Vodic po Londonski ekskurziji

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Splošne informacije Pri klicanju upoštevajte klicno številko za Slovenijo +386, nato pri številki izpustite 0 v začetku telefonske številke.

Kontakti spremljajočih učiteljev: Klemen Kramar +386 31 877 766

Tatjana Kupljenik +386 31 312 463

Darja Rugelj +386 40 854 303

Hostel Hyde Park Hostel 2-4-6 Inverness Terrace Bayswater London England T:+44 2077279163 F: +44 2077279163 E:hph.bookings@smartbackpackers.com

Nam (hostlu) najbližja postaja podzemne železnice Queensway (glej zemljevid podzemne železnice)

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Londonu T: (+) 44 20 7222 5700 F: (+) 44 20 7222 5277 E: vlo@gov.si

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Potovalni bonton Vožnja z avtobusom (kot običajno) Pred odhodom preveri ali imaš s seboj dokumente, podpisan obrazec za potovanje, denarnico.

Protokol na letališču Po prihodu na letališče je tvoja najpomembnejša skrb držanje skupaj s skupino ter skrb za osebno prtljago. Preden prtljago oddamo, ponovno preveri ali je podpisana in si zapomni, kako izgleda. -



Prijava na let/check-in: - V vrsti čakaš do uslužbenca, ko prideš na vrsto oddaš osebni dokument, boarding pass in oddaš prtljago. - Na vozovnico dobiš nalepko, ki je potrdilo o oddani prtljagi. Te nalepke ne smeš izgubiti in naj ostane prilepljena na vozovnico! Ročno prtljago obdržiš pri sebi in si nanjo ves čas pozoren. Pazi na njeno vsebino! Varnostni pregled: - pred pregledom pripravi osebni dokument in vozovnico - odstrani vse kovinske dele in jih položi v namenski zabojček – pasovi, denar, ključi, večji kovinski nakit, ure …, da se rentgensko pregledajo; - število elektronskih in električnih naprav omeji na minimum, imej v mislih, da je za pregled teh naprav potreben daljši čas; Ko opravimo varnostni pregled počakaj z ostalimi, da pridejo vsi čez kontrolo. Čakanje na let: Na let bomo čakali na dogovorjenem mestu, ki ga ne zapuščaj brez obvestila vodji skupine. Za obhode po trgovinah se predhodno dogovori z učiteljem. Vkrcanje na letalo: - V koloni mirno počakaš na vkrcanje na letalo. Vozovnico imej ves čas pri sebi in si zapomni številko sedeža na letalu. Črka pomeni mesto sedeža (npr. A – pri oknu) številka pa vrsto (npr. 12). - Ko najdeš svoj sedež, najprej pospravi svoj kos ročne prtljage v prtljažnik nad sedeži. - Prijazno pozdravi potnika na sosednem sedežu prijazno.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Vožnja z letalom -

Oglej si navodila za varnost na naslednji strani Med letom (ko ugasnejo lučke"Fasten Seat Belt") imate lahko prižgane naslednje elektronske naprave, ki ne presegajo teže 1 kg in so vključene na način FLIGHT MODE:  Tablične računalnike  Pametne telefone  Ipode  E-bralnike  MP3/DVD-predvajalnike POMNI! Zaradi varnosti MORAJO biti te naprave v fazi vzletanja in pristajanja popolnoma izključene.

Protokol na letališču po pristanku letala -

Sledi navodilom osebja Varnostni pas lahko odpneš šele ko ugasne lučka "Fasten Seat Belt". Nikamor naj se ti ne mudi. Nekateri potniki so vezani na nadaljnje potovanje. Mi bomo še lep čas čakali na prtljago, zato se ne prerivaj proti izhodu. Po izhodu iz letala zopet počakaj na ostalo skupino. Dvig prtljage: - Sledi navodilom učiteljev; na ekranu s prikazom urnika letov bomo najprej poiskali mesto, kjer bomo dvignili našo prtljago. - Ko opaziš svoj kos prtljage, jo prevzemi z dvigom s tekočega traku.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Stansted Airport -


It is an international airport located at Stansted Mountfitchet in Essex, 48 km northeast of Central London. Stansted is a base for a number of major European low-cost carriers, being the largest base for low-cost airline Ryanair with over 100 destinations served by the airline. In 2014 it was the fourth busiest airport in the United Kingdom after Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester. Stansted is the newest passenger airport of all the main London airports. The Terminal is an oblong glass building. It is separated into three areas: Check-in and main concourse along the front, Departures towards the back left and Arrivals on the back right upon entry. There are no gates in the main Terminal building. Instead, there are three separate oblong Satellite buildings, in which the gates are located, with a fourth satellite building under construction.

