Learn swift on the mac

Page 165

CHAPTER 18: Interoperability with Objective-C


Note  You can’t import C++ code directly into Swift, you have to export your code wrapped in an Objective-C interface.

The process of importing Swift code into Objective-C works similarly.

Interoperability What happens when you import Objective-C code into Swift? First, pointers are mapped to Swift optionals. So   NSString *myString = nil

will be imported as:   var myString : NSString? = nil;

Actually, that’s not strictly true. The second thing that happens is that certain types, such as NSString, are mapped to native Swift objects such as String, so the actual mapping is:   var myString : String? = nil;

The Objective-C type id is mapped to the Swift AnyObject protocol. This protocol can represent an instance of any object type, just as id represents any object in Objective-C.   id myObject = nil; var myObject : AnyObject? = nil var myObject1 : AnyObject = NSString()

Note  The AnyObject protocol represents a safe object. If you’d like to be able to assign a nil value, it has to be boxed in an optional.

Keep in mind that, in Swift, once a variable is assigned a type, you can’t change the type of that variable. AnyObject is different, however. It can hold different types of objects.   var myObject : AnyObject = NSString() myObject = NSArray()

Since AnyObject does not represent a specific type, you are allowed to call any Objective-C method or access any property without having to cast the type to specific class.   var myObject : AnyObject = UIView(frame: CGRectZero) var myView = UIView() myObject.addSubview(myView)

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