Ted Fick: Building a More Productive Team

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Ted Fick Building a More Productive Team

Ted Fick has executed successful, multimillion-dollar company transformations throughout his career, including as CEO of Port of Seattle (2014-2017) and President/CEO at Polar Corporation (2009-2013).

But as a proven senior executive and innovator, Fick knows that none of those turnarounds would have been possible without the right level of support, particularly the work and achievements of teams sharing and striving toward organizational goals every day.

As Ted Fick knows, putting together the high-performance team capable of turning a company around must involve:


Delegating tasks and holding individuals responsible for their unique roles in getting the job done is key to limiting production problems along the way.

Collaboration and open communication

Team members must feel as though their opinions not only matter, but can also be exchanged freely and without fear of reprisal.

The absence of micromanagement

Looking over people’s shoulders every minute is counterproductive and only serves to fuel distrust. Originally post: https://tedfickk.wixsite.com/tedfick/post/tedfick-building-a-more-productive-team

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