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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

Website: www.suntci.com

VOLUME 16 - NO. 12

Email: sun@suntci.com

Tel: (649) 348-6838


Fax: (649) 941-3281




lthough countries around the world are increasingly adopting measures to stem the spread of the new coronavirus, including shutting down airports, imposing travel restrictions and completely sealing their borders, the Turks and Caicos Islands borders remain open. His Excellency Governor Nigel Dakin announced during a press conference on Wednesday March 18th, 2020, that the borders will remain open and flights will not be restricted from the United Kingdom where the virus is increasing by the day. Aruba, The Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and the USA, recently banned entry to all UK travellers. The outbreak of the coronavirus has been labeled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). He added: “When you hear people saying, we’re going to close down flights for fourteen (14) days, what is the decision point to the end of the fourteen days to open it. The decision point about closing a flight down is a really serious decision because to change it, you’re going to need an enormous amount of evidence to wind back.” Asked by The SUN, why the TCI is reluctant to take that bold step to restrict flights from the UK, the Governor said it is a big step to switch off the link to the United

Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting, Governor Nigel Dakin and Premier Hon. Sharlene Cartwright- Robinson at a press conference on Wednesday March 18th, 2020. Kingdom. “Unless it’s changed yesterday there were flights from Miami to the United Kingdom. We can monitor, we can choose to quarantine and so on but it’s a big step when we choose to switch off the link to the UK but it is a decision that we are taking every day. When we look at numbers by the way of travellers coming in and when we look at the number of flights coming in, these decisions are being taken for us very rapidly,” he said. Dakin added: “I think that is a very reasonable view and it’s a view in Cabinet that we literally worked through in detail with expert advice of the room and when you say we will close it down for a short period, then what is your decision point to open it up again. It’s a much

bigger decision to close than to open and we are I think we are being very steady and very prudent of this and being thoughtful and mindful about it. we don’t judge at the moment that stopping the air bridge and stopping about 30 people coming from the UK who we can medically screen at the airport, significantly increases the risks but it does produce a whole set of other circumstances for us.” Several residents of the Turks and Caicos Islands have expressed fear about being at risks as more persons from the United Kingdom are entering the islands in at least two flights a week. In addition, The SUN asked why certain decisions are not made to close TCI’s borders in circumstances where you can easily open them back up. Governor

Five suspected cases of COVID-19, 28 persons under quarantine There are five new suspected cases of COVID-19 in the Turks and Caicos Islands, and 28 persons under quarantine at home, as at Thursday, March 19th,2020, according to a press release from the Ministry of Health. The first is a tourist visiting the country, the second is a resident of the TCI who had contact with a confirmed case and three suspected cases are TCI residents returning from countries with local transmission. The press release from Aldora Robinson and Damian Wilson said all 5 persons met the WHO case definition

for a suspected case of COVID-19, thus they are experiencing symptoms, and samples have been collected and sent for testing. In terms of persons under quarantine/observation, they are the five suspected cases, 13 relatives/ contacts of suspected cases, three persons travelling from a highly affected country—Italy & Spain, and seven TCI residents returning from countries with local transmission. Persons under observation/ quarantine are all not displaying symptoms.

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TCI has $200Million in liquid cash, says Premier While admitting that the COVID-19 pandemic will impact on the revenue of Turks and Caicos Islands, Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson said the Ministry of Finance has completed a fiscal risk mitigation strategy matrix, specifically to address the inevitable fall-out in government receipts and the increased healthcare bill. She also revealed that Government has $200million in liquid cash, of which, greater than $150.0m is unencumbered, and that there are “contingencies in place, to reduce the

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Dakin added that it’s not a case of easily opening them back up. “It’s not a case of easily opening them back up after because you have to have facts to do that. We are not doing it because we are a British Overseas Territory in the sense that I said to you that I don’t have to, Premier or Cabinet doesn’t have to ask London permission to do that. That is our decision and we take it alone. Part of it though, is that that is part of an air bridge that can bring us support and that’s an important thing to think through. It is also an important thing that while I understand that there is fear in the community, Cabinet and Government is not going to make its decisions based on fear. It’s going to make its decisions based on good judgment,” he explained.

impact on each one of you”. During a national address on March 16th, 2020, the Premier said the TCI is tourism dependent economy like many of our neighbours and Caribbean territories and her government is closely monitoring the effects that the virus can have on our cruise ship arrivals and air travel numbers. “This will impact our revenue receipts for fiscal year 2020/21 and my team in the Ministry of Finance will continue to monitor and adjust these figures accordingly.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020



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He added: “You would go down the same route and you may think that this is the correct and logical route to restrict all flights to New York where there are similar levels. At the moment our judgment is keeping the connectivity to the United States and the United Kingdom, particularly because we’re monitoring very carefully the number of passengers coming in. It is one of our advantages that we can grip the number of passengers coming in and monitor them. We think on balance that that is the right judgment.” In addition, asked if the TCI is prepared to call a state of emergency, the Governor indicated that it is a consideration but not confirmed. “We have a set of considerations in Cabinet in whether we need to bring in a state of emergency or not is one of those and it brings us remarkable powers but what I would say genuinely is, at the moment

Cabinet and Government in terms of unity is working unbelievably well if we were to bring in emergency powers there will be no change in that. It will be simply be Cabinet using the powers that are allowed and it’s very helpful to have those available to us if we need them,” he said. Asked by The SUN, why the TCI has not restricted flights from the UK, Dakin said, “The really helpful point about the Turks and Caicos Islands which is one of our structural weaknesses but in this sense it is helpful, is that because we have essentially one major part of our economy, tourism. We’re in a very strong position in really understanding the numbers that are coming from the United Kingdom (UK) and they are falling off a cliff at the moment. We can monitor those flights coming in and you’re going to see quite a significant uplift at the airport in terms of medical screening as

people come in, so it is then a genuine judgment and a difficult judgment to make.” He added: “Whether you keep the air bridge opened to the UK, which means for example when I am talking about bringing in supplies for this disease in from the UK, that air bridge is open for bringing in police officers or support. It’s why I said that we are literally reviewing this every day. Cabinet sits again on Friday (March 20th); it will be one of the first things on the Cabinet agenda to look at this.” The Governor further stated Cabinet and the Government’s decision to extend their list of infected Countries and the United Kingdom not being one of those countries. “We’ve increased the list to thirty-five (35), we haven’t cherry picked them. We have taken the Schengen area with free movement through the Schengen Area is a block.

It will be very difficult for us to monitor out of the Schengen area and it is very straightforward for us to monitor those flights out of the UK. It is a judgment you may if you were in Cabinet make a different judgment. Let’s just explore this for a moment about the judgments you have to make when you ban flights. Once you’ve chosen to stop a flight you then got to ask yourself what is the decision point you’re going to have to reopen and to start a flight again. It would seem to me, being logical on this, that it is also reading the literature that really you end up with a point where until you’ve got a vaccine or a cure for Coronavirus, the virus is still active and out in the world. What is the moment, it is not going to give up this virus because we’ve stopped flights,” Dakin explained. The Governor stressed that the virus will still be active and out there until there is a vaccine and a cure.

TCI has $200Million in liquid cash, says Premier Continued from page 1 Outlining the forecast fiscal position at the end of March 2020, she said there is $25.7m is in the National Wealth Fund; $ 6 . 5 m is in the National Forfeiture Fund; approximately $47m is committed for Capital Expenditure and approximately $120m will be free cash flow. Noting that the average monthly expenditure is approximately $20million, she said TCIG will have approximately 232 days or 7.5 months of cash available. She said Government’s risk management strategies will include: utilization of the Contingency Fund for urgent and unforeseen expenditure; National Wealth Fund; Recurrent Expenditure controls, Reprioritization of the Capital Expenditure; Use of withdrawal warrants and Liquid Cash Reserves – arising from our cash flow position The Premier, who is also Minister of Finance, said the TCI is in an enviable position with a very lLow debt portfolio – approximately $3m and and a Sovereign Credit Rating of BBB+ “We are aware there will likely be a shock in government expenditure, as we will have to spend more on strengthening our primary health care facilities to protect the population through increase screening at our airports and ports. We have already approved $410k from the Contingency Fund, to the Ministry of Health to assist with the purchase of personal protective equipment, drugs and pharmacueticals and to bolstering the public health team to monitor our ports of entry and to increase surveillance activities within the islands. The Estimates for 2020-21, also include allocation to enhance and sustain our response to reduce the impact of the Covid-19,” she stated. “My government is aware of the shock that the COVID-19 virus can have on our labour supply. If impacted, we will see a decrease in labour productivity levels or days lost if impacted by the virus as persons will have to absent from work. My government is working on measures that will be elaborated on in my upcoming budget address to assist those persons if affected,” the Premier continued. “The reduction in arrival numbers by air and sea will also affect many persons employed in the sector directly and indirectly and my government is assiduously working on

plans to assist persons throughout the communities who will receive losses in income due to the reduction in tourism arrival numbers, as some hotels may opt to close temporarily at this time.” IMPACT ON WORKFORCE She said the coronavirus has the potential of having a serious impact on the workforce and productivity level in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “Whether it is because of business closure or because of persons having to stay home because they are sick, or temporary lay-offs, days off from work may become a norm and my government is currently working on ways of mitigating against this and ensuring that our people do not suffer as a result of these circumstances that are beyond their control. There is no doubt that our economy will be put under tremendous stress, as we seek to find ways of surviving the onslaught of this crisis,” she continued. “We have a number of our capital projects that are in the works which will be continuing and we will be putting additional measures in place which will help our people directly and will also help in keeping the TCI economy afloat. However, COVID-19 is a danger and remains a danger to economies around the world as it is affecting supply and demand chains globally. Even in the bestcase scenarios a sharp slowdown in world growth is projected and global growth is expected to fall. The Turks and Caicos Islands economy has been experiencing tremendous growth over the last few years and was forecasted to continue this growth pattern in 2020. Just to put everything into context, the overall real GDP growth for 2018 was 5.6 percent and growth for 2019 and 2020 was projected at 5.4 percent. While growth for 2021 was forecasted at 6.2 percent.” The Premier noted that as a result of COVID-19 the Statistical Unit now estimates that Government will have to reduce the previous GDP growth forecast for 2020 due to a decline in overall economic activity which is in the region of anywhere from 2 percent and higher, due to the anticipated impact of the coronavirus. This forecasting of the impact on the economy, she said, is a challenging exercise as the Turks and Caicos Islands like many other countries in the region and the world do not know how bad a potential

outbreak of the coronavirus in the Turks and Caicos Islands will be nor how long it will last for. “It is true that in the Turks and Caicos Islands during last week and perhaps continuing into this week, there were and will be some form of panic buying of certain items, which helped in lifting consumer spending. However, this can be outweighed if there are cases in the Turks and Caicos Islands as persons would likely shop less and eat out less, etc. Let us look at some possible scenarios. I must again remind us that NO one knows how long this crisis will last. Hence, any projection can only be made base on different scenarios which can change depending on different factors,” the Premier noted. She stressed that a 10 percent decline in the hotel and restaurant sector alone will lead to an almost 1 percent decline in overall real GDP, and a 20 percent decline in the hotel and restaurant sector will result in 4.9 percent decline in overall real GDP. “On the other hand we know that the sectors are interlinked. Hence, if there is a 10 percent decline in hotel and restaurants activity, 10 percent decline in wholesale and retail trade activity and a 10 percent decline in transport, storage and communication activity. This will lead to an overall decline of 2.5 percent in real GDP. If in this same scenario there is a 5 percent decline in construction and a 5 percent decline in real estate, dwelling, renting, computer and business services and a 10 percent decline in electricity real GDP will decline by 4.2 percent,” she said, adding that the possible reduction, and the possible recession that will follow, will affect private investment and our trade balances. “However, my government through the Capital Programme will continue spending as this will act as a stimulus for our economy. My government will continue to hold discussions with our stakeholders such

as the shipping companies and Ports to ensure that there will be food on the islands. If impacted we recognize that there will also be a shock to consumption demand as preferences for certain activities will change. My people, my government is assuring you that our main priority is to keep you our people of these islands safe from the COVID-19 virus and if impacted containment will be the policy response of this government.” She said Team Finance has been meeting and looking at how they can address this possible economic fall out and what might we as a Government do to support businesses and individuals at this time. The Premier pointed out that the new Budget which will be laid momentarily will reflect my Ministry’s recommendations to Cabinet. “We have created and included in this year’s Estimates a Stimulus Package and have set aside sums of money for support to those affected by the down turn. The policies around these monies are being crafted, but I can say that the monies are placed in the Ministry of Finance and the amounts will be announced once approved by Cabinet and laid on the Table of the House of Assembly. Once the Budget passes as well, our Contingency Fund levels will be restored to just over $5m. We should also note that the NIB investment portfolio will also experienceloss due to the state of the Stock Market. We are expecting a full report and caution that this is a fluid situation. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that the Stock Market will bounce back. I have also met with the Ministry of Immigration on worker’s compensation and benefits and we will be looking with a view to ensure that anyone quarantine will not be forced to use vacation and discussions are concluding generally regarding the sick leave benefit and the creation of a special leave.”

Five suspected cases of COVID-19, 28 persons under quarantine Continued from page 1 A suspected person is someone who meets the case definition as outlined by WHO and CARPHA - and is experiencing symptoms. A person in quarantine is an individual on island who has

come from an infected country or may have come in proximity to suspected or confirmed cases - and have not exhibited symptoms. Test results for the first two suspected cases were negative.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

COMPLIMENTARY PRACTICE FACILITIES The Club has a short-range warm-up net for golfers to help focus on the long game, and pitching area and putting green. All the practice facilities are maintained to the same high standard as the golf course, essential when honing short game skills. PGC has recently purchased a fleet of E-Z-GO® Freedom® golf carts. Unique features include GPS navigation providing yardages, an enhanced ride experience, and an automatic parking brake for added safety on slopes.


PGC is committed to the maintenance and preservation of the course for future generations in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. It’s taken 2 years of hard work, but the beautiful new playing surfaces are ready for the season. Platinum Paspalum turf, known throughout the industry for its dark green grass, excellent lies and smooth fast greens, should not only provide an improved player experience, but this salt tolerant grass should reduce irrigation volumes by over 50% reducing water demand by over 25 million gallons per year, over the next 5 years.


18 holes of golf

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Use of shared golf cart

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PRO-SHOP & RENTAL CLUBS Whether you are looking for the latest rental-clubs or fashion item or would like to buy a locally made souvenir, the Pro Shop is the place to start. Find a wide selection of golf clothing and equipment and excellent leisure attire that includes Nike, Adidas, Ralph Lauren and Under Armour. PGA Pros are on hand for advice and lessons, and golfers can test-drive the latest that Titleist has to offer in one of the many sets of both ladies and gentlemen’s rental clubs available in left and right handed and variety of flexes. Titleist Clubs start at $40 for 9 holes Open from 7.00am daily

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Government working on testing capabilities for Coronavirus The Turks and Caicos Government is still working on getting testing facilities for the coronavirus here, says Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson and Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood. During a national address on March 16th, 2020, the Premier stated: “The question is why do we not have testing capabilities at home? The short answer is we are working on it. As the MOH has stated multiple times – it requires capacity building in terms of the physical space as well as training of personnel. This remains work in progress and the country will be updated in due course. In the main time, we are pleased with the current arrangements and will continue to use and pursue the swiftest testing rate.” She added: “I wish to also address the question of testing. I cannot do so without expressing profound thanks to CAPRHA’s LAB Team in

Trinidad who remains available for use by TCI and who received our first samples. There are few Labs in the Region with PCR Testing capability and the closest to us are Bahamas and Jamaica. We have made arrangements with the Bahamas and are grateful for their swift sample testing over the weekend. The Bahamas has proven over and over to be a true friend to these Islands.” Minister of Health Hon. Edwin Astwood announced during a press conference on Monday March 2nd that a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine is being purchases to assists in screening for coronavirus cases. According to the Minister the costs of this machine ranges anywhere from $58,000-$100,000. He said, “We actually are sourcing the equipment and we have gotten the green light to go ahead and see and explore that option and we are in the process of doing that here. With

everything going on, if we don’t need it now I am sure in some point or time it will go to use and it will be monies well spent,” he said at the conference. . He added: “The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines range from $58,000-$100,000 plus you have to do reagents and we have to make sure that technicians are trained in using the machines. We are hoping that if we can find a supplier we can get the quick test kits and we have the money like I said. Our protocol have changed and last week we’ve made the decision that we’re going to do the testing here and not rely on outside laboratories for that. Astwood noted that the funds have been identified as well as for the kits and the Ministry is anticipating within a week time that those kits will be here in the Turks and Caicos Islands. “As soon as those test kits land we will let the general public know as soon as they arrive in the country,” he

said. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method widely used in molecular biology to rapidly make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail. PCR was invented in 1983 by Kary Mullis. It is fundamental to much of genetic testing including analysis of ancient samples of DNA and identification of infectious agents. Using PCR, copies of very small amounts of DNA sequences are exponentially amplified in a series or cycles of temperature changes. PCR is now a common and often indispensable technique used in medical laboratory and clinical laboratory research for a broad variety of applications including biomedical research and criminal forensics.

CIBC FirstCaribbean offers special financial assistance to clients affected by COVID – 19 CIBC FirstCaribbean is of our business and we are moving to committed to working with our clients, mitigate the effects as best as we can.” She noted that the special in our Retail, Business Banking, Wealth Management and Corporate Banking assistance being offered was crucial to Segments to offer special assistance on ensure confidence and stability in the a case by case basis for those adversely regional banking sector as it weathered impacted by the COVID -19 pandemic. this difficult period. Ms. Delaney urged CIBC This could include deferred payments; special loan financing and FirstCaribbean clients who may be other concessions aimed at helping experiencing challenges to reach out to clients cushion the financial impact the bank to see what assistance could be of the pandemic on households and offered to them. business across the region. She noted that the bank is Chief Executive Officer, Colette committed to offering eligible clients Delaney said the bank was “very flexible financial solutions including: conscious of the financial dislocation which the ongoing COVID -19 event will •6-month payment moratoriums on have on our clients across all segments existing loans and mortgages.

Two men charged in gun-related crimes On Friday March 13th, 2020, Derrison Missick was charged with the Shooting Incident that took place at the ($5.00 BAR) on Aviation Drive, Providenciales Sunday February 16th, 2020. 26-year-old Missick was charged with Keeping Firearm, Keeping Ammunition, Discharging Firearm, Inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm and Attempted Murder. 21-year-old Jumillo Isma was formally charged on Saturday, March 14th, 2020 for the death of a 21-year-old male who was shot multiple times off Cherokee Road, Providenciales on March 12th, 2020. Isma was charged with Murder, Carrying Firearm, Carrying Ammunition, Discharging Firearm, and Discharging ammunition. Commissioner of Police, Trevor Botting said, “These charges are the results of the hard work of the RTCIPF Investigators and Forensic Teams. We remain resolute and focused on bring those people who seek to cause harm to our communities to justice and bring peace to our communities. I am grateful, as we all should be, to the officers and staff of the RTCIPF who are working hard to keep us safe.” Police were called to the scene of a residence on Rock Road,

Blue Hills Providenciales on March 17th, 2020 around 2:26 a.m., following reports of a Robbery in progress. According to the Police Control Room, two tall and darkskinned masked men entered the victim’s home and demanded money. The armed men made good of their escape. There were no reports of shots fired or injuries. Meantime, officers responded to Reese Street, Five Cays, Providenciales after calls of shots fired in the said area on Wednesday, March 18th, 2020. A male in his twenties was taken to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre with multiple gunshot wounds. The initial call to 911 was made at 7:37 p.m. The extent of the victim’s injuries is unknown. Anyone who may have information that could assist with these investigations, no matter how small, please contact 911, The Chalk Sound Police Station at 3385901 or 941-8082 or anonymously call Crime Stoppers at 1- 800-8477 (TIPS). The public is reminded to Call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-8477 (TIPS) if you have information on the said incidents. You can also contact 911, The Chalk Sound Police Station at 3385901, 941-8082 or contact a Police Officer that you know.

•Temporary revolving or working capital financing options for our Corporate Banking and Business Banking clients Clients experiencing financial challenges can contact: Retail & Business Banking clients:– •Contact the Customer Care & Sales Center or Branch directly •Relationship Banking


•Business Banking Manager Corporate & Investment Clients:-



•Contact your Relationship Management Team directly by telephone or by email. Wealth Management Clients:•Contact your Relationship Management Team to arrange the earliest opportunity to discuss their specific needs, either by telephone or by email. The bank’s clients can also make contact via email. There’s a list of email addresses on the bank’s website at https://www.cibcfcib.com/covid-19. We also recommend clients to visit us online, at www.cibcfcib.com/locations to find additional contact information for CIBC FirstCaribbean offices in each territory.

Police officer on leave following murder accused’s escape from custody A Police Constable has been placed on administration leave following the escape of murder accused, Keno Kanvon Taylor last week Saturday March 14th, 2020. “The Public is advised that following the launch of an internal investigation of the Escape of Murder Suspect Keno Kanvon Taylor from the Grace Bay Police Station on Saturday, March 14th, 2020, a Police Constable has been placed on Administration Leave until further notice. Transparency and accountability are crucial as we continue to build trust and confidence throughout the communities we serve. Our Custodial policies are under review,” Commissioner of Police, Trevor Botting said in a release on Thursday March 19th. On Tuesday March 17th

Taylor was rearrested by members of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force and taken into custody. Botting assured that the Force is reviewing their custodial policies to ensure that this does not reoccur. “I am happy to report that Murder Suspect Keno Kanvon Taylor is back in Police Custody. We are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the escape and any personal or organizational failings will be addressed. I understand the concerns of the Public regarding the escape of Taylor, I share that concern. This is a serious matter and we are currently reviewing our custodial policies to ensure that this does not reoccur. Additionally, I would like to use this opportunity to thank the Public for their assistance in getting the word out in a swift manner”.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


NHIB statement on Medical Travel Abroad amid the Coronavirus crisis

The National Health Insurance Board (NHIB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services (MOH), TCI Hospital and all other stakeholders and partners, is closely following the worldwide developments on the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), recently declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As a result of global concern for public health and safety, particularly in

both the Turks and Caicos Islands and our preferred provider facilities/countries across the region, only emergency cases are being considered for medical transfer abroad until further notice. If you are unclear on whether your medical case qualifies as an emergency or if you would like an update on your pending medical travel, you are encouraged to contact your case manager at the National Health Insurance Plan (NHIP). In addition to taking these

travel-related, medical precautions, the NHIB, in an attempt to do our part in preventing the spread of this virus here in the TCI, has asked all of our contracted overseas medical providers to submit their airborne infection control protocols and procedures for both suspected and positive cases of COVID-19. The NHIB remains committed to providing high quality healthcare options to all NHIP registrants. It

encourages the general public to follow the notices, press releases and social media postings from the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, which is aimed at keeping the TCI informed and free of COVID-19. The NHIB would also like to remind the public to utilize good hygiene practices in particular proper and frequent hand washing.

TCI Hospital introduces visitation restrictions The general public is hereby will continue to be made available, advised that visitation restrictions to however only a single visitor per patient, the maternity and general wards will be per visitation period is permitted daily enforced at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre and an immediate family member is and Cockburn Town Medical Centre to recommended. reduce the risk and spread of Coronavirus 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (COVID-19), effective 8:00 a.m. on March • • 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 16, 2020. In a press statement, Nikira John, marketing and public relations The above visitation periods may manager, stated: “The Turks and Caicos also be subject to further restrictions as Islands Hospital takes the health and information is gathered to inform ongoing safety of our valued patients extremely risk assessments. Nursing staff and the serious. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, attending physician will work with a comprehensive risk assessment of our families who have special circumstances on a case-by-case basis. All visitors to the current visiting hours was conducted.” She said the morning visitation inpatient wards are kindly asked to report period (11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) has to the security main reception desk. been suspended until further notice. In “This standard will apply even addition, chaplaincy services operated by if visitors are healthy and regardless of religious persons and groups will no longer their age. In addition, any and all visitors, be accommodated until further notice. including family members, with flu-like This restriction serves as a precautionary symptoms such as fever, cough, runny and protectionary measure to consider nose and sore throat must not visit the wards. In accordance with public health our vulnerable inpatient groups. The following visitation periods announcements, persons are asked to

contact their family physician and the TCIG Ministry of Health COVID-19 Emergency Hotlines to receive guidance,” John added. The Ministry of Health emergency hotline numbers are +1-649333-0911 and +1-649-232-9444. This process is established to minimize the risk of community spread and adverse effects on our health care facilities as a result of unintended patient and staff infectious exposure. InterHealth Canada - Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital recognizes the importance of psychosocial support and interactions with relatives and friends during the healing process. We strongly encourage the utilization of communication mediums such as phone calls, videoconferences on cell phones or other mobile devices in the interim. We will continue to monitor our visitation measures and make adjustments as needed in the interest of patient safety. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this change.

Nikira John, marketing and public relations manager for TCI Hospital In addition, to avoid unnecessary traffic through the emergency department, persons should only access the emergency department entrance if seeking services for an emergency complaint. Persons should access the main entrance for all other services. Hand sanitiser stations are located across medical centres including the main entrances, and persons are asked to wash or sanitise hands before, during and after accessing the facility. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Please continue to monitor for any further announcements.

Requirements: •Background in housekeeping and F&B with a certificate in hospitality preferred •2-5 years of international, luxury resort experience •Proficiency in English Salary based on experience: $6.25 to $7.00 per hour, plus service charge

CAREER OPPORTUNITY Do you aspire to build a thriving hospitality career at one of the leading luxury resorts in the Caribbean? Are you a self-motivated, talented team-player, interested in joining a dynamic team? The Amanyara Resort invites all suitable candidates to apply for the following positions: SENIOR BAR SUPERVISOR •Supervises the employees within the bar/restaurant, ensuring that the correct standards and service sequences are maintained as per Aman standards. •Ensures that all employees are aware of and follow the operation’s opening and closing tasks in accordance with the checklist. •Assists the Restaurant Manager with the smooth and efficient staffing of the outlet. •Ensures that all employees provide courteous and professional service at all times and initiates guest interaction. •Trains employees to ensure that they have the necessary skills to perform their duties with the maximum efficiency. Requirements: •A certificate or diploma in F&B/Mixology or at least 2 years’ experience in a luxury resort. •Good people management, leadership, and employee development skills •Proficient in English, with effective communication skills Salary: $1800 per month, plus service charge VILLA HOST •Manages the smooth running of the villa along with the Villa Chef •Ensures that all areas of the Villa are cleaned and maintained to the highest standard including: - Bedroom Pavilions, Living Sala, Kitchen & Dining Sala, including the pool area, ponds & gardens •Provides Food and Beverage service according to Aman standards •Sets up the villa prior to Guest’s arrival, ensuring all equipment is in good working order •Organizes special requests for Villa Owners or Villa Rentals; such as Honeymoon turndowns, personal laundry etc. and ensuring Guest History Record is updated after Guest’s departure •Reports any damage or breakage immediately; follows up with repairs •Prepares Annual Villa Maintenance Requirements along with Supervisor

PLUMBER •To support day to day operation by troubleshooting and fixing the assigned task to minimize breakdowns, forced outages, and guest inconvenience. •To proactively work with the Plumbing team and to communicate clearly and fairly with the same. •To be responsible for the completion of all works given by Engineering Management Team in a correct and satisfactory manner in compliance with management instructions, and ensuring that work are completed to times set, with correct materials in a professional manner. •Installation Fire Hydrant, Electrical Pumps, All plumbing fixtures, Drains, Emergency Pumps, all water supply systems, water Filters, water line repairs, and Tennis Courts Irrigation. •Ensuring that all work orders issued are filled in correctly and returned to the Engineering Office at the end of each day so that records of work done can be kept. •To be responsible for noting any and all items used by the plumbing department during their working hours and recording these items on the appropriate forms by the end of each shift. •To carry out planned maintenance to all plumbing systems on the AMANYARA Property. Requirements: •At least 2-3 years of experience in a luxury resort; particularly the Engineering Department; or experience in utility environments. •Ability to perform under pressure and maintain a pleasant personality •Proficiency in English Salary: $8.60 per hour, plus service charge Candidates must be available to work 6 days a week, weekends, and holidays. Positions marked with * are currently held by a work permit holder. However, qualified belongers are encouraged to send a cover letter & resume with the following attachments: Valid Police Record, Passport Bio Page, Proof of TCI status i.e. PRC, Belonger Status Card or Naturalization Certificate. Human Resources Amanyara Resort Northwest Point, Providenciales E: amanyarahrassistant@aman.com Prospective applicants are also asked to send copies to the Labour Board. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Page 7


Twelve UK police officers coming to combat crime in TCI added to the twenty-six (26), all recruited locally who are already under training in Twelve Police Officers will soon Barbados and the Bahamas. We recognise be joining the Royal Turks & Caicos that this will take time to come on stream Islands Police Force Tactical Unit from MASS_NRG_C_Inset_Mask_GS_Op2 the and we don’t have the luxury of time. As United Kingdom to help combat serious an interim measure, I would go so far as crime around the Islands. to say that as an extraordinary measure This was announced by the we will be recruiting internally but with Governor, Nigel Dakin and Commissioner a very heavy focus on United Kingdom Trevor Botting during a press conference (UK) recruitment, two squads of ex Police on Wednesday March 18th, 2020. Officers all of whom would either have He said, “You would recall in been experience members of the UK’s own January we collectively talked about Armed Police Response or an equivalent 20% uplift in the Police Force, it is overseas Force.” presently on the way. All those we’ve Dakin stated that this will in fact so far recruited are in training, so we’ve take some time and the TCI is frustratingly yet to fill the operational benefits on the in the midst of a pandemic which will streets and when that comes through, the make this more complicated than it Commissioner will be able to start to put already is, adding that there is serious UK into effect serious community policing. Ministerial political buy into this cause of In terms of tackling our top priority of action. serious gun crime, the most potent arm In addition, he added that the of our Police Force is our Tactical Unit. arrival of these officers will have an They are the Officers trained, armed and immediate effect of doubling the Tactical equipped to take on the most dangerous Unit locally. of arm criminals and they do. Amongst “They will be with us for up to a number of high end policing roles, a year which will allow their long term based on intelligence they’re executing replacements to be properly recruited, warrants at night and taking the fight to training to be refreshed and deployed. the criminals. The deployment of international Police The Governor stressed that TCI’s Officers with a strong focus of advertising Tactical Unit is relentless, courageous and in the United Kingdom (UK) will be they are effective. jointly funded by the UK and the Turks He added: “In the next batch of & Caicos Islands Government and is recruits we will be actively selecting from I think is unpresented. This does not across the region sufficient experienced happen routinely or without a great Officers to double the strength of the deal of consideration, as a result I am Tactical Unit. Those Officers will be extremely grateful to the Premier and

By Todeline Defralien

her Cabinet for her and their immediate support both moral and financial along with the support that was provided by the UK Permanent Under Secretary, Sir Simon McDonald following his visit to the Islands and of course to Baroness Sugg CBE the newly appointed Minister for the Overseas Territories who made this request for TCI, one of her first priorities when taken over only a few weeks ago,” he explained. Furthermore, the Governor revealed that the Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting will be advertising for two international Superintendants to join the Royal Turks & Caicos Islands Police Force for two years. He continued: “There will be considerable exposure in the United Kingdom (UK) to attract the highest level of candidate that we can and we expect to get excellent response. These two Superintendants will report to the Police executive, the most senior local Officers in the Force and while their role will be to manage the operational activity of the Police their wider utility will be for two years to mentor and develop the next generation of Turks and Caicos Police Force Leadership.” Dakin said they collectively believe that these initiatives put together will provide a comprehensive package of UK Policing support to the Turks and Caicos Islands. “That is top end frontline Officers prepared to engage our most dangerous criminals and senior management that

can help lead a response across all aspects of policing, while mentoring TCI’s brightest and best. In all of this I find my colleagues in the UK to be just that, colleagues that want to support what they already know is a difficult time for the Turks and Caicos Islands,” he said Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting added: “We have spoken about uplift in the numbers of Tactical Officers. Despite needing more officers within the unit, let me give you a few headlines of the work undertaken by the Tactical Unit over the last three months. Involved in the execution of 34 Search Warrants/ Authorities to Search for Firearms, 15 joint operations with other Police Units and external Government departments, 71 stop searches for illegal drugs, which led to six (06) seizures of suspected Cannabis and Cocaine for destruction and arrested and charged 6 persons for various offences under the firearm and drug ordinance Botting said this level of work is reflected across all of the Forces teams. He added: “My officers are working hard to protect you. We welcome an increase in resources and these increases will fundamentally enhance how we police. I reiterate the commitment to the introduction of community policing, we will also be bolstering the resources in the Tactical Unit and the Investigations Teams. Whilst our new recruits are recruited and trained, we are bringing in additional officers to fill the void until our new officers are on the streets.”

