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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

Website: www.suntci.com

VOLUME 16 - NO. 19

Email: sun@suntci.com

Tel: (649) 348-6838


Fax: (649) 941-3281


SEVEN STARS LAYS OFF 50 WORKERS by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


even Stars Resort has laid off 50 employees because the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected its operations, but the hotel will retain 200 workers who will receive 50 percent of their salaries for the time being. The employees were informed of the decision at a meeting on Friday, May 8th, 2020, by Ken Patterson, Seven Stars’ Chief Executive Officer, who told The SUN it was an extremely painful decision to make. Stressing that the “vast majority” of the staff who will continue working are Turks and Caicos Islanders, Patterson said that since the Turks and Caicos Islands closed its borders in late March, the hotel has been operating with “zero income” but still paying staff 50 percent of their salary and giving them two meals daily. “The choice was either to close down the entire hotel or to stay open with no guests, reduce staff, but still allow the majority of them to at least put food on their tables and help support their families,” he said. Continued on page 2

Seven Stars Resort, on Grace Bay Beach, Providenciales.

Tourists complain about treatment at Grand Turk Hospital by Hayden Boyce Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

A couple who visited Turks and Caicos Islands in October 2019, will take legal action against InterHealth Canada because of what they described as a “nightmare” of inadequate treatment at the Grand Turk Hospital. Alena Wratislavova, the wife of Edward Lilly, a former US Marine who was involved a diving accident in the country’s capital last October which she said “nearly took his life”, told The SUN she has engaged a lawfirm in the UK to sue the hospital. “The accident was a freak accident,” she stated in an email to The SUN. “Edward was caught in

a cold current while on a routine dive with his dive master and a dive group. Once at the hospital and bleeding heavily, the doctors counted over 63 holes in his legs which they identified were from venomous jellyfish which were also in the current Edward was caught in.” “Edward was lucky to make it to the surface which is where the bigger problems began. Edward was taken to Grand Turk hospital where he did not receive emergency care. He was suffering from severe nitrogen narcosis and was reacting to the venom in his body,” the wife added. Stressing that her goal is “to prevent this from happening to anyone else”, the wife added: “The

hospital discharged him and he was released into the parking lot alone. This is where he suffered his first nitrogen-related stroke. The report states they brought him back into the hospital where he went untreated other than an oxygen mask while I desperately attempted to arrange an air ambulance over the phone. I was in England. The doctor gave me two reasons why Edward couldn’t be transferred to the hospital in Provo for hyperbaric treatment. The first reason was that he needed a different kind of chamber and the one on Provo was not adequate. Hours later I was told there wasn’t a qualified doctor at the Provo hospital to operate the chamber. I was beside myself.” The Canadian woman said

it took her over 30 hours to get Edward off the island due to her lack of knowledge about his medical insurance provider. “In the three years we’ve been together, we had always travelled to Grand Turk together. I hadn’t thought to ask for his insurance policy because we don’t need to know this in Canada. Three US hospitals in Florida refused to take him without this information.” Wratislavova said the reason she contacted The SUN is because she “does not believe the hospital in Grand Turk (although run by Canadians who claim it is Diamond status) is qualified to treat trauma and emergency situations”. Continued on page 2

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


SEVEN STARS LAYS OFF 50 WORKERS Continued from page 1

“We hope to keep them on for as long as it takes, but I really don’t know how long we can continue to keep them on half pay. EXPATRIATE STAFF WILL RETURN HOME Patterson said several expatriate staff, including senior managers, have been laid off and will be returning to their native countries as soon as possible. “We focused very much on keeping Belonger workers here. I would go far as to say that we positively discriminated against expatriate workers, but in all fairness we have to give priority to Turks and Caicos Islanders. We’re honestly doing everything we

possibly can, so that people can have money in their accounts, but the reality is that no business can withstand having no income and keeping almost 300 workers. We’re very sad to do it. We thought, very, very long and hard about it. The financial losses have been eyewatering since the pandemic.” Patterson said the laid off staff, some of whom were employed at Seven Stars for 12 years, will receive full statutory payments and redundancy benefits in what he described as “fairly decent cheques” next Friday when the redundancy takes effect. The CEO explained that Seven Stars is owned by a consortium of persons who own condominiums on the property in

Grace Bay, Providenciales, and they made the lay-off decision based on how many staff they could realistically afford to keep until normalcy is restored. “The decision could have been to close for another year or two,” he said, “but Seven Stars is one of the premier resorts in the Caribbean because of its staff, so it is important to think long term on this.” Patterson noted that entire sections of Seven Stars, such as the kids club, had to be closed because of social distancing and health protocols which also will impact restaurants and bars when the hotel is reopened. In addition, the pool and beach service will be reduced and

in-room dining and nightly turndown service stopped. He said when the hotel reopens fully to guests, highrisk staff who have diabetes, hypertension and other pre-existing conditions, will be able to work but in isolation. The hotel CEO added that it will be some time before hotels return to normalcy. “When the airports re-open, you may find, for example, that some owners may wish to travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands because they love the country, but we have to keep monitoring what’s happening in our source markets, but many people may not wish to travel for vacation for a while,” he said.

Tourists complain about treatment at Grand Turk Hospital Continued from page 1

“Interhealth Canada is lying. They could have permanently disabled Edward or killed him,” she said. “Yes the US hospitals need to be held accountable, absolutely. Mercy hospital in Miami accepted Edward. They were the only hospital that did. When (the air ambulance) arrived, Edward was lying on a gurney, naked in a room with no windows with nothing but an oxygen mask on. At that time it had been 30 hours and he had not lost consciousness. The doctors in Miami believe the fact that he remained conscious kept him from sustaining permanent brain damage. They were however shocked by the lack of medical treatment he received in Grand Turk hospital.” She added that upon arrival at Mercy hospital, the Emergency doctor told her it was too late and that Edward had been neglected. “The doctor told me to gather Ed’s family and get to the hospital as soon as we could. I was

later informed that Ed had less than 1% chance of serving the lack of treatment of the injuries he sustained,” she continued. “The CT scan at Mercy Hospital showed that he had sustained a stroke in his left frontal lobe. A later scan would show he had in fact sustained two strokes. The other was in his right frontal lobe. Luckily the emergency doctor chose not to give up. Edward was being combative so he was sedated and intubated and put in a hyperbaric chamber for 5.5 hours.” Wratislavova said that over the next three weeks, Edward had more than 222 hours of hyperbaric treatments along with rehabilitation therapy. This, she added, was at a cost of more than US$220,000 most of which was covered by Edward’s insurance. “Unfortunately Edward had his first stroke before he was able to communicate this to me while in Grand Turk Hospital,” she stated. “Today Edward is walking without a cane and he is speaking

clearly. He is learning how to write again. This kind and generous 55 year old former US Marine did not deserve this kind of treatment.” She said InterHealth Canada should be held accountable for “misleading the public about the capabilites of their medical facilities”. She added: “ The Grand Turk Hospital staff should have worked with me to help get Edward to safety much sooner and definitely not 30 hours later. They should never have discharged him and sent him alone into a parking lot. The US hospitals played their part and they will be held accountable.” Wratislavova said she has not sent any official complaint to the Grand Turk Hospital nor to Interhealth, adding that he email to The SUN was the first time she was able to write about the incident since Ed’s accident. “It has been a nightmare I don’t wish to relive,” she stated.

When contacted by The SUN, Nikira John, public relations manager for InterHealth Canada, said TCI Hospital has not received any formal complaint of this nature and is therefore unable to comment on the allegations without a proper investigation. “We appreciate client feedback as part of our commitment to continuous quality improvement. Persons are encouraged to utilize the established complaints process to ensure a review is conducted of any concerns,” John said in an emailed response. “Once the necessary due diligence is completed, clients are informed of the investigation findings and can also request an independent review with the TCI Government, if desired. Our patient confidentiality policy is strictly adhered to and restricts the organization from publicly addressing any intimate details related to a patient’s medical care.”

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

The health and safety of our customers and staff remain our top priority during this time, and we thank you for your patience as we work together to stem the spread of Covid-19. Please be advised that Provo Water Company's Grace Bay Office on Grace Bay Road will re-open to customers on Monday 11th May from 9.00am to 2.00pm Monday to Friday. The following precautions will be taken:•

Covid-19 Regulations requires every person in a public space to wear a face mask.

Each customer must sanitize his/her hands upon entering the payment centre.

Only one (1) customer at any time will be allowed to enter our payment centre.


Our Customer Service Department will continue to serve customers from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Customers seeking to establish a new service, reconnection, account changes or queries can contact Customer Service Department at 649-946-5202 or email customerservice@provowater.tc for assistance. Staff will remain available for emergency assistance, please call


to report a fault, broken water line

or outage. We are encouraging customers to utilize our

My Account Portal

either via our website or at https://provo-

myacct.smartgridcis.net to view water bills, make payments, view water usages and update account details. Customers can continue to make payments via our payment vendors:•

CIBC First Caribbean, Scotia Bank and RBC Caribbean

Graceway IGA stores during their hours of operation.

We appreciate your cooperation with these pro-active measures that will remain in place until further notice.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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Premier Robinson condemns incidences of crime during curfew Over the past few weeks, residents in the Turks and Caicos Islands has been valuable partners in the enforcement and compliance of measures taken to safeguard ours and our country’s health amid this COVID-19 pandemic. As we make these sacrifices, it is regrettable that even during these times, we have had criminal activities continue, though at a lesser rate. What is even more disheartening is the loss of four (4) lives during these times to senseless acts of violence. As Premier, I wish to offer my deepest sympathy to the grieving families and pray God’s comfort during these times. I am saddened even more so that among these victims, lie a 77 year old well known citizen. I must pay tribute to the Late Percy Williams who is a pioneer on the Island of Providenciales and a stalwart amongst the Blue Hills and Wheeland Communities. The death of Mr. Williams has caused a serious outrage among residents particularly because of the senseless loss of an outstanding and upstanding citizen in the privacy of his own home. Mr. Williams was a strong family man who led a quiet but

impactful life contributing greatly to the infrastructure on this Island and to his community and we as a people must celebrate the great legacy that he has left behind. This loss is indeed a national loss and we mourn with his family and our country. I know many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the current challenges we face: be it COVID-19 related fears as it relates to health risks or job security or even the threat of illegal migration. This senseless act of violence only seeks to add to an already stressful period. Just know that my Government considers each of these issues to be equally as critical as the other with no exceptions and no sparing of the limited resources. I am happy that the Police have enjoyed success in key arrests over the past weeks and months and I am aware of the continued plea for citizen’s assistance. My Government continues to provide the much needed resources to assist the Police in their role as the lead agency but we too join them in calling on us as a people, their most valued partners, for assistance. I wish to remind us all that crime has evolved into an even more complex issue that requires a serious

British Caribbean Bank Limited British Caribbean Bank is looking for applicants to fill the role of Managing Director. Interested parties should possess: •15 years banking experience; •Post Graduate Qualifications in the field of Banking and Finance; •Experience in Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Operations, Risk Management, FOREX & Human Resource Management Salary range for this position begins at $70,000 per annum and will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Applications are also invited to fill the position of Accounting Administrator. Job Description: •Manages departmental financial processes of forecasting, budgeting, and purchasing. •Payroll and inventory control •Analyze data and compile reports on expenditure and supplies. •Prepare financial statements and reports, including the profit and loss statement and balance sheet •Assist with budget preparations •Make bank deposits and receipts of money. •Reconcile bank account and distribute money within departments •Weekly productivity report Requirements: •3-5 years’ commercial laundry experience •Ability to work with a diverse team •Knowledge of IPPS System •Knowledge of QB, Word and Excel •Must have written and oral skills •Customer Service Focused Salary range for this position begins at $33,000 per annum and will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Interested persons may submit your resume with qualifications and experience to: P.O. Box 270, 101 Governor’s Road, Leeward, Providenciales Please also submit a copy to the TCI Labor Department Closing date for application submission is May 22nd, 2020 BELONGERS NEED ONLY APPLY UNSUITABLE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED

commitment from each stakeholder and a multi - faceted approach. I urge us to be enraged and outraged. But I equally encourage us to use this emotion to fuel only solutions, to call for greater participation from those who withhold information and to bring to a stop those who are committing these acts. I am confident that if we all present ourselves as a single army in this war on crime, those culprits will hesitate to commit crimes knowing that the chances of being caught are increased significantly. As a people, we must stay committed to the issue of crime prevention and remain serious about our roles as partners in the fight against crime. Many of us speak to the smallness of the Island as a reason that we should see higher numbers in arrests and speedier resolution of cases. I however believe it is because of the smallness of the Islands that we continue to struggle. Persons are hesitant to share what they know because they know the individuals personally and/or because they are fearful. I have been an advocate for the use of crime stoppers because of these realities.

By Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson

I am again appealing to those who do know something to use Crime Stoppers at 1-800 8477 (TIPS). My Government has invested millions of dollars in the use of CCTV as a modern crime fighting tool for this reason. I wish to also remind residents that my Government’s policy remains in place for the duty free importation of security camera systems for homes and businesses. We see these initiatives as vital in the fight against crime. I will over the next week announce additional measures to assist residents in the further security of their homes and businesses as the Police continue their enforcement efforts.

KH Capital Ltd invites applications from suitable qualified individuals to fill the Group Technology Manager Job Requirements & Responsibilities: •Must have at least a bachelors or higher degree in Computer or Information Systems with a preference for a Masters degree •A minimum fifteen years on the job experience as an information technology programmer/analyst (SQL language preferable) is required •Experience is working across group companies and over multiple locations, including different islands •Experience in data processing, computer information systems, data communications, networking, systems analysis, and computer programming is a must •Ability to conduct training and informational sessions •Ability to manage a team of IT/IS staff working across group companies •Supporting all hardware related issues and reviewing all new hardware capabilities as required, such as cash registers, scales, database and POS systems •Assist in resolving any software issues, review and upgrade ofsoftware packages •Maintaining good documentation relating to all IT related work plans and schedules such as backups and flowcharts •Overseeing the systems implementation and taking ownership of the systems work stream within the Process re-engineering project including any new systems for the operations (supermarkets, property maintenance and head office) •Ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects in a team and in independent situations •Ability to use current and emerging technologies to streamline business processes and assist with the deployment of multiple projects •Assisting with updating and improving website offerings for group companies and developing online purchasing and sales platforms •Providing reports generated from systems as requested by senior management – operational, financial or IT based •Reporting directly to the Board of Directors of KH Capital Ltd Pay will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Deadline for submission of applicants is May20th, 2020 Submit to: KH Capital Ltd, Third Floor Graceway House, Graceway Plaza, Providenciales or email: paul.murray@khcapital.com

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Phased reopening of key Government departments In line with Phase 1B of the Turks and Caicos Islands Phased Reopening Program and in accordance with Regulation 6(1) of the Emergency Powers (COVID 19)(No.4)(Amendment) Regulations 2020, Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service Her Excellency Anya Williams wishes to announce the Public Service COVID 19 Phased Reopening Program. In order to provide critical services to the general public, kindly note that the following government departments will reopen on Monday May 11, 2020: Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment 1. 2. 3. 4.

Accountant General’s Department (Treasury) Revenue Control Unit Customs Department Central Information and Technology Unit

Immigration, Citizenship, Labour and Employment Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Immigration Department Employment Services Unit Registration and Citizenship Unit Customer Service Centre Coastal Radar Unit

Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Road Safety Department Water Undertaking Her Majesty’s Prison Service Domestic Fire Service Radio Turks and Caicos Central Purchasing Unit Postal Services

Statutory/Arm’s Length Bodies

1. Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies 2. Department of Environment and Coastal Resources 3. Maritime Department Ministry of Health and Human Services

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Heath Promotion and Advocacy Unit National Public Health Laboratory Primary Health Care Unit Environmental Health Department National Epidemiology and Research Unit

Directives 1) A limited number of staff will report to work from 9am-2pm from Monday through Friday each week, on a rotational basis in order to provide critical services to the general public.

Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture, Library Services

2) Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Department must ensure that adequate provisions for physical distancing are in place for all employees inclusive of adequate hand washing and hand sanitizing facilities for employees and customers, and reduction in numbers of persons within offices.

1. 2. 3.

Social Development Department Tertiary and Further Education Unit Education Department

Office of the Premier, Community Affairs 1.



3) Every person in an office must distance themselves from other persons at a minimum of six feet (6ft.) from any other person.

District Commissioners’ Offices

Office of the Deputy Governor 1. 2.

1. 2. 3`.

Public Works Department Physical Planning Department Estate Management Unit Project Management Division Maintenance Division Mechanical Division

National Insurance Board National Health Insurance Board Financial Services Commission Human Rights Commission Integrity Commission


4) Based on available space and social and physical distancing restrictions, a limited number of customers are allowed access to government buildings at a time.

Contract and Performance Management Unit Human Resource Management Directorate

5)Any person working in and any member of the public seeking to access government buildings are required to wear a mask/facial covering.

Attorney Generals Chambers

Office of the Deputy Premier, Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ministry of Tourism and Environment

Land Registry Crown Land Unit Attorney General Chambers

6) Where possible, members of the public are asked to continue to use online services including payment services that have recently been put in place.

Phased Reopening of Key Public Bodies Following consultation with the heads of the following public bodies, the following key public bodies will reopen on 11th May 2020 -

7) Where necessary, appointment systems should be launched to reduce queues and possible overcrowding issues and to ensure quality service delivery in a safe environment.

Independent Public Bodies 1. 2. 3.

The Judiciary The Labour Tribunal The Elections Office

Separate announcements will be made by individual ministries and departments regarding their product offerings and planned operations during this period.

The International School of the Turks and Caicos Islands

The International School of the Turks and Caicos Islands



There are few things which are likely to have more impact on a young person’s future than the quality of the school they attend. So we work hard to ensure that everyone who sends their child to ISTCI is happy with that choice.

There are few things which are likely to have more impact on a young person’s future than the quality of the school they attend. So, we work hard to ensure that everyone who sends their child to ISTCI is happy with that choice.

It is our belief that every child deserves the very best start in life and we make it our purpose to provide just that to all the children who enter our doors. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide the best possible teaching and curriculum; we want every child to make progress and achieve the very best they can; but most of all we want the children at the ISTCI to be happy and enjoy their life with us.

It is our belief that every child deserves the very best start in life, and we make it our purpose to provide just that to all the children who enter our doors. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide the best possible teaching and curriculum; we want every child to make progress and achieve the very best they can; but most of all we want the children at the ISTCI to be happy and enjoy their life with us.

At the heart of our school ethos is to challenge children of all abilities to achieve excellence in a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting activities. We aim to equip them for the demands and opportunities of the 21st century by offering a differentiated, exciting and rigorous curriculum as an entitlement to all.

At the heart of our school ethos is to challenge children of all abilities to achieve excellence in a wide range of academic, arts, cultural and sporting activities. We aim to equip them for the demands and opportunities of the 21st century by offering a differentiated, exciting and rigorous curriculum as an entitlement to all.

We pride ourselves on the fostering of strong values: integrity, respect, self-belief, compassion and high personal endeavor form part of our students’ everyday lives. Being part of the ISTCI is about more than school work though. We offer our students an array of worthwhile and exciting experiences which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives, which we believe will prepare them to be successful and well-rounded global citizens.

We pride ourselves on the fostering of strong values: integrity, respect, self-belief, compassion and high personal endeavor, which form part of our students’ everyday lives. Being part of the ISTCI is about more than schoolwork though. We offer our students an array of worthwhile and exciting experiences which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives, which we believe will prepare them to be successful and well-rounded global citizens.

Our Requirements: A successful candidate will: •Lead the planning and development of the school and take charge of its day-today operations; including Nursery – Grade 9 •Have a proven track record of outstanding teaching •Create an ethos of high aspirations whereby all staff are motivated to provide world class education and develop their teaching practice • Develop effective relationships with key stakeholders and fellow professionals to improve academic and social outcomes for all pupils •Provide a safe, calm and well-ordered learning environment for all pupils and staff •Be able to market the school effectively to parents and the target community •Shape the current and future quality of teaching through the delivery of highquality training and sustained CPD for staff •Understand, interpret and present school performance and data to all stakeholders •Be able to clearly articulate the school’s vision to pupils, staff, parents and the wider the community

Our Requirements We employ Teachers who: • Are outstanding teachers • Are focused in helping children achieve high levels of progress in a happy and effective learning environment • Hold relevant qualifications from a recognized Faculty of Education • Have secure knowledge of the British National Curriculum • Possess secure IT skills • Are committed to differentiation and SEN inclusive practice • Are able to effectively monitor, assess, record and report on pupils’ progress • Are confident in working within & contributing to a supportive team • Possess a willingness to work collaboratively and plan across the curriculum • Possess the desire to work closely with parents & to support school events • Are able to contribute to the development of extracurricular opportunities • Have good interpersonal skills and work well in teams

The post is currently held by a work permit holder. Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to apply. Please apply with resume and covering letter to, khinks@ internationalschooltci.com including details of 2 references, who can be contacted in support of your application.

Our teachers are a mixture of Turks and Caicos Islanders and work permit holders. Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to apply for teaching positions. Turks and Caicos Islanders are invited to apply. Please apply with resume and covering letter to, khinks@internationalschooltci.com including details of 2 references, who can be contacted in support of your application.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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Deputy Premier announces reopening of the Construction Industry

Under the Emergency Powers Regulations, the Turks and Caicos Islands Government has announced a phased reopening of TCI’s economy. Hon. Sean Astwood, Deputy Premier as Minister of Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development has been asked to lead the reopening of the Construction Sector which will be reopened May 11, 2020 under Protocols established by the Ministry of Health. The Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure, Housing, Planning and Development wishes to advise all companies and persons operating in the construction industry within the Turks and Caicos Islands that the Department of Planning will institute a registration

process. The Ministry of Health has published to the government’s website www.gov.tc a draft of the TCIG COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for the Construction Industry for immediate consultation. Your immediate attention and feedback is required. It is our intention to have the protocols finalized and published prior to the industry reopening on May 11,2020. To facilitate the safe and timely reopening of the industry these protocols must be incorporated in all operations. In addition, all companies wishing to begin operations must first register with the Department of Planning via email: DPCOVID19@ gov.tc to arrange a site inspection

prior to receipt of approval to reopen. Information submitted for each development site must include:

• Planning Application Number and name of the project. • Site Location, including Block and Parcel Number • Copy of Building Permit(s) • Copy of Business License • Number of Persons that will be present on site • Proof of Application Number displayed on site All Health and Safety Guidelines and registration processes must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply will result in your site being shut down and penalties being applied.

Deputy Premier Hon. Sean Astwood A splash page for consultation has been created and can be accessed by logging onto the Government’s Website at https:// gov.tc. Should you require additional information, kindly contact the Ministry at dpcovid19@gov.tc.

Passengers leaving Turks and Caicos Islands on special flights A number of flights will soon special provision was made to allow be leaving the Turks and Caicos passenger departures for approved Islands carrying an undisclosed flights. number of passengers to JFK Airport “In keeping with these in New York. measures, JetBlue Airways has made Lavern Skippings-Reynolds, a request to provide services as of Executive Manager, Terminal & May 9th,16th, 23rd, and 30th of Marketing at the Turks and Caicos 2020. The sole purpose of these Islands Airports Authority said flights will be to take passengers to although Government closed New York (JFK) only. Flights will TCI’s borders with effect from not carry any inbound passengers midnight, Tuesday, March 24th, as this is consistent with current

operating exceptions mandated by the government,” she said in a press statement. “Conditional approval has been granted, once set criteria and allowances outlined by the Ministry of Health meets satisfactory standards. All efforts are being made for the purpose of preventing, controlling and suppressing the spread of the virus (Covid-19). All passengers are asked to contact JetBlue directly in

Lavern Skippings-Reynolds order to secure seats for departures,” Skippings-Reynolds added.

Royal Reef Resort North Caicos

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Pastor Percy Williams killed in home invasion 77-year-old Pastor Percy Williams was killed in his Blue Hills home during an Aggravated Burglary in the early hours of Sunday, May 3rd, 2020. Police public relations officer Takara Bain said that at 2:52 a.m., 911 received a report that two armed men entered a home located on Prophecy Close, Bay Road, Blue Hills and demanded money. During the incident, the 77-year- old was shot several times. Police and Medical Personnel were immediately dispatched after the report. The victim was transported to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he was pronounced dead at 3:30 a.m. The suspects escaped on foot, taking a small sum of cash. Commissioner of Police, Trevor Botting said, “ I am saddened to learn about the horrendous and shocking murder of a 77-year-old man...who was well known and respected within the Blue Hills Community. On behalf of the RTCIPF Executive Team and the entire Force, I would like to express sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim. The RTCIPF remain resolute that these selfish and evil acts shall not be the norm in the Turks and Caicos Islands. We will not be deterred from our commitment and dedication to keep our communities safe from those causing harm to families, communities and the Turks and Caicos Islands.”

Commissioner Botting added, “The scourge of violent crime is damaging the Turks and Caicos Islands and causing misery to families and communities. Many will see this as a policing issue alone. It is not. This is an issue affecting us all and we must all play our part in making the TCI safe. I am urging the law-abiding communities of the Turks and Caicos to work with us to ensure that these criminals are speedily brought to justice. If you know something, even if you suspect someone, please call confidentially through Crime Stoppers who will pass the tip to us and we will further investigate. We need to work together to make the Turks and Caicos Islands one of the safest places to live, work and visit. Together we can make a difference”. In a tribute on Facebook, Williams son-in-law, Pastor Alvin Harvey said he and his wife Monique, were deeply hurt when they received the news. “There comes a time when it seems as though the whole world had stopped and all of the things that you thought were important don’t seem to be as important anymore. This time came for me at three 3am on Sunday morning on the 3rd of May when my wife Monique Williams-Harvey and I were awakened by a phone call from her brother Ron informing her that their father had been shot during a terrorizing robbery at their home.

It seemed in that moment that the world had stopped and that the foundations of a great family had been shattered and had fallen apart.” He added: “All of a sudden the fear of contracting Covid- 19 had been swallowed in the reality that no matter how we tried to protect our elderly loved ones from the dreaded disease by not visiting his home these past weeks, that his untimely death would come through heartless bullets form a robber’s gun. This hurts so deeply that words cannot explain. I had worked alongside my father-inlaw for over twenty years at Cove Construction. He was the manager, but he was also my teacher and mentor in the heavy equipment business.” “In the years I worked with him he was known for punctuality, excellence in service and honesty. There is not anyone out there who can say that Brother Percy treated them unfairly or cheated them out of anything. He was always one to help others through his work and always made sure that the heavy equipment operators at Cove Construction gave a fair day’s work to their customers.” Pastor Harvey continued: “I am going to greatly miss this great man who was always a strong, silent presence at family gatherings and who was always most pleased to see his family together. You see, having had the opportunity to work with and to

Pastor Percy Williams

be mentored by Brother Percy I got to know him quite well through the years, and could tell how he was feeling just by the look on his face.” “I can truly say that Brother Percy was most pleased when his family came together for family dinner and these gatherings were so frequent, especially in recent times, that Brother Percy was heard to say, “ It is a good thing you all don’t drink!”lol. While we miss him, there is not a family member who said of him, “I wish I had more time with him or that there was something that was left unsaid or undone! Brother Percy said it all and did it all for his family. Please continue to keep our family in prayer. Sleep on Brother Percy and take your rest, we all love you but God loves you best!”

Message from the Minister of Education I pray that you and your families are safe and healthy as you read this correspondence. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes brought about by COVID 19. Since the mandatory lockdown on March 27th, 2020, schools throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands have been using a variety of online platforms to deliver lessons to students while they are at home and I encourage you as much as possible to ensure that your child logs on and participates in the online sessions. It is imperative that 4th and 5th Formers make every effort to join the online classes, especially considering that their attendance is a requirement for graduation. We are in the process of developing a set of minimum guidelines for online teaching in order to ensure consistency in teaching from online platforms across all schools. These guidelines may require teachers to teach from their classrooms due to limited internet access at home. I use this

opportunity to encourage teachers in the private schools to make use of the free online platforms such as Google Classroom and video conferencing tools such as Zoom in the delivery of their lessons. While it is our responsibility to continue to educate our children, we also want to compassionately take into consideration the variety of difficulties that families and employees are enduring at this time. As a result, the Ministry of Education continues to negotiate with both telecommunication companies in an effort to provide electronic devices (tablets, laptops and mifi devices) and data packages at reasonable cost for students. With the easing of daytime restrictions, parents are free to move around and visit stores. We know that financial resources may be limited at this time, but we wish to encourage all parents to make an extra effort to make the investment in their children and purchase an electronic device (tablet or mifi device) to permit the continued learning of their children during this period.

