2 minute read

From The Licensee

Rob Lines

“Experience necessary”.

Two words to cause a young jobhunter to sigh and move on. And, sure, if you’re planning on open heart surgery, practising beforehand seems like a really good idea. But, too often, how “necessary” is that experience?

Could it be that it’s cover for an employer who just wants someone like them

Someone older.

It’s not well understood that, even though I’m the TED Licensee for TEDxKings Park, I still have to obey a whole bunch of rules. They’re all good rules – they protect TED’s hard-won reputation for accuracy and quality. And because I’ve been volunteering in the TEDx movement for ten years, I’ve learned a lot, especially through the many, many mistakes I’ve made along the way.

So you might think I’d be feeling nervous about handing the reins to the young Curators who have constructed today’s event for you. After all, they’ve had far less time to gain experience in fashioning a thoughtful and stimulating day of ideas. Today you’ll discover that I have nothing to be nervous about. It’s a sobering realisation that experience can be overrated. In place of years of slogging away, there are other ways to succeed: to be fresh, to be risk-taking, to challenge the status quo.

In Ken Robinson’s excellent (and recommended) TED talk Do Schools Kill Creativity? he reminds us that “if you’re not willing to be wrong, you’ll never do anything original”.

The first step to all our challenges, whether it’s a TEDx event or a social problem, is the importance of trusting young people.

Important, and necessary.

Rob Lines

TED Licensee

It’s an extraordinary privilege to be part of the international TEDx community. I never cease to be in awe of the people who give freely of their ideas, energy and time to create TEDx events across the globe. We would not be here at all without the steadfast partnership of Curtin University. Their continuing commitment as Principal Partner ensures the vigour of TEDxKings Park Youth and, on behalf of us all, I thank them.

Further, we thank the Fogarty Foundation, The Y, Student Edge, Perth Audio Visual and Cundall – their notable contributions are making today the best it can be.

Young people are at the heart of TEDxKings Park Youth: in the theatre, watching online, speaking, performing and working behind the scenes. Our Youth Panel and our Curators have done a remarkable job in shaping and delivering your experience today.

Our team is amazing. Skilled people giving freely of their time and enthusiasm to help spread great ideas. Please make time to thank our volunteers.

Having just held our event Justice at the Supreme Court of WA (the world’s first TEDx event in a working court) we will round off the year in style with Moon

This will be the first time an entire planetary body has been involved in a

From the CEO

TEDx event – we’ve scheduled the moon to rise over our heads as we re-discover our nearest world!

And of course we have already started planning for 2024 with Future Technology. Be sure to become a free Member of TEDxKings Park to be the first to hear when tickets become available.

Thank you for being part of TEDxKings Park Youth – we welcome you to the extraordinary, diverse, inspiring, curious and exciting worldwide TEDx community.

Gavin Buckley Chief Executive Officer