Reflect Aspire

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS What began as a 30-page keepsake for the TCF team and its family and friends has evolved into this book. As we celebrated the firm's 60 years, it became clear — it was finally time to capture the journey in print. Many of the stories and memories from the past would not have been possible to share without the first-hand accounts of Jim Harris, Bill Reed, and Ilmar Reinvald. Thank you to the group of original founders for letting us interview you, providing many historic photos and memorabilia to dig through, and testing your memory on countless details. This reflection would pale without your insights. Tremendous thanks to the TCF team members who contributed countless hours of writing, research, fact-checking, and work sessions to bring all the pieces together. And to our 60th anniversary campaign team of Middle of Six, Annie Ferguson Films, and Jinger Hendricks for helping us share our story, beautifully. Lastly, thank you to our clients, project partners, consultants, and contractors. Without your commitment and expertise week in and week out throughout the many years, we would not have made such

lasting improvements to the

community. You are integral threads woven into our story.


Š TCF Architecture 2020 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owner. All images in the book have been reproduced with the knowledge and consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising for the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. Written by TCF Architecture Cover design by Jinger Hendricks Anniversary logo by Jinger Hendricks Cover photo by Eckert and Eckert Photography Printed by PrintNW All Rights Reserved TCF Architecture, PLLC 902 North Second Street, Tacoma, Washington 98403








Forward by Jim Harris

Our Essential Language

902 North Second Street







Introduction by Randy Cook

Improving Communities

The Era of COVID-19







Standing on the Shoulders

The Contributions of Many

Recognition of Work

6 FIRM LINEAGE Early Founders

DEDICATION For all the adventurous, inquisitive, and compassionate team members who found their home with us over the last six decades. Your contributions are indelible.

Pacific National Bank | Tacoma, WA

“One of our philosophies was to help people, even our competition. Tacoma has a long history of warm relationships between architectural firms.” – Jim Harris, Founding Principal


VENTURING OUT In 1960, when I went out on my own

On the homefront, family has always

I’m extremely proud of the success

and left the security of a well-respect-

been a high priority. That’s why I

of what is now TCF Architecture from

ed and established architectural firm

selected partners who shared my

what we started in 1960. Seeing how

in Tacoma, I had no idea I’d be sowing

values, interests, and dedication and

the firm has endured and contributed

the seeds for what would become

that includes recognizing the impor-

not only to architecture but to the

TCF Architecture. I must admit that

tance of time away from the office

community as well is the real value.

the optimism of youth fueled me,

to connect with family. With shared

If every business did that, what a dif-

because when I arrived in Tacoma in

values we could step away from the

ference it would make in the quality

1957, my wife Enid and I didn’t know

firm for periods of time and know it

of life and attitudes throughout the

a single person. Three years later, we

was in leaderships’ good hands.


hung out our shingle to start James M. Harris Architect.

– James "Jim" Martin Harris, Founding Principal

Recognizing that building strong relationships — in the firm and with community businesses and people — would be keys to our success, we jumped into community activities with both feet. We were active with the Tacoma Art League, the Tacoma Downtown Association, and our church. Soon we knew many people who became friends, colleagues and clients, and our small firm grew and prospered through these relationships. Our clients were the heartbeat of the firm, because without them, you don’t stay in business. Internally, I always looked at the office as a sort of postgraduate school where we were constantly learning and improving the lives of employees.

 Left to right: Ben and Flo Wilson, Gail and Bill Reed, Enid and Jim Harris.




PAUSING TO REFLECT AND CELEBRATE Jour-ney /jərnē/ Noun - An act of traveling from one place to another To journey. Once only a description

creative, and hardworking, producing

On this journey we celebrate our

of physical travel, we relate meta-

many significant projects throughout

founder, James (Jim Martin Harris

phorically to a “journey through life.”

the South Puget Sound region and

and his partner, William (Bill Reed

We journey alone and with others, ac-

across the state. These attributes

who have been able to share stories

cumulating stories of our adventures,

and others continue to define the

and memories with us about the ear-

our intentions, our hopes, setbacks,

firm to this day.

ly days of the firm, along with Ilmar

discoveries, and life lessons learned. Occasionally we step back to rethink, retool and redefine, ensuring we do not suffer from fatigue, irrelevance, or a lack of commitment. As we do, others are inspired to join along, and the journey adapts to reflect the new

The purpose of this book is simply to celebrate. In doing so, we reflect on what has been and aspire to what can be. We pause long enough at this 60-year milestone to look back, look around, and gaze forward at an


enterprise that has and continues to

Surveying the history of the firm, six

tribution to our communities.

decades has seen a journey of persistence, authenticity, and a pursuit of excellence for an architecture firm that changed names nearly a dozen times. The partners who initiated and led the firm in its early years were ambitious — determined to make a positive contribution to their community, building something they could call their own. People of strong character with a sense of adventure, they hustled and invested themselves in the community, learning as they went. With a passion to design and to serve, they established a reputation as being trustworthy,

make a significant and positive con-

At least 200 people have been employed in this firm through the decades. In its beginning, the firm consisted of a sole practitioner and his wife, then quickly became a threeman partnership. The years saw the size of the firm ebb and flow from a dozen employees to the low 30s and currently, at its largest size ever, in the upper 40s. Regardless of size, this firm has persisted through the combined energy and resolve of people who are driven by their passion to improve communities.

Reinvald who brought an expanded design vision and new project types to the firm in the late 1970s and through the 90s. We celebrate Dean Willows, Chris Johnson, and Brian Fitzgerald who joined Bill and Ilmar in 1994 to initiate a next generation of the firm. From 1994 to 1998, the firm prospered and reintroduced the K-12 school market, a project type the firm was well known for in the 1960s. And we look back to 1999 and celebrate the arrival of Ron Thomas and myself, two young architects who had only recently created their own small Tacoma firm in 1996, and who recognized the prospect of new opportunities to help lead and grow the firm. In this book, we pause and reflect, we celebrate our people and our projects, and we look forward to the journey to come. – Randy Cook, Managing Principal


Salvation Army Corps | Tacoma, WA



THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE US Famed 18th-century scientist Sir

We carry on their legacy, but also

Isaac Newton once said, “If I have

others such as Ben Wilson, Ted Lit-

seen further, it is by standing on the

zenberger, Dean Willows, Chris John-

shoulders of giants.”

son, and Ron Thomas. Each of these

In creating this book, we entertained the idea of writing a sequential, retrospective history of the firm, project by project, and telling the stories of those who came before us. We quickly discovered that such an undertaking was beyond the scope of our intent. However, we are so fortunate to have Jim Harris, Bill Reed, and Ilmar Reinvald available to

former partners were instrumental in guiding the firm during their time, committed to setting the bar high in every category: design, client service, business management, marketing, and firm culture. Today, we do indeed stand on their shoulders, and we honor them for their contribution to the on-going success and legacy of the firm.

share some of their stories and the firm's background which are included in this book, and also in a series of videos produced for this milestone anniversary.

 Firm logos left to right: Harris Reed Architects AIA - 1962 | Harris, Reed, & Litzenberger, Architects AIA - 1967 | Architects Reed Reinvald - 1984 | Architects Reed Reinvald Johnson Willows, PLLC - 1994 | Thomas Cook Reed Reinvald Architects, PLLC - 1999 | Thomas Cook Fitzgerald Architecture - 2004 | TCF Architecture, PLLC - 2007



60 |








| 70 |


James Martin Harris, Architect 1531 N Oakes St, Tacoma Bill Reed joins Ben Wilson joins

Ted Litzenberger joins

Harris & Reed Architects 623 St. Helens, Tacoma 1962 - 1967 Harris Reed & Litzenberger 1516 11th St, Tacoma 1967 - 1976 Harris Reed & Wilson Architects 623 St. Helens, Tacoma 1960 - 1962







| 80 |







Jim Tsang joins Ilmar Reinvald joins

Architects Reed Litzenberger Reinvald Gig Harbor 1979 - 1984 Harris Reed Litzenberger & Tsang 1516 11th St, Tacoma 1976 - 1979

