Teacha! Magazine - Issue 4.2

Page 8

Teacher Toolkit

Using real-world learning to enhance STEM education As a young boy in a family of ten, I often accompanied my father to his work at Sigalagala National Polytechnic – a technical and vocational training institute in western Kenya. Occasionally, I would sneak into the institution’s power mechanics workshops, just to marvel at the huge machines and listen to my father impart knowledge and skills to his engineering students. His passion for teaching technology was evident and this ignited my own passion for education. I was greatly inspired by my father – his hands-on approach as he guided students on their projects has been something I’ve carried with me into my own career. Now, I’m a STEM teacher, and developing

21st-century skills in my learners means I need to draw on relevant, real-life learning experiences. While many present-day jobs are being lost (e.g. due to AI and robotics developments which negate the need for human workers), there are also many newer jobs that are being created as part of this changing workforce. In fact, reports indicate that 85 per cent of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't even been invented yet. And it’s because of this that it's crucial that we have a futureproof curriculum. To meet the demands of this dynamic and evolving workforce, building students’ skills, content knowledge, and fluency in STEM fields is essential.

What is STEM? STEM – an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – is a curriculum based on an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teaching these four subjects separately, STEM brings these academic disciplines together. STEM education not only makes students more employable; it also provides students with a more well-rounded understanding of the world around them.

Preparing for the real world means learning in the real world Engaging learners involves an active teaching and learning approach, so as a STEM teacher, I blend various approaches in the classroom. One approach for teaching science subjects is ASEI-PDSI (Activity, Student, Experiment, Improvisation (ASEI) and Plan-Do-SeeImprove (PDSI)). Improvisation in ASEI engages my learners in experiments and practical activities, even in situations where conventional resources are lacking. Improvisation also helps develop creativity (another essential 21st-century skill), linking school learning with the learners' immediate environment. 8 | Teacha! Magazine

Furthermore, enquiry-based learning (through case-based problem-solving, research projects, lab work and guided practical work) effectively engage and inspire my students as they collaborate to achieve common goals. Here are a few examples of how I implement real-life learning in my STEM teaching: Learning in motion For example, when teaching linear motion, I encourage my students to bring along their battery-powered remote-controlled toy cars. During this lesson, the students enjoy playing but inevitably gain deep insight into important concepts, such as displacement, velocity and acceleration.

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