Insight July-December 2021

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NATURE, THE GREAT EXPERIMENTER. Look for the Silver Lining in the Horizon… Dr. Satheesh Kumar C. S., Senior Vice President - Supply Chain Management Nature is a great experimenter; it destroys all the species which do not support others in the long run. Nature discarded dinosaurs, neanderthal species & so on. Are we sure whether human beings will survive for ever unless we are beneficial for other species around our globe? This is a very intricate question of the day in post corona environs. If we are not beneficial for the whole around us, what can be the reaction of the nature? If we are not beneficial to the whole, nature shall discard us too. So, what is the remedy, what is the panacea? Are we more damaging than the deadliest virus Nipah or Plague, which are not rampant now to this nature? Are we not committing calamities to mother earth, are we damaging the earth with only pollutants, are we too cruel to the wild animals by slaying them for fun and flimsy possessions? No animals on earth kill other species unless it’s for their own survival, is it not? Is this all for our superiority over this planet? Is this Corona virus trying to eliminate the other virus called homo-sapiens? Is this right time to think, are we beneficial to other species around us, as a whole? If we are not, history will be repeated, mother earth will discard us too, at length. Is this the problem of our own consciousness? Are we not living a life of separation from everything in nature, from every other species, from the very nature embracing us? Does this separative-driven-consciousness have far reaching consequences? Yes, dear friends, we do need to change. Catastrophes like disasters, natural calamities, cancer, flood, cyclones; landslides, famines & droughts, what not come as anathema to us? Is this Corona an aftermath of our own boastfulness? Is it high time we should go back to nature & discontinue the disconnected-state-of-consciousness as INSIGHT • JULY - DECEMBER 2021 • 10

once suggested by many wise souls? If we do want to be in a realm of peacefulness & joyfulness for all, is it time to be in unison with the nature without challenging it? Are we late to save this earth with sheer exploitation of all her resources without second thoughts? Can’t we think of a transformation at this late hour to be sympathetic to other species in our mother nature, where we live in? Yes, my friends, let us involve in continuum of harmony with our nature, let us not encroach the animal territories further. Let us preserve our forest for more oxygen and ocean to maintain healthier eco systems. Let us stop our relentless experimenting with Nature. Now it’s time to turn tables in her favour. It’s her experiments that we are witnessing in the form of various catastrophes, including this Corona and other natural disasters, in a way. Leonardo da Vinci has told once, ‘Nature is the source of all true knowledge; She has her own logic, her own laws; She has no effect without cause; nor invention without discovery’. Let’s be in conformity with nature, not invite further catastrophe with our own exploitations. Everybody goes through ever-tough times, but it is those who push through these difficult times who will eventually come out with flying colours in life. We should never give up, because this too shall pass by shortly, as the history teaches us till date. Let’s work in total unanimity to get over the pandemic with lots of hopefulness and optimism. Let’s preserve our nature and fellow species without trespassing their territories, harming their integrity and jeopardising their existence. Let’s all live-in consistency & kinship with the nature for a better tomorrow for the health of our children.

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