Tasburgh Church News Winter 2013

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Winter 2013/2014

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter Farewell from the Millers! Most of you will have heard that we are Mulbarton-bound, moving in January 2014, for me to take up the post as Rector of the Mulbarton benefice. It is general received wisdom that 7 years is a good length for a vicar’s first post. As I was approaching that long in the Tas Valley, I recall asking Sarah whether we should start asking God the question about moving, and deciding that we wouldn’t even ask! I think it was that very day, at least that week, that a surprise encounter sparked a conversation that began the chain of events that led me to apply for the job at Mulbarton. It’s a long story, but to us it seems clear that God has taken the initiative to call us to this next stage. Whilst it seems so very right and timely in so many ways, it is nevertheless sad to say goodbye to so many wonderful people that we’ve been privileged to know and to entrust the ongoing ministry into the hands of others, and ultimately to God. This is the place I have lived longer than any since leaving home as a teenager. This is where Sarah and I have raised our children from babes. This is where we have done so much growing up and developing as a family. This is where we have made good friends. We have ever sought to be ourselves, to be true to how God has made us, and we have cared deeply about the people and places that God has given us to serve. We thank you for your company, we ask your forgiveness where we may have wronged you and we pray for God’s great blessings on you in all that lies ahead. With love, Adrian

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter - Winter 2013/14

Tharston Church News Tharston Church Wardens Mrs Pat Read 530325, Mrs Sue Hubbard 530072 Please come and join us for the traditional “Carols by Candlelight” service on Friday 20th December at 7:30pm, with the wonderful Tasburgh choir. There will be mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who kindly donated to the “Foodbank”. Your generosity really makes a difference.

Tharston Church Services 1st Dec 15th Dec Fri 20th Dec 25th Dec 12th Jan 26th Jan 2nd Feb 16th Feb 23rd Feb

11am 8am 6:30pm 9:30am 11am 11am 11am 8am 11am

Holy Communion Holy Communion Traditional Choral Carol Service Christmas Communion Holy Communion Village Praise Holy Communion Holy Communion Village Praise

Praying for the People of Tasburgh The Local House of Prayer (LHoP) in Tasburgh exists to pray blessings on our community. We meet 1st & 3rd Tuesday evenings each month. We thought it would be good to pray for a road in Tasburgh each week. We will be calling on the houses in each road, asking if you have specific prayer requests. These could then either be used in Church, or as part of our daily prayer time. If you are not in when we call, we’ll leave a card with contact details on, where prayer requests can be sent at any time. If anyone would like to join this venture, or be part of Tasburgh LHoP, we’d really welcome your support. Please speak to, or call, Andrea on 471529 or Mart on 07849 105554.

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter - Winter 2013/14

Tasburgh Church News Tasburgh Church Wardens Kate Cakebread 471356, Julia Orpin 470983 We’ve enjoyed a run of baptisms in the last few months, and are delighted to see so many wanting to commit themselves to raising their children in the Christian faith. It has been good to see how the Hartley family have settled in so well at The Rectory in Tasburgh, and how they are pioneering new links and opportunities in the communities in our village. They are great people to have around, and are always very welcoming. Do stop and chat if you see them out and about. We are looking forward to a packed Christmas programme, with something for everyone, so do look at your Christmas card from us and book things in your diary that you’d like to come along to. We’d be delighted to see you.

Tasburgh Church Services 1st Dec 8th Dec 15th Dec 22nd Dec 24th Dec 25th Dec 5th Jan 12th Jan 19th Jan 26th Jan 2nd Feb 9th Feb 16th Feb 23rd Feb

4pm Advent Songs of Praise 9:30am Holy Communion, Baptism, Children’s Church 4:30pm Christingle Service 6:30pm Carol Service 3pm Crib Service 11:30pm Midnight Communion 10am Christmas Day Worship 9:30am Choral Matins BCP 9:30am Holy Communion & Children’s Church 11am (TBC)Adrian’s Farewell Service, with shared lunch 9:30am Holy Communion, Children’s Church & Sat Nav 9:30am Morning Light, Children’s Church, Sat Nav 9:30am Holy Communion & Children’s Church 9:30am All Age, with shared breakfast 9:30am Holy Communion, Children’s Church & Sat Nav

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter - Winter 2013/14

Dates For Your Diary December Community Carol Singing - 6:30pm, Tue 17th Dec, starting at Tasburgh Village Sign, and finishing at The Countryman Christmas Lunch - 12:30pm, for 1pm, Christmas Day, Tasburgh Village Hall. A delicious Christmas lunch will be served, free of charge, for anyone at all who would like to come along. Contact Rach on 471474

