A+A Guidebook 2022

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GUIDEBOOK JULY 11 - 17, 2022


A B O U T Te l l u r i d e A r t s Telluride Arts is the Local Arts Council, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that was established on November 17, 1971, as the Telluride Council of the Arts and Humanities, and known as TCAH. The organization was the first non-profit in the region, and served to incubate the vibrant culture of the arts that has come to define Telluride. Over the years, the mission of Telluride Arts has remained unchanged, and its holistic ethos steadfast. Our unique focus is to elevate and promote all of the arts in the Telluride Arts District region, comprised of numerous institutions, activities, and events that engage extraordinary artists from around the region and the globe.

W E LCOM E The last few years, homes have taken on greater importance than ever imagined. There is increased value in where we live as a place to shelter safely with our families. Spaces have been carved out for remote offices and classrooms. Entertainment systems connected us with teachers, friends and the festivals we so greatly missed. We waved at neighbors from balconies and cautiously gathered on patios six feet apart in the fresh mountain air. During this time art became an outlet for many. Artists shared their talents and encouraged the blossoming creativity of others. From to-go kits to video classes, virtual tastings, do-it-yourself tutorials and the sharing of sourdough starter, people felt the need to create - some for the first time. Thank you for joining us as we come together to celebrate with a new appreciation Art + Architecture.

Ann Hurley Barker Director Telluride Art + Architecture 2022


P R E S E R V I N G H I S T O R Y.

The Transfer Warehouse has been a vital place of exchange for over a century. Already a central gathering space for the Telluride community, it is designed to become a year round, welcoming space for creative innovation and thought-provoking conversation within the community and beyond.


B U I L D I N G C O M M U N I T Y.

The Warehouse will provide access to the arts for all, for years to come.


Forever Telluride is the capital campaign for the restoration of the Transfer Warehouse. Join us as we bring to life a new era for this treasured landmark. Learn more at www.telluridearts.org/warehouse.


P h oto Credi t: J os h ua J oh ns on




Event Maps




Gondola Cabin Public Art


Public Art


Non- fungible Tokens (NF Ts)


Great Books




Patron Party


The Home Tour


Product Partners





Photo Credi t: E mi ly Redfi eld


S C H E D U L E O F EV E N TS M O N D AY , J U L Y 1 1


Interac t i ve Artis t Ins ta l l - Free El k s Pa r k

I nteractive A r t i st I n stal l - Fre e El ks Par k

T U E S D AY, J U L Y 1 2 I ntera c t i ve Artis t Ins ta l l - Free E l k s Pa r k 5 : 00 P.M . - 6:00 P.M. Twe nt y by Telluride A rt + Arc h itecture Edition - Free The N ew S h erida n H is to r ic Bar 6:0 0 P.M . - 8:0 0 P.M. N o n - f u n g i ble Tokens (NF Ts) fo r A r ti s t s - Free Tran s fe r Warehous e

11:30 A .M. - 1 : 0 0 P. M . Ro cky Mo unta in M od ern wi t h John Gend al l an d To m Ku n d i g Book Discu ssi o n + S i g n i n g - Pat ro n T h e M a d e l ine Hotel and Residences 3 :00 P.M . - 5 : 00 P. M. Ro cky Mo unta in M od ern wi t h John Gend al l an d To m Ku n d i g Book Discu ssi o n + S i g n i n g - Fre e Transfer Ware h o u se 6 :00 P.M . - 8 : 00 P. M. Patron Par t y w i t h To m Ku n d i g Al dasoro P r i vate H o m e

F R I D AY , J U L Y 1 5

WED N ES DAY, J U LY 1 3 5: 0 0 P. M . A r t i s t Ta l k - Free El ks Pa r k 6: 0 0 P.M . - 8:00 P.M. N o n - f u ng i ble Tokens ( NF Ts) for Col l e c tors - Pa tron The Madeline Hotel and Re s i d e n ce s

3 :00 P.M . - 4: 00 P. M. Industry Fa s t P i t c h Product Pa r t n e rs - T i c kete d T h e Ma d e l i ne Hotel and Residences 4:00 P.M . - 6 : 00 P. M. Industry M e et , G re et , + Ea t Product Par t n e rs - T i c kete d T h e Ma d e l ine Hotel and Residences 6 :00 P.M . - 9 : 00 P. M. Tu r n Ta b l e Di nner - Ti cketed Transfer Ware h o u se 6

S AT U R D AY, J U LY 1 6

S U N D AY, J U LY 1 7

8: 0 0 A .M. - 10 :00 A .M. B o o k D i s c u ss ion + S ig n ing - Free Re s p e ct i n g the Land Lake Flato Architects Te l l u r i d e Arts HQ

10:00 A .M. - 3 : 0 0 P. M . Ar tTrail s - Fre e Sel f Guide d I darado Le g ac y Trai l Weat her Perm i t t i ng

9 : 0 0 A . M . - 10:30 A .M. Hi s to r i c Walking Tour Me et a t Telluride Arts HQ

10:00 A .M. - 1 1 : 3 0 A . M . Patron Cof fe e Lumiere

10 : 0 0 A . M . - 3:00 P.M. A rt Tra i l s - Free S e l f G u i d ed Id a ra d o Legacy Trail Wea t h e r Permitting

12:00 P.M. - 5 : 0 0 P. M . Home Tour - T i c kete d Shuttles fro m M o u nta i n V i l l a g e + Tel l ur ide

1 0 : 00 A .M. - 11:0 0 A .M. N o n - f u n g i ble Tokens (NF Ts) fo r A r t i s t s - Free Tran s fe r Wa rehous e

6 :00 P.M . - 9 : 00 P. M. d e p A RTu re C losing Par ty - Ticketed Transfer Ware h o u se

11 : 3 0 A . M . - 12:30 P.M. No n - f u ng i ble Tokens ( NF Ts) fo r Collectors - Free Tran s fe r Wa rehous e 3: 00 P.M . - 5:00 P.M. B o o k D i s c u ss ion + S ig n ing - Free Co n n ect i o n s CC Y Arc hi tects Tel l u r i d e Arts HQ 6 : 00 P.M . - 8:0 0 P.M. S ci en ce of Cockta ils P i nhead I n stitute - Ticketed Tran s fe r Wa rehous e 7





