Tea with Virginia Woolf - Project revisited

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Project revisited March 2021

1 - Reading the story 2 - Working on the project 3 - Cross curricular activities 4 - Interviewing our beloved author 5 - The storyboards 6 - Assessment

Reading the story

https://drive.google.com/drive/f olders/1OEkxCvSPKx7WaEIufIJh76D1ujHfn8a? usp=sharing

Working on the project


Cross curricular activities

Thinking and discussing about the health benefits of drinking tea

Animal rights (done by a group of students and presented to the whole class)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/17SHHRczjVfWY1Q 2t6zb9jUuTvnmAerLd/view?usp=sharing

Cross curricular activities

https://www.emaze.com/@AOTLQWOTZ/virgni a-woolf-art-gallery?autoplay

Interviewing our beloved author


The storyboards (You can click on the storyboards)

* Illustrations by the Portuguese teams. * Texts by the French teams.

* Illustrations by the French teams. * Texts by the Portuguese teams. A - Mrs Gage receives a letter.

Mrs. Gage was sitting in her chair, when suddenly she looked at the window and saw a man at the door of her house, who said: - Your dear brother passed away! Exclaimed the lord, handing him a letter from his brother. - Oh my God! Said the lady very amazed. And very sadly she cried reading the letter she had received.

B - In Rodmell, at her brother's house.

Mrs. Gages went to Rodmell and found a man named Mr. Stacey who took her to her brother's house. When she arrived at her brother's house, she saw that it was destroyed and old. However, she went to the lawyer and he said he had not found his brother's wealth.

C - At the lawyer.

After Mrs. Gage received the letter she left home, because in the letter he said that her brother had given her all his belongings. She went to Lewes to go to the lawyer and get her brother's things. Unfortunately, when she got to the lawyers, they said they had found nothing to give her.

D - Heading to Rodmell again!

Mrs Gage was returning to Rodmell while it was raining. Mrs. Gage hit a cow and fell into the mud. Arriving at Rodmell, she found her brother's house on fire!

E - A fire.

Mrs. Gage when she arrived at her brother's house, in Rodmell she saw the house start, but through the window she saw a parrot and went inside. She ran quickly to try to save the parrot, the parrot was in a room in the house, she immediately grabbed it and ran outside waiting for the fire to go out!

In the afternoon, the fire was already completely extinguished, she came in with the parrot. Quickly it was night, she was lying on the mattress and could not sleep because she was very worried about the fact that she did not know how she would return to her home with a parrot and without money. Later she heard a knock on the window, which was her parrot. She got up and opened the window, because to her surprise the parrot flew towards the ground, started to hit it, made a hollow noise, then Madame Gage broke the wood off the floor. Coming from there a very attractive light, when she looked she didn't believe she saw gold, she was very happy because she could already go home with her parrot.

F - Not at home!

She woke up in the middle of the night and heard the parrot calling for her. And she followed the parrot to see where he was going to take her. He came across his house in ashes. She saw the parrot madly biting the ground, then a board came loose and he found the coins her brother left her, which were covered with stones and dirt.



- Through the book "The parrot and the widow", students improved their curricular competences, particularly reading and writing skills. - Critical thinking was established by the creation of questions and answers for the writer's interview. - The development of ICT skills is visible in the design of a storyboards, adding a synopsis for each assigned part. - Collaborative tasks and cross curricular activities gave students a new perspective on school work. - The project contributed to develop students soft skills such as communication, creativity and team work.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful work.

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