanna Goldberg at 617-566-3960 x182.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


For the full schedule of events, please visit or email for a hard copy.

Join us for Qabbalat Shabbat every Friday at 6:00 p.m.

Torah Study begins at 9:00 a.m. every Saturday with a short service followed by a lively discussion.

Weekday Minyan is at 6:15 p.m. every Monday - Thursday when Temple Israel is open.



All Community Chanukah Shabbat! 5:00 p.m. Shabbat Mishpachah (All Families 0 - 7th grade) 6:00 p.m. Qabbalat Shabbat with musical guest Dan Nichols. Musical portion made possible by Gabe Padawer.

This Chanukah, there is an opportunity for everyone to participate, every day! We will be sharing ways to light, give, learn, and sing your way through the eight nights! Stay tuned to your inbox, the Temple Israel Facebook page, and our website at Details on page 15.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 Spiritual Practice Lab Chanukah Havdalah and "Coffeehouse" with Dan Nichols TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Last Tuesday Book Group

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 5th Grade Torah Portion Celebration

In the spirit of Chanukah, consider joining Temple Israel’s Mitzvah Lights campaign! Between now and Chanukah: 1. Go through your house and identify all the light bulbs that are on for more than an hour a day; 2. Replace those bulbs with LEDs; 3. Let the Green Team know what you’ve done, so we can tally up and celebrate our impact!

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 The Tent's Boston-Haifa Connection Israel Trip

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 Temple Israel Closed | 617-566-3960




For the full schedule of events, please visit or email for a hard copy.

Torah Study begins at 9:00 a.m. every Saturday with a short service

Join us for Qabbalat Shabbat every Friday at 6:00 p.m.

followed by a lively discussion.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 HAPPY 2019! New Year's Day Temple Israel Closed

FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 Soul Food Friday For 20s & 30s

JANUARY 18 - 21 Shabbat Tzedek & MLK Weekend Join us for an inspirational Shabbat Tzedek, a Sabbath of Justice, to celebrate the values and life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will welcome

Weekday Minyan is at 6:15 p.m. every Monday - Thursday when Temple Israel is open.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 HAPPY 2019! Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Temple Israel Closed

the Boston Children’s Chorus,


the Temple Israel Youth Choir, and students from Beacon Academy, and will have learning opportunities all weekend. More details to come!

FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Riverway Project's 20s & 30s Neighborhood Shabbat with Rooted Tu BiSh'vat Teaching

• MONDAY, JANUARY 21 Tu BiSh'vat TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 Last Tuesday Book Group


• • • •

JANUARY CLASSES IN THE CENTER FOR ADULT JEWISH LEARNING The TI Yeshiva: Learn to Read the Talmud (1/1, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29) Intro to Judaism (1/3, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31) Exploring the Ethics of Touch Through Dance (1/6, 1/13, 1/27) Elijah & Elisha: Explore Boldness, Deceit, Treachery, & Kindness with Two Biblical Prophets (1/10) Monthly Mussar (1/13)

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.



For the full schedule of events, please visit or email for a hard copy.

Join us for Qabbalat Shabbat every Friday at 6:00 p.m.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 6th Grade Torah Program

Torah Study begins at 9:00 a.m. every Saturday with a short service

followed by a lively discussion.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Israeli Dance

Weekday Minyan is at 6:15 p.m. every Monday - Thursday when Temple Israel is open.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Soul Food Friday For 20s & 30s

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 The Tent L'Taken Seminar Trip to Washington, D.C.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Presidents Day Temple Israel Closed

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FEBRUARY CLASSES IN THE CENTER FOR ADULT JEWISH LEARNING The TI Yeshiva: Learn to Read the Talmud (2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26) Intro to Judaism (2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28) Elijah & Elisha: Explore Boldness, Deceit, Treachery, & Kindness with Two Biblical Prophets (2/7) Becoming Jewish (2/7) Monthly Mussar (2/10)

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Last Tuesday Book Group | 617-566-3960


USPS 50648 Founded in 1854 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism Issued 4 times/year Printed on recycled paper Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher Cantor Roy B. Einhorn Rabbi Matthew V. Soffer Rabbi Suzie Jacobson Rabbi Jen Gubitz Rabbi Ronne Friedman, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman, Senior Scholar

Temple Israel of Boston

INSIGHT Temple Israel 477 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02215-5396

Non Profit US Postage PAID Permit 50648 Boston, MA

Gary Pforzheimer, President Marc Maxwell, Vice President Alane Shanks, Treasurer Dan Deutsch, Executive Director Helen Cohen, FJECC Preschool Director Emma Koblick, Director of Communication 617-566-3960

SAVE THE DATE JANUARY 18 - 21, 2019 SHABBAT TZEDEK & MLK WEEKEND Join us for an inspirational Shabbat Tzedek, a Sabbath of Justice, to celebrate the values and life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will welcome the Boston Children’s Chorus, the Temple Israel Youth Choir, and students from Beacon Academy, and will have learning opportunities all weekend. More details to come. Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

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