May 2020 sitting of the Court of Appeal postponed Amidst the global COVID-19 outbreak and as a precautionary measure to protect the health and safety of judicial officers, court support staff and court users, the Judicial

Administration wishes to advise that the May 2020 sitting of the Court of Appeal has been postponed. All matters that were adjourned to or that are listed for

hearing in the May sitting of the Court of Appeal will be listed for hearing in the September sitting, which is scheduled to take place from 7th – 25th September, 2020.

Adjourned notices with new dates of hearing in September 2020 will be sent to all parties whose matters have been affected

JOB ADVERTISEMENT EMP Development Ltd located PMB 2, Caribbean Place, Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands is seeking a Financial Controller. Financial Controller To be responsible for directing the accounting and financial management functions. To provide timely and meaningful information to the management team regarding financial performance. To proactively lead cost containment efforts, revenue enhancement, profit improvement opportunities and safeguarding of the company’s assets. Essential Duties: •Plan, develop, implement, direct and regularly evaluate the resort’s financial functions and performance. •Participate in short- and long-range strategic financial planning and regularly evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of plans. •Prepare, analyze, interpret and communicate financial results to the management team. •Maintain proper and complete financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, ensuring that resort accounts, records and transactions are always accurate and correct. •Safeguard the resort’s assets by establishing, monitoring and enforcing internal controls. •Provide financial management tools that assist management with planning, forecasting and maximizing financial performance. •Compile budgets, forecasts, financial reports and financial trends. Requirements •Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Accounting, Finance or related field, or equivalent combination of experience and education. •10 years’ experience in a luxury resort environment with minimum 5 years managing accounting functions within a luxury resort/hotel environment. •Thorough knowledge of condo resort accounting, strata management, payroll and Human resources. •Minimum of 5+ years related experience in hospitality and senior management level accounting •Candidate must possess an MBA, CPA or ACA designation qualification. •Ability to perform implementation and migration of new systems. •Excellent communication skills, both oral and written •Ability to work well independently as well as in a team environment •Excellent analytical and problem identification/solving skills


RBC Royal Bank (Bahamas) Limited wishes to advise its clients in Turks & Caicos Islands that due to a recent change in the United States Federal Reserve interest rate, the US$ prime interest rate will decrease from 4.75% p.a. to 4.25% p.a. effective April 8, 2020. Also, a further rate reduction from 4.25% p.a. to 3.25% p.a. will come into effect as of April 24, 2020. Or skip the trip to the branch, and bank online with RBC Digital Banking anywhere, at any time, on any device. Visit caribbeandigital.rbc.com or download the RBC Caribbean app today.

Compensation: $50k - $60k per annum Interested applicants can contact 232-3196 for more information.

®/™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence.

Page 8


MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Report from March 15th Cabinet meeting His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 6th meeting of the Cabinet on Sunday, March 15th, 2020, at the Premier’s Office, Hilly Ewing, Providenciales. All Ministers were present with the exception of the Hon. Deputy Premier. Dr Nadia Astwood, Director Public Health Service (Chief Medical Officer), was also present. At this meeting Cabinet: • Having considered the recommendations of the Public and Environmental Health Board, approved the drafting of legislation, to support further regulations to control, prevent and contain the infectious disease, COVID-19 under the Public and Environmental Health Ordinance in order to protect the health and lives of the residents of TCI. This includes but, is not limited to: - All schools, nurseries, Community College and UWI Open Campus to close at the end of the day on Friday 20 March and re-open on 20 April. This decision will be kept under review and is subject to change; - All cruise ship entries to be ceased for a period of thirty days with immediate

effect; Cease non-essential/non-urgent visitations to HM Prison, wellness centres (Grand Turk and South Caicos), the detention centre (Providenciales) and the Provo Children’s Home for thirty days with immediate effect; -The Ministry of Health to issue new guidance for deep-cleaning and sanitisation of community cabs, public service vehicles, ferries and [domestic aircraft]; - Agreed to issue a Notice to expand the list of banned countries to be included within the defined “infected countries” under the Public and Environmental Health (Control Measures)(COVID-19) Regulations 2020 to include – Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia*, Liechtenstein*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City (* denotes countries with no local transmission reported, imported cases only). -

• Directed the Ministry of Health to issue advice to the public to control, prevent and contain COVID-19 byinstituting measures for mass public gatherings inclusive of the following: schools, churches and places of entertainment or refreshment (including bars, restaurants, clubs and social events), funerals, sporting events and other social gatherings etc.; •Agreed to encourage residents travelling abroad and students to consider returning to TCI in light of the increase in travel restrictions and bans around the World; • Were updated on work by the Ministry of Health to develop new protocols for the safe handling and ultimate disposal of human remains resulting from possible deaths from Covid-19; •Were updated on plans for a stimulus package for businesses and individuals directly impacted by any economic downturn that may arise from Covid-19. Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Youth Department hosts youth policy consultant The Department of Youth Affairs has The current Youth Policy of the Turks announced the arrival to Turks and Caicos and Caicos defines youth as an individual Islands of Mr. Wallice Henry Charles, an between the ages 10-35 years old, an individual internationally recognized Youth and Policy “who has passed through the dependent Development Expert, with over 30 years of stage of childhood and transitioning from experience in this field. adolescence to adult maturity”. Charles, who currently serves Together, the Working Group of as the lead Consultant for the Caribbean the Department of Youth Affairs developed Development Bank’s first Youth Policy and a framework for input that encompassed Operational Strategy, will be in the islands as key priorities for the process that will be a Consultant with the Department of Youth used for the development of the new policy. Affairs working on the development of the This framework guided the input process new Youth Policy. by providing the rationale for the topics This new policy will establish discussed at all listening tours throughout a framework within which youth can be the Turks and Caicos Islands in 2017, 2018 supported to pursue and achieve their goals. and 2019. Underlying the framework, and It will it outline and explore areas for action, also integrated in the input process, was the and will include such areas as education and reflection of the social and cultural factors training, employment, health and well-being, influencing youth. youth involvement, social inclusion and Youth who attended the Listening rehabilitation. Tour sessions provided a variety of

perspectives on youth affairs. Many youths advocated for continued youth engagement and involvement in programs and activities at all levels in youth development. Acting Director of Youth, Mr. Nixon Dickenson, stated: “Our strategic goals of the Department are the foundational piece for further action. These goals will be accompanied by concrete, realistic, actionable, and measurable activities. We have highlighted some crosscutting initiatives that will advance the strategic goals and objectives. The Department has been working hard to explore barriers, and finding solutions for improving, coordinating and leveraging better outcomes for the youth of the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Mr. Charles is expected will arrive in the Turks and Caicos Islands during the course of the coming week. He will commence work with the Department on the policy at that time

Turks and Caicos Sun

Suite#5, Airport Plaza Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 348-6838 Fax: (649) 941-3281 Email: sun@suntci.com Read us online at www.suntci.com Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Hayden Boyce Graphic designer Information Technology and Production Manager: Kelano Howell Todeline Defralien Reporter

The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiary of The SUN Media Group Ltd. We are committed to excellence in journalism, educating and informing our readers, serving and satisfying our advertisers and assisting in the overall development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

will be formed of reservists who will require excellent leadership if the Regiment is to fulfil its full potential – as it must. We expect the regiment to be at an overall strength of 46 by the end of the year which will be the foundation for any future expansion. Basic Training will be provided by the Bermuda Regiment.

The Governor’s Office Turks and Caicos Islands APPLICATIONS FOR COMMANDING OFFICER TURKS AND CAICOS REGIMENT Applications are being sought for the appointment of the first Commanding Officer of the Turks and Caicos Regiment. The role will be full time. The Commanding Officer will work closely with the Governor and a new Defence Board. He or she will stand up the Regiment over the next Financial Year. The Commanding Officer will receive training and mentoring support from the British Armed Forces in the UK, the British Defence Attaché for the Caribbean and from the Bermuda Regiment. The Regiment will initially have a small full time cadre who will work to the Commanding Officer. This permanent Headquarters will include: an Adjutant / Operations Officer, two Troop Commanders, a Training Warrant Officer, and a Chief Clerk. These will be recruited in the early part of the next Financial Year; the Officers will receive training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. The Regiment will be built so it has the skills and experience to deliver operationally, at sea and on land. It will work in direct support of the Maritime Police protecting TCI’s border and maritime environment. The Regiment will also be capable of supporting the civil power at times of crisis or natural disaster or emergency. The Commanding Officer will provide day-to-day leadership of the Regiment as well as strategic direction on policy, training, equipment and Regimental ethos. Beyond the Headquarters element the Regiment

The Commanding Officer, while having independent Command of his Regiment, will nonetheless need to build an excellent working relationship with the Police Commissioner and the Maritime Branch of the RTCIPF. The successful candidate will also have to work internationally and build outstanding relationships with his or her: Bahamian, Bermudan, and Cayman counter-parts, with those UK Armed Forces assigned to disaster relief and the Commanding Officer of any UK Unit the TCI Regiment is partnered with. The successful candidate will: •Have a minimum of 10 years’ experience and now (or will recently have been) in a leadership position in a disciplined uniformed service. •Military experience is desirable, particularly if linked to the UK Armed Forces, but not essential. •Belonger Status will be strongly preferred. British Overseas Territories Citizen, or British Citizenship is required. •Hold an Associate Degree or Higher Qualification or can provide evidence of sufficient experience to mitigate the lack of formal academic qualification. •Must pass an initial medical and fitness test, and annually thereafter. •Salary tied to the Police. Equivalent to Assistant Commissioner of Police. The role is full time and while a normal working week will be agreed this is a role that is 24/7, as required. •Applications are encouraged and should be sent to Stephen Brown (Stephen.Brown6@fco.gov.uk). Cut off time for receipt is 5pm on Friday 8th April. •Application should include a CV and a covering letter outlining your past experience, explaining your hopes for the role, the contribution you believe you can personally make and confirming that you fulfil all the eligibility criteria.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Manager of the Quarter Winner: Devon Crowl

Heart of Hospitality Winner: Cecilio Escanan Nominees: Cecilio Escanan, Jean Pierre

Resort/ Hotel Shining Star Winner: Monica Millor Nominees: Rhyeme Barlette, Chidley Cypion, Monica Millor, Theresa Sanchez, Diason Belfour

Supervisor of the Quarter Winner: Wesle Pierre Nominees: Michael Taylor, Yvonne Williams, Wesle Pierre, Althea Hall

Employee of the Quarter Winners: Dericka Dames Nominees: Farah Bosicault, Dericka Dames, Romario Morales, Bildade Verniau, Brown Desvales, Norguese Jean, Randy Arellano

blue haven resort

Employee of the Quarter Winner: Irin Bethel

Heart of Hospitality Winner: Anly Mclean Nominees: Anly Mclean, Julio Paulino

Resort/ Hotel Shining Star Winner: Shanice Clarke Nominees: Kendy Torchon, Shanice Clarke

Employee of the Quarter Winner: Josule Jeune Nominees: Josule Jeune, Saskia Demisca

ambergris cay

Heart of Hospitality Winner: Martin Barragan Nominees: Martin Barragan, Rolando Dor, Augistina Reyes

Resort/ Hotel Shining Star Winner: Sixta Lebron


Supervisor of the Quarter Winner: Eleith Moulton

Employee of the Quarter Winner: Wilange Charles Nominee Wilange Charles, Julia Cadorna

Employee of the Quarter Winner: Anderson Raphael Nominees: Anderson Raphael, Chadeline Ambroise

Supervisor of the Quarter Winner: Diogenes Castillo

Employee of the Quarter Winner: William Pierre Imperial Laundry

These individuals performed exceptionally well in their areas of expertise and contributed tremendously to the success of the organisation in 2019.

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Resort/ Hotel Shining Star Award Winner: Diogenyi Smith

Manager of the Quarter Winner: Therena Songoire

The Executive Management of Turks and Caicos Collection remains grateful for the support and involvement of staff members and looks forward to even greater achievements throughout 2020.

Manager of the Quarter Winner: Rebby Buking

congratulations to our tchta star awards winners

Employee of the Year Awardee Antonio Clarke – Chief Pilot, Ambergris Cay

L to R: Nabil Chahwan, Marsden Palmer, Armando Pizzuti | Manager of the Year Awardee Marsden Palmer – Executive Chef, Blue Haven Resort

Alexandra Resort alexandraresort.com +1.800.284.0699 +1.649.946.5807

L to R: Jennifer Vernon-Jarrett, Deryk Meany, Beryl Charles, Stanley Forbes, Armando Pizzuti Manager of the Year Awardee Stanley Forbes – Chief Engineer, Beach House

Beach House Turks & Caicos beachhousetci.com +1.855.946.5800 +1.649.946.5800

L to R: Deryk Meany, Wesle Pierre, Jennifer Vernon-Jarrett, Armando Pizzuti, Natasha Fernandez | Supervisor of the Year Awardee Wesle Pierre – Pool & Beach Supervisor, Alexandra Resort

Blue Haven Resort & Marina bluehaventci.com +1.855.832.7667 +1.649.946.9900

Ambergris Cay Resort ambergriscay.com +1.833.313.3172

Page 10


MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


A proposed response for the Turks and Caicos Islands to the COVID-19 Pandemic By Hon. Charles Washington Misick Leader of the Progressive National Party (PNP) In times of national crisis, the wellbeing of people surpasses politics, and all decisions made with the potential outcome of securing the welfare of the TCI and its people will be supported by me. The Premier contacted me last week Thursday, 12 March 2020 to say that there were two suspected cases of COVID-19; seven persons were in self quarantine and that she would keep me updated on matters as results became known. That was the only conversation during this crisis that I have had with the Premier. However, I am happy to hear that to date TCI is COVID-19 free. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global panic that are seeing border after border closing and countries becoming virtual fortresses as whole communities are forced by their governments to retreat within the walls of their homes. The streets of many busy commercial districts are reminiscent of the sixty’s television series: The Twilight Zone except that this is not science fiction, but reality. In this hyper vigilant environment of fear the TCI must take its cue from governments and countries with the technical skills and means to assess the risk and potential fall-out from the pandemic without frightening its people into psychological paralysis. However, considering the social and economic impact of a prolonged life cycle of the virus one wonders if TCIG has to date move swiftly enough to prepare the islands in the event the virus gets into the general population. As an example, the government should by now have undertaken the mass distribution of surgical masks; and alcohol base hand sanitizers – because many people simply do not have access to a dependable source of water, and some who do, cannot afford mask and sanitizers assuming that they are available locally. This is especially concerning given that there are no testing facilities and the availability of testing kits in the islands has not been disclosed neither has the process for testing suspected cases to ensure that samples can reach

labs before the expiration of the life span of the virus outside a host. The TCI is a tourism dependent destination and the hiatus in travel may be devastating for the country. The industry indicates that cancellation rate for stay-over visitors to the TCI as of today has exceeded 60% of forward bookings for the next six weeks, and new bookings have ground to a halt. By some estimates the current rate of global infection is expected to peak towards the end of April but will be with us at least through June. Therefore, the rate of cancellation could possibly last for 90 days. At the same time, cruise passenger arrivals for the time being has been reduced by 100%. The multiplier effect of visitors spending in the local economy is difficult to measure but according to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) the multiplier for tourism is 3.2 times the initial dollar spent. Given significant leakages because of TCI dependence on imported goods and labour, as well as limited activities and attractions in the destination, a multiplier of 2 is assumed to be more realistic. Assuming therefore an adjusted average daily spending (ADS) per visitor of $200, the total impact to the GDP would be $400 per day per visitor. Average visitor arrivals for March through the end of May in 2018 was 100,000 with an average stay of 6 nights according to TCI Statistics Department. Assuming TCIG was on target to receive the same number of visitors in the same period of 2020 as it received in 2018 that would translate into 600,000 nights at $200 or $120 million directly to the industry; with a multiplier of 2 that equals a contribution to the GDP of $240 million. A 60% cancellation over 90 days could result in lost revenue to the industry of $72 million, to the GDP of $144 million and $14.4 million to TCIG from stay over visitors. Cruise tourism arrivals for the period March through May 2019 was approximately 265 000 passengers. Assuming similar numbers were expected in 2020: an average spent per head of $50 would result in lost revenue of $13.25 million to vendors and tour operators in addition to TCIG departure

tax of $14 translating to 3.7 million of lost TCIG revenue in the beleaguered economy of Grand Turk Based on the above, a combined total of upwards to $85 million could potentially be loss to the private sector, over $18 million to TCIG and approximately $160 million could be shave off of the GDP in the next 90 days. This is a potential reduction of 16% base on a one-billion-dollar economy. The gravity of the situation may require the declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor under Section 37 (1)(c) of the TCI Constitution to mandate actions in the public interest. What these actions should be would depend on the prevailing circumstances over time but should pertain to certain basic physiological needs of food, water, shelter and safety in its broadest sense; and may include rationing to discourage hoarding resulting in artificial shortages for some people; as well as price control on staples and sanitary goods. Given the favourable cash balances of the TCIG, it should take action to ease the pressure off of consumers by removing duties and custom processing fees from all basic consumable merchandise imported, to make it easier on workers. In addition, it should through the House of Assembly appropriate funding for social welfare to subsidize the living expenses of unsupported indigents, and other vulnerable groups; negotiate with financial institutions to freeze for a period of 90 days mortgage payments for those persons who find themselves unemployed or underemployed and unable to meet their payments; and negotiate a freeze on the Fortis rate increase and all other rates until further notice. Consider introducing a means testing framework to provide relief to basic wage earners in the hospitality and related industries until the industry recovers. Whatever the outcome, the situation has place in sharp focus the tremendous vulnerabilities we face as a small tourism dependent country. In the face of the challenges, it cannot be business as usual. We must immediately reprogram our collective mind-set to suit our unique circumstances. In the

new reality food and citizen security, social development and environmental sustainability MUST trump everything else. We simply must prepare ourselves for the growing natural and manmade threats of the 21st century. Regardless to how we arrive here and whatever our political persuasion maybe we face a common and uncertain future at least in the short term; and in these times must coalesce around the common value of cooperation and community. Finally, I wish to appeal to all to heed the massages from the authorities. The risk is high, the threat is real, resources are limited and facilities are rudimentary. Stay at home unless you absolutely need to be out. This too will pass, but in the meanwhile hunker down. Sincere thanks and gratitude to all those on the frontline especially our medical professional and senior public health officials for your tireless efforts in monitoring this pandemic in the interest of all of us. It is in these times when your genius shine. I appreciate your invaluable contribution and sacrifice and pray for your safety and good health. May God bless our beautiful Islands and may he keep us safe and healthy!!!

Pamela Ewing is New Director of Tourism The Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board has announced the appointment of Pamela Ewing as Director of Tourism. Minister of Tourism Hon. Ralph Higgs congratulated Ms. Ewing on her appointment and stated, “The Ministry of Tourism welcomes the appointment of Ms. Pamela Ewing as Director of Tourism and as Minister I am confident that she will continue to be an excellent brand ambassador for the destination. Her track record and standing throughout the industry and among our travel partners is exemplary and the TCI stands to benefit tremendously from her leadership in one of the most important sectors in our country. The entire country is pulling for you”. Chairman of the Tourist Board Mrs. Adelphine Pitter commented: “The Board of Directors is pleased to appoint Ms. Pamela Ewing as the new Director of Tourism after a thorough recruitment process and review of 15 applicants. Ms. Ewing brings a wealth of expertise to the role having spent fifteen years representing the destination in the US market. We look forward to working

with Ms. Ewing to execute strategic plans to promote and position the Turks and Caicos Islands as the premier vacation destination in the Caribbean.” On the announcement of her appointment, Ms. Ewing stated: “I am grateful for the privilege to be appointed Director of Tourism for my beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands! I look forward to being able to continue the development of brand TCI to the next stage. We will continue working with our industry stakeholders and my team to improve our luxury five star brand, which you all know and love. I am excited for what is to come!” An accomplished professional with over 20 years of success across the travel, hospitality, and marketing industries, Pamela Ewing brings a thorough array of knowledge and experience to her role as Director of Tourism for the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board. Ewing’s career has been defined by a passion for tourism – her innate ability to leverage partnerships and identify marketing and sales strategies has resulted in monumental brand growth and transformation.

Ewing joined the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board in 2004 as Regional Marketing Manager, and was instrumental in establishing an office in New York; creating a global brand presence for the Turks and Caicos Islands; and producing dynamic marketing campaigns, which amplified tangible aspects of the brand including “World’s Best Beach” and positioned the Islands as one of the most accessible destinations for short- and long-term stays. Ewing’s dedication and diligence have established the Turks and Caicos Islands as a top luxury destination for travelers worldwide. Previously, Ewing held positions at notable luxury resorts including the iconic Hotel Del Coronado, and Management roles at Grace Bay Club and Point Grace Resort & Spa. In addition, she owned and managed the sales and marketing company, ELP which represented clients in Europe including Italy and Greece. Following her time at San Diego Mesa College, where she obtained an associate degree in Hospitality Management, Ewing attended Rutgers University and East Stroudsburg

Ms. Pamela Ewing University of Pennsylvania, where she received her bachelor’s degree in General Management. She has also been admitted to the prestigious Georgetown University for her Masters in Internal Business and Policy. Ewing hails from Turks and Caicos Islands and is mother to four sons, Benjamin, Ryan, Lyndon, and James. Ms. Ewing assumes office on April 1st, 2020.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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IGA denies reports of food Shortages By Todeline Defralien Graceway IGA Supermarkets on Tuesday clarified reports of food shortages throughout their stores. During an exclusive interview with The SUN, Edith Cox, Finance Director said they’re aware of a social media message in circulation regarding availability of product which is causing some great concern. “We have had those notifications and they have been circulating and have caused a great deal of concern and to be frank some panic amongst our customers and in the community at large,” Cox stated. “We would like to say here and now that we do have stock and we expect to have stock for the foreseeable future. I just really want to say to our customers and to reassure them that we’re here as we’ve always been for the last twenty years. We know that this is a real crisis and we will say to follow the practices of the Ministry, but we want to assure them that we are in good stock. We have a solid supply chain and we will be here and we will be fully stocked for them and we look forward to serving them.” In preparation for the Coronavirus crisis, the stores have built up food stocks which remain good at all of their stores and their supply chain remains solid. Asked, in the worst case scenario, if imports from the United States of America stopped for a short period, how much reserve food supplies do they have and for how long, Director- Chris Phillip stated that they are in close contact with their suppliers and supply base and there is a high level of confidence that supplies will continue. “We would like to thank our partners in the Unites State and our transportation colleagues and also the associates here who’ve been working very hard ever since this crisis started to make sure that we maintain full supplies and availabilities for our customers. We are very confident that supplies will remain as they have been and in fact, we have a large amount of stock. We, as every retailer, have been buying stock well in advance, building our back stock levels to ensure that we have full availability. We ask that customers just shop normally and responsibly,” he explained to The SUN. Phillips also told the public that it is really not necessary for people to

Managing Director Ken Burns, Edith Cox- Finance Director, and Director Chris Phillips. panic shop. gone out of case. Our containers were on “We are fully stocked and we the water for Friday arrival, for Monday have a large amount of stock both in our arrival our containers were loaded and depots and containers in transit to the locked so we’ve had two containers that island. We’ve got confidence from our we couldn’t react to. Now we have reacted supply base that supplies will continue to that, and keep in mind too, that fresh certainly for the volumes that we need chicken is basically cut to order. There is and we don’t foresee any problems no fresh chicken on the open market so certainly in the immediate future. we quickly ran out of chicken and pork Customers just need to shop responsibly but we’ve rectified that. If you look we and considerately and together we will have pork and we chicken, we could run absolutely be fine on the island. This a little short if the buying keeps up but is one of our many warehouses and it we will replenish again,”. is stocked from floor to ceiling with He continued: “We’ve adjusted pallets of stock and that is the same in those orders and certainly we will have our fridges and our freezers. There will Lysol spray, hand sanitizers and we will be some sporadic out of stock issues and sporadically get that product because that’s inadvisable given the pandemic, but we’re really in a very good position from an availability perspective,” he said. Phillips thanked their suppliers for really responding to the challenge and continuing to deliver on their needs. With the global surge in the demand for fresh eggs and as a result, availability on the larger eggs may become affected as well as price increases across the range. IGA has stated that where possible they will not pass on the full price increase to customers. Furthermore, they have also seen significant increase in the demand for fresh chicken and expect to have some gaps over the next couple of days. The store assured that they have plenty of more fresh chicken on order and will have the full range in the coming few days. Managing Director Ken Burns said: “Fresh chicken is ordered about two weeks ahead of time, the perfect storm happened Thursday, the panic buying Stocked goods at Grace Way IGA. started and our chicken were quickly

it’s just not available and not only here throughout the world. It’s not just our suppliers, New York suppliers too and I’ve spoken to many stores in the United States and they are having the same issues and they are larger than what we are. We will continue to order those products, we will have them and we will limit them because we want everyone to get the opportunity to purchase those goods as we do get them in. Yes we got caught in a perfect storm but we know how to react to that and we hope that our customers will forgive us a little bit for that but we will supply them from here on.” In an official statement on their Facebook page on Wednesday March 18th IGA said, “With the current global disruption it is to be expected that some items may not be readily available or in short supply. However, we remain committed to sourcing alternatives and keeping the island in good supply. We would ask everyone to be considerate in the way they shop. We understand your concerns, but buying more than is needed can sometimes mean that others will be left without. There is enough for everyone if we all work together.” Graceway will continue to provide for the community as it has consistency done through all major events that the islands have faced over the last 20 years.

