TBS Yizkor Memorial 5780

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Yizkor Memorial

PRAYERS AND READINGS Remembered by the Congregation

Page 3

Introduction to the Yizkor Memorial Service

Page 4

The Meaning of Yahrzeit

Page 4

We Must Not Expect Miraculous Healing

Page 5

I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains

Page 5

When You Walk in the Valley of the Shadow.....

Pages 6 - 7

The 23rd Psalm

Page 8

Blessed is the Match

Page 8

Yizkor for Israeli Soldiers

Page 9

Prayers for the Martyrs, Saints and Heroes of Israel

Page 9

Memory is Life

Page 9

We Remember

Page 10

In Memoriam

Pages 11 - 93

Yizkor Dates

Page 94

The Memorial Alcove

Page 94-95

Memorialized Loved Ones

Pages 96 - 112

Yizkor Service

Mishkan HaNefesh

Pages 538 - 607

El Male Rachamim

Mishkan HaNefesh

Page 598

Mourner’s Kaddish

Mishkan HaNefesh

Page 606

Many of the selections of the Memorial book were culled from THE TREASURY OF COMFORT by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg

REMEMBERED BY THE CONGREGATION Temple Beth Sholom records with deep sorrow, members and relatives of members who passed away during the past year. Their names are inscribed in our records and recalled in the Synagogue on the Sabbath during the week of the anniversary of death. *

Sherlee Holmes Aronson Cyndi Aronson deKruif Betty Yaffe Blake Claire Block Stanley M. Bloom Ruth Altman Broadbent Linda Brownstein Nina Bursztyn Sandra Cantor Roz Castle Ida Carlini Lewis Dan Donna Diamond Irene Dorfman Albert Dribin Pauline Ezersky Robin Fields Seymour Gelber Alan Gerson Herbert Leon Gopman Harriet Baker Greenberg Estelle Kisseloff Haber Andrew Hall Margaret Hartman Richard Holtz Eugene Howard Daniel Jonas Jeffrey Alan Jones Luba Kirsh Audrey Kosnitzky Marc Howard Kramer Donald Krasner

Allan Krieff Gladys Lawrence Jan Levin Saul Lewis Judith "Lela" Lindenfeld Gorsd Steven Lee Marco Rita Marcus Gertrude Mark Bill Meadow Barry Meiselman Ruth Meyerson Morhaim David Moskovitz Dolores Nathan Sonny Netkin Irene Panizzi Doris Pardo Joel Presser Rhona Raffel Morton Robinson Jeffrey Rosen Leonard Rosow Paul L. Rubin Mollie Rudt Jose M. Ruiz James R. Sabatino Irma Sara Samek Martin Sanchez Felipe Sanchez Gloria Scharlin Laurence D. Schwartz Fred Segal Joan Semsker 2

Dorothy Sheffman Stanley Siegel Lewis Silberman David Earl Singer Gloria Singerman Bernice Sir Eliecer Sredni Erna Stern Marvin Stonberg Richard Bernard Stone Harry Susskind Sara Sztylerman Caryl Rose Unger Craig Vance Alice Vinik K. Peter Wagner Lonne Weinstein Mark M. Weiss Alan B. Wolpert Zvi "Hugo" Yaacobi

* Before October 7


INTRODUCTION TO THE YIZKOR MEMORIAL SERVICE The Yizkor Memorial Service is a unique ritual of public worship. It combines the private personal prayers for our own beloved dead with the collective public recitation of prayers for all martyrs and saints and heroes of our faith and our people all through the ages. While there are four scheduled Yizkor Memorial Services throughout the year, the most widely observed - and one of the high points in the all day worship of the Day of Atonement - is the Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Hour. It is the time for every member of every congregational family in the vast household of Israel to pray together and to share together the cup of sorrow. The custom of absenting one’s self from the Yizkor Memorial Service because one’s parents are living has long outlived its original medieval meaning. For not only should all of us join in the public recollection of Israel’s martyrs and saints and heroes (even if we are still blessed with living parents), but is it not incumbent upon each and every one of us to recite a prayer of remembrance for the millions who were but recently cut off from the Household of Israel, and for whom there is no one left to recite the Yizkor?

THE MEANING OF YAHRZEIT (ANNIVERSARY OF A DEATH OBSERVANCE) The observance of the anniversary of a death goes back to Talmudic times. From those days down to the present, it has been customary to observe the day solemnly and to avoid feasting and celebration. The practice of kindling a Yahrzeit light in the home on the anniversary of the death is a universal one. The obligation to be present in the Synagogue to memorialize the departed on the Yahrzeit is a religious duty. The religious value of the Yahrzeit is in the spiritual link between each of us and our departed. Liberal Judaism sees in the Yahrzeit observance a moment of pause from the cares and anxieties of the world, when our beloved live again in the communion of prayer. We, of Temple Beth Sholom, recall our beloved in the fellowship of other worshippers on Friday evening and Shabbat morning in our Sanctuary. We gain strength as we praise God’s name in the Kaddish prayer for the gift of their lives. In our homes, we kindle the Yahrzeit light, a symbol of the faith and hope that does not falter. Many, on the occasion of a Yahrzeit, contribute to a worthy religious cause within the Temple, strengthening the work of our congregation. Thus, we build a bridge of sighs between the land of the living and the land of eternal life.


WE MUST NOT EXPECT MIRACULOUS HEALING Joshua Loth Liebman We must face grief without any expectation of miraculous healing but with the knowledge that, if we are courageous and resolute, we can live as our loved ones would wish us to live, not empty, morose, self-centered, and self pitying, but as brave and undismayed servants of the greater life. Rabbinic wisdom teaches this approach to grief in the following passages: “When the Second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, many Jews began to withdraw from life and sank into a state of depressed mourning for the sons and daughters of Israel that had perished and also for the Temple that had gone up in smoke. They refused to eat and to drink.” Rabbi Joshua said to them: “My sons, I know that it is impossible not to mourn, but to mourn excessively is forbidden." Why? Because that great Jewish sage felt that we human beings must think not only of the past but of the future. We are commanded by our religion to be the servants of life as long as we live.

I LIFT MY EYES TO THE MOUNTAINS A pilgrim song. I lift my eyes to the mountains; What is the source of my help? My help comes from the Lord. Creator of heaven and earth; God will not let your step falter; Your Guardian does not slumber. The Guardian of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers; God will be at your right hand to protect you. The Lord, your Guardian, will shelter you. The heat of the sun will not strike you by day; The light of the moon will not hurt you by night; The Lord will always guard you from all harm. The Lord will preserve your life; God will guard your going and your coming, From this time forth and forever. Psalm 121


WHEN YOU WALK IN THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW… Adapted from “A Guide for Liberal Jews“ By Rabbi Leon Kronish What Mourning Customs Are Observed? - When a loved one has died, what steps are to be taken? Inform the Rabbi immediately so that he/she can be of service and of solace. The Rabbi possesses that wisdom which flows out of his/her experience and out of the teachings of our tradition - and the faith of our fathers and mothers. That wisdom can sustain you when you walk in the “Valley of the Shadow.” When Does the Interment Take Place? - Burial should take place as soon as possible. On the other hand, it may be delayed as long as necessary for the family to assemble. Because in our mobile society, families are scattered and come from distant places. Burial may not take place on the Shabbat or on a holiday. Should a Child Attend Funeral Services In the Chapel And/Or at the Cemetery? - There is no patent answer to this question. Generally speaking, a child who loses a loved one in the immediate family should participate in the funeral rites. To what degree a child should be involved depends on many factors. Our experience teaches us that death and mourning should not be hidden from children. Since children vary greatly in emotional stability and maturity, it is wise to analyze this situation with the Rabbi to determine the degree of any child’s involvement in terms of attending the Chapel Service, participation in the Minyan for Kaddish, involvement in the observance of mourning and going to the cemetery. Sometimes it is right even for the very young to attend a funeral service, depending on their emotional maturity and special attachment to a loved one. What Rituals Should Be Observed? - It is best to discuss with the Rabbi the many “traditional rituals” and the variety of practices: black ribbons, flowers, cremation, mausoleum, shrouds, covering mirrors, the seven-day lamp, etc. While Liberal Judaism has arrived at some very definite attitudes toward many of these centuries-old customs, and has moved away from those which are rooted in superstition, it is wiser to deal with these within the framework of each family’s special needs and familial background. How Long is “Shivah?” - Shivah means seven and refers to the full week of mourning that is observed by many families. Most families will stay home for at least three days. It is customary for a Minyan (traditional quorum of ten) to assemble at the home of the bereaved family for the recitation of Kaddish (women as well as men are counted as part of the Minyan). It is best to determine the extent of mourning in consultation with the Rabbi.


When is the Kaddish Recited? - Kaddish is recited weekly at our Shabbat Services on Friday evening at 6:00 pm, and Saturday morning at 10:30 am, and at all festivals. During the first month of mourning - the traditional “Sh’loshim" the name of the deceased is read prior to the recitation of the Kaddish on Friday evening. When Do We Observe Yahrzeit? - It is our custom at Beth Sholom to observe Yahrzeits on the Shabbat which closes the week in which the Yahrzeit falls. The Yahrzeit date is observed in accordance with the Hebrew calendar unless the Temple office is otherwise instructed by family. When Do We Recite Yizkor? - Yizkor is recited on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret (eighth day of Sukkot), seventh day of Pesach, and on Shavuot. It is permissible to participate in the first Yizkor immediately after the loss of a loved one since we have no taboo about participating in the Yizkor service generally as Yizkor has always been considered traditionally a “public memorial service.” This aspect of the “public memorial service” has taken on additional meaning because of the unspeakable tragedy of the Jewish people during the Shoah, The Holocaust. When Do We Visit The Cemetery? - You can visit the cemetery at any time (except Shabbat and Holidays). Many people follow the custom of engaging in private meditation and prayer at the graves of loved ones during the High Holy Day season. We do not conduct any public memorial services at the cemetery because we believe that visiting the grave site of a loved one is essentially a private family matter. It is well to remember “that the memory of a loved one is honored best through the lives, deeds and thoughts of dear ones." (From the Liturgy for the Dedication of a Tombstone.) How Do We Memorialize a Loved One? - The Temple maintains a dignified “Memorial Alcove” where the names of our loved ones may be inscribed on individual bronze tablets. Friends and members of the family very often contribute Prayer Books, Torah Commentaries and other special gifts “in Memoriam.” When Do We Pay a Condolence Call? - It may be wise to let the family rest and meditate during the first afternoon and the first evening after the funeral. Sometimes close friends and relatives prepare or send a dinner to the house of mourning just after the funeral. It is a Mitzvah for friends and relatives to call on the family sometime during the Shivah period. Baskets of fruit and candy and cakes, etc. are not really necessary; it is much more meaningful to make contributions to a Torah Commentary Fund and a variety of other charitable causes in memory of the deceased. Always keep in mind that this is a time of severe stress and strain for the bereaved family and, therefore, a spirit of meditation and quiet should be maintained during your visit to the family. While it is true one wants to “cheer” the family, it is also important to remember that peaceful and quiet conversation achieves this end. And sometimes we can be a source of solace just by listening!


THE 23RD PSALM A Song of David. Eternal One, You are my shepherd, I shall not want. You make me lie down in green pastures, You lead me beside still waters. You restore my soul; You guide me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; with rod and staff You comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil, my cup is overflowing. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in Your house for ever.

BLESSED IS THE MATCH Blessed is the match that is consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret places of the heart. Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake. Blessed is the match that is consumed in kindling flame. ……Hannah Senesch


YIZKOR FOR ISRAELI SOLDIERS May God remember the sons and daughters of Israel, the faithful and the brave soldiers of the Zva Hagana Le-Yisrael (The Defense Forces of Israel), and the underground fighters and the fighting units in the ranks of the people who risked their lives in the struggle for the existence of Israel. May Israel remember and be blessed with its children and mourn for the youthful radiance and the heroic desire and the holy will and the dedication which were destroyed in the heavy battle. May the heroes of the wars of Israel, crowned with victory, be sealed in the heart of Israel forever.

PRAYERS FOR THE MARTYRS, SAINTS AND HEROES OF ISRAEL May God be mindful of the souls of all our brothers and sisters, departed members of the House of Israel who sacrificed their lives for the sanctification of Thy Holy Name and the honor of Israel. Grant that their heroism and selfsacrificing devotion find response in our hearts and the purity of their souls be reflected in our lives. May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, an everlasting blessing among us. Amen.

MEMORY IS LIFE Eternity exists because there is memory. Wherever deeds are recalled and the intensity of life is heightened, there can be found the worthwhileness of the human drama. If we walk in steps trod by others, if we grow in the sunlight of men, women and children who once planned and dreamed, memory becomes the invisible corridor joining together past, present and future. We record names in sacred places; we recall loved ones in hallowed moments. Memory, however, teaches us not only what to remember but also what to forget, how to forget hates and hurts; how to forget the bumps and the bruises of life. Memory provides us with the joy of going on despite the heaviness of the heart.


WE REMEMBER At the rising of the sun and at its going down we remember them. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter we remember them. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them. At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer we remember them. At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn we remember them. At the beginning of the year and when it ends we remember them. As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength we remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart we remember them. When we have joy we crave to share we remember them. When we have decisions that are difficult to make we remember them. When we have achievements that are based on theirs we remember them. As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.


... In Memoriam ... The following names are lovingly remembered by the family and friends of our Congregation

May their Memory be a Blessing


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Max Abend Rose Abend Sylvia Abend William Abramowitz Gussie Abramowitz Moe Abend Seema Blum Norman Rothstein Thelma Rothstein ......................................................................................... Mark Abend Stuart Abrams Stewart Lessel.......................................................................... Judy & Kevin J. Abrams Gertrude & Sidney Moskowitz ...................................................... Barbara Abraham Sam Rosenfield Julian Adams Natalie & Sam Altman Adolph & Yetta Rosenfield Rose Buchwach Hilda Benjamin Sis Altman David Drachler Clara Lewis ......................................................... Frank Adams & Annette Rosenfield Bernyce "Bunny" & Samuel I. Adler Sylvia & Herbert Adler Esther & Morris Adler Bernard Louis Abbott Ellen R. & Max Anker Jill & Stanley Arkin Benjamin Bedzow Mike Brodie Betty & Marvin "Mike" Cooper Pat & Marty Fine Mildred & Emanuel Greenwald Fred Havenick Florence Hecht Bunny & Arthur Horowitz Glenda & Stanley Friedman Esther & Jaime Goldenberg Ike Goldenberg Lea & Albert Goodman Allison Green Florence Green Erica Kaitz Joseph Klainman Sheila & Arthur Kline


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Bea & Richard Levy Joanne Levy Beatrice C. “Buddy” & Robert B. Mayer Robert N. Mayer Carolyn & Lenny Miller Phyllis & Dave Miller Sue & Leonard Miller Gary Ogen Marsha & Jerry Olin Ricky & Larry Paskow Civie & Earl Pertnoy Nathan Reiber Teddy Robbins Muriel Rudolph Marvis Schaecter Lois & Richard Schapiro Gloria & Howard Scharlin Fred M. Selling Ronald J. Selling Ruth & Samuel Shinensky Jay Siegel Val & Mort Silberman Marilyn Simon Marilyn & Harry Smith Linda Starr Mickey & Morton Teicher Annette & Sol B. Weiner Florence & Larlisle Weese Morris Weinstein ................................................ Judith & Michael Adler & Family Amanda & Matthew Adler & Family David Adler & Family Rachel & Alexander Schapiro & Family Sara Adler & Elliot Abbott Daniel Raiffe & Jaimie Mayer Laura & Jonathan Raiffe & Family Karen & Larry Greenwald & Family Gene C. Hirschberg ...................................................... Jill & Robert Adler & Family Dr. Howard & Mrs. Adell Agatston Dr. Harry & Mrs. Selma Fisher Mrs. Betty Deitch Ms. Ester Boyar Jacob & Sarah Boyarsky Edgar & Ruth Kaufmann ....................................................... Sari & Arthur Agatston


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Mona Obeid Akar ........................................................... Joseph, Virginia, Kaili, Kane & Jonathan Akar Dr. Gerald Albert Irene and Harold Dorfman Leona and James Albert Ronald Albert, Sr. ...................................................................... Bonnie Albert & Family Ronald L. Albert Leona & James M. Albert Gerald R. Albert Miriam & David Bass Robert T. Bass Jerome Seiler Pauline & Max Seiler Sharon R. Seiler Esther & Philip Silverstein E. David Rosen ............................................ Erin, Jason, Cyndy & Ronald Albert, Jr. Rosa Cohen Alfie & Nissim Alfie Nelly & Leon Gropper Abraham Alfie Isidro Gropper Aurelio Gropper Adolfo Alfie Salomon Alfie .......................................................................... Miguel N. & Rebeca Alfie Donald H. Altman, M.D. .................................................................. The Altman Family Harvey Altmark Morris Koloditzky Shirley Koloditzky Jean Koloditzky Rae and Al Altmark Steven Altmark Herbert Kornreich .................................................................................. Rosalie Altmark Virginia Claire Amazon & Jack Amazon Elmer Emory Wentworth & Annetta Elizabeth Wentworth Herbert & Pauline Franklin Georgia Slack ............................................................ Kip & Barbara Amazon & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Neal O. Amdur Florence & Isadore E. Hecht David Hecht Allen Herzl Amdur & Beatrice Amdur Luboff Abraham Luboff David Provus Anna & Jack Cooper Isadore & Goldie Stein Moe Silvers Steven & Barbara Amdur Fred Havenick Scott Amdur Norman Y. Stein & Sandy Klevenko Stein Sheila Kassewitz Norma Gordon ....................................................................................... Isabelle Amdur Alan & Nina Amdur Marc & Gina Amdur Adam & Justine Amdur Norman A. Arkin Mildred N. & Joseph L. Arkin Sarah & Nathan Arkin Stanley & Jill Arkin Sara & Charles Neidenberg Rebecca & Morris Taylor Elly & Jack Taylor Rose & Charles Flitman Etta & Harry Feldman Henny Jacobs Audrey Porte Trager Sally Simon ................................................................................. Shirley & L. Jules Arkin Rosalie Taylor Arkin Jerome R. Weinroth Edward I. & Eve Weinroth Albert & Bertha Dosik Samuel & Rebekkah Aronson Dena Goldstein Anne Peterson Joan Peterson Richard (Dick) Peterson Jerry Evans Loretta Fiferlik Jimmy Evans Cyndi Aronson deKruif Sherlee Aronson ............................................... Joanne & Daniel Aronson & Family Rori Nicole Atterman Julius & Fay Telowitz Zina & Gerald Wynne Dr. David & Lynn Dumas Russin Neal Amdur Shelia Kassewitz Dr. Michael Russin ....................................... Gail J. Atterman & Dr. Larry E. Wynne