ART TRAILS S u m m er in Telluride means enjoying the outd o o rs . Te l l u r i d e A r t + A rc hitecture welcomes what we hope to b e co m e a t ra d i t i o n , A r t Trails. Imagine coming across a guitarist , a p o et , a p a i nte r, o r a k inetic sculpture as you wander the Ida ra d o Le g a c y Tra i l . We a p preciate the collaboration with the Sa n M i g u e l Pa r k s a n d O p e n Space Commission for this new, free A r t + A rc h i te c t u re exper ie nce . H ike rs will encounter the brea d t h o f t he ar t s as t h ey wa lk the Ida rado Legacy Trail in Tel l u r i d e . T h e I darado Legacy Trail is a 1.24 mile trai l l o ca te d b et we e n t h e Town of Telluride and the Pandora Mi l l i n t h e ea s t e n d o f t h e Telluride valley. This improved tra i l i s a g rea t a rea to walk your dog, hike or bike. Interpretive s i g n s h ave b e e n i n s ta l led along the trail to tell the story o f m i n i n g h i s to r y i n t h e a rea. The trail terminates just before t h e Pa n d o ra M i l l w h e re the paved road turns to dirt and cont i n u e s u p to B r i d a l Ve i l Falls. Trail is open to all non-motorized u s e s .



A RT T R A I L S SEAN GUERRERO “Professional artistic prophet of rust that never sleeps... welded metal sculpture.” Currently maintaining a studio gallery in downtown Pa on ia, Colorad o. www.chromesean.com


LESLIE ANN OLIVER BROWNING My earliest memories... Singing with mom. Scatting funky trumpet licks with dad. Love for guitar starting at five on Mamaw ’s mandolin. Strumming chunky rhythms at bluegrass pick-outs on West Virginia mountainsides. Listening to the porch swing chains clacking matching the rhythm my uncles were playing, the drum of the raised hardwood porch, my foot tapping a backbeat, harmonizing my voice. Whether I write blues or ballads, my roots are pickin’ n grinnin’! I self-produced my first original album. Soon releasing a second including love song duets! I share my heart through music, in turn, people share their truest self with me.

www.lesliebrowningmusic.com 12

I NVASIVES HAU NT TH E WEST ’ S A RT G O O DT I M E S SLICKROCK & SAN DSTON E ITKI ’ S RIVER & PLAI NS Art Goodtimes served five terms as San Miguel County Commissioner (1996-2016) and as the first Western Slope Poet Laureate (2011-13). Poetry editor emeritus for Earth First! Journal, Wild Earth and the Mountain Gazette, currently he’s poetry editor for Fungi magazine and co-editor with Lito TejadaFlores of the online poetry anthology SageGreenJournal.org. His latest book is Dancing on Edge: The McRedeye Poems (Lithic Press, Fruita, Colorado, 2019). His poems appear in Kinship: Belonging In a World of Relations, a book series from the Center for Humans and Nature in Chicago. He co-directs the Telluride Institute’s Talking Gourds Poetry Program.


Left-handed, right -brained. Caroline grew up in the city of Chicago, but fell in love with Telluride the first moment she arrived, for a summer visit. Three months later, Caroline was calling Telluride her home. And now, her muse. Caroline started painting in high school, and her resulting love and passion for self-expression led her to pursue a degree—and now a career—in the arts. Having the inspiration and freedom to be whoever she want to be, on canvas, is a gift that Caroline is very grateful to be able to share with the world.



CIE HOOVER Cie Hoover lives and creates his wood-based art in Ouray, Colorado. In addition to performing alongside his wife Karisa in the nationally touring folk-rock duo You Knew Me When, Cie has always had a passion for the visual arts. After working in the Nashville music industry for over a decade, and then touring full-time for six and a half years throughout North America with You Knew Me When, Cie began exploring woodworking as a creative and artistic medium. From numerous exhibits to public art installations, Cie strives to create wood-based art with depth, texture, and a nod to nature. www.ciecreativeco.com


JOANIE S C H WA R Z Joanie has been known in the publishing world for over 25 years for her dreamlike imagery, and her endless patience with children and chaos. Creating images that show unconditional love is what Joanie was born to do. Her work has been on the covers of Time, U.S. News and World Report, NY Times Magazine and the LA Times. She is fascinated with, and has studied, advanced natural lighting techniques with numerous artists, including Joyce Tenneson at The Maine Media Workshops and Visual Arts Center of New J ers ey. Joanie splits her time between Telluride, Colorado and Westfield, New Jersey with her husband and her newly rescued dog Sugar Bear. Her new venture is a working studio/gallery space: Atelier at 215 East Colorado Ave. in Telluride, Colorado where she is creating art, jewelry and contemplating the magic of life on planet earth. www.joanieschwarz.com

@atelliertelluride 14

SAR A S’JEGERS I am a visual artist from Belgium. My art lives on the crossroads of photography, painting, and printmaking. For a few years now, I have been exploring the cyanotype process. I stumbled on the cyanotype process as a way to capture my love affair with nature in bluesy images that tell the story of my itinerant life. I make all of my art outside, in direct collaboration with the elements: water, wind, earth, sun. Time and chance play a big role in the creation process. All of my project s start with a love affair with place. I usually move to a place that I am curious about, with plenty of nature, and I root there for a while. I then make a body of work with a unique aspect of the ecosystem of that place. www.sarasjegers.com


S H E R A B C RY S TA L KLOPPENBURG Textile art using block print and textiles. All original one of a kind. www.sk4designs.com



M O U N TA I N V I L L A G E GONDOLA CABINS In 2020, the Town of Mountain Village and TMVOA refurbished 25 old gondola cabins to become private dining cars during the pandemic. They were designed to outlive the pandemic, and after the incredible success of the red, blue and yellow cabins dotted throughout the Village Center, The Cabins Public Art Installation came together in 2021. These beautiful art pieces have quickly become community landmarks in Mountain Village Center. Forty-nine local and regional artists applied and eleven artists were selected for the project: Abby Fox, Alexis Zambrano, Christopher Warren, E mily Ballou, Emma Gerona, Margaret Ri nkev i c h, Robi n Arthur, Rosa Cruz, Shannon Richardson, Sherwood Smith, and William Frownfelter. The Cabins at Mountain Village is a collaboration between The Town of Mountain Village, Telluride Mountain Village Homeowners Association and Telluride Arts.


P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz


ABBY FOX Abby J. Fox is an illustrator, painter and printmaker who prioritizes analog art in the digital world. Fox is inspired by travel, and in 2019 she left her heavy printmaking tools at home to take her sketchbook on a trip around the world. She has since worked to expand her illustrative approach to making art and emphasizes plein air practice and drawing from life .


