TCGSMUN III Crisis Committee _ Vocabulary list

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Crisis Committee Vocabulary List Proudly written by Crisis team 2014

Vocabulary List Click on the word for its definition! Acquiescence Affluent Allegiance Annul Ascertain At stake Augment Benchmark Bilateral Buoyant Buttress Categorical Cement Circumvent Coerce Cogent Commingle Commotion Compensatory Concessionary Conciliatory Conspicuous Contemplate Contravene Copious Corollary Countervailing Curtail Deleterious Detriment Disproportionate Ebullient Egregious Encompass Encroach Entrepot Escalate Exacerbate Factual Fragmentation Germane Gloss over Imminent Impasse

Impetus Incline Incur Infringe Infusion Insulation Integration Interdependent Jurisdiction Limp Lukewarm Marginalize Monopolistic Necessitate Nullify Onerous Ostensibly Overhaul Pay heed to Pledge Plurilateral Agreement Pragmatic Precarious Prerequisite Prick your conscience Promulgate Protracted Proximate Quash Ramp Reciprocal Reckon with/without Rectify Referendum Regionalize Regress Renege Repulse Repurcussions Rescind Resilience Revitalize Rhetoric Rigmarole

Sanguine Slump Stagnate Stipulate Stringent Subdued Substantive Surmise Surreptitious Tariff Tinker Underpin

1. Acquiescence (n) : The reluctant acceptance of something without protest 默許 EX: What is much more alarming is the apparent acquiescence - even complicity - of the nation in its own enslavement. EX: It is said that the recent signing of FTA between Taiwan and Singapore derives from an acquiescene of China. 2. Affluent (adj) : (Especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money 富裕的 EX: The Government wants to redistribute wealth from more affluent areas in the south to deprived parts in the north of the country. 3. Allegiance (n) : A person's continued support for a political party, religion, ruler, etc. 忠誠 Usage: to pledge/ swear allegiance to sb/sth ; to switch/transfer/change allegiance EX: People of various party allegiances joined the campaign. 4. Annul (v) : Declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result) 宣告 ... 無效 EX: Early this year, the House annulled the government's decision to raise the telephone rates by up to 35 percent, citing the government's failure to meet its promise of establishing the agency prior to the hike. 5. Ascertain (v) : Make sure of 查明 EX: A second objective was to attempt to ascertain the limits to survival in terms of loss of conductivity. 6. At stake (adv) : That can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action 成敗難料 EX: We can't afford to take risks when people's lives are still at stake. 7. Augment (v) : Make (something) greater by adding to it 擴大 EX: The workers are demanding all the increase go towards augmenting their base pay and that the present two-tier sick leave system be scrapped. 8. Benchmark (n) : A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared 基準 EX: The baseline then serves as a benchmark for comparing the financial implications of alternative plans. 9. Bilateral (adj) : Involving two parties, especially countries 雙邊的 EX: Countries have instead resorted to bilateral trade agreements in a bid to gain tariff reduction up to zero percent. 10. Buoyant (adj) : (of prices, business activity, etc.) Tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success. 上漲的 EX: China is leading a buoyant economic era that many developing countries are trying to immitate its success.

11. Buttress (n) : A source of defence or support 支持 EX: At every stage in a fairytale life, the stoic sensible lovely Lancashire lass has been Tom's buttress, giving unstinting support and keeping his feet firmly on the ground. 12. Categorical (adj) : Expressed clearly and in a way that shows that you are very sure about what you are saying. 確實明確的 EX: The government still hasn't given the public a categorical assurance. 13. Cement (v) : Settle or establish firmly. 鞏固 , 加強 EX: Apart from creating employment is also serves to enhance the area and cement community and social bonds. 14. Circumvent (v) : to avoid a problem or rule that restricts you, especially in a clever or dishonest way - used to show disapproval 防止 ... 發生 EX: The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.. 15. Coerce (v) : To force somebody to do something by using threats. 強制 Usage: Compared to "force", more specifically word threats. EX: They were coerced into negotiating a settlement. 16. Cogent (adj) : Strongly and clearly expressed in a way that influences what people believe. 使人信服的 EX: She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan. 17. Commingle (v) : If a financial organization commingles money, it mixes its own money with money that belongs to its customers or to another part of the business, usually in an illegal way 合併資產 EX: The company faces charges that it commingled its own funds with customer funds. 18. Commotion (n) : Civil insurrection 動亂 EX: The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile. 19. Compensatory (adj) : Reducing or offsetting the unpleasant or unwelcome effects of something 補償的 EX: The government is taking compensatory actions to keep the interest rate constant 20. Concessionary (adj) : Relating to or constituting a concession or reduced rate 讓步 的 EX: Metro, however, says the move is a positive step for older and disabled passengers as they can now enjoy concessionary rates virtually all day. 21. Conciliatory (adj) : Intended or likely to placate or pacify 安撫的 EX: Pro-democracy legislators have been invited to the event in a move seen as a conciliatory gesture from Beijing.

