Computing in the Modern World

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Computing generally refers to the understand the problem from ground level rather than to know from top root. The word computing is as same as computer. In short computers are very useful tool in our day to day life without computer our life become very difficult.

Role of Computing in today’s Era

Corporate - We all are aware that today’s most of the corporate office is well equipped with modern and latest computer systems. Because most of tedious work is easily done with this machines. Finance - Today’s all the financial analysis is done with the help of this smart machines. By adoption of this machines they can save their precious time while dealing with the tedious work. Education - In most of the school and colleges all the work is done by the modern computers. In offices all the clerical work is become easy so it is very useful to generate student’s fee receipts, track students records also maintain the library system in a very effective way.

Animation - We have seen cartoons movies in our childhood so we wonder how this happens this is only possible because of animation software. Military - Now a day’s all the latest weapons, armour, missile, rockets are duly maintained by modern and smart computers. Hospitals - As per todays scenario most of the doctor’s work is done with the help of modern computer which helps to maintain all the patient information including tracking. Most of the operation, surgeries are done with the help of modern computers.

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