Flowers& - September 2013

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Flowers& SEPTEMBER 2013 $5.50

Every Kind of Beautiful

Fab fall & winter weddings Pg 34 Floral artistry at AIFD Symposium Pg 14

Mysteriousness & Beauty

For More Information Please Contact: Bo Kuszyk



52 14

What’s Your Passion? If it’s floral design—you needed to be at this year’s AIFD Symposium. Text and photography by Bruce Wright


Something for Every Bride A portfolio of stylish options for fall and winter weddings. Floral design by Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI, and Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian


On the Cover A frothy confection of hydrangea, white roses, cymbidium orchids, rhinestones and gem flowers, collared with pittosporum and evergreens, sets the tone for a sparkling white wedding. For more about this bouquet, see page 36.



Focus on Design Mitsumata, Up and Across By Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI


Creative Edge Product Series: Feathers By Hitomi Gilliam AIFD



Net Effects Are You Linked In? By Sarah Botchick


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Wholesale Connection

11 Flowers& Volume 34, Number 9 (ISSN 0199-4751). Published monthly by Teleflora, 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064, 800-321-2665, fax 310-966-3610. Subscription rates: U.S., 1 year, $66.00. Canada, 1 year, $90.00 (US currency only); Canadian GST registration number R127851293. Other foreign countries, 1 year, $102.00 (US currency only). Single issues, $5.50 each prepaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, Calif., and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Flowers&, PO Box 16029, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9871. Copyright



2013 by Teleflora. Printed in U.S.A.

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focus on design Floral design by Rich Salvaggio AIFD, AAF, PFCI

Photography by Ron Derhacopian

For product information, see Where to Buy, page 71.


2 10

Mitsumata forms an intriguing, color-reinforcing design grid. Do you use mitsumata? The name of this sturdy, lightweight material means “three-forked” in Japanese—observe it carefully and you’ll see why. As a dried material, with its organic, dynamic form and bright colors (the smooth branches take dye beautifully), it adds affordable elegance to floral designs. 1. Fill your container—here, a green ceramic cylinder from Teleflora’s Satin Collection—with foam. Add horizontal mitsumata first, with the tips facing in both directions. Dixon® Pins are a handy way to secure a thick-stemmed material like the mitsumata in foam. 2. Vertical mitsumata creates height and can be inserted directly into foam, again with tips in both directions. 3. Weave in white tulips, green hydrangea, pink roses (here, ‘Sophia’), and Touch of Romance bouquet stems for a bright, eye-catching wedding centerpiece.

3 SEPTEMBER 2013 11

creative edge Floral design by Hitomi Gilliam AIFD

Photography by Philippe Martin-Morice

Feathers are the perfect addition to floral designs, especially when used as complementary form, texture and color. They are the “fauna” in the ongoing trend that features eco-friendly, natural colors of flora and fauna, earth and sky— especially blues, greens and browns. Pheasant feathers add a certain sophisticated, masculine quality to the following organic modern designs.

Blue glass organic A cool blue pool of water is complemented by earthly greens and “birds in flight.” Green midollino gracefully circles around the neck of the vase, supported by a construction of blue aluminum wire. The blue echeveria, with its brown tips, perfectly complement the colors of the vase and the pheasant feathers. Panicum grass (‘Fountain’) repeats the texture of the feathers while replicating the color of ‘Midori’ anthuriums. The smaller green feathers are strung on blue bullion wire and float gently over the design. 12

Tower of feathers and vines At left, the long, slender lines of pheasant feathers complement a “tower� design in which the lines of a cylinder vase are extended upward with a structure of five tall bamboo shoots, filled on the inside with vertically rolled dark ti leaves. The tower was casually wrapped with green permanent vines, into which mini callas, fern curls, scabiosa pods and pheasant feathers were inserted. Light, small green feathers were attached casually to the vines to emulate naturally fallen and captured pieces. The combination evokes a fall hunt season.

Birds, ferns and gloriosas At right, fern curls and gloriosa blossoms add lively animation and character to a design in which the feathers emphasize a strongly vertical orientation. The blue-green glass cylinder is complemented by vertically arranged green midollino sticks, which were glued to a one-inch band of flat wire. This flat wire band wraps over a ring of clear plastic water tubes. The tubes in turn are attached to the outside of the cylinder, with brown wool fabric used as an underlay, to add visual depth. The gloriosas, uluhe fern curls, scabiosa pods and lily grass are mostly arranged in the water tubes, with a single stem in the vase. SEPTEMBER 2013 00

ACTUALLY, “DESIGN” doesn’t begin to describe what goes on at the American Institute of Floral Designers’ annual Symposium. Over four days of super-charged stage programs—not to mention social functions and sidebar events—the focus is on floral artistry. Indeed, at this year’s Symposium (June 28-July 2 at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas), the emphasis was on what floral artists can do to differentiate themselves from other flower vendors. How can you position yourself in the marketplace so that customers understand what you have to offer is not just flowers, but service, skill, and creativity? Answers from Symposium presenters include: Take your design skills to the next level, beyond flowers. Create custom rentable props and display accessories, handcrafted fashions and furnishings. Today’s professional designers are learning to use power tools and apply traditional crafting skills. Specific trends that surfaced in Las Vegas include: • A number of presenters utilized walls and large frames on wheels. This technique not only lubricates Symposium staging but adds a mobile, versatile, modular element to in-store display. • A fashion influence was strongly evident at this Symposium, with more flowers to wear


and carry than ever before, smartly presented by professional models on a runway extending from the stage. • Exposed mechanics, like zip ties and water tubes, made for a trendy industrial look. • Wool and yarn, introduced from Europe years ago as floral design accessories, are now catching on in a big way. Their visibility at Symposium may be related to the popularity of knitting and crochet, and the art activism of “yarnbombing.” • LED lights have become another essential design accessory. “It’s important to include them so your work will be seen and noticed,” comments Symposium presenter Cindy Anderson AIFD, PFCI. • Other trendy materials and accessories include flat wire, midollino, clear acrylic, and of course, bling. • More than ever, design professionals are distinguished by their product knowledge, including awareness of special flowers and new varieties. Two new varieties were actually dedicated at this Symposium: a gloriosa named after Belgian floral artist and educator Tomas de Bruyne, and a phalaenopsis certified with the Royal Horticultural Society as “AIFD Passion”! Gloriosas and orchids were seen in abundance on this Symposium stage—but designers also demonstrated what a creative artist can do with gorgeous carnations and chrysanthemums.