22. EX:

Conspicuous (adj) : Very easy to notice 明顯的 The group was conspicuous by their absence from the awards ceremony.

23. Contemplate (v) : To think about something that you might do in the future. 思量 Usage: contemplate doing sth. EX: Did you ever contemplate resigning? 24. Contravene (v) : Offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct) 與 ... 相牴觸 EX: It also found that the Migration Act contravened international law by barring any judicial review of detention. 25. EX:

Copious (adj) : Existing or being produced in large quantities. 豐富的 He could drink copious amounts of beer without ill effect.

26. EX:

Corollary (n) : Something that is the direct result of something else. 必然的結果 Is social inequality the inevitable corollary of economic freedom?

27. Countervailing (adj) : Offset the effect of (something) by countering it with something of equal force 對抗的 EX: But we are concerned because there is a strong presidency without countervailing institutions. 28. EX:

Curtail (v) : To reduce or limit something 縮減 Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.

29. Deleterious (adj) : Causing harm or damage 有害的 EX: The world situation has had deleterious effects on a couple of international film festivals this week. 30. Detriment (n) : harm or damage 損傷 Usage: To be the detriment of sth. EX: He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage. 31. 的

Disproportionate (adj) : too much or too little in relation to something else 不均衡 EX: the disproportionate amount of money being spent on defence

32. EX:

Ebullient (adj) : Full of confidence, eneregy and good humor. 充滿自信的 The Prime Minister was in ebullient mood.

33. Egregious (adj) : Outstandingly bad; shocking 極其嚴重的 EX: Opposition to the extremist activities of the university unions grew stronger as their abuses became more egregious. 34. Encompass (v) : Include comprehensively. 包含 EX: The questionnaire was produced especially for this study, and it encompassed aspects and problems of nursing documentation revealed by the literature review.

35. Encroach (v) : to gradually take more control of someone's time, possessions, rights etc than you should 蠶食 EX: The government is encroaching on the rights of individuals. 36. Entrepot (n) : A trading centre or port at a geographically convenient location, at which goods are imported and re-exported without incurring liability for duty 貨物集散地 37. EX:

Escalate (v) : Increase rapidly. 快速增加 In turn, the increased prices caused health costs to escalate in a vicious circle.

38. EX:

Exacerbate (v) : To make a bad situation worse. 使惡化 The recession has exacerbated this problem.

39. Factual (adj) : Concerned with what is actually the case 根據事實的 EX: The factual background to the matter whilst complex, was well documented by the tribunal in its decision. 40. EX:

Fragmentation (n) : The act or process of fragmenting or making fragmentary 分裂 There is strong cultural fragmentation between the two countries.

41. Germane (adj) : (of ideas, remarks, etc) Connect with sth in an important or appropriate way 相關連的 EX: Please only give remarks that are germane to the discussion. 42. Gloss over (v) : To avoid talking about sth unpleasant, or to say as little as possible about it. 粉飾 EX: The minister was accused of glossing over the government's poor performance. 43. EX:

Imminent (adj) : About to happen 逼近的 War seems imminent.

44. Impasse (n) : A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock 僵局 EX: This dilemma perfectly sums up the impasse in all republican-loyalist negotiations. 45. Impetus (n) : Something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly 推動力 EX: The requirements of homogeneous diesel combustion processes give additional impetuses to the continued development of piezo controls for unit injector systems. 46. EX:

Incline (v) : Tend to 傾向於 I incline to the view that we should take no action at this stage.

