Teacha! Magazine - Issue 4.2

Page 34

Points to Ponder

How to keep Kenyan children in school longer: it’s not only about money The school completion rate has emerged as one of the most pressing issues facing education in Kenya. Only 58% of pupils enrolled in the first year complete primary school. This proportion falls as they advance to higher levels. Even fewer complete secondary school. Leaving school early is associated with educational deficiencies that are likely to limit students’ social, financial and psychological achievement throughout their lives. Over time, this adds to the inequalities in society. Low retention and completion rates are also likely to cost Kenya scarce resources, challenge its effort to achieve universal primary education and impair development. In the year 2003, the government of Kenya introduced free primary education. The twin aims were realising the UN millennium development goals of universal primary education by the year 2005 and education for all by the year 2015. Under the free primary education programme, all learners are to access education without discrimination. Whereas the government abolished tuition fees, parents or guardians are required to meet other costs such as uniform, school meals, boarding facilities, and transport to and from school. In spite of government efforts to improve the access and completion rates, bridging the gap between intent and reality remains a challenge. Given the consequences for individuals and the society, it is crucial that institutional leaders, policymakers and educators understand why children leave or stay in school. 34 | Teacha! Magazine

The contributing factors vary from context to context, as numerous studies have revealed. They can include personal, family, school quality, economic and environmental reasons. The interplay and effect of these factors vary by region, level of education, institution type, and individual characteristics. My own study explored factors contributing to academic persistence in primary school students in Kenya. It focused on personal, family and socio-economic factors, institutional practices, and the institutional environment. I found that no single factor could entirely account for students’ persistence, so it’s important to take an integrated approach to keep more children in school. It’s also necessary to intervene in the early years of school.

Pathways to academic persistence My study used data from the African Population and Health Research Center. I analysed 12,385 observations for individuals aged five to 20 years, at different levels of schooling and at five key sites (Mombasa, Nairobi, Nyeri, Nakuru and Kisumu). Data included individual school histories, household information, institutional characteristics, parent or guardian involvement and student information. Of the 12,385 students who were enrolled in school in 2007, 7,089 (57.2%) were still enrolled in the same school by 2012. The rest had dropped out or transferred to other schools. Factors associated with not remaining in school were: being a boy aged 15 or above, attending a public school, working while attending school, and being uncertain about

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