WEDDING WOW How do you deal with brides who want more impact for less money? Give it to them!, says Gerry Toh AIFD, using your ingenuity and imagination. Along with three magnificent floral stage settings and a parade of stunning bouquets, Gerry shared selling and design tips: to add a cloud of hydrangea, for example, to the tops of Tiffany-blue manzanita trees, rather than attaching the hydrangea one by one, he draped the branches with bird netting and inserted the stems through the netting—a huge time-saver, and labor is where most florists cheat themselves. 16

WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN? Outrageous costumes, entertaining storylines and over-the-top florals are stock in trade for the inimitable Ron Mulray AIFD, who pulled out all the stops for an opening-day program replete with comedy, drama, and more than a touch of the Gothic (above and above right). In the first set, runway models in Carnival masks presented exotic and unusual bouquets against a colorful backdrop created using plastic vases from Syndicate Sales.

SONG AND DANCE This year’s Symposium got a rousing opener from Derek Woodruff AIFD (seen at far right), who brought his passion for music theater to the stage with choreographed numbers that cleverly interpolated floral designs—as when his troupe of dancers strut the runway wearing floral hats made in Syndicate Sales’ Stackables, then removed the hats and stacked them to build a flower tower, a design that can be transported in sections and would create a sensation at any party. 18

COOL FRAMES Combine permanent and semipermanent materials in wood frames (midollino, craspedia, tillandsia) with orchids in water tubes, and you have a floral work of art that can be sold or rented, with the fresh flowers changed weekly or on whatever schedule best serves the client. Svenja Brotz AIFD (above) and Katharina Stuart AIFD offered a number of similar, and stunning, ideas that could be adapted to various levels of service and cost. SPLASH To create the effect of a waterfall with phalaenopsis orchids, Kenneth Snauwaert AIFD first made an armature with Fiber Sticks, white duct tape, and 400 zip ties, leaving the zip ties exposed (“They reminded me of water splashing,� he says). The orchid stems are placed in glass cones attached to the armature. Obsessed with orchids since the age of 15, Kenneth is himself an award-winning orchid grower and expert as well as a highly respected designer and educator.


TOP THIS! “Guests usually remember two things from the florals at a wedding,” said Jackie Lacey AIFD, PFCI: “the bride’s bouquet—and the centerpiece, because they spend such a long time sitting across from it.” With brides and other specialevent clients often looking for tabletop designs that reflect the influence of celebrity entertaining experts, Jackie invited five guest designers to interpret trend setters like Mark Addison—as seen above in a multicolored design by Ted Bruehl AIFD, based on a driftwood sphere, elevated on clear glass rectangles filled with driftwood and flowers. In a complementary design, Ted applied the same materials with UGlu to a chair in modern style.

ART AND CRAFT Many floral designers are skilled craftspeople, in media other than flowers. Why not make that craft part of your floral signature? Indeed, if you’re a designer, why not stretch your creativity—and your market—by branching out? Jim Dempsey AIFD showed hand-crafted furniture and fashions along with florals (seen at top right and lower right), all featuring his trademark crochet work and combining flowers with the homespun textures of yarn, wool, and other organic materials.


GRAND ILLUSIONS The secret to floral design for special events, says Julie Reed AIFD, is to create an illusion—like the spiraling callas, above, that seem to float above the table, woven through clear panels of acrylic with holes drilled in them. The acrylic panels give you both height and transparency—especially useful when you design for a room that looks “heavy,” with wooden beams or exposed concrete. “Florists like to say it’s all about the flowers,” says Julie. “But really, it’s about the entire event”—and the illusion happens with an eye to lighting, architecture and scale. WINTER GARDENS With many years of experience at developing ornamental Christmas product overseas, Brad Schmidt AIFD was able to share a wealth of information about how these products are made along with trends updates and design expertise. A rectangular wreath with permanent botanicals on one side, LED candles on the other showed how designers can bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary styles; it hung above a matching 60-inch-diameter wreath bearing ornaments in clusters, amaryllis, hydrangea, succulents and ribbon.


SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW Celebrity event planner Sharon Sacks shared wedding trends she has observed from her experience with a demanding, influential clientele. Among them, she noted: smaller bouquets, but made with premium flowers, “always out of season”; non-traditional boutonnieres; designs with clusters of baby’s breath en masse; hand-painted aisle runners; rose gold in china and porcelain vases; ombré effects; and the practice of incorporating mementoes into the bouquet, like a piece of the mother’s wedding dress or the father’s handkerchief. Along those lines, five AIFD designers created examples of memento bouquets, including this one by 2013 inductee Tammy Gibson AIFD (above), which incorporated pearl earrings, a family heirloom.


CIRCLE GAME Here’s one path to inspiration: return to the simplest and most elemental of forms. Weaving strands of yarn across huge metal frames, each in the form of a circle, Russian floral artist Araik Galstyan then filled these frames with flowers and other materials (straw or Spanish moss, for example), creating textures of ethereal beauty. Like other Symposium presenters, he also created a number of intriguing, avant-garde bouquets, all based on circles. Much in demand, not only in Russia but around the world (he is booked through 2015), Araik owns flower boutiques in Moscow, runs a floral design school and publishes a flower magazine, Flowers World.

