March 2012

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Living Dream Issue I

On Front Cover- Seanen Middleton (top) + Alexandra Sophie (bottom)

A year ago, if you asked me whether I would like to make a magazine, I would laugh at you and think strangely of you. Now I wonder how I could live without creating pages and pages of photograph filled wonders from magical people around the world. Our dreams may change as the years go by and become bigger, but it is our responsibility to make them happen and to be the best example to the others around us, inspiring them also to chase their dreams and light up the way for others. This is a magazine dedicated to those who love, inspire, and look for others to find happiness in. Never let your hopes end, fellow dreamers. I hope you enjoy this magazine and the many issues that will be released in many more years to come. ~Taya

(A huge thank you to Joy for inventing the title, and Martina for supporting me all the way)

Photographer// Rim-AJ

A Summer’s Escape


Hello! My name is Kayla Braley. I’m 21 years young and I am from the smallest town in Maine, United States. For me, photography started out after a huge tragedy in my life. When I was 14, my Dad passed away. It was so unexpected. He got in an ATV accident and was supposed to be okay... he died two days after his accident, on his birthday and mothers day, from a lacerated lung. After about a year of grieving, I picked up a camera that him and my mom had gotten me the Christmas before he died. I started doing small things at first. Taking really corny self portraits of myself, taking pictures of leaves, of different objects that I found to be beautiful. I learned how to use the selective focus on my camera which, mind you, was just a really cheap digital point and shoot camera. I took pictures all the time. Whether they were good or not, I didn’t care. I just liked the thrill of being able to see things that other people my age didn’t have the eye for. It wasn’t until my senior graduation in high school that I got my first “real” camera. A Nikon D40. I was so in love with it. I was able to take my photography to the next level and soon, I was asked to take pictures of people. I did my first family photoshoot with that camera. And it was then that I decided I wanted to create memories for families forever. You see, my Dad is always in my mind, my heart, my soul. He was my inspiration for everything. When I shot this family, I thought to myself, “One day, this family is going to appreciate these pictures so much. One day, their parents aren’t going to be there, and they will have these pictures to always remember.” What an honor it is to create memories for such a wonderful, loving family. To this day, I am still very good friends with that family and see them often. They have become like my own. So one day, the pictures I take of them will mean as much to me as it does to them.

Braley September of 2010, I started photography school at Hallmark Institute of Photography in Turners Falls, MA. My gosh was that the best time of my life. I fell in love while doing the one thing I truly love, photography. I was taught so much about photography. I ate, breathed and slept photography. I was surrounded by such talented people who had the same love for it as I did. Although there were many people much more talented than I, and many people who might not have been, I feel like my photography has improved an immense amount. I am learning at my own pace. I have taken all the things I learned from school and applying it to what I’m doing now. I am so thankful for that experience. Though the love that I found while I was there does not exist anymore, I am so thankful for the experience I had with him. He made going to photography school worth it 100 times more. Where am I now? Now I have started a 366 photo project. The point of my project is for the world to be able to see me in a very deep, intense, personal way. How I think, how I feel. If I’m having a bad day, I want to be able to share that through images of myself. And I am hoping people can accept me for who I am. I hope I can accept me for who I am. I feel that by the end of this project, I will have a new love for myself. And hopefully other people will too. I am so thankful for my supporters, and I am so thankful to be able to support other photographers in their journey as well.

Kayla Braley

Rebecca Wnuk

I am a girl of 16 years living on the east coast. My intent with my photography is to capture a moment of altered reality. People seem to think a photograph represents real life- I disagree, at least in the way I shoot. My photos represent my fairytale world, everything is right, everything is good. I like pretty but I love ugly. My photos don’t show the world as it is; my photos show the world as I wish it could be- or as it is inside my own head. I like emotion. I like happiness and laughing and children eating cherry popsicles in the summertime but I also like dark equally as much, maybe more. Ugly is beautiful to me.

