Manual freemasonry

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Zerubbabel, Junior Sojourner, and Janitor, give the five knocks, and the Prince declares the chapter closed. Some chapters close in this short way:—The companions, scribes, and sojourners stand round the floor-cloth, exhibiting the penal sign. The three principals form a triangle, each holding to the Bible. They salute the book, and pass it round for each person present to do the same. Then they form the grand triangle, and say:—We three do agree, this Royal Arch Chapter to close, and, in love and unity, the sacred word of a Royal Arch Mason to keep, and not to reveal it to anyone in the world unless it be when three, such as we, do meet and agree, a Royal Arch Chapter to open. THE EXALTATION.

The candidate for exaltation having been ballotted for and approved, is conducted by the Junior Scribe to the door. Four knocks are given by the Janitor. The Junior Sojourner, within, says: Most Excellent Zerubbabel, a report (making the penal sign.) Z. See who wants admission. . J. S. (Opening the door.) Who comes there ? Brother N——, who has duly and truly served his time as an Entered Apprentice, passed the degree of a Fellow-Craft, and has been, in due time, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, upon the five points of fellowship, with the respective signs, words, and pass-words thereunto belonging ; and lastly, having been duly elected master of a lodge of Master Masons, installed in the chair and intrusted with the grip and word, the sign and salutation of a Past Master, now presents himself, properly prepared, for admission into this chapter, and for exaltation into the sublime degree of Royal Arch Masonry. J. S. Halt, while I make due report.—(He repeats the application to Zerubbabel.) Z. Companions, is it your wish that Brother N—— be admitted ? C. It is, most excellent. Z. Companion Junior Sojourner, is he in possession of requisite particulars, and properly prepared ? J. S. To the best of my knowledge, most excellent.

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