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Alumni Fund Goal: $10,000 Class Secretary : Alyssa D aigle, 25 Main St. , Apt. D, C harlestow n, MA 02129 e-mail : alyssa .daigle.1 999@trin coll. edu ; fax : 617-242- 8841 Class Agents: M arga ret C leveland ; R obert N . Goldsmith ; H eidi E . N otman ;William Stengel

First an d fo remost, GO SOX' It's abo ut time--and well deserved by th e loyal members of R ed Sox N atio n eve rywhere! N ow, in N ovember, th e craziness th at was Boston durin g baseball season has settled down somewhat, and the first snow fell in th e middle of th e mo nth ...! missed it here as I was in Europe for training fo r my new j o b, but since it was snowing in Vienna and hailing in Amsterdam , I felt right at home! It's hard to believe winter is here again already- and all six mo nths of it here in th e N o rtheast! Thanks to those wh o contributed fo r this issue, and- if you are reading this and did not receive an e-mail about th e C lass Notes-it means your e-mail was return ed, and I do not have a current address to send it to. Please e-ntail me at th e address above if yo u would like your current e-mail address added to th e list. Thanks. I wish everyo ne a happy and healthy holiday season (altho ugh th e season will most likely be over by th e time you are readin g this!) and look forward to hea ring fro m yo u again soo n! With th at, here's w hat fellow '99 grads are up to ... Kristin Nabers w rites: ''I've spent th e last seven mo nths in Sio ux Falls, SD, wo rkin g on To m Daschle's campaign. Our loss o n Tuesday was both stunnin g and heartbreaking, but it's been a week, and I'm ready to move on . So it's back to D C, fo r me! I haven 't lined up a job yet, but I kn ow it'll be somewhere I can keep fi ghtin g th e good fight. P.S.1 ran into Sarah Thornton up here at the end of O ctober-she cam e up fro m D C, to help out with get-o ut-th e vote efforts. I o nly chatted with her fo r a minute befo re they shipped her off to Huron , SD, but I hea rd she was awesome." Sarah T hornton , herself, writes: " I am still living and working in Washington , D C. I wo rk as a legislati ve assistant on Capitol Hill fo r Congresswoman Shelley Berkley fro m Las Vegas." Best of luck to both of yo u- may your hard work pay off soon' In ma rri age and baby/ child news, Emily (Clarke) Whitney writes: " I got marri ed in Jun e 2003 to Jo hn Whitney, a ftrefi ghter in Greenfield, MA. We had a son, Jake Sawyer Whitney, this past spring, and he is absolutely wo nderful! I love being a mom ! I work at Sto neleighBurnham School in the admissio ns offi ce, and we live o n campus as ho use-parents." And what a curi e Jake is! T hanks fo r sending th e picture, Emily-that is one of th e best parts of w ritin g th ese notes! get to see adorable pictures of o ur classmates' children! Stephanie McAdams w rites:"D oug and I are still living in Alexa ndria, VA, (un til nel\.1: fall w hen he'll be startin g med school). I'm staying home with our daughter, Grace, w ho is al most six mo nths old now, and she is definitely keeping me busy. We are headed up to Trinity next week fo r Jen Garritt's and Jon Erensen's wedding-I'm excited to get back up th ere--1 do n't think I've been back since H omecomin g 2000, since we missed th e fi ve- year reuni o n ri ght after Grace was born '" Steph also included a photo of G race in an adorable R ed Sox outfi t and titled it " The Littlest Fan " ! So cute--and it goes to show, it's never too ea rly to become a Sox fa n! Best wishes to Jen and John fo r a great weddin g day, as well' I know Christie Blake w ill also be attending th e Garritt/ Erensen weddi ng and is schedul ed to ftnish up at Yale next



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I Wi111er 2005

spring with a nurse practitioner's degree after three yea rs of hard work and living in N ew H aven , CT- with Jen Ga rritt as a m atter of fac t. Also on th e marri age trac k is Trip Todd who writes: " For news, I'm in business school at Vanderbilt University with Will Stengel, who m I consistently beat on th e golf co urse. I also recentl y go t engaged to Miss D eeD ee Wade of N ashville. Trini ty will be heavil y represented at th e wedding, w hich will be in N ashville." Congratulations on yo ur engagement (a nd your good golf ga me), Trip! It was good to hear fro m Mo Zelaya w ho writes: "As fa r as news o n my life is concern ed, after spendin g almost fo ur yea rs in the admissio ns office at Trinity, I accepted an offer to become associate director of admissions at St. M ark 's School, a small boardin g school in So uthborough, MA, w here I will also coach baseball. Stacie (Pearso n) and I have now been marr ied fo r five and o ne-hal f years and have t\IVO little boys, Nicolas who will be fo ur in D ecember and Alex who will be two in January." Un believable-- five and one-half years of marri age and t\11'0 children-time fu es! Glad to hea r all of th e good news, Mo and Stacie! Also approaching multiples in the children department, Linda (Pacylowski) Carmody repo rts that she and husband, Ryan '01 , are expectin g th eir second in May 2005! Congratulati o ns! Li nda writes that she plans to spend th e next few mo nths preparin g for her " new, crazy life." Before th e preparati o n begins, however, Linda and R yan are planning to throw " the most spectacular and fa bulous birthday party" for daughter, Li via, who will turn t\11'0 in Janu ary. Anoth er picture sent-this time of th e cutest Min nie M o use costum e I have ever seen! Li nda also recentl y saw Jen Gerard w ho, reportedl y, " has left th e Big Apple behin d and now li ves 11 blocks fro m the beach in Veni ce, C A." Looking o utside at the snow and bare trees, l ca nn ot say that I am not a little bit j ealo us of that locatio n! From N ew York, Rebecca Crowley has some exciting news! She writes:" ! am especially excited that as ofJuly 5, I have started my own PR fi rm called R TC Publicity. I am wo rking with a va riety of acco unts that include autho rs (Tina Flaherty www.tinafl m), an exec utive coachin g company (Karlin Sloa n & Company www. karli nsloa, a college produ cti o n company (, a medi a company aimed at helping young women fi nd their caree r paths (Wildly So phisticated www.wildlysophisti,and I am wo rkin g wi th the publicist th at represents M o nte] Williams and Phil Keoghan (host of The Amazing R ace). 2005 will be a big yea r for RTC Publicity with a Web site launch and offi cial launch party. Clients based in both N ew York C ity and my ho metown of C hicago." Sounds like you are off to a great srart-h ow exciting! Best of luck with yo ur new endeavor! R ebecca also repo rts: "Christine Ball is engaged to be mar ri ed M emo ri al D ay wee kend of 2005; Monica Perna! is teachin g second grade in H arlem ; and Tara Joyce is still wo rking for Google and do ing well. Parin Zaveri is engaged to be married next June as well." In oth er NYC news, Heidi Notman writes: "Thanks to my beloved R ed Sox, never has there ever been a better time to be a Bostonian living in NYC. I'm enj oying life in the city and all that comes with it. I am not, however, looking fo rwa rd to th e grace peri od on my student loa ns endin g. Heading out west to Whistler fo r a ski trip in February with some of my favorite Trini ty folk!" C urrently, the W histl er trip is shaping up to be a lot of fu n-H eidi, myself, and fellow Trinity grads Karyn Meyer, Brianna '01 and Bill Mahoney, Sarah Walker, Allison Lanzetta, and Paul Hillman '98 are all o n board fo r the trip so far! Christina Glennon adds: " All I ca n say is tha t I support the R ed Sox nati o n o n th e left coast and GO SOX!" Enough said-Ame n, sister'

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