Tsang Merritt Commerce St, Tacoma 1979 - 1984



Harris Tsang Old City Hall, Tacoma ² 1979

Architects Reed Reinvald “I” St, Tacoma 1984 - 1994

Merritt+Pardini Commerce St, Tacoma 1984 - 1998

| 90

0 |








| 00 |








| 10 |








| 20

Brian Fitzgerald joins ¹ Chris Johnson joins ¹ Dean Willows joins ¹

Architects Reed Reinvald Johnson Willows, PLLC “I” St / 902 N 2nd St Tacoma 1994 - 1999

Ron Thomas joins Randy Cook joins 1990

Thomas Cook Reed Reinvald 902 N 2nd St, Tacoma 1999 - 2004

TCF Architecture, PLLC 902 N 2nd St, Tacoma 2007 - Present Thomas Cook Fitzgerald Architects 902 N 2nd St, Tacoma 2004 - 2007

Thomas Cook Architects Old City Hall, Tacoma ² 1996 - 1998

Ron Thomas joins Randy Cook joins 1999

Brian Ho becomes partner

TCF virtual offices during pandemic

Steve Wachtler becomes partner Mark Hurley becomes partner

¹ Brian Fitzgerald, Chris Johnson, and Dean Willows join Architects Reed Reinvald from The BJSS Group, based in Olympia. ² Harris Tsang started their firm in 1979 at Old City Hall in Tacoma. Seventeen years later, Ron Thomas and Randy Cook occupied the same space when they formed Thomas Cook Architects in 1996. Firm Lineage diagram designed by Jinger Hendricks. 7

22 ATTRIBUTES: OUR ESSENTIAL LANGUAGE In 2018, as the firm was experienc-

ment — our attributes establish an

we find a common vocabulary to

ing significant growth and diving

ethos that guides and shapes our

express the objectives of our work,

deep into new and exciting projects,

culture, attracting and developing

becoming storytellers to reveal the

our leadership team came together

people who care to rise above the

essence and nature of our projects.

to discuss how we might be more

expected and strive to produce the

intentional about further nurturing

exceptional, both through architec-

and developing the kind of culture

ture and in our relationships.

designers is to create something of

It should come as no surprise that

how we live, learn, work, worship,

many of these attributes also offer

and play, authentically reflecting the

a means of communicating design

communities where we serve. This

and how we choose to behave.

ideals, values, and meaning. As we

commitment to improve communi-

practice these values in our day-to-

ties drives everything we do and is

Vision, clarity, discipline, authenticity,

day interactions with each other, our

the ultimate measure of our success.

well being, respectfulness, commit-

clients, consultants, and contractors,

we desired at TCF. We created a framework now known as “The 22 Attributes” — the essential language of the firm articulating our values

Our ultimate role as architects and lasting value for society – enhancing

OUR MISSION We are a client-focused design firm, fueled by our passion to improve communities.

OUR VISION We aspire to create a culture that promotes and sustains the firm's ability to thrive today and endure into the future as an architectural practice that produces exceptional work.




River Cities Transit Center, RiverCities Transit | Longview, WA


 ASPIRE 12 REFLECT Central Maintenance Facility, Pierce County Public Works & Utilities | Fredrickson, WA

vision The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. We often speak of the “Big Idea� as a means of describing and communicating the essence or defining characteristic of a project. A compelling big idea or vision provides inspiration, gravity, and alignment to common values. It serves as the North Star, guiding the complex process of vetting competing ideas and notions about what a particular design is attempting to accomplish.

While we search for a compelling big idea in every project, the partnered role we play with many of our public industrial clients focuses heavily on achieving a far-reaching vision for their services and facilities. Long before there are buildings to design, we assist our public industrial clients in crafting a longrange strategy (often 50-100 years identifying how infrastructure maintenance services should be delivered. As communities grow and municipal boundaries change over time, facilities supporting maintenance and operations services often become obsolete, fragmented, and mislocated for optimum, efficient operations. Exploring and deciding on a long-range plan at that scale requires tremendous vision and determination on the part of those leading public agencies to make the necessary investments today that will ensure the highest economic benefit for future generations. We embrace the process of visionary strategic planning as part of a comprehensive approach to serving our clients.


"Next to the public infrastructure we maintain (roads, stormwater, levees), our maintenance facilities are our most important and expensive assets. Getting these momentous and often once-in-a-lifetime projects right requires a team of engaged experts, support from leaders, elected officials and the community, and a healthy dose of good fortune. We have been successfully operating out of the Central Maintenance Facility now for just over 12 years and I can say with confidence that we got it right, and TCF’s leadership was integral." – Bruce Wagner, Pierce County Road Operations Manager



As a project type, the campus-style maintenance, operations, and administration (MOA facility came of age for the firm in 2000 with a multibuilding base for LINK Transit in Wenatchee, Washington. During this same period, the firm had just begun work with Pierce County Public Works & Utilities to envision a paradigm shift in the delivery of road maintenance services: centralization of program functions spread across the county in four obsolete and deteriorating “road shops.” Following nearly a decade of planning, site selection/acquisition, strategic funding, design, and construction, the Central

Maintenance Facility (CMF opened its doors in 2008. What initially began in the early 1990s as a fledgling idea to centralize operations, grew into a full vision through the hands-on involvement of county staff in

Architecturally we sought to elevate a

planning, and the meaningful involvement

collaboration with the firm. This led to the

“civic-industrial” aesthetic to bring a height-

of facility users in the planning and design



ened sense of pride and professionalism

process pays dividends in functionality and

campus that enabled the County to




to the County’s Road Operations team.

durability. The CMF project set the firm on

realize instant and ongoing gains in

Now, a dozen years later, a visit to the CMF

a path towards a project genre that contin-

operational efficiency.

reminds us how visionary thinking, careful

ues to be a mainstay of TCF.


“We had a lot of people who wanted to hire us — not just to do their office remodel — but to design some pretty substantial buildings.”

– Bill Reed, Principal Emeritus



"One of the earliest projects that

It is often misunderstood that the

broke new ground for the firm was

challenge of maintaining the internal

the 1975-1977 gold reflective glass

temperature of a structure in the

Pacific Northwest Bell building at

Northwest climate lies not in heating,

1313 Broadway in Tacoma.

but in cooling. For its era, the building

One reason behind our choice of shape and material was energy conservation. Another was psychological. To impart a vision of technology to the public in a very straightforward, no-nonsense form that was strictly utilitarian and energy-efficient. Internally, the floor plates are very flexible

was very energy-efficient because we focused on making it so. After operating for about a year, the client completed an energy analysis of all their office buildings and found that 1313 Broadway was the most efficient among all of their Northwest operations facilities.

— 100 feet by 200 feet, six stories

This is a good example of always

high with grids of electrical and me-

striving for innovation. Always. We

chanical system distribution that can

didn’t invent the form or the product

be shifted around as needs change.

— there is nothing new under the sun. The creative part is the integrated way that the pieces are put together.” – Jim Harris, Founding Principal


The Esplanade was a catalyst for the

ture firm, Merritt+Pardini, led a city-

transformation of lower downtown

wide public engagement process to

Tacoma into a vibrant waterfront

generate a visionary master plan for

district where today, people continue

redevelopment of the Thea Foss Wa-

to enjoy the beauty and energy of the

terway. Nearly a decade later, TCF, in

water's edge, maritime activities, and

association with Zimmer Gunsul Fras-

urban living.

ca Partnership (ZGF), set in motion a key element of the Thea Foss vision, the design for a 1.1-mile pedestrian walkway along the western edge of the waterway.

Thea Foss Waterway Esplanade, City of Tacoma | Tacoma, WA



In the early 1990s, Tacoma architec-

Museum of Glass | Tacoma, WA


“Tacoma was a little bit still part of the Wild West — it had a pioneering spirit about it. I just felt that there was still a lot of work to be done.” – Ilmar Reinvald, Principal Emeritus, on his arrival to Tacoma in 1978

Columbia Bank Center, Columbia Bank | Tacoma, WA 20


Designed by Frederick Heath as Associate Architect in 1907, Tacoma's Sandberg Building was described as the oldest reinforced concrete

skyscraper on the West Coast, with construction designed to allow for 24 stories. The building was home to Schoenfelds Furniture between 1924 and 1996. In 1998, the firm fully renovated the building for Total Renal Care, removing the unfortunate 1970s-era metal


shroud to reveal the clear elegance of the original facade. New, slender mullion aluminum window frames with



glazing were installed to mimic the original steel-framed windows.