Operating hours

24 hours a day, 365 days a year Night quota restrictions apply during period 23:30 - 06:00 Passengers statistics

 

Bojan Milojković

Passengers per year: 17.5 million (March 2013) Third-busiest airport in London; fourth-busiest in the UK

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: Arriving to London




LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Potovanje v Londonu V času ekskurzije se bomo posluževali različnih načinov potovanja. Avtobus Z letališča do mesta London bomo potovali z National express busom. Vožnja bo trajala približno dve uri, lahko pa tudi dlje. Pozemna železnica - the TUBE Za vožnjo po Londonu bomo uporabili kartico Travel Card. V času ekskurzije skrbno pazi nanjo. S podzemno železnico se bomo prvič peljali že na poti v hostel. Našemu hostlu najbližja postaja se imenuje Queensway. Pogosto pa bomo na vožnjo s podzemno odšli tudi s postaje Bayswater.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: Travel tips

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: London Transport

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Bivanje v hostlu Hyde Park Hostel Bivanje v hostlu bo organizirano v treh skupnih sobah. Soba 1: vsi fantje in Klemen Kramar (10) Soba 2: Maruša, Katja, Nika, Nuša, Maja, Anja, Luana in Tatjana Kupljenik (8) Soba 3: Petra, Amadeja, Ines, Neža in Darja Rugelj Ležišča so v obliki pograda, v sobi je umivalnik, kopalnice so skupne. Kuhinja (za pripravo hrane) je skupna.

Pravila v hostlu     

Dogovorjena pravila za delovanje v skupini veljajo tudi za hostel. V hostlu ne sklepaj novih poznanstev – ne zaupaj tujcem svojih osebnih podatkov ter podatkov o potovanju. Denarja, osebnih dokumentov in vrednejših predmetov ne puščaj v sobi. Skrbi za red in čistočo svoje sobe. Upoštevaj hišna pravila.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Program ekskurzije 1. dan, sobota, 25. april 2015: Mirna Peč – Benetke (Treviso) – London (Stansted) – London 02.30 Zbor pred OŠ Toneta Pavčka 02.45 Odhod iz Mirne Peči do letališča Treviso pri Benetkah 07.00 Malica po prihodu na letališče (malico prineseš s seboj) 09.50 Let Ryanair (FR 793) 11.00 (po londonskem času) Pristanek na letališču Stansted - dvig prtljage - vkrcanje na avtobus National express - vožnja do postaje Victoria - vkrcanje na podzemno železnicona postaji Victoria Underground Station - izstop na postaji Bayswater ali Queensway 14.00 Prihod v hostel, nastanitev v sobe, kosilo iz nahrbtnika ali kosilo pri postaji Bayswater (po dogovoru) 15.00 Odhod na popoldanske oglede

Popoldanski ogledi: -

St Paul's Cathedral, Sprehod po Cityu Sprehod po majavem mostu Millenium Bridge na drugo stran reke Temze, mimo Shakespearovega gledališča The Globe in ogled razstave v galeriji sodobne umetnosti Tate Modern. Sprehod mimo National Theatre, Queen Elizabeth Hall in Royal Festival Hall do Jubilee Gardens. Večerni ogled s »poletom« London Eye.

22.30 Večerja pri postaji Bayswater/večerja iz nahrbtnika in povratek v hostel. 23.00 Nočitev.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

St. Paul's Cathedral -

Maruša Rajšel

It is an Anglican Cathedral. It stands at London’s highest point. It was built between 1675 and 1720. It was designed in the English Baroque style. It is one of London’s most famous and recognizable sights. Its dome is also one of the highest in the world. St. Paul’s is the second largest church in the United Kingdom. HOW DO YOU GET TO TRAFFALGAR SQUARE FROM HERE? When you decide that you want to get to Trafalgar Square, you have to go to the Mansion House. Then you walk to the subway that goes towards Ealing Broadway. Then you walk to Trafalgar Square.

Ludgate Hill, EC4M 8AD OPENING TIME: 8.30am - 4pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point LONDON CITY

DICTIONARY: Baroque style — baročni stil recognisable sights — prepoznane znamenitosti dome — kupola towards — proti

YOUR TASK: The River Thames

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Millenium bridge -

Alen Muhič

Its nickname is “wobbly Bridge”. Two days after opening, it was closed for another two years. It is 325 meters long and 4 meters wide. It connects St Paul’s cathedral and Tate Modern gallery.


