TCSL Magazine - Winter 2020-21

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TCSL Members, Back in July, we engaged the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to review and ultimately endorse the TCSL Return to Competition Protocols for the resumption of play this Fall. As we wrap up a very successful Fall season and move towards Winter play, we are reminded that we all have a role to play in ensuring that we are able to keep the players playing! This Magazine issue features a recap of the Fall season, a look-ahead to the Winter season and the associated COVID-19 protocols, a preview of upcoming TCSL events and coach education, and a Q & A with TCSL referee, Jason Goodrie. On behalf of TCSL, thank you to our clubs, families, players and referees for your collaboration, partnership and trust as we work to provide safe soccer experiences for all. See you on the field!

Matt Tiano

CEO, Twin Cities Soccer Leagues

COVID-19 RESPONSE As we move indoors for League play this winter, the Return to Competition Plan remains in effect, unless specifically modified in the Indoor Guidelines. These guidelines are for matches sanctioned by TCSL; please reference your Club’s internal guidelines for training environments. There are a few key modifications: » Masks are REQUIRED for ALL individuals in the dome, with exception of players actively playing. This includes players on the bench, at halftime, etc. » Spectators, if permitted, should not enter the facility until 5 minutes prior to kick off time. They should leave immediately after the match has concluded. • All facilities have implemented spectator limitations. Some do not allow spectators at all. Please reference this document which outlines the protocols for league matches for each individual facility.


USAGE All must be masked, with exception of players actively playing



For all information related to TCSL’s COVID-19 response, visit our website.

See facility guidance

TCSL RELEASES NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE We are pleased to announced an updated TCSL website, which went live in mid-September. Besides updating the usability and organization of the site, we’ve added several new features. We hope you enjoy it!



Winter 2020



LEAGUE UPDATES Minnesota NPL November-March schedules have been released to teams! The Minnesota NPL represents the highest level of the TCSL pyramid for 13U–19U teams. Teams play one season September–June (13U & 14U teams) and November–June (15U-19U) teams. Stay tuned for details about an NPL Kickoff weekend and showcase for 16U–19U teams to be held in early Spring, 2021. All league winners will represent TCSL at the prestigious US Club Soccer NPL Playoffs!

NPL Schedules & Results

TCSL League Updates TCSL Winter League matches have been released to teams! Clubs are asked to begin to evaluating team placement for Spring, 2021. It is our goal to provide a competitive environment at all levels. Tentative Spring 2021 deadlines for TCSL clubs: » February 19, 2021 – Team Submittal Deadline » February 25, 2021 – Technical Advisory Panel meeting » March 5, 2021 – Schedules sent to field coordinators » March 12, 2021 – Times/fields entered by field coordinators » March 19, 2021 – Schedules released to teams » March 19, 2021 – Reschedule period begins » April 2, 2021 – Reschedule period ends » April 10, 2021 – League play may begin* » July 11, 2021 – League play ends *This date reflects a scenario where clubs may agree to play a league match early, if appropriate facilities exist. There must be mutual agreement between teams/clubs.



Winter 2020



TCSL EVENTS TCSL Champions Shootout TCSL wrapped up the TCSL Champions Shootout with champions crowned at multiple levels at 11U-14U age groups. This event was designed to provide additional meaningful, competitive matches in a safe environment. All preliminary-round winners advanced to Finals Weekend hosted at incredible, turfed facilities in Shakopee, Minn. and indoors at Academy of Holy Angels. BY THE NUMBERS (86 TOTAL MATCHES) » 48 matches decided by 2 goals or less » 54 matches decided by 3 goals or less » 7 matches decided in a shootout We received much positive feedback about this event and we are gathering additional feedback from all stakeholders about offering a similar event in Spring, 2021. Congratulations to all champions!