The Hope Foundation and Ashley’s Learning Center - April is Autism Awareness Month - Order Your T-shirts Today Please join with The Hope Foundation for Autism Awareness (TCI) Inc. and the international Autism community in commemoration of April as World Autism Awareness Month! Kick start the month beginning On April 2nd, 2020 World Autism Awareness Day by purchasing and wearing one of our t-shirts. Choose any Friday in April and join other companies

by having a t-shirt day to wear one of our Hope Foundation AutismAwareness T-Shirts and wristbands andtake photos and upload them to our Facebook page! Proceeds from the sales of these t-shirts will assist in collaboration with Ashley’s Learning Center’s special needs programs, workshops andtherapies.

The number of children identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder is 1 in 68 according to the CDC. With your help, we will, make a difference in the lives of our children and families in TCI affected by ASD. For more information contact Maxcia L. Rigby- Director/Chairman or email: autismtci@ gmail.com Phone: 332-9817.


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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

A not-for-profit organization registered under the Companies Ord

RBC Royal Bank takes decisive action to help clients impacted by COVID-19 other circumstances are excluded from Annual Subscription

MPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS BANKER ASSOCIATION RBC Royal Bank announced plans to provide financial relief to its Caribbean clients impacted by the ongoing novel coronavirus(COVID-19) global pandemic. Effective immediately, most RBC Personal banking clients in the Caribbean will benefit from an automatic three-month payment deferral on credit facilities. Business and Corporate banking clients are also eligible for the relief program, following

individual eligibility assessments with an RBC representative. Automatic payment deferrals will be applied as of March 17, 2020 and remain in effect until June 30, 2020, or until further advised. To be eligible for the program, Personal banking or Business and Corporate banking client accounts must be current and in good standing as of March 2, 2020. Clients who are already participating in RBC relief programs for

this program. The relief program is intended to provide flexible solutions and help clients manage through the impacts of COVID-19, such as pay disruption; childcare disruption due to school closures; or dealing with the COVID-19 illness itself. These measures are an important first step and underscore the resilience of the financial system

and the critical role banks play in the economy.RBC will continue to monitor COVID-19 and the evolving economic conditions in each country and territory where the bank operates. RBC may consider other relief measures, if necessary. RBC has a long history of standing by Caribbean clients through challenging times and this commitment will continue throughout this crisis and beyond.


Sri Lankan illegal detention awaits ruling

The Turks & Caicos Islands Bankers Association (“TCBA”) has been monitoring the global and Hearings before Acting Justice Detention Centre to the public for 30 Carlos developments Simons, QC, to decide made all the need for a regional as the theydaysrelate to clearer the thenovel legality of continued detention since release of the applicant from detention. Coronavirus (COVID-19). October 2019 of Sri Lankan nation He invited Clemar Hippolyte Ariyaputhuran Ravikkumar, ended on Thursday, March 19th, 2020. Attorney Tim Prudhoe returned the night before the final hearing from unrelated hearings in Anguilla just ahead of airport closures in Dutch St Maarten and then the Dominican Republic as a result of Covid-19 concerns there. Prudhoe argued before the court that the emergence legislation gazette late on 18th March and in force on 20th March closing the Immigration

appearing from the Attorney General’s chamber to confirm that the exception to this closure for “essential and urgent visitation” would include legal visits but Hippolyte indicated instead that she was without instructions. Claiming that the repatriation for an unconfirmed number of the Sri Lankans still had a target date of 24th March, Hippolyte also informed the Court that the Sri Lankan authorities had closed the relevant airport in Sri Lanka until 31st March. Prudhoe also

While there have not been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Turks & Caicos Islands, the TCBA wishes to reassure customers that banks are proactively taking steps to help protect individuals who are accessing banking services, as well as bank staff, from inadvertently coming into contact with this, or any other contagious illness.

• If you are feeling unwell or have flu-like symptoms, stay home and avoid coming into a branch.

relied on this type of delay outside of the control of the Immigration Department as a further reason for immediate release from detention. During the hearing Prudhoe was thanked for this pro bono (without charge) work and that of this firm. Ms. Hippolyte indicated that the prior threat of seeking costs against Mr. Prudhoe if the release from detention was not ordered was no longer pursued after Prudhoe referenced to the court the unsuccessful intended “chilling” effect that such a threat was plainly intended to have on issues of this importance being raised before the court.

• If you MUST visit a branch, be sure to avoid physical contact with persons and limit your contact with surfaces within the public spaces.

Banks are actively working with Attorney-at-law, Tim Prudhoetheir employees to promote proper hygiene and regular cleaning and BANKERS ASSOCIATION TURKS AND CAICOS disinfecting OF of commonly-used surfaces and areas in A not-for-profit organization registered under the Companies Ordinance branches. In light of the growing concerns surrounding COVID-

19 and mindful of the public advisories issued by the Help keep our communities safe and healthy by: Department of Health, the TurksFROM & Caicos IMPORTANT MESSAGE THEBankers TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS BANKERS ASSOCIATION Association is encouraging the banking public to take NOVEL CORONAVIRUS COVID-19  Practicing regular hand washing with hot, all necessary precautions to minimise their risk of soapy andsymptoms, washstay home yourand hands • If you are feeling unwellwater or have flu-like The Turksand & Caicos Islands the Bankers Association (“TCBA”) has contracting spreading virus. We therefore takebeen avoid coming into a branch. monitoring the global and regional developments as they relate to the immediately after coughing or sneezing. novel Coronavirus this opportunity to(COVID-19). encourage our customers to adopt • If you MUST visit a branch, be sure to avoid physical contact with the following bestnotpractices if not already being indone: persons and limit your contact with surfaces within the public While there have been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 the Turks Continuing to monitor this situation and spaces. & Caicos Islands, the TCBA wishes to reassure customers that banks are proactively taking steps to help protect individuals who are accessing listen to with thetheirguidance Banks are actively working employees to provided promote properby the services, as well time as bank spent staff, from coming •banking Reduce the ininadvertently the Banks byinto hygiene andMinistry regular cleaning disinfecting commonly-used contact with this, or any other contagious illness. of and Health and oflocal public health making use of the Banks online platform and surfaces and areas in branches. authorities. In light of the growing mobile apps.concerns surrounding COVID-19 and mindful of the public advisories issued by the Department of Health, the Turks & Caicos Bankers Association is encouraging the banking public to take all necessary precautions to minimise their risk of contracting and spreading the virus. We therefore take this opportunity to encourage our customers to adopt the following best practices if not already being done:

 

Reduce your in-branch transactions and familiarize yourself with your Bank’s channels. Use alternative channels •alternative Reduce the time spent in the Banks by making use of the Banks online platform and mobile apps. as much as possible.

• Reduce your in-branch transactions and familiarize yourself with your Bank’s alternative channels. Use alternative channels as much as possible.

Avoid the crowd in bank branches - use bank’s ATMs. •your Avoid the crowd in bank branches - use your bank’s ATMs. • Bank via telephone by contacting your bank’s call centre.

Bank via telephone by contacting your bank’s call centre.

Help keep our communities safe and healthy by:

hand washing with hot, soapy committed water and The• Practicing Bankersregular Association is firmly to wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing. ensuring that our citizens receive timely and quality • Continuing monitor situation and listen their to the health and service while towe takethis steps to protect guidance provided by the Ministry of Health and local wellbeing. Theauthorities. Association therefore encourages the public health general public to adhere to all health and safety The Bankers Association is firmly committed to ensuring that our citizens receiveguidelines timely and quality while take the stepsspread to protectoftheir in anservice effort to we limit the virus health and wellbeing. The Association therefore encourages the general the toprotection families and our publicfor to adhere all health and of safetyourselves, guidelines in an effort to limit the spread of the virus for the protection of ourselves, families and our communities. communities.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Message to students and teachers from E J Saunders, Deputy PNP Leader Hello Students and Teachers,

3.Students trained on the use of the Virtual learning platform, and 4.Each student to have access to either a PC, tablet, or smart phone with a reliable internet connection so they can access the Virtual learning platform.

Come this Friday, 20th March 2020, all schools are to close until Monday, 20th April 2020. With the UK Government predicting that the COVID-19 Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak may not peak until 14 weeks from now (i.e. around the 22nd June)it Getting all these items in place is optimistic to believe that schools will to have virtual classes for the next 30 days remain closed for just one month. is practically impossible. Even trying to Schools are being asked to do so over the next 3 months is a huge finalize plans to continue the delivery task. However, for those schools that are of the curricula using the various means interested in trying, I highly recommend available to them, and to share their “Webex for School Teachers”. It’s a great business continuity plans to the Ministry platform and it’s free. of Education by today, Wednesday, 18th To ensure that this distance March 2020.We are aware that this is learning exercise go as smoothly as easier said than done, and we sympathize possible, we encourage all schools with you. Schools, particularly the public to ensure that before they close on schools, do not have the experience, Friday, they have contact information, training, tools, or IT systems and support, particularly email addresses, for all to be able to deliver courseware over the students. For students who don’t internet to the more than 7,000 students currently have an email account, I highly (based on the Turks & Caicos Islands recommend Gmail. It’s free. Government Vital Statistics Report 2018) In absence of structured who are between the ages of 5-19, in such classes, you students will be required a short time. To successfully move classes to exhibit a level of self-discipline and online, schools will need at a minimum self-management that many adults the following: don’t possess. This is asking a lot from you, but it is necessary during this time. 1.A Virtual learning platform, This period may feel like summer started 2.Teachers trained to deliver classes early, but you must be discipline during via the Virtual learning platform, this time and dedicate at least 5 – 6 hours

per day to studying, especially those students who are part of the class of 2020. If your teachers are unable to give you a full day’s worth of class material, then I encourage you to use the spare time reading your textbooks, and for those math and science students, practice, practice, practice, those questions. To the class of 2020, the cancelation of classes could not have happened at a worse time for you. You’re getting ready for final exams, in a little more than 3 months you’re graduating, and in September, you’re starting a new chapter of your life. I know you feel that all of this is unfair, and it is. However, all is not lost. Remember, that God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, and when you are tempted, he will provide a way out so that you can endure it. The next month, and maybe even the next three months, you will be temptedby everything but your schoolwork, but you must ignore the temptations. If your school doesn’t have access to a Virtual learning platform, then utilize existing social media and communications platforms – like Facebook and Whatsapp – to study together in groups. Make sure that everyone in your class participates. With everyone reaching for the same goal, it will encourage each person to give their

E J Saunders all. Having study groupswill make it easier for persons to work through problems effectively, and most importantly, it will encourage the sharing of knowledge. Make sure that noone is left behind. “Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together”, and Class of 2020, God has chosen you for this challenge. I know that you will make it through it, and you will make the entire country proud. We stand by you, and we will be here for you. I pray that God continue to bless and strengthen you to overcome the challenges ahead.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Johana Bien-Aime is winner of Seven Stars Alan Duffy award 2020 By Todeline Defralien The Seven Stars Resort on Tuesday March 17th celebrated the third anniversary of the passing of Alan Duffy. Duffy, who was 46 years old when he died, was remembered for many things such as his love of life, his humor, his generosity, his hospitality, his cooking, his ability as a mentor and manger of his staff, his professionalism and his pride for his restaurant. To celebrate Alan’s life, a special award for excellence and service will has been given every year to a staff member who epitomizes what Alan stood for. Johana Bien-Aime, Supervisor of the Deck Restaurant is the Winner of the third Alan Duffy award. Ken Patterson, CEO of Seven Stars Resorts,said the event itself is to commemorate the life and passing of

Alan Duffy who worked at the resort for seven/eight years, first at Seven Restaurant and then on the Deck Restaurant. “The winner this year has only been with this company for a couple of years and before joining us she worked at the Beach House for six years and we managed to get her from there a couple of years ago. She started here as a server and on her return from maternity leave in December 2019, she became a supervisor on the Deck. The key to her success is her commitment to getting the job done right the first time and haven’t to ask twice. She is a self-starter and always focuses on making her job environment better and the people she works with more effective at what they do all while rocking a beautiful smile and wowing our guests,” he said. Patterson stated that Johana

Johana Bien-Aime pictured with Ken Patterson CEO of Seven Stars Resorts.

embodies what it is to be a hospitality professional and is so deserving of the Alan Duffy award. She said, “I personally feel that Alan will be very proud of her as a team member on the Deck.” Commenting on her win, BienAime said, “I would like to thank my managers including the staff that I’ve worked with. Even on your worst days it’s always good to work with people that want you to do well and not to keep you down. I have never worked anywhere else that has such great standards as the Seven Stars, but not just the standards it doesn’t make you feel like a robot and I just want to thank you guys for that.” The Winner of the first Alan Duffy award went to Ranekia Lightbourne from the Front of House Department and the second to Guylnaud Gustave Head Mixologist at Seven Bar at

the time. Ranekia Lightbourne said, “This is truly an amazing experience for us as staff and also for the resort. I think that us as Turks and Caicos Islands and locals sometimes we’re not exposed enough ad we don’t get that opportunity to get that exposure that we desire and this gives us that step forward. Here at Seven Stars Resort it’s investing in us and I think that that is so amazing.” Guylnaud Gustave added, “On behalf of Alan Duffy I would like to say congratulations and to be here is just being nominated to receive this award is a huge accomplishment. Johana you deserve it, I’ve worked with you and truly hard work and dedication really pays off and I am really looking forward to working with you.”

Yolander Forbes, Human Resources Director, Johana Bien-Aime and Megan Jolly -Assistant Human Resources Manager.

MANAGING DIRECTOR Job Grade: A84 Annual Salary: $88,500 – $140,500

The Managing Director develops and implements local business strategy for the Turks & Caicos Islands in alignment with the Bank’s strategies, the approved risk appetite and in compliance with all government and regulatory laws.

Key Accountabilities 

Leads and drives a customer focused culture throughout the Turks & Caicos Islands to deepen client relationships and leverage broader Bank relationships, systems and knowledge;

Leads the local management team, and in collaboration with partners in International Banking, in bringing business plans and solutions to the customer that integrates and reflect the Country’s unique business and regulatory environments and including: - Implements appropriate market strategies to increase market share - improves productivity while optimizing sales and operational effectiveness; and - operationalizes appropriate governance to ensure compliance with local regulatory requirements;

Ken Patterson CEO of Seven Stars Resorts, Johana Bien-Aime, Guylnaud Gustave and Ranekia Lightbourne.

TURKSTECH SOLUTIONS Job Title: Service Technician Location: Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. 8B Leeside Ave, Long Bay DUTIES Responsible for installation of new and existing cable services. Perform tests, troubleshoot and repair STBs/converter boxes and cable modems/ONT at customer premises. Qualifications &Experience •At least three CXC or GCE subjects one of which must be English. •Valid Drivers license and must be able to operate a motor vehicle and use standard tools •Ability to work within confined spaces, such as crawl spaces, manholes etc, while performing duties of this job. •Must be capable of carrying heavy equipment and is required to climb poles using ladders up to. •A high level of confidentiality and work with highly sensitive data and information. •Excellent Trouble shooting and analytical skills. Frist Time Salary: commission Base Only Phone:649-331-6872/649-332-4013 Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board.

Leads the implementation of tactical strategies and initiatives by successfully communicating the appropriate vision and plans and bringing others to share it. -

Assesses and manages the impact of key business initiatives/priorities on stakeholder groups (e.g. shareholder, customer, and employee); and


Influences and involves relevant parties across the Bank to gain their commitment for execution;

Directs the day-to-day activities in a manner consistent with the Bank’s risk culture and the relevant risk appetite statement and limits. Communicates the Bank’s risk culture and risk appetite statement throughout their teams;

Creates an environment in which his/her team pursues effective and efficient operations of his/her respective areas, while ensuring the adequacy, adherence to and effectiveness of day-to-day business controls to meet obligations with respect to operational risk, regulatory compliance risk, AML/ATF risk and conduct risk, including but not limited to responsibilities under the Operational Risk Management Framework, AML/ATF Global Handbook and the Guidelines for Business Conduct;

Builds a high performance environment and implements a people strategy that attracts, retains, develops and motivates the local team by fostering an inclusive work environment, communicating vision/values/business strategy and managing succession and development planning for the team.

Requirements            

Excellent knowledge of Banking products and services, including working knowledge of the systems, routines and operating procedures; Excellent credit skills and sound judgement, as demonstrated through his/her previous track record and experience; Excellent risk assessment and analytical skills; Excellent accounting and financial analysis skills, good lleadership and supervisory skills; Knowledge of completion and registration/renewal policies and procedures for security documents, and of procedures and standards for correspondence and credit returns; Excellent coaching skills and knowledge of training resources made available by the Bank for use by self and subordinates; Superior industry knowledge with areas of specialization where required; Superior communication skills (oral and written); Good understanding of commercial management systems; Knowledge and understanding of the commercial and retail products used or of potential use to commercial customers and prospects; Ability to develop and maintain mutually beneficial banking relationship with clients; Graduate Degree and/or work equivalency.

Scotiabank offers a highly competitive compensation and benefits package with tremendous opportunities for personal and professional growth to the successful candidates.

Please submit applications no later than April 10th, 2019 to: Pamela Taylor – Human Resource Officer pamela.taylor@scotiabank.com Scotiabank (Turks & Caicos) Ltd. P.O. Box 15, 88 Cherokee Road, Leeward Highway Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands

This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Interested Belongers must also submit copies of their application to the Work Permit Board Zone 2 Jobregistration@gov.tc

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Mr. Chawaa’s new song ‘Welcome To The Island’ making waves in TCI By Todeline Defralien Young and talented local artist Benchley Fidele, better known as Mr. Chawaa is making waves with his new hit single ‘Welcome To The Island. Shot on the beautiful islands of Providenciales, North Caicos and Middle Caicos and Iguana Island, this new song seeks to promote TCI’s tourism and culture. The song has already been receiving commendable feedback from the community and drawing attention all over social media. Benchley Fidele told The SUN he wanted to bring something different and new to the forefront. “I spent most of my life here. After I travelled to Jamaica and the Dominican Republic two years ago I heard so many local songs playing in their airports. When I came back home to TCI, I researched on other local artists and I realized it was time for me to bring something different, something new,

where it can help tourists to experience what we already have on these beautiful Islands,” he said. Fidele added: ‘With the recent increase in crime and violence in Providenciales, I felt the need to make tourists aware that we are still beautiful by nature. Also, having interacted with so many tourists, it is their belief before getting here that Providenciales is the only island, so my song and video help to showcase the other beautiful islands that make up the Turks and Caicos Islands.” Fidele stated that it took over a month to put together a great concept and video which will showcase what the Turks and Caicos Islands has to offer. “It was a group of four of us that worked together in creating this video. We call ourselves Selavi Gang. I feel that if government help in promoting and publishing my new single on every platform like having it play at the airports or anywhere that attracts tourist,

it will help the Islands because there are son Islands that even us locals have never visited and there is so much more beautiful things on those Islands,” he added. In addition, Fidele stressed that most importantly he hopes to promote unity with this new song. He said, “We have people of all walks of life coming to our islands that speak many different languages. I chose to use Spanish, Creole and of course our native tongue English to help draw attention to our welcoming nature. That’s why in the song I have Creole verses and Spanish verses, so we welcome everyone.” Fidele, 22, started music back in Grand Turk when he was only in second form. Always knowing he loved music back in school when his classmates used to use their mouth to create beats, it was always his favorite part in class, always ready to freestyle. The new single officially released

Benchley Fidele better known as Mr. Chawaa on Monday February 24th, 2020 and is currently receiving numerous shares via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube Channel. Widlu Dieujuste was the incredible Filmmaker which captured the beauty of all of the Islands.

Premier will not attend JMC IN UK, recommits to constitutional Talks Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson has made the decision to not attend the Joint Ministerial Council Meeting in the UK scheduled for the 4th week of March. Premier Robinson in coming to this conclusion informed the Foreign Commonwealth Office, her Overseas Territories colleagues and the Hon Leader of the Opposition who was scheduled

to join her during that week for constitutional talks. The JMC, an annual Meeting of OT Leaders, OT Governors and FCO Officials was earlier postponed for Elections in the UK and was set for March. Premier Robinson remarked, “Whilst TCI remains coronavirus free with no confirmed cases, it is important that leadership at all levels remain grounded for what is proving to

be a fast moving and constantly evolving issue. TCI’s first position remains to prevent, but we are preparing to keep our people safe in the event of a positive case.On the matter of constitutional talks, it is my intention to reach out to the OT Minister to seek an early audience as soon as possible via technological means. I remain committed to this issue but know that this is the best decision at this time.”

PEAK PROFESSIONAL TCI LTD. Annex A Reporting to: Location:

Executive Director Salt Mills Plaza, Grace Bay. Providenciales

Job Title: Trainer Duties and Responsibilities 1.Plan, direct and deliver training and professional development programmes 2. Provide feedback on programs implemented to organization 3.To establish and maintain contacts and good relationships with potential clients. Education & Experience 1.BSc in relevant discipline 2.Prior experience with designing and implementing training programs successfully 3.Familiarity with traditional and modern training methods (mentoring and coaching on the job or in the classroom training, e-learning, workshops, simulations etc.) Skills & Qualities 1.Good written and verbal communication skills 2.Ability to deliver programmes to a high quality 3.Strong leadership and management kills 4.Ability to devise solutions to complex problems 5.Energy and enthusiasm to motivate and engage others 6.Personally credible and strong interpersonal skills 7.Integrity and approachability Competencies

Premier Hon. Sharlene Robinson

Windward Construction Ltd Project Manager and Maintenance Coordinator Must be able to plan and supervise a wide range of construction projects from concept, tender to completion, as well have extensive experience in the following areas: •Proven experience as Construction Project Manager •Organize and oversee construction procedures and ensure they are completed in a timely and efficient manner. •Collaborate and coordinate with engineers, architects and consultants to create specifications for projects •Draft and negotiate contracts with external vendors •Determine required project resources (manpower, equipment and materials) with close attention to budgetary limitations •Plan all construction operations and schedule intermediate phases to ensure timely delivery – create and implement Gant sheets •Acquire equipment and material and monitor stocks to enable work flow consistently •Hire contractors and other staff and allocate responsibilities •Evaluate progress and prepare detailed weekly reports for management •Communicate with clients and manage client requirements in written and verbal form •Outstanding communication and negotiation skills •Excellent organizational and time-management skills •Flawless reporting and documentation skills •A team player with leadership abilities Competency in the following IT programmes is a requirement of the application: •Microsoft Excel •AutoCad •Sketchup •Smartsheet •CoConstruct

1.Technical capacity 2.Communication proficiency 3.Leadership 4.Initiative 5.Learning orientation 6.Flexibility 7.Time management skills 8.Presentation skills 9.Fluent English

Ability requirements: Fluent verbal and written English necessary Fluent Spanish or French beneficial Min 15+ years experience in Construction Management and Maintenance Management. Good on the ground experience of site management for large scale projects to include post completion maintenance systems and programmes.

Email CVs to admin@peakprofessionaltci.com

Resumes to be submitted to: Windward Construction Ltd, Third Floor Graceway House, Graceway Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands.

Salary: $6,000 per month subject to experience

Page 16


MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Coping in a Covid-19 Pandemic It’s a serious and frightening time where we are in uncharted waters and everyone is afraid of the unknown. Regardless of how Covid-19 unfolds in the world and Turks and Caicos in particular, it is certain that we will all be affected and are already being affected in many ways. Stemming The Virus Coronaviruses cause respiratory infections and as such are transmitted mainly via respiratory droplets. It therefore means that being in close contact with someone who has the virus puts you at risk of contracting it especially if they are coughing. The virus can also live on surfaces which means that if you touch a surface with the virus and then proceed to touch your nose for instance, you may contract the virus. This is why staying away from crowds and large gatherings is being deemed so important. This is why social distancing is being purported as the new normal at least for now, and this is why we are being told to wash our hands properly, refrain from touching our faces and sanitize our hands and surfaces at intervals. In fact, persons who believe they may be positive because of their symptoms of cough, sore throat and fever, their travel history or their contact with possibly infected persons, are being asked to consult their doctors via telephone for advice or to call the national hotline and not go into their private doctor’s office or the hospital waiting rooms. If one becomes very ill during the time of the illness, they are to seek medical assistance, initially via the phone, and

arrangements made to see and possibly admit them as required. We are being bombarded with information about Covid-19. Whether Preparing For Self-Isolation on news stories, or social media videos, memes and so on, Covid-19 info is being Thus far we have had no shared incessantly. Be selective in the confirmed cases but person have been in sources you pay attention to. Ensure the quarantine at home as they have come information is from relevant authorities in contact with persons who have either or reputable outlets and do not feed been suspected of having coronavirus into the rumors, fear mongering or the and are awaiting results, or been in conspiracy theories. With all the changes we are contact with persons who have actually having to make to our lives, coupled tested positive. In this global world in which we with a constant diet of sad or alarming live, the expectation is that all countries news, many of us have already started will eventually have cases. The public to feel stressed and anxious. Take breaks health approach has been to quarantine from the constant Covid 19 updates. Stay informed but also take infected persons and possibly exposed mental health breaks like watching persons for 14 days after exposure. By Dr. Marsha Barnett Because we cannot foretell when movies, reading novels, playing board we might come in contact with a case, it games and exercising at home. Try to Now is perhaps the time to cut back on is important that we have a plan for if, create a balance and remember anxiety discretionary spending, to start finding and when we will need to be quarantined. actually diminishes your immune system cost saving measures and planning Have enough supplies such as food, water and we will need calm minds and strong ahead as to how our families will cope with a reduction in income over the next and toiletries for at least 2 weeks for your bodies in the months to come. few months. household. Eventually, the world will stem Some authorities actually Bracing For The Financial Impact the spread of the virus and we will recover recommend having 4 to 8 weeks’ worth of from the effects of this dismal time. But food and household supplies! If you have There is no question about it. a chronic illness such as hypertension, We will be impacted financially! The now you must take care of yourselves heart disease or asthma, ensure you have whole world has already started to feel and your families. Eat well, having at least a month of your medications at some impacts such as the stock market lots of fruits with immune boosting vitamins. Get your rest. Practice proper home. drops and reduced productivity in many Also, start thinking of ways to areas as persons are being quarantined or hygiene. Stay informed and try not be get overwhelmed. keep your children active and stimulated asked to work from home. during this period. Even though all family With a large portion of our members might be isolating together, income coming from tourism and with *Dr. Marsha Barnett is a general take extra precautions to further guard a closed cruise port, reduced loads on practitioner who also specialises the more vulnerable members of your flights and cancellations of holidays, we in dermatology. For questions or comments, please contact her at family such as the elderly and those with will have some financial fall off. chronic illnesses. It is best to try as best as possible drmarshabarnett@gmail.com or at to plan for this instead of hoping beyond Associated Medical Practices - 9464242. Coping With The Fear hope that it will not happen.