47. Incur (v) : Become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behaviour or actions 招致 EX: Under the Local Government Act, a councillor who incurs an expense in their duty is entitled to be reimbursed.

48. Infringe (v) : Actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.) 違反 , 侵害 EX: Not only are these of inferior quality, you could yourself be infringing copyright laws by using them, no matter how much you paid. 49. Infusion (n) : The introduction of a new element or quality into something 流入 EX: The infusion of mainland capotal might lead to monopolistic control of markets by mainland sectors 50. EX:

Insulation (n) : The state of being insulated 孤立 The potential effects of isolation and insulation intrigue me.

51. Integration (n) : The action or process of integrating 結合 EX: The European constitution was to be the pinnacle of this process, consolidating economic integration and crowning it with political integration. 52. Interdependent (adj) : (Of two or more people or things) dependent on each other 互相仰賴的 EX: All are interlinked and interdependent, especially with each other but also with national institutions in the member states. 53. Jurisdiction (n) : The official power to make legal decisions and judgements 司法權 EX: As mayor of Los Angeles, Riordan had no official role or any jurisdiction over city schools. 54. EX:

Limp (v) : To move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily 緩速前進 The project limped along with half its previous funding.

55. Lukewarm (adj) : (Of a person, attitude, or action) unenthusiastic 冷淡的 EX: These lukewarm attitudes open up the possibility that some may ultimately decide to sit out this election. 56. Marginalize (v) : Treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral 邊 緣化 EX: The term ethnic minority is often used to refer to marginalized cultural groups. 57. Monopolistic (adj) : Taking over and control (something or someone) completely 獨 佔的 EX: And many governments stubbornly cling to monopolistic practices that limit expansion 58. EX:

Necessitate (v) : To make it necessary for you to do something 使成為必須 This would necessitate interviewing all the staff.

59. EX:

Nullify (v) : To officially state that something has no legal force 使失效 The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.

60. EX:

Onerous (adj) : Needing great effort, causing trouble or worry. 麻煩的 It is indeed an onerous duty that can't be carried out in such a short period of time.

61. Ostensibly (adv) : If something is ostensibly true, people say that it is true but it is not really true 偽裝成 EX: She stayed behind at the office, ostensibly to work. 62. EX:

Overhaul (n) : An examination of a machine or system, making changes of it 修正 A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.

63. EX:

Pay heed to (v phr) : To pay attention to s.o's advice or warning 留心 The government was taking little heed to these threats.

64. EX:

Pledge (v) : To formally promise to do sth. 承諾 The governement has pledged itself to root out corruption.

65. Pulirateral Agreement (n) : A plurilateral agreement is a multi-national legal or trade agreement between countries. In economic jargon, it is an agreement between more than two countries, but not a great many, which would be multilateral agreement. 66. Pragmatic (adj) : Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations 實際可行的 EX: This policy was based on two pragmatic considerations, and no guerilla organisation would overlook these. 67. EX:

Precarious (adj) : (of a situation) not safe or uncertain 不穩的 The museum is in a finacially precarious situation.

68. Prerequisite (adj) : something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done 不可或缺的 Usage: prerequisite for/of/to EX: A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course. 69. EX:

Prick your conscience (phr) : To make you feel guilty about sth. 讓你良心不安 Her conscience pricked her as she lied to her parents.

70. Promulgate (v) : Put (a law or decree) into effect by official proclamation 頒布法律 EX: Prior to the operation, the government promulgated a special ordinance to speed up legal proceedings. 71. Protracted (adj) : Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual 拖延的 EX: We can expect a protracted tug of war, which may drag on until the review deadline draws near.