I am extremely appreciative of our students, teachers, administrators, parents and stakeholders for their positivity, flexibility and resilience during these trying times. As you may be aware, distance learning for schools will continue until May 31st, 2020. During this time, all public schools will be deep cleaned in anticipation of a possible return to regular schooling. Of course, any decision to return to regular schooling will be based on advice provided by the Ministry of Health and ample notification will be given to the public. The goal of the Ministry of Education is to provide continuous educational opportunities and experiences for students while the physical schools are closed. As much as possible, it is also our desire to mitigate stress for students, parents, and teachers, hence, I encourage you to contact the Ministry of Education if you require support or guidance. In closing, I would like to remind you of our theme for the 2019-2020 academic school year: ‘Building a Resilient and

Hon. Karen Malcolm, Minister of Education.

Inclusive Education System’. Little did we know how relevant this theme would have been to the current situation brought on by COVID 19, however, I believe we all will definitely be more resilient having passed through the COVID-19 Pandemic! History is being written! We hold the pen! Together, we will write the BEST stories for our children! Stay strong, stay healthy and continue to practice social distancing.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 9


Update on TCI Hospital operations The Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital Command Centre continues to monitor the locally evolving COVID-19 situation and both medical centers shall remain in emergency services mode until otherwise announced. Public relations manager Nikira John said the general public can expect a cautiously planned and gradual resumption of limited and high priority ambulatory outpatient services over the next several weeks. However, the pace of this process is based on several national and internal indicators, she added. “These include the number of new cases of COVID-19 per day, number of hospital admissions, the outcome of any new modelling and forecasting data and the progress made on the expansion of critical care capacity within the hospital,” John said in a press statement. “The TCI Government recently announced the ongoing collaborative efforts to secure additional clinical human resources and ventilators, which is expected to further bolster the hospital’s capacity to respond to any possible COVID-19 patient surges. The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast is another variable to consider, and internal preparedness activities have commenced. These are truly uncertain times and continuous risk assessments are required prior to making any major decisions on operational changes.”

PHASED RESTORATION OF HIGH PRIORITY SERVICES John added that the multiphase approach to gradually increase the number of outpatient clinic services and diagnostic imaging services offered is underway. This, she said, will encompass more virtual consultations, where appropriate, and in-person presentations, where absolutely necessary due to the nature of the service and clinical concern. “All patients will continue to undergo a mandatory COVID-19 pre-triage assessment at the entrance of the emergency department as a precautionary measure in order to access the facility. The number of patients pre-scheduled to access the service shall remain at a preestablished maximum level. Measures related to infection prevention and control, social distancing and environmental surveillance will also be enhanced,” she continued. She advised that patients with impacted appointments, pending referrals and radiology orders can expect to be rescheduled and contacted based on clinical priority and the overall hospital capacity. “The outpatient department was cited in a national statement as a location to utilize in the event of a COVID-19 patient surge. The department is a possible location in a worse case scenario, and therefore plans are being explored

Great House Management Limited [Sailrock] is seeking a qualified candidate for the position below: General Manager •The General Manager is responsible for the success of resort operations (financially and operationally) while maintaining the integrity of Sailrock Resort service standards. He/she will oversee the daily operation of all resort departments. Responsibilities •Manage organizational change productively by driving continuous improvement, building support for change and adapting to change •Manage all activities of the property including employees, maintenance, sales, and profit & loss controls •Demonstrate visible operational leadership and management to the resort staff •Coordinate, direct and manage the resort operation to achieve maximum profitability, ensure guest satisfaction, protect the financial aspects of the business and maintain the building •Create an environment that assures consistent guest satisfaction •Maintain overall operation of the resort through verification analysis of guest satisfaction systems and financial reports. Ability to initiate corrective action when needed. •Exercise the ability to attract, coach, train, and retain talent by engaging and showing a genuine passion to develop others. Partner with Human Resources to minimize employee relations issues. •Manage and support financial aspects of the resort. Understand and formulate annual operations budget by identifying areas of cost reductions, operational improvements and periodic analysis of expense data. •Work with Executive Director alongside corporate accounting team to prepare, review, and analyze monthly financial reports and to be able to describe impact of revenue, profit, or expenses that could

Turks and Caicos Sun

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce

Nikira John, public relations manager for TCI Hospital to implement the necessary fixtures to support ventilator connections with as minimal service disruption as possible,” John added. “The hospital recognises the importance of preserving this space for outpatient services and the area remains safe and secure. COVID-19 patients in need of hospitalisation shall remain under isolation and clinical management on the General Ward, once bed occupancy levels permit. The management team wishes to extend appreciation to the general public for their support, understanding and patience during this challenging period.”

Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

affect financial results. Understand monthly P & L reports. •Build and maintain strong working knowledge of HOA relationships •Manage and set room rates alongside sales and marketing team •Oversee the coordination of even and special service activities to ensure overall success of the even operationally and financially •Ensure that the product quality standards are met in all areas of the resort as it relates to the appearance, levels of maintenance and cleanliness; establish and maintain preventative maintenance programs to protect the physical assets of the resort •Be a change agent for the company. Initiate and implement resort management strategic initiatives and programs developed to enhance guest satisfaction. Identify areas of process improvement and leverage best practices by working with appropriate parties. Qualified Candidates will have/be: •10+ years’ experience in Luxury Resort/Hotel Management required •Highly prefer prior experience as a General Manager at a 5-star Luxury Resort •Working Knowledge of Opera system and/or RDP systems preferred •Proficient in Microsoft Office, specifically Excel and Word •Exceptional verbal, written and strategic planning skills •Strong Organizational Skills •Sound Knowledge of all aspects of resort operation and finance •Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills, comfortable speaking and enjoy working with people •Perform any other reasonable duties as required by Executive Director or Resort Ownership •Ability to speak multiple languages a plus •MS/ED.M in International Hospitality & Tourism Salary Range •$110,000 - $120,000 yearly bonus base on experience. Please submit applications : •Drop off: W104 Venture House, Grace Bay, Providenciales •Email: humanresources@sailrockresort.com/swharton@southcaicos. com This position is currently held by a Work Permit holder. Interested Turks and Caicos Islands must also submit copies of their application to the TCI Work Permit Board

Page 10


MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Local designer, Livenie Ellis makes handmade face masks to keep community safe

Livenie Ellis poses with her handmade masks. By Todeline Defralien

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a global shortage of face masks, and people around the world are making their own in response. Face mask shortages have sparked creative solutions and local designer and seamstress, Livenie Ellis took the lead and is providing handmade face masks to the Turks and Caicos Islands community. Ellis, the founder of Vdysh Collection told The SUN, “We

Vdysh collection handmade face masks.

Handmade face masks

had decided to start making these handmade face masks because of the shortage of masks all over the world, and we know this is the best way to keep ourselves and our community safe. With my talent it is important to make these masks because as a community we have to do our best to keep safe at all times.” Ellis stated that they haven’t kept track on how many masks the company made already, but added that they have what’s necessary to cover the entire community.

She added: ‘During this time we are concentrating on making the basic cloth face mask. Most of the masks we make we ensure that we follow step by step the requirements and guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by using the correct materials and filters. The best advice that I can give is that, our safety comes first. We have a lot of T-shirts at home that we don’t use, so a pair of scissors, old t-shirt, needle and threads and we’re good to go.”

Vdysh collection is only charging $5.00 for each mask, and will go as low as $3.50 for persons who are purchasing more to ship to the different islands. Persons who would like to purchase masks can contact Vdysh Collections at (649)345-8326/ 346-3122 or visit their location on Leeward Highway, Complex Centre, Unite #2 Across from Island Bargains. Vdysh Collection specializes in making works uniforms, casual wear, elegant wear and resort wear.

The Future of Fashion

The focus more than ever is on local economies and sustainable alternatives are at the Year on year trends come forefront of this. and go, but this fashion season, it Social media accounts has all came to a halt. showing influencers supporting With the increase of a other creatives have been going pandemic and decrease of social viral. Designers and artists have activity for the sake of best been using this lockdown time to practice (social distancing) we bring their ideas to life, with eco have seen the collapse of fashion and sustainable fashion leading events and the industry. Or have the way and showing what the we? future of fashion can achieve. With most of the heavy The majority of the weights in fashion cancelling industries are now focusing on events along with production, their online businesses for clear numerous layoffs and stops. reasons. Due to the closure of factories, We have had to take the cancellations of fashion shows restrictions that were in front of us and events, travel halted and and overcome us day by day. This loss of jobs to name a few things has surprisingly brought about a that have been impacted, most positive movement amongst the designers are now bringing the creatives in the industry which I focus of their collections back to suppose, is a silver lining to this local markets and scaling back terrible situation. to focus on what’s important In the midst of Island in the industry – bringing their sustainable luxury, the Caribbean brand and story closer to their has birthed the inspiration customers. Willique’s new collections. The romantic hues of blues and The underdog textures inspired by the islands, is pedaling along. have created magic that can only be described as a daydream that Who are the underdogs I’ve brought to reality. you might ask? Through these times of We are the small and uncertainty, there has been a micro businesses in the fashion new trend that has unearthed; industry. the face mask. Various designers We are seeing more than have designed a range of fantastic ever, the use of technology to face masks in a way to encourage build what is now a wonderful customers to wear them and and forward-thinking movement stay safe. Masks are there to be in this niche market. worn by those who are infected Anya Willique - Founder of Willique

or venerable – wearing one each day can potentially cause harm as they can collect dust and other particles which can be inhaled. There are so many different aspects of sustainable fashion that everyone can learn from. You can seek a sustainable home by researching ethical interior brands. Re-vamp your wardrobe by thinking of how to reuse and repurpose items (A classic for us is the T-shirt bag - So far we have held 15 workshops on this internationally teaching children and adults about how to re-think, re-use and recycle items). Here at Willique we are moving towards expanding the concept of Eco-fashion along with providing jobs for those in the industry in Turks & Caicos. We are also looking to forge relationships with boutiques and online boutiques that are interested in stocking sustainable brands. I have been creating our latest collection entitled “A Mid-Caribbean Daydream” which is a beautiful eco-luxury collection, fusing Caribbean life incorporating a modern concept. I’m also planning on launching our new e-book very soon, on how to get more involved in eco-fashion. For tips on how get started on following your passion in life and becoming an entrepreneur, sign up to our newsletter and podcast and follow us on Instagram.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 11

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Page 12


MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Changes to scholarship application process Changes have been made to the Scholarship Application process 2020 as a result of the challenges posed by the global COVID-19 situation, the Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services has announced. With immediate effect the deadline for scholarships receipt has been changed to May 31st 2020. Applications are now available on the education website at: https://www.gov. tc/education/scholarship All applications not submitted previously from this point forward should be submitted with all the requirements via PDF or JPEG format to scholarshipsecretariat@tciedu. tc . The Secretariat Unit will vet your application and inform of any missing information to be submitted to the unit and you will be electronically submitted a receipt. The Ministry of Education would like to remind applicants that in order to permit the Education Advisory Committee to make an informed decision, all the required information as specified in the explanatory notes must accompany each

application. membership to the University For example, this of the West Indies. application season the This therefore enables Ministry noticed a large Turks and Caicos Islanders number of applicants did not who are not beneficiaries of a submit the following required scholarship to be able to attend information: any of the University of the West Indies four campuses in •Acceptance letters from Jamaica, Barbados or Trinidad institutions applied to showing & Tobago and Antigua and pay the duration of studies with a reduced tuition fee. The UWI BOTH; commencement and Open Campus also provides completion dates. In many an opportunity for students cases only commencement was to pursue tertiary education given. while remaining in the country •Submission of through online courses of study. tuition and accommodation For courses that are offered at invoices from institutions or the Turks and Caicos Islands proof of those tuition and Community College (TCICC), accommodation invoices fees at any level, applicants will be from school Registrar Office. referred to the TCICC. Students who may Please note as of January not have been successful in 2018 applications will ONLY receiving a scholarship last be accepted once ALL of academic year are encouraged the above requirements are to reapply for academic year attached to your applications to 2020/21 now. be presented to the Education Advisory Committee. The Ministry of Submission of all Education wishes to encourage required information is due by all Turks and Caicos Islanders May 31st of this year. The ONLY to further their education and exception to this rule will be enroll into Tertiary studies. As for persons not receiving the part of this mandate, the Turks necessary information from and Caicos Islands Government their institution at the time of in recent years attained full submission of their incomplete

application by MAY 31st 2020 which are as follows:•Acceptance Letter •Transcripts •Examination results •Proof from institution of tuition costing •Proof of accommodation costing from institution if on campus OR signed lease agreement if off campus •Proof of duration of studies from institution; commencement AND completion date of studies For international applicants the deadline for presenting of ALL of the requirements listed as exceptions to the May 31, 2020 deadline is June 30th 2020 and for local applicants the deadline for presenting ALL requirements is August 17th 2020, as listed in this form and MUST be presented to the Ministry of Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services. If your application does not have all the requirements to be presented to the Education Advisory Committee, it will be returned.

date - Assisting with the investigation of benefit claims, missing numbers and invalid dates of births EDUCATIONAL REQUIRMENTS This position requires an Associate Degree . Additionally, the position requires generalized knowledge of:

THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS NATIONAL INSURNACE BOARD EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A vacancy exists at the Turks and Caicos Islands National Insurance Board for a Compliance Officer at the Providenciales Branch Office, and applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons to fill the post. CORE FUNCTIONS OF JOB - Assisting with the analysis of arrears reports - Conducting of surveys to determine compliance levels - Conducting investigations to ensure contributions are current - Inspecting incident books - Recording and reporting daily findings - Serving non compliance notices and warning letters - Assisting with the preparation of case files for prosecution of non compliant entities and individuals - Attending court to represent the Board’s interests when required - Inspecting wage books to ensure accurate payments are being made - Assisting in - Visiting non compliant contributors or those in arrears to encourage them to bring payments up to

- Computing - Customer Relations - Audit Investigations - Communication The position requires two (2) years on the job experience to acquire the necessary competencies to effectively respond to the challenges of the job. The experience should span: - Knowledge of the operations of the National Insurance Board - Knowledge of the statutory regulations governing National Insurance - Bookkeeping or payroll The most appropriate industry experience for the incumbent comprise: - Bookkeeping Clerk - Payroll Clerk Salary is in the Salary Range $30,001- $40,000, Grade 4 and will be determined based on qualifications and experience. Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to the Human Resource & Administration Manager at Susanmalcolm@tcinib.tc to reach no later than Wednesday, May 20, 2020.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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Dear Valued Customer, As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, FortisTCI wants you to know that we are here for you. We are following our robust business continuity plans, and our employees are working around the clock to keep the lights on. For those working to keep their bills as current as possible, we are offering more ways to pay while our customer service centers are closed. My Online Account

The online customer web portal is accessible 24 hours a day and allows you to monitor your daily consumption, view your account balance, and pay your bill using a credit or debit card. To register, log onto www.fortistci.com, select the ‘My Online Account’ tab, and click ‘register now’. You will need your meter number and account number.

Pay Online Using a Local Bank

If you bank with FirstCaribbean, ScotiaBank, or RBC, you can pay your bill online using their online bill payment option. You must register through your bank and should speak with a bank representative for more information. Payments are posted within 48 hours.

Payment by Cash or Check

Customers who cannot pay online using a credit card, debit card, or their bank account, can pay their bills by check or cash at the following authorized payment agent locations: • Provo – Any Graceway Supermarket location • North & Middle Caicos – At BETCO (Bernie Handfield), Bottle Creek • South Caicos – At Seaview Market, Stubbs Road • Grand Turk - National Company Services (NCS), Cees Building, Church Folly Road

Payment options for Grand Turk and Salt Cay customers will be announced shortly. Customers are reminded to adhere to all curfew stipulations as outlined by the government and should only access the above essential service locations at times prescribed in the law. If utilizing an authorized pay agent to make a bill payment, have your bill on hand at the time of payment.

Questions? Email or Call for Account Updates

If you have questions or need account information, you can email us at customerservice@fortistci.com, or call 649-946-4313. Our customer service representatives are available Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sincerely, FortisTCI 2017 Winner

Allied Member of the Year

BCMS 681102

www.fortistci.com | 649-946-4313 |

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Colonial donates $5,000 to Provo Children’s Home Colonial, part of Colonial Group International (CGI), a leading regional insurance provider serving Bermuda and the Caribbean, has contributedUS$5,000 to Provo Children’s Home to assist communities impacted by the novel COVID-19virus. This contribution brings CGI’s total giving to more thanUS$100,000. The funding supports various local nonprofits serving essential needs, healthcare providers and families in Bermuda, The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos, British Virgin Islands and Barbados. “Giving back and community support are essential during this unprecedented and difficult time,” said Clarita Gardiner-Smith, Colonial Agency Manager. “Our commitment to these relief efforts is rooted in CGI’s core values and we will remain

true to our commitment to support Public Hospital Authority in the the communities we are privileged Bahamas, Meals on Wheels in the Cayman Islands, Family Support to serve.” As part of its commitment, Network in the British Virgin CGI has provided support to other Islands, Provo Children’s Home in nonprofits across the Caribbean Turks & Caicos, and Alliance to End including the Bermuda Emergency Homelessness in Barbados. Fund, Hands for Hunger and the In addition to financial

contributions, CGI has donated personal protective equipment to area frontline healthcare providers and emergency responders. “Our communities are fortunate to have so many nonprofits that are dedicated to helping others,” said Gardiner-Smith. “CGI is proud to support these organizations and we are truly thankful for their efforts.” Colonial Group International (CGI) is a leading regional insurance provider serving Bermuda, the Caribbean, and select international markets. CGI is comprised of independently incorporated companies offering property and casualty insurance, employee benefits for pensions and health, and personal life insurance and investment products. Colonial Group International is a subsidiary of Edmund Gibbons Limited in Bermuda. For more information, please visit:https://cgigroup.com/.

Business licence renewal extension The TCI Government announced a number of measures in response to and contained in its Co Vid 19 Stimulus Package. Under the provisions of the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (Economic Relief Measures) Regulations 2020 (hereinafter the Regulations), has approved an extension of the grace period to renew 2020/2021 Business Licences

on or before 31st July, 2020 without penalty. Persons who wish to make payments for Business Licence renewal or make an application for a new Business Licence during the mandated shutdown, can do so by submitting the requisite documentation to tcirevenuedepartment@gov.tc. The following outlines the

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE (TCICC) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT THE TCICC Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following full-time positions at the TCICC for the Fall Semester commencing Monday, August 24, 2020. 1. Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM): • 3 Positions: o Culinary Arts o Food & Beverage o Hospitality Management 2. Faculty of Natural and Applied Science (NAS): • 1 Position: o Nurse Educator Lecturers are required to teach across different academic levels from the G.C.E. Advanced level, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency and up to the Associate and Bachelor Degree levels. Multi-disciplinary candidates are particularly encouraged to apply for these positions. The ideal candidate must have knowledge and skills obtained through collegiate preparation resulting in a Master’s degree (Doctorate preferred) which must include eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the area being applied for, from an accredited and recognized institution plus a Teaching Diploma or Postgraduate Diploma and no less than three years post qualification teaching experience. A Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of a second class honors or other postgraduate qualifications, teaching certificate/Diploma and experience in teaching at Tertiary level may be considered. Nurse Educator TCICC needs a Nurse Educator who will help prepare the next generation of nurses in classroom settings. The ideal person should beable to provide guidance and mentoring to nursing students, showing them how to deliver the best healthcare possible. He/she will combine clinical abilities with responsibilities related to: • Designing curricula, courses and programs of study that reflect contemporary healthcare trends, • Creating healthcare environment in classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings that will facilitate student learning and the achievement of desired cognitive, affective, and psychomotor outcomes. • Teaching classroom and clinical courses • Advising and guiding students • Using a variety of strategies to asses and evaluate student learning in classroom, laboratory and clinical settings, • Documenting the outcomes of the educational process. • Advising students • Engaging in scholarly work • Participating in professional associations • Contributing to the academic community through leadership roles • Engaging in peer review

process for payment:

Caicos Islands Government *RBC Account# 4020087, Transit 05395, Name- Turks and Caicos Gov; * Email copy of receipt voucher along with proof of payment to treasuryreceipts@gov.tc.

*Obtain Business Licence receipt voucher from designated Revenue Department officer; *Make electronic transfer online to any of the various Treasury accounts: *CIBC FCIB Account #1575027, Once Treasury has verified Name-Treasury *SCOTIA BANK Account #000754415, your payment a confirmation email Transit 94045, Name – Turks and will be sent. • Maintaining clinical competence • Writing grant proposals The ideal person will: • Have excellent communication skills • Be creative, and have a solid clinical background • Be flexible and possess excellent critical thinking skills. • Have a substantive knowledge base in his/her area of instruction and the skills to convey that knowledge in a variety of ways to student nurses. • Have a strong knowledge base in theories of teaching, learning and evaluation • Be able to design curricula and programs that reflect sound educational principles • Be able to assess learner needs • Be innovative; and enjoy teaching. • Adapt curriculum and teaching methods in response to innovations in nursing science and ongoing changes in the practice environment. • Have advisement and counseling skills, research and other scholarly skills, and an ability to collaborate with other disciplines to plan and deliver a sound educational program. At a minimum, the ideal person should have a graduate-level degree, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in Nursing Education; and should be a Registered Nurse (RN) with advanced clinical training in a healthcare specialty. Salary is in the scale Level I: US$27,399.90 - $39,102.30 per annum. Level II: US$40,210.00 - $43,488.40 per annum. Entry point will depend on qualifications and experience. In the case of staff recruited from overseas, appointment is on contractual terms for an initial period of two years. A gratuity is payable at the end of satisfactory contractual service at the rate of 10% of salary drawn during the period of service. A housing allowance is payable at existing rates. Applications with copies of qualifications (including official transcripts), two character references, a police record and a recent testimonial from current place of employment should be sent to the: PRESIDENT, TCI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, P.O. BOX 236, LIGHTHOUSE ROAD,

GRAND TURK, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FAX 649 946 1661 TELE 649 946 1163 EMAIL president@tcicc.edu.tc copy: dean@tcicc.edu.tc

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 15


Report from April 24th Cabinet meeting His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 14th meeting of the Cabinet on Friday 24 April 2020 by videoconference.

• Approved the appointment of Curtis A. Lightbourne (Chair), Austin Dickenson (Grand Turk), Gladys Kennedy (Salt Cay), Marvin Jennings (South Caicos), Director of All members were present. Immigration of his representative (ex officio), Commissioner of Labour At this meeting, Cabinet: or his representative (ex officio), Permanent Secretary of Finance or • Approved an amendment to the her representative (ex officio) as Emergency Powers (Covid-19) members of the Work Permit Board (Economic Relief Measure) - Zone 1 Board and Sharlene Smith as Regulations 2020 (Legal Notice 28 Secretary to the Board for a period of of 2020) to allow for eligible self- two years from 1 May 2020. employed persons, who are legally • Approved the appointment resident and small businesses, legally of Delroy Lightbourne (Chair), Mary registered, in the hospitality sector Cunningham (North Caicos), Tanya to access grant funding under the Wright (Providenciales), Stellon Coronavirus Business Assistance Gardiner (Middle Caicos), Director Grant Policy. of Immigration of his representative • Approved the list of (ex officio), Commissioner of Labour materials prescribed as “construction or his representative (ex officio), materials” as agreed in the Customs Permanent Secretary of Finance or (COVID-19)(Duty Exemption) Order her representative (ex officio) as 2020 (Legal Notice 23 of 2020). members of the Work Permit Board • Approved the policy - Zone 2 Board and Desireka Glinton document and eligibility criteria for as Secretary to the Board for a period accessing the Coronavirus Business of two years from 1 May 2020. Assistance Grant Policy. • Approved the • Discussed options and appointment of Colleen Parker funding required to increase in- (Chair), Roger Harvey Jr, Bernadette country medical capacity to ensure Hunt, Myrna Pereira, Strashun a solid health package to respond (Ron) Williams as members of the to the COVID-19 pandemic for the Immigration Appeal Tribunal Board nation and tourists in both the short and Lillian Gibbs as Secretary to the and long term. Board for a period of two years from • Approved the 1 May 2020. implementation of a Social • Noted a paper outlining Enhancement Aid Stimulus Policy the cost projections for the next 5 for the most vulnerable Turks and years to implement various family Caicos Islanders affected by Covid-19. law bills and took into consideration • Discussed a proposed funding recommendations required private sector employee benefit to effectively implement the Family policy to reduce any impact on Law Ordinances when making employees who contract Covid-19 determinations in the allocation of or become unemployed as a direct resources and prioritizing national result of Covid-19. plans over the next five years.

• Confirmed the earlier approval of changes to the Capital Programme for FY 2020/21 and FY 2021/22 moved in the Committee of Supply of the House of Assembly. • Discussed ways to assess the number of residents wishing to return to TCI from the UK and people in TCI wishing to return to their home countries. • Were updated on plans for temporary quarantine facilities on the family islands. • Were updated on temporary and agreed future arrangements to accommodate new prisoners under Covid-19 circumstances, in particular foreign national prisoners in quarantine, pending repatriation to their home country. • Discussed draft amendments to the Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 to cover the costs of towing and storage of vehicles confiscated for breaches of curfew. • Were updated on discussions taking place on how the country should gradually return to normal, where changes to business are likely, in particular our tourism model, and mitigation to prevent a new wave of Covid-19 as the country moves forward. • Were updated on recent discussions with Carnival Corporation on how they might eventually resume operations in Grand Turk. • Discussed draft regulations to regulate laboratory testing for Covid-19 including withthe collaboration of the private sector. Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Statement from April 11th Cabinet meeting His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 12th meeting of the Cabinet on Saturday 11 April 2020 by videoconference. All members were present save for the Hon. Minister of Tourism. At this meeting Cabinet: •Were updated on the state of the nation and discussed measures to further address and mitigate against any escalation of Coronavirus (Covid-19). •Approved the following recommendations to control and limit further spread of COVID-19: Travel restrictions 1)Extended the existing restrictions on domestic travel to prohibit all travel save for travel for the purposes of banking, doctor visits, emergencies and cargo until 4 May 2020. 2) Extended the existing restrictions on regional and international flights including private flights until 4 May 2020. 3)Extended the existing restrictions prohibiting cruise ships from entering the islands and prohibiting the operation cruise ship ports until 30 June 2020, subject to guidance from the CDC and the cruise industry. 4)Permitted the entry of naval vessels, however no one should be allowed on or off the vessel with the exception of a TCIG Medical Doctor or other Public Health Official. Curfew 5) Extended the current curfew until 6am on 4 May 2020. Businesses 6) Extended the current restrictions on the operating days of existing

permitted businesses so that they are closed on Wednesdays and Sundays each week and required only one adult to be designated to undertake shopping per household unless there is an exception granted for a carer.

two years.

