Insight July-December 2021

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Message from Chairman

MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN My Dear friends, I am very glad to meet you all with this message. First of all, I congratulate you all for your endeavor to lead our Agappe to the heights. Inestimable progress is being achieved this year even though the COVID has tremendously affected the entire community, entire world. During this disastrous period you have worked hard and achieved a lot. I am very happy to note that Agappe has grown to unexpected heights and inestimable progress. All credits go to you Agappeans. Let me quote an incident written in an American magazine. Philip Yancey says, “Trusting in advance what will only makes sense in reverse”. If you fear the future, look back and see how God worked, how God took care of you in the past. “This I call to mind and therefore I have hope”. Because of the Lords great love, we are not consumed, for his compassion never fails. They are new every morning, and great is your faithfulness. The Lord is good for those who seeks Him. You say I don’t know what I will do if my loved one dies, you will know when the time comes. You say I don’t know how I will pay these bills, Jehova Jireh the Lord provides. You say I am not qualified to handle this; this is too much I don’t know. Maybe you want to know everything too soon. God will give you wisdom when the time comes. The key is to meet today’s problem with today’s strength and leave tomorrow in God’s hands. During the 2nd World War, Arthur Sulkzberger, publisher of the New York times, found it hard to sleep, rid his mind of fear until he adopted these words from the hymn “Lead kindly light”. You might have read “Lead kindly light” written by Cardinal Newman. You can see these words in the hymn “I do not wish to see the distant scene, One step enough for me”. God is not going to let you see the distant scene either, no, he promises a lamp for your feet and not a crystal ball for your future. He leads me, that is enough for me today and tomorrow.

We will find the Grace to help us when we need it. See how Newman says, “Lead kindly light, I don’t want to see the distant scene, one step enough for me”. My dear friends, you can call the help of the Divine Providence whenever you are in trouble or in crisis. You will get a relief and solution for the problem and then you can praise Him. My best wishes for you all. Have a bright future. See, yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. Take the gift and run to the progressive future and may God bless you. Your affectionately, Prof. M.Y. Yohannan


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