72. Proximate (adj) : (Especially of the cause of something) immediate 即將發生的 EX: One of the most useful distinctions to be drawn between the various causes of war is between ‘immediate’, proximate causes and ‘underlying’, more fundamental causes. 73. Quash (v) : (law) To officially say that a decision made by a court is no longer valid or correct 宣布 ..... 無效 EX: His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal. 74. Ramp (v) : To speed up, expand, or increase especially quickly or at a constant rate 增加 EX: The company has been ramping up production. 75. Reciprocal (adj) : A reciprocal arrangement or relationship is one in which two people or groups do or give the same things to each other 互惠的 EX: Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations. 76. Reckon with/without (v phr) : Take (or fail to take) into account 把 .... 納入考量 EX: The future looks bleak but she reckons without teenage daughter Sorrel's last-ditch attempts to save them both. 77. EX:

Rectify (v) : To set right 處理問題 The hotel management promised to rectify the problem.

78. Referendum (n) : A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. 公民投票 EX: He could also claim a legitimacy built on a succession of victories in irreproachably clean popular votes in referendums and multi-party elections. 79. Regionalize (v) : Organize (a country, area, or enterprise) on a regional basis 區域化 EX: Broadcasting could be regionalized, so that viewers in the Ulsan area would always be able to see live Ulsan games and people in Bucheon would always be able to see Bucheon games. 80. Regress (v) : Return to a former or less developed state 退化 EX: Still, imagine for a moment that the market is disposed to regress toward its same old 9% mean for the 10 years from 1997 to 2007. 81. EX:

Renege (v) : Go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract 食言 The government had reneged on its election promises.

82. EX:

Repulse (v) :Reject or rebuff (an approach or offer or the person making it) 拒絕 She just wants me to humiliate myself by repulsing Charlie.

83. Repurcussions (n) : An indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may happen sometime afterwards. 後果 EX: The collapse of the company will have repurcussions for the whole industry.


Rescind (v) : to officially end a law, or change a decision or agreement 廢止

85. Resilience (n) : The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness 恢復力 EX: However, the losses in market value are distributed unevenly, with some regions showing a surprising resilience to the market upheaval. 86. Revitalize (v) : Imbue (something) with new life and vitality 使復甦 EX: He said the government is divided, with one part working against another on a host of issues including the budget, revitalizing the stock market and liberalizing taxes. 87. Rhetoric (n) : Speech or writing that is intended to influence people, but that is not completely honest or sincere 浮誇之詞 EX: The rhetoric of political slogans. 88. EX:

Rigmarole (n) : A long confusing process or description 冗長的廢話 , 過程 I don't want to go through the rigmarole of taking him to court.

89. EX:

Sanguine (adj) : Cheerful and confident about the future 樂觀的 They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects.

90. Slump (n) (v) : A prolonged period of abnormally low economic activity, typically bringing widespread unemployment 暴跌 , 不景氣 EX: The domestic economy is in a slump, and unemployment in Hualien is particularly serious. EX: When growth slowed, and share prices slumped, they were unable to raise money for further expansion. 91. EX: EX:

Stagnate (v) : To stop developing or making progress ( 經濟 ) 停滯 Growth is expected to stagnate next year. Economic Stagnation(n) .

92. Stipulate (v) : Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement 規定 , 約定 EX: Among the requirements is an agreement stipulating the areas of collaboration between the foreign design firm and its mainland counterpart. 93. Stringent (adj) : (Of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting 嚴厲的 EX: What the PAP's leaders were united over was that candidates must meet stringent conditions. 94. Subdued (adj) : (Of a person or their manner) quiet and rather reflective or depressed 被制伏的 EX: Most of Government functions, in which Ministers participate, are organised in a subdued manner.

95. Substantive (adj) : Having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable 實質的 EX: But it is important to note that substantive discussions of issues rarely entered into Five Points political contests. 96. Surmise (v) : to guess that something is true, using the information you know already 推測 EX: When he came in, he didn't look up, so she surmised that he was in a bad mood. 97. Surreptitious (adj) : Dne sth secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people won't notice 秘密進行的 EX: She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch. 98. Tariff (n) : A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports 關稅 EX: Both export taxes and import tariffs are used as policy tools to regulate cotton markets. 99. Tinker (v) : To make small changes to sth in order to repair it or make it better 小改動 EX: Congress has been tinkering with the legislation. 100. Underpin (v): to give strength or support to something and to help it succeed 支撐 EX: America's wealth is underpinned by a global system which exploits the world's poor.

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