• Approved the appointment of Permanent Secretary Home (Chair), Kenrick Kneely, Danier Lightbourne (ex officio), Chief Engineer PWD, Lormeka Morley-Williams (ex officio), Kathleen Forbes (ex Exercise officio), the Utilities Commissioner 7)Extended Beach closures until (ex officio), Dalbert Don Missick, 4th May 2020 and included Wendel Ewing as members of the prohibition of water sports, the Water and Sewage Board and including kite boarding and paddle the Electricity Commissioner as boarding. Secretary to the Board for a period of six months from 1 April to 30 Schools September 2020. 8)Extended the closure of all schools, pre-schools, Turks and • Approved the re-appointment Caicos Islands Community College of Ms Carolyn Lightbourne (Chair), and UWI Open Campus until 6am Mr Albert James Capron, Mrs on 4 May 2020. Marionette Hinds, Ms Requel Harvey, Mr Eric Lightbourne, Mr Leo Selver, Visitation Restrictions Mrs. Melanie Smith, Permanent 9)Extended the restriction on visits Secretary Prison (ex-officio), to the prison, the wellness centers Director Social Development (ex(Grand Turk and South Caicos), the officio) and Prison Superintendent detention center and the Provo (ex-officio) as members of the Prison Children’s Home, until 6am on 4 Visiting Committee for a period May 2020. of six months from 1 April to 30 September 2020. All other Restrictions •Approved the 10)Extended all other restrictions appointment of Mr Sean Penn until 6am on 4 May 2020. (Chair) for a period of two years from 1 April 2020 to 31 March Proclamation of Emergency 2022 and re-appointment of Mr 11) Extended the Proclamation of Brook Capron Jr., Ms Lacal Palmer, a state of Emergency in the Islands Mr Quinton Dean, Mr Roshawn until 6am on 4 May 2020. Been and Permanent Secretary •Approved a rental Communications or designate agreement for Quarantine Location (ex officio) as members of the to accommodate residents of Grand Telecommunications Commission Turk for a period of six (6) months. for a period of six months from 1 • Approved a April to 30 September 2020. recommendation by the Turks •Approved the reand Caicos Islands National appointment of Mrs Sharon Insurance Board of Directors for Whittaker (Chair), Mrs Edith Mesa, the appointment of Ms Rhesa Mrs Jasmine Adams and the Prison Cartwright to the post of Director Superintendent as members of the of National Insurance Board with Prison Categorization Board for a effect from 14 April for a period of period of six months from 1 April to

Report from Cabinet meetings on April 16th and 17th His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 13th meeting of the Cabinet on Thursday 16 April and 17 April 2020 by videoconference. All members were present. At this meeting Cabinet: • Were updated on and discussed measures to further address and mitigate against any escalation of Coronavirus (Covid-19) including progress with incountry testing. • Noted the national strategy and confirmed the action plan required to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Agreed action points around: o o o o o

On-island testing data gathering, increasing hospital capacity, use of existing quarantine facilities, recruitment of additional medical staff (domestic and from overseas), o imports of new medical equipment, o improved public messaging and o process for returning to normal. •Approved Emergency Powers (Covid-19) (Court Proceedings) Regulations 2020 enabling all Civil (including Commercial), Criminal, and Family proceedings before the Courts in the TCI to be carried out remotely. • Discussed the need and options on Providenciales for processing and detailing illegal migrant intercepted at sea. •Approved a three year National Wealth Fund budget and for its submission to the House of Assembly. •Approved the Airport’s Authority Revenue and Expenditure Estimates for 2020-21, the reallocation of surplus funds, and for their submission to the House of Assembly. • Approved the appointment of Keno Forbes (Chair), Rosabel Adams (Deputy Chair), Jean Taylor, Julia Harvey (NC), Maria Clare, Deputy PS Education (ex officio), Deputy PS Finance (ex officio) and Dr Hugh Fulford (ex officio) as members of the TCI Community College Board of Governors and Rachel Harvey as Secretary of the Board for a period of one year from 1 April to 31 March 2021. •Approved the appointment of George Pratt (Chair), Robert Been (Deputy Chair), Velma Cox, Alpheus Gardiner (NC), Leila Rodney, Edgar Howell, Amin McCartney (ex officio) and Dr Hugh Fulford (ex officio) as members of the Higher Education Advisory Board and Wendy Saunders as Secretary of the Board for a period of one year from 1 April to 31 March 2021. •Approved the appointment of Narisa Thomas (Chair), Naomi Bassett (Joanne) (Deputy Chair), Carol Durham, Humutal Handfield, Renee Fulford, Sharine Lightbourne, Amin McCartney, Edgar Howell (ex officio) and Dr Hugh Fulford (ex officio) as members of the Education Advisory Board / Scholarship Committee for a period of one year from 1 April to 31 March 2021. • Were updated on the Hon Premier’s recent meeting with CARICOM. • Discussed ways of handling visas and work permits which will shortly expire. •Discussed existing policy for granting permissions for specific work including street cleaning, land maintenance and commercial fishing. •Were updated on a potential Royal Navy disaster preparedness exercise in TCI in May. Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

30 September 2020. •Approved the appointment of Mr Orville Selver (Chair), Permanent Secretary Utilities, Director of Planning, Energy and Utilities Commissioner (Vacant), Mr John Ariza, Mr Gurvan Stephens, Mr Menelik Astwood as members of the Electricity Board and Mrs Irene Glinton as Secretary to the Board for a period of six months from 1 April to 30 September 2020. •Discussed ongoing concerns relating to smoke in the residential area near the Providenciales Dump Site and invited to report back on this. •Discussed the handling of and distribution of food aid from the business community. • Informed on a proposal (out for consultation) by the new Chief Justice for changes to procedures for the ongoing operation of the courts in light of the social distancing and other restrictions imposed due to the outbreak of Co Vid 19 in the islands. •Were updated on work being carried out to secure additional medical staff from the region to supplement resources already in country in the public and private sectors. Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Rock House continues to push forward with critical behind-the-scenes work By Todeline Defralien

In this uncertain time, Rock House continues to push forward with critical behindthe-scenes work including design refinements, material procurement, marketing and public relations. In an update for the month of April, Mark Durliat, CEO & Developer, Grace Bay Resorts provided an update on the progress at Rock House. He said, “We hope you and your families are staying safe, healthy and positive in this challenging time. You should know that the country has done a commendable job of protecting its citizens from the scourge of COVID-19, with the amount of reported cases in the Turks & Caicos very low. This has partly been the result of

dramatic nationwide curfews... During this time, we have been forced to cease on-site operations and construction at Rock House, as have all other construction projects on the island. All resorts remain closed and only essential activity is being allowed.” He added: “Among all this there has been some welcome news; recently the TCI Government announced its own version of an economic stimulus, introducing new incentives to encourage investment. This includes reducing the rate of stamp duty payable on real estate transfers by 50%. This attractive benefit is currently valid for a three (3) month period from April 1st, 2020 and offers potential owners a compelling opportunity. This is an initiative that has been used by previous Governments in times of needed investment.

BUILDING MATERIALS / HARD ROCK/ DEFINITIVE GROUP 1213 Leeward Highway – 9414131. Seeking the following positions. Salary starting at $6.25 - $18.00 per hour. * Laboratory Assistant: Minimum of 15 years is2 required.To support the Concrete Laboratory in all aspects of sample preparation and casting, including fabrication of reinforcement and formwork. To provide mix designs maintaining accuracy safety compliance with local and also regional standards. * INVENTORY CLERK: A minimum of 5 year experience is required. Collaborate with shipping and receiving department to ensure efficient flow of all shipments and manage inventory of all products on monthly and annual basis.Monitor and validate all inventories, perform cycle count of all products and perform monthly short dated checks. Maintain accuracy of all counts and ensure authenticity of all information.Maintain records and update all requisitions to ensure efficient cost transfers. * CHIEF MECHANIC: A minimum of 10 years is required. Chief Equipment Mechanic to inspect, service, and maintain a range of heavy-duty construction equipment. Responsible for inspecting, servicing and repairing, all engines and equipment, carrying out services, conducting repairs, and providing routine maintenance to the construction fleet providing reports to management. * MASTER CHARGE CLERK: A minimum of 5 yearsexperience is required. The Accounting Analyst is responsible for performing a variety of accounting duties, preparing and managing monthly and quarterly account reconciliations, and owning the accounting for fixed assets. Able to use a variety of accounting software and also train junior staff. * ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN: A minimum of 5 year experience is required. Responsible for

We hope this update is of interest to you and may serve as an opportunity to own real estate in Turks and Caicos.” Durliat stated that although this is a tough time for us all, we all know it will pass, as most crises do, in time. ‘In the meantime, our commitment to you is to remain focused on what we set out to accomplish with Rock House: create a timeless, handmade resort property that will rival the finest in the world,” he said. Rock House will feature 37 studio suites and one- and twobedroom ridge and beachfront cottages, all of which will also be for sale. Highlights will include a 100-foot infinity pool perched on a 25-ft limestone cliff, a Beach Club and a jetty. Additional amenities will

Mark Durliat, CEO & Developer, Grace Bay Resorts.

include a signature restaurant offering 180-degree views of the ocean, a spa, fitness center, tennis courts and jogging trails. The resort is slated to open in 2021.

supporting network databases and systems, updating system hardware and software, troubleshooting for system errors, and assisting team members in supporting all data security and optimization. An extensive background in technology and computer science, with experience in maintaining and installing IT systems, is a must. * DOMESTIC WORKER: General housekeeping. *Painter: Mixing, matching, and applying paints and other finishes to various surfaces large as well as industrial assignments. Responsible for setup of scaffolding for larger jobs. * FINISHING CARPENTER Constructs various pieces with marine adhesives, biscuit joinery, and nails. Shapes materials with hand and power tools.Designs pre-fabricated items like window frames, door jambs, and hardware pieces. Provides insulation in ceilings and walls. * LABOURER: Assists with various labour duties around the property such as garbage removal and yard cleaning. DRIVER: Must be able to drive or control construction and delivery equipment with flat beds, including bulldozers, forklifts, backhoes, dump trucks, cargo trucks, and hydraulic truck cranes. CLEANER: To ensure the premises is well kept dispose of trash and leaves, water plants when necessary, minor maintenance and repairs. * These positions are held by work permit holders. Belongers need only apply.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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Murder during curfew unacceptable My fellow citizens of the Turks and Caicos Islands, I like many, was awakened in the early hours of Sunday May 3 2020 to the sad news of the shameless and appalling acts of reported burglary in one of our communities on Providenciales. While this kind of news will never be acceptable, the dearly departed was a great man, and as such, I offer my sincere condolences to the family of Brother Percy Williams. This man who was one of the pioneers that built Providenciales with the strength of his hands. He was a Christian leader and a quiet, giant of a man who made his contribution in construction and heavy equipment operations, building our country and leaving a legacy by training many men in his field of work. His life has left an indelible mark on the Providenciales landscape and his contributions will never be forgotten. It’s with great sadness that I sympathize with my friends Sister

Sally, Vallie Musgrove , Marsha, and my colleague @Monic Harvey and the rest of the family circle on the untimely death of Brother Percy! Whilst I respect the privacy of the family, now is the appropriate time to question the Commissioner of Police and those in authority as to how they could allow the privacy of the Williams family home be invaded on their watch? It’s shameless that this act took place when they have complete control of our country through a lockdown that mandates no movement after 7pm. In such a difficult time there are so many questions that need answering. How can a third murder be allowed to take place during curfew in this same community? Shouldn’t the Commissioner of Police ensure that areas known for burglary and conflict have a constant police presence? Particularly when the last few reports of burglaries were concentrated in said area where the violent murder of

this morning took place. Are the police being proactive with fighting these criminal elements? We fail to see the action! There can be no justifiable explanation for the cruel and senseless murders that took place during these recent spate of burglaries committed during curfew. What is even more egregious is the fact that with Covid 19 laws in place a legend such as Brother William may be denied a home going celebration befitting of his achievements and contributions to TCI. With all the British soldiers that are on the ground, we need decisive action and a clear pathway to a solution. We are paying you to keep us safe and you are failing us miserably. We need action and we need it now. The Indigenous TC Islander’s are the minority in this country and the majority of crimes and murders are committed against us. Something of significance to

By Mark Fulford pay attention to. If you are unable to do your job, then it may be time for we the people to take to the streets and demand a change. We need competent persons who are equipped to put down this uprising of unwarranted and unacceptable crimes against us all. As a humble citizen and father it hurts my heart to imagine an invasion of this nature. I pray that God will bless and protect us all. Our Heavenly Father is above all and he holds the Turks and Caicos in His Mighty hand, may He bless us all.

In times like these, be vigilant not Fearful By Ed Forbes - Concerned citizen of Grand Turk With most pandemics or a crisis, you typically see an increase in anxiety and some change in behavior, and soon thereafter a return to some sort of normalcy. This is a far different scenario with the impact of Covid-19, because it’s unprecedented and there is no playbook. For us here in the Turks and Caicos Islands and most of the Caribbean, it’s also a bit different, to say the least. The rug has been completely pulled from beneath us in terms of our livelihood; with an uncertainty as to what our new normal will be like until the tourism industry returns. While I would say TCI can be modeled as a bright spot in the global response to the pandemic, we are at a crossroad. Even if we manage to snuff out COVID-19, the road ahead won’t be a smooth ride. Once the country is deemed virus-free or the curve is significantly flattened, we may still need to maintain a halt on new arrivals until more testing can be done or a vaccine is developed and widely disseminated. It’s a very, very tough decision for leaders to make as they contemplate their next move. Unlike the influenza in 1918-1920, which only infected

approximately a third of the world’s population, well over 200 countries have been affected in this case. Nevertheless, we have got to find a way to properly manage this risk, even if it’s just an illusion of control. Reopening prematurely and at the same time inviting new outbreaks could be a helpful alternative. But the risk of long-term damage will get worse, the longer it takes to make that crucial decision. Nevertheless, it has to be done which will give consumers confidence they can shop and spend safely while adhering to strict government imposed protocols. This pandemic has wreaked havoc on our livelihood and has induced fear and anxiety. But we must stay vigilant because if we don’t, criminals will use this opportunity to prey on the most vulnerable. Wishful thinking, but we would be foolish to believe for a moment that criminals are sympathetic to our plight or took a break because of this pandemic. They have been quarantined, not defeated as of yet. Technically, we are still walking a fine line with crime control. The potential for trouble remains as the economic crunch drags on. Therefore, as TCIG ease up on restrictions, law enforcement must now take a different

Joanel & Annuela Charles/Tailor Shop Location: Apartment #2, Pastor James Prosper yard next to Money Gram, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking is a Tailor Alters garment and joins parts, using needle and thread or sewing machine, to form finished garment To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 347-3638 This is position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


approach to keeping crime suppressed. In times like these, being vigilant is also being prudent and cognizant when it comes to your situational awareness. With an economy such as our and many others coming to an abrupt halt with so many loss of jobs, an uptick in crime is almost inevitable. As a former Regional Director of investigations for the world’s largest drug chain pharmacies, we were frequently tasked with coming up with strategies to identify, deter and resolve crimes to mitigate the impact on our profit margin. This meant working closely with various local law enforcement agencies, citizens and employees alike. I always embodied the attitude that we didn’t need to look very far for the answers as they were right in the room. As a leader, you have to be a good listener and not be afraid to take calculated risks. And if it’s not working you change the process. There are always lessons to be learned. However, as it applies to the dynamics of our current situation, lives are at risk, not profits. Either way, a poor decision could be devastating, either through further impact of this deadly virus or a potential increase in deviant behavior. Not to take away anything from our dedicated law enforcement agencies and the progress they have made so

Basneal Bien-Aime/Handy-Pro Maintenance Ltd Location: 29 A Grand View Close, Long Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, TKCA 1ZZ Is seeking: (1) Countertop Stone Mason and Repairman - Salary $25 an hour Duties Stone cutting inclusive of marble, granite, ceasor stone, concrete, travitine, porcelain, installation of slabs and back splashes Maintain and repair machines, mechanical equipment, and buildings (1) Labourer- Salary $12 an hour Duties: Perform tasks involving physical labour and cleaning at work sites. May operate hand and power tools of all types and a variety of other equipment and instruments Please send resume detailing qualifications and experience to handypro@tciway.tc or Basneal Bien-Aime These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders Belongers are encouraged to send copies of their resumes to the Labour Board

far with crime reduction in certain areas; however, in my opinion, shortly following the lockdown, this maybe an opportunity to do a soft roll out of Community Policing, starting as a form of service in the hot spot areas. This could simply be in the form of passing out face masks or goodie bags. The point I’m trying to make is that you cannot build a relationship with the police only through emergencies. They need to connect with the community, and build bonds through natural interactions from routine patrol. To determine the real impact, it may even require setting up a citizens level of confidence survey with systematic evaluations. Using this opportunity to promote the “Crime Stoppers program”, is also an excellent way to aid law enforcement in these investigations. However, it needs to be incentive based and promoted independently of law enforcement. Even at this stage of the roll out, many of our citizens are still not comfortable with the program as is, in order to separate the two. The last thing we need right now is a lukewarm economy and high crime rates. While it’s perfectly normal to have some levels of anxiety or fear during times like these, we will win not by the impact of the crisis itself, but how we react to it.

J.A.W.S Construction Location: #26 Long Bay, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking Carpenter Duties: Making cabinets and installing contractures and fixtures Salary is $8.00 per hour Please Contact: 243-2357 This position is new Belongers are encouraged to send copies of their resumes to the Labour Board #195216

Pro Tennis Academy TCI LTD is looking for an assistant coach Level 3 ITF Location: Provo Golf Club, Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos Islands Qualifications: 10 years of experience as coach or in management of tennis school Salary 10$ / Hour

4. 5. 6. 7.

New assistant coach MUST:

Interested applicants please email: rey@turksandcaicostennis.com

1. 2. 3.

Teach tennis 6 to 8 hours a day. Develop the mini-tennis club for kids. Coach the elite juniors of TCI.

Teach private lessons to the Local community, and tourists. Teach adults and kids groups of all levels Organize activities, festivals and tournaments for kids and adults Support the community

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Applicants who are Turks and Caicos Islanders should also send copies of their application to the Labour board

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Treat people right no matter who they are – Part 1 (Politics) “Do to others as you would have them do to you” – Luke 6:31

In 2018, I wrote a three-part article on living in harmony, which is on my website. It is now 2020 and there appears to be no improvement in how we treat each other. Some of us continue to allow politics to determine how we treat others. Some of us treat people differently also based on the colour of their skin, their nationality, their educational background, their age, their position in society, the physical size of an individual and their financial status. I believe that the way we treat others will come back to haunt us and we will either deliberately forget or won’t remember on how we treated others in the past. The thing is we should treat people well no matter who they are. In Luke 6:31 the word of God tells us to “do to others as you would have them do to you.” The word of God also says in Galatians 6:7 “whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.” Sometimes the people you treated mean may very well be the same people that will help you in the future. Do you remember how

Joseph’s brothers treated him? Many years later, they bowed before Joseph and I am quite sure later they were filled with regrets.

right? It is wrong now, it was wrong in the past and it will be wrong in the future. Therefore we must treat people right no matter their political affiliation because if you don’t, your Politics day will come and you may not be able to stand it. Everyone is entitled to Furthermore, people are their opinions and therefore switching political parties all of the should be encourage to express time and so it does not make sense their opinions without attacking attacking one another. Don’t you see individuals personally. Assassinating some of the people who were with the characters of our politicians, you attacking the other side is now their respective families and their attacking your side? supporters are wrong. It is fine to What we need to do is to havedifferent political views and lead by example as the young people opinions. and children are watching and However, let us be honest mimicking us. What type of society with ourselves. Most of us only make do we want? Do we want a society an issue of the attacks if the attacks that tears down others? Do we want are against the politicians or party a society that uplifts and encourages we support. others? If we want a positive society, If we want to make a stand, then treat people right and forget speak out against the attacks on both about their political affiliation. sides of the fence. Some of the same people today who are asking others Conclusion to respect and love our politicians remained quiet in the past when The treatment you receive is members of their parties attacked sometimes due to the seed that you the other side. planted. Does it mean the attacks are You planted a seed of hatebut

Clearing Acne Acne affects almost all of severe acne, you are more likely to us! In fact, it’s estimated that up to have difficulty treating your acne. 90% of the world’s population is Sometimes our own actions can affected by acne at some point in make acne more problematic! their lifetime. Using a lot of greasy Acne is a chronic skin products on the face or in the hair, condition, which though most applying bleaching creams to the notorious for affecting teenagers skin, picking at pimples and going and young adults, can affect both through stressful periods can all men and women at almost any age. worsen acne. Having acne can become In fact, even our diet can frustrating as the management is play a part. Studies indicate that usually long term and even after certain dietary factors, including the bumps have disappeared, spots dairy products and carbohydrateand scars may remain. Additionally, rich foods — such as bread, pasta the emotional impact can have and chips — may trigger acne. On long term effect on ones’ psyche the other hand, eating greasy food and self-esteem. has little to no effect!

By Drexwell Seymour

now expect a plant of love. You planted a seed of disrespect now you want a plant of respect.You see when you sow a love seed, you will reap a love plant. When you sow a respectful seed, you will reap a respectful plant. When you sow a hateful seed, you will reap a hateful plant. When you sow a disrespectful seed, you will reap a disrespectful plant. Despite the type of seed we planted, if you water and cover those hateful and disrespectful plantson a daily basis with “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol” (Galatians 5:22-23), you are equipping yourself to treat others right.

if you are getting spots and scarring from your acne, it might be time to visit your doctor. A dermatologist can help control your acne, avoid scarring or other damage to your skin and make scars that are already present less noticeable. There are many prescription creams and tablets which can be used alone or in combination to help clear the pimples, avoid new breakouts and improve the tone and texture of the skin. Some lasers can also be used to treat the scarring associated with acne as well as clear the active bumps.

What causes acne?

How is acne treated?

It’s all in the maintenance

Acne typically appears in the areas which have the most oil glands such as on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. When excess oil is being produced and the follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, blackheads and whiteheads may appear. These blocked pores can also trap bacteria leading to inflamed lesions. Though most people get acne, there are reasons you may be more prone to developing acne or which may make your acne more difficult to treat. Changes in your hormones such as during puberty or pregnancy can flare acne, as can certain medications like steroids or oral contraceptives. Of course, if you have a family history of

The key to managing acne is in accepting that it is usually a long-term problem which will require long term treatment. If the acne clears on a medication and you stop all acne treatments, it will tend to recur. So be consistent. Mild acne can usually be treated with over the counter washes and creams with ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Some studies seem to suggest that alternate methods such as tea tree oil, aloe vera and creams containing zinc may also be beneficial and can be used alone or in combination with traditional treatments. However, if your acne isn’t responding to those treatments or

Once your acne improves, you may need to continue your acne medication or creams to prevent new breakouts. You may even have to do periodic procedures such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion if you had spots or scarring with your acne. You can also use these acneprevention tips:

By Dr. Marsha Barnett

your cosmetic brushes and applicators with soapy water. •Avoid picking at the problem areas as doing so can trigger more acne and cause dark spots after the bumps have cleared. •Continue your treatments, whether over the counter or prescription, and see your doctor if despite these measures your acne begins to flare.

•Wash acne-prone areas twice a day. •Shower after strenuous activities. Oil and sweat on *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general your skin can lead to breakouts practitioner who also specialises •Limit your use of hair oils and in dermatology. For questions or choose oil-free cosmetics that comments, please contact her at won’t clog pores drmarshabarnett@gmail.com or at •Remove makeup before going Associated Medical Practices - 946to bed and regularly clean 4242.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 19



The opportunity for empowerment is something that all right thinking Turks and Caicos Islanders want for themselves. I believe that in our present environment the demographic that yearns for it the most are a grouping called Millennials. Given the limited opportunities for empowerment within the TCI, their frustrations are very understandable. Imagine graduating in the summer of 2008 and being very hopeful that the sky is the limit and the following takes place over the next decade or so: September 6th 2008, Hurricane Ike devastates the country; September 15th 2008, Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy triggering a global financial crisis and locally stopping the financing the

West Caicos Molasses Reef Project; 2009 Commission of Inquiry; August 14th, 2009 Suspension of the Country’s Constitution; 2009-2012 Interim Government; 2012-2016 a PNP Government; 2016-Present a PDM Government. Now your 28 years old and no closer to your dreams and folks wonder why you don’t have any faith in political parties. In your formative years, no one has yet to deliver for you!! In the middle of the word empowerment, is the word power and without power there can be no empowerment. This is what POWER means to me: Possess Our Wealth, Economy, and Resources (P.O.W.E.R). Possess our Wealth: No sense in crying over spilled milk. When you know better, you must do

better. All new industries created must be majority Turks and Caicos Islander owned. If we can’t own it as individuals, the Government should own it in trust for the people of the Turks and Caicos so it’s a benefit to present and future generations. Possess our Economy: The Industries that currently exist; we must be positioned to run them. Policies and law must be put in By Jamell Robinson place and succession plans enforced PNP At Large Candidate immediately. If we have a limited number of persons in the workforce, require constitutional change and why not hold a majority of the a referendum. Land ownership is middle and senior management roles the greatest tool for empowerment in the Public and Private Sectors? outside of finance! Possess our Resources: In no I hope to be given the uncertain terms, we must return opportunity to be a part of the team crown land under a ministerial that truly gives POWER to the People. portfolio. This will Stay Blessed and Safe TCI,

Police Commissioner must go By Crayton Higgs - Businessman

The Turks and Caicos has paid enough of a price for the incompetent leadership of the police force.

Enough lives and property have been lost and I ask for all fellow Turks & Caicos islanders to join and demand the removal and replacement of the police commissioner. Enough is enough! How many of us have to die

Premier Contracting Services is seeking suitably qualified applicants to fill the following positions: Maintenance Laborer required Premier Contracting Services is seeking to recruit a landscape laborer to join our team. The successful candidate must have the following experience and skill set. •Working knowledge of basic skills to include, landscaping, and irrigation repair. •Experience in painting and basic job preparation through completion •Basic knowledge of welding systems and fabrication •Septic system repairs and maintenance •Assist Light bulb replacement and limited knowledge of electrical systems and wiring •Assist with adhock duties to include for heavy lifting, cleaning, and carpentry •Assist with cleaning large scale refrigeration systems. •Must be willing to work nights, holidays and weekends as required. Hourly wage $8.50 per hour to $9.25 per hour dependent on experience. There are no other benefits provided. Deadline for submission of applicants is May20, 2020 Submit to: Graceway Plaza complex, Unit #3 Leeward Highway Email: Jeff.luker@khcapital.com Please note: Only shortlisted applicants will be contact to attend interviews. Belongers only need apply

Mills Institute Location: 45 Marby Drive Juba Sound, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Mills Institute is seeking Teachers/Teachers’ Aide Report to: Deputy Director Job Goal: The Primary goal is to provide and carry out curriculum instructions related to the school and Ministry of Education. Requirements: Must have at least One Year Teaching Experience at the Primary Level. Must be energetic, creative and able to use initiative Must be flexible Be open to ongoing professional development Be a team player Duties and Responsibilities: Plan, organize and execute daily teaching schedule Supervise and teach students Work effectively as a team member Take part in extra-curricula activities Be able to communicate effectively with parents Be punctual and professional Able to use various forms of teaching aids Domestic Worker Assist with cooking, washing and cleaning Salary $6.25 per hour Handy Man Maintain and upkeep school premises Garbage removal Be able to undertake repairs, door installations and other areas as required Submit all applications along with copies of resume to: millsinstitute@gmail.com These positions are for work permit renewals Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicant are required to submit their application to the Labour Board

before we find the courage to stand Britain). up and demand accountability, We’re not the only especially when we are the ones Caribbean country with crime, but paying. the only one with an incompetent We must have more say in police commissioner! matters that affect our lives- and for This has to end. It’s now services that we are paying for (not literally a matter of life or death.