Cross Millennium Bridge from Tate Modern and go to St Paul’s hill. Go along Queen Victoria’s Street and then turn left at With Lion Hill. When you reach Blackfriars Underpass you continue to Victoria Embankmand and go along it until you reach Northumberland Ave. Go along it to Charing Cross. There is Nelson’s Column across Charing Cross. Trafalgar Square is next to Nelson’s Column.

Coordinates 51.510173°N 0.098438°W

Next destination point TATE MODERN

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

DICTIONARY: nickname – vzdevek wobbly bridge – majavi most to underpass – podvoz, podhod

Tate Modern -

NeĹža Kastelic

It is a modern art gallery in London. The Gallery was created in 2000. It has seven floors. The gallery houses art works made by painters living in the 19th century. It is the most visited gallery in the world. There you can also see modern pop art, Film media, photography and sculpture. When you enter the gallery there is a hall which is 152 meters long.

HOW DO YOU GET TO TRAFFALGAR SQUARE FROM HERE? The closest underground station is Southwark Jubilee Line, which is 600 meters away from the gallery. Go in the direction of Stanmore. When you come to Waterloo, there is the underground station Northerm. Go in the direction of High Barnet. Exit at Charing Cross station (Entrance 13). Go west on St Martin – in The Fields Church Path. Turn right and there is Trafalgar Square.

Bankside, London SE1 9TG OPENING TIME: Saturday: 10am-10pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point LONDON EYE

YOUR TASK: Art in London

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

London Eye -

Katja Šuštaršič

There is a giant *Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It was completed on 9th March 2000. It is 135 m high. The ride takes half an hour. You can see the city and its *surroundings.

HOW DO YOU GET TO THE TRAFFALGAR SQUARE FROM HERE? Walk for about 5 minutes to the underground station Waterloo. Get on the train to Charing Cross and then walk to Trafalgar Square.

London SE1 7PB, Great Britain OPENING TIME: 10. 45am – 9.00pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point HYDE PARK HOSTEL

DICTIONARY: Ferris wheel – panoram. kolo surroundings- okolica

YOUR TASK: The London Eye

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

2. dan, nedelja, 26. april 2015: London 2. dan smo zelo vezani na termine ogledov, zato se moramo predpisanega jutranjega urnika držati do minute. 07.15 08.15

Zajtrk v hostlu. Odhod na dopoldanske oglede (podzemna železnica Bayswater-Canning Town)

Dopoldanski ogledi: -

Emirates Air Line, vožnja z gondolo Ogled arene O2 ISLE OF DOGS – sprehod GREENWICH – PORT – sprehod kosilo River boat GREENWICH – WESTMINSTER (pod mostom Tower Bridge, v ozadju Tower of London)

Popoldanski ogledi: -


Osredotočili se bomo na predel imenovan Westminister; ogledali si bomo zunanjost znamenitih stavb in trgov: Westminster Pier, Westminster Bridge (London Marathon), Houses of Parliament, Big Ben (London Marathon), Westminster Abbey, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, Central Hall, Churchill War Rooms (London Marathon), Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square Sprehodili se bomo čez predel Soho, si ogledali kitajsko četrt večerja Oxford Street. Hamleys trgovina z igračami Povratek v hostel, nočitev.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Emirates Air Line -

Ines Rupnik

It is an Air Line that crosses the River Thames between Greenwich penisula and Royal Docks It is about 10 minutes away from London's most famous sights. You can also see a cable car. The view is brilliant. At the night you can see how the city comes alive.

THE WAY TO THE TRAFALGAR SQUARE THE WAY TO TRAFALGAR SQUARE Walk 211 m, then turn right Walk 98 m, then turn left (Edmund Halley Way) Walk 20 m, then turn right Walk 69 m, then turn left on Green Place Take the subway to Canada Water – Bermondsey – Embankment – Charing Cross Get off at Charing Cross and them walk 37 m, then take a left turn on the Strand Walk 26 m, then take a left turn Walk 8 m, then take a left turn Walk 20 m, then take a right turn on Duncannon Street Walk 120 m, then go straight ahead On your left, there is Trafalgar Square - NORTH: 27 Western Gateway, E16 4FA. Royal Victoria DLR OPENING TIME: Saturday: 9am-9pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point GREENWICH


CABLE CAR - žičnica VIEWS - razgled SUBWAY - podzemna železnica

Greenwich -

Žan Papež

Greenwich is notable for its maritime history and for giving its name to the Greenwich Meridian (0° longitude) and (GMT). Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a term originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in Greenwich. Georgian and Victorian architecture dominates in the town. There has been a market at Greenwich since the 14th century. There is the Greenwich foot tunnel that provides pedestrian access to the southern end of the Isle of Dogs, across the river Thames.