Important Questions and Answers about Coronavirus From The TCI Ministry of Health

At a press conference on Thursday, 27 February, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation, listed 15 probing questions every country needs to ask themselves. Here are the TCI’s answers. Q&A: 1.Are we ready for the first case? Yes. We have isolation rooms in both hospitals. We’re asking the public that if they suspect that they have the virus, they are not to go to the hospital but to call the Ministry of Health Coronavirus hotline, 232-9444 or 338-0911, and will provide advice and guidance. If required, we have identified the new Mental Health facility in Grand Turk as an isolation facility and also the Blue Hills Clinic in Provo - minor works are to be completed before the facilities can be fully utilized. The government has also looked at the possibly of securing vacant commercial properties as an additional alternative. 2.What will we do when the first case arrives? If a suspected case was identified today, we have the proper protocols in place in order to respond.In addition, we have isolation rooms located in both of our hospitals for persons requiring care. 3.Do we have an isolation Unit? Yes. As mentioned, units are operational at Cheshire Hall and Cockburn Medical Centres. There are also units at the newly constructed Mental Health Facility in Grand Turk which will be used if needed. 4.Do we have enough medical oxygen, ventilators, and other vital equipment. Yes, we do have the vital equipment that can cope with an initial outbreak. The Health Emergency Management Unit within the Ministry of Health isadvanced into the process of procuring additional Oxygen, Ventilators and other vital

equipment such vital signs monitors, IV Stands and a PCR machine which would enable us to test locally. However, due to this emergency there has been a slowdown in the global supply chain, affecting availability and prices. 5.Will we know if there are cases in other parts of the country? The Ministry or Health is committed to providing information to the general public as it relates to the TCI. Information will be shared as and when it becomes available. 6.Is there a reporting system that all health facilities are using and a way to raise an alert if there is a concern? Yes. The Ministry of Health through the National Epidemiology and Research Unit currently has a very robust Syndromic Surveillance System which works very closely with all private health care facilities and all government facilities, TCI hospitals and a number of resorts. From as early as January all sites were alerted to be vigilant for persons meeting the case definition of COVID-19. 7.Do our Health workers have the training and equipment they need to stay safe? Refresher training is ongoing for all Health Workers in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Currently there is a supply of PPEs such as N95 masks, face shields, gloves aprons, goggles, coveralls and gowns available for use in country. Additional supplies are also being sourced to supplement stocks on hand. 8.Do our Health workers know how to take samples correctly from patients? All the Public Health Nurses and Doctors are comfortable and well-trained in obtaining samples for testing. 9.Do we have the right measures at airports and border crossings to test

people who are sick? Screening is ongoing at the air and sea ports. Cruise ships have to notify us before entry of any ill persons on board as a part of their routine reporting requirements and we would not allow any ship with the virus to land. If there are any suspected cases, vessels would not be allowed to disembark their passengers or crew. If required, testing would not take place at our ports of entry but specimen collection can take place there. We have assigned additional staff to the airport in Providenciales and will be enhancing our surveillance at the cruise port. Additional temporary staff are also being recruited. 10.Do our labs have the right chemicals that allow them to test samples? Like many countries in the region, our Public Health lab is not able to test locally at the moment. We are exploring the swiftest options for such testing. We have already established protocols in the meantime at the Caribbean Public Health Agency laboratory and are seeking to partner with other countries to support our testing capabilities. A PCR machine is required to test locally and the Ministry of Health is in the process of procuring a machine. The equipment for sample collection is in country. 11.Are we ready to test patients with severe or critical disease? Once we receive the PCR Machine, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) would assist with refresher training and we will have the capacity to test in country. In the meantime, we would use established protocols to test samples. 12.Do our hospitals and clinics have the right procedures to prevent and control infections. Our Health facilities have a very strong Infection Control Programme and we are also guided by new guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) in relation to COVID-19. We have a draft

Policy in place and training of our health personnel is ongoing. 13.Do our people have the right information; do they know what the disease looks like? The Ministry of Health commenced a public education campaign COVID-19 on the 22nd of January 2020. Messages have been distributed via social media, radio, WhatsApp and through community visits. The Ministry is currently working on video messages to be distributed. Schools are also being educated about the virus and how to protect themselves from it, this activity began on 21st February. Sessions with churches on COVID-19 began on 23rd February. Ministry officials have also appeared on radio talk shows concerning COVID-19. Frontline government staff along with other public service providers have been receiving information on COVID-19 and also have been advised to have hand sanitizers for, not only staff, but also the public that they serve. 14.Are we ready to fight rumors and misinformation with clear and simple messages that people can understand? Yes. We continue to respond to damaging rumuors through a combination of activities, including but not limited to, press conferences (held on Monday, 2nd March, 2020) and media statements; text messages through FLOW and Digicel, along with messages through platforms such as WhatsApp and the use of social media. We ask the public to only seek advice from credible sources. 15.Are we able to have our people on our side to fight this outbreak? We are increasingly confident that the general public understand that combating this public health emergency is everyone’s responsibility. We firmly believe that by the government continuously sharing information with the general public on a timely basis, and responding to their concerns, that we can yet further build support. The answer to these questions can be viewed in that light.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Where is your dwelling place amid this crisis? If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Highest your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near you tent.” Psalms 91:9 Even though I am only 50, I thought I had seen it all. However, I have never seen anything impactful like this coronavirus. This is indeed a wake-up call for all of us. Many of us have not seen yet the impact that this virus can have on our health and livelihood. Imagine being in the Caribbean where tourism is our bread and butter and tourists discontinue travelling to your destination, the taxi drivers do not have anyone to take in their taxis, the villas and short term rentals do not have any guests, the staff at these places will have to be reduced, government revenue will be reduced and the list goes on and on. Now from a health perspective, if we do not follow the heed and no vaccine is found soon, the health of many will be jeopardize. We have already seen deaths, but the good news is we have also seen many more recoveries than deaths. Amid all this crisis, where is your dwelling place? Is it in the Government? Is it in the Health Practitioners? Is it in the Scientists? Is your dwelling place a place of fear? Is your dwelling place the Lord? Psalms 91

He that dwelleth in the secret

place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high,

NAVA JEWELERS LTD, dba JEWELRY, world renowned jewelers and retail sellers of signature brand jewelry and jewelry related products, with a chain of affiliated jewelry stores and outlets throughout North America, the Caribbean and Worldwide, is now accepting applications/resumes from suitably qualifies persons as: ASSISTANT MANAGER, JEWELRY SALES SPECIALISTS, JEWELRY SPECIALIST TRAINER, SUPERVISORS AND MERCHANDISERS, JEWELERS, PRECIOUS STONESBRAND QUALITY CONTROL CLERKS, SALES CLERKS, and/or ASSOCIATES At the Company’s prestigious retail Jewelry sales and Jewelry related merchandise sales Store located at the Carnival Corporation’s Grand Turk Cruise Center, South Beach, Grand Turk. Requirements: •A sound educational background, and a minimum of five (5) years jewelry sales and general merchandising experience, in the case of Assistant Manager, Supervisors, Precious Stones and Brand Quality Control Clerks and two (2) years in the case of Sales Clerks and Associates, together with a proven and unblemished track record of employment in a highly trusted related field of employment and/or business. •A positive and disciplined attitude and aptitude toward work in a customer service oriented business. •Excellent communication, inter-personal and customer service skills. •A trustworthy, dependable and honest disposition. •Must be willing to work flexible hours including weekends and holidays and irregular cruise ship schedule. •Clean criminal record. •Unblemished employment history. •All candidates must be proficient in the English written and spoken word. •Salary will be negotiable and dependent on the qualification and relevant experience of the successful applicant but will be not less than $7.00 per hour. Suitable candidates whodo not meet the prescribed requirements that who, in the sole discretion of the Company’s management team, demonstrate a clear willingness to embrace the Company’s in-house training initiatives and established standard operating policies and procedures, may be eligible for recruitment in exceptional circumstances. All applicants who are Turks Islanders are invited to send their application to the Labor Commissioner and Immigration Board.Preference will be given to documented Turks and Caicos Islanders. Interested persons may submit their applications and resumes, via e-mail to: resume@effyjewelery.com, via fax to:2127308887, or hand deliver the same to any senior member of the company’s staff at its store, commonly known as Jewelry located at Suite No. 2, Building 1, Grand Turk Cruise Center, South Beach, Grand Turk.

because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.16 With long life will I satisfy him and shew him my salvation. The best dwelling place Based on the above scripture, the best dwelling place is to be in the shelter of the Lord. However, in order to be in the shelter of the Lord, you need to come to the shelter. You can come to this dwelling place by accepting the Lord as your personal Saviour. Repent of your sins, stay in the word and do what the word says. While you will be faced with crisis in your life, know that the Lord says he will never leave, nor you will he forsake you. Know that you will be protected. No matter how many crises you encountered in your life, they will not come near your dwelling. The key to survival in this dwelling place is to have faith. Conclusion Whether you have money or not, it is always best to be in a place of security, safety and love. That place then is to be in the dwelling place of

By Drexwell Seymour God where you will find love, peace, comfort and safety. This coronavirus does not discriminate therefore the rich, the poor, the black and white will all be impacted. However, this is just a season and we must believe in the promise of God that no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. We have to be in right standing with God. We just cant say pray and do not live right. We shouldn’t say we are in the shelter of God but yet living in fear. Of course it is natural to be afraid but if you are in the shelter of God, you need to know for sure that God is your Saviour.

Shine On In the flickering light of modern journalism, I am pleased to note that Hayden Boyce shines on. I listened to the police presser on crime and new police officers, and I was pleased to see that despite what seems to be the flickering light of journalism Hayden Boyce shined in true form. For years it is a known secret that since UK police were introduced to the top ranks of the police force, there has been an exponential increase in violent crime and there seems to be no ability to solve them. Under UK leadership, the police station was burglarized, murder rates skyrocketed, armed home invasions went unsolved, cold case files have now become entombed in an Artic frost, and many many crimes are now being ignored or simply unreported. The magical solutions from the ranks of Her Majesty’s UK have come time and time again, but the only problem is that as far as many can see these solutions have not been working. I know the Bermuda effect was sold as a super win for UK policing but what was not mentioned is that following the murder of a gang leader in 2018 the island has been quiet as gangs reorganize and the gang problem in Bermuda is very much alive. In fact, Gina Spence and others in Bermuda criticized the UK Police there for their weak stance on crime and predicted that the situation there could soon disintegrate because of the “hand wringing” policing of the British officers in command. Ms. Spence highlighted the UK police’s inability to properly connect with the local communities and suggested

By Devon Williams that gang leaders and drug dealers were actually more connected and respected in the communities. I am sure that as a Caribbean historian and journalist Mr. Boyce knows all too well of the UK pipeline to paradise strategy where one would come and make way for many more to follow, I am just disappointed that it seems like the likes of W. Blythe Duncanson has hung up his gloves.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


4 Measures to Curb the Socioeconomic Fallout of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) The COVID-19 aka the Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on economies across the world including the superpower United States of America ,which saw a historic over 3,000 point drop in the Dow Index this week. Last evening they announced sweeping economic measures to try and mitigate the crisis. Along with the stimulus package, we in the TCI must brace ourselves and seriously consider implementing the following measures to curb the socioeconomic fallout from the coronavirus: 1.Postpone indefinitely the 6.8% Fortis TCI rate increase. This measure in my view is the simplest to implement of the 4 and can have a significant net impact on citizen. It was surprising to hear our Premier give the following answer to a question by Magnetic Media Reporter Deandre Hamilton regarding the 6.8% rate increase, and I quote “There has been no change in that and if there is we will certainly alert the Public”.

Madam Premier, dare I say that is not good enough! 2.Implement Consumer Protection Regulations. The Consumer Protection Ordinance was passed in late 2016 and the regulations have been pending for over 3 years now. Given the evident price gouging we have seen in recent days with a simple 8oz bottle of hand sanitizer, we cannot leave it up to merchants to be compassionate in this time of national crisis. Once the Director of Trade is given the powers of the Consumer Protection Director, residents must be asked to join in the policing of price gouging by emailing receipts of purchases that they suspect price gouging is taken place based on their shopping history. These can be cross referenced with the customs database and prosecutions should take place as necessary. 3.Negotiation of at least a 3 month Mortgage freeze. As straightforward as measure number 1, this will provide great

financial relief in a time when many will be underemployed or unemployed given that over 80% of our economic activity is directly or indirectly related to the Tourism Industry which is taking the biggest hit. This was done after hurricane Irma and can be done again. In the case of rental property owners receiving this waiver, they must in turn waive at least 50%-60% of the rental fees. 4.Social Care. Outside of a national crisis there are more people that need social assistance than is presently budgeted for. That being the reality, the Social Development budget must be significantly increased to be able to cope with the increased numbers of persons that will fall in this category despite the stimulus package that will soon be proposed. The idea is to ensure that any family that may fall below the poverty line does not stay there indefinitely. As a country, we faced Hurricane Ike and Survived. We faced Hurricane

By Jamell Robinson Irma and Survived. We too shall face COVID-19 and we will not only survive but thrive for Isaiah 41:10 says: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” Stay Blessed TCI * Jamell Robinson is a PNP All Island Candidate in the next elections

COVID-19 Human Rights Commission At the Human Rights Commission, the safety and well-being of our employees and clients is always our priority, and we recognise the important role we play in the protection of rights for all persons in the Turks and Caicos Islands. During this critical time, the Commission is actively monitoring the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic and taking the necessary steps to help keep our communities safe. We wanted to share with you some steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our team and stakeholders. Aligning with Public Health Authorities Our team is dedicated to our response to this pandemic and Business Continuity Plans are in place to ensure the continuation of services. We are closely monitoring the Ministry of Health, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding COVID-19. Continuous guidance from relevant domestic authorities is ongoing.

Protecting our employees and customers

As our employees interact with customers and the general public, we have taken steps to limit exposure to the virus. We have put restrictions on travel, postponed large-scale events, limited the size of meetings, provided remote-work solutions, and continue to reinforce safe behavior in every environment. Assisting our employees We are in continuous communication with our employees reminding them about the importance of good hygiene, providing them with health education and support whenever needed. Employees that may feel unwell will be instructed to not report to work. The Commission has specific quarantine and communication procedures in place should an employee be diagnosed with COVID-19 or is asked to self-isolate by a public health authority. Our commitment to our clients

Statement on corona virus preparations from Colonial Insurance Brokers Ltd. “Colonial Group International has actioned its internal crisis management plan which covers both our staff and our clients,so that we are fully prepared in the event of a coronavirus outbreak in The Turks and Caicos Islands. “We hope that it will not have to be used, but we feel it is best to be prepared as we are aware that people in the community will be relying on us to process not just medical claims, but all other claims as well. “Today we have taken steps to update our staff as well as our clients and we will continue to update them as things develop. This is a very fluid situation that we are monitoring very closely indeed. “As regards the coronavirus, I want to reassure people that

coronavirus testing is covered when deemed medically necessary and appropriate as determined by guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and/ or Local Government. “A screening test ordered by a medical professional will be covered in accordance to the members current health plan benefits. “If a member of Colonial Medical Insurance becomes infected with Coronavirus, medically necessary and appropriate medical care services are also covered in accordance to the members current health plan benefits.” Please feel Free to contact us via telephone #649-232-3195/649941-3195 or email clarita.gardinersmith@colonial.tc should you require any additional information

and our communities The role of the Human Rights Commission is incredibly important in times like these. We are appealing to our clients, for non-critical matters, to email the Human Rights Commission or telephone the office, provisions are made for calls to be answered 24 hours a day if situations become extremely urgent, through our “always available” culture, and this includes having in place proper contingency plans to ensure service continuity for you, our clients and communities, during this time.

2.In any event we encourage you to utilize email, telephone and other nonface to face means of communication to reduce direct contact. 3.Where contact may be necessary or unavoidable, we encourage that adequate and appropriate social distancing should be maintained. 4.We also encourage that anyone visiting the office sanitize their hands upon entry with the hand sanitizer provided for public use.

What we ask of you

For your convenience, listed below are contact details:

We are taking every precaution to ensure the safety and health of our communities, but we need your help.

Turks and Caicos Human Rights Commission - tcihumanrightscomission@ hrc.tc

1.If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and have a scheduled appointment or a case to report, please phone the Commission for guidance so that we can discuss options with you to ensure our collective well-being.

Telephone: 941-5343 Our services are always available but, to help keep everyone safe, we encourage you to consider using the protocols above during this time.

Postponement of Memorial Service for Edward Gartland With regrets the Gartland family announces postponement of the memorial service for Edward. Gartland planned to be held in the Turks and Caicos Islands, April 4th 2020. As you know, governments around the world have implemented an increasing number of precautionary restrictions designed to slow the spread of Coronavirus. These restrictive policies render it too difficult to host a memorial

service at this time. Given the open ended nature of this situation the event will be postponed indefinitely. A new date will be announced once the public health crisis has passed and the outlook favorable enough to reconsider it. In the meantime, we wish you well and best wishes as we all navigate this new terrain. With warmest regards, Tim Gartland, with Anne, Pat, Janice and Carol.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The House Keeping Department requires:

The Accounts Department requires:  

Financial Controller Finance Manager

Reports to:

  

Reports to:

General Manager and Financial Controller

The Assistant Financial Controller and Finance Managers are primarily responsible to ensure viability and ultimately profitability. This is only achieved through managing of controls by implementing accountability over the company’s resources in a consistent, systematic and effective manner. Standard Specifications:

 

A. Qualifications and Experience: A minimum first degree in Finance or Economics Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in hospitality management in five star hotels containing 200 or more rooms CPA or CA with three years post qualification experience Previous experience as a Senior Audit Manager / Finance Manager/ Finance Controller is an advantage. Must be knowledgeable of computer skills, i.e. Windows XP, Stock Control System, MS Outlook and WinZip. Experience in managing diverse teams. MSA with three years post qualification experience

                 

B. Specific Knowledge & Skills Required: Working knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (i.e. Word, Excel, Outlook); Knowledge of company policies and procedures; General understanding of accounting practices and principles; Knowledge of financial and banking regulations; Ability to maintain a high level of accuracy in preparing and entering financial information; Knowledge of finance, budgeting, and cost control principles; In-depth knowledge of all accounting functions; Auditing skills Team leading abilities; Payroll management; Experience with automated accounting systems; Ability to maintain confidentiality concerning financial files; Bookkeeping skills that show high levels of attention to detail; Professional disposition; Analytical and problem solving skills; Effective written and verbal communication skills; Time and stress management skills; Have an ability to demonstrate sound work ethics.

    

One of these positions is currently held by a Work Permit Holder and one is vacant. Recruitment to fill this position is underway at this time. The salaries for these positions are dependent on experience and can ranges between $ 40,000.00 and $80,000.00 The Spa Department requires: 

Spa Therapist

Reports to:

Houseman Room Attendant Public Area Cleaner/Attendant

Spa Manager

The Spa Therapist is responsible for the comfort of the guests of the spa while performing treatments. Direct all efforts toward guest satisfaction achievement of Spa standards, and profit maximization. As part of the Spa Team it is imperative to work harmoniously to achieve the highest standard of service. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a valid License/Certificate in your field of expertise;

Executive Housekeeper

The Room Attendant assumes primary responsibility for guestroom cleaning and servicing. The Housemen are responsible for delivering clean linen and clearing dirty linen from Room Attendants’ trolley. The general maintenance of all corridors and walkways on assigned floor/section are also the responsibility of the Housemen. The Public Area Cleaner/ Attendant is responsible to service all other areas and offices. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $6.25- $6.50 per hour 

Linen Room Attendant

Reports to:

Executive Housekeeper

To maintain order and cleanliness in the linen room and to assist with all of the activities related to the linen room, to record all items received and issued. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  No allergies to chemicals or dust  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.25- $7.00 per hour The Bar Department requires:   

Bartender Bar Porter Cocktail Server/ Pool and Beach Server

Reports to:

Bar/Beverage Manager

Have a full knowledge of mixology and the use of all bar equipment, glassware and ingredients. Maintain a clean and efficient bar. Have an excellent command of guest service information and consistently practice excellent service with a friendly smile. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The range for these positions are $6.25- $6.50 per hour The Photoshop Department requires:

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Wedding Videographer

The range for this position is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour plus commissions

Reports to: Photoshop Manager

The Concierge Department requires:

Responsible for the photographic experience, including the flow of guests through the photography, selection and purchase process

Junior Concierge (formally Mini-Bar Stocker)

Reports to:

Concierge Manager

To maintain an effective and detailed control on the movement of beverage items/guest supplies, from ordering to placement in rooms. Maintains standards of quality and presentation and assists with guest services. To work closely with Concierge and Housekeeping to ensure that Guests receive friendly, efficient service from the point of arrival until departure in regards to stocking and restocking of rooms, assistance with luggage, location of amenities, delivery of WOWs, and TLC calls, to assist in the Concierge when needed. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  High School diploma / certificate  Knowledgeable about inventory / accounting  Understand ordering and receiving processes

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certification in Videography  Sales experience and able to meet quotas  Two (2) years’ experience in a similar position This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill this position is underway at this time. The range for this position is $6.25 to $7.00 per hour plus commissions

This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder however more than one is required recruitment is ongoing to fill these positions. The range for these positions is $6.25 to $6.75 per hour.

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 9414870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than March 31st 2020

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OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE Reporting to the General Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Responsibilities: •Contact vendors, receive visitors for the General Manager and directs visitors to the appropriate dept. head. •Schedule appointments for the General Manager, and all dept. heads. •Maintains General Managers’ agenda and responses to email inquiries. •Researches products needed for entire resort; reviews quotes; creates PO’s for signature and follows up with the purchasing process. •Create Training Manuals and update SOP’s for all departments, Presents and trains on new SOP’s as they are created. Requirements: •Knowledge of Opera (preferred but not required) •Extensive computer skills, Knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) •Strong communication skills are required and control of the English language, written and spoken •Ability to transcribe meeting minutes, Strong organizational skills •Strong Record keeping ability •Advanced knowledge of HR practices •Advanced knowledge of Hotel Operations (i.e. Housekeeping, Maintenance, Front Office, F&B). Salary for this position will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Entry point is at $32,000.00 per annum including the benefit of service charge. NIGHT AUDITOR RESPONSIBILITIES •Ensuring that all charges and credits are posted accurately to guest accounts; that the telephone call accounting system reporting has been completed and system is functional •Balancing all credit card charges to cashiers reports and hard and soft copies are balanced with credit card folios •Organizing the night audit work in an orderly manner for distribution to the accounts department •Closing out of accounts and resetting the system for the next day’s operation •Conducts analytical review of all daily Front Office and Room transactions reports and to rectify and discrepancies. •Acting as Manager on Duty and maintain an open line of communication between guests, team members and management. •Performing Front Office duties, processing express checkouts and assisting guests as needed during the shift REQUIREMENTS •Must have 3 or more years previous experience as a Night Auditor in a resort or condominium environment •Proficient in Microsoft office and Visual one is a MUST •Clear communications skills (written and oral) •Must be able to work nights, weekends and holidays Salary commencing at $10.00 an hour and is based on experience. Belongers only need apply COMPUTER & INFORMATION SYSTEM DIRECTOR Reporting to the Corporate Director, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Responsibilities: The successful applicant will be responsible for the Management of computer and information systems operations of the department including but not limited to the; •Manage backup, security and user help systems. •Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians to assess computing needs and system requirements, and stay abreast of advances in technology. •Develop computer information resources, providing for data security and control, strategic computing, and disaster recovery. •Evaluate the organization’s technology use and needs and recommend improvements, such as hardware and software upgrades •Control operational budget and expenditures and develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures. •Review projects in order to plan and coordinate activities and evaluate data processing proposals to assess project feasibility and requirements. Requirements: •Have a first degree in Computer or Information Systems from a recognized University/College or equivalent. •At least 4-5 years’ experience in computer and information systems management at a four-star resort

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

•Knowledge of PMS IS A MUST •Clear communications skills (written and oral) •Must be fluent in the English language •A proven track record in managing an efficient diversified work force Salary commencing at $50,000.00 and is based on experience. Belongers only need apply. SENIOR HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Reporting directly to the Executive Housekeeper and Assistant Executive Housekeeper you will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the Housekeeping department. Specific duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: •Training housekeepers on cleaning and maintenance tasks •Assist with room assignments, scheduling and time management •Overseeing staff performance daily and conduct disciplinary warnings when necessary •Checking rooms and common areas, including stairways and lounge areas for cleanliness •Establish and educate staff on cleanliness, tidiness and hygiene standards •Motivate and replenish cleaning products stock including floor cleaner, bleach and rubber gloves •Any other assigned duties REQUIREMENTS •Minimum of 3 years of experience within field. •Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities •Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment Salary for this position begins at $30,000.00 per annum and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. HEAD CONCIERGE Reporting to the Front Desk Manager. Responsible for ensuring and accommodating all guest needs, transportation, appointments. Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Responsibilities: •Consistently offer professional, friendly, hospitable service •To identify and anticipate Guests’ needs and ensure personalized service is provided •To fully understand and have knowledge of all in suite services, technology, amenities, functions & systems •Provide information on local restaurants, special sites, activities, etc. • Resolve customer complaints and problems calmly and effectively •Notify management of any serious issues that you cannot resolve Requirements: •Constant standing and walking throughout shift •Superior knowledge of All-Inclusive hospitality •Lifting and carrying up to 50 lbs. •Willing to work outside of normal working hours. Salary Scale: $9.00 - $11.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply. CARPENTERS Responsible for maintaining all furniture and buildings. Inspect municipal buildings and facilities for needed services and repairs. Maintain inventory of spare and repair parts and tools. Ensure work site is left in usable and safe condition. At least 4 years work experience. Salary Scale: $9.00 - $11.00 per hour. Belongers only need apply. SENIOR OWNERS RELATIONS COORDINATOR Reporting to the Owners Relation Manager, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging guest services. Support Owner’s Relations Manager, Strata Accountant and Administrative Accountants. Support Timeshare members by maintaining an organized system to manage payments, record, reports, request and track owners arrival. Ensure continuity of business and the adherence to established deadlines during critical times. Associate’s Degree in Business Administraion is a plus. Salary Scale: 8.00 - $10.00 per hour. Belongers need only apply. Interested persons may contact out Corporate HR department office or by submitting your resume with qualifications and experience to: hr@wihl.com Please also submit a copy of your completed application to our labour department. Closing date April 3rd, 2020

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Dear Customer, In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, FortisTCI encourages you to use the company’s various remote account access and payment features. Your cooperation will assist us in reducing the risk of exposure to you and our employees.

My Online Account

The online customer web portal is accessible 24 hours a day. You can monitor your daily energy consumption, view your account balance, and pay your bill using a credit or debit card. To register, log on to www.fortistci.com, select the ‘My Online Account’ tab, and click register now. You will need your meter number and account number. For assistance with registering, contact us at 649-946-4313 Monday to Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Pay Online Using a Local Bank

If you bank with FirstCaribbean, ScotiaBank, or RBC, you can pay your bill online using their online bill payment option. You must register through your bank. Payments are posted within 48 hours.

Text for Outages Updates

To report an outage, receive outage updates, and notice of service restoration, you can use our new two-way texting system. To opt in, text FTCIGO to 1-855-334-9998.

Questions? Email or Call for Account Updates • • •

Email us at customerservice@fortistci.com To speak with a customer service representative about your account, call us on 649-946-4313, Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. For automated account details, including account balance and status, call 649946-4313. Select the option for ‘Account Enquiry’. Be sure to have your account number on hand.

2017 Winner

Allied Member of the Year

BCMS 681102

www.fortistci.com | 649-946-4313 |

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


LOCAL NEWS 10th Annual Wine Cellar Golf & Fishing Tournament was a success


he 10th Annual Wine Cellar Golf & Fishing Tournament (WCGFT) took place on 5th March – 8thMarch, 2020 and was a rousing success! Thursday, 5th March the tournament kicked off with the Calcutta at Simone’s Bar & Grill where captains entered a friendly bidding war for rights for their respective vessels. The next two mornings, 20 boats took off from Leeward Cut in a mad dash to get to their favourite fishing spots. The sky and sea were favourable and there was much fish brought in. The fish auction followed, and Restaurateurs and the general public had the opportunity to purchase fresh Tuna, Mahi Mahi and Wahoo at phenomenal prices. At the presentation ceremony the excited winners of this year’s competition celebrated with their fellow anglers as trophies were hoisted, checks received and cheers of joy and camaraderie.There

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

was excitement in the air as a brand new 2020 Jeep Wrangler Hybrid (Bayview Motors) was raffled off. The fun continued into the night with a live band, dancing and of course fish tales about the “one that got away”. Sunday afternoon’s Golf Tournament was the highlight of the event for all Golf Enthusiasts. An exciting round of 18-hole golf made even more interesting with winds gusting in excess of 25mph. After a day on the links, the We Funk Junkanoo Band led us across the street to Opus Wine Bar & Grill where we feasted on delicious delicacies including fish caught at the tournament the day before. The presentation ceremonyfollowed, where the top players were awarded prizes that ranged from trophies and golf bags to fine Champagne and Gift Certificates. We continued with another Raffle

Draw where a one of a kind TAG Heuer Golf Watch (Jai’s) was the prize that was claimed. The WCGFT would like to make a special acknowledgement and thanks to Hon. Premiere Robinson and her cabinet, some of whom were able to attend the event. A special recognition to Hon. Delroy Williams who has always supported this tournament since its inception.A Special thanks to the DECR for their assistance and significant reduction in Tournament fees.Thanks to our host sponsors, namely Casablanca Casino, Cairsea Services Ltd., TCI Lotto, Carlisle Supply, Caicos Oil, ODMC, TCI Paint, NW Hamilton, The Palms, Turtle Cove Marina& Provo Golf Club. A special note of thanks to all our sponsors, who’s unwavering support and generosity make this event a success year after year.


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Airbnb creates $1 million competition to build fantasy homes

Honoree Madonna accepts the advocate for change award at the 30th annual GLAAD Media Awards at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York.

Madonna cancels Paris shows after France limits crowds

Madonna has cancelled the last two stops of her latest tour in France after the country said it was banning events of more than 1,000 people to limit the spread of the coronavirus. A statement posted onto the pop star’s website on Monday says her March 10-11 shows in Paris would no longer take place. “Following official notification from the Office of the Police this morning prohibiting all events with an audience attendance of over 1000, Live Nation regrets to announce the final two Madame X performances previously re-scheduled to 10-March and 11-March are forced to be cancelled,” the statement read. “Tickets are refundable at point of purchase. We regret the disappointment to fans.” France reported 1,126 cases as of Sunday, up 19% from the day before, the second largest number of cases in Europe after Italy. So far, 19 people in France have died. Several musicians have cancelled or postponed concerts — most of them outside of the United States — because of the spreading virus, including Queen, Ciara, BTS, Khalid, Mariah Carey, Green Day and more. The South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, has been cancelled and the Ultra electronic dance music festival in Miami has been postponed. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover. In mainland China, where the virus first exploded, more than 80,000 people have been diagnosed and more than 58,000 have so far recovered.

Interested in building a fantasy home that looks like a boot? Or a UFO? Or some other unusual design? Airbnb is setting aside $1 million and enlisting the help of Billy Porter to make it a reality. The company is launching a competition to create the “most unconventional and unusual liveable spaces on the planet,” it said in a statement Tuesday. Airbnb has made headlines in the past with quirky vacation rentals like one shaped like a baked potato in Idaho, and a mansion in Malibu designed to resemble the one Barbie made famous. Now, it’s inviting people to

create memorable designs of their own by applying for the program a nd writing an essay about their wild idea. The Emmy-winner Porter and the architectural firm MVRDV will be part of a panel that picks 10 winners, But the winning designs won’t be judged just on style: They also have to demonstrate “feasibility, sustainability and social good,” according to Airbnb. “The only thing better than pushing the boundaries of style is empowering others to do the same,” said Porter in a statement. The houses are expected to be built from June to December.