GK Food Service Location: 1125, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands

Is seeking to employ an ASSISTANT MANAGER Requirements, Duties and Responsibilities: •Must have prior Wholesale/Food Service experience and knowledgeable with Food Service Products •Must have computer experience working with QuickBooks •Must have experience in managing wholesale/food service business •Minimum of 5 years experience working in grocery industry PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO: GKSUPERMARKETTCI@GMAIL.COM Salary is $750.00 weekly Please Contact: 231-8060 Belongers and PRC holders are preferred Is seeking to employ an ASSISTANT BUTCHER Requirements, Duties and Responsibilities: •Minimum 5 years experience in meat processing •Should have knowledge about meats and cuts •Good customer service skills •Should be able to work on weekends and holidays Salary is $7.00 an hour Please Contact: 231-8060 PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO: GKSUPERMARKETTCI@GMAIL.COM Both positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders Belongers and PRC holders are encouraged to send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

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VACANT POSITIONS Position: Radiographer Location: Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales TCI Job Summary: Post holder will be responsible to participates in the provision of a comprehensive and effective radiology imaging service at TCI Hospitals. Performs general and specialist radiographic and sonographic examinations. Responsibilities: Assessing patients and their clinical requirements to determine appropriate radiographic techniques. Perform a range of radiographic examinations on patients to produce high-quality images, observe and maintain contact with patients during their waiting, examination and post-examination stay in the department. Assist in more complex radiological examinations working with radiologists and doctors and surgeons. Provide support and reassurance to patients, taking into account their physical and psychological needs. Ensuring that equipment is regularly checked for malfunctions and any faults are reported. Requirements and Experiences: Recognized degree/ diploma in a radiography training programme. Holder of professional active practicing certificate of registration from country of training/origin. Current registration through TCI Health Practitioners Ordinance. Specialist training in Ct and/ or MRI. Up to date BLS certification Desired Preferred post-graduate study in specialist modality.Completion of an IV cannulation course.Two years’ post-certification experience in both fields. Experience of ongoing professional development and self-directed learning. Previous experience working with a PACS/RIS environment Salary: $34,000.00 to $37,000.00 per annum Position currently held by a work permit holder JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@interhealthcanada. tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020 VACANT POSITIONS Position: Medical Technologist Location: Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales TCI Medical Technologist Job Responsibilities: •Provides information for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease by conducting medical laboratory tests, procedures, experiments, and analyses. •Determines normal and abnormal components of body fluids by conducting chemical analyses of blood, urine, spinal fluids, and gastric juices. •Analyzes blood cells by counting and identifying cells, using microscopic techniques and procedures. •Prepares blood, plasma, and platelets for transfusions by conducting blood group, type, and compatibility tests. •Ensures operation of analyzers, spectrophotometers, colorimeters, flame photometers, and other laboratory equipment by calibrating; completing preventive maintenance requirements; following manufacturer’s instructions; troubleshooting malfunctions; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques. •Maintains laboratory supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies;

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

placing and expediting orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies. •Conserves laboratory resources by using equipment and supplies as needed to accomplish job results. •Provides medical technology information by answering questions and requests. •Prepares reports of technological findings by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information. •Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; participating in professional societies. •Maintains inter- and intradepartmental work flow by fostering a spirit of cooperation. •Maintains safe and clean working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations. •Protects patients and employees by adhering to infectioncontrol and hazardous waste policies and protocols; following identification procedures. •Maintains patient confidence and protects the hospital by keeping information confidential. •Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. Skills and Qualifications: Documentation Skills, Analyzing Information, Chemistry Techniques, Equipment Maintenance, Lab Environment, Clinical Lab Testing, Use of Medical Technologies, Organization, Attention to Detail, Informing Others Education: Minimum 5 years of Medical Technology experience Desired: Bachelor’s degree in medical technology or bachelor’s degree in a life science Position currently by a work permit holder. Salary: $25,000 to $30,000 per annum. JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@ interhealthcanada.tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020 VACANT POSITIONS Position: Nurse Supervisor Location(s): Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales & Cockburn Town Medical Centre, Grand Turk, TCI. Job Summary: Responsible for the co-ordination of patient care. Serves as a role model and a resource to staff for clinical decision making, clinical assessments of patients and in the initial co-ordination and/or management of complaints where appropriate. Reviews, analyses and makes recommendation on the development of policies, procedures and standards of patient care, adequate staffing levels, and a continuous quality improvement environment. Liaises with the interdisciplinary team for identification, co-ordination and efficient utilisation of resources, identifies staff education needs and participates in educational programs. Education - Required •Graduate of a approved School of Nursing with current registration from country of training/origin •Post graduate qualification or evidence of ongoing relevant post graduate education and training •Current BLS certification •Holder of Nursing Degree or willing to work towards Desired •Current ACLS certification •Health service management certification/training Experience - Required Minimum of five years recent clinical nursing experience,

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


in area of specialization, with two years at Senior Registered Nurse level Evidence of supervisory experience Developing and participating in quality improvement initiatives Salary: $54,000.00 to 66,000.00 per annum. Position currently by a work permit holder. JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@ interhealthcanada.tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020 VACANT POSITIONS Position: Pharmacy Technician Location: Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales TCI Job Summary: Under the direction of a pharmacist, the pharmacy technician performs pharmacy related functions in compliance with department policies and procedures in a manner that provides optimal pharmaceutical care. Responsibilities: The Pharmacy Technician; is responsible for dispensing and assembling inpatient and approved outpatient prescription, which includes production of labels a through to issuance. In the role the Pharmacy technician will participate in the stock “top up” system and checks stock rotation and storage conditions on the units and document as necessary; ensure accurate data of issues and returns is maintained in the computerized pharmacy system; pick up unused medications from the nursing units and return to pharmacy; participate in department’s stock taking activities. The Pharmacy Technician must remove and safely dispose of pharmaceutical waste and expired drugs. The Pharmacy Technician will also respond to general enquiries from clinical staff and public, within the required competency scope. Requirements and Experiences: •Pharmacy technician’s certification from a recognized training program •Current registration with the TCI health practitioners’ board •Minimum 3 years working experience in a hospital pharmacy. •Knowledge of basic pharmacy practices and procedures •Accurate keyboard skills •Attention to detail (methodical and accurate) Desirable •Certified in compounding and IV admixture techniques •Medical terminology course Salary: $20,000 to $26,000 per annum. Position currently held by a work permit holder JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@ interhealthcanada.tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020 VACANT POSITIONS Vacant Position: General Surgeon Location: Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales TCI Job Summary: Post holder will be responsible to provide general surgical care to patients within the Cheshire Hall

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Medical Centre and Cockburn Town Medical Centre. Responsibilities: Attend to surgical in-patients. Attend to surgical out-patients via the Out Patient clinic. Provide surgical emergency coverage on an on-call basis. Schedule and perform surgeries within scope of practice on an elective basis. Provide evidence based patient care within acceptable regional/worldwide standards. Assist colleagues in a collegiate manner where necessary. Advise and supervise the delivery of nursing care to the surgical patients Requirements and Experiences: Holder of an appropriate medical degree and Royal College / Boards / other certification in General Surgery. At least five years in recognized General surgical posts. Desirable Previous substantive consultant post or equivalent Salary: $65,000.00 to $85,000.00 per annum Position currently held by a work permit holder JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@ interhealthcanada.tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020 VACANT POSITIONS Position: Registered Nurse Location: Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales TCI Job Summary: Post holder will be responsible for providing professional nursing care to patients by working independently and as part of an interdisciplinary team. Assumes primary responsibility for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating patient care in accordance with established standards and hospital policies. Responsibilities: Administer medications, checking dosages and patient histories for possible interaction. Assess, plan, implement, evaluate and document nursing care of patients in accordance with organizational policies and in accordance with standards of professional nursing practice. Takes temperature, pulse, blood pressure and other vital signs to detect deviations from normal and assess condition. Provide direction, advice and emotional aid to patient’s families and educate patients and public on various medical conditions Requirements and Experiences: •Graduate of an approved School of Nursing, holding a certificate in nursing, with current registration from country of training/origin •Evidence of ongoing relevent post graduate education and training •Current BLS certification Desired •Holder of Nursing Degree •Current ACLS certification Minimum two years recent clinical nursing experience Salary: $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 per annum Position currently held by a work permit holder. JOB DESCRIPTION PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Submit resumes and references to: Recruitment@ interhealthcanada.tc or Lorenzo Seymour, Human Resources Manager, InterHealthCanada, Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Deadline for applications: Monday 18 May 2020

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 23

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Entertainment and Kids Kamp Departments require: The Account Department requires: 

Reports to: Financial Controller To ensure that all revenues have been properly accounted for; daily review of Night Audit to ensure that all departments are balanced and any discrepancies are recorded and addressed so as the financial integrity of the hotel is maintained. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Associates Degree or higher preferred.  Three years minimum Audit experience:  Relevant Certifications:

Supervisor Officer

The range for this position is $6.25 to $8.50 per hour The Bar Department requires:

Reports to: Security Manager Under the guidance and supervision of the Security Manager, and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, ensures the safety of Guests and Staff. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Ability to generate reports and maintain logs  Previous experience in this or similar capacity  Experience supervising a team or shift (Supervisor)

The Maintenance and Offsite Departments require: Technician

Reports to: Chief Engineer and/ or Properties Manager To work closely with the Rooms Division/and Property management to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room and premises is as per the company’s established quality and standards; to ensure that the furniture, fixture, A/C’s, plumbing and equipment are properly maintained. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a minimum of a high school diploma and/or a certificate in a field of engineering from a recognized Vocational Training Institution  Basic computer literacy and internet knowledge is preferred This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The rate for the position listed above is $7.25 to $9.50 an hour.

(AV) Audio Video Technician Requirements include but are not limited to: o Ability to set up and breakdown sound system for an event o Conduct inventory and ensure equipment is maintained in a good working order.

Beverage Manager

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Three years minimal supervisory experience in similar multi outlet beverage operation with ability to maintain the highest level of standards;  Extensive food & beverage/wine knowledge; The Supervisor position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $7.00 to $9.50 per hour The Butler Department requires:   

Butler Junior Butler/Shift Leader Junior Butler (formally Room Service Server/Waiter)

Reports to: Butler Manager Is responsible for all aspects of guest care during stay, assisting in all areas of hotel and continual improvement of skills through training and practice; is instrumental to achieve our goal in providing the highest professional standards in Butler Service to our guests and thus exceeding the guest expectation.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The rate for the position listed above is $6.25 to $7.50 an hour.

The range for these positions is $6.25 to $7.50 per hour

The Spa Department requires:

The Spa Department requires:

Tennis Instructor

Reports to: Spa Manager The duties of the tennis pro are to instruct morning tennis lessons and provide private tennis sessions as requested by the guests. The Tennis pro also ensures that seasonal pros are provided with a schedule and is aware of the tennis programme. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Graduated with secondary education from a high school or vocational institution;  Minimum of two years working experience in this position;

Fitness Program Coordinator (supervisor)

Reports to: Spa Manager Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience: o Certification in at least two disciplines o Experience teaching classes o Physically Fit This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The range for this position is $8.00 to $11.75 per hour

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The rate for the position listed above is $6.50 to $8.50 an hour.

The Kitchen Department requires:

The Photoshop Department requires: 

Reports to:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Holder of a certification from the Guild of Professional English Butlers.  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to seafood

Entertainment Department requires:


Is responsible to assist the Beverage Manager in the running of the entire Beverage operation ensuring that all Bars and Catering facilities operate smoothly at all times, within the standard operating procedure. Simultaneously, maintaining F&B budget costs and continually monitoring and improving the level of service offered to our guests.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The rate for the positions listed above is $6.25 to $8.50 an hour.

To engage the guests and their children to participate in activities, attend shows and special guest events. Part of the responsibility as an Entertainment and Kids Kamp staff is to create lasting memories while on vacation.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time

The Security Department requires:

Reports to: Director of Entertainment

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  A talent for dancing or singing; certification preferred*  Ability to swim  Ability to carry over 30 lbs. in costume**  Experience working with children preferred***  Customer service experience

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The rate for the position listed above is $9.25 to $11.50 an hour.

 

Player* Dancer* Animator** Kids Counselor/ Counselor***

   

Reconciliations Coordinator

Wedding Videographer

Sous Chef

Reports to:

Reports to: Photoshop Manager

Executive Chef

Responsible for the photographic experience, including the flow of guests through the photography, selection and purchase process

Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies and procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certification in Videography  Sales experience and able to meet quotas  Two (2) years’ experience in a similar position

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training preferred  Three to five years’ experience as a manager/supervisor in an international first-class hotel/resort.

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill this position is underway at this time.

This positions is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The range for this position is $6.25 to $7.00 per hour plus commissions

The salary for this position ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


The Human Resources Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than May 27th 2020

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to obtain a clean background check, work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Entertainment Department requires:  

The Kitchen Department requires:

Assistant Entertainment Manager Animations Manager

Reports to:

Executive Chef

Reports to:

Director of Entertainment

The Animations Manager is responsible for the daily operations of the Sesame Street Characters. He/she is reports to the Entertainment Manager and together they oversee all the Sesame Street Programs in addition to working with the rest of the Entertainment Areas, Photography, Sales, Food and Beverage, Public Relations, among some others. The Assistant Entertainment Manger reports to the Entertainment Manager and together they oversee all the Entertainment, Animation, Kids Kamp and Stage Areas, in addition to working with Photography, Sales, Food and Beverage, Public Relations, among some others Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Associates Degree or higher preferred;  Minimum three years’ work experience managing an stage productions (Assistant Manager);  Minimum three years’ work experience managing an animation team;  Knowledge of the Sesame Street franchise The Assistant Entertainment and Animations Manager positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders.

Managing Director

Under the guidance of policies created by the Director of Culinary at SRI, and within the limits of established HACCAP policies, procedures and the Food and Beverage manual, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Graduate of an internationally recognized culinary institution or equivalent, technical training/school;  Ten years’ experience as Executive Chef in an international first class hotel/resort The Executive Chef position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for the position indicated above is dependent on skills and experience and is negotiable. The Dining Room and Banquets Department requires:  

Supervisor Shift Leader

The salary for these positions ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00

Reports to:

The Watersports Department requires:

Is responsible to assist with Dining Room supervisor the coordination, planning, organizing and control the activities of the restaurant.

 

Watersports Manager Dive shop Manager

Reports to:

Managing Director

The Watersports Manager will be in charge of the overall experience and quality of the water park, pools, beach, boats, dive equipment and machinery. This individual will also be responsible for establishing and maintaining systems, processes and policies for the smooth and timely operating of all. The Dive Shop Manager will be in charge of the overall experience and quality of the boats, dive equipment and machinery. This individual will also assist with establishing and maintaining systems, processes and policies for the smooth and timely operating of them. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Minimum 3 year experience managing a watersports and/or dive operation  Minimum of 1 year managing a waterpark (Watersports Manager)  Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor ;  Minimum 4 years instructor experience and minimum 4 years Master Scuba Diver Trainer The Watersports Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit. The Dive Shop Manager position is currently vacant and recruitment is taking place at this time. Should a suitable on-island candidate not be found a work permit will be applied.

The Kitchen Department requires: Sous Chef

Reports to:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  One year experience in similar capacity  Holds the CHS and/or CHDT certifications (supervisor)  Extensive food & beverage/wine knowledge; These positions are currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.75 to $8.75 per hour The Food and Beverage Department requires:  

Director Food and Beverage Assist Food and Beverage Director

Reports to:

General Manager

Plans and directs the functions of administration and planning of the Food and Beverage Department to meet the daily needs of the operation. Clearly describes, assigns and delegate’s responsibility and authority for the operation of the various food and beverage sub-departments, e.g., restaurants, banquets, etc. Develops, implements and monitor schedules for the operation of all restaurants and bars to achieve a profitable result. Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:  College or University Degree (Hospitality Management,) and or equivalent experience.  Demonstrate knowledge of an ability to manage Food & Beverage operation, obtained through hotel school, university and / or equivalent experience and apprenticeship training  Minimum of five (5) years’ experience as a Manager in Food and Beverage

The salary for these positions range from $35,000.00 to $55,000.00

Restaurant Manager

Executive Chef

Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies and procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company.

The Director of Food and Beverage position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training preferred  Three to five years’ experience as a manager/supervisor in an international first-class hotel/resort.

The salaries for the positions indicated above are negotiable and dependent on experience.

This positions is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Reports to:

The salary for this position ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00 The Spa Department requires: 

Salon Technician (Hair Stylist)

Reports to:

Spa Manager

The Salon Technician is responsible for providing hair services to guests while maintaining a commitment to guest satisfaction and world-class service. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a valid License/Certificate in your field of expertise;

The Front Office Department requires: 

Front Office Manager Managing Director

Supervises and ensures the smooth operation of the Front Office. Ensure personnel are executing their duties in an efficient, effective, professional and courteous manner. Directs and coordinates the activities of the Front Desk, Reservations, Bell Desk, PBX, and Airport Operation. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Bachelor’s Degree Tourism Management  Minimum three years’ work experience managing a Front Office team;  Certification in Customer Service  Certificate in Leadership Development  Harvard Management Course Certificate The Front Office Manager position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The salary for this positions ranges from $28,000.00 to $35,000.00.

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour plus commissions

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: The Labour Commissioner 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than May 27th 2020

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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Salary Range: $ 9.00 - $11.00 per hour MEAT / SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT MANAGER Job Requirements and Responsibilities:

Graceway IGA Supermarket invites applications from suitable qualified individuals to fill the listed positions currently held by work permit holders: RETAIL OPERATIONS MANAGER Main duties and Responsibilities: •Must have over (8) years experience in Supermarket Retail with a minimum of five years in a managerial position to include management of individual department •Standardize production recipes to ensure consistent quality and profitability •Must be familiar with all phases of retail grocery operations •Maintain awareness of market trends in the supermarket retail industry, understanding forthcoming customer initiatives and monitoring what local competitors are doing •Determines marketing strategy changes by reviewing operating and financial statements and departmental sales records •Ensure that Managers and department heads are monitoring teams to consistently rotate merchandise in accordance with store policy and product code dates to guarantee quality control •Understand Supermarket Math and how to arrive at proper margins •Oversee and ensure proper equipment operation & maintenance •Familiar with Droste, ISS, SV Harbor, and other retail programs •Establishes controls to minimize wastage •Full Understanding of business P&L breakdown •Help Train and develop staff •Managed large (50 or more) groups of employees Salary range based on qualifications and experience. FLOOR CARE SPECIALIST Requirements / Qualifications: •Experience in floor care and maintenance. •Experience in waxing, wax removal, stripping, buffing, and vacuuming large surface areas. •Experience in operating and maintaining heavy duty floor care machines. •Experience in using proper safeguards such as warning signs and safety cones to alert customers and employees to potential hazards such as wet or slippery floor surfaces. •Be knowledgeable cleaning programs and adhere to manufacturer’s label instructions for the safe and proper use of all chemical products Duties and Responsibilities include: •Monitor inventory of cleaning supplies and submit purchase orders or requests to store management. •Oversee cleaning and maintenance of the supermarket. •Responsible for the total store floor care on a daily basis. Salary Range: 6.50 - $7.00 per Hour BUTCHER •Cut and trim meats and prepare related products in the variety, size quality for sale as prescribed by the store •Performed other related tasks as assigned by the General Manager and or Department Manager •Must be able to work in freezer like work environment •Must be able to work varied hours / day, including nights, weekends and holidays as needed •Must have experience and knowledge in using professional cutlery, saws, and grinders etc.

•Oversee department staff to include scheduling, training evaluation reviews and assignment of duties •Implement all merchandising programs of the meat department, while ensuring standards of Department presentation and operations are met, Including, cleanliness and sanitation, inventory control, rotation, quality, ordering, variety standards, signing and pricing •Handling and cutting a variety of the department’s specialty meats and seafood throughout the day per customer requests and to maintain quality products levels all while ensuring outstanding customer service throughout the department •Manages the inventory and ordering; enforces and follows department practices regarding the receiving, stocking, and unloading of product to ensure freshness and quality •Manage department inventories by tracking weekly sales reports, orders product and supplies so as to meet customer satisfaction and requirements along with the company’s gross profit goals •Maintains clean, full, fresh, and dry cases at all times; keeps merchandise fresh in compliance with all health code regulations and company standards •Must be computer literate and have excellent communication, organizational and people management / training skills and be extremely customer service oriented •Must have previous supermarket management experience in the meat / seafood department •Will be required to work nights, long hours, weekends, and holidays Salary range based on qualifications and experience. RETAIL MANAGERS •Developing, managing, and assigning tasks appropriately to ensure that the store is clean, adequately stocked, organized, and well-maintained to Company standards •Analyzing daily sales and expense information and taking appropriate action to maximize sales and net profits •Accurately completing daily paperwork, completing fuel pricing strategies, receiving, and verifying vendor deliveries, creating, and changing work schedules as needed, etc. •Controlling inventory •Reaching desired objectives by evaluating and developing specific action plans that address the needs of the store •Must have computer knowledge in areas such as Microsoft Excel and Inventory management programs. •Strong current product knowledge of the retail industry and knowledge of Supermarket facility management. •Must have previous supermarket retail experience •Will be required to work nights, long hours, weekends, and holidays Salary range based on qualifications and experience. Retail and Wholesale Positions Job Requirements All applicants must be able to read, speak and understand the English Language and will be expected to sit and pass an in-house Math and English Test. •DELI / BAKERY ASSISTANT (1) •BAKER (1) •Warehouse Clerk / Stocker •Delivery Drivers – Must have “B’ class driver’s license Salary Range: $7.00 - $7.50 / Per Hour Deadline for submission of applicants is May 20th, 2020 Submit to: Graceway IGA Supermarket main office complex or email: hr@gracewayiga.com Please Note: Positions are currently held by Work Permit holders. Interested Belongers must submit their application to the Immigration Board.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Page 27

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Cost Control Department requires:

The Concierge Department requires: 

Junior Concierge (formally Mini-Bar Stocker)

Reports to:

Reports to: Cost Control Manager

Concierge Manager

To maintain an effective and detailed control on the movement of beverage items/guest supplies, from ordering to placement in rooms. Maintains standards of quality and presentation and assists with guest services. To work closely with Concierge and Housekeeping to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure in regards to stocking and restocking of rooms, assistance with luggage, location of amenities, delivery of WOWs, and TLC calls, to assist in the Concierge when needed. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School diploma / certificate  Knowledgeable about inventory / accounting  Understand ordering and receiving processes

The Front Office Department requires:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

The Maintenance Department requires: Assistant Waste Treatment Operator

These positions assist with the cleaning and servicing, of all plant equipment and machinery, specifically as it relates to R.O. Plants, Sewage Plants and/or Boiler Equipment in the Resort. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. The Assistant Waste Treatment Operator is currently held by a Work Permit Holder.

The Bellman position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The rate for this position is $6.25 to $6.50per hour The Dining Room Department requires:

The rate for this position is $6.50 to $8.00 per hour The Offsite Department requires: 

Dining Room Cleaner

Reports to:

The rate for this position is $7.00 to $9.00 per hour

Reports to: Chief Engineer Front Office Manager

Provide personalized guest services by providing luggage services between the lobby and guestroom.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Computer Literate – solid knowledge of spreadsheet applications  Five (5) CXC/G.C.E. O’Levels including Mathematics and or Accounts, English Language and Principles of Business.


Reports to:

The cost control clerk is responsible to maintain controls and reduce cost in any way possible to ensure the company’s viability by developing, revolutionizing, if necessary, all controls surrounding the company’s current, operating and fixed assets.

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The Junior Concierge position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The rate for this position is $6.25 to $6.50per hour

Cost Control Clerk

Laborers - Offsite

Reports to:

Restaurant Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Restaurant Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort policies, the Restaurant Cleaner will ensure that all aspects of restaurant cleaning duties are performed accordingly. Keep buildings in clean and orderly condition. Perform heavy cleaning duties, such as cleaning floors, shampooing rugs, washing walls and glass, and removing rubbish. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Properties Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Properties Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all aspects the stewarding operation are performed accordingly. Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. The rate for this position is $6.25 to $10.00 per hour The Photoshop Department requires: 


This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The rate for this position is $6.25 to $6.50 per hour

Reports to: Photoshop Manager

The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require:

Responsible for the photographic experience, including the flow of guests through the photography, selection and purchase process

 

Watersports/ Pool/ Beach Attendant Lifeguard

Reports to: Watersports Manager Under general supervision, ensures the safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  First Aid & CPR Certified; These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $6.25- $7.00 per hour     

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certifications in field or studio Photography (both required for Lead Photographer)  Sales experience and able to meet quotas  Two (2) years’ experience in a similar position This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.25 to $7.75 per hour plus commissions The Maintenance Departments require: 

Maintenance Controller

Reports to: Chief Engineer and/ or Properties Manager

Boat Captain Dive Instructor Master Scuba Dive Instructor Snuba Guide Open Water Scuba Instructor

To work closely with the Rooms Division/and Property management to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room and premises is as per the company’s established quality and standards; to ensure that the furniture, fixture, A/C’s, plumbing and equipment are properly maintained. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:

Reports to: Watersports Manager The main function of the Boat Captain is to supervise all activities of the dive boat while in operation. The Dive Instructors and Technician take care of the guest and equipment.

 

Must have a minimum of a high school diploma and/or a certificate in a field of engineering from a recognized Vocational Training Institution Basic computer literacy and internet knowledge is preferred

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor;  Basic Compressor Certification (an asset) (MAKO);

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders.

The rate for the position listed above is $7.25 to $9.50 an hour.

The ranges for these positions are $7.25 to $13.00 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 9414870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than May 27th 2020

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020

Altered reality of the c The restrictions meant to slow the spread of the new coronavirus are easing in some areas, but life remains altered. The New York City subway system, long celebrated for its all-night service, has started to close from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. to increase cleaning of trains and stations. That means

police and outreach workers clear trains every night. The system has always been a haven for the city’s homeless, and has only become more so during the crisis. Images from around the world this week reflected the new reality. In Kansas, a farmers market moves to a sprawling

parking lot to allow shoppers to k one another. In Paris, undertakers se bags and ferry them to cremation allowed to attend. In many places, the death and d

A civic worker is seen through the peephole of Associated Press photographer Rafiq Maqbool’s room, as he waits to fill a swab test form for the photographer, at the hotel where Maqbool is in quarantine in Mumbai, India, April 24, 2020.

A man walks at 31 slum during a government-ordered lockdown to curb the spread of the new coronavirus in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

Firemen spray disinfectants along a street during a continuing enhanced community quarantine to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines, Wednesday, April 29, 2020.

Friends pour beer on the coffin that contain the remains of Ana Maria, a 56-year-old nursing assistant who died from the new coronavirus, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

Home care worker Rosalinda De Pooter, right, wearing a face mask to protect against coronavirus, pets her client Josephine Claes’ dog, as they play a table game during a partial lockdown against the spread of COVID-19 in Booischot, Belgium, Monday, April 27, 2020.

Inmates gather around the corpses of two inmates during a prison riot in Miguel Castro Castro prison, in Lima, Peru, Monday, April 27, 2020.

People buy fruit and vegetables at a shop in Naples, Monday, April 27, 2020.

Rodrigo Bessa, left, attend Relatives of a victim who died from the new coronavirus, mourn at the gate of a cemetery, who is suspected to have d 2020. in the outskirts of the city of Babol, in north of Iran, Thursday, April 30, 2020.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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coronavirus pandemic

keep their distance from eal bodies in double-layer ns that relatives are not

disruption the virus has

wrought was hard to escape. In SĂŁo Paulo, rows and rows But there were also some signs of hope that a more of caskets sat just barely covered with dirt. Inmates in Lima, normal life was returning. People bought fruit and vegetables Peru, who complain authorities are not doing enough to at a shop in Naples, where regional authorities have allowed prevent the spread of the virus inside their prison, have cafes and pizzerias to reopen for delivery. rioted.

A woman wearing mask and gloves, prays on the grave of her mother who died from the coronavirus, at a cemetery in the outskirts of the city of Babol, in north of Iran, Thursday, April 30, 2020.;

An elderly man partially covers his face with a mask protection to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, as he smokes a cigarette, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Saturday, May 2, 2020.

Gala, 7, speaks with her friend and classmate Oliver, 6, as they jump on the walls of their courtyards in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, April 29, 2020 during the lockdown to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Heath officials check the listings of people who are to be tested for COVID-19 as well as HIV and Tuberculosis, in downtown Johannesburg Thursday, April 30, 2020.

NYPD and MTA officers wake up a sleeping passenger before directing him to exit the 207th Street A-train station, Thursday, April 30, 2020, in the New York.

Pallbearers, Louis Mercier, right, and Allan Pottier, left, prepare to carry the body of a 105-year-old woman as they prepare her for funeral at a mortuary, in Paris, Friday, April 24, 2020.

The body Raimundo Costa do Nascimento, 86, lies on a bed as the family ds the burial of his mother Edenir Rezende Bessa, mourns and a funeral worker in protection gear gets ready to pick up the body, The graves of those that have died during the previous weeks are seen at died of COVID-19, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 22, amid the new coronavirus pandemic, at his home in Sao Jorge, Manaus, Brazil, the Vila Formosa cemetery, during the new coronavirus pandemic in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Thursday, April 30, 2020. Thursday, April 30, 2020.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Court overturns Quincy Jones’ win in Michael Jackson lawsuit

A California appeals court on Tuesday overturned most of a 2017 jury verdict awarding Quincy Jones $9.4 million in royalties and fees from the Michael Jackson estate over the use of Jones-produced Jackson hits in the concert film “This Is It” and two Cirque du Soleil shows. The state’s 2nd District Court of Appeal ruled that the jury misinterpreted a contract that was the judge’s job to interpret anyway. It took away $6.9 million that jurors had said MJJ Productions owed Jones for his work on “Billie Jean,” “Thriller,” and more of Jackson’s biggest hits. The appeals court found that the jury wrongly granted Jones money from licensing fees, wrongly went beyond the 10% royalty rate Jones was owed for record sales, and incorrectly granted Jones money for remixes of Jackson’s master recordings. The court kept intact $2.5 million of the award, which Jones said he was owed for the use of his masters in “This Is It” and other fees. The court also rejected a counter-appeal from the 87-yearold Jones arguing that the trial court should have allowed him to make a claim of financial elder abuse. “While we disagree with portions of the Court’s decision and are evaluating our options going forward, we are pleased that the Court affirmed the jury’s determination that MJJP failed to pay Quincy Jones more than $2.5M that it owed him,” Jones’ attorney J. Michael Hennigan

Barack Obama will headline televised primetime commencement

Former President Barack Obama speaking at the Gathering of Rising Leaders in the Asia Pacific, organized by the Obama Foundation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This combination photo shows Quincy Jones at the world premiere of “Black Godfather” in Los Angeles on June 3, 2019, left, and Michael Jackson at a press conference in London on March 5, 2009. said in a statement. the definitions of terms in the Jones, who was already two contracts Jackson and Jones a music business giant when signed in 1978 and 1985. he produced the classic Jackson Under the deals, for albums “Off the Wall,” “Thriller” example, Jones is entitled to and “Bad,” had sought $30 a share of net receipts from a million from the estate when he “videoshow” of the songs. The first filed the lawsuit in 2013. Jackson attorneys argued that “Quincy Jones was the the term was meant to apply to last person we thought would music videos and not feature try to take advantage of Michael films like “This Is It.” Jackson by filing a lawsuit three The film was created years after he died asking for from rehearsal footage for a tens of millions of dollars he comeback tour that Jackson was wasn’t entitled to,” Jackson working toward when he died in attorney Howard Weitzman 2009 at age 50. said in a statement. “We knew “So many people have the verdict was wrong when we tried to take advantage of heard it, and the court of appeal Michael and mischaracterize has completely vindicated us.” him since his death,” Jackson On the stand during estate co-executor John Branca the trial, Jones was asked by said in a statement Tuesday. “It’s Weitzman whether he realized gratifying that in this case the he was essentially suing Jackson court in an overwhelmingly himself. favorable and just decision, Jones angrily disagreed. recognizes that Michael Jackson “I’m not suing Michael,” was both an enormous talent he said. “I’m suing you all.” and an extremely fair business The trial centered on executive.”

