Top 10 Ways To Fail With Google AdWords

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Top 10 Ways To Fail With Google AdWords The world of pay per click can be a daunting venture for many small-medium size businesses. The thought of wasting marketing budget on clicks from “window shoppers” and “tire kickers” can be enough to turn off any business owner. Then there are even those businesses who have tried pay per click marketing only to fail to demonstrate a positive ROI. Optimizing a pay per click campaign takes a specific skill-set and experience. With this in mind we have put together this PPC infographic to expose the common pitfalls of pay per click marketing and to help you avoid them all costs. 1. Avoid BROAD Geo-targeting •

If you’re a local business avoid targeting large areas like countries, provinces, or states. It’s better to limit your reach to a relevant local audience.

2. Unfocused Display Network Campaigns •

These ads might be shown to a large audience but may waste clicks on people who think that they’re clicking on a different business or brand name.

3. Uncategorised Ad Groups •

Having generic ad groups with a variety of unrelated keywords and phrases are a surefire way to waste your hard earned cash.

4. Low Quality Score on your Landing Pages •

Pointing Ads to landing pages that don’t speak to the ad is a great way to blow your budget. Even worse, point your ads to the home or index page with the hope that the customer will find what you’re trying to promote.

5. Unlimited (uncapped) CPC bids •

Unchecked auto-spend without limits on cost per click will surely flush your budget down the drain.

6. Bidding Broad •

Focus on “long-tail keywords” instead. Single word keywords are very general and usually very expensive. Also setting allkeywords to “broad match” is a great way to burn a hole in your wallet.

7. Not Using Keywords in Ads •

Not having relevant keywords in your ad copy lowers its Quality Score and increases the cost of serving the ads for that keyword.

8. Huge Keyword Lists •

Don’t let underperforming keywords and keywords with different match types remain part of your campaign. Make sure to pause them, stat!

9. The Absence of Negative Keywords •

If you don’t use any negative keywords you’re basically inviting irrelevant searchers to click your ads and waste your money. Make sure to study your keywords carefully and account for an negatives like “cheap” or “free” when you don’t want to give away your product or service!

10. Running Campaigns Without Conversion Tracking •

This won’t really waste your PPC dollars, but it won’t give them any credit either! Conversion tracking code helps you know whether or not your ads are bringing an ROI (return on investment). Without conversion code it’s much harder to know if the new business you’re getting is paying for the cost of running your ads.

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