SEDUCTION With “passion” as the theme for this year’s Symposium, “we need to talk about seduction,” argued Belgian designer Tomas de Bruyne—by which he means, how floral artists can attract a clientele that will share their passion through the power of marketing. Seduction is easier, of course, with elegant, inventive designs like those shared by Tomas, including a pair of white urns topped with floral spires, made by attaching flowers in water tubes to a graceful armature.


KABUKI THEATER Does any culture in the world celebrate flowers with the exquisite elegance of Japan? Internationally renowned as a designer and teacher, Yutaka Jimbo AIFD offered contemporary interpretations of traditional touchstones, from cherry blossoms to byobu screens. In a magnificent and moving conclusion to the program, he took the audience back to the Edo period with bouquets and floral adornments that might grace the person of an oiran, a courtesan and entertainer of the highest rank, were she to practice her art in modern times. This beautiful oiran harbors a secret; can you guess what it is?

SAVAGE BOUQUETS If you saw the design feature “Savage Botanicals” in the August issue of Flowers&, you already know the dramatic impact of the fashions created from permanent botanicals by Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, PFCI and her team of designers. Inspired by Alexander McQueen, the dresses were presented at Symposium accompanied by fresh-flower bouquets that were equally adventurous in style and spirit: among them, a warrior’s shield and a “mirror” bouquet of flowers hidden inside an attached pair of hubcaps.

9 AUGUST 2010 30

For more photos from AIFD Symposium, CLICK HERE.

TOOL BELT DIVA Once you’ve made custom containers like those above, using sections of copper pipe set in a resin base and accented with one-inch-wide flat wire, you don’t need a lot of flowers to make an impact, says Cindy Anderson AIFD, PFCI—which means you can use better-quality flowers, like gloriosas, mokaras and callas. Your local home-improvement store is full of design-friendly products; you just have to approach them creatively, and Cindy showed how, turning wood shims, roof flashing, koi pond tubing, all-thread screws, Sonotube concrete forms, and window-screen material into elegant floral design accessories.

CACTUS AND KILTS Who knew that Scotland and Arizona had so much in common? More broadly, the program presented by Lorraine Cooper AIFD, PFCI and Alex Jackson AIFD, PFCI served to show how floral design can communicate cross-cultural concepts. Creating a panel that interprets a stained-glass window in flowers, Lorraine made use of the Glasgow Rose motif that figures heavily in the work of Scottish artist, designer and architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh; the “lead” in the window is rendered with flexible pipe insulation sprayed black—a material that Lorraine also uses in re-creating logos for corporate events. b 32

Something for Every Bride A portfolio of stylish options for fall and winter weddings. Floral design by Bert Ford AIFD, PFCI and Vonda LaFever AIFD, PFCI Photography by Ron Derhacopian Model: Noel Larson

Hair and makeup by Marybeth Bagonghasa

Wedding gowns by Justin Alexander Bridal,

For product information,



Table linens from Wild Flower Linen,

see Where to Buy, page 71.

36 All That Glitters 40 Lavender Green 44 Farm Fresh 48 Tropical Harvest 52 Lasting Chic 56 Winter White


Something for Every Bride

36 AUGUST 2010

ALL THAT GLITTERS When draping “diamonds” are combined with white and light green flowers and touches of evergreen, the effect is sparkling and wintry, but also light and fresh. AT LEFT: The bride’s bouquet (also seen on the cover of this issue) is fashioned with concentric rings of fresh flowers augmented with gem flowers and stemmed rhinestones. The underside of the bouquet is collared with diamond wrap (for a how-to shot, see page 61). The dazzling tail is made with more diamond wrap, which has been cut along most of its length into a glittering, dancing fringe. AT RIGHT: The bridesmaid carries a cuff made of wider diamond wrap, looped at the top and glued to itself to form a sleeve. The bottom of the band is again cut to create a fringe, then lily grass is woven through after making tiny slits in the wrap with scissors. Pine foliage is inserted through the slits, while cymbidium blossoms and hypericum are simply glued on. FAR RIGHT: A boutonniere is made by gluing materials to a clear design disk with metal inside it, so that the bout can be held on with a magnet. For the mother of the bride, Vonda glued diamond wrap onto the design disk of a Fitz Design bracelet with pan glue, then added floral materials using floral adhesive: pine, cymbidium petals, ‘Green Trick’ dianthus, pittosporum foliage, and hypericum, along with additional dangling diamonds and a Spice Drop gem.


Something for Every Bride

ABOVE: Artificial pine garland is twisted into a wreath and accented with green hypericum and ‘Green Trick’ dianthus; it forms a bed for a simple bowl of low-mounded flowers. The wreath can be made well in advance; you could even use a premade wreath. A sheltering pine branch set into the bowl creates the feeling of a landscape. AT NEAR RIGHT: For a pew ornament, Vonda glued diamond wrap to a cardboard backdrop, which covers a length of vertical PVC pipe; she arranged the flowers in a water tube, which fits nicely in the pipe. OPPOSITE PAGE: A hand-tied bouquet rests in the top of a tall cylinder. It incorporates stemmed rhinestones; on either side, lily grass and delicate pine branches suggest a crescent. The cylinder is wrapped with diamonds, cut on the bias and slit to make a fringe, then attached to the top of the cylinder with UGlu. Stemmed tea light holders and votive holders are lined with more diamond wrap to send the theme home.



Something for Every Bride

40 AUGUST 2010

LAVENDER GREEN A palette of lavender, purple, and plum has become one of the most popular for autumn weddings—especially alluring when these colors are combined with accents of white, green and silver. Fresh lavender, with its evocative fragrance, is increasingly available from the summer months on into the fall. LEFT AND RIGHT: Vonda has created two similar hand-tied bouquets for the bride and for her maids. Each includes short stems of lavender that reach only as far as the binding; they’ll hold up fine for the wedding and even dry in place. After binding the other flower stems (dahlias, roses, and kale), Vonda added loops of midollino, bound with silver wire, and finally, callas, which she used to form mini cascades. Having previously sealed the ends of the calla stems with dollops of pan glue, she simply inserted them into the top of the bouquet, then wired the calla heads to the midollino. LOWER RIGHT: A simple handheld clutch of lavender for the mother of the bride is first bound with silver wire, then adorned with a flexible silver band to which Vonda has glued pearlescent flower gems. The same rectangular silver band serves as the base for a boutonniere, with flowers and foliage glued to the front and a magnet on the back.