Promoter who ordered 50 Cent’s friend killed loses appeal The conviction of a former hip-hop and rap promoter who ordered the killing of a friend of 50 Cent was upheld Friday. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that James Rosemond was properly convicted of murderfor-hire charges. Rosemond was accused of hiring a crew to kill an associate of the rap group G-Unit as payback for an assault on Rosemond’s son. The associate, Lodi Mack, was killed in the Bronx in 2009. His lawyer had argued that witnesses against him were only trying to reduce their own sentences. The first ended in a mistrial with a hung jury. Rosemond was convicted at his second trial and sentenced to life in prison, but the judge was later found to have erred on one point, and a third trial was ordered. That also resulted in a conviction and life sentence, which Rosemond appealed.

Former President Barack Obama will deliver a televised prime-time commencement address for the high school Class of 2020 during an hour-long event that will also feature LeBron James, Malala Yousafzai and Ben Platt, among others. ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC will simultaneously air the special May 16 at 8 p.m. EDT along with more than 20 other broadcast and digital streaming partners, according to the announcement Tuesday from organizers. Several high school students from Chicago public schools and the Obama Youth Jobs Corps will join, as will the Jonas Brothers, Yara Shahidi, Bad Bunny, Lena Waithe, Pharrell Williams, Megan Rapinoe and H.E.R. The event is titled “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020.” It’s hosted by the education advocacy group XQ Institute, The LeBron James Family Foundation and The Entertainment Industry Foundation. Obama will reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption of school life, especially for seniors who have missed out on their milestone rites of passage. “This high school graduation season will be anything but ordinary — but that’s all the more reason why the Class of 2020 deserves extraordinary advice, heartfelt encouragement, and hard-won wisdom about facing new challenges in an uncertain world,” Russlynn Ali, CEO and co-founder of XQ Institute, said in a statement.

New book aims to portray ‘real’ Prince Harry and Meghan Freed from the constraints of life as full-time royals — and enmeshed in a feud with Britain’s tabloid press — Prince Harry and his wife Meghan plan to tell their story in a book penned by sympathetic journalists. Harper Collins U.K. announced Monday that it will publish “Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family” in Britain and the Commonwealth on Aug. 11. The book will be published in the U.S. the same day by HarperCollins-owned Dey Street Books. The book is written by Harper’s Bazaar royal editor Omid Scobie and Elle magazine royal correspondent Carolyn Durand, who said they aim to capture “the real Harry and Meghan” and “finally present the truth of misreported stories” about them. The publisher said the book will tackle “the many rumors and misconceptions

Meghan is suing publisher Associated Newspapers for invasion of privacy and copyright infringement over a series of articles in the Mail on Sunday that reproduced parts of a letter she wrote to her father, Thomas Markle. Harry, who is a grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and sixth in line to the British throne, married the American actress Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan, the Meghan Markle at Windsor Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrive at Castle in May 2018, in a lavish the annual Endeavour Fund Awards in ceremony watched around the London. world. that plague the couple on The couple later said both sides of the pond.” It they found the scrutiny they says the authors have been received from the British media given “unique access” and the intolerable and claimed it cooperation of those closest to tipped into harassment. the couple. In January, they The announcement announced they planned to comes two weeks after Harry quit as senior royals, seek and Meghan said they would no financial independence and longer cooperate with several move to North America. The British tabloid newspapers split became official at the end because of what they called of March, and the couple have “distorted, false or invasive” relocated to the Los Angeles stories. area, where Meghan was raised.

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ENTERTAINMENT Kelly Rowland: ‘Coffee’ song, video is my ode to black women Kelly Rowland says her new single “Coffee” and its accompanying music video is her “ode to the beauty of black women.” Rowland debuted the breezy R&B track and video featuring black women across a spectrum of shades and colors two weeks ago. “I just wanted it to be an expression of black beauty and the different variations and tones and body shapes,” said Rowland, who shot the video in Miami late last year. “I was really inspired by black women.” The Grammy-winning singer said she first started working on “Coffee” in 2017 but held on the track, which was co-written by Syd of the alternative R&B band The Internet. “I was very particular after I had my son about what I was saying and how good it was because I wanted to make him proud,” said Rowland, who gave birth in 2014. “I was extremely hard on myself.” In an interview with The Associated Press, 39-year-old Rowland talks about coffee — the song and the drink — as well as signing with JayZ’s Roc Nation company for management and life in quarantine. AP: There’s been a really warm response to “Coffee” and its video. How does that make you feel? ROWLAND: The morning that it came out, I had this really big weight on my chest. I literally got to my closet and I cried because I was like, “This is what I remember the anxiety and everything feeling like,” but this one felt a little different. It’s because I’ve been in business for 20plus years and it was like an overwhelming sense of gratitude. When I started seeing, whether it’s my fans or new people, or I’m seeing dancers put movement to the song, that’s really something to take in and celebrate and be grateful for. It could be completely different. I feel this overwhelming sense of gratitude that literally gives me a ball in my throat. You just don’t take anything for granted. You really don’t.

Piers Morgan cleared of ‘combative presenting’ by Ofcom in wake of nearly 4000 complaints TV watchdog Ofcom has cleared Piers Morgan of “combative presenting”, in the wake of over 3000 complaints. Good Morning Britain presenter Piers received over 2000 complaints for a 15 April interview with MP and Health and Social Care Minister, Helen Whately. A second interview on 22 April has now received over 1200 complaints, with a further 600 made following an interview with Health Secretary, Matt Hancock. Earlier this month ITV was warned over Piers’ style of presenting after the early morning news programme narrowly avoided an Ofcom investigation. Now, in a statement given, Ofcom has said: “His guests were given adequate opportunity to put their points across and counter the presenter’s criticisms. “In Ofcom’s view, in line with freedom of expression, it is clearly in the public interest that broadcasters are able to hold those making political decisions to account, particularly during a major national crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic.” At the time of the warning, an Ofcom spokesman said: “We remind ITV that

there are compliance risks in relying on a ‘combative dynamic’ between presenters as a way to provide challenge and context for the broadcast of content which may cause offence. “This approach can provide significant context, as in this case. However, depending on the particular circumstances, this may not always provide sufficient context to comply with the code.” The 55-year-old media personality came under fire after an explosive row with the care minister as she tried to defend why so few people in care homes had been tested amid reports thousands of patients have already died. But some viewers complained Piers was “bullying” her, while others insisted the presenter was doing his job and holding the minister “to account”. Piers later tweeted: “Apparently nearly 2000 people have now complained to @ Ofcom about me grilling Care minister Helen Whateley too ‘unfairly’ when she couldn’t answer even basic questions. “If you think I should continue grilling ministers in the way I’ve been doing, please tell @OFCOM. Thanks.”

Piers Morgan But in a rare public response, Ofcom asked Piers to refrain from sending his followers their way as the watchdog struggled to cope with being bombarded. They wrote: “Dear Piers, We’re usually happy with you keeping us busy. But right now we’re struggling to keep up after you asked your followers to contact us. “This means we may fail to help the people that need us most – such as the vulnerable or elderly. “So could you please help us out and go easy on the mentions? Any help appreciated.”

In ‘Becoming,’ a starring role for Michelle Obama In the backstage hallways of Washington D.C.’s Capital One Arena, Michelle Obama walks armin-arm with her husband, Barack Obama. She has just finished the third stop on what would be a 34-city book tour of such unprecedented scale that it almost resembled a Beyoncé concert tour. Nadia Hallgren’s camera is trailing them when Michelle Obama, perhaps looking for reassurance, asks the former president: “Does it seem like a show that you’d like to see?” Hallgren’s documentary, “Becoming,” is — more so than we’ve seen before — the Michelle Obama Show. It captures the former first lady, in settings both public and intimate, navigating her post-White House life, interacting with fans and generally fostering a spirit of positivity, selfbelief and hope that few beside her husband are capable of inspiring. “My life is starting to be mine again,” she says in the film. “There’s another chapter waiting for me out there.” “Becoming,” which debuts Wednesday on Netflix, is an extension of her 2018 best-selling memoir of the same name and a kind of authorized filmic portrait of Obama. It’s produced by Higher Ground Productions, the film company founded by the Obamas. Before now, Higher Ground has backed well-received, socially-

minded documentaries about American labor (the Oscar-winning “American Factory” ) and the disability rights movement (the acclaimed Sundance-winner “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution” ). It’s been an auspicious, award-winning beginning for Higher Ground, the most ambitious post-White House dive into Hollywood of any former U.S. president. With “Becoming,” one half of Higher Ground now steps in front of the camera, too. The movie, itself, was a secret until last week when Netflix announced is upcoming premiere. Hallgren typically worked with small crews or just by herself. Much of “Becoming” takes place either in arenas crowded with cameras or in private settings — the back seat of an SUV, the childhood home of Obama — so few would have spotted her. “I think if people saw me, it probably looked very unofficial,” chuckles Hallgren. Keeping “Becoming” clandestine still wasn’t easy, though. “My closest friends had no idea what I was doing,” Hallgren says. “People were always like, ‘What are you up to?’” Hallgren is a veteran documentary cinematographer (“Trouble the Water,” “Girl Rising,” “Trapped”) making her feature directorial debut. (She also worked on CNN Films’ “We Will

Former first lady Michelle Obama during “Becoming: An Intimate Conversation with Michelle Obama,” in Atlanta. Rise: Michelle Obama’s Mission to Educate Girls Around the World.”) The job, Hallgren believes, she won from her body of work and, as first gleaned in a high-pressure meeting with Obama, their similarities. “She’s from the South Side. I’m from the South Bronx,” says the New Yorkbred filmmaker. Unlike the interview-heavy Hulu doc-series “Hillary” on Hillary Clinton, Hallgren’s approach is

mostly fly-on-the-wall, mixing glossy onstage footage of Obama’s talks with the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Stephen Colbert with more personal scenes offstage. Obama reflects on her eight years in the White House and the often racist-tinged response they engendered. “You hope people were more ready for us than maybe they were,” she says. Obama doesn’t analyze the 2016 election or the rise of Donald Trump except for one comment lamenting the turnout of African American voters. “That’s my trauma,” she says. But the main trust of “Becoming” is not just Obama’s story but what she inspires -- how one story begets others. Hallgren, drawing from the photography of Garry Winogrand, lingers on the faces in Obama’s crowds, and in some cases takes a moment to follow their lives. “Becoming” may be part concert film but it’s nearly as interested in the audience as it is in the showstopper on stage. “Oftentimes when Mrs. Obama was on stage, I was not the main camera filming her,” says Hallgren. “So I had the opportunity to walk around. There was such an incredible energy in those arenas. The excitement that people had felt special. I thought: I want to capture this.”

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020



Pfizer, BioNTech set to begin U.S. coronavirus vaccine trial

Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and BioNTech SE (22UAy.F) said on Tuesday they have begun delivering doses of their experimental coronavirus vaccines for initial human testing in the United States. The U.S. drugmaker and German partner said if the vaccine proves to be safe and effective in trials, it could potentially be ready for wide U.S. distribution by the end of the year, shaving several years off the typical vaccine development timeline. The vaccine, which uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, has the potential to be among the first vaccines against the virus that has infected more than 1 million people in the United States and killed some 68,000. There are currently no approved treatments or vaccines for the new coronavirus, though some drugs are being used on patients under an emergency use authorization. The U.S. study is part of a broader, global program already underway in Germany, where BioNTech is based. Dosing there began last month.

Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) is using similar technology for its vaccine being developed along with the U.S. government. Phase I testing of that vaccine candidate has also begun, with mid-stage trials planned in the current quarter. Pfizer said last week it hopes to receive emergency authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as early as October, and could distribute up to 20 million doses by the end of 2020, with an eye toward producing hundreds of millions of doses next year. “Even going from a few million to 20 million will allow you to protect the epicenters of the virus, and then drive out the virus from our society as we ramp up to hundreds of millions,” Pfizer research chief Mikael Dolsten told Reuters in an interview. Using synthetic mRNA technology can enable the vaccine to be developed and manufactured more quickly than traditional vaccines, the companies said. Pfizer said last week it expects to make safety data on the vaccine available by late May. The trial will initially aim

to test different dosing regimens of four potential vaccine candidates on around 360 healthy volunteers divided into a younger cohort and a group of seniors. The trial will expand to more subjects after researchers determine which compounds and dosing regimens are most effective, said Kirsten Lyke, a director at the University of Maryland’s Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, which is participating in the trial. Doses have already been administered to some volunteers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Pfizer plans to expand the trial to sites across the United States in early July, and may ultimately enroll more than 8,000 participants, a company spokeswoman said. If successful, the U.S. clinical trial would be one of the fastest ever progressions of a vaccine from early stage studies to regulatory approval, compressing a development process that often takes as much as a decade to just over 9 months. “This is the equivalent of

Small bottles labeled with a “Vaccine COVID-19” sticker and a medical syringe are seen in this illustration taken taken April 10, 2020. doing phases one, two and three of a typical clinical trial but all compressed into the May through October time frame,” Lyke said. BioNTech is producing the vaccine for the trials in its European manufacturing facilities. Pfizer is investing in developing its own manufacturing capacity for the vaccine, and is preparing sites in Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri and Belgium to begin producing it. Both companies will jointly commercialize the vaccine, if approved.

Washington approves virus drug as US states ease lockdowns American authorities have approved an experimental drug for emergency use on coronavirus patients, as more US states eased pandemic lockdowns despite another spike in deaths from the disease. The approval is the latest step in a global push to find viable treatments and a vaccine for the coronavirus, which has left half of humanity under some form of lockdown, hammered the world economy and infected more than 3.3 million people. Remdesivir, an antiviral drug initially developed to treat Ebola, was given the green light on Friday after a major trial found that it boosted recovery in serious COVID-19 patients. “It’s really a very promising situation,” President Donald Trump said on Friday at the White House, where he was joined by Daniel O’Day, CEO of Gilead Sciences, which developed Remdesivir. The drug incorporates itself into the virus’s genome, shortcircuiting its replication process. Its approval came as the US leaders struggled with growing pressure from citizens wearying of stay-at-home orders. With about 1.1 million confirmed coronavirus cases and

nearly 65,000 deaths, the United States has the highest tolls of any country, and Trump is keen for a turnaround as the world’s largest economy reels with tens of millions left jobless. “Hopefully, we’re going to come in below that 100,000 lives lost, which is a horrible number nevertheless,” said Trump, after suggesting earlier in the week the country could expect 60,000 or 70,000 fatalities. Texas became the largest US state yet to ease curbs, while antilockdown demonstrations were held in several states -- including California, where officials had reclosed beaches beginning Friday to avoid a repeat of last weekend when crowds flocked to the shoreline. In Huntington Beach, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) south of Los Angeles, several thousand people rallied to denounce Governor Gavin Newsom’s beach shutdown order. “It was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” protester Monica Beilhard fumed. “It was uncalled for, unnecessary and people out here are making that known,” she said. - ‘Slow, phased’ reopening Governments around the world are struggling to balance the immense political and economic pressure to

ease lockdowns with the need for public health measures against the spread of the virus, which has killed more than 236,000 people. Several European countries have begun to lift restrictions, with authorities in some of the hardesthit parts like Spain reporting signs that the pandemic there was slowing. Britain announced that it had hit its target of conducting 100,000 coronavirus tests a day, a step toward eventually lifting lockdown rules in the UK -- which this week overtook Spain to record the world’s third-highest death toll. But Ireland extended its lockdown by two weeks to May 18, with Prime Minister Leo Varadkar saying the nation will reopen “in a slow, phased, staged way” after that. In Asia, India announced that the lockdown on its 1.3 billion people -- the world’s biggest -- would continue for two more weeks from May 4. And in Singapore, the government said Saturday that pet food stores and hair salons will be allowed to reopen on May 12. Most of the city-state’s infections have been detected at dormitories housing migrant workers, and their confinement was extended to June 1. The virus restrictions

also put a damper on May Day celebrations worldwide on Friday as many labor unions delayed their rallies and some held online events, while a determined few hit the streets in facemasks in defiance of lockdown orders. - Sharp rhetoric May Day carried extra significance this year because of the staggering number of people put out of work by the pandemic, with the global economy in a tailspin and facing its worst downturn since the Great Depression. Stock markets tumbled again on Friday after President Trump’s unproven allegation that the virus may have come from a lab in Wuhan -- the central Chinese city where the disease first emerged late last year. Beijing has rejected the accusation, and scientists believe the virus jumped from animals to humans. The White House has accused Chinese authorities of mishandling the outbreak and putting American lives at risk. The disease overwhelmed healthcare infrastructure when it hit the United States, putting immense pressure on medical workers.

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Cayman Islands Cabinet to consider extending border closure until September Cayman’s borders could remain closed at least until September if Cabinet assents to a new paper heading its way. Premier Alden McLaughlin said the issue of extending the closure of the islands’ air and sea borders beyond the end of this month, when the current order expires, would be considered this week. “The government is certainly not reopening the borders anytime soon,” he said at the daily COVID-19 briefing on Monday. “Indeed, there will be a Cabinet paper this week which will ask Cabinet to agree that all ports remain closed until 1 September,” McLaughlin said. The islands’ ports of entry were first closed in late March on the heels of Cayman’s first COVID-19 case. The ban applies to international flights, as well as to cruise ships and pleasure craft. Over the weekend, reports started circulating that Carnival Cruise Lines has been selling tickets for August trips to Grand Cayman. McLaughlin has insisted that Cayman will not reopen its borders to tourists prematurely. He said it could be six months or longer before visitors could return here. Governor Martyn Roper

also weighed in on the issue of border closures, stressing the importance of maintaining the British Airways air-bridge with the United Kingdom. He said Cayman had already arranged two British Airways flights, and government is “very open” to arranging more. “We have no prospect of our borders being opened anytime soon, so that air-bridge is a really important link with the outside world, and I have been contacted [Monday] by many people who have children at boarding school in the UK, so we need to take all these issues into account,” Roper said. He urged those seeking flights to continue to write to the travel help-line on emergencytravel@gov.ky if they need to leave the Cayman Islands. “It’s really depends on demand, because if the demand is there, we will organise an airbridge,” he said. On Monday, India announced that it will begin a phased reopening of its airports to allow for repatriation of its nationals. More than 300 Indian nationals in the Cayman Islands have already indicated their intention to return home. Roper said he was “very

Premier Alden McLaughlin. aware of that news, which is clearly welcomed”. He said Cayman is in contact with the British High Commission in New Delhi to work on the next steps on getting flights arranged. He also indicated that talks with the Jamaican government continue regarding repatriation flights for nationals residing in the Cayman Islands to be allowed to return home. He acknowledged concerns around the closure of airports in the Philippines, but said he believed this was a temporary measure.

Elizabeth Riley appointed Executive Director (Acting) of CDEMA The Chairman of the Council of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), Hon. Ralph Higgs, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Riley as Executive Director (Acting) of the Agency with effect from May 1, 2020. Ms. Riley joined the team at the CDEMA Coordinating Unit in 2001 and has been the Deputy Executive Director since April 2012. She also acted in the Deputy position between 2009 and 2012. Ms. Riley has over 20 years experience in the area of disaster management at the regional and international levels in various capacities. As Deputy, she held overall responsibility for the Agency’s technical programming and provided strategic guidance in the areas of Preparedness and Response, Mitigation, Recovery, Education and Training and Information Management. At the operational level, Ms Riley has played a leadership role in the coordination of regional responses to Hurricanes Ivan (2004), the Haiti Earthquake (2010); Tropical Storm Erika (2015), Hurricanes Joaquin (2015), Matthew (2016), Irma (2017), Maria (2017) and Dorian (2019). Her field experience includes the leadership of CDEMA deployment teams in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma (2017) and Dorian (2019). Ms. Riley is currently playing a leadership role in the coordination of the region’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She has written, presented, and published technical papers in disaster management and environmental management whilst attached to CDEMA and prior to that during her tenure at the University of the West Indies and the Ministry of Physical Development and Environment in Barbados.

No cruise tourists in The Bahamas for five months Nassau Cruise Port is projecting passenger numbers will plummet by 61.4 percent in 2020, with no new arrivals for at least five months, as it today launches its $130m bond financing. Michael Maura, Nassau Cruise Port’s chief executive, said the operator/developer is forecasting that the cruise industry will return to Prince George Wharf after “six months of nothing” in the 2020 fourth quarter with much-reduced passenger numbers. Speaking to Tribune Business after the port’s capital raising was formally unveiled to potential investors and finance houses on Friday, Mr Maura said arrivals coming through The Bahamas’ biggest tourism gateway are projected to drop by 2.34m year-over-year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic falling from 3.81 in 2019 to 1.47m. That near-two-thirds decline includes the 835,000 passengers who arrived in Nassau between New Year’s Day and the start of the economic lockdown on March 16, meaning that some 635,000 cruise arrivals are forecast to come during a final quarter that includes the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

Nassau Cruise Port’s projections, which were shared with this newspaper and investors, forecast a steady post-2020 recovery even though 2021 passenger numbers will likely still be almost 32 percent down on 2019 figures at 2.6m. Cruise arrivals are predicted to rebound to 3.7m in 2022, just below last year’s numbers, before finally exceeding 2019’s benchmark when 3.88m are brought to the Bahamian capital. Passenger numbers are predicted to grow steadily thereafter at 4.8 percent per annum through 2030, and at 3.8 percent thereafter, with total arrivals hitting 7.48m in 2039. Mr Maura, describing Nassau Cruise Port’s projections as “conservative”, acknowledged that the 2020 passenger numbers represented “a material reduction” as a result of COVID-19’s impact and the subsequent global cruise industry shutdown. “In the first quarter we handled on average 76,000 passengers a week,” he told Tribune Business. “In the fourth quarter we’re looking at handling approximately 48,000 passengers a week. That’s after six weeks of nothing.... “We said we’re going to look

at the fourth quarter. I have spoken to, and had the benefit of speaking with, every cruise line that comes to The Bahamas. They say The Bahamas is significant and strategic in their return to the water. “They see themselves calling on The Bahamas first because of the three to four-day cruises, enabling them to offer two to three calls in the same itinerary, and with only one head (departure) tax needing to be paid.” Mr Maura said the Nassau Cruise Port was basing its rebound optimism on multiple factors, not least The Bahamas’ proximity to the major south Florida cruise ports as well as its geography, which enables it to offer calls at multiple islands. The US Jones Act, which requires foreign-flagged vessels such as cruise ships to make at least one overseas port of call before they can return to their US home port, coupled with the Trump administration’s tightening of relations with Cuba, again makes The Bahamas the only viable port of call on the short three to four-day cruises likely to be popular in COVID-19’s immediate aftermath. And, with 113 new cruise vessels on order as at March 1, 2020,

Michael Maura, Nassau Cruise Port’s chief executive. with a collective 232,172 passenger capacity, Mr Maura said “those ships have to sail some place” once all the necessary health and safety protocols were properly implemented. Still, acknowledging that the recovery will not be immediate, Mr Maura said that once past the pandemic Nassau will still be some 1.21m cruise visitors down compared to 2019 for the 2021 full-year. “That is less than 70 percent of the 2019 numbers,” he added. “We’re still more than 30 percent below in 2021 what we had in 2019. Not until 2023 are we going to see 2019 numbers. We believe we’re going to find we’re going to be busy, but at the same time we’d rather be conservative.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


Royal Caribbean boss says numbers ‘likely to be restricted’ when cruising restarts

Cruise ships are likely to be restricted to carrying fewer guests to allow for “more natural space” when cruising first re-starts after the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the boss of Royal Caribbean UK. Speaking at the line’s first ‘Café Royal’ webinar for trade partners, vice president EMEA Ben Bouldin said that as well as enforced reduced load factors, cruise lines are also anticipating more automation at check-in, increased screening and enhanced medical facilities and capacity on board. He said lines were also looking at new procedures to disembark guests quickly from ships in the event of a future Covid-19 outbreak, and said social distancing measures in dining rooms and around the pool decks are all likely for postpandemic cruising. “Until there’s a vaccine, we’re trying to understand what the new normal is. Things will

be really different. Be reassured we are looking at absolutely everything,” Bouldin said. “It’s incredibly complex. We have to get the right balance of accommodating changes to make sure everyone is safe, while not undermining our guests’ enjoyment of their holiday.” Bouldin added that there had been confirmation from Clia in the US that a medical letter would not be required to travel and he said that he did not expect to have to give mature travellers any special treatment. He also hopes the line would continue to be able to support Vice President EMEA Ben Bouldin guests with disabilities. Bouldin said the line “We are not expecting to was preparing to “shout loud have to treat people over 70 any and proud” about its health differently. We are confident and safety protocols when it we have the ability to look after returns to service, and said the them,” said Bouldin. re-introduction of ships into “And we hope to be able the market would be “staggered” to support guests with all sorts of disabilities. Our intention to allow it to complete the is absolutely to remain an “mammoth task” of getting crew in the right places. inclusive holiday experience.”

Dream Tobago digital campaign launched SCARBOROUGH Tobago - As the global travel and tourism industry continues to grapple with the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL) launched a digital campaign to bring some much needed positivity and hope to their global travel community, and encourage past and future visitors to keep “Dreaming of Tobago”. This marketing campaign by the TTAL not only seeks to keep Tobago front of mind for travellers until the island can safely open for business once again, but is also a message of solidarity with the global travel community. Tobago joins destinations and partner organisations across the globe - including the Caribbean Tourism Organisation, World Travel and Tourism Council and

the World Tourism Organisation - in spreading a united message of resilience, positivity, and a commitment to charting the way forward in the industry for a brighter tomorrow. #DreamingOfTobago is a 100% user-generated campaign that seeks to tell the story of Tobago through the eyes of its past visitors and current residents. Through this campaign, TTAL will showcase the island through stunning photography, captivating videos and nostalgic testimonials, so that the destination remains top of mind for regional and international visitors amid the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. After a “soft-launch” at the beginning of April, in May 2020 the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited officially launched the #DreamingOfTobago initiative with a short teaser video

introducing the campaign on their online platforms. Featuring stunning aerial and underwater footage of unspoilt Tobago, the video invites the online travel community to join the conversation and share their memories using the official hashtag #DreamingOfTobago, while spreading a message of hope and keeping the passion for travel alive. Louis Lewis, CEO of TTAL stated: “Our intention with this campaign is to keep our global travel community connected and inspired with memories of experiences in destination Tobago. “Dreaming of Tobago” provides a platform for sharing, connecting, and collectively anticipating the future when visitors are able to travel to unspoilt, untouched, undiscovered Tobago once again.”

Little Dix Bay, a Rockefeller Resort in the Caribbean, is restored to its rustic glory There have never been economy.” It wasn’t just highmany hotels in the world that you could say were decades ahead of minded principles that moved their time; cutting-edginess is not Rockefeller, it was also his belief an imperative in the hospitality that untrammeled nature was business. But as the catamaran the ultimate luxury for harried that picked me up from Tortola, humans. (He wouldn’t even where commercial flights to allow the lawns to be “fineHis well-heeled the British Virgin Islands land, mowed.”) approached Virgin Gorda’s Little guests, he felt, would find true Dix Bay and its eponymous resort repose and rejuvenation not (it’s quite the mood setter: a half- at a conventional resort but in mile crescent of palm-fringed something extraordinary, which white sand), I thought of its he imagined as a “sophisticated founder, ¬Laurance Rockefeller. fishing village” with a central, “Keep the environment welcoming “long house.” as undamaged as possible,” he And so they did—even directed architect Walther Queen Elizabeth, who visited in Prokosch after buying up 500 1966, two years after Little Dix acres of Virgin Gorda’s coast and opened. hills in 1959. “Keep things simple Its renovation, which was just and informal… Utilize natural completed by its current owners, resources and…benefit the local Rosewood Hotels, after a four-

year closure during which the place was nearly wiped out by Hurricane Irma, pays homage to and reinvig¬orates Rockefeller’s ideas. The central opensided dining ¬pavilion—four soaring conical roofs designed, in Prokosch’s words, “to evoke something storm-tossed, irregular, tropical…[with] the look of tamed wildness”—survived the decades but for a few roof tiles, which have been replaced. Everyone still congregates there among the Midcentury Modern–tinged rustic furnishings, and the new rum bar is excellent, as are the three restaurants, which serve largely farm-to-table food from an abundant kitchen garden (tours welcome).

