Insight January-June 2022

Page 17

Yathra People follows their traditional dress code while visiting govt offices which have been in existence for almost 400 years. Men wear “GHO” and women wear ‘’KIRA”. Their social status can be identified with colour code of the dresses. Bhutan is the first country in the world with total ban on Tobacco and is also known as carbon negative country due to its large echo system. 70% of the country is covered with Trees. This is the only country that people follow traffic rules without any traffic signal or police, we couldn’t find out any homeless people through Bhutan streets. The last place that we had to visit is Samtse General Hospital, Samtse. For that we had to travel more than 300km. Due to the quarantine protocol and strict covid rule we have to travel with two different cars to reach Samtse.

border city of Bhutan. Our return flight is from Silugiri airport to Bangalore and then to Kochi. Our Bhutan journey here ends with many beautiful memories and memorable experiences, Thanks to Agappe for providing this good opportunity.

T he rou t e from P h e u n t s h o l i n g t o Sa m t s e w as ve r y interesting. In many places, the road was not there due to soil erosion and heavy rain. In some places, workers were reconstructing the bridges and roads. Those 80 kms were very difficult to travel but the climate, waterfalls and clean lakes fulfilled our hearts throughout the journey. We entered to the Indian border -Jaigon through Pheuntsholing,

Humane Touch Avaneendra Adarsh, S/o Sangeetha Raveendran, HR Hello my name is Avaneendra. I am here to share a recent facebook post I came across on my mother’s phone, I found this post heart touching, kind and humanitarian.

from the road the protagonist came to know that the stranger was mute. Rather than leaving the corpse on the road they buried it, despite resistance from the neighborhood.

The post goes like this… One evening as a man was returning home , he saw a group of people standing on the side of the road. He parked his car and stepped out curiously to know what happened. Ten to fifteen people were standing around the spot. When he peeped in, he saw a dead dog. There were brown – black bruises on it like as if someone rode over it. When he enquired with one among the crowd, he told, “The dead dog was a pet, it’s master left it on the road and went. The dog tried to follow it’s master’s car and a truck came fast streaking from the opposite direction and killed the dog.” Everyone around the spot was murmuring about the incident. Some people were poking it with stick to see if it was alive. He asked people for their help to move the body aside, but they made their excuses. Some said ‘they don’t like to touch the dead dog, others said ‘they feel dizzy when they see blood’. He tried to lift the body aside but he couldn’t manage it alone. Suddenly a man came on the spot riding a bike. The stranger stopped and looked around the crowd and then he tried to help our protagonist. During their effort to move the dog

Later both of them got to know each other better. Our protagonist was Mr. Ashok K and the stranger was Mr. Manoj who lives in Meenpara. And they left with a good friendship. This incident made me realize that humanity is not only for humans but also to animals. In this incident both the humans are moral to the society. We should appreciate their sympathy and kindness which is remarkable. I hope this serves as an inspiration for all of us to be kind to animals. INSIGHT • JANUARY - JUNE 2022 • 17

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