ABOVE: Lavender takes center stage, accented with white midollino. For a how-to on the star-shaped midollino structure in the glass cylinder, see page 61. With the structure prepared in advance, Vonda bundled a generous bunch of lavender with a rubber band, then glued kale leaves to the outside of the bundle and lifted it into the midollino structure inside the cylinder vase. She added the callas and maidenhair fern into the lavender bundle in water picks; the little bundles of lavender tips are strung on silver wire. AT RIGHT: Another version of the midollino star is reinforced with silver wire to help it keep its shape; it sits on top of a tall glass cylinder and supports a hand-tied bouquet of lavender, dahlias, kale, and maidenhair fern. The stems are cut short so they will be hidden by the band of ribbon at the top of the cylinder, which is filled with water. Callas dangle from the tips of the star, on silver bullion wrapped around the stems, which have been previously sealed with pan glue to hold the moisture in and preserve them.


Something for Every Bride


Something for Every Bride

FARM FRESH Vegetables, buttons, burlap, pods, beans, and canning jars are some of the elements that might contribute to a rustic, hand-crafted look for a colorful country wedding. LEFT: Lotus pods and stephanotis are featured in the bridal bouquet, set against a background of light green hydrangea in a way that creates a wonderful sense of depth. Bert created this bouquet as a hand-tied, bound with Rustic Wire, then lowered the stem bundle into a premade willow armature (see page 61). He added the stephanotis (on Stay-Fresh® stems) and the delicate maidenhair fern (sprayed with an antitranspirant) last. FAR RIGHT: A cascading cuff is made with a product called “moss on a roll.” Bert wrapped brown aluminum wire around it, plus button wire, beaded wire, and snippets of burlap ribbon. Finally, he added fresh flowers with floral adhesive: scabiosa pods, brunia, ‘Green Trick’ dianthus, and orange gerberas. NEAR RIGHT: Bert quickly fashioned the boutonniere at upper right by wrapping the stems in Bindwire. To make the bracelet, he prepared a rectangular frame of aluminum wire and filled the interior with coils of thinner wire; to provide a gluing surface for the flowers, he pressed leaves against the inside and outside of the bracelet and glued them to each other through the coils.

AUGUST 2010 44


Something for Every Bride

ABOVE: Ball canning jars and vintage bottles were first decked with burlap ribbon, Rustic Wire, beaded wire, button wire, and white yarn, and only then filled with flowers. A lotus pod is used as a grid for one mini bouquet. Candles in low jars are filled with split peas and red beans, which are also strewn at the base of the display. NEAR RIGHT: A pew treatment also utilizes a Ball canning jar and wired burlap ribbon; the hanger is made with Rustic Wire. FAR RIGHT: A larger design is made in a Lomey tray, which rests on top of a cylinder that has been turned upside-down over a smaller design in a bamboo cube. In both designs, vegetables add something fun, long-lasting, and theme-appropriate. Cauliflower and broccoli florets are added to the foam with wired wood picks, while mushrooms perch on florist wire. “Wrap the tip of the wire with floral tape,” says Bert, “and it helps to keep the wire from pushing all the way through the mushroom cap.”



TROPICAL HARVEST “We do a lot of fall weddings where the client wants to make sure it doesn’t look like Thanksgiving or Halloween,” says Bert. Staying away from gourds and pumpkins, Bert offers these clients a palette of yellow and deep red, with touches of high-fashion black, featuring tropical flowers including yellow pincushion proteas, cymbidium and mokara orchids, craspedia, red leucadendron and hypericum, and dramatic tropical foliage. UPPER LEFT: A composite cymbidium orchid, with extra petals added, serves as a nosegay for the mother of the bride. Instead of wiring and taping the additional, outside petals, Bert first created a collar wrapped in yellow ribbon to match the petals (see the how-to shots on page 61). Then he simply glued the outside petals to the collar with floral adhesive. He added hypericum berries under the collar before wrapping the stem bundle with Bindwire. LOWER LEFT: For the bridesmaid, Bert added yellow and red flowers into a grid made of looped and bundled Tinsel Twig Branches. Some flowers are bound into the stem bundle of the grid, while others are glued to the petal-like loops. RIGHT: The bride carries a hand-tied bouquet with monstera leaves in front that provide the backdrop for a mini cascade. Cymbidiums blossoms are wired and taped; one of them drops low to help define the cascade, along with lily grass and bearded wheat. 48 AUGUST 2010 32

Something for Every Bride


50 38

Something for Every Bride

LEFT: To elevate the main design in a collection, Bert took an old silver candelabrum that had seen better days—one made so the arms can be removed and replaced with a design bowl—sanded it down and spray-painted it black. The arrangement is in a utility container, transported separately and set on top inside the pedestal bowl. Complementary designs can be placed all around the room or the table as accents. BELOW: A table design features curled aspidistra leaves, with the curls held in place with UGlu, and a broad basing of large monstera leaves.


Something for Every Bride

AUGUST 2010 52

LASTING CHIC Succulents are much in demand for wedding flowers—but in some areas, fresh succulents are expensive, and sourcing is unreliable. Designs that feature realistic permanent botanicals can be mostly prepared in advance, with a few fresh flowers added at the last minute, then preserved as keepsakes or gifts, with the fresh flowers removed. OPPOSITE PAGE AND NEAR LEFT: Bouquets for the bride and for a bridesmaid are fashioned in Styrofoam cones wrapped in Rustic Wire—a treatment that perfectly complements the rustic fall look of the flowers. Vonda first sprayed the cones with brown paint and covered them with moss-on-a-roll. Fresh cymbidiums are added in water picks. BELOW LEFT: Vonda made a mini hand-tied bouquet with a collar of moss-on-a-roll for a junior bridesmaid or the mother of the bride. The stem bundle is wrapped in Rustic Wire, and a fresh cymbidium is added to the bouquet with a wired and taped stem. BELOW: Moss-on-a-roll provides the background for a boutonniere with a magnet-ready design disk glued to the back. A curling piece of Rustic Wire also reinforces the structural integrity of the boutonniere.