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Samuel Sheres Claire Sheres .................................................................................................... Lisa Austin Hanan Z. Bacheikov & Helen S. Rapaport Mendel & Frida Vaisberg Benjamin Rapaport Adolph & Lena Rapaport Konstantin Rudnik Yakov Bichin Francine Bochakoff Ruvin Baskin ............................................................ Dr. & Mrs. Zalman H. Bacheikov Alan & Lenore Band Maurice & Ginny Cohn ........................................................... Michael & Marice Band David Barash Mildred Barash Jack Marin Miriam Marin ................................................................................. Wendy & Jeff Barash Edna & Herman Baron Miriam Garcia-Pedrosa Dorothy Kalinsky Zoraida & Jose Garcia Pedrosa, Sr. Philip H. and Claire Meistrich ......................... Marjorie Baron & Michael Spritzer Sylvia & Sydney Baron I. David Samuels Phillip Samuels Fanny & Jack Grober Moris Finkelsztein ..................................................................... Nikki & Richard Baron Sylvia & George Kalish ................................................. Judith & Samantha Barredo Rebeca & Hersz Mandel Bess & Howard Knobloch Bertha & Morris Niven Reina & Eliezer Papo Kathryn and William Johnston .................................. Rina & Jeffrey Bass & Family Jorge Bassuk .................................................... Bobbie, Lizzie, Larry & Jerri Bassuk Rose & Sam Srednick ........................................................................... Louise S. Bauer, Jill Bauer, Joy Bauer Lillian & Julius Wilner Jane & William Broderson Frieda & Ozias Wilner ........................................................................ Wendy W. Belkin Bernice Richman Sprung Rose Ellison Michael Beloff Gertrude & Hyman Richman Arthur L. Beloff ................................................................... Jonathan & Marisue Beloff


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Sarah & Joseph Switken Matthew Friedberg ............................................................ Ruth & W. Ronald Benoliel Salomon Benrey Jose Benrey & Judith Benrey Jose Maya & Sara Benrey Maya Isaac Benezra & Esther Benezra Nissim Morhaim & Sultana Morhaim Andre Roth & Margaret Roth Jeanne Roth Dr. Isaac Morhaim & Ruth Morhaim Zoltan Remeny ......................................... Jose, Oleva, Andrew & Jennifer Benrey Lynn Dumas Russin & David Russin Greta & Paul Bercow Rhoda & Herman Bercow Dotty & Abe Dumas Sonia & Saul Epstein Sarah & Lester Russin Isaac Epstein Wendy Wexler Leah & Irv Wexler David Dubrow Burton Siegal Wendy Block Yitzak Aloni Morey Lipton Arthur Sarnoff Merrily & Michael Russin ........................................................ Julie & Jeffrey Bercow James Berg Richard A. Harf Berg Linda Berg Mendez Morris Gutt & Tila de Gutt Alexander Gutt Camille Berg & Herman Berg Jonas Mishaan Marlene Haime Finvard Carlos Haime ............................................................................................... Marsha Berg Samuel Borsky Marilyn & Leonard Berko ........................................... Betty, Craig and Liam Berko Martha and Jay Borsky Rose E. Berkowitz, Nathan Berkowitz, E. Sidney Berkowtiz Paul Berkowitz Larissa Gerstel Roslyn Silberzweig .................................................. Vida Berkowitz & Fred Corman Yolanda & Jeffrey Berkowitz Felicia & Andrew Berkowitz Jolie & Michael Berkowitz Sandy Grossman & Richard Berkowitz


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Max A. Berman ......................................................................................... Anita Berman, Michael, Melinda, Sheryl, Herb, Peter, Emily & Gayle Freida Cohen & David Max Cohen Hallie Cohen Raymond Irving & Lila Radin Anna & Abraham Aronoff Irving and Morris Aronoff, Shirley Finkelstein Rebecca & Abraham Berman Elliott & Ira Cohen Carl, Joseph, Harry, Sally & Lydia Cohen Sylvia, Philip, Debbie & David Eibel Syd & Sidney Schwartz Sophie Skalet Abraham & Mildred Haymes Daniel Katz Marilyn Baumal Mildred, Joseph & Howard Schreiber Flora (Baba) & Albert Osin ............................................. Jocelyn Berman & Family Jack Bernstein Martha & Benjamin Bernstein Esta & David Levinson Evalyn & William Sagel Richard Gerstein .......................................................... Audrey L. Bernstein & Family Samuel Bild Rose and Bernardo Reyl Edith “Cookie� & Ephram Libbin ...................................................................,.. Ida Bild Jerry, Raquel, Sari & Moshe Libbin Vera & Paul Rosenbaum Edward Rosenbaum Mary & Moe Blaustein Seymour Blaustein Jerilyn & Franklyn Edwards & our beloved aunts, uncles & grandparents ................................................................. Donna & Arnold Blaustein Dr. Irving & Mildred Robbins Morton Bleicher ...................................................................... Ruth & Jeffrey Bleicher Jeremy, Seth & Drew Bleicher Jean & Nadyne Bloch .................................................... Marie-France & Paul Bloch Ann Judith Block Ronda Spielberg & Sheldon Spielberg Claire Spielberg & Emanuel Spielberg Scott Spielberg Goldie Block & Morris Block Yosef Lazarev & Tsepa Tarnopolskaya ................. Mark, Zhanna, & Anna Block


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Phyllis Adele Bloom, R.N. Henry Samuel Bloom, M.D. Helen Scheiman Louis Scheiman Erwin Stern Marta Stern Bertha Stern Lojos Stern ............................................................................... Beth Bloom, Lyle Stern, Jacob, Oliver & Emily Stern Sonia Blumenthal Leo & Hilde Blumenthal Gunther & Ligia Friedeberg ...................................................... Ramon Blumenthal Mr. Kenny Eldridge Mr. & Mrs. James Knopke Dr. Phillip Knopka Mrs. Ethel Mayrsohn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Knopke Mr. & Mrs. Casper Mayrsohn Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Boritz Mr. & Mrs. Morris Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boris Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Polskin Mr. Jack Mayrsohn Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Mayrsohn Miss Tema Schechter ...................................................................... The Boritz Family Valda Borukhin Semyon Zaitsev ............................................................................. Eric & Mira Borukhin


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Linda & Martin Boyask ................................................ Katy Boyask & Ross Boyask

Always in our hearts


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Dr. Leonard Bram ................................................................................... Benjamin Bram Henry Braman Katie & Harry Braman Joyce Braman Sophie & Harry Miller Linda Fenner Marvis Schaecter Max Vederman Rita Goodman Dr. Richard Helfman Mel Greenberg Sam Adler Jay Segal Howard Scharlin Rabbi Leon Kronish Jesse Rich Isabel and David Etter Edward Krakow Michael Krakow Joseph Vederman Esther & Samuel Vederman Jill Arkin Leonard Miller Robert Blumenthal Zev Auerbach Mike Cooper Martin Fine Kenneth Schwartz .................................................................. Irma & Norman Braman Ena Peppercorn Evelyn & Carl Peppercorn Sylvia & Lou Gottlieb Frances & Benjamin Reder Harry & Dot Bratter ................................................ Samantha, Joshua & Max Bratter Richard & Esther Broad Meyer & Helen Kotler Hortensio Barrionuevo Fakion & Sophia Haralambous Petrona Rios Gary Duboff Jane Marcus Michael Kotler Jack Malkin .................................................................................. Eric and Jaqui Broad


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Esther & Richard Broad (Grandma Essie & Popi) Hanna & Max Erenstein Fannie & Solomon Broad Esther & Sam Erenstein Jerry Erenstein Gary Duboff Edna and Pete Cauff, Edda Cauff Stienberg Helen & Meyer Kotler (Nana & Poppop) Jon Sander “Sandy” Block, Jay Weiss Willie Stargell, Dock Ellis Hal Rosenberg Dr. Debbie Friend Isaac Camber Jo Asmundsson Larry Garland Jack Malkin Jerry Roseman Lenny Lavine Naomi Schrager Sherman Herb Rosenberg ............................................................ Howard Broad & Eric Broad Helen & Meyer Kotler John Sussman Eleanor Sussman David Sussman Esther & Richard Broad Gary Duboff Kressie Rothbarth Milton Kotler Jane Marcus Norman Marcus Joan & Sam Kotler Robert Slewett Selma & Joseph Packar Millie & Robert Kutner Myron Shalm Bert Kotler Chip Kutner Michael Kotler Rose Kotler Winkler Lewis Cagen Debra Holland Rita Marcus ......................................................................... Judith Kotler Broad & Eric Myron “Mike” Brodie Ray Brodie & Irving Brodie Anna Glovsky & Moses Glovsky Stuart Brodie Leo Brodie David Brodie ...................................................................... Charlotte Brodie & Family William Brown Hortense Brown ................................................................. Joel Brown & Linda Zilber


... I n M e m o r i a m ... Roslyn Canfield ...................................................................................................... Bill Canfield Marla & Mike Clark Matthew, Madeline, Dylan, Ethan


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Jean & Henry Bryn ......................................................................................... Mark Bryn Joan Gallant Puldy Alvin Burger ....................................................... Andrew & Michele Burger & Family Irving Bussel Elie Bussel & Yetta Schwartz Bussel Shepard Broad & Ruth Kugel Broad Dora Rote-Rosen Kugel & Morris Kugel Solomon Kugel Abram Rote-Rosen & Rose Mevsos Rote-Rosen Morris Broad ............................................................................ Ann B. Bussel & Family Isaac Camber Rachel & Boris Camber Betty & A. Ernest Woolfe Minnie & Louis Miller Rachel & Jacob Woolfe Hannah & Isaac Camber Celia & Moses Kagan Joyce & Tevey Woolfe Beatrice Sherman Morris Broad Carole W. Langer Dina & Jeffrey Knapp Alice Melzer .............................................................................. Diane Camber & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Mark A. Cannon - a loving husband and father Michael Y. Cannon - a loving father and grandfather Dora Epelbaum - a loving mother grandmother and wife — Annette, Hershel & Hailey Cannon


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Francis Kasdan John Kasdan Amy Chanin Harry Chanin Cliff Chanin .................................................................................. Carol & Drew Chanin Arlene Chaplin Rae & Morris Chaplin Burton Sherman Sidney Chaplin Sadie & Julius Sherman Morris Cohen Sydney Cohen Walter J. Jahn Isidore A. Becker Jay W. Weiss Elliot Dinnerstein Jack Goldberg Al Gottfreid Irving Pardo Mary Terner Salomon Jove Bertram Klein Frank Gilbert Rabinowitz ............................................................... Harvey R. Chaplin Karen & Paul Chaplin & Family Arlene & Wayne Chaplin & Family Terry & Fred Jove & Family Mae & Nathan Orlen Molly & Isadore Bruman Lena & Abraham Orlen Eileen Breier Mary Terner Stephen Feinstein Frank Gilbert Rabinowitz ...................................... Roberta O. & Harvey R. Chaplin Steven Chaykin... ............................................. Melissa Chaykin & Sydney Chaykin Carl Chestler Hilda & Mitchell Litvin Leo & Raye Chestler ............................................................................ Judith Chestler Victor Choeff ............................................................................. Ralph Choeff & Family Ellen Chopp ................................................................... Harold, Jon, Stacey, Lauren, Aliza, Adam & Dana Chopp


... In Memoriam ... REMEMBERED BY


Max & Patricia Citrin Ida & Jack Stoler Lillian Lichten Edwin & Kathryn Bowers MaryAnne & Meta Bowers Kathleen Essig Esther Leiman Abraham Leiman & family Beryl & Chaika Stoller Rabbi Harry Jolt Bernard Simon Hedwig Goldstein Herbert Warner Joyce Lichten ................................................................... Charles, Deborah, Michelle, Hannah & Ethan Citrin Simon & Helen Silberg Leon & Elaine L. Cohen Sadie Salin ........................................................................... Kenneth & Sandra Cohen Aaron Cohen ............................................................................................. Patricia Cohen Franklin Blecher Dr. Elliott C. Cohen Dorothy & Dr. Harry Cohen Rose K. & Eugene J. Weiss Rita Hohenberg Dinah & Morris Cohen Sylvia L. & Marvin Landwehr Jeffrey Landwehr Charles Purcell Steven Fuchs Gladys & Fred Weiss Albert Mintus & Iris Weiss Mintus Ann Weiss Gerald & Marilyn Weiss Bernard Lowenbraun Rose & Morris Miller Rae & Julius Weiss Tillie & Jacob Light Ruth & Sam Kornfeld Bert Kornfeld Jack Zilin Evelyn Magolnick Betsy & David Blecher Stanley Blecher Josh Blecher Helen Lieberman Jill Richman Biederman Pearl & Saul Rosenthal Peter Goldsmith Myra Farr Rita & Stanley Weiss Jerry Goldsmith Peter Goldsmith Solomon Lichter Lottie Goldsmith Ellen Goldsmith .................................................................... Judith I. Cohen-Blecher


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Bert Cohn Bianca Cohn ................................................................................................... Peter Cohn Cantor David Conviser Robert Conviser Elias Conviser, Fanny Conviser, Lionel Conviser Rose Starr, Joseph Starr Etta Pearl, Meyer Pearl Ruth Starr, Dinah Starr, Irving Starr, Martin Starr Sylvia Samberg Ann Singer Barbara Bell ................................................................................................... Eve Conviser Eleanor “Elly” Cristol Esther T. Rubin, Donald F. Rubin Mae S. Cristol, Samuel Cristol ............................................................... A. Jay Cristol Dr. Hubert Curson ......................................................................... The Curson Family June Doctor Davis Louis A. Davis Pauline & Jack Albert Bessie & Nathaniel Broidy Kate & Charles Doctor Mimi & Arthur Davis David Lipan Alan Sirota Marilyn Sternberg Rabbi Harry Jolt Marie Dodd Beverly Durham Adam F. Durham Sheldon Rose Jo Asmundsson .......................................... Robert, Natalie, Joshua & Naomi Davis Ann Davis & David Durham William Laurance Donner Herbert Steele Rose Werner Sylvia Steele ...................................................................... Judge Amy Steele Donner Lee Steele Izach Marcus Brett Abrahmsohn ....................................................................................... Aaron Dribin Samuel & Muriel Nash Florence & Albert Dribin Brett Abrahmsohn Helen & Saul Nash Norman & Roselle Garfield Martin & Cynthia Nash Louis Lipschitz ........................................................... Lori & Michael Dribin & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Irving and Lillian Nelson Donald and Marcia Paley Nelson Judge Ted & Sarah Nelson David Drucker Harry Drucker Elsie & Sigmund Drucker Louis Drucker Lillian & Isidore Nelson Shepard Nelson Julia Varady ................................................................................. Judy Nelson Drucker Sondra Dryfoos ........................................................................ Adriana, Glenn, Louis & Sabrina Dryfoos


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Carole Samet ..................................................................... Tracey Stein & Josh Dubin and their families Gary Duboff Joan Spero Kotler & Samuel Kotler Mildred & Irving Duboff Jane & Howard Bubis Helen & Meyer Kotler Milton Kotler Kressie Rothbarth Fay & Morris Orzan RIchard Furlong Phyllis Kaufman Bert Kotler Robert Slewett Rose Kotler Winkler & Harold Leighton Winkler Dr. Michael Justin Kotler Annie & Isaac Kotler Loren & Betty Spero ................................................... Caryn Duboff, Howard Orzan Mason & Kori Duboff Beatrice & Mort Cherry Stanley Dubrow David Matthew Dubrow ........................................................ Neil & Caron Dubrow Sara Lee & Samuel Taub Margaret & Samuel Edelstein Bernard Edelstein .......................................................... Andrea & Chuck Edelstein, Craig, Dawn & Isaac Edelstein, Marc, Karen, Rachel, Matthew & Sara Edelstein Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Savage Mr. & Mrs. Samson Ellenbogen Judge & Mrs. Henry Ellenbogen Mr. Kurt Ellenbogen Lugi Sanchez Tapia Alfonso Jaraiz Pardo ................................................................ Judith L. Ellenbogen Stanley Epstein .......................................................................................... Pearl Epstein Steven & Randi Greenspan Shelley, Rikki & Josh Kenneth Epstein ................................................... Pearl Epstein, Kathleen Epstein, Eric Michael & Alex Steven & Randi Greenspan Shelley, Rikki & Josh Myrtle Koller Theodore M. Epstein Bertha Epstein Jacob Epstein Morris Cohen Sarah Cohen Deborah Epstein ....................................................................... Roger & Grant Epstein


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Andre Muhlberger Luda Podosinovik .............................................

