Teacha! Magazine - Issue 4.2

Page 28

Student Success

The importance of educational psychologists Covid-19 has sparked a new health crisis – the mental health pandemic. From the loss of jobs and income, to the loss of friends and family members, many people have been faced with great difficulties and traumatic experiences that have impacted mental health and wellbeing the world over. Within the realm of education, many learners have been left feeling scared, confused, and overwhelmed by the sudden change that has happened around them. Educators, too, have been thrown into the deep end, expected to create a safe and comfortable environment for learners, when they themselves are trying to adjust to a new way of teaching and living. Guiding young people through a pandemic while ensuring that they keep up with the curriculum and achieve their very best is no easy task. This is why, I believe, educational psychologists have one of the most important jobs at this time.

Helping students For children feeling bewildered and uncertain, or who are battling to adjust to all the changes that the pandemic has brought, an educational psychologist can be very helpful. These professionals work within local communities, families, and schools to help young children to achieve their full potential and improve their overall experience of learning. Students are not only supported within the classroom environment, but also in their day-to-day lives. Taking a holistic view of the learner means that educational psychologists are able to encourage growth and development in all facets of the learner’s life. 28 | Teacha! Magazine

Often, children don’t want to open up to their parents about issues they are facing, for various reasons. Perhaps they fear being punished or feel uncomfortable talking about a certain topic. Educational psychologists engage with children to develop a trusting relationship so that they can accurately assess and intervene where necessary in a manner that is safe and comfortable for the child.

Helping teachers Importantly, educational psychologists’ scope of practice does not only include assisting and counselling learners. They also provide guidance and support to educators and educational institutions. More specifically, they offer strategic advice to teachers on how to create an optimal learning environment for their students. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers have been doing their best to create some form of structure for their students in the midst of chaos. Of course, some learners adjust easily, while others need a bit more help. In this context, as educators grapple with a new way of teaching during the pandemic, an educational psychologist can provide invaluable insight that empowers teachers and enables them to meet the individual needs of their students. Some teachers lack knowledge on developmental and learning disabilities, and this is where the educational psychologist fills the gap. Educational psychologists use their knowledge in Psychology and Education to inform teachers how learning takes place in different children. Once teachers are aware of the unique ways in which children obtain and gather information, they are able to adjust their teaching style accordingly to create an ideal learning environment for their students. Educational psychologists also invest their time informing teachers about the different personality types and what methods they can put into place in the

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