VES Attitude of Gratitude Book (Final)

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Message of Gratitude


Spotlight: Ms. Vargas




Spotlight: Mr. Maher


Scholar Photos


Notes of Appreciation


Notes of Appreciation


Appreciation from VES


Scholar Photos


Scholar Photos



“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

“The root of joy is gratefulness.” - David Steindl-Rast

We Appreciate your HARD WORK

We Appreciate you BEING ALL HANDS

To the world you may an educator, and school leader, but to your students you are a HERO!

“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.” – Flora Edwards

Rafael Acosta Yasmin, Thank you for the opportunities you have placed in my path. Thank you for your honesty and for always being yourself! Thank you for believing in me and supporting my career goals ever since coming to VES. Thank you for making sure I knew that I was appreciated and valued in this organization; It is because of you that I am now able to spread my wings wide and inspire others in the same capacity. Thank you for always being available and collaborating when deemed necessary. As you can see, much has been learned from one extraordinary individual! I’m thankful for you today and everyday!

Kaitlyn Cotter Brian, thank you so much for everything you do for not only the scholars at our school but all of our North Star schools. You go above and beyond for everyone, making sure we all have what we need to have a successful day. VES would be lost without you! Happy appreciation day! Thanks for all you do!

Deborah Akinnitire

Ms. Vargas has this aura of love and working with her has revealed why she is loved. she is a genuinely loving person who not only expresses her love and appreciation with word but also her actions. Beyond the support, coaching, encouragement I get to enjoy daily from this amazing leader, my children also have enjoyed her generosity. Watching the way she interacts with everyone in the building inspires me to want to be like her, her simplicity, humility, graciousness, expertise, her energy and those beautiful smiles cannot be faked, one has got to be a true leader to wear that personality everywhere and every time.

Deena Abdelmonem

Dear Ms. Vargas, Thank you for always serving as a role model for EVERYONE in our community! You wear so many hats and they all manage to look GREAT on you! You exemplify what it means to be an effective leader, educator, spouse, and mother, and you do it all with poise and professionalism. As a first generation immigrant, you are always reminding us of the bigger picture of building a brighter future for our scholars. CONFESSION: So many scholars and parents have told me that I look like Ms. Vargas or have mistaken me for you and it is honestly an honor!

Amanda Meehan Brian, Thank you for all you do! Thank you for pushing me outside my comfort zone and giving me this amazing opportunity at VES. Thank you for always being there for the team and stepping in when we need you most. Thank you for always believing in us and always making us feel appreciated! We appreciate you!

Jasmin Fogarty Yasmin, you truly are an inspirational leader! You’ve helped me in more ways than you can imagine. You continue to put the scholars and their education first, and never allowing us to lower the bar. Thank you for illuminating the path for my passion, and for seeing the light within in me to give me the opportunity to do this incredible work. I am forever thankful! Thank you for all that you do and continue to do! We appreciate you!! Love ya, Jasmine

Amber Britt Dear Yas, thank you for believing in me during a time I barely believed in myself. Your vibrant and bold personality is always felt through the NSA hallways no matter the campus! For your amazing guidance, I am beyond grateful to have your leadership to guide me through this education journey, impacting scholars daily.

Arielle West When it comes to leaders, you’re a great one. Professional, committed, caring, and fun! You support us so much it’s hard to believe, You even stay late when we won’t leave! Always here when we need you, you’re the best Mr. Maher, You help in every way possible- even shoveling out cars! You go above and beyond, Thank you for all you do, Words can’t express how much we appreciate you!

Marina Herbert Dear Mr. Maher, Thank you for meticulously undertaking your task throughout the day- and night. Thank you for painstakingly going over every minute detail and making it better each time. Your wisdom and massive capacity to multi-task keeps this ship running as smoothly as it does. It’s amazing and we are so grateful to have you. Thank you Mr. Maher for all you do.

Nicole Cruz Ms. Vargas, from the first day I met you at immersion day, I knew that you had a fiery passion for VES and I was inspired to work for a school with such dedicated leaders. Thank you for believing in me and for your understanding and compassion during my first year! You are appreciated!