@abbyjfox P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz

RO B I N A RT H U R Ro bin A r th u r c rea te s b r ig ht , h ap py, c u s to m pet portraits from high on a m e s a ove r l o o k i n g the beautiful North Fork Va l l ey a n d t h e tow n of Paonia. From there, s h e p a i nt s c u s to m pet portraits, mid-century-modern-inspired abstracts and Colorado lan d s ca p e s . S h e l ove s to paint chickens because t h ey a re , “ q u i r ky, funny creatures that exude co m fo r t a n d a re a joy to paint in w il d, crazy co l o rs. ” www.robiniart.com


P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz

C H R I S T O P H E R WA R R E N Christopher Warre n also known as Beatnik Prints, has been exploring Colorado mountains and Utah canyons his whole life. He started experimenting with reinterpreting topographic maps nearly a decade ago. Since then, he has created prints, clothing, animations, murals and sculptures, inspired by the topography of the American West. www.beatnikprints.com


E M I LY B A L L O U Emily Ballou, a Telluride local, hails from Texas and gives a nod to both the opportunity and the inspiration she has found during her years in the San Juans. Ballou uses acrylics, inks and gold leaf mediums primarily, focusing on texture and dimension in her works.



Photo C redi t: J . P lantz


EMMA GERONA Emma Gerona was born and raised in Telluride. She is inspired by the natural beauty of this incredible valley in both her art and her work as the executive director of EcoAction Partners. Even though Gerona is focused on environmental activism in her career, in her spare time, she loves to create art in many forms. She is excited to share this piece with you, which is inspired by the vibrant colors of the flowers and peaks that we are lucky to look at every day.

P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz

MARGARET RINKEVICH Margaret Rinkevich is an artist and the owner of Rinkevich Gallery. She has been dedicated to the arts most of her life. Throughout her career, she has participated in archaeological excavations in Italy, taught art history, researched museum acquisitions, lectured museum docents, worked at contemporary art galleries, authored publications and juried art shows. Rinkevich Gallery opened in Mountain Village in 2018 and features her abstract paintings along with tribal sculpture. Her work hangs in numerous private collections throughout the United States. www.rinkevichgallery.com


P h oto C re d i t : J. Pla ntz


ROSA CRUZ With her art studio, Cruglez Stermann Studio, Rosa Cruz develops designs for various public art projects around the United States. She has dedicated her work to public art initiatives for the beautification of spaces as well as the development of culture and society through art. www.cruglezstermann.com

P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz

SHANNON RICHARDSON Shannon Richardson is an artist from Paonia, Colorado where she uses her dreams to inspire her art. In college she studied the classical techniques of old art masters in Rome, Italy, and ever since, she has been showing professionally with her art exhibited in homes and galleries around the world. www.shannonrichardsonpaintings.com

Photo C redi t: J . P lantz


Photo C re d i t : J. Pla ntz

ALEXIS ZAMBRANO Or iginally from Monterrey, Mexico, Alexis Zambrano has lived and worked in New York City since 2008. Zambrano attended architecture school where he developed his work around space, botanics and spirituali ty. His paintings and sculptures explore nature, humanity and beyond. www.alexiszambrano.com

S H E RWO O D S M I T H Sherwood Smith is an Illustrator born and raised he re in the San Juan Mountains. @eldf3n

P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz


WILLIAM F R O W N F E LT E R William C. Frownfelter III was born and raised in Telluride is now based out of Durango. He has worked mostly in graphite and acrylic paint but also dabbles in murals, plein air and more. He continues to bounce from project to project in his free time and plans to engage more in the local plein air and mural community moving forward.

P h oto Credi t: J . P lantz



JACK PLANTZ TRANSFER WAREHOUSE Jack Plantz is an artist and designer based in Telluride, Colorado. He uses generative design and digital fabrication techniques to create forms inspired by the natural world. By writing algorithms that simulate aspects of natural processes and environments. Plantz can allow natural forms to ‘grow ’ in a digital environment, leading to complex and organic designs that feel as if they were alive and shaped by evolution. His work explores how this complexity emerges from simplicity.

EUNIKA ROGERS ELKS PARK “My name is Eunika and I paint with clay ... and now with other natural materials: I collect and forage for these on my hikes and travels - it is part of my life and creative process. Painting with clay is a technique I created while in graduate school getting my MFA in ceramics and mixed media. I was digging and using red clay and noticed that it was staining my clothes. I just took it from there and added other colored clays to my palette.” Eunika was born and raised in Eastern Europe and has lived in Memphis and Mississippi for most of her life. She has been a graphic designer, graphic design professor and now a full time artist and Telluride resident. www.eunikarogers.com



BROOKE EINBENDER Brooke Einbender, a.k.a. “Mindbender Art”, is a pioneering artist in the XR (Extended Reality) and Web3 space. Her creative process lives at the intersection of where art meets technology - and our humanness. She creates mind-bending, immersive experiences that transport her audience to different dimensions. Einbender graduated from Wake Forest University as a Presidential Scholar for Visual Arts, and she currently resides in Telluride, Colorado. Brooke is launching The Unknown Zone, a seven-continent public art installation and NF T project with social impact , featuring reclaimed doors repurposed into fine art. Each installation is a chapter of a global diary. Brooke will travel to different regions around the world to collect reclaimed doors and build a site-specific installation in that area. www.mindbender-art.com, ww.theunknownzone.com @mindbender-art

ASH COOPER KERNS Ash Cooper Kerns, a self proclaimed Rogue Wingchick™, is passionate about the intersection of art, activism and Web3 and using it to uplift humans and advance causes globally. A former (recovering) lawyer, Ash now primarily works with artists, project teams and nonprofit organizations with a focus on philanthropy, empowerment, and advocacy. In March 2021, Ash entered Web3, and more specifically the NF T space, on behalf of Notes for Notes®, a youth music education nonprofit, looking for new fundraising sources outside of the traditional and antiquated arts funding streams in the US. As a photographer and IRL art collector, Ash quickly recognized a void in the NF T collector world: women who were solely collectors and intentionally collecting from women, men who were actively collabo rating and e m powerin g wom en a n d N F Ts for social good. @roguewingchick 26

N O N - F U N G I B L E TO K E N S FO R A RT I S TS Designed for crea t i ve s to h e l p t h e m u n d e rs ta n d n o n - f u n g i b l e toke ns (NF Ts) and h ow to l eve ra g e t h e m e d i u m to b r i n g t h e i r a r t to a global market p l a ce .