Sandberg Building Renovation, Total Renal Care | Tacoma, WA 1980s


In 2001, Columbia Bank Center was

The building would serve as Colum-

shape, prominent prow, and dynamic

Tacoma’s first Class A office building

bia Bank’s administrative headquar-

spire (designed by Ilmar Reinvald)

constructed in more than a decade.

ters while also accommodating the

expressed a positive vision for the

The site, on 13th & A Streets, sits at

rising workforce growth of the Frank

future of Tacoma.

the base of downtown, overlooking

Russell Company and other local

the Thea Foss Waterway.


The nine-story project fulfilled the

Planned and designed in collab-

vision of Erivan Haub, a German

oration with ZGF, Columbia Bank

businessman with ties to the Taco-

Center was heralded by city officials

ma area and a personal commitment

as a landmark in the revitalization

to the city’s revitalization.

of downtown. The building's sleek 21



Parkside Elementary, Highline Public Schools | Des Moines, WA

clarity The quality of being coherent, clear, and direct. Clarity in design, like clarity in communication, conveys respectfulness to the beholder. The temptation to ‘add’ is a constant challenge to be resisted throughout the design process. Yet we recognize how straightforward and thoughtfully crafted ideas lead to the most persuasive and compelling solutions.

In response to its students’ plea to “save

the trees,” Parkside Elementary School preserves and celebrates its unique natural site characteristics. A wooded grove at the edge of the parcel and a small seasonal spring inspire a solution that nestles classrooms among the quiet greenery and showcases the library as a wayfinding element and destination. Completed in 2010, Parkside’s elegant proportions and detailing celebrate the inherent beauty of concrete, glass, steel, and wood — a design palette that reduces extraneous products and employs locally available materials. The simple floor plan and generous transparency is welcoming to visitors, providing a sense of community, security, and ease of navigation for new students.


“Knowing and having direct experience in the decision making about each and every issue related to this building has allowed me to represent the principles and efficiencies of our new school long after the architects and contractors have gone, and we are left here to enjoy this innovative school facility.”

– Robin Lamoureaux, Former Principal, Parkside Elementary



Parkside’s design solution places class-

Downhill and uphill spaces are bisected

The library acts like a small pavilion, angled

room clusters at the western edge of the

by a primary circulation spine, an interior

in plan to overlook the stream and the

site looking into the woods. Support spac-

volume defined by a layering of materiality,

wooded hillside. By carefully integrating the

es lie perpendicular to the classroom wings

color as punctuation, and high glazing that

primary educational spaces within this nat-

on the uphill portion of the site, creating an

brings daylight into the core of the building.

ural setting, Parkside Elementary preserves

L-shaped organization that frames a room-

The main entry provides a clear view to the

its site while emphasizing the importance

like, outdoor play yard.

library at the school’s northern end.

of nature to young learners.


Lake Wilderness Elementary, Tahoma School District | Maple Valley, WA



Completed in 2017, the spirit and simplicity

of Lake Wilderness Elementary School was conceived through sensitively fitting the large program into an established residential context. The floor plan organizes the common areas together, while outdoor play areas lie protected between the fan-like splay of “learning neighborhoods.” The strong, simple gable forms of the brick-clad structure further reduce the massing to become a respectful new “citizen” among the homes of the surrounding neighborhood.


Agriplex and Arena, Washington State Fair | Puyallup, WA 28


The program for the Washington State

The Fair’s Board of Directors essentially

Based on lofted roof pitches that recall

Fair’s Agriplex and Arena required an un-

wanted a modern-day barn to replace the

iconic barn geometry, the design of the

interrupted open floor plan for the display

historic Evergreen Hall, a beautiful wood

Agriplex draws from a rustic, rugged in-

of livestock, competitive events — even

barn structure that burned down in 2014.

terpretation of the symbolic barn. Large,

dairy cow milking — along with ancillary

However, the competing program require-

operable sliding doors, working shutters

spaces supporting primary functions of the

ments generated robust debate as to

and clerestory glazing invite natural day-

Spring and Fall fairs. To generate additional

whether this was a barn or something else.

lighting into the main event space. Heavy

income year-round, the building must also

Honoring the agrarian history of the Fair, an

timber trusses provide warmth, beauty, and

host public and private uses, such as auc-

honest, traditional barn language emerged

versatility, while unexpected moments of

tions, formal events and lifestyle expos, all

to establish a clear identity for this hard-

color and whimsy celebrate the magic of

within a climate-controlled environment.

working structure.

state fair time.


 ASPIRE 30 REFLECT Sherman Elementary, Tacoma Public Schools | Tacoma, WA

Discipline Control gained by enforcing obedience or order. Discipline is both a noun (“a branch of human knowledge,” such as architecture) and a verb (“to bring order and to practice standards”). Architecture is both a discipline and a craft. With each design opportunity, we endeavor to practice discipline in the technical resolution of our work. Each separate material has its own unique characteristics and behaves a certain way, requiring skill, experience, control, and craftsmanship on the part of designers to carry ideas into reality.






Public Schools, Sherman Elementary exemplifies the disciplined approach to design and detailing we strive for on all projects. Accommodating the K-5 program on the compact, three-acre site in Tacoma’s North End generated a two-story, L-shaped plan that confidently and respectfully addresses two of three residential street edges, while simultaneously forming protected outdoor play areas. Red brick dominates the exterior, recalling the traditional schoolhouse, while white brick accents and banding aligning with the white window mullions provides further visual order and modulates the large volumes.


“The drawings were extremely thorough and accurate, leading the Owner’s representative to tell me it was the best set of drawings he had ever seen. The total changes orders were less than six-tenths of 1% of the construction cost.” – Brian Fitzgerald, Managing Principal



As viewed from the entry side, the

moment of contemporary language

building is a simple gabled form

as the building is seen from the ad-

with an exceptional moment on both

jacent arterial. With careful attention

ends. A large barrel vault expresses

to masonry detailing, the building

the activities wing while a faceted,

volumes were crafted to exact brick

glazed curtain wall expresses the

modules, resulting in virtually no

library, capturing stunning views

wasted material.

of Mount Rainier and asserting a


“Nick Milkovich (of NMA) came to our office to essentially interview us, and asked to see some of our drawings. I showed him some school drawings. He was so impressed with the level of thoroughness and detailing, it was one of the things that sealed the deal.”

– Brian Fitzgerald, Managing Principal

|ASPIRE Museum of Glass Tacoma, WA 34 REFLECT

“As Associate Architect, our firm partnered with Canadian firm, Nick Milkovich Architects (NMA) with Arthur Erickson as lead designer of the Museum of Glass (MoG). George Russell and renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly were among the visionaries who recognized value in bringing a venue of this caliber to Tacoma. Completed in 2002, the project was one of the first developments to happen within the Thea Foss Waterway superfund clean-up zone. After learning of our involvement with the Foss Waterway Esplanade Master Plan, Mr. Milkovich contacted us to join his team as his local partner. Splitting the fees 50/50, NMA would lead design in collaboration with our team, particularly for connection to the Esplanade, while the two firms shared the workload for Construction Documents. We led Construction Administration on behalf of the team.” – Brian Fitzgerald, Managing Principal

The firm also provided construction administration services for the “Bridge of Glass,” a showcase of Chihuly glass art connecting Pacific Avenue to the waterfront between the Washington State History Museum and the Museum of Glass. 


 ASPIRE 36 SeattleREFLECT World School Renovation of T. T. Minor, Seattle Public Schools | Seattle, WA

authenticity Real and genuine — true and accurate. People long for meaningful, authentic relationships with others. Healthy communities rely on the cooperation of people, and pride in citizenship. Similarly, buildings and their sites reflecting these ideals may also be thought of as "contributing citizens� to our communities, reinforcing and inspiring us to become better people.

In support of the Seattle Public Schools' desire to offer hospitality to student learners and their families

ď ´

from around the world, Seattle World School (SWS) speaks an international language of welcome. The program, based on engaging students with school staff and outside partners, provides resources to ease transition into a new culture, prepare for graduation, achieve citizenship, and reap success in life. SWS offers on-site health care, housing resources, a career center, and dedicated social space to support families and build strong community.


