MAP3 - Methodical Assessment of Printed Parts and Processes Brochure

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The MAP3 Process Pre-Assessment Data Gathering

Data Entry/Specification Organization

An experienced team of professionals conducts in-depth

The technical team analyzes your environment by loading

interviews surrounding your printed parts environment.

the collected data into analysis tools and performing a more

Particular emphasis is placed on performance requirements,

detailed assessment. This confirms the original opportunities

agency compliance requirements and supply chain challenges.

for cost reduction uncovered in the first two phases.

We then decide together if you should move forward based

By more closely analyzing a cross section of the production

upon the findings of this high-level meeting.

part spend and comparing samples to engineering drawings and performance requirements, the technical team validates

Plant-Level Assessment

and quantifies the actual savings potential.

A team of highly trained product engineers conducts contacts, including engineering and production. They perform

Cost Reduction Project ID and Formalized Cost Savings Report

an in-depth analysis of your performance requirements as

The outcome of the in-depth analysis is a detailed listing

well as extensive analysis of the various label materials in use.

of potential cost reduction opportunities. These opportunities

Finally, the team conducts an on-site production floor analysis

are organized into a formal report that details the current

utilizing Lean Six Sigma methodology. This team is focused on

situation, the potential issue or opportunity, the suggested

uncovering opportunities for cost reduction via:

method to achieve the savings and the projected hard dollar

an on-site assessment of your facility. This team meets with key

• Material functional replacement

impact if implemented.

• Material and die size reductions • Part elimination/SKU reduction • The use of technology

800.442.5254 | 1725 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato, MN 56003 | © 2020 Taylor #2399

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