N O N - F U N G I B L E TO K E N S FO R CO L L EC TO R S De si g n ed for a rt co l l ec to rs to g ive t hem t he k n owle dge to be conversational ab o u t N F Ts a n d t h e p ote nt ia l fo r co l l e c t i n g N F T art. T H ESE SESSIONS W ILL IN CLU D E : • • • •

Defin e wh a t a n N F T is and w hy everyo ne i s ta lk i n g a bo ut th e m Share t h e h is tor y o f N F Ts and it s u nd erl yi n g te c h n o lo gy Ex pl ore wh a t a n N F T can d o and ways to us e th e m Share t h e p otent ial o f N F Ts in t he art wo r ld

P h oto Credi t: N ath an R i st


RO C KY MO U N TA I N MO D E R N : C O N T E M P O R A RY A L P I N E H O M E S By John Gendall Discuss stunning architectural design with John Gendall the author of the new book Rocky Mou nta i n Mod ern: Conte mporary A l pine Homes. John, a fre quent contributor to Architectural Digest and sought after lecturer, will be joined by Transfer Warehouse architect Tom Kundig. The Rocky Mountain s have a deep, but often overlooked, connection to modern design, In the mid-20th century, the region was the site of commissions by architects at the vanguard of modernism - including Ludwig Mies van Der Rohe, Marcel Breuer, Ero Saarrinen, and Eliot Noyes - became an early locus of modernism in North America. Over the following decades, architects practicing there developed a regional modernism that adapted the elements of modern design to the immense scale, environmental conditions, local vernacular, and natural ecologies of the Rocky Mountains. Today, that tradition continues, with leading architects designing significant projects in this alpine setting. - Monacelli Press


J O H N G E N DA L L J ohn Genda ll is a jour nal ist and commun i cat i o n s co n su l tant s p e cializing in architecture. His writing h a s b e e n p u b l i s h e d wi d ely, including the N ew Yor k Times, T h e New Yo r ke r, Ar t forum a nd A rchitectural Digest. Ge n d al l h as p rov i d e d com m u n ica t io n s counsel for a range o f c l i e nt s , i n c l u d i n g H ar va rd Gra duate School of Design, Re b u i l d by D e si g n , a n d the National Endowment for the A r t s . H e tea c h e s a rc hitectural communication at Pratt Ins t i t u te , a n d h a s b e e n a v isiting instru ctor at Harvard Graduate S c h o o l o f D e s i g n a n d Parsons School of Design at The New S c h o o l , H e h o l d s a Master in Design Studies with Distin c t i o n fro m H a r va rd Gra d ua te S chool of Design.


T U R N TA B L E T R A NS F E R WA R EHOUS E Fo r t h e v i ny l collector. Learn the stories behind the co l l a b o ra t i o n b etween the artist and the musicians that l ea d s to c h o s e n album cover art. Enjoy lyric inspired s m a l l b i te s a n d music from the album within the stone wa l l s of t h e hi s to r ic Tra n s fer Wa reh o u se .


YOU KNEW ME WHEN MUSIC Outf itted with an array of instruments, You Knew Me When is a husb and and wife folk-rock pairing with a full band sound. Based in Ouray, Colorado, by way of Nashville, Tennessee, the duo have tou re d since June of 2012 throughout North America sharing their collective sound. Now touring in support of their fourth studio album “Songs of the San Juans,” You Knew Me When continue to create and serve up an array of Colorado inspired compositions coast to coast. www.youknewmewhen.com



MT MEZ o n e a rc h i te ct s To d d and Shari Mezrah wanted to have as m a ny ‘ n eve r - eve r ’ f u n i d eas in their house as possible or She h e c h eya n u , a f i rs t t i m e ex perience: h idden doors, beds, stairs, h u g e sl i d i n g d o o r / wall, outdoor theatre, and a mountain rang e v i ew i n g m a p . S i t i n g at an elevation of 9300’, MT MEZ is o r i e nte d to d r i n k i n t h e national park like views of Telluride’s b ox ca nyo n a n d s u r ro unding peaks while also heeling into t h e n a t u ra l te r ra i n to p rovide a sense of refuge and cal m. A d etached studio lives above a three-ca r g a ra g e , w i t h a Te s l a charging station, and is connected to t h e m a i n h o u s e by a p o r te-cochere-like roof extension that al s o fra m e s t h e v i ew o f t h e iconic loca l mountains.

P h oto C re d it: J osh u a Jo hns o n



one archite cts Bruce Wright & Jo die Shike Wright

I NTERIOR DESIG N ER: Jo die Sh ike Wright BU I LDER/ CONTRACTOR : D eLuc a Construction, Pete D eLuc a

LAN DSCAPE DESIG N ER : Carib ou D esign, Beth B ailis OTH ER CREDITS : L ig ht ing D es ign 81435 , D ru Wa l l on

S a n J u a n S ou nd and V i s i on , S i mon And rew A lp ine La nd Consu l t i ng , G reg g And erson


ANGELEE AURILLO CHEF Angelee Aurillo, bo rn and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, is a classically French trained chef of 22 years. Having cooked and trained in Europe on and off for several years, her food reflects her travels around the world, but always has a hint of NOLA in the mix to keep things a little spicy! Travel is her number one passion, as well as tennis, soccer, and skiing. She owns, and operates, Bon Appétit Catering, in Telluride, Colorado.

MICHELLE GRIFFITH AERIALIST An experienced acrobatic performer and vibrant presence, Michelle has found her place amongst the artists and weirdos that call Telluride home. Michelle brings joy, wonder, and movement prowess to any event, while embodying the character and spirit of the space. Michelle can provide designated performances, ambient presence on the lyra, and even serving wine and champagne from her lofty perch. Michelle is experienced in both aerial hoop and aerial silks. www.youtube.com/c/MichelleGriffith


P h oto C re d it: J osh u a Jo hns o n



MICHELINE KLAGSBRUN ARTIST Micheline Klagsbrun is a visual artist whose multi-media work focuses on transformation. She studied in Paris with Alfredo Echeverria and at the Corcoran with Gene Davis and Bill Newman. She has exhibited widely, and is in private collections nationally as well as in Europe and the Middle East. She is President and co-founder of CrossCurrents Foundation which as part of its mission sponsors art to promote social justice. She serves on several boards, including the Phillips Collection and the Transformer in Washington D.C. and Telluride Arts. Through the Corcoran Outreach program, she served for a number of years as a mentor for inner-city youth. Photo Credi t: J os h ua J oh ns on www.michelineklagsbrun.com

@mklagsbrun 35

A S H L E Y & A R L E N D AV I S ARTISTS More than twenty years of carpentry, fire mitigation, and woodcraft blossomed into building their own sawmill: Wood Vibrations. Artistic appreciation includes listening to each grain to produce works such as home decor, pens, pencils, carving tools, toys, kitchenware, and completely wooden flowers. www.foresttofinish@gmail.com

NANCY FRANK ARTIST Known for her equine painting series, Nancy B. Frank began to explore new possibilities in her continuing exploration as a visual artist. She has worked successfully in varied mediums from painted wooden jewelry to sculptured cakes, but cons istently as a painter and photographer. Frank earned her M.F.A . in photo-printmaking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison after a B.F.A . in painting at Ohio Wesleyan University.