53 AUGUST 2010



Something for Every Bride

OPPOSITE PAGE: A tall centerpiece design is based on a do-ahead, reusable structure made with dowels and a plywood base (for a how-to, see page 61). The base is covered with moss-on-a-roll; artificial succulents and hypericum are added with pan glue. Fresh cymbidium orchids drink from water picks; they brighten the color scheme, but can be removed later on and the design will still be complete. Fresh cornbroom, which will dry in place, adds another seasonal texture to the mix of materials. ABOVE: Table designs in bamboo rectangles reiterate the materials used in the tall pedestal design. As an accent, glass cups for votive candles are decked with moss-on-a-roll, Bindwire and succulents.


Something for Every Bride


WINTER WHITE White weddings are popular year-round, but have a special romance in the wintertime. Embellishments of silver and pearls both contrast and harmonize with the soft textures of fresh flowers. OPPOSITE PAGE: A hand-tied bridal bouquet is supported with ribbon-wrapped collars—cut from cardboard and wrapped in white satin ribbon, then with beaded and silver wire. The second, smaller collar faces front and encircles a fountain of callas, spilling forward in a cascade that also includes blades of lily grass enhanced with single strands of diamond wrap. The collars are wrapped with aluminum wires that are then brought down into the stem bundle to hold it all together. ABOVE: A “snowball” to carry in the hand is made with an Oasis sphere placed in an O’Bowl®. Before adding the cage of silver decorative wire, Bert sprayed the flowers with Glue for Glitter (other spray glues might burn them), then sprinkled them with sparkles.


Something for Every Bride


OPPOSITE PAGE: A tall cylinder, eight inches in diameter, is dressed with two Cylinder Party Wraps, one below and one above; the upper Party Wrap is overturned and rests on the cylinder rim. The cylinder is then topped with a Lomey tray filled with white flowers and sprouting curly willow tips, previously sprayed with Design Master Super Silver. ABOVE: Bert wrapped a shorter glass cylinder with wide ribbon, filled it with floral foam covered in aspidistra foliage, and set it inside another Cylinder Party Wrap. Magnificent white china mums fill the bowl, along with hydrangea, roses, and dusty miller foliage. NEAR LEFT: A big bow made of inch-wide flat ribbon serves as the base for a pew decoration, while a small cylinder is converted to a flower-bedecked holder for a floating candle. Bert attached water tubes to the outside of the cylinder with UGlu and silver wire, then filled them with gerberas; the gerbera stems are supported with a leash of thin silver wire.


Something for Every Bride

LEFT: Standing more than seven feet tall, this statuesque arrangement gives plenty of height and impact without using up the flower budget. The arrangement itself is created in a Lomey tray, separately from the oversized silver vase, for easy transport. Bert greened the foam with the fern fronds, then inserted silver-sprayed curly willow branches and hung the branches with water tubes, using silver wire to make hangers for the tubes and to hang crystals below them. The white spider mums seem to float like lotus flowers or lit candles.


Something forEveryBride Helpful How-To’s

LAVENDER GREEN To make the midollino structure featured in the design on page 42, begin by making five bundles of three stems of midollino each. Bind each bundle at the tips, then bring the tips together and bind them again, squeezing the sides of the loop together to make a shape like a long leaf. Lower the rounded end of each leaf shape into the glass cylinder, placing the loops equidistant from each other so they form a five-pointed star. Note: When midollino goes into the cooler, it will absorb moisture and become more flexible. The star points will then hang lower than you see them here.

TROPICAL HARVEST To make the composite-cymbidium bouquet on page 48 48, begin by attaching taped-wire “stems” to the donut-shaped cardboard from a ribbon flange. Cover the flange with ribbon, and you can then glue extra, outside petals directly to the collar, rather than wiring and taping them to the flower. Another bouquet for this wedding was built on a base of Tinsel Twig Branches—sturdy, fuzzy wire— shaped into an armature with stems and loops.

LASTING CHIC Three dowels and two platforms—one for the base, one for the top—compose a versatile, do-ahead pedestal for the design on page 54. Here, the base platform is plywood; the top could be a thinner (quarter-inch) plywood, or luan. Pre-drilling holes in the base, the platform and the dowels makes it easy to screw them together. For the design on page 54, the dowels were sprayed with Design Master Home Décor Stain in Honey and then with Mossy ColorTex. Once the pedestal was assembled, a chunk of foam was glued directly to the top.

ALL THAT GLITTERS Flexible diamond wrap is available in a variety of styles, colors and widths from Fitz Design. It is easily cut with scissors—or pierced with sturdy wire. To make a sparkling collar for a bridal bouquet like the one on page 36, use a chenille stem in silver, threaded along one si side of a roll of diamond wrap, to create pl eated ruffles. When you have enough, cut pleated th he diamond wrap and twist the ends of the the ch henille stem together. chenille

FA FARM ARM FRESH A curly-willow arma armature maature prom vides a decorative surround for the handvi tie tied bouquet on page 44. The stem bundle is separately bound with Rustic Wire—but the willow armature may also help to stabilize and protect the stems. Tendrils extend above the rim of the armature; they can be curled back over the surface of the bouquet and secured with Bindwire. The armature makes it easier to add delicate materials, like maidenhair fern, to the bouquet at the last minute. b


net effects By Sarah Botchick

Are you Linked In?

a business networking group meeting.