Roger Epstein & Katerina Waugh

Ghidali Nulman & Jose Nulman Miguel & Broncha Exelbirt & Frida Exelbirt .................. Clara & Menashe Exelbirt Bessie & Abe Halperin Murray Feiner Dr. Max Gratz Jerry Halperin & Beverly Halperin Schroeder ................................ Judith Feiner “Denny� Feinsilver Betty Terkel and Maury Terkel Sherwin Schilling Claire Meskin Irwin Feinsilver Netty Enoch & Victor Enoch Claire Feinsilver ..................................................................... Paul Feinsilver & Family Morris J. & Dora E. Fine Yu, Shien Tsun ......................................................................... Sharon & Albert Fine Anita Fitelson .................................................................................. The Fitelson Family Eva Freeman Edythe Freeman Steve Cline Blanche Cline ...................................................................................... Paul H. Freeman Ralph & Frances Friedland Irving & Lena Kipnis Louis & Leah Schechter Mitchell Friedland Theodore Kipnis Susan Lowell .................................................................... Allan & Priscilla Friedland Frances G. Rosenzweig Leonard H. Shapiro Bessie Isser Steven Mirmelli Sarah Silberman Edith Perlman Howard A. Engle & Brooke Engle Wilbur H. Friedman Ruth Mirmelli Gilman ............................................................. Linda & Fred Friedman Marc, Hilary, Joseph & Andrew Lester Friedman ................................................................................ Rosalyn Friedman Hyman Manes ....................................................... Rosalyn Friedman & Sonia Manes


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


George Friedwald Herman Berman Estelle Berman Philip Berman Harvey Berman Laura Friedwald Lynn Friedwald Lenore Friedwald ........................................................... Sandra Friedwald & Family David Edward Lehr Isaac Fryd Pearl & Charles Tager Mary & Oscar Lehr Bessie & Ben GIller Paul Elliot Giller Harold & Joyce Srenco Oded Fried ................................................................ Alison & Michael Fryd & Family Isaac Fryd Ben & Bessie Giller Marcella Heiman Paul Elliot Giller Eugene Charles Heiman Sarah Richardson Dr. Howard Engle Lazar Braun Irene & Julius Spierer Manfred Hansman ........................................................................................ Carol Fryd Karen & Jonathan Fryd & Family Richard B. Furlong, M.D. Susie Straus Jacobs Paul James & Estelle Furlong Bernice & Alexander Straus Sylvia & Henry Edelman Ginger & Benjamin Shechter Stanley Roth Mimi & Sollie Kaplan Jacob & Florence Gruber Gary Duboff Harold Unger, M.D. .................................................................. Robin Straus Furlong Jeffrey, Daniel, Sarah, Morgan, Ethan & Nolan


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Edward & Sophie Ades Gabrieloff Yael Gabrieloff Samuel Pauline Ades Safdieh Marlene Volovitz Tamara Gabrieloff Behor & Yoshua Gabrieloff Michelle Pinto Clara Friedeberg Clara & Reuben Volovitz Raquel & Jose Esquenazi Mazal & Aba Gabrieloff Salomon & Frieda Perleman Raquel Esquenazi Toledo Jenny Credinciosu Ziva Kozainoff Savil David Safdieh Melanie Rosen Ralph Jacobson Donna Harrick Rabbi Shimon Sarfati Aaron & Frieda Harrari Ades .................................. Francine & Michael Gabrieloff Zelda & Jules Channing Sophie & Robert Gaffin Davida & Charles Lenhoff Stanley Jeffee Andrew Hall Robbie Herskowitz .......................................................................... Jill & Harold Gaffin Jerome Bernstein Elaine Nevler Merle Wheeler Paul Galbut Ethel Galbut Richard Menin Linda Menin Miriam Menin Barry Menin ................................................................................................ Jared Galbut Betty Dlugacz Milton Dlugacz Jordan Dlugacz Sarah Goldenberg Blanche Goldenberg

......................................................................... Barbara T. Ganz

Dora Drescher ............................................................................ Steven & Gayle Gayer Milton Gaynor Bessie & Isidore Gaynor Lillian & Godfrey Perell Stephen S. Perell Steven Ross ........................................................................... Lenore Gaynor & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Julia Gelb & Frank Gelb Chucha Hofman & Natan Hofman Leon Levy Susana Levy & Jaime Victor Levy Victor Choeff Eugene Landesman Frank Shear ................................................................................. Gladys & Martin Gelb Seymour Gelber Edith Gelber Walter Barker Irene Schwitzman Shirley Presant Zachary Ross Lee David Lee ................................................................... Barbara Gelber & John Barker


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Seymour Gelber Zachary Lee David Lee Mary Lee Howard Lee Abe & Minnie Schwitzman Harry & Jean Kurtzer Virginia Anne Ormiston Irving & Paula Levine Edith Gelber Irene Schwitzman Shirley Presant .............................................................. Judy Gelber & Steve Kurtzer Josh Lee

Zachary Lee, always in our hearts


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Robert & Muriel Glenn Bettina Aronson Saul & Adele Geronemus Faye Geronemus Babe & Minnie Angel ....................................................... Mara & Adam Geronemus Annette Gerson Harry Gerson Sheldon Gerson Wilhemina Luycks Jacques Luycks Marvin Green Moshe Rodas Dr. Robert Bass Ronald Seiden David Perlman Ted Finkel David Glatt Lloyd Ruskin ................................................................................. Gary & Niety Gerson Toni & Abraham Herscovitz Andrew Herris Bob Bernard Herris Virginia and Irv Herris Brunell Bransfield Merton Gettis Seymour Gelber ............................................................................... Estabell H. Gettis Futterman/Correa Families Joshua Isaac Glickstein Harriett & Barnard Glickstein Berta & Sam Schwarz Ruth Jenny Teitelbaum Rosa & Moses Schwarz Ida & Isidor Glickstein Jenny & Koppel Meyer Rachel & Louis Newhouse Berta Tabak Deborah Fradin Sandra Battaglia Dorothy Battaglia Sally Feldman Eric Benveniste Yaara Meir Esther & Gad Meir Eric Lederman Myra Farr Jerry Fradin ............................................. Joanie & Rabbi Gary Glickstein & Family Dr. Maurice Goldberg Kate & David Roe Gertrude & Julius Goldberg .................................................... Joyce Roe Goldberg


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Randy C. Golden Estelle Bougess Hoffman & Everett Meyer Hoffman Gladys Sangerman Golden & Raymond Golden Phyllis Hoffman Goldsmith & Stanley Goldsmith Lois & Harvey Hoffman Barbara & Jerome Sangerman Gwen & Ernest Bougess Celia & William Sangerman Bessie & Sam Golden Sarah Bougess Sherman & Jack Bougess Frances & Harry Hoffman Fannie Bougess Harris Barbara Schwartz Wayland ........................................... The Goldens & Hoffmans Stephen Goldstein Lillian & Joseph L. Goldberg Blanche & Daniel Goldstein Hank Olesky Mildred & Al Jankowitz Mary J. Siegfried Pauline & Moe Thau Joel Jankowitz Charles & Cara Goldberg Fannie Goldberg Naomi Lee .............................................................................................. Janet Goldstein Sanford Goodman Aaron Kapiloff Dorothy Kapiloff .............................................................................. Cynthia Goodman Ray Goodstone Bernard Max Weiss Rosalyn Weiss Gross Dr. Martin Gross Bert & Ellen Goodstone Martin Goodstone Estelle & Harold Goodstone Ronnie Miller Hasday Ida & Harry Meyer Lisa & Max Weiss ................................................................... The Goodstone Family Irvin & Minnie Salsbury Ruth Salsbury Max & Bertha Gratz Ruth Gratz Berger ........................................................................ Dale & Charles Gratz Sylvia & Joseph Gray Bob & Ronnie Cherkin Harlan Quittner Marty Kapkin Isabel Agudelo ........................................................................................... Keith A. Gray


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ben & Celia Ross David & Shirley Green Marvin M. Green ......................................................... Marcia Ross Green & Family, Amanda Green, Amy & Mark Friedman, Michael & Camryn David & Shirley Greene Anna, Edward, Cyrus, Sam,, Hy & Sol Mintz Ruth & Harry Jaffe Celia & Ben Ross .................................................................... Marcia Green & Family Charles M. & Bernice K. Greenberg Jacob D. & Lillian E. Greenberg Fred & Esther Kandel ..................................................... Jackie Greenberg, Richard, Lily & Ben French Julius & Bertha Greene Rae R. Cohen Ronni Shapiro .......................................................... Judith Greene & Lisa Sanders Esther Greenspan Charles Greenspan ........................................................ Steven & Randi Greenspan Shelley, Rikki & Josh Gloria & Reuben Alfred Ruth & Richard Grey .............................................................................. Robert J. Grey Eunice Groff Philip & Tillie Lubin Irving & Shirley Allen Irwin & Vivienne Groff Ethel L. Niceley Julian H. Groff Marty Lubin Norman E. Lubin Irving Berger Dr. Sylvan Shotz ....................................... Shelley, Jonathan, Aaron & Emily Groff Kenneth Robert Grossfeld ....................... Marie, Brooke and Madison Grossfeld Frances S. & Norman M. Giller Edith & Leo Grossman Esther & Morris Giller Dora & Samuel Schwartz David & Sala Grossman Isaac Horowitz ...................................................... Elliot & Anita Grossman & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Esther Steiner Martin J. Steiner Lillian Rosen Lottie Steiner Harry Streim Edith Streim Jack Steiner Josephine Steiner Jack Grusby Sally Grusby Martin Grusby Phyliss & Sidney Lipson .......................................................... Lynne & Alan Grusby Marsha Satuloff & Richard Streim Robert Charles Haas Estelle Roslyn Haas Dr. Louis Haas Louis S. Katz, Gertrude R. Katz Martha E. Steele, Reece C. Steele Fred C. Nance & Neelie Steele Nance Martha Smith ..................................................................... Cantor Steven & Nina Haas Abraham & Thelma Haft Jessie Bober Gladys & Ralph Kaplan Jack & Norma Haft Gaines Barbara Kaplan Mofsky Sherman Kaplan Donald A. Kaplan Barbara Sater Haven Pauline Sater Marvin Green Herbert Stein Agnes Orloff ................................................................................ Arlene & Richard Haft Caroline & Jerome W. Halpern Rose Lowe ................................................................................ Midge & Mark Halpern Ethel & Jack Zebitz Myrtle & Philip Harris Dora Cassin Morris Cassin Clara & Joseph Chaiken Jacob Chaiken Bertha & Louis Zebitz Nathan Zebitz ............................................................................ Leslie & Gerald Harris Max W. Harris .................................................................................. Martha & Lisa Harris


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Elizabeth Georgel Helen McElfresh Marion A Harris M. Arthur Harris & Lori Harris Royal Flagg Jonas Daniel Eric Jonas ....................................................................... Mary Harris & Family Mollye R. Harris, Joseph H. Harris, Vera Harris Louis Rinzler, Rivka Rinzler ................................................................... Rose L. Harris Carol R. Stone Ben & Eva Hartley Jack A. Hartley Nathan Reiber ......................................................................... Keith & Andrea Hartley Freddie Havenick Florence & Isadore E. Hecht David Hecht Goldie & Isador Stein Beatrice & Barnett Stein Moe Silvers Tillie & Arnold Havenick Nancy Fiverson Neal O. Amdur Leona Seidler Janet Yulman Norman Stein & Sandy Kivenko ............................................ The Havenick Family Donald Erlanger Birdie Erlanger Anne Madorsky & Max Madorsky William Korash & Ida Korash Eugene Korash Nat Korash Connie Hellman Dora Hellman Sheila Kline Marty Kleiman Sydell Sandler Marilyn Bloom & Herb Bloom Lois Meitus Betty & Marvin “Mike� Cooper .......................................... Marilyn & Carl Hellman Nard Helman Tom & Shirley Kravitz Max & Hilda Helman Charles & Rachel Kravitz Ben Kravitz Oscar Kravitz Isadore Kravitz Adolph & Jennie Kahn Robert & Dorothy Kahn Leon & Rita Korman Sol Coen ................................................................................................. Bonnie Helman


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Francine Kaufman Helen Snyder Judy Hertzberg Arthur Hertzberg .................................................... Jill & Robert Hertzberg & Family Benjamin Hildebrandt Dorothy Hildebrandt Jerry Hildebrandt Jacob Hildebrandt Miriam Hildebrandt Sydney Jacobson Elsie Hess Joseph Singer Rose Singer Leonard Glasser Estelle Glasser Ida Turetsky Seymour Rubin Jonathan B. Laskin Florrie Neufeld Sanford Hildebrandt Lisa Druckman Edythe Dreverman ....................................... Jo Ann & Mark Hildebrandt & Family Roslyn A. Hirschl Dr. Edward Hirschl Abraham G. Cohen Clara Cohen Joseph Hirschl Sophie Hirschl Louis Levine Blanche Kaiser Harry Kaiser Melvin Kaiser Rose Miller Hattie Laba Walter Turken Michael Milenko Jack Parker Harold Levine A. Jay Kaiser Dorothy Blau ................................................................ Dr. Andrew & Debbie Hirschl Alejandrina Valdes Norma Matias Lillian & Norman Hirsh ............................................. Dolores, Jeffrey & Kevin Hirsh Mae and Jack Golum Jennie & Joseph Olesky Martha and Ben Golum Herb Hoffman ..................................................................... Sharon & Jamie Hoffman


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Irving Holtz Doris Holtz Gary Holtz ............................................................................................ Jonathan J. Holtz Dr. Michael L. Horwitz Abraham Simberg Dr. Stephen Horwitz ......................................................... Shirley Horwitz & Family Gene Howard Dr. Julian & Reba Sterling, M.D. Brian Mitchell Sid Howard .................................................................................. Elsie Sterling Howard Heidi & Aaron Tandy Liz & Murray Brown

Our beloved Poppa Geno smart, generous, kind, motivational, competitive - the most wonderful man


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Diane Minowitz Hannah & Dave Hurwitz Mollie & David Fogel .......................................... Brad, Tiffany, Roan & Isla Hurwitz Meyer & Martha Rosen Hyman & Sylvia Hurwitz ........................................................... Kathy & Larry Hurwitz Harvey Altmark Leslie Paul Hyde Wilbur M. Shurr Esther Shurr Etta Reich Steven Altmark Rae Altmark Al Altmark Murray Kolod ............................................... Dr. Jonathan & Judith Hyde & Family Irving Hyman Bertha Hyman Abraham Lifland Ray Lifland Leonard Lifland Thelma Lifland Ida Cohn Rubin Cohn Solomon Hyman Rose Hyman Max Cohen Celia Cohen Demax Dorfman Willard Holbert ....................................................... Dr. & Mrs. Alan Hyman & Family Adam S. Jackson ................................................ Linda, Kevin and Danny Jackson Donald Jacobson Dorothy & Maurice Gordon Anne & Benjamin Jacobson Sonia Frank To my mother and father, How fortunate I am to have been taught the important values in life. Since family was always so important to you, I have enjoyed the blessings of my closest and dearest. To Donald, a loving husband and father, You are missed every day. How fortunate I was to have had so many beautiful years with you. Lola Jacobson Dr. Robert J. Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Morris Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Max Alperstein Jerry Jaffe Jerry Alberts Lillian King Stella Jaffe Torres ......................................................................................... Bunny Jaffe Cherie Jonap ....................................................................................... Jessica Jonap


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Dr. Martin & Mrs. Fanny Kerlan Dr. Lewis & Mrs. Sylvia Julien Sylvia Julien Dr. Irving Kerlan ........................................................................... Joyce & Bruce Julien Stanford Kane Robert Braman Sonia & Jerome Green Sylvia & Samuel Satinsky Ann & Edwin Braman Selma & Samuel Kane ................................................................. Julie & Jeffrey Kane Israel & Tillie Kaplan Harry & Pearl Mendell Stanley Mendell Judy & Melvin Solomon Sandy & Sam Sugarman ......................................................... Morty & Linda Kaplan Ian Kaplan Howard & Andrea Kaplan Lauren, Joshua, Jared, Jordan & Joelle Kaplan


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Paula T. Karson (Nama) Charlyne Meyer Ron Nitzberg ........................................... Jared, Micah, Lily, Arden & Jack Karson Andrea Nitzberg

Dr. Robert Magoon (Doc) ................... Jared, Micah, Lily, Arden & Jack Karson Ruth & Julius Kasdin Sara & Samuel Sztylerman Mindla & Moises Abramchik Sonia & Leizor Sztylerman Sheila Barr Ruth Hodes Scott A. Kasdin Albert Abrams .................................................... Ana, Neisen, Julian & Eric Kasdin Ted Klein Sara Klein Rabbi Maurice Klein Sam Kassenoff ................................................................ Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Sheila Kassewitz Lewis F. Cohen Ida & Harry Laskin Jessie & Mortimer Cohen Alice & Morris Agid Phyllis (Pete) & Harold Kassewitz .................................. Lauri & Randy Kassewitz, Jackson, Hallie & Georgia Bertha Supper Helen Wagner .......................................................... Diane & Bruce Katzen & Family Marvin Kaufman ....................................................................... Cheryl, Dana, Lindsay & Spencer Kaufman Molly & Louis Kenin Marjorie & Leonard Wien Carl M. Baumann .......................................................................... Josie & David Kenin Theodore R. Kipnis Lena & Irving Kipnis Leah & Louis Schechter Susan Lowell ................................................................................................. Pearl Kipnis Gordon & Kay Okerman Andrew & Kay Okerman Gerald & Marie Huebschwerlen Dr. & MariaTerleki Etta & Aaron Weintraub Minna Benson Sam Benson Philip Kirsh Jack Kirsh Morris Kirsh Riva Sterling ........................................................... Bill, Andrea, Aaron, Andrew Kirsh Luba & Morris Kirsh Samuel & Michla Kleidermacher Gladys & Victor Grieco Harry & Ida Skolnik John Steve Neal ....................................................... Paul & Amanda Kleidermacher Samuel Kleiner .............................................................................................. Gary Kleiner Ira Klinger ..................................................................................................... Shari Klinger Dr. Nathan S. Knoll Lillian Knoll Celia Knoll Morris Knoll Rose Holtz Jacob Holtz Louis Perlman ............................................................................. Dr. & Mrs. Fred Knoll Susan Knoll Gottlieb


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Yetta & Fred Paletz Bernard & Rose Ross .................................................................... The Koonin Family Harry & Audrey Kosnitzky Lisa Kosnitzky Betty Ann Pappas ...................................... Michael, Suzanne & Zachary Kosnitzky

First High Holy Days without Audrey who has now joined Harry and Lisa They are loved and missed


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Manuel & Mildred “Midge” Riskin Lois RIskin Kotzen Stacy & Robert Budowsky & Family Michal & Andy Koren & Family Dean & Rosa Kotzen & Family

Always in our hearts and minds

Cal Kovens Bradly Kovens Ann Mark Trudy Moore ................................................................................................. Roz Kovens Edward & Minnie Kraftsow Bianca & Alfred Lindzon Isadore & Grace Redlus ................................................... Eric & Tammy Kraftsow Corey, Brett, Sloane & Tyler


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Isadore & Grace Redlus Edward & Minnie Kraftsow Edward Redlus Bianca Lindzon ...................................................................... Stan & Carole Kraftsow Joyce Etkin Harold Kramer Susan Bodner Etkin Ruth Etkin & Ben Etkin Sonny Septimus & Carrie Septimus Valerie Septimus-Marrero Norman Green Ann Gluckstein Gladys Goldberg & Sidney Goldberg Dr. Shulamit Katzman Horty Luchnick ....................................................... Peter Kramer & Liz Etkin-Kramer Marc H. Kramer Michael H. and Lola J. Kramer Pauline& Hymie Tenenbaum Arnold and Sandy Mannis Carrie Kirk Moises Simpser Robbie Segal Miriam Kramer Marsha Alexander Kevin White Larry Costanza Terry & Sol Stafford ................................................................................. Tracy Kramer


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Rabbi Leon Kronish Lillian Kronish Maxine Hope Kronish Snyder Jordan Kronish Lena Kronish Max Kronish Sarah Austin Adolph Austin Muriel Wasserman Seymour Wasserman Bruce Austin Mantis ............................................... Rabbi Dr. Ron Kronish & Family Nicolas Kupferman Ruth & Samuel Kupferman Irene Iardelevsky Elena and Mario Iardelevsky Estera Aspis ....................................................................................... Kupferman Family Rabbi M. William Kurry Ellen Shapiro Kurry ........................................................................... The Kurry Family Helen Kotler & Meyer Kotler Milton Kotler Joan & Sam Kotler Rose Kotler Winkler & Harold Winkler Kressie Rothbarth Robert Kutner Gary Duboff Dr. Richard Furlong Joseph Kutner Fritzi Wulf Norman Marcus John Sussman Eleanor & David Sussman Mildred Kutner Selma Packar Robert Slewett Michael Kotler Bert Kotler Kenny Rubin ...................................................................................... The Kutner Family Ruth Notowitz Paul Notowitz Bart Notowitz Elizabeth Pokres Kleinberg Pearl Anna Kutun Rubin Kutun .................................................................................... Judy & Barry Kutun


