On Premise March April 2020

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s I speak to groups around the state, I often talk about the importance of our local leagues and how vital it is to our association to keep them strong. To demonstrate this, I relay the story of a visit I had a while ago from the executive director of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association, Minnesota’s version of the TLW. He was relatively new at his position and told me he wanted to make his association just as strong as Wisconsin’s. We talked for a couple of hours and, finally, I told him that Minnesota could never duplicate what we have in Wisconsin. He asked, “Why?” I told him it was because the state doesn’t have local leagues. Instead, the state is comprised of several large districts. This makes it much more difficult to address local issues and communicate locally. Since the association does not have as many members as we have, I understand that it may not be practical for it to have a local league in every county. For us, however, the county league is our backbone. Most of our local leagues meet every month, and if you don’t take the time to attend, you are missing out. You are missing out on an important and effective tool to help your business and make our league stronger. You are missing out on relationships and conversations with other small business owners that could help you avoid issues that others may have faced. And you are missing out on learning ways that have helped others grow their businesses that could help yours as well. I often say that the TLW provides you with the tools, but it is up to you to use them. Local league meetings are the best way to find out what is happening in the state, as well as in your backyard, regarding our industry. Not everything is on the internet. Local meetings also provide you, the member, an opportunity to voice concerns or objections to actions the Tavern League may have taken, or may take, or policies that have been set. Strong local leagues equal a strong association. Strength is not only measured by the number of members — but more importantly — www.tlw.org

“Strength is not only measured by the number of members — but more importantly — by member participation.”

by member participation. We have members who don’t miss a meeting, but we have many more who don’t ever make it to one. More often than not, it seems to be the member who refuses to take the time to attend finds reasons to complain. We expect a lot from our local league leaders, and we are working to ensure they are informed and current on issues facing our industry. They do their best to provide you an orderly, efficient and informative meeting. Why do our leaders do what they do? Because they care and because they understand. They understand the importance of a strong local league. They understand the issues that face our members that could prevent our businesses from succeeding in this industry. This is why a strong local league is such a valuable tool. Why don’t you give it a try? If you haven’t been to a meeting lately, I think you may be pleasantly surprised. By attending, you have the opportunity to become informed and ask questions. You may learn something to help your business increase sales or decrease costs. Just as importantly, attending a meeting demonstrates your appreciation to the efforts of leadership. Remember, you don’t have to like your leaders to appreciate what they do, as they are doing what most of our membership does not want to do . . . lead. Your attendance may also strengthen the league by increasing participation. More people in the room increases the knowledge, experience and views on subjects discussed, and that makes for a stronger league and that benefits us all. So give it a try, who knows what you may learn or what others may learn from you? One thing is certain, your attendance is appreciated by those who work hard to make your league successful. It’s a great tool, but it’s up to you to use it. TLW MARCH/APRIL 2020


On Premise



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