The “business” social network, LinkedIn, recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. It is hard to believe that LinkedIn is actually older than Facebook. With 225 million users, it is smaller than Facebook and Google+. But don’t be fooled—LinkedIn is small but mighty. For targeted marketing purposes, LinkedIn can be a very useful tool.


WHY USE LINKEDIN? A few years back I set up a profile for my dad on LinkedIn. He has never really gotten into it. He regularly receives LinkedIn requests from friends and business associates and then he asks me, “What do I need LinkedIn for?” That question got me thinking that perhaps the readers of this column wonder that as well. So here are some of the top applications for LinkedIn for floral designers and flower-shop owners. • Standing corporate accounts. Every company that has employees has occasions when they need to send their employees gifts. From sympathy condolences to new babies to retirements and birthdays, there are regular occasions when every company needs a gift supplier. With the right approach on LinkedIn, you can become a valuable resource to these companies. • Corporate event work. Looking for more non-wedding event work? The movers and the shakers in the corporate world are on LinkedIn. It’s the best place to reach them. • Business networking. How many of you get up before the crack of dawn every week to attend business networking group meetings? If you’re one of those dedicated networkers, I would never suggest you quit doing that, as nothing can beat to face to face interaction. However, you can certainly supplement that with online networking using the same principles. Using LinkedIn, you can connect with potential customers who might never attend 64

• Get started. 1. Create a complete personal profile that clearly states who you are, what you have to offer potential customers, and a call to action. Be sure to fill in all aspects of the profile. No one likes a braggart, but this is not a place to be shy. You want to give potential customers a good view of your abilities and showcase how you can benefit them. 2. Use a professional yet approachable photograph of yourself.

offer an honest recommendation, do so. But don’t just write recommendations to get one. If you wouldn’t recommend your plumber to fix your grandmother’s kitchen sink, then don’t write him (or her) a recommendation on LinkedIn. 8. When writing recommendations, be sure to state how you know the person and the specific qualities that you appreciate in them. You don’t need to write a novel: simple is best. • Grow your network. 9. Expand your network by joining local groups. There are networking groups for al-

3. Be sure to edit your personal URL to your real name instead off a computer-generated number, so that potential connections can easily find you. You can edit this by clicking the “Edit” link that appears next to the URL just below your photograph, as seen at right. 4. Set up a company page as well as a personal profile, complete with photographs and links to productt categories on your website. For more information on creating a LinkedIn company page see: • Build your network. 5. Start developing your network by finding current and past customers to connect with, using their email addresses or simply by searching for them by name. Also look for other business contacts and complementary vendors to connect with. LinkedIn limits the number of invitations you can send in a lifetime, so be cautious about sending a blanket request to everyone in your address book. Only send them to people that you actually want to connect with! 6. When sending a connection request, write a personal note instead of the generic automatic request. • Recommend your connections. 7. Once you have requests set up, start endorsing and recommending your connections. If there is anyone for whom you can

most all major metropolitan areas. Join and participate in them; answer questions and help others wherever you can. You never know what new customer you may meet. 10. Grow your business by joining industry groups. There are a number of floral industry groups on LinkedIn. Not only can you learn valuable tips from fellow florists, but you can also get to know florists from around the country and around the world that you can refer customers to, and that can refer customers to you. LinkedIn can be a powerful business-networking tool if you apply the same techniques that bring you success in other forms of networking. If you haven’t already, get started today!

Sarah Botchick is Marketing Director for Pioneer Imports & Wholesale in Berea, Ohio and the owner of Stellar Marketing & Consulting ( b






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For information about advertising in Emporium call Peter Lymbertos at 800-421-4921 66

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advertising links For easy access to many of our advertisers’ websites, go to and click on the Advertisers link.

ALEXANDRA FARMS .......................... 65

HARVEST IMPORT ............................... 8







B&C MORTENSEN WOOD PRODUCTS ............................ 26

MILTON ADLER COMPANY ................. 69 800-651-0113



PIONEER IMPORTS & WHOLESALE CO. ............................... 31

888-910-STIX (7849)


BRIGHT SIDE CRAFTS ........................ 25

POSY POCKETS ................................. 71




RELIANT RIBBON ................................. 2



CONTINENTAL FLOWERS .................... 33

ROYAL FLOWERS ................................. 1



DAKOTA PLASTICS ............................ 69

SEMINOLE .......................................... 8



DANZIGER FLOWER FARM.................. 21

SMITHERS-OASIS ................................ 5



DAVID AUSTIN ROSES ......................... 3

SNK ENTERPRISES ............................ 65




THE SUN VALLEY GROUP ................... 17





877-530-TREE (8733)


TEAMFLORAL .................................... 27 800-342-2251

FITZ DESIGN, INC.............................. 19 800-500-2120

TELEFLORA ................................... 7, 63 800-421-2815

FLORABUNDANCE, INC. ..................... 62 800-201-3597


TEXAS STATE FLORISTS ASSOCIATION ................................... 67 800-375-0361


FLORIGENE FLOWERS ........................ 23 954-438-9892


what’s in store

WRAP UP SALES. Teleflora’s Wrapped in Autumn Centerpiece, the nationally advertised “star” for Thanksgiving, comes in a limited-edition, FDA-approved stoneware bowl, beautifully crafted to convey the look of autumn leaves. Call 800-333-0205 or visit

BRIGHT AND SHINING Peacock feathers, with their natural blue and green iridescence, set the tone for a whole series of wedding accessories from Lillian Rose, including this nine-inch bouquet, further accented with aqua feathers, green satin and tulle, and a rhinestone ornament. Call 800-521-8760 or visit


RUFFLED SKIRTS Chiavari chair skirts with fancy ruffles are offered in 24 colors and with an elastic band or ties, single tone or two tone, from Linen n’ Chair Covers. The chair skirts are made in the USA. Call 855-546-3671 or visit

LONGER THAN EVER The indispensable Raquettes® Holder from Smithers-Oasis— a bar of floral foam wrapped in perforated green poly film with a rigid plastic base, perfect for long table arrangements—now comes in a new 36-inch length, in addition to the familiar 18- and 27-inch sizes. Contact your local wholesale florist or visit


Maximize Profits... Minimize Labor Now, YOU can make quality garland, expertly, quickly, cheaply.