Bahamian PM Minnis is new Health Minister

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis will “temporarily” assume the position of Health Minister following the resignation of Dr. Duane Sands, announced The Cabinet Office tonight. Sands’ resignation comes after a shocking revelation last week that six American permanent residents were allowed to disembark a plane along with a donation of COVID-19 test swabs amidst the country’s border closure. In a short statement on the matter late last night, Minnis thanked Sands for for his service to The Bahamas, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. Minnis previously served in the position under former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham. The prime minister has not had a clearly defined portfolio and serves as a minister of ministers. At the time of the government’s swearing in, he said he made the decision in order to perform his primary constitutional duty as prime minister, that being the coordination and oversight of the Cabinet. Upon coming into office, the prime minister said he would hold his Cabinet to the highest standard of ethical conduct in the performance of its students. Minnis sent a strong warning to his ministers that should they engage in unsavory or unethical behaviour, they would immediately be fired. During a national address on Sunday, Minnis characterised the entry of the Americans as a breach of protocol. He however has not addressed the matter directly. Sands tendered his resignation letter earlier yesterday, noting that his continued presence on the Cabinet may serve as a “distraction” from the government’s effort to manage the spread of the virus in the country. “My actions were guided by my great desire to obtain the much-needed testing swabs which are in short supply both here and internationally and which are key to our efforts to trace the spread of the coronavirus so as to better focus our responses,” he said. “I acted at all times in good faith. “Nevertheless, I acknowledge that my actions have caused embarrassment for which I express sincere regret.” The Tribune revealed in an article yesterday that Aviation Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar approved the arrival of the aircraft that brought the supplies and its passengers to the country. Immigration Director Clarence Russell also reportedly provided Department of Immigration approval for the passengers, the article revealed. Additionally, the residents were allowed into the country without being tested for the virus until a day after their arrival. They all reportedly tested negative. The unfolding revelations comes as hundreds of Bahamians abroad are also trying to return home amidst the global pandemic. The country remains on a nationwide shutdown with the borders closed to all incoming passengers.

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CARIBBEAN NEWS UWI’s leadership gives percentage of salaries to student fund The senior executive leadership of The University of the West Indies (The UWI)—the Vice-Chancellor, Campus Principals, ProViceChancellors, University Bursar and University Registrar—have all committed to allocating a percentage of their salaries for the next three months towards a student hardship fund. The aim of the fund is to promote equity of access for all students as well as provide much needed additional counselling services during this time. The executive leadership of the regional university has recognised that the rapid transition to emergency online teaching in response to the regional spread of COVID-19 has exposed the enormity of challenges facing financially and socially marginalised students. With a student body of close to 50,000, at least 10,000 of them are believed to be functioning in a social circumstance that makes it excessively difficult to participate equally and equitably in this moment of digital intensification. The principals across The UWI’s five campuses stepped up in developing remedial projects to confront this reality and to restore the level playing field provided by the physical classroom culture.The UWI alumni have been called upon to participate in fundraising and philanthropists have also responded by donating hundreds of tablets. The offer of a salary-source contribution from the executive leadership to enhance student wellbeing“is another part of the UWICARES project, designed to empower any excluded element ofthe student body,” says Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles. He explained, “This is a justice gesture to further illustrate our commitment. We are here to serve and support them in their quest to succeed.”

Maersk ship loses propulsion after fire in Caribbean Sea

For Haitians, die of hunger today or coronavirus tomorrow? When the novel coronavirus first appeared in Haiti authorities and humanitarian experts panicked, worried about the country’s decrepit health system -- but the pandemic’s economic consequences could prove yet deadlier for the nation’s poor. With just eight official virus fatalities as of Saturday, the COVID-19 pandemic is still in its infancy in Haiti, where staying at home and social distancing are unattainable luxuries for many who make their living in the informal economy. In an attempt to stem the spread of the virus the government of Haiti -- the poorest country in the Americas -- announced that wearing a mask would be compulsory in all public places beginning May 11. Masks aside, for many Haitians the main question remains: Die of hunger today or coronavirus tomorrow? On the hilltops east of Port-au-Prince, in the Petionville suburb, merchants took a stand for the latter option, protesting in the streets against a rule limiting their commercial activities to three days a week -- a town hall directive mainly issued in vain. Consumer panic that followed the March 19 announcement that COVID-19 had arrived on Haitian shores has subsided, and customers are now making more measured purchases, particularly considering their often limited means. Cereals constitute twothirds of the daily caloric intake of the average poor Haitians. However the price of one such staple -- rice -- has more than doubled in some markets compared with 2019.

On the hilltops east of Port-au-Prince, in the Petionville suburb, merchants have been protesting in the streets against a rule limiting their commercial activities to three days a week Inflation has accelerated The estimate projected since March, and the sharp that starting in March nearly rise in prices linked to the three million Haitians would be coronavirus pandemic will only facing “severe food insecurity,” worsen a recession which began a UN classification just below about 1.5 years ago. famine. “With the looming crisis, Haiti’s diaspora has long we expect a decline of almost kept the country from plunging four percent,” of gross domestic into even deeper poverty by product, Prime Minister Joseph sending money home: More Jouthe said during an annual than $3 billion is transferred finance summit held online this back to Haiti each year by those year. living abroad, totaling about a third of the nation’s GDP, official - Risk of famine figures show. “Haitians depend on Half of all Haitian jobs remittances for food, education are in agriculture, even though and even funerals,” Haitian the sector accounts for only 21 economist Kesner Pharel said. percent of the country’s GDP, However the diaspora, according to Haitian economist mainly based in the United Etzer Emile. States, is now facing a wave Poor workers who own of massive unemployment tiny farms watch their incomes sweeping the world’s largest melt away in the lean season economy. between harvests, making Haiti’s Ministry of preparations for the next harvest Economy and Finance predicts ever more difficult, especially that the financial aid will drop in certain regions already by almost a quarter in the threatened by drought. coming months. Long before the “We like to say that coronavirus pandemic crippled when the American economy the global economy, the suffers from the flu, Haiti suffers United Nations warned that from pneumonia: The millions 40 percent of Haitians would of jobs lost in the United States need emergency humanitarian will cause worsening extreme assistance in 2020. poverty for sure,” Pharel said.

CDEMA receives donation from the Caribbean Credit Union Movement to support logistical operations in response to COVID-19

A Maersk Line containership A Maersk Line containership suffered an engine room fire that left the ship adrift in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Guadeloupe. The 1,800-TEU Maersk Vilnius was traveling to Port Elizabeth, South Africa from Freeport, Bahamas when the fire broke out. The fire was eventually brought under control and extinguished with no injures suffered by the ship’s crew. The Alp Defender later arrived on scene to bring the containership undertow. AIS ship tracking data shows the ALP Defender has a destination of Manzanillo, Panama. “The vessel remains at sea in a safe area. Required firefighting measures were promptly deployed by vessel’s crew and fire has been extinguished. Vessel power has been restored, including the power to reefer units on board,” Maersk Line said in a statement. The M/V Maersk Vilnius was built in 2010 and is registered in Singapore.

Through a tangible demonstration of commitment towards the fight against COVID-19 in the region, the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions (CCCU), the apex regional association for Credit Unions through its Foundation donated US$ 25,000 towards CDEMA’s regional logistical operations for the COVID-19 response to its member countries. “Many of our credit union members are frontline personnel in the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and our mandate for the Foundation is to provide assistance to affected regional member countries during and in times of natural disasters or emergencies”, said Denise Garfield, General Manager of the CCCU. As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread across the

region, CDEMA continues to lead the coordination of the regional multi-sectoral response through the Regional Response Mechanism (RRM) in support of its Participating States. As at May 4, 2020, CDEMA’s 19 Participating States have reported 1,163 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 62 deaths. “CDEMA has maintained a high level of support to its Participating States in response to COVID-19. To this end, CDEMA in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP) are leading the development and coordination of an Integrated Regional Logistics Hub (IRLH). The concept of the IRLH will make full use of an Air-bridge to provide the Caribbean region with both emergency cargo and passengers movement in response to the current crisis. CDEMA deeply appreciates

the support of the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions to these efforts”, said Elizabeth Riley, Acting Executive Director of CDEMA. The logistics is being undertaken in direct support of the specialized Core Coordination Cell (Health), which has been established for COVID-19, comprising Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), CDEMA, the CARICOM Secretariat and Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). This cell generates hazard specific (COVID19) information which (i) drives coordination actions by cells of the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) and (ii) facilitates the interface between existing Health Sector response coordination mechanisms.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020



Pompeo says ‘significant’ evidence that new coronavirus emerged from Chinese lab

Las Vegas torn by virus as casinos clamor to reopen

A smattering of cars drove past the eerily quiet hotels and casinos, shuttered since mid-March, while a handful of tourists gathered by the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign to take photos. But beneath the quiet of the world-famous Strip, Sin City is in turmoil. A tug of war has emerged between the need for safety during the coronavirus pandemic and the survival of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at a news the gambling capital’s tourism conference at the State Department, in Washington, U.S., industry, which some casino April 29, 2020. operators fear will never be the same. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Nevada’s Culinary on Sunday there was “a significant amount of Union Local 226, which evidence” that the new coronavirus emerged represents some 60,000 casino from a Chinese laboratory, but did not dispute and hotel workers, has had 98 U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that it percent of its members laid off, was not man-made. according to secretary-treasurer “There is a significant amount of Geoconda Arguello-Kline. evidence that this came from that laboratory At least 12 union in Wuhan,” Pompeo told ABC’s “This Week,” members have died from the referring to the virus that emerged late last year COVID-19 outbreak, out of in China and has killed about 240,000 people Nevada’s total death toll of 243. around the world, including more than 67,000 Arguello-Kline said the in the United States. union fully supports Nevada Pompeo then briefly contradicted Governor Steve Sisolak’s decision a statement issued last Thursday by the to extend the lockdown until at top U.S. spy agency that said the virus did least May 15. not appear to be man-made or genetically “He is doing what he can modified. That statement undercut conspiracy to protect us,” she told AFP. “I theories promoted by anti-China activists and know it is tough for people, but some supporters of President Donald Trump if you lose your life, you have who suggest it was developed in a Chinese lost what is most important.” government biological weapons laboratory. But the length of time of the “The best experts so far seem to shutdown -- and whether it was think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point,” Pompeo said. even necessary -- has triggered heated debate in Las Vegas. When the interviewer pointed out that was not Carolyn the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies, Mayor Goodman has called the Pompeo backtracked, saying: “I’ve seen what the intelligence community has said. I have no reasonto believe that they’ve got it wrong.” The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for clarification on Pompeo’s comments. U.S. President Donald China’s Global Times, run by the ruling Trump said on Sunday he now Communist Party’s official People’s Daily, said believes as many as 100,000 in an editorial responding to Pompeo’s Sunday Americans could die in the interview that he did not have any evidence coronavirus pandemic, after the virus came from the lab in Wuhan and that the death toll passed his earlier he was “bluffing,” calling on the United States estimates, but said he was to present the evidence. confident a vaccine would be “The Trump administration continues developed by the year’s end. to engage in unprecedented propaganda warfare Trump alternated while trying to impede global efforts in fighting during a two-hour virtual town the COVID-19 pandemic,” the editorial said. hall broadcast by FOX News Thursday’s report from the Office of between forecasting a rapid the Director of National Intelligence said it recovery for the U.S. economy concurred with “the wide scientific consensus” and casting blame for the that the disease was not man-made. pandemic’s spread on China, U.S. officials familiar with intelligence where the disease is believed to reporting and analysis have said for weeks that have originated. they do not believe Chinese scientists developed The COVID-19 illness, the coronavirus in a government biological caused by the new coronavirus, weapons lab from which it then escaped. has sickened more than 1.1 Rather, they have said they believe it million in the United States was either introduced through human contact and killed more than 67,000 with wildlife at a meat market in the central city Americans, shut wide swaths of of Wuhan, or could have escaped from one of society, including most schools two Wuhan government laboratories believed and many businesses. to be conducting civilian research into possible “We’re going to lose biological hazards.

Closed Las Vegas casinos shutdown “insanity,” and has pleaded for the city to be reopened. Last month, Goodman faced some national backlash after a controversial television interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. In a statement released last week, Goodman –- who still enjoys support among many Las Vegas residents eager to get back to work -- emphasized the need to reopen in the “safest” way. “Las Vegas is in a unique economic crisis,” she wrote. - ‘A way to adapt’ Key to the debate is how Las Vegas casinos could safely reopen their doors if the restrictions were lifted. Inventors have touted Plexiglas barriers at blackjack tables and other card tables, which would separate the dealer and each player. Some resorts have rolled out thermo-imaging plans to check patrons’ temperatures at a casino entry.

Arguello-Kline said social distancing measures must be put in place, from restaurants to elevators, along with personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves for workers. “Extra cleaning and sanitizing at restaurants” is needed, she added. But Tim Brooks, the owner of the Emerald Island Casino in neighboring Henderson, is leery of any plans that would intrude on his customers’ privacy. “I don’t want to be taking everybody’s temperature who comes through the doors, as we are not medically trained,” he said. “And, it is going to be 104 or 105 degrees outside in the summer. So, how can you tell who really has a temperature?” Las Vegas gaming historian David Schwartz admitted nobody really knows what a reopened Las Vegas -and its many casino nightclubs, pools and buffets -- will look like.

Trump says up to 100,000 Americans may die from coronavirus anywhere from 75, 80 to 100,000 people. That’s a horrible thing,” said Trump, who as recently on Friday had said he hoped fewer than 100,000 Americans would die and earlier in the week had talked about 60,000 to 70,000 deaths. About half the states have now moved toward at least partial lifting of shutdowns as the number of new cases of the COVID-19 illness has begun to drop or level off and as citizens agitate for relief from restrictions that have sent the economy into a tailspin. “We can’t stay closed as a country (or) we’re not gonna have a country left,” Trump said. Trump has criticized FOX recently, casting the conservative-leaning network as insufficiently supportive. He faced few tough questions in the event, which gave him a

U.S. President Donald Trump new format to reach the public while he is unable to hold campaign rallies and after he faced widespread criticism for his combative daily briefings. In an assessment that clashes with those of some public health experts, Trump said he believed that by the end of the year there would be a vaccine against COVID-19.

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North Korea’s Kim reappears after weeks of speculation North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has made his first public appearance in nearly three weeks, state media reported Saturday, following intense speculation that the leader of the nuclear-armed nation was seriously ill or possibly dead. State television showed Kim walking, smiling broadly and smoking a cigarette at what the North said was the opening of a fertiliser factory on Friday in Sunchon, north of Pyongyang. Rumours about Kim’s health have been swirling since his conspicuous no-show at April 15 celebrations for the birthday of his grandfather, the North’s founder -- the most important day in the country’s political calendar. His absence triggered a series of fevered rumours and unconfirmed reports over his condition, while the United States and South Korea insisted they had no information to believe any of the conjecture was true. Seoul’s unification ministry reacted to Saturday’s report by saying “groundless” speculation about Kim had caused “unnecessary confusion”, calling for more careful consideration in future. Kim’s sudden death would have left Pyongyang facing an

unplanned succession for the first time in its history and raised unanswered questions over who would succeed him and take over the North’s nuclear arsenal. China, the North’s key diplomatic ally and main provider of trade and aid, is keen to maintain stability in its neighbour and avoid the possibility of an influx of refugees. North Korea is “at the epicentre of an extremely tense security crisis”, involving “a nuclear standoff where tens of millions of lives are at stake,” Henri Feron, Senior Fellow at the US Center for International Policy, told AFP. “This raises legitimate concerns about the domestic and international instability that his death could cause.” Footage showed Kim in his trademark black suit, waving to hundreds of workers who cheered his appearance and released balloons. He was flanked by senior officials -- including his sister and close adviser Kim Yo Jong -- and showed no outward signs of ill health. At one point Kim sat in front of a sign that described the event as a factory opening ceremony for May 1, 2020, but his appearance could not be independently verified.

Seoul’s unification ministry reacted to Saturday’s report by saying “groundless” speculation about Kim had caused “unnecessary confusion”, calling for more careful consideration in future. Kim’s sudden death would have left Pyongyang facing an unplanned succession for the first time in its history and raised unanswered questions over who would succeed him and take over the North’s nuclear arsenal. China, the North’s key diplomatic ally and main provider of trade and aid, is keen to maintain stability in its neighbour and avoid the possibility of an influx of refugees. North Korea is “at the epicentre of an extremely tense security crisis”, involving “a nuclear standoff where tens of millions of lives are at stake,” Henri Feron, Senior Fellow at the US Center for International Policy, told AFP. “This raises legitimate concerns about the domestic and international instability that his death could cause.” Footage showed Kim in his trademark black suit, waving to hundreds of workers who cheered his appearance and released balloons. He was flanked by senior officials -- including his sister and

Cuomo says it’s ‘shocking’ most new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who had been staying home Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing. It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%. “If you notice, 18% of the people came from nursing homes, less than 1% came from jail or prison, 2% came from the homeless population, 2% from other congregate facilities, but 66% of the people were at home, which is shocking to us,” Cuomo said. “This is a surprise: Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,” he added. “We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.” Cuomo said nearly 84% of the hospitalized cases were people who were not commuting to work through car services, personal cars, public transit or walking. He said a majority of those people were either retired or unemployed. Overall, some

A spokeswoman for Cuomo’s office did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for additional comment on the governor’s remarks. Cuomo said the state’s hospitalization rate has continued to decline, although at a “painfully slow” rate. He said around 600 infected people were still walking through hospital doors every day, although that number has also declined. While data shows the coronavirus is on the decline New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York, the new survey 73% of the admissions were results appear to clash with people over age 51. Cuomo’s prior assurances that He said the information isolation can reliably prevent shows that those who are transmission. hospitalized are predominantly “I was afraid that it was from the downstate area in or going to infect my family no around New York City, are not matter what I did. We’re past working or traveling and are that,” Cuomo said at a press not essential employees. He also conference on April 13. “If said a majority of the cases in you isolate, if you take the New York City are minorities, precautions, your family won’t with nearly half being African get infected.” American or Hispanic. The daily figures, Cuomo said state health including the number of officials had thought a high people who have died from percentage of people who were the coronavirus, will probably hospitalized would be essential be much higher than what has employees, like health-care been reported, Cuomo said. workers or city staff, who are He said the state has not been still going to work. fully documenting the at-home “Much of this comes deaths that may be attributable down to what you do to protect to Covid-19. An additional 232 yourself. Everything is closed people died from the coronavirus down, government has done on Tuesday. everything it could, society has “I think that the reality done everything it could. Now is going to be worse,” Cuomo it’s up to you,” Cuomo said. said.

North Korea’s Kim Jong. close adviser Kim Yo Jong -- and showed no outward signs of ill health. At one point Kim sat in front of a sign that described the event as a factory opening ceremony for May 1, 2020, but his appearance could not be independently verified. Citing an unidentified source inside the country, it said Kim -- who is in his mid-30s -- had needed urgent treatment due to heavy smoking, obesity and fatigue. CNN then reported that Washington was “monitoring intelligence” that Kim was in “grave danger” after undergoing surgery, quoting an anonymous US official.

Five-year-old caught driving parents’ car in Utah

Five-year-old caught driving parents’ car in Utah Some toddlers spill milk in the kitchen or give their parents a headache by pulling the cat’s tail. Five-year-old Adrian took the family car, and was only caught when police in Utah state stopped him on the freeway. A patrolman spotted the SUV weaving across lanes at 30mph (50km/h), and issued a traffic stop, duly obeyed by the driver. He was shocked to discover the child behind the wheel, who said he was on his way to buy a Lamborghini. The boy told police that he had left home after his mother refused to buy him the luxury vehicle - lower-priced models cost over $180,000 (£144,000) - which sparked an argument. “He decided he’d take the car and go to California to buy one himself,” Utah Highway Patrol said on Twitter. “He might have been short on the purchase amount, as he only had $3 dollars in his wallet.” Dash camera footage posted by KSL-TV shows the vehicle weaving slightly in traffic before pulling over at the police signal. Highway patrol initially thought it might be an impaired driver behind the wheel. In the footage, the officer can then be heard saying “How old are you? You’re five years old?” once he sees the boy. The boy was sitting at the very edge of the seat to be able to reach the pedals. He had made it about a five minutes’ drive from home.

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Explainer: When will PM Johnson send Britain back to work? British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due this week to present a possible way out of the coronavirus lockdown to get the world’s fifth largest economy back to work without triggering a second spike in cases. The government is obliged to review the lockdown by May 7 and Johnson has said he would like to set out a roadmap and a menu of options for easing restrictions. However, Johnson has also outlined five tests that must be met before the restrictions can be lifted in the country with the secondhighest death toll in Europe after Italy. TEST ONE “The National Health Service (NHS) has sufficient capacity to provide critical care and specialist treatment right across the United Kingdom.” Government scientists say the number of infections is coming

down. Hospital admissions are them to plateau for a while. declining too, as is the number of TEST THREE patients in critical care. In London, there is clear decline in the number “Reliable data to show that of people with COVID-19 in hospital but the decline is less marked in the rate of infection is decreasing to other regions such as Scotland, the manageable levels across the board.” North East of England and the East Johnson has said keeping the of England. reproduction number - R0 or “R nought” - down is absolutely vital. TEST TWO That’s the average number of people that one person with the “A sustained and coronavirus infects. Scientists say consistent fall in daily deaths from the R number is in a range of 0.6 to 0.9 whereas it was 3.0 in March. coronavirus.” The worst days for deaths That means each infected person is were April 21 when 1,172 deaths now, on average, infecting less than were reported and April 10 with one other person. 1,152. Since April 21, the daily toll went as low as 338 on April 27 and TEST FOUR as high as 1,005 on April 24. Deaths “Operational challenges rose by 315 to 28,446 on May 2. including testing and personal protective equipment (PPE) are ADVERTISEMENT in hand with supply able to meet Government scientists say future demand.” that while the daily death tolls Health Secretary Matt Hancock said show a downward trend they expect on Friday that the United Kingdom

Detained American claims he plotted Maduro’s capture in Venezuela TV statement A former U.S. soldier captured in Venezuela said on Wednesday that he had been contracted by a Florida security firm to seize control of Caracas’ airport and bring in a plane to fly President Nicolas Maduro to the United States. Venezuelan authorities on Monday arrested the man, Luke Denman, along with fellow U.S. citizen Airan Berry and 11 others, in what Maduro has called a failed plot coordinated with Washington to oust him. During questioning broadcast on state television, Denman said the firm, Silvercorp USA, had signed a contract with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to seek Maduro’s removal. A Guaido advisor told CNN on Wednesday that he had signed an exploratory agreement, but it had never been finalized and the opposition did not support the attempted incursion. U.S. President Donald Trump has denied involvement. A senior Trump administration official said Maduro’s accusations of a U.S. role “are not credible” and the administration remained focused on “achieving a peaceful, democratic transition in Venezuela.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that the U.S. government would use “every tool” to secure the Americans’ return, if they were being held in Venezuela. In the video, Denman, 34, answered questions from a person off-camera speaking in English Denman, who looked calm and wore a gray t-shirt, said his mission was to secure the airport and establish outer security. He did not give details on how his group planned to get Maduro on a plane. It was unclear when or where the video was made, and where Denman and Berry are being held. In March, the U.S. Department of Justice charged Maduro and a dozen other current and former Venezuelan officials with “narco-terrorism” and the Trump administration offered a reward of $15 million for information leading to his arrest. “I was helping Venezuelans take back control of their country,” Denman, a former special operations forces member, said in the video.

had hit its target of carrying out 100,000 COVID-19 tests a day. He said 122,347 tests were conducted in the 24 hours to 0800 GMT on Friday. However, figures on Sunday showed only 76,496 tests had been carried out the previous day. There have been problems, however, in getting PPE to some front line health workers and care homes. TEST FIVE “Confident that any adjustments to the current measures will not risk a second peak of infections that overwhelms the NHS.” This is the hardest test to fathom and the most dangerous for Johnson. Scientists will be watching the R number very closely to ensure it does not rise above 1.0. There is no specific treatment for the new coronavirus nor is there a vaccine as yet.

UK PM says doctors had plan in case he died of COVID-19 Doctors treating Boris Johnson for coronavirus prepared to announce his death after he was taken to intensive care, the British prime minister said on Sunday, in his first detailed comments about his illness. “It was a tough old moment, I won’t deny it,” he was quoted as saying by the Sun on Sunday newspaper in an interview. “They had a strategy to deal with a ‘death of Stalin’type scenario. “I was not in particularly brilliant shape and I was aware there were contingency plans in place. The doctors had all sorts of arrangements for what to do if things went badly wrong.” Johnson, 55, first announced he had contracted COVID-19 on March 27 but maintained he had only mild symptoms. Yet he failed to shake the illness after a week of selfisolation. He was taken to hospital as a precaution on April 5 for further tests but within 24 hours was moved to intensive care. The Conservative party leader spent three days receiving “oxygen support”, and admitted after his discharge on April 12 that his fight with the virus “could have gone either way”. But although he told the newspaper he did think “how am I going to get out of this?”, he did not think at any point he was going to die.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Johnson, who returned to work last Monday and became a father again when his fiancee Carrie Symonds gave birth on Wednesday, said he was given “litres and litres” of oxygen in hospital. He said he felt frustrated he was not getting better but the reality hit home when doctors were deliberating whether to intubate him and put him on a ventilator. “That was when it got a bit... they were starting to think about how to handle it presentationally,” he told the weekly tabloid. - ‘Pretty groggy’ Johnson has repeatedly paid tribute to staff of the staterun National Health Service (NHS) for their care. He and Symonds’ baby boy, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas

Johnson, is named in part after two of the doctors who led his care -- doctors Nick Price and Nick Hart. Both are experts in infectious diseases and ventilation. Symonds, 32, said in an Instagram post earlier to announce the boy’s name that Hart and Price “saved Boris’ life last month”. The Sun on Sunday said Johnson was emotional when recalling his treatment and recovery, which he called “an extraordinary thing”. He said he had been “in denial” about the seriousness of his condition at first, as he tried to continue to work despite feeling “pretty groggy”. He also said he did not want to go to hospital at first but doctors were adamant because of his low oxygen levels. “Looking back, they were right to force me to go,” he said. Johnson said the experience had made him more determined to fight the disease and get the country back to normal. His comments came as the government announced 621 more deaths in the outbreak, taking the overall cumulative toll to 28,131 -- just behind Europe’s worst-hit country, Italy. He said he would announce a “roadmap” towards easing the lockdown restrictions imposed in late March later this week.

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When will we start traveling again? Here’s what experts are saying

The coronavirus pandemic has rocked the international economy and disrupted our lives like nobody could have imagined at the beginning of 2020. Things may never return to the way they were before the Covid-19 crisis. But the world won’t stay on lockdown forever. We asked experts in public health and various industries for their best predictions on what the world will look like when the pandemic finally recedes. In this segment of our series, ”The Next Normal,” we look at what experts are saying about when travel might resume. In April 2019, more than 2 million travelers passed through U.S. airports every day. A year later, the coronavirus pandemic all but shut down air travel, as people sheltered in their homes, scared that recycled air and close quarters will make airplanes a breeding ground for Covid-19 infections. Air travel has dropped by more than 95%, with some days seeing fewer than 100,000 air travelers across the country. Is this the beginning of a permanent decline in air travel? Or will things return to normal? While the experts acknowledge they don’t have a crystal ball, they all agreed that it would take around 18 to 24 months before there’s a significant spike in demand and the industry begins to return to regular levels. In the meantime, the travel industry will undergo some very big changes: Airports may institute new kinds of security checks to screen travelers who are sick, nervous tourists will vacation closer to home, and the travel experience will be dominated by large chains as small hotels and restaurants struggle or go out of business. A survey published last week from Longwoods International, a market research firm focused on the travel industry, found that 82

percent of Americans have already changed their travel plans for the next six months because of the coronavirus. Fifty percent said they would cancel trips, and 45 percent expect to reduce travel in that time frame, according to the survey of 1,000 American adults. “What we have seen since the country went into shutdown with talks to reopen is that intent was directionally heading up,” said Amir Eylon, the firm’s president and CEO, who has been conducting regular surveys since the pandemic was declared. “But now we’re seeing a plateau.”