“In thinking about the daunting and monumental endeavor of moving to the U.S. to join an unfamiliar school system, we sought a design to create comfort and welcome for incoming students. The exterior design takes cues from the building’s period architecture, while the interior references patterns and elements from around the world.” – Scott Olson, Senior Associate



Originally constructed as T.T. Minor El-

develop an aesthetic that would appeal to

inspired patterns and universal icons that

ementary, the design of the 1940s-era

high schoolers and their families who were

unite the design while striking a balance

structure — and its subsequent expansion

from outside the U.S. and nontraditional

between quiet and exciting.

— provided strong postwar Modernist


bones. A full modernization and rebrand in 2016 stripped away extraneous, detractive layers and unified an assemblage of new and existing construction. The designers' solution added simple and functional space to suit the goals of SWS. The design was also shaped by a school principal driven to

Through the support of its larger com-

A dynamic, approachable presence is con-

munity, SWS serves as a neighborhood

veyed through bold colors and subtle tex-

centerpiece, adding another chapter to the

tures that reinforce a global theme. A glass

evolutionary story of Seattle as a home to

portico, or “Hall of Flags,” introduces SWS’s

global citizens.

richly detailed environment. The deep red floor serves as a base to the culturally


Browns Point Elementary, Tacoma Public Schools | Tacoma, WA 40


“Browns Point Elementary is filled with examples of how the design team worked creatively and collectively to maximize the client’s budget and bring magic to the project through just minor moves.” – Holli Smith, Associate Principal

At Browns Point Elementary,

requested by students set the tenor

which opened to students in 2018,

for an architectural language further

fun is introduced at the front door.

inspired by the marine setting of the

The bright colors and playful details

Browns Point neighborhood.


“For Sound Transit’s Maintenance of Way facility, our client's culture and values meant incorporating the spirit and optimism of the Puget Sound region’s largest public transportation provider into a compact, industrial site. The colorful accent elevates the no-nonsense services performed across this functional campus and brings welcome energy to the SoDo neighborhood.” – Mark Hurley, Principal

Maintenance of Way Facility, Sound Transit | Seattle, WA 42


Sited in Seattle’s SoDo District and

functionally driven and efficient. The

within a larger campus operated

subdued appearance blends in with

by Sound Transit, the two-building

the neighboring industrial buildings

Maintenance of Way (MoW) facility

and light rail tracks that surround

supports the light rail maintenance

the site. The exception: lime green

departments of Track, Facilities,

accents, introduced at the time to

and Power, along with office and

celebrate the Seahawks’ Super Bowl

auxiliary space for the transit police


department. Awarded


Completed in 2016, the LEED Sila


ver-certified main building expresses

design-build process with FORMA

a fresh, youthful edge while standing

Construction, the MoW project's set

confidently among the neighbor-

budget and postage stamp-size site

hood of older established industrial

meant there was no room for ex-


travagance. The layout and form are


resource stewardship Caring and deliberate management of the resources responsibilities entrusted to us. We marvel at the “fine tuning” of our planet and of nature, designed for all life to flourish. As humans, we appear to be the only creatures with the conscious ability to choose to behave either as insatiable consumers or trustworthy stewards of natural resources. Our approach to architecture is grounded in a simple ethos of conservation (to protect and preserve) and sustainability (to sustain communities), balancing social, economic, and environmental determinants for the wise and efficient use of natural resources, reduction or elimination of waste, and provision for longevity and healthy communities.

A multifunctional learning venue, the Olympia

Regional Learning Academy (ORLA) suits the specialized needs of its four distinct school programs while encouraging involvement of parents and the community. Bringing education and vibrancy to the site, ORLA’s garden-like setting offers a range of indoor/outdoor learning experiences to students enrolled in its diverse array of program offerings. Completed in 2015, the 66,000-squarefoot academy thoughtfully merges adaptable, high-functioning spaces with provision built in for zero carbon, net-zero energy use.



Olympia Regional Learning Academy, Olympia School District | Olympia, WA







school design, ORLA modeled an EUI* of 24.7, ranking it among the top schools in the state at the time. Future-focused features helped the project make large strides toward its energy-efficiency goals within a budget allocated for code-baseline construction. These features include: • a ground loop heat exchanger that takes advantage of the earth’s subterranean temperature to maintain thermal comfort in the building; • rooftop planting plazas constructed to accommodate future “green roofs”; and • a “plug and play” photovoltaic system, ready to receive solar panels. Using the infrastructure put in place for




Olympia School District continues to undertake steps toward its sustainability target. * The EUI, or Energy Use Intensity, expresses a building’s energy use as a function of its size or other characteristics (BTUs/ SF/Year). Source: Energy Star.



Olympia Regional Learning Academy, Olympia School District | Olympia, WA 47

 ASPIRECenter, Mason County PUD3 | Shelton, WA JohnsREFLECT Prairie Operations 48

Consolidating all of its operations, administration, and customer services functions onto a single campus on the upper plateau above the City of Shelton, Mason County PUD3 wanted to create a facility to clearly demonstrate environmental stewardship and the wise investment of rate payer dollars. A thoroughly integrated design process, coupled with the owner’s vision of longevity and value, set the tone for the innovation and inspiration

ď ´

behind the Johns Prairie Operations Center, which opened in 2012. The design approach sought to establish a confident, permanent, and welcoming civic appearance, while implementing integrated strategies for resource conservation and longterm sustainability.


Design emphasis was placed on creating visibility and transparency throughout the operations center campus. Simple, logical building and site circulation promotes safety and efficiency for the various functional operations. Crew facilities, traditionally separated from administrative functions, are integrated into the main building, promoting organizational unity and equity across all departments. Careful attention to detailing and a consistent language of forms and materials throughout the campus create a refined industrial, yet professional and civic atmosphere. Interiors are generously day lit, highlighting the locally sourced, renewable materials that help create a healthy, productive work environment for PUD employees. Harvested rain supplies water for irrigation and toilet flushing, and a 225-kw photovoltaic (PV) array atop the vehicle storage building (one of the largest arrays in the Northwest) gathers the sun’s power, offsetting electrical demands for nearly 25% of the facility’s electrical needs. The remaining buildings are “PV-ready,” allowing the facility to achieve net-zero energy/carbon neutrality with the installation of additional PV panels.



Johns Prairie Operations Center, Mason County PUD3 | Shelton, WA


Operations 52 ASPIRE SewerREFLECT and Traffic Facility, Pierce County Public Works & Utilities | Puyallup, WA

well being The state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous. First-century B.C. Roman architect, Vitruvius, identified three attributes of proper architecture: firmness, commodity, and delight. Our desire to improve communities starts with caring for the well being of people, helping our clients achieve not only durable, energy-efficient, and functional facilities, but to bring unexpected and repeatable delight.

When leaders from Pierce County’s Sewer Utilities and Traffic Operations divisions were faced with decisions about future facilities, two brothers — one from each division — struck on the idea of a shared facility: co-locating their respective operations on a new site providing optimal access to county roads and infrastructure. The idea became the “STOP” facility

(Sewer and Traffic Operations Project) with central goals of sharing resources, promoting professionalism and crew morale, and maximizing efficiency for the long-term benefits of Pierce County’s communities.


Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility Pierce County Public Works & Utilities | Puyallup, WA 54


As its cousin project, the Pierce County

the campus. The wood, milled from cedar

Across the campus and throughout each

Central Maintenance Facility accomplished

signposts collected by the Traffic Opera-

building, the design responds generously

years before, the STOP facility anchors

tions crews over several years as signs are

to the goals of transparency and the ease

the remaining County maintenance divi-

replaced from age and damage, helps to

and safety of workflow.

sions (Waste Water Collections, Traffic

humanize and warm the six-building, 21-

Operations, and Equipment Services) to a

acre campus.

location that ensures optimal deployment of maintenance personnel and equipment to the vast geography of the county. Completed in 2015, STOP is the new home to crews and personnel who had never shared facilities before. The configuration of buildings and the architecture sought to foster unity and teamwork across departments. Enhancing the simple utility and durability of the facility, marked by concrete, concrete block, steel and glass, are generous and unexpected wood accents throughout


Harriet Rowley Elementary, Mount Vernon School District | Mount Vernon, WA 56


Opened for the 2018 school year,

ď ´

Harriet Rowley Elementary was the first new building completed by the Mount Vernon School District in 20 years. Built on a 15-acre, heavily wooded site, the design character is inspired by the setting and the spirit of the Mount Vernon community. Materials and finishes combine longevity, durability, and sophistication to create delight. Timber harvested from the site was re-milled and used on the interior and throughout the landscape as a way to connect indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and social engagement.


