What Are examples of information and communication technology innovations

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What Are examples of information and communication technology innovations?

• ICT or information and communication technologies have dramatically impacted how most businesses function today. It has helped the commercial sector to expand market reach, improve internal process efficiency, and innovate. ICTs help businesses in numerous ways: • Help improve internal and external communication • Help enhance information processing • Impact internal coordination costs. • Facilitate better and well-informed decision-making.

All this is achieved since technology helps make internal processes rationalized and flexible, promote the restructuring of firms, reduce capital investments, reduce inventory and improve equipment utilization. Innovation is integral to improving the benefits of information and communication technology. With information and communication technology innovations, the communication capabilities within and outside the firm and the industry are enhanced.

Monitor IT Solution It is a web-based mobile app used mainly in the backend by businesses for scheduling specific tasks to teams or individuals based on location. The app also helps set standards and references for the chosen task. On an ongoing basis, the app then records data to ensure that the tasks are being done as per the desired standards. And finally, the system analyzes the performance, offers review and feedback besides helping engage with customers.

Point Cloud Analyzer in the construction field • In the architectural field, it is a known concept that the architecture of buildings changes in the course of time. With the help of the Point Cloud Analyzer, the changes can be detected electronically. The system also generates reports pertaining to the changes at different periods for accurate comparison of data. The system offers numerous benefits to the construction industry: • Automated detection of architectural changes • Help in the accurate identification of damages. • Accurate vertical and horizontal surface analysis reports • Accurate analysis and anomaly detection of the exterior and interior surfaces.

Gloveh This Sri Lanka-based information system offers real estate developers realtime data, helping in effective decision-making. It is one of the most soughtafter and leading platforms for property developers in the country to promote their buildings and projects to improve customer acquisition costs. It also offers data to developers to help them make smarter decisions in lead generation and nurturing.

How can interested parties know more about such information and communication technology innovations? From the right technology marketplace online that promotes innovative partnership amongst industrial verticals and innovators. It is important that firms proactively seek out such platforms that act as facilitators in helping connect with the most effective partner for innovation. Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/technology-innovation/

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