Greenwich Market

51.48°N, 0,00°E

Greenwich Foot Tunel

Next destination point RIVER BOAT (City cruises)

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

DICTIONARY: marine – morski meridian – poldnevnik to dominate – prevladovati

YOUR TASK: Greenwich

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: Frogtour

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Tower Bridge -

Jure Rozman

It was built between 1886 and 1894. It is near the Tower of London. It has become an iconic symbol of London. The bridge consists of two bridge towers. The bridge's present colour scheme dates from 1977, when it was painted red, white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee. It crosses the River Thames.

OPENING TIME: 10. am – 5.30pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point




The Tower of London

Sašo Brudar

Majesty’s Royal palace and fortress is known by a name of the Tower of London. The first part was built in 1078 by William the Conqueror. It was used as a prison for a long time. The Tower has got many parts. The Tower of London is historically very important. Many political agreements were made there. In the Tower of London you can see many amazing things, like the Crown Jewels and the Royal's armory. I think that this building is very interesting and I cannot wait to see it.

THE WAY TO THE TRAFALGAR SQUARE You walk from Tower of London to Tower hill. Then you go on Tube at Tower Hill underground Station. You travel to past Monument, Cannon street, Mansion house, Blackfriars, Temple Station to Embankment Underground Station. From here you walk to Trafalgars Square.

London EC3N 4AB OPENING TIME: 10. am – 5.30pm

Next destination point



fortressis – conqueror – armoury –

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: The Tower of London

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Big Ben -

Jure Barbo

Big Ben is a big tower with a clock. The tower was completed in 1858 and had its 150th anniversary on 31 May 2009. The tower is officially known as the Elizabeth Tower. The tower holds the second largest clock in the world. The tower has become one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom. Tower stands next to the river Thames.

THE WAY TO BIG BEN FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE Go south for about 0.8 kilometers. At the crossroad, turn left. Go along the street for about 100 meters. There is Big Ben. You can go by bus, car, bike or on foot.

Westminster, London SW1A 0AA, OPENING TIME: Tours only Mon to Fri

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point



crossroads – križišče prominent – vidnejši, izrazit

Houses of Parliament -


Nuša Gabrijel

Members of Parliament are forbidden from using curse words and insulting others. It's almost a game for some members to see what they can get away with saying without reprimand, especially during Question Time. There's a velvet bag hanging from the back of the Speaker's Chair. They put it there for any member who were to shy to address a petition in public. -the Houses of Parliament is also known as the Palace of Westminister, it was built between 1840 and 1870 (after the fire of the Old Palace), it has 11 courtyards, 100 stairwells and 1100 offices, the Biritsh parliament is composed of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords, it has 3 towers: Victoria Tower (the tallest), the Central Tower and the Clock Tower (Big Ben)

THE WAY HERE FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE From the heart of Trafalgar Square, walk to Whitehall Trafalgar Square. Don't get off the underground until you get to Parliament Square. Walk for a couple of minutes and you're at the Houses of Parliament.

Westminister London SW1A 0AA OPENING TIME: Closed to the public LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point



reprimand – grajati courtyard – dvorišče

YOUR TASK: Westminister and the Houses of Parliament

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Westminster Abbey

Maja Kernc

Westminster Abbey is one of the world’s greatest churches, with a history stretching back over a thousand years. It is a large, mainly Gothic church. The abbey had the status of a cathedral between 1540 and 1556. There have been at least 16 royal weddings at the abbey.

Attractions Abbey Treasures: LADY CHAPEL The construction began in 1503 and it was constructed at the expense of Henry VII. It is the last great masterpiece of English medieval architecture. In 1545 John Leland called it "the wonder of the entire world". THE CORONATION CHAIR The Coronation Chair was made for King Edward I to enclose the famous Stone of Scone, which he brought from Scotland to the Abbey in 1296, where he placed it in the care of the Abbot of Westminster.