Previously operating from a former, obsolete autenance, Operations, and Administration (MOA) facility gets the most from limited funds. Rightsized spaces and simple, durable materials are well-crafted to create an uplifting and professional work environment. The building expresses a humble-yet-confident attitude, while the exposed wood entry tips up to warmly welcome staff and guests. The project, which opened in 2015, provides us with a simple reminder of how much can be accomplished between architect and owner in the face of limited resources. With “nothing too fancy,”





communication, and community among the staff, ensures the safe and efficient daily flow of people and buses, and demonstrates the wise use of public funds.

"Jefferson Transit was pleased to find an organization like TCF who understood our values and goals for a design that promoted employee wellbeing and inclusion, all while working within our budget.” – Tammi Rubert, Jefferson Transit General Manager



tomotive building, Jefferson Transit’s new Main-

Maintenance, Operations, Administration Facility, Jefferson Transit | Port Townsend, WA


Peter G. Schmidt Elementary, Tumwater School District | Tumwater, WA 60


Credited in large part to the school’s principal, Jack Ahrend, the design of

the Peter G. Schmidt Elementary School (PGS) helped inspire a new way of thinking about educational buildings. During planning and design, Jack would reference the school’s eagle mascot in communications with his students and staff, expressing a culture of care within his school community. Like a nest, he envisioned the new building to be a safe place that

“PGS helps children understand the outdoor environment through nature-inspired design features. It offers natural daylight, graphics representing Mount Rainier and local wildlife, and natural wood elements in support of the biophilic design inspiration.”

– James Mill, Associate

would nurture, motivate, and prepare young student eaglets to soar. Through color, material and detailing, the school, completed in 2016, envelops students in an environment representative of nature, resilience, strength, and flight.


Community Living Center, Department of Veterans Affairs | Tacoma, WA REFLECT ASPIRE Name | Location |  Data

respectfulness Marked by or showing respect or deference. At the core of our interactions with others is a mutual desire to be respected. Spoken or unspoken, we value gestures of respect. Through thoughtful and creative design, buildings should promote respectfulness among users and towards the greater community.

With views to Mount Rainier across American Lake, the Department of Veterans

ď ´

Affairs (VA) Community Living Center (CLC) sits gently between a forest and the formal 1920s Spanish Revival buildings that define the American Lake VA Medical Center campus. Completed in 2010, the unashamedly modern CLC respects the architecture and craftsmanship of its historic campus predecessors to offer a unique, tranquil environment for veterans receiving special care services.




A slender porte cochère canopy reaches out to welcome visitors, while the building itself quietly recedes into the forest. The earth rises high in the front, diminishing the otherwise large volume of the regional kitchen facilities. In a further gesture of gentleness to the natural setting and the veterans who will reside here, the sweeping arc containing the resident rooms is covered by an extensive green roof.


Pioneer Park Pavilion, City of Puyallup | Puyallup, WA



ď ´

In an effort to revitalize its downtown

brick to form bookends to the lofty

core, the City of Puyallup sought to

multipurpose space. The masonry

strengthen the role of Pioneer Park

elements are respectful to the new

as its shared community living room.

adjacent library and the surrounding

Completed in 2004, the Pioneer Park Pavilion welcomes the farmers' market, weddings, dances, reunions, and more. Forming a southern backdrop to the park, the pavilion contains sup-

historic city center. The central space features a simple-but-dynamic shed roof element that tilts up to the park in a welcoming gesture. The north and south façades feature large, transparent doors that open in good weather to invite the park inside.

port space and a retail shell clad in


“I think that ‘commitment’ to our clients is our number one driver. Architecture is about beautiful buildings. But more importantly, it’s about our commitment to take care of clients and meeting their needs and their budget and giving them a great functional building.” – Brian Fitzgerald, Managing Principal

 ASPIRE 68 REFLECT McMicken Heights Elementary, Highline Public Schools | SeaTac, WA

commitment An unwavering agreement or pledge. Commitment breeds success, and any great human endeavor requires consistent acts of commitment by those who value the outcome. The level of commitment will be proportional to the reward — motivated by vision, duty, reputation, passion, and mutual goals. Recognizing the commitment our clients have to their communities, and that which they show towards us, we are “all in” to ensure their success.

TCF places supreme value on our commitment to excellence — for each client, project, neighborhood, and community. This commitment is foundational to the quality we strive for on every project.

McMicken Heights Elementary is the final in a series of six new elementary schools designed by the firm for Highline Public Schools between 2003 and 2009. The successful design and delivery of each school fulfilled a strong commitment by the District to entrust six unique projects to the firm and demonstrated our commitment, school by school, to meet the District’s design ideals, longevity goals, and construction budgets. Trusting relationships were forged as we listened carefully to students, staff, and neighbors, to achieve shared aspirations on behalf of the neighborhoods and broader communities comprising Highline Public Schools.


“TCF’s commitment to excellence was a key driver in the success of our six projects for Highline Public Schools. With 'quality' as the operative word, quality was infused into our designs, services, management, and deliverables.”

– Brian Fitzgerald, Managing Principal







01 North Hill Elementary 02 Cedarhurst Elementary 03 Midway Elementary 04 Marvista Elementary 05 Parkside Elementary 06 McMicken Heights Elementary



The District desired durable, maintainable




50-year life cycles; educational environments to facilitate quality learning and teaching; and buildings to proudly serve their communities as places for neighborhood gathering. While all six of the Highline Public Schools designed by the firm share fundamentally





programs, unique

site conditions and local community determinants and design considerations. During planning for each project, the firm facilitated extensive community outreach and neighborhood input meetings with staff, parents, and students, listening and searching for key principles, aspirations, and local identities that would shape and influence the specific design of each school. Marrying the goals and ideas that emerged from our engagement with each community led to six unique solutions, each reflecting its respective neighborhood, and each within budget.

McMicken Heights Elementary, Highline Public Schools | SeaTac, WA 71

Chelan County PUD Projects The new Service Center campus in Wenatchee will be home to more than 500 District employees provide PUD

one-stop customers.









workflow and energy conservation, the campus reflects the District’s stated values of trustworthiness, stewardship, safety, and operational efficiency.



As we celebrate our 60th year, TCF is

The District’s commitment to the

engaged in many exciting and fulfill-

Chelan County rate payers to de-

ing projects that are in design, head-

liver the “most value, to the most

ing into construction, or completing

people, for the longest time” is car-

construction. While each project and

ried through in these projects. Our

each client is unique — commitment


forms the common denominator to

the District’s vision and economic

ensure follow-through and ultimate

goals comes through a restrained,


authentic design language




Following three years of planning and analysis, helping Chelan County PUD assess the condition of their facilities








consistent identity, yet appropriately unique to each site.

District-wide, and determine a stra-

At the Rocky Reach and Rock

tegic plan for implementation, TCF

Island hydroelectric

designed four separate projects for

firm de-signed new and renovated

the District, including new and reno-

buildings and site modifications,

vated maintenance and operations

ushering in a new era of facilities to

support facilities at Rock Island Dam


and Rocky Reach Dam, renovation of




the Rocky Reach Visitor Center into




the “Discovery Center,” and a new


campus in Wenatchee consolidating

“People Work Here” became a catch-

all of the District’s administrative,


operations, and customer services

importance focused — not only on









include 13 new buildings and six ren-

attention to safety and efficiency —

ovated buildings, totaling more than


500,000 SF.

commitment to its own people







functions. All told, the four projects









by providing uplifting, professional


work environments.

05 01 C22 02 C19 03 C21 04 Building CM24 at Rocky Reach MOA 05 The Discovery Center's new entry


proficiency A high degree of competency, skill, or expertise. Over our 60-year history, the firm has touched hundreds of projects through planning, design, construction — or all three. The images on these pages remind us of the rich diversity of work that our clients entrusted to us.