Shattered glass and sharp edges and papercuts that bubble blood and deer lying on the side of the road with their eyes still open and glassy but empty. With photography, I want to make people feel. Laughing, crying, excitement, horror- a reaction is something I take as a compliment. The worst thing for me is to show someone one of my photos, have them look at it, shrug, then walk away. That’s worse than someone despising my work. At least hatred is an emotion. At least my pictures made them feel something. I picked up a camera a long time ago and I haven’t been the same since.

Luiza Sandru

Photographer- Gail Shamon

Tess Mayer I often find myself lost in the photographs Tess produces. Her work is always full of incredibly souls ready to be captured by the camera. She is one of a kind.

I’m Olivia Michalski, I’m 17 years old and I live in Germany. I started DSLR photography on August, 12th, 2010 and I’m doing it in full passion. Photography makes me happy, it’s a way to express my feelings. My favourite subject to take pictures of is nature and nature close-ups. I try to provide feelings by taking pictures seriously and mostly spontaneous. I’m an amateur. I did never think that I’d ever come that far to appear in a magazine or so. It’s a great honor for me.

Model//Michelle N. Photographer//Taya

Emily Jane Morgan

My name is Silvia and I was born in Bergamo, Italy in 9 August 1992. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved taking photos, catching every moment and making it last forever but I found out the real passion for it like 3 years ago. I take photos in my spare time, as a hobby, but few times I earned some money, doing photoshoots, during a marriage too. I’ve never attended a photography school or course, I’ve learned everything I know (not much actually) on the internet. I studied european languages during the High School: English, Spanish and French. Now I’ve just moved to the wonderful Venice for university: I’m studying Japanese language and culture.

Cristiana M.

Photography has been playing an important role in my life for about five years now. I picked up my first digital camera at the age of twelve and, come to think of that particular moment, I never thought it would eventually bring about such a change to me as an individual. After experimenting with various genres, I decided that portrait photography was what I wanted to do from then on – not only for a couple of days or years, but for the rest of my life. I remember once reading a piece of advice that one of my favourite artists, Nirrimi Hakanson, gave to aspiring photographers: one should not let any day pass without doing something connected with their dreams. To be honest, I have come to a point where photography means so much to me that, even if I tried desperately, I would still not be able to stop constantly thinking about it. Little by little, it has become who I am and, if one day a complete stranger asked me on the street to describe myself in a few words, I would simply tell them that I am a photographer.

Sofie Olejnik



Taya Wolfe

18 year old female from Michigan. I started in photography when I was young with a Polaroid and built a love for the art. The thought of creating something beautiful with just the pressing of a button fascinates me.

Michelle Babb

I’m an 18 year old fully selftaught photographer and former world traveler (I have lived in the Philippines, Indonesia, the United States, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, China, and Thailand) who is back in the United States for college and is now based in Austin, Texas. I love seeing the world’s beauty from behind a camera, but I focus primarily on editorial and fashion work.



Alexandra Sophie

Alexandra in

photographer - stephanie yuen model - alexandra nye date - september 2011



Jillian Marleen



You (before 1st Feb 2010) You stood there, one day, and never went to go away. You are so cute, simply wonderful. You’re like rain after the dry season. You’re like sun after a cold winter. You don’t care about me, but you never let me go. You are not allowed to love me, so you don’t. You’re the person in my dreams. You are always right. You never make any mistakes. You do always what you are ought to do. You are so tidy. Your home is always clean. You live an ordinary life. You can be friendly to everyone. You don’t like me more than anyone else. You can hide your feelings. You are so unreachable. You’re like chocolate after a busy day. You’re like a shower after sports. You’re like the air to breathe. You’re like the blood to stay alive. You are everything in my life. Whatever you do, I’ll love you forever. ©Jessica Graf

Golden October In front of my eyes a dancing piece Falling onto my knees. So I look up to the sky, A million coloured leaves that fly. The wind is singing in a choir with the trees. Everything and everyone is in a harmonic peace. A sudden storm is coming here, Seconds later it starts to rain. Having an umbrella, that’s my aim. Something is dropping from your nose; I suppose it looks like a tear. The autumn has its good and bad sides. Soon the winter comes and the pretty cold nights, But today the sun still fights. We all enjoy the golden October until the dance of the leaves is over.