Fall 2020

11U Boys Platinum

St. Paul Blackhawks 10 Boys Black

11U Boys Gold

Eagan Wave SC 11 Boys Blue 1 - Turk

12U Boys Platinum

Tonka United SA 09 Boys Academy

12U Boys Gold

Bloomington United 2009 Boys Regional

12U Boys Silver

STMA United 2009 Boys Select

13U Boys Platinum

Bloomington United 2008 Boys National

13U Boys Gold

Lakeville SC 2009 Boys - Academy

13U Boys Silver

Salvo SC 08B East Red

14U Boys Platinum

St. Croix SC 07 Boys

14U Boys Gold

HFC United 07 Boys

11U Girls Platinum

Minnesota Thunder Academy 2010G Nike Sivongsay

11U Girls Gold

Lakeville SC 2010 Girls - Academy

11U Girls Silver

Shakopee SA 10 Girls State

12U Girls Platinum

Prior Lake SC 2009 Girls Select

12U Girls Gold

HFC United 09 Girls Cities

13U Girls Platinum

STMA United 2009 Girls Select

13U Girls Gold

Shakopee SA 08 Girls State

13U Girls Silver

Prior Lake SC 2008 Girls Comp

14U Girls Platinum

East Ridge SC 07 Girls Elite

14U Girls Silver

Shakopee SA 07 Girls State



Minnesota Cup (State Cup) | June 3-6, 2021 A part of US Club Soccer’s National Championship Series, this event is open to all 11U-19U boys and girls teams. » Super Group (Most Competitive) and Premier Groups » Winners from both groups advance to the prestigious National Cup XX Finals held at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, CO Please note: 11U-12U teams do not advance and instead receive a sponsored entry to a TCSL summer event.

NPL Spring Showcase | Early Spring, 2021 TCSL is excited to offer a brand new NPL Kickoff Weekend for NPL teams! There is no additional team fee for this event and all matches played will be league matches. Aligned with our goal to provide college recruiting exposure to Minnesota NPL players, this event will serve as a Showcase for 16U+ players. More info to be released soon.


U.S. Soccer is currently finalizing curriculum for all Grassroots courses. TCSL’s plan is to offer a blended 9v9, 11v11 and ‘D’ License course this winter. The blended option will allow us to offer the traditional classroom portions held virtually with the only in-person requirements being the field portion of the course. Registration will be live in the next two weeks. Course


Tentative Dates

USSF 9v9


January, 2021

USSF 11v11


January, 2021



January-March, 2021

USSF ‘C’ License Update TCSL is working with U.S. Soccer to finalize dates for the ‘C’ License, originally scheduled for last summer. We plan to host this course in Summer, 2021. More to follow.



Fall 2020 | 9

REFEREE CORNER Referees are a critical part of the game! You may have seen experienced TCSL referee Jason Goodrie on the field this fall. We caught up with Jason about his experiences as a referee, why he became one in the first place, and his advice for new referees. TCSL: Tell us your story. How did you get involved with soccer and eventually as a referee? Goodrie: I got involved in soccer as an adult. A couple friends asked me to join a men’s team. I knew very little at the time about the game of soccer (I was a hockey player growing up). As parents, our calendar was full of soccer with spring, fall and winter indoor seasons. My children ended up becoming referees. Fast forward to 2017 I felt a void as my son had graduated from high school and was no longer playing at the youth level. I had mentioned to my wife that I was thinking of getting certified to referee. She told me, “why not, you understand the game.” I signed up and completed the online and in class requirements and began refereeing that spring as an adult in my 40’s. The 2021 season will be my 5th year of being a soccer referee and at this point I have been involved in almost 400 matches. TCSL: Do you remember your first few matches? Anything stick out? Goodrie: I remember showing up to each of my first few assignments a little nervous and anxious. Not everything is learned in the classroom. It was different than being a spectator. I spent most of my first year as an assistant referee learning and getting comfortable with the game from a different role TCSL: What is the most enjoyable part about being a referee? Goodrie: I enjoy the younger players as they are just learning the game. This is an age where, as a referee, you can make an impression on them and their experience. I also enjoy the exercise and the comradery with the other referees. I’ve worked with referees that are just starting out to others that have 40+ years of experience and various levels of certification.

TCSL: What is the most challenging? Goodrie: The most challenging part is the parents. I understand I was a soccer parent and will not lie; I was that parent that said my fair share at the referees until I became one and that put the game in a different perspective. As a parent/referee during my daughter’s final years of playing, other parents on the teams would ask me about certain calls that were being made. TCSL: What advice do you have for either players that are looking to become a referee or adults looking to be involved? Goodrie: If you understand the game, why not becoming certified? For the players, you need to be 13 to start and it’s a good way to make some money. For the adults, we’re never too old to start. I started in my 40’s. There’s an ongoing need for more referees. The assignors will work with you and assign you to age levels and positions you are comfortable with. You also control your availability. TCSL: How about the new rules? Have you found those difficult to implement? Goodrie: The rule changes for 2020 & 2021 have been a great improvement to the flow of the game. TCSL: What do you wish parents/spectators knew about the challenges of being a referee? Goodrie: We have so many eyes on us, looking for us to make that perfect call every time. So please, before addressing the referee(s) ask yourself if you would be willing to step into their role right then and there. Would you want to be addressed in that manner? We step onto the pitch to work hard and be our best. We ultimately want the game to be safe and enjoyable for the players.

TCSL thanks Jason and all referees for their efforts.

Interested in becoming a referee? Certification information may be viewed at Get in touch with an assignor by visiting the TCSL Club Directory and clicking on an individual club.