Billy Porter arrives at the 62nd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Winfrey reversed upcoming book selection after controversy Oprah Winfrey reversed her book club selection of Kate Elizabeth Russell’s upcoming “My Dark Vanessa” after the novel was briefly the subject of online controversy, a spokeswoman confirmed Thursday. “Ultimately we did not end up moving forward with it as a book club selection,” a spokeswoman for Winfrey said. Russell’s publisher, William Morrow, said in a statement that it was “disappointed by their decision but thrilled to see the incredible response from early readers.” It noted early reviews had been positive for “My Dark Vanessa,” which comes out next. Winfrey’s dropping of the novel followed her highly controversial choice of Jeanine Cummins’ “My American Dirt,” the bestseller about Mexicans fleeing to the U.S. border that has been criticized for perpetuating stereotypes. The novel has intensified an ongoing debate over the lack of Latino representation in

the publishing industry. Winfrey told the AP last month that she did not want to “wade” again into controversies that took away attention from the books themselves. Winfrey’s interview with Cummins and critics of “American Dirt” premieres Friday on Apple TV Plus. The AP attended the February taping in Tucson, Arizona. Winfrey’s next choice will be announced in April. Russell’s novel, like “American Dirt,” was one of the most anticipated books of 2020. But in January, author Wendy Ortiz alleged that Russell’s story of a teenager’s relationship with her high school English teacher had been lifted from her memoir “Excavation.” Reviewers who looked at both books saw no evidence of plagiarism, and Russell has since said the novel was based in part on her own life. Winfrey’s decision was first reported by the industry newsletter Publishers Lunch.

Oprah Winfrey speaking at “Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus” tour in New York.

Spike Lee: I’m done watching Knicks at MSG this season Spike Lee still has his courtside seat, though the New York Knicks had to tell their superfan to find another way to get there. Lee said he won’t be sitting there the rest of this season, anyway. The Oscar-winning writerdirector told ESPN on Tuesday he wouldn’t be attending another Knicks home game this season after a disagreement with Madison Square Garden officials a night earlier over which elevator he could use. “I’m done for the season. I’m done,” Lee said on the program “First Take” while wearing a Knicks hat. A video circulated online during New York’s 125-123 victory over Houston on Monday showing Lee getting frustrated and yelling at Garden security outside an elevator, leading to confusion that he may have been thrown out of the building. However, a Knicks spokesman said that was untrue and that it was simply an issue of Lee using the wrong entrance. Lee said he had has been using the employee entrance on 33rd Street for more than two decades as a season ticket holder.

“Spike means a lot to New York. All the boroughs. He’s a game changer for black movies, black superstars. He gave a lot of people chances to better themselves. This wasn’t fair,” Oakley told The Associated Press in a phone interview. “You’re cheating the people of New York when you do something like that to a New York native. I know he was born in Georgia but he’s been Director Spike Lee, left, gestures in a hallway here long enough.” on the event level at Madison Square Garden Lee said he was not told while arguing with security officers. when the elevator policy changed, The Knicks wanted him to use the adding that he used the employee entrance for celebrities, which is entrance just last week for another event. two blocks away. “They never said when the But Lee said he had already had his ticket scanned so he refused thing changed, so why not call me?” to leave, fearing that he wouldn’t Lee said. “When my deposit’s due, be allowed back in. He said he told this astronomical price for Knicks security to “arrest me like my brother tickets and I’m one day late, my Charles Oakley” — a reference to phone is ringing off the hook.” Lee has long been one the former Knicks forward’s ejection from a game and ensuing arrest in of the Knicks’ most visible and demonstrative fans. He spoke to 2017. A judge dismissed Oakley’s Dolan at halftime Monday and was lawsuit against executive chairman still in his sideline seat in the fourth James Dolan and Madison Square quarter. The Knicks said Lee and Garden last month. He said the incident with Lee, whom he has Dolan had resolved the issue at known since his time as a player in halftime, though Lee disputed that. New York, was another bad scene “I’m being harassed by James Dolan and I don’t know why,” he said. for NBA fans.

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LIFESTYLE Smoke chemicals clinging to clothes can be released in nonsmoking environments Smokers may leave their cigarettes outside, but they can still bring a host of hazardous smoke-related chemicals clinging to their clothes indoors, where the compounds can be released into the air or attach to surfaces, a new study suggests. Researchers found those chemicals could be detected in the air flowing out of a non-smoking movie theater through exhaust ducts, according to the report in Science Advances. “Our results show that people are substantial carriers of thirdhand smoke contaminants,” said Drew Gentner, an associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. “So, the idea that someone is completely protected from the potential health effects of cigarette smoke because they’re not directly exposed to secondhand smoke is not the case,” Gentner said. “Smokers or those exposed to cigarette smoke can remain a source of these chemicals when they enter nonsmoking environments, which may be

especially important in the presence of “They all spiked upon the arrival of the moviegoers. That’s something for a small children or sensitive populations.” moviegoers and decreased over time future study, Gentner added. The study team also Other studies have described in many cases, but there was lingering acknowledges that they lacked data third-hand smoke as a contaminant that contamination left behind.” During G-rated movies the to account for certain chemicals that adheres to walls and other surfaces in homes and sticks around long after the amount of contamination was minor, might have other sources, and couldn’t Gentner said. distinguish whether some substances smoker has left. Gentner and his colleagues The researchers found a like nicotine might have also come from put highly sensitive sensors in the air diverse range of tobacco-related volatile e-cigarette residues. “This is a superb paper,” said exhaust duct of a non-smoking movie compounds in the air flowing through theater to see if they could detect third- the exhaust ducts during the R-rated Steven Stellman, a professor of clinical hand smoke chemicals emitted into movies. Depending on which compound epidemiology at Columbia University’s the air from the clothing and bodies was being measured, the amounts Mailman School of Public Health in of smokers. The sensors sent data to exuded during a given movie showing New York City. “The level of science is mass spectrographs where the chemical were equivalent to roughly one hour first rate.” The study opens the door to content of the outgoing air was analyzed. of exposure to 1 to 10 cigarettes’ worth The researchers chose to focus of secondhand smoke. They included more research into the effects of the on the outflowing air during R-rated multiple hazardous air pollutants, such third-hand smoke that clings to smokers, movies, under the assumption that as benzene and formaldehyde, along Stellman said. Those studies could investigate health risks associated with only adults would be in the audience with nicotine. “These results, along with past this kind of exposure, he added. and a greater number of them might be “What’s missing from this smokers or people who had been in the surface measurements of nicotine in vicinity of a smoker. non-smoking environments, indicate study, from a public health point of view, “Even though the audience that this is occurring frequently around is the actual potential toxicological exposure of individuals,” Stellman said. for R-rated movies was relatively small us,” Gentner said. What the researchers don’t “How much of this can you measure in compared to the G-rated movies, we saw a lot of clear markers of tobacco know is how much of the third-hand the body?” smoke off-gassing,” Gentner said. smoke chemicals end up inside the

Medication fog can mimic or worsen dementia in the elderly Claire Dinneen’s daughters other symptoms,” said Dr. thought that worsening dementia Michael Steinman, another UCSF was causing her growing confusion, geriatrician. but her doctor suspected something He recently helped update else. an American Geriatrics Society Dr. Pei Chen asked them to list of potentially inappropriate round up medicines in the 89-year- medicines for older adults that old woman’s home and they can mimic dementia or make returned with a huge haul. There symptoms worse. were 28 drugs ordered by various “Potentially” is the key doctors for various ailments, plus word -- the drugs on the list don’t over-the-counter medicines. Chen always pose a problem, and no one spent a year sorting out which ones should stop using any medicine were truly needed and trimmed a without first checking with a doctor dozen. because that could do serious harm, Prescription drugs displayed in a glass flask in Taylorsville, Utah To her daughters’ surprise, Steinman stressed. Dinneen got better, able to But some medicines don’t center. remember more things and to offer have a strong reason to be used Sometimes side effects advice on what to wear and how and their risks may outweigh their appear right away but in other cases to raise their kids. Her symptoms benefits for older people, he and they only develop or show up with were from “medication fog,” not other doctors say. They often “de- longer use. Patients may not make her dementia getting worse, Chen prescribe” medicines that may no the connection between a drug told one daughter. longer be needed or that once may they’ve used for many months and “I was just stunned,” have been OK but now may be new symptoms. Age itself can be a Debbie Dinneen said. “No one had causing problems. culprit and make a long-used drug taken a look at the big picture” to The list includes suddenly intolerable. see if medicines might be addling certain types of muscle “The drug hasn’t changed, her mom, who lives near Berkeley, relaxants, antihistamines, allergy the person has,” said Dr. Greg California. medicines, stomach acid remedies, Jicha, a dementia specialist at the “Unfortunately, it’s not antidepressants, anti-anxiety University of Kentucky. unusual,” said Chen, a geriatrician medicines, pain relievers, sleep aids Family members will say, at the University of California, San and other common treatments. ”‘well, she was on that for 20 years,’ Francisco. Many of these drugs have but her brain, kidney, liver were About 91% of people over anticholinergic effects -- that younger too. She’s no longer going 65 take at least one prescription is, they reduce or interfere with to be able to metabolize that drug” medicine and 41% use five or more a chemical messenger that’s key like she used to, he said. -- what doctors call polypharmacy. to healthy nerve function. That Jicha recalled a case last The risk of side effects or can cause drowsiness, confusion, year when he was asked to give interactions rises with the number blurred vision, dizziness and other a second opinion on a woman of pills, and one doctor often symptoms that impair thinking recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is unaware of what others have skills. disease. He reviewed her medicines already prescribed for the same These drugs might be and “six jumped right out -- these patient. Dinneen, for example, had fine for a younger person, but are not good medications for two prescriptions for the same drug “once someone is having even the someone over 65” let alone at the at different doses from different tiniest difficulty with thinking higher doses she was receiving, pharmacies. and memory, then the effects of he said. Four turned out to be for “It’s very easy to miss these drugs are just huge,” said problems she no longer had, and medication side effects because Dr. Andrew Budson of Boston he was able to switch some others they masquerade as all these University’s Alzheimer’s disease to safer alternatives.

Health experts issue warning: Coronavirus is not the same as the flu Many people have compared the new coronavirus to the seasonal flu, but health experts are worried that might give people a false sense of security. Local 4’s Dr. Frank McGeorge said he’s concerned that he’s heard many people say, coronavirus is “just like the flu.” That implies we don’t need to pay extra attention to the outbreak. But there are significant differences between the two. “It’s brand new,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said. “When you have a brand new virus in which no one has had any experience before, that gives the virus kind of an open roadway to spread.” Another major difference is that while we know what to expect from the seasonal flu, experts are discovering new information about COVID-19 each day. One unknown is what percentage of people it kills. “Right now, if you look at the people who just come to the attention of the health authorities, that’s 2% to 2.5%, but even if it goes down to 1%, that’s still very, very serious,” Fauci said. By comparison, the seasonal flu kills 300,000 to 650,000 people a year worldwide. That means it kills just 0.1% of the people it infects. That’s with an effective flu vaccine and treatments -- neither of which have become available for COVID-19. Coronavirus, even if low estimates are right, appears to be significantly more deadly than the seasonal flu. “So if it went from 2% to 1%, you were still 10 times more lethal than the standard influenza that we get on a seasonal basis,” Fauci said. So far, about 20% of the coronavirus cases have been severe or critical. By comparison, it’s estimated that less than 2% of those infected with the seasonal flu this year have needed to be hospitalized. Some strategies that are effective at reducing the spread of the flu and COVID-19 are frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding sick people and staying home when you don’t feel well.

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GOVERNMENT VACANCIES (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3rd APRIL 2020) JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-01 JOB TITLE: Canine Enforcement Officer MINISTRY: Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Customs Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1- $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent will be responsible for the operational deployment of their canine and daily care, feeding and exercise of the canine. Additionally, the incumbent will be responsible for general Customs duties. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-2 JOB TITLE: Network & Wiring Specialist MINISTRY Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: CITU LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 7.1 $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This position will seek to address the need for permanent IT personnel presence and support on the island of Providenciales to service the IT needs of Government Offices on site and offices in the neighboring islands of North and Middle Caicos as needed. This position will also ensure an efficient response time to the locations mentioned, as well as ensuring proper connectivity to end users in the event remote assistance is to be provided by CITU staff located in Grand Turk. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-3 JOB TITLE: Statistical Technician MINISTRY Finance, Trade and Investment DEPARTMENT: Statistics Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1 $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a technical support position with floor level responsibility for the collection, processing and analysis of statistical data to inform economic and planning decisions. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-4 JOB TITLE: Graduate Secondary Teacher – Mathematics MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Long Bay High School) SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-9 JOB TITLE: Administrative Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Culture Department LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY This is an administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and for dealing with information that is sensitive and/or confidential. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-10 JOB TITLE: Truancy Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: To ensure that all students between the age of 4 – 16 attend school during school hours. JOB REFERENCE NO: JOB TITLE: MINISTRY: DEPARTMENT: LOCATION:

LWB6-20-11 and KHB6-20-16 Clerical Assistant MEYCSLS and MOHASHS Education Department and Dental Department Providenciales (Enid Capron Primary School) and Grand Turk (Dental)

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative support position for the office. The job holder will undertake clerical and administrative tasks to support the day-to-day running of the office. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-12 JOB TITLE: School Warden (Primary School) MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department – Ianthe Pratt Primary School LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $21,935.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a supervisory position responsible primarily for the safety of pupils crossing the road at a designated point or points on their journeys to and from school and ensuring that pupils remain in class while school is in session.

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-6 JOB TITLE: Graduate Secondary Teacher – Music MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department LOCATION: Providenciales (Long Bay High School ) SALARY: $35,926.25 per annum plus allowances

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-13 JOB TITLE: Grounds Maintenance Worker MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social & Library Services DEPARTMENT: Education Department – Iris Stubbs Primary School LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: $499.98 bi – weekly

JOB SUMMARY: This is a specialist position which has unit level responsibility for the teaching of one or more of the school’s curriculum subjects to students.

JOB SUMMARY: This is a general support services position, to assist with cleaning and maintenance of assigned facilities and grounds so that they are clean and ready for use.

JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-7 JOB TITLE: Senior Administrative Officer MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Social Development LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-15 JOB TITLE: Community Health Aide MINISTRY: Health Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Department LOCATION: Salt Cay SALARY: Grade 4 - $21,935.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior administrative position, which has responsibility for the smooth operation of administrative functions in the office and provides support in resource management of finances, human resources, facilities and purchasing. JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-8 JOB TITLE: Social Worker MINISTRY: Education, Youth, Culture, Social and Library Services DEPARTMENT: Social Development LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY To provide professional social work services to the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is a specialized professional position, which has departmental wide responsibility for the elderly, orphans, juveniles, probationers and parolees.

JOB SUMMARY: This is a practical position, with basic level responsibility for ensuring that culturally diverse populations and underserved communities receive proper medical attention. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-17 JOB TITLE: Labourer MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports & Human Services DEPARTMENT: Agriculture Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: $499.69 bi-weekly JOB SUMMARY: The post holder’s responsibilities include providing labour / assistance in all aspects of animal (canine) control. Working under the instruction of the Supervisors the labourer may be required to work alone or with a small team.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-18 JOB TITLE: Migrant Health Manager MINISTRY: Health Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior professional position responsible for the effective management of the Migrant Health Program JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-19 JOB TITLE: Porter DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: $499.67 Bi-Weekly JOB SUMMARY To provide support service to the Primary Health Care Department personnel to maintain the cleanliness of buildings, moving of clients, supplies and materials. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-20 JOB TITLE: Health Research Officer DEPARTMENT: National Epidemiology and Research Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY To assist/support the Chief of Epidemiology and Research to plan, develop and implement epidemiologic and research programmes under the auspices of the National Epidemiology and Research Unit (NERU) to ensure collection, analysis, and interpretation of data about health effects and risks in TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-21 JOB TITLE: Emergency Medical Technician DEPARTMENT: Emergency Medical Services MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Various SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will respond to emergencies in a safe manner and assist in the extrication, stabilization, care and transportation of the ill and injured as Required.

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JOB SUMMARY: To assist/support the National Epidemiologist to plan, develop and implement epidemiologic and research programmes under the auspices of the National Epidemiology and Research Unit. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-26 JOB TITLE: Program Officer MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: Under supervision, implements the youth and community HIV/AIDS oriented programs for compliance with national, regional and international guidelines. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-27 JOB TITLE: Clinical Nurse/Midwife DEPARTMENT: Health, Promotion and Advocacy Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY This is a professional nursing position with responsibility for HIV/AIDS/STI patient health care in the HIV Prevention Unit, Primary Health Care clinics and the community at large. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB5-20-28 JOB TITLE: Deputy Contract Performance Manager MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture and Human Services DEPARTMENT: Contract Management Unit LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 8 - $51,147.50 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent is required to monitor and coordinate the implementation of all obligations under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) hospital project agreement and other Pay for Performance contracts entered into by the MOHAHS. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-29 JOB TITLE: Head of Secretariat MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & District Administration LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7- $41,205.00 per annum

JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-22 JOB TITLE: Public Health Nurse DEPARTMENT: Primary Health Care MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales and North Caicos SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a senior position responsible for co-ordinating the political and administrative interface between the Minister and Permanent Executive Director in the allocated Ministry.

JOB SUMMARY: The incumbent in this position will be required to deliver effective comprehensive primary health care services focused on disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance in the clinic, homes and communities through the utilization of the nursing process.

JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-30 JOB TITLE: Deputy Director MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & District Administration LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 9 - $59,552.50 per annum

JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-23 JOB TITLE: Mortuary Assistant MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a Senior Management position with responsibility of assisting the Executive Director for the effective and efficient management of the affairs of the Office of the Premier, Local Government, Community Affairs and TCILondon Office and provides the critical interface between the Premier’s Office and the TCIG, TCI Business Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, Legislative Assembly and Cabinet.

JOB SUMMARY: The job holder is responsible for managing the operation of the Government morgues and coordinating with relevant persons to effectively discharge their duties. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-24 JOB TITLE: Deputy Supervisor Wellness Center (TEMPORARY) DEPARTMENT: Special Needs Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: South Caicos SALARY: Grade 6 - $33,415 per annum plus allowances JOB SUMMARY: The job entails responsibility to assist the Supervisor with the management of the Wellness Centre/Special Needs Unit and ensuring quality care for all clients. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-25 JOB TITLE: Deputy Epidemiologist DEPARTMENT: National Epidemiology and Research Unit MINISTRY: Health, Agriculture, Sports and Human Services LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 8.1 - $51,147.50 per annum plus allowances

JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-31 JOB TITLE: Aide De Camp MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & District Administration LOCATION: Grand Turk and Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5- $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The job holder is responsible for providing transportation, personal security and general assistance to the Hon. Premier in performing their official duties. JOB REFERENCE NO: KHB6-20-32 JOB TITLE: Gardener MINISTRY: Office of the Premier & District Administration LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: $499.98 bi-weekly JOB SUMMARY: This is general support services position, to assist with cleaning, maintenance and upkeep of the Premier’s Official Residence grounds and the cleaning, maintenance and upkeep of the Premier’s Residence.

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JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-33 JOB TITLE: Senior Internal Auditor MINISTRY: Independent – Office of the Governor DEPARTMENT: Office of the Chief Internal Auditor LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 JOB SUMMARY: The successful candidate will be accountable to the Chief Internal Auditor through the Internal Audit Manager and have responsibility for developing the strategy for financial and operational audits and taking lead responsibility for these audits as part of the approved annual internal JOB REFERENCE NO: LWB6-20-34 JOB TITLE: Senior Internal Auditor (Information Technology) MINISTRY: Independent – Office of the Governor DEPARTMENT: Office of the Chief Internal Auditor LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: The successful candidate will be accountable to the Chief Internal Auditor through the Internal Audit Manager and have responsibility for developing the strategy for IT audits and taking lead responsibility for IT audits as part of the approved annual internal audit plan. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-35 JOB TITLE: Energy and Utilities Commissioner MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation DEPARTMENT: Energy and Utilities LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 10 $73,185.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This senior level management position is responsible for the nationwide multi sector regulatory oversight of the Energy and Electricity, Water and Sewerage and the Petroleum Sectors of the TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-36 JOB TITLE: Energy Analyst MINISTRY: Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation DEPARTMENT: Energy and Utilities LOCATION: Grand Turk SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: Provide research and analytical support to the Energy and Utilities Department by conducting effective analysis of conventional and non-conventional energy generation and energy use in the TCI. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-37 JOB TITLE: Immigration Officer MINISTRY: Immigration, Labour and Employment Services DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department LOCATION: Various SALARY: GRADE 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This is a Law Enforcement position which supports the Senior Immigration officers and by extent the Border control and Enforcement (Immigration Department). JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-38 JOB TITLE: Intelligence Manager DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: PROVIDENCIALES SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

JOB SUMMARY: This position is to support the Department in the key areas of tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, maintenance, force protection, and sustainment of the Intelligence Team. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-39 JOB TITLE: Assistant Compliance and Enforcement Manager DEPARTMENT: Immigration Department MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 7 - $41,205.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY To support the Department in the key areas of tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, maintenance, force protection, and sustainment of the Taskforce Team. JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-40 JOB TITLE: Assistant Compliance/Investigative Officer DEPARTMENT: Immigration MINISTRY: Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum JOB SUMMARY: This Post holder will assist with all compliance and investigative matters within the department, ensuring management and the relevant authorities are promptly notified of all unlawful acts, court proceedings JOB REFERENCE: JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: MINISTRY: LOCATION: SALARY:

CFB6-20-41 Senior Immigration Officer Immigration Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control and Employment Grand Turk Grade 6 - $33,415.00 per annum

JOB SUMMARY: This is a middle management position which has departmental responsibility for the supervision of junior Staff at the office, airport and field duties JOB REFERENCE NO: JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: MINISTRY: LOCATION: SALARY:

CFB6-20-42 Labour Inspector Employment Services Immigration, Employment and Labour Providenciales Grade 5 - $26,650.00 per annum plus allowances

JOB SUMMARY: This is an administrative and operational support position initially with island wide responsibility for monitoring and regulation of labour laws, policy, standards and procedures JOB REFERENCE NO: CFB6-20-43 JOB TITLE: Radar Operator MINISTRY: Immigration, Employment and Labour DEPARTMENT: Coastal Radar Department LOCATION: Providenciales SALARY: GRADE 5.1 - $26,650.00 PER ANNUM JOB SUMMARY: To monitor Radar targets and radio communications. For full details regarding these positions please visit our website at https://www.gov.tc/government-vacancies Please note: (Applications that are not accompanied by all required supporting documents will not be processed). (APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3rd APRIL, 2020)

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020



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Cayman to shut down air travel for 3 weeks Air travel in and out of the Cayman Islands will be shut down for three weeks in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The air traffic closure starts from 11:59pm on Sunday, 22 March, and covers both the Owen Roberts International Airport in Grand Cayman and the Charles Kirkconnell International Airport on Cayman Brac. Inter-island travel will be restricted to essential movement only. Cargo and courier flights will continue to keep the supply line to the islands open and air ambulance will be allowed to operate as normal. For all destinations except for the United Kingdom, inbound flights will operate for returning residents only from Thursday. Outbound flights will operate as usual through the end of Sunday, in part to allow people to leave the country if they wish to do so. From this afternoon, anyone arriving on island will be required to isolate for 14 days. All passenger air traffic, including private aircraft, will stop Sunday when the islands will essentially be on lockdown. “People who wish to leave should hustle to make arrangements to leave by Sunday,” Premier Alden McLaughlin said. He added, “We have not taken this decision lightly, but it is in the best

Cayman Airways interest and for the health of the people of the Cayman Islands. “This decision will help ensure that the Cayman Islands will be able to not only protect our people but to also protect the welfare of our tourism business and our guests over the long term.” Hotels, restaurants and some businesses have already begun closing their doors in response to a drop in tourism. The premier encouraged people who no longer have a job to leave the island in the coming days. He said Governor Martyn Roper was working on helping to establish a continued ‘air bridge’ to the UK to allow medical supplies and other essentials to arrive as necessary.

Barbados records two cases of Coronavirus BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Barbados government Tuesday confirmed its first two cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and appealed to nationals not to panic but to follow preventative measures. Health Minister Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic, in a statement, said that the two cases were “imported” from the United States earlier this month and included a national. “Barbados has recorded its first two cases of COVID-19. A 48-year-old visitor to the island and a 39-year-old Barbadian female, both of whom came into the island from the United States. After experiencing symptoms, they were referred to the medical team at the Ministry of Health and Wellness for further evaluation,” he said Bostic said that the laboratory confirmed earlier on Tuesday that the tests were positive. “They will remain in isolation until they recover. As Minister of Health and Wellness in Barbados, I am committed to doing all in my power to protect the health and ensure the safety of every person resident here,” he said. Barbados joins Antigua and Barbuda, St Lucia, Jamaica, Guyana, Suriname, St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Bahamas where cases of the virus have been reported in recent days. Meanwhile, the Barbados government has defended its decision not to institute a ban on all travel as well as to close its borders after several Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have announced such measures as they react to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. “At this stage in time, we

Health Minister Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic believe that we have taken the right decisions to increase our pre-screening, to have information so that we can do the contact tracing and to ensure that we can keep as many people functioning without necessarily affecting the vulnerable groups,” Prime Minister Mia Mottley said. “We accept that we are dealing with an outbreak that will affect probably three to eight out of every thousand in a fatal way. But in fact, we may affect more if we immediately close our borders, ensuring that people who depend on a weekly wage or for whom this is the only source of income may not be able to feed themselves; buy what they need day-to-day to sustain their families,” she added.

McLaughlin added that Cayman Airways could be used to assist the island as needed. There is still only one confirmed case of coronavirus on the island, with 44 other tests, including 30 from Health City pending. Premier’s Update on COVID-19 The new emergency measures follows a 60-day ban on cruise ship arrivals, announced on Friday. Other special measures include the postponement of school until the end of April and a ban on public gatherings of more than 50 people. Cayman’s first coronavirus case was confirmed last Thursday. The victim, a 68-year-old Italian man who was initially taken to Health City from a cruise ship after suffering a heart attack,

died from complications associated with the virus on Saturday. Government is also moving to stem the economic damage caused to the tourism industry. Premier McLaughlin said there was no way government could afford to cover the payroll for the industry. He said banks had agreed to consider mortgage and loan payment holidays for those impacted on a case-by-case basis and CUC and the water companies had agreed not to cut people off and to work with impacted customers. The premier urged people to follow the social distance guidelines and abide by the rules on public gatherings. He said police would tackle the issue if necessary. He said anyone who had symptoms of the virus had a “moral obligation” to self-isolate. He warned failure to comply could be a “death sentence” for the elderly and vulnerable. He added that he was encouraged by the support and compliance of the community. “Some of the measures we have put in place are fairly radical but we have had complete support from all sectors of the community,” he said. “Short term pain for long term gain is the tagline we want to attach to the measures we have put in place.”

Douglas to vacate seat in St Kitts Parliament Opposition Leader Dr Denzil Douglas Thursday confirmed that he had been ordered by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court of Appeal to vacate his seat in the Parliament over the issue of a diplomatic passport that had been granted to him by Dominica. Douglas, speaking at a news conference held by his St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNL), said that he had been informed by his lawyers that the Court, sitting in St Lucia, had handed Dr. Denzil Douglas down the judgement and that he has who, by virtue of his own act, is in no intention of pursuing the matter accordance with the law of Dominica, further. under an acknowledgement of “I am here to announce that allegiance, obedience or adherence the matter of the diplomatic passport to a foreign power or state, namely, case which has been before the courts Dominica. for almost two years has finally come Additionally, the government to an end. We have been informed by had also sought a declaration that our lawyers that early this morning Douglas has vacated his seat in the sitting at the Appeal Court in St Lucia, National Assembly; an injunction the appeal judges gave a ruling that restraining him from taking his seat they would uphold the appeal on this in the National Assembly; and from matter. performing his functions as a member “I must let you know that as well as costs, and other relief as the we are very surprised and we disagree court may deem just and expedient. with the judgement,” Douglas told Attorney General Vincent reporters. Byron said then he was disappointed He added “we are really in the High Court decision but would surprised [that] this judgement has respect it. come in the way it has”. Douglas told reporters “However, we accept the Thursday that following the end of judgement and we move on definitely the legal process, he would embark on to the next level,” he said. “the political process of this matter”. In February last year, Douglas ”There is no appeal to the scored a victory in the passport case at Privy Council and so I no longer will the High Court against the Timothy serve the people of Constituency Harris government that sought a Number Six in the Parliament during declaration that since the election to this term, which is already ended. the National Assembly on February In other words, although I will 16, 2015, Douglas became disqualified not sit in the Parliament for the next from being elected as a member two, three days or weeks, the matter is I, of the National Assembly and was however, will contest the next general accordingly required to vacate his seat elections for Constituency Number Six by reason of his becoming a person whenever those elections are called.”