LYING TO YOURSELF Everytime I ask You if there’s something which is going wrong and You answer me that everything’s ok You know that’s not true, ‘cause You’re lying to Yourself Everytime I see You feeling so strange but You tell me that you’re feeling ok You know that You’re lying to yourself Always told me that I’m Your best friend so tell me what went wrong I’d like to know, I’d like to help You at the contrary I can’t help / trust You anymore Don’t be afraid of Yourself to me I can give You my advises If You made the wrong choice (tell me) what should I think of you, then?

Time to put it away so put Your mask away from You Don’t play with trust respect is not a game Beware from lies They’ll bring You to Your darkside

Copyright by Damy Mojitodka aka SOILWORKER-82 Lyrics published on his band (PULVIS ET UMBRA) debut album All rights reserved

Callous ice-crystals fall from the absolute sky kissing soft earth, eyes tempering hardened soil to harder stilltasting frozen breaths between carved limbs intertwined by the caress of constant contours: shattered spine, on cracked ribs, on numb toes, on every sigh in correlation with: “stay, under this unfaithful cold, a blanket of every last promise your youthful self proclaimed for it’s own.”

Ether she wears thin and sleepless on augmented breaths, in claustrophobic analogies decorated across his cracked ribs. clichÊ? y e s, her eyes ache, whispering isn’t every tragedy the very essence of beauty? y e s, she vibrates in dire melody, chanting; where is every scenic word cried in tears of detention? she wears weary and starved on every celestial bond tinkering in bridges of long deserted mocking truths. Sara Ansary.

Winter Photographer: Sarah Loven Designer: Studio Wed by Mirela Hair: Aaren Goodnough Makeup: Samantha Rae Clarke Set concept & design: Sarah, Joshua Mark


jessica nguyen

Wendy Liu

JAX WILSON I am an 18 year young self taught artist from a small uninspiring town, which only a select few have heard of - based near the Lake District, England. Since a very young age I have been incredibly passionate about all forms of art, but since technology developed & since the birth of the DSLR camera I soon found that photography was my favorite form of art. I strive to capture the little beautiful moments that often pass un-noticed.

I believe art is a universal love for all & speaks volumes without uttering a word, art is not just pleasing to the eye but can also capture the heart & be treasured.

Ena 17



Barbara Marques

Joseph Khalil

Neag Maria-Gabriela

Lucia Moretti

caterina appia “Creating sometimes beautiful is the only aim of my photographs�

Molly Grønberg

Jan-Pieter ‘t Hart

I’m a 16 year old boy from Ermelo, Holland. I enjoy peace, beauty, silence, and art - I find all that in nature. My goal is to find the beauty in everything and everyone. I take a lot of photos in the forests nearby, and sometimes I try something else, like portraits.

I love the surreal sight of fog and sunbeams. My photos vary from very colourful to monochrome.



Theo England



Asia De Lorenzi 16| Italy


Now to conclude this all, I’ll be ending this first issue with some of my favourite photographers, and a preview of their work that I love most. I find it essential for somebody to have a role model or someone they look up to when they are inspired by their talents, not for the sake of copying, but for the sake of getting advice, help, and love for their priorities. Keep on inspiring and be inspired, fellow dreamers

Caitlin Worthington

Nikolas Brummer

Natasha Capstick

Gabriela Mester

Lea Brinon

Laura Kok

Anastasia Volkova

Rachael Putt

Andreea Retinschi

Bailey Elizabeth

Felicia Simion

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