Airlines are starting to require passengers and crew to wear masks, and many carriers are leaving middle seats open and doing away with beverage service. Many airlines are still canceling international flights through the summer and into fall. Even as airlines and authorities put safety measures in place, people will have to feel safe before demand picks up. Some people — particularly the one-third of Americans at high risk of hospitalization if they get exposed to the virus — will stay home until there’s a vaccine or some kind of proven treatment, which Air travel: Risky would likely mean a year or longer and slow to return avoiding travel. Others will wait for Some countries are thinking reassurance from senior health about how to get people traveling officials and scientists, not just again while reducing exposure. airlines and travel experts. Airlines like Delta are “Many people are not going considering issuing informal to feel safe going back to crowded “immunity passports,” for instance, airplanes ... until they see that the to people who can prove they have number of new deaths from the already been infected. virus has gone down to almost But those in public health, none in their region, or until there like Harvard global health professor is a vaccine or much better ways of Ashish Jha, are skeptical. tracing and isolating who has it,” Jha notes that the test results said Robert Reich, the former U.S. might be inaccurate, especially given Labor secretary and a professor at the the variable quality of the antibody University of California at Berkeley. tests. “The testing is still very flawed,” he warned. And even if people have The rise of the ‘staycation’ recovered and have antibodies, it’s possible they could be infected again. Safety is not the only factor. Temperature checks at airports could As the economy sours, people are also become the norm. But Jha notes also nervous about splurging on air that these might not catch cases travel to luxury destinations. where the person is asymptomatic. “We’re still talking about All in all, without “aggressive testing, whether we might see a U-shaped tracing, and isolation,” he said, it recovery, or more of an L, or even will be very challenging for airlines a W, if there’s a second wave of to reassure travelers that people with coronavirus cases,” said Josh Collins, Covid-19 aren’t on board. who runs marketing for Streetsense, “When it comes to resuming a branding firm that specializes in activities as before, it’s about your hospitality, travel and real estate. He risk tolerance,” Jha said. “There’s no thinks the days of taking a lavish magic formula.” annual trip to a tropical destination People who do hop a flight will might be over for a while until find the experience is very different. people feel confident about their

A passenger walks through Reagan National airport. finances again. Instead, they might look for local options, like camping or road trips, that are easier on the wallet. For example, Noble House Hotels & Resorts in San Francisco, which includes the high-end Argonaut Hotel and Hotel Zoe, is fielding calls from European tourists who say they need to postpone their trip for later in the year or even into 2021, according to area manager Stefan Muhle. He’s also seeing a drop in bookings from business travelers because of the cancellation of conferences, including Dreamforce, which brings 200,000 people to San Francisco every November. Now, he’s considering a new market: staycationers. Rather than the standard excursions, which might involve booking a tour bus for a large group, he’s thinking creatively about marketing the hotel as a luxurious place to spend the night after a hike in a nearby national park, such as Muir Woods. Trips with an emphasis on the outdoors might be particularly appealing after people have been cooped up in their homes for months.

UK reports Europe’s highest COVID-19 death toll, outpaces Italy More people have died in the United Kingdom from coronavirus than any other European country, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). On Tuesday, ONS’s weekly figures added more than 7,000 deaths in England and Wales, raising the total for the UK to 32,313. The figure is the result of one of several methods for calculating deaths and difficult to compare with other countries, but it offers the clearest sign yet that the UK could emerge as the worst-hit country in Europe, despite being struck later than other countries. While the UK government’s daily data had until recently only included hospital deaths, ONS figures have been broader, comprising deaths where a positive test for COVID-19 was confirmed in places such as care homes. ONS is a non-ministerial

The true figure for deaths from coronavirus may be even higher. The ONS said 33,593 more people had died than the average up to April 24 in England and Wales, compared with 27,365 cases in which coronavirus was mentioned on the death certificates. Opposition parties have raised questions about UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s initial decision to delay a lockdown at a time when hospitals in Italy were Workers in protective clothing at a temporary mortuary in the car park of Central Jamia Mosque already being overrun. Ghamkol Sharif as the spread of COVID-19 continues, Birmingham, Britain, April 21, 2020. They also say his government department that reports directly to Italy, until now the worst- was too slow to introduce mass and provide enough the UK Parliament. affected European country in terms testing In the week to April 24, ONS of deaths, has reported 29,072 deaths. protective equipment to hospitals. The UK is this week expected said at least 28,272 people died with Nick Stripe, head of health analysis the virus in England along with and life events at the ONS, tweeted to present a possible way out of 1,376 in Wales - a total of 29,648. that while the week ending April 24 the lockdown to get the world’s In London, one of the UK’s saw a downward trend from the week fifth-largest economy back to work epicentres,50.5 percent of all deaths earlier, the death rate was “still more without triggering a second spike in registered in the week ending April than double the five-year average for cases. 24 involved COVID-19. this week of the year.”

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The key races that will likely determine control of the U.S. Senate The battle for U.S. Senate control is among the biggest electoral fights in 2020, along with the presidential contest. Democrats need a net gain of four seats to win the majority in the Nov. 3 elections - or three, if presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden defeats Republican President Donald Trump and gives Democrats the tiebreaking vote. Here are the 10 most competitive races, according to independent analysts: ALABAMA Democrat Doug Jones is probably the most vulnerable senator, given Alabama’s deep Republican lean. His vote to convict Trump at his impeachment trial could hurt him in a state Trump won by nearly 30 percentage points in 2016. Jeff Sessions, the former U.S. attorney general who previously held Jones’ seat, and Tommy Tuberville, the former head football coach for Auburn University who has gotten Trump’s endorsement, are vying for the Republican nomination. COLORADO Republican Senator Cory Gardner faces an uphill battle to win a second term in a state Trump lost by five percentage points in 2016. In 2018, Democrats swept statewide races, took full control of the legislature and picked up a U.S. House seat. Gardner faces a top Democratic recruit: John Hickenlooper, the former two-term governor who ran unsuccessfully for president. Recent polls give Hickenlooper the edge, and he outraised Gardner $4.1 million to $2.5 million in the first quarter. ARIZONA Republican Martha McSally, a former Air Force combat pilot, was appointed to fill a vacant Senate seat shortly after losing her 2018 bid for the state’s other Senate seat. She faces Democrat Mark Kelly, a former astronaut and the husband of former U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, who is now a prominent gun safety advocate after nearly dying in a mass shooting. Kelly raised $11 million in the first quarter, nearly double McSally’s total. The state narrowly voted for Trump in 2016 and is seen as a toss-up in this year’s White House and Senate contests. MAINE Republican Senator Susan Collins has fended off challenges before, even though

U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) arrives for a briefing on the corona virus outbreak in China, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 24, 2020. Maine has voted Democratic in every presidential election since 1992. But her 2018 vote to confirm U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and to acquit Trump at his impeachment trial earlier this year damaged her image as a moderate willing to buck her party. Her likely Democratic opponent, Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, raised $7.1 million in the first quarter, while Collins brought in $2.4 million. Polls show a race too close to call. NORTH CAROLINA

Gary Peters will try to hold his seat amid a pitched battle between Biden and Trump in the presidential contest. Trump’s surprise Michigan win in 2016 proved crucial to his overall victory. The presumptive Republican nominee, John James, is an Iraq War veteran who ran unsuccessfully for Senate in 2018. James has outraised Peters since last year, but the incumbent remains a slight favorite. GEORGIA

R e p u b l i c a n businesswoman Kelly Loeffler, appointed to the Senate in January, has seen her standing hurt by accusations of profiting from the coronavirus outbreak after financial disclosures showed she and her husband traded millions of dollars in stock just before markets crashed. Loeffler has said outside MONTANA advisers made the trades without her knowledge. Her Two-term Governor challengers include Republican Steve Bullock, who abandoned U.S. Representative Doug his presidential bid in December, Collins, a strident Trump ally, entered the Senate race in March and Democrat Raphael Warnock, after a sustained recruitment a reverend. The candidates effort from national Democrats. compete in an all-party election He will take on first-term in November, with a January Republican incumbent Steve runoff if no one reaches 50%. Daines. Bullock has KANSAS demonstrated the ability to win statewide despite Montana’s Kansas - where Trump Republican lean - in 2016, he won by 20 percentage points in won by four percentage points 2016 - would not normally have while Trump notched a 20-point a competitive Senate race. But victory. But Trump’s popularity Republican Senator Pat Roberts in the state could help carry is retiring after 24 years in office, Daines to another term. and U.S. Secretary of State IOWA Mike Pompeo, a former Kansas Republican Senator Joni Ernst congressman, declined to run, is favored in a state Trump leaving a crowded Republican won by nine percentage points, nominating battle. but both parties see the race as Democrats hope competitive. The top Democratic former Kansas Secretary of challenger, businesswoman State Kris Kobach, who lost the Theresa Greenfield, nearly gubernatorial election in 2018, matched Ernst in fundraising in emerges from the field. They the first quarter. believe his hard-right stances on voter ID laws and immigration MICHIGAN could help the top Democratic challenger, former Republican Democratic Senator state lawmaker Barbara Bollier. Republican Thom Tillis, a first-term senator, faces Army veteran and former state Senator Cal Cunningham in a toss-up race in this presidential swing state. Cunningham raised $4.4 million in the first three months of the year, more than double Tillis’ total.

Japan’s coronavirus lockdown strips exotic dancer of her savings

Exotic dancer Aya Yumiko Exotic dancer Aya Yumiko has been living off her savings since March waiting for the bars and clubs in Tokyo where she performs in burlesque shows to reopen. But a decision by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this week to extend a state of emergency to tackle the coronavirus pandemic until the end of May means Yumiko could use up her last reserves of cash before she can get back to work. “I had enough saved up to last me for two or three months,” the 40-year-old dancer who performs under the name Aya Mermaid told Reuters before Abe’s decision. During her unexpected break she uses a sewing machine at home to fashion new costumes from feathers, faux fur and other materials, and tries to keep fit with springtime runs through a nearby park. Japan’s lockdown has been less severe than many other countries, with bars, restaurants and other entertainment venues asked to stay closed rather than ordered to do so. Despite a $1.1 trillion stimulus package, the Japanese economy is slowing, with factory output down and consumer prices in Tokyo falling for the first time in three years. Self-employed gig workers like Yumiko, who have less access government financial help and have already seen their income evaporate and savings dwindle, will be among the most vulnerable. Yumiko says she makes as much as $3,000 a month from two performances a week. Most of that, however, is from tips, which means she has no way of showing how much she usually earns should she apply for government relief.

UK court rejects trans man’s bid to be named child’s father A British appeal court on Wednesday rejected a transgender man’s bid to be named the father rather than the mother on his child’s birth certificate, saying existing law balanced trans rights with children’s interests. Freddy McConnell, who transitioned aged 22, had argued that the law breached his and his son’s right to privacy and family life. He will seek permission to appeal to Britain’s Supreme Court, his lawyer said. England and Wales’s Court of Appeal rejected McConnell’s challenge to an earlier ruling that someone born female who becomes male and gives birth to a child should be legally regarded as a mother. “The view that parliament has taken is that every child should have a mother and should be able to discover who their mother was, because that is in the child’s best interests,” it said in its ruling. McConnell, who had the child in January 2018, called the decision “disappointing”. “It’s really not just about a man having a baby,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “I didn’t even appreciate this when I started out on this process, it’s really about all transgender parents.” “It’s disappointing, but I think a while ago, a long time ago now, I made peace with the fact that this is actually just going to be a long road,” he added.

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WORLD NEWS New coronavirus spread swiftly around world from late 2019, study finds A genetic study of samples from more than 7,500 people infected with COVID-19 suggests the new coronavirus spread quickly around the world after it emerged in China sometime between October and December last year, scientists said on Wednesday. Scientists at University College London’s Genetics Institute found almost 200 recurrent genetic mutations of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - which the UCL researchers said showed how it is adapting to its human hosts as it spreads. “Phylogenetic estimates support that the COVID-2 pandemic started sometime around Oct. 6, 2019 to Dec. 11, 2019, which corresponds to the time of the host jump into humans,” the research team, co-led by Francois Balloux, wrote in a study published in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolution. Balloux said the analysis also found that the virus was and is mutating, as normally happens with viruses, and that a large proportion of the global genetic diversity of the virus causing COVID-19 was found in all of the hardest-hit countries. That suggests SARS-CoV-2 was being transmitted extensively around the world from early on in the epidemic, he said. “All viruses naturally mutate. Mutations in themselves are not a bad thing and there is nothing to suggest SARS-CoV-2 is mutating faster or slower than expected,” he said. “So far, we cannot say whether SARS-CoV-2 is becoming more or less lethal and contagious.” In a second study also published on Wednesday, scientists at Britain’s University of Glasgow who also analysed SARS-CoV-2 virus samples said their findings showed that previous work suggesting there were two different strains was inaccurate. JUST ONE VIRUS TYPE CIRCULATING A preliminary study by Chinese scientists in March had suggested there may have been two strains of the new coronavirus causing infections there, with more of them more “aggressive” than the other. But, publishing their analysis in the journal Virus Evolution, the Glasgow team said only one type of the virus was circulating. More than 3.71 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and 258,186 have died, according to a Reuters tally. Cases have been reported in more than 210 countries and territories since they were first identified in China in December 2019. The genetic studies offer “fascinating” insights into the evolution of the virus, and emphasise that it is “a moving target with an unknown evolutionary destination”, said Jonathan Stoye, head of the division of virology at Britain’s Francis Crick Institute. “All the evidence is entirely consistent with an origin towards the end of last year, and there’s no reason to question that in any way,” Stoye said. A study by French scientists published earlier this week found a man in France was infected with COVID-19 as early as Dec. 27, nearly a month before authorities there confirmed the first cases. The World Health Organization said the French case was “not surprising” and urged countries to investigate any other early suspicious cases. Balloux’s team screened the genomes of more than 7,500 viruses from infected patients around the world. Their results add to a growing body of evidence that SARS-CoV-2 viruses share a common ancestor from late 2019, suggesting this was when the virus jumped from a previous animal host into people.

Father, son charged with killing black man Ahmaud Arbery

Georgia authorities arrested a white father and son Thursday and charged them with murder in the February shooting death of a black man they had pursued in a truck after spotting him running in their neighborhood. The charges came more than two months after Ahmaud Arbery, 25, was killed on a residential street just outside the port city of Brunswick. National outrage over the case swelled this week after cellphone video that appeared to show the shooting. Those close to Arbery celebrated the news but also expressed frustration at the long wait. “This should have occurred the day it happened,” said Akeem Baker, one of Arbery’s close friends in Brunswick. “There’s no way without the video this would have occurred. I’m just glad the light’s shining very bright on this situation.” Gregory McMichael, 64, previously told police that he and his son chased after Arbery because they suspected him of being a burglar. Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper Jones, has said she thinks her son, a former football player, was just jogging in the Satilla Shores neighborhood before he was killed on a Sunday afternoon. Benjamin Crump, an attorney for the slain man’s father, Marcus Arbery, said it was outrageous that it took so long for arrests to be made. “This is the first step to justice,” Crump said in a statement. “This murderous father and son duo took the law into their own hands. It’s a travesty of justice that they enjoyed their freedom for 74 days after taking the life of a young black man who was simply jogging.” The Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced the arrests the day after it began its own investigation at the request of an outside prosecutor. The agency said in a news release that Gregory McMichael and

This photo combo of images taken Thursday, May 7, 2020, and provided by the Glynn County Detention Center, in Georgia, show Gregory McMichael, left, and his son Travis McMichael. his 34-year-old son, Travis on the left side of a road. A truck McMichael, had both been is parked in the road ahead of jailed on charges of murder and him. One of the white men is aggravated assault. inside the pickup’s bed. The The GBI news release said other is standing beside the the McMichaels “confronted open driver’s side door. Arbery with two firearms. During The runner crosses the the encounter, Travis McMichael road to pass the pickup on the shot and killed Arbery.” No passenger side, then crosses back other details were immediately in front of the truck. A gunshot released. sounds, and the video shows the It was not immediately runner grappling with a man in known whether either of the the street over what appears to McMichaels had an attorney be a shotgun or rifle. A second who could comment on the shot can be heard, and the charges. runner can be seen punching Gregory McMichael the man. A third shot is fired at served as an investigator for point-blank range. The runner Glynn County District Attorney staggers a few feet and falls face Jackie Johnson. He retired last down. year. The connection caused Brunswick defense Johnson to recuse herself from attorney Alan Tucker identified the case. himself Thursday as the At a news conference person who shared the video before the arrests were with the radio station. In a announced Thursday, statement, Tucker said he Republican Gov. Brian Kemp wasn’t representing anyone told reporters he was confident involved in the case. He said he state investigators would “find released the video “because my the truth.” community was being ripped “Earlier this week, I apart by erroneous accusations watched the video depicting and assumptions.” Mr. Arbery’s last moments alive,” Tucker did not say how Kemp told a news conference he obtained the video. He did in Atlanta. “I can tell you not immediately respond to a it’s absolutely horrific, and phone message or an email. Georgians deserve answers.” The outcry over the Gregory McMichael told killing reached the White House, police he suspected the runner where President Donald Trump was the same man filmed by a offered condolences Thursday security camera committing a to Arbery’s family. break-in. He and his grown son, “It’s a very sad thing,” Travis McMichael, grabbed guns Trump said in the Oval Office, and began a pursuit in the truck. “but I will be given a full report The video shows a black this evening.” man running at a jogging pace

North and South Korea exchange gunfire at border: Seoul North Korean troops fired multiple gunshots towards the South in the DMZ dividing the peninsula on Sunday, prompting South Korean forces to fire back, Seoul said. The rare exchange of gunfire comes a day after North Korean state media reported that leader Kim Jong Un had made his first public appearance in nearly three weeks following an absence that triggered intense speculation about his health and fears about the stability of the isolated nation. A South Korean guard post was hit by several shots

from the North, the joint chiefs of staff (JCS) in Seoul said in a statement, adding no casualties were reported in the South. “Our military responded with two rounds of gunfire and a warning announcement,” the JCS said. The South Korean military later said the North Korean gunshots were “not deemed intentional”, according to the Yonhap news agency. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said he believed the shots had not been fired on purpose, telling ABC’s “This Week” it was likely they

were “accidental”. The two neighbours remain technically at war, after fighting in the Korean War was halted with an armistice in 1953. Despite its name, the demilitarized zone is one of the most fortified places on earth, replete with minefields and barbed-wire fences. The last time the two sides exchanged fire on the border was in 2014. North Korean soldiers also shot at a defector in 2017 but the South did not fire back.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The House Keeping Department requires:   

The Dining Room Department requires:

Houseman Room Attendant Public Area Cleaner/Attendant

Reports to:

   

Executive Housekeeper

The Room Attendant assumes primary responsibility for guestroom cleaning and servicing. The Housemen are responsible for delivering clean linen and clearing dirty linen from Room Attendants’ trolley. The general maintenance of all corridors and walkways on assigned floor/section are also the responsibility of the Housemen. The Public Area Cleaner/ Attendant is responsible to service all other areas and offices. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $6.25- $6.50 per hour 

Executive Housekeeper

Assist the Executive Housekeeper in monitoring the day to day operations of the housekeeping Department, thus ensuring the satisfaction of the guests. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Minimum of 3 years supervisory housekeeping experience in a first class resort;  Knowledge of chemicals and other cleaning agents and there usage;

The range for this position is $7.25 to $9.00 per hour Linen Room Attendant

Reports to:

Executive Housekeeper

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour and $7.25 to $9.00 per hour

  

Bartender Bar Porter Cocktail Server/ Pool and Beach Server

Reports to:

Bar/Beverage Manager

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies

The range for these positions are $6.25- $6.50 per hour The Kitchen Department requires:    

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.25- $7.00 per hour The Spa Department requires:

Chef Cook Cook Grade 1,2 and 3 Pastry Cook

Reports to: Executive Chef Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef and Sous Chef, and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies, procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training;  Three to five years’ culinary experience hotel/resort.

Spa Therapist

Reports to:

To provide prompt, courteous and professional service to all patrons; monitoring service standards and assisting where possible, ensuring the smooth flow of the restaurant operation and enhancing the guests’ experience.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

To maintain order and cleanliness in the linen room and to assist with all of the activities related to the linen room, to record all items received and issued.

Restaurant Manager

Have a full knowledge of mixology and the use of all bar equipment, glassware and ingredients. Maintain a clean and efficient bar. Have an excellent command of guest service information and consistently practice excellent service with a friendly smile.

The Supervisor position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Reports to:

The Bar Department requires:


Reports to:

Server/ Waiter/ Waitress Banquet Server Cleaner/Labourer Shift Leader

Spa Manager

The Spa Therapist is responsible for the comfort of the guests of the spa while performing treatments. Direct all efforts toward guest satisfaction achievement of Spa standards, and profit maximization. As part of the Spa Team it is imperative to work harmoniously to achieve the highest standard of service.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions is $6.25 to $9.00 per hour

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a valid License/Certificate in your field of expertise;

The Stewarding Department requires:

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Reports to:

The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour plus commissions 

Spa Attendant (Cleaner)

Reports to:

Spa Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Spa Manager within the scope of established Sandals Resort policies, the Spa Attendant (Cleaner) will ensure that all aspects of Spa cleaning duties are performed accordingly Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Steward/Labour Stewarding Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Stewarding Manager and Stewarding Supervisors within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all aspects the stewarding operation are performed accordingly. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on-island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted. The range for this position is $6.25-$6.50 per hour

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder. The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than May 27th 2020

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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LIFE STYLE WORLD NEWS Campari braces for full impact of virus as Aperol loses its fizz Drinks group Campari (CPRI.MI) warned on Tuesday that it will feel a more severe impact from the coronavirus crisis in coming quarters, after reporting a 5% drop in sales between January and March. Campari’s sales in Italy, its secondbiggest market, fell 24% on an organic basis in the first quarter, the company said on Tuesday, and global consumption of its bright orange aperitif Aperol was flat after double-digit growth last year. “The group expects its performance to be more impacted in the second quarter and the beginning of the third, the peak season for the high margin and on-premise skewed aperitif, business,” Campari said in a statement. In a conference call with analysts, Campari Chief Financial Officer Paolo Marchesini said there would be pressure on margins in the second quarter, but added the group was cutting costs and postponing discretionary spending to mitigate the coronavirus effect. The maker of red bitter Campari and Aperol said first-quarter sales fell 5.3% on an organic basis as lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of the virus dented demand for its aperitifs, especially in Italy. Total sales dropped to 360 million euros in the first three months compared with 370 million euros a year earlier. Global sales of Aperol fell 0.2% in the first quarter compared with a 27% increase in the same period of last year.

Quarantine with 31 children? Costa Rican family’s labor of love Coronavirus lockdowns present a plethora of challenges for families suddenly forced to spend weeks on end under one roof. But try hunkering down at home with 31 kids. Costa Rican couple Melba Jimenez and Victor Guzman, parents to 31 adopted children living in their home, have done just that for the past six weeks as the pandemic widened in Latin America. “This is about life or death. We have to take care of ourselves,” said Jimenez, a retired fashion design worker. “We have to do it out of love and out of responsibility.” Aged between 3 and 25, their charges are among over 150 children the couple have taken in over the past four decades, after doctors saved one of their six biological offspring from a brain tumor. Their own six are now grown up and have left home. Their adopted children at least have some room to roam, thanks to the spacious home with a large yard in the capital San Jose that an anonymous donor gave the family. Jimenez, 68, and Guzman, a 74-year-old former sales agent, live off their pensions, though neighbors who admire their dedication to

Victor Guzman and Melba Jimenez, a couple with 37 adopted children, take time to read the Bible and pray as they undergo self-quarantine together in their home during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in San Jose, Costa Rica May 4, 2020. raising children help with food include housework like sweeping and clothing. and cooking, and helping the Keeping the youngsters younger ones with homework. occupied can be challenging. Older siblings are “It’s an experience that entrusted with chores beyond I think is beautiful. It’s nice the front gate, like David Guillen, and it’s difficult,” Jimenez said. 21, who goes into town on his “We can’t say that everything bicycle for groceries wearing is easy. ... We have to look for gloves and a mask. interesting things for them, to His younger sister change things up, so they don’t Maritza Martinez said the get stressed out.” quarantine presented the rare They are also living in opportunity to enjoy time with one of the countries that appears her family. to have dealt most successfully “I know it’s boring to with the crisis. Costa Rica has spend time at home,” she said. reported six deaths from the “But you have to find ways to virus and 742 cases, but for stay entertained, to get off social weeks the number of people media, to spend more time with recovering has outstripped new people, something we hardly do cases. anymore.” Daily tasks for the kids

Yachts, wine cellars, private jets: isolating with the super-rich Stranded on superyachts or confined to their sprawling mansions worrying about their wine cellars, the world’s super rich have invited ridicule throughout the coronavirus pandemic with their apparent insensitivity to the plight of ordinary people. “Sunset last night... isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus. I’m hoping everybody is staying safe,” US media mogul David Geffen wrote on his Instagram account at the end of March. Above his message, he shared a picture of a huge yacht sailing in calm waters off islands in the Caribbean. The message triggered an avalanche of online indignation over the inequalities highlighted by the crisis, with Geffen’s paradise scene a world away from the grim spectacle of hours-long food queues elsewhere in the world. Some of the global elite rushed to dream homes in the countryside or were whisked away by private jet to seaside retreats. Specialist company PrivateFly said it had seen a surge in bookings from people wanting to leave at-risk countries, according to The Guardian. Others chose to invest in underground shelters, with Texasbased firm Rising S Bunkers telling the Los Angeles Times that their telephone had been ringing off the hook. - Luxury bunkers -

Cellars, in the upmarket Wimbledon area of southwest London, reported record-breaking activity. The FT magazine also stressed the importance of not letting fashion standards slip, even when trapped indoors, recommending to readers luxurious dressing gowns from Dolce & Gabbana and London-based Hamilton and Hare. - Fewer billionaires? -

Some of the global elite rushed to dream homes in the countryside, their superyachts or were whisked away by private jet to seaside retreats to avoid the pandemic Their bunker of choice, called the “Aristocrat”, includes a gym, sauna, swimming pool, jacuzzi, greenhouse garden and a garage -- all for a cool $8.35 million (£6.6 million, 7.6 million euros). Once hunkered down, the next question for the global glitterati has been how to cope in confinement. The Wall Street Journal, daily newspaper of the US business world and a favourite of the wealthy, wondered on April 16: “For the Rich, A Dilemma: Quarantine With Staff, or Do Their Own Chores.” The article cited the manager of a New York finance company who found himself calling his personnel management agency because he

could not get the bag out of his vacuum cleaner. “How to spend it”, the weekly glossy supplement of the venerable Financial Times in London, offered advice to the “problems” faced by its prosperous readers. It focused on the renowned London wine merchant Berry Bros. & Rudd, which sold its entire stock of fine Bordeaux wines at £150 a bottle. “When the confinement started, I opened some of my best bottles, as if the world was going to end,” one unfortunate confined to Provence in the south of France told the magazine. “I might as well drink them first.” Others have taken the opportunity to refurbish their wine cellars. Spiral

Even in confinement some billionaires have found ways to get richer since the beginning of lockdown, according to research group Institute for Policy Studies. The fortunes of US billionaires increased by nearly 10 percent to $282 billion between March 18 and April 10, mainly thanks to the stock market rebound of companies including Jeff Bezos’ Amazon and Elon Musk’s electric car manufacturer Tesla. Some though are donating to worthy causes, such as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, who is giving $1 billion to help fight the pandemic. Bezos has offered $100 million to US food banks. But Forbes says the crisis is beginning to take its toll and has already contributed to a decline in the number of billionaires worldwide from 2,153 in 2019 to 2,095 in 2020. “The world’s richest people are not immune to the devastating impact of the coronavirus,” Forbes journalist Kerry Dolan said.

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MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020




Disney takes $1.4 billion coronavirus hit, sets date to reopen Shanghai park

Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) estimated on Tuesday that global measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic cut profits by $1.4 billion, mostly from its shuttered theme parks, but said it would reopen Shanghai Disneyland to a reduced number of visitors next week. It is unclear when Disney’s other parks in Asia, the United States and France would again welcome visitors, executives said, or when the company’s range of idled businesses including retail stores and cruise ships would return. Disney said it will not pay a dividend for the first half of the fiscal year, which will preserve $1.6 billion in cash assuming it had kept the dividend constant at 88 cents per share. Bob Chapek, who became Disney’s chief executive in February just as the novel coronavirus was spreading around the globe, said Disney would reopen the Shanghai park on May 11. The Chinese government has asked Disney to cap attendance at 30% of capacity, or roughly 24,000 people, Chapek said. Disney will restart operations with “far below” that number for a few weeks while it adjusts to new safeguards including social distancing, masks and temperature screenings, he said. “While it’s too early to predict when we’ll be able to begin resuming all of our operations, we are evaluating a number of different scenarios to ensure a cautious,

The sign of Walt Disney Studios Park is seen at Vallee, near Paris, France, March 9, 2020. sensible and deliberate approach to the eventual reopening of our parks,” Chapek said. Just three months ago, Disney was boasting about a record year for its movie studio and a strong start to the company’s dive into the streaming media wars. In late January, the coronavirus started battering businesses across Disney’s global portfolio when the company shuttered Shanghai Disney Resort and Hong Kong Disneyland. By mid-March, all of the company’s theme parks were closed, movie theaters went dark, and television and film production were put on hold. Plus, Disney’s ESPN sports network was left with no major live sports to broadcast.

