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In most cases, the Rectangle tool edges will subdivide a face. In general, the rectangle edges are used to help define the outline of the surfaces that are being subdivided from the original face, using edges to help further “sculpt” the face to the desired form.

Here are some helpful online resources if you get stuck:


The offi33 cial SketchUp website (www.sketchup.com) contains a community forum. This is a great place to ask questions.

Many advanced users live on the SketchUcation forums (33 www.sketchucation.com). This must-visit website is an excellent resource to get help, download custom Ruby Scripts, and learn about current SketchUp trends.

Chapter 5

Ruby Scripts

Ruby Scripts (also known as Rubies) are custom tools and operations created by both SketchUp developers and users. Ruby Scripts enable the use of additional tools and functions not possible using SketchUp native tools (Fig. 5-1).

Using Ruby Scripts is simple: A script is loaded into the SketchUp’s software folder. Once SketchUp is started, the Ruby Script will be available to use. Some Ruby Scripts are available for free, and others have a nominal fee. SketchUp Process Modeling utilizes scripts for better modeling performance. In particular, Parts 3 and 4 of this book supplement SketchUp functions using specific Ruby Scripts. You are strongly encouraged to download all the described Rubies.