Photo Credi t: J os h ua J oh ns on




Photo Credi t: Is abel Harcourt


TRANSFER ALLEY HOUSE CCY ARCH ITECTS Lo ca te d i n Te l l u ride Transfer Condos, The Alley House is d es i g n e d to b ridg e th e lin e between the re si de nti al co m m e rc i a l d i s t rict, full of Victorian-era homes and a l l ey s t r u c t u re s, and the warehouse-commercial d i s t r i c t , w h e re larger, mixed use buildings dominate t h e s t re et s ca p e . With a front door tucked off the alley b e h i n d t h e Tra n sfer Warehouse, the home is a private ret rea t i n t h e heart of town. Strategically located s ky l i g ht s a n d w i ndows connect to the mountain views and ri d g e li n e s t hrou g h t h e g aps between the bui l di ngs. A n u p p e r l eve l l iving space and primary suite allow for p r i va c y fro m t h e busy pedestrian environment below. T h e fo r m a n d m aterials were inspired by the many alley h o u s e s fo u n d t h roughout the historic core of Telluride, w it h a m o d e r n a ttent ion to detail.

P h oto C re d it: CCY



CCY Archite cts



ANGELEE AURILLO CHEF Angelee Aurillo, born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, is a classically French trained chef of 22 years. Having cooked and trained in Europe on and off for several years, her food reflects her travels around the world, but always has a hint of NOLA in the mix to keep things a little spicy! Travel is her number one passion, as well as tennis, soccer, and skiing. She owns, and operates, Bon Appétit Catering, in Telluride, Colorado.

CCY Architects is an award-winning design firm recognized for its multi-faceted approach to design that powerfully and responsib ly conne cts built environments an d people wi th the natural world. Based in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, CCY has established itself as a leader through its innovative projects with diverse function, context, and scale, providing services in architecture and interior design. The firm works across an array of markets, including residential, hospitality, and resort amenities with projects throughout the American West and beyond.


ANDY JONES MUSIC Andy Jones is a singer/guitarist originally from Dothan, Alabama but now calling Telluride home. Over the last four years playing at bars, restaurants, hotels, and private events around Southwestern Colorado, Andy has developed a repertoire that includes familiar favorites, unique renditions of deep cuts, and original material. While primarily performing as a solo artist, Andy uses effects to create multiple layers of guitar, percussion, and vocals to replicate the sound of a full band.

Photo Credi t: Austi n Halpern


S L A T E G R AY G A L L E R Y ARTISTS Slate Gray Gallery is a fine art gallery with t wo locations - Slate Gray North at 209 E Colorado Ave and Slate Gray South 130 E Colorado Ave - both based in Telluride. The galleries feature a wide variety of contemporary art and distinctive studio jewelers. They have an emphasis on engaging and promoting the work of local and regional artists and jewelers along side international names so they can continue to live in the places they love. What ’s more, money made from sales of the work at Slate Gray Gallery goes right back into the community to support arts-based nonprofits. Artists on display for Telluride Art and Architecture include Ali Rouse, Aspect Designs/Paul Russell, Beatrice Villiger, Christian Burchard, Cie Hoover, Dana Flores, David Davis, Fran J Nagy, Gina Sarro, Goedele Vanhille, Gordon Brown, Joan Fullerton, Joseph Toney, Karen Scharer, Marketa Sivek, Martha Rea Baker, Molly Perrault, Nicholas Bernard, Rebecca Crowell, Silvio Po rzionato, and Sylvia Benitez.

P h oto C re d it: Au stin Ha lp e r n



CHEZ FRENCHMAN F U SE a rc h i te ct u re + i nter i or, L LC An ele g a nt s i n g le family res iden ce locate d hi gh up i n A l d a s o ro Ra n c h , this house has great views of the ski h i l l , S u n s et M o u ntain, and Wilson Peak. Co m p ro m i s e d o f 5,700 square feet the house has an o p e n p l a n l i v i n g - dining-kitchen area, five bedrooms, five and a h a lf b a t h s , of f ice/ librar y, two wet bars, l ounge / re c ro o m a n d a n oversized two car garage. Completed W i nte r 2020 .

P h oto C re d it: Ral ph B a r ni e



Peter B. Lunde en

I NTERIOR DESIG N ER: FUSE a rc h ite ctu re + i nter i or, LLC ,

Trevor L . J a mes & C i nd y C . Ec km a n

BU I LDER/ CONTRACTOR : Allison Construction LAN DSCAPE DESIG N ER : Peter B . Lu nd e en OTH ER CREDITS : Stratus G roup D esign

Alpine Edge Engine ering 47

P PE ET TE ERRB B. .L LUUNNDDE E ENN AAR RCCHHI TI TE ECCT T Peter B. Lund e e n is based in Telluride and Norwood, Colorado. He has lived in southwestern Colorado for over 23 years. He grew up in Concord, Massachusetts and that setting’s environment, history, and art was integral to him becoming an artist. Peter has also lived in Arizona, California and Minnesota and traveled to many distant lands. A modern day, renaissance man, Peter is an architect, designer, photographer, painter, actor, singer and musician. Peter has been a licensed Architect in the Sta te of Colorado since 2007. He received his Master of Architectu re degree from the University of Minnesota in 1997 and his Bachelor of Science in Design degree from Arizona State University in 1994.