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Trinidad and Tobago closes its borders to all foreigners The Trinidad and Tobago government Monday announced that only nationals would be allowed into the country for the next 14 days as it seeks to establish a sterile environment in a bid to curb the rise in the number of cases associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19). Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, speaking at a news conference following a special Cabinet meeting, said also that his administration would be embarking upon several other measures, including the closure of bars, schools, and new economic policies as the twin-island republic comes to grip with the virus Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Keith Rowley. after having so far recorded four positive cases within a 48-hour speak at a function where CAL was that goes with the actions that going to report its performance for are required to steer us away from period. worse case scenarios”. “We have taken the 2019, which was quite significant. Rowley said that his decision that Trinidad and “I think the figure they were going Tobago will cease to encourage to report was TT$124 million government had already taken and facilitate for the next 14 days in profit, but now in a matter of note of the announcement by entry into our country, except weeks, the business of CAL and Germany, one of the largest under exceptional circumstances, the future of CAL is now a matter economies in Europe of the impact the entry of persons who are not for the Corporation Sole [Finance of the virus and in drawing upon nationals of Trinidad and Tobago,” Minister] and we will do what we the strengths of his administration have to do at the company and “will ensure that our actions are Rowley told reporters. He said the exemptions at the level of the government to meant to leave no citizen behind”. Rowley said that the will come from the Minister of ensure that when this is over that government would be dipping Health through the Minister of we still have an airline….” “But for the next 14 days into the Heritage and Stabilisation National Security. Rowley said among those we are required to shut down that Fund (HSF) that had been likely to be given exemptions operation except for nationals of established for “rainy days like are employees of the Trinidad- Trinidad and Tobago,” Rowley said, these” adding that the government based Caribbean Public Health adding that plans are underway to intends to introduce legislation Agency (CARPHA), which is the bring home 75 citizens “here in to the Parliament to by-pass the main agency conducting tests the Caribbean and I think they are stringent measures included for for most Caribbean Community elderly citizens, who are trying to accessing the fund. He said the Finance (CARICOM) countries on the virus, make their way back home and we as well as health personnel “and have to receive them because they Minister Colm Imbert will also similar essential persons who we are our citizens and we have no outline some of the measures being right or legal framework in which taken to deal with the economic need … “Such persons would we can deny them entry, they are impact including the need to rethink the strategies for the reserves have to be exempt. Other than coming home”. Rowley described the “we have for how many months of that we are basically disconnecting ourselves from the international coronavirus situation as “an purchase … “That yardstick is now community for the next 14 days,” emergency crisis. Rowley said, noting that the “There is no gainsaying that,” he just not an academic yardstick decision will have far-reaching said, noting that while the nature those reserves are …required to consequences for the state-owned of the crisis “is temporary “as keep us alive because we will Caribbean Airlines (CAL), “which the virus settles itself among have to intervene to ensure incidentally has been doing quite the human population, two that notwithstanding whatever months ago “we did not have that else we do that there’s food and well”. He said in 2018, the situation with us” But he said as pharmaceuticals in Trinidad and airline was able to turn around its his administration moves to deal Tobago because we have had to business and was reporting “tens with the crisis “we can’t allow re-assess our priorities and we will of millions of dollars in profit for the decision to be made on the have to keep assessing…but as of 2018, I think it was 54 million basis of avoiding inconvenience now given COVID-19 preservation (One TT dollar=US$0.16 cents) … or avoiding pain because there is of health and life in Trinidad and and on Saturday I was scheduled to no solution to this without some Tobago is priority number one”.` inconvenience and some pain

Revelers participate in the 2018 Bahamas Carnival Road Fever March.

Bahamas Carnival postponed

Bahamas Carnival has been postponed due to safety concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Organizers released a press statement announcing the road march and related events have been sidelined after the country recorded its first confirmed case on Sunday. “The health and safety of our supporters is of paramount concern for The Polantra Media Group, The Bahamas Carnival Band Association and Blue Monkey,” the statement read. “As the world continues to grapple with the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus we have taken the advice of Ministry of Health officials and the Prime Minister and postponed the event. “As The Bahamas Public Parks & Beaches Authority has also suspended both existing permits for organized public gatherings and the issuance of any further permits, our team has decided to err on the side of caution for the wellbeing of everyone interested in participating in this year’s Bahamas Carnival Experience.” Bahamas Carnival Band Owners Association President Rafel Dean said the move is one supported by mas bands as their main priority as well is the health and safety of their supporters. “This is obviously something the world is watching and everyone is concerned,” Dean said. “With travel bans being put in place and governments on high alert, we think it’s imperative that we put the health of our supporters, and Bahamians in general, first. The bandleaders have agreed to this change and assure our supporters that we will accommodate any questions or concerns. The Bahamas Carnival Experience will still be a great one.” The statement continued: “Despite the date change, Polantra Media Group and The Bahamas Carnival Band Association promises an incredible experience for both our visitors and locals interested in playing mas in paradise. “We thank you, our dedicated revelers and first-timers, for your continued support. Polantra Media and The Band association encourages everyone to adhere to the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO), The Ministry of Health and the respective agencies to protect yourself and your families.”

Three arrested over fatal beating of former Miss Jamaica contestant The police are reporting that two more women were arrested for their alleged involvement in the fatal beating of former Miss Jamaica contestant Tamara Sinclair in the lobby of a Bronx bank. Sinclair, who was a 44-yearold nursing assistant, died as a result of injuries sustained during the February 11 incident. According to the New York Daily News, cops grabbed 21-year-old Francis Morales on Wednesday, March 4, and 20-year-old Chanell Arroyo on Thursday, March 5, and charged them both with murder and robbery relating to the incident. The news outlet said a third woman, 21-year-old Reign Harney, was arrested on February 27 on the

same charges and ordered held on US $250,000 bond. Reports are that Sinclair was at TD Bank on White Plains Road near Pelham Parkway South on February 11 when Harney banged on the glass door, demanding the victim let her in, authorities said. The police said Sinclair refused to open the door and later crossed the street to a Bank of America, where Harney, Morales and Arroyo attacked her, knocking her to the ground and kicking her as they stole her cell phone. The NY Daily News reported that three days later, she went to the hospital complaining of an ankle injury but left because she was worried about having to pay a large hospital bill. Authorities said she was found dead in

her home the next day, apparently from a blood clot caused by her ankle injury. The news outlet said relatives noted that while the police responded to the initial attack, they never took a report. According to authorities, Sinclair refused medical treatment and didn’t want to file a report on the day of the attack. But the NY Daily News noted that in court papers, Sinclair told police her ankle may have been broken. The NYPD is now investigating the initial response. Arroyo was ordered held on $250,000 bond at her Wednesday arraignment. Morales was ordered held on $150,000 bond at her Thursday arraignment. All three women are due back in court on April 13.

Former Miss Jamaica contestant, Tamara Sinclair.

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CARIBBEAN NEWS Bahamian victim with COVID-19 didn’t travel recently The 61-year-old woman who tested positive for the novel coronavirus at Princess Margaret Hospital has not traveled outside The Bahamas within the last 20 days, Acting Minister of Health Jeffrey Lloyd said yesterday. “The Bahamas today confirmed its first case of COVID-19 here in New Providence,” said Lloyd at a press conference at the Ministry of Health. “The patient is a 61-year-old female resident of New Providence who does not have a relevant travel history. “She presented with symptoms of fever and cough, she is not known to have traveled outside of the country in the past 20 days and at this time the patient’s exposure is unknown. “The patient and family members have been informed of this diagnosis. She is receiving care in the designated isolation area of the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). “We are currently investigating her family and social contacts to determine whether they could have been the source of her infection.” Chief Medical Officer Dr. Pearl McMillan revealed during the press conference that the patient went to PMH on Friday with symptoms, and at midnight on Saturday the results of COVID-19 testing confirmed the positive case. McMillan noted that test results can typically take between four and six hours to be completed, and said the test was repeated several times to ensure accuracy. McMillan also did not confirm whether the patient’s family, or anyone she may have come into contact with while infected, has been quarantined as the investigations are in “early” stages. Up until this point, a primary focus for the government was on monitoring individuals with travel history to areas with known cases of the disease. It has maintained a travel ban on all non-residents who have visited China, Italy, Iran and South Korea. But Lloyd said that surveillance activities will be ramped up in light of the confirmed case. “We made the decision to expand our testing and have a heightened sensitivity for persons presenting with influenza-like symptoms due to lessons learned from countries that have diagnosed cases, in keeping with this enhanced surveillance approach,” he said. “The investigation is ongoing and we will update the public within the next 24 hours.”

Punta Cana has 9 of the 20 best family resorts in the Caribbean Going on vacation to the Caribbean seemed to be an adultsonly option overall, but resorts across the area cater to families. Today, thousands of families are finding resorts in the Dominican Republic ( Punta Cana ), Montego Bay, and Turks & Caicos, to name a few, which have amenities for children. Therefore, below are 20 Caribbean resorts that are ideal for a family vacation with children, of which 9 are in Punta Cana. The Grand Reserve At Paradisus Palma Real

Nearly half of the best family resorts in the Caribbean are in the DR.

The hotel has a fantastic family section with a children’s area that includes a trampoline and a climbing wall. In addition how much with a care service for the youngest.

shown that children who have spent time at the community kids club still want to return day after day. The resort staff is great with younger kids and a mini disco will keep the kids entertained all night.

feature endless entertainment for children, including crafts, water games, and nature walks.

Family Club At Barcelo Bavaro Palace

Dreams Punta Cana Resort & Spa

It allows guests to access all the comforts and facilities of the main resort, even if they stay in the family section, as well as other advantages for children. The Family Club offers a smaller water park and drinks and snacks for children in the minibar of a family suite.

It has an amazing Explorer’s Club for kids, which gives parents their own time to enjoy the holidays. Activities at Explorer’s Club include arts and crafts, a pirate ship water slide, storytelling, big-screen movies on the beach, and weekly camping adventures.

The first resort of its kind in the Caribbean where there are amenities for children of all ages, such as the Aqua Nick playground, colorful water slides, and the chance to hang out with Nickelodeon characters over breakfast. The other resorts that make up the list, according to TheTravel.com are: Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Village & Spa’s Sesame Street

Eden Roc Cap Cana The resort is ideal for families who want to get away from the crowds and enjoy a relaxing vacation with each other. Children can hang out at the Koko Kids’ Club, which is free for three hours. Now Onyx Punta Cana There are several activities that parents and children can enjoy with each other, including water sports and even spa treatments for children. All restaurants at Now Onyx Punta Cana have a children’s menu and parents will also find a children’s club if they want to enjoy a moment with other adults. Majestic Colonial Punta Cana It accepts children up to three years of age and reviews have

Grand Memories Splash Punta Cana Multiple reviews have rated Grand Memories Splash Punta Cana five stars for its incredible activities for children. Parents have been excited about professional care while their kids are at the kids’ club while having a quiet time for themselves. Also, you can’t beat the water park, which is said to be the largest in the Caribbean. Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana It is where adults and children will find many things to do during the day. In fact, this allinclusive resort is opening a “Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club” that will

How Coronavirus Is Affecting American Airlines in the Caribbean American Airlines has announced a series of changes to its schedule in the face of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Crucially, though, the carrier said it would “continue” its short-haul flights to the Caribbean, with the suspension of just a few regional routes. For a nearly twomonth period from March 16 through May 6, the carrier is planning a major reduction in long-haul flights to the tune of a 75 percent decrease in capacity compared to the previous year. That comes “in response to decreased demand and changes to U.S. government travel restrictions due to coronavirus.” While the long-haul reduction affects areas like Asia and Australia, American Airlines has announced far

fewer modifications to its Latin America and Caribbean flight schedule during that period. American Airlines has announced the suspension of service from both New York and Miami to Georgetown, Guyana. Other flights in the wider Caribbean Basin region that have been suspended include Miami and Dallas to Bogota, along with suspension in service on routes to two destinations on the Caribbean coast of Colombia: Miami-Barranquilla and Miami-Cartagena, among others. That means few changes to the carrier’s massive flight network in the wider Caribbean region. Indeed, a survey of American Airlines’ website showed flights continuing on offer.

American Airlines is for example, flying seven daily flights between Miami and Nassau, The Bahamas. Having said that, a number of countries are mobilizing to buffet against the spread of the virus by restricting travel from certain countries. Most notable is St Maarten, which will launch a restriction March 17 on travelers from the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland entering St Maarten. (That does not apply to visitors currently on neighboring islands or St Maarten scheduled to depart through Princess Juliana International Airport in the coming weeks. The restrictions are set to run for a two-week period, according to the office of the Prime Minister.

Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Punta Cana

Ocho Rios Resort & Golf Club Beaches The Reef At Atlantis Beaches Negril Resort & Spa Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club Grace Bay Club Iberostar Selection Rose Hall Suites Carlisle Bay Antigua Beachfront Resort Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino Half Moon

Jamaican man who bragged in viral video to be deported from Bahamas A 42-year-old Jamaican man was charged with overstaying his spousal permit when he appeared in a court in Bahamas on Friday. Omar Waldorf, appeared in court just days after a viral video emerged, in which he was seen bragging about being able to get his and his wife cars’ licensed while a Bahamian and another Jamaican was having a hard time doing so. According to the prosecution, Immigration Officers went to a complex to check the legal status of the residents. On going to Waldorf’s bedroom, they found him and asked proof of his legal status in the

country. When he was unable to produce any evidence, he was taken to the Detention Centre where there was a check of the system and it was discovered that his resident spousal permit had expired in January 30, 2018 and was not renewed. An application for permanent residence was cancelled in 2017 because of failure to submit further documents for the process to move forward. In court Walford pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay US$3,000 or spend eight months in jail. He was then handed over to the Department of Immigration for deportation.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Layoffs spike in US, Europe as virus shuts businesses Just a couple of weeks ago, Erika Vega hoped her temp job at a cafeteria would soon become permanent. But instead, the viral outbreak shut down the building where she worked and left her wondering where her next paycheck will come from. Like millions of Americans and people around the world, the viral outbreak has left Vega in financial limbo, without income as her bills pile up. The U.S. and global economies have come to a shuddering stop, unleashing a wave of layoffs that is much larger and moving much faster than job losses in previous downturns. They are swamping state unemployment benefits systems and leaving many Americans still working anxious about whether they will be next. Vega, 45, worked as a food preparer and dishwasher at a lower Manhattan office tower until last Thursday. The company that owned the cafeteria liked her work and said they wanted to hire her permanently. But she was still a temp when the building closed and her staffing agency says it has no more work available as the city has shut down bars and restaurants. “The people who worked for the company get paid to stay home, but I don’t,” she said. “Everybody wants to be safe and be at home but at the same time, we have bills that need to be paid.” Tens of thousands of laid-off workers have already flooded state unemployment websites across the country to apply for jobless benefits. In the week ending March 14, the number of people seeking unemployment aid soared by 70,000 to 281,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That figure is still low historically, but it may soon surpass the record high of 650,000 in January 2009. Many states are already reporting

A sign encouraging job seekers to apply stands in a suburban Cincinnati Kroger store Wednesday, March 18, 2020. big increases in benefit applications this week, which weren’t included in Thursday’s figures. In Ohio, more than 48,000 people applied for jobless benefits just this Monday and Tuesday. That’s up from 1,825 in the same two days the prior week. And in neighboring Pennsylvania, about 70,000 people sought unemployment aid on Tuesday, six times the total for the entire previous week. A flood of claims has crashed unemployment claims websites in New York, New Jersey and states across the nation. Layoffs are rippling through many companies, large and small. Each one means less income for those out

How long will Americans be fighting the coronavirus? In a matter of days, millions of Americans have seen their lives upended by measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. Normally bustling streets are deserted as families hunker down in their homes. Many of those who do venture out try to stay a safe distance from anyone they encounter, even as they line up to buy now-precious commodities like hand sanitizer. Parents juggle childcare as schools close, perhaps for the rest of the school year. And restaurants and bars sit empty as more and more convert to delivery-only options. How long will this last? Scientists say there isn’t a simple answer. “In many ways, this situation is unprecedented – we’re trying to take some actions to curb the spread and timing of this pandemic,” said Stephen Morse, a disease researcher at Columbia University in New York. Yes, there have been past disease outbreaks that scientists can draw some lessons from but, in those cases, the disease was largely allowed to run its course. “So those models don’t precisely apply,” Morse said. On Monday, President Donald Trump said the U.S. may be managing the outbreak through July or August. And New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the state’s number of coronavirus cases may peak – not end – in 45 days. The overall message is that the country will be fighting the virus outbreak for a matter of months, at least,

A man holds an U.S. flag as he watches the a United Soccer League match in Tacoma, Wash. not days or weeks. Each model of how the disease could spread relies on data and assumptions about population dynamics, demographics, health care capacity and other factors, said Rebecca Katz, a public health expert at Georgetown University. The challenge for designing models of what will happen next in the U.S. is that limited testing for COVID-19 means researchers don’t know what the starting point is — how many people are already infected. In simplest terms, scientists say that the epidemic will slow when people with infections don’t pass the virus on to others. “Basically, if I infect one other person or more ... then the epidemic can take off. If I infect less than one person and everybody infects less than one person, then the epidemic will decline,” said Elizabeth Halloran, a disease researcher at the University of Washington.

of work, forcing them to cut spending, which can push still other businesses to cut jobs. Marriott International said Tuesday it has begun to furlough tens of thousands of employees. Furloughs are essentially temporary layoffs. Furloughed workers can receive unemployment benefits. The three major American automakers are temporarily shutting their North American factories, idling 150,000 workers. So are Toyota and Honda. Smaller companies have shut their doors with little time to prepare. Restaurants, bars, movie theaters, gyms, and other firms have been ordered to close by states and cities. In Portland, longtime independent bookseller

Powell’s closed its five stores last weekend and has since laid off more than 300 workers. Compass Coffee, a small chain in Washington, D.C., has laid off 150 workers, or about 80% of its staff. The travel industry is at risk of being particularly devastated, with airlines grounding planes and hotels increasingly empty. The U.S. Travel Association predicts that 4.6 million jobs in the industry could be lost, which by itself would push the unemployment rate to 6.3%, from its current level of 3.5%. Jon Bortz, CEO of Pebblebrook Hotel Trust, which owns 54 hotels in major cities including New York, San Francisco and Seattle, said occupancy levels have dropped into the single digits. The company has laid off more than 4,000 of its 8,000 employees, and is likely to let go another 2,000 by the end of March, he said. “We are looking at closing the doors at more than half of our properties,” he said. Vega, the former cafeteria worker, said her husband was scheduled to have hernia surgery next week, but was told the hospitals are overwhelmed and the operation has been postponed. Her husband is still working for New York’s bike sharing program, City Bike, sanitizing bicycles. “At least one of us is still working, but I don’t know how much longer he can go on like that,” she said. In Europe, job losses are piling up by the hundreds of thousands, though solid figures are not yet available. Airlines have announced tens of thousands of job cuts already, including 7,300 at Norwegian Air alone, while UK airline Flybe collapsed with a loss of 2,000 jobs.

$10 toilet paper? Coronavirus gouging complaints surge in US One store advertised hand sanitizer at $60 a bottle. Another was accused of hawking it at $1 a squirt. Chain stores were accused of selling $26 thermometers and face masks at the “everyday low price” of $39.95 a pair, while a convenience store offered toilet paper at $10 a roll next to a sign reading: “This is not a joke.” Across a country where lines are long, some shelves are empty and patience thin, authorities are receiving a surge of reports about people trying to cash in on the coronavirus crisis with outrageous prices, phony cures and other scams. An Associated Press survey of state attorneys general or consumer protection agencies across the country found the number exceeded 5,000, with hundreds more coming in every day. “Greed is a powerful motivator for some people,” said Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, where the number of reports jumped from 72 to 131 in a day. “It is inexcusable to prey on people in a vulnerable time to make a quick buck.” AP’s survey is the most comprehensive look so far at the emerging problem. In all, 40 states responded with numbers that included both tips and formally filed complaints against everything from individuals and mom-and-pop stores to big-box retailers. The count is certainly low because it only includes cases in which someone went online or called to register a grievance.

Many others merely went to the court of social media to vent their outrage. “STOP SHOPPING HERE!!” one woman blared on Facebook next to cellphone photos of a Southern California grocery charging $6.98 for a gallon of milk and $14.99 for cheddar cheese. “There are families out there who really need groceries and they’re overcharging.” Beyond AP’s state count, efforts to prevent exploitation are also being carried out by individual cities, such as New York, which alone has received more than 1,000 complaints, issued 550 violations and imposed $275,000 in fines for gouging, including one case in which a store was accused of selling bottles of Purell at $79 each. Among the items the city is preventing stores from jacking up the prices on: aloe vera and rubbing alcohol, the ingredients that can be combined to make hand sanitizer. States are still checking out many of the claims. While some have gone to court against sellers, others have determined cases didn’t meet their legal standard for price-gouging, which generally involves an increase of more than 10 percent. About 10 states have no such law. States typically try to resolve reports not by pursuing fines or criminal charges but by confronting the retailer, which typically apologizes and lowers the price.

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WORLD NEWS Japanese man accused of killing 19 disabled people sentenced to death A Japanese man was sentenced to death on Monday for killing 19 disabled people in a knife-wielding rampage in 2016 that was one of post-war Japan’s worst mass killings. Satoshi Uematsu, 30, had admitted to stabbing to death or injuring the victims at a care centre for people with mental disabilities where he had once worked in Sagamihara, southwest of Tokyo. Twenty-six others were wounded. Many of the victims were stabbed as they slept. The carnage sent a shockwave through the nation, where violent crime is rare due to strict gun control. Uematsu told a court session last month that those incapable of communicating with others are a burden to society and killing them would be good for society, according to domestic media. Sentencing Uematsu to death by hanging, presiding judge Kiyoshi Aonuma cited the violence of the crime. “This crime was pre-meditated and there was strong evidence of the desire to kill,” Aonuma told a courtroom filled with family members of the victims. “The maliciousness of this was extreme.” Uematsu, dressed in a black suit and with his long hair tied back in a ponytail, sat looking calmly at the judge during the court session. He said during a trial session last month that he had no intention of appealing, no matter what the verdict, domestic media reported. His defence argued at the start of the trial in January that Uematsu was mentally incompetent or had diminished capacity at the time of the incident due to marijuana use. But prosecutors said he could be held fully responsible for his act, a view the judge upheld. People with disabilities, especially mental disabilities, can still suffer stigma and shame in Japan, and the names of most of the victims were not made public according to the wishes of their families. “It’s been a really tough three years and eight months,” said Takashi Ono, whose son was wounded in the attack, at a news conference. “I want to keep working to make the situation better for those with disabilities and to create a world where families of those with heavy mental disabilities can feel a little relief.”

3 more Biden victories increase pressure on Sanders to quit Joe Biden swept to victory to contact Biden, according to in Florida, Illinois and Arizona, people familiar with the situation increasingly pulling away with a who spoke on the condition of Democratic presidential primary anonymity because they were upended by the coronavirus not authorized to speak for the and building pressure on Bernie candidates. During remarks early Sanders to abandon his campaign. in the night, Sanders said little The former vice about the future of the race and president’s third big night in as instead focused on the coronavirus many weeks came Tuesday amid outbreak. tremendous uncertainty as the Trump, meanwhile, Democratic contest collides with formally clinched the Republican efforts to slow the spread of the presidential nomination after virus that has shut down large facing minimal opposition. swaths of American life. Polls were But much of the action shuttered in Ohio, and although was on the Democratic side, where balloting went ahead as scheduled higher vote totals in some key in the three other states, election states suggested enthusiasm that Former Vice President Joe Biden, workers and voters reported even the coronavirus couldn’t participates in a Democratic presidential problems. contain. Turnout in Florida’s primary debate at CNN Studios in Still, Biden’s quest for his Democratic primary surpassed the Washington. party’s nomination now seems 1.7 million who cast ballots four well within reach. His trio of wins years ago. big events have been canceled. doubled his delegate haul over Sanders’ path to the Democratic National Committee Sanders, giving the former vice nomination is quickly narrowing, Chairman Tom Perez urged states president a nearly insurmountable and some Democrats are now with upcoming primaries to lead. Top Democratic leaders and calling on him to drop out in the expand vote-by-mail and absentee donors have also increasingly lined name of party unity. Top advisers balloting, as well as polling station up behind Biden as the best option have said he’s considering whether hours — trying to ensure the to square off against President the political landscape could look primary isn’t further hampered Donald Trump in November. different as the virus continues to going forward. Using a livestream to reshape life across the country. “The right to vote is the address supporters from his home Still, the race increasingly foundation of our democracy, and state of Delaware, Biden seemed favors Biden. He maintained we must do everything we can ready to move past the primary. strength on Tuesday with African to protect and expand that right He paid tribute to the Vermont Americans and older voters who instead of bringing our democratic senator for advancing key issues have been the hallmark of his process to a halt,” Perez said in a like affordable health care and campaign. He also appeared to statement. combating climate change. chip away at Sanders’ previous But the damage may have “Sen. Sanders and advantage with Hispanics that already happened. his supporters have brought a helped him win Nevada and Four states — Louisiana, remarkable passion and tenacity California early in the race. Georgia, Kentucky and Maryland to all of these issues. Together In Florida, Latinos made — have joined Ohio in moving they have shifted the fundamental up roughly 20% of Democratic to push back their upcoming conversation in this country,” primary voters, and they largely primaries, and others may yet do Biden said. “So let me say, sided with Biden. The former vice so. That has left the Democratic especially to the young voters who president received the support primary calendar empty until have been inspired by Sen. Sanders, of 62% of Puerto Rican voters March 29, when Puerto Rico is I hear you. I know what’s at stake. I and 57% of Cubans, according scheduled to go to the polls. But know what we have to do.” to AP VoteCast, a broad survey of island leaders are working to With the exception of primary voters. reschedule balloting there, too. North Dakota and the Northern The public health and That means there is Mariana Islands, Sanders hasn’t economic havoc wreaked by the nowhere for Sanders to gain scored a victory since Super coronavirus will nonetheless ground on Biden anytime soon, Tuesday on March 3. He made influence how the presidential even if he could find a way to no immediate move on Tuesday contest unfolds. Rallies and other mount a sudden surge.

Latest on the spread of coronavirus around the world France and Spain joined Italy in imposing lockdowns on tens of millions of people, Australia ordered self-isolation of arriving foreigners and other countries extended entry bans as the world sought to contain the spreading coronavirus. Several countries imposed bans on mass gathering, shuttered sporting, cultural and religious events, while medical experts urged people to practice “social distancing” to curb the spread. DEATHS, INFECTIONS - Globally over 174,100 have been infected and nearly 6,700 have died. AMERICAS - U.S. states pleaded with the Trump administration on Monday to coordinate a national response, saying patchwork measures enacted by state and local authorities were insufficient. - A U.S. sailor aboard a warship ship tested positive for the coronavirus for the first time, the U.S. Navy said on Sunday. - Guatemala logged its first fatality on Sunday as nations in South and Central America ramped up, with Panama banning entry of non-resident

foreigners and Honduras closing its borders to passenger traffic for a week. - Argentina published a decree establishing a 30-day ban on entry to non-residents who have travelled to a country highly affected by coronavirus in the last 14 days. - Mexico warned the outbreak could last all year as it began rolling out tougher measures to contain the spread, calling for an end to large gatherings and extending Easter school holidays. EUROPE - Italy recorded 368 more deaths from the coronavirus outbreak on Sunday, the biggest one day toll anywhere so far, including China. Italy now has recorded 24,747 cases and 1,809 deaths. - China has sent a flight to Milan, Italy to pick up citizens and overseas students, state-run CCTV reported on Monday - Spain said a state of emergency will have to be extended beyond an initial 15-day period, and that it was considering closing borders. - The Czech Republic sealed off several towns on Monday and banned people from moving around except for work, shopping and some limited activities until March 24.

