Primary Comprehension: Book A - Ages 5-6

Page 11

A SCARY STORY – 1 Read the horror story. In the black, black town Was a black, black road. On the black, black road

r o e t s Bo r e p ok In the black, black truck u S Was a black, black box.

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Teac he r

Was a black, black truck.

In the black, black box Was a … mouse!  Right there


Where was the road?

(ii) What colour was the truck?

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(iii) Where was the truck?

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o c . cinh What was the box? e r er o t s super

(iv) Where was the box? (v)

m . u


© R. I . C.Publ i cat i ons Write words from the poem to answer the questions. •f orr evi ew pur posesonl y•

(b) Complete the long sentence by copying words from the story. ‘The mouse was in the

which was in

the back of the

sitting on the side of the in the

R.I.C. Publications®

Primary comprehension

.’ 3

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