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Edith Land, Jack Land William O. Land, Blanche Land Fay Levinson, Newton Levinson Howard Levinson Anna Miller, Henry Miller Mollie Land, Morris Land Rosalind Sheldon, Mannie Sheldon Beulah Land Roslyn Kreitman, Dr. Julius Kreitman Henry J. Bierig, Helga Bierig Perry Winokur Gary Kreitman, M.D Edward Ellis Levinson .................................................................. Vicki & Allan Land Jacqueline & Robert Bierig Milo Bell ............................................................................ Elle Langone & Ellie Smith. Joseph Lansing Essie Schweitzer Morris Schweitzer ................................................................................ Sandra Lansing Peggy Tredler Michael Tredler ............................................................................................ Edie Laquer Samuel Lastinger, Jr. Julian & Selma Rickles Richard Rickles Thomas Rickles Henry & Mary Scisorek Samuel & Josie Halpern Samuel & Eula Lastinger Tina Goldstein Dorris Goldstein ................................................................................... Rheta Lastinger Jerry Krongold & Perle Krongold Selma Shuman & Robert Shuman Glen Shuman Mae Lupino Stanley Lawrence Goldie Factor .............................................................................. The Lawrence Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leeds Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ruderman ........................................... Suzanne & Richard Leeds Albert B. & Mildred M. Lefton Gloria Lefton Fried Rae Lefton Larry Atkins Hanna Cohen Howard Scharlin Arthur Horowitz Carolyn & Leonard Miller Sherwood Weiser Jill & Stanley Arkin Myron J. Brodie ......................................................................... Judy & Donnie Lefton


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Julian D. Lehman ................................................................................ Betty D. Lehman Allan Krief Richard Sharpstein Anne & Benjamin Krieff Morris & Florence Sidman Beatrice Sidman Jerry Leibowitz Matthew Leibowitz Sherri Krassner .................................................................. Debra Leibowitz & Family Sheldon Lelchuk Allen H. Froot Ann Mark Eva Froot Cal Kovens ............................................................... Dr. Ira, Darcee, Andrew, Ashley, Alex & Adam Lelchuk Joseph Cohn & Nadia Cohn David Faber & Toby Faber Abraham Greenstein & Lola Greenstein Cindy Greenstein Jadwiga Lenard Kazimir Alex Lenard Patricia Ann Mishcon Helen Stember Pauline Stember Solomon Stember Helene Wall Irwin S. Gars Bernard C. Wall & Jean Wall ............................................... Judge Joan A. Lenard, Howard B. Lenard, Esq., Hannah, Rebecca, Samantha & Jacob Anne & William Lerner Sadie & Nathan Darsky Sarah & Edward Heyman Dorothea Cohen Carl Lockshin Mike Heyman Marilyn Baumal Bert Lockshin Allen Lockshin& Arlene Lyon Lockshin Robert Lockshin ......................................................................... Shirley & Stan Lerner Helene & Sam Kantor Gertrude & Joseph Lesser Theodore Kipnis ................................................... Kathy & Richard Lesser & Family Alexander Leve .......................................................................................... Michelle Leve Mary & Max Levick Leonard Levick Claire & Arthur Goldman Cherie Pearlman ................................................................... Stanley & Judith Levick


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Jack Levine Rose & Harry Levine Vera & Robert Rich Rob Ball Rose & Harry Harris Mitch Greenberg ..................................................... Dr. Paula Levine & Barry Harris Bell Darsin & Edward Darsin Jacob Levy & Ray Levy Robert Abbots Shirley Abbots ....................................................................................................... Al Levy Bennett M. Lifter Bernard “Sonny” Abrams

......................................................... Bayla Abrams Lifter & Aaron Daniel Lifter

Bennett M. Lifter Phyllis & Ken Gross Helene & Daniel Lifter Teddi & Milton Weinstein Anita Lifter ................................................... Nancy Lifter-Wolin & Samantha Wolin


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Arthur Moses Muriel & Monroe Hattenbach Esther Kirson Shirley Moses Chris Kahr Eugene Picker Sylvia Mishkin Arthur Kahr Ben Lobel .................................................. Ashleigh, Alec, Grace & Eve Lindenauer

Marc Lipsitz ................................................................................................. Nancy Lipsitz Joseph A. & Nettie Yolles Schoen Jerry Wiener Jessica Pine Robert H. Pine ................................................................................... Judy Litt & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Esther & Gus Presser Joel Presser Florence & Sam Litz Estelle Carpey Herbert Litz Anne & Perry Cantor D’an Zeifman Sonny Newberger ..................................................................... Sheila & Norman Litz Shirley & Irving Liverman Miriam & Edward Shustack Dr. David Elkin Barbara Ikeman ..................................................... Herb & Anna Liverman & Family Bertram A. Lockshin Robert & Arline Lockshin Allen Lockshin Dorothea Cohen & Carl Lockshin Pauline & BenTamarkin Sadie & Nathan Darsky Jack Tamarkin ................................................................................ Arlene T. Lockshin Fay Loevin, Sidney Loevin, Leonard Loevin, Arthur Loevin Herman Brecher, Sally Brecher, Milton Brecher Emill Gottlieb, Anna Gottlieb Max Delman, Edith Delman Audrey Stoller Leon Stoller ............................................................................... Carol & Robert Loevin Ida & Martin Ross Anna & Leon London ............................................................ Allen & Margot London Irving & Lena Kipnis Arthur M. Lowell Susan Lee Lowell Theodore R. Kipnis .................................................................................. Evelyn Lowell Sarah & Chaim Stratiyevsky Adolf Ganopolsky ....................................................................... Marina & Jeff Lubow Betty Elizabeth & George Finegold Mildred F. Gidney ..................................................................................... Carolyn Luck Carl Lundy Howard Lundy Anna & Max Dreyer Tillie & Herman Lundy ................................................................... The Lundy Family Leonard Luria .................................................................................... Pam & Peter Luria


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Anne & Max Madorsky William & Ida Korash Abe Rothstein .................................................................................... Marsha Madorsky Whitney & Jon Fleschler, Amy & Barry Turner Max Madorsky Anne Madorsky William Korash Ida Korash ............................................................................................ Sandra Madorsky Beatrice I. Van Wye & Leonard C. Van Wye Anthony Van Wye Emily S. Iralson & Max I. Iralson Carrie Van Wye & Meyer Van Wye Betty Malakoff & Milton Malakoff Morris Feldstein Sarah N. Alschuler Patricia Gogol Malakoff ............................................................. Joy & Fred Malakoff


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Alan B. Wolpert Ralph Cohen Rex B. Jarrell Irwin & Lila Langer Emanuel & Mollie Leder Peter H. Martorella George & Ida Wolpert ................................ Dana, Tim, Parker & Grant Martorella

Alan B. Wolpert Adored and adoring husband, father and Cappa. Forever blessed you were ours.

Michael P. Maxwell Sam & Molly Berman Bess & Max C. Maxwell Myron “Mike” Maxwell Jerome Wexler .................................................................................. Amanda Maxwell Irene Berman Maxwell


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ruth & Judge Herbert Shapiro Dave May Scott Amdur Adam Jackson Phyllis Kandel Laszlo Ceil & Morris Kandel Rose Peckerman Ruth Prakin & Charles Worton Alice & Leon May Gertrude & Morris Berick .................................................... Marcelle & Richard May Tamra Sheffman Herta & Martin Mayer Paula & Justin Kohn Joseph Kohn Hedwig & Jacob Oppenheimer Perla & Siegbert Meyer Selma & Eugen Mayer Ilse Mayer Johana & Moritz Sommerhaeuser Emilia & Gustav Mayer Gertrude & Albert Bucki Betty & Charles Arron Sonia & Maurice Sheffman Randy Sheffman Abraham Sheffman Dorothy Sheffman ........................................................................................ Ron Mayer Dr. Gerald Mayer & Families Helen & Harry Silver Andrew Jacob Mayrsohn Ethel Mayrsohn Helen & James Knopke Jack Mayrsohn ...................................................................... Kathy & Mark Mayrsohn Barry Meiselman Sylvia Holland Edna & Samuel Meiselman Fay & Morris Romm ........................................................................... Toba Meiselman Barry Meiselman Adell & Stanley Bernard ......................................... Joni & Jay Meiselman & Family Ruth Falk & Walter Falk Gladys Meltzer Sidney Reisberg Carol Korins Myriam Grabois Alma Friesner Grace Reisberg ..................................................................... Suzanne & Brad Meltzer


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Jodi Multack Joseph and Isabel Davidson Monroe & Muriel Hattenbach Samuel & Blanche Mendelson Silvia Mishkin Victor & Lilian Brown Lloyd Ruskin ................................................................. Kimberly & Eric Mendelson Erma & Al Podvin Sylvia & Norman Meyers Robert Podvin ......................................................... Judith & Hillel Meyers & Family Carrie, Edward, Rachel & Carly Garazi Jennifer, Eric, Jordan & Jacob Sheppard Cecil & Samuel Ostrove Norman I. Miller Rita & Sy Levey Eric Levey Bernice Meyerson Erica Herling Kropp Sylvia & Louis Miller Deborah Lynn Friedman .................................................... Alice Miller & Fran Levey


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Shirley L. Miller Rose Levine Joseph Levine Ida Miller Jack Miller Marilyn Miller Leonard Miller Sue Miller Ben Miller Florence Miller Saul Scheinman Edna Devore Al Devore Nicole Saiontz .......................................................................................... Irving E. Miller Shirley L. Miller Leonard Miller Sue Miller Ruth Rosenhaus Florence Minkoff .......................................................................... Jana & Roger Miller Lester Mintz .................................................................. The Mintz - Le Master Family Jack & Rose (Brawer)Dulberg Harry & Diana (Wander)Barr Louis & Dora (Koenisberg)Brawer Rita Dulberg Stander Albert & Elsie (Brawer)Simerman Their lives and the love they gave continue to bless us and our famly - Hugo & Lisa Morales David & Sofia Morales


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Sandra Miriam Mordujovich Lt. Col. Uri Koltum Mejlach Kiperszmid, Rosa Bratt de Kiperszmid Julio & Catalina Mordujovich Matias Yuffe Dr. Roberto Steimberg Dina & Jeffrey Knapp .................................................. Malka & Jorge Mordujovich & Family

Albert & Leatrice Dreiling Sam & Betty Moriber .............................................................................. Sara, Andrew, Danielle & Samantha Moriber Victoria & Frank Gurwitz Chana Kopel Dr. Samuel Sarfati & Irene Sarfati Hilda & Herman Novygrodt Clara Morjain Mazal & Nisim Morjain .......................................... Ana & Samuel Morjain & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


David A. Morris Isaac & Anna Morris Maurice Morris Jack Morris Sol Morris Al Morris Marlene Chaitman Harry & Rose Friedwald Ann Weinberg ................................................................................... The Morris Family Myrna, Irwin, Jack, Deborah, Benjamin & Ethan David Moskovitz ....................................................... The Moskovitz/Leitner Family

A wonderful husband, father, grandfather and best “Papa� ever!!


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Randy Moss Rose & Samuel Frankel Letty Greene Lena Zierler Estelle & Sidney Zierler Merle Shulman Margie Goldberg Flanz ................................................................................... Flo Moss Yetta & Samuel Moss Sherry & Jerry Moss Randy Moss Eddie Mufson Jennifer Blumin and sons: Phineas (Finny) & Theodore (Theo) Ronald Seiden ............................................................................................. Morey Moss Aurelia Golda & Israel Mozes Naomi & Irving Wolfe ..................................................................... The Mozes Family JoEllen Multack Joseph H. Davidson .......................................................................... William Multack, Spencer Multack Edward & May Munchick Marshall & Ruth Ruff Maxin Lyn Reiss Audrey & Frank Schneider Zelda and Jules Channing Eva Binder .......................................................................... Melissa & Lorin Munchick Joseph Munchick Becky Munchick Isadore Munchick May Munchick Bea Tepper Pat Stone Charlie Stone Max Tepper Eddie Munchick .................................................................... Jean Munchick & Family Janet Nahman ........................................................................................... Isaac Nahman Joseph & Dorothy Neifeld .................................................................. Steven Neifeld Samuel Netkin Marshall Berkowitz .............................................. The Netkin & Berkowitz Families Samuel J. Rabin Robert M. Newman Ruth Hirsch Alexander Hirsch ..................................................... Selma & Jeff Newman & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Eva Friedman, Victor Friedman Irving Nixon, Sara Ruth Nixon Nicholas Andris Harry Cohen,Sarah Cohen Abraham Yitzhak Cohen, Shim Cohen Etta Conn, Jack Conn Esther Stillman Anna Gregory Malka Mintz Nanci Goldstein Ben Goldstein, Hedwig Goldstein Harold Jaffe Brian Kovler Eliot Sustrin Ralph Kovel Lawrence Ellner, David Ellner Bernard Siskind Steve Cogen Don Glucksman David Russin Mert Gettis Ruth Sackner .................................... Tamara Friedman Nixon & Daniel D. Nixon Ruth Nullman Sidney Nullman .................................................................................. Brenda, Andrew, Stephanie, Jaclyn, Samantha, Steven, Katie, Ava & Jolie Nullman Dr. Zev Beitchman Kala Chakov & Harry Aaron Beitchman Sidney Beitchman David & Sara Beitchman David Beitchman Zievel & Pessie Chakov Ada & Jake Beitchman Sarah Glick Bessie Cherkas Mollie Chakov Eddie Chakov Joseph Chakov Fay & Ben Beitchman Joe Beitchman Remedios Ojeda Naomi and Sid Rubin ............................................................. Teresita Ojeda & Family Henry Olesky Lillian J. & Joseph L. Goldberg Mary Jacobs Siegfried Pauline & Moe Thau Jenny & Joe Olesky Mildred & Al Jankowitz Rose L. Ritter Joel Jankowitz Herman Jacobs Stephen B. Goldstein ........................................................................... Doris J. Olesky


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ralph W. Ossakow Helen & William I. Littman Eugene Littman Sadie & William Ossakow Lilyan & Arthur Abrams ............................................... Geraldine Ossakow & Family George & Jeanne Ossip Joseph & Jenny Ossip Benjamin & Elizabeth Rosenstein David Rosenstein & Sarah Young Jay & Miriam Lester The Ossip Aunts & Uncles ........................................................ Dr. Bobbi Ann Ossip Shoshana & Hillel Pachter Helen & Samuel Katz Betty & Melvin Katz Dotty & Hyman Katz Robert Sepin Harriett Leder Dr. Paul Rubin ...................................................................... Honey & Itzchak Pachter Helen & Meyer Kotler Joseph & Selma Packar Norman Marcus David & Eleanor Sussman Joseph & Kressie Rothbarth Milton Kotler Joan & Samuel Kotler Gary Duboff Sandra Wanatick Abe & Fritzie & Mark Wulf Robert & Mildred Kutner Rabbi Leon Kronish Dr. Michael Dustin Kotler Rose Kotler Winkler Bert Kotler Lewis Cagen Myra Farr ........................................................ Kenneth & Sharlane Packar & Family Joseph Pardo ................................................................ Pardo, Stein & Katz Families


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Doris & Joseph Pardo Sandy Burch Lynn Friesner Herb Friesner ...................................................................................... Stevan, Adrienne, Daniel, Carly, & Josh Pardo

You are always in our hearts and we miss you tremendously. L’dor v’dor ...... Jack & Betty Pekor Ray & Clara Gafter ..................................................................... Allan & Barbara Pekor Stanley Person Augusta & Harold Goetz Gussie & Louis Person Diana & Sol Gottlieb Rita & Isadore Lieberman .............................. The Person & LieberPerson family Marilyn & Jerry Greenstein ................................................... Betty & Richard Pollak Herman Pomerantz Anna & Robert Stern .................................................................... My loving and wonderful husband and parents - Barbara Pomerantz Herman Pomerantz Robert & Anna Stern Joseph & Fanny Snitzer David & Dorie Kardamon .................................. Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz & Adam, Hannah, Danielle & Noah Snitzer Leja Lilly Shindler ........................................................................................ Barry Preter Josef “Yossi” Ashkenazi ............................................ Jason, Avivit & Jasmine Pyle


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Samuel J. Rabin ................................................................. Sandy, Lissy & Sam Rabin Boris Rabinovich Karl & Clara Hobrecht ................................. Saul Rabinovich & Claudia Gontovik Millicent & Herbert Swerdlow Eve & Albert Ratzan Leon & Beatrice & Leon Milhauser Rose & Lewis Swerdlow

We miss your constant, loving presence, yet we still hear your wise, encouraging whispers in our ears - Nancy & Ken Ratzan & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Nathan Reiber Gertrude & Benjamin Kushner .......................................................... Carolee Reiber

Elias & Ida Reiter Jennie Reiter Isidore Reiter Your loving family, children, grands, great grands - Judi Reiter-Cornelissen Stanley “Bud� & Vivian Levinson Perle & Al Levinson JoEllen Levinson Mark Levinson Jason Levinson Jeri Klein Harry & Esther Reiter Sam Reiter ............................................................................