- Britain said it will isolate older people “within weeks” and force into quarantine anyone diagnosed with coronavirus, as it stepped up measures that have so far been less stringent than elsewhere in Europe. Germany urged people returning from Italy, Switzerland and Austria to self-isolate for up to two weeks. - Sweden launched on Monday a crisis package worth more than $30.94 billion. Ukraine’s capital Kiev announced on Monday the closure of bars, restaurants, cafes and shopping malls from March 17 and said people’s movement should be restricted as much as possible. ASIA - Mainland China reported a drop in new cases on Sunday, but major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai continued to wrestle with cases of infections from travellers arriving from abroad. - South Korea reported 74 new coronavirus infections on Monday, bringing the country’s total to 8,236. - Thailand plans to close down schools, bars, movie theatres, cockfighting arenas as well as postpone

next month’s Thai New Year holiday, officials said on Monday. - Malaysia’s new government announced on Monday a $230 million coronavirus stimulus package. - The Philippines’ President on Monday said the country’s main island of Luzon would be under home quarantine until April 12 and told the public to heed the orders of police and soldiers, or be arrested. - Australia’s capital and the country’s second most populous state declared states of emergency on Monday, while large, non-essential gatherings were banned. Australia has recorded nearly 300 cases of coronavirus. - Armenia declared a state of emergency from March 16 until April 16. - Georgia on Monday banned all foreigners from entering the country. MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA - Saudi Arabia closed public spaces on Sunday and announced a pause in most government operations while Qatar and Oman imposed entry restrictions. - Bahrain, where nearly 1,000 people have tested positive, reported the first fatality in the Gulf Arab states.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


‘Test, test, test’: WHO chief’s coronavirus message to world The World Health the days ahead to more than 2,000 Organization called on all countries laboratories capable of processing on Monday to ramp up their testing tests. programs as the best way to slow With limited testing the advance of the coronavirus available, U.S. officials have pandemic, and also urged recorded nearly 3,000 cases and 62 companies to boost production of deaths, and large segments of daily vital equipment to overcome acute activities have been upended across shortages. the country. “We have a simple message Tedros said on Monday to all countries - test, test, test,” the strategy to contain the disease WHO Director General Tedros - identifying people with infections Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news and rapidly isolating them - was still conference in Geneva, calling the the best approach, and had shown pandemic “the defining global positive effects in China, South health crisis of our time”. Korea and Singapore. “All countries should be Many countries have able to test all suspected cases, limited testing to the old or with they cannot fight this pandemic pre-existing conditions, refusing blindfolded.” tests for others with milder Without testing, cases symptoms who can nevertheless cannot be isolated and the chain of spread the virus. Often they simply infection will not be broken, he said. do not have the resources to carry Even countries with out more tests. advanced health systems have Paul Molinaro, in charge struggled to cope with the outbreak, of operations, support and logistics Tedros said, adding he was deeply at the WHO, called for “a change concerned about its effects on low- in mindset” to overcome supply income countries where people shortages in items such as test kits already struggled with malnutrition and protective equipment to fight and other health problems. the pandemic. In the United States, the “Is this a challenge? It is. Is Trump administration has come it easy: no it’s not. Is there a chance under fire from critics for what they we can get availability and get this say has been a slow gearing up of equipment? We remain optimistic,” testing for the new virus. he told the same news conference, U.S. Vice President Mike referring to “severe market Pence promised on Sunday that constraints” for some equipment. Americans would have access in Tedros said the WHO was

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. working with the private sector to increase production of protective equipment, describing the current shortage as a “market failure”. He also warned against hoarding of supplies. Meanwhile, Tedros, who was upbeat enough to make a joke in Spanish, said he was cheered by the response from governments coming forward with funding to fight the outbreak. “It’s not just the funding, it is human spirit which we see, that is fighting this virus, that is coming more strongly,” he added. “I am really encouraged in the last week or so with the solid level of solidarity I see.”

The projection that changed Britain’s coronavirus policy British Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled much more stringent measures to tackle the coronavirus outbreak after new research indicated a quarter of a million people would have died under previous plans to control the spread of pandemic. The modeling study, by Imperial College, and led by Professor Neil Ferguson, an expert on the spread of infectious diseases, was published on March 16. It is entitled the “Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand.” This study helped change the British government’s position, according to those involved with the decision. The government said it had accelerated its plans “the advice of the experts”. Below are some of the findings of the research: If no action had been taken against the virus it would have caused 510,000 deaths in Britain and 2.2 million in the United States, the study said. “The epidemic is predicted to be broader in the U.S. than in GB and to peak slightly later. This is due to the larger geographic scale of the US, resulting in more distinct localized epidemics across states,” the study said. - The British government’s previous plan to control the virus involving home isolation of suspect cases, but not including restrictions on wider society, could have resulted in 250,000 people dying, the researchers said. The approach would “likely result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and health systems (most notably intensive care units) being overwhelmed many times over,” the study said.

‘It’s okay to feel scared’: Coronavirus brings countries close to standstill Bars, restaurants, cinemas and schools were shutting down from New York and Los Angeles to Paris and Dubai in a worldwide effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic, as financial markets tumbled despite emergency action by global central banks. The U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the second time in less than two weeks, but Wall Street opened with a dizzying plunge that set off circuit breakers. EU finance ministers were planning a coordinated economic response to the virus, which the European Commission says could push the European Union into recession. Leaders of the G7 countries were due to hold a video conference on Monday to discuss a joint response. European stocks fell on Monday to their lowest level since 2012, with investors still worried about the threat to the global economy. Wall Street’s S&P 500 index fell more than 9% as trading resumed after an initial automatic 15-minute cutout. In Italy, hardest-hit country in Europe, there were 368 new deaths from the COVID-19 outbreak on Sunday, a daily toll more dire than even China was recording at the peak of the outbreak that first hit its central city Wuhan. “Many children think it is scary,” Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg told a news conference, at her office, dedicated to answering children’s questions about the pandemic. “It is okay to be scared when so many things happen at the same time.” Several countries banned mass gatherings such as sports, cultural and religious events to combat the disease that has infected over 169,000 people globally and killed more than 6,500. Just a month ago, financial markets were hitting record highs on the assumption that the outbreak would largely be contained in China. But there have now been more cases and more

A medical worker in a protective suit stands with an isolation stretcher in front of the Columbus Clinic, where patients suffering from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were moved from Spallanzani Hospital, in Rome, Italy March 16, 2020. deaths outside mainland China than inside. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Sunday he was ordering restaurants, bars and cafes to sell food only on a take-out or delivery basis. He also said he would order nightclubs, movie theatres, small theater houses and concert venues to close. “These places are part of the heart and soul of our city,” he said. “But our city is facing an unprecedented threat, and we must respond with a wartime mentality.” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued similar orders. Spain and France, where cases and fatalities have begun surging at a pace just days behind that of Italy, imposed severe lockdowns over the weekend. The Middle East business and

travel hub of Dubai said it was closing all bars and lounges until the end of March. Thailand plans to close down schools, bars, movie theatres and popular cockfighting arenas. “The worst is yet ahead for us,” said Dr Anthony Fauci, the top infectious diseases expert in the United States. GETTING WORSE IN ITALY U.S. Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams said it was important to react aggressively. “Do we want to go the direction of South Korea and really be aggressive and lower our mortality rates or do we want to go the direction of Italy?” he told Fox News. Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte told daily Corriere della Sera that

the outbreak was still getting worse, though the governor of Lombardy, the northern region that has suffered the worst, said he saw the first signs of a slowdown. Britain has asked manufacturers including Ford (F.N), Honda (7267.T) and Rolls Royce (RR.L) to help make health equipment including ventilators to cope with the outbreak and will look at using hotels as hospitals. The worldwide financial policy actions were reminiscent of the sweeping steps taken just over a decade ago to fight a meltdown of the global financial system, but the target now is forcing entire societies to effectively shut down. “The issue for investors that still remains is that the virus’s economic impact is still not known, if this is a one-month event or if this is a one-year event, and how deep the cutback in consumer spending is going to be,” said Rick Meckler, partner at Cherry Lane Investments in New Vernon, New Jersey. Airlines said they would make more drastic cuts to their flying schedules, shed jobs and seek government aid because of sweeping global travel restrictions. China said industrial output contracted at the sharpest pace in 30 years in the first two months of 2020. The International Olympic Committee will hold talks with heads of international sports organisations on Tuesday, a source close to a federation briefed on the issue said, amid doubts the Tokyo 2020 Olympics starting on July 24 can proceed. The Jewish faithful should avoid kissing the stones of the Western Wall, the chief rabbi of the Jerusalem site said. And Starbucks (SBUX.O) has moved to a “to go” model in all its company-owned stores in the United States and Canada, the coffee chain said, temporarily abandoning reusable cups.

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UK closes down social life as coronavirus outbreak accelerates Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday shut down social life in Britain and ordered the most vulnerable to isolate for 12 weeks, ramping up the battle against a coronavirus outbreak just as it accelerates towards it peak. Johnson had faced a backlash after his government took a less stringent approach to tackling the virus than countries such as Italy, France and Spain which have effectively locked down much of Europe. In a toughening of Britain’s approach to the outbreak, Johnson closed down any remaining social life in the world’s fifth-largest economy and ordered those over 70 with underlying health problems to isolate for 12 weeks from this weekend. “What we are announcing today is a very substantial change in the way that we want people to live their lives and I can’t remember anything like it in my life time,” Johnson, 55, said at a news conference in Number 10 Downing Street, flanked by the government’s top scientist and top doctor. Johnson’s new finance minister, Rishi Sunak, was due to announce further support for businesses on Tuesday, a finance ministry source said, as many companies face a huge financial hit from the spread of coronavirus. Sunak announced the biggest spending budget plan in nearly 30 years last week, including measures to offset the impact of the virus, and promised more help if needed. People should avoid pubs, clubs, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, the government said, though Johnson stopped short of ordering them to close. He said he hoped the venues would take a responsible approach. People should also avoid unnecessary travel and work from home where possible, he said.

People, some wearing protective face masks, walk through the City of London, as the number of coronavirus cases worldwide continues to grow, in London, Britain, March 16, 2020. He said this was particularly important in London as it appears to be “a few weeks ahead” of the rest of the country. The hospitality industry criticized the move, saying that since they were not being compelled to close, businesses would not be able to claim on their insurance. “This announcement will lead to thousands of businesses closing their doors for good, and hundreds of thousands of job losses,” UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said. The Society of London Theaters said its member venues, which include London’s major West End theaters, would close from Monday night until further notice. The limits on social contact could last for months or at least weeks, England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said, adding the next few weeks and months would be “extraordinarily difficult” for the health service. Health minister Matt Hancock told parliament that non-time sensitive,

UK closes down social life as coronavirus outbreak accelerates Prime Minister Boris Johnson clubs, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, on Monday shut down social life in the government said, though Johnson Britain and ordered the most vulnerable stopped short of ordering them to close. to isolate for 12 weeks, ramping up the He said he hoped the venues would take battle against a coronavirus outbreak a responsible approach. People should just as it accelerates towards it peak. also avoid unnecessary travel and work Johnson had faced a backlash from home where possible, he said. after his government took a less He said this was particularly stringent approach to tackling the virus important in London as it appears to be than countries such as Italy, France and “a few weeks ahead” of the rest of the Spain which have effectively locked country. down much of Europe. The hospitality industry In a toughening of Britain’s criticized the move, saying that since approach to the outbreak, Johnson they were not being compelled to close, closed down any remaining social life businesses would not be able to claim in the world’s fifth-largest economy and on their insurance. ordered those over 70 with underlying “This announcement will lead health problems to isolate for 12 weeks to thousands of businesses closing from this weekend. their doors for good, and hundreds of “What we are announcing thousands of job losses,” UKHospitality today is a very substantial change in the Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said. way that we want people to live their The Society of London Theaters lives and I can’t remember anything said its member venues, which include like it in my life time,” Johnson, 55, London’s major West End theaters, said at a news conference in Number would close from Monday night until 10 Downing Street, flanked by the further notice. government’s top scientist and top The limits on social contact doctor. could last for months or at least weeks, Johnson’s new finance minister, England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Rishi Sunak, was due to announce Whitty said, adding the next few weeks further support for businesses on and months would be “extraordinarily Tuesday, a finance ministry source said, difficult” for the health service. as many companies face a huge financial Health minister Matt Hancock hit from the spread of coronavirus. told parliament that non-time sensitive, Sunak announced the biggest elective surgery would be canceled or spending budget plan in nearly 30 years postponed. last week, including measures to offset Johnson said anyone with the impact of the virus, and promised symptoms of the coronavirus should more help if needed. isolate along with their entire household People should avoid pubs, for 14 days.

elective surgery would be canceled or postponed. Johnson said anyone with symptoms of the coronavirus should isolate along with their entire household for 14 days. Sterling fell to its lowest against the U.S. dollar since October while Johnson was speaking, down two thirds of a cent on the day. This economic and financial crisis, though, is not like the 2008 financial crisis, Johnson said. “This is unlike 2008, there isn’t a systemic problem within the economy,” Johnson said. “If we can get the disease under control ... then there is absolutely no reason why economies worldwide should not come roaring back.” VIRUS SPREADS FASTER The British government has faced criticism for no longer testing all suspected cases of coronavirus, and Whitty said testing was critical and Britain would scale it up. Earlier on Monday, the World Health Organization

called on all countries to ramp up their testing program. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United Kingdom has risen to 1,543, up from 1,372 the day before, the health ministry said on Monday. The UK death toll rose to 55. “It looks as though we are now approaching the fast growth part of the upward curve and without drastic action cases could double every 5 or 6 days,” Johnson said. He said it was essential to ensure “those with the most serious health conditions are largely shielded from social contact for around 12 weeks.” When asked about the need for a globally coordinated response, Johnson said there was widespread agreement in the G7 that measures would be needed. “We are going to need to make sure everybody has access to liquidity,” he said. “If we do things jointly then I think that the global markets will understand that we’re all operating in the same sort of fiscal framework and I think we’ll be much more successful that way.” Johnson faced a backlash on Monday over his decision to keep schools open, with angry parents keeping their children at home and complaining that other countries were doing more to stop the spread of coronavirus. Britain may need to close schools to slow the spread of coronavirus but now is not the time for this, the government’s chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, said. “At some point, as we’ve said, it may be necessary to think about things like school closures. But those things, again, need to be done at the right time in the right way, at the right stage of the outbreak,” he said.

San Francisco under lockdown: 3.5 million jobs and an $877 billion economy The San Francisco Bay Area’s economy enters a three-week lockdown at midnight in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus, with six regional counties directing residents to keep to their homes as much as possible. As of Monday morning, Bay Area counties were reporting 273 cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Six people have died of the respiratory illness in California. POWERHOUSE The six counties under the lockdown order accounted for $877 billion of economic output in 2018. That’s about 30% of California’s economy, the biggest in the United States. That makes the collective economy of the six counties bigger than Sweden, and nearly the half the size of all of Italy, whose residents went under a similar lockdown a week ago. PEOPLE, JOBS The area has a population of about 6.7 million people, and employs 3.5 million, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows. It is unclear how many of those will be considered essential employees, but it is safe to say that the large majority will be required to stay home. Some public sector jobs, including police and firefighters, as well as healthcare, utilities and sanitation workers, will be allowed to carry on as usual. So will grocery stores and food delivery, including take-out.

THERE ARE SOME BIG COMPANIES HERE Technology looms large: Apple (AAPL.O), Google Inc.-parent Alphabet (GOOGL.O), Facebook (FB.O) and Intel (INTC.O) are the Bay Area’s biggest companies by market capitalization. They were among the first to ask employees to work from home. Less well known: the region has the largest cluster of biotech companies in the country. Healthcare and professional services employ large numbers of people, and tourism is also a key business, says Sean Randolph, senior director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. “I just do worry a lot now about what the impacts over the longer term are going to be and all the people out there who are in fact economically vulnerable,” he said in a phone interview from his office, where he was collecting physical documents that he may need once he begins working from home on Tuesday. LAYOFFS ARE STARTING Ginger Rowe, founder and owner of a casual clothing shop in Los Gatos in the South Bay, told Reuters she is closing shop and laying off her three employees as of Tuesday. “At least they can claim unemployment insurance because that’s what they and we pay for. And because, with not having any revenue or sales or anything, I won’t be able to continue paying them .... I can have my employees hopefully reinstated after this craziness.”

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020



Uber’s challenge to balance driver safety with customer privacy

Margaret Bordelon can still feel the hands of the drunk man who tried to pull her in for a kiss at the end of his Uber ride last September in Lafayette, Louisiana. An Uber driver for only a few months, Bordelon, 45, finally convinced the customer to let her go. Since he booked the ride through a friend, she did not know his name. After reporting the incident by phone to Uber the same night, a company representative told her that she would no longer be paired with the account holder. Beyond that, there was little else she could do for protection. “When I asked Uber what it was going to do to protect me and other women going forward, I received no response,” Bordelon recalled. Uber reiterated the message to her in writing a day later, saying that any behavior involving violence, sexual misconduct, or illegal activity “can result in the immediate loss of access to the app” for the customer. Uber declined to address how it responded specifically in Bordelon’s case, and 14 other U.S. female drivers Reuters spoke with said Uber never told them what steps the company took after they reported assault or sexual harassment by customers. “Safety is essential to Uber,” a spokesman said in a statement. “Over the last two years, we’ve launched more (safety) features than in the previous eight.” The 15 women interviewed by Reuters, contacted through social media

support groups, do not represent a comprehensive review of Uber’s response to allegations of acts of violence against drivers. But data published by Uber in December - a first for the industry showed drivers were the victims in nearly half of about 6,000 reports of sexual assault during Uber rides in the United States in 2017 and 2018. The interviews and data show how Uber’s efforts to protect customer privacy have sometimes come into conflict with the safety of some of its drivers. The extent of Uber’s responsibility for its drivers’ safety, according to legal experts and court records, is also tied up with the unsettled legal question of whether they are contractors - as the company claims - or employees. If the drivers were classified as employees, they could unionize to address safety problems, or sue Uber for damages under the U.S. insurancebased system of workers’ compensation, said Pauline Kim, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. For example in New York City, the country’s largest taxi market, the majority of taxi operators are considered employees under the state’s workers’ compensation law, entitled to benefits. Many U.S. states have passed similar laws. As contractors, U.S. Uber drivers generally have no such guaranteed rights and they cannot claim benefits from the company. Uber says most of its drivers do not want to be employees, valuing the flexibility of on-demand work. Its

business model relies on less-costly contractors and in theory also protects it from legal claims. Drivers suffering an assault can still sue Uber over personal injury claims, but lawyers told Reuters they are reluctant to take those cases over a risk it could cement the drivers’ contractor status before a court. “While making a claim against Uber is the only feasible way for a sexually assaulted driver to receive compensation for her losses, Uber prevents them from doing so by calling them independent contractors,” said Juli Porto, a lawyer who represents ride-hailing passengers sexually assaulted by drivers. Of course Uber drivers can still sue their assailant, but private people rarely have the assets to pay for judgments against them and insurance policies generally do not cover criminal acts. Uber told Reuters that its drivers, as independent contractors, have the right to decline or cancel any trip request, and can end a trip if they feel unsafe. Recently added safety features include an emergency services button in the app and ways to share trip locations, that should benefit both riders and drivers, Uber told Reuters. But some drivers said Uber’s efforts to address safety concerns felt one-sided. “I need to provide my driver’s license, photos of my car, registration, insurance, inspection results and a selfie before I can start driving. But riders do not even need to use their real names,” said Uber driver Melissa Campbell, 48,

Even mask-wearers can be ID’d, China facial recognition firm says A Chinese company says it has developed the country’s first facial recognition technology that can identify people when they are wearing a mask, as most are these days because of the coronavirus, and help in the fight against the disease. China employs some of the world’s most sophisticated systems of electronic surveillance, including facial recognition. But the coronavirus, which emerged in Hubei province A software engineer works on a facial recognition program that identifies people when they late last year, has resulted in almost wear a face mask at the development lab of the Chinese electronics manufacturer Hanwang everyone wearing a surgical mask (Hanvon) Technology in Beijing as the country is hit by an outbreak of the novel coronavirus outdoors in the hope of warding (COVID-19), China, March 6, 2020. A big customer, not off the virus - posing a particular coronavirus outbreak gathered pace, and began rolling it out to surprisingly, is the Ministry of problem for surveillance. Public Security, which runs the Now Hanwang the market after just a month. It sells two main types of police. Technology Ltd, which also goes Hanwang’s by the English name Hanvon, said products that use the technology. Using it has come up technology that One performs “single channel” technology, the ministry can can successfully recognize people recognition that is best used at, cross-reference images with its even when they are wearing masks. for example, entrances to office own database of names and other information and then identify and “If connected to a buildings. The other, more powerful, track people as they move about, temperature sensor, it can measure body temperature while product is a “multi-channel” Huang said. “It can detect crime identifying the person’s name, recognition system that uses suspects, terrorists or make reports and then the system would “multiple surveillance cameras”. It can identify everyone or warnings,” he said. process the result, say, if it detects But the system struggles a temperature over 38 degrees,” in a crowd of up to 30 people to identify people with both a Hanwang Vice President Huang “within a second”, Huang says. “When wearing a mask, mask and sunglasses, he said. Lei told Reuters in an interview. “In this situation, all of The Beijing-based firm the recognition rate can reach said a team of 20 staff used core about 95%, which can ensure that the key facial information is lost. technology developed over the most people can be identified,” In such cases recognition is tough,” past 10 years, a sample database Huang said, adding the success Huang said. The company has about of about 6 million unmasked rate for people without mask is 200 clients in Beijing using the faces and a much smaller database about 99.5%. technology, including the police, of masked faces, to develop the LOSING FACIAL and expect scores more across 20 technology, INFORMATION provinces to start installing it soon, The team began work Huang said. on the system in January, as the

Margaret Bordelon, a driver for Uber, looks out her car window at the location where a passenger sexually harassed her after a ride in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S. February 16, 2020. from Eugene, Oregon. Passengers signing up must provide a valid credit card, phone number and email address, but Uber does not require them to verify their identity or upload a picture to avoid potential discrimination against them, it says. Even if the passenger uses their real name, drivers are no longer able to view account details once the trip is completed to protect customer privacy. In written responses to the drivers submitting safety reports, Uber told drivers they can report incidents to the police who can file a request for riders’ personal information on their behalf, messages reviewed by Reuters showed. In a November report, Uber said it received nearly 22,000 requests from U.S. law enforcement for user account details in 2018 and produced at least some data in 72% of the cases.

Using Clorox wipes on your iPhone? Apple issues new guidelines Apple says you should feel free to use alcohol-based disinfectant wipes to clean your iPhone. Smartphones are notorious germ magnets, and Apple issued new gadget-cleaning guidance as the novel coronavirus outbreak spreads. The new guidance, which appeared Monday on Apple’s support page, tells people that they can “gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces,” such as displays or keyboards, with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. Apple says people should not use bleach to clean their gadgets and they should avoid letting moisture seep into any opening to prevent internal damage. Clorox’s Disinfecting Wipes and Anywhere Wipes do not contain bleach. People have been rushing to antibacterial wipes because they can kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, but it remains unclear about how effective they are at eliminating the COVID-19 strain of the coronavirus from hard surfaces. But disinfectant products that have been proven effective in protecting against the other human coronaviruses are thought to be effective against the novel coronavirus, too, Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, previously told CNN. Saskia Popescu, a senior infection prevention epidemiologist and consultant for Clorox, said Americans should not panic and recommends following the same practices they would if they were trying to avoid the common respiratory infections, such as scrubbing hands clean with soap and water, wiping down shared work spaces with disinfectant wipes and to cover coughs and sneezes.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Boeing calls for $60 billion lifeline for U.S. aerospace industry Boeing Co on Tuesday called for a $60 billion lifeline for the struggling U.S. aerospace manufacturing industry, which faces huge losses from the coronavirus pandemic. Reuters first reported that Boeing was seeking “tens of billions of dollars” in U.S. government loan guarantees and other assistance as faces it a looming liquidity crunch due to the coronavirus’ impact on the aviation sector, two people briefed on the matter told Reuters. Boeing spokesman Gordon Johndroe subsequently said the company “supports a minimum of $60 billion in access to public and private liquidity, including loan guarantees, for the aerospace manufacturing industry.” Boeing declined to say how much of that would be for the planemaker versus loan guarantees for its suppliers; it was also unclear if U.S. banks would loan any of the more than $60 billion without government backing. The U.S. planemaker has told lawmakers it needs significant government support to meet liquidity needs and it cannot raise that in current market conditions, the people said. Boeing confirmed Monday it was in talks with the administration about short-term support, while U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday the U.S. government would provide support. Boeing has noted that typically 70% of its revenue flows to its 17,000

A cleaning worker wearing protective suit sprays disinfectant inside the cabin of a Lion Air’s Boeing 737800, amid the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport near Jakarta, Indonesia, March 17, 2020. suppliers and has told lawmakers that without significant assistance the entire U.S. aviation manufacturing sector could collapse. “This will be one of the most important ways for airlines, airports, suppliers and manufacturers to bridge to recovery. Funds would support the health of the broader aviation industry, because much of any liquidity support to Boeing will be used for payments to suppliers to maintain the health of the supply chain,” Johndroe said. The amount of aid Boeing needs remains in flux based on market conditions and how long the crisis lasts. Congressional officials are reviewing

Boeing’s cash needs as Congress considers a stimulus and rescue package that could top $1 trillion. “Boeing got hit hard in many different ways,” Trump said at a press conference Tuesday. He said he would also help suppliers like engine maker General Electric Co. “We have to protect Boeing... We’ll be helping Boeing.” Boeing’s stock has been plummeting. After falling 24% on Monday, it fell another 4.4% Tuesday to close at $123.92. Boeing is down more than 60% over the last month as the coronavirus pandemic slashed travel demand worldwide. S&P Global downgraded Boeing’s credit rating on

Amazon stops receiving non-essential products from sellers amid coronavirus outbreak Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) is suspending sellers from sending non-essential products to its U.S. and U.K. warehouses until April 5 in the latest move to free up inventory space for much-needed supplies that are in shortage as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. In a note sent to sellers on Tuesday, Amazon said it is seeing increasing online shopping demand from consumers. As its household staples and medical supplies are running out of stock, it will prioritize certain categories in order to “quickly receive, restock, and ship these products to customers.” Amazon defined five categories as essential products

that can continue shipping, including Baby Product, Health & Household, Beauty & Personal Care, Grocery, Industrial & Scientific, Pet Supplies. The move follows Amazon’s announcement it will hire 100,000 workers for its warehouses on Monday, as the Seattle-based giant is trying to meet growing online shopping need from people who stay home amid the coronavirus outbreak. Third-party sellers account for over half of the sales on Amazon. Amazon has been courting sellers to use its own fulfillment system, enabling many of them with faster delivery without the risks of sitting on inventories.

It is especially popular for sellers who use a dropping shipping method, meaning sellers import products from manufacturers in countries including China and directly send them to an Amazon warehouse. Amazon earns fees from managing the storage and delivery process. Sellers supplying products that are deemed nonessential could see their products run out of stock and they will be unable to restock as a result of the measure. Still, they can use other fulfillment methods to directly mail products to customers. Amazon did not immediately replied to request for comment.

Staggering number of Android devices vulnerable to hacks — how to tell if you’re at risk New research from British consumer watchdog Which? claims nearly a billion Android devices are vulnerable to hacking attacks, since they no longer receive critical security updates from Google. These findings are certainly not a revelation, since most consumers are already aware of the fact that Android devices are only supported by manufacturers for two or three years. The latest security updates from Google are also meant only for devices running the three latest versions of Android. This means if you have a smartphone that is running Android Nougat, your device isn’t protected against new vulnerabilities and is at risk of data theft as well as malware attacks.

Google’s Pixel and Android One phones receive security updates for up to three years. Most other Android phones, however, usually receive regular security updates only for around two years or less. So if you plan on keeping your next phone for a long time, you should consider buying a phone that is guaranteed to receive regular software updates for three years. Android devices that were released in 2012 or earlier are the most vulnerable to hacking attacks. If you happen to own a device that runs Android 4 or earlier, you should make sure you do not download anything from outside the Play Store, back up your data, get an effective Android antivirus app, and avoid clicking on any suspicious links.

Monday and lowered its free cash flow expectations for the company. Boeing has been struggling to win approval from regulators for its 737 MAX to return to service after two fatal crashes in five months. The plane has been grounded since March 2019. U.S. airlines and cargo carriers have said they are seeking at least $58 billion in loans and grants along with additional tax changes, while airports have sought $10 billion. Boeing confirmed on Tuesday that it had completed the drawdown of the rest of a $13.8 billion line of credit it had secured last month. Boeing’s total debt nearly doubled to $27.3 billion in 2019, as it compensated airlines and grappled with additional production costs for the 737 MAX even as the grounding prevented it from delivering the aircraft to buyers. Reuters on Tuesday reported Airbus has about 16 billion euros ($17.60 billion) in cash and needs some 5.5 billion euros a month, a person familiar with Monday’s discussions said. Industry sources said that even before the coronavirus crisis squeezed its finances, Boeing had been providing financial support to a number of suppliers to help them ride out the shutdown of 737 MAX production as well as paying airlines compensation for the delay in delivering MAX planes.

JPMorgan commits $50 million to businesses, people affected by coronavirus

A woman passes by a JPMorgan Chase bank in Times Square in New York City, U.S., March 7, 2019. JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) said on Wednesday that it committed $50 million to funds and community groups that are providing food, support and medical supplies for people in the United States, Europe and Asia affected by the cornavirus. The largest U.S. bank is initially giving $15 million to groups coping with the disease’s impact on people, including donating $5 million to community development financial institutions in the United States that will provide low or zerointerest loans to vulnerable small businesses. The bank said it is committing the remaining $35 million to “medium-to-long term challenges communities are likely to face as the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold.”

What is the best way to disinfect your iPhone? Apple just updated its recommendations

Android devices Which? says it shared its findings with Google, but the response that it received from the search giant wasn’t reassuring. The consumer watchdog has called for Android OEMs to be more transparent about how long they plan to provide updates to their devices to help consumers make informed buying decisions.