Photo Credi t: Ralph Barni e

The intention in creating FUSE architecture + interior was to fuse architecture and interior design in a way that completely removed the gap between the two disciplines. Bringing together experienced designers with focused skill sets in architecture and interior design allows FUSE to craft an integrated approach where a project is conside re d in its e ntirety from th e outset. Their goal is providing efficient, elegant spaces that connect people with their environment while also being considerate of resource and energy use. Architecture and interior design are the arts that people inhabit. The art is in crafting spaces that accept and accentuate living. They strive to strengthen the connection between art and use. 48

G R EG O RY D E A M E ARTIST A Telluride local of 20 years, Gregory has expanded on his illustration skills that he lear ned as a Landscape Architecture student at the University of Massachusetts. He creates abstract works based on the natural world around us. @gregdeame

E M I LY B A L L O U ARTIST Emily Ballou lives, works, and plays in Telluride year-round. She specializes in abstract acrylic paintings, often incorporating other mediums as well, gold leaf, inks, varnishes, and more. Emily is constantly pushing her work to have its own unique properties, but consistently strives for vivacious color schemes and stimulating surface textures. emilyballouart.com


EUNIKA ROGERS ARTIST “My name is Eunika and I paint with clay ... and now with other natural materials: I collect and forage for these on my hikes and travels - it is part of my life and creative process. Painting with clay is a technique I created while in graduate school getting my MFA in ceramics and mixed media. I was digging and using red clay and noticed that it was staining my clothes. I just took it from there and added other colored clays to my palette.” Eunika was born and raised in Eastern Europe and has lived in Memphis and Mississippi for most of her life. She has been a graphic designer, graphic design professor and now a full time artist and Telluride resident. www.eunikarogers.com

@red_dirt_girl 49

RO B I N A RT H U R ARTIST Robin Arthur is artist in Paonia, Colorado, focusing on abstracts, landscapes and animal portraits. She received a BFA in Drawing and Painting from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas and has been painting professionally for the past decade - mostly in Colorado. Robin has sold thousands of prints and originals of her animal paintings. You’ll find one of her brightly colored roosters currently wrapped on a gondola in The Town of Mountain Village. In 2019, she began painting expressive abstracts that have been very well received. In 2020, Robin began painting Colorado landscapes - also very well received. For example, two of Robin’s Paonia landscapes were licenced to grace wine labels for award-winning Qutori Wines. www.robiniart.com


MARSHALL NOICE ARTIST “My paintings are made in response to things I see in the natural world. They capture a place at a particular time. And they capture a moment in my sensibility. My overriding goal as a painter is to create a work, an artifact if you will, that resonates with the spirit of the landscape that inspired me to begin painting.” Marshall Noice lives with his family in Kalispell, Montana. With over four de cad e s of experience, he works extensively in photography, oil and pastel painting creating images of landscapes. Noice also works in traditional printmaking methods including etching, collagrap h, and mon otype. Noice’s work is shown in galleries across the country and is in the collections of museums worldwide. His work has been featured in numerous magazine articles and is included in several books. In 2013 his paintings of the Tetons were showcased in a major new publication Art of The National Parks, Historic Connections, Contemporary Interpretations. www.lustregallery.com 50

Ph oto Credi t: Ralph Barni e


MICHELINE KLAGSBRUN ARTIST Micheline Klagsbrun is a visual artist whose multi-media work focuses on transformation. She studied in Paris with Alfredo Echeverria and at the Corcoran with Gene Davis and Bill Newman. She has exhibited widely, and is in private collections nationally as well as in Europe and the Middle East. She is President and co-founder of CrossCurrents Foundation which as par t of its mission sponsors art to promote social justice. She serves on several boards, including the Phillips Collection and the Transformer in Washington D.C. and Telluride Arts. Through the Corcoran Outreach program, she served for a number of years as a mentor for inner-city youth. www.michelineklagsbrun.com



C O U N T E R C U LT U R E CHEF Counter Culture is a collaboration of three longti m e Telluri de restaurant ind ustry professionals: Taylor Landry, G ra ce M ayer, and Steve Hertzfeld who are proud to bring locally-sourced, scratch-made comfort food to the Telluride community at an affordable price point. All three began their culinary careers in Telluride at Alpino Vino, and from there have worked in numerous other local establishments, as well as catering and private chef work, before opening Counter Culture in Lawson Hill in May 2021, and Counter Culture Mountain Village i n Decem ber 2021. Local food for local people!

Ph oto Credi t: Ralph Barni e


S T E E P RO C K J O I N E RY A RC H ITECT/ BU ILDER : GLEN HA RCOURT Lo n g regarded as an early innovator on ush e r i n g e co l o g i ca l l y s u s ta inable architecture, off-grid living a n d “ o l d wo r l d ” a r t i s anry to the mainstream, Steeprock J o i n e r y s ea m l e s s l y tet h e rs a remarkable history of conserva t i o n a n d c rea t i ve e nd eavor with a b urgeoning ar tist residence p ro g ram . Pe rc h ed on 68 acres high above the c l i f fs s u r ro u n d i n g S a w p it ’s valley floor, the old mining claim s e r ve d a s t h e b a s e fo r m aster woodworker and blacksmith Glen H a rco u r t ’s v i s i o n fo r a n ecologically sound world and a ti m e l e s s re s to ra t i o n o f t h e lost arts. Conceived and constr u c te d i n 1 9 92 by wa y of trees harvested directly off the la n d , p l a s te r c u l l e d fro m the ground, and iron work reimag i n e d t h ro u g h t h e ve r y essence of the natural surround and u n i q u e b i o s p h e re , H a rcourt ’s pioneering use of solar power, g re e n te c h n o l o gy a n d s ustainable materials can be witnessed a n d h a r n e s s e d by n ew g enerations as an inspiration honoring a n c i e nt fo r m s a n d ex p er i e nt ia l a rt derived from our natural wo r l d . Tod ay, cura ted a nd directed by I sabel Ha rco u r t , Ste e p ro c k s e r ve s as a creative haven for visual artis t s , p h oto g ra p h e rs , t h i n k tanks, scie ntists, musicians, techn i ca l s ava nt s a n d c ra f t smen alike. In furthering Harcourt ’s in n e r c rea t i ve s p i r i t i n re lation to personal and societal evo l u t i o n , Ste e p ro c k J o i n e ry integrates new world discovery a n d i nt u i t i ve v i s i o n w i t h an intrinsic appreciation for our co m m o n h e r i ta g e , t h o s e who came before us, and the continu e d c rea t i o n o f a n ex p ans ive to m orrow.