Shelly & Aubrey Reiter

Jordan Alexander Ressler Ruth Ressler Carlos Lindenfeld Jesse Bowman Alice Hudak ............................................................................ Vanessa & Gary Ressler


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ronald N. Porter Stanley & Molly Peal Lynn Peal Rice Jonathan Rice ............................................................... Noah & Robyn Rice & Family Abe E. & Lenore S. Amster Doris Amster Norman H. Amster Selma Rice Edward Rice Martin Rice William & Pearl Kaye Mel Kaye Paul Karm Rabbi Leon Kronish Rabbi Harry Jolt Rita Stein Family members who perished in the Shoah ...................... Ruth & Dennis Rice Ruth W. & Walter S. Falk Carol Korins Myron Beck Anne & Max Madorsky Alma Friesner Eugene Korash Nat & Betty Korash Lilly & Larry Beck Charles Goldstein ............................................. Judith Richard & Martin Madorsky


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Barbara Hagen and Dr. Jerry Hagen

My parents married the love of their lives after dating for one month and were married for 31 year - Loving daughter Tracey Hagen Rishty & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Henry Tager Mildred & Bernard Rivo Jean, Milton & Phil Tager Rabbi David & Anna Rachel Essrig Sophie & Morris Rivo Claire Bernstein Sandel & Robert Rosenbacher Rabbi Harry & Rose Essrig Harvey, Julian, Iris & Sarah Rivo Charlotte and Elisa Essrig Herb Wechsler Josephine Kretsge Eli Trovitz Reva Furman ........................................................ Karen, Marc, Jessica & Julie Rivo Edith and Henry Stadler Paula & Sam Rabinowitz ......................................................... Joan & Gerald Robins Morton J. Robinson Reba & Robert Robinson Lottie & Alton Alexander Susan Alexander Max .......................................................................... Jane Robinson Lori Roffwarg Eli and Irma Roffwarg ............................................................................ Betty Roffwarg Wendy Landes Rita Rosen & Philip Rosen Irving & Ida Adelson Frida & Papa Jo Silberstein ........................................ Stephanie & Michael Rosen & Famiy David Rosen Miriam Bass, David Bass Dr. Robert Bass Dr. Gerald Albert Leona Albert Ronald L. Albert Dr. Jerome Seiler Sharon R. Seiler ..................................................................................... Susan Rosen Alan Rosenbaum & Myrna Rosenbaum ............................... Audrey Rosenbaum Dr. Fred Rosenbloom Ruth & Henry Rosenbloom Evelyn & Fred Roganson Saul Glottmann .......................................................... Maxine Rosenbloom & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Stern family Elias & Fela Korn Yvette & Ysi Goren William Nadelhaft Rose & Chaim Kass Albert Rosenfeld Jack Rosenfeld Chana & Victor Rosenfeld ............................................................... Norma Rosenfeld Sam Rosenfield Yetta & Adolph Rosenfield Natalie & Sam Altman Sis Altman ............................................................................ Regina (Jean) Rosenfield William Rosenberg Floraine Rosenberg Ray Unger Celia Janofsky Unger Irving Unger Janice Sweyd Rothlein Ruth Sweyd Russo Hortense Janofsky Rubin Lee Rothlein Sarah Werbin Rosenberg ......................................................... Jay & Alana Rothlein Annette “Midge’ Pasternack Edward S. Rubin Bill & Audrey Rubin Zennith Pasternack Herman & Sadie Pasternack Irving & Harriet Garber ................................. Shelly Rubin & Marshall Pasternack Mollie & Sam Rudt Ellen Rochelle Rudt Maxene Rudt Segal Philip Rudt Kate & Leo Rudt Sarah & Louis Tabor Eleanor & Harold Tabor Steven Tabor Nathan & Zara Tabor Selma Fisher Caren K. Sheer ................................................................................... Kerry Arthur Rudt


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ruth & Marshall Ruff .................................................................................... Donna Ruff

Ruth G. & Norman J. Russ Rebekka & Jakob Rubin Mae & Nathan Golden Sarah G. Frischman Lorraine & Edward J. Scheaffer ...................................... Denis Russ, Lori Mishkin, Gina & Richard Russ Brooke, Chad, Ethan & Merritt Perlyn Jill, David, Max & Sam Mishkin Eric Mishkin


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ruth G. & Norman J. Russ Lorraine H. & Edward J. Scheaffer Mae & Nathan Golden Helen & Richard Halpert Faye & Jack Scheaffer Sarah G. Frischman Rebecca & Jacob Russ ............................................................ Gina & Richard Russ Brooke, Chad, Ethan & Merritt Perlyn David & Lynn Russin Lester & Sarah Russin Abe & Dorothea Dumas Yaakov Aloni David Dubrow Michael Russin Arthur Sarnoff Morey Lipton ................................................................. Andi & Peter Russin & Family Renee Kotik Rustin Max & Fannie Rustin Stanley “Bob” & Rose Kotik Harriet Rustin Rosh ..................................................................................... Larry Rustin Sanford & Marilyn Rywell Max & Rose Rosman Jack Mittleman .......................................................................... Russ & Marley Rywell Ruth K. Sackner ............................................................................... Marvin A. Sackner Irma Samek Jeffrey Samek Jacob & Rosette Douek Stanford Blum, Jr. Jane & William Rosen ......................................... Rachel, Joshua & Jeremy Samek Rose & Adolph Dorf Elizabeth Kossow Gerald Kossow Ruth & Samuel Rosenberg Estelle & Joseph Rosenberg Helen Zeve ......................................................................... Judith & Michael Samuels Sydell Engelberg Sandler Rose & Cy Sandler Anna Engelberg, Philip Engelberg Lena Kurtz, Samuel Kurtz Osiah & Jetta Engelberg Sarah & Isaac Goldbaum Esther & Jacob Sandler .................................................. Quentin Sandler & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Irving (Poppy) & Selma Dobkin Sol & Dina Sochet David Sochet Ella & Samuel Zeenkov Mamie & Harry Dobkin Ida Chesney Uncle Pat Delveccio Walter Loy ................................................................................................ Sheree Savar Mortimer Schaffer Ruth Schaffer Melba & Paul Price ................................................... Judith Schaffer, Gilbert Price, Isaac Price Jeannette & Benjamin Gold Michael Gold Bertha Gold Sara Singer Abe & Minnie Farber Selma Snyderman Harry Schein ............................................... Drs. Andrea & Roland Schein & Family Shirley & Tom Kravitz Charles & Rachel Kravitz Ben Kravitz Oscar Kravitz Isadore Kravitz Jennie & Adolph Kahn Bertram & Rena Schrank Robert Brooks Nard Helman Stacy Hart Rita Korman ............................................................................................. Linda Schrank Arlene & Donald Verona Molly & Morris Green Ida and Sam Verona Phoebe & Sam Segal Beatrice & William Weisburg Barry Haft ................................................. Cantor Lisa, Jim, Danny & Andrea Segal Ruth Sepsenwol ................................................................................ Karen, Jonathan, Molly & Zoe Sepsenwol Millie Ser Rebecca & Louis Rubin Bertha & Samuel Sir Sylvia Sir Hyman Sir Nettie Goldstein Bertha Dames Gay Stafford ...................................................................................................... Julius Ser


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Jon Serbin Georgian Serbin & John Serbin Meryl A. Young & Jack W. Young Marilyn Brown Rose Nathan William Adelman Abraham Adelman Louis Young & Dorothy Young Harry Ruben & Bessye Ruben Jerrold Ruben Bluma Ruben William S. Ruben & Howard Greenfield Esther Tucker Lillian Broida & Louis Broida Nelson Combs Rose Combs Anne R. Pochapin Ruth Silverman Lewis Jay Serbin Esther Glinsky & Maximo Glinsky Oscar Roth & Magda Roth Violet Dascal Stuart Lewis Bill Nathan Wendy Landes Rita and Philip Rosen Dr. Sandford Gelb ................................................................... Linda Serbin & Family Raymond Shanoff Sarah & Arthur Gubin Libby & Nathan Shanoff Audrey & Paul Shanoff Bea & Dr. Harry Shanoff Annette Gubin Edythe Reifman Rose Berk Adrianne Carol Lubor .......................................................................... Evelyn Shanoff Bessie Isser Leonard Shapiro Ruth Gilman Ethel Davis Stephen Mirmelli ......................................................................................... Edie Shapiro, Tracey & Jon Auspitz, Susan & Howard Kreger, Maritza & Scott Shapiro


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Frances & Jack B. Shapiro Fannie Farber & Philip Kessler Eddie Kessler Melvin Kessler Pauline Kessler Kievel Esther Selwitz Shapiro & Meyer Shapiro Jack Earl Kamberg Freda & Leo Kamberg Ruth & Walter Schechter Murray & Reba Talkin Barry Engel Jack Breger Sandy Vieth ......................................................... Kenneth Shapiro & Pamela Talkin Shlomo Budgazad Sabine Fox Emilie Shaw........................................................ Chana, Sam, Emet & Sadie Sheldon Burton Sherman Arlene Chaplin Milton Lifschitz Pearl Lifschitz Sally Rose Alexander Rose Sadie Sherman Julius Sherman ....................................................................................... Lois Sherman Robert, Adrian, Michael, Andy & Bryan Sherman Marcie Sherman Anita & Harry Rosenblatt Ruth & Sidney Shipman ...................................................... Rachel & Barry Shipman Diana Shlain Simon Shlain .............................................................. Cesar, Susana & Gabriel Shlain William Edward Shockett Joshua Reid Zalis Jennifer Beth Turken Paul Warren Andrew Warren Matthew Warren Stanley Warren Harry M. & Mollye Shockett Al Podvin Robert Podvin Gussie & Ruben Podvin Rose & Sydney Lefkowitz Morris Singer Arno Erban Dr. John Cassel ........................................................ Jill, Jordan & Jeremy Shockett


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Olga Meister Drs. Harold & Miriam Shore Solomon Shore Irving Weiss Dr. Nadia Blau .................................................................... Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Shore Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Pomeraniec Mr. Joshua Shore Matthew, Andrew Pomeraniec Miriam R. Cohen Edward S. Cohen Gail C. Rubinger ............................................................................. Arlene Farkas Sidel Mary & Benjamin Siegel ...................................................................... David A. Siegel Ann Mark Henry Siegel Sarah Siegel Cal Kovens Trudy Moore .................................................................................. Mimi & Hal Siegel Ellie Siegel - wonderful wife, mother, grandmother Jean Goldstein, Abraham Goldstein Morris Siegel, Minnie Siegel Hyman Siegel Maryann Segall ...................................................................................... Norman Siegel Charles Goldstein Edith Gelber Anne & Max Madorsky William & Ida Korash Betty & Nate Korash Eugene Korash Shelley Korash Sam & Lena Goldstein B.B. and Grace Goldstein Arthur, Chester, Dorian Ross Charles & Joyce Beber Murray Shekter Betty & Mike Cooper ...................................................................... Elaine Silverstein


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Alex Simberg Beulah Simberg Fritzie Simberg Jack Simberg Morris Simberg Abe Simberg Betsy Sintow Hinda & Karlin Sintow Anna & Elias Sintow Oscar Willenzik Joe Willenzik William Willenzik Fannie & Meyer Willenzik Mike Horwitz Ramona Horwitz Stephen Horwitz Jack & Pauline Fisher .......................................................... Bruce & Elissa Simberg Harold Aibel Phyllis Simon Audrey Aibel ............................................................................................ Ginny & Steve, Scott, Michael, Mark & Kevin Simon Richard F. Singerman Esther Singerman Morton Singerman ..................................... Paul, Marte, Eliza & Rickie Singerman Deborah Singerman Rachel Pollock & W. Mae Singerman Alan D. Sirota Pauline F. & Samuel Jacob Albert Harold R. Frank Victor L. Frank Edith A. Freedman Lou Davis June Doctor Davis ....................................................................................... Judy Sirota Philip & Dora Slewett Andrew & Rose Miller Nathan & Evelyn Slewett Robert D. Slewett Edward Weinapple Barbara Wolinsky Minnie Schaefer Louis Semel Lynn Stern Julia Goldsticker Murray Goldsticker .................................. Alan M. Slewett & Helen A. Goldsticker


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Calder “Mr. Awesome” Sloan ....................................... Chris, Carla & Caleb Sloan

Dora & Samuel Smith Helen & Herman Fass Irving & TIna Miller Leonore & Jonas Weiland Dr. Stanley & Meredith Smith ................................ David & Wendy Smith & Family David Spiegel Adele Josephs Spiegel Stanley Wolk Jacqueline Wolk ........................................................ Henri Spiegel & Michael Wolk


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Julian Pearson Rose & Albert Johnson David Pearson Irene & Samuel Polansky Esther & Nathan Spiegelman Fred Spiegelman ................................... Deborah, Nicole & Danielle Spiegelman Leon L. Cohen Louis Cohen ............................................................. Lorraine Steen & Joseph Steen Minnie & Wolf Albin Mary & Isie Pardo Birdie & Mike Marshall Helen & Max Stein Norma Albin Martin Marilyn Pardo Liroff & Kenneth Liroff Jacob & Esther Pardo Benjamin & Ruth Rosen Henry J. Perahia Albert Pardo Michael B. Albin & Arlene Albin Ruth Borja Eric T. Shebar Ernest & Lili Mandowsky Doris &Joseph Pardo “Papa Joe” Joel & Corinne L. Stein David H. Levine Mildred Passick Chaim Sznapstajler Richard Nathanson “Aunt” Sydell Sandler Isaiah Gellman Stuart Kaminsky Arleeta Barquero T.J. Levine Edith Albin Kaminsky & David Kaminsky Dora Porras Myra Farr “Uncle” Mike Cooper Stanley Saval Marc Saval H. Tod Berman ................................................................... Alissa, Barry & Daryl Stein Lara Stein Pardo, Becky & Jared Stein Carole Samet ............................................................................... Tracey & Elliot Stein, Josh & Jill Dubin & children


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Aaron & Esther Appelbaum Jack & Edith Appelbaum Harry & Ethel Hoberman Herbert Hoberman Max Hoberman Lou Hoberman Isadore Hoberman Morris Hoberman Shirley Hoberman-Malavenda Ruth Pascul ..............................................................................

The Steinbauer Family The Hayden Family Jeff Appelbaum, Janet Nestler

Jaime & Ofelia Steinberg Isabel Steinberg ............................................................... Miriam Steinberg & Family Rose & Joe Stern Madolyn Zoldan ........................................................................... Lynn & Steven Stern Leah Mandel Sternbaum & Ernest Max Sternbaum Hilda Leaventon & Albert Leaventon Brenda Roth Sternbaum Karl Sternbaum ................................................ Susan & Marc Sternbaum & Family Mary Goldstein Stolar Richard Moser Jones ............................................................. Henry & Suzanne Stolar Leon Stoller & Audrey Stoller Gilbert Levine Roberto Haim Sidney & Fay Loevin Fanny Stoller Sophie Rosenberg Al & Audrey Levine Joseph & Anna Levine Sam and Shirley Stoller ................................. Harold & Sandra Rosenberg Stoller & Family Marvin Stonberg Harry Zeiger & Celia Zeiger Isadore Stonberg & Freda Stonberg Harry Aronek ....................................................................................... Sandra Stonberg Geri Sue Straus Jacobs Dr. Richard B. Furlong Sylvia Edelman & Henry Edelman Bernice K. Straus & Alex Straus Dr. Paul James & Estelle Furlong Ginger & Benjamin Schechter Stanley Roth ............................................................................... Edith & Arnold Straus


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ruth & David Stuzin Judith Stuzin Jacobson Ben & Sara Friedman ................................................................. Roz & Charles Stuzin Jacqueline & Raymond Chait Cantor Sam Pessaroff ........................................................................... Karen Susman Albert & Mildred Lefton Gloria Lefton Fried Allen & Rose Swaye ............................................ Dr. Paul & Eileen Swaye & Family Samuel Sztylerman Mindla Abramchik, Moises Abramchik Lazaro Sztylerman, Sonia Sztylerman Albert Abrams ................................................................................. Sara Sztylerman z�l Marc A. Tepper George Cohen Sylvia Cohen - our beloved mother and Nana ... She will remain in our hearts forever Miki Granoff ............................................................... Lois & Warren Tepper & Family Jack & Amy Ann Tighe Harvey L. Cutler Kaylee R. Cutler Steven D. Robbins ...................................................... Cathy & John Tighe & family Barbara Tishman & Joseph Tishman ............................................. Ruth Tishman & Julian Lawitschka Milton & Natalie Podrat Israel & Pearl Ezersky Loving parents, grandparents and great grandparents - The Torban and Podrat families


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Ben Z. Leuchter Magda S. Leuchter Alan Treister ............................................................ Lisa & Charles Treister & Family

I just happen to have all three of our loved ones together in one photo Srul Tsvaygenboym & Rukhlia Tsvaygenboym Rukhlia Tsvaygenboym & Solomon Tsvaygenboym Nisel Tsvaygenboym & Sara Tsvaygenboym Maya Lyhovsky & Ilya Lychovsky Dave Bloom ..................................................... Michelle & Michael Tsvaygenboym Jennifer Beth Turken Dr. Hyman Turken Joshua Reid Zalis ........................................... Dana, Robert, Danny & Sam Turken


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Hyman Turken, M.D. Jennifer Beth Turken Ida Baron Heller Jacob Baron Arthur Bass Sam Bass Celia & Morris Turkewitz Milton & Ann Baron Stuart Volan Rose Bass Blumberg ................................................. Paula, Jack & Robert Turken Joseph Moriber & Muriel Moriber Lloyd Giblin & Nan Giblin Gordon Giblin & Mary Giblin Laurel Pointer & Neville Pointer Morris Umlas & Rose Umlas Michael Umlas Julian Katz Brooke Leduc ..................................................... Dr. Marc & Rachel Umlas & Family Dr. Harold Unger Helen & Harold Mostkoff Sylvia & Joseph Rose Nettie & Jonas Unger Jennie & Samuel Mostkoff Ellen & Benjamin Drozdeck Virginia Strasberg Rose Janie Kohen Winter Roland & Helen Kohen Rita Rolter Martha Schenkein ............................................................ Beverly & Stephen Unger


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Harold M. Unger, M.D. Sylvia & Joe Rose Rose & Maxwell Rose Dr. Arthur Unger Nettie Avedon & Dr. Jonas Jay Unger Sima & Joseph Bronstein Beverly & Ben Maxon Josie & Sol Goldstrom Eva & Al Osheroff Helen & Harold Mostkoff Rita & Albert Rolter Edward Ginsburg Gertrude & Samuel Ginsburg Joseph Gaynor Rose Steinhauser Janet Eshleman Marilyn & Dr. Erwin Hoffman Andy Sweet Helene Zaydon Gerry Lou Rose Silverman Louis Glucksman Tracey Weinkle Mindlin Bess & Nat Hankoff Dr. Richard Furlong Dr. Paul James & Estelle Furlong Janie Kohen Winter Helen Kohen & Dr. Roland J. Kohen Ginni Loeb Strasberg Rose William Ruben Martha & Alex Schenkein Blanche & Joseph Nevel Irving & Billie Charney Helen & Dr. Saul Miller Richard Allen Rose Joe & Helene Kulok Tarshis Justine Tyrell Smadbeck Priestly Dr. Andy Jonas Harry & Evelyn Jaffin “Mama” Dora Harris Dr. Robert Bass Hope Pomerance Ronald Teichner, M.D. Joan Osheroff Harris M.D. Robert Hyams, M.D. Robert Sussman Sam Nevel .......................................................................................... Caryl Rose Unger


