Up-Plastic Kampala. Extensive report

Page 82

APPENDIX 9: RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT ANTICIPATED RISKS In the risk analysis matrix (Table A2), we collected and placed anticipated project risks based on two criteria: 1. Likelihood: the probability of a risk 2. Consequences: the severity of the impact or the extent of damage caused by the risk. By placing these risks in this manner, we were able to see which risks should be addressed with higher or lower priority. High risks are visualized in the table in red and orange, medium risks are marked yellow and low risks green. We looked at internal and external risks, where internal risks (in bold) related to our teams, team Aalto and team Makerere and things that we can influence. FT stands for risks related to our field trip, and external risks represent risks that are not necessarily in our control but still have to be considered.

RISKS MANAGED Throughout the field trip, we only encountered some of the anticipated risks, such as troubles with finding the space for the workspace, missing machine parts, limited budget, sometimes differences in communication style with staff and team members, different hierarchies and ways of working. Yet, all of these troubles were worked out. Being passionate and motivated allowed the team to push forward and establish important connections, which opened us up to many lucky coincidences. Especially the community around us helped out in big ways, for example with finding the parts needed for the machines, or getting the right material for our final event. We believe that sharing our daily emotions and thoughts with another in the daily keyword meetings in the evenings contributed to our success, as we were able to talk about troubles, reflect and find solutions together. Also, sharing team rules with team Makerere provided a common base of sympathy for another and fueled everyone to do well and work hard. Despite different working styles, in the end everyone came through and worked to make the event happen, to get the machine and prototypes ready and place them in the workspace. Open communication and setting examples of proactivity may have been a key factor for managing most risks we had anticipated. The probably biggest problem we encountered, was likely the team being weakened by sickness and insomnia. Nevertheless, other team


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