Photo Credi t: Blakeney Sanford


P h oto C red it: B l aken ey S a nfo rd

KEITH D’ANGELO ARTIST Keith D’Angelo is a mixed media, multi-sensory artist. He explores creativity as a way to evoke emotion within anyone experiencing his work via a multifaceted experience. His work is a way to personally process, explore and discover the world around him. His early work started with large s cale steel and copper sculptures that aimed to embellish the beau ty of nature, some of which have permanent placement in public locations throughout major Colorado tourist destinations. Keith will be showing functional steel sculptures that are embellished steel logs to bring the beauty and warmth of Colorado campfire to any space. www.coloradocustomfirepits.com

CHRIS ROBINSON ARTIST Chris Robinson is a Colorado based visual artist and blacksmith, focused on re-purposing mining era steel relics and transforming them with a forge a nd anvil, into contemporar y works of art. He is fascinated with the permanence and rigidity of metal, as well as how challenging it can be to form and how the exchange of heat and energy inherently embeds itself in the work. 56

LINDSEY ROSS ARTIST Lindsey Ross is a photographer that specializes in ultra large format wet plate collodion ambrotypes. Steeprock Joinery has been Ross’ homebase for creating work in Telluride since 2016. She intends for her work at Steeprock to help synthesize the specific architecture of Steeprock, which is rooted in the land and in family with her own organic artistic practice. www.lindseyrossphoto.com



Blakeney Sanford is a multidisciplinary, conceptual artist. Her monochromatic work, in blue, transcends space and time, exploring the boundary between natural and man-made environments: micro, macro and meta. For over a decade, Sanford has created large-scale, site-specific installations made of steel and resin. Incorporating color, light andSanford.jpg space, she translates her experiences in the natural keney Sanford_Oceans Embrace - Blakeney world to man-made environments. Her most recent body of work, the PORTALS, explores a web of connection between the individual, the collective, the natural world and the metaphysical beyond. It includes sculpture, photography, NF Ts, and more. Sanford works globally, and is based in Santa Barbara, California. www.blakeneysanford.com

6/10/22, 1



P h oto C red it: B l aken ey S a nfo rd


SAR AH LEWIECKI ARTIST Sarah Lewiecki creates oil paintings in a multitude of unique forms that incorporate her distinct lexicon of symbols and iconography. Her work fuses beauty with wretchedness in order to reveal their harmony. She brings a variety of mediums into her practice as a painter, including taxidermy and the traditionally male dominated craft of woodworking and ironworking. It is with this very hands on approach that she creates her monumental altar works out of oil paint, acrylic, fur, found materials and poplar. Lewiecki refers to her altars as sculptural paintings. www.sarahlewieck i.com



P h oto C red it: I sa b e l H a rco ur t


Photo Credi t: Is abel Harcourt

J O N A T H A N YA S E E N THERE BAR Jonathan Yaseen was born in Durango, Colorado and grew up working in chef-driven local restaurants. Hospitality and experiences make him tick. Since moving to Telluride in 2010 and joining the opening team at There Telluride, he became the Operating Partner, while sharing the Telluride spirit through cocktails, conversations, and culture. In his twelve years in Telluride he has also been Beverage Director for Telluride Blues and Brews and Jazz Festivals, and is a member of the O’Neill Stetina Group at Telluride Properties.

M AT T H I S LO P E X EC U T I V E C H E F, THERE BAR Matt Hislop was born in Austin, Texas and was raised on the Front Range of Colorado. He attended Culinary School in Denver and further developed his talents while apprenticing with Denver restaurate urs and chefs Jennifer Jasinski and Fra nk Bona nno. Matt is focused on fresh and local products, and driven to build and improve upon a community of culinary professionals and culture. Matt joined There Telluride in 2020 as Executive Chef.


THE RIVER HOUSE K I M I LL E TAY LO R , S TEVE MORTON , JA M ES BOW EN Af te r yea rs a d miring the unusual, postmodern house t h a t s a t a l o n g s i de the San Miguel River in Placerville, I nte r i o r D e s i g n er Kimille Taylor and Architect Steve M o r to n j u m p e d a t the chance to purchase the home when i t ca m e o n t h e market in 2018. Originally built in 1992, t h e h o m e i s u n l i ke anything else aroun d. They loved the ex te r i o r a n d wa nted to leave that virtually untouched, b u t e m b a r ke d o n a sizable renovation and redesign of t he inte r i o r s p a ces in order to accommo date the i r ne e ds a n d ta s te s . S i m plifying, adding light and opening the sp a ce s we re t h e focu s . Bold des ig n choi ce s m ake the hom e s up e r p e rs on al.

P h oto C red it: E m il y Re d f i e ld


ORIG I NAL HOM E ARCH ITECT: J a mes B owen PROJ ECT ARCH ITECT: Steve Mor ton I NTERIOR DESIG N ER : Kimille Taylor BU I LDER/ CONTRACTOR : Colorado Revival S ergi o Lu n a

LAN DSCAPE DESIG N ER : Carib ou D esign, Beth B ailis 63

K I M I L L E T AY L O R INTERIOR DESIGNER Af te r earning a degree in art histo r y, K i m i l l e worked at Christie’s and then w i t h a n e stablished N ew York City design fi r m . T h e re she learned to integrate the busine s s ac u m en s he a cq uired at Chr istie’s w ith h e r u n i q u e passion for beauty and aesthetics. “ I s ta r ted as a junior designer and left as t h e s t u d i o director,” she says. “It was like getti n g my m asters degree. I couldn’t have asked fo r b et te r teachers or for better opportunities to h o n e the skills I would need to launch my ow n d e s i gn bus ines s .” Which she did in Septemb e r 20 07 . K i m i l l e takes great pleasure in design i n g e l e g a nt, comfortable homes for the real liv i n g n e e d s of her clients. By mixing antique a n d m o d e rn furnishings, juxtaposing classic a n d w hi m sy, she crea te s inter iors that are ecl ec t i c and l ux urious with a sophisticated bal an ce o f co lor and texture. Whether it ’s a mode r n M a n h attan high-rise, a rambling Hampto n s b ea c h house, or a magical Rocky Mounta i n ret reat, she brings her energy and eye to eve r y project. www.kimilletaylor.com


P h oto C red it: E m il y Re d f i e ld


S T EV E MO RTO N ARCHITECT O u r practice focuses on the crossover betwe e n A r t and Architecture, with an emphasis o n c reativity, collaboration and integrity i n a rc hitecture. Morton Architects, Inc. crea te s c l ea n, bold designs that seamlessly b l e n d t h e natural site with the built environm e nt . Steve Morton founded Morton Architect s i n 1 9 97, while practicing in Southern Califor n i a . Steve earned his deg ree a t Ca l ifo rni a Polytechnic University in San Luis O bispo a n d i s c urrently licensed in Colorado, New Yo r k , M a s sachusetts and California. He has b e e n p ra cticing architecture in the Telluride a rea for 23 yea rs. www.mortonarchitects.com 65