1-877-688-6889 Classico MFG, CO. P.O. Box 660656 • Arcadia, CA 91066 Phone (626) 355-4600 • Fax (626) 355-0431


industry events For the most recent additions to Teleflora Unit Programs, go to and click on Design Education to access the Floral Event Calendar in the Unit Program section.

September 8, Orono, ME

September 17, Houston, TX

World Flower Council Summit, Sapporo Park Hotel. Visit

Maine Florists’ Association, program includes Fall and Christmas Designs with Alex Jackson, The Black Bear Inn. Call Karen Duncan at 207-769-2731.

South Texas Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Kevin Ylvisaker, Taylor Wholesale. Call Alan Masters at 832-661-3958.

September 18-21, Phoenix, AZ

September 18, Hightstown, NJ

SAF Annual Convention, Sheraton Wild Horse Pass. Call Laura Weaver at the Society of American Florists, 800-336-4743, or visit

Penn Jersey Unit, Holiday Designs with Vonda LaFever, Sieck-Wright Wholesale. Call Renee Tucci at 215-699-2207.

New Mexico State Florist Association, program includes Wedding Designs with Joyce MasonMonheim, Carousel Convention Center. Call Esther Davis at 575-443-1211.

October 2-4, Bogota, Colombia

Bill Doran Company, Fall and Christmas Open House, Bill Doran Co. Call Mike Bentley at 518465-5285 xt. 252.

National and International September 5-8, Sapporo, Japan

Proflora, Corferias. Visit

Central Region September 11, Flint, MI Michigan Unit, Christmas Designs with Tom Simmons, Nordlie, Inc. Call Brian Bak at 248-437-4168.

September 18, Columbus, OH Ohio Buckeye Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Tom Simmons, R.J. Claprood Co. Call Tara Beaire at 419-529-0600.

September 21, Evansville, IN Zeidler Wholesale, Fall and Christmas Open House with Tom Bowling, Zeidler Wholesale. Call Diane Maddox at 812-425-4089.

September 25, Topeka, KS Heart of America Unit, Sympathy Designs with Jim Ganger, Baisch & Skinner. Call Sheri Cyre at 785-262-4321.

October 8, Indianapolis, IN Indiana Unit, Holiday Designs with Tim Farrell, Kennicott/Vans. Call Jackie Poe at 317-887-2777.

October 8, Louisville, KY Kentucky Derby Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Tom Simmons, Doran-Ingels Company. Call Michelle Hindman at 502-853-1214.

October 16, Waukegan, IL Kennicott Brothers, Fall and Christmas Open House with Tom Bowling, Kennicott Brothers. Call Kurt Karrasch at 847-244-3110.

Northeast Region September 4, Pittsburgh, PA Western Pennsylvania Unit, Holiday Designs with Hitomi Gilliam, BW Wholesale. Call Patrick Devlin at 413-461-2503. 70

September 25, Albany, NY

September 25, Plainview, NY Big Apple Unit, Party Designs with Kevin Ylvisaker, J. Merullo Imports. Call Ken Beebe at 631-665-8877.

October 23, Bethpage, NY Big Apple Unit, Thanksgiving and Christmas Designs with Cindy Tole, H.R. Singleton Catering. Call Lori Dietrich at 516-933-2525.

September 29, Carlsbad, NM

Southeast Region September 15, Silver Spring, MD DC-MD-VA Unit, Wedding and Special Event Designs with Darla Pawlak, Potomac Floral Wholesale. Call Jeanne Ha at 301-270-1848.

September 29, Roanoke, VA Blue Ridge Unit, Holiday Designs with Vonda LaFever, TFS Wholesale. Call Calvin Mitchell at 434-845-2309.

Western Region

October 23, Latham, NY

September 8, Great Falls, MT

New York Capitol District Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Susan Ayala, Seagroatt Riccardi. Call Kelley Gilbert at 518-785-8900 xt. 211.

Montana Big Sky Unit, Holiday Designs with Tim Farrell, Gibson Room at Great Falls Civic Center. Call Lisa Levandowski at 406-892-4069.

South Central Region September 8, Fort Smith, AR River Valley Floral Distributors, Fall and Christmas Open House with Tom Simmons, River Valley Floral Distributors. Call Jim Gaston at 479-452-1199.

September 13-15, Quapaw, OK Ozark Florist Association, program includes Party Designs (9/15) with John Hosek, Downstream Casino. Call Frances Davis at 417-883-8580.

September 17, Phoenix, AZ Arizona Unit, Holiday Merchandising with Tom Bowling, Baisch & Skinner. Call Rakini Chinery at 928-445-5131.

September 17, Tulsa, OK Oklahoma Unit, Holiday Designs with Jerome Raska, Greenleaf Wholesale. Call Ronn Doby at 918-224-0461.

September 28-29, Helena, MT Montana Florists Association Annual Convention, Great Northern Inn. Call 406-771-6828 or visit

September 29, Burnaby, BC, Canada Kirby Floral/Signature Floral Supply, Christmas Open House with Gerard Toh, Kirby/Signature. Call Tony Graaf at 604-430-6300.

October 6, Sacramento, CA Northern California-Nevada Unit, Fall and Christmas Designs with Gerard Toh, Flora Fresh. Call Rachelle Nyswonger at 530-345-2661.

October 13, Boise, ID Idaho-Utah Unit, Holiday Designs with Alex Jackson, DWF. Call Diana Johnson at 208-890-7025.

October 19-20, Ogden, UT Utah Professional Florist Association, program includes Permanent Designs (10/20) with Bob Hampton, Ogden Convention Center. Call Jeremy Trentelman at 801-916-8839.

where to buy For more information on merchandise featured in Flowers&, contact the supplier directly. Direct links to most suppliers can be found on the Flowers& website, Use the links under “Advertisers in this Issue” or the link to our searchable, online Buyers’ Guide at the top of the Flowers& home page.