 Among the largest health care providers in the country, the Tacoma-based Hillhaven Corporation revolutionized elder care during the last century. Bill Reed’s relationships with key clients in the senior housing industry generated work for the firm throughout the U.S. for decades, with dozens of projects completed in the 1990s and early 2000s. 06


01 Jefferson PUD MOA Expansion 02 Washington National Guard CSMS 03 Pierce County Public Works & Utilities Sewer Collections Facility Modernization 04 Tacoma Fire Station No. 9 05 Kitsap Transit Park and Ride 06 Atria Sugarland Assisted Living 07 Tacoma Homebuilders Association 74











08 Wenatchee Public Schools Washington Elementary 09 Annie Wright Schools Entry Addition 10 Tahoma School District, Lake Wilderness Elementary 11 Tacoma Public Schools, Browns Point Elementary 12 Seattle Public Schools, Webster School Modernization 13 Washington State Fair Agriplex 14 Gig Harbor HOPE Center 15 MultiCare Neuroscience Center Addition 16 AutoWarehousing Executive Suite 75

A first-of-its-kind project, Tacoma Area Coalition for Individuals with Disabilities (TACID) serves as a resource for the blind, deaf, and physically challenged. As one of the most meaningful projects in his career, Ilmar Reinvald was challenged to find new ways to invite user representatives of all abilities into the design process.  01








01 Tacoma Area Coalition for Individuals with Disabilities 02 SeaTac Maintenance Facility 03 Port of Tacoma, Marine Operations Building 04 City of Sammamish Maintenance & Operations Center 05 River Cities Transit Center 06 South Tacoma Regional HOPE Center 07 City of Fife Fountain Relocation 08 Mount Vernon School District, Madison Elementary 76





The renovation of the Washington State Fair Food Building honored its original award-winning design, drawing fresh inspiration from the dynamic presence of a food market in Copenhagen, Denmark. The food building’s lively colors and textures draw in fairgoers while enlivening the heart of the campus. ď ľ 12





09 Olympia School District, Madison Elementary 10 Tacoma Fire Station No. 5 11 Pierce County Public Works & Utilities East County Maintenance Facility 12 Lakewood Gary & Carol Milgard Family HOPE Center 13 Washington State Fair Food Building Renovation 14 Tumwater School District, Littlerock Elementary 15 United Mutual Savings Bank 16 Tacoma Fire Station No. 8 77










01 Kitsap Transit Park and Ride, Fuel and Wash 02 Lopez Island School Addition 03 Seattle Public Schools, Mann School Renovation/Addition 04 City of Tacoma, Old Town Restroom 05 Tacoma Police Department Fleet Maintenance Facility 06 Tacoma Rescue Mission 07 Peninsula School District, Henderson Bay High School 08 Tacoma Police Department Substation 09 Federal Way Public Schools, Camelot Elementary 78













Science Library was designed by Harris Reed Litzenberger in 1977. The six-story masonry building contains a central atrium and a sky bridge connected to Science Hall. Jim Harris, also a pilot, remembers sporadically flying the project team to Pullman for design meetings in the morning, and was home in time for dinner in Tacoma. ď ľ


10 Yelm Telephone Company 11 Link Transit Comfort Station 12 Pioneer Park Condominiums 13 Washington State University, Owen Science Library 14 Tacoma Public Schools, Mann Elementary 15 Ocosta Elementary School 16 Link Transit Maintenance Facility 17 Tacoma Police Department Headquarters 79

In 1967, Jim Harris and Bill Reed created a domed concept for a 55,000-plus-seat stadium comprised of readily-available laminated beams and plywood panels for a Weyerhauser architectural marketing program. Their design, engineered to rise 250 feet high and span 840 feet, captured the attention of planning committees nationwide.

 01








01 Conceptual Dome model for Weyerhauser 02 King County Library System, Federal Way Regional Library 03 City of Fife, City Hall Re-Clad project 04 Snoqualmie Valley School District, Timber Ridge Elementary 05 Wenatchee Public Schools, Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center Building B Renovation 06 Western Clinic Tacoma 07 Tacoma Cemetery Mausoleum 08 Pierce County Public Works & Utilities, Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility 80











09 Harris Reed Litzenberger Tsang office, 1967-79 10 National Bank of Washington 11 Bowler Residence 12 City of University Place Maintenance Facility 13 Chelan County PUD, Main Service Center building 14 KSTW Studios 15 Highline Public Schools, North Hill Elementary 16 Wenatchee Public Schools, Washington Elementary 17 TOTE Maritime Complex 81


THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MANY Throughout the many eras of the

There is an undeniably genuine and

A foundation of trust, respect, and

firm there has been a consistent em-

trusting atmosphere at TCF. We

excellence — laid over the past 60

phasis on creating an environment

strive for excellence in everything we

years — has created a legacy for us

where people could aspire to grow,

do, encouraging authentic engage-

to carry the firm forward. We are con-

producing meaningful and excep-

ment among our staff while holding

fident in the firm’s ability to thrive in

tional work. In the early days of the

ourselves to high standards of

the future through our commitment

firm the partners saw the office as a

professionalism and respectfulness.

to embody the ideals of “The 22 At-

sort of postgraduate school, where

Our goal is to develop well-rounded

tributes”: the essential language of

learning was built into the ethos.

architects, designers, and support

our firm. Today, we are more diverse

Today, we remain passionate about

staff who build personal discipline

in age, gender, and ethnicity than at

the quality of our culture and united

through exposure to all areas of prac-

any time in the firm’s history. Our

around the mission of improving

tice. We embrace the expectation to

approach is to channel the diverse

communities. We come together

continually advance in proficiency

backgrounds and experience of our

as unique individuals committed to

across the wide range of skills nec-

people towards the common center

teamwork, generating design that

essary to be a high-performing firm.

of our shared values. We believe we

is responsive to the needs of our

Every project is an opportunity for

have a responsibility to future gener-

clients, respectful of the communi-

each individual to grow and contrib-

ations to continue creating work that

ties where we work, and relevant to

ute to the health of our culture and

improves and strengthens the fabric


the quality of our work.

of our communities while developing the people who will make it happen.



“We want to create an environment where falling down doesn’t mean a fatal fall. We can pick each other up, and then we can move forward. What’s important is that we can learn from that and that we can make a better decision next time that it can lead us to better ideas and better solutions.”

– Brian Ho, Managing Principal








Randy’s Eastern Washington upbringing

Born and raised in Gig Harbor, Brian

After practicing in Eastern Oregon and

instilled an interest and appreciation for the

returned to the Pacific Northwest after at-

work processes of people and machines in

tending college at Montana State University

farming, eventually inspiring his specializa-

and practicing architecture in Montana and

tion in industrial sector work, specifically


the planning, design, and development of maintenance, operations, and administration (MOA) facilities for both public and

Brian joined TCF in 2014 and teamed with Brian Fitzgerald to lead the Educational

private sector clients.

Studio. An inquisitive and continual learner,

Randy joined the firm in 1999, and as

having earned additional certifications in

Managing Principal, continues to guide the

the areas of educational planning, sustain-

Industrial Studio while serving as Cultural

able design, and alternative delivery sys-

Director. His development and champi-

tems. Today, Brian demonstrates his com-

onship of The 22 Attributes continues to

mitment to learning as he leads the firm's

elevate the vision and mission of TCF while

Educational Studio and manages staffing

building a new generation of architects to

and professional development officewide.

carry on the firm’s legacy.



he continues building his knowledge base,

Southwest Washington for 16 years, Brian joined the firm in 1994 to become the firm’s leader in K-12 school design. Brian built the Educational Studio project-by-project, planning and producing work for school districts throughout Washington state including Highline, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Tumwater, Wenatchee, Mount Vernon, Lopez Island, Ocosta, and many others. Strong friendships developed from these professional relationships, a testament to Brian’s kind nature and dedication to quality work and client advocacy. Today, Brian serves as TCF’s Director of Business and Finance.