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Elsie Spolter Rosenblatt & Morris (Moe) Rosenblatt Samuel Max Apter Nettie Avedon Unger & Dr. Jonas Jay Unger Sylvia Bronstein Rose & Joseph Maxwell Rose Gertrude Bronstein Ginsberg & Samuel Ginsberg Beverly Bronstein Maxon & Benjamin Maxon Bea & Dr. Lester Unger Dr. Arthur Unger Pauline Grossman Avedon & Samson Avedon Virginia Loeb Strasberg Rose Evelyn & Harry Jaffin Pearl “Billie” Strugger Charney & Cantor Irving Charney Rita Apter Rolter & Albert Nathaniel Rolter Gerry Lou Rose Silverman Arlene & Milton Apter Tracy Weinkle Mindlin Shiffra “Shiffie” Rosenblatt Cline & Edward Cline Lois & Irv Beinhorn Sandra Mordujovich Janie Kohen Winter Robert Sussman Helen & Dr. Roland Kohen Dr. Richard Furlong Robert Levin Douglas Nathan Rolter Oreo, Zena, Nesheeka Unger Heatheranne Cline Rosenberg Ruth Apter Schwartz Dr. Joan Osheroff Harris Dr. Harold Milton Unger Martha Schenkhein Benedict Silverman Dr. Milton Weinkle ................................................... Laine & Arthur Unger & Family Jose and Mathilde Ventura ......................... In our hearts forever - Violet Ventura Theodore Halpern Esther Shaber ................................................... Alexis, Scott, Teddy & Max Wagner Irving Kaplan Sylvia D. Kaplan Laura Kaplan Levin Sara Wald Samuel J. Wald Steven Gruber ............................................................................. Beth & Stewart Wald Charles Wallace Hannah S. Rosenfeld David Silvers ......................................................................... Ileene Wallace & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Mortimer T. Walsh Joseph & Sima Okun ................................................................ Hana Walsh & Family Jennifer Turken Joshua Zalis Gussie Podvin, Ruben Podvin Sam Podvin Bertha Podvin Al Podvin Rose Lefkowitz, Sidney Lefkowitz Anna Mandel, Marvin Mandel, Emanuel Mandel Evelyn Isaacson, Isadore Isaacson ....................... Claire Warren & Jerry Mandel Selma & Marvin Weinberg Mae & Irving Weinberg ................................ Chris & Michael Weinberg & Family Robert & Ann Meltsner Samuel Weinstein Ethel Weinstein Bernstein & Hyman Bernstein Ann & Harry Weinstein Barbara & Stanley Kaiser ............................................. Judith & Marvin Weinstein Helene & Sam Kantor Matilda & John Weinstein Rona Braun Jodi Multack Jeffrey Steele Steven Aronson Ruth G. Berger Jon Serbin Michael Russin Jack Taffer Spencer Fox Jack Carmel .............................................................................. Patti & Alan Weinstein Jack Courshon Dolores Courshon Charles & Marian Weisberg Samuel & Mildred Weisberg Alex & Rebecca Bierman Frank & Clara Hyman Simon & Bailey Weisberg Jacob & Celia Berman Abe & Fanny Brodsky .................................... Alan Weisberg & Denise Courshon Sidney Weisburd Tina and Sigmund Danzansky Sam Snyder .................................................. Nikki, Randy, Hilary & Ryan Weisburd


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Abraham & Joche Baisman Nejemie & Pola Kubiliun Morris & Betty Cohen Isidore & Sarah Weisburd Sidney Weisburd Oscar Baisman ........................................... Scott, Irene, Brian & Michael Weisburd Mark M. Weiss Mary & Ezril Berlin Minnie & Max Ginsburg Bluma & Joseph Schwartz Sonya B. & Edward Schwartz Flora & William Weiss Blanche & Morton Weissberger Amy Szlamowicz Jose Molina Frank Sherman Steven Shroyer Chris Uhle ............................................................................... Blanche Weiss & Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Elaine “Dusty” Weiss ………..........…............… Samuel Weiss, Sherry Baloff Tillman, Marcy Baloff Muralles, Judi Weiss-Chislov, Arnie Weiss, Robbie Weiss, Monika Chislov, Todd Muralles, Adam Muralles and Lee Tillman Pierre Adidge Lottie Constantin Albert Constantin Edward Constantin Beatrice Kimmel Sam Kimmel Charles Kimmel Maestro Julius Rudel Minnie Weiss Arnold Weiss ..................................................................... The Samuel Weiss Family & The Sheila Kimmel Weiss Family Henry & Blanca Weissmann .................................. Dr. Arthur & Trudy Weissmann Andrew & Matthew Weissmann David & Helen Weithorn Morris & Rebecca Glantz Harris Glantz Hymen & Rebecca Schofel Ethyl R. Weich Harold J. Ohn Sarah Ohn Marty Schofel Joe Schofel Jean Freedman .................................................................... Mark & Deede Weithorn David & Jacqueline Wetherhorn ................................................. Nan Wetherhorn Rose P. & David Noroff Rachel W. & Max Papelow Mollie W. & Sam Noroff Shirley P. Barbanell Louis Noroff Louis Weinberg Marjorie & Leonard A. Wien Joseph & Bessie Wien Rose & Alexander Feterson Carole Wien Langer ............................................... Barbara & Leonard A. Wien, Jr.


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Andres Wiesner Yael Wiesner Samuel & Hermina Wiesner Ferko Wiesner Julius & Lotte Deutelbaum Nelly Deutelbaum Fanny Czukerberg Max & Sidonia Gross Margarita Retelny Ernesto & Magda Wiesner Josef Gerstl Andres and Yael, I miss you very much -Teresa Wiesner Angela & Dalmazio Santini Esther & Jose Winer ......................................... Marco, Diana & Francesca Winer Sol J. Schreiber Frances & Morris Leiderman ............................................................. Pauline Winick Alex & Rose Sorin Rose Krulick Seymour Winston ................................................................... Phyllis & Marty Winston Berta & Morris Wodnicki Maria & Motel Silberman Chana & Szyja Wodnicki Amy & Edward Cannon Albert & Esther Pennie Dorothy & Raymond Pennie ............................................. Jean & Henry Wodnicki Pepi Vloch Erwin Wolloch ................................................................................ The Wolloch Family Celia & Morris J. Kandel Ruth & Charles Worton Jack Bernstein Phyllis Kandel Laszlo Adam Jackson ........................................................................ Joan & Stanley Worton Howard C. Wrubel .......................................... David, Yuly, Nicole & Emily Wrubel Benn L. Zack Elisa & Jose Rabinovich Bertha Claire Lee Marcia & David Rabinowitz Chesterfield Smith Harold Petluck ............................................................... Stephen & Marguerite Zack Aaron Peñer Haydee Peñer Schiumerini Sonia Zacroisky ...................................................... Zacroisky Family & Peñer Family


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Leiba Gran & Malka Gran Gerson Gran, M.D Morris Gran Samuel Zaias & Bluma Zaias Marilyn K. Smith Judith Rosen & Paul Rosen Meier “Buddy” Kauffman Ellie Ager Dave May Harold Petluck Mark Levinson Anita Lifter Sonia Belkov& Raphael Belkov ............................................. Hilda & Manuel Zaiac Samuel Zaias & Bluma Zaias Leiba Gran & Malka Gran Ofelia Gran & Morris Gran Gerson Gran, M.D & Mina Gran Sonia Belkov & Raphael Belkov Anton Noordyk & Oleida Noordyk Elizabeth Jacqueline Noordyk Roland Klemme Ronald Klemme Margean Preece Meier “Buddy” Kauffman Isaac Kreps Leo Kreps Marilyn K. Smith & Harry B. Smith Dr. Pablo Tachmes Dr. George Wessel Joseph Munchick David Maya & Gloria Maya Judy Rosen & Paul Rosen Sonia Zacroisky Arnold Haber & Estelle Haber Leonard Haber Jill & Stanley Arkin ............................................................ Dr. Martin Zaiac & Family Sidney & Evelyn Zaron Mendel & Pearl Schlosser Pepi & Matt Yanow Charles Schlosser ..................................................................... Deena & Steve Zaron Bernard & Sylvia Friedman Joe & Dorothy Zel Lee Stein Alicia Alfonso Paula Alfonso ............................................................................ Antoinette & Cary Zel Betty & Mike Cooper Fay & Harold Zinn Ida & William Korash Ida & Saul Cooper Dorothy & Theodore Meyer Mae & Louis Zinn ....................................................................... Susan & Richard Zinn


... In Memoriam ... IN MEMORY OF


Minnie Flaum Maurice Flaum Doris Reback Leonard Reback Sandra Inman Jeffrey Flaum Howard Zeidwig Calder Sloan ....................................................... Dana, Chloe & Jordyn Zuckerman Corrine Zuckerman Freddy Zuckerman Myron Zuckerman Harry Josephowitz Bette Josephowitz ............................. Steve, Cheryl, Hannah & Myla Zuckerman


YIZKOR DATES FOR 2019-2020 YOM KIPPUR ......................Wednesday, October 9, 2019 SIMCHAT TORAH SHEMINI ATZERET .................. Monday, October 21, 2019 PESACH ......................................... Thursday, April 16, 2020 SHAVUOT ............................................. Friday, May 29, 2020

THE MEMORIAL ALCOVE In our Memorial Alcove, located in the lobby next to the Sanctuary, the names of our beloved departed are inscribed in bronze. Each name is recited on the occasion of the Yahrzeit, nameplates are displayed and one eternal light is kindled, for the writer in the Book of Proverbs long ago proclaimed: “The soul of man is the light of God.” The Memorial Alcove represents a dignified and meaningful way to perpetuate the names of our loved ones. This is also an opportunity, in the process of memorializing, to create a fund that will serve the living. Income derived from this means is used for such special purposes as may be necessary from time to time, in the course of the congregation’s continued growth and service to the community. Inquiries should be directed to the Temple office.

Myron “Mike” Brodie 94

During the past year, the following names have been inscribed in the Temple’s Memorial Alcove Betty Yaffe Blake Morris Blake Betty Cooper Sheldon Cooper June Doctor Davis Louis A. Davis Irene Dorfman Seymour Gelber Sheldon Gerson Jerry Goldsmith Lottie Goldsmith Estelle Kisselhoff Haber Audrey Kosnitzky David Allen Lipan Robert Eugene Lockshin Robert M. Newman Joel Presser Samuel J. Rabin Mollie Rudt Diane M. Salmanson Martin Salomon Toby Salomon Morton I. Singerman Alan Robert Schwartz Alice Vinik 95

INSCRIBED IN TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM MEMORIAL ALCOVE Charles Abbott Charles J. Abbott, MD Ida Abbott Jack A. Abbott Moe Abend Sylvia Abend Leon M. Abraham Isaac Abrams Isadore Abrams Minnie Abrams Allan Abramson James Abramson Lee K. Abramson Mabel Abramson Muriel Rosenberg Adams Frieda Koch Adelsberg Jack Simon Adler Lillian E. Adler Louis Adler Rose Adler Anna Albert Dr. Gerald R. Albert James M. Albert Joseph Albert Leona Albert Leona R. Albert Ronald L. Albert Arlene Sylvia Albin Dr. Michael Albin Minnie Albin Wolf Albin Edythe Dobnoff Alexander Ilse Alexander Lee Alexander Samuel Alexander Sarah Alexander Sidney Alexander Nissim Alfie Rosa Cohen Alfie Gladys Alliger Joseph K. Alliger Dr. Richard L. Alper Anne Alpert Morris Alpert Max Alterwien

Rose Alterwien Belle L. Altman Donald Altman, M.D. Gustave S. Altman Martha Seckles Altman\ Harvey Altmark Mollie Altschull Allen Herzl Amdur Belle Amdur Ellis L. Amdur Neal O. Amdur Abe Amster Lenore Amster Betty Amsterdam Jack Amsterdam Helen King Anchel Albert Anker Anna Anker Ellen Anker Max Anker Abraham B. Ansin Molly Brown Ansin Sidney D. Ansin Sophie Ansin Lillian B. Appel Max Applebaum Jill F. Arkin Joseph L. Arkin Lester N. Arkin Mildred Arkin Nathan Arkin Norman A. Arkin Sandra R. Arkin Sarah Arkin Stanley H. Arkin Kurt Aronsohn Harold Aronson Muriel Aronson Joseph Ash Lazar Ash Rebecca Ash Sadie Ash Josef “Yossi” Ashkenazi James Astor Kaethe Astor


Phillip Augustine Adolph Austin Sarah Austin Pauline Grossberg Avedon Samson Avedon Samuel B. Avrach Max Azderban Hanan Z. Bacheikov William “Bill” Baer Louis Baim Abram Baker David R. Balogh Sallie Balogh Dora Baker Ruth Baker Morry Baranek Bess Barg Esther Barg Esther M. Barg Ethel Barg Ethel B. Barg Frieda Barg Mendel Barg Tevia Barg Bertalan Barok Edna Baron Herman G. Baron Diana Barr Harry Barr Viola Bart Anne Basker Mitchell Basker Samuel J. Basker Selma W. Basker Jacob Baskowitz Sarah Baskowitz Robert T. Bass Kate Bassine Marilyn Baumal Max Bauman Theodore Bauman Dr. Carl Baumann Sam A. Bayer Charles Beatty Margaret Beatty

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Fanny Beck Dora Becker Samuel Beckerman Dr. Nathan Beckman Harry A. Beitchman Kala Chakov Beitchman Zev Beitchman Saul Belenke David Belenky Paul Belenky Tamara Belenky Roy Alan Belzer Ida Benkowitz Jacob Benkowitz Max Jay Bennett Jerome Benson, M.D. Greta Bercow Paul Sherman Bercow Israel Berestianer Tzila Berestianer James L. Berg Alex Berger Beatrice S. Berger David Berger Hatti Berger Murlyn Berger Rose Barok Berger Sol Berger Gertrude Berick Edward H. Berkman Florence J. Berkowitz Dr. Grete Berkowitz Marshall Berkowitz Paul A. Berkowitz Rudolfo Berkowitz Barnett Berkowsky Bessie Berkowsky Harry D. Berlat Chantal Allison Berman Estelle Berman Fedora Berman Harry Berman Herman Berman Molly Berman Morris Berman

Samuel Berman Irving Bern Philip Bernanke Fred H. Bernstein Harry Bernstein Ida Bernstein Jack Bernstein Julius Bernstein Zion Defrece Bernstein Morris (Moe) Berick Beatrice Berson Dudley J. Berson Alice Besman Bernard Besman James Victor Bickow Maurice A. Biel Rita G. Biel Samuel Bild Albert Billing Hyman Bilzin Rose Bilzin Fannie Corn Birkhahn Harry E. Black Solomon Blair Anne Blane Murray Blane Mildred Krinsky Blankstein Harry Blasberg Irving Blasberg Toba Blasberg Mary Blaustein Moe Blaustein Saul Bleemer Isaac Adam Blimbaum Fanny Bloch Freda M. Block Dave Bloom Irving Jacob Bloom Leo V. Bloom Rose Bloom Israel N. Blum Rose Blum Herbert Blumberg Charles Blume Clara Reiss Blume


Faye Blumin Harry Blumin Archie Bockner Bruce Paul Bodin Molly Bogdish Abraham Bondareff Adolph Bonem Erwin Bonem Charles Borinsky Jared Tyler Boros Esther Borowsky Sylvia Bowers Jack Boykoff Harry Braman Katie Braman Anna Brause Barnett Brause Hyman Brause Joseph Brause Samuel A. Brause Yetta Brause Dora Brawer Louis Brawer Dr. Judd R. Breakstone Ana Breiterman Sergio Breiterman Nathan Breskin Myrna D. Bricker Betty Ann Bright David E. Bright Kate Bright Michael Bright Robert Bright Samuel Bright Ann Rose Broad Daniel M. Broad Esther Feigel Broad Fannie Broad Mordecai Broad Morris Broad Nahum Selig Broad Ruth Kugel Broad Shepard Broad Leatrice Joy Brodsky Harriet Litt Brody

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Stanley R. Broff Jerry Brooks Marvin Broome Nancy Broudy Alexander Brown Anna Brown Arthur Brown Herman S. Brown Kate G. Brown Rose Brown Isaac I. Bruck Michael C. Brust Dr. Joseph Bubis Yetta Spero Bubis Emanuel M. Buchner Sadie “Sandy” Burch Phyllis May Bushman Abe Burstein Irving Bussel Harry Butwenig Sarah Butwenig Arnold Buxbaum David Byer Charles Cahn Rudolph Calisoff Isaac Camber Erwin Camp Lilo Camp Mark Allan Cannon Bernard Caplan Helen Caplan Rose Carroll Marwin S. Cassel Adam Celnik Irving H. Chait Marilyn Gould Chait Arlene Chaplin Morris Chaplin Rae Chaplin Eva Charmatz Itta Leah Charmatz Minnie Charmatz Morris Charmatz Samuel Charmatz Rose Chersky

WIlliam B. Chersky Charlotte Cohen Chester Carl Chestler Leo Chestler Raye Chestler Aaron Cohen Albert M. Chisling Albert Cohen Alex E. Cohen Bernard Cohen David Max Cohen Dorothea B. Cohen Dr. Elliott Cohen Estelle Cohen Evelyn Cohen Florence Cohen Freida Aronoff Cohen George Cohen George Cohen Harry Cohen Jack Cohen Joseph Cohen Miriam Rose Cohen Morris R. Cohen Pauline Cohen Ray Cohen Sylvia Cohen William Cohen Wolfie Cohen Perry David Cohn Genia Coles John Coles Erna Collin Matthew Commanday David Conviser Flora Conviser Robert S. Conviser Sylvia Block Cooke Clara Cooper Ida Cooper Jack B. Cooper Julius E. Cooper Linda Cohen Cooper Marvin “Mike” Cooper Morris Cooper


Saul J. Cooper Wilma Cooper Barney Cooperman Charles Cooperman Elizabeth Cooperman Julia Cooperman Rebecca Cooperman Harry A. Cornblum Leah Cornblum Arthur H. Courshon Dolores Bloom Courshon Benjamin Cowan Bess Cowan Dora Cowen Solomon Cowen Eleanor “Elly” Cristol Mae S. Cristol Samuel Cristol Sidney Crown Ida Cruminsky Meyer Cruminsky Kaylee Raffel Cutler Hattie Danerhirsch Leo Danerhirsch Samuel Danitz Nathan Darsky Abraham Davis David Davis Dorothy Davis Esther Davis Frieda Davis Tilo De Gutt Clara Denner David S. Denner Daniel Deutsch Gussie Deutsch David Diamond Jack Diamond Sheldon Dickstein Gittle Diener Harry Diener Rae Diener Hyman Dinnerstein Dora Altman Domb Mark Domb

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Meyer Don Harold Dorfman Rebecca Dorfman Samuel D. Dornfield Rose Drangle Elizabeth Cherkas Drayman Tobie Drayman Dr. Howard T. Drecksler Samuel Drecksler Edythe Dreverman Anna Dreyer Max Dreyer Florence L. Dribin David Drucker Lisa Druckman Ruth Druker Sondra Dryfoos Lillian Dublin Gary Duboff Irving Duboff Mildred Duboff Benjamin Dubrow David Matthew Dubrow Rose Dubrow Jack Norman Dulberg Rose Dulberg Abe Dumas Dorothea Shimel Dumas Anna Eckstein Mark Eckstein Harvey Edell Lillian Edell Louis Edell Sylvia B. Edelman Margaret Edelstein Samuel M. Edelstein Irving Efrom Matilda Efrom Helen Eggnatz Isaac Eggnatz Dr. Meyer Eggnatz Rena Eggnatz Sadie Eggnatz William Eglin Gustav Ehrenfeld