FOCUS ON DESIGN, pages 10-11

Bright green mitsumata, Accent Décor. Green ceramic Satin Collection cylinder, Teleflora. Dixon® Pins, Dixon Products. White French tulips, Sun Valley. Touch of Romance bouquet stems, Fitz Design.

SOMETHING FOR EVERY BRIDE, pages 34-61 ALL THAT GLITTERS, pages 36-39 Chiffon Citron tablecloth, Wildflower Linen. Star Brite gem flowers, Be Dazzled rhinestones on stems, Amazing Wrapzz (in various widths), Spice Drops gems and bracelet, Fitz Design. Pine garland, Pioneer Imports & Wholesale. Glass tea light holders on stems, Dollar Tree. Straight-sided clear glass votive holders and tall cylinder vase, Syndicate Sales.

LAVENDER GREEN, pages 40-43 Nu Silk Eggplant tablecloth, Wildflower Linen. Midollino, Accent Décor. Nickel bouquet stand, Posy Pockets. Romanesque silver boutonniere band and Kara’s Kisses pearlescent gem flowers, Fitz Design. Five-by-five-inch cylinder and 26¼-inch cylinder vase, Syndicate Sales.

FARM FRESH, pages 44-47 Burlap tablecloth, Wildflower Linen. Lotus pods, Schusters of Texas. Stay-Fresh® stephanotis stems, Stemson’s. Bindwire and Button Wire, Smithers-Oasis. Wired burlap ribbon, Reliant Ribbon. Burlap ribbon with buttons, D. Stevens. Moss-on-a-roll, Pioneer Imports & Wholesale. Premium Rota Glass clear cylinder, 8 by 18 inches, Accent Décor. TROPICAL HARVEST, pages 48-51 Tandoori Black tablecloth, Wildflower Linen. Tinsel Twig Branches in black, Plus One. LASTING CHIC, pages 52-55 Russian Linen Khaki tablecloth, Wildflower Linen. Artificial succulents and hypericum and moss-on-a-roll, Pioneer Imports & Wholesale. Rustic Wire, Smithers-Oasis. Iron Scroll Stand, Posy Pockets. Home Décor Stain in Honey and Mossy ColorTex, Design Master. Dark bamboo rectangles, Teleflora. Votive candles in glass cups, Candle Artisans.

Accent Décor, Inc. Call 800-385-5114 or visit

Posy Pockets. Call 864-646-6955 or visit

Candle Artisans. Call 908-689-2000 or visit

Reliant Ribbon. Call 800-886-2697 or visit

Design Master Color Tool. Call 800-525-2644 or visit

Schusters of Texas. Call 800-351-1493 or visit

Dixon Products. Call 800-671-7570 or visit

Smithers-Oasis. Call 800-321-8286 or visit

Dollar Tree Direct. Call 877-530-TREE (8733) or visit floral/559/

Stemson’s. Call 800-44-STEMS (447-8367) or visit

D. Stevens LLC. Call 888-582-9915 or visit

The Sun Valley Group. Call 800-747-0396 or visit

Fitz Design. Call 800-500-2120 or visit

Syndicate Sales. Call 800-428-0515 or visit

Pioneer Imports & Wholesale. Call 888-234-5400 or visit

Teleflora. Call 800-333-0205 or visit

Plus One Imports/ A Division of the Garcia Group. Call 800-241-3733 or visit

Wildflower Linen. Call 866-965-7775 or visit

WINTER WHITE, pages 56-60 Vintage Lace White tablecloth with fur trim, Wildflower Linen. Mega Beaded Wire and other silver decorative wire, Smithers-Oasis. Glue for Glitter (on bridesmaid bouquet) and Super Silver metallic finish (on curly willow), Design Master. Cylinder Party Wrap in silver and crystal, 8½ by 18 inches, Plus One. Clear cylinders, Syndicate Sales. Silhouette polished metal vase, Accent Décor.




wholesaler connection


The following leading wholesale florists are distributors of Flowers& magazine.





PHOENIX Conroy Wholesale Florist The Roy Houff Company

CHICAGO Bill Doran Company The Roy Houff Company NORMAL The Roy Houff Company PEORIA HEIGHTS Bill Doran Company WHEELING The Roy Houff Company


SALT LAKE CITY Ensign Wholesale Floral

CALIFORNIA FRESNO Designer Flower Center INGLEWOOD American Magazines & Books OAKLAND Piazza International Floral SACRAMENTO Flora Fresh SAN BERNARDINO Inland Wholesale Flowers SAN DIEGO San Diego Florist Supplies SANTA ROSA Sequoia Floral International

FLORIDA PENSACOLA American Floral Wholesale of Pensacola Carlstedt’s, LLC

GEORGIA OMEGA Hornbuckle Wholesale Florist




WICHITA Valley Floral Company

BEREA Pioneer Imports and Wholesale DAYTON Nordlie, Inc. NORTH CANTON Canton Wholesale Floral PARMA Cleveland Plant & Flower Company



LOUISVILLE The Roy Houff Company

PITTSBURGH Keystone Ribbon & Floral Pittsburgh Cut Flower Company

BURNABY, BC Signature Floral Supply (division of Kirby Floral Inc.)


LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE Louisiana Wholesale Florists LAFAYETTE Louisiana Wholesale Florists



MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS Koehler and Dramm ROSEVILLE North American Wholesale Florist, Inc.

SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS North American Wholesale Florist, Inc.


TEXAS DALLAS American Agroproducts, Inc. HOUSTON Pikes Peak of Texas Southern Floral Company LUBBOCK Lubbock Wholesale Florist

NORFOLK The Roy Houff Company RICHMOND The Roy Houff Company

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MISSOURI ST LOUIS LaSalle Wholesale Florist

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