Mark joined the firm in 2008 after com-

A talented designer and skilled team leader,

Holli blends her eye for composition and

pleting his master’s degree at Washington

Steve joined TCF in 2006 after completing

fierce deadline management with a talent

State University. Working alongside Randy

his postgraduate study at Montana State

for creating and infusing storytelling into

on industrial projects, Mark built strong

University. As co-leader of the Educational

the design process. She dual-specializes

expertise in the planning and design of

Studio, Steve also directs the firm’s delivery,

in business development and interior

MOA facilities and now serves as co-lead-

documentation, and quality control pro-

architecture, crafting compelling stories

er of the Industrial Studio. As the firm’s

cesses, championing the high standards

in written and built forms. A graduate of

Operations Director, Mark oversees the

upon which the reputation of the firm is

Washington State University, Holli joined

physical functions of the office, ensuring


the firm in 2000.

a comfortable, productive, and connected work environment.

“The firm’s past principals built something really special and it is an honor to carry those values forward as the next generation of leadership. The spirit of comradery, creativity, and strive for excellence is truly at the heart of TCF’s team." – Steve Wachtler, Principal








Through his 25-year tenure with TCF, An-

Joining the firm in 2006, Gerry’s two and

Scott drives an interactive, intentional

drew has played a key role in the majority

a half decades of experience and affable

design process that seeks clarity and

of the firm’s K-12 renovation work. A proven

nature have benefited both the Educational

meaning in all projects. With a passion for

problem-solver, Andrew serves as TCF’s

and Industrial studios in design, technical

authenticity, Scott approaches each project

code and technical lead while also over-

leadership, and construction administra-

with a fresh perspective, synthesizing com-

seeing the effective functioning of our IT

tion. In addition to project responsibilities,

plex criteria and client goals to discover

systems. Andrew’s quick wit is second only

Gerry leads the firm’s quality control pro-

creative design solutions. He encourages

to his encyclopedic knowledge on many

cess, ensuring consistency in the applica-

staff at all levels to participate and collabo-


tion of TCF standards and bringing lessons

rate in design and is equally engaging with

learned in the field back to the design

client representatives to build ownership


and understanding so the best ideas become reality.

"We are valued for our individuality and the skills we bring to the team. We’re challenged to be an 'expert in something,' then are offered the room to grow and resources to develop our unique areas of interest."

– Holli Smith, Associate Principal









With experience in Philadelphia, San Fran-

Always the “can-do” guy, JR takes on each


cisco, and Seattle before joining TCF, Amy

task and responsibility as if they were his

If attitude determines altitude, Mona soars

brings uncommon commitment and depth

last, ensuring that each detail is attended

with eagles. With experience in both the

of insight to design and project manage-

to and that his team members are fully

Industrial and Educational studios, Mona is

ment. An accomplished mountain and rock

engaged. With more than 20 years in the

skilled at seeing the big picture, creatively

climber, Amy draws on a spirit of adventure

profession, JR has a heart for teaching and

digging into the details, and managing mul-

that propels her to tackle tough work while

mentoring the next generation of architects

tiple priorities to elevate the accuracy and

inspiring excellence in those around her.

at TCF.

appeal of TCF’s work. Mona also wears the hat of TCF’s in-house HR Manager.


Albert de Santis

Mishka Morgus

Ally Beardemphl

Kristin Ericson

Ahsraum Nesbitt

Dave Burger

John Homer

Gennadiy Ogay

Jannita Bolin-Bush

Sheena Hewitt

Marc Pevoto, AIA

Debbie Bower

Pam Humphreys

Jessica Sherman

Brianna Braukmann

Kristy Jensen

Jeremy Smith

Teta Brown, LEED AP BD+C, CCCA

Kevin Jones

Despina Vapheas

James Choate Deeds

Harika Koripalli

Coreen Van Ausdell

Kyle Christensen, AIA, LEED AP

Ted LeCompte, LEED AP

Donovan Wilson

Ryan Cornwall

Linda Mallin

Mark Winsor, Assoc. AIA

Krisandrah Crall

Gail Merth, AIA, LEED AP BD+C


humor Practice appropriate humor. This translates to a level of openness and Humor may not be the first quality that

creativity that can only be born from a cul-

comes to mind when you think of produc-

ture that values unique perspectives. Our

tive office environments. But at TCF, we

individuality and one-of-a-kind experiences

embrace the opportunity to sprinkle light-

add depth to our work. With an attitude of

heartedness into our attitudes, our working

respect, we ask ourselves, what am I doing

style, and our designs.

to bring joy into the experience of others?






THE IMPORTANCE OF PLACE Designed in 1908 as a grocery, bak-

The new area, now known as the “I”

to create an environment where our

ery, and dance academy, the building

Street Studio, injected new energy,

teams are inspired to achieve the

that became the firm’s home base

delight, and amenities into our office


was originally imagined as a “hand-

environment. Those staff facing the

some” community resource and cre-

sidewalk in the "I" Street Studio enjoy

ative gathering place. Fast forward,

the entertainment of interaction with

more than a century later and we

the occasional passer-by, who in turn

see a building still full of energy and

may be intrigued by the interesting


work taking shape on the other side

As we publish this book, most of our staff have spent the majority of the year away from the office, working from home amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic. Through our inter-

of the windows.

active software we have invited our

Stadium District, TCF’s two-story

As important as place is for any

into a portion of our individual place

building includes intimate work ar-

enterprise, the key is how space

— at home! While 902 North 2nd

eas and large collaborative spaces.

encourages and fosters interaction

Street remains open, the pandemic

Our propensity has been to regularly

and the well being of people. For us

protocols have made gathering dif-

envision the future, remodeling and

this means quiet nooks for concen-

ficult and few staff are there on any

improving our “place” to meet the

tration, efficient workstations, bold

given day. We long to reunite in our

evolving needs and aspirations of

pops of color in unexpected places,

place, and we will continue to find

the firm. Our most recent renovation

and cozy, modular furniture that can

new and creative ways to use our

in 2019 converted the remaining

transform a space from charrette to

spaces as we envision the office of

portion of the lower level (vacated by

happy hour with little effort. For the

the future.

a sandwich shop business), allowing

place where we spend more than

TCF to occupy 100% of the building.

half of our waking hours, we aspire

Tucked in the heart of Tacoma’s

colleagues, consultants, and clients

 Excerpt from 1912 newspaper story  902 North 2nd Street, Tacoma, WA 93

A SUDDEN SHIFT We enter our seventh decade at

sharing our homes, families, and real

role as designers and architects of

a time of unprecedented societal

life with our co-workers through our

the next leg of the journey. We will

change resulting from the COVID-19

collaborative software tools. To fur-

continue to build the firm’s legacy,

global pandemic. Even as this is

ther support connectedness, we be-

and it is our sincere desire that the

written, our team of more than 40

gan publishing a weekly newsletter,

aspirations and attributes conveyed

staff are each working from home

“The TCF Remoter,” to provide regular

in this book, and the work yet to

under an ever-evolving, state-man-

updates and a common firm-wide

come, will continue to inspire those

dated stay-at-home policy designed

touch point. The Remoter quickly

who will lead and carry the firm for-

to stop the spread of the virus. As

grew to include snapshots of life in

ward for the next 60 years.

we made the shift to a remote work

a pandemic, from our team mem-

environment, we were concerned

bers’ lives, jokes, photos, stories, and

that the culture we had worked so

surveys to measure the pulse of the

hard to build and our enjoyment of

team. The Remoter now provides

being and working together would be

an authentic scrapbook recording

jeopardized. Instead, we discovered

the realities of TCF’s life during the

that the pulse of the firm remained


strong and healthy, buoyed by our people who embraced and practiced the values embodied in The 22 Attributes and who still aspire to be part

As the pandemic persists throughout the world and we look forward to the day when a vaccine can be employed,

of something exceptional.

we are committed to pursuing excel-

In many ways, working from home

future. What does this mean for our

has brought us closer together.

office, our processes, and delivery of

Starting with a foundation of friend-

our expertise? While there are many

ship and genuine caring, we began

unknowns, we have embraced our

lence and envisioning the firm of the

“I feel like we’re all friends before we are co-workers. We actually like to spend time with each other outside of work, which is a plus because it creates for a really nice working environment where everything just flows easily and makes work enjoyable.” – Mona Rezvani-Olson, Associate