THE WAY TO THE TRAFALGAR SQUARE Go in the direction of South-West. At the roundabout, take the fourth turning. Turn left to stay at the Palace of Whitehall. Go ahead and follow the A3212. Turn right at Parliament Square. Turn left and go on Broad Sanctuary. Turn left. DICTIONARY:

20 Deans Yd, London SW1P 3PA OPENING TIME: 9.30am-6pm not on Sun LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015


Religious holidays cerkveni praznik masterpiece- mojstrovina medieval- srednjeveški worship-čaščenje

Oxford Street -



Petra Hrastar

Oxford Street is a major road in the City of Westminster in the West End of London. It's Europe's busiest shopping street, with over 200 million visitors per year. The street was formerly part of the London-Oxford road. Today it forms part of the A40 trunk road, like many roads in central London, it is not signposted with the road number. Roughly halfway along Oxford Street is Oxford Circus, a busy intersection with Regent Street. A diagonal crossing at Oxford Circus is currently the only one of its kind in central London. The street is 2.4 km long and it has more than 300 shops. There you can find Selfridges, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Topshop, Zara, H&M, etc.

THE WAY HERE FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE If you want to go from Trafalgar Square to Oxford Street, you can use the tube. You enter at Charing Cross and you exit at Oxford Circus. You should use the Bakerloo line.

Oxford Street OPENING TIME: Sunday12pm – 6pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point Hamleys


Trunk road – glavna cesta Signpost - smerokaz Intersection/crossing - križišče

Hamleys -

Grega Radež

Hamleys is the oldest toy shop in the world. It was founded by William Hamley in London, 1760. It has 7 floors and over 50 000 toys. It's popular all year but at Christmas it's very busy – two million people come here in the weeks before Christmas. 4,500 people work at Hamleys.

THE WAY HERE FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE Use the Charing Cross Underground Station and go to the Oxford Circus Station. Then walk south along the road to Hamleys.

188-196 Regent street. OPENING TIME: 12.00am – 6.00pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point HYDE PARK HOSTEL

YOUR TASK: Hamleys

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

3. dan, ponedeljek, 27. april 2015: London 07.30 Zajtrk v hostlu. 08.15 Odhod na dopoldanske oglede (podzemna železnica Bayswater-South Kensington-Knightsbridge)

Dopoldanski ogledi: -

Obisk veleblagovnice Harrods, Sprehod do Buckinghamske palače, pred katero si bomo ogledali menjavo straže. Prečkali bomo St James Park in znova obiskali Trafalgar Square, Ogled razstave v National Gallery.

13.30 Kosilo

Popoldanski ogledi: 14. 30 Ogled muzeja voščenih lutk Madame Tussauds, ali vodeni tematski ogled. 17.30 Vožnja s podzemno železnico (Merylebone-Wembley Park) do področja Wembley in obisk stadiona, ki si ga bomo ogledali od zunaj ter se sprehodili po nakupovalnem središču ob njem. Tam bomo tudi večerjali in se odpravili nazaj v hostel.

22.00 Povratek v hostel, nočitev.

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: Harrods

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Buckingham Palace -

Andraž Cesar

Buckingham Palace is the London residence and principal workplace of the monarchy of the United Kingdom It is originally known as Buckingham House. The building which forms the core of today's palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 It was subsequently acquired by King George III in 1761 a private residence for Queen Charlotte. During the 19th century it was enlarged, principally by architects John Nash and Edward Blore. The last major structural additions were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The palace chapel was destroyed by a German bomb during World War II.

THE WAY FROM HERE TO TRAFALGAR SQUARE You go along the Mall Road. At Charing Cross, turn left and then you are at Trafalgar Square.

London SW1A 1AA, Great Britain OPENING TIME: Monday: 09.30–16.30 LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015


DICTIONARY: principally - pretežno chapel - kapela

YOUR TASK: Buckingham Palace

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

National Gallery

Luana Ovnik


It was founded in 1824. There is a collection of over 2,300 paintings from the 13th to the 19th centuries. There are many famous works, such as Turner’s Fighting Temeraire and Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. Outreach projects provide different activities. One interesting fact is that the Gallery is a popular film location.


The national gallery is next to Trafalgar Square.


Trafalgar square, London WC2N 5DN OPENING TIME: 10.am – 6pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point



to provide - zagotavljati a collection - zbirka

Madame Tussauds -


Amadeja Hren

Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London. It was founded by the wax sculptor Marie Tussaud. It displays waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and infamous murderers. It's a major tourist attraction. Its location is Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LR, United Kingdom. You can get to Madame Tussauds by different ways of transport such as a tube.