Fall 2020



SPOTLIGHT Girls 11U National

Congratulations to the Fall 2020 league winners!

Group 1

Fusion Girls 10 Academy 1

Group 2

North Suburban SA 2010 Academy

Girls 11U Regional

Group 1

Twin Cities Fire 2010 Regional

Girls 11U State

Group 1

East Ridge 10 Girls Black

Group 2

Park Valley United FC 10 Girls

Group 1

Fusion Girls 10 Navy 2

Group 2

Tonka United SA 10 Girls Select

Group 3

Mahtomedi SA U11G Cities

Group 4

BV United 10 Girls Cities

Girls 12U National

Group 1

Fusion Girls 09 Academy 1

Girls 12U Regional

Group 1

Tonka United SA 09 Girls Academy

Girls 12U State

Group 1

CC United 09 Girls State

Group 2

Boreal FC 2009 Girls

Group 3

Wright County 2009 State

Group 1

Kickers FC U12 Girls Green

Group 2

Centennial SC 09 Girls

Group 3

Lakeville SC 2009 Girls Gold

Girls 13U Regional

Group 1


Girls 13U State

Group 1

Shakopee SA 08 Girls State

Group 2

Wright County 2008 State

Group 3

Cottage Grove United SC 2008 Girls

Girls 13U Cities

Group 1

Park Valley United FC 09 Girls

Girls 14U Regional

Group 1

CC United 07 Girls Regional

Group 2

St. Croix 06 Girls Academy

Group 1

Edina SC 2007 Girls Black

Group 2

South St. Paul YS 2007 Girls

Group 1

Fusion Girls 07 Navy 1

Group 2

St. Paul Blackhawks 07 Girls

Group 3

Salvo SC 07G South Scarlet

Girls 11U Cities

Girls 12U Cities

Girls 14U State Girls 14U Cities



Fall 2020



Boys 11U National

Group 1

Fusion Boys 10 Academy 1

Group 2

St. Paul Blackhawks 10 Boys

Group 1

CC United 10 Boys Regional

Group 2

BV United 10 Boys Regional

Group 1

Orono Westonka 2010 Boys State

Group 2

Manitou FC 2010 Boys Black

Group 1

Prior Lake SC 2010 Boys Comp

Group 2

Salvo SC 10B Central Red

Group 1

Tonka United SA 09 Boys Academy

Group 2

St. Paul Blackhawks 09 Boys Black

Group 1

Fusion Boys 09 Academy 2

Group 2

St. Paul Blackhawks 09 Boys Red

Group 1

Fusion Boys 09 Navy

Group 2

Orono Westonka 2009 Boys State

Group 1

Hastings FC 09 Boys State

Group 1

Shakopee SA 09 Boys Citites

Group 2

St. Paul Blackhawks 09 Boys White

Group 3

Blaine SC 09 Boys Select 01

Group 1

St. Croix 2009 Boys Academy

Group 2

Park Valley United FC 08 Boys

Group 1

Salvo SC 08B Central Red

Group 2

Cottage Grove United SC 2008 Boys

Boys 13U Cities

Group 1

Salvo SC 08B East Red

Boys U14 Regional

Group 1

Salvo SC 06 Boys Fall

Group 2

Hudson 06 Boys National

Group 1

Shakopee SA 07 Boys State

Group 2

Hastings FC 07 Boys State

Group 1

CC United 07 Boys Cities

Boys 11U Regional Boys 11U State Boys 11U Cities

Boys 12U National Boys 12U Regional Boys 12U State

Boys 12U Cities

Boys 13U Regional Boys 13U State

Boys 14U State Boys 14U Cities

TCSL thanks TRIA for helping us stay physically and mentally healthy! We talk a lot about physical health. But we know it’s just as important to support mental health for our young people – especially during a time when sports, school and social activities are disrupted. Dr. Heather Bergeson, sports medicine physician and pediatrician at TRIA Orthopedics, has some great ideas for how we can support kids’ mental health this season. Remember these top three tips to help the whole family stay positive and resilient: » Stick to a routine. Consistency, especially with sleep and wake times, can help kids feel more grounded and increase resilience. » Create connection with family and friends. Find moments when you can check in as a family or try a new activity together. And help kids connect with their friends – even if it means an occasional video or phone call to catch up. » Stay active. Find time to get outside whenever possible. If it’s too cold for outdoor play, try using online resources to get moving at home. For more tips, check out TRIA’s recent article about supporting kids’ mental health.

Official Video Provider to TCSL Record your matches without a cameraperson! Between now and December 16, 2020, TCSL members receive a $200 discount on a camera. Learn More:



Fall 2020


15 Photos by Christopher Mitchell |

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