Admit it. Your phone is probably in desperate need of a good cleaning -- especially in the midst of cold and flu season with growing concerns of the coronavirus. But how should you go about doing it without causing damage to the device? We have some good news. You can go ahead and use one of those disinfecting wipes to clean off your iPhone. Apple has updated the cleaning suggestions on its site, saying it’s OK to use the wipes. “Using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you may gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Apple product, such as the display, keyboard or other exterior surfaces,” Apple declares. “Don’t use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don’t submerge your Apple product in any cleaning agents. Don’t use on fabric or leather surfaces.” This update comes as concerns of the coronavirus continue spreading. On Monday, the state of Ohio confirmed its first cases of the illness involving three people in Cuyahoga County.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

South Bank Marina Ltd, is seeking suitably qualified candidates to fill the following position at its location in Long Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. MARINA DEVELOPMENT MANAGER

RBC Royal Bank has a vacancy for:

Mortgage Specialist What is the opportunity? In this role you provide customized mortgage solutions and advice to your clients. Your ability to develop relationships with both internal and external partners is crucial to your success, particularly within the community, realtors’ offices and other Centre of Influence. Further, you build client loyalty through your keen desire to provide exceptional advice and personalized service, while your proven motivation and entrepreneurial sales style allows you to drive the business results you desire. What will you do? • Deliver a consistently superior client experience by providing tailor made mortgage and home financing advice, submission of high quality credit applications, and appropriate anchoring routines in order to consolidate banking relationships and generate additional sales opportunities for partners. • Introduce and anchor clients early to your branch partners considering customer needs and preferences, and respecting local market processes • Respond to and resolve client problems at first point of contact whenever possible, ensuring escalation to AVP Specialised Sales Force and/or Branch Manager as required • Maximize the use of all technology (e.g. Portable scanners, Laptops) to enhance productivity and client experience • Keep informed of current events, market news and internal information on RBCNet. • Maintain professional, advisory and supportive relationship with all RBC partners in local market and back office support groups • Successfully drive your sales results through proper planning and sales routine activities • Acquire mortgage clients through leads and build a pipeline of mortgage business while proactively building COI relationships • Exercise due diligence to ensure “external partners” meet RBC, industry and legal standards • Meet every client face-to-face at least once, and exercise due diligence in following all procedures relating to identification, verification, fraud, and anti-money laundering.

What do you need to succeed? Must-have • Undergraduate degree in Management or related field • At least 2-3 years in lending/sales environment • Excellent communication skills • Strong organizational and planning skills • Strong relationship building, networking and collaborative skills • Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint • A vehicle in good working condition

What’s in it for you? We thrive on the challenge to be our best, progressive thinking to keep growing, and working together to deliver trusted advice to help our clients thrive and communities prosper. We care about each other, reaching our potential, making a difference to our communities, and achieving success that is mutual. • A comprehensive Total Rewards Program of flexible benefits and competitive remuneration and pension options • World-class training programs and career development opportunities • The advantage of working with a dynamic, collaborative, and high performing team where initiative and hard work are recognized and rewarded • A flexible work schedule based on client preferences and your own work/life balance • Innovative mobile technology to ensure your success

Interested applicants should apply by Friday, 3rd April, 2020 at jobs.rbc.com

This is a senior position, as the successful applicant will oversee all areas of the marina aspect of Caicos Marina and Shipyard. This includes seeing to the redevelopment and rebranding of the current marina facilities including but not limited to buildings, IT infrastructure, docks and general seaside activities. As the Marina Development Manager the successful candidate will be required to produce a Standard Operation Procedure and other procedural and staff training manuals for the marina, implement and provide leadership and motivation required and develop to maintain a culture of excellence in customer service, people development and the assortment and presentation of services at the marina. Required Specifications and Qualifications •Must be a certified Marina Manager •Over 10 years of Marina Management experience at a senior level •Demonstrated achievement in marina operations based on internationally recognized schemes with proven success •Must have the ability to identify, develop and implement business strategies and report to Directors on operational and financial performance •Broad Experience in creation of budgets and business plans and a good understanding of financial information, financial statements and supporting financial documents •PADI certification ideal •First Aid Certificate required •Knowledge and experience in dealing with hazardous and dangerous substances •Able to work long hours, including holidays and weekends if required Salary for this position will be in the range of $80k to $95k per annum depending on experience

South Bank Marina Ltd. Marina Operations Manager The Successful applicant will be responsible for general day to day management of the marina and boatyard. This will include, implementation of policies and procedures as directed by senior management. Applicant is required to have at least eight years’ experience in working at marinas and or shipyards at a managerial level. Experience in the handling of hazardous and dangerous substances is required and applicant must be certified in First Aid. Applicant must be trained in marina operations and have excellent oral and written communication skills. Duties will include: •Implementation of comprehensive maintenance programs •Design and implement a marina operations system •Fuel inventory management and ordering •Manage all social media platforms, and all other aspects of sales and marketing •Supervision of administrative and other marina staff •Liaising with shipyard customers, and collection of outstanding debts •Management of daily boat inventory •Setup and management of chandlery •Broad experience in the creation of budgets and business plans and a good understanding of financial information •Able to work long hours, including holidays and weekends if required Salary for this position will be in the range of $50k to 60k per annum based on qualification and experience This is for a renewal. Turks and Caicos Islanders need apply.

® Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence.

Unsuitable applications will not be acknowledged

Please submit CV to info@caicosmarina.com no later than March 30, 2020 or contact us at 946-5600 if you require further information.

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


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Location: Turtle Cove Landing, Shop #17, Providenciales Is seeking a Fleet Captain Duties: Must have good people skills, very knowledgeable of the craft, CPR and first ad certified and must have a current boat captain license and SCW certified To work 6 days a week and must be on call Salary: $7.50 per hour Please Contact 231-8423 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Applicants who Turks and Caicos Islanders should submit Copies of their application to the Labour Board

Location: Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mason Duties: Duties: Layering building materials such as bricks, concrete, tiles and other construction materials To work 6 days a week Salary is $10.00 per hour Please Contact: 343-9313 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

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The Classic Snack & Bar

In South Caicos Is seeking a Labourer To assist with construction work Must work 6 days per week Salary: $ 6.25 per hour Please contact 241-4356 This position is currently held by a work permit holder Interested Turks and Caicos Islanders are encouraged to send a copy of their application to the Labour Board


Location: South Caicos, Located: OJ plaza Unit #7, Industrial Turks & Caicos Islands Park, Providenciales, Is seeking a Domestic Worker Turks & Caicos Islands Duties include all Is seeking to hire a Parts Technician housekeeping related duties •With over five years or more, experience such as washing, ironing, in knowing Japanese car parts cleaning, mopping etc •Mechanical experience is a must Must be able to Must be able to work 6 days a week work 6 days a week Salary is based on Experience Salary is $6.25 per hour This position is new Please Contact: 241-6079 Belonger or PRC holder only need This positon is new apply, contact 649-941-5962 or email Interest Turks & Caicos resumes to ajsautoparts@express.tc. Islander applicants must send Interested Turks & Caicos Islander a copy of their resume to the applicants must send a copy of their Labour Board resume to the Labour Board #975649

Varldysha Collection

Superior Painting

Location: Complex Center Unite #2, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker Duties: include all housekeeping related duties such as, cleaning, mopping etc Must be able to work 6 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Duties: To clean and upkeep This position is new Please Contact: 345-8326 Interested Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195202

Location: Complex Center Unit #1, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking one Painter Duties: Prepare paint surfaces, mix, match, and apply paints and other finishes to various surfaces To work 6 days a week Salary is $9.00 an hour Please Contact: 247-0801 This position is new Interested Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Betthune Jennings Location: South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer Duties: Perform tasks involving physical labor and cleaning at work sites. May operate hand and power tools of all types and a variety of other equipment and instruments To work 5 days a week Salary is $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 341-2264 This position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



Location: Back Salina, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer Duties: Perform tasks involving physical labor and cleaning at work sites. May operate hand and power tools of all types and a variety of other equipment and instruments Must be able to work 5 days a week Salary $6.50 per hour Please Contact: 246-2661 This position is new Interested Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #195201

Jodeka Simmons

Location: #225, Long Bay Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Labourer Duties: Perform tasks involving physical labor and cleaning at work sites. May operate hand and power tools of all types and a variety of other equipment and instruments Must be able to work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 232-1626 This positon is new Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #975647

Clyde Holiday Location: South Backsalina, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Caretaker Duties: Taking care of an elderly person, completing light housekeeping, such as dishes or folding laundry, plan, prepare and monitor meals Salary is $6.75 per hour 40hours - 5 days a week Please Contact: 946-1269 This position is new Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

T & W Auto Location: #23 South Dock Road, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Is seeking a Mechanic Duties: High skill in Mechanic Auto, gasoline diesel, excellent knowledge of mechanical, electrical and electronic components of vehicles To work 5 days a week From 8:00am – 5:00pm, eight hours a day Salary is $9.00 per hour Please Contact: 247-7796 This position is new Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board



HELPER WANTED In Grand Turk Duties: Must be able to do general cleaning and assist the owner where needed Salary $6.25 per hour To work 5 days per week Please Contact: 348-3299 This position is new Interested Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board

Sandy Talbot

Location: Behind Lemonts, Unit #9, Downtown, Providenciales, TCI Is seeking a Bar Maid Duties: Serving customers drinks and snacks, clean the bar and restaurant Must be able to work 6 days a week Please Contact Arthur Joaquin Dean at: 347-4949 or 241-8730 This position is new Interested Turks and Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board


Location: #60 Marble Drive, Millennium Heights, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Is seeking a Domestic Worker Duties include all housekeeping related duties such as washing, ironing, cleaning, mopping etc Must be able to work 5 days a week Salary is $6.25 per hour Please Contact: 232-1626 This positon is new Interest Turks & Caicos Islander applicants must send a copy of their resume to the Labour Board #975647

J looking for (2) Construction Helper to take care of clearing job sites on a beach. Working days are five days per week, 6:00 am - 3 pm at $6.50 per hour. Is seeking One (1) Helper, Gardiner, Carpenter Helper, Two (2) Masons and One (1) Handyman to remove and fix stuff on the job site. One (1) renewal of Labourer to keep materials secure, stock material, etc @ 7:00 am - 3 pm. 5 days per week. @ $6.25 per hour. Charmaine Elliott is seeking to One (1) Handyman, renewal of two (2) Nanny and two (2) Labourers to work 5 days a week 7:00am -3:00pm @ $6.50 per hour, clean the beach. Pelican Entertainment is seeking one Technician to do work on special machines. Contract basis, salary upon qualification basis, work as needed. Unlimited construction and Kendall Higgs seeking one Steelman and one carpenter, $6.25 per hour, Monday - Saturday, Fraternity Plaza is seeking 1 plumber, 1 helper to work 5 days a week @ $6.50 per day. From 8:30 am - 5 pm. Interested persons can contact 346-5647 Tuesday Thursday, 10:00am – 12:00 noon or visit 42 Cooper Jack Bay Road, Providenciales.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

We hire smiles!!!

Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa, the only 6 Diamond All-inclusive property in the Caribbean is inviting applications from Turks and Caicos Islanders for the following vacant positions. We hire the personality and train the individual. Applicants must have a clean police record and a good command of the English language both written and spoken. In addition candidates must be able to work nights, public holidays and week-ends. The Resort thanks everyone for their interest in advance and advises that applicants will be contacted for an interview via Text Message. The Kitchen Department requires:    

The Dining Room Department requires:

Executive Sous Chef Sous Chef Pastry Cook Chef Assistant Pastry Chef

Reports to:

    

Executive Chef

Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Chef and within the limits of established Sandals Resorts policies and procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of the kitchen operation at the level of standard and quality established by the company. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Culinary institution or equivalent technical schooling or apprenticeship training preferred  Three to five years’ experience as a manager/supervisor in an international first-class hotel/resort.

Server/ Waiter/ Waitress Banquet Server Cleaner Labourer Restaurant Manager

Reports to:

Food and Beverage Manager

To provide prompt, courteous and professional service to all patrons; monitoring service standards and assisting where possible, ensuring the smooth flow of the restaurant operation and enhancing the guests’ experience. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Two years’ experience within a casual restaurant setting preferred  Physically fit  No food allergies

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

The salary for these positions ranges between $23,000.00 and $38,000.00

The range for these positions is $6.25-$6.50 per hour

The Maintenance Department requires:

The Offsite Department requires:

Room Technician

  

Reports to: Chief Engineer To work closely with the Rooms Division to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room is as per the Resort’s established quality and standards; to ensure that the furniture, fixture, A/C’s, plumbing and equipment are properly maintained, and to provide a prompt and efficient response to all guest service requests in a timely and courteous manner. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Must have a minimum of a high school diploma and/or a certificate in a field of engineering from a recognized Vocational Training Institution  Basic computer literacy and internet knowledge is preferred This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. 


Reports to: Chief Engineer

Caretaker Groundskeeper Labourer

Reports to:

Properties Manager

To work closely with the Properties to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the staff accommodation and other holdings are maintained as per the established quality and standards. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position. These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders. The range for these positions is $7.25 to $10.00 per hour The Stewarding Department requires:

To work closely with the Rooms Division to ensure that the physical appearance in and around the room is as per the Resort’s established quality and standards.

 

Steward Labourer

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift and bend.  Knowledge of pool chemicals and required levels (Pool Operator)  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Reports to:

This position is currently held by Work Permit Holder (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time.

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  No allergies to chemicals  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

Under the guidance and supervision of the Stewarding Manager and Stewarding Supervisors within the scope of established Sandals Resort & Spa policies, the Steward will ensure that all aspects the stewarding operation are performed accordingly.

The range for these positions is $7.25 to $10.00 per hour The Watersports and Catamaran Departments require:   

Stewarding Manager

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders and persons with on-island status (note however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. Should a suitable local applicant not be found a permit application will be submitted.

Boat Captain Dive Instructor Dive Technician

The range for this position is $6.25-$6.50 per hour

Reports to: Watersports Manager The main function of the Boat Captain is to supervise all activities of the dive boat while in operation. The Dive Instructors and Technician take care of the guest and equipment.

The Front Office Department requires: 


Reports to:

Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Certified PADI/NAUI Instructor;  Basic Compressor Certification (an asset) (MAKO);

Front Office Manager

Provide personalized guest services by providing luggage services between the lobby and guestroom. Standard Specifications: Qualifications and Experience:  Physically fit with the ability to lift over 30 lbs.  Minimum 2 years’ experience in a related position.

These positions are currently held by Work Permit Holders. The ranges for these positions are $7.25 to $13.00 per hour

The Bellman position is currently held by a Work Permit Holder (however more than one is required). Recruitment to fill these positions is underway at this time. The rate for this position is $6.25 to $6.50per hour

Applications giving full details of qualifications and experience should be sent to: mmvaughn@grp.sandals.com or placed in the secure drop box at the service gate or Fax to: 941-4870 Attn: M McClean-Vaughn The Labour Commissioner The Human Resources Labour Department Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands


Department Beaches Turks and Caicos P.O. Box 186 Lower Bight Road

and should reach not later than March 31st 2020

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020



Page 45

TCI’s Sailor Grace Reaston Brown wins Laser 4.7 Regatta in the Bahamas Grace Reaston Brown recently competed in the KPMG Regatta at the Nassau Yacht Club in the Bahamas as part of one of their major annual regattas. TCI Sailor, Grace Reaston Brown travelled over to compete in the Laser class. The regatta was being used as a qualifier for entry to the YOUTH world championship to be held in Brazil in December, and meaning that a lot of talent was present for the races. Grace was the guest competitor at just 13 years of age,

and after 2 days of racing in variable conditions was the winner of the Laser 4.7 fleet. This is a record victory for any TCI Sailor in the Bahamas and one which Grace will always remember. Ross Darmody of Provo Sailing Academy commented, “We are so happy with Grace’s performance at the KPMG regatta in the Bahamas. She has been dedicating so much time to her training, spending 4 to 6 days on the water each week. Since her transition from the optimist into the laser class, Grace has continued to

progress steadily and learn the slight differences between the two boats. She has been able to transfer a lot of her racing experience from her time in the optimist into the laser and it is paying off already.” Grace added: “It was exciting racing in the laser 4.7s with some close finishes, the race conditions were fantastic with 14 to 19 knots I had done lots of light wind and heavy wind training too so I was ready for all conditions. All seven sailing races were very tight between the sailors

over the two day regatta. The event was amazing learning experience and I can see how I have improved. It was very well hosted by Nassau yacht club and I was delighted to have come out on top winning first place.” Grace thanked Basia Zaiden from Tranquility Property Management, Inter Caribbean Airways and Wessex Fairchild for their continued help and sponsorship towards her overseas regattas and her coach Ross Darmody for believing in her.

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The NBA logo is displayed as people pass by the NBA Store in New York City, U.S., October 7, 2019.

NBA hiatus could be three-plus months The NBA’s season — on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic — could be suspended for at least three months, ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reported Sunday night. Per the report, owners and executives are bracing for the possibility of mid-to-late June — a time when, in a normal year, the NBA Finals would typically be over — being the best-case scenario for play to resume. When the season was suspended on Wednesday night, about a month’s worth of regularseason games remained. The postseason typically runs from mid-April through early-to-mid June. Wojnarowski reports fears exist that the season might not resume, but the league is considering a variety of creative options for a possible return. With the CDC recommending on Sunday that gatherings of 50 or more people should be avoided for the next eight weeks, one plan could involve a return without fans at games, perhaps even playing games in smaller venues like team practice facilities and a different television experience. The report adds that teams are exploring the availability of venues through August for the playoffs, and that a financial report is expected to be presented to owners soon. That report would include projections on expected revenue that would be lost if canceling the rest of the season, resuming at some point without fans or holding the playoffs without fans. Meanwhile, The Athletic reports the league has informed teams that players can begin traveling outside of their home market beginning Monday, with the requirements that they provide their whereabouts, remain at home and practice social distancing. According to a separate ESPN report, the league extended its ban on team practices indefinitely, though players remain allowed to work out at team facilities on their own. Earlier Sunday, ESPN reported that the G League, the NBA’s minor-league system, is expected to have the remainder of its season canceled. The NBA was the first major sports league in America to suspend its season, doing so Wednesday after news emerged of Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert’s positive test for the virus. All other leagues in the U.S. have quickly followed suit.


MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

Champion quarterback Brady to sign with Tampa Bay Buccaneers Six-time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady will sign with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, multiple media outlets reported on Tuesday. Brady, 42, has been the face of the New England Patriots for two decades, but he said on Tuesday he was leaving the franchise. The announcement of his departure came a day before he became a free agent. NFL Network reported Brady’s deal with the Bucs would be worth about $30 million a year. By joining a team with an elite receiving corps and a top defense, Brady has a chance to join Peyton Manning as the only quarterback to win Super Bowls with two different teams. Brady’s many records while in New England included most Super Bowl victories (six) and appearances

(nine) and most playoff wins (30). Brady, a surefire first-ballot Pro Football Hall of Famer when he becomes eligible, was a lightly regarded prospect coming out of college, the 199th pick in the 2000 NFL Draft. At the start of the 2001 campaign Brady, at the time an obscure backup, took over the starting role in the second game of the season after starter Drew Bledsoe went down with an injury. With Brady, the Patriots were a perennial contender who in the 2019 season extended their NFL record by winning an 11th consecutive division title. But for all his achievements in New England, Brady’s reign ended with a whimper when the Patriots were knocked out of the playoffs in a surprise loss to the Tennessee Titans in January.

Six-time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady It seems he now has a new home and a chance to write a final chapter in a remarkable career, including possibly another Super Bowl appearance. And the venue for next year’s game? Tampa.

Russian federation fined $10 million for breaching anti-doping rules

The decision came after Russian officials were banned for fabricating documents purporting to show that Danil Lysenko was too ill to provide his whereabouts for drug testing. The Russian athletics federation has been fined $10 million for breaching anti-doping rules and a maximum of 10 Russian track and field athletes will be allowed to compete at the Tokyo Olympics as neutrals, World Athletics said on Thursday. Russia’s athletics federation was suspended in 2015 after a report commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) found evidence of mass doping among track and field athletes in the country. Yet some of its officials and senior coaches have since then been involved in doping scandals, undermining the country’s efforts to have the ban lifted. World Athletics, the sport’s global governing body, said on Thursday it was limiting to 10 the number of Russians who could be eligible to compete in track and field as neutrals at this year’s Tokyo Olympics. It also reinstated the process by which Russian athletes can apply to compete internationally as neutrals after demonstrating that they train in a doping-free environment. That vetting process will be suspended again if Russia fails

to pay half of the $10 million fine by international experts based in by July 1, World Athletics said. Russia. “We have achieved the Rune Andersen, chairman main thing: the possibility for of the task force overseeing Russia’s Russian track and field athletes reinstatement efforts, said the to compete internationally,” said limit of 10 Russians in Tokyo had Yevgeny Yurchenko, the president “been discussed in light of what is of Russia’s athletics federation who needed to change the culture” of was appointed last month. Russian athletics. He added that the “There were 28 Authorised federation would make efforts Neutral Athletes (ANA) in Doha,” to ensure the fine is paid on he said, referring to the world time to avoid having the process championships held in Qatar last suspended again. year. “We were trying to find a World Athletics stopped figure which might trigger change.” clearing Russians to compete In recent months Russia internationally in November last has stepped up its efforts to have year. its athletes cleared to compete That decision came internationally, including the in response to the provisional appointment of a new federation suspension of the federation’s president and the resignation of its president at the time, Dmitry executive committee. Shlyakhtin, and six other people for Russia is also in the process having provided false explanations of appealing a four-year ban from and forged documents to justify competing under its flag in many missed doping tests by high sports at major international jumper Danil Lysenko. events as punishment for having World Athletics President provided WADA with doctored Sebastian Coe said the body’s laboratory data. council had felt “severely let The Lausanne-based down” by the federation’s Court of Arbitration for Sport previous administration and (CAS) has said the appeal will not that it had now approved new be heard before late April and will criteria for its reinstatement, be closed to the public. including additional oversight

MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020


Page 47


Sports events around the world hit by coronavirus pandemic

USA Gymnastics birthday tweet brings heated Biles response

Major sports events around the world that have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic:

OLYMPICS *The Tokyo 2020 Olympics torch lighting ceremony in ancient Olympia was held without spectators. *The Olympic Games flame handover in Athens will be done in an empty stadium on March 19. *The Hellenic Olympic Committee suspended the remainder of the torch relay through Greece to avoid attracting crowds. NORTH AMERICA

Simone Biles of the U.S. in action

The Japanese national flag waves next to an altar with the Olympic flame of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, following the cancellation of the torch relay as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus.

* The NBA suspended its season. * The NHL suspended its season. for April, and the March Texas Nice was cancelled. * The MLB further delayed its 2020 Relays, are all cancelled. *The Giro d’Italia, scheduled to start season’s opening day of March 26 in Budapest, Hungary on May 9, after CDC calls for gatherings of 50 BASEBALL was postponed. or more people to be cancelled or postponed for eight weeks. * The final qualification tournament GOLF *Boston Marathon organisers in Taiwan for the Olympics was put postpone the race from April 20 to back from April to June 17-21, while * The year’s first major, the Masters, Sept. 14. the March 22-26 qualification event was postponed from April 9-12 to *The National Hockey League has in Arizona was postponed. “some later date”. told players, including those from *Japan’s professional league *The Players Championship in outside North America, they can postponed the start of the season. Florida was cancelled after the first return home and should selfround. The next three PGA events quarantine through March 27, BASKETBALL were also scrapped. lengthening the period the NHL * The Honda LPGA Thailand event had said it was pausing its season. *Euroleague Basketball suspended and the HSBC Women’s World *After postponing the Olympic all 2019-20 EuroLeague, EuroCup Championship in Singapore were trials, USA Wrestling discontinued and Euroleague Next Generation cancelled. all sanctioned events through April Tournament games. *The next three LPGA Tour events 6 and postponed national events scheduled for Arizona and California through April 20. BOXING were postponed. *The Indian Open, the Maybank SOCCER *The European, American and Championship in Kuala Lumpur and final world qualifying boxing the China Open were postponed. *All elite soccer matches in England, tournaments for the Tokyo Olympic including the Premier League, Games were suspended on March GYMNASTICS Football League and Women’s Super 16. The IOC said the European League, were suspended until April qualifier in London that was already *The All-Around World Cup 4. underway and due to run to March (Stuttgart; March 20-22) was *CONCACAF suspended all 24 would end after the evening cancelled. competitions, including the session on March 17. HORSE RACING Champions League and men’s *The Grand National festival due Olympic qualifiers. CRICKET to be held from April 2 to April * The top two tiers of French football 4 has been cancelled due to the — Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 — were *The last two games of Australia’s coronavirus pandemic, the Jockey suspended. three-match one-day international Club said in a statement on Monday. *All matches in Spain’s top two series against New Zealand in divisions were postponed for two Sydney and Hobart were cancelled. MOTORSPORT weeks. * Australia and New Zealand’s limited *England’s friendly internationals overs tours were postponed. *Formula One cancelled the against Italy and Denmark at *The start of the Indian Premier Australian Grand Prix and Wembley (March 27 and 31) will League T20 tournament (March 29) postponed the next three races in not take place. was postponed until April 15. Bahrain, Vietnam and China. * U.S. Major League Soccer suspended *The boards of India and South They hope to start the season in its season. Africa agreed to reschedule a three- Europe at the end of May, putting * All soccer in the Netherlands was match ODI series to a later date. The the Dutch and Spanish races suspended until the end of March. first match on March 12 was washed currently scheduled for May 3 and * FIFA and the Asian Football out. 10 in Zandvoort and Barcelona in Confederation agreed to postpone *England’s two-match test series doubt. Asian World Cup qualifying matches in Sri Lanka scheduled to start on *Four rounds of the MotoGP season in March and June. March 19 was postponed. in Qatar, Thailand, Texas and * FIFA postponed South American *The final leg of Bangladesh’s tour Argentina will not go ahead as qualifying matches for the 2022 of Pakistan, which involved a test scheduled. World Cup between March 23-31. match and an ODI in April, was *NASCAR races at the Atlanta postponed. Motor Speedway (March 15) and ATHLETICS *Zimbabwe and Ireland agreed to Homestead-Miami Speedway postpone a six-match men’s series (March 22) were postponed. *The World Athletics Indoor scheduled for Zimbabwe in April. RUGBY Championships (Nanjing, March *Four Six Nations matches were 13-15) were postponed. They will be CYCLING postponed. held in the same city from March *The Singapore and Hong Kong 19-21, 2021. *Cycling’s governing body plans to legs of the World Rugby Sevens * The Paris and Barcelona marathons retroactively use March 3 as the cut- Series were postponed from April to were postponed. off point for Olympic qualification October. *The London marathon (April 26), in mountain bike, BMX Racing and *Rugby Europe announced a was postponed to Oct. 4. BMX Freestyle. suspension of all its matches and *The Penn Relays, set to be held from *The final two stages of the UAE tournaments from March 13-April April 23-25, are cancelled for the Tour were cancelled after two Italian 15. first time in the track event’s 125- participants tested positive. *France’s rugby federation suspended year history. The Mt. SAC Relays *The Paris-Nice cycling race ended a all its competitions. and Florida Relays, also scheduled day early after the eighth stage into

Four-times Olympic champion Simone Biles fired back at USA Gymnastics on Saturday after the sport’s governing body used its Twitter account to wish her happy birthday. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most decorated gymnast of all time,” the organization tweeted to its 226,000 followers as Biles turned 23. “We know you will only continue to amaze us and make history!” USA Gymnastics did not stick the landing, however, tagging the wrong account rather than Biles’ verified account. Three hours later, Biles issued a tweet of her own. “How about you amaze me and do the right thing... have an independent investigation.” She was referring to the case of former team doctor Larry Nassar, who was sentenced to up to 300 years in prison in 2018 after more than 300 women accused him of sexual abuse. USA Gymnastics in January offered the group of gymnasts abused by Nassar a $215 million settlement.

Dolphins sign 4 likely starters, including CB Byron Jones

Dallas Cowboys cornerback Byron Jones (31) breaks up a pass intended for Buffalo Bills wide receiver Robert Foster (16) in the first half of an NFL football game in Arlington, Texas. After months of hoarding resources for rebuilding, the Miami Dolphins finally started spending Monday when they sealed deals with four likely starters in the early hours of free agent negotiations. Miami made Byron Jones the NFL’s highestpaid cornerback, surpassing his new teammate, Xavien Howard. The Dolphins upgraded their pass rush by reaching agreements with linebacker Kyle Van Noy and defensive end Shaq Lawson, and also swung a deal with offensive lineman Ereck Flowers. It was the sort of splurge made possible by a roster dismantling a year ago, which left the Dolphins as the NFL leader in salary cap space when talks with free agents began Monday. They also have five picks in the first two rounds of next month’s draft, offering further chances to upgrade a team that went 5-11 last year and hasn’t won a playoff game since 2000. Jones agreed to a five-year contract worth more than $76.5 million, a person familiar with the negotiations said. The person confirmed the deal on condition of anonymity because the signing period doesn’t begin until Wednesday. The agreement surpasses the contract the Dolphins gave Howard last May when he signed the most lucrative deal ever for a cornerback. It’s uncertain whether Jones will replace or be paired with Howard, who has had at least one operation on each knee, most recently in December. Jones has only two career interceptions and none since 2017, but he has missed just one game in his five NFL seasons, all with Dallas. He was a firstround pick by the Cowboys in 2015 and made the Pro Bowl in 2018. Van Noy agreed to a $51 million, four-year contract, a person familiar with the negotiations said. Van Noy celebrated by tweeting “MiamiDolphins” with emojis wearing sunglasses.

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MARCH 20TH, 2020 – MARCH 27TH, 2020

Published by SUN MEDIA GROUP, Turks and Caicos Islands | Tel:649 348 6838 | Fax: 649 941 3281

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