Malvina Ehrenfeld Saul H. Ehrenpries Dr. Herman Ehrlich Lillian Ehrlich Sally P. Ehrlich Yosef Eidelman Max Eiman Beatrice Hepps Eisenberg Paul Elias Alyce Ell Leon J. Ell Judge Henry Ellenbogen Rachel Ellenbogen Dr. Max Ellis Daniel Elson Edythe Elson Judith Elson Samuel Engel Anna Engelberg Daniel Engelberg Philip Gerald Engelberg Sylvia Engels Abraham B. Epstein Benjamin Epstein Betsy Epstein Julius B. Epstein Lena Epstein Louis Epstein Michael S. Epstein Nathan Epstein Rebecca B. Epstein Sonia Epstein Donald Erlanger Aaron Tollin Euster Rieta Kassay Euster Anna B. Fabrikant Louis J. Fabrikant Myron Fabrikant Ruth Weiland Falk Walter S. Falk Abraham Arthur Farber Frances Dorenfield Farber Janice Stone Farber Sara Freedman Farber Aaron Farr


Harry L. Farr Helen K. Farr Myra Z. Farr Arlene Feder Rheba Feder William H. Feder Dorothy Federman Barnett Fein Ethel Fein Elliot L. Feinberg Louis Feinberg Rose Feinberg Samuel Feinberg Irving Feingold Denise “Denny� Feinsilver Gail Feinstein Dr. Hyman Feld Rebecca Feld Al Feldman Bessie Feldman Israel Feldman Nettie Feldman Isadore I. Felner, M.D. Mildred Felsher Edward Fenias Estelle F. Fenias Linda Fenner Jeanne Ferron Arthur L. Fick Mark Fields Leroy D. Fienberg Esther Fine Samuel Fine Elizabeth B. Finegold George J. Finegold Patrice Finer Dr. David Fink Jacob M. Fink Jennie Finkelstein Nathan Finkelstein Lena Finzelber Max Finzelber Allen First Sylvia First Jennie Fischer

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Fred Fishbein Blanche Fisher Harry Fisher Louis Fisher Melvin Fisher Mildred Fisher Diana Flatow Henry Flatow James M. Flegelman Victor Fleming Sam Flomenhaft Isaac Forman Pearl Devenow Fox Ben Frackman Juliet Frackman Harry Frailberg Esther Frankel Sylvia Frankel Benjamin Freeman Ethel Freidin Gussie Freidin Arthur Friedberg Benjamin Friedberg Harris Friedberg Samuel Friedberg Sarah Friedberg Thelma Friedberg Nathan Friedenberg Morris Friedin Frances J. Friedland Ben E. Friedman Bernard D. Friedman Bess Matz Friedman Esther Friedman Eva J.O. Friedman Harry M. Friedman Joseph B. Friedman Julius L. Friedman Lena Friedman Lester B. Friedman Myer Friedman Rebecca Friedman Sara Baker Friedman Sylvia Friedman Victor Friedman

Zalman Haskell Friedman Zelda Friedman George Friedwald Herbert Friesner Lynn Friesner Alexander Frisch Irving Frumkes Lillian Frumkes Muriel Frumkes Isaac Fryd Harry G. Fuerst Jeanne Fuerst Dr. Simon Fuerst Richard B. Furlong, M.D. David Furman Mollie Furman Gussie Garfinkel Philip Garfinkel Samuel Garfunkel Harry Gastwirth Rebecca Gastwirth Bessie Gaynor Isador Gaynor Milton Gaynor Sadie Gechman Sam Gechman Frank Gelb Julia Gelb Abraham Geller Edith S. Gelber Judith Krensky Gerard Annette Gerson Bertram M. Gerson Harry J. Gerson Larissa Gerstel Edith R. Gertner Samuel Gertner Mary Getz Philip Getz Austin James Gilbert Benjamin Gill Sylvia Black Gill Frances Schwartz Giller Norman Giller Harry Gilman


Sylvia U. Glassberg Edward Glasser Nettie Glasser Rona Soshuk Glassman Herbert Morris Glickman Barnard Glickstein Harriett Shirley Glickstein Joshua Isaac Glickstein Fannie Glosser Gerald Glosser Nathan Glosser Ida Glottman Jack Glottman Saul Glottmann Sig M. Glukstad Adolph Goldberg Lt. Alvin J. Goldberg Benjamin Goldberg Harry Abraham Goldberg Jennie G. Goldberg Joseph L. Goldberg Lerkey Goldberg Lillian Goldberg Nathan Meyer Goldberg Rae Goldberg Samuel Goldberg Rhea Goldfarb Sylvia Goldfischer Jacob Goldhaber Beatrice Goldin Dr. David R. Goldin Jerome Leonard Goldin William Goldin Abraham Abba Goldman Al Goldman Bessie Goldman Charles Goldman Esther Goldman Eva Goldman Hyman Goldman Jennie Goldman Louis Goldman Mary Goldman Sadie Goldman Solomon Goldman

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Sol Sholom Goldring Albert Goldsmith Gertrud Goldsmith Jennie Sara Goldsmith Louis Goldsmith Peter Goldsmith Vera Goldsmith Mayor Stanley S. Goldsmith Charles Goldstein Harvey Sherman Goldstein Isidore Goldstein Julius D. Goldstein Lena Goldstein Lester O. Goldstein Nettie Goldstein Rose B. Goldstein Ruth Goldstein Simon Goldstein Nochim Golomb Sonia Golomb Jack Golum Mae Golum Israel Goodfriend Sophie Goodfriend Irving Goodman Jerrold F. Goodman Harry Goodkowsky Jeanette Goodkowsky Doris Goodstein Irving Goodstein Sidney Gorden Anna Gordon Barbara Y. Gordon Ben Gordon Edward C. Gordon Florence R. Gordon Harry Gordon Harry A. Gordon Jack Gordon Max Gordon Rose Gordon Stella Gordon Sylvia Gordon Ann Gorlitz Laura Friedwald Gosnell

Leopold Gottesman Leo Gottfreid Dora Gottlieb Jack G. Gould Miriam Gould Ronald Gould Caroline Grabarnick Joseph Grabarnick Helene J. Graham Mary Ellen Graham Murray Graham Sheri A. Graham Stanley S. Graham Leiba Gran Malka Gran Ruth Granger Eleanore Granoff Frieda Granoff Harold R. Granoff Merle “Miki” Granoff Mildred “Mickey” Granoff Morris Granoff Bertha Gratz Max Gratz David M. Green Marvin M. Green Shirley Green David Greenberg Estelle Greenberg Geraldine A. Greenberg Goldie Greenberg Harry Arthur Greenberg Harry William Greenberg Isidore C. Greenberg Jeanette Greenberg Kate W. Greenberg Lena Greenberg Morris Greenberg Sidney Greenberg Dr. Arthur Greene Dr. Irwin M. Greene Alex Greenfield Helen Greenfield Lt. John Greenfield Juli Karen Greenfield


Julius W. Greenfield Abraham Greenspan Charles Greenstein Jerry Greenstein Marilyn Greenstein Jill Greenwald Max J. Greenwald Phyliss Greenwald Sadye Greenwald Margaret Hirschfeld Greenwalt Jesse G. Greer Frances Grobard Eunice Allen Groff Julian Groff Leon Gropper Nelly Gropper David D. Groskin Lillian K. Groskin Harry Gross Jerry A. Gross Leonard Gross Lily Gross Maurice Gross Rena Gross Adam Grosse Morris Grossman Roslyn Grossman Jacob Gruber Rae Kronish Gruber Arnold Grunther Barbara Grunther Estelle Haas Robert Haas Arnold Haber Anna Haber Harry Haber Leonard Haber Carolyn Halpern Jerome Halpern Harriet C. Hammel Anna Handelsman Nathan Hanshaft Alex Hanson Joseph H. Harris Milton Harris

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Mollye Harris Vera Harris Herman Hartog Sophie Hartog Arnold Joseph Havenick Fred Havenick David Hecht Esther L. Hecht Florence Stein Hecht Isadore E. Hecht Cynthia Ann Heiman Bessie Heller Carol Joyce Heller David Allan Heller Pearl Heller Hilda Helman Max Helman Nard Helman Erika Hentschel Oskar Hentschel Abraham Hepps Adolph Hepps Edward M. Hepps Ella Hepps Frank Hepps Julia Hepps Rose Hepps Ruth Hepps Cecelia Herman Pete Herman Dr. Francine Herold Bernard K. Herscher Ruth Herscher Adolph Herschman Marie Herschman Jean S. Hershey Kenneth I. Hershey Esther Hershkowitz Michael Hershkowitz Judy Hertzberg Charlotte Herz Edward Herz Sanford Hildebrandt Arthur R. Hill Selma Hill

Leslie Hirsch Hilton Beatrice Hirsch Benjamin Hirsch Esther Hirschfeld Rudolf Hirschfeld Edward S. Hirschl Roslyn A. Hirschl Harry Hixon Harold Harvey Hochman Laura Hochman Frieda Hochstein Bessie Hoffman Frances Hoffman Harry Hoffman Herbert Alan Hoffman Chucha Hofman Natan Hofman Harry Holland Sylvia Holland Molly Hollander Jacob Holtz Rose Holtz Loretta Holtzman Nathan Holtzman Rebecca M. Honoroff Margolia Hordes Herman Horrow Abraham Jack Housman Rosalyn Housman Alice Hudak Blackie Hunter Jacklyn “Jackie” Hunter Isaac Huppert Regina Huppert Rhonda Hurwich Anna Hutter Jacob Hutter Florence Hyams Samuel S. Hyams Dr. Victor Hyams Emily Iralson Max I. Iralson Harry L. Isaacs Milton Isaacs Bessie Isser


Harry Izenberg Rebecca Izenberg Abraham Jackowitz Henny Jacobs Donald Jacobson Dorothy Jacobson Irving Jacobson Judith Stuzin Jacobson Samuel Jacobson Marilyn June Jacoby Ann Lee Jaffe Norman S. Jaffe Walter J. Jahn Leonore Jenny Hermina Jeremias Rabbi Harry Jolt Helen Jolt Alexander Fred Jonas Henrietta Jonas Gertrude Joseph Adolf Kahn Anna Kahn Carol Kahn Guinter Kahn Jennie Kahn Joseph Kahn Mina Kahn Paula Kahn Raymond Kahn Dr. Ruben L. Kahn Avram Jay Kaiser Dorothy M. Kalinsky George Nathaniel Kalish Sylvia Irma Kalish Lillian Kamholz Seymour Kamholz Barbara Kamm Stanford E. Kane Max Kanner Helene Kantor Herman Kantor Jacob B. Kantor Rose Kantor Sam Kantor Jacob Kantzler

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Morris Kantzler Anna Kaplan Ben Kaplan Benjamin Kaplan Bessie Kaplan Ethel Kaplan Goldie Kaplan Hyman Stuart Kaplan Irving B. Kaplan Rebecca Kaplan Sylvia Kaplan Marshall Karasik Max Karasik Yetta Karasik Neal Kars Philip Louis Kasdin Dr. Herman Leon Kasha Rose L. Kasha Ruth Merritt Kasnet Gertrude R. Katz Ida Katz Judah Katz Lena Katz Louis S. Katz Samuel Katz Samuel Aaron Katz Eli Katzin Therese Katzin Francine Kaufman Blanche Kay Max Kay Larry Kaye Lillian Kaye Sol Kaye Eleanore Keeti Pearl Keeti Samuel J. Keeti Emanuel Keller Ruth Gold Keller Aladar Kellerman Alberto Kellerman Margarita Kellerman Bertha Kelman Joseph Kelman Milton Kelner

Natalie Kelner Louis Kenin Molly Kenin E. Max Kesselman Betty Kessler Fannie Farber Kessler Herman “Eddie” Kessler Louis Kessler Philip Kessler Pauline Kessler Kievel Georgette Kimmel Jesse A. Kimmel Harold Victor King David Averon Kipnis Irving Kipnis Lena Kipnis Theodore Kipnis Abraham Israel Kirschbaum Dr. Harry M. Kirschbaum Millie Kirschbaum Morris Kirsh Renee Kirsh Jacob Kirsh Gussie Kleiman Morris Kleiman Ann Klein Blanche Klein Martin Klein Nat Klein Elizabeth Pokres Kleinberg Samuel Kleiner Benny Kleinfeld Ruth Juras Kleinfeld Sheila Z. Kline Jeffrey I. Knapp Josephine Knapp Benjamin Knobel Celia Knoll Lillian Holtz Knoll Morris Knoll Dr. Nathan Knoll Blima Knopke Helen Knopke James S. Knopke Richard S. Knopke


David Koch Dr. Elias Kogan Joshua Kogan Morris Kogan Rebecca Kogan Stephen Jay Kogan Yetta Kogan Helen Kohen Roland Jay Kohen Isadore Kohn Lillian H. Kohn Paula Kohn Rose Kojinsky Celia Lust Kolbe Herman Kolbert Abraham Kolker Besie Kominsky Mary Komoroff Ida Korash Willian Korash Hyman Korey Minnie Korey John A. Korman Yetta Korman Anna Kornblum Dr. Daniel Kornblum Esther Kornblum Irving Kornblum Simon Kornblum Harry Kosnitzky Annie Kotler Helen Kotler Isaac Kotler Joan Spero Kotler Meyer Kotler Sam Kotler Anna Koven Jerome Koven Cal Kovens Brian Kovler Clara Krams Jules Krams Louis A. Krams Max Krams Morton A. Krantz

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Irene W. Krasner Samuel Krasner Rubin Krassner Lillian Krause Max Krause Isadore Kravitz Shirley Kravitz Thomas C. Kravitz Tobias Paul Kravitz Herbert F. Krensky Hyman Krensky Inez Messe Krensky Louis J. Krensky David Berle Krinsky Ida Leah Krinsky Samuel Krinsky George Kroner Petja Maria Kroner Jordan Kronish Lena Kronish Rabbi Leon Kronish Lillian Kronish Maurice Kronish Max Kronish Alfred Kronthal Hertha Kronthal Kurt Kronthal Dora Kugel Morris Kugel Solomon Kugel Albert Kulick Lena Kurtz Martin Kurzweil Shirley Kurzweil Alexander Kushman Esther Kushman Dr Daniel Kushner Rachel Anna Kutner Raymond Kutner Harry Lack Fanny Landau Wendy Landes Anna Landsman Louis Landsman Rosalie Landsman

Allan Langendorf Fay Langendorf Carole Wien Langer Joseph Lapidus Jonathan Bryan Laskin Nathan LaTuchie Leah Press Laufer Susan Rosenthal Laurence Kate Lavine Maximilian Lavine Jack Lawson Lene Lawson Edith Lazarus Gertrude Lazarus Samuel Lazarus Sylvan H. Lazarus Sara Lebowitz Zachary Lee Albert B. Lefton Mildred Lefton Julian D. Lehman David Edward Lehr Jerry Leibowitz Edward Leitner Anne Lerner Oscar Arthur Lerner Jacob Abraham Lesser Joseph Lesser Copel Levenson Leon J. Levenson Walter S. Levenson Fannie Cohn Leveston Eric Louis Levey Rita Levey Seymour Levey Jennie Levin Laura Kaplan Levin Dr. Leo Levin Dr. Hyman S. Levine Jacob H. Levine Dr. Sanford Levine Sara E. Levine Alex Levinson David Levinson Esta Levinson


Francis Levinson Harold Levinson Jo Ellen Levinson Josef Levinson Louis Levinson Mark Levinson Miriam Levinson Perle Levinson Stanley "Bud� Levinson Vivian Levinson Al Levitt Ella Levitt Norma A. Levitt Esther Levowich Hyman Levowich Anna E. Levy Dorey Levy Esther Levy Grace Levy Harry J. Levy Izzie W. Levy Nathan T. Levy Robert B. Levy Jessie Lewis Rose H. Lewis Anna Liberman Charles Liberman Philip Liberman Sarah Liberman William Liberman Muriel Lichter Solomon Lichter Chaim Lichtschein Rose Lichtschein Ida Lidsky Julius Lidsky Nathan Lidsky Anna Stern Lieberman Benjamin Liepschutz Rose Liepshutz Anne Lifschutz Jacob Lifschutz Bennett M. Lifter Daniel Lifter Helene Lifter

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Joseph Lifter Helen Bromberg Linick Harris Lipkin Herman Lipp Minna Lippman Morris Lippman Frank K. Lipschutz Marc Lipsitz Joseph Z. Lipsky Louis Lipsky Isaac Lipson Erwin Lissberger Ida Lissberger Meta Lissberger Arnold Howard Litt Mollie Litt Morris Litt Tessie Litt Helen Littman William Littman Hilda Litvin Mitchel Litvin Donald Locke Bertram Lockshin Carl Lockshin Ann Loeb Fay Loevin Sidney Loevin Alex Loewenthal Else Herzberg Loewenthal Kurt A. Loewenthal Arpad Loewy Hermann Loewy Katherine Loewy Rose Loewy Seymour Logan Meryle Geller Loring Rose Simonhoff Loudan Alvin B. Lowe Rose Ann Lowe Arthur M. Lowell Susan Lowell Anna Lowenstein Henry Lowenstein Herbert Lowenstein

Rae Lowenstein Beatrice Lowenthal David J. Lowenthal Marcus Lowenthal Sara R. Lowenthal Jacob Lubin Lonnie K. Lubin Maxwell J. Lubin Abraham Luboff Beatrice Amdur Luboff Manuel R. Luck Carl Lundy Herman Lundy Howard J. Lundy Tillie Lundy Leonard Luria Elias Lustig Anna D. Madanick Philip Mades Anne Korash Madorsky Max Madorsky Sidney Mager Ida Block Magrill Tillie Major Betty Malakoff William Malamut Lena Malnick Elizabeth Mandelson Hyman Manes Myron W. Mann Jacob Marcus Rae Marcus Bess Marder Lewis David Marder Mary Marder Harry Margol Florence Margolis Ann Mark Louis Markowitz Nathan Markowitz Rachel Markowitz Bertha Davis Marks Morris Marks Adolph Marquiz Arnold Marquiz


Bettie J. Martin Meyer E. Martin Norma Albin Martin Betty Ann Mass Melanie Mass George Matz Mary Davis Matz Sam L. Matz Sarah Matz Sylvia Matz Michael P. Maxwell Dave B. May Mortimer May Samuel D. May Herta Mayer Martin Mayer Ethel H. Mayrsohn Hannah Mayrsohn Mayr Mayrsohn Sheila Bloch Mehlman Edna Meiselman Samuel J. Meiselman George Meisner Lois L. Meitus Marvin Meitus Linda Berg Mendez Barry Menin Miriam Menin Richard Jay Menin Robert M. Merritt Charles Merwitzer Louis Merwitzer Rebecca Merwitzer Nat Messe Rose Messe Mary Metsky Morris Metsky Norman C. Meyers Sylvia Meyers Tillie Zinnamon Meyers Merle Michaels Nathan Michaels Norman Miles Mildwoff Abraham Miller Andrew N. Miller