We Appreciate Your KINDNESS & SMILE


“A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.” – William Hazlitt

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." — Ralph Nichols

We Appreciate Your "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." LEADERSHIP -John C. Maxwell

We Appreciate Your STRENGTH

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve

MS. VARGAS WE APPRECIATE YOU “At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer


“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – Gilbert C. Chesterton


“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Rose Gunderson Mr. Maher, thank you for being the glue that holds VES together each and every day. Each year, I continue to be blown away by all you do for our scholars, families, and teachers. You pour your heart into VES and always make sure our families and teachers have everything they need for a worldclass education. In the face of adversity or any problem that arises, you ALWAYS remain calm and confident in our mission. Because of this, I know our team, scholars, and families always feel 200% supported and confident to continue this work. I also know there are a million little things that I don’t know you are doing behind the scenes each day to make VES an amazing place our scholars LOVE, and for this I am truly grateful! Enjoy your Remote Leadership Appreciation; VES loves you! P.S. I still remember when I got into my first car accident ever my second year at VES on the way to school. I was upset but also worried about my scholars at school. Your words definitely calmed me and ensured me that VES had my back and would step in to support. This is a perfect example of all the things I mentioned above, no matter how big or small

Adrea Neuman Dear Brian, I truly can’t say it enough, thank you for everything you do! You validate each and every concern, are gracious and encouraging of feedback! You give 100% each day and give our community your best. It’s a pleasure to work with you and because you lead by example, VES always strives for excellence. Thank you today and every day, Brian.

Nurse T Brian, I do appreciate you for the work that you are doing and what you have done. Please continue with what you are doing in making everyone stronger and keeping us accountable always.

LaQuanda Johnson Mr. Maher, Thank you for being who you are. You are a good listener and also a good deliverer. Once something is bought to your attention if there is anything you can do you move swiftly to get It done. If you cannot do anything you find a solution to handle it. Thank you for being so PROACTIVE. Happy Appreciation Day!

Naijasia Thomas Yasmin, Thank you so much for everything you do for our community. It is really inspiring to be around someone who wants only the best for students and works very hard to achieve that goal. Working at Vailsburg has allowed me to fully understand why the work we do is so important and why it’s so valuable to have people around you that want you to succeed. I thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me as a young teacher and I cannot wait to see what more is to come!

Alex Madyta Yasmin, Words cannot express how thankful I am and how lucky I feel to have you in my life! You push me every day to be a better teacher for my kids, a better leader for my grade team, and a better person for the world. As if that wasn’t enough, you also share your two amazing kiddos (two of my favorite humans ever) with me! Their awesomeness is a direct reflection of your awesomeness! Thank you for being the heart and soul of this work. Thank you for being a strong powerful lady for our scholars to look up to. Thank you for being relentless in your drive to do right by kids. Thank you for making this world a better place. ❤ Alex

DeAnna Cabell Dear Brian, Thank you for your continuous support throughout the years. The Vailsburg Ops team wouldn’t be the same without your mentoring and leadership skills.

Rose Gunderson Yasmin, I want to express my deepest gratitude for believing in me. Looking myself at the mirror, I feel grateful for how far I’ve grown as a teacher and it’s because of you. You always pushed me to be my best self and to never give up. You are a true inspiration. You live by what you teach, and there is no doubt of what a great leader you are. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this amazing community. For always taking interest in my educational and personal growth. Thinking back at the beginning of the school year, when I asked you how you balanced work and your personal life, I finally understand what you meant. There is no balance, because this type of work is part of our life. Nothing feels impossible when you are in an amazing community that is your family I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned from you. Love, Ms. Lara

Renee Orefice Yasmin, Thank you for being a constant reminder of what a leader looks like! You are always leading by example and showing everyone you interact with that they matter. You are truly a FORCE. I am in awe of how you have this graceful balance of telling it like it is, but still managing to uplift and motivate people. Our community is so lucky to have you, and learn from you. VES thrives, because of you. Like I have said, and will always say YOU BREED CHAMPIONS. Thank you for believing in me, seeing me, motivating me, supporting me, and empowering me. You are endlessly appreciated. ❤ Renee

“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

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