K AT I E H E F F E L F I N G E R ARTIST Katie Heffelfinger’s watercolor based paintings are inspired by the art of Aboriginal predecessors such as Dorothy Napangardi and other Napangardi sisters. Her work strives to echo their ability to create a visual language from the sparse yet striking visual and natural elements that define life and cosmology in the Outback. From this point, Katie’s work dives into the psychology of pattern, wherein the range of watercolor washes and application of heavy duty latex paint express a range of elegant, earthly abstraction. www.katie.gallery

K R I S T I N H A RT ARTIST Kristin Hart is a Florida based artist. Her pieces have a sense of calmness and dreamlike, almost otherworldly beauty. Often while editing she adds washes of soft pastel color and accentuates the light to help express the emotions that she felt in that moment in time. Kristin’s photography is a self reflective and emotional journey, a way for her to document and visually express what is inside of her, with the primary objective of making the viewer feel a sense of peaceful and spiritual elevation. https : // www.kr istinhartstudios.com


T R AV I S F I S C H E R MUSIC Travis was raised in the California desert and studied classical and jazz piano in Los Angeles and Seattle. He has worked extensively on the West Coast as an accompanist for ballet and theater productions and a keyboardist for jazz and rock bands before moving to Telluride in 2018. He now regularly collaborates with Telluride Chamber Music and Telluride Theater. He writes and records original music at his home studio and teaches piano.


CLAIRE BEARD MUSIC Claire graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in 2008 and has since performed all over the world. Orchestral work has taken her as far as China and India and has included playing with worldclass ensembles such as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London Contemporary Orchestra and London Mozart Symphony Orchestra. She has also performed in shows such as ‘Phantom of the Opera’, ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Wicked!’. As a passionate educator she has run workshops including with English National Ballet, the Symphony Orchestra of India, YMAT program in London’s underprivileged schools and worked as the flute tutor for the Kenya National Youth Orchestra.

MEREDITH NEMIROV ARTIST Brooklyn, New York native Meredith Nemirov studied at the Art Student ’s League and received her BFA from Parsons School of Design at The New School. In 1988 Nemirov moved to Ridgway, Colorado where she is currently based. Nemirov ’s practice is realized through hundreds of direct on-site drawings and sketches of Aspen forests within the region and timbe rlands beyond. By way of intensive study, tree by tree, Nemirov develops an idiosyncratic abstraction creatively echoing her hyper observant perspective and style by way of gouache, watercolor and ink on paper. www.mixxatelier.com/meredith-nemirov



P h oto C red it: E m il y Re d f i e ld


PAT R I C K L A G U E N S CHEF Award winning Chef, Sommelier, Writer, Wine Maker and selfdescribed “Party on Feet,” Patrick Laguens was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Patrick first cut his teeth in the local restaurant scene b efore apprenticing in Naples, Italy for Master Chef Antonio Race where he also began his long love affair with wine. Mr. Laguens then owned several of his own restaurants, wine bars, boutique wine shops and even produced his own line of designer wine s in Sonoma County. Patrick was named “Wine Educator of the Year” in Colorado’s northern Front Range for three years in a row. He has published over 50 articles on wine and food, written countless restaurant wine lists and menus, conducted hundreds of wine and food pairing seminars, and has seven Wine Spectator “Awards of Excellence.” He also has a Masters Degree in Philosophy and two great kids; Jupiter and Justus! “Every culture on the planet celebrates the significant events of their lives around the table. I get to take part in these events every day. I basically celebrate for a living.” - Patrick Laguens www.winegeekfoodfreak.com


MiXX projects + atelier

MiXX Collective represents a diverse roster of contemporary artists from around the globe, thoughtfully curated together under one roof. Encompassing both emerging and established artists across a wide variety of artistic media, we showcase an eclectic collection of work as a cohesive whole. www.mixxatelier.com




OULLI DURHAM Oulli Durham moved to Telluride in the winter of 2007/2008. He has over 20+ years of experience in the hospitality industry. He has worked as wine director for the Cosmopolitan restaurant, and currently works at Alpino Vino, the highest fine dining restaurant in North America. During this time, he has cultivated a deep knowledge and passion for wine. He has worked alongside Dustin Clements, Telski Wine Director Andrew Shaffner, and Katie Hall, to create the Colorado sourced Telluride Red. He is excited for the opportunity to continue his passion with Communion Wine Bar.

DUSTIN CLEMENTS Dust in Clements moved to the region in the winter of 2005/2006. He has worked within the food an d b eve rag e industry throughout his tenure here. In 2010 he started working in the retail alcohol side of the industry, and started studying for his sommelier certifications. He continued in the retail and restaurant side of the industry until 2017 when his passion led him to wholesale sales, as well as production. He spent the next few years as assistant winemaker at Sutcliffe Vineyards in Cortez, Colorado, as well as a sales rep for a small boutique wine d istributor. He is currently the award-winning head distiller for Telluride Distilling Company, and oversees day to day operations there. He is looking forward to continuing the path in the field of his passion, through Communion Wine Bar.




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Telluride Art + Architecture

TMVOA is proud to sponsor events in Mountain Village that provide economic vitality, a sense of community, and increased quality of experience for residents and guests. TMVOA is the primary sponsor of signature events in Mountain Village including the New Year’s Eve Fireworks, Music on the Green, Red, White & Blues 4th of July Celebration, Movies Under the Stars, and Holiday Prelude. TMVOA also proudly supports many other local events through our economic stimulus funding efforts. Some of our economic stimulus recipients for 2022 include Telluride Film Festival, Telluride Aids Benefit, Mountainfilm, One to One Mentoring and the Telluride Adaptive Sports Program. Visit our event calendar for more information on upcoming events.



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Te l l u ri d e A r t + Architecture is a collaboration of many p e o p l e . T h e l i s t of their talents and skill sets is long. T h ey h ave i n common their love for the Telluride arts co m m u n i t y a n d their support for one another. It is with g ra t i t u d e t h a t we thank the homeowners, architects, d e s i gn e rs , co m munity leaders, artists, musicians, chefs, w in e ex p e r t s , a uth ors , media, bu s in es s owne rs, sponsors, eve nt p ro fe s s i o n als, our board and colleagues. We could n ot h ave c rea te d the new Telluride Art + Architecture and t h i s we e k lo ng celebrat ion of t h e a rts wi thout you.

Thank You!


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