The Blue Train | June 2012

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Letter from the Editor Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu I suppose it is inevitable that the changing of the seasons always makes me think of the movement of time. Nothing makes you more aware of time ticking by than the continual movement of the seasons from one stage to the next. And as we hit the pinnacle of winter, I am reminded once again just how ungrateful and frivolous we are with the time that is given to us. As the days get increasingly colder and the number of extra blankets on our beds at night pile up, I often hear people complaining about the weather and longing for the return of the balmy days of summer. And yet, the exact same complaints are heard when the South African summer hits its full stride and the mercury ascends to the higher ends of the thermometer. It seems to be human nature to always be yearning for something other than what we have and to be constantly waiting, hoping and expecting something different in the future. Many of us spend our lives unconsciously repeating the mantra: “When I am… I will be happy/successful/fulfilled.” When I finish my studies, when I get a promotion, when I lose weight, when I get married, when my children have grown up... when these things happen, then, and only then, will everything miraculously fall into place and I will finally have attained that elusive state (but one which we are constantly lead to believe exists) of pure unadulterated happiness. As a result, many of us spend our lives chasing rainbows. Some of us will catch a few along the way, the lucky ones will catch more than most, but if we spend our lives anticipating the future, we end up wasting the greatest portion of the lives we are given by not appreciating every moment of the present. It is hard to fight against what is intrinsically a very human characteristic to always anticipate what is around the next bend, and to constantly wish for the greener grass on the other side, but I believe that for those who can get it right, true happiness lies in appreciating the present and finding small things every day that make us smile, or make us feel grateful or make us feel loved. In doing this, one also needs to learn to let go of our idealised ideas of “complete happiness” – a state where everything is perfect and everything is right. No such state of pure bliss exists, but contentment certainly does, punctuated by little moments every day – that if we take the time to recognise and appreciate – are what really make our lives worthwhile. My wish for you this month is to live in the present and to savour every moment of it – and what better place to start taking pleasure in the here and now, than on South Africa’s moving five-star hotel, The Blue Train? Enjoy the read and the ride.


THE BLUE TRAIN Pretoria, Gauteng Tel: +27 12 334 8459 Fax: +27 12 334 8464 Cape Town Tel: +27 21 449 2672 Fax: +27 21 449 3338 United Kingdom Tel: +44 1403 243619 Fax: +44 1403 217558 Central Europe Tel: +44 2089 245126 Fax: +44 2089 245126 United States Tel: 001 305 864 4569 Fax: 001 305 675 7693

EDITOR Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu

PUBLISHER Deidre Theron-Loots African Spirit Media (Pty) Ltd PO Box 11273, Hatfield, 0028 Tel: +27 861 THE MAG (843 624) Fax: +27 88 012 346 2367

Cover Image ©



The Blue Train

MANAGING EDITOR Nicky Furniss ADVERTISING SALES Estelle van der Westhuizen +27 84 821 7257 Nikki de Lange +27 83 415 0339 Robyn Shillaw-Botha +27 83 629 8818 IMAGES ©

DESIGN & LAYOUT Joanne Mc Laren Virtual Da Vinci Creative Room

PRINTING Business Print Centre, Pretoria CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Wilma den Hartigh/, Keith Bain, Niki Moore, Andrew Thompson, Emily van Rijswijck/, Bob Truda, Lize de Kock, Nicola Weir, Kgopi Mabotja/ The Blue Train Magazine is published monthly by African Spirit Media (Pty) Ltd. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of African Spirit Media (Pty) Ltd, The Blue Train or any of their clients. Information has been included in good faith by the publisher and is believed to be correct at the time of going to print. No responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions. No material (articles or photographs) in this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without specific written permission from the Publisher. Copyright © 2012. All copyright for material appearing in this magazine belongs to African Spirit Media (Pty) Ltd and/or the individual contributors. All rights reserved.

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