First virtual staff meeting, March 2020




Community Living Center, Department of Veterans Affairs | Tacoma, WA

AWARDS The American Institute of Architects, Washington Council Civic Design Citation, Lake Wilderness Elementary, 2018 Civic Design Citation, Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, 2016

Merit Award, Federal Way Library, 1993 Merit Award, Yelm Telephone Building, 1993 Merit Award, W.R. Rust Building, 1987

Civic Design Merit Award, Johns Prairie Operations Center, 2014

Honor Award, Washington Natural Gas Headquarters, 1987

Civic Design Citation, Sherman Elementary, 2000

Citation, TACID Headquarters, 1987

Civic Design Citation, Madison Elementary, 2000

Citation, The Hillhaven Annex, 1986

Civic Design Citation, Link Transit Maintenance & Operations Center, 2000 Merit Award, King County Library System, Federal Way Regional Library, 1999 Merit Award, King County Library System, Foster Library, 1999 The American Institute of Architects, SW Washington Chapter Citation, Seattle World School, 2017

Honor Award, The Seafirst Bank, 1986

Citation, Telephone Utilities Building, 1985 Citation, McCauslands Clothing, 1985 Honor Award, Hillhaven Corporation, 1982 Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) Merit Award, Olympia Regional Learning Academy (ORLA), 2016

Honor Award, Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, 2015

Exhibition of School Planning & Architecture: Project of Distinction, Parkside Elementary, 2014

Honor Award, Johns Prairie Operations Center, 2013

Lee J. Brockway Award, Lincoln High School, 2008 (w/DLR)

Citation, McMicken Heights Elementary School, 2013

Shirley Cooper Award, Lincoln High School, 2008 (w/DLR)

Merit Award, Parkside Elementary, 2011

Bronze Award for Reconstruction & Renovation, Lincoln High School, 2008 (w/DLR)

Merit Award, Pierce County Central Maintenance Facility, 2008 Citation, Puyallup’s Pioneer Park Pavilion, 2004 Honor Award, Museum of Glass, 2002 (Associate Architect) Special Citation, Sandberg / Schoenfeld Building, 2000 Special Citation, Foss Waterway Master Plan & Esplanade (w/ZGF), 1999


Honor Award, Sherman Elementary, 1999


CEFPI Pacific Northwest Honorable Mention Citation, Lincoln High School, 2008 (w/DLR) Pinnacle Award, Madison Elementary, 2001 National Council of Structural Engineers Associations Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards, Outstanding Project Winner:

New Buildings <$20 million, Ocosta Elementary and Tsunami Evacuation Tower, 2018 The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Design Excellence, Gold Award, Department of Veterans Affairs Community Living Center, 2012 American Public Works Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter Project of the Year Award, Structures $25-$75 million, Pierce County Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, 2015 American Public Works Association (APWA) Project of the Year Award, Structures $25-$75 million, Pierce County Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, 2015 Washington Aggregates and Concrete Association Outstanding Example of Excellence in Concrete Construction, Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS), 2014 The Masonry Institute of Washington Excellence in Masonry Design Honor Award for Education K-12, Cedarhurst Elementary, 2010 Excellence in Masonry Design Merit Award, Award for Education K-12, Midway Elementary, 2010 Excellence in Masonry Design Honor Award for Rehabilitation/Restoration, Lincoln High School Historic Renovation, 2008 (w/DLR) Merit Award, Pioneer Park Pavilion, 2005 Excellence in Masonry Design, New Life Square Tacoma Rescue Mission, 2003 Excellence in Masonry Design, Sherman Elementary, 1999 Merit Award, Edison Elementary, 1998 (w/ The BJSS Group)

Metal Architecture in Cooperation with the Metal Construction Association Design Award, Pierce County Wastewater Collection Maintenance Facility, 2003 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (H.U.D.) Citation, TACID Headquarters, 1986 Associated Builders & Contractors Excellence in Construction Award for Mixed-Use, Pioneer Place Condominiums and Activity Center, 2007 Excellence in Construction Award for Specialty Construction, New Life Square Tacoma Rescue Mission, 2002 Washington Parks & Recreation Association Merit Award, Pioneer Park Pavilion, 2005 Award of Excellence, Dickman Mill Park, 2001 (w/ Bruce Dees & Associates) The Waterfront Center Annual Honor Award for Excellence on the Waterfront, Thea Foss Waterway Redevelopment, 2003 (w/ZGF) NW Construction Consumer Council (NWCCC) Distinguished Project Award for public projects over $10 million, Lincoln High School, 2008 (w/DLR)

ď ° Lake Wilderness Elementary 99

IMAGE CREDITS Unless otherwise credited, all renderings, models, architectural drawings, and unattributed photographs are part of the firm’s image archive.

Peter G. Schmidt Elementary, Tumwater School District, 60, 61

Arthur Ross Photography RiverCities Transit Center, 10, 76

Pioneer Park Pavilion, City of Puyallup, 66, 67

Ilmar Reinvald, 101

McMicken Heights Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 68, 70, 71

Chelle Nicole Photography Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, Pierce County Public Works & Utilities, contents page, 52 People: 90 Eckert and Eckert Photography Central Maintenance Facility, Pierce County Public Works & Utilities, 12, 14, 15 Parkside Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 22, 24, 25, 70 Lake Wilderness Elementary, Tahoma School District, contents page, 26, 27, 74, 99 Agriplex and Arena, Washington State Fair, 28, 29, 75 Sherman Elementary, Tacoma Public Schools, 30, 32 Seattle World School Renovation of T. T. Minor, Seattle Public Schools, 36, 38, 39 Browns Point Elementary, Tacoma Public Schools, title page, 40, 41, 75 Maintenance of Way Facility, Sound Transit, 42, 43 Olympia Regional Learning Academy, Olympia School District, 44, 45, 46, 47 Johns Prairie Operations Center, Mason County PUD3, cover, 48, 49, 50, 51 Sewer and Traffic Operations Facility, Pierce County Public Works & Utilities, 52, 54 Harriet Rowley Elementary, Mount Vernon School District, 56, 57 Maintenance, Operations, Administration Facility, Jefferson Transit, 58, 59



Community Living Center, Department of Veterans Affairs, 62, 64, 65, 96

North Hill Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 70, 81 Cedarhurst Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 70 Midway Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 70 Marvista Elementary, Highline Public Schools, 70 Kitsap Transit Park and Ride, 74 Washington Elementary, Wenatchee Public Schools, 74, 81

Tacoma Police Department Substation, 78 Pioneer Place Condominiums, 79 Mann Elementary, Tacoma Public Schools, 79 Ocosta Elementary School, 79 Tacoma Police Headquarters, 79 Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center Building B Renovation, Wenatchee Public Schools, 80, 81 Effie Photography + Social Media People and materials: contents, 2, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 102, 103 Gerry Pless, TCF Architecture Webster School Modernization, Seattle Public Schools, 75 Madison Elementary, Mount Vernon School District, 76 Annie Wright Schools, 75, 93

Gig Harbor HOPE Center, 75

TCF "I" Street Office, 84, 93

AutoWarehousing Executive Suite, 75

City of Tacoma Old Town Restroom, 78

South Tacoma Regional HOPE Center, 76

People: contents page, 90, 91, 93

Madison Elementary, Olympia School District, 77

Nic Leheux Museum of Glass, 35

Lakewood Gary & Carol Milgard Family HOPE Center, 77 Washington State Fair Food Building, 77

Tacoma Public Library Tacoma Public Library (Image No. BU-14232), 74

Littlerock Elementary, Tumwater School District, 77

Tacoma Public Library (Image No. D-145077-1), 76

Kitsap Transit Park and Ride Fuel & Wash, 78

Tacoma Public Library (Image No. D1376-10), 77

Mann School Renovation/Addition, Seattle Public Schools, 78

Tacoma Public Library (Image No. TDL 3-18-19 08), 93

Tacoma Police Department Fleet Maintenance Facility, 78 Tacoma Rescue Mission, 78 Henderson Bay High School, Peninsula School District, 78

Washington Patriot Construction Marine Operations Building, 84 Wyn Bielaska Museum of Glass, 34

ď ° Ilmar Reinvald, Principal Emeritus 101




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