J. Crew files for bankruptcy as preppy retailer succumbs to COVID-19 fallout J. Crew Group Inc filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday with a plan to hand over control to lenders, adding to a list of brickand-mortar retailers pushed to the brink by widespread store closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The New York-based chain, known for preppy clothing at times worn by former first lady Michelle Obama, filed for bankruptcy in a Virginia federal court with an agreement to eliminate $1.65 billion of debt in exchange for ceding ownership to creditors. J. Crew is the first highprofile retailer to seek bankruptcy protection since the coronavirus spread across the globe, prompting government officials to order businesses deemed nonessential to temporarily close. It is likely not the last. Department store chains Neiman Marcus Group and J.C. Penney Co Inc (JCP.N) are contemplating bankruptcy filings amid the crisis, Reuters previously reported.

Anchorage Capital Group, Blackstone Group Inc’s (BX.N) GSO Capital Partners and Davidson Kempner Capital Management hold significant portions of J. Crew’s senior debt and are in line to take control of the company. They are also providing about $400 million of fresh financing to aid J. Crew’s operations, while it navigates Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, the company said in a statement. In addition to cancelling debt, J. Crew plans to permanently close some stores, though the final number it plans to shutter has not yet been determined, a person familiar with the matter said. The virus outbreak forced the company to temporarily close its nearly 500 J. Crew, J. Crew Factory and Madewell stores. In addition, the economic fallout and market turmoil stemming from the public health crisis resulted in the company shelving plans for an initial public offering of its Madewell business.

quarter of their value this year. Disney is expected to take a larger hit in the current quarter, which ends in June. The company said it does not intend to provide financial guidance for the rest of the year. It has taken steps to cut costs, including putting 120,000 employees on furlough, according a filing with securities regulators. Executives, whose salaries have also been reduced, said they were optimistic that Disney would rebound once the coronavirus crisis subsides. “I have absolute confidence in our ability to get through this the entrance of Disneyland Paris, in Marne-la- challenging period and recover successfully,” said Executive “In total, we estimate that the Chairman Bob Iger, who stepped COVID-19 impacts on our current down as CEO in February. Iger opened the call with a quarter income from continuing operations before income taxes statement about Disney’s history of across all of our businesses was as resilience before handing over to much as $1.4 billion,” Disney said, Chapek to address the company’s adding that $1 billion of that came unprecedented challenges. One area gaining as from losses at theme parks. Disney posted adjusted audiences shelter at home is Disney+, earnings per share of 60 cents for the streaming service the company January through March, down 63% launched in November. Disney+ had from a year earlier and short of the 89 54.5 million paying subscribers as of cents expected by analysts, according May 4, up from 50 million on April 8. The direct-to-consumer and to IBES data from Refinitiv. Net income from continuing operations international unit, which includes Disney+, is still spending large sums dropped 91% to $475 million. Shares of Disney fell 2.8% to build the service. The division in after-hours trade to $98.30, after lost $812 million in the just-ended losing 2% during the regular session. quarter, less than the analyst forecast Before the earnings report, Disney’s of $861 million. shares had lost more than one-

Children at risk as pandemic pushes them online, warns U.N. agency Children are accessing the internet at a younger age, spending longer online and are at greater risk of cyber bullying as the COVID-19 pandemic keeps them at home, a U.N. agency said on Tuesday. The Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union (ITU) estimated that 1.5 billion children are out of school due to lockdown measures to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, forcing them to go online for their schooling but also their social lives and hobbies. “Many children are coming online earlier than their parents had intended, at much earlier ages, and without the necessary skills to protect themselves whether it is from online harassment or cyber bullying,” Doreen Bogdan-Martin, an ITU director, told an online briefing. “The other thing is the length [of time] children are spending online whether simply for schooling or for entertainment, gaming, socialising... after their learning is completed,” she said.

The ITU, which develops standards and guidelines, is trying to accelerate the launch of recommendations for child protection online and release them over the next fortnight, BogdanMartin added. Doctors and psychologists have already warned about the impact of the outbreak and said the anxiety-inducing spread of the virus may be traumatic for children. The ITU noted, however, that the internet is a “vital digital lifeline”, and the pandemic has highlighted the so-called “digital divide” between those with and without internet access. A lack of internet access can be devastating for children’s education, Bogdan-Martin said, adding the ITU was working with the U.N. children’s fund to communicate via 2G technology. “If there’s one thing that the unprecedented events of the last few months have dramatically illustrated it is the vital and essential importance of connectivity,” she said.

MAY 8TH, 2020 – MAY 15TH, 2020


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BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY WORLD NEWS Apple, Google ban use of location tracking in contact tracing apps

The Apple Inc. logo is seen hanging at the entrance to the Apple store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, New York, U.S., October 16, 2019. Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google on Monday said they would ban the use of location tracking in apps that use a new contact tracing system the two are building to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Apple and Google, whose operating systems power 99% of smart phones, said last month they would work together to create a system for notifying people who have been near others who have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The companies plan to allow only public health authorities to use the technology. Both companies said privacy and preventing governments from using the system to compile data on citizens was a primary goal. The system uses Bluetooth signals from phones to detect encounters and does not use or store GPS location data. But the developers of official coronavirus-related apps in several U.S. states told Reuters last month it was vital they be allowed to use GPS location data in conjunction with the new contact tracing system to track how outbreaks move and identify hotspots. The Apple-Google decision to not allow GPS data collection with their contact tracing system will require public health authorities that want to access GPS location to rely on what Apple and Google have described as unstable, battery-draining workarounds. Alternatives likely would miss some encounters because iPhones and Android devices turn off Bluetooth connections after some time for battery-saving and other reasons unless users remember to re-activate them. But some apps said they planned to stick to their own approaches. Software company Twenty, which developed the state of Utah’s Healthy Together contact tracing app with both GPS and Bluetooth, said on Monday the app “operates effectively” without the new Apple-Google tool. “If their approach can be more effective than our current solution, we’ll eagerly incorporate their features into our existing application, provided it meets the specifications of current and prospective public health partners,” Twenty said. Canada’s Alberta province, which does not collect GPS data, said it has no plans to adopt the Apple-Google system for its ABTraceTogether app. Privacy experts have warned that any cache of location data related to health issues could make businesses and individuals vulnerable to being ostracized if the data is exposed. Apple and Google also said Monday they will allow only one app per country to use the contact system, to avoid fragmentation and encourage wider adoption. The companies said they would, however, support countries that opt for a state or regional approach, and that U.S. states will be allowed to use the system.

U.S. airlines burn through $10 billion a month as traffic plummets U.S. airlines are collectively burning more than $10 billion in cash a month and averaging fewer than two dozen passengers per domestic flight because of the coronavirus pandemic, industry trade group Airlines for America said in prepared testimony seen by Reuters ahead of a U.S. Senate hearing on Wednesday. Even after grounding more than 3,000 aircraft, or nearly 50% of the active U.S. fleet, the group said its member carriers, which include the four largest U.S. airlines, were averaging just 17 passengers per domestic flight and 29 passengers per international flight. “The U.S. airline industry will emerge from this crisis a mere shadow of what it was just three short months ago,” the group’s chief executive, Nicholas Calio, will say, according to his prepared testimony. Net booked passengers have fallen by nearly 100% year-on-year, according to the testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee. The group warned that if air carriers were to refund all tickets, including those purchased as nonrefundable or those canceled by a passenger instead of the carrier, “this will result in negative cash balances that will lead to bankruptcy.” Separately, Eric Fanning, who heads the Aerospace Industries Association, will ask Congress to consider providing “temporary and targeted assistance for the ailing aviation manufacturing sector,” in testimony made public by the group. Boeing Co said last week it would cut 16,000 jobs by the end of the year, while GE Aviation plans to cut up to 13,000 jobs and airplane

Flight attendants talk in a nearly empty cabin on a Delta Airlines flight operated by SkyWest Airlines as travel has cutback, amid concerns of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), during a flight departing from Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S. April 11, 2020. supplier Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc is cutting 1,450 jobs. Fanning will say at the hearing that “there is strong support in our industry for a private-public partnership to protect jobs and keep atrisk employees on the payroll through the pandemic,” He will also raise concerns about some Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury lending programs that have “conditions that prevent companies from accessing this aid with the speed and flexibility required.” ‘DIFFICULT ROAD AHEAD’ U.S. airlines have canceled hundreds of thousands of flights, including 80% or more of scheduled flights into June as U.S. passenger traffic has fallen by 95% since March. They are conducting additional cleaning measures and requiring all passengers to wear facial coverings. Calio said airlines “anticipate a long and difficult road ahead. ... History has shown that air transport demand has never experienced a V-shaped recovery from a

downturn.” The U.S. Treasury has awarded nearly $25 billion in cash grants to airlines to help them meet payroll costs in exchange for them agreeing not to lay off workers through Sept. 30. Major airlines have warned they will likely need to make additional cuts later this year to respond to a long-term decline in travel demand. United Airlines Co said on Monday it planned to cut at least 3,450 management and administrative workers on Oct. 1, or 30% of those workers and has also said it will reduce hours for thousands of other workers. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers sued United on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in New York for what it called an “illegal implementation of drastic pay and benefit cuts.” United said in a statement that the lawsuit was “meritless,” and that the reductions were in compliance with the terms of its $5 billion in federal assistance and its collective bargaining agreements.

Zoom says it has 300 million daily meeting participants, not users Video conferencing provider Zoom said on Thursday it had mistakenly published a blog last week that put its daily users at 300 million people when the figure instead referred to the number of meeting participants. The Zoom blog from April 22 has now been edited to say that the company had surpassed “300 million daily Zoom meeting participants” instead of “more than 300 million daily users”. Shares of the video conferencing app fell nearly 7% to $136.86 in afternoon trade following an initial report by The Verge, which spotted the change in the blog post to meeting participants.

Reuters and other media outlets have been reporting Zoom’s meeting participants figure as daily active users. The company had not issued any clarification on how it was calculating its daily active users before the Verge report. A daily active user is defined as using the video conferencing service at least once a day and a meeting participant is counted as the member of a meeting. Thus a single daily active user could be counted multiple times as a meeting participant in a single day. Shares of Zoom rose 12% to a record high of $168.24 in April when it first reported that its daily active

users had topped 300 million. Microsoft said on Wednesday that its Teams had 75 million daily active users and had at least one day in April when there were 200 million meeting participants. Cisco Systems Inc’s videoconferencing app Webex also said it registered a record 324 million attendees in March. As corporations and schools shift to remote work and billions of people subject to stay-at-home orders seek ways to remain connected, Zoom has seen a surge in demand for its services. But it has also experienced a backlash as the increased use exposed privacy and security flaws.

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Don Shula, winningest NFL coach who led Dolphins to perfect season, dead at 90

Don Shula, a masterly coach with a square jaw who won more National Football League games than anyone else and guided the Miami Dolphins to two Super Bowl titles and the only perfect season in league history, died on Monday at 90. Shula, whose NFL coaching prowess with the Dolphins and the Baltimore Colts from 1963 to 1995 made him one of the most famous sports figures in America, died peacefully at his home, the Dolphins said in a statement. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Shula will be remembered as one of the greatest Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula is carried off the field by players Keith Sims (L) and Larry coaches and contributors in the Webster (C) after Miami defeated Philadelphia 19-14 in Philadelphia November 14, 1993. history of American football. “He was a remarkable teams to the Super Bowl, winning defensive lineman Bubba Smith, once joked: “If a nuclear bomb teacher and mentor who for decades twice. “I want to count my dropped, the only things I’m certain inspired excellence and exemplified integrity,” said Goodell. “His blessings. I’ve been able to do would survive are AstroTurf and iconic legacy will endure through something for a lifetime that I Don Shula.” Fellow Hall of Fame coach his family and continue to inspire have enjoyed doing,” Shula, with sunglasses, combed-back white hair John Madden in 1997 told the generations to come.” The 1972 Miami Dolphins and his trademark jutting jaw, said Miami Herald: “Nobody else has team that Shula guided stands as in 1997 as he was enshrined in the done it in so many ways, in so the only team in NFL history to Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, many different eras, with so many post a perfect record - 17-0 - as they Ohio. “I’ve had good health and different kinds of players.” Donald Francis Shula was marched to a Super Bowl victory I’ve met a lot of great people along born on Jan. 4, 1930, in Grand over the Washington Redskins. The the way.” In 2013, he wore the cream- River, Ohio, the son of Hungarian next season, Shula led them to a second straight victory in the Super colored jacket given to members parents. He played college football Bowl, America’s biggest sporting of the Hall of Fame to the White at John Carroll University in Ohio House when President Barack before spending seven seasons as a event. His coaching record in 33 Obama invited Shula and the rest defensive back with the Cleveland NFL seasons, including regular of the 1972 Dolphins for a special Browns, Baltimore Colts and season and playoff games, was 347 tribute. Obama lauded Shula, who Washington Redskins of the NFL. wins, 173 losses and six ties. No at age 83 sat in a motorized scooter, He retired after the 1957 season before working as a college football coach won more NFL games. Only as a legendary coach. Shula was such an enduring assistant coach at the University of one other coach, Chicago Bears stalwart George Halas, exceeded figure in professional football that Virginia. He came back to the NFL in 300 wins, with 324. Shula took six one of his former players, fearsome

Goodell reduces salary to $0, NFL employees take paycut Commissioner Roger Goodell will not be paid during the coronavirus pandemic as part of a leadership-initiated reduction in pay by the NFL. Multiple outlets reported the terms of the widespread pay reduction confirmed by a memo sent to teams on Wednesday. The NFL reductions include furloughs for employees who will still receive full medical benefits. “We hope that business conditions will improve and permit salaries to be returned to their current levels, although we do not know when that will be possible,” Goodell wrote in the memo. Goodell’s salary is no longer public record due to a change in tax status for the NFL. His last confirmed salary plus incentives was more than $40 million. Salary reductions take effect in May and include manager-

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell during a press conference before Super Bowl LIV at Hilton Downtown. level staffers accepting a reduction of 5 percent, director pay trimmed by 7 percent and 10 percent for vice presidents. Senior vice presidents are taking a 12 percent reduction and executive vice presidents lose 15 percent. Any employee with a base salary of less than $100,000 is not impacted by the reduction and the NFL determined it would not lower any salary below $100,000 as a result of these reductions, the memo said.

1960 when the Detroit Lions made him their defensive coordinator. In 1963, the Baltimore Colts hired Shula as head coach. At age 33, Shula was the youngest head coach ever in the NFL at the time. ‘A PUNCH IN THE MOUTH’ Shula once called his coaching style “as subtle as a punch in the mouth,” and his players knew he was firmly in charge. But he also knew human psychology enough to understand that different players needed to be motivated according to their own individual personalities - with a tongue-lashing for some, a calm explanation for some and humor for others. Shula did experience some noteworthy failures. On Jan. 12, 1969, his Colts were heavily favored to beat the New York Jets in Super Bowl III in Miami. But Joe Namath, the brash Jets quarterback, guaranteed his team would win. At the time, the Super Bowl pitted the champion of the venerable NFL against the champion of the upstart American Football League. The two leagues had already revealed plans to merge (they did so in 1970) but NFL teams had thrashed the AFL’s champions in the first two Super Bowls. In one of the biggest upsets in the annals of American sports, the underdog Jets shocked Shula’s Colts, 16-7. Shula coached the Colts one more season before going to the Dolphins, a former AFL team struggling to make it in the merged league.

No shaking, no showering, no sharing: Welcome to post-virus tennis No shaking, no showering, no sharing, no signing. Welcome to what the world of tennis could look like once government restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic have been lifted. On Friday, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), issued a set of guidelines for local and nationallevel competitions. “They emphasise that decisions made by governments take precedence and that tennis (either competitive or recreational) should not be played until governments have sufficiently relaxed any restrictions that are currently in place,” said an ITF statement. The guidelines include arriving at a venue already dressed and leaving immediately after the conclusion of a match. “Do not use the locker rooms or showers,” say the ITF. Masks are to be worn while off-court, players and officials

should maintain at least two metres between each other while hand shakes are also off limits. Each player is asked to use their own set of balls - separately numbered. Ball boys and girls to wear rubber gloves while at changeovers, players must go around opposite sides of the net. Players are also discouraged from signing autographs and from taking selfies while being warned not share equipment, water bottles or food. Tournaments should also only be singles and played without spectators. “While following measures such as these will ensure that the risk from COVID-19 is minimised, the guidelines are clear that the risk cannot be eliminated altogether,” added the ITF. The professional ATP and WTA tours have been suspended since mid-March and are not expected to resume until July 13 at the earliest.

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Michael Jordan stands firm on ‘Republicans buy sneakers, too’ quote, says it was made in jest Michael Jordan addressed one of the most famous quotes of his career -- “Republicans buy sneakers, too” -- in the fifth episode of ESPN’s “The Last Dance” on Sunday. Jordan, who has largely stayed away from any political commentary throughout his public life, didn’t back away from the statement -- which came during the 1990 U.S. Senate race in North Carolina between incumbent Republican Jesse Helms and Democrat challenger Harvey Gantt -- in the documentary, saying it was made in jest. Jordan went on to say that he has never seen himself as a role model. “I don’t think that statement needs to be corrected because I said it in jest on a bus with Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen,” Jordan said. “It was thrown off the cuff. My mother asked to do a PSA for Harvey Gantt, and I said, ‘Look, Mom, I’m not speaking out of pocket about someone that I don’t know. But I will send a contribution to support him.’ Which is what I did. “I do commend Muhammad Ali for standing up for what he believed in. But I never thought of myself as an activist. I thought of myself as a basketball player. “I wasn’t a politician when I was playing my sport. I was focused on my craft. Was that selfish? Probably. But that was my energy.

That’s where my energy was.” In one of several appearances former President Barack Obama has made in the documentary, Obama discussed Jordan’s comment, saying that as a young activist, he wished Jordan had said more on the subject, but it isn’t always that simple. “I’ll be honest, when it was reported that Michael said, ‘Republicans buy sneakers, too’ -- for somebody who was at that time preparing for a career in civil rights law and knowing what Jesse Helms stood for, you would’ve wanted to see Michael push harder on that,” Obama said. “On the other hand, he was still trying to figure out, ‘How am I managing this image that has been created around me, and how do I live up to it?’” Jordan then doubled down on his position. “It’s never going to be enough for everybody, and I know that,” he said. “I realize that. Because everybody has a preconceived idea for what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. “The way I go about my life is I set examples. If it inspires you? Great, I will continue to do that. If it doesn’t? Then maybe I’m not the person you should be following.” Jordan: ‘I never bet on games. I only bet on myself’ Jordan’s longtime penchant for gambling had a prominent place in Sunday night’s episodes.

NFL: Favre received $1.1 million for appearances he didn’t make

Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre talks to the media following their NFL football game against the Detroit Lions in Detroit, Michigan January 2, 2011. Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre received $1.1 million from the state of Mississippi for public appearances he never made, an audit of the state’s Department of Human Services showed. The Mississippi Clarion Ledger reported that Favre received two lump payments totaling that amount and was supposed to make speeches for the money. Favre isn’t facing any criminal charges. The spending was uncovered as part of an audit that took place after former Human Services director John Davis and others were indicted and charged with embezzling about $4 million. In all, the audit showed $94 million in what the newspaper termed “questionable spending” by the agency, which is supposed to allocate its funds toward needy people in the state.

“If there was a way to misspend money, it seems DHS leadership or their grantees thought of it and tried it,” state auditor Shad White said Monday. He said the audit showed “the most egregious misspending my staff have seen in their careers.” The Clarion Ledger said the report showed that in the instance of Favre, he wasn’t present at specified events and made no speeches. Neither Favre nor his longtime agent, Bus Cook, responded to the newspaper’s request for comment. Favre, 50, is a Mississipi native who played at Southern Miss before beginning his 20-year NFL career in 1991. He won the Super Bowl with the 1997 Green Bay Packers and also played for the Minnesota Vikings, New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons.

There was his trip to Atlantic City with his father the night before the Bulls lost Game 2 of the 1993 Eastern Conference finals against the New York Knicks. There was his involvement with James “Slim” Bouler, a golf hustler who wound up in court on drug charges, and Jordan -- having written a $57,000 check to Bouler -- was called to testify. There was the general strain all of that put on Jordan -- to the point that he decided to stop talking to the media for two weeks during the 1993 playoffs because of the sheer volume of questions. “I never bet on games. I only bet on myself, and that was golf,” Jordan said. “Do I like to play blackjack? Yeah, I like playing blackjack. There’s no laws with that. The league did call me, and they asked me questions about it, and I told them exactly what was happening.” That led to an appearance by the late David Stern, the former NBA commissioner who presided over Jordan’s career. Stern reiterated in the documentary what he previously said publicly: that he never saw any reason to suspect anything untoward about Jordan’s love for playing golf and cards. “Michael was betting on his golf game -- larger numbers than you or I might bet if we played golf together,” Stern said with a smile. “But given his earnings and the like,

Michael Jordan it just never reached epic, crisis levels in my view.” Jordan calls Isiah Thomas second-best point guard Jordan has never hidden his dislike for Isiah Thomas. But that didn’t stop him from paying Thomas quite the compliment in the discussion of why Thomas was famously left off the Dream Team for the 1992 Olympics. “I respect Isiah Thomas’ talent,” Jordan said. “To me, if the best point guard of all time is Magic Johnson, and right behind him is Isiah Thomas. No matter how much I hate him, I respect his game.”

Joshua would fight behind closed doors only as last resort: Hearn Britain’s world heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua would fight behind closed doors only as a last resort, according to promoter Eddie Hearn. The British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) said on Thursday it hoped professional boxing could resume in July without spectators after everything was put on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It added that any event would be limited to five fights at most, subject to review, with strict social distancing for anyone present. “I want to give ourselves every opportunity to stage AJ in front of a crowd. We have to probably bite the bullet and say he’s only going to box once this year,” Hearn told iFL TV. “So if that’s the case, we’re OK to go in September or October. I don’t want really to go much further than that, he hasn’t boxed nearly for a year. “My preference is AJ with a crowd in the UK. My next preference is AJ in another country with a crowd. And my last resort is AJ behind closed doors.” Joshua won back his IBF, WBA, WBO and IBO belts from Mexican-American Andy Ruiz Jr in Saudi Arabia last December. His next fight was due to be against Bulgarian Kubrat Pulev on June 20 but that is on hold. It was scheduled to be at Tottenham Hotspur’s new 62,000-seater stadium in North

Anthony Joshua celebrates winning his fight against Andy Ruiz Jr. London. Hearn told the BBC that a postponed heavyweight bout between Dillian Whyte and Russian Alexander Povetkin could be the first major fight without a crowd, but ruled out putting it on in a studio environment. “I want to build a fight camp, a different kind of environment, more dramatic. It will look spectacular on TV. We need to dramatise it,” he said. “It’s about taking over a hotel, testing all the teams, creating a sterile fight camp where no-one goes in until we know they’ve had a negative test. It’s about creating changing room areas, ring walks. It will add to the story.”

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MGM pitches plan for NBA to finish season in Vegas

MGM Resorts International has pitched a proposal to the NBA to complete the coronavirus-halted 2019-20 season on courts in Las Vegas convention centers, the New York Times reported. The plan, according to the newspaper, would have players and their families, plus other essential personnel, stay in a quarantined area in MGM hotels along the Las Vegas Strip while practicing and competing on courts in the same facilities. Players and broadcasters would have access to the usual resort facilities while in the protected area under the plan by MGM, which has 13 Vegas resort properties. The plan would convert MGM convention centers into 24 basketball courts, five of them equipped with cameras to permit television coverage, and players would reside in connected or nearby hotels. ESPN has reported the NBA

The Mandalay Bay resort is looking at a similar quarantined area in Orlando involving hotels and courts in private Disney World areas. The NBA halted its season in March after Utah’s Rudy Gobert tested positive for the deadly virus

and the league has announced no plan for resuming games or even a timetable for returning to competition. The league will allow players to conduct individual workouts at

Not ready for sports, leagues must ‘bite bullet, cancel

Canceling seasons will not be easy but could very well be necessary, Dr. Anthony Fauci told the New York Times on Wednesday. The country’s top infectious diseases expert, Fauci said there are leagues that might have to “bite the bullet” and cancel their 2020 seasons. “Safety, for the players and for the fans, trumps everything,” Fauci told The Times. “If you can’t guarantee safety, then unfortunately you’re going to have to bite the bullet and say, ‘We may have to go without this sport for this season.’” Among requirements Fauci said would be necessary for leagues to re-open are quick and accurate testing for all essential players and staff. In April, Fauci took the position that sports could

be back this summer as long as fans weren’t gathering and leagues took precautions to minimize the amount of exposure players and officials had. Fauci said Wednesday that even when sports return, players will not be able to be active members of society and some type of quarantine will be required. “I would love to be able to have all sports back,” he said. “But as a health official and a physician and a scientist, I have to say, right now, when you look at the country, we’re just not ready for that yet.” The NBA plans to open practice facilities for individual workouts on May 8 — one week from Friday — with heavy restrictions regarding social distancing and hygiene. Major League Baseball was scheduled to open March

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks during a coronavirus response meeting in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 29, 2020. 26. Opening Day could be moved to mid-June or July, according to reports Tuesday. PGA and NASCAR events are planned in May without fans in attendance. The NHL still is evaluating its options per resuming its season.

team facilities starting Friday in areas where stay-at-home laws allow, the first small step toward resumption. No plan among those floated in US media has included spectators at games, most focusing on a one-site bubble where players might live and play and only once coronavirus tests are available in sufficient numbers to the public and the NBA has enough tests for everyone involved. The Mandalay Bay resort, with 4,700 rooms available over three connected hotels, would be the central hub of the MGM Vegas plan. An enclosed walkway would connect the Luxor, where caterers and housekeepers would reside. The Las Vegas Aces of the Women’s NBA play at Mandalay Bay. In such a plan, players are expected to need a training camp of more than three weeks to prepare for games, which could include the final month of the regular season and two months of playoff contests.

LeBron James to honor Class of 2020 with all-star event LeBron James is putting together an allstar event to honor and celebrate the high school class of 2020, which has had its graduation season upended by the coronavirus pandemic. The LeBron James Family Foundation, XQ Institute and The Entertainment Industry Foundation on Wednesday announced that the one-hour special, “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020,” will air simultaneously on NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox on May 16 at 8 p.m. EDT. The event will pay tribute to high schoolers graduating this year and will include appearances by James, Pharrell Williams, Malala Yousafzai, the Jonas Brothers, Bad Bunny, Yara Shahidi, Ben Platt, Lena Waithe and H.E.R. “I wanted to help create a show that looked and felt very different from traditional specials. Something that spoke to kids in a different way. These kids worked so hard to graduate and what is happening to them is truly unfair,” James said in a statement to The Associated Press. “I hope we can give them and their families something cool that makes their accomplishment feel special.” “Graduate Together” was curated by high school students and educators. It will feature commencement speeches, performances and more. It will also air on TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Complex Networks, PeopleTV and other digital platforms.

Judge rules against US women’s soccer team in equal pay case A federal judge dismissed the United States women’s soccer team’s bid for equal pay on Friday, rejecting claims the players had been underpaid in a crushing defeat for the reigning world champions. In a 32-page ruling, Judge Gary Klausner of the US District Court for Central California in Los Angeles tossed the women’s claim of pay discrimination, ruling in favour of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). Klausner did allow the women’s case for unfair treatment in areas such as travel, housing and medical support to proceed to trial, set for June 16 in Los Angeles. But the judge said the equal pay claims -- the central plank of the case -- had been dismissed because there was evidence the women had previously turned down an offer in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations to be paid

increasingly acrimonious along the lines of the US men’s The lawsuit had taken a dramatic turn team. “The history of negotiations in March, when a filing by lawyers between the parties demonstrates for the federation argued that US that the WNT rejected an offer to men’s team players required a be paid under the same pay-to-play “higher level of skill based on speed structure as the MNT, and the WNT and strength” than the women. The filing triggered outrage was willing to forgo higher bonuses for benefits, such as greater base amongst the women’s players while compensation and the guarantee influential sponsors such as Cocaof a higher number of contracted Cola voiced disgust at the remarks. USSF President Carlos Cordeiro players,” Klausner wrote. The US women were left later resigned following the uproar, stunned by their defeat on the pay with Rapinoe accusing the USSF of issue. The women had been seeking “blatant sexism” in its legal filings. The US women, who back pay of $66 million under the clinched back-to-back World Cup Equal Pay Act. Prominent US women’s wins with victory at last year’s finals team star Megan Rapinoe said after in France, had based their claim for learning of the court’s decision that back pay in the disparities between the battle is not over. prize money distributed by FIFA at USSF said Friday night it would the men’s and women’s World Cups. continue to work with the women’s Germany’s men won $35 million for program to grow the game in the their victory in the 2014 World Cup United States. while France earned $38 million

The stars of the US women’s soccer team after triumphing in Russia in 2018. The United States women, victors in the 2015 and 2019 World Cups, earned total prize money of $6 million over the two tournaments. The USSF argued in court that between the years 2015-2019, the women actually were paid more money than the men on both a cumulative and an average per game basis.

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