January Tharston PCC - 7:30pm, Mon 13th Jan, Holbrook Adrian’s Farewell - 11am, 19th Jan, Tasburgh Church (TBC). We plan to say farewell to Adrian at a special service, in Tasburgh Church, where he had his first service, and was welcomed to the benefice 7½ years earlier. The service will be followed by a shared lunch. We wish Adrian, Sarah, Toby & Naomi every blessing in their move to Mulbarton, and hope to give them a good send-off. All welcome! Details from Sally or posted on www.tasvalley.org nearer the time. Alpha Course - We are running an Alpha course in Tasburgh, from January 2014. We begin with a no-obligation taster session, and if you like it, follow up with 8 weeks, exploring the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure! No charge! Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the faith in a friendly, honest and informal environment. If you would like to find out more, please speak to Mart (07849 105554)

February The Big Promise - Sat 8th Feb. In the Tas Valley we plan to join in the national initiative to have as many couples as possible renew their wedding vows. We hope to contribute to the World Record attempt to have the most couples doing that altogether ever. Contact Sally or Mart for more details.

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter - Winter 2013/14

Tas Valley Cell Church Cells are vital units of the body - and cells in church life are small groups, which contain the DNA of what it means to be church. We meet to grow in faith, to pray and support each other, to learn from the bible and to join in actively sharing our faith and serving the wider community. Contacts: Sally Gaze (Mon daytime, Newton) 470762; Linda Taylor (Wed eves, Tasburgh) 471175; Richard Bond (Wed eves, Saxlingham) 578093; William Ball (Wed eves, Newton) 471506; Vicky Ball (Thur eves, Newton) 471506; Wayne Doman (Special Me Group) 471933; Chris Gaze (11-14-yrs, Mon eves, Newton) 470762; Mart Hartley (15 yrs +, Sun eves, Tasburgh) 07876 643560 Youth Cells (JAM) We meet on Monday evenings 7-8.30 to explore our faith and have fun together. Once a month, we have a social event – cinema, bowling, circus skills, lazer quest etc. Other nights, there’s a fast moving programme, with bible bits, drama, games, praying about stuff that means a lot to us and crazy stunts all mixed up. Contact Chris Gaze, e-mail: chris@tasvalley.org; telephone 01508 470762.

St. Mary's Guild – Tasburgh We meet on the first Monday of each month in the Church Room at 2.30pm. Please come and join us, everyone is welcome. 3rd Feb 3rd March 7th April

Coming up.... A.G.M. Mrs Ann Crawshay - Rev’d Martin Hartley Mr Paul Binney - Poetry & Pictures Mrs S Beckham

Coffee Morning - Sat 18th January 2014, 10.30am - 12 Noon 36 Henry Preston Road, Tasburgh Bring & Buy - Raffle - Cakes - Coffee - Biscuits - £1 Entry

Community Choir! Love warbling to One Direction? Or rocking out to the Rolling Stones? We are planning to start a Tasburgh Community Choir! All skills and abilities welcome. All you need is a willingness to have fun and sing, sing, sing! If you’re keen or just want to know more, call Rev Mart on 07849 105554 or email: martin@tasvalley.org. Or Julie on 471169.

Tasburgh and Tharston Church Newsletter - Winter 2013/14

Regular Events/Groups Bible Study Group – New members are always welcome. Please contact Philip Simmons 499041. Emmanuel Group – Meeting weekly, 58 Church Road, Tasburgh. Ask Renee Hollinger for more details or phone Shirley Brookes on 470369. Fairtrade – Fairly traded products catalogues are available on request from Val Cook on 470298. Music in Worship – If you’d like to sing in Tasburgh Church Choir or explore learning the organ, phone Sarah Norman on 471505. Prayer for the parishes takes place every day. Please give prayer requests to a churchwarden, clergy person or prayer box or board in church. On Tuesdays we meet to pray at Tasburgh Church at 9:30am. Children’s Church – Tasburgh has a Children’s Church for children aged from three years. This runs on the first, second and fourth Sunday of each month. All welcome. Contact Andrea Sluman on 01508 471520. Tasburgh Crafts Club – Come and try new skills in a relaxed atmosphere. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, 10am – 12noon in the Church Room, Tasburgh. Tasburgh Coffee Pot – Come and make new friends at the Coffee Pot. We meet every Wednesday from 2 – 4pm for a chat with coffee & cake. Church Room, Tasburgh. All ages welcome.

Making Contact Rev’d Sally Gaze: sally@tasvalley.org 01508 470762 The Rectory, Church Road, Newton Flotman NR15 1QB Rev’d Adrian Miller: adrian@tasvalley.org 01508 498317 The New Rectory, The Street, Saxlingham Nethergate NR15 1AJ Rev’d Martin Hartley: martin@tasvalley.org 07849 105554 The Rectory, Church Hill, Tasburgh NR15 1NB All contributions for the next edition by Thu 6th Feb 2014.

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