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Anna Miller Arthur V. Miller Bertram Miller Bess Miller Bessie Miller Dr. Daniel H. Miller David Miller David Miller Hattie Miller Herta Mayer Howard H. Miller Isaac Miller Kay Miller Lily S. Miller Louis Miller Marty Miller Morris Miller Nellie Miller Norman I. Miller Phyllis Ruth Miller Rebecca Miller Rose Miller Rose Miller Samuel H. Miller Sarah L. Miller Sicie Miller Simon Miller Dr. Morris Milstein Rosalind Milstein Sarah Minsky Abraham Molasky Esther Molasky Gladys Arth Molasky Joseph R. Mondres Sandra Mordujovich Nicholas Morely Adolf Morgenstern Gladys Rennert Morgenstern Leslie Ira Morgenstern Pepi Morgenstern Clara Morjain David A. Morris Morris B. Morris Rhoda J. Morris David H. Morstein

Sophie C. Morstein Dr. John Mossman Pauline Mossman Becky Munchick Isadore Munchick Joseph Munchick Jack Muravchick Rose Muravchick Donald Murray Rose Nadborne Florence Nadler Harry Nadler Stella Herz Nagy Albert A. Naness Dr. Charles H. Naness Esther Naness Dr. Sidney Z. Naness Anna P. Natapow Morris L. Nathan Mabel Louise Neber Irvin Sonny Neham Charles Neidenberg Jennie Neidenberg Bessie Brause Nelson Donald Nelson Lillian Pearl Nelson Louis Nelson Jane Netoffsky Julian E. Newbauer Aaron Newman David Newman Theodore S. Newman Ethel Lubin Niceley Sara Ruth Nixon David Noroff Rose Papelow Noroff Ruth E. Norton Bart Notowitz Paul Notowitz Ruth Notowitz Herman Novygrodt Hilda Novygrodt Paul Nudelman Ruth Nullman Sidney Nullman


Elizabeth Nusbaum Evelyn Alpert Nussbaum Milton Nussbaum Jenny Olesky Joseph Olesky Jerry Olin Marsha Olin Malka Oliner Anna Opper Selma Oritt Mae Bruman Orlen Nathan Orlen Henri Jay Orman Jessie Ory Marvin Gilbert Ory Nathan Edward Ory Eric Osborn Rose Osborn Ralph W. Ossakow Sadie Ossakow William Ossakow George Ossip Jeanne R. Ossip Cecil Ostrove Samuel Ostrove Helene Owen Howard R. Owen Joseph Packar Louis Packar Selma Packar Bernard H. Pallant Grace Pallant Louis E. Pallott Morris Pancoe Betty Pappas Joseph Pardo Joseph “Joe� Pardo Mary Perahia Pardo Evelyn Parness Meryl Parsons Rose Paskow Zennith Pasternack Harry I. Penso Henry Penso May Sadacca Penso

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Godfrey Perell Lillian Perell Minnie Perell Morris Perell Nellie Perell Simon Perell Stephen Simon Perell Alex Perl Rhoda Picker Frank Pitterman Barbara Plager Evelyn F. Platoff Harry Platoff Louis Platt Al Podvin Erma Podvin Robert Podvin Helen L. Poiley Sarah L. Poiley Lucille A. Pokress Aaron Pollack Alex Pollack Clara Pollack Julia Pollack Kate Pollack Michael Pollack Rebecca Pollak Herman Pomerantz Lawrence Charles Porter Bob Posner Evelyn Postelnek Philip Postelnek David Pred Jerome Prensky Mary Prensky Jacob Press Julia Press Esther Presser Gus Presser David Provus Esther Bogin Provus Rae K. Queen Sue C. Rabin Myer Racoff Doris Racoff

Alexander Raczkowski Irene Raczkowski Belle Radin Bill Radin Irving Radin Lila Radin Louis Radin Louis Radin Philip Radnor Alfred D. Rafja Alice Herz Rajna Dr. George Leonard Rand Steven Marc Rand Ann Rapaport Helen S. Rapaport Joseph Rappaport Albert J. Ratzan Eve S. Ratzan Lester A. Rauthbord Hallie Cohen Raymond Nathan Reiber Frank T. Reiner Irving Reingold Rose Reingold Lillian M. Reis Claire S. Reises Ernestine Reiss Herman Reiss Isadore Reiss Morris Reiss Samuel Reiss Sarah Reiss Esther Reiter Harry Reiter Sam Reiter Edward S. Resnick Sam Resnick Jordan Alexander Ressler Max Reuter Sidonie Lissberger Reuter Felix Reyler Benjamin Rice Bessie Pulner Rice Edward Rice Selma Rice


Ann Richard Janet Richard Melvin J. Richard Dr. Julian A. Rickles Richard Samuel Rickles Selma Scisorek Rickles Thomas Jacob Rickles Benjamin B. Rimer Gertrude RImer Manuel Riskin Mildred “Midge� Riskin Dr. Bernie Rivo Mildred Essrig Rivo Alexander Robbins, M.D. Ruth Robbins Abe Robinson Anna Robinson Hiram S. Robinson Sophie Robinson Moshe Rodas Fred Roganson Florence Rogers Minnie Roles Fay Romm Morris Romm Bess Rose Chaim Rose Jesse A. Rose Virginia Loeb Strasberg Rose William A. Rose Anna L. Rosen Asher Rosen Frank Rosen Ira Rosen Lillian Rosen Max M. Rosen Mollie Rosen Molly Rosen Philip Rosen Raymond D. Rosen Rita Rosen Rosa Rosen A. Douglas Rosenbaum Edward Rosenbaum Erika Rosenbaum

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Fannie Levin Rosenbaum Frances S. Rosenbaum Fritz Rosenbaum Dr. Herman G. Rosenbaum Paul Rosenbaum Samuel Rosenbaum Michael Rosenbaum-Raviv Vera R. Rosenbaum Ben Rosenberg Fred Rosenberg Hermina Rosenthal Rosenberg Jacob Aaron Rosenberg Jeanette S. Rosenberg Morris Rosenberg Sadie Rosenberg Yetta Rosenberg Fred M. Rosenbloom Henry Rosenbloom Ruth K. Rosenbloom Harry Rosenbluth Sadye Rosenbluth Hannah Silvers Rosenfeld Harlan J. Rosenfeld Albert Rosenstein Bessie Rosenstein Charles Rosenstein Herbert Rosenstein Betty Rosenthal Israel Rosenthal Joseph Rafja Rosenthal Leo Rosenthal Milton J. Rosenthal Rose Rosenthal Sarah Rosenthal Sylvia Rosenthal Frances Rosenzweig Ben Ross Blanche Ross Celia K. Ross Charles Ross Lou S. Ross Miriam Miner Ross Sidney D. Ross Frances Rossman Morris Rossman

Belle Roth Dr. Edward Roth James Roth Margaret (Manci) Roth Max Roth Milton Roth Aaron Rothman Dorothy Miller Rothman Irving Rothman Sarah Rothman Bessye F. Ruben Harry D. Ruben Sgt. Jerrold R. Ruben William Ruben William S. Ruben Rose Hankoff Rubenstein Abraham Nissan Rubin Donald F. Rubin Edward S. Rubin Esther T. Rubin Louis Rubin Morris Rubin Rebecca Rubin Rose Rubin Emaunel Ruddy Ira Rudnick Samuel Rudnick Ellen Rochele Rudt Sam Rudt Ruth G. Russ Dr. Norman J. Russ David Jerome Russin Dr. Lester A. Russin Lynn D. Russin Michael Russin Merrily Russin Sarah U. Russin Benjamin Sabin Rose Sacks William Sacks Clara Caplan Saks Hedwig Beck Sall Dr. Walter G. Sall William Walter Sall Anna Saltzman


Samuel Saltzman Philip Samet Phyllis Samet Regina Samet Kate Samuels Simon Samuels Jack Sandler Rose Goldbaum Sandler Simon Sandler Sydell Sandler Abraham Sankin Perla Santermer Judge Albert Saperstein Yona Sarnoff Seymour Satin Samuel Satinsky Sylvia Satinsky Mamie Schacter Edward J. Scheaffer Lorraine H. Scheaffer Minnie Schaeffer Aaron L. Schaffer Mortimer Schaffer Ruth Sherman Schaffer Howard R. Scharlin Kate Loewenthal Schatz Lorraine H. Scheaffer Jeanne Schechter Leah Schechter Louis Schechter Alvin Schecter Irving J. Schecter Julia Schecter Sidney Schecter Elizabeth Scheiner Florence F. Scheiner Lillian A. Scheiner Tully Scheiner Samuel Schlesinger Sara M. Schlesinger Michele Susan Schneider Sonia Sunny Schneider Alex Schneidman Tanya Schneidman Meyer Schner

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Abe Schonfeld Beryl Schonfeld Fannie Schonfeld Jospeh Schonfeld Bernard Schreiber Frank G. Schreiber Minna Rosen Schreiber Dr. Helene Schrira Simha Schrira Arthur Schultz Tessie Schultz Carl E. Schustak Lillian Schustak Nathan Schuster Albert Schwartz Freda Schwartz Marcu Schwartz Ruth C. Schwartz Samuel Schwartz Berta Schwarz Samuel Schwarz Henry Scisorek Mary Scisorek Annie Sebel Joseph Sebel Clara Seckles Isadore Seckles Maxine Rudt Segal Samuel Zindel Segal Sarah Segal Ronald H Seiden Ella Seiderman Samuel Seiderman Jerome S. Seiler Rudolph Seiler Sara Rosalea Seiler Sharon R. Seiler Albert Selesnick Fred M. Selling Annie Seltser Daniel Sepler Helen Sepler Abraham Seplowitz Rose Seplowitz Georgian Broida Serbin

John Serbin Jon Philip Serbin Kate Serota Nathan Serota Dorothy Shabat William Shanbrum Esther Selwitz Shapiro Frances Shapiro Judge Herbert Shapiro Irving H. Shapiro Isadore Solomon Shapiro Israel David Shapiro Jack Shapiro Joseph Shapiro Julius “Jack� Shapiro Leonard Shapiro Marsha Shapiro Meyer Shapiro Dr. Richard Shapiro Ruth Brown Shapiro Samuel W. Shapiro Elana Shari Joseph L. Sharpe Eugene Sharpstein Richard A. Sharpstein Ellen Shaw Milton D. Shaw Sylvia B. Shaw Peggy Shear Tamra Sheffman William Sheiman Scott J. Sheldon Jack Sher Jennie Sherman Julius Sherman Robin Sherman Sadie Sherman Randolph Shevach, M.D. Benjamin Shinkman Gladys Shinkman Ina Lee Shinkman Solomon Baruch Shore Joseph Shorenstein Louis Shorenstein Sadie Shorenstein


Alexander Shumann Mollie Shumann Beulah Shupack Ann Satin Shusterman George Shusterman Benjamin Siegel Ellie Siegel Gene Siegel Gerry Siegel Henry Siegel Marcia Siegel Mary Siegel Nathan Siegel Rose Siegel Sarah Siegel Simon Siegel Mary J. Siegfried Harry Sigman Meyer Silberstein Mania Silver Seymour S. Silverman Shari Silverman Charles Silvers David Silvers Jane F. Silvers Jeffrey Silvers Marvin W. Silvers Moe Silvers Phyllis D. Silvers Sylvia Silvers Albert Silverstein Anna Silverstein Max Silverstein Sheba Silverstein Alex R. Simberg Beulah Simberg Fritzie Simberg Philip S. Simkowitz Adele Simon Dorothy Rose Simon Harold Simon Marilyn J. Simon Muriel Simon Phyllis Marcus Simon Samuel Simon

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Scot Simon Stuart Simon Tobias Simon Harold Simonhoff Jack Singer Melvin Singer Sadie Singer Esther Singerman Richard F. Singerman Hinda Resa Sintow Karlin I. Sintow Bertha Sir Samuel Sir Sylvia Sir Louis W. Skobel Dora Slewett Evelyn Slewett Nathan Slewett Phillip Slewett Robert David Slewett Leon Slezynger Calder Jacob Sloan Irving M. Slonim Charles Smith Dora Smith Fannie Smith Jacob Isaac Smith Lena Smith Marilyn K. Smith Meredith Smith Milton William "Smitty" Smith Samuel Smith Dr. Stanley Smith Sylvia K. Smith Louis Bunch Snetman Louis Fleischer Snetman Rebecca Fleischer Snetman Benjamin Snider Fannie L. Snider Dr. Eugene F. Snyder Helen Snyder Ida Snyder Maxine Hope Kronish Snyder Morris Sokolik Roslyn Solomon

Benjamin Somerstein Bessie Somerstein Fred Somerstein Rena Somerstein Robert Somerstein Albert Sonenreich Silvia Sonenreich D. Murray Sonnett Betty Sonshine George Sonshine Levi Soshuk Renee Sowolsky J.Bernard Spector Elsie W. Speesman Joan Betty Spellman Ethel D. Spero Martin J. Spero Mary Spero Morris Spero Ralph Spero Adele Josephs Spiegel Col. David Spiegel Larry H. Spiegel Esther Spitzer Joseph Spitzer Rose Spitzer Oscar Spitzler Dorothy B. Spoont Samuel H. Spoont Edward S. Sporn Leon Srago Moises Sredni Sara Sredni Edward Stamler Esther Stamler Norman J. Stamler Rita D. Stander Jules Stark Jeffrey Steele Morton Steele Dr. Allen H. Stein Anna Stein Barnett B. Stein Beatrice Stein Clara Stein


Goldie Stein Isadore Stein Louis Stein Rita Stein Samuel Stein Sophie Stein Jaime Steinberg Ofelia Steinberg Rose Steinberg Esther Steiner Jacob Steiner Lottie Steiner Martin J. Steiner Maria Steinfeld Betty Stern Irving Stern Jeffrey Stern Joanna K. Stern Kurt Stern Myron Stern Paul A. Stern Richard Stern Robert M. Stern Ronnie P. Stern Thalia Yaffey Stern Karl Louis Sternbaum Bernard Steuer Fanny L. Steuer Ruth E. Stuzin Audrey Stoller Leon Stoller Dr. Morris Stoller Freda Stonberg Isadore Stonberg Fannie L. Stone Dr. Louis G. Stone Samuel Storch Alex A. Straus Bernice Kaplan Straus Dr. David Student David Stuzin Ruth E. Stuzin Joseph Sunshine Anna Rose Susskind Carl Susskind

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Mania Susskind Martha Susskind William Susskind Abraham Sussman Jeanette Sussman Raymond Sussman Rose Sussman Sid Sussman George Sutcliffe Dr. Herbert Swerdlow Millicent Swerdlow Bernard Swickle Estelle K. Sydney Henry Tager Murray Talenfeld Rith Hepps Tambor Samuel Taub Sara Lee Taub Morris Taylor Rebecca Taylor Ruth Jenny Teitelbaum Mark Tenen Anna Tenenbaum Sam Tenenbaum Bee Tepper Max Tepper Betty Terkel Jennie Thal Sonia Thal Morris Thirman Rachel Ellen Schwartz-Thornton Herman Tobias Hildegard Tobias Madeleine Tobin Meyer Tobin Lester Toloff Sol Topolsky Isaac Topping Taube Topping Bernice Traeger Carol Goldstein Tratt Rukhlia Tsvaygenboym Srul Tsvaygenboym Herman E. Tupper Sara G. Tupper

Hyman Turken Jennifer Beth Turken Jack Turner Julia Turner Sanford Turner Jacob Udell Abraham Pincus Unger Beatrice R. Unger Iris Sylvia Unger Leon Unger Lester J. Unger, M.D. Anthony I. Van Wye Beatrice Van Wye Leonard Van Wye Deena Vernick Miriam Vernick Rose Vernick Sally Vernick Anna Vinik Harold Vinik Richard Vinik Helen Wagner Jack Wagner Solomon Wald Sylvia Wald Belle Waldman Dora Waldman Morris Waldman Nathan Waldman Solomon Wallman Betty Wand David Michael Wank Dolores S. Warren Paul Warren Charles Wasser Nettie Hyde Wasser Dora Wechsler Henry Wechsler Albert Weil Evelyn B. Weil Murray B. Weil, Sr. Albert D. Weinberg Erwin C. Weinberg Hedwig Weinberg Herman Weinberg


Jacob Weinberg Sally Weinberg Selma Weinberg Sophie Weinberg Bruce Weine Eugene E. Weine Lena G. Weiner Louis N. Weiner Melvin L. Weiner Tillie Weiner David Weinglass Joseph Weinglass Sara Weinglass Anna Weingrover Beatrice Ida Weinstein Bernard Weinstein Denise Connie Weinstein Isidor Weinstein Jennie Weinstein John Weinstein Dr. Lester Weinstein Lillie Weinstein Matilda R. Weinstein Murray Weinstein Dr. Seymour Weinstein Sidney D. Weinstock Fay E. Weintraub Charles S. Weisberg Marian Weisberg Goldie Weisbord Sam Weisbord Abbott Weisburd Eugene J. Weiss Grace R. Weiss Milton Weiss Phillip Weiss Rose K. Weiss Max Weitz Chaim Weizmann Eda Welkom Herman Wertheimer Meryl J. Wertheimer Etta Westin Irving Westin Irving L. Wexler

WALL OF REMEMBRANCE (Continued) Jerry Wexler Sammy Wexler Shirl Wexler Ethel F. Wien Leonard A. Wien Marjorie F. Wien Mortimer E. Wien Mollie Wiener Mortimer E. Wiener Julius Wilner Lillian Wilner Doris E. Wilson Manny E. Winger Bea Winkleman Minnie Winkleman Nan Winkleman Philip Winkleman Harold Leighton Winkler Rose Winkler J.Z. Winkler Harry Winston Janie Kohen Winter Stephen Samuel Wise Ida Wissner Anna Wix Ethel “Rokey� Wix Michael Wix Henry Wolf Jean Blair Wolf Rose Wolf Charlotte Wolff Esther Wolfson Louis Wolfson Rita Wolfson Pola Wollowick Samuel Wollowick A. Ernest Woolfe Betty Miller Woolfe Howard Carl Wrubel Michael M. Wynn Doris K. Yaffey Robert J. Yaffey Fanny Yaglom Solomon Hart Yampolsky William Yanowitz

Dr. Jeffrey M. Yasman Theodore Yates Tillie Yates Helen Yawitt Jacob Yawitt Jack W. Young Meryl A. Young Joshua Reid Zalis Agnes S. Zalka Estelle Zalkin Julius Zalkin Celia Zeiger Harry Zeiger Dorothy Zel Bella Zeller Esther Zeltzer Isadore Zeplowitz Sohia Zeplowitz Benjamin W. Zimmerman Jeanette L. Zimmerman Molly Zimmerman Marjorie Zimmet Samuel Zimmet Fay Zinn Harold Zinn Abraham Zinnamon Hinda Zinnamon Mary F. Zinnamon Shoel Zinnamon Elizabeth P. Zion Sol Zion Abraham Zolt Lewis E. Zorn Esther Zundell Isaac Zundell


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