THE WAY HERE FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE You can get there from Trafalgar Square by walking to the nearest underground station - the Charing Cross Underground Station. It's about 66 meters away. You take the tube leading you to the Baker Street Underground Station. The tube will get you to Madame Tussauds in 2 minutes.


Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LR OPENING TIME: 9.30.am – 5.30pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point THE TOWER OF LONDON

wax- vosek royal- kraljevski infamous- zloglasen major- velik founded- odkrit historical- zgodovinski

YOUR TASK: Madame Tussauds

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Regent's Park -

Nika Primc

It lies within north-west London. The nearby university is named after it. The park features stunning rose gardens. It includes the largest outdoor sports area in London. It is the home of London Zoo, Open Air Theatre and a boating lake. -Some wild bird species also live there.

THE WAY HERE FROM TRAFALGAR SQUARE If you start your way at Trafalgar Square you have to follow these instructions. First, you have to walk for about 4 minutes to get to Charing Cross, where you get a subway train. Then you travel for about 5 minutes and you get to Regent's Park. You have to walk for another 5 minutes to arrive at Regent's Park.

Chester Road, London NW1 5LR OPENING TIME: 5.00.am – 9.00pm LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point



stunningto host- kraljevski

YOUR TASK: London Parks

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Wembley -



Rene Matoh

Wembley Stadium is a football stadium in Wembley Park, London, England, It opened in 2007 on the site of the original Wembley Stadium, which was demolished in 2003. The stadium hosts major football matches including the FA Cup Final and home matches of the England national football team. With 90,000 seats it is the second largest stadium in Europe and the largest stadium in the United Kingdom. It includes a partially retractable roof and the 134-metre-high Wembley Arch. The stadium was built by Australian firm Multiplex at a cost of £798 million.


Arena Square, Engineers Way, HA9 0AA OPENING TIME: 10.00am – 4.00pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point HYDE PARK HOSTEL

demolished – porušen to host – gostiti partially – delno retractable – zložljiv arch – lok

YOUR TASK: London Football Clubs

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Wimbledon -

It is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and widely considered as the most prestigious. It has been held at the All England Club in Wimbledon, London since 1877. It is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments (Majors), the others being the Australian Open, the French Open and the US Open. Wimbledon is the only Major still played on grass, the game's original surface, which gave the game its original name of "lawn tennis". The tournament takes place over two weeks in late June and early July. Wimbledon traditions include a strict dress code for competitors, the eating of strawberries and cream by the spectators, and Royal patronage. The tournament is also notable for the absence of sponsor advertising around the courts. In 2009, Wimbledon's Centre Court was fitted with a roof to prevent the loss of playing time due to rain.


tournament- tekmovanje Major- glavni t. turnir (4) surface- povrĹĄina dress code- pravila oblaÄ?enja Royal patronage- kraljevsko pokroviteljstvo LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

YOUR TASK: Wimbledon

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

4. dan, torek, 28. april 2015: London – London (Stansted) – Trieste airport – Mirna Peč 07.00 Pakiranje 07.30 Zajtrk v hostlu 08.15 Deponiranje prtljage. 08.30 Zadnji dan se bomo dopoldan peš odpravili čez Hyde Park mimo Kensington Gardens (cca 20 minut) in si ogledali Natural History Museum 12.00 Kosilo 12.30 Vrnili se bomo v hostel, prevzeli prtljago in se peš odpravili do železniške postaje Paddington (cca 15 minut) ter se z vlakom odpeljali proti letališču. 14.30 Vlak s postaje Paddington 18.20 Let Ryanair (FR 168) 21.30 ( po našem času) Pristanek na letališču v Trstu - dvig prtljage - vkrcanje na avtobus 01.00 Predviden prihod v Mirno Peč

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Natural History Museum -

Anja Vizlar

It was built in 1881. There are over 70 million specimens* in the collections**. There are the collections of rocks, fossils and present day plants. It's open from 10:00 to 17:30 daily***. It is located on Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, Great Britain.

HOW TO GET TO TRAFALGAR SQUARE: Walk past Cromwell Street to the South Kensington Underground Station and take a ride to Leicester Square Underground Station. Then walk down Cranbourn Street and down A400 until you see Dunncanon Street on your left. Trafalgar Square is on your right, opposite the South African High Commission.

Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LR OPENING TIME: 9.30.am – 5.30pm

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

Next destination point



specimen- primerek collection- zbirka daily- dnevno


LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